Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Last surviving EPZ company announces closure in Walvis Bay Namibia Press & Tool Company, the last surviving Export Processing Zone (EPZ) company in Walvis Bay, will close down at the end of the year. Two well-informed the uncertainty around the sources also consources confirmed what to expect beyond firmed. this to Namib Times 2025 makes it more “We are looking at conthis week, adding the viable to rather act cluding our operations company opts to re- now, and relocate ope- in Walvis Bay by the locate to another rations to another end of 2021, which incountry, as Nami- country to keep cer- clude servicing a conbia’s current EPZ tainty in the equation”, tract of one of our custax-regime comes to the newspaper was tomers which we hope an end in 2025. told. will be renewed soon”, “As an EPZ com- Negotiations are cur- the source concluded. pany we don’t pay rently underway with Namibia adopted the import or export the workers and their Export Processing duties, neither in- trade union regarding Zone (EPZ) concept in come tax. However, retrenchments, one of
Continues on page 2
President Geingob and First Lady test positive for the Coronavirus
Namibia’s Head of State, Dr Hage Geingob and First Lady Monica Geingos have tested positive for the Coronavirus. State House in a statement said the Presidential couple tested positive on Wednesday evening and entered self-isolation in their residence. “The President and the First Lady are in good spirits and self-isolating in their residence”, the statement reads. Since the news broke, Namibians took it to social media and wished the Presidential couple a speedy recovery.
Herstel van strate vorder fluks
Policy for Namibia’s automotive industry nears completion Namibia is in the process to finalise its policy for the automotive industry. The policy will pave the way to regulate vehicle manufacturing in Namibia, and by implication will at last provide commercial momentum to the auto manufacturing plant in Walvis Bay of Peugeot Opel Assembly Namibia (POAN). This is according to Mr Robert van Rooijen, the CEO of POAN. POAN commenced assembly operations in Walvis Bay early in 2019, but very soon hit a slag when it was discovered the import of semi-knockdown
Bladsy 3
C.A.N.’s Buffs arrived!
Continues on page 2
Arandis businessman killed instantly as his vehicle hits truck
Page 5
Corridor Group launched Road Safety Campaign
Page 6
A businessman of Arandis, Mr Titus (”Zocks”) Sakaria (30) was killed instantly at around 10:30 yesterday, when his light sedan vehicle rear-ended a tanker truck at the C24 offramp to Walvis Bay on the B2 close to Swakopmund. Emergency personnel had to force open the wreck of the vehicle to remove Mr Sakaria’s mortal remains. A case of culpable homicide has been opened against the driver of the tanker truck, Mr. Diakuka da Conceicao.
Sports News Page 16
28 MAY 2021
Last surviving EPZ company Policy for Namibia’s automotive industry Continued from page 1
the mid-1990’s to lure international manufacturers to the country. The manufacturer sets up a factory and pays no import duties on raw materials and no export tariffs on exports. The key principle was to create jobs, bring technology to the country and create local expertise. Although no import- or export tariffs were payable, the exports and imports of EPZ companies were added to Namibia’s balance of payments. When Walvis Bay established its EPZ zone in 1996, investors also paid lower prices for land to develop the factories. The concept was successful and eight EPZ companies came into being, of which Namibia Press & Tool Company was the pioneer.
Fatal accident Continued from page 1
However, since some of the companies relocated to among others Zambia, some closed down and some converted to fully compliant Namibian companies, paying taxes. “We are disappointed to lose Namibia Press & Tool Company, but more important is the Namibian Government needs to take a lasting look at export processing or a similar concept in order to bring foreign manufacturers back to the country with incentives. These manufacturers become the catalysts for local support services and products. Locals become service providers as transporters, maintenance and repairs in these factories, providers of services like cleaning, security, packaging materials etc”, a local expert in export processing zones explained yesterday.
Continued from page 1
vehicles (SKD), the assembly of the vehicles on Namibian soil and sales to the Namibian market presents huge challenges to existing customs legislation. Specifically in relation to the Southern African Customs Union to which Namibia is a member. Where the vehicle assembly plant was envisaging the assembly of 5 000 vehicles towards the middle of this decade, it has to date over a span of just over two years produced only 159 vehicles. According to van Rooijen the problem is being addressed. So far twenty vehicles that rolled off the assembly line at POAN had been delivered to customers in Namibia. There are more vehicles that will be delivered, mostly at this stage to clients in the public sector. One of the public sector clients is the municipality of Walvis Bay which ordered and paid for two Peugeot’s, one as the mayoral vehicle and the other a vehicle to be used by councillors on official duties.
Abnormal loads leaving the coast
The picture above of the late Mr Titus Sakaria (”Zoks”) who was killed in a car crash on the B2 road near Swakopmund’s entrance yesterday.
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Two abnormal loads were spotted at the eastern entrance to Swakopmund on the B2 this week. One of the trucks carried giant tires for mining vehicles and the other two armored personnel carriers, presumably heading for the military in a neighbouring country.
28 MAY 2021
Dit wikkel met Wal- Rössing and MUN strikes visbaai se strate wage agreement for 2021 Die kontrakteurs wat Walvisbaai se strate moet regmaak werk baie hard. Dit sluit Saterdae en selfs vakansiedae in. Hierdie groep op die foto het hierdie week 8ste Weg (oos van Sam Nujoma Rylaan) omtrent heeltemal afgehandel. Nog kontrakteurs sal na verwagting in die komende dae aangestel word, wat die werk dan na al die buurte van Walvisbaai gaan uitbrei. Die spanne wat die verkeersmerke opverf laat ook nie op hulle wag nie. Dit is ‘n riem onder die harte van die dorp se inwoners om te sien dat ons plaaslike owerheid inspring om die dorp se toestand te verbeter. Die nuutverkose Walvisbaaise Stadsraad maak seker dat die herstel, herbouing en teer van paaie ‘n hoë prioriteit bly. Inteendeel, daar gaan binnekort kontrakteurs aangestel word om sekere strate heeltemal te herbou en om van die bestaande grondstrate te teer. Die publiek word versoek om hul deel te doen om die werk van die kontrakteurs te vergemaklik. Dit sluit in om versperrings te eerbiedig, en nié op die nat oppervlaktes te ry of te loop nie.
Rössing Uranium and the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) Rössing Branch Executive Committee (BEC) on Friday (21 May) concluded a wage agreement for salary increases for the production year of 2021. The agreement comes into force next Tuesday, 1 June and is applicable to all employees in the bargaining unit from Grade 1 to 11 and Band L. For employees in the Grade 1 to 11, basic salaries will increase by 3.5% In addition, the parties also agreed to an increase of 2% on the housing allowances. For employees in the Band L, the individual package (TGP) will increase by 3.5% The parties agreed to a once off lump sum payment to cover the period January to May 2021 which will be equally split amongst all Bargaining Unit employees in Grades 1- 11 and L band.
28 MAY 2021
Church wants to break the chains of depression, hopelessness and stigma In aim to end social issues such as depression, hopelessness and stigma, parishioners from Word Embassy Ministry, a church situated in Walvis Bay, held a parade on the streets of Kuisebmond and Narraville, on 15 May 2021, demonstrating and introducing a solution towards the community. They took to the streets with written messages on posters and engaged in one-on-one conversations with bystanders in expectation of an accepting and positive response. Many of the parishioners from the church and individuals from the community marched and drove in vehicles from Ekutu in Kuisebmond to Woermann Brock in Narraville, making stops at Shop 4, Ekunde, Twaloloka, and OK Minimark along the route as they were accompanied by traffic vehicles, to ensure safety and order. Proclaiming ''the message of Christ,'' they gave motivational speeches in relation to social issues and encouraged people to look to Jesus for help and that he is the only hope for peace of heart, freedom and goodness in life. ''We have the solution to all this suffering. The only reliable and truly effective solution is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the key to all this suffering that we are under. There is no one else that can solve this situation than Jesus Christ. Run to him and you will be set free from all your suffe-ring,'' said Apostle F Jusso. He is the founder of the Word Embassy Ministry and the brains behind the whole event. Varying from young children holding flags with the message demonstration
to elders handing out flyers, offering prayers and speaking the ''Good News'' to the people, the event was explained to be a ''success'' by the team and an impressed manager of a popular mini market in Kuisebmond, applau-ded their good work and happily welcomed them to share the ''Good News'' in front of his store. ''Keep it up. What you people are doing is good.'' The parishioners wore stunning navy blue, white, grey and matching apparel holding the message ''2021 The Year of Readiness'' and held up a banner printed with the church details and the church name. The posters included messages such as ''It is all about Jesus'', ''He died for you, will you live for Him?'' and many more. Brilliant entertainment was involved. They had a drum performance, singing, chanting and gospel music. They positively expressed that it was the first, but definitely not the last time, this event will take place and they are looking forward to doing it again.
28 MAY 2021
Cancer Association to rely on nurses to enhance its countrywide footprint As part of its ongoing efforts to develop programmes and expand the footprint of hope for persons afflicted by cancer, the Cancer Association of Namibia (WO30) call on suitably qualified and capacitated (trained) Registered Nurses with Palliative Care experience in all regions of Namibia to register as stand-by consultant support caregivers. Providing ad-hoc support to palliative cancer patients and Financial Assistance Programme. their families as cases may present, the consultant nurse Suitably qualified Registered Nurses with a proven record in will be called on to provide patient visits, rehabilitative and palliative care, interested in this consulting programme, are qualitative palliative care and/or end-of-life support for invited to apply with Sr Aina Nghitongo, Head of Medical, cancer patients reported with the association. Cancer Association of Namibia (WO30) at Namaf tariffs and conditions apply in addition to the health@can.org.na board-approved policy governing the CAN Patient
CAN BUFFS - Just in time for winter! The Cancer Association of Namibia (WO30) have launched their Winter buff collection, now on sale at the CAN Head Office at 90 John Meinert Street in Windhoek West, or the CAN Erongo Centre at 3 Ferdinand Stich Street in Swakopmund. These buffs are lovely winter warmers, serve as a mask and come in 4 funky designs at N$100 each. Bulk and courier orders (delivery for client's account) can also be placed with Renay Coetzee at 061 237740.
28 MAY 2021
Road safety campaign launched for truck drivers Eileen van der Schyff A Road Safety Campaign of the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, in conjunction with the Trans Kalahari Corridor Secretariat, was launched at the Katima Mulilo weighbridge recently. The National Road Safety Council sponsors this latest drive to promote road safety on Namibia's various transport corridors to neighbouring countries. “The campaign is aimed at raising awareness of road safety among truck drivers and their importance of keeping the economy moving, appreciating truck drivers as frontline heroes during Covid-19”, reads a joint statement. The Mayor of Katima Mulilo, Cllr Lister Shamalaza, was the guest of honour at the launch. The Mayor delivered a keynote address on behalf of the Governor of the Zambezi Region, Alfea Sampofu. At the end of the event, the team handed out tokens of appreciation to truck drivers passing the Katima Mulilo roadblock.
28 MAY 2021
28 MAY 2021
28 MAY 2021
28 MAY 2021
NOTICES & VACANCIES FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in Deceased Estate lying for inspection in terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that a copy of the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if specifically stated) from the date or from date of publication hereof, which ever may be the later,
and at the offices of the Master of the High Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master ’s concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Estate No.E143/2021 Estate late Pieter Leslie Smith Id no: 531007 0020 1, a married man and was a resident of Walvis Bay, Namibia. Date of death: 29/10/2011, who died at Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. YAHWEH-NISSI TRUST P O Box 1214 Windhoek Ref: I Koujo ikoujo@yahoo.com Cell no: 081 206 6707
ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the late Teopolina Kashululu who died on 10 September 2020 and was residing at Erf No.4774, Consortium Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Republic of Namibia. Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requested to lodge their claims against the Estate or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as from date of publication of this advertisement. PIETER HAMMAN Legal practitioners Stadtmitte 2nd Floor Sam Nujoma Avenue P O Box 2148 Swakopmund (Ref: PFH/js/MAT18262)
Longbeach Hotel is looking to recruit a management couple to oversee the day-today operations of the property. The couple should have over 10 years' experience in hospitality management and be willing to reside on the property. All interested candidates should send their CVs to management@longbeach-hotel.net Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted. Closing date: 30 June 2021
JS SLOTS GROUP VACANCIES Security Guards Windhoek & Walvis Bay Responsibilities: - Welcoming customers, answering questions and providing advice - Ensuring that customers comply with rules - Remove customers from the premises if and when necessary - Maintaining a clean workspace - Ensure that management is notified of repair & maintenance work to be done Requirements: - Minimum 1 year Security work experience - Willing to work flexible hours including weekends - Applicant must be able to read, write and speak English & Afrikaans - High level of energy with strong customer service skills - Professional, Friendly and Enthusiastic ONLY Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted Closing date for applications is 25 June 2021 Please send your fully updated CV to hr@jsslots.com for urgent short listing and interview call
JS SLOTS GROUP VACANCY Casino Cashiers Windhoek & Walvis Bay Responsibilities: - Welcoming customers, answering questions and providing advice - Operating scanners, scales, cash registers and other electronics - Explaining different betting formats - Balancing Reports in a timely and efficient manner - Maintaining a clean workspace Requirements: - Minimum 1 year customer service or Cashier experience - Basic General Sport Knowledge - Willing to work flexible hours including weekends - Computer Literate (Excel and Word) - Applicant must be able to read, write and speak English and Afrikaans - Ability to handle transactions accurately and responsibly - High level of energy with strong customer service skills - Professional, Friendly and Enthusiastic - Helpful, courteous approach to resolving complaints. - Referenced to more experienced applicants ONLY Short-listed Candidates will be Contacted Closing date for Applications is 25 June 2021
Please send your fully updated CV to hr@jsslots.com.na for urgent short listing and interview call
28 MAY 2021
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
SERVICES *Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com
Liquidation of Property Auction Click & Register Here: venduehost.net/204 AUCTION STARTS 4 June & ENDS 7 June @11h00 Unit 12 (Flat) and Unit 29 ( Tandem Garage.) the corner of: Hendrik Witbooi Street & Libertine Amathila Haus Meeresruh Swakopmund, City Centre 152 m2 including balcony & garage build in Lift. VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: N$10 000 Opening Bid N$900 000 HELPLINE 0813334251 AUCTIONEER 0811434368
SERVICES DR LOVE ABU YAKEEN I only deal with love and relationship problems Lost lovers bring back same day. Attraction of the highest order. Be sweet and attractive Get marriage proposal Contact: 081 862 1832
DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Dr Zania: 081 254 9875 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 DOCTOR KADELE Pay after results. Bringing back lost lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating, get attracted to a rich man or woman. Pregnancy problems. Win gambling and casino. Get job, promotion at work, remove badluck, chitaka wallet, manhood enlargement all sizes, hips and buttocks and many more.. 081 221 8201
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
DR WANJA Pay after success, same day results. Bring back your lost lover same day. Get a love of your choice. Get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating. To make your lover him or her to love you only Pregnancy problems Manhood enlargement from 5cm - 30cm. Hips and breast enlargement. Win gambling in casino. Financial problems Remove bad luck using Lyola oil. Get job quickly and clear your debts / loans. Contact: 081 409 5373
Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast e n l a rg e m e n t , f i n a n c i a l problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149
DOCTOR WAMBA The powerful traditional healer 081 289 1413 Bringing back lost lover in 24 hrs. Stop your partner from cheating, get married quickly get a woman or man of your choice and make him or her love you. Pregnancy problems Remove bad luck from your body. Get a job of your choice Remove black pots on your body. Customer attractive at your business centre Court cases and win tenders Manhood enlargement Boobs enlargement Butt and hip enlargement Get that spicy body shape Lasting shortime in bed Tightening of vaginas (mtera) Win gambling or casino Magic and chitaka wallet for money Promotion at work Protection from your enemies Call now 081 289 1413 DR NYAMBE Pay after success same day results Bring back lost lover same day. Get love of your choice to a man or woman Get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating, make him or her love you only. Pregnancy problems, Manhood enlargement from 5cm 30cm Hips and breast enlargement. Financial problems, luck charm Win casino gambling win tenders, win promotion at work, win court cases, protection your body, get job quickly of your choice, clear your debts/loans. Wash out bad luck using khamba and many more. 081 291 6966 DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. 081 204 9299 DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547
DR BABA KAREEM Lucky means being in the right place at the right time, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *pregnancy problems *Menhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744 N YA S A H E R B A L S AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him in town, next to Choppies Supermarket Call, text, whatsapp 081 740 7321
Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913 Opportunity just comes once am the Great Chief Zhivago call me now or whatsapp for your serious problems to be solved, i have good news to all ladies out there I come with solutions to your problems, to dry the wetness of a woman wen making love, your man to understand you after quarrelling, to love you more and going to other women, to keep your marriage strong and happy, call back lost lovers, instant money work of leadership money rituals business to move forward, marriage problem, promotion in work place, lack of jobs client problems sickness, court case girlfriend / boyfriend problems, lack of child family problems, when you want something from someone, when you want power, when you need population inside your work or church and many more. 081 201 7556
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET Swakopmund Old Industrial Area: WORKSHOP: 219m², office, alarm, 3 Phase electricity, deposit payable. N$9 000.00 excl. VAT OFFICE: 110m², 3 offices, kitchenette, bathroom, 2 toilets, prepaid electricity, alarm, deposit payable. N$6 000.00 excl. VAT Tel: 0855 800 700 / 081 277 7454 TO RENT: Two bedroom, Walvis Bay: Quiet and secure in complex. NEAT and sunny two bedroom with both en-suite bathrooms. Lots of cupboards, open plan sitting room & kitchen. Big outside braai. Remote door for single garage. Alarm. Prepaid electricity. Sorry – No pets. N$ 6500.00 p/m plus deposit No municipal water deposit. Available Immediately. Cell: 081 250 4694 TO RENT: Newly built bachelor float to rent in Tamariskia N$ 3300.00 p/m Plus deposit N$ 1500.00 One bedroom, BIC, separate shower and open plan kitchen. Water is Included with prepaid electricity. Open space parking Maximum two people available 1 June Contact: 081 141 2447 / 081 425 3416. TE HUUR: Walvisbaai, Lagoon area vol gemeubileerde woonstel, slaapkamer, kombuis en badkamer Toesluit parkering. Veilig en privaat. Water en krag Go TV ingsluit. N$ 4000.00 p/m Vir 1 persoon en N$ 4 400.00 vir 2 persone. Jammer, geen kinder of troeteldiere Beskikbaar 1 Junie Kontak: 081 247 1687 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou street 1 big bedroom, toilet, shower, kitchen N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Refundable Available immediately Contact: 081 269 0484 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat Open plan kitchen + tv room. Toilet & indoor area. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit negotiable Contact: 081 351 4477 TO RENT: Narraville bachelors flat available immediately Bic in room and small kitchen. Separate shower with toilet N$ 2 900.00 p/m W/E incl. For more information Call: 081 771 0554
28 MAY 2021
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
WEEPIWA REAL ESTATE CC Rent - Vineta, Swakopmund 3 bedroom house en suite with balcony Master bedroom with ensuite and balcony Entrance hall Open plan living room & kitchen. Scullery lounge / lining room Indoor braai area. Double garage CCTV plus 2 bedroom flat N$ 17 000.00 p/m Call: 081 294 9233
Mondesa swakopmund 1 bedroom flat to let Newly built 1 bedroom flat. Near Mondesa Woermannbrock, Naukluft street. Big bedroom, toilet and bathroom, tiled floors. Fitted in cupboards and wardrobes. Water included, prepaid electricity, secure boundary wall and gated, available now. Rental N$ 2500.00 (neg) deposit N$ 2500.00 (payable in 2 months) Call: 081 865 1349 1 bedroom flat to let Newly built 1 bedroom flat. Bedroom, toilet and bathroom, tiled floors. Fitted in cupboards and wardrobes. Water included, prepaid electricity, secure boundary wall and gated, available now. Rental N$ 2200.00 (neg) deposit N$ 2200.00 (payable in 2 months) Call: 081 865 1349
TO RENT: New Flat to rent - central Spacious One bedroom N$4000 per month Including water Deposit N$2000 payable over 2 months Contact: 0817228570 Flat to rent - meersig Spacious One bedroom N$5500 per month Including water Including electricity Including single garage Deposit N$1000 Contact : 0814790725 TO RENT: Hermes Inside room & outside room available N$ 2 000.00 p/m each W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419 TO RENT: Kuisebmond 4 bedroom house N$ 7 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419 TO RENT: WVB Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma 214 modern 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, dining room Big courtyard at the back Garage. Dishwasher, blinds, G4S and water included. Pre paid electricity. Quiet safe complex N$ 6 100.00 p/m Deposit payable over 2 months. Available 1 Feb 2021 No pets, No agents Contact Frank/Hannah 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Meersig extension 1 1 bedroom bachelor Parking space available for 1 car W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Plus deposit payable in 3 months. No pets. Immediately available Contact: 081 235 7509 TO RENT: Centre of Swakopmund Modern upmarket fully furnished/applianced 2 bedroom flat for long term rent. Large open plan kitchen, dining-room, lounge combo. Includes fireplace and underfloor heating. 1 full bathroom + guest toilet. North/west facing Veranda with braai Long garage with electric gate Building looked after by Haus Lüderitz body corporate- included in rent 10 000/month negotiable 081-124 0375 nick@nicksracing.com
TO RENT: Swakopmund Tamariskia House and Flat to rent. Three bedroom house with garage, dinning room, TV room, kitchen and two bathrooms to rent for N$ 6000.00 water included. One bedroom flat open plan kitchen for N$ 4000.00 W&E included. Preferable for a single person. Available 1st June 2021. Contact: 0812898668 / 0814351012 TO RENT: Workshop in Walvis Bay, 10th street, No.273, Erven 2349. 370m² including Office space and store room. 380V power. Security system. Yard interlocked. Volker Dieckhoff lapaloma@iway.na Tel. 062 518152; 081 2479648.
TO RENT: 2 bedroom house, big open plan space, sitting room Kitchen. Bathroom & garage incl. N$ 5 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Kruis street, 10 Narraville nearby Woermann Contact: 081 140 6655 081 652 7841 TO RENT: New NHE houses Kuisebmond 2 bedroom flat with dstv dish installed already N$ 3700.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity Deposit N$ 1 850.00 Available 1 June Contact: 081 852 8111 081 322 7055 TO RENT: Narraville two bedroom house with open plan BIC in one bedroom and kitchen Geyser with pre paid electricity. Water excl. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 (can negotiate and pay in installments) Contact: 081 684 8484 081 228 3489
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET: Praia Longa Modern fully furnished 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, dining room. Balcony view No agents No pets Water incl. Pre paid electricity N$ 6 500.00 p/m Plus deposit Contact Hannah: 081 124 2151
To Let, Mondesa Inside rooms N$ 1200-1600.00 Water Inclusive- pre-paid elect Dune Ridge Court Flat 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen N$ 2800.00 Water and Electricity Inclusive – dep 1000.00 Jabulani Lapaloma flats no 1 Outside rooms N$ 1200.00 Water Inclusive pre-paid electricity Bachelor flats N$ 1500.00 Water Inclusive pre-paid electricity Bachelor flats Cul de sac N$2000.00 Water Inclusive pre-paid electricity House 2bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, lounge N$ 3000.00 water and electricity inclusive Tamariskia Flat 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen N$ 3000.00 water inclusive prepaid electricity (garage optional) Flat 1bedroom, bathroom, kitchen N$ 3600.00 water inclusive pre-paid electricity (garage optional) Ocean view Apartment 3bedroom,2bathroom, guest toilet, lounge, kitchen, garage N$ 6500.00 water exclusive pre-paid electricity Walvis Bay Hill Side Town Heremes N$ 4500.00 2Bedroom, 1Bathroom Open Lounge Kitchen With Garage Water Exclusive Prepaid Electricity. *Town Close To Shoprite N$ 5200.00 2Bedroom, 1Bathroom Open Lounge Kitchen With A Single Garage Water Included Pre Paid Electricity. NB: 100% deposit payable but negotiable All these properties are immediately available Viewing can be secured strictly on appointments. Call @ Office 064: 402112 Matty @ 081 244 6995 Cell @ 081 626 8486
TO RENT: Swakopmund Spacious one bedroom backyard flat with open plan kitchen, BIC, burglar bars and separate toilet in a secure neighbourhood. Water included and prepaid electricity N$ 3300.00 p/m Deposit required and negotiable Available immediately Contact: 081 122 8653
TO RENT: Narraville One bedroom flat with kitchen and toilet. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Prepaid electricity. Water is included. Free wifi Deposit is negotiable. Contact: 081 263 2352 TO RENT: Namport, Kuisebmond 2 Bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, shower and toilet N$ 3 300.00 p/m W/E incl. Room to rent, sitting room, toilet and shower inside. N$ 2 100.00 p/m Water & electricity incl. Contact: 081 244 1265 or 081 247 9802 TO LET TOWNHOUSE VOGELSTRAND, SWAKOPMUND 3 BEDROOMS, 2 FULL BATHROOMS, GUEST TOILET, DOUBLE GARAGE, INDOOR FIREPLACE, BRAAI, YARD, DOUBLE GARAGE. IN SECURE COMPLEX WITH ELECTRIC FENCE. CONTACT OWNER: 0855905577 TO RENT: Narraville two bedroom flat with open plan kitchen, cupboards including garage. Available now! N$ 4 100.00 p/m Plus deposit negotiable Water excl Prepaid electricity Call: 081 242 9604 TO RENT: Fairways Estate Bachelor flat with open plan kitchen, cupboards Incl garage Available now N$ 3 860.00 p/m Plus deposit Call: 081 441 4405 TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom apartment in semi complex courtyard and braai area with garage Pre paid electricity water incl N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 4 500.00 Payable 2 - 3 months Contact: 081 396 9360 081 779 8355
TO RENT: Mondesa Swakopmund near Woermannbrock 1 bedroom flat, toilet bathroom and kitchen. N$ 2 500.00 p/m + N$ 1 250.00 deposit Call: 081 479 1593 TO RENT: Swakopmund Tamariskia House and Flat to rent. * Three bedroom house with garage, dinning room, TV room, kitchen and two bathrooms to rent for N$ 6000.00 water included. Deposit payable. * One bedroom flat open plan kitchen for N$ 4000.00 W&E included. Preferable for a single person. Deposit payable. Available 1st June 2021 Contact: 0812898668 / 0814351012 / 0814344858
WANTED DEAR PROPERTY OWNERS! Are you selling your property (house, plot, flat or investment property? We have clients looking to buy houses in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. N$ 150 000.00 N$ 1.5 mil Let us help you sell it fast? Pre approved and cash buyers only. Contact: 081 681 7260 WEEPIWA REAL ESTATE CC House wanted to buy! Looking for a house to buy in good area. Kuisebmond or Narraville. N$ 799 000 - 830 000.00 Contact: 081 294 9233 WANTED: Urgently looking for a 2 bedroom house or flat price range N$ 4 000.00 N$ 4 500.00 p/m For end of May 2021 Preferably in Narraville ContactL 081 688 9171
CONTAINERS CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770
WANTED BEST CASH PRICES PAID ON THE SPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF YOUR GOLD RINGS BANGLES, CHAINS COINS, ETC EVEN FOR THE BROKEN ONES WE ALSO BUY CUT DIAMONDS Please visit DESERT JEWELER & CURIOS Prior calls are essential Cell: 081 408 1550 We have moved to 85 Hage Geingob str Walvis Bay OPPOSITE International School of Walvis Bay *** If you don’t want to sell your items, YOU CAN PAWN your gold and diamond jewellery or even a car
VACANCIES The SFC Sport Club, Swakopmund got the following vacancy:
Sports Coordinator For our Youth Soccer Academy ·Must have Qualifications in Marketing / Media · Be German speaking · Act as Fundraiser in Germany · Act entrepreneurially Applications / CV to be send to secretary@sfc.com.na
VACANCY: Walvis Bay Part time accounting services required. applicant should have practise number. If interested send cv to vanookatambo@gmail. com VACANCY: Sales Assistant Honest Computer literate Work under pressure Vibrant Namibian citizen Fluent in English and Afrikaans References required Please forward cvs to: The Manager P.O. Box 4032 Walvis Bay
VACANCIES VACANCY AVAILABLE AT MEGASAVE SWAKOPMUND Post designation: Front End Controller / Admin assistant. Scale of salary: Depending on suitability. Closing date: 30/06/2021 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED Grade 12 Courses in Retail / customer service / administration will be an advantage. MINIMUM EXPERIENCE At least 5 years retail industry experience At least 3 years Front End Controller / administration experience. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Must be fluent in Afrikaans and English. Must have sound staff management, leadership and customer service skills. Must be hard working, reliable, accurate and willing to work long hours. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Including but not limited to: Monitor and manage cashiers; Customer service; Health and safety maintenance and management; product knowledge; Housekeeping; assistant to Admin Manager. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Submit cv to hannelie@hefergroup.com on or before closing date only in PDF format.
VACANCY: Bakers and Confectioners required for Bakery in Walvis Bay. Qualifications and 3 - 5 years relevant experience required. Email cv to artisanbreadnamibia@ gmail.com
VACANCY: Position: Medical Practitioner Company: Vineta Medical Practice Requirements A medicine degree from a recognized University 5 years experience Registration with HPCNA Private Practice experience ACLS - added advantage Priority is given to a Namibian citizen Remuneration-Attractive Package Contacts: email: vinetamedical@gmail. com P O Box 5354 Mondesa Swakopmund Namibia Closing date: 05 June 2021
28 MAY 2021
C l a s s i f i e d s DEATH NOTICES E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
VACANCY AVAILABLE AT MEGASAVE SWAKOPMUND Post designation: Cashier Scale of salary: Depending on suitability. Closing date: 30/06/2021 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED Grade 12 Customer service course will be an advantage. MINIMUM EXPERIENCE At least 5 years retail industry experience At least 3 years Cashier experience. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Must be fluent in Afrikaans and English. Must have sound cashier and customer service skills. Must be hard working, reliable, accurate and willing to work long hours. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Including but not limited to: Cash handling; Customer service; Health and safety; product knowledge; Housekeeping; Scanning and checking. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Submit cv to hannelie@hefergroup.co m on or before closing date only in PDF format.
ZzZ Guesthouse Windhoek West: Affordable and Comfortable Accommodation with morning snack, en-suite bathroom, DSTV, aircon, free WiFi, BBQ areas, Swimming pool and safe parking. Bookings: 081 4777 414
PHYSIOTHERAPY post available at Anna-Mart Kruger Physiotherapy in Walvis Bay, Namibia. Are you a dynamic hardworking individual with a passion for your patients? Join our multi-disciplinary practice for a full-time position as Physiotherapist. Requirements: -BSc Physiotherapy Degree and be regis-tered with the HPCNA (Namibia) or HP-CSA. -Preference to be given to Namibian citizens. Start date: As soon as possible For more information regarding the practice please visit our website at www.healthzone.fitness Please email your CV to: annamart.kruger@ icloud.com
Vacancy Walvis Bay: Receptionist needed for Bed and Breakfast Accommodation. Willing to work after hours and weekends. Past experience will be an advantage. Submit CV to desertdreamswb@ outlook.com
JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Two hardworking ladies looking for domestic work. We have experience in cleaning, ironing and washing. We prefer Langstrand, Lagoon and Meersig. Call: 081 714 4955 081 274 6190 VERONICA I am looking for any kind of work, i am a very hardworking person. I can do any kind of work. Contact: 081 786 2834 081 296 0319 JOB WANTED: I am a learner at KSS and I am in need of after school work from 14:30 - 17:30. If anyone can help me contact: 081 348 4028 / 081 716 9503 JOB WANTED: Learner looking for any kind of work after school and weekends. Domestic work during the week. Weekend work can start from 07:00 till anytime. Contact: 085 760 4848 081 262 1986 JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 279 2772 JOB WANTED: A 24 year old lady is looking for work in Walvis Bay, cashier, domestic or waiter. Contact: 081 451 8052 JOB WANTED: two ladies looking for domestic work, we are hardworking ladies, trustworthy and ready to work. Under pressure. We have experience in cleaning, ironing and decoration. In Langstrand, Meersig, Lagoon. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 714 4955 081 644 7852 JOB WANTED: A 34 years old lady looking for domestic work or ironing. Town of Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 499 4462 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 39 jarige dame is opsoek na skoon maak werk, kinders oppas, enige. Ek is baie hardwerkend, betroubaar en altyd op tyd by werk. Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 618 1204
JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for cleaning, babysitting or taking care of old people work in Swakopmund. I have 3 years experience and can start any day. Contact: 081 240 5147
JOB WANTED: I am a hardworking 27 year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund, I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 431 1610 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for cashier, administration, reception or clerk work in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay, I have experience and I am willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 668 5774
JOB WANTED: I am a 28 year old hardworking and trustworthy lady looking for work in Swakopmund for a few hours a day (from 2 to 6 everyday) I have experience and references and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 654 7161
PROPERTIES FOR SALE For Sale Mahetago - Sectional title near FNB Mondesa 2bedroom, 2bathroom, lounge, kitchen, garage N$ 570 000.00 House 2bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, double garage with 2 Bachelor flats N$ 750 000.00 Matutura 3bedroom, 2bathroom, open lounge kitchen with a bathroom and double garage N$ 1 450 000.00 Arandis House 3bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen N$350 000.00 Newly build house, 2bedroom, 2 bathroom, open lounge kitchen with a remotecontrol garage door. For viewing contact the numbers below Call Matty @ 081 244 6995 Cell @ 081 626 8486 Office @ 064-402112 WEEPIWA REAL ESTATE CC Huge family house in Meersig, Walvis Bay 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, study room, kitchen, dining, tv room. 2 sitting room. Garage parking (4 cars) N$ 2 250 000.00 you can also rent the house for N$ 16 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 294 9233 FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Matutura ext 2 2 bedroom house, 2 toilets and shower, BIC, single garage, open plan kitchen, dining, stove, boundary wall and alarm. N$ 850 000.00 excluding transfer cost Contact: 081 418 3595 / 081 286 2922
In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay. In the matter between: Erongo Axis Security Services CC Execution Creditor and Albertina Nyoni t/a Trends Clothing & Accessories Execution Debtor Kindly Take Notice That in pursuance of a judgement granted on 11 July 2019, in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter the following goods will be sold in execution commencing on 4 June 2021 until 7 June 2021 by public auction at Erf No 3764, Grand Av e n u e N o . 2 4 , Industrial Area, Walvis Bay at 10:00, by the Mes-senger of Court: GOODS 1 x Mirror 1 x Wooden Pallet Table 1 x Round wooden display bench 4 x Clothing racks 3 x Full Mannequins 2 x Half Mannequins 4 x Boxes full of clothes 2 x Plastic containers of clothes 1 x Plastic Perspex round show case 1 x Reception desk wood + glass 1 x HP pc + accessories 1 x Filing rack 1 x L-shape office desk Conditions Of Sale: Voetstoots to the highest bidder. Dated at Walvis Bay on17 May 2021. Fouché-VanVuuren Legal Practitioners P. O. Box 2549 Walvis Bay 6th street no. 83 Walvis Bay Tel No.: 064 -205552, Fax No.: 064 -220551 Ref: ERO12/0024/ MIC
28 MAY 2021
Oval track racing back at the coast
Rudi Bowe
The long-awaited oval track racing is back at the coast after more than 2 years. Walvis Bay Motor Club will host the 3rd Leg of the National Dirt Oval Track Championship at the Desert Raceway Track outside Walvis Bay on the Rooibank road on Saturday, 5 June 2021. With many cars in the 4 classes and drivers from Walvis Bay, Tsumeb and Otjiwarongo clubs expected to be in action. The gates will already be open from 8:00 with the first set starting at 12:15. Everyone is requested to comply with the Covid-19 regulations.
Website: www.namibtimes.net
NOTICES NOTICES ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Barbara Elisabeth Fritze Id no: 300805 0005 6 of Unit No.7, Antonius Residence, Swakopmund, who died on 22 August 2019, and who was widowed. Master’s Ref: E1821/2019 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the SECOND AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all The Pro-Ed Old Boys Wild Dogs from Swakopmund persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication Rudi Bowe hereof at the office of the Seven teams participated in the first ever Pro-Ed Old Boys Cricket Clubs 6-a-side Master of the High cricket tournament on Saturday, 22 May in Swakopmund. Court Windhoek and the M a g i s t r a t e ’s C o u r t The two rookie teams, Wild Dogs from Swakop- established Pro-Ed Old Boys cricket club that will mund and Azam Cricket club from Windhoek participate in the 2021/2022 coastal cricket league. Swakopmund. contested the final that was won by the home team. “The cricket was of a very high quality. There were Should no objection The day, with some high-quality cricket was a huge many 4s and many 6s hit. I definitely think coastal thereto be lodged with cricket is up to standard with inland cricket”, success. the Master concerned Oosthuizen said. during the specified The organiser of the tournament, Ruan Oosthuizen Both teams walked away with a cash prize. said that the tournament was held to generate funds period, the executor will p r o c e e d t o m a k e and also as an awareness campaign for the newly
Pro-Ed Old Boys host cricket tournament
payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS Agent of the Executors c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AV EST 207/ 0001-50)
Southern Stream First Division comes alive After three years of football stagnancy in Namibia, the Southern Stream First Division got to action as the league finally kicked off last Saturday at four different venues across the country and will run until the end of July. The Southern Stream transitional league has four groups, namely Southern Stream, Coastal Stream, Central Stream and Inland Stream. Each group consists of three teams, with matches to be played on a round-robin basis (home-and-away) for group stage with the winners and runners up of each group proceed to the quarterfinals playoff on a knockout basis. On Saturday, Round One from Walvis Bay drew 1-1 against Northern Stars at the Mondesa
Stadium in Swakopmund, DTS Hopsol FC beat WHK United FC, and Spoilers FC beat Khomas Nampol FC while Dates Eleven FC beat Namibia Correctional Service FC at the J Stephanus Stadium in Keetmanshoop. On Sunday, Blue Boys beat Western Spurs FC 30 in Swakopmund Try Again FC beat Namibia Correctional Services in Keetmanshoop, Spoilers beat Eleven Champions in Okahandja and Ramblers lost to DTS Hopsol in Windhoek.
28 MAY 2021
Nande Secures 2021 FNB Namibian Open Likius Nande is the winner of 2021 First National Bank Namibian Open Golf Tournament recently hosted by the Namibian Amateur Golf Union (NAGU) at the Rossmund Golf Course. Likius Nande recently won the Swakopmund First National Bank representative, Shiikwa KatOpen Championship that was also held at the hingo, Area Sales & Service Manager, officiated Rossmund Golf Course. at the prize giving. He congratulated all the Likius managed to get his nose in front with a players and especially the winners and said that it par round of 72 gross to start – followed by is an honour for the Bank to support National Edwin Kutara and Francois Hanekom on 74 events throughout all sports in Namibia. gross. The President of NAGU, Marco Swarts praised Round 2 saw Likius and Edwin both shooting the sponsor for their ongoing support of this 76 gross whilst Francois and Stefanus could prestigious event. only manage 78 gross left Likius (148) nursing The full results of the FNB Namibia Open Golf a two shot lead over Edwin (150), Francois Tournament are; (152) at the end of day one. Overall Gross Winner & 2021Namibian Open Stefanus decided it was time to make a move Champion - Likius Nande 222 with Stefanus and came into the clubhouse with a one under Bonifatius225 as the runner up. Overall Nett par 71 gross – the best round of the tournament, Winner was Helmut Ndjendja 216 and Dennis lifting him into the overall runner-up spot Haimbondi 217, the runner up. ahead of rivals Edwin and Francois. A Division Gross Winner is Edwin Kutara 229 Likius, however managed to keep his cool with and Francois Hanekom 231 the runner up, the a 74 gross to give him the title by three shots Nett Winner is Hans Naobeb233 with Fritz while Helmut Ndjendja from the B Division Coetzee Jr 235 the runner up. managed to hold onto his lead in the Overall B Division Gross Winner is Theo Haimbondi 247 Nett section beating Dennis Haimbondi with and Kyle Johnson 250 the runner up with Lukas one shot. Steven 223 the Nett winner and A Moses 229 the Things got heated up in the C Division when it runner up. came to light that a fourball of contenders used C Division Gross Winner is Bertie Saunderson the incorrect tee box and were disqualified, this 181 and Miguel Tordesillas 197 the runner up and opened up the whole section to those who were the Nett Winner is Achmet Abrahams 156 with of the opinion that they had very little chance. Lester Hess 159 the runner up.
National Women Cricket Team to compete in the Kwibuka Rudi Bowe
The Namibian National Women Cricket Team will participate in the Women's Kwibuka Tournament from 6 to 10 June 2021 at the Gahanga Cricket Stadium in Kigali, Rwanda. Cricket Namibia is excited and is looking forward to the five-day-long tournament where the National Women team will fearlessly compete against the host Rwanda, Uganda, Botswana and Nigeria in preparation for the ICC Women's T20 World Cup Africa Qualifiers later this year in Botswana. According to the Chief Executive Officer on Cricket Namibia Johan Muller the last Tournament for the National Women's team was in 2019 in Scotland. Muller says that he is happy that the women can start playing International cricket as the coach worked hard for the last 10 months to improve the level and skills of the players. Muller said, “our women's team is currently ranked 23rd in the world and one of our goals during this upcoming tournament is to move up on the rankings, which falls in line with our vision to be in the top 12 by April 2022 and would also like to establish our women's team as top three in Africa.” “The competition is between African countries, so this platform gives us the ideal opportunity to achieve our goals” Muller added. The Namibian Women's National Head coach, Francois van der Merwe, said he is excited to finally start playing cricket and is looking forward to carrying the Eagles badge with pride on and offfield. Van Der Merwe said, “we just want to go play an entertaining brand of cricket and execute all the
hard work from the practice sessions and put into action at the Kwibuka Tournament.” Van der Merwe commended the team for a drastic improvement of the squad over the past eight months, and that the ultimate 24 players have been playing regular inters quad games. According to Van der Merwe they are looking forward to compete in the Uganda Tournament later this year and in the Commonwealth Qualifier in January 2022. “What we are extremely positive about is the high number of talented u/19 players we have in our development programs and who are making significant strides to improve their skills”, Van Der Merwe said. The Namibian National Women Cricket squad is Irené van Zyl (c), Yasmeen Khan (vc), Kayleen Green, Didi Foerster, Sylvia Shihepo, Reehana Khan, Arrasta Diergardt, Suné Wittmann, Victoria Hamunyela, Adri van der Merwe, Namusha Shiwomwenyo, Wilka Mwatile, Edelle van Zyl, Mezerly !Garases with Francois van der Merwe National Headcoach, Gerhard Lotter Assistant Coach and Hestelle Haccou Team Manager. The Fixtures 6 June 2021 – Namibia v Nigeria – 09h30 7 June 2021 – Namibia v Uganda – 13h50 9 June 2021 – Namibia v Botswana – 13h50 10 June 2021 – Namibia v Rwanda – 09h30 11 June 2021 – Semi Finals – 09h30 & 13h50 12 June 2021 – Third place play off – 09h30 12th June 2021 – Final – 13h50
Arrows lose on the road Rudi Bowe
Eleven Arrows Netball club from Walvis Bay lost their MTC Namibia Netball Premier League game this past weekend with 30-62 against log leaders Tigers Netball club at the Trustco United Netball courts in Windhoek. Arrows' head coach Kanku Musambani said it was a difficult game and it was unfortunate that they lost points on the road again, but have learnt from their mistakes. Musambani said, “my players lost hope halfway through the game and our opponents took advantage and scored more goals.” A disappointed Musambani said, “we will go back to the drawing board and access our mistakes, regroup and come back stronger.” Arrows are currently stationed 11th on the log with no points after 3 games.
28 MAY 2021
namib times Sport
Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Blue Waters T20 Regional Champs Rudi Bowe
Blue Waters Cricket Club was recently crowned as the National T20 regional champions after beating Zebras 1 by 24 runs at the Wanderers cricket ground in Windhoek. Blue Waters beat Windhoek High School Cricket Club with 24 runs in their first game and advanced to the semi-final, where the coastal boys beat Wanderers 2 by 5 runs for a place in the final. Cricket Namibia has announced that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 26 June in Windhoek with the Annual Awards Ceremony where they will celebrate the hard work of all cricket enthusiasts later on the same day.
A First win for Kudus Rudi Bowe
The 2020/2021 Namibian regional cricket T20 champs
Sparta crashed Okahandja
The FNB Kudu Rugby Club got their first win in the Namibia Rugby premier League match at the Jan Wilken stadium in Walvis Bay last Saturday. The Kudus Premier League team run in four tries with only two conversions and one penalty kick to beat the visiting team from Rehoboth, Reho Falcons 27-21 in a tough encounter. The try scores for Kudus were Grant Nash and Vernon McKay one each and Lloyd Jacobs two, Rayton Paulse and Aurelio Plato were successfull with one conversion each. Ronald Renton and full-back Franklin Busch scored one try each with Leegan Moos successful with one conversion and three penalty kicks for the visitors from Rehoboth. The FNB Kudus reserve team beat their counter parts Reho Falcons in the Namibian Rugby Union reserve leagues 34 – 16 on Saturday in Walvis Bay. The try scorers for the home team in the reserve league were Daniel September, Leeuwardo Sitzer and Irwin Damants and two tries by Gregory Namaseb with Ulriato Lawrence successful with two conversions and one penalty kick. Leeroy Stevens converted one try. Patty Waggi scored the only try for the visitors that was converted by Romarlin Brandt who was also successful with three penalty kicks.
NKF host regional trials Rudi Bowe
The Namibia Kickboxing Federation (NKF) recently hosted the Erongo Regional kickboxing trails at the Ring Contact Fighting Arts International's (RCFAI) Academy in Walvis Bay.
Sparta United Rugby club
Sparta United Rugby club from Walvis Bay has run in 16 tries against Okahandja Rugby Club to beat the host 97-7 in a Namibian Rugby Union Second Division Rugby League game in Okahandja last Saturday. Another challenge and history will present itself tomorrow when Sparta United will host FNB Kudus 3 at the Sparta United Recreation Club's rugby field. This will be the first game that will be played on their new home ground and this is a massive moment for both clubs.
About 90 Kickboxers and Boxers from various Academies in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis participated in the different weight categories for a place in the regional team. The President of the Namibia Kickboxing Federation Anita de Klerk said that the trails were held in aid towards the selection of a regional team that will most probably represent the region at national level and to enable Kickboxers and Boxers to set and improve their own standards. De Klerk thanked the Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth & National Service Hon Emma Kantema- Gaomas, The Erongo region's Governor Neville Andre, Mayor of Walvis Bay, Honourable Trevino Forbes, Shihan Gerhard Laubscher, President of (RCFAI) all the athletes, parents and every one that contributed to the success of the trials. The Battle of the Atlantic Boxing night will be on Saturday, 5 June at the Kuisebmond Gym in Walvis Bay. The boxing event sponsored by Cadilu Fishing will see 30 boxers from Bernado Boxing Promotion, Namib Boxing Academy and Walvis Bay Boxing Club in action on the day. The event will start at 13:00.