26 july namib times e-edition

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Reckless Boating Incident in Swakopmund Mole Raises Concerns

Onlookersweretreatedtoanunexpected and troubling spectacle this past Sundaywhenamaninaboatwasseen racing through the Mole, disturbing the local marine life and potentially endangeringswimmers.

According to multiple residents, the boat, engaged in reckless behaviour for about half an hour, causing dolphins to flee the area. One resident described the scene, "at first, it was beautiful to watch the dolphins, but then this speedboatcameroaringin,spinningaroundin thebay Itwaschaos."Theindividualreportedlytookayoungboyfromtheshoreforrepeated joyrides, further disturbing the tranquillity of theMole,whichisapopularswimmingarea.A local doctor, who witnessed the incident, approached the man to address his behaviour butwasunsuccessful.Thedoctor,whowished to remain anonymous, expressed his concerns aboutthesafetyofswimmers,“thiskindofbehaviour is extremely dangerous. Swimmers,

Continues on page 2

Splash on of Colour a Winter Morning

Elaine Thompson captured this photo recently while members of the FavouredWinds SailingAcademywaitedeagerlyforthewindtopickupbeforetheycouldgooutsailing attheWalvisBayYachtClub.

New Regulations Enhance Swakopmund's Public Spaces

The Swakopmund Municipality has recently announced the official gazetting of regulations governing the use and managementofkeypublicareaswithinthetown,including itsparks,jetty,mole,andbeach.

These regulations, established under the Local Authorities Act of 1992, are now legally binding, aimed at enhancing safety, cleanliness, and overall enjoyment of Swakopmund's parks, jetty, mole, and beach areas for residents and visitors Linda Mupupa, the municipality's Public Relations Officer, emphasisedthatthenewly gazetted regulations are designed to ensure the preservation and responsible use of Swakopmund's outdoorspaces.

Continues on page 2

Walvis Bay Municipality Sheds Light on Recent Media Reports

TheofficeoftheChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofWalvis Bay in a statement addressed the recent media reports that may haveraisedquestionsamongthetown'sresidents.

Asamatteroftransparency,Council states the following relating to theappointmentofDavidUushona asActingChiefExecutiveOfficer, the alleged withholding of crucial information pertaining to Red Force investigation, the resignation of legal representative and the Appointment of Redforce, the statementreads.

The appointment of David Uus-


Fair questions have been raised regarding the appointment of David Uushona, a manager at the Municipality of Walvis Bay that has been appointed as the towns Acting Chief Executive Officer while General Managers at the municipalityareavailable.

According to the Office of the

Continues on page 2

Sharlien Tjambari
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff LOGOS HOPE Namibia 'Come and See, Go and Tell’
Erongo RED Assists Erongo Police Page 3
German Embassy Supports Renovation of Church Tower Roof in Swakopmund

Reckless Boating Incident

Continued from page 1

especiallytheelderly,mightnotbe seen in the water, leading to potential accidents." The Public RelationsOfficeroftheMunicipality of Swakopmund, Linda Mupupa in a telephonic interview with the Namib Times, stressed that such actions are in violation of local regulations. "As per the recently gazetted Swakopmund Parks, Jetty, Mole, and Beach Regulations, operating watercraft in a manner that en-dangers marinelifeordisturbsthepeacein theMoleareaisstrictlyprohibited. In future and in accor-dance to these regulations, a per-son who contravenes these regu-lations commits an offense and on conviction will be liable to a fine notexceedingN$4000."Thelegal framework governing the Mole area is clearly outlined in the Swakopmund Parks, Jetty, Mole, and Beach Regulations under the

LocalAuthoritiesAct,1992.These regulations prohibit any activity that causes inconvenience or annoyancetoothers,includingexcessivenoiseorrecklessoperation of boats and other crafts. Specific provisionsalsomandatethatsmall, motorised boats must have a valid operationspermitfromtheCouncil andmustnotbeoperatedinamanner that endangers public safety TheMunicipalityhascalledonthe public to report any similar incidents to ensure the safety and enjoymentoftheMoleforeveryone. Theregulations,aspublishedinthe Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia, make it clear that strict penalties apply to those who violate these rules, including fines and possible imprisonment. For further information on the regulationsortoreportanincident, residentsareencouragedtocontact theSwakopmundMunicipality

New Regulations Enhance

Continued from page 1

“They address a range of activities and behaviors to maintain the welcoming and wellmaintained nature of these cherished areas," she stated. Key aspects of the regulations include guidelines for the responsible use of park facilities such asdesignatedpicnic areas, playgrounds, and sports fields

Theregulationsalso outline measures to protect the natural environment of the molewhileensuring its accessibility for


Additionally, standardsforbeachcleanliness, waste disposal practices, pet control, and designated swimming areas have been established to uphold beach regulations

MayorDinaNamubes highlighted the significance of these regulations in preserving Swakopmund's natural beauty and ensuring that public spaces are enjoyed responsibly "The gazetting of these regulations marks a significant step in our commit-

ment to maintaining high standards that makeSwakopmunda unique and attractive destination," she affirmed Namubes urged all residents and visitors to familiarise themselves with the new rules and to actively contribute to maintainingthetown'sappeal. Theseregulationsare now in effect, reflecting the municipality's proactive approachtosustainable management and enjoymentofitspublicspaces.

Walvis Bay Municipality Sheds

Continued from page 1

ChiefExecutiveOfficer,theLocalAuthoritiesAct gives the Management Committee powers to appoint "a staff member" as an Acting Chief ExecutiveOfficer “Itisimportanttomentionthat a resolution is taken after a submission with a recommendation is submitted to Council for consideration. In November 2023 a submission was made to Council, to confer powers upon Heads of Department to allow them to execute day-to-day duties and responsibilities amongst others, under various legislation, such as the Public Procurement Act, 2015, or certain provisions of the LocalAuthoritiesAct, 1992, as wellasspecificCouncilRegulationsandpolicies where powers are specifically legislated to the ChiefExecutiveOfficer.”

The statement further reads that the resolution which has led to question the validity of David Uushona's appointment was taken on 27 November2023:

“Council resolve that all powers, duties, and responsibilities that are legislated for the chief executive officer to execute, be conferred upon HeadofDepartmentswho,inthenormalcourseof business, is appointed to act in a temporary capacity for a specified short period of time or event in the stead of the Chief Executive Officer

Although the resolution can be interpreted in differentwaysbyareader,itshouldbeemphasised that this resolution was taken with the sole intentiontoallowworkflow,especiallyrelatingto procurement and other day to day operations to continue unhindered, in the event that the Chief Executive Officer, is absent from office for short periods of time, such as with annual leave, sick leave or attending to duties outside the town.”

According to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, “on 13 June 2024, the Management Committee (MC) at the Minicipality of Walvis BayresolvedtoappointDavidUushonaasActing ChiefExecutiveOfficerinlinewithSection27(4) oftheLocalAuthoritiesActof1992,whichreads:

“WhentheChiefExecutiveOfficerisabsentoris unabletoexercisehisorherpowersortoperform hisorherdutiesorfunctions,ortheofficeofchief executiveofficerisvacant,thepowers,dutiesand functions of the chief executive officer shall be exercised or performed by staff member of the local authority counsel designated by the managementcommittee,orthevillagecouncil,as the case may be, for that purpose.As such, apart from having confidence in David Uushona's abilities, these are the reasons presented by the MC to resolve to appoint David Uushona as Acting Chief Executive Officer.” The Office of the Chief Executive Officer also stated the following on the alleged withholding of crucial Information pertaining to the RedForce investigation.

“Although the former legal representative, Adv Richard Metcalf from Metcalf BeukesAttorneys

hasindicatedthattheMunicipalityofWalvisBay has refused to provide information, it should be noted that Council gave its full cooperation to Adv.Metcalfandhisteam,fromtheonsetofthe investigationandtodate.“Inanemaildated2July 2024,theActingCEO,DavidUushonaagreedto allowtheMunicipalInformationTechnology(IT) team to provide the legal representative with accesstoALLemailspertainingtoRedForceand any related matters thereto as requested,” the Office of the Chief Executive Officer states. Moreover, in an email dated, 11 July 2024, in response to a letter from Metcalf Beukes Attorneys, the Acting Chief Executive Officer, David Uushona, agreed to a request to reinterview sixteen staff members to finalise the investigation.” Itstatedthattheemailwhichwas also sent to General Managers, Managers and othersreads,"Iamexpectingallyourcooperation in allowing the mentioned staff members to be allowed to attend the said interviews slots smoothly However,thissecondlegofinterviews were cancelled by the legal representative and subsequently followed by an unexpected Notice of Withdrawal letter on 17 July 2024 Furthermore, in letters written to the staff members who were suspended to allow investigations to take place the Acting CEO, urged the two staff members to offer their full cooperationupontheirreturn.Despitethecouncil resolution to nullify the termination motion, the OfficeoftheChiefExecutiveOfficerallowedthe investigationtocontinueandneverinstructedthe investigationtobehaltedorterminated.” Inaddition,theActingCEO,DavidUushonahas presented the matter to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and Central Procurement Unitassuch,theclaimsbyAdv.Metcalfarerather surprising. “He is however still encouraged to continue with the investigation in the interest of affectedinterestedpartiesandthepublicCouncil further advice that any legality whether it be criminal and or fraudulent be reported to authorities an appropriate without Councils authority On the resignation of legal representative, it is important that the residence shouldtakenotethatasecondhighcourtsummon wasissuedtocouncilfordefamationofcharacter by RedForce as a result of a statement made by Adv Metcalf. Even though Council distances itself from these statements, the Municipality takesnoteofandrespectsAdv RichardMetcalf's decision to self terminate his services and we appreciatesomeofhiseffortsinthisendeavour The matter regarding the appointment of RedForce is before the high court, and sub judiceandthusCouncilcannotcommentatthis stage Finally, Council herby reassures residentsthatdespiteafewchallengeslikeany other institution, we reman committed to improving service delivery and saying true to ourcorevalues.”

Erongo Governor Honoured with Best African Governor Award in London

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope was honoured with the prestigious Best African Governor Award at the African Leadership Magazine Awards held in London. The ceremony, hosted on Wednesday 17 July, recognised Governor Itope's outstanding contributionstoAfrica'seconomictransformationandregionaldevelopment.

The African Leadership Magazine Awards celebrates political and business leaders who haveunleashedAfrica'spotential,drivingsignificant progress across the continent. Governor Itope'srecognitionmarksahistoricmilestoneas thefirstregionalgovernorinNamibianhistoryto

receive such a prestigious accolade. In a press briefing on Wednesday this week in Swakopmund,Itopeexpressedhisgratitudefortheaward. "Thisawardisatestamenttoourcollectiveachievements and our potential for further growth. It underscores our commitment to advancing our region and showcasing Namibia's success on a globalstage."TheAfricanLeadershipMagazine, establishedin2010,aimstospotlightAfrica'sbest leaders and achievements to a global audience, promotingapositivenarrativeofAfricansuccess and leadership. Itope highlighted the importance ofAfrican-ownedmediaplatformsincelebrating localachievementsandshapinginternationalperceptions. Accompanied by Chief Regional Officer, Mupenzeni Ntelamo and Erongo Regional Council Chairperson, Benitha Imbamba, GovernorItopejoinedaNamibiandelegationled by Hon. Lucia Ipumbu, Minister of Industrialisation and Trade. The event brought together influential leaders and policymakers to discuss Africa's future and global partnerships. During their visit to London, Itope noted the heightened global interest in Namibian business and investment opportunities. "We are humbled by the recognitionandexcitedbythepotentialforfurther collaboration and investment in Namibia," Itope stated. Itope extended his congratulations to Minister Lucia Ipumbu for receiving the Best AfricaMinisterofTradeAwardandGovernorof OtjozondjupaRegion,JamesUerikuaforhisdistinguishedleadershiprecognitionfromtheSouth CarolinaGeneralAssembly

German Embassy Supports Renovation of Church Tower Roof in Swakopmund

Erongo Region Leads Voter Registration with 72% Turnout as Deadline Approaches

Since the commencement of the General Registration of Voters(GRV)from3Juneto20July,atotalof1153916eligibleNamibianshaveregisteredtovote,bothdomestically and at Namibian Diplomatic Missions abroad, marking a turnoutof71%ofeligiblevoters.

In a recent statement, Peter Shaama, Chief Electoral and Referenda Officer of the Electoral Commission of Namibia reported that from 15 to 20 July, 164 535 voters were registered,averaging27404 registrations per day This reflects a slight decline compared to thepreviousweek(813 July) Shaama acknowledgedthepositive progress in registrationturnoutat both regional and constituency levels He expressed optimism that more Namibianswillregister in the remaining 10 days before the

GRV concludes on 1 August.

Highlighting regional achievements, Shaama noted that by 20 July, eight out of 14 regions had surpassed the 70% voter registrationmark.

Leadingthepackwere Ohangwena, Oshana, and Omusati Regions with80%registration, followed by Kunene at75%,andErongoat 72% Oshikoto, //Karas, and Kavango West Regions each achieved70%.

Shaama emphasised that there will be no extension for voter registration beyond 1 August due to statutory limitations. The


Commission is mandated to finalise key electoral activities, includingtheproductionof the provisional voters register for display, inspection, and objection, as well as preparations for the electoral process, including candidate nominations and ballot paper production.

The GRV continues nationwide and at Namibian Diplomatic Missionsabroadfrom Monday to Saturday, 8:00 to 19:00. The Commission urges eligible voters to register in their respectiveconstituencies.

Sharlien Tjambari

Ministers Condemn Brutal Killing Investigation Launched Following Haul Truck

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development condemnedthebrutalkillingofamotherandtwominorchildren following their shack set alight by the mother's exloveratUsabLocation,Karibib.

Fisheriesminister,DerekKlazenandDeputyMinisterofUrbanandRural Development, Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele, accompanied by the leadership in Karibib, visited the bereaved family of Josephine Nauses, (23) and her twodaughters,ReginaNauses(7)andLoideNauses(3),whodiedonJuly 14.KlazensaidwhathashappenedinKaribibreallytouchedhim.“That's whyIurgeallfathers,tostopwhattheyaredoing;stoptakingthelivesof ourownbelovedandourpeople.Wecannotaffordit,andwecondemnwhat hashappened.Wecondemneditasagovernmentandwedon'twanttosee thosethingshappeninginourcountry,butwhathappenedherecouldhave beenprevented,"Klazenadded.!Nawases-Taeyelesaid,"itissad;despite alltheeffortsgovernmentisputtinginplacetodetergender-basedviolence, westillcontinuetokilleachother Wemustsavethelivesofourpeople;this we cannot condone and encourage as a government.” She is calling upon everyone to be peace-loving Namibians to belong to this one Namibian housethatweallbelongto.

Police Conduct Successful Drug Busts in Mondesa

Inaseriesofundercoveroperations,theErongopolicehave successfully intercepted substantial quantities of illegal drugs in Mondesa. The operations resulted in significant seizuresandarrests.


On Monday, 22 July at approximately 14:00, a covert operationwasconducted at a residence on Stephanus Shipanga Street, Mondesa, following a tip-off about drug activities. Thepolice'seffortsled to the discovery and confiscation of a considerable number of drugs Specifically, 1,523 grams of skunk cannabis and 99 full mandrax tablets were recovered,withanestimated street value of N$88 030. Two suspects were apprehended during this ope-ration. A 23-yearoldNamibianmaleand

Incident at Husab Mine

An incident involving a haul truck toppling to the bottom of a Run of Mind stockpile that took place at the Swakopmund Uranium Husab Mine shortly before lunchtime onWednesday afternoon this week is being investigated. The truck is owned and operated by Beifang, a mining contractor of Swakop Uranium'sHusabMine.

AccordingtoastatementreleasedbyWinnie Mukupuki from Swakop Uranium's Corporate Communications Department, the haul truck toppled to the bottom of a RunofMinestockpilewhileattemptingto discharge its load. Mukupuki stated that theaccidentscenewastimeouslyattended to by the Husab Emergency Response Team and the employee involved was stabilisedbythemine'smedicalteamand transportedtoaprivatemedicalfacilityin Swakopmund. “He is in good spirits and currently under observation by the medical team.” Swakop Uranium's Executive

a 30-year-old Namibian female.Thesuspectsare currently in custody as investigationscontinue.

Case 2: Possession of Cannabis

Later that same day, at around 17:15, another successful undercover operationtookplaceata house on Obandja

Ushona Street, Mondesa. Acting on received intelligence, the police raided the propertyandrecovered24 gramsofskunkcannabis,valuedatN$1200. A 30-year-old Namibianmalewasarrested atthesceneandisnow facing charges related

Vice President, Mr Irvinne Simataa, has confirmedthatBeifangminingoperations havebeenhaltedandaninvestigationinto the incident is currently underway All other operations at Husab Mine resumed afterallemployeeswerebriefed. Mukupuki said all relevant authorities were duly informed about the incident. Swakop Uranium reaffirms its commitment to ensuring a safe working environment for all its employees and business partners. These type of injuries and incidents are very common within the miningindustry

to the possession of cannabis Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba emphasised thecommitmentofthe Erongopolicetocombating drug-related activitiesintheregion. "These operations showourdedicationto eradicating the drug menace in our com-

munities.Wewillcontinue to act decisively against those who choose to engage in these illegal activities." The public is encouraged to report any suspicious activitiestotheauthorities to aid in the ongoing fightagainstdrugs.

Sharlien Tjambari
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff

N$1.2 million Raised Towards Mayoral Fund

TheKaribibTownCouncilraisedN$1.2millionatitsfirst everMayoralFundfundraisingdinnerheldrecentlyatthe town.

The Karibib Town Council came up with the idea to establish the first ever mayoral fund, aimed at responding to the various needs of the community

President Nangolo Mbumba, who was represented by the MinisterofFisheries and Marine Resources, Derek Klazen, said that the town of Karibib has grown over the years as peoplecomefromall

overtolookforjobsat surroundingminesand farms. “Although the economic growth is positive, the influx of people leads to an increased demand for services,” he said. He wentonbysaying,"the absence of such support services may result in individuals and families facing various challenges, including financial hardships, food insecurity, a lack of housing, and many others.

Initiatives such as this one play an instrumental role in providing much-needed support.Itisjustifiable that companies, businesses, and institutionsthatareoperating inKaribiborproviding services are benefiting from such growth and population growth through corporate social responsibility," he added. KaribibMayor Davey Van Wyk said, “whenever there is a disaster at Karibib, the community approac-

hes the council to assist, but due to budgetary constraints, the people do not get the help.” Van Wyk added that the affairs ofthefundwillberun by an independent committee that consist of community members. "That committee will sit down and evaluate to make a rec o m m e n d a t i o n through the mayor's officetothecouncilto say that this disaster happened at this house, that this vulnerablepersonishere, that these school kids need this assistance,

that this student has qualified to go to university, but we know the background of the house,”saysVanWyk. Hesaid,“thismoneyis not there for people to come and open a sheeben and do these types of things. This

one is to alleviate poverty amongst our people " The Executive Director in the office of the president, MosesPakotewhowas born and partly raised inKaribibisthepatron of the fund The fundraisingdinnerwas atendedbythepublic and private sectors, individuals,andinternational partners that contributemoneyand services to the fund with the Chinese Embassy among the highest contributors tothefund.


Port of Walvis Bay News

Bulk Carrier, BELKNIGHT (IMO 9911666), sailing under the flag of NorwaywilldockatthePortofWalvisBayonSunday,18Julyafteravoyage fromBeiraMozambiquetoload49000MTBulkSalt.TheBulkCarrierwill departonFriday2August.

GRANDDEMETER(IMO9445174),sailingundertheflagofHongKong, will dock at the Port of Walvis Bay on Wednesday, 31 July after a 28-day voyagefromSingaporeAnchoragetodischarge20271PCSBVB(vehicles andminingequipment).ShewilldepartonSaturday,3August.

CENTURIONJUKTAS(IMO9789037),sailingundertheflagofBarbados willdockatthePortofWalvisBayonMonday,29Julytoaftera12-daytrip from Las Palmas, Spain to discharge 32 500 MT wheat. The one-year-old BulkCarrierwilldepartonSaturday,10August.

Galp Energy Moves Ahead with Namibia Drilling Despite New Partner

PortugueseenergygiantGalpEnergyremainssteadfastinitsplanstodrillthefirstwellin its upcoming four-probe exploration and appraisal campaign at the Mopane discovery offshoreNamibia.Despiteongoingdiscussionswithpotentialnewpartners,thecompany insiststhattheinitialtargetwillremainunchanged.

The Lisbon-based company aims to kick off the four-well program by late 2024, with their attention on understanding the scale of Mopane, its geological structure, and the nature of the three reservoirs found in Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL) 83.

"In Namibia, Galp partnered with NAMCOR and Custos to successfully complete the first phase of the Mopane exploration campaign in April 2024," said Galp CEO Filipe Silva "This phase encompassed the drilling of two

exploration wells and theexecutionofadrill stem test." The data collected from this phase will undergo thorough analysis and be integrated into a comprehensive reservoir model. Silva said that this model will serveasacriticalfoundation for refining Galp's near-term drilling plan to further explore, appraise, and develop the extensive Mopanecomplex.The company's ambitious plans for Namibia include a three-year exploration campaign that involves drilling ten exploration and appraisal wells, con-

ducting flow testing, performing a 3D towed streamer seismic survey over approximately 4 000 square kilometres within PEL 83, and acquiring additional 3D seismic data using the Ocean Bottom Nodetechnique. Despitethesignificant interest from supermajors and other entities eager to secure a major slice of Galp's 80% stake in the Orange basin discovery, which could house in-place resources of at least 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent, the company maintains con-

trol over its exploration strategy Silva noted that while new partners might influence the targets of later wells, they will not alter the objective of the first well Months ahead of the globalCOP29climate conference, which willhighlighttheneed to reduce fossil fuel dependency, Galp's announcement of its Namibian drilling plans highlights the complex balancing act between energy exploration and environmental concerns. The company's profit rose by 23% year-on-year in the firsthalfofthisyearto €624 million. Galp's continued focus on Namibia comes as specialist online publication Upstream reports that the company's discovery in theregionhasprompted a reassessment of its decarbonisation targets However, Silva remained tightlipped about specific future investments, stating that guidance on capital expenditures will be revealed in the coming months. The Namibian government and local stakeholders will closely monitor these developments, given the potential economic benefits and environmental impacts.

Sources: LUSA, Portugal Resident, andUpstream.

Eileen van der Schyff



AccommodationEstablishmentSelf-Catering 445 Dolphin View, Unit 43 TOWNSHIP/AREA: STREET NAME & NO:KuisebAvenue,DolphinView,Unit43

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation EstablishmentSelf-Catering.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan09.08.2024


ElsaGreeff POBox2939,Swakopmund Email:oceandreamselfcatering@gmail.com

Erongo Assists Erongo Police RED

ErongoREDrecentlydonatedamobile deviceandnewvehiclepartstothetotal value of N$26 800.45 to the Namibian PoliceintheErongoregion.



AccommodationEstablishmentSelf-Catering 442A Langstrand Ext2 KuisebAvenue STREETNAME&NO:

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedto theMunicipalityofWalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:AccommodationEstablishment Self-Catering.

PlansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101 &105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan09.08.2024



Erongo RED responded to a request from thepoliceconcerning the challenges they face with copper cable theft in the region,particularlyin WalvisBayandSwakopmund.

The mobile device wasdonatedtoenable community members to report crime, including copper cable theft, anonymously Thevehiclepartswere donated to assist the police in servicing theiroperationalvehicle that are used duringcriminaloperations.


Thursday - Saturday 19-21 December 2024

Start From 10:00 am

Daniel TjongareroAvenue I Swakopmund

Vendor Stall Bookings Now Open for Swakopmund’s Summer Fair!

Don’t missoutonthechancetoshowcaseyourproductsat Swakopmund’s exciting Summer Fair! This event attracts locals and tourists, providing a fantastic opportunity for vendors to reach a wide audience. Apply now to secure your stall and be part of the summer fun in beautiful Swakopmund!

Book early toAvoid Disappointment! Application forms can be accessed on our website at www.swkmun.com.na or by scanning the code.Alternatively, you can also request and submit your forms via email at swkmun@swkmun.com.na

VendorApplications Deadline: 25 October 2024




Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below,willbemadetothe Magistrate of the District of Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Evette Matthee (T/A Lukzet), PO Box 25, HentiesBay.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Evette Matthee T/A Lukzet.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 3209, Sandstreet,HentiesBay.

4. Nature and details of application: Special liquorlicense.

5. Where application will belodged Erongo-Swa- : kopmund Magistrate Court.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 26 July2024.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistratenotlaterthan7 days after the date on which the applicant is lodged.

The donated items werehandedoverby the CEO of Erongo RED, Mr Immanuel Tino !Hanabeb, and it was received by the Regional Commander of the ErongoRegion,Commissioner Niklaus Kupembona, and his delegation.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction a Portion of Farm 38 to BejabeLogisticsCC. Description aPortionofFarm38 Area(m²) 2000

Purchase Amount Excluding 15% VAT N$ 2 120.00

Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Tuesday, 13 Auusut 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.

For more information Mrs Selma Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours.

Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the gounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBaybeforeoron *Friday, 16 August 2024at12:00. JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties


Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na


CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment SelfCatering ON ERF NO: 495 TOWNSHIP/AREA:

Langstrand Ext STREET NAME & NO: Foreshore street,SunsetSails,Unit22

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: AccommodationEstablishmentSelf-Catering.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication maybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms 101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthis application, must lodge such objection, together with groundsthereof,withtheGeneralManager:Roadsand Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 09.08.2024


ElsaGreeff POBox2939,Swakopmund Email:oceandreamselfcatering@gmail.com


CONSENT: Home Based Office - Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 3576 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 3576 MolaMolaCrescentStreet,Kuisebmond.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedOffice-CashLoan.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 16 August 2024


PetrusHanghome,POBox4535,WalvisBay email:gamahwest@gmail.com


Noticeisherebygivenintermsofsection63(2)(b)ofthe Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), as amended,thattheCounciloftheMunicipalityofWalvis BayintendstoleasetheBusinessFacility/Restaurant atLangstrandResort,Portion11ofFarm42:Walvis Bay.


Portion11ofFarm42:Langstrand ZONING: Special





DURATION: Five(5)years

Full particulars pertaining to the expression of interest will be available for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 6August 2024 at room 159, Municipal Offices, Civic Centre Head Office For more information Ms. Florensia Mutrifa Ndjoze-Uanivi can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3357 during office hours.

Any person objecting to the proposed lease, may in writing lodge an objection together with valid grounds/motivationthereof,totheManager:Economic Development at the below address or to Private Bag 5017,WalvisBay,beforeoronFriday,09August2024 at12:00.

EriksonPHMwanyekange GeneralManager:CommunityandEconomic Developmen MunicipalOffices








·Co-ordinatingwithPort+Authoritiesforall vessels

·Problemsolvingandabilitytoworkunder pressure

·Afterhouravailabilityisrequiredforthis position

·Previousexperienceinashipping/logistics industrywouldbebeneficial

Please forward a detailed application to: lara.boucher@msc.com

Closing Date: 02/08/2024

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Portion 20 (marked with yellow ) - adjacent to the railway siding, measuring 12.5663 hectares Price: N$ 150-00 per m²

Donasie Bring Hoop en Kennis vir Promiseland

Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures for the Construction of a 1.5km Bitumen Standard Road in the Port of Walvis Bay

1. This bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”). A margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.

2. Bidders may only associate with each other in the following ways:

Joint Venture: Bidders may form a joint venture to complement their respective areas of supply and enhance their capacity to carry out the works.

Sub-contract Agreement: Bidders may enter into sub-contractual agreements to complement respective areas of expertise and enhance capacity to carry out the works.

3. All associations and sub-contracts must comply with the requirements outlined in the bidding document.

4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

5. ANon-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 22 JULY 2024AT 10H00AM. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at the Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.

6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Procurement Manager

Melani de Klerk

Tel: +264 208 2319

Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Tender and ContractsAdministrator


Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Jenny Esterhuizen, Projekbestuurder van die nie-winsgewende organisasie Promiseland het met opgewondenheid terugvoeringgegeeoor‘ndonasievanN$5000wat‘nbeduidendeimpakophulopvoedkundigeprogrammegehadhet.

Danksy hierdie ondersteuning kon Promiseland twintig van hul top presterende leerdersvandiehuiswerkklasop'nonvergeetlike uitstappie na die Logos Hope neem. Hierdie leerders, wat merkwaardige groei getoon en die beste resultate in hul Junie/Julieeksamens behaal het, het elkeen 300 Eenhede (N$120) ont-

vangomenigeboeke van hul keuse te koop. Hierdie gebaar het nie net hul harde werkbeklemtoonnie, maar ook hul voorgesette liefde vir leer enleesaangemoedig. “Die opegewondenheid en vreugde op die gesigte van ons kinders toe hulle hul boekegekieshet,was werklik hartverwarmend,” het Esterhuizen gesê. “Die bydrae het ‘n blywendeimpakgemaak en ons waardeer die gebaaropreg.” Verder het die donasie Promiseland in staat gestel om hul ECD-sentrum(Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling) te verbeter deur boekeviralvyfklaskamers aan te skaf. Die organisasie het ook 'n bykomstige N$1 800 bestee om hul biblioteek verder

te verryk, wat die totale besteding op N$6 800 te staan bring. Hierdie verbeterings het 'n ongelooflike hulpbronvirhulkinders en opvoerders geskep.

Hierdie grootmoedige donasie het nie net die lewens van die kinders verryk nie, maar ook die opvoedkundige kapasiteitvandie organisasie versterk Promiseland is dankbaar vir die ondersteuning. “Baie dankie weereens vir die gemeenskapseondersteuning Die donasie stel ons in staatomonsmissie voor te sit om kindersinnoodtehelp enhulliefdevirleer aantemoedig.”

Eileen van der Schyff



In terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act no. 7 of 2007) as well as the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations (Government Notice No.30 of 2012), notice is hereby given to all potentially interested and affected parties that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner for the following activity: Project: Scrap Metal Recycling Activities.

Location: No. 10, Erf R2989 Energy Street, Light Industrial Area, Walvis Bay Proper, 22°56'38.3"S 14°30'48.9"E

Proponent: Mahadev Investemnt cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner: EcoLab Environmental cc All interested and affected parties are hereby invited to register with Ecolab Environmental. Background information can be requested and any comments, issues or concerns related to the project can be submitted to Ecolab Environmental. All comments/concerns must reach Ecolab Environmental by the close business on 9 August 2024. Should a public meeting be th held all registered I&APs will be informed accordingly Communication with stakeholders & I&APs is preferred via email. For further information regarding the project and/or to register as an interested/affected party, please contact: Ecolab Environmental` Tell: 081 47 89943 Email: elabnam@gmail.com

GDSAmadeus qualified, with at least 8years’work experience as a travel consultant

Focus on corporate clients

Able to perform well under pressure and to resolve a crisis

Vibrant sales & marketing skills

While being customer-orientated with a dynamic outgoing personality

Experience working with Quicktrav, an advantage


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


Invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for the position of: ACCOUNTS CLERK

Key Responsibilities Areas:

· Sort and match purchase orders to creditors invoices;

· Processing creditors invoices and bank entries;

· Processing debtors invoices;

· Monthly creditors and bank reconciliations;

· Prepare monthly accounting reports;

· Communicate with relevant suppliers

· Assist Supervisor with monthly accounting reports;

· Prepare for financial audit and assist external auditors;

· General administration and ad hoc accounting duties; Competency Requirements:

· Attention to detail;

· Good conceptual and analytical skills;

· Planning and organizing;

· Ability to function under pressure;

· Complete and comprehensive understanding of accounting practices and procedures;


· Grade 12;

· At least 5 years relevant experience;

· Knowledge ofACCPAC;

· Proficiency in MS Office;

· Experience in multi company environment;

· Namibian Citizenship;


Please forward CV's to Merlus.cv@gmail.com

Please note that only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Please only apply if the listed requirements are met. Short listed candidates will undergo a pre-employment assessment.

decision-making skills to navigate complex environments, especially in a multi-cultural environment, the ability to work effectively with diverse cultural and social norms.

· Proficiency in English, good command of Chinese language will be preferred.

· Minimum bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering, geology or relevant fields.

· Minimum 8 years' experience in open pit mining operations; Experience should demonstrate a clear understanding of the whole integrated mining process.

· Proven ability to lead and manage large teams, which includes experience in staff development, performance management, and team building.

· Strong project management skills, including budgeting, scheduling and experience with project management software and methodologies.

· Knowledge of mining and geological software, as well as proficiency in technical aspects of open pit mining operations such as mine planning, grade control, and blasting techniques.

· A solid understanding of health, safety, and environmental regulations and standards in the mining industry Experience in implementing and managing safety programs and environmental protection measures.

· Ability to analyze complex data, identify potential problems, and make informed decisions to ensure project success and operational efficiency

· Excellent communication, coordination, and decision-making skills to navigate complex environments, especially in a multi-cultural environment, the ability to work effectively with diverse cultural and social norms.

· Proficiency in English, good command of Chinese language will be preferred.

· A relevant degree or diploma in engineering, maintenance management, or a related field, along with relevant industry certifications.

· Minimum 10 years' experience working in a large open pit mine or a similar industrial setting, with a proven track record of success in maintaining HME equipment and infrastructure.

· Strong technical knowledge and experience in maintenance management, preferably in the mining industry

· Proven ability to develop and implement effective maintenance strategies, policies, and procedures.

· Excellent leadership and management skills, with the ability to lead and motivate a large team of maintenance professionals.

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex maintenance issues.

· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.

· A strong commitment to safety and environmental sustainability, with the ability to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and standards.

· A bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering, Chemical Engineering, advanced degrees or specialized training in explosive engineering or blasting technology is preferred.

· Proven experience in explosive engineering, which includes hands-on experience with blasting operations, explosive material handling, and the design and implementation of blast plans.

· Deep understanding of the properties of various explosives and their applications in mining operations. Familiarity with blasting software and the ability to conduct blast design, simulation, and analysis.

· Thorough knowledge of safety standards, regulations, and best practices related to explosives and blasting operations.

· Ability to troubleshoot blasting-related issues and develop practical solutions to ensure efficient and safe blasting operations.

· Understanding of local, regional, and national regulations and laws pertaining to the use, transportation, and disposal of explosives.

· Flexibility to adapt to changing conditions and challenges inherent in mining operations and explosive work.

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills for drafting blast plans, reports, and communicating effectively with team members and other stakeholders.

· Minimum a degree in mining engineering, geology, mining management, engineering management and other related fields,3years or more of mining experience.

· Professional in geology, mineralogy, engineering principles and mining technology, familiar with mining equipment and software, and data analysis tools.

· Skilled in writing mining schedules, familiar with mining production processes and mining production specifications.

· Ability to solve complex problems, analyze and evaluate different technical, economic and environmental factors, and make wise decisions.

· Familiar with safety regulations and procedures to ensure a safe working environment and the safety of team members.

· Excellent communication and leadership skills, and be able to communicate and coordinate with various s takeholders.

· Proficiency in Mandarin will be preferred.

· A bachelor's degree in business administration, supply chain management, finance, advanced professional certifications in procurement, supply chain management, or contract management can be advantageous.

· Minimum 5 years of experience in procurement or purchasing, preferably within the mining industry or a similar industrial sector Demonstrated experience in sourcing materials, equipment, and services specific to mining operations.

· Understanding of the mining industry's supply chain and the specific types of goods and services commonly procured for mining operations. Familiarity with mining equipment, materials, and suppliers.

· Strong negotiation skills and the ability to secure favorable terms and conditions while maintaining good relationships with suppliers. Experience in negotiating contracts, pricing, and delivery terms.

· Understanding of budgeting, cost analysis, and financial management principles relevant to procurement. Ability to analyze bids and make cost-effective procurement decisions.

· Strong ethical standards and integrity in handling confidential information and making procurement decisions.

· Ability to work effectively as part of a cross-functional team, including coordination with finance, operations, and project management departments.

· Minimum Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or a related field.

· Strong understanding of IT infrastructure, including networking, server administration, storage solutions, and virtualization technologies.

· Familiarity with dispatching systems and software, including the ability to configure, manage, and troubleshoot them in a mining environment.

· Good knowledge of anti-fatigue technologies and solutions, such as software that monitors and manages employee work schedules to prevent fatigue-related incidents.

· Proven experience working with databases, including SQL and NoSQL databases, for data storage, retrieval, and analysis.

· Knowledge of and adherence to mining industry standards, regulations, and safety compliance requirements.

· Proficiency in English in required; Mandarin speaking is preferred.

· A bachelor's degree in supply chain management, logistics, business administration, or a related field is typically required. Advanced degrees or professional certifications in logistics, warehouse management, or inventory control can be advantageous.

· Minimum 5 years of experience in warehouse management or logistics, preferably within the mining industry or a related industrial sector with SAP experience.

· Understanding of the mining industry's specific needs, including the types of materials and equipment commonly stored and the unique challenges of managing a warehouse in a mining environment.

· Proven ability to lead and manage a warehouse team, including training staff, delegating tasks, and evaluating performance. Experience in team building and promoting a positive work environment.

· Strong skills in inventory management, including setting up and maintaining an organized warehouse layout, implementing inventory control systems, and conducting regular stock audits.

· Experience in managing logistics, including shipping and receiving, coordinating transportation, and optimizing distribution routes and processes.

· Proficiency in warehouse management systems (SAP), and Microsoft Office.

· Experience in managing budgets, controlling costs, and providing reports on financial performance related to warehouse operations.

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization, suppliers, and logistics partners.

· A diploma or above is required, with a preference for candidates holding a technical diploma or associate degree in mechanical engineering, heavy equipment maintenance.

· Minimum 5 years of hands-on experience in maintaining and repairing HME equipments, with a deep understanding of hydraulic, electrical, and mechanical systems.

· Proficiency in diagnosing and fixing mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical problems. Ability to read and interpret technical diagrams and manuals.

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to troubleshoot issues with HME equipment and propose effective solutions.

· Ability to work effectively as part of a team, collaborating with other maintenance personnel, operators, and mine management to ensure the optimal performance.

· Good verbal and written communication skills for documenting maintenance procedures, reporting on equipment status, and collaborating with mining and maintenance teams.

· Basic administrative skills for managing maintenance records, parts inventory and scheduling maintenance activities.

· Minimum bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing with good understanding and proven experience of mining industry is required, or a dual degree in mining/explosive



CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering Unit) ON ERFNO:441LTOWNSHIP/AREA:LangstrandSTREETNAME& NO:LongshoreStreetExtension1

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to theWalvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment(Self-Catering)Unit.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtained atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 16August 2024.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: HeikeAngermundP.OBox 818Swakopmund email:erongosec@outlook.com

O&L Group Announces Termination of Pick n Pay Namibia Franchise

TheO&LGrouphasannounceditsdecisiontoterminatethefranchiseagreementwithPicknPay SouthAfrica,effective30June2025.Thisannouncementwasmadethroughapressreleaseissued bythecompany.

The O&L Group, operating through WUM Properties (Pty) Ltd, currently owns and operates 19 Pick n Pay branded retail stores in Namibia under the franchise agreement with Pick n Pay South Africa. Sven Thieme, Executive Chairman of the O&LGroup,statedinthepressrelease,“ourpriority has always been to serve our Namibian customers with excellence and to contribute positively to our local economy We have formally notified Pick n Pay SouthAfrica of our decision, and we are committed to a 12-month transition period effective 1 Julyuntil30June2025,toensureasmoothandorderly transition. During this time, we will focus on minimising any disruptions to our employees, cus-

tomers,andbusinesspartners.'Changeistheonly constant,' and we believe this change will bring growth and innovation." Thieme emphasised the O&L Group's ongoing commitment to retail and their intention to explore the best way forward to create consistent, value-added retail experiences. “While we appreciate the long-standing partnership,wehavehadwithPicknPaySouthAfrica, weareconfidentthatthisdecisionalignswithour commitmenttobeingamorecustomer-centricand Namibian market-oriented business, staying true to our essence of being authentic, caring, and passionate.Welookforwardtoembarkingonthis transformativejourney.”



Reporting to the SHEQ Director functionally and to the Branch Manager on a daily basis, the incumbent will be responsible for all of the policies, practices and operations for safety health, environmental and quality functions with company operations.


* Matric / or Equivalent

* Certification in Safety Management, Diploma, (NEBOSH Certificate or equivalent).

* At least 1 year and proven track record in a Senior HSE management role with experience within the mining and the general industrial sector in Namibia.

* Effective interpersonal skills including effective negotiation and conflict resolution skills.

* General knowledge and experience on construction and preferably scaffolding, corrosion protection and thermal insulation practices and technology

* Ability to implement HSEQ policies and associated management systems

* Knowledge of Microsoft Office-Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook and other applications such MS Teams.

* Knowledge of ISO 14001:2015: ISO 9001:2015: 45001: 2018

* Must have an HSEQ Management Qualifications, preferably in a technical discipline.

* Auditing techniques (IMS Internal Auditor or equivalent from NOSA/IRCA or similar institutions in Namibia.)

* Recognized Incident / Accident investigation Qualification from NOSA/IRCA or similar institutions in Namibia.


* Ensure an effective health, safety, environmental and quality risk management system is in place and being implemented.

* Prepare and Present HSEQ presentations to SGB-Cape Management, and other Clients

* Review and align procedures and policies to be in line with the applicable country statutory requirements.

* Manage and mentor a team of HSEQ Practitioners assigned at various sites.

* Conduct monthly internal audits for all various sites under your control in Namibia

* Successfully maintain the company NOSA Five STAR Grading and DQS ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications.

* Ensure government statutory inspections and audits are successful and that all findings are closed out within the stipulate time frames.

* Attend to all client's requests including scheduled meetings, inspections and audits.

* Facilitate and manage root cause analysis investigations process with the respective Branch Manager and the Regional Director

* Implementation of policies, procedures and systems to provide for a safe and secure business operation.

* Enforce safe working practices and promote work environment of zero harm.

* Drive and maintain the Company’s global HSEQ reputation.

* Perform regular audits and monitor HSEQ performance.

* Ensure that appropriate corrective or preventative actions are taken.

* Collate and prepare HSE statistics on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.

* Ensure that emergencies are handled fulfilling the requirements of the regulations applicable nationally and internationally

* Design a 3-year HSE strategy

* Conceptualise, Design and Implement HSEQ Campaign


* Namibian citizen or resident

* Valid Driver’s licence and willing to travel

* Own transport will be advantageous.

Eileen van der Schyff


LearntospeakGerman withanexperienced mothertongueteacher

Limitedspacesavailable. Registernowtoqualify foradiscount. Contact:0816072685


Coastal Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com

M-S Electrical Services

We specialize on the following repairs:

üGeysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity)

üWashing Machines + Servicing

üAir Conditioners

üGas refill ( cars and fridges)


üInstallation of CCTV cameras

üRepairing of all electrical and electronic appliances

üRefill air con in cars and trucks

üInstallation of intercoms

üAuto garage doors



üRepairing of WAP machines



üSecurity alarm system

üHouse wiring

üElectrical gates

üTV mounting on the wall and dstv insallations

üElectrical motor 3 phase, single phase

üAny electrical equipment we can fix.

Taking all your electrical needs seriously

All repairs have 3 months


Contact: 081 299 9960



Contact: Ben Uugwanga - 0812695532, PO Box 7078, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Africa

"Writing of Business Plans Writing of Company Profile: Writing of Project Proposals and Writing of Constitutions.

"Training Offered (Omadheulu)/Manuals included (Omambo gakwatelwa mo): Strategic Management and Leadership (4 days); Marketing, Customer Care and Basic Management (4 days); Conceptualization, Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the Bible (6 days); Public Policy Making and Public Management (5 days); Research Proposal Writing Training (4days); Knowledge Management and Media and Advocacy Communication Strategies (4 days); The Knowledge Economy (4 days); Leadership and Project Management Training (4days); Leadership and Business Management Training (5days); Public Policy Making and Policy Research Training (5 days); Writing Skills Training (5days). "Christian Leadership Training / Edheulo lyomuwiliki gwongeleka (5 days/omasiku gatano). "Life Skills Training / Edheulo lyomugundjuka muunongo wonkalamwenyo (5days/omasiku gatano).


KALENGA: He can help you through: PregnancyEducation - Court Cases - Love Af-fairsMarriage Pro-blemsBad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc.

Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887



(Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklostlover, togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduringsex, awomantohavefeelings foraman,headaches, swellingofyourbody, madness,epilepsy,joints pain,pregnancyproblems, ifyouneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet




ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADC countries,suchas bringingbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems, jobsandpromotions, business,protectionof bodiesandhousesfrom witchcraft,protectionof kraalsfarmsfrom thieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillnever regret.

Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102


Electricianforhireregisteredwith ErongoRed wedo:Electrical installations rewiringofdistribution boards airconditioninstallations Samedayrefrigeration services geyserrepairs

ContactHBeukes 0812091378


IntroducingProTech Security'sPanicAppyourmobileemergency companion.Withjustone pressofabuttononyour cellphone,helpis immediatelyonitswayto yourlocation. JoinProTechSecurityfor onlyN$39.00percell phonepermonthandbe partofsomething wonderful!

Staysafe,stayprotected withProTechSecurity Forinquiriescall Raymondat +264816742612or Email: sales@protechnam.com




Landscaping&plant doctor

Originalpalm&tree trimming


Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.




Secure3bedroom, 2bathroomdoublestoreyapartment, oppositeWBPS.Open planlounge,diningroom andkitchen,downstairs toilet,indoorbraai, dryingcourtyard& singlegarage. CallCharmaine 0811700950.


Approx350m², adjacenttohabitated PlotonSwakopRiver nearrivermouth. Fencedinwithshadow trees,freshandcleaned seweragewater available

Asof01.8.24 N$2000.00+Deposit. Contact:0811275442



WALVISBAY 0811243904

2ndStreet,East officespace&flat availabletorent

Contact: 0811243904



Secure3bedroom, 2bathroomdouble-storey apartment,opposite WBPS.Openplanlounge, diningroomandkitchen, downstairstoilet,indoor braai,dryingcourtyard& singlegarage. CallCharmaine 0811700950.



Building equipment for sale, Swakopmund: Scaffolding, Bokkie, scaffolding plank, floater, concrete mixer All serviced, tested, working.

Whatsapp 081 363 5356 or email callard6q3g@gmail. com for list.



Catering equipment for sale, Swakopmund: Grill, Combi-Oven Unox, Gas hob & Oven, 2 group Espresso machines. All serviced, tested, working. Plates, cups, saucers, knives forks and more.

Whatsapp 081 363 5356 or email callard6q3g@gmail. com for list.



Experienceinhospitality industrywouldbean advantage.Workinghours are12:00-20:00weekly andwillingtoworkon weekendsuponrequest. Friendlypersonality.Non smoker.Capableof workingunderpressure. PleaseemailCVto: desertdreamswb@ outlook.com


A Walvis Bay based transport company is looking for 10 x mature, experienced cross border truck drivers.


- 5 years experience in transporting refrigerated goods.

- Cross border experience mainly Zambia and DRC.

- Valid Code CE Driver's Licence and a Valid PDP

- Medically fit to drive for long hours

- Valid Namibian Passport

- Proficient in written and spoken English

- Driver must be a Namibian nationality, other Nationalities must have Permanent residence or domicile.


- Safe and timeous transportation and delivery of goods to the client.

- Adhere to company policies, procedures and reporting incidents to management

- Ensuring the Roadworthiness of the vehicle at all times.

- Performing daily vehicle inspections, maintenance checks and maintaining prescribed hygiene.

CV'S WITH FULL DETAILS AND REFERENCES CAN BE FORWARDED TO: walvisbaydrivers@gmail.com or Whatapp texts only: +264 811 411603

Closing date : 01 August 2024

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews



Looking for a trailer for a quantum combi for business and private use. It can be second hand or new Walvis Bay or Swakopmund Contact: 081 681 8100 081 246 4757


CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys.064418150or 0811464770

VACANCYFOR COOKERAND CLEANER. Experienceinthe hospitalityindustrywould beanadvantage. Experienceandtrainingin cooking. Workinghoursare06:0015:00weeklyandwilling toworkonweekends uponrequest. Friendlypersonality Nonsmoker Capableofworkingunder pressure. PleaseemailCVto: desertdreamswb@ outlook.com


JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingforanykindof cleaningworkorday carework.


JOBWANTED: Iama33yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay.I amveryneatand hardworking. Contact:0817025367

JOBWANTED: Lookingfor administration,sales, daycareworker.Iam readytostartanytime. Contact:0812562214

JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfor domesticworkinWalvis for2-3daysaweek.I amhardworkingand readytostartassoonas possible,Iamvery hardworkingand have experiencein housekeepingand bookkeeping. Contact:0817219400

JOBWANTED: Amarriedwomanis lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund,I amhardworking, humbleandtrustworthy andwithexperienceof6 years.


JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforworkin WalvisBayor Swakopmund.Iamvery neat.


JOBWANTED: Iama22yearoldlady islookingfordomestic work,cleaning, babysitting.Mondaysto Fridays.Swakopmund orLangstrand. Readytostartanytime. Contact:0812545224


C o a s t a l D r u g Awareness Campaign (CODAC) Sports Academy hosted the MV LOGOS HOPE crewmembersandthe under 11 football players from Walvis Bay Gymnasium as well as other local teams under the leadership of the academy coach, Luther Hamphrie for fun and interacting an indoor sports night while celebrating the world'slargestfloating book ship, at the Jan Wilken Indoor Sport Complex in Walvis Bay


While the British Open was being played out at Royal Troon 48 golfers hadtheirownshareofgolfwiththeMULTISAVEMEDALconvincingly won by Nardo Sardinha on a nett of 68 (a new handicap) over the past weekendattheWalvisBayGolfClub.

The Best gross was won by KevinWentzel on 74 and Emery Maboh was second on 72 winning a countoutfromAttievan der Westhuizen The stablefordprizeswentto TieniedeWetwin-ninga count out on 35 points fromAndreBurger Two clubs were registeredby Wynand Breytenbach, Wilma de Wet, Rocco Viljoen, Morne Roux andNardoSardinha,but all pay-outs were nulled astherewasaholeinone

by Wishes Nyoni who thus took all the money whilst Nathan Mudzingwa was the lucky winnerofthepotforthe most golf.Thanks to the MULTISAVE team for their continued support of the Medal The MEDALMANIAround 5 was also played, and with 40 points from Nardo Sardinha it was the Desert Rats on 70 points who took home the five winning points. The Young Guns with

outKyleandJPJohnson scored 69 points to take four second place points. JWM were third on 68pointswithfourthand fifth place points shared by Rolling Stone and 3 Jacks and a Jill on 65 points.Round6willtake place on 21st Septemberanditwillstillbe twoscorestocount.The 2024 RACE for MEMBERSHIP was won by Nardo Sardinha beating off competition from Pedro Fernandes, Joh-

nny Borges and Amandio Sardinha. The prize is annual MEMBERSIP

FEES worth 11 500 bucks. The final leg of theKINGPRICEPAIRS tookplaceattheWBGC. Estelle Bothma and Emery Maboh won the day on 46 points but could not qualify as Emeryisunder18.Thus, it is Tienie de Wet and WynandBreytenbachon 43 points qualify by default. The regional play-offstakeplaceon3 August at our club There was a bit of excitement on number 2 at the WBGC as Wishes Nyoni paid his subs as a new member just before

teeing off and the promptly aced (hole in one) at number 2 on the greens. He was introduced to the bell which he rang with endeavour Well done, Nyoni may therebemanymore.The WBGC seniors hosted the senior golfers from Henties Bay and RossmundlastThursday for an excited golf day Chris Bothma and Jaco Redman was the winner at the end of the day However, Jaco Redman was unable to collect a prizeasheisnotasenior golfer ObviouslyTienie likes the ARTISAN BAKERY bread as he againwonthe'brood'.


very proud Wishes Nyoni on number 2's green


Vrydag, 26 Julie 2024 19:00 Evangeliese Lutherse KerkTamariskia, Swakopmund


Saterdag, 27 Julie 2024

08:00 447 Immanuel Kamho Straat Mondesa, Swakopmund 09:00 Evangeliese Lutherse Kerk,Tamariskia Swakopmund

Psalm 27:1

Die Here is my lig en my redder; vir wie sou ek bang wees?

Die Here is my toevlug, vir wie sou ek vrees?

Walvis Bay Golf Club captain
Shane Westerdale and Nardo Sardinha the winner of the MULTISAVE MEDAL


WalvisByPrimarySchoolheldtheirannualsportsdayforlearnersinNetball, RugbyandHockeyon20Julyattheirschoolgrounds.

The well organised sportsdaywasallabout fun and making new friends and it was enjoyed by everyone, whether a player or spectator The school extendedtheirheartfelt gratitude to all their sponsors for their generous support and contributions to the Sports Day. “Your sponsorship made it

possible for us to organise a successful and memorable event for our learners and community Thank you for believing in our vision and helping us create a day filled with fun, sportsmanship, and camaraderie Your involvement played a crucial role in making this event a great success.”


•Chief Inspector Shapumba Encourages Community to Aid Hotspurs Football Academy

Reflecting on the initiative,ChiefInspector Shapumbaemphasised the academy's role in keeping young men, particularly in Mondesa and Kuisebmund, engaged in positive activities amid challenges such as crime and substance abuse. "We have young men involved in criminal activities, in drugs, robbing people on the streets, and harassing people Some are school-going, and some have just left

school, so it changes fromthisnature.Ineed all of us to cooperate and assist so that we can keep them busy,"

Chief Inspector Shapumba said and added, "when Kevin expressed the need for soccer balls, I saw an opportunity to rally community support Communitypolicingis not only about arresting and educating but also empowering youth through initiatives like this, which assist the community.”

Jurgen Kevin Naobeb, founderoftheHotspurs FootballAcademyanda former Eleven Arrows player, established the academy in November 2022 with a vision to nurture young talent overlooked by other football academies Today,theacademyhas around 60 players aged 9 to 15 from various schools in Swakopmund Naobeb recounted the academy's humble beginnings, recalling days when they lacked proper


equipment and improvised with borrowed soccer balls and road markers However, through perseverance andsupportfromsponsorslikeCoachTonyof Swakopmund Football Club (SFC), the academy has achieved notablesuccessinlocal leagues and tournaments Despite their achievements, financial constraints remains a challenge, particularly for travel expenses to tournaments in neigh-

bouringtowns.Naobeb expressed gratitude to parents who contribute towardstransportcosts, ensuring their participationincrucialgames.

Acknowledging the recent support from Chief Inspector Shapumba, Naobeb highlighted the impact of receiving six soccer

balls, stating, "having these balls means a lot to us. They've brought joy to our players; you can see that they are really happy with the ballsandensurewecan continue training." The Hotspurs Football Academy continues to grow, driven by a commitment to provi-

ding youth with opportunities to thrive through sports while combating societal challenges through community engagementandsupport.Chief Inspector Shapumba handed over the soccer balls to the team this week on Tuesday this week.

Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the Unit Commander for Community Policing in the Erongo region,spearheadedanefforttosupporttheHotspursFootballAcademyby
sponsorship forsixnewsoccerballs.
Sharlien Tjambari
Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the Unit Commander for Community Policing in the Erongo region seen with some of the players of Hotspurs Football Academy and the Founder Jurgen Kevin Naobeb.


On Tuesday, 23 July TutaleniHighSchool beat De Duine Secondary School 2-0 andKuisebmundSecondary School beat Duinesig High School with the same score-line on Wednesday 24 July The Player of the Match ofthematchbetween Tutaleni HS and De Duine SS was Mweneni Turitjo from Tutaleni HS whilst Gilbert Afrikaner from Kuisebmund SStookthespotlight

as Player of the Match of the second match. Both players received the awards fortheiroutstanding performance and effortonthefieldhave been truly impressive. Keep pushing the limits FNB Namibia proudly presents the 17th annual Classic Clashes FNB Namibia proudly presents the 17th annual Classic Clashes, where school teams across Namibiabattleitout

in soccer, netball andrugbygames,on theirjourneyfrom

#GrassrootsToGreat ness.


On Saturday, 20 July tennis enthusiasts gathered for an excitingshowdownbetweenSwakopmundandWalvisBay, hosted by the Swakopmund Tennis Club, the event was marked by intense matches and sportsmanship, culminatinginamemorabledayforallinvolved.

Despite strong efforts from Swakopmund, Walvis Bay emerged victorious, winning 7 out of 8 games.Walvis Bayproudlytookhome the floating trophy, sponsored by OTB Sport, along with medals and vouchers generously provided by Spur Restaurant, while Swakopmund earned well-deserved second-place medals Swakopmund Team; Moyo & Kallie, Antonio & Cara, Danny & Meino; Albert & Chris Walvis Bay Team; JP & Rainer, Anthony &

Sam, Derrick & Eugene, Caden & Mario The event would not have been possible without the generoussupportofthe sponsors; Spur Restaurant, Kallie Tennis School, OTB Sport, Swakopmund Tennis Club Both Tennis clubs extended their heartfelt gratitude to all participants, sponsors, and the Club Committee for their h a r d w o r k a n d dedication in making this event a memorable one. Your support and enthusiasm ensure the continued growth and successoftennisinour community We look forward to more exciting events and opportunities to promote tennis in our region.

The football team Tutaleni High School
The2024FNBNamibiaClassicClasheskickedoffwithmatchesbetweenWalvisBaybasedSchools on23and24JulyattheJanWilkenStadiuminWalvisBay.
Rudi Bowe
The football team of De Duine Secondary School
The football team Duinesig High School
The Player of the Match Gilbert Afrikaner from Kuisebmund SS
The Player of the Match Mweneni Turitjo from Tutaleni HS
The football team Kuisebmund Secondary School

namib times Sport


The 16th edition of the

Since it's inception in 2008,theFNBClassic Clashes has grown to over 22 clashes country-wideenablingover 800 young sports-men and women participatingfromaroundthe country in one of the most anticipated high school sporting events of the year Over the course of the next 2 months,schoolsacross the country will be participating in the FNBClassicClashes3 different sports codes.

The FNB Classic Clashes have long been a platform where young talents showcase their skills and passion for sports, from grassroots to greatness.This phenomenaleventcelebrates the spirit of competition, sportsmanship, and excellence in

soccer, netball, and rugby Walvis Bay Mayor,TrevinoForbes saidatthelaunchofthe 17th FNB Classic Clashes that sports play a vital role in developing our nation's youth “They instil values of teamwork, discipline, dedication, and resilience - qualities that are not only essential on the field but also in every aspect of life.” Forbes urged the privatesectortoinvest in the youth through sports.“Bysupporting events like the FNB Classic Clashes, companies are not only contributing to the growth and success of individual athletes but also investing in the future leaders of our nation. FNB Namibia Area Manager, Joram

was launched onTuesday 23 July at the Jan

Kahono at the launch said access to sporting opportunities is a firm feature in the many sponsorships we undertake nationally, because we believe that sportsmen and sportswomenhaveanadvantageintheworldtoday They know how to collaborate, how to manage disagreements, how to channel stress into action, and how to personally managethemanywins and losses that the job market often brings.”

Kahono stated that the FNB Namibia's Classic Clashes is not just about sport, it remains a celebration of school, the youth and communities countrywide a perfect opportunity to bring together players, friends, family, tea-


The Juniors golfers of Walvis Bay Golf Club (WBGC) kept the clubs’ flag flying high at the Omeya Junior Open over the past weekend at


Kyle Johnson won the overall gross with Samual Nel

winning the overall nett with ConnorGibsonthe

A/B division runner up for best gross whilst Ethan Johnson was 1st in the D division and

Matthias Nel 1st in theEdivision.

Last Wednesday the WBGC club introduced the new club logo at a small ceremony at the club.All the juniors' golfers of WB-GC were awarded a new club cap,

with Samuel Nel and Connor Gibson having theirs personalised for having played for Namibia.

Kyle Johnson was given a personalized yellow cap for being the top junior at the club.

chers,andcoaches-all whileencouragingand celebrating a friendly yet competitive spirit be-tween schools. He said, “every year we watch how the teams hone their skills, grow their confidence and display respectful sportsmanship.Wesee how communities come together for the love of sport. And it's inspiring to see how the clashes genuinely make a real difference in the lives of the young sportsmen and women who are participating. Making a difference is what inspiresustobeableto set the foundation for healthy development and life-long learning andit'swhatjustifyour continued investment in this initiative and sports development at large,”Kahonosaid.

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes and FNB Namibia Area Manager, Joram Kahono at the launch of FNB Namibia's Classic Clashes at the Jan Wilken Stadium in Walvis Bay
FNB Classic Clashes
Wilken StadiuminWalvisBay
Walvis Bay Golf Club captain Shane Westerdale and chairman Anton van Rensburg with the keen bunch of juniors all wearing their new club caps.
Rudi Bowe

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