28 jul namib times e-edition

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Major Tax Evasion and Fraud Case Unearthed in Walvis Bay

A major tax evasion and fraud case involving prohibited goods has been uncovered by the Erongo Police, leading to the arrest of two suspects. Fred Chunga Matengu (49), and Amon Haukongo (37) were apprehended on 13 and 14 July respectively.

The suspects are facing multiple charges, including fraud (tax evasion), forgery, uttering, theft,

correct duties to Customs and Excise, and issuing incompletepermits


racketeering, and money


The alleged crimes took place between 2021 and 2023 in

Walvis Bay, with the suspects accused of unlawfullyimporting prohibited goods, failing to declare the

State Prosecutor Denies Bail to Nauhaus in Connection with Robin-44 Helicopter Crash

In a shocking development following the Robin-44 Helicopter crash that claimed the lives of two individuals, Antje Gesa Nauhaus (34) finds herself in custody, facing chargesoffraud,forgery,uttering,culpablehomicide,and contravention of the Namibian CivilAviation Regulations Act. On Tuesday, 25 July, State ProsecutorAnnita Likius denied bail to Nauhaus, citing concerns over potential interference with investigations and the gravity of the charges.

The Robin-44 Helicopter crash occurred on 17 July, east of the SwakopmundDryPort,tragically takingthelivesofJacquesJacobs andDirkvonWeitz,bothfromthe SwakopmundFlyingSchool.

According to a statement issued this week by Deputy Commissioner, Kauna Shikwambi of the NamibianPolice,aninvestigation launched by the police, led to Nauhaus'sarreston23Julyather

residence in Swakopmund. The charges against her are related to alleged fraud, forgery, and uttering between 29 June and 12 July this year, with the case reportedly filed byNamibiaBaseAviationcc.

According to allegations, the suspect unlawfully and intentionally misrepresented fake, forged, and altered certificates of the registrationandflighttestpermitofthe Helicopter to Namibia Base

Accordingtoapolice report, the value of the state revenue involved in the fraudulent activities is estimatedatastaggering NS 14.2 million.

As of now, the recovered amount remainsundisclosed.

According to the

CommanderofCommunityAffairsofthe Erongo Police, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, the case was brought to light by NAMRA (Namibia Revenue Authority) officials, who acted asthecomplainantin thismatter

The investigation is still ongoing as the police continue to unravel the com-

The suspects, Matengu and Haukongo, appeared before the Walvis Bay Magistrate court, where they were remanded in custody The court has scheduled their next hearing for 29 August 2023 to allow for further investigation.

Inmates at Swakopmund Police Station Raise Concerns about Alleged Police Brutality Page 2

Tragic Accident in Karibib Informal Settlement Claims the Life

of a Toddler

Aviation cc. Shikwambi said after obtaining a search warrant, law enforcement seized various items fromNauhaus'sresidence,including electronic devices, logbooks, financialdocuments,andinvoices,aswell

asitemsfromtheofficeofNamibia BaseAviationcc.

During the bail hearing before Magistrate Nelao Brown, State Prosecutor Likius argued granting Continues on page 2

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7026 FRIDAY 28 JULY 2023 N$6 inside Page 3 Sports News Pages 17 - 20
Sharlien Tjambari Eileen van der Schyff

108 Houses Handed Over in Swakopmund Housing Initiative

108houseswerehandedovertotheirrightfulownerslastweekFridayatMatutura Extension9inSwakopmund.Ofthe319unfinishedhousesentrustedtoNewEra contractors in October 2022, an additional 100 houses will be handed over to beneficiarieslaterthisyear.

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope, expressed hope that all 319 houses will be completed within a very short period. He urgedthecontractorstoworktirelesslytoensure swift delivery of these homes, emphasising that any delay denies someone in need a chance to acquireahouse. Itopehighlightedthatthishousinginitiativeisavitalsteptowardsaddressingthe significant housing backlog in Swakopmund, which stands at over 22,000. “in Swakopmund alone,wehaveover22000housingbacklog,and that is a big mountain to climb and seeing this today should bring a smile to our beneficiaries, that at least your name is removed from that housing backlog list and to finally you have a house you can call home.” He emphasised the importance of partnership, quality, affordability, empowerment, pro-poor orientation, innovation, sustainability, and integration in the housing developmentandprovisionprocess.

Duringthehousehandoverevent,theMinisterof Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni,

outlinedtheprinciplesguidingtheNationalHousingPolicy Hestressedtheneedforcollaboration amongpublic,private,andcommunityactorsand the importance of considering end-user affordability, resource availability, and capacity for a sustainablehousingdeliveryprocess.Uutoniproposed increased investment in land delivery in both urban and rural areas, along with the implementationoftheFlexibleLandTenureSystem,to address the land and housing needs of needy members in society, especially those living in informal settlements. Uutoni explained these principles, “firstly, partnership and collaboration between public, private, and community actors; secondly, quality and affordability, which recognisethathousesmustbebuiltaccordingtoquality standardsaswellasatpricesthathomeseekerscan afford; thirdly empowerment, whereby members of the community are enabled to actively participate in the process of meeting their housing needs which is evident from the commendable work being done by the Shack Dwellers Fede-

Inmates at Swakopmund Police Station Raise Concerns about Alleged Police Brutality

Once again, the name Swakopmund PoliceStationhassurfacedinconnection with alleged police brutality against inmates in holding cells. A video clip circulated on social media platformsthispastSaturday,showsan inmate claiming to have been assaultedbymembersofthepoliceforce.

Inthevideoclip,capturedbytheinmates,amale voicecanbeheardsaying,"Asyoucansee,thisis from Swakopmund police custody Just a few minutes ago, there was a police raid. We have a newstationcommander.”Thevoicefurthersaid, “thisisthefirstraidheconductedtoday Whatwe experienced was a very brutal assault here. One of my fellow inmates was badly assaulted; they broughthimbacktothecelltorecover,andthey donotwanttotakehimtothehospital.Weneed help."

Thevoiceinthevideoclipfurthermentionsthat theyhavehadvisitsfromthespecialforceinthe past,buttheywerenotassaulteduntilthearrival of the new station commander They plea for assistance, stating, "we are also human beings like everyone else, and we all deserve a second chance in society." Photographs accompanying the video show a man with a swollen eye and bruisedwrists,indicativeoftheallegedassault. In response to the matter, Ileni Shapumba, the Unit Commander for CommunityAffairs in the

Erongo region, emphasised the violation of possession of cellphones in holding cells. Shapumba stated,"wewantthedevicetheyareusingtorecord themselvesfromthecells.Itindicatesthattheyare bringing contraband into the cells, posing security risks."

Shapumba further asserted that the Namibian Policeisresponsibleforthesafecustodyofinmates and preparing them for court, not assaulting them. He added, if they have a case, let them open their cases. We have attended to their matter over the weekend, and the inmate in question refused to go tothehospital."

rationofNamibiaandNon-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) such as Workshop Namibia; fourthly a Pro-poor orientation whereby special focus is given to the poor and ultra-lowincomeearnerswhoifleft tothemarketforceswillnotbeina positiontohelpthemselvesandthus need more assistance in meeting theirhousingneeds.”

AccordingtoUutoni,thefifthprinciple is Innovation, which recognises that the complexity of the housing crisis in the country requires much more than conventional approaches and the use of out-ofthe-box thinking and alternative methods in the development and provision of housing to many diverse housing needs in the country; and the last principles are sustainability and integration. Uutoni said, “it is critical that our housing delivery process is politically, economically, socially, and fiscally sustainable. This among others requires a balance between end-user

affordability, the standards and number of housing units required as well as the required and available resources and capacity It is equally important that our approach and strategies are holistic and integrated in nature, and that all housing developmentinitiativesinthecountryareproperlycoordinatedtoensurethedesire impact.”

Uutoni said, in order to meet the land and housing needs of more needy members of the society, “I am hereby proposingthattheMinistriesofUrban and Rural Development andAgriculture,WaterandlandReformandlocal authorities, with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance and the National Planning Commission, to increase investment in land delivery in both urbanandruralareasaswellastoroll out the FlexibleLandTenure System, which entails the facilitation of land ownershipandtenuresecurityforour people who live in informal settlements through simplify methods of land re-blocking and registration of titles.”

State Prosecutor

Nauhaus bail will not be in the interestofthepublicorthatofthe administration of justice, Concerns over potential interference with ongoing investigations and the severity of the charges weighed heavily in the decision todenybail.

Represented by Willem Adriaan Greyling from King Law, Nauhausissettoreappearincourton 2 October, allowing ample time forfurtherinvestigationsintothe

Continued from page 1 matter

Upon enquiry, the Swakopmund Flying School declined to comment and said they are in no way connected to the incident of the Robin-44 helicopter crash or the helicopter itself. The Robin-44 Helicopterwasallegedlybrought into Namibia from South Africa and had to undergo some technicalworktoenableitsregistration andlicensinginNamibiabeforeit couldtakeflight.

Sharlien Tjambari
Call Sharlien Tjambari 081 325 9372 for all your news
Sharlien Tjambari

Dreams of Homeownership Become a Reality

Dreamsofhomeownershipforbackyardshackdwellershave becomearealityforthefirst50individuals,astheyhavebeen allocatedplotsintheGreenValleyresidentialarea,knownas Farm37.

Thiscomesafterthe Walvis Bay municipal council set in motion plans to move the first 50 people from Walvis BaytoGreenValley GreenValleyhasthe potential to yield at least 30 000 erven.

During Covid-19, the government approved the settlementtorelocate800 residents as part of its decongestion programme. Green Valley was identified in 2016 by the

former council and thelateErongogovernor Cleophas Mutjavikua as the solution to the housing shortagethetownisfacing.

It is situated about 7km east of Walvis Bay For those who havespentyearsrenting in backyards, this allocation marks the beginning of a new chapter as they embarkonbuildingtheir ownhouses.Theallocation of plots that cost about N$40 000 andwillbepaidinin-

stalments came to fruitionlastWednesday, 19 July These individualshadbeen granted certificates in 2020, securing their permission to occupy plots within the Green Valley area. After a prolonged period of anticipation, they can finally see their aspirations of stable home ownership comingtrue.

Walvis Bay Mayor, TrevinoForbes,congratulated the beneficiaries and urged

themtostartbuilding theirstructuresasearly as today According to Forbes, each plot will be served with a pre-paid water meter, and sewerage lines still need to be

put up, but for the time being, the municipality will provide container toilets toalltheresidents.

Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor, Florian Dona-

Tragic Accident in Karibib Informal Settlement Claims the Life of a Toddler

A heart-wrenching incident occurred on Wednesday, 26 July 2023, at approximately 15:30 in a street within the KaribibInformalSettlement,wherea1-yearand2-montholdboy,ShikundaDaniëlMunzimba,tragicallylosthislife.

Theincidentresultedinthearrestofa 29-year-old unlicensed driver, who now faces charges of culpable homicide,failuretostopavehiclein

an accident where someone was killedandoperatingamotorvehicle withoutadrivinglicense.

According to reports, the devas-

tating accident unfolded as the unlicensed driver was allegedly behind the wheel of a black Nissan Notecar Inatragictwistoffate,thevehiclestruck little Shikunda Daniël Munzimba near his parent's residence in the settlement. The toddler sustained serious injuries and, despite immediate attention, succumbedtohisinjuriesatthescene. Investigations revealed that the victim was under

tus, said that he is grateful that people who occupied backyard shacks are now the proud owners of their own piece of land Donatus said, "the issue of electricity is near completion with the agreementbetweenErongo

Red, Namwater, and Nampower." According to Donatus, Erongo Red will tap electricity from the Namwater infrastructure at Rooibank,asitiscloserto the new residential area Green Valley thanWalvisBay

thecareofhismotheratthetimeoftheaccident. However, he managed to slip out of her sight unnoticed,leadingtotheunfortunatecollision. Thedriver,whoinitiallyfledfromthescene,later surrenderedtothepolice,leadingtohisarrest.He is now in custody as authorities continue to conduct further investigations into the circumstancesofthetragicincident.

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Eileen van der Schyff

Contractors to be Blacklisted

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni,warnedcontractorswhoareemployedandtakeon government tenders to do their job and start honouring their agreements, or else they will be blacklisted from any futuretenders.

Uutonimadethisstatementduringthehandoverof108housesinMatutura Extension 9 last week Friday These houses are part of the Mass Housing Project,buttheycouldn'tbecompletedduetothemaincontractor'sfailureto pay the sub-contractor, resulting in a court case spanning seven to eight years.Addressingtheissueofdelaysinexecutingandcompletingnational projects, Uutoni emphasised that some private contractors who win government work opportunities fail to fulfil their contractual obligations, causingincreasedcostsandunjustlyblamingthegovernment.

Uutoni declared this behaviour by contractors as 'unacceptable,' and he calledforsternactionagainstsuchcontractors,includingblacklistingthem. He urged caution, stating, “I am calling for stern action against such contractors including blacklisting them. Be careful, we are serious now If wegiveajobtodoandyouaretellingusmanythings,wearenolongergoing tomakeuseofyou,anditwillnotbegoodforyou.”UutonicommendedNew Eracontractorfortakingovertheprojectanddeliveringfruitfulresultsasper theagreement.

Burglary at Supertronix Leaves Walvis Bay Community Stunned

The community of Walvis Bay was left in shock as an audacious burglary took place at Supertronix, located on Sam Nujoma Avenue in the early hours of Saturday,22July. Theincident,involvedhousebreakingwiththeintenttosteal andtheft,leavingbehindatrailofstolenpropertiesworthastaggeringN$790378.

According to the police report, the suspect(s) brazenly broke open a window to gain unlawful entryintothepremises.Onceinside,theymadeoff with a significant haul, including sixty-nine cell phones,twelvelaptops,twowifimodems,thirteen Bluetooth speakers, and a substantial sum of money amounting to N$ 100 000. The method used by the perpetrators to break into the establishmentremainsunknownatthispoint,leaving theinvestigatingofficerswithcriticalquestionsto unravel in their pursuit of justice.As of now, no suspects have been arrested, and the stolen items havenotbeenrecovered.The incidenthasspurred the Walvis Bay Police to call upon the public's

cooperationintheireffortstoinvestigatethecase and apprehend the suspects. Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu and Detective Inspector Ambabi have issued an appeal to anyone with information related to the burglary to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrators to justice.Theycanbereachedat0812464757and 081 640 1600, respectively, or the nearest Police station.

TheWalvisBayPoliceurgeanyonewhomayhave witnessedsuspiciousactivityintheareaorhasany informationthatcouldleadtotherecoveryofthe stolenitemsortheidentificationofthesuspectsto comeforward.

Sharlien Tjambari Eileen van der Schyff

Namubes Warns Against the Use of Worn-out Electric Cables

In the wake of a devastating shack fire that left 14 families homeless in Swakopmund'sTulinawaarea,MayorDinaNamubesurgescommunitymemberstoavoid usingunsafe,torn,orworn-outelectriccables.Shealsoemphasisestheimportance ofavoidingoverloadingelectriccircuitsandbeingvigilantwhilecooking.

Walvis Bay Municipality Appoints RedForce Debt Management as Debt Recovery Agent

The Municipality of Walvis Bay has officially appointed RedForce Debt Management CC as its debt collection agent,aimedatrecoveringoutstandingmoniesowedtothe municipality.

The appointment comes into effect for a period of five years, and RedForce will take on the crucial responsibility of collecting arrears from private residents, institutions, and business entities that have defaulted on payments for sixty daysormore.

With this strategic partnership, the municipality aims to streamline its debt recovery process and ensure the effective retrieval of overdue accounts.RedForce'smandate

includes conducting door-to-door campaigns for data collection, facilitating disconnection and reconnection of municipal services, inspecting and reporting illegal connections of municipal services, andcapturingwatermeterreadings.

A notice by the Municipality of WalvisBaystatesoncetheaccountis handed over, debtors are advised to make payment arrangements directlywithRedForce.

Inresponsetothetragicincident,theSwakopmund Municipality took action to assist the affected families.Theydecidedtoprovidebuildingmaterials for the families and initiated the reconstruction of their shacks. The reconstruction efforts began on Tuesday this week, providing the families with a new roof over their heads soon, despite the simplicityofthestructures.Duringthehandoverof the parcels and the reconstruction process, Mayor Dina Namubes expressed the Municipality's deep concern for the well-being and safety of the residents She sympathised with the affected community members, acknowledging the heartwrenching loss they experienced due to the fire outbreak. The Swakopmund Mayor said, “as the Municipality, we are greatly concerned about the wellbeing and safety of our residents, and we sympathize with our fellow community members who suffer because of fire outbreaks. As we all know, the fire incidents are indeed disheartening. Our community members have lost so much as a resultofthis.”

Fire accidents have become a pressing issue affecting the Swakopmund community The Fire BrigadeDepartmentreceivesapproximatelythreeto fivefirereportseachmonth,particularlyduringthe winter season and east winds. Mayor Namubes emphasized the need to find ways to prevent such eruptionstoprotectthecommunityfromthe


In response to the increasing number of fire incidents, the Council has been receiving complaints and requests from community members seeking assistance for those affected.

The victims of the fires currently receive food hampers, blankets, and second-hand clothing fromtheCouncilthroughthecoordinationefforts of the Office of the Mayor and the Fire Brigade Department. However, the primary challenge facedbythefirevictimsistheneedforshelter,as many lack the means to rebuild their shacks.

Namubes highlighted the importance of maintainingsoundstakeholderrelationstoensure effective support and assistance during such challengingtimes.

AspartoftheirCorporateSocialResponsibilities and commitment to support local communities, Exocrab Fishing Namibia, founded in 2021, stepped in to lend a helping hand. They donated food parcels, school uniforms, blankets, and mattresses to the fire victims, amounting to a thoughtful donation valued at N$ 25 000.00, handed over on Tuesday Other corporates have alsojoinedeffortsinassistingthefirevictims.The Erongo Regional and Constituency Council provided tents, the Omake Charity Group, Mr PriceOutletsinWindhoek,andHilfeFürNamibia donated clothing items, while Job Amukwaya contributedclothesaswell.

Eileen van der Schyff Sharlien Tjambari

Walvis Bay Maritime Festival

Following the resounding success of World Ocean Day on 10 June 2022, industrystakeholdersrecognisedtheneed tobuildonthatmomentumbyestablishing a local festival that celebrates the blue economy. Hence, the inception of the WalvisBayMaritimeFestival.

The primary objective of the Walvis Bay Maritime Festivalistohighlightthe indispensable contribution of the maritime industry to the country's economic growth and development The festival will allow industry players to create awareness about the services or products they offer and share information on career opportunities within various maritimesectors.

Scheduled to take place on 4-5 August 2023, the inaugural editionofthefestival willbeheldunderthe theme, "Preserving a Healthy Ocean EcosystemforaResilient Economy "The theme underscores the importance of maintaining a balance between deriving economic benefits from the ocean and preserving the ocean ecosystem in a sustainable manner To contribute to this cause,abeachcleanup event is planned for Wednesday, 3 August.

To create awareness amongst the youth, a maritime competition is currently open to high schools inWalvisBaytosubmit creative posters related to the festival'stheme.

Beyond being an educational platform, the festival aims to be a joyous

celebration for all residents and visitors. The event will feature various forms of entertainment, including musical performances, a seafood cookoff, a fileting competition, sports games, and special entertainment for kids Additionally, residents will have an opportunity to witness a colourful street procession led by the Namibian Navy on Saturday, 4 August.

The official opening ceremony will be attended by the MinisterofFisheries and Marine Resources Hon Derek Klazen,Governorofthe ErongoRegion,Hon Neville André Itope andMayorofWalvis Bay, Cllr Trevino Forbes.

By fostering knowledge, appreciation, and celebration of the blue economy, the Walvis Bay Maritime Festival endeavours to play a crucial role in creating a sustainable future for both the ocean and the communitiesthatdepend onit.


Venue: Civic C e n t r e –Municipality Head office (Enquiries:064201 3381/0811248999, akaihiva@walvis baycc.org.na)


Jumbo Charcoal Donates to School

Jumbo Charcoal, through its Fair-Trade Committee, inaugurated and handed over a block of three classrooms constructed at a cost of N$ 895 000 to Kuisebmond Primary SchoolinWalvisBayonFriday,21July.

Kuisebmond Primary Schoolconsistsof1725 learners from grades one to three, with half taught in the morning andtheotherhalfinthe afternoon. The Governor of the Erongo region, Honourable Neville Andre, stated during the inauguration of the three classrooms atKuisebmundPrimary School that with every addition of classrooms to schools, more learners are empowered by providing them with easier and more comfortable access to education.Andresaid,"this new infrastructure is, therefore, symbolic of the fact that the Namibian people and theNami-bianHouseat largeareonthemove.”

According to the Erongo governor, the Namibian Government through the Harambee Prosperity Plan 2 is committed to improving and expanding educational facilities nationwide to ensure access to education. "It is against this backgroundthat,in2022,the Namibian Government investedintheconstruction of about 68 new classroomsintheErongo region.Added to the three of today, my office, with the assistanceoftheprivatesector,alsoconstructedtwo classrooms," Andre said The governor added that they still need more classrooms as they cannot stop

Namibians from seeking employment in the region and towns. "We, therefore, need to collaborateandworktogether to ensure that every Namibian child has access to quality education " The governor urged all learners to take their education seriously and pass with excellent results to go to tertiary institutionsandstudy He said, "who knows, from yourcropoflearners,we might have the next President, Minister, or Governor."

Ms Ehrenfriede Stephanus, Erongo Regional Director of Education, said that the shortage of schools and classrooms in the Erongo region is a big challenge, requiring the unconditional involvement of the wider community and stakeholders to achieve a positiveoutcome.

Stephanus urged the learners, teachers, and community to look after their school buildings andkeepthemclean.

Ms Jenny Paulse, Chairperson of Jumbo Charcoal Fair-Trade Committee,saidthattheytake prideintheresponsibility of ensuring that their fundsareutilisedtomake asignificantdifferencein the lives of those around them She said, "and what better way to do so thanbyinvestingineducation,bybuildingclassrooms that will nurture the minds and dreams of the learners at KPS "

According to Paulse,

thesenewclassroomsare morethanjustaphysical structure; they represent hopeandtheunwavering spirit of the Fair-Trade PremiumCommittee. She added that the classrooms will not only educate but also empower generations to come. "Together, let us embrace the extensive and lasting impact that will stem from these classrooms, and may it be a beacon of light, knowledge, and opportunity for all who enter theirdoors,"Paulsesaid.

Rudi Bowe

Aqua Services & Engineering Opens New Warehouse in Walvis Bay,

Marking 30 Years of Excellence

Celebrating 30 Years of Dedication, Aqua Services & Engineering (ASE) Unveils Cutting-Edge Warehouse

Inamomentouscelebrationof30yearsofexcellenceanddedication,AquaServices & Engineering (ASE) proudly announced the grand opening of its cutting-edge warehouseinWalvisBayonFriday,21July.

As Namibia's premier supplier and service partner for water and wastewater treatment, mining extractions, and various industries, ASE's new facility marked a significant step in its commitment to

providing top-notch solutionsandcontributingtosustainable development.

Since 1993, ASE had been deeply involved with the coastal community, starting with its pioneering work in treating water at the

Dolphin Park SwimmingPooland revampingthetreatment system at the S w a k o p m u n d Aquarium Additionally,ASEplayed a pivotal role in the establishment of a desalination plant, ensuring a steady

supply of safe drinking water to the community by drawingseawaterfromthe harbour and producing high-quality process water "ASE took immense pride in our longstanding partnership with the centralcoast,"shared

Chris Stöck, ManagingDirector "Our passion for water drove us to provide innovative solutions, understanding the complexities of treating Namibia's seawaterandfactory effluent water to achieve exceptional results."

The inauguration of the state-of-the-art warehouse at 113, Moses Garoeb streets, stood as a testament to ASE's unwavering dedication to the industry anditsbrandslogan,

'Passion for Water.' Thenewfacilitynot only enhanced efficiencyinservice delivery but also opened up exciting employment opportunities for motivated Namibians ASE foresaw significant growth in its WalvisBaydivision and sought qualifiedengineers,safety officers, technicians, and artisans to align with its vision.

As the demand for quality water ser-

vicesincreased,ASE committed to providing a secure future for its dedicatedstaffmembers. The new and improved warehouse servedasamilestone marker on ASE's journey towards achieving excellence, both locally and globally ASE expressed heartfelt gratitudetoallstakeholders for their invaluable support over the past three decades, ensuring the success of their vitalmission.

Port Log Eileen van der Schyff


2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: OdiboLounge.


Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Erasmus Hilumunhu Haihambo,PBox643, Walvis Bay Walvis Bay

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 7707, Unit 05 Volstruis Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

4. Nature and details of application:Transferof Special Liquor Licence WVB-PLL8 / 2 0 2 0 F R O M : Erasmus Hilimunhu H a i h a m b o I d : 7807161006 2 TO: PhillipusNashandiId: 7 0 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 6 2 respectively.

5 Where application will be lodged: Walvis


CONSENT: To Establish anAir B&B ON ERF NO: 14M TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig

STREET NAME & NO: 34 Kovambo Nuyoma Ave.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:anAirB&B.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 18 August 2023

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MichaelGoudmann,POBox,2657,WalvisBay email:michael@baader-namibia.com

Office,ClerkofCourt .

6 Date on which application will be lodged:28July2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.


PleasetakenotethattheMunicipalityofWalvisBayintendsto apply to the Municipal Council and the Urban and Regional PlanningBoardforthefollowing:

·SubdivisionofRe/Farm38WalvisBayintoPortion1 (±258ha),Portion2(±815ha)andtheRemainder (±1655ha);

·SubsequentsubdivisionofPortion1into12Portionsand theRemainderand;



-Portion2fromUndeterminedtoSpecialforaTruckPort withancillaryuses


-Portion12fromUndeterminedtoUtilityServiceforan existingsubstation


The Remainder Farm 38 is situated south of the C14 Road in WalvisBay Thepurposeoftheapplicationistounlockavailablelandforfuturedevelopment,andintheshortterminparticularindustrialdevelopmentandaTruckPort,whichismuch neededinWalvisBay

TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanandRegional PlanningAct,2018(No.5of2018)andintermsoftheWalvis BayZoningScheme. Pleasetakenotethat:

(a)ThedetailedplanliesopenforinspectionatRoom101ofthe officesoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive;

(b)Anypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionstotheproposed applicationmayinwritinglodgesuchcommentsorobjections, together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipality of WalvisBaywithinfourteen(14)daysofthelastpublicationof thisnoticeand;

(c)Written comments/objections must be submitted before or on17:00Thursday,24August2023.

Applicant: MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay Tel:+264642013229 townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na

Bay Magistrate





Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof

1. Name and postal address of applicant: Ndaedapo Martin Handunge, P O Box 275,WalvisBay


2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: EknoPub.

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 7707, Unit 06 Volstruis Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis


4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of Special Liquor Licence WVB-PLL10/2020 FROM: Ndaedapo Martin Handunge Id: 900912 0069 5 TO: Phillipus Nashandi Id: 701224 00062respectively

5 Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Office, Clerk of Court .

6 Date on which application will be lodged:28July2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.



Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Erasmus Hilumunhu Haihambo, PBox 643, Walvis Bay Walvis Bay.

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: Friday Special Lounge.

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 7707, Unit

07 Volstruis Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of SpecialLiquorLicence WVB-PLL-17/2022

FROM: Erasmus Hilimunhu Haihambo Id: 7807161006 2 TO: Phillipus Nashandi Id:

7 0 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 6 2 respectively

5 Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Office, ClerkofCourt.

6 Date on which application will be lodged:28July2023.

Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistratenotlaterthan 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.

NAMIBTIMES13 28JULY2023 whether you’re in Engineering, Fishing, Construction or Mining business or you’ve made a promise to the wife at home. We have what you need at No. 31, 10th street East, Walvis Bay or call 064-203132 We deliver anywhere and everywhere.
Steel Need Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Aluminium, Pipes and Fittings, need a special grade or dimension! Tel +264 203 132 ·Fax +264 206 810 ·sales@desertironnamibia.com ·31, 10th Str East IndustrialArea ·PO Box 2258, Walvis Bay, Namibia A member of the Deamaru Group



In the estate of the late SIEGFRIED DENNIS GEISEB, Identity No. 790422 0001 4 of Erf 1046, Tamariskia, Swakopmund, Namibia who died on 5 July 2021 (Master's Reference E 495/2022), and who was married in community of property to Charmaine Valery Geises.

In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court SWAKOPMUND.

Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.






TEL. (064) - 405051




VollgraaffRealEstateherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the Resident Occupation Special Consent, to operate an “administrative office” on the premisesofErf377,Myl4Extension1(c/oEagle Close & Baobab Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.

Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication totheSwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,duringnormalbusinesshours. Closing date for objections or comments is: 18thAugust2023.

ContactPerson:MrsA.Vollgraaff,Cell:081861 7135,Email:aniska@vre.properties or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

1 x Tank Technicians

1 x Inspector Tank Technicians

Please mail CV to bjansen@omahooli.com/rshimbulu@omahooli.com


Rezoning: From “General Residential: 1/150m2” to “Institutional”

ConsentUse:ForanInstitutionalBuildingtopermita Clinic/Dispensary/MedicalConsultingRooms


Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner of erf 3325 Kuisebmond (Etosha Street) to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay and the Urban and RegionalPlanningBoardforrezoningandconsentuse asabove.

The above application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The purpose of the above application is to establish a MedicalCentreinanInstitutionalBuildingonthesite. Takenotethat–

(a)therezoningandconsentuseapplicationliesopen forinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsandBuilding ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay situated at Civic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be downloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b)Writtencommentsorobjections,togetherwiththe groundsthereof,mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00 Friday, 25 August 2023 to the addresses provided below:

Bay bruce@sp.com.na




EST 270/0001-80) No:2017/0334
APPLICANT: StewartPlanning P O.Box2095 Walvis
Manager:TownPlanning Section PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay townplanning@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Omahooli Solutions requires the services of the following suitably qualified personnel:

C l a s s i f i e d s





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DoctorOupaMulewa081 7662947

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Paints,headache,epilepsy, swollenlegsandfeet, manhoodenlargement, recoveringofstolenproperty andmanymoreother complicatedproblemsand diseasesyoumighthavebeen letdownbyotherdoctorsn thepast.“StopCrying”now it’syourtimetocomeand experiencethewonderful miraclehappeninginyour lifeandyouwillneverregret.

Foranyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba081767 7045

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WALVISBAY 0811243904

2ndStreet,East officespace&flat


Contact: 0811243904


Quiet, Spacious & Secured 3 Bedroom Unit, 3 Bathrooms.

Open-plan living area with internal Braai Area, Alarm, Roof Top Entertainment Area, Double Garage.

N$ 14,500 p/m

excluding Water & Electricity Deposit N$ 14,500. Contact 081-599 5599.


TOLET: HouseMeersig, WalvisBay






*ParquetfloorKitchen & LivingRoom

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Nr3–55,SamNujomaSpacioustwobedroomwith showerandbath.Queenbed plus2xsingle.Dresserswith mirrors.BIC,kitchenmicrowave,stoveandfridge. Sittingroomwithfixed cornercouch,diningtable and4chairs.TV&decoder Curtains/blinds.Indoorbraai. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remote door.Prepaidelectricity Sorry–Nopetsorsmall children.Nomunicipal connectionfees.Immediately available. N$6500.00/ N$5500.00p/m Plusdeposit.


FLATTORENT: Roomtorent Available1stAugust, WalvisBay,Kuisebmond, W/Eincl.

OwnShower&Toilet,Hot Water,FreeWiFi,Ideally forSingles.

Price:N$2,400.00+ (N$1,000.00Refundable Deposit).IfCouple N$200additionalwillbe addedtocoverW&E.) Call:0813330095& 0818090399& 0812615767

TORENT:WalvisBay, Kabeljou,Kuisebmond onebedroomflatwithopen plankitchenandliving room.Privatebathroomin averyneatandsecurearea. Highfencedwallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforsinglepersonora youngcouple.

N$3750.00p/m W/Eincl.






Two-bedroomflat (N$6100.0)andonebedroomflat(N$4200.00) allW&Eincluded. Availablenow.Lessdeposit ispayable.

Contact:0812898668/ 0814351012

appointmentand consultation0817407321
AvailableCallNowBaba Kareem0812528744

C l a s s i f i e d s




2slaapkamerwoonstel nabyWalvisbaai Laerskoolbeskikbaarvan 1Augustus.

Woonstelkommetenkel motorhuis,extralaundry roomenkleincourtyard.

N$6000.00permaand plusdepositwatin3 maandekanafbetaal word.

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Open-plankitchen Garage




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Thereisalsoa1bedroom flatwithasinglegarage.



3bedroomhousewith2 bathrooms,openplan lounge,diningareaand kitchenwithbicandbuild instoveandsinglegarage. Outsidebraai,small gardenandboudarywall. Yardispartially interlocked.




Vacancies Vacancies


One occupational therapy position is available in a busy paediatric and general occupational therapy practice in Walvis Bay, Namibia. Applicants whoareregisteredwiththe Health Professions Council of Namibia (HPCNA) will be given preference.

The following is required fromtheapplicant:

- A university degree in Occupational Therapy is a pre-requisite

- The applicant must be able to speak Afrikaans andEnglish

- Previous experience in the Paediatric field will be apre-requisite.

- Theapplicantmustbein good health, be able to work independently, handle a full patient load andbepreparedtoworkin thepracticeforaminimum periodoftwoyears

- A valid passport and driver's license are essential (own transport is necessary)

A competitive monthly commission-based salary willbenegotiatedwiththe successfulcandidate. Serious applicants can email their CV's to Liesel Scheffer: scheffer@iway na or telephonicenquirescanbe made at (Tel) 264-64206356 Closing date for applications: 3 August 2023


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Qualificationincivil engineeringand/or constructionmanagement willbeanadvantage.


5yearsleadinghand/ constructionsite managementexperience. Otherconstructionskills/ experiencewillbean advantage.


Mustbefluentin AfrikaansandEnglish

Mustbewillingtowork longhours.Musthavea validNamibiandriver's licenseandowntransport.


Assistingthesitemanager inconductingall constructionsite managementrelatedtasks, dutiesandresponsibilities toensureoptimalprogress atimpeccablestandards. Onlyshortlisted candidateswillbe contacted.Submitcvto hannelie@hefergroup. comonorbeforeclosing date.



Rinais‘n38jarige betroubaredamemet verwysings,opsoekna huiswerk/strykofkantoor skoonmaakopDinsdaeen DonderdaeinWalvisbaai enLangstrand.




Iamahardworkinglady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay Wednesdays,Thursdays andSaturdays.




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Menethaislookingfor domesticworkor babysittingin SwakopmundorLong Beach.Ihaveexperience inboth,andcanstartas soonaspossible.

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We are looking for an Office Admin / Debtor – Creditor Clerk

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Closing date: 10 August 2023


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Applications are invited for the following position:

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Send CV to:The Box Holder, P.O. Pox 657 Swakopmund

Closing date 15August 2023

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You were very kind and thoughtful with a warm and loving heart. And when other people needed help, you always played your part. You’re thought of every single day whatever time of year


Contact:0816361858 DodgeCalibre

JOBWANTED: Lookingfordomestic workfir5daysaweek. Swakop,Langstrandand Walvis.Uhave3years experience.Readytostart assoonaspossible.


WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknastrykwerk vir3dae‘nweek,asook kookwerk(catering)vir2 dae‘nweek. NiksNarraville.



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FIFA Football for Schools Training

Teachersfrom18schoolsintheErongoregionparticipatedintheFIFAFootballforSchoolstraining forteachers(CoachEducators)heldonthe24and25JulyinSwakopmund.

ThetrainingprogramthatispartoftheFIFAFootball for Schools (F4S) program in conjunction with the Namibian Football Association (NFA) and implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services, the Ministry of Education,ArtsandCultureandtheNamibiaSchool SportUnion(NSSU)wasfacilitatedbytheRegional Sport Officer of Walvis Bay from the Ministry of SportMs. Elina'Pandu' PetrusandtwoteachersMs. Laimi Shimanga from Omaruru and Mr Dawid GawasebfromWalvisBay

Petrus said that the objective of F4S program is Football for Schools (F4S) is a mass participation programme that aims to contribute to the education, development and empowerment of boys and girls across the globe reaching all 211 FIFA Member Associations to promote social change without discrimination.

“The programme seeks to make football more accessibletobothboysandgirlsaroundtheworldby incorporating football activities into the education systemandisdesignedtopromotetargetedlifeskills andcompetenciesthroughfootball,”Petrussaid. According to Petrus the F4S programme includes a free digital application (Football for Schools) that is accessible via Google Play and theAppleApp Store as well as an online learning platform with relevant contentfor isguidedbyaresults- withdifferenttopics basedmanagementframeworkandtheoryofchange, which assumes that developing intrapersonal, interpersonal and cognitive skills amongst learners, withoutdiscrimination.

PetrusaddedthattheF4Sprogrammeenableschools totacklearangeofsocialissues,whileprovidingan attractive vehicle in which to engage and educate learners,andevenmotivateeducators.

“Theprogramwillempowerlearners(boysandgirls) with valuable life skills and competencies and providecoach-educatorswiththetrainingtodeliver sport and life-skillsactivitiesand buildthecapacity to deliver training in life skills through football,” Petrusexplained.

Sheaddedthattheprogramwillproduceknowledge and positive attitudes, and will help the learners to developlifeskillsandcompetencies.

“Ifthisisdonewhinanenabling,inclusiveandcaring environment that promotes individual learning and development, along with a combination of football and life skills, the programme has the potential to contributetoindividualandcommunitychangeand consequentlytotheidentifiedSDGs,”Petrussaid.

NAMIBTIMES17 28JULY2023 School News
TheParticipantsandlearnersfromSwakopmundSecondarySchoolthatassistwiththepracticaltraining One of the teachers receiving his certificateandtwosoccerballs TheParticipantsthatcompletedthetrainingprogramwiththefacilitators

Walvis Bay Benefits from Hockey Initiative

Rudi Bowe


Walvis Bay has become the 16th town to benefit from the Standard Bank Namibia Junior Hockey Initiative through the Hockey School of Excellence, as hockey was introduced tofourprimaryschoolsonWednesday, 19July,andThursday,20July.

The participating schools in the harbour townareSeasidePrimary,!NaraPrimary, Flamingo Primary, and Narraville Primary School The teachers that participated in the training are Sylvia UuskuandEsterMumbalafromSeaside Primary School, Febiona Kaimbi and Lualdi-SadeMouton(NarravillePrimary School), Megon Karuuombe and Charlotte Van Neel (Flamingo Primary School), Kibagu Owases and Zeeka Moses(!NaraPrimarySchool).

Standard Bank Junior Hockey Initiative Project Coordinator Coach Erwin Handurasaidthattheinitiativestartedin September 2021 in Windhoek with the aimtodevelophockeyinall14regionsof the country. Handura said, "since the inception,wehavemanagedtointroduce hockey to 16 towns, representing all 14 regions of our beautiful country, Namibia. With the new Astro Hockey TurfatWalvisBayPrivateSchool,we,as themanagementoftheHockeySchoolof Excellence, in collaboration with StandardBankNamibia,decidedtobring the initiative to Walvis Bay This makes the harbour town the second town after OmaruruintheErongoregiontobepart of the Standard Bank Namibia Junior Hockey Initiative According to Handura, each of the four participating schools will receive hockey equipment worthN$4000tostartaleaguebetween theschoolsinthetown.Handuraappeals totheWalvisBaybusinesscommunityto come on board and help keep Namibian childrenoffthestreets.

The Sports Officer from the Ministry of Sport in Walvis Bay, Pundu Petrus expressed her gratitude for the Hockey School of Excellence and the Standard BankNamibiaJuniorHockeyInitiativefor bringinghockeytoWalvisBay

The Chairperson of the Erongo region School Sports, Given Gowaseb said that this is a great opportunity for kids at government schools to learn and play hockey,whichispredominantlyplayedby kidsatprivateschools.Hesaid,"myhope is that with the Standard Bank Namibia JuniorHockeyInitiative,wewillbeableto takehockeytothenextlevelintheregion."

Overthepast22months,theinitiativehas introduced hockey in 16 towns, including Windhoek, Rehoboth, Mariental, Okahandja, Gobabis, Keetmanshoop, Tsumeb, Outjo, Rundu, Ombalantu, Ongwediva, Omaruru, Helao Nafidi, Katima Mulilo, Nkurenkuru, and Walvis Bay They have also trained over 136 coaches and 1 360 kids, along with 50 umpires,inall16towns.

Thewayforwardfor2023includesschool leaguesrunningfrom1-19Augustinall16 towns, regional festivals from 21-30 September, and the National Festival on theweekendof5-6OctinWindhoek.

18 NAMIBTIMES 28JULY2023 School News
Standard Bank Junior Hockey Initiative Project Coordinator, Coach Erwin Handura (Red pants); Pundu Petrus Sports Officer from the of Sport in Walvis Bay, Marion Handura; Standard Bank Junior Hockey Initiative Project, Given Gowaseb and Chairperson of the Erongo region School Sports with the participants from the different schools.

Sailing Season Kicks Off with Laser Junior Nationals

The2023sailingseasonwillkickoffwiththeNamibiaSailingAssociation(NSA) LaserJuniorNationalsattheWalvisBayYachtClubon26and27August

Walvis Bay is the sought-after sailing location in Namibia, mainly because of the protected lagoon and bay, along with favourable and consistent wind conditions. Not to mention the excellent facilities and support provided by the WalvisBayYachtClub.TheChairperson of the Namibia Sailing Association, LaurenDavidson,saidthatsailingevents have taken place annually for well over two decades, bringing Namibian sailors from various regions in the country to compete in the sailing hot spot of Namibia. Davidson said, "this year's Laser and Junior Nationals are proudly sponsored by Catamaran Charters, who have provided a generous sum of money

to boost and support the sensational regattas.Thefirstracewillbeheldshortly after the skipper's meeting at 9:00 on Saturday morning, 27th August," the prize-giving for the Laser Nationals will take place shortly after the last race on Sunday afternoon. Davidson added that the rest of the class championships will takeplaceinDecemberthisyear

The Laser, a monohull single-handed boat, is a class of single-handed, onedesign sailing dinghies using a common hull design with three interchangeable rigsofdifferentsailareas,appropriatefor agivencombinationofwindstrengthand crewweight.

NRU Appoints Proudfoot as Assistant Coach

The Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) has officially appointed Matt Proudfoot as the Assistant Coach to Allister Coetzee ahead of the Rugby WorldCupinFrance. Proudfoot, a 51-year-old former South African and Scottish International Rugby Union player who had stints with Glasgow Warriors and Edinburgh Rugby, brings a wealth of experience to the coaching team. He previously served as an assistant coach withSouthAfrica,culminating with the 2019 World Cup, and later became the forwards coach for the England Men's RugbyTeaminJanuary2020. Throughout his coaching career, Proudfoot has also workedwithWesternProvince, Stormers, North-West University, and the Kobelco Steelers inJapan.Hisvastexpertiseand coaching acumen make him a valuable addition to the Namibian rugby setup. Namibia is set to compete in PoolAat the World Cup, commencing their

Matt Proudfoot, the newly appointed Namibian Rugby Assistant Coach journey against Italy in St EtienneonSeptember9.The team will also face tough opponents in New Zealand, France,andUruguayduring theprestigioustournament. The appointment of Matt Proudfoot as the assistant coach signifies Namibia's commitmenttoassemblinga formidablecoachingstaffin theirquestforsuccessonthe internationalrugbystage.

Jaco de Witt Wins WBM FLAG Golf Tournament

Jaco deWitt emerged victorious in the highly competitive WBM FLAG Golf tournament,showcasinghisfinegolfing skills at the Walvis Bay Golf Club on Saturday,22July.

Sponsored by WBM, the FLAGS format tournament attracted a full field of 44 players, including six talented junior golfers. Sam Nel and Francois le Roux secured the second and third positions, respectively, while Boel Grobelaar, Eunice Wolff, Pedro Fernandes, and MartinusMaraisclaimedthefourth,fifth, sixth, and seventh spots, respectively Among the participants, ten players registeredeaglescoresontwoholes,with Koot Potgieter's exceptional eagle on the 15th hole being the highlight. Other notableperformancescamefromHerman Smidt,AntonWelgemoed,TieniedeWet, WynandBreytenbachJnr,RoccoViljoen, Connor Gibson, Danie van Antwerpen, KyleJohnson,andMartinusMarais.

Representing WBM, Wouter van Wijk

presided over the prize-giving ceremony and reaffirmed WBM's commitment to sponsoringthetournamentagainnextyear. The upcoming golf events at the Walvis Bay Golf Club include the third leg of the DEWRO BRING A BUDDY/NONGOLFER or a junior with a handicap higher than 18 on 29 July. The SPCA fundraiserinitiallyscheduledfor4August hasbeenpostponeduntilfurthernotice,but thechaindayissettoproceedasplannedon 1st September Additionally, the Rocco Mama Golf Day and the Logal Sages eventswilltakeplaceontheweekendof4th and5thAugust,respectively

The club's Annual General Meeting (AGM)hasbeenscheduledforWednesday, 16August,andseniorgolfersarereminded of the SENIOR golf sessions every Thursdayat8:30amfora9:00amstart. Moreover, the TSUMEB SAGES event is scheduled to take place over the weekend of12August.

NAMIBTIMES19 28JULY2023 School News
Wouter van Wijk, from WBM, presents the winning prize to Jaco de Witt. Rudi Bowe
Contact Rudi Bowe for all your sport news Calls: 081 295 7841 Calls & Wapp: 081 725 8066 Send your Sport News to jounalist5@namibtimes.net

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Dominant Navy Back to Winning Ways

Namibian Navy NC returned to winning ways in the MTC Namibian Netball Premier after posting a 34-32 victory against Afrocat Lions and 51-33 against Northern Fly Ballers at the Paresis Sports Field in Otjiwarongo over the pastweekend.

Navy suffered successive defeats to Wanderers, Namibian Correctional Services NC and AfrocatLionsinthe first round of the MTC Namibian Netball Premier, but with the start of the second round theNavygirlsputin powerful away displaystomoveupon


The other coastal outfit in the MTC Namibian Netball Premier

Eleven Arrows after winning two of their three games at home on the weekend of 15 and16July.Theylost against Mighty

Gunners NC 48-36 and Otjozond-jupa Nampol 57-21 over the past weekend at

the Paresis Sports FieldinOtjiwarongo. Other results in the MTC Namibian Premierwereasfollows:

Mighty Gunners NC 54-28 Northern Fly BallersNC Tigers NC 43-44


Mighty Gunners NC 46-32WanderersNC

Afrocat Lions NC 4720RebelsNC

Namibia Scoops Three Awards at ICC

Development Awards 2022

Namibiaachievedaremarkablefeatastheysecuredthreeprestigiousawardsat the ICC DevelopmentAwards 2022, a ceremony dominated byAfrican nations. Alongside Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda, the four nations claimed the top six globalprizesfortheiroutstandinginitiativesthatsignificantlycontributedtothe growthanddevelopmentofcricketintheregion.

Namibia's outstanding efforts were recognisedinthefollowingcategories:

1. ICC Development Initiative of the Year2022

Namibia earned this accolade for their exceptional Ashburton Kwata MiniCricket Programme, which has been runningsince2009.

The program's success lies in promoting cricket in open environments while fostering values of respect, leadership, and resilience among participants. Its impacthasbeenextensive,reachingover 20 000 children across the country,

marking its second successive win at the ICCDevelopmentAwards.

2. ICC Associate Member Men's PerformanceoftheYear2022–Cricket Namibia

Inathrillingdisplay,Namibiastunnedthe cricketing world by defeating Sri Lanka during the opening stages of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2022 in Geelong, Australia. Led by Jan Frylinck, JJ Smit, and David Wiese, Namibia's sensational performanceresultedinaremarkable55run victory against the 2014 champions andcricketingpowerhouse.

Skipper Gerhard Erasmus

expressed his delight, describing it as a "fairy tale story"forNamibiancricket.

3.ICCCricket4GoodSocial Impact Initiative of the Year 2022–CricketNamibia

Namibia's impactful "Pledge 4 Pink" campaign aimed to fundraise for the Cancer AssociationofNamibia. The initiative proved highly successful, with a range of activities held over five days, including a Pink Ball event, a Golf Day, and a specialist T20 tournamentonPinkDay,which attractedover2000spectators. The campaign also involved national players auctioning off theirjerseys,raisinganimpressive N$152 000 to support cancer patients across the country

The winners of the ICC Development Awards 2022 were determined by a distinguished panel of voters, which included cricket icons such as Graeme Smith, Mel Jones, and Stafanie Taylor, along with representatives fromICCFullMembers,ICC partners,andthemedia. Launched in 2002, the ICC Development Awards commend world-leading initiativesandinnovativeprograms undertaken by ICC Members to foster cricket's growth in emerging nations during the previous calendar year Namibia's triumphant achievements underscore their commitment to cricket development and celebrate their significant contributions to the sport regionally and globally

news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
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Coastal Netball outfit ElevenArrows NC Coastal Netball outfit Namibian Navy NC Rudi Bowe

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