28 oct namib times e-edition

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Acting on the Erongo Regional Directorate of Education,Arts and Culture's recommendations brought on by urbanisation,theSwakopmundMunicipalityboaststheconstructionoftwonew schools,fundedbytheministrythrough theRegionalDirectorateoftheMinistry of Education at the Erongo Regional Council.

The expected date of completion of the constructionofboththeMatuturaPrimary School and the Tamariskia Extension 1 Secondary School is around 31 December 2022, just in time for the first scheduled intake of students for the new year in Januaryof2023.

A dream come true

As schools open their doors for the start of the new educational year in January 2023, the management, staff, parents, and learners ofThe Dolphin Schools atWalvis Bay willbewelcomedundertheschool'snewidentity,theWalvis BayGymnasium.

This is after Colette Rieckert, the Managing Director of Windhoek Gymnasium said on Wednesday, 26 October at a public meetinginthetown,thatCurroNamibiahasselectedTheDolphin SchoolstobecomeWalvisBayGymnasium.

Rieckertsaid,“Theideawasalwaystostartanewschool,Walvis BayGymnasiumintheareawiththesameprinciplesandpolicies thatWindhoekGymnasiumfollows.Wesawthatthisisthetype of education what parents in Namibia desire for their children.”

Rieckertstatedtherewasanoutcryfromthecoastalcommunity to bring the same type of education that is taught at Windhoek Gymnasium to the coast. “The reason whyThe Dolphin School was selected, is because the quality of education taught at the schoolishighlyrespectedallover,andbytheministryofeducation. Curro loves the multi-racial and multi-cultural community oftheschoolasthatiswhatweworktoaswedon'twanttostartin


namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6988 FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 7 Page 20 Page 5 Page 6
The photos, courtesy of the Swakopmund Municipality CEO, MR Alfeus Benjamin depict the positive progression of the schools
School site lay-out
Inland Fisheries Act and its regulations prohibits the useofcertainfishinggearbythepublic. Theuseofgillnetsisillegalforusebythegeneralpublicandcan attractafineintermstheInlandFisheriesResourceAct,1(Act No.1of2003)anditsregulations. The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Honourable Use of gillnets prohibited Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2Continues on page 2
Eileen van der Schyff Rudi
Destination Walvis Bay Six Passenger Liners expected at the Port of Walvis Bay WESCO Group Oranjemund Branch launched

New Schools

Considering Swakopmund's population growth rate of 5.4 % per annum, the town'spopulationwillbemorethandoublebytheyear2040. Accordingtothe SwakopmundMunicipality'sChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO),MrAlfeusBenjamin,“TheaimistoestablishSwakopmundastheEducationHubofchoice not only in the Erongo Region but in the country Henceforth, the SwakopmundMunicipalitywillcontinuetoprovidealreadyservicedInstitutionalland fortheestablishmentoftertiaryeducationinstitutions,secondaryandprimary schoolsaswellastechnicaleducationcentres.Infact,someoftheseprojects have already been approved for implementation in this financial year We would like to extend our gratitude to the Regional Directorate of Education throughtheErongoRegionalCouncilfortheresourcemobilizationandimplementationoftheproject.”

TheschoolswillaidinreducingthemigrationoflearnersfromtheDemocratic ResettlementCommunity(DRC)andMatuturatoschoolsintheSwakopmund Central Business District (CBD). Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Municipality of Swakopmund, Linda Mupupa said, “the construction of the schools is in line with the municipality's strategic plan for 2022-2026 which hasmadeitaprioritytobringbusinessandeducationfacilitiesclosertoresidentsresidingintheinformalsettlementswhomakeupthegreatestnumberof the town's inhabitants and of course, to live up to our vision to provide and maintainsafe,sufficientandaffordableservicesforresidentsandvisitorsand promotefuturedevelopmenttothebenefitofourcommunity.”

Use of gillnets prohibited

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DerekKlazen,saidhisministryasanentitythatconductsresearchandexperimental/monitoringactivitieswithdifferentfishinggear,includingprohibited gearthatisexemptedfromcompliancebysection31oftheInlandFisheries ResourcesAct,todeterminewhichgearisdestructiveorsuitabletobeusedin specificfisheryecosystems,aswellastohavescientificevidencewhycertain gearshouldbeusedornotincertainfisheryecosystemsforsustainablefisheriesmanagement.

The Inland Fisheries Regulations of 2003, as amended prohibits the use of monofilamentgillnetsfishingininlandwatersinNamibiaanddoesnotpermit arecreationallicenseholdertosellanyfishcaughtunderarecreationallicense,”Klazensaid.

“ARecreationallicenseholderisfurtherrestrictedtoadailybaglimitofnot more than 10 fish in the aggregate of any species per one day,” the minister added. Klazen explained Fisheries inspectors also educate fishermen on the importanceofcompliancewiththelaw,protection,andresponsibleutilisation oftheresources.“ItwasobservedthereappearstobeanIllegalUnregulated and Unreported fishing syndicate that commences fishing in inland waters withoutregisteringtheirnetsfirstasrequiredbylaw Tothisendtheministry islookingatwaysonhowbesttotightentheacquisitionoffishingpermitsand theregisteringoffishingnets.“Fisheriesinspectors,duringpatrols,confiscate manygillnetsthataredestroyedatsitesbyburning,”headded. Accordingtotheminister,hisministrywillcontinuetoenforceallprovisions of the law to protect and ensure resources are harvested in a sustainable manner by detecting, deterring, and illuminating Illegal Unregulated and Unreportedfishingactivitiesinallwaterbodies.

“Myministrywillcontinuetoworkincollaborationwithstakeholderstoaddressing all matters related to fisheries crimes and will enhance the deploymentoffisheriesinspectorsatrelevantsites.Anypersonfoundcontravening thelawwillbeissuedwithafineandorarrested,”Klazensaid.

A dream come true

an environment that is not everyone's conviction. Theschoolfittedlikeagloveastheyhavethesame philosophy of education that I have.The coastal community can look forward to this great new opportunitythatwillbehereforyourchildren.We will offer something different that other school cannot present.”Rieckert further said, “With the startof2023,CurroNamibiawillstartoperatingby leasing the current facilities where The Dolphin Schoolissituatedfromwheretheywillgradually introduce new subjects and new curriculum into theschool.”

According to her, the construction of the new school will commence with the groundbreaking laterthisyear,withthestartofthebulkserviceson thenewerfthatwereboughtfromthemunicipality ofWalvisBay “Earlynextyear,thebuildingofthe firstphasewillcommencewiththebuildingofthe boundarywalls,entrancegateandsecurityhouse, the high school block with one auditorium, a computer lab, nineteenclassrooms, four labs, a culinary class, an adminoffice with a reception, and sports facilities like an Astro hockey field, twohardsurfacenetballcourts,abasketballcourt,

a volleyball court and a sport stadium for rugby, soccer, cricket and athletics,” Rickert said and explained with the start of 2024 the commencement of the Primary School will start with labs (Robotics, Science, Physics, and Computers), twenty-twoclassrooms, a culinary and a reception with a staff room. The PrePrimary School will consist of nine classrooms, anafter-careroom,andareception.Theassembly hall,includingacafeteriaandadminblockaswell as a second sportsfield will also be constructed beforetheendof2024, whichwillalsobethetime that the construction of the school will be finalised.

Enrollment for Walvis Bay Gymnasium is open, and everyone is welcome to enroll their children from Pre-Primary to Grade 12 at the school. For furtherinformation, applicationformsandschool fees, kindly contact Carmen Meyer at director@tds.edu.na

All local building contractors and suppliers of materials and other services are welcome to contact Carmen Meyer, as Walvis Bay Gymnasiumwouldliketosupportthelocalcommunity

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Gala Dinner celebrates ten years

The Namibia Fish Consumption PromotionTrust (NFCPT) through National Fish Consumption Day gala-dinner, held on26OctoberatDroombosinWindhoekmarkedthe10thof itskind.

Thetheme“WeBringFishtotheNation”oftheNationalFishConsumption Day this year highlights the significance of the fishing sector to the socioeconomicdevelopmentofourcountry

ATotalofN$762500(monetaryandin-kind)wasraisedandwillbeinvested intheeducationalneedsoftheKhomasRegion.

TheMinisterofFisheriesandMarineResources,HonDerekKlazensaidthat theNationalFishConsumptionDayisadaytocelebrateNamibianfisheries.

“Onthisday,weremindourselvesofthenutritionalandeconomicbenefitsof eatingNamibianfish.”

Klazen stated that this day allows the fishing industry, other business community members, and all people of goodwill to come together to raise fundsforanoblecauseinapre-selectedRegion.

“MyheartboilswithexcitementaswedemonstratetoourpeoplethatWeCare –theFisheriesandbusinessSectorcares.”

According to the minister NFCPT and stakeholders have raised over N$5.5 million,whichwasutilisedinassistingourcommunitiesinvariousregionsin Namibia. “These funds have been invested in school needs, such as mattresses, bunk beds, chairs, desks, lockers, fridges, computers, printers, schooluniforms,bagsofcement,frozenfish,utensilsetctothehostregions.”

AccordingtoKlazenthisgestureisindeedademonstrationofthecommitment by stakeholders in the fishing industry to contribute to achieving quality educationforourchildren.“Iamconfidentthattonightwewilldobetterthan lastyearinourfundraisingefforts.”

KlazenclarifiedthatthisCSRinitiativeisbynomeanstheonlywaythatthe fishingindustrysharesthebenefitsofourfisherieswiththewiderNamibian community:theindustrypaysfishinglevies,quotafeesandtaxes,whicharein turn distributed through the National Budget to all regions in the country to buildroads,schools,hospitals,andotherdevelopments.

“Therefore, the National Fish Consumption Day donations are a top-up of fisheries sector contribution to society, which comes with the educational component of imparting culinary skills and socio-economic benefits of consumingfish,asanemphasisofourcare,”Klazensaid.


Trustees Suzan Ndjaleka said they take this opportunity to reiterate their desire and commitment to complete the remaining four regions. “We, therefore, would like to thank and appreciateallourstakeholderswhohavesupported usforco-hostingthiseventthroughoutthepastnine years. It is our desire to collectively work together to address social evils threatening our socioeconomic development for youth employment, hunger, poverty and nutritional security amongst other Weneedtoconsideroptimisingsynergiesand

unlockthepotentialofachievingathrivingfishing sector Consequently, we need to understand that our presence here tonight is significant to the attainment of our Governmental objective as informed by NDP6 & HPPII as well as the Blue Economy policy So, let's put heads together and unlock potentials through empowerment and honouringourcorporatesocialinvestment.”

The Zambezi Region was named the host of the 2023NFCD.



Swakopmund Court Report


Andapo James (23), appeared on a charge of robbery Thematterwaspostponedto25January 2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail. Machendry Meyer (42) and Mathew Vellem (41),appearedonachargeofdealingincocaine. The matter was postponed to 23 November for furtherinvestigation.Theaccusedareonbail.

Arlanzo Slinger (24), appeared on a charge of attempted murder.The matter was postponed to 23Novemberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccused isonbail.

Nelson Gurirab (39), appeared on a charge of housebreakingwithintenttostealandtheft.The matterwaspostponedto28Novemberforfurther investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody LeviKharuxab(41),Kharuxab(41),appeared onachargeofassaulttodogrievousbodilyharm. The matter was postponed to 21 November for further investigation. The accused remain in custody

A 17-year-old boy, appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 14 December for juvenile screening. The accused wasreleasedincareofguardian.

Josia Sivambo (22), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Thematterwaspostponedto23Januaryforplea andtrial.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Romanus Ganaseb (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 2 November for furtherinvestigations.Theaccusedisonbail.

ElinneTitus(27)andEitaTitus(27),appeared on a charge of kidnapping. The matter was postponedto14Novemberforsubmissions.The accusedareonbail.

Jasimine Lerato Harases (25), appeared on a chargeoffraud.Thematterwaspostponedto22 March2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.

Hebert Brandt (25), appeared on a charge of possessionofcocaine.Thematterwaspostponed to22March2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccused isonbail.

Tobias Sam (28), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The matter was postponedto23January2023forpleaandtrial. Theaccusedisonbail.

RidrickKwant(41),appearedonachargefrom employer The matter was postponed to 19 January2023fortrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Appolus Tsaoeb (21), Kind Poppas (20) and ReginaldKandamba(28),appearedonacharge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Thematterwaspostponedto19January2023for plea and trial. Appolus Tsaoeb remains in custody while Kind Poppas and Reginald Kandambaareonbail.

Ethan Mark Hendricks (21), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 23 Novemberforlabresults.Theaccusedremainsin


Petronella Miriam Lewis (42), appeared on a charge of possession of a firearm.The matter was postponed to 21 November for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody Lucia Abraham (42) and Iilonga Junias (26), appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 8 Novemberfortrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

Elvis Elary Van Sterth (33), and Mesach Gurirab (38), appeared on a charge of fraud.The matter was postponed to 2 December because the case was transferred to the regional court. The accusedareonbail.

Shavuka Teofelus (31), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponedto15Novemberbecausethedocketwas notatcourt.

Mandume Hafeni (31), appeared on a charge of theft.Thematterwaspostponedto1Novemberfor continuation of trial. The accused remains in custody

Matheus Ndjeniulayi Ndimulunde (40), appearedonchargesofrapereadwithprovisionsof thedomesticviolenceactandassaultbythreat.The matter was postponed to 7 December for further investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody AbsalomAmadhila(50),appearedonachargeof assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matter was postponed to 21 November for further investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody Joas Tico Doeseb (40), appeared on charges of possession of dependence producing substance, possessionofcocaineandpreventionoforganised crimeact.Thematterwaspostponedto29May223forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned. MatheusJabuAngula(28),appearedonacharge of armed robbery The matter was postponed to 2 November for legal aid. The accused remains in custody

Natalia Nanhaua (32), appeared on a charge of culpablehomicide.Thematterwaspostponedto14 Novemberforotherreasons.Theaccusedhasbeen warned.

Marcel Lang (22) and Richard Dayzel (22), appeared on a charge of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. The matterwaspostponedto19April2023forpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Bronckhorst Hamulwa (24), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 4 November to be heard in the regional court. The accusedremainsincustody Martha Ndapandula (26), appeared on a charge offraud.Thematterwaspostponedto7November because the docket was not at court. The accused remainsincustody

Angula Kleopas Shea (51), appeared on charges of corruptly using office or possession for gratification and obstructing the course of justice. Thematterwaspostponedto8Februaryforfurther investigations.Theaccusedisonbail.

Walvis Bay Court Report

HansGauseb(23),Assault–Assaultwithintentto do grievous bodily harm (April 2019) Warrant of arrestissued.AtLarge. Matheus Simon (27), Drunk Driving (November 2021)Thematterispostponedto31January2023. Trial.

Flavio Viringa (21), Unanisa Utjitiranuina (19), Cook Macrerelly (22), Theft out of motor vehicle (December 2021) The matter is postponed to 6 December2022.LegalAid. MosesElifas(35),Theft(April2022)Thematteris postponedto13December2022.LegalAid. Annanias Kamanya (29), Housebreaking (May 2022)Thematterispostponedto7February2023. PleaandTrial.Onbail.

FilemonDaniel(29),JustusTomasKalomo(39), Panoita Shimoshili (30), Theft of Copper wire (July2022)Thematterispostponedto13December 2022.LegalAid.

Prince Eiseb (25), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. (September 2022) The matter is postponed to 8 February 2023. Plea and Trial. In custody

IlarioStrauss(39),Assault–Assaultwithintenttot dogrievousbodilyharm(October2022)Thematter ispostponedto15December2022.Plea.Incustody JuliusHaikonda(48),Assault–Assaultwithintent to do grievous bodily harm (October 20220) The matter is postponed to 14 December 2022. Further investigation.Incustody UvarekuaMbimbo(29),Theft(October2022)The matter is postponed to 14 December 2022. Further investigation.Incustody Shazaam Boois (26), Theft (October 2022)The matter is postponed to 13 December 2022. Plea. In custody

Jerome (Junior) Vos (27), Fraud – Theft by False Pretences (November 2018) The matter is postponedto31October2022.TrialPartlyHeard–Continuationoftrial.Incustody Ben Philupus (48), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft ( The matter is postponed to 25 January 2023 Trial Partly Heard Legal Practitionernotavailable.Onbail.

Romanus Makanga (21), Richard Reid (50), Fraud (February 2021) The matter is postponed to 13 December 2022. Plea in terms of section 119 (FinalRemand).Onbail.

Francis Marin Scheffers (18), Underaged boy (`17), Robbery (November 2021) The matter is postponedto14November2022.Accusedatlarge/ Tracing of accused. Francis Marin Scheffers – on warning.

Beaurin van Staden (18), Attempted rape (December 2021) The matter is postponed to 15 February2023.PleaandTrial.Onbail.

Lazarus Hashimbuli (18), Theft (May 2022) The matter is postponed to 15 February 2023. Plea and Trial.Onwarning.

Jamiel Cloete (20), Gertidino Mbaendavi (20), Theft (June 2022) The matter is postponed to 14 November2022.Plea.Onwarning.

Diego Buxey (44), Assault – Assault by threat, Assault–IndecentAssault(June2022)Thematteris postponed to 14 February 2023. Plea andTrial. On bail.

Linus Samaria (26), Deon Taylor (25), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (October 2022) The matter is postponed to 14 December2022.Furtherinvestigation–incustody

Joey Nauseb (21), Robbery, Theft (October 2022) Thematterispostponedto29November2022.Plea. AbsalomAhipala(27),AllalikiHango(33),Theft – theft from a motor vehicle which was properly

locked (October 2022) Thematterispostponed to 15 December 2022. Further


Titus Maketse (32), Betuel Kaenandjama (29), Reinhold Hamalwa (24), Curruption (October 2017), The matter is postponed to 26 January2023.

Immanuel Ndengu (42), Theft (April 2015), The matter is postponed to 26 January2023.Onbail.


Female-foundin Oceanview Female-foundin ourKlappe Femalefoundin town Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your pet 064 - 404419 Remember to contact your local SPCA if your pet goes missing
investigation –

Destination Walvis Bay

The Municipality of Walvis Bay and the tourism industry recentlyheldatourismforummeetingafteratwo-yearbreak underthetheme'DestinationWalvisBay,Buildingaresilient BrandforWalvisBay'attheAtlanticHotelinWalvisBay.

The meeting served as a platform for the tourism industry players to strategiseonhowtogrowtourismandtocreateanenablingenvironment tohelpthetourismindustrythriveintheharbourtown.

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes said tourism is one of the largest contributors to employment in the harbour town. “We must therefore guard and treat it like the precious, rough diamond that it is.To make a meaningfulcontribution,tourismrequiresallofustoworktogether,and collaborateintransformingWalvisBayintothenumberonedestination inNamibiaandthemostrenownedinSouthernAfrica."Forbessaiditis not enough to have visitors come into our town just for daily activities.

“OurFocusshouldbetoincreasethenumberofnightssleptinWalvisBay establishments.Thiswillincreasetheamountofemploymentcreatedof theirspendingpower.”Forbesstatedthatforevery13touristsarrivingin Namibiaonejobiscreated.“Thereforethemainobjectiveistoincrease touristarrivalstogeneratemoreemploymentforNamibians.Itisourduty asWalvisBayTourismForumtoensurethatweareallworkingtowards attainingthisgoal.”

The mayor acknowledged that this is easier said than done as currently mostvisitorsdonotnecessarilystayoverinWalvisBay,norspendalotin ourtown.WalvisBayhasindirectlyandundesirablyestablisheditselfas asingle-daysight-seeingorsingle-dayactivitytown.“Thisisoneofthe identitiestheWalvisBayTourismForumneedstoworktowardchanging. Itwillnotchangenextyearorinthenexttwoyears,butweneedtomakea consciouseffortatpromotingWalvisBayasadestinationandBuildinga Resilient Brand for Walvis Bay Therefore, the Walvis Bay Tourism Forum needs to work toward changing. We need to agree on the incentives that we will use to entice aspiring visitors and increase the current tourism products to ensure that visitors have an unforgettable experience.WewantvisitorstoWalvisBaytofeelinclinedtocomeback andreferfriendsandfamilies.”

Forbesstatedthatthetaskwillnotbeaneasyone.Itwillrequireapassion for tourism, perseverance, and selflessness, as it does not bear direct monetary or any in-kind reward to those involved. “All of us must put aside our differences and our individual competitiveness and work towardBuildingaResilientTourismBrandforWalvisBay Wecancarve aplaceforourtownintheglobaltourismarena.Iwouldthereforeliketo calluponeachofustojoinhandsincomingupwithmeaningfulcontributions and strategies on how we are going to turn Walvis bay into a world-classtourismdestination,”Forbesconcluded.

Photos byAfrodite Beach Development

Six Passenger Liners expected at Walvis Bay Port

The AIDAaura will call at the port on 10 and 24 November,followedbytwoothervisitson8and22 December Sailing under the Italian flag, AIDAaura is the smallest passenger ship in the AIDA fleet,builtin2003,withamaxoccupancyof1300.

The musical MS Zaandam is scheduled to grace our shores on 27 November, bringing with her 1 718passengersand647crewmembers.TheCruise shipwillfinditswaytoWalvisBayafterdeparting from CapeTown on 23 November, voyaging on a 27-dayone-waytriptoFortLauderdale.

The Port of Walvis Bay will welcome the Seven SeasVoyageron3,8and23December.Itisa23award-winningluxurycruiseshipthatcanaccommodate777occupants,withalengthof206meters, andawidthof29meters.

AzamaraJourney,theluxuriousboutiqueatsea,is scheduledtoarriveon17Decemberduringher21dayone-waytripfromLisbontoCapeTown.Built in 2000, the 22-year-old passenger liner, currently sailingundertheflagofMalta,cancarryupto710 to781passengers.

MSCSinfoniawillcalltotheportofWalvisBayon 21, 25 and 30 December The cruise ship sings an ode to all the greats in classical music, from BeethoventoBachandevenTchaikovsky Shehas a length 275 m, a width of 32 m and a max Occupancyof2340.

AndlastlytheNorwegianJadewilldropanchorsat the port on 31 December Taking her 2 402 occupantson12-dayroundtripfromCapetown,themed “theNewyearcrews”.

Port of Walvis Bay News

General Cargo ship, Glen Scotia (IMO: 9742390), sailing undertheflagofLiberiaiscurrentlysailingfromtheBurgas PortinBulgariatowardsWalvisBay.

HerestimatedtimeofarrivalatthePortofWalvisBayistoday (28 October) at 15:00 as reported by MarineTraffic Terrestrial AutomaticIdentificationSystem.TheCargoshipwilldischarge 13 556 metric tons (MT) Copper Concentrates at the Port of Walvis Bay and will depart from the Walvis Bay Port on Wednesday, 2 November at 6:00. Her carrying capacity is 16963tDeadweighttonnage(DWT),andhercurrentdraughtis reported to be 9.8 meters with an overall length (LOA) of 131.66meters.Herwidthis23meters.

Port Log

SixpassengerlinersareenroutetothePortofWalvisBaythisfestiveseason. AIDAaura

WESCO Group Oranjemund Branch launched

On 13 October, WESCO Group of companies officially launched theirOranjemundbranch. Thepurposeoftheeventwasontheone hand to reconnect existing working relationships, but also, on the otherhand,toestablishnewones.

During this occasion, the Mayor of Oranjemund, Elias Kasemba officially inauguratedWESCO's6thdepot,situatedatERF1994Extension6alsoknownas the Old Namdeb HT Workshop. Kasemba views the official opening of the WESCO Group Namibia Oranjemund Branch as “yet another massive development. Showing that we are moving in the right direction in transforming our town.”According to Kasemba, Oranjemund town council has had a very productive 2022 thus far and WESCO's investment is evidence of the company's willingness to contribute towards the economic growth, future prosperity and transformationofOranjemund.

Kasembafurtheracknowledgedthechallenges,dedicationandteamworkinvolved in launching such an establishment and thanked the WESCO Group Namibia management under the leadership of Patrick Howarth, as well as the contractors involved and the dedicated workers who participated in this effort to make this a reality in Oranjemund.Additionally, Kasemba expressed his hope that WESCO would buy into the vision of the Town Council to uplift the local community throughjobcreation,addressingtheissueoflandandhousingaswellasmaintain its social responsibilities through charitable giving and supporting local businesses.

In detailing the company's history, George Fransman, WESCO's Company Directorsaid:“Thecompanyname,WESCOstemsfromWESTCOASTScrapand Salvage services, a company initially started by my partner, Anton Pretorius in Walvis Bay.” Fransman further noted that presently, the WESCO group of companies comprises of two entities, namely WESCO Waste Management and WESCO Engineering. Both entities operate in on- as well as offshore activities. “Establishing our branch in Oranjemund has been in the pipeline for some time now'. He attributed the growth of the company to “blessings fromAbove and a skilledanddedicatedworkforce.”,Fransmanadded.

FransmancreditedGrahamHowarth,theOperationsManagerresponsibleforall theengineeringactivitiesandMarkNangoro,theOperationsManagerresponsible foralltheWasteManagementactivitiesofthecompany BothHowarthandNangoro explained how they manage the activities at the various branches remotely from the head office in Walvis Bay WESCO has branches in Walvis Bay (Main branch),Tsumeb,Otjiwarongo(B2Gold),Lüderitz,Windhoekandofcoursenow inOranjemund.

FransmanarticulatedWESCO'smissiontobuyintothevisiontodeveloptheKaras region and to assist in improving and creating opportunities for growth and expansion,especiallyintermsofexpansion.Inaddition,WESCOoffersaplatform forskillsdevelopment,asthemajorityofalltheemployeesatWESCOarerecruits andapprenticesfromNIMTandvariousVTC'sthatreceivedadditionalon-thejob trainingtobecompetenttoconductvariousactivitiescountrywide-onshoreaswell as offshore. He has also remained firm in the company's commitment and social responsibilitytowardsthevarioussectorsofOranjemundandtheKarasregionat large.

TodayWESCOisabletorefurbishminingaswellasmarinetoolsandmachinery thatwerepreviouslyonlydoneinSouthAfrica.“Thisisthesamevisionwehave for our current as well as prospective employees in Oranjemund.” Fransman furtherthankedNAMDEBformakingthecurrentpremisesavailableforrentingto enableWESCOtoextenditsactivitiestoOranjemund.

PatrickHowarth,theDepotManager,explainedhowthetwolegs,namelyWesco's Engineering as well as Waste Management divisions operate at the Oranjemund branch.

Howarth said: “We are currently in the process of setting up our workshop, machineryandbuildingmaintenance,buttheEngineeringsidemainlyfocusseson steelfabrications,repairs,refurbishmentsandmachiningworks. Wealsodowork onexcavatorgrabjaws,refurbishment,miningbucketrepairs,HMEradiatorbox fabrication,tankfabricationandskipfabrication.”

Howarthexplainedanddetailedthespecsofthevariousequipmentandtoolsatthe workshoptoenabletheteamtodospecializedjobs.Theyarecurrentlysettingup gritblastingandpaintingandworkingontherefurbishmentofasuctionbox.Some ofthevarioustoolsandtheircapacitiesareahydraulicpressbrake(160T/3200),a hydraulicGuillotineShearingMachine(10x3200),a3RollMechanicalPyramid Type Plate roller (3100), a 3VMTurret Milling Machine, a geared-headed Lathe (1500), a horizontal Metal Shaper Machine (B635A), a geared headed Lathe (1000), a horizontal Metal Shaper Machine (B635A), a radial drilling machine (Z3050X16/1),a4Tonforklift,a10Tonand25Tonoverheadcrane,aDCwelding generator,aswellasacompressor

RegardingtheWasteManagementactivities,theteamoffersasbestos-relatedservices,oilrecycling,andspillclean-upcloselyworkingwithVivoEnergyNamibia andNamdeb.OtheractivitiesincludeBundwallcleaningforDEBMARINEatthe Oranjemund airport, and in general, waste oil transfers and collections, oil spill responsecleanup,wasteoilcollection,oilyrags,andusedfilterdisposals. In his concluding remarks, Howarth noted that they “are busy in communication with steel suppliers in order to stock basic materials in the workshop as securing theseareoftenthemaincausefordelaysinoutput.”

TheeventwasstrategicallyhostedattheWESCOOranjemundworkshop,where the various tools and equipment could be viewed. Representatives of industries across various sectors of Oranjemund's economy attended the event. Pastors BrendellandAnthonyfromOranjemundopenedtheevent.

WescoGroupwillalsohavethelaunchofitsWalvisBayBranchon10November andtheWindhoekBranchon17November

Mr Patrick Howarth, Depot Manager and his team celebrating the official opening ceremony of Wesco Oranjemund Branch Depot Manager of Oranjemund, Patrick Howarth and his team Wesco Management, Mr Willie Greyvenstein, Mr George Fransman, Mayor, Mr Graham Howarth, Mr Mark Nangoro Ribbon cutting ceremony His Worship, the Honourable Elias Kasembe, Mayor of Oranjemund and Mr George Fransman, Director of Wesco Group Namibia

Special Olympics Host Athletes Screening Workshop

Special Olympics

Namibia (SON) hosted a Health Athletes Screening at the Walvis Bay Multi-purpose Centre on 22 October, an initiative that offers individuals (athletes) with special needs, free health screening and health informa tion.

In partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) and Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre – Sunshine, all familiesofspecialneeds individuals, such as but not limited to, Autism and Down Syndrome were invited to attend andengage.

National Director of the Special Olympics Namibia, Emilia Nzunzi said, “this was done to create a platform where families get to see that 'oh', I am not actually alone in this situation. also where families can engage and bond with eachother,toinvolveall family members, sib lings,andparents,inthe care giving of our athletes.”

As emphasised by SocialWorker atWalvis Bay Child and Family Centre – Sunshine, Gail Taukueke,” sometimes these children are stigmatised when they go to the clinics or the hospitals, so this initiative is a way of bringingamuch-needed healthservicetothem.”

Twodoctors,adietician, a dentist, and a dental technician were invited from various regions in the country to do the generalcheck-upsonthe special abled in dividuals, share information on health promotionbygivingtips onaffordablehealthdiet options and answers the family members question on how to adequately take care of the athletes.

SpecialOlympicsNamibiausesportasavehicle topromoteinclusionand get their athletes active as a first step to getting them healthier “We get special needs athletes to play alongside those without,” said Sports DirectorWernerJeffery SON Athlete Mentor, Andreas Taapopi said, “you can always find us doingregulartrainingat the Kuisebmond sta

dium, Mondays to Thursday from four to six.” He said addressing those members of the public who wish to include their relatives with special needs in the SpecialOlympics. Eliphas Sheepo

ECF looks to restore public confidence in electoral process

The 24th Annual General Conference of the Electoral Commission Forum for SADC (Southern Africa Development Communities), kicked off on Monday this weekwiththetheme'Stakeholderengagementandaccountabilitytopromotepublic trust in Electoral Processes in the SADC region'.

In the last twenty-four years, the Forum has consistently held seminars alongside its Annual General Conferences (AGCs) on specific thematicissuesondemocracyandelections.Through theseannualseminars,theECFstrivestowardsits visionofadynamiccultureofelectoraldemocracy in the SADC region, which is conducive to transparentandcredibleelections. The24thAGC seminar provides a platform for participants to exploreanddiscusschallengesfacedbyElectoral Management Bodies (EMBs) in their efforts to restore public confidence in the electoral process and rebuild their institutional credibility through effective stakeholder engagement. human rights, security,anddevelopment.

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni said the conference is of great significance as it demonstrates the forum's commitment through the enhancement of democracy andgovernance,peace,andstabilityintheSADC region.AccordingtoUutoni,electionshavebeen known to either strengthen or undermine democracy Uutoni urged political parties, civil society organisationsandthemedia,throughactiveparticipationintheelectionsprocess,torecognisetheir role in supporting EMBs in strengthening the legalandconstitutionalbasisforindependentand impartial electoral organizations. I equally imploreEMBstostrengthenmechanismsforregular and consultative multi-stakeholder engagement throughouttheelectoralcyclebetweentheEMBs, Political Parties and Civil Society Organisations, among others to promote a more participatory electoralprocess.

Inherwelcomingremarks,theChairpersonofthe Electoral Commission of Namibia Elsie Nghikembua said the theme selected for this year's seminarholdsparticularsignificancetotheNamibiacontext,“itisthusmywishthatweallhavean opportunity to learn from different regional per spectives as we discuss the complex issues of political party financing and compliance and its relevancetoaccountabilityasanimportantaspect of electoral integrity It is my assertion that electoral accountability depends on transparency which is also essential to preserve the credibility oftheelectoralprocess,moresowhenitcomesto thehandlinganddisclosureoffundsforelectoral processes.”

Nghikembuafurthersaid,“asstakeholdersinthis very important process, we have an obligation to ensure that the law is upheld and that relevant provisionsarefullyenforcedandcompliedwith. According to Nghikembua, electoral accountability is an important feature of democratic societies, as the process ensures that those who conduct elections, do so in compliance with the electionlegislationinamannerthatpromotesthe integrityoftheprocess.

ParticipantsincludeddelegatesfromalltheElectoral commissions of the SADC member States, senior officials from the host government of Namibia, key electoral stakeholders in Namibia, and resource persons from Regional and Inter nationalOrganisations.

The Annual General Conference is the supreme policy-making body of the ECF-SADC, it meets at least once a year and at any other times as the Executive Committee may determine in consultationwiththePresidentoftheForum.Thepowers and functions of the Conference include the: electionofthePresidentandVicePresidentofthe Forum;electionofthemembersoftheExecutive Committee; receipt and consideration of reports from the President; receipt, consideration, and approval of audited and financial report from the Secretariat; consideration and approval, where appropriate,ofrecommendationsfromtheExecutive Committee; consideration and adoption of amendments to the Constitution, and taking of such action as may be considered necessary to realizetheobjectivesoftheForum.


Church choir donates sanitary pads

Younggirlstendtostayoutofschoolduringtheirmenstrual cycleiftheydonothavetherequiredsanitarypadstoattend totheirneeds.

Duetopoverty,menstruatinggirls lack sanitary pads, this increased absenteeism and dropout affects theperformancesofthegirlchild until the cycle is over The OmuwaEtunaChoirwithover80 members from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Walvis Bay, on 25 October donated sanitary pads to the grade 7 girls at Immanuel Ruiters and Tutaleni Primary Schools in Kuisebmond, WalvisBay

The Chairperson of the Omuwa EtunaChoirPetrinaShaanikasaid the donation is part of the choir's outreach program and supports

the Ministry of Education's initiative to keep the girl child in school,especiallyonthedaysthat sheismenstruating Shaanikasaid,“ouraimistokeep our girl child in school to avoid absenteeism, to feel safe and comfortable and for them to use proper equipment. By providing sanitary pads, many girls will concentrate,andcompleteschool Shaanikaadded.

Ester Haikondela said the choir heldagaladinnerandotherfundraising events to assist the community in need. “The choir challengeallotherchoirstodothe same,”Haikondelasaid.



IntermsofClause7oftheHentiesBayZoningScheme NO15promulgatedunderGeneralNotice7764of2022, notice is herewith given to all interested parties that Messrs JC Nell owner of Erf 116 zoned “Single Residential”,POBox7HentiesBay,intendstoapplyto the Council of the Municipality of Henties Bay for consent use to operate a Coffee Shop from Erf 116 HentiesbaaiProper,HentiesBay

Any person(s) who wishes to lodge an objection to the proposed operation of such business from Erf 116, HentiesBaymaylodgeinwritingsuchobjevtion(s)with validreasonwithin14daysfromthedateofpublication ofthisnoticetotheundermentionedaddress:


MunicipalityofHentiesBay,POBox61,HentiesBay or ChiefExecutiveOfficer

MunicipalityofHentiesBay,C/oJakkelsputzRoad& NickyIyamboAvenue,HentiesBay

The Omuwa Etuna Choir members with some of the grade 7 girls at Immanuel Ruiters Primary Schools in Kuisebmond Walvis Bay





Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63 (2) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a portion of land on Farm38 to Walvis Bay Motor Club.

DESCRIPTION PortionoflandonFarm38 AREA 100000m²

ZONING Undetermined PURCHASEPRICE N$8500p/aincl.VAT

Fullparticularsper-taining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 8

November 2022 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.

Formoreinformation,Mrs Selma Sachipia can be contacted at Telephone 064 2013232 during officehours.

Any person objecting to this proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the motivation thereof, to: The Manager: Housing and Properties at the abovementioned address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, on or before Friday 11 November 2022 at 12h00.

JackManale Manager:Housing& Properties Tel:064-2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na


Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owners, to the Municipal Council ofWalvis Bay, theUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoard,andtheMinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforthefollowing: Erf2680WalvisBayExtension8(C/oHidipoHamutenya Drive and Hertz/Rikumbi Kandanga Road): Rezoning from “Single Residential” with a density of one dwelling unit per 500m² (1:500m²) to “Institutional”foraclinic/medicalconsultingroomsandcoffee shop with consent to proceed with a “Home Based Business”(AdminorProfessional)whiletherezoningis inprogress.

Erven1118and1119MeersigExtension1(C/oAstronaut and Unity Street): Consolidation into Portion X and rezoning of Portion X from “Single Residential” (1:500m²) to “General Residential 2” (1:500m²) with consent to proceed with anAccommodation Establishment(GuestHouse/HotelPension)whiletherezoningis in progress. The proposed Guesthouse/Hotel Pension willcomprisebetween5to20bedrooms.

Theaforementionedapplicationsaresubmittedinterms oftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5 of2018)andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme.

Pleasetakenotethat–(a) the complete application of each erf lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay, Civic Centre or can be downloaded from www.sp.com.na/projects

(b) any person having comments or objections to an application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis BayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice.

© Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Thursday,24November2022.

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer

MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na 064280773




Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Jabu LogisticsPtyLtd,POBox348, Windhoek.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Jabu Logistics Pty Ltd, POBox348,Windhoek.

3 Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates:

Erf 2839, MC Hugh Street,Warehouseno.2 4. Nature and details of application: Application forpermanentortemporary removal of a licence.

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 4 November2022

7. Date of meeting of Committeeatwhichapplication will be heard: 14 December2022

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the CommitteetoreachSecretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meetingoftheCommittee at which application will beheard.


Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of registeredowners,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for the following:

Erven5413to5416WalvisBayExtension18(along David Hipondoka Crescent): Rezoning from “Local Business” to “General Residential” with a density of 1:100tospatiallyjustifytheexistinghigh-densityresidentialdevelopment(KwankomoVillage).

Erf 1258 Meersig (along First Road): Subdivision into7Portions(6PortionsandtheRemainder),andsubsequent rezoning from “General Residential” to “SingleResidential”tojustifythefutureuseofthesubdivided portions for single residential land use pur poses. Thezoningdensityremainsat1:300.

The aforementioned applications are submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (ActNo.5of2018)andtheWalvisBayZoningScheme. Pleasetakenotethat–

(a) the complete application of each erf lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay, Civic Centre or can be downloaded from www.sp.com.na/projects

(b) any person having comments or objections to an application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality ofWalvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the lastpublicationofthisnotice.

(c)Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Thursday,24November2022.

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773

T Victor General Manager: Community and Economic Development Civic
Centre, Nangolo Mbumba
Drive Walvis Bay E:jmanale@walvis Baycc.org.na E:kasino@walvisBaycc.or.na E:fnhifikua@walvisbaycc.org.na


l a s s i f i e d s



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DrAtwabi:Payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanora womanofyourchoice, stopyourpartnerfrom cheatingandmakehimor hertoloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore.Call DrAtwabi0812337274

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Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi isinWalvisBaywith30years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small businesstobebigbusiness,to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman ormanofyourchoice,tostop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleepnicelyinyourhouse,to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of yourbody,madness,epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby,periodpains,torecover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many more.. Come & experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Sms or call:081 643 1482 find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet


Dr Oupa Chimeza the Giant, stop suffering and crying

Thereishope,OupaChimeza is in Walvis Bay with very strong medicine from Malawi, he has 23 years experience in various problems and diseases. He is professionalinbringingback lostloverswithinashorttime, pregnancy problems, court cases, job problems,

Doctor Bomba Bazuka –thenameisenough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with40yearsexperienceand has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/woman you want of your choice Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs &feet, epelipsy, drinking /smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement Hips/breast I know you havebeenletdownbyothers butnowyourtimehascome. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and youwillneverregret. Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102


Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctor who destroys all types ofwitchcraftpowerthatis happening in people's life and hebringsbackallyourluck whichistakenthrough witchinghegenuinelyhelps with the following problems:

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Customer attraction boost yourbusiness 13.Promotion

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and smoking. Hips enlargement, debts, BP, stroke and many more, come and experience wonde



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2017887 BARGAINBAY AUCTION Saturday 29 October 2022 @10:00
street as Probst BakeryWalvisBay Receiving Goods for auctionrightnow Contact: 081 127 1031 / 0812593175.
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Alpha Lipid Colostrum Powder (Broad Spectrum Effectivity) now available at the Coast. Just to mention a few of the ailments which benefit from daily Colostrum Ø Cancer ØDiabetes ØDementia/Alzheimer ØArthritis ØWeight Loss ØOsteoporosis Ø Bone & Joint Disease Many, many more…. Call Maria @ 081 143 7222 DOYOU WANT TO KNOW WHYYOUARE NOTYET MARRIED? Doyouwanttoknowwhois yourrightfulpartner? Come and find out at the SingleConference. V e n u e : S h a l o m Pentecostal Church Swakopmund Dates: 28 October 2022 (age21-25)& 29October2022(age26+) Tickets costs: N$200.00 mealsincluded) Buy your ticket two weeksinadvance) Contact: 081 299 9205 / 0812964082 Elevatronics Namibia CC 081 124 0904 Coastal Elevator Services elevatronics.com DRIVINGLESSONS: We are offering the following atyourowncomfort. Learners license classes operating mobily we come where you are in Walvis Bay andSwakopmund. MondaytoFriday N$850.00fortwoweeks. CONTACT:0817012218

C l a s s i f i e d s

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Nr3–55,SamNujomaSpacioustwobedroom (beds)withshowerand bath.BIC,kitchenmicrowave,stoveand fridge.Sittingroomwith cornercoach,diningtable andchairs.Curtains/blinds. Indoorbraai.Alarm.Single garagewithremotedoor Prepaidelectricity. Sorry –Nopets.Nomunicipal connectionfees.

N$5500.00p/mplus deposit. Availableimmediately 081 2504694



Nr4–55,SamNujomaSpaciousandsunnytwo bedroomwithbothen-suite bathrooms.LotsofBIC, openplankitchen,sitting room.Stove.Bigoutside braaiwithseating.Alarm. Singlegaragewithremote door.Prepaidelectricity Sorry–Nopets.Pensioners friendly.Municipalwaternoconnectionfees.


TORENTIN NARRAVILLE:Price N$3000.Flatcontains anensuitesleeping room,kitchen/living room,andGarage Priceincludewater Electricityatowncost. Prepaidsharedwith1 flat.Compulsory Deposit:N$4500

CONTACT:081218 7336

TORENT:Namport Kuisebmond

3bedroomhouse availableforrent N$4200.00p/m W/Eincl. Contact:0812441265



Bighousewith2 bedroomflat House:3bedrooms, twobathrooms,dining room/lounge Kitchen,garageincl. 2bedroomflat,open plankitchen,bathroom, bigyard N$13000.00p/mexcl waterandelectricity. ContactAnsie:081 2925892

TORENT: Secure1bedroomflat, BIC'sinOpenplan kitchen, outsidebraai, garage

N$4000.00p/month WaterIncludedprepaid electricityexcl. WalvisBayFairways. AvailableImmediately Contact0813335230

N$6500.00p/mplus deposit

Availableimmediately 0812504694.


TWOBedroomflat@ BlockofFlats.

Nr7–172,Theo-Ben Gurirab -Duplex-Sunny twobedroom,BIC. Bathroom,openplan kitchen&sittingroom. Stove.Alarm.Singlegarage. Prepaidelect. Municipal water-noconnectionfees.

Sorry–Nopets.NS5500.00 p/mplusdeposit.Available immediately 0812504694.

4U Properties CC


1. Lagoon: 3 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Separate Guest room with own bathroom. Indoor Braai, Very private backyard. Very large Double garage. Available 1 Dec 2022. N$15,000 p/m excl. W&E

2. Swakopmund Industrial: 150m² Warehouse with 72m² deck. Workshop, 2 offices, kitchen and 2 rest rooms @ N$8,250 p/m

3. Walvis Bay CBD: 625m² Retail Space/Showroom, 207m² Office Space, 381m² Storage Space + a Managers House @ N$ 80,000 p/m neg.

4. Office Space to rent in Walvis Bay CBD. Size between 60-70m² per office, Reception Area, Kitchen, Available Boardroom. Starting from N$ 10,000 p/m

5. Swakopmund Industrial.: 161m² ground floor with 78m² deck, Kitchen & bathrooms. N$ 9,500 p/m


Daleen Karsten 081 851 5372

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Priorcallsareessential Cell:0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay ***

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Requirements :

1. Grade 12 school certificate

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4. Occupational Health & safety Officer qualifications (2 to 3 years' experience with references)

5. Valid drivers license code B (8 ) or higher

6. Instructors certificate on anyone of the 3 subjects Position will become available in January 2023. Salary market related and negotiable dependent on experience Send/e-mail CV'S to training@nirvana.co.na or alternatively hand deliver to reception at no. 230 Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay Interviews will be conducted upon invitation only

Applications close on 08/12/2022



Fiber Optic Technician & Tester specialising in OTDR, CD, PMD & OLTS Must have a valid drivers license, valid po-lice clearance, national senior certificate, can speak English & Afri-kaans, own transport, pro ficient in Microsoft office. Must have Fiber testingequipment.Must have supervisory & welding experience and bewillingtoworkaway from home for the majorityofthetime. SendCVto tyrone.j.wca@gmail. com

CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770

PROPERTIES FORSALE HOUSE FOR SALE –MATUTURA(EXT 1) Newly build, spacious Three-bedroomhousewith BIC.Openplanlivingwith kitchen (built-in stove) & lounge area, 2 full bathrooms and single garage. House fitted with analarm.Approvedplanto buildaflat.Erfsize400m². Price:N$1.050m. CONTACT: 081 324 8928 CARS 16 NAMIBTIMES 28OCTOBER2022 FOR SALE SPCA Challenger Trailer for sale N$ 13000.00 please contact Nico on 0813149438. FOR SALE PETALERT FOUND Female-foundin Oceanview Female-foundin ourKlappe Femalefoundin town Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your pet 064 - 404419 Remember to contact your local SPCA if your pet goes missing




Celebrating Sporting Excellence

The MTC/NSC Namibia Annual Sports Awards – themed “Celebrating Sporting Excellence” will take place on 19 November at the Lüderitz Waterfront Auditorium.

TheNamibiaSportsCommissionrecentlyannounced thenominationsforthetwentycategoriesthatwillbe awardedonthenight.

The Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) Chief administrator,FreddyMwiya,saidthattheyare“proud that this year we will make history with our little contribution and civil duty to position Lüderitz and market it to the entire globe using sports tourism as a vehiclenotonlytomarketLüderitzbutalso'theLand oftheBrave'totheentireglobe.”

AccordingtoMwiyaallfinalistsweredrawnfromthe listofnomineesassubmittedbyallfederations.“Itis equallybefittingtomentionthatforthepastfivetosix years,theNSChasmadehistorywithoutanydoubtto liveuptoourstrategicplanandourvisiontobringthe sport to all corners of our great Republic ” Mwiya said “With few resources at our disposal, and withthehelpofcorporateNamibia,wehavenavigated throughdeepwatersandareproudtohavecementeda paradigmshiftbybringingtheNamibiaAnnualSports Awardtootherpartsofthecountry,thusmovingaway from the traditional centralised mindset of service delivery being remotely controlled from the capital city.”

The nominees are:


AnaniasShikongo(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)












JennaGilchrist(NamibiaEquestrianFederation) ChristineMboma(AthleticsNamibia)



DanielHahn(NamibiaCyclingFederation) KevinLowe(NamibiaCyclingFederation) ScholtzJustin(NamibiaKarateFederation)




RoodyGowaseb(alloftheabove-NamibiaNational ParalympicCommittee)



JohannaBenson MushongoKamuti(alloftheabove-Namibia NationalParalympicCommittee)


MichaelMuyenga(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)


KambaiKavemumuine(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)

LahjaIpinge(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)





SpecialOlympicNamibiaUnifiedJuniorSportTeam NASACOACHOFTHEYEAR HenkBotha(AthleticNamibia) LetuHamhola(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)



TimoteusHaikonda(NamibiaBoxingControlBoard) VistoriaShangula(NamibiaFootballAssociation)


SchoolMountainBikeLeague(NamibiaCycling Federation)

TheAshburtonKwataMiniCricketProgramme (CricketNamibia)

StandardBankJuniorHockeyInitiative(Namibia HockeyUnion)



DelanoMuller(NamibiaKickboxingFederation) FoundationRunAlong(NamibiaNationalParalympic Committee)


















NAMOPS golf day draws good field

The NAMOPS 6 by 6 by 6 competition held last weekend at the WalvisBayGolfClub(WBGC)drewaverygoodfield.

ItwasnotabigfieldbutindeedagoodonewithBoelGroblerscoring41points,Bertus Venter40points,JakkiedeWitt39pointsandShaneWesterdale38points.

Howeverthecompetitionformantwassixholesonescore,sixholesbothscoresandany six holes a multiplier, to be decided at the end of each hole, and not an individual Stableford.

Thosewhomadebestuseofthemultiplierswerethewinnersonthedayandtheywere Boel Groblar and Jakkie De Witt on 84 points with Bertus Venter and Thomas Wolff secondon82pointswithNardoSardinhaandBennieLombardthirdon80points.

There were only two 2 clubs scored on the day, by Nardo Sardinha and David Peake.

Therewereafewplayersclosetothejackpotbutalasnoonecouldscoretheelusive12 pointsonthefourdrawnholes.

AttheprizegivingSergiofromNAMOPS,saidthathewasproudtobeassociatedwith theWBGCandthathewouldcertainlybebacknextyear,evenbiggerandbetter The greens atWBGC have recovered very well after the maintenance coring of a few weeksagoandarecertainlyplayingverywell,andwillonlyimproveoverthenextfew weeks. Thanks to Skalla, Nardo Sardinha and Jason for the time and effort put into ensuringwehavethebestgreensinthecountry


Itisonly18holeswiththefirstsixonescoretocount,thenextsixholestwoscoresto countandthelastsixallthreescorestocount. However,theyellowballwillalternate betweentheplayersandwhoeverhastheyellowballscoresdoublepoints.Thisisalong standingformatandintheolddayswassponsoredbyOomCalie.Wearelookingata largefieldsobesuretogetyournamesupearliest.


TheRossmundWeekofSAGESwillbeplayedfrom31Octoberto4November Playis MondayandTuesday,WednesdayisadayoffandthenonThursdayandFriday Players don'tneedtoplayallfourdays.

WBGCmonthlySAGESwilltakeplaceonthe6thofNovember, TheMultisaveMedal/WIPwillbeon12NovemberandtheNGKerkMeersigGolfday willbeon18NovemberwiththePAR3on19NovemberattheWBGC. WBGCwillhosttheNamibMillsGolddayon26Novemberattheclub.


The Novanam Monthly Medal was won by a very shell shocked Barbel von Klitzing playing a great round of golf resulting in a 64nett.

Afield of 43 golfers took to the Rossmund Golf Course in search of those ever elusive boxes of fish on Saturday 22 October a beautiful day to play somerealgolf.

The “A” Division winner of the Novanam Monthly Medal was Wim Hollander72nettwithDeanKock71nettthe“B”Divisionwinner Eddievan Wykwonthe“C”Division.Hewasunfortunatelynotpresenttocollecthis prize therefore the price was auctioned off in support of the Junior Golf Develop-mentProgram.

LadiesDivisionwaswonbyRinaKnight70nettandKevinZhang69nettthe JuniorDivisionchampion.

Therewasonlyone2-clubrecordedbyCliveLawrenceonNumber3–well done–youdefinitelypickedtherightweektosecurethejackpot.

HoleNumber19wasabuzzwithgolfersandsupporterswiththemostimpor tant guest being Robertha Jansen from Novanam who officiated together withRossmundGolfCourseCaptainGeorgeMurasikiattheprizegiving. Wellplayedtothewinnersandthankstoallthegolferswhomadeupthefield in support of this long time sponsor Novanam Fishing who provided as alwaystheeverelusiveboxesoffishintheirMonthlyMedalCompetition. Thoughtfortheweek:“Mygoalfortherestofthisyearisbasicallytofindthe fairways”.

The winners NAMOPS golf day from left to right, Thomas Wolff, Bertus Venter, Jakkie de Witt, Sergio, Bennie Lombard and Nardo Sardinha. Photo contributed
School News
The winner of the Novanam Monthly Medal played at the Rossmund Golf Course are from left to right, George Murasiki (RGC Captain), Dean Kock, Robertha Jansen (Novanam Fishing), Barbel von Klitzing, Rina Knight, Kevin Zhang and Wim Hollander Photo contributed NOVANAM MONTLHY MEDAL BRINGS OUT THE BEST Professional Athlete in the Diaspora Delano Muller nominated for Standard Bank NASA Community Inspiration awards Deon Hotto nominated for Debmarine Namibia NASA Johanna Benson nominated for NAMPOWER NASA Sportswoman of the year with a Disability

Tennis the winner of the day

Afterthelasttournament,about30'relativelyold'tennisplayers wereeagertogetbackintoactiononthe Tenniscourtandfight pointforpointfortheirrespectiveclubs.

The tournament is aimed to give players a platform to keep themselvesbusyandtokeepthecamaraderie.

After a long day with 31 games of Tennis played, Walvis Bay onceagainwalkedawayasthewinnerofthedayastheybeatthe Windhoekers20-11toretainthetrophy

Romeo van Wyk from Pro Tennis Academy thanked all the membersofWBTCforafantasticdayoftennis.

PaulFishersaidthatitwasgoodtoseesomeoldfriendsagainand thanked the players from Windhoek for coming to the coastal townofWalvisBayinthishardeconomicaltime.

Goju-Ryu takes on 100 Kata for Karate Day

Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia (OGKN) hosted their annual 100 kata challenge events in celebration of OkinawanKarateDayonthe15and22 October in Walvis Bay and Windhoek respectively.

This year's events were attended by more than 130 karateka's collectively across all the Dojos and served as the annual fundraisingeventforOGKN.

Funds raised will be used to both provide financial support to local instructors/sensei aswellastobringseniorlevelinternational instructors to Namibia in 2023, thereby promoting the continued development of TraditionalOkinawanKarateinthecountry Karate Day originally started in Naha, Okinawa and takes place annually on the 25th of October, and is hosted in order to celebratethebeautyandgraceofOkinawa's iconicmartialart.

The event features thousands of karateka's of all ages who gather together to perform Kata, a choreographed sequence of individual techniques that is used as one of the fundamental training techniques in traditionalOkinawankarate.

In 2016, Naha's Karate Day celebrations were featured in the Guinness World Records for the most people (3973) performing a kata. Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia has been actively participatinginOkinawanKarateDaysince 2014.

The rivalry between Walvis Bay Tennis Club (WBTC) and ProTennisAcademyfromWindhoekwasrecentlyheldatthe Tenniscourtsintheharbortown. Greg Freidburg from Pro Tennis Academy and Gunter Van Wyk from Walvis Bay Tennis Club with the trophy The Tennis players from Walvis Bay Tennis Club in white t-shirt and Pro Tennis Academy in orange t-shirts at the Walvis Bay Tennis Courts
Rudi Bowe

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

namib times Sport

Vos and Tjivavawin top Kudus awards




Best forward second team: Gregory Namaseb

Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources

HonourableDerekKlazen,saidattheawardceremony that Kudus Rugby Club remained standing for the past 61 years and hailed the recently concludedseasonassimplyextraordinary Klazen said, “the Kudu men and women showed greatfightingspiritandreallyplayedcompetitive and solid rugby this passed season. I expected to seemorenationalplayerscomingfromthecoastal based club but am proud to see five players from Kudu Rugby Club in the national rugby set up."

Klazen stated that the fisheries sector could do morefortheclub."Idon'tthinkwedidenoughfor you.“Thereareindustryplayerswhoreachedout to the club but the club needs more stakeholders from the fishing industry to come on board.”The Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia Rugby UnionJohnHeynes,said“Althoughyouprobably feelsomewhatdisappointedwiththeendingofthe season,it'sveryimportanttoreflectandremember thevaluablelessonsyoulearned.Oneofthegreat things about the sport of rugby and especially at this level which you play is that there's always roomforimprovement.”

Heynes states that FNB Kudu Rugby Club had faced many challenges during the season but overcamethemall.“Oneofthebiggestchallenges wasabudgetofN$1.1million,yetyoudidnotfail your players once. This says a lot about your fightingspirit.Iencourageyoutoalwayskeepon working hard no matter how tough it becomes.” Heynes said “what I have come to learn about KuduRugbyClub,isthatthereisn'tanyoneofthe

management and players who wouldn't give their all for the club. I want to give you as the management and players reassurance that with your assistance, work and feedback, and with our joint foundations and structures we to aim for lastingqualityandsuccess.Thewillallowtheclub tohavethesupportandtoolstogrowfromstrength tostrength”Heynesadded.

The Chairman of FNB Kudu Rugby ClubAllister Carolissen, apologised for not bringing the trophy home.Hehighlightedthattheclubtravelled7000 kilometres to fulfil its rugby obligations, and an additional 5 000 kilometres to Swakopmund and backtopractice.“Thereisnopracticefieldforusin WalvisBay,anditwouldseemthatthiswillbethe caseagainnextyearasthefieldwillonlybeready in 2024. Despite this we managed to defeat both semi-finalists (Wanderers and Unam) home and away.”

HestatedthatKuduRugbyClubhadspendN$212 000 on medical costs, N$336 000 on salaries, and N$282 000 on transport for the year "We are extremely grateful for the N$250 000 from FNB andWescoWasteManagemntforsupplyinguswith fuel when we travelled. Our finances are truly drained.”

Carolissen also encouraged the players to always be an example both on and off the field.

Therecipientsofawardswere: Sportsmanoftheyear:LezardoVos Sportswomanoftheyear:FaizalLeeTjivava Player'splayeroftheyear:ZwandreViviers Chairmanawards:CraigSwartz,TersiusArangies,

Best forward: first team: Zwandre Viviers

Best backline ladies: Ernestine GomKhaises

Best backline third team: Brandon Seister

Best backline second team: Michael Tzazerua

Best backline first team: Justin Newman

Most improved women's player RamonevanderBjil

Mostimprovedmen'splayer:Henning Joubert

Most committed women's player JohannaPaulus

Most committed men's player: Casio Schoombe


Most points second team: Ulriato Lawrence(mostpointssecondteam Most tries first team: Ashton Mukwilongo

Mostpointsfirstteam:AurelioPlato Outstanding performance second team:UlriatoLawrence

Outstandingperformancefirstteam: CameronLangenhoven

Ten years service awards: Percy Nash, Virgill Bampton, Craig Swartz, Deriou Benson, Lloyd JacobsandLorenzoCalaca.

Fifteen years service awards: AnthonyJevu,ErnestoBamptonand GrandtNash

Twentyyearsserviceawards:Cassio Schoombe

Forty years service awards Greg Swartz

Under20Nationalplayers: Alexander Jansen, Darren Beukes andGregoryNamaseb

National 7's players: Virgill BamptonandAshtonMukwilongo National Men's senior players: Cameron Langenhoven, Joshua Jacobs, Chad Plato National National Women's senior players: Tammy-LeeRoodt,CandidaMarais andFaizal-LeeTjivava

LezardoVosandFaizal-LeeTjivavawonthesportsmanandsportswomanofthe yearawardsatFNBKuduRugbyClub'sannualawardceremonyonSaturday22 OctoberattheAtlanticHotelinWalvisBay. Kudu legend Desmond Frankfort, Kudu Rugby Club players player of the year Zwandre Viviers, sportswoman of the year Faizal-Lee Tjivava and sportsman of the year Lezardo Vos, Roulla Savva, and club chairmanAllister Carolissen Minister Derek Klazen with the recipients of the chairman's award Paolo Andrews and Lloyd Jacobs, with the club chairman Allister Carolissen SPORTS Rudi Bowe

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