TheErongopolicereportedthatCapricornTsamasebsustainedwoundsonhis forehead and a suspected broken neck.Acase of murder has been opened. DeputyCommissionerofthepoliceintheErongoregion,D/CErastusIikuyu saidthetheboy'sbodywasfoundburiedinashallowgraveintheriverbedbya searchteamat15:00onTuesday,onlyhoursafterhisfamilyreportedhimas Accordingmissing.toapolicereport,itisallegedthevictimwasseenfollowinga17year-oldmentallychallengedfamilymemberandneverreturnedhome.The 17-year-oldanda26-year-old(bothrelativesofthevictim)weredetainedin connectionwiththeincident.
Sharlien Tjambari
Double murder accu sed
Seven-year-old found dead with wounds on forehead
InaninterviewwiththeNamibTimesthisweek,Helao!Naruseb,General Manager of Financed at the Swakopmund Municipality and the person responsible for debt collection, said, “it is really true that the covid situation has affected the consumers in the town most, because we are a touristdestinatedtown,thusforthefirsttwoyearsafterCovid,thecouncil havenotapprovedanytariffsfortheaccountholdersoftheSwakopmund Municipality, simply for the reason of unemployment. The council has alsoliftedthelevyingofinterestonserviceaccountsasfromApril2020to date, we are not levying any late fees on non-payment of accounts.”
Continues on page 2 Pewa's Ocean Adventures
NIMT double-murder case postponed again
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6975 FRIDAY 29 JULY 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page16
NIMT double-murder accused Ernst Lichtenstrasser
TheWindhoek High Court's Judge, Christie Liebenberg postponed the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) double-murdercase of accused Ernst Lichtenstrasserto17October.
A7-year-oldboywasfounddeadinariverbedmetersaway from Dibasen High School at Okombahe settlement on Tuesdaythisweek.
BOLD Launch of the All-New Isuzu D-Max in Namibia
Swakopmund Municipality account holders over N$107 million in debt
WBC and Family Centre - Sunshine thanks De offorGouveiayearssupport
thestatewhistLichtenstrasser is currently defended by Albert Titus. Lichtenstrasser is being held in cusLtodyichtenstrasser, 57 years-oldatthetimeof
on page 2
The late NIMT Executive Director Eckhart Mueller and his Deputy, Heimo Hellwig
MunicipaldebtstotheamountofoverN$107millionaccumulated inthedomestic,business,developerandgovernmentdepartments asjobswerelostbecauseoftheCovid-19pandemic.
According to !Naruseb, council, in November last year requested his office to provide them (council) with categorised debt analysis of outstanding debts, “so in total the outstanding council debt as on 23 June standsatoverN$107,8million.ThatincludesallaccountholdersofSwakopmund,domestic,businesses,governmentaccounts,developer.” !Naruseb further said at the council management committee meeting of June this year, council again requested the finance department to investigatewaysofrecoveringthedebtandcomeupwithadebtrecovery
his arrest, is being prosecuted for the murder of NIMT Executive Director, Eckhart Mueller, and his Deputy, Heimo Hellwig The two were gunned down at the
NIMT head office at Arandis on the mor ningof15April2019. Detective Inspector Reinhardt Maletzky told Windhoek High Court Judge, Christie
Eileen van der Schyff
* Fume extraction fans
MaletzkytestifiedLichtenstrasseralsotoldhimthat he was happy Eckhardt Mueller, and Heinz Heimo Hellwig, was gunned down at the entrance of the ArandisNIMTofficeson15April2019.According to Maletzky, Lichtenstrasser also said Mueller and Hellwig had been forcing through his transfer to Keetmanshoop, which would have been a major financialburdenforhim,andthathewashappythey hadbeengunneddown,Maletzkyrecounted. HesaidLichtenstrasseradmittedhewastheshooter in the murders of the two senior executives of the NIMT institute. Maletzky said Lichtenstrasser voluntarilymadeaconfessiontothepoliceofficers whowerequestioninghim.Afterthat,hewastaken to a magistrate at Swakopmund to have his statementrecordedinwritingbutdidnotgoaheadafter he told the magistrate he wanted to have a lawyer
Accordingtothedeputyminister,theresidentsofthethreetowns canonlystartaspiringwhentheirlivelihoodshavebeenimpacted positively “The MoU will remain a dream if the residents don't benefitfromit.TheleadershipofOKULAC needstoensurethat theMoUisbeneficialtotheresidentsandthatitindeedreachthe intendedbeneficiaries'”!Goagosessaid.
Maletzky said Lichtenstrasser was informed of his rights, including the right to have legal representation, before he was questioned, and his stancewasthathewaswillingtoanswerquestions from the police officers without having a lawyer Hepresent.added that Lichtenstrasser told police officers questioninghim,hehadbeen“theshooter”,thathe could not fool the police and that he was worried about his age if he went to prison and about what wouldhappentohiswifeshortlyafterthemurder Maletzkyfurthertestifiedthatinvestigatorsdecided to question Lichtenstrasser on 15 May 2019 after examinations done by the National Forensic ScienceInstituteshowedspentbulletcasingsfound at the murder scene, cartridges found at a shooting rangeintheTsumebareawhereLichtenstrasserhad done shooting practice shortly before the murders, andspentbulletsfoundathishouseatOtaviwhich hadallbeenfiredbythesamegun.
Please call 064 209171 (office) or 081 490 8849 or 081 391 6019 for appointment to view and make offers.
Albertpresent.Titus,thecurrentlegalaidlawyerofLichtenstrasser, said his client had already indicated he wants a legal representative present when inter viewed,andthathewasinterviewedwithoutalegal representative, which makes the remarks at the second interview inadmissible. A former police reservist, Lodewyk van Graan, told the court that the confession made by Lichtenstrasser was recor dedwithacellphoneandvideocamera.VanGraan said after Lichtenstrasser had been informed of his
Three of the LocalAuthorities in the Erongo region recently signedaMemorandumofUnderstanding(MoU)atOmaruru.
Due to new franchise operation mode, excess kitchen and shop equipment is availableforsale.Equipmentincludes:
Continued from page 1
* Potato cutter, bar fridges, flat top griller And many other items.
Continued from page 1
The Omaruru, Karibib and Usakos Local Authority Councilors (OKULAC) agreed to cooperate and collaborate in matters pertaining to technical, economic, social, financial, human resources,andgovernance. DeputyMinisterofUrbanandRural Development Natalia !Goagoses, at the signing of a MoU by OKULACeachoneofthesetownsbringsdistinctcharacteristics whilesharingsimilaritiessuchastransportationcorridors,tourism routes, landscapes, and cultural dynamics. She advised the councilorstoputtheneedsandinterestsoftheirresidentsfirst. Shesaidthecooperationagreementwillultimatelyleadtogreater economic development and improved service delivery in their respectivetowns.
Email: PO Box 113, Swakopmund, Namibia, 9000
We also offer: Customization for our customers needs. Hurry while stocks last!!!
!Narusebpolicies.”urgesmembers of the community to come on board and make paymentarrangements.“Seeingthatconsumersconsumethebiggerportion of our debt book, we want to use the month of October and November to engage with domestic accounts where-after we will follow the same procedure.Currentlywearenotdisconnectinganywater.”
“The corporation agreement will also see a united rotational annualfestival,whichissettobethebiggesteconomicequaliser for both SMEs and businesses for growth,” said !Goagoses.
* Stainless steel worktables
The Men’s Outfitters You Must Meet Stockist of: Carducci, Jeep, Piere Cardin, Polo, Pringle, Sterling, ect Tel: 064 402 515
!Narusebsaidthecouncilisveryconcernedabouttheincreasingdebt,“itwill accumulate if we don't start acting now.” According to !Naruseb, Swakopmundcouncilisalsolookingintotheimplementationofthepre-paid watersystemandfindingtherightsystemthatwillwork.
NIMT double-murder
Saturday from 09h00 to 12h00.
* Six-plate gas stove
Viewing and calling: Monday to Friday from 09h00 to 15h30.
* Wooden picnic chairs and tables
Swakopmund Municipality account holders over
plan.“Thedebtrecoveryplanwehaveinplacenow,isthatwehavestarted withgovernmentaccounts,wehavelookedatwhatthegovernmentowesus intotal,andthenwearegoingtomakeasubmissiontocounciltoinformthem ofthesituationwithgovernmentaccounts.Wewilllistallofthemandbrief council on what we want to do. In total, all the ministries and government agenciesowecouncilN$7.1milliontodate.ForthemonthofJuly,wewere dealing with only government accounts, a submission was prepared for the management committee meeting ofAugust, and we will request council to allowedtogivethemtimetilltheendofAugustforthoseministrieswhoare respondingandthosenotresponding,wewillalsoseekconsentthatwestart disconnectingwater.”
* 220VAvanza Spaza chip fryers
New stock available now New brand Helly Hansen, New Polo stock, New Pringle stock, Suits for Matrix, Weddings or any occasion.
N$107 million in debt
* Merchandise shelving
Rudi Bowe
* 220VAvanza potato peeler
rights before the interview started, he said he was willingtoproceedwithouthavingalawyerpresent at that stage. Van Graan also told the judge that at one point, Lichtenstrasser made a remark that he wantedtobeleftaloneinhiscellwithhisshoelaces. Another police officer, Sergeant Mateu Mulauli, toldthecourt,whileescortingLichtenstrasserback to his cell on the day of the questioning at Walvis Bay, Lichtenstrasser asked him to shoot him. He also said that if Mulauli shot him, Mulauli would becomeahero,thewitnesssaid.Mulaulicontinued that he then took Lichtenstrasser to the office of a femalepoliceofficer,whocomfortedhim.Whilein thatoffice,Lichtenstrassersaid,“Ishouldnothave doneit”,andthathewantedtotellthetruth,Mulauli toldthe Anotherjudge.statewitness,JobKauvi,whoisemployed intheNamibianPoliceforceasadetectiveinspector undertheforensicdepartment,testifiedincourtthat his analysis has established some strong connectionsintheevidentiarymaterialscollectedfromthe murderscene.Kauvitestifiedthataftertheyphotographed all relevant evidence and were satisfied with their findings, the team drove back to the Arandis police station, to which they were handed overbootssealedinaforensicbag. “Thebootswere of a caterpillar brand, and in size 11. Such boots were photographed and compiled in a photo plan, together with the photos of the shoeprints and all otherphotographstakenfromthemurderscene.The photoplanwashandedovertotheinvestigator,”he Whilsttestifiedpresenting his photo plan to court, Kauvi noted that the sole of the boot he received from thepoliceinArandishadsomesimilarpatternsto theprintsofthebootphotographedandcompiled in the photo plan, which is the footprint of the suspected murder, recorded from the murder scene. The footprint in question was also recorded on the area where a firearm was discovered underground. Kauvi admits that the footprints werenotexactlysimilar,butalmostsimilar,ashe was unable to see the murder scene footprints clearly Hefurtheraddedthattheheelsoftheboot inthehandsoftheauthoritieshavethreeparallel lines and one horizontal line, which are quite similar to the heels of the boot print recorded on thecrimescene.Titusprobedontheaccuracyof this evidence during cross examination, “The stateallegesthatthereexistsastrongconnection in the proximity of the evidentiary materials adduced,”Titussaid.
Liebenberg that Lichtenstrasser was being questionedbyagroupofpoliceofficersatArandis on 18 April 2019, when he said he had not been happy about the way NIMT executive director Eckhart Mueller and his deputy, Heimo Hellwig, wererunningtheinstitute.
Debtors have been divided into categories, so for the month ofAugust, the financedepartmentwillbedealingwithbusinessesanddevelopers,“wewill selecttheaccountfromageofanalysisreportofJuly,andthenwewillsend out letters of demands and follow the same procedures as we did with government accounts and thereafter make submissions to council and disconnectwaterofthosenotresponding.Werecentlyreceivedaministerial directive that yes, we can start implementing our debt collection credit control
The Mayor of Omaruru, Vincent Kahua is optimistic that the OKULACagreementwilluniteandbenefitthethreetowns.
* Freezers
The Namibian Standards Institute (NSI) officially opened its brand-new N$36 million Inspection Centre onThursday, 21 July atWalvisBay.
Ellitson said, “the centre is already recognised through its accreditation. The buildingisthuscompletebecauseourtestinglaboratoryisalsoaccredited.”
Iipumbu highlighted that, the ministry officially launched the European Union funded twinning project titled “Support to the Namibian Standards Institution and theMinistryofIndustrialisationandTrade”inMay2022.“Thisisaninitiativeaimed at rendering technical support in areas of Standardisation, Certification,Trade and Industry Upon completion, this project will capacitate the Inspection Centre with technologicalcompatibleequipmenttoadvanceitsoperations,amovethatwilldefinitelyincreaseNamibia'stradecapacityandprospects.”
TheministerhailedthefacilityasaremarkablemilestoneandisdelightedtheN$36 millionthatgovernmentexpendedontheprojectismoneywellspentandwillgoa long way in serving the country now and in the future. Iipumbu said, “this underscoresourunyieldingresolvetoplaceNamibiainaconvenientpositionwithin the frame-work of producing quality products destined for international markets.”
The minister reiterated that the government is committed to empower local businesses,especiallySmallandMediumEnterpriseswiththenecessaryskillsand platforms required to grow their businesses. "We will continue to foster sound relations between the government and the business fraternity to ensure that we successfully pursue our trade and economic targets as outlined in our national development agendas such as Vision 2030, National Development Goals and the secondHarambeeProsperityPlan2021–2025,”sheadded.TheGeneralManagerof Inspection Centre, Paloma Ellitson explained the centre supports the fishing industry “We give support and facilitate the moving of products from Namibia to othermarkets,andweneedtodothiscompetently.”
The NSI is anAgency under the MTI and is responsible for the coordination and implementationoftheNationalQualityPolicyandpromotionofqualityinsociety, as well as the development, adoption, and publication of Namibian Standards (NAMS) in compliance to World Trade Organisation (WTO) requirements. The Minister of Trade and Industrialisation, Hon. Lucia Iipumbu said at the official openingofthenewinspectioncentre,whichhasbeenoperationalforthepastyearis home to a metrology lab, fish processing labs, cans inspection and sensory labs whichisanewadditiontothenewbuilding.
According to the minister, the new facility provides for adequate space to conduct frozenandchilledfishinspections.“Thismeansthattheinspectoratecanprocessa muchmorediverseproductrangeandprocessanincreasedquantityofproducts,thus allowing the NSI to move beyond frozen fish inspection as its central focus.”
Accordingtoher,themetrologylaboratorywillsoonbeoperationalandwillserveall industriesinthecountry “Inclusiveofourtestinglaboratory,theselabswillservethe Erongobusinesscentre.Beyondtestingandinspection,thecentrewillalsoexecute severalotherfunctions.Wehostthetechnicalcommitteeforstandarddevelopment, aswellasfacilitatetrainingfortheindustryaswellasourstaff.Wealsohostregional eventsthatrequirethistechnicalinfrastructure,”Ellitsonsaid.
NSI's brand new N$36 million Inspection Centre in Walvis Bay
Rudi Bowe
Iipumbu added that the import inspection for canned fish and meat, fishery and related products can now be realized which contributes immensely towards food securityfortheNamibiaconsumer “Itisourwishandhopethatmoreproductswill beaccommodatedsoon.”Shesaid,“Itisimportantforthoseinthefoodindustryto produce food for Namibia's own consumption.There is a lucrative market outside thecountryforourlocallyproducedproducts.ButasproudNamibians,weshould havethemottoof'homefirst'.NoNamibianshoulddieofhungerwhileweknowwe are exporting galjoen to Spain while it is cheaper to sell it locally We should investigate food sustenance as a critical element of our survival going forward,” Iipumbusaid.
According the Iipumbu, the metrology laboratory will be operationalised once the necessary equipment has been sourced through the same technical assistance project. “Once this is achieved, businesses in the Erongo region that require measurementserviceswillbeservicedforvolumeandmassmetrologyservicesfrom this metrology laboratory.” Iipumbu said, “as the ministry responsible for the implementationofthegrowthathomestrategy,“Itispleasingtonotethatthisproject involvedNamibiansfromstarttofinishasitwasconceivedbyNamibians,designed andbuiltbylocalcompanies,andnowisbeingoperatedbyNamibiansforthegood ofthenation.”
NSI Opens New Inspection Centre
The centre, funded by the Ministry of Trade and Industrialisation (MTI) will significantlyimprovetheNSI'sinspectionandmetrologycapacitytoalevelthatwill be appreciated by the business community, and in turn benefit Namibians greatly Additionally, the inspection centre has expanded its operations and ability to offer servicestothefishingandrelatedindustriesbecauseofthelargesizeandsuitability oftheinspectionlaboratory
Test drive in the dunes
Stop over in the Moon Valley
The big reveal of the D-MAX and MU-X
At the launch from left to right: Philippus TrompNictus Holdings Group Managing Director, Gerhard Vermeulen - Auas Motors Managing Director, Gerard Tromp - Nictus Holdings Group Board Chairman and Wilmar Fourie - Nictus Holdings Group Financial Director
and Events treated invited potential buyers, stake holders, fleet owners, the banking fraternity and the media to a BOLD adventure filled Namib Desert experience in their launching of the BOLD new Isuzu DMax Double Cab, Single Cab, Extended Cab andtheallnewIsuzuMU-X.
Auas Motors in conjunction with Abenteuer AfrikaSafariandLivingstoneTentedCamps
AftermeetingatGoanikontesOasisguestswere transferred to the Auas Motors Moon Valley Village and then to the D-Max Launch Canyon for a grand evening of entertainment, a movie show against the rocks and a fire show by EvolveFirespinning, awonderfuldinnerwhich endedonahighnotewiththe muchanticipated launch of the D-Max and MU-X. Present at the launch from Isuzu South Africa were Kevin Fouche Dept Executive - Product Planning & Program Management and Lebo Rakgekola Business Manager, Direct Sales LCV & SUV AlsopresentatthelaunchweretheManagement teamfromNictusHoldingsGroup,Mr Philippus &GerardTrompaswellasMrWilmarFourie.
The luxury tented camp at theAM Moon Valley Village
BOLD Launch of the All-New Isuzu D-Max in Namibia
Sitting around the camp fire on the last evening everybody had to admit that the new BOLD range of Isuzu’s is indeed a very exiting edition tothe4x4family.
The all-new ISUZU D-MAX range offers 24 new models built to conquer whateverthedesert,beachorurbanjunglethrowsyourway EachISUZUDMAXbakkieisforgedfromdecades’experiencemanufacturingSouthAfricanengineeredbakkiesthatdeliverdurability,reliability,andcapability Nowwith a BOLD new approach, ISUZU D-MAX bakkies feature the latest in automotivedesign,technology,comfort,andsafety You’lltravelalongwayto findabetterbakkie.
At the end of an adventure packed day all were again transferred back to the AM Moon Valley Village for a wonderful traditional Namibian DinnerservedbyLivingstoneTentedCamps.
After breakfast at theAM Moon Valley Village guestswereagaintransferredtoGoanikontesfor a safety briefing and vehicle familiarisation by the Isuzu Driving Academy before all jumped into the Isuzu’s for a guided ride and drive to Sandwich and afterwards the Moon Valley to experiencethevehicleson gravelroad,tarroad, thebeach anddunes.Allguestswereabletotest drive different Isuzu’s in the dunes and everybody was amazed about the ease with which the vehicles - from the 1.9 l to the 3.0 l handledtheNamibdunes.
De Gouveia for years of support
Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:
WalvisBayChildandFamilyCentre–Sunshinehandedoverasmallgiftmadeby the centre's needlework and woodwork programs as token of appreciation to Mr IvoDeGouveia throughhisConsultant,HubertMukosho,forhisconstantsupport tothecentreon20July
PROPONENT: Clasox Petroleum (PTY) Ltd
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project entails the following: The construction of facilities for refining of gas, oil and petroleum products
Walvis Bay Child and Family Centre - Sunshine thanks
Mr De Gouveia's monthly contribution towards the centre benefits two children per month from the centre's services. This includes two warm nutritious meals per day, special needs education/training and/or therapy and social work services, music and movement instruction, life skills development through educational excur sions, life skills lessons and practical training in gardening, self-care, and other interventions to help the child or individual become as independent as possible, reaching their own highest potential. “For this we can not say thank you enough, and we honour you for your continuous contribution,”Lestradeconcluded.
PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 12 August 2022 at 11:00 am The venue of the meeting will be Narraville Community Hall, Narraville, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, kindly contact: Email: Fax: 061 258 470,0814584297onorbefore 19 August 2022
Individuals interested in supporting the centre's special education, training, social enterprises, nutrition, music and movement programs for marginalisedchildrenandyouthwithdisabilities, can contact the centre's office at 064-203553 to enquire,discussorsetupameeting.
mentisreachedinacountrywheremarginalised communitiesneedalltheassistancetheycanget.” Established in 1996, the Sunshine Centre has become a place of hope and strength for many individuals living with disabilities, which has only been possible because of the help from the public in the form of donations. The centre, in addition to their own efforts to generate an income,reliesonthesupportofprivateandpublic donors to keep going. “Mr De Gouveia gave his firstdonationinJuneof1996andhasdonatedat leastN$138500uptonow,”Lestradesaid.
Mrs Gail Taukuheke Gustafine Louw (Supervisor) Luzelle Lestrade (Executive handed the token of De Gouveia, Hubert Musosho.
PROJECT LOCATION: A Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 58 Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
(Social worker), Mrs
Eileen van der Schyff
appreciation to the consultant of Mr
Sunshine Centre handed over a certificate of appreciation, a table and chairs made by the centre's woodwork program (young men living with disabilities) and a handbag made by the centre's young girls living with disabilities. Everyone at the centre is grateful for the financial contributions Mr De Gouveia has made towards the centrethroughtheyears.Atthehandover,Director of the Sunshine Centre, Luzelle Lestrade said, “thank you so much for contacting the centre via your appointed consultant representing you, Mr Hubert Mukosho.” Mr Mukosho's role in Mr De Gouveia's projects, is to see donated funds get used for the right purposes, and once accountability has been established, these relationships aresustained.Lestradesaid,“oflate,wehavebeen hoping to reach your offices to express our sincerest gratitude and appreciation for the consistentandmuchneededsupportthatyouhave been providing the centre for many, many years. We are thankful for this opportunity.” Mr Mukosho said,” it is very special that this token of appreciation comes from the hands of the very children Mr De Gouveia is supporting.” Mr Mukosho further said,” businessmen like Mr De Gouveia are very rare. He is a philanthropist in everysense.” InMukosho'sopinion,ifmorebusinessmenwerelikehim,communitydevelopment will be attained. “As a specialist in community development, people like Mr De Gouveia are essential, as they work side by side with the government to make sure community develop-
and Mrs
PROJECT NAME: Proposed Construction of Walvis Bay Oil Refinery on a Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 58, Walvis Bay Erongo Region
The reason for the book the was recently launch is thatmanychildreninremoteareasofNamibiahear about Walvis Bay, sea animals and the lagoon, but they have never seen a boat, dolphin or flamingo, among Kanghutiothers.said at the launch of the booklet that she approachedauntTaatibecauseshethoughtthereare alotofchildren,inNamibia,especiallythoseinthe villages,whohaveneverseentheocean. Shesaid,“Withthisbooklet,thosechildrencansee and experience the ocean and see what its animals also look like. My favourite part of the booklet is whereIsawmyfavouriteanimals,dolphins.”
Niilengesaid,“wetookadaytripwithLadyVictoria and Walvis Bay Tour Guides out to sea where I captured real life pictures of everything that she experienced on the boat tours.” Niilenge explained that aside from bringing the ocean to children who have not seen it before, the aim is also to help promote the Namibian tourism sector “We want to bringtheWalvisBaylagoonclosertothosewhoare far and cannot travel to Walvis Bay and to attract
Rudi Bowe
They plan to channel funds from the sale of the booklet towards the Walvis Bay problem of drug abuseamonglearners.
Kanghutisaidshewasexcitedtobeacharacterina booklet,butismostlyhappythatotherchildrenwill see a dolphin, seal, flamingo and the Walvis Bay Thelagoon.booklet that was officially launched byWalvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes follows Pewa and her family during a morning catamaran boat ride. The adventure starts at the Flamingo Villas Boutique HotelwherePewaandherfamilystayedbeforetheir catamaranride.
Local journalist Taati Niilenge, Hedwich 'Pewa' Kanghutia and Walvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes at the launched of the newly published children's booklet Pewa's OceanAdventures
“Wehopethatthisbookwill,especially,reachthe remote areas of Namibia and Africa, where the imagination of rural children can be awakened,” expressed Niilenge, who has also authored three otherbooks,incollaborationwithotherNamibian women,focusingongenderequality
Port Log
The book is sold at the Lady Victoria and Walvis BayTourGuideboatcompanies.
Pewa'sOceanAdventuresnewlypublishedchildren'sbookletisthebrainchildofHedwich 'Pewa'Kanghutiaa10-year-oldgirlfromWalvisBaythatapproachedlocaljournalistTaati Niilengewiththeideatowriteachildren'sbookletabouttheocean.
those that would want to visit Namibia. We also want to revive the reading culture amongst children, as the world has changed a lot from reading books to being addicted to electronic devices.” Niilenge said that the 40-page booklet hasbeentranslatedintoOshiwambo,Afrikaansand Spanish and will soon be available in these languages. “Our wish is for companies to adopt schools in their towns and sponsor at least ten bookletsfortheschool'slibrarysothateverychild can experience the beauty of the ocean. If the booklet sales go well, we would like to channel funds towards starting a project that tackles drug abuseamonglearnersinWalvisBay.”Niilengesaid that she hopes that the booklet will motivatemore Namibianstowriteabouttheirowncountry “Isee so many writers from other countries writing our stories.Wearethecitizensandshouldbetellingour stories. It was truly a joy working with Pewa and the tourism companies. We are already thinking aboutwritingaboutourdesert.”
Forms for new application are available at the School. The closing date of applications is 12August 2022. Enrolments for 2023
Kanghutisaidthatshe'sveryhappythatthebooklet isfinished.“I'velearnedthatwritingandpublishing abooklettakesalongtime.Nowthatitisdone,Iam happy that even children in the villages will know whattheseaanditsanimalslooklike.”
KanghutiandNiilengewishforcompaniestoadopt schoolsintheirtownsandsponsoratleast10books for those schools' libraries, so that every child can experiencethebeautyoftheocean.
Pewa's Ocean Adventures
Erven 5892 and 5893 Walvis Bay Extension 5, situated along Johannes Nampala Avenue, for industrial purposes to Epic Walvis Bay Property (Pty) Ltd/Murry Investments (Pty) Ltd (the applicant own bothcompanies).
Any person objecting to theproposedsalemay,in writing, lodge an objection, together with the BPrivatetheHousingthereof,grounds/motivationtotheManager:andPropertiesatbelowaddressortoBag5017,Walvisay,beforeoron
1 Name and postal address of applicant: B Z N B a r a n d Restaurant CC, PO Box 4571, Walvis Bay, Namibia.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not laterthan:12August2022
LIQUORACT,1998 NOTICEOF APPLICATIONTOA MAGISTRATEIN TERMSOFTHE LIQUORACT,1998 Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the D i s t r i c t o f Swakopmund.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.
2. Name of Licensed business to which application relates: B Z N B a r a n d RestaurantCC.
CONSENT: Home based Business (Cash Loan) ON ERF NO: 6012 TOWNSHIP/AREA KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:Yellowtail Street,No.6012
Monday, 15 August 2022at12:00.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establish on the site a/an: Home-based Business (Cashloan)
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the SwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,during normalbusinesshours.
Stewart Planning has been appointed, as above, and in terms of the SwakopmundTown Planning Scheme and UrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,fortherezoningoferf 3622 Swakopmund Extension 1 (3 Aldridge Street, betweenKühnast and Omeg Streets,Swakopmund Extension1)fromGeneralResidentialtoInstitutional. Erf 3622 Swakopmund Extension 1 is vacant and undevelopedandhasanareaof±3,000m².Itissituated in north-central Swakopmund in a well-established predominantly residential but mixed-use neighbourhoodandwedgedbetweenVinetaandTamariskia.
Industrial Mining Instrument and Electrical Engineering herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for a Resident Occupation special consent to operate an “Administrative Office” on the premises of erf 3107,(17NelkenStreet)SwakopmundExt9.
MrOr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
The intention of this rezoning and consent use application is for permission to establish a Place of Instruction (Private School) on Erf 3622 Swakopmund Extension1asanextensiontotheexistingandadjacent Swakopmund Private School situated on Erven 1772 and1774SwakopmundExtension1.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: Eliakim P Matias, PO Box 4202, Walvis Bay,
MUNICIPALITY: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund TownPlanningSection P.O.Box53,Swakopmund T:0644104418
Description: Erf 5892 (a 231m² portion of Remainder Portion72ofWalvisBay Town and Town lands No 1) Walvis Bay Extension5;and Erf 5893 (a 50m² portion of Consolidated Erf 1597) Walvis Bay Extension5 Area: 281m² Hectares)(0.0281
Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistratenotlaterthan 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning, FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre.
REZONING:GeneralResidentialToInstitutional CONSENT USE: Place Of Instruction (private School)
4. Nature and details of application: Appli cation for change of Trade Name of Licenssed Business –From:RendezvousTo: BarZonderNaam.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2) of the transaction,intendspCouncila1992LocalAuthoritiesAct,(Act23of1992),asmended,thattheoftheMunici-alityofWalvisBaytosell,bypri-vate
3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates:ShopNo3,The Courtyard, Tobias Hainyeko Street, Swakopmund.
The full application is available to download from or can be inspected at the TownPlanningDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofSwakopmund, Room Number CO-12, corner of Rakotoka andDanielKamhoStreet,Swakopmund.
An additional amount equal to 10% of the pur chaseprice(N$33,219.82 – inclu-ding VAT) to be paid to be paid by the applicant on the date of sale toward the Council's landscapingfund.
Full particulars per taining to the intended sale by private trans action will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Wed nesday 10 August 2022 at Room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond For more information, Ms Merinda Matsuis can becontactedattelephone (064) 201 3235 during officehours.
Take note that any person that has objections to the proposedrezoningmaylodgesuchobjection,inwriting, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheMunicipalityof Swakopmund: Town Planning and the applicant not laterthan16:30onMonday22August2022.
Closing date for objections or comments is 12 August2022
APPLICANT StewartPlanning, POBox2095,WalvisBay E: T:064280770
Zoning: Formerly zoned “Street” and to inherit the “Industrial” zoning upon consolidation with the adjacentproperty PurchasePrice: N$288,868.00 – excluding VAT (N$1028.00/m²) plus N$43,330 20 (15%VAT) Total (N$1N$332,198.20price:182.20/m²).
6 Date on which application will be lodged: 10 August 2022.
5 Where application will be lodged: Magistrate, District Swa kopmund.
Jack Manager:ManaleHousing and TPropertiesel:(064)2013338
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of WalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establishonthe sitea/an:SelfCateringUnit
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre.
PROJECT LOCATION: A Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 58 Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project entails the following: The construction of facilities for refining of gas, oil and petroleum products
NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause6oftheSwakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhichareobtainablefrom theGeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than: 12 August
PROPONENT: Clasox Petroleum (PTY) Ltd
Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:
REGISTRATION OF I&APsAND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, kindly contact: Email: Fax: 061 258 470,0814584297onorbefore 19 August 2022
CONSENT:Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 527 TOWNSHIP/AREA Langstrand STREET NAME &NO:Unit5,BeachView
Contact person: Estelle Hankey Cell: 081 267 7278, Email: Mrkkaswakop@gmail.comJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)
Kingdom Kids Academy herewith intends to apply to the MunicipalityofSwakopmundforspecialconsentforanInstitutional BuildingforthepurposeofJuniorPrimarySchool,combinedwitha daycare, kindergarten, and Pre-primary facility on the premises of erf442,(TobiasHainyekoStreet)SwakopmundProper
PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 12 August 2022 at 11:00 am The venue of the meeting will be Narraville Community Hall, Narraville, Walvis Bay
Norma van der Linde, PO Box 44, Tom Burke,
PROJECT NAME: Proposed Construction of Walvis Bay Oil Refinery on a Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 58, Walvis Bay Erongo Region
thClosingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis12 August2022
Anypersonhavinganyobjectionsagainstsuchapplicationshould lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
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Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happeninginyourlifeandyou willneverregret.
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DRGOGOMULEWAisin WalvisBaywithover40 yearsexperienceandhas donewondersandgreat thingsinSADCcountries suchasbringingbackyour lostloverin5days,remove badluckbindingyourlover andbeyoursonly,dealing withtoughandchallenging courtcases,gettingthemen orwomenofyourchoice, pregnancyproblems,jobsand promotions,protectionof bodies,housesfrom witchcraft, severeweakrejuvinatewiningtokoloshiesremovingandnightmares,tendersandcontracts,menspowerduringerections,chestpains,headache,Epilipsy,tobereleasedfromprison,manhoodenlargement,treatingprolongingmenstruationsandmanymorecomplicatedproblemsanddeseases...Comeandexperiencethedoctorwithadifference.. appointment,Forcalldoctor GogoMulewa:0817662947
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DrZania: 0812549875
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DR RINGAZI: Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quicklytoamanorwomanof yourchoice,stopyourpartner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancyproblems,financial problems magic ring for money chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more.Call Dr Ringazi: 0812049299
100% Dr KOI KOI and ProfessorGONONDO Wipe your tears and stop suffering. I am old enough, I don't have time to play with people who have serious problems, I work with experience, I don't rush for peoples money without helping them first. Don't lose hope because another Dr failedyou.Cometome!!! The only Miracle water from the AreVolcanoesyoustressingofmoney
DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems&diseases tomentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin4 daysonly,bindingyourlover andtobeyoursonly;andto stophim/herfromcheating. (b)Removalofbadlucknd towintoughandchallenging courtcases.(c)togeta man/wowomanofyour choice.(d)jobsand promotions.(e)pregnancy problemsandwinning tendersandcontracts, protectionofbodies,houseof witchcraft,revengeand rapasule,rejuvenatepower duringsexandboostweak erection.Paints,headache, epilepsy,swollenlegsand feet,manhoodenlargement, recoveringofstolenproperty andmanymoreother complicatedproblemsand diseasesyoumighthavebeen letdownbyotherdoctorsn thepast.“StopCrying”now it’syourtimetocomeand experiencethewonderful miraclehappeninginyour lifeandyouwillneverregret. Foranyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba 0817677045
AwellknownSouthAfrican femaledoctorSangoma fromKwazulunatal (Durban)isheretoheal, treatandsolveyour problems.Lostloverswill bebacktoyou,women problems,work,lucky charms,protectionandmany more.LocatedLagoon, WalvisBayMamaSindi 0813274512
* Pregnancy * Bad luck /removeevilspirits/getridof enemies * Unhappy marriage CLOSINGTIME:
* Job searching * Court cases
He’sanexpert&experienced Traditionalmedicinesand practitionerofherbsof differenttypes.He’san expert&experiencedin: Naturalandartificial diseases,witchcraftand magicaldiseases,weather andcreateddiseases,African andforeigndiseases,love issues&problems,marriages andfinancialissuesand problems,courtcases, farm+homeprotection, livestockdevelopment& protection,bodyprotection, confiningandcatching thieves,employmentand businessopportunities,luck andluckycharms,gambling andlotto,charmsofany kind,talismanicrings& belts,seaworkersprotection, sealagdiseasesandmany more...N$100.00Marriage counseling fee.andcounselingcounseling,stress&depressionbusiness&consultationplansarealsodoneata
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NYASA youyouhealinghealing,ofSpecialistDrAFRICANHERBALSCLINICBanda0817407321invariousformsAfricanTraditionalspells,spiritualsolutionstoassistwithanychallengesmightbefacing.
C l a s s i f i e d s 10:00 Bay DocumentationOff Pick Messengeritemsand Bay
HoneyPotSewing Centre Wearetailorsqualified todothefollowing: *Adjustmentofany clothes,curtains,table clothes,bedsheets.
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The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only And to get a man/womanyouwantofyour choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice Chest pains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy, drinking /smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement
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OFFER SwakopmundINVESTMENTTOBusinessinneedsan investor foruptoN$200000at aninterestrateof 3%permonth (36% dprivate44033@gmail.Contactp.a.)e-mailcom M-S Electrical Services We specialize on the following repairs: ü Geysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity) ü Washing Machines + Servicing ü Air Conditioners ü Gas refill ( cars + fridges) ü Compressors ü Installation of CCTV cameras ü Repairing of all electrical and electronic appliances ü Refill air con in cars and trucks ü Installation of intercoms ü Auto garage doors ü Microwaves ü Stoves ü Repairing of WAP machines ü Refrigerators ü Generators ü Security alarm system ü House wiring ü Electrical gates ü TV mounting on the wall and dstv installations ü Electrical motor 3 phase, single phase ü Any electrical equipment we can fix. Taking all your electrical needs seriously All repairs have 3 months Guarantee!! Contact: 081 299 9960 DRKAMUZU Traditionaldoctornewly arrived.Payaftersuccess. Lostlovers,marriages, diseases,manpower Finance,unfinishedjobs. ProtectionnowinWalvis BayandinSwakopmund onrequest.0817774547
Guguda-menenlargement in3sizes,medium,large& extralarge,withproven results&testimonies. Prayers,healing,fortune telling, interpretations.dreamFinance, pregnancies&more Visithimintown,nextto ChoppiesSupermarket Call,text,whatsapp 0817407321
DRZANIAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbacklostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquickly tomanorwomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orherloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement 5cmto30cm,hipsand breastenlargementand manymore.
Don't hesitate to contact him now to witness the end of your problems Contact:0814672722
Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil)
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Dr.JericoTheWitchdoctor Practisingas:Jumah AfricanTraditionalHealing Methods..
5.luckyStopbaddreams6. Breakingthechainsof familyproblemsand 7.diseasesProvidepowerful protectionagainstyour 8.enemiesBlockingyourpartner nottocheatonyou9. Cureallwitchcraft
Thereishope,OupaChimeza isinWalvisBaywithvery strongmedicinefrom Malawi,hehas23years experienceinvarious problemsanddiseases.Heis professionalinbringingback lostloverswithinashort time,pregnancyproblems, courtcases,jobproblems, stopdrinkingalcoholand smoking.Hipsenlargement, debts,BP,strokeandmany more,comeandexperience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife.Call OupaChimeza 0815587112
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CalltodayDr.Jerico thewitchdoctorofalltimes 0814307446Comeandsee thebestdoctor!Youwilllive ahealthyandsuccessfullife in2022andbeyond!
TraditionalDrHerbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (Theoldman)FromMalawiis in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringingbacklostlover,toget a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make yousleepnicelyinyourhouse, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of yourbody,madness,epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, & many more.. Come & experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Sms or call:0816431482findtheOld man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes NakuafilaStreet.
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WitchdoctorPractisingas DRMangochiAfrican TraditionalHealingmethods. Heisthestrongest&expert powerfulDr,mymuthi isthe answer100%guaranteed. Stopyourloverfrom cheating.Bringbacklost loverin2days.Openyour goodluck.Makemenspenis privatepartbigandstrong. Controlearlyejaculation. Makemoreroundduringsex. Promotionatwork. Pregnancyin1day Winall courtcasesbigorsmall.Help studenttopassexams.Win gambling&lotto.Solveany financialproblemsetc.Come tomeyouwon’tregret. Contact:0814307440
TraditionalDoctorMoyo Tired of running up & down, going everywhere but not achievingyourrealgoals,here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections whichisunabletosatisfyyour woman, vagina tightness for mantofeelalwaysattractedto you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasingofbadluckspirits,job problems, stop lover from cheatingyou[manorwoman] Business improvements, all typesofgoodluck.pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctorisheretocleanse&lift you up Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo StreetMondesaSwakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339
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Call/smsBombaBazuka: 081602
* Lost & building properties
FoodPickUpfromall restaurants CALLORTEXT Contact:0812017834 OFFICE&HOUSEHOLD
Email:malakiaprT081ContactN$ FORSALE: 4Bedroomhousefor saleinSwakopmund HageHeights 4Bedroom 4 InsideGuestbathroomsToiletandoutsidebraai, Openplankitchenand lounge,Scullery Doublegarage 21000m PriceN$1.79million Contact:0814574526or 0812953744 PROPERTY FOR SALE on riverbank Omaruru 7062 sq Comprisingmetersofthefollowing: 1 Main house, 2 bedrooms with en-suites tv room, open plan Lounge kitchen & garage nd2 house (cottage) 1 bedroom with en-suite, open plan 20,000Additionalkitchen/loungepropertyfeatures:literwaterstoragetankandswimmingpool. 081Contact1241837
2Bedroomflat,Full Bathroom,Lotsofbuildin Cupboards,LargeOpen Plan,TandemGarage Outsidebraai,Small Courtyard,PetFriendly (Small)Water&WIFI includedFreeDSTV–full bouquet,Pre-paidElectricity Unfurnished/partly N$furnished.7500.00pm+ Depositrequired. Available–1September 2022 Contact:0811245889
TORENT: Meersig, Walvis Bay 2bedroomflat,bothwith en-suitbathrooms,openplan kitchen/lounge,carport, BIC,braaiarea,stovewith oven,alarmG4Sinstalled, DSTVconnection,prepaid electricityandwater included. immediately!Available N$6000.00p/m+ N$6000.00deposit
FORHIRE: 4TonTruck,suitablefor refuse/rubbishremoval, transportationandmoving. N$350.00pertripwithin WalvisBay Negotiable to othertowns.
Distributorswanted: Gemflameproductbased companythatsellsNatural beautyproducts(turmeric) andarangeoffrangrances forbothmenandwomen Wearelookingfor distributorsallover Namibia.
3Flatswith2bedrooms, bathroomandkitcheneach. MonthlyincomeN$7500.00 forsale N$590 TULINA000.00WA lounge,kitchen,3bedrooms,2bathrooms,diningroom,Garage N$900 MONDESA000.00
TORENT: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Kabeljou street
2Bachelorflatstorentin Narraville-Closeto MunicipalityLibrary& EachUNAMflatcontains1ensuite sleepingroom,1 kitchen/livingroom,anda sharedGarage. PriceN$2800.Theprice includesWATER.Electricity is CompulsorySHARED.Deposit:of N$4500,onlycontactifyou canpaythat!
1Narravillebedroomflatwith kitchen,shower,sitting room,nogarage,nopets Availableimmediately N$3300.00p/m+ N$1000.00deposit Waterandelectricity included.
PleaseCall0816375060 NoAgentsplease!!!
TORENT: BachelorflatinVineta,water andelectricityincluded Availableimmediately Contact:064403218/ 0816708036
RENTREDUCED: UpMarket-LongBeachExt 1–.4BedroomHouseincl (in-suite),oneexternalroom withtoilet. Openplan kitchen,indoorBraai,BIC, fullyalarmed,burglarbars, pre-Paidelectricity,Double Garage,Petfriendly NS7500(exclW&E). WhatsAppon 0813787347, 0816978588,E
*N$450Kuisebmond000.003Bedrooms,double garage,2bathrooms, lounge,kitchen,dining witharea1BedroomFlatfor saleinMeersig N$2085000.00
Roseisa27yearold lookingfordomesticwok for3to5daysperweek, pleasedon’thesitateto contactme: 0818132744
1)Receptionist Administrationexperience isamustandhairdressing skillswillbean advantage.added
OneBachelorflattorent inOletweni,Monica GeingosStreet N$2800plusfulldeposit WaterIncludedand PrepaidElectricity Availableimmediately Contact0812304981
TEKOOP: LandcruiserVX1HD-T42 Diesel,1993model,engine completeoverhauled KontakJohan:081129 4490
No Contact:Agents!!0812240040
17.smokingUnfinished Soccerbetting,
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lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed
ToRent SwakopmundMondesa,
If don’t Call: Muggie0811294121
TungstenConstructionând PropertyManagementCC
Onebedroomflattorent inAsserKapereStreet N$1500plusfulldeposit Waterincludedand PrepaidElectricity Availableimmediately Contact0813337940
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT Andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeor alterations.ablutionCowboys.
thehouseofbeautycc@gmaddress:ail.comContact:0857672653/0814238544 FORSALE TOHIRE JOBCARSWANTED PROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT PROPERTIESTORENT WANTED FORSALEERFWANTED LookingforanErf tobuyin WalvisBay(Meersig) fornotmorethan 400k(N$400 081Contact000.00).:4061194 MEN!MEN!MEN! Smallsize,weakerection andquickejaculationisa generalproblemformen worldwide!Don'tbeafraidto contactus!!Wehaveorganic herbsallthewayfrom Zambia.*
WERKGESOEK: 28jarigebetroubaredame isopsoeknaenigewerkin Swakopmund.Was werkagtigbyNamibia HolidayCleanerServicevir 2jaarenhuiswerkvir3 jaar,ekkanookkinders omsien. Esmeltha:0814430328 0813913512
Interestedinjoininga winningteaminthedirect salesindustryLeMorgan DirectMarketing We’relookingforsales Agents!!! Fortheleadingdirectsales companyinNamibiato marketourexclusive rangeofproducts Forinterviewbooking contactAshleyon 0814834326
1bedroomflatwithopen plankitchenandsitting roomwithprivate bathroom.Nogarageina veryneatandsecuredarea. Idealforasinglepersonor acouple. N$3700.00p/mincluding waterandelectricity.No depositneeded,available immediately Contact:0811278229
mattersand manymanymore.
064418150or 0811464770
Eetkamerstel,Sweismajien, wasmasjien,sweistafelen concredemenger Kontak:0818083315
TO NearRENT:Spar,OceanView Swakopmund 1bedroomflat,available 01August2022 N$3500.00p/m water&electricityinclusive Contact:0816118500
FORSALE: Gymequipment
3bedrooms,bathroom, kitchen,Loungeand Garage,N$495000.00
PropertiesforSale: ARANDIS
HPOfficejetj5520-fax machineN$250.00
FORSALE: Boxwithcassettetapesand educationalCd’s N$250.00
0814081550 havemovedto 85HageGeingobstr Walvis OPPOSITEBay Schoolof Walvis
Contact:0812187336,or viaWhatsApp:081 T2393529.ORENT:
Safefullyfurnished, walkingdistancefrom UNAM,DSTV,Wi-Fi,water andelectricityincluded N$2800.00
n,lounge2bedrooms,bathroom,kitche plus bachelor flat, 2outsidebraai N$799 000.00
Contact:0816371212/ 0812408039
and winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetes andheartdiseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmoveson theroofsofhouses 15.Catch
C l a s s i f i e d s
2)Hairdresser-Hair dressingexperienceofat least4years.
andbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholand
1Crazyfitshakemachine N$750.00
HPDeskjet3525(print, scan©)N$350.00 Astrologybooksfullset N$
TORENT: NHEHouse,Kuisebmond KabeljouNewlybuild 1bedroomwithkitchen, toiletandshower Water included.
jobs 18.School.
1MXC570elliptical trainerN$1500.00 Prices
JOBWANTED: Aladyislookingfor domesticworkaround WalvisBay-Meersig, Narraville,LongBeach.I have2yearsexperience.
3)Barber-Professional barberwith4yearsskills minimum. Weoffermarketrelated fixedsalariesbasedfrom experiencewithvarious allowancesincluding transport,housingand socialsecurity CV'Stobesendtothis Bazooka: &EjaculationPotency *A-k47:Harder,more rounds *90Minute Tournament:Self explanatory*SUPERMAN: TopLibidoBooster 100%Guaranteed100% Organic100%African Nosideeffects!!!!Available inWalvisBay,wecourier nationwideorarrange collectioninWalvisBay CallorWhatsApp:+264 812278322
Location:13SamNujoma Avenue13thPelicanMall WalvisBay
29 July 2022 NAMIBTIMES13
OregonPineCupboard (Fourshelvesandtwodeep drawers-1.8mhighx1.5 mwideand40cmsdeph) N$7
CallDrMajoronefor moreinformationand appointmentson 0812017556
Kindly email all your smalltoadvertisementsShanice atSwswk@namibtimes.netorvisitourakopmundOffice
Contact:0817483901 0812746504
ContactEsta: 0816200378
wanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryor evenacar HOUSEFORSALE Lagoon Area, Walvis Bay 3Bedrooms,2 1BathroomsGrannyFlat,Indoor braai,SwimmingPool 8Cargarage N$ 081Please2,900,000.00call:1282587 Swakopmund–ForSale Tamariskia–N$1450000(neg) 3Bedrooms,2 OpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Big LoungeandTVroom DoubleGarage Erfsize:576m2 House:173m2 Tamariskia–Ext3 3Bedrooms,2 SculleryOpenBathroomsPlanKitchen,Inside&OutsideBBQ,DoubleGarageN$1720000 Matatura–New ExtensionBrandNew BuiltHouse,3 Bedrooms,2Bathrooms, OpenPlanKitchen, DoubleGarage,AProof 2BedroomFlat N$1150000 Tamariskia–Ext3 VacantLand,Erfsize 711N$500000(neg) Forviewing
Plot for sale ext 34 erf size 1000sqmN$900000.00 pluskitchen,2bedrooms,bathroom,lounge,Garage,bachelorflatN$1.1mil bachelorkitchen,3bedrooms,bathroom,loungeplustwoflatandGarage
Vineta,Swakopmund Doublestoryflat 2bedroom,2bathroom,open plankitchen,livingarea courtyard,garage,water included,electricitypre-paid. N$6800.00p/m
JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingforanytypeof work,daycare,shop assistantorhousekeeper.I have5yearsexperiencein domesticwork.Iam hardworking,andreadyto startanytime SwakopmundinandWalvis Bay.IamavailableMonday toFriday
2bedroombackyardflat torent,Walkingdistance fromWoermannBrock Vineta,Swakopmund BIC,Builtinstove,Alarm Pricesystemn$6000.00+deposit Waterincluded,Prepaid electricity Availablefrom 1August2022 Contactno:0851410669
HouseVACANCIES:ofBeautynewly openedhighprofilesalon inSwakopmundhas followingavailable:vacancies
10.Luckycharms thieves
DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorishere inErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma& 2.EpilepsyMentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile 5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses
Iama28yearoldlady urgentlylookingforanyjobin WalvisBay Swakopmund.andIcancleanand iron,onlycontactmeifyou arewillingtogivemework. Contact:0812285700
Iama28yearold desperatelylookingforjobin WalvisBay,officecleaning ordomesticwork.Ihave grade10andIhaveparents andsiblingstoprovidefor Contact:0814625336 WANTED
Iama29yearoldlady lookingforhousekeeping, cleaningandbabysitting workinWalvisBay
Iama36yearoldlady lookingforanykindofwork inWalvisBay,Icando domesticworkoranything.I haveexperience. Contact:0812417263
Needanykindofwork,Ihave avalidDriverslicense, excellenthealth,soberhabits, doesnotdrinkorsmoke,hard worker,honestandreliable, expensiveknowledgeincivil construction,management, weldingetc.willprovideCV Contact:0818397116
A25yearoldladyislooking fordomesticworkaround WalvisBay.Ihave4years experienceinhousekeeping andIamreadytostart immediately Contact:0814556334
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars ofwhichappearbelow,willbe made to the Regional Liquor LicencingCommittee,Region Erongo.
Iama24yearoldlady lookingforanykindofjobin WalvisBayexceptinbars.I amreadytostartanytime. Contact:0817669567
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 14 September2022.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund.
14 NAMIBTIMES 29JULY2022 Funeral Service 30 July 2022 Charles Lwanga CatholicGrootfonteinChurch, For further details please feel free to contact Helen @ 081 287 7597 Eliz @ 081 212 5402 * 7 June 1961 + 21 July 2022 Ps The23v1Lord is my shepherd. In Liefdevolle herinneringe JESAJA43:1 EK HET JOU OPJOU NAAM GEROEP, JYIS BEGRAFNISMYNE. SATERDAG: 30 JULIE 2022 10H00: 5 VREDE REDE STRAAT, VINETA, SWAKOPMUND 10H30: TAMARISKIABEGRAFPLAAS WAARGENEEM DEUR PASTOOR //NAOBES Richard P Cloete Elizabeth D. Cloete (Hokkie) (Babes) *23.08.1953 11.07.2021 *23.07.1950 22.06.2021 Anna Okaenda Eliakim Sunrise 18.12.1973 Sunset 21.07.2022 Jesaya 43:1 MemorialService: 29.07.2022@18h00 EmmanuelLuthernParish Mondesa,Swakopmund FuneralService: 30.07.2022@08h00 atHouseno.357 JustusGosebstr.Mondesa 09h00MondesaCemetry Contact NathanaelPerson:Nuuyoma 081 232 2816 Bertha Eliakim 081 377 6660 Helena Ndungula 081 763 4831
4 Nature and details of a p p l i c a t i o n : H o t e l establishment to provide restaurant and general bar services to guests and the general public, as well as host events and conferences and provide services accordingly
Any objection or written submissionintermsofsection 28oftheActinrelationtothe application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21days before the date of the meeting oftheCommitteeatwhichthe applicationwillbeheard.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: 4 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Swakopmund (Erf 649and235B).
6. Date on which applica-tion willbelodged:5August2022.
2 Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Artemis HotelSwakopmund.
1.Nameandpostaladdressof applicant: Artemis Hotel Swakopmund CC, P O Box 274,Swakopmund.
Plans/particularsoftheapplicationmaybeinspected at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre,NangoloMbumbaDrive,WalvisBay
· CONSOLIDATION: One Single Consolidated Erf
Manager:TownPlanningSection, PrivateBag5017, WalvisBay E: T:0642013229
The last league game of the season Theo Coetzee, Movovo Xamseb, Cliffie Cowley and Eldrich Losper scoredthetriesforthehometeamand Karim Visagie successful with a penaltyandonlyoneconversionatthe JanWilkenstadiuminWalvisBay.
The top scorer of the league Samson Chivi
· REZONING: Single Residential: 1/500m² To ·InstitutionalCONSENT USE: Place Of Instruction (private ERFSchool)1152MEERSIG
of 132/7 with 28 balls remaining to win THE 100 Social League. The 100 Social League that started on 4 June 2022, was sponsored, and hosted by Trust Market.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Mrs Valerie Marlene Lategan, P O Box 24, HentiesBay,Namibia.
ByvirtueofCouncilResolutionC013/25/05/2022/04th/2022 andintermsofSection63(2)(b)oftheLocalAuthoritiesAct, (Act23of1992)asamended,readinconjunctionwithSection 30(1)(t)oftheLocalAuthoritiesAct1992(Act23of1992)as amended,noticeisherebygiventhattheMunicipalCouncilof Hentiesbaai intends to alienate by way of land donation, a portion of Erf 2023 Omdel Extension 7, measuring 3000m² (equivalentto0.3hectares)atNocostpricebywayofprivate treaty to Messrs Happydu Children Charity Organisation for thepurposeofestablishinganorphanagefacility
Take note that any person that has objections to the proposedrezoningmaylodgesuchobjection,inwriting, together with grounds thereof, with the MunicipalityofWalvisBay:TownPlanningandtheapplicantnotlaterthanMonday22August2022.
5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund.
Sparta books semifinal spot
4. Nature and details of application: Guest House, Self Catering andBread&Breakfast.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Erven72,73and1152Meersigaresituatedinthenorthern part of Meersig in a well-established predominantly low/medium density residential neighbourhoodandoppositetheMeersigPark.
6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 6 August2022.
StewartPlanninghasbeenappointed,asabove,andin terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme and Urban and Regional Planning Act, for rezoning and consentuseoferf72Meersig(23FourthRoadNorth, Meersig) from Single Residential to Institutional to permitaPlaceofInstruction(PrivateSchool)andfor consent use of Single Residential erf 1152 Meersig (C/OLightHouseRoadandFourthRoadNorth)fora PrivateParkingAreatobeusedfor“on-site”parking for staff and visitors attending the Private School on erven72and73Meersig.
The intention of these rezoning/consent use/consolidationapplicationsisforpermissiontoestablisha PlaceofInstruction(PrivateSchool)onerf72Meersig – an extension to the existing Private School situatedonErf73Meersig(erven72and73Meersig to be consolidated together as a single consolidated erf)–andforerf1152Meersigtobeusedfor“on-site” staff/visitor parking in conjunction with the Private Schoolonerven72and73Meersig.
Inthelongtermerven72and73Meersigwillbeconsolidated together to create a single erf on which the PrivateSchoolwillbeoperated.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard:
The defending champions of the SpartaIbeatKuduIII25-5tobook their place in the Namibian Rugby Union (NRU) First Division league semi-final.
Anyperson(s)havingobjection(s)totheintendedalienationof theportionmaylodgesuchobjection(s)fullymotivatedtothe undersigned, within fourteen (14) days after the second placementoftheadvert.
Blue Waters, Kaas en Wyn, Sparta 2 and Original Gangsta's participatedin the tour namentthatendedonSunday,24July Theleadingwickettakerforthetournament wasHelmutMackfromSparta2withnine wicketswithGerrieSnyman(KaasenWyn) 287andSamsonChivi(Sparta)264thetwo topthreerunscores.
29JULY2022 NAMIBTIMES15School News
Kaas en Wyn wins ‘THE 100 Social Cricket League’
Flank Ernistine van Wyk scored the onlyunconvertedtryforSparta.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 142 Kabeljou Street, HentiesBay.
‘THE 100 Social League’ winners Kaas en Wyn
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
APPLICANT StewartPlanning, POBox2095, WalvisBay E:
Furthertakenotethatthelocalityandthelayoutplanofthepropertyliesopenforinspectionduringofficehoursattheoffices liesopenforinspectionduringofficehoursattheofficesofthe Municipal Council situated at the corner of Jakkalsputz Road andNickeyIyamboAvenue.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication mustbesentordelivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the applicationwillbeheard.
Algirnon Kolz scored the only try for Kudu III Giovanni Isaack's was unsuccessful with the conversion KuduBokkiesbeatSpartaLadies25-5 inNRUDevelopmentWomen'sfifteen leaguegameattheJanWilkenstadium inWalvisBaymatch.
‘THE 100 Social League’ final was full of action, as top of the four-team social league,BlueWaterlostagainstsecondonthelog,KaasenWyn,withthreewickets onSaturday,23JulyattheOvalinWalvisBay.
Blue Waters won all six their league gamesforaplaceinthefinalagainstKaas enWynwhowonthreeandlostthreeafter sixgames.Sparta2endedthirdwithOriginalGangsta's,fourth.
The leading wicket taker of the league Helmut Mack
Ernistine Gom-Khaises, Candida Del Carme, Robyn Andrews, Faisel-lee Tjivava and Emilyn Marais (captain) visited the Sparta try line NessckeenettJansenwasunsuccessful withalltheconversions.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Huis Klipdrift (SelfCatering&B+B).
BlueWaters won the toss and decided to batfirst.Withsomegreatbowlingefforts by the bowling attack, Blue Waters was restricted to 131/6 after their 100-ball limit Kaasreached.enWyn reached the winning score
ChiefExecutiveOfficer POBox61 HentiesBay
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
The high quality books and accommodation packagesfromesteemedNamibianlodgesthat were auctioned off in aid of Save the Rhino Trust income exceeded N$40 000. The organisers thanked each and every person who contributed to the event in some way or another, from sponsors to runners, volunteers to supporters, all donors, the venue, medics, andphotography
Agterlangs het Kudus n agterlyn volspoed wat a groot kop seer vir opponent kan wees. Die skakel paar behoort Billa en Paket te wees met Bulle en Darren in die middeveld. Die agterste trio kan bestaanuitAlgernon,NathanenZane.
werk en veral sy losspel is op top vorm en klop hy hardaandiedeurvandiebeginspan. Agterlangsis‘nhoopspelerswatklopaandiedeur om in die begin span te wees en afrigter Gawan Esterhuizen krapsekerlikkopvirwieomtekiesen wieomwegtelaat.Diespannewasteendruktydnog niebekendmaar tesienehoedingeopdieoefenveld gegaan het behoort Percy Nash die skrumskakel te wees met Aurelio op lossakel die senterpaar sal Justin en PJ wees met die agterste driehoek wat sal bestaanuitLloyd,PauloenChad.Ashtonspeelegter kookwaterrugbyensouhyopkomsalhysykanse met albei hande aangryp om sy plek in die begin spanteverseker Wandererssalsondertwyfelmôrevolsterktebydie kusdorpopdaagwantaltweespanneprobeerom‘n tuissemifinaalteverseker Om‘nwennertebepaal is bitter moeilik maar die span met die beste dissiplinne se kanse gaan soveel beter wees. Geel karatekanniemôrebekostigwordniewantditgaan hewiguitgebytword.
Kudusnooisyondersteunersuitommôreingroot getalle op te daag en die manne ‘n tuis semi te verseker.HekgeldisN$30Pervolwassene,N$20 virkindersN$20permotorenN$50percoolerbox.
gaan ‘n harde genadelose stryd wees as Kudus op hul tuis veld teen besoekendeFNBWanderersgaankragtemeet.FNBKudushetweliswaardie eerste rondte naelskraaps met 29-25 gewen teen FNBWanderes sonder hul Nasionalespelerswatalmalmôreteenwoordigsalwees.
In a backyard ultra race, athletes need to completealapof6.706kmcourseeveryhour,startingontopofthehour Shouldtheymakeitback before the hour is up, they use the remaining timetorestbeforethenextlapstartsexactlyon
Send your sports news journalist5@namibtimes.netto
Diekaart.eerstewedstryd vir die dag is tussen die FNB Kudu bokkies en FNB Wanderers se dames. Ook hier word n tawwe stryd verwag met albei spanne wat graag wil kwalifiseer vir die semi finaal. Die bokkies sal swaar steun op die ervaring van hul Nasionale spelers Tammy, Faiza, Robyn en Candidaomdieknoopvirhulledeurtehak.
Rudi Bowe
was tot dusver hul sterk punt en met paar goeie lynstaanspringerssalmensnpaargoeiedryfmaal bewegings vanaf die lynstaan wil sien. Gibby ,JarrenenMossiebehoortdievoorryetevormmet Duitsman en FC die slotte met Wikkie, Greg en Jarrethdiemoontlikelostrio.
Alle paaie lei môre na die Jan Wilken stadium waar die vonke gaan spat wanneer die topspanne in die Namibiese RugbyPremierenReserweligasmekaardiestrydgaanaan sêopdieJanWilkenStadiuminWalvisbaai.
The50-year-oldSwakopStridersrunner, AndréRoss,after20lapsand134kmwas crowedasthewinneroftheinauguralBrandbergBackyardUltrathattookplaceon 23and24JulyatUis.
DiewedstrydewatbygewoongaanworddeuroudSpringbokskrumskakel BollaConradie,enNRUPresidentPetrieTheronwatdieeregasteisbydie FNB Kudu Rugby Klub se sake-aandete en veilings geleentheid inWalvisMôrebaai.
Windhoek Harriers runner Frans Amakalie (41),calleditquitsat04:00afterdoing19laps and127kmandat01:00JohanBronkhorst(54) lite-rally drew a line in the sand and handed over his race number as he stopped at 15 laps and 100 km with Hannes Smit (49) called it a day at 14 laps and 94.6 km whilst Harmen Potgieter(29)laiddownhisswordafter12laps and 80 km. Kirsty Brits (42), who is currently training for the upcoming Comrades ultramarathon was the last lady standing after completingeightlapsand54kmwith.Atotalof 48runnerstookpartintheevent:theveryfirst backyard ultra in Namibia. Of these, 23 were signedupfortheultra(theywerefreetorunan unlimited number of laps), with 12 in the challenge category (up to six laps), and 13 for thefunrun(onelaponly).
Ross wins Brandberg Backyard Ultra
Die hoofwedstryd word vooraf gegaan deur die klubs se tweede spanne. Wanderers was op hul tuisveldmet20–13testerkvirKudus2.Kudus2sal moresakewilregstelendiegapingtussendietwee spanne wil kleiner maak. Kudus 2 se skrumwerk
Diespanwatsedissiplinnediebestegaanweesse kanse is soveel beter om as wenner aftestap Hoe ditookalsy2opwindendewedstrydeisopdiespys
Rudi Bowe
top of the following hour. As the backyard ultra rules dictate, runners who fail to completealapwithinanhouraredisqualified. Theaimoftheraceistohaveonlyoneperson remaining to complete a final solo lap. This personisthencrowedthewinner Sincethere is no predetermined end distance or time, the winner is technically the only finisher, while the rest who conceded all receive a did not finish (DNF) on the score board next to their namesRandMerchantBankNamibia,wasthe presentingpartneroftheBrandbergBackyard Ultra, and put their name behind a new race conceptinNamibiathatwillstayandbecome popularontheyearlyrunningcalendar
namib times
DieBlouBulleisegtergereedvirwathulkanttoegaankomengeengenade gaangevra ofgegunwordnie.Kuduswastotdusvergelukkigdathulniete swaarmeternstigebeseringsgetrefwasnieendrafmôrevolsterkteuit. Nie veel verassings word verwag in die eerste span nie met manne soos Renco, Craig, Xuxu, Shaun enTertius wat die vastevyf behoort te vorm en Jossie, Vossie en Cammy die lostrio. Codey Naholo wat sekerlik later sal opkom se spel kan egter nie meer mis gekyk word nie. Sy skrum, lynstaan