27 jan namib times e-edition

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Medical Centre launches free medical campaign

Dune7MedicalCentreinKuisebmund has launched a free medical campaign underthetheme,'Athousandwaystoa healthylife'inWalvisBay.

Thecampaignthatkickedoffearlierthismonth, is aimed to create awareness around various health issues that including access to health information,freetestingandfreemedicaltreatment amongst disadvantaged and vulnerable communitymembersthatarefindingithardto get proper medication and are unable to afford privatemedicalcare.

WalvisBayMayor,TrevinoForbes,saidatthe launch of the campaign, with the current situation that public health facilities are in and howexpensivetheprivatehealthsectoris,these

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Simeon-Kurtz vows to polish Usakos

Although the newly elected Mayor of Usakos,IreneSimeon-Kurtzhasmade quite a name for herself, with recent statements and accusations in the media about herelectrical and municipal debts, she vows to uplift the image of the town and ensure that the town developstoitsfullpotential.

Simeon-Kurtz's service station, Engine One Stop in Usakos, allegedly owes the electricity

EU Commissioner talks green with Namport

The report on NSSCO and NSSCAS results

distributor,ErongoRedaboutN$650000,butthe power has not been disconnected and the communitymembersfeltthatitisbecauseofher position as board member in Erongo Red. According to information leaked to the Namib Times, Simeon Kurts also owes council for municipalservices.Inherresponsetotheabovementioned accusations, Simeon-Kurtz said, “I thinkitwasusedasapoliticalplot.Firstly,Iwant toclarifyonething,theseaccountsinquestionare not my residential accounts, all my residential accounts are up to date. However, with my businesses,mybookkeeperenquiredforthepast seven years on the high and possible wrong charges on both Erongo Red andTown Council. We went as far as writing to the ombudsman to have an oversight and enquire on the progress made to provide us feedback for me not to be accused of abusing office power These abnormalitiescamebeforeIbecameadirectoror councillor.”

Simeon-Kurtz said there is proof that she tried resolvingtheissuewithbothcouncilandErongo Red,“Wehaveletters,packsandpacksofletters, as we write month after month to have these accounts reviewed. So as you can see, my opponentstriedeverythingtobringmedown,and Continues on page 2

Communication needs to improve

“The Ministry of Education needs to improve its communication with all stakeholders in the education sector, including parents, teachers and learners.”

ThiswassaidbyHisExcellency,thePresident, Dr Hage G Geingob at a meeting with a delegationfromtheMinistryofEducation,Arts andCultureleadership,ledbytheMinister,Hon AnnaNghipondokaatthestatehouse.Theeducation minister and her delegation presented a report detailing the performance and status of the2022NamibiaSeniorSecondaryCertificate Ordinary (NSSCO) Level and the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary(NSSCAS)LevelExaminationresults. Thereportonthedismalperformanceofgrades 11 and 12 last year was extensively studied, interrogatedanddiscussedwithHisExcellency whowasjoinedbytheMinisterinthePresidency and the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises.ThePresidentemphasisedthatitremains

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How Churches and Police Can Work Together

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7000 FRIDAY 27 JANUARY 2023 N$4 inside Sports News Page12 Page 5 Page 2 Page 3
Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes (middle) and Dr Elifas Shapumba, together with staff members of Dune7 Medical Centre during the official launch Irene Simeon-Kurtz the Mayor of Usakos Town Council Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari

Medical Centre launches free Communication

kind of initiatives are welcomed and appreciated.Forbessaid,“thisfreemedicalcampaign, a first of its kind in Walvis Bay, targets to offer six days every month, free community service testing, and free medical treatment to about 50,000communitymemberscountrywidebythe endoftheyear.”

The mayor applauded Dr Shapumba and his teamforthenobleinitiative.“Youreffortsarea sign of your commitment to build a healthy community.”Forbesthankedthemanagementof DunesMallandtheownerofDunesMallPharmacyforcomingonboardduringthefirstphase of this campaign. Forbes urged the business community, individuals, other medical practitioners, and professionals to offer their services tothiscampaigntoensurethatthoseinneedcan get medical attention even if they cannot afford it.

WalvisBay-basedmedicaldoctorandfounderof the Dune7 Medical Centre Dr Elifas Shapumba said that his humble beginnings inspired him to offer healthcare services to vulnerable communities at no cost. Dr Shapumba says the free medicalexercisewillbeayear-longsupportprogramfortheWalvisBaycommunityandwillbe graduallyrolledouttoothertowns.Accordingto DrShapumbagoodhealthcomesfromcontinuouscheck-upsandthedeterminationtokeepthe body healthy, and where the art of medicine is

Simeon-Kurtz vows

theyarestilltrying.Thisiswhatwecallpolitical narcissism,butwhatpeopleforgetis,asmuchas I am in a leadership position, I am also an ordinaryrateandtaxpayer.”

She further said, “I also receive wrong bills, statements and I stand in a queue like everyone else.Iaskquestionswhenaconnectionorbillis wrong. But when the authority drags its feet to getanauditordoaninvestigationofleakageor abnormalhighchargesanddoesnotrectify,then whoistoblame.Youenquire,yougetpromises, 'we are still investigating' so it goes and next is boom, you are front-page news. That is wrong and dirty So, we need to be careful when we wanttomakepoliticsoutofthingsandso,butit isagoodtesttoshowthatoursystemsarenotup toscratch.”

Whenaskedhowshefeltseeinghernameinthe media,Simeon-Kurtzhadthistosay,“yes,Iwas feelingdownreadingallthosehurtfulstatements aboutme,Iamalsohuman.IdecidedthatIwon't letpoliticalnarcissistsgetmedown,theywillnot breakmyspiritandIwillnotallowittohappen. My books are open, anyone is welcome to engage me and see my statements for themselves. Youwillclearlyseethatthe onemonthyouare charged N$2 000 and the next N$53 000.What typeofinvoicingisthat?”

At the outset of her tenure,the Usakos mayor

loved,thereisalsoloveforhumanity Headded, the objective of free community services is to increase awareness of various health threats by conducting several health campaigns and moving target audiences to action in support of public health, as well as to create a disease-free society with excellence in the healthcare sector with the devotion to inculcate competencies of the highest standard. “This free medical campaignissettorunforthenextelevenmonths.We willtargetalloldagehomesinthesecondedition in February 2023 in Walvis Bay. The medical equipment for the February campaign will be sponsored by Westmed. For the next campaign, slated for March, to create health awareness among youth and school-going children, the Dune7MedicalCentre'sstaffwillsetupamedical camp in a few orphanages, day care centres andsomeselectedschoolsinandaroundWalvis Bayforoneweek,”DrShapumbaexplained. During this period, a call will be made to those seeking medical treatment who cannot afford private doctors, Shapumba said and added that with the availability of funds, sponsorships and collaboration,Dune7MedicalCentrewillalsobe visiting towns that do not have proper hospitals or health care information centres in their town andthattheregionalcampaignswillstartinApril inselectedtownssuchasUis,HentiesBay,Usakos, Otavi, Opuuo, Outapi,Aranos and Mariental.

Continued from page 1

expressed her willingness to work together with all political parties and stakeholders. SimeonKurtzsaid,“IamnotthemayorforSwapo,UDF or PDM. I am the mayor of the people irrespective of where you come from or from which politicalparty Mydoorsareopentoyou.Collaboratingwithallpoliticalpartieswillenableusto find workable solutions for the diverse range of developmental challenges facing Usakos as we movetowardsourvision.”

Simeon-Kurtzfurthersaid,Usakoshasmassive potential for development and moving back to thecategoryofbeingamunicipality,wherethere isanopportunityforallitsresidents.“Weshould be able to move with speed, urgency, and determination to address the social-economic and developmental challenges of Usakos. We must implement our local economic development plan;weshouldgivemaximumattentiontocreatingjobsforourcommunities.”

AccordingtoSimeon-Kurtz,tourismandmining are among the key sectors for Usakos, that will playapivotalroleintheeconomicempowerment oftheresidentsofUsakos,especiallywomen,the youth,andpeoplewithdisability

Simeon-Kurtz stressed on the importance of restructuring the town and settlements to reflect the priorities and principles of the democratic government by saying, “ we are happy a lot has been processed by the former leaders of this council and our biggest struggle is to deal with the housing and unemployment issue. Ours as Councillors is to provide support and enforce monitoring systems to ensure the successful implementationoftheseservices.Wewillcontinuetoseeksupportfromthegovernment,andengage the international community, donor agencies,andembassiestoaddressandtransformall ourchallengesinUsakos.”

Simeon-Kurtz added, “we want to give the people of Usakos the assurance that we will not let down in our efforts to help create a better town throughthebuildingofbettercommunities.”

the duty of all stakeholders in the education sector, including parents, teachers,learnersandgovernment,tostrengthencoordinationforthecontinuousimprovementofthissectortowardsadesirableandhealthyperformance outcome.

TheHeadofStatefurthernotedthatsomeofthechallengesbeingexperienced inthesectorcurrently,includingashortageofclassrooms,emanatefromthe deliberatedecisionbytheNamibiangovernmentatthecuspofindependence toprovideaccesstofree,equitableandqualityeducationtoeveryNamibian child.AccordingtothePresident,reformsarethehallmarkoftheNamibian educationsector,anditssuccessinopeningupaccesstoeducationforevery childhasresultedinanincreaseinenrolmentfigures,leadingtoashortageof classroomsthatisbeingexperiencednationwide.

ThePresidenthascalledfortheaccelerationofplanstoconstructclassrooms inpartnershipwiththeAugust26Companyasamatterofutmosturgency He furthercautionedagainstblameshiftingwhilereiteratingtheclarioncallfor all in the fraternity to join hands with the Government of the Republic of Namibia in delivering quality education to the Namibian child. President Geingob says delivering quality education remains a shared responsibility thatrequirestheinvolvementofallstakeholders,includinglearners,parents, andeducators.

TheHeadofStatealsocautionedthathighfailureratesleadtohighrepetition rates and a significant cost burden for the government, which undermines societalprogressingeneral.

PresidentGeingobisconvincedthat,asagovernment,asteachers,asparents, aslearners,asunionsandasstudentorganizations,commonsolutionswillbe foundtoavoidarepeatofthedismalresultsofthe2022AcademicYear “Itis incumbentontheMinistryofEducation,ArtsandCulture,togetherwiththe keyministries,toexpeditethefinalizationandcostingoftheImplementation Plan of the NCE and ensure its full implementation. Implementation of the NCE recommendations will undoubtedly yield improved academic results forNamibia”theHeadofStatesaid.

Cautioningagainstblame-shifting,PresidentGeingobaffirmedthecommitment of the Government of the Republic of Namibia to delivering quality educationfortheNamibianChild,byundertakingcontinuousimprovements andinterventions.

ThePresidentconcludedbyencouragingtheeducationministrytoimprove communicationwithstakeholdersandallcitizenstoenhanceawarenessand understanding of the intricacies of the revised curriculum and the interpretationoftheteachingandlearningresults.

ThePresidentfinallyemphasizedthatdeliveringqualityeducationremainsa sharedresponsibilitythatrequiresthecollectiveinvolvementofallkeyroleplayers,includingtheLearner,ParentsandEducators.

EU Commissioner talks green with Namport Eliphas Sheepo

EuropeanUnionCommissioner,ThierryBreton,paidavisit to the Namibian Ports Authority on 24 January to discuss greenhydrogencapacities.

Chief Executive Officer of Namport, Andrew Kanime laid out the strategic approaches and much needed developments that this partnershipwillhavetofacilitate.Namibiahasalreadybeenidentified asthemostattractiveandcost-effectivehubtoproducegreenenergy Breton pointed out why Namibia is an excellent choice, saying, “Namibiaiseconomicallyandpoliticallystable.”Kanimeelaborated, “because of our abundance in sun seawater and wind, as well Namport's four critical trade corridors that connect Namibia to its sistercountrieswithinthehinterland.”

The meeting was also attended by Presidential Advisor and Green Hydrogen Commissioner for Namibia, James Mnyupe, and representativesfromthePortofAntwerp-Brugess,CMB.TECHandO&L Group.

The objective of the visit by the commissioners to Namibia was to strengthen partnerships in green hydrogen and sustainable raw materialunderGlobalGateway,aprojectaimedattacklingthemost pressing global challenges, from fighting climate change, to improving health systems, and boosting competitiveness and security of globalsupplychains.“Wewanttodothisonaverylong-termbasis. Wearegoingtosupport,wearereadytosupport,“Bretonconcluded.

We welcome Dr.


(Dr. C. Fourie, E. Janssen &Associates)

For appointments: Tel: 064-203251

Simeon-Kurtz has a master's degree in public policy and governance, majoring in political governancefromtheUniversityofStellenbosch, as well as an Honour Degree from the same institution.

Website: www.namibtimes.net

Website: www.namibtimes.net

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The report on NSSCO and NSSCAS results

The report by the education minister on the Status of the 2022 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) Level and the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) Level Examination ResultstoHisExcellencyPresidentDrHageGGeingob.

It should be noted from the onset that the Ministry was established with the primaryobjectiveofprovidingquality, inclusive education and training for nationaldevelopment.Inpursuitofits mandate,theMinistryhasmadevisible strides in fulfilling its constitutional obligationofensuringtherighttoeducation for all citizens, since Independence.

Education is a process that requires continuous management, monitoring and evaluation so as to ensure its alltime relevance to Namibia's development priorities as outlined in Vision 2030,theNationalDevelopmentPlans (NDPs) and the Harambee Prosperity Plan(HPPII).

In this regard, continuous reforms are necessary to ensure the attainment of thisideal.

Todate,thebasiceducationsectorhas recordedthreemajorreforms,withthe first undertaken immediately after independence and followed by the 2004 to2006reform.Themostrecentreform followed after the June 2011 National Conference on Education, which culminatedinaCabinetDirectiveof2014 (CabinetDecisionNo.2of10.03.2014) for the curriculum to be revised, in ordertorespondtothecountry'ssocioeconomicneedsandchallenges.

The following significant improvements have been carried out over the years:

1.NationalEducationStatisticsdepict asteadyincreaseinlearnerenrolments, whichincreasedfrom462,350learners in1992to839,579learnersin2022,an overall increase of 81.59% over the pastthreedecades.

2.Overthesameperiod(1992–2022), the number of schools increased from 1,326 to 1,966, an increase of 640 schools,oranaverageannualincrease of 21 schools per year.Thenumber of teaching staff (teachers) increased from 15,257 to 31,421—an overall increaseof105.94%.

3. The introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 2013 and UniversalSecondaryEducation(USE) in 2016 added significant impetus to enable the attainment of education for all.

4. The Namibian Government allocates on average 25% of public expenditure towards the Education Sector Indications are that this share of allocation is adequate (i.e., in relation to GDPpercapita),albeitthebulk(85%) of this budget is spent on personnel, implying less funding for key educational development needs such as teachingandlearningresources,infrastructure rehabilitation and development, information technology, continuous professional development, monitoringandevaluation,etc. While significant progress has been registeredovertheyearsinmanyfacets of the basic education sector, notably increased learner enrolment, the persistence of poor learning and teaching outcomeswithhighfailureratesinthe just released 2022 academic year resultsismostworryingtotheGovernment and communities alike. High failure rates lead to high repetition rates and a significant cost burden for the government, while also underminingsocietalprogressingeneral.

According to the Ministerial Report, notable among the challenges are the poor state of education infrastructure, the shortage of classrooms and teachingandlearningresources,theabsence of systematic support at the school level for both teachers and learners, declining discipline among learners and teachers alike, and weak monitoring and evaluation at all levels of the basiceducationbusiness.

Anothernotablechallengetothecountry in general and the sector in particular has been the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic Although Namibia did not close schools altogetherforthedurationofthepandemic,

comparedtootherjurisdictions,thepoor2022results arepartlyattributedtothesignificantlossofface-toface teaching and learning time at the peak of the pandemic.

During the years 2020 and 2021, the following teachingdayswerelost,leadingtotherationalization ofthecurriculumforthemajorityofgrades:


Grades 4, 5 & 6 - 79 of school days attended - 119 schooldaysmissed

Grades 7 & 9 - 89 of school days attended - 109 schooldaysmissed

Grade 8 - 84 of school days attended - 114 school daysmissed

Grade 10 - 120 of school days attended - 78 school daysmissed Grades 11 & 12 - 145 of school days attended – 53 schooldaysmissed

Itisevidentfromtheabovetablethatoutofthe198 school days planned for face-to-face tuition, the number of days that learners attended schooling (coupled with curriculum rationalization) did not present adequate time to master all academic competencies required to enable them to progress successfullytothenextgrades.

While the trajectory of the teaching and learning outcome results is worrisome and calls for urgent address,allhopeisnotlost.Therearedifferentcareer pathoptionsavailabletothe2022cohort. The results announced highlighted only those learners who obtained quality symbols of 25 points andabove,qualifyingthemtoproceedtouniversity However, admission requirements vary, and those learners who obtained between 18 and 24 points remain eligible for enrolment in Certificate, TVET and diploma programmes across the 68 accredited institutionsofhigherlearningnationwide. TheMinistryshouldbesupportedbyallrelevantrole playerstoensurethefullimplementationoftheshort-


1. Provision of additional classrooms and rehabilitationofdilapidatededucationinfrastructure.

2. Targeted funding for the procurement of temporarystructurestoensureeverylearnerandteacher hasaclassroomforteachingandlearning.

3. Procurement of adequate teaching and learning resources.

4. Teachers are to be offered adequate support through continuous professional development and othermeans.

5.Acceleratedrecruitmentofallpersonnelasperthe schools'establishment.

6.Developmentandimplementationofregionaland school-basedacademicimprovementplans.

7.Learnerrepetitionshouldbecarefullyconsidered based on the merits of each learner's case. The Namibia Open College of Learning (NAMCOL) is available to accommodate learners willing to upgrade their subject symbols. Repetition in formal schooling should therefore only be considered wherenecessaryandforlearnersaged18yearsand younger

8. The concluded 2022 National Conference on Education (NCE) provides a holistic picture of the challenges that the education sector, in general, is faced with and further advances recommendations forredress.



Court Swakopmund Court Report


AndapoJames(23),appearedonachargeof robbery The matter was postponed to 29 May for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.

Theron Riaan Abraham (52), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 1 June for plea and trial. The accused is on bail.

Michael Nawaseb (41), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003.The matter was postponed to 28 February for record and sentence. The accused is on bail.

Elton Gamathan (18) and Bathan Naobeb (18), appeared on a charge of housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft.The matter was postponed to 12 April for juvenile pre-sentencing report. The accusedisonbail.

Stanley Goagoseb (48), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence-producingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponed to 19 April for juvenile screening. The accusedisonbail.

Joas Tico Doeseb (44), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence-producingsubstance.Thematterwaspostponed to 8 June for plea and trial. The accused havebeenwarned.

FransMuleka(34),appearedonacharge ofmaliciousdamagetoproperty Thematterwaspostponedto13Marchbecausethe docketwasnotatcourt.Theaccusedison bail.

ShatiwaElago(26),appearedonacharge of using a vehicle without the owner's consent. The matter was postponed to 11 Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

MarianzaErasmus(38),AnthonyErasmus (20), Anthony Erasmus (38), Irshane Rhode (18) and Tyrion Echardt (26), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and

Walvis Bay Court Report

Paulus Mukalele (50), Drunk Driving (November 2021) The matter waspostponed to23May2023.PleaandTrial(FinalRemand).Onbail.

Joseph Mathias (54), Murder (December 2021) The matter is postponedto23February2023.P GDecision(FinalRemand).Warned.



Notice is hereby given to all potential interested and AffectedParties(I&APs)thatanapplicationismadetothe Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No.7 of 2007) and the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations (GN 30 in GG 4879 of 6 February2012)forthefollowing:



ProjectDescription:Aservicestationwithfourdispensing pumpsforpetrolanddiesel.


In this respect, interested and affected parties (I&APs) are herebyinvitedtoregisterandsubmitcommentsconcernsor issues regarding this project to the Environmental Consultant,MrJuliusAntoniusat j88antonius@gmail.com or at cell 0818778855 on or before 20 February 2023.All I&APs are also cordially invited to a public meeting to be heldonsite.

malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 5 June for plea and trial. Theaccusedareonbail.

Stephanus Kahere (25), appeared on a charge of fraud 1st alternative to count2displayingalicencediscnotapplicabletothe vehicle. The matter was postponed to 29 Mayforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Johannes Philipus (27), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponedto1 Marchforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused isonbail.

Rhien Goseb (27), appeared on charges of assaultcommonreadwithprovisionsofthe domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and violatingaformalwarningsection23(1xb) ofthecombatingofdomesticviolenceact4. Thematterwaspostponedto22Mayforplea andtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Yombeka Werner (26), appeared on charges of murder-attempted murder read with provisions of the combating of the domesticviolenceact,act4of2003,andkidnapping. The matter was postponed to 31 January for bail application. The accused remainsincustody

ElveritzHerman(27),appearedoncharges ofnatureconservationordinance-huntingof protected game and possession of game meat.Thematterwaspostponedto1Februaryforbailapplication.Theaccusedremains incustody

Fillemon Kamati (51), appeared on a charge of maintenance- failure to pay The matterwaspostponedto13Marchforother reasons.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Rudolph Kampunga (24), appeared on chargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharmandassaultbythreat.Thematter was postponed to 20 February for submissions.Theaccusedisonbail.

YvanGuim(27),ZiggyNawaseb(26)and BonganiTsuseb(30),appearedonacharge of robbery The matterwas postponed to 12 Aprilfortheco-accusedtoberearrested.The accusedareonbail.

GabrielGabriel(37),appearedonacharge of murder The matter was postponed to 14 March for further investigations. The accusedisonbail.

Eric Haraeb (37), appeared on a charge of murder The matter was postponed to 12 April for the prosecutor general's decision. Theaccusedremainsincustody

NelsonGurirab(39),appearedonacharge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft.Thematterwaspostponedto22February for plea and trial.The accused re-mains incustody

TitusFudalaKauluma(24),appearedona chargeofrobbery Thematterwaspostponed to6Februarybecausethedocketwasnotat court.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Matheus Natangwe Shanyengange (41), appeared on a charge of arms and ammunitionact-dischargeofafirearm.Thematter was postponed to 3 May for plea and trial. Theaccusedisonbail.

MartinInocecioGurirab(34),appearedon achargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matterwaspostponedto22Februaryforplea andtrial.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Andreas Amalwa Uusiku (33), Assault – Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Bail was extended to 22 May 2023 and the accusediswarnedtoappearattheWalvisBayMagistratesCourt.

NekongoTobias(26),JosephAlfeas,Theft(August2022)Thematter waspostponedto8March2023.Section55Enquiry Thefirstaccused hasbeenwarnedandthesecondaccusedisincustody

NdilishangeAngula(32),Assaultcommonreadwiththeprovisionsof the Domestic ViolenceAct,Act 3 of 2004. (July 2022) The matter is postponedto13March2023.FurtherInvestigation.Incustody

PetrusvanRooyen(49),Rape(March2022)Thematterispostponed to28February2023.Pleaintermsofsection119.


The matter is postponed to 23 March 2023. The first accused is in custodyandsecondaccusedisatlarge.

MarthaHamukato(31),Concealmentofbirth.(October2022)Bailis extendedto9March2023.Incustody

HiliaHilfilwe(31),Assault–Assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm (November 2022)The matter is postponed to 8 March 2023. Furtherinvestigation.Onbail.

Micheal Ikela (35), Theft (January 2023) Bail was refused. Matter is postponedto13March2023.FurtherInvestigation.Incustody


Johannes Ihemba (50), Second Hand Goods Act – Carrying on a business without a valid certificate (March 2022) The matter is postponedto10August2023.PleaandTrial(FinalRemand)

Paulus Nashilongo (26), Robbery (August 2022) The matter is postponedto13June2023.PleaandTrial.Incustody

Keanu Clark (26), Gustavo Nkosh (26), Lotta Mokati (36), Housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft(August2022)Thematteris postponedto15March2023.Pleaintermsofsection119.

Scam Alert Water Cuts

It has come to the attention of the Walvis Bay municipality that some individuals are misleading residents to make payments for their accounts that are in arrears into a bank account that does not belong to the Municipality of Walvis Bay.

These imposters call residents claiming to be senior officials from the municipalityandthattheyareindangerofgettingtheirwatercutbecause their accounts are allegedly overdue. These imposters can also have your correctaccountnumberandtheyrequestforurgentpaymentstootherbank accounts.

Residentsarethereforeadvisedtobevigilantandnottobedeceivedinthis mannerbypartingwiththeirhard-earnedmoneyunlesstheyfirstverifythe status of their accounts and then make payments only to Municipality of WalvisBaybankingaccountnumbers.


GetanofficialaccountstatementfromourCustomerServicedeskatanyof our offices or email customercare@walvisbaycc.org.na to get your statementsviaemail.


Bewareofimpostersclaimingtobefromthemunicipalitydemandingthat youurgentlymake apaymentsothatyourwaterisnotcutoff.Immediately verifyyouraccountbycontactingourCreditControlSectionon:


HelenaResandt- 064-2013278/hdiergaardt@walvisbaycc.org.na

RobertSmith- 064-2013318/rsmith@walvisbaycc.org.na



Theofficialmunicipalpaymentmethodsareonlinebanking,bankingapps, cashdepositsatadvancedATMs,cellphonebankinganddebitorders. Only use the following banking details to make payments for your municipalaccounts:













*Quote the 12 digital account number reflected on the municipal account statementasreferencewhenmakingpayments.Wrongreferencingleadsto paymentsnotbeingallocatedcorrectly



How Churches and Police Can Work Together

Erongo police atWalvis Bay has begun compiling a comprehensivecontactlistandarebuildingsomegoodrelationships with churches in the town in a dedicated vision to bring togetherdifferentcommunitygroupstocombatcrime.

Thepolicevisitedthreeofthetown'schurchesthisweekend,twochurchesin WalvisBayandoneinKuisebmondwheretheyshareinformationlikecrime, housebreaking, fraudulent activities like scams, drug issues, impersonators, andsocialproblems.Thepolicealsoshareemergencynumberswiththechurch goingcommunities.SpokespersonofthepoliceintheErongoregion,Inspector Ileni Shapumba told the Namib Times in a telephonic interview earlier this week,theinitiativethatwilleventuallycovertheentireErongoregion,started twoweeksagowhenpolicevisitedthefirsttwochurchesintheharbourtown. Thepoliceencouragechurchestotakeupopportunitiestoworktogetherwith police. “This practice will continue and will eventually grow over the whole Erongo region,” Inspector Shapumba said, and explained faith communities andthepoliceworkingtogethercanbeakeypartinthecombattingofcrime. Inspector Shapumba is impressed and surprised by the amount of great work churches are doing, and there is a real desire from police to ensure that the contacts they are making are not lost.Thepolice desire to partner with many morechurchesandfaithgroups.“Peopleofchurcheslistenwhensocialissues andproblemsareaddressed,”InspectorShapumbasaid.Importantmembersof thepublicworkingwithpolice,likepsychologists,socialworkersandheadsof community services attend these church visits with the police.According to Inspector Shapumba, the church and the police speak the same language around moral issues within the community, “Churches say don't commit sin, and police preach don't commit crime. The police isolate themselves from criminals so we can target them. By working together, crime will not take place,”InspectorShapumbaexplained.

AccordingtoInspectorShapumba,faithcommunitiesengagingwithpoliceare there to help anything from crime to social issues like addiction, youth violence, homelessness, mental health problems, particularly self-harm and suicidalthoughts,suicide; Householdswheredomesticviolenceandabuseare prevalent; Safety and protection for victims and perpetrators to stop and for justicetobedone; Safetyforchildrenatriskofabuse,violence,andneglect.

“Weprayforrelationshipstobeforgedbetweenthepoliceandchurchestoform strong foundations to move faith and police together forward,” Inspector Shapumbasaid.“Lettheproblembesolved,”talkaboutit,cometothestation. Whensatisfactoryhelpisnotreceived,askfortheStationCommanderandthen theRegionalCommander.”


Emergency number – 064219 000 (Diverts to the Walvis Bay Police Station)

Eileen van der Schyff

NFCPT honours employees

Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) BoardofTrusteesrecentlyheldtheirfirstlong-serviceaward ceremonytohonourthemenandwomenwhohavetirelessly committedservingthetrust.

Recognisingtheentrustedrecipientsisfarmorethanjusthanding out a certificate, giving a handshake or taking a picture, it is to prove that the NFCPT truly appreciates and values their employees,astheyprovideanintegralcontributiontowardsthe successandlongevityofthetrust.

The long service award recipients were: Desney Gawub, Abraham Matheus, John N Shuudifonya, Matheus Haushiku, Adelheid Katuuo, Uholenge Shiweda, Tuukondjeleni Shivute, Faustinus Nepembe, Teodor Shivute, Julia Wedeinge, Thomas Iiyambo, Andreas Thiteketa, Foibe Kavandye, Aina Kaashi, Teopoline Negumbo, Alvina Shaningwa, Timoteus Hauwanga, FillemonNdapuka,VictoriaNangoloandKennedyAngala.

Member of the Board of Trustees, Charlene Hartung said the award ceremony is truly a memorable occasion, worthy of joy, exhilaration, and pride, in recognition of excellence within our very own NFCPT Family Hartung said, “as a trust with a very important mandate, our employees strive on a daily basis to deliveronthepromiseofprovidingfishtothenation.”According toHartung,organisationalculturestodaybecomemorecomplex for employers to retain employees. “However, it must be celebratedthattheNFCPThasmanagedtoretainadedicatedstaff complement, even in the most challenging economic, socioeconomic, and political climate.” Hartung said, “as part of the NFCPT employee value proposition, it is imperative to reward andrecogniseouremployeestofurthermotivateandcultivatefor avaluableemployeeexperience.”

She stated the award ceremony is a catalyst for the NFCPT, to further safeguard the importance of good behavioral standards foremployees.

Union engages Ministry for Seafarers

TheMinistryofFisheriesMarineResourcesisonceagainmetwithapetitionby yetanothergroupofdisgruntledworkers,whohavebeenwrongedbyafishing company.

Inthelatestpeacefuldemonstration,Namibian SeamanandAlliedWorkersUnion(NASAWU) accompaniedtheworkersemployedatSeacope forthevesselMvfPembaBaytotheMinistries doorstep.

NASAWU representative Paulus Hango said, “wehavebeenengagingthecompanytopaythe employees since the vessel has stopped operating in April.” The company has since been paying these employees, if at all, only small portions of their salary “We, the fishers are now unable to honour any financial obligationduetonon-paymenttocreditors,and

we are not able to pay for school fees for our children to go to school.” Hamunyela Lukas, oneoftheseafarerssaid. Hecontinuedtoaccusethecompanyofselling the quota's they get from government to other companies to generate money, which will pay other expenses of Seaflower White Fish Cooperation without consideration of their workers'salaries.

The worker's petition was received and accordingtoarepresentativefromtheministry, is being channeled to the proper authorities on suchmatters.

Port Log

Victor Pea (CEO), Kennedy Angala (20 years long service award recipient) and Charlene Hartung (NFCPT Board Member) together with NFCPT Management All the recipients with Victor Pea (CEO), Charlene Hartung (NFCPT Board Member) and NFCPT Management Eliphas Sheepo
Rudi Bowe

Fun-filled February planned for coastal towns

TheyearisofftoabusystartattheCancerAssociationofNamibia(CAN)Erongo Centre. The National Cancer Outreach programme kicks off next week Friday withMenandWomenClinicsinSwakopmundandWalvisBayrespectively.

NamibTimeshadtheopportunitytochatwith Sanet de Waal, the recently appointed CAN Erongo Centre Branch Administrator this week regarding some upcoming events. De Waal said, “the National Cancer Outreach Programme is in full swing, and our annual target of screening at least 5 000 Namibians freeofchargeisongoing.Andinthespiritof promoting a healthy lifestyle, the Erongo Centre is kicking off our activities with two free clinics at the coast.We would like to invitemenandwomenofWalvisBayandSwakopmund to attend these clinics to get tested forcancer.”

Attheclinics,menwillundergoarapidPSA (ProstateAntigen)bloodtestthatdetectsprostatecancer,whilewomenwillundergobreast examinations and pap smears. All sexually activewomenbetween20to65yearsareencouragedtovisitthecliniconthisday Women are advised to bring along a nightgown or

wrap for the examination, Identity Document (ID) and hospital passport/booklet. The clinic in Walvis Bay will take place on 2 February from09:00-15:00atSentrumPharmacywhich isontheC/O12thRoadandTheo-BenGurirab Ave,andtheclinicinSwakopmundwillbeheld on3Februaryfrom09:00-15:00attheCancer AssociationofNamibia'sErongoCentreon3C FerdinandStichstr

“Weareexcitedtohaveanewpartneronboard for the clinics that will help us make our free clinics more accessible to the public. Sentrum Pharmacy in Walvis Bay offered its clinics to theCancerAssociationandasthepharmacyis centrallylocatedinthetown,wearehopingthat itwillenablemorepatientstoattendthesefree clinics,”saidDeWaal.

Formoreinformationonanyoftheeventsorto buy tickets contact the CAN Erongo Centre at 064 461271 or send an email to erongo@can. org.na.

Yoga on the Beach to commemorate World Cancer Day

WorldCancerDay,aninternationaldaywhichisaimedatraising awareness of cancer and encouraging its prevention, detection, andtreatmentiscommemoratedannuallyon4February,thisyear theofficialeventinhonourofallNamibianslivingwithcancerwill takeplaceinSwakopmund.

WorldCancerDayisledbytheUnionforInternationalCancerControlto supportthegoalsoftheWorldCancerDeclaration,writtenin2008.CAN ErongoCentreBranchAdministratorSanetdeWaalsaid,“inreaffirming our commitment to educating Namibians on cancer and promoting a healthy lifestyle, CAN will be celebrating the day with 'Yoga on the Beach'.”

Thefestivitieswillstartat9:00amonStrandStreetattheareanexttothe Yellow Bus from where the Parkrun takes place.Anyone is welcome to jointheevent,whichisfreeofcharge,butparticipantswhowanttodonate towardstheworkoftheCancerAssociationcandonateattheevent. DeWaalfurthersaid,“youdon'thavetobefittotakepart,justseeitasthe beginningofyourfitnessjourneyfor2023.”

During the event, CAN will have what they call a garage sale of CAN merchandisewhereallitemswillgoforN$50andthepublicisinvitedto comeandbuythefamouspinkstock,colourfulshoelacesandmuchmore atadiscountprice.

For more information on any of the events or to buy tickets contact the CAN Erongo Centre at 064 461271 or send an email to erongo@can. org.na.

Sharlien Tjambari Sharlien Tjambari

Windhoek Draught gives away 2x brand new VW Polo GTi's

On 7 November 2022, Namibia Breweries' leading beer brand, Windhoek Draught launched a National Consumer Promotionwiththeaimofcreatingexcitement,engagement, andrewardWindhoekDraughtconsumersfortheirloveand loyaltytothebrand.

Thesuccessfulpromotionsawtwoluckywinnersdriveoffinstylewith a Volkswagen (VW) Polo GTi each, and others, winning a share in weekly cash prizes to the total value of N$640 000 and N$360 000 in instant airtime. To ensure fairness and transparency, Namibia Breweries'externalauditors,DeloitteNamibia,attendedandobserved thecompetitiondraws.

To enter, consumers were encouraged to buy a 750ml Windhoek Draught and SMS their underliner code to 75050. The competition endedon15January2023.“Thecampaignreceivedanoverwhelming responsewhichconfirmsthatconsumersnotonlyadoretheWindhoek Draughtbrand,butthattheyarealsolookingforprizeswhichaddvalue totheirlives”,saidSeniorBrandManager,TasneemKlazen.

The first, brand-new, full spec VW Polo GTi was won by Fersi Bertu from Omuthiya on 16 December 2022 and Benediktus Simon from OshakatiwonthesecondVWPoloGTion20January2023.Bothcar handoverstookplaceattheWindhoekCountryClubResortandCasino whiletherestofthepubliccouldwatchvialivestream.

Windhoek Draught would like to thank all its valued consumers and customersfortheircontinuedsupportandloyalty,andcongratulatesall its competition winners. When you drive, never drink. Enjoy Responsibly

Coming Events


*2Feb:Karatebeginnersclassesstartat17:30till18:15.EveryTuesdayand Thursday Meersig, Mainroad no 4B,Walvis Bay SendWhattsapp to Goju RyuKarateWalvisBayAdminforinfoat0812779268.






*ShotokanKarate:EveryMonday&Wednesdayat17:30attheDome. ContactValdemarSwartat0812340134.


Riverside Private School tops 2022

NSSCO results in Erongo Region

Though Riverside Private School in Swakopmund will be markingonlyits5thanniversarythisyear,thereleaseonNew Year's Eve of the 2022 NSSCO exam results sparked early celebrationsatRPS,andwithgoodreason.ItsfirstGrade11 class ever - and the first to sit for the NSSCO exams - had securedtopspotintheErongoregionfortheirschool.

Addressingtheschool'sopeningassemblylastweek,schoolprincipalErnest OlivierannouncedthattheO-LevelClassof2022hadachievedapassrateof more than 90, scoring only As and Bs in Mathematics and Geography and mostlyAsandBsinothersubjects.

MrOlivierlaudedthelearnersastheschool'sstandardbearers,praisingthem fortheirexcellentresultsaswellastheirexemplaryconduct.Hethankedthe teachers for making all learners' educational journey at the school a truly specialone.HeaddedthatsomelearnersintheRPSclassof2022hadstarted thejourneyinGrade0in2011,whentheschoolwasfoundedinitsprevious guise as the Swakopmund School of Excellence.The principal also thanked parentsfortheirsupportandcalledforasustainedcollectiveefforttoensure similar results in the 2023 NSSCO and NSSCAS exams. The latter will be another first for RPS learners, and present another opportunity for RPS to againleaveitsmark.







G3 Opens School Of Music

Eliphas Sheepo

NamibianbandG3,mostnotablyknownfortheirpopular songs 'Olupandu' and 'Life is missing you' have founded the Harmony School of Music (HSOM), which has been operatingsinceJune2022.

JohnPickering,guitaristandvocalistsfromthegroupsaid,“wewere inspiredbythenumberofrawtalentaboundinWalvisBay,andhave taken it upon ourselves with our more than 40 years of musical experience collectively to offer a variety of disciplines to all interested.”

Their slogan for HSOM is: “uncomplicated, practical and achievable”.

Pickeringsaid,“whichisatestamenttothevalueswewishtoshare witheverystudentpassingthroughourdoors.”

Whatmakesthemdifferentfromothermoreacademicinstitutionsis thattheytailortheircoursesforeachstudentsneeds,offeringcourses in vocal training, piano, guitar, drums, song writing and compositions.

“This is our way of giving back, because we believe that music belongstousall,”thegroupconcluded.

2B,2xC 10.MotjaritjeMatundu–2xB,1xC
excellent results in the NSSCO O-Level exams Eleora Gaoses 2xA*, 4 xA Herold
2xA*,2xA 2x B Maurizio January 1 xA*, 3 xA 2x C Jordan
2xA, 2x B 2x C Wilson
1 xA, 4 x B 1 x C Willos
A*, 3
B 1 x C Raino
School News
From left to right: Mr E. Olivier, Ms N.Allen, MrA. Morkel, Ms S. Viljoen, Mrs V. Booysen and Mrs S. van der Westhuizen
van Rooyen
Nahango 4 x B,2x
C Paulus
Negumbo 2x B,2x C Motjaritje Matundu 2x B, 1 x C



We would like to invite our volunteers, members and all interested parties to our (2022) AGM.

Kindly join us on for updates on the year that was, updates on current projects as well as what we have planned for this year and beyond.

Should anyone be interested in joining our Committee kindly get in touch with our chairperson before 3 February 2023. We are in particular looking for skills in social media and public relations as well as fundraising. We hope to see you there.

SPCA Walvis Bay (2022) AGM

23 February

Atlantis Club House

Thomas Morris Street

Kindly contact the chairperson with any queries or should you wish to get involved. chairperson@spcawalvisbay.org.na


NoticeisherebygivenintermsofSection107(1)oftheUrbanandRegional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners has applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay (and subsequentlytotheUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardoftheMinistryofUrban andRuralDevelopment)forthefollowing:

1.SubdivisionofUndevelopedStreet:PortionofRemainderofPortion 193WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1intoPortionXandRemainder

2.PermanentClosureofUndevelopedStreet:PortionXofRemainderof Portion193WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1.

3.SubdivisionofPortion221WalvisBayTown&TownlandsNo.1into Portion1,Portion2(Street)andRemainder

4.ConsolidationofPortions217,218,219,220,Portion1ofPortion221 andPortionXofRemainderofPortion193,WalvisBayTown& TownlandsNo.1,intoConsolidatedErfA.and,

5.ApprovalofNeedandDesirabilityandTownshipSubdivisionLayout onConsolidatedPortionAWalvisBayTownandTownlandsNo.1tobe knownasPresident'sLinksasindicatedonlayoutplans263-PLE-TLS1/S2/S3dated16December2022.


(a)theapplicationandtownshiplayoutplanliesopenforinspectionatthe MunicipalityofWalvisBay,TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101,Civic Centre,NangoloMbumbaDrive,WalvisBayduringnormalofficehours,or canbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects

(b)anypersonhavinganyrepresentations,objectionsorcommentstothe applicationmayinwritinglodgesuchrepresentations,objectionsorcomments,togetherwiththereasonsthereof,withtheapplicantandthe MunicipalityofWalvisBaywithin14daysfromthedateofthelast publicationofthisnotice.

(c)Thelastdatetosubmitrepresentations,objectionsorcommentswillbe Friday,24February2023at17:00.


Namaste Yoga Safari cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premises of erf 786, Swakopmund Proper (c/o Windhuker street &Anton Lubowski Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis10 February2023.

Contactperson:MsM.Vosloo,Cell:081761 7882


or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403


KukudelTradingccherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premisesoferf2308,Matutura,Extension10 (Shipala Tobias street) as provided for in termsofClause6oftheSwakopmundZoning Schemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefrom theGeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/sinwritingandwithin14daysofthelast publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis10 February2023.

Contactperson:MrS.Hoebeb,Cell:081778 3147

Email:shoebeb@gmail.com or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403

Applicant: StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners P.O.Box2095,WalvisBay bruce@sp.com.na +26464280770

MunicipalityofWalvisBay: TownPlanningSection PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na +264642013229

Paratus Telecommunications currently has one (1) vacancy of Sales Executive in Swakopmund. The position entails the following:

• Maintain and develop good relationship with customers through personal contact or via telephone etc.

• Display efficiency in gathering market and customer info to enable negotiations regarding variations in prices, delivery and customer specifications to the Shop Manager

• Record sales and order information and report the same to the Sales Department.

• Recording of cash and bank takings and issue receipts.

• Cash up and reconcile on daily basis.

• Stipulating and reporting differences (surplus and shortfalls).

• Communicate with and forward documentation to Finance and other relevant Departments.

• Ordering, reordering and receipt of stock.

• Reconciliation of stock with cash and bank receipts.

• Weekly and monthly stock take.

Handling the following queries and customer related issues, and escalate queries to supervisory level when required:

• General stock sales.

• Contract sales on any Paratus consumer products.

• Account payments.

• Airtime / Credit Sales.

• Handling ofAirtime (Katiti) device.

• Provide advice to clients regarding particular products or services.

LTE / Fiber / Sky-FiApplication:

• Ensure that the best package is offered to customer based on their needs.

• Complete application for both Pre and Post-Paid with all necessary documents attached.

• Book out of stock according to set package item code.

The minimum requirements for the position are as follows:

• Grade 12

• Valid driver's license

• 1st Line Customer Relations / Customer Care experience

• Microsoft Office proficient

• 2 – 4 years experience in retail sales will be an Advantage

• IT experience will be an advantage

• Proficient in German will be an advantage

If you meet the above requirements and if you are a vibrant, energetic person, who likes challenges, who has a passion for the communications environment, and who wants to work for the leading communications and network company in Namibia, submit your Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents to: recruit.na@paratus.africa

Closing date for receipt of applications is the 30th of January 2023.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.




TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Narraville STREET NAME & NO: 17 MossCrescent.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Placeofinstruction(Pre-School).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant, inwriting,notlaterthan17February2023.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:ElizabethShinaveni email:elizabethshinaveni@gmail.com



C l a s s i f i e d s

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR swk@namibtimes.net



SERVICESCC: Mondesa, Swakopmund

Weofferthefollowing services:

Officecleaning,homes, windowcleaning,raking, publicparkcleaningetc.




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




SWAKOPMUND since 1991

Registration Open

16 January 2023

Swakopmund @ The DOME

Every Monday & Wednesday

Time: 17:30

All 7+ years & adults


081 234 0134 shotokan@iway.na www.swakopkarate.com


Contact:0812971393/ 0812077168

email: loniakamati18@gmail.co m




*HimezembiSecurityisa companylocatedinWalvis BayandSwakopmund, Erongoregion.

*Thecompanyoffers, guardingpremises,Business areas,Schools,Shopsand Homes.

*Ouraimistoofferour clientsthebestserviceto protectandgivethebest service.

*HimezembiSecuritycc offersyouthebestservice that'sfitsyourpockets.

*HimezembiSecuritycc offersalsotrainingtothose thatwantstohave experienceandcertificates inSecurityFields.

Beginners Classes start during Febuary 2023

Time: 17h30 –18h15

Tuesdays and Thursdays

All ages 6 and up

Venue: Main road 4B, Meersig

For enrollment message your email address to: The Walvis Bay Goju Ryu Karate Club at: 0812779268 We will send all info






email:nktransportnam @gmail.com








Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.



Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving



*Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting.


Walvis Bay


*Don'thesitatetocallus foranyservice,wearehere toprotectyouandgiveyou thebestservice.

Forallyourquotationscall us.



Emailaddress: tjikuajorsie20@gmail.com



üGeysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity)

üWashing Machines + Servicing

üAir Conditioners

üGas refill ( cars and fridges)


üInstallation of CCTV cameras

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üRefill air con in cars and trucks

üInstallation of intercoms

üAuto garage doors



üRepairing of WAP machines



üSecurity alarm system

üHouse wiring

üElectrical gates

üTV mounting on the wall and dstv insallations

üElectrical motor 3 phase, single phase

üAny electrical equipment we can fix.

Taking all your electrical needs seriously

All repairs have 3 months


Contact: 081 299 9960

S.LinusBuilding Contractors

newbuildingand renovation,roofrepair, tilingandpainting.



ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.


Bazuka: 0816027102



(Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081

6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafila Street.

Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay& Swakopmund.

Cell: 0812017887

DrBanda0817407321. FreeConsultationfor January&February 2023.

RegisteredTraditional Healer(Doctor).Under NyasaHerbalClinic. All yourlove,marriage,lost lovers, work,promotion, luckycharms,protection, pregnancyproblems, dignityforpeoplein politics&bigpositions, Financialproblems, winning competitions/Gambling/E xams,Troublednights, thingsmovinginyour bodyorinyourhouseat night,Manhoodenlarger, Erectionproblems, Healingofmental diseases&otherillnesses, Asthma,Epilepsy, immunebooster&many more.DoctorBandaisin theLagoonArea. Callhimforan appointmenton081740 7321






Courtcasesandmany more Stopsufferinginsilent andcallthehealertoday on0813237525


FORSALE:WalvisBay, TownCBD



Openplankitchen/lounge Garage,Extraparking

PriceN$700000–valuationN$750 000.





Openplankitchen, Garage,Tenantinplace N$605000.00

Contact:0815544888or 0812957837 –0812830442

ForSale: CoastalEstates Swakopmund, Tamariskia




Fireplace,Kitchen, Laundry,3Garages Burglarbars,OutsideBBQ

Erf980m² House345m²




Lookingforacompany lookingforahousefor employees.Aneat3 bedroomhouseavailable torentN$8500.00p/m


Spaciousbackandfront yard.Builtincupboards

Location Kuisebmond

Contact:0812429604 0814414405

TORENT:Narraville singlepersononly,no childrenorpets. Kitchenwithbic&double sink. Floortiled,nostove

Bigbedroom,withbic floortiled



Nogarage-parkinginside mainyard,safetylights

Depositrequired N$3000.00


W/E incl. Nopictures-viewingonly

CentreofNarraville, nearDoctorsandshops




Containerhouseina securecomplexwithsome flatsaround.

Boundarywalls,warm water


W/E incl. N$3000.00p/m






Two-bedroomflatwithan openplankitchentorent forN$5300.00(Reduced amount)waterincluded forasmallfamily Availableandformore detailscontact: 0812898668or 0814351012or 0814344858


Swakopmund, Showhouse 28-29January

4bedrooms,3bathrooms, sittingroom,Tvroom, eatingroom,winecellar, washingupkitchen,store room,largeporchwith braai,garagefor3cars. Flat:livingroomwith kitchenfacilities, bedroomandbathroom, ownentrancewithparking forcar,goodarea,nice garden,alarmsystem




2Xbachelorflatswith sharedkitchen,Bicin kitchen,ownshowerand toilet,largeparkingarea. WaterandWifiincluded.


N$2800p/m.Deposit N$1500required. Contract0812587211/ 0813235163










HUURGESOEK: Swakopmund Pensioenarisdringend opsoeknamotorhuiste huur,inofnabyAntonius Residenz. Kontak:0812456288




EXPERIENCED ONLY housekeepers wanted for self catering units at Langstrand. Send your CV with references to zelna86714@gmai.com If you don’t comply, DON’T APPLY!



·Mustbequalifiedas fitterandturner machinist.

·Musthavehelda foremanposition before.

·Mustbeabletowork independently

·Musthaveatleast10 yearsexperience workinginthemachine shop.

·Mustbewillingto workweekendsand overtime.

Interestedapplicants candropoftheirCV@ WMEngineering Services 21,10thStreetEast, IndustrialAreaormail to wmengineeringservices @gmail.com

Closingdate: 3February2023



ADynamicCompanyin Walvis Bay islookingfor salesdrivenorientated individualstobecome successfulinsalesand Marketing.Excellent opportunityforselfmotivatedindividualswho wantstojoinawinning salesTeam.Marketawellknown&established productsthroughreferrals &exhibitions.No experienceneededfull traininggiven.

Forinterviewcall 0818001524orhand deliveredyourCVatour officeatPelicanMallshop





SurveyorandProcurement officer

Scaleofsalary:Depending onsuitability

Closingdate:31/01/2023 MINIMUM




Degreeordiplomain QuantitySurveying Diplomaorcertificatein procurementwillbean advantage


5years'QSexperiencein theconstructionindustry Strongprocurement experienceinthe constructionindustry Strongexperiencein computersoftware


MustbefluentinAfrikaans andEnglish


Mustbewillingtowork longhours


Quantitysurveyingofnew andexistingconstruction projects,Procurement, Tenders,Sub-contractor Management,Construction Admin.Managingand maintainingtheQSand procurementprocedures andadministration. PLEASEdonotsubmit yourcvifyoudonotfully qualifyforalltheabove requirements.Only shortlistedcandidateswill becontacted.Submitcvto hannelie@hefergroup.com onorbeforeclosingdate.


Sales Assistant Honest Computerliterate Workunderpressure Vibrant NamibianCitizen FluentinEnglishand Afrikaans Referencerequired PleaseforwardCvs: TheManager P.O.Box4032 WalvisBay



Andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770


2022QuantumToyota withtrailerforhire WalvisBay, Swakopmundor anywhere. Contact:081

tel/fax:209517 email: semlinus52@gmail.com

C l a s s i f i e d s








IamlookingforaJack Portmachine,TV, Compress+machine (mix)andanysecond handitemsthatcanbe use.

Contact:0812769586/ 0815821969




Threebrandnew STAINLESSSTEEL HUBBLYPIPESfor sale,availableinstock. Idealforbusinessesto rentout.

Call0816375060if interested

FORSALE: MinPinforsale. 6weeksold.2000.00 inclvaccination.

Contact:0813335230 forinterview




CONT EMAIL: mrcj126@gmail.com



A3oyearoldladyis lookingfordomestic work(day-care,shop, housekeeper)in Bay.Shehas3years' experienceandisreadyto startimmediately



Ladyfrom lookingordomesticwork (washingclothes,ironing, minishop,tuckshop, housekeeperorlaundry).


Callor 9868


29Yearoldladyis lookingforanytypeof work(exceptbars) around Swakopmund–(Washing,cleaningand ironing).Shehas5years' experience.Contact:081 6613285(seriouspeople only)


A41yearoldladyis lookingfordomestic workorofficecleaning jobaroundWalvisBay forTwodaysaweek (Tuesdaysand Thursdays).Sheishonest andveryhardworking withreferences.


JOBWANTED: Ayoungreliable, hardworkingladylooking forajobopportunityin Swakopmund. Haveyearsexperienceas aPA,officeadministrator andbookkeeper AfrandEng. Pleasecall0812439300 or pink4butterfly@yahoo. com

WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n37jarigejong dameopsoeknahuiswerk inWalvisbaai, Dolfynstrand,Langstrand, Meersig,Lagoonof Fairways.



JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldlady lookingforanydomestic work.


JOBWANTED: Iamahardworkinglady lookingfordomesticwork inSwakopmundforthe wholeweekor3days.I canstartassoonas possible.


JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic work,cleaning, babysittiing,ironing, laundryinSwakopmund, Iamreadytostartassoon aspossible.


JOB WANTED: I am a trustworthy young lady lookingfordomesticwork anywhere in Swakopmund. I am able to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesdays and Thursdays only, not the whole week. I can start anytime.


JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for domestic work anywhere in Swakopmund, preferably Monday - Friday I am a hardworking and trustworthy individual, I can startanytime.


JOBWANTED:Amature mangraduatesfromUnam, with a code B driving license and police code of conduct is looking for any kind of job in Swakopmundfrom8h00to17h00. I have experience in MicrosoftwordandExcel.


JOBWANTED: Iama32yearoldlady lookingforanyjob,itcan bedomesticwork, cleaning,washand ironingandbabysittingin Swakopmund,Iamready tostartassoonas possible.Contact:081 6254384

JOBWANTED: Matureladyseeking office/typing/bookkeepin gworkinSwakopmund. PleasecontactKatie: 0814316288

JOBWANTED: Iama44yearold woman,hardworking withlotsofdedication, respectandhonor,Iam lookingfordomestic work,Ihavemorethen5 yearsexperiencein cleaning,for3or5days perweekin Swakopmund.

Contact:0817098525/ 0812715669


Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998,particularsofwhich appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of theDistrictof

1 Name and postal address of applicant:

Quintons Topas Restaurant cc, P O Box 5717, WalvisBay

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: Quinton TopasRestaurant.

3 Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf no.1024 (Building no 76), Theo Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay.

4. Nature and details of application: Remove fromErf1024,TheoBen Gurirab Street, to Erf 3083 c/o Sam Nujoma and11thAvenue,Walvis Bay

5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay MagistrateOffice,Clerk ofCourt

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 25 January2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict, toreachtheMagistratenot later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.


Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will bemadetotheMagistrate oftheDistrictof

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Quinton Bendt van Wyk, P O Box 5717, WalvisBay

2 Name of licensed business to which applicationrelates:Quinton Pizzeria & Sushi Lounge.

3 Address/location of licensed premises to whichapplicationrelates: Erf 3083 c/o Sam Nujoma and 11th Avenue,WalvisBay.

4. Nature and details of application: Remove from Erf 3083 c/o Sam Nujoma and 11th Avenue, Walvis Bay to Erf 1024, Theo Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay

5.Whereapplicationwill be lodged: Clerk of Court WalvisBay

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 25 January2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict, to reach the Magistrate notlaterthan7daysafter the date on which the applicationislodged.


Cadilu Fishing helps young Boxers

CadiluFishing(Pty)Ltdrecentlysponsoredstationarytothe value of N$20 000 to the children of Bernardo Boxing PromotionsAcademytoassisttheminthesedifficulttimes.

The youth are agents of change, it is important to help them build a brighter future. Bernadro Boxing PromotionsAcademy empowers youth affected by displacement so they can build a better future for themselves and their communities.Theclubcreatessafeandprotectivespaceswhereyoungadults cangrow,awayfromexploitativeanddiscriminatorypracticesthatcouldtake advantageofthem.

Cadilu Fishing (Pty) Ltd is Bernardo Boxing Promotions Academies main sponsor,andhasthusfarsponsoredboxingequipment,clothes,boxingevents andispayingthegymfacilityusedtotrainin.BernadoTjaveruatheownerand traineratBernardoBoxingPromotionssaidtheAcademywasestablishedin 2017withtheaimofkeepingyouthofthestreets.

Tjaverua thanked Cadilu Fishing for all the support they provide to the academyandhisdreamisthatthecompanywillgoonsupportingthekidsat theacademy

Bank Windhoek Winner Of Winner

The Bank Windhoek sponsored Winner Of Winner events wereplayedoverthepastweekendatWalvisbayGolfClub and a very deserved Wouter van Wijk really pulled out all the stops to shoot an career best 66 to regain the trophy he wonafewyearspreviously.

Playing good golf Van Wijk had a solid start and kept it up throughout the round.JustoneshotoffthepaceandinsecondplacewasEmileVilbertsenior with Sandro De Gouveia in third place on 70. Rocco Viljoen shot 72 to be fourthandfifthplacewenttoJohnnyBorgeson73.

IntheWinnerofLosersitwasyoungJordanWentzelwhoshotagreatround of90fromahandicapof30makingita60Nett,beatingpopsKevinWentzel byawhopping12shots.JasonBarnardalsocardeda72,butlostthecountout toKevinWentzel.

Therewasonlyone2clubonthedayandthatwasbyEmileVilbert.Thetwo closest to the pin prizes went to Nardo Sardinha and Kyle Johnson. Jaans Stander, the Walvis Bay branch manager of BANK WINDHOEK was on handtohandouttheprizestothewinnersandconfirmedthattheywillbeback againnextyear

TheBankWindhoekWednesdayWinnerofWinnerwaswonbyRochePitout with 21 points seeing off Herman Smidt and Andre Burger on 20 points.

EmileVilbertjuniorwonthewinnerofloserson22points. Mostgolfwentto WoutervanWijk,whoinhindsightkepthisbestfortheSaturdayround.

TomorrowSaturday28JanuaryistheAEGIRMarineWalvisBayOpen. NextweekendistheAnna'sInnanindividualbetterhole




Corridor Logistics have come on board as the sponsor for the rejuvenated corporateleaguewhichwillbeplayedalsofromMarchtoSeptember

Athree legged event to bring a golfer who has not played for a while. Club Fundraiserwillbeheldon25thFebruary

Kudus at WesBank Sevens

A group of 14 First National Bank (FNB) Kudu Rugby Club players and two officials departed to compete in the Super Spar Castle WesBank 7s rugby tournament from 27 January to 29 FebruaryinSwartlandtownofMalmesbury,SouthAfrica.

Thetournamenthasgrownintoahugecrowdpullersinceitsinceptionin2007. Thisyear'seditionofthetournamentsees32teamsfromallovertheWestern Capetakingtothefield.

The club management thanked their sponsors including businesses, individuals and former players that contributed towards covering the costs for the trip across the border “Thank you for enhancing the uniformity of the team andmakingthisjourneypossible.Weappreciateyourcontinuedsupport.

The club is immensely honoured to accept the invitation from the South African Rugby Union to compete at this prestigious event. Our players are ambassadorsfortheclubandthecountry,andweexpectthemtobehaveand performaccordingly KudusSevensteamthatleftonWednesdaytoparticipate inthisanticipatedeventwith32teams.

TheKudussevensteamplayerheldanIndoorSoccerTournamentattheJan Wilken Indoor Complex to raise fund to participate in the Sevens Rugby tournamentinSouthAfrica.


NOVANAM In The Driving Seat At The Start Of 2023

The winners Novanam monthly medal for January with Rossmund Golf Club Captain George Murasiki, B Division Winner Mark Jacobs, C Division Winner Desmond Frankfort, Novanam representative Robertha Jansen,ADivision Winner Hans Naobeb, Ladies Winner Lynne van der Walt and Overall Winner John Redman

Novanamisinthedrivingseatatthestartofthe2023NovanamMonthlyMedal CompetitionthattookplaceattheRossmundGolfCourseonSaturday21January.

With a fair field of players despite the lack of juniorswhowerecompetingintheJuniorOpenat Tsumeb Golf Club and in perfect weather conditionforgolfthescoreswereclosethroughoutall thedivisionswithnotwoclubsontheday The overall Winner for the month January was John Redman with an excellent score of 67nett (shoo that handicap will be taking a downward swing);ADivisionWinner: Hans Naobeb 73nett;

B Division Winner: Mark Jacobs 71nett; C Division Winner: Desmond Frankfort 71nett c/o; LadiesWinner:LynnevanderWalt76nett. Thanks once again to the sponsor, Novanam for theirongoingsupportofthisannualcompetition. Many thanks toVilho Hanghome whose bid won the auction of the fish earmarked for the winning junior–thesefundsweredonatedtotheRossmund JuniorDevelopmentProgram.

27JANUARY2023 NAMIBTIMES15 School News
The young boxers of Bernadro Boxing Promotions Walvis Bay Branch Manager of Bank Windhoek Jaans Stander handing over the winning trophy to Wouter Van Wijk Andre Burger handing the trophy to Roche Pitout The Kudu Rugby Club's management and sponsors with the sevens rugby players before their departure to participate in the Super Spar Castle Sevens Rugby tournament in SouthAfrica The winners of the Kudus Indoor Soccer Tournament SWK Boy's Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

namib times Sport

Coastal players in training squad

SixteenplayersofFNBKudusRugbyClubareinthetrainingsquadofmorethan70localbased players of the Namibian Welwitschias who will make their return to the South AfricanCurrieCupFirstDivisionforthefirsttimeinfiveyears.

Forthisreason,theNamibiannationalheadcoachAllister Coetzee, and a high-level coaching staff from the NamibiaRugbyUnion(NRU)wereinWalvisBaywhere players were evaluated, and fitness and field tests were done.ThedelegationfromtheNRUhaddiscussionswith the coaches of Kudus, Sparta and Dolphins rugby clubs about focal points and to and hear what the clubs' problemsandtolearnfromthem,includingthedistances players have to travel to join training sessions in Windhoek.

MembersofthemedicalteamthataccompaniedCoetzee monitored the fitness and possible injuries and measurement of fitness standards of the players in the Welwitschiastraininggroup.

TheKuduplayersinthetrainingsquadthatattendedthe fitnesstestareJoshuaJacobs,AurelioPlato,LezardoVos, PJWalters,LezardoVos,AnthonyHoabeb,LoydJacobs, ZuwadreViviers,DarrenBeukes,GeraldoBeukes,Justin Newman and Irongwa Atshivudhi with Cameron Langenhoven, Codey Naholo and Greg Namaseb not attending due to personal reasons. Luaan Carstens who alsoattendthefitnesstestistheonlyplayerfromthecoast intheunder20nationaltrainingsquad.

Kudus coach Gawan Esterhuizen said that he is very happythatCoetzeeandhiscouchingteamaswellasthe boardmembersfromtheNRUhavemadetimetovisitthe clubsatthecoast.“Ijusthopethattheywillkeeptoallthe promises that were made and they do not disappoint the player as they are the future of rugby in the country,” Esterhuizenadded.

The coach said that the future of rugby in Namibia is brightandifthenationalcoachesandNRUboarddowhat theydidthepastweekendrugbycanbecomethenumber onesportinthecountry

According to Esterhuizen the players of Kudu Rugby clubwilleasilyadaptinthenationalsetupastheydothe same that the national coaching staff is doing at the training field. Allister Coetzee said the aim is to constantly improve the level of cohesion and conditioning.“Iamveryexcitedaboutwhatwehavebeenable toachieveandbelieveitwilladdsubstancetoraisingour

levelofcompetitivenessfortheCurrieCup.Forme,itis extremelyimportanttobuildrelationshipswiththeclubs, players and administrators. We would like to see that every Namibian supporter buys into the mission and vision in this important World Cup year for Namibia,” Coetzeesaid.

According to Coetzee, The NRU's club leagues will be running at the same time as the Currie Cup and mutual understanding is important when club players called up fornationalservice.

“It'sachallengethathastobemanaged,aswellaslooking afterthewell-beingofplayers.Wehaveaboutoneanda halfmonthsbeforetheCurrieCupleaguekicksoffon25 March, which for the Welwitschias is an important building block to the World Cup, to let the local players playinagoodcompetitiontodevelopthemselves.

The Welwitschias head coach is Walvis Bay born rugby player Chrysander Botha who is the assistant coach to Namibia'snationalcoach,AlistairCoetzee,wasappointed asthecoachoftheWelwitschias,withRohanKitshoffas forwards coach, David Philander as the back-line coach whilst Jaco Engels will assist the squad as a scrumspecialistcoachandCoetzeewillalsobeinvolvedasthe defencecoach.

The Currie Cup First Division will this season feature South African teams with the Welwitschias, Zimbabwe andKenya,aswellasDiablesBarcelonafromSpain,and TelAvivHeatfromIsrael,whichfinishedasrunner-upsin theEuropeanSuperCuplastyear

TheWelwitschiasstarttheirseasonoffwithtwofriendly matchesagainstGriquasinWindhoekon1and4March, before they launch their Currie Cup campaign on 25 March against the Border Bulldogs in East London. Ten moregroupmatchesfollowoverthenexttwomonths,of which seven will be at home, while Zimbabwe, and possiblyDiablesBarcelona,willbeaway TheotherSouth AfricanteamsthatNamibiawillhostaretheSWDEagles, theValke,theLeopards,theBolandCavaliersandEastern ProvinceKingsofwhichonewillbeplayedatthecoast. Thesemi-finalsarescheduledfor10Juneandthefinala weeklater

Walvis Bay golfers make history

Walvis Bay golfer, Kevin Wentzel and his son Jordan Wentzel recently made historybywinningtheNedbankDesertClassicheldattheRossmundGolfCourse atSwakopmund.

The father-and-son duo aged 48 and 12 respectively won the tournament with 96 points with Andrew van Schalkwyk and Org van Rensburg second with 91 points and Chris van Lill and DouwvanWykinthirdplacewith91points. Aspartoftheirwinningprize,theWetzel'swillbe treated to an exclusive experience at the 2023


TheNedbankDesertClassicco-sponsoredbyHollardNamibiaandsupportedbyNamibiaBreweries LimitedandCheckerswastrulyisoneforthebooks withthebiggestfieldsizeof144playersoveratwoday period and a father-and-son duo winning the tournament for the first time. The competition's

coordinator, Dan Zwiebel congratulated the winning teams and every player whotookpartinthetournamentforcontributingtothesuccessfulevent. AccordingtoZwiebeltheplanningforthe2023NedbankDesertClassichas alreadybegunandhewillensurethatthetournamentwillgrowfromstrength to strength. “I would like to thank our main sponsor, Nedbank Namibia, for theircontinuoussupportsinmakingthiseventhappen,andasgolf'snumberonesupporterofgolfinNamibiaandbeyond,Nedbank'sroleingrowingthe sportdeservespraise.”


Date: 8February2023

Where: MunicipalSocialClub

Time: 18:30

Allclubsandmembersarewelcome, aswellasnewclubs

Send your
news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Nedbank Namibia managing director, Martha Murorua, Jordan Wentzel, Nedbank group marketing and corporate affairs executive, Khensani Nobanda and Kevin Wentzel Photo contributed The Welwitschias head coach, Chrysander Botha Namibian Rugby head coach Allister Coetzee Irongwa Atshivudhi, Aurelio Plato, Darren Beukes, Loyd Jacobs, Joshua Jacobs and Lezardo Vos Justin Newman, Rohan Kitshoff as forwards coach of the Welwitschias, Zuwadre Viviers andAnthony Hoabeb
Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe

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