29 march namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6838 FRIDAY 29 MARCH 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

To the rescue: Mozambique

inside Potplant vandals

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Profits in assembly industries A flight of Bay Air Aviation on a final approach to Maputo International Airport (Mavalane) yesterday at around noon. The well-known Maputo-Katembe suspension bridge can be seen on the foreground right. That is Africa’s longest suspension bridge, spanning a total of 3km. The picture was taken from the cockpit of the company’s Mitsubishi MU-2 aircraft. Floris Steenkamp One of the coast's best-established names in aviation, Bay Air Aviation, is assisting with a massive relief operation in Mozambique where Cyclone Idai has created destruction and demise beyond imaginable proportion. The sole proprietor of Bay Aviation, Mr Frank Stein, on Wednesday night hours before his departure to Mozambique explained Bay Air Aviation will be assisting flying medical provisions between the capital Maputo in the South and Beira, a trade and port city to the north of the capital. Beira took the brunt of the storm and was virtually flattened by the Cyclone. “This is the time to act. Bay Air Aviation, by virtue of its vast experience and accumulated operational knowledge as aviation logistics service provider to the offshore oil- and gas exploration business, will assist to make a positive difference to the people of Mozambique, Mr Stein said. Mr. Stein and a second pilot of Bay Air Aviation departed Windhoek for a flight to Maputo at 06:00 yesterday morning and said if the situation demands, more planes owned and operate by Bay Air Aviation will be put into operation in Mozambique. “We will assess the situation later in the week when briefed by the various relief operations organisations currently on the ground in Mozambique”, concluded Stein. The latest situation in Mozambique, according to the UN demands nearly US$300 million in aid over the next three months. Mozambique has an estimated 1.7 million cyclone victims. That is despite neighbouring Zimbabwe and Malawi and other nations in the Region that were also hit.

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Fuel prices remain unchanged

Locker vom Hocker

National Energy Fund strong enough to “cushion” high fuel prices for the month of April Floris Steenkamp

Pages 10 & 11

Namibia's National Energy Fund (NEF) has a healthy financial position and is adequate too subsidise fuel prices in Namibia for the month of April. This was the Ministry litre for diesel. Energy Fund is repleof Mines and Energy's An under-recovery nished by a NEF-levy message on Wed- means it costs more to per litre of fuel sold in nesday, confirming in import fuel than the Namibia and in hard a statement as a result price the consumer times these accuof this healthy balan- pays at the pump. This mulated funds are ce, fuel prices will re- negative difference can used to subsidise fuel main unchanged for only be cancelled out prices to prevent it the month of April. by two means: either to from becoming unsusThe NEF will absorb increase fuel prices to tainable economically [subsidise] the current compensate for the loss for the fuel consumer under recovery of (achieve and over- to absorb. 56,179 cents per litre recovery) or subsidise Global market forces for 95-octane petrol the shortfall. that created the curand 27,668 cents per Namibia's Mineral rent under-recovery Continues on page 2

BUCO Desert Sport Festival

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29 MARCH 2019

namib Fuel prices Thieves steal from pot plants to water taps times Continued from page 1

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net

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NEWS DESK Floris Steenkamp Cell +264 81 220 6090 newsdesk@namibtimes.net

position were presented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy as rising crude oil prices, the depreciation of the South African Rand against the United States (US) Dollar and a global economic slowdown. Crude oil market prices increased at the backdrop of the Oil Producing Export Countries (OPEC) and OPEC plus allies like Russia cutting crude oil production to create market shortages and subsequent price per barrel increases on the markets. The political crisis in Venezuela severely paralyses the country's crude oil exports (coupled with an ageing and neglected national oil production infrastructure), creating further supply shortages. Ongoing sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and forecasts that already limited oil exports from Iran will be further curtailed by the

Trump-administration, adds to global supply woes and rising crude oil prices. High crude oil prices mean higher petroleum prices after crude has been produced into fuel products. The global economic slowdown, most perceivable in China, the US and Europe forces many large investors to hedge into mainstream trade currencies like the US Dollar, pushing it aggressively against emerging market currencies like the South African Rand (ZAR) which is the currency for the purchases of petroleum products for the Namibian market. The South African Rand this week traded at well over N$14,60 per US Dollar, a bleak feature for any importer. Fuel pump prices at Wa l v i s B a y w i l l therefore remain at: N$12,05 per litre for 95-octane petrol and N$13,13 for diesel.

Sharlien Tjambari

Incidents of theft from residential premises are on the increase at the coastal towns. In Swakopmund lately, pot plant theft has escalated. The latest victim is the Wild Flower Garten in the holiday town's Sam Nujoma Avenue. It has never been a problem, but lately we have people at night who enter the premises and steal our plants. This started in December already, but it is now escalating, reported a person involved with the nursery. Adding, the thief or thieves would steal the plants and return when the smaller plants grew again, evidence this the work of only a small group of people.

In Walvis Bay there is also a new trend, albeit an expensive and highly frustrated one. A group of people are targeting residences now with older generation water taps and main water taps. No less than five properties were targeted during the last days of March alone where main taps and taps around the house are simply removed. Water are left to stream from the open pipes, leading to a messy and very expensive affair. Neither unemployment, nor poverty or any other of the usual excuses for theft can hold to this one. You simply don't do this to another person and you cannot call this petty theft�, one of the victims of the tap theft said. Caption. Plant which was vandalised on Tuesday evening at Swakopmund.

29 MARCH 2019



Scalable manufacturing and assembly operations lucrative for investor success Scalable manufacturing and assembly operations can be a lucrative basis for investor success, says Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) CEO, Martin Inkumbi. As proof of this, he points to the commissioning of the Peugeot and Opel assembly plant in Walvis Bay. Use of Walvis Bay as a point of entry to the SADC region is a clear indication that Namibia holds potential for manufacturers. Although Namibia is a small market, he says, excellent access to a diversified spread of SADC neighbours, and the benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and SACU place the country high on the shortlist of locations for manufacturers. The primary barriers to setting up a manufacturing business though are costs of establishment and market penetration. In order to reduce the cost of establishment aimed at multiple countries, Inkumbi advocates for smaller but scalable operations at

start-up. These reduce the initial cost outlays, but also enable the manufacturer to grow on the basis of demand. The success of a manufacturing operation is typically based on size at the time of evaluation, rather than size at the time of inception, so the view of a successful operation is biased and not reflective of its beginnings. By penetrating with a small to mid-sized operation, the manufacturer reduces risk to its capital structure and returns to ongoing operations in larger territories, but still has a basis for larger scale operations as a result of materialisation of growth strategies.

Once the manufacturer is confident of the sustainability of the business operation in a single country, the business can then be scaled-up to reach new markets on the basis of its own resources and/or infusions of capital from the parent operation. By starting small at inception of the operation, the manufacturer creates capacity to pioneer and adapt the new business without major costs. The scalable approach reduces risk in various aspects of market penetration, such as crossborder market development, inventory efficiency, distribution channels, adjustment of supply, price adjustment, penetration

pricing and promotion. Talking about the Development Bank's approach to financing for manufacturers in Namibia, led by parent companies in other territories, Inkumbi confirms that the Bank can provide finance for manufacturing start-ups that are locally registered, but with shares held by parent companies in other territories. The Bank will also finance the participation of local shareholders in such companies. The Bank, Inkumbi says, recognises the value of the owner's contribution to establishment and operating costs. A 30% owners' equity contribution is ideal, while the Bank can

provide the 70% debt funding. Collateral, he explains, can be provided in the form of assets financed and guarantees from the parent companies. Inkumbi says that aforementioned financing structure is in the best interest of sustainability of the project. Depending on need, projects may be granted a grace period on interest, capital or both in order to accommodate set-up and reach breakeven. He goes on to say that the Bank is interested in longterm relationships that span the growth trajectory of the enterprise. He points out that as the enterprise grows and matures, it will require additional finance. The Bank, he adds, has engaged in multiple financing deals across the span of years with larger Namibian companies, and these have been provided on the

basis of sustainable growth. However, he notes that the Bank's single obligor limit is N$350 million. Inkumbi concludes that the Bank has earned itself a reputation as a first-stop

Martin Inkumbi

for manufacturing startups. The Bank's doors are open for business, and it is able to assess each application for finance on an individual basis.


29 MARCH 2019

Court Walvis Bay Court Report Tangi Helao (43), Theft (July 2018) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Patric Gaeseb (25), Blessing Boois (24), Goltfried Gariseb (27), Afrikaner Clause (21), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (December 2018) The matter is postponed to 27 March 2019. Trial was separated for Blessing Boois. Jooste Gerrit Jacobus (36), Assault by threat read with the Provisions of the Domes-tic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (January 2019) The matter was postponed to 7 August 2019. Plea and Trial (Final Remand). Sevelinus Shivute (32), common assault. (February 2019) The matter is postponed to 7 August 2019. Plea and Trial (Final Remand). Deidre Meyer (42), Refusal to give breath specimen (March 2019) The matter was postponed to 29 April 2019. Further investigation (Final Remand) Adam Orlam (21), Glenwon Alcock (18), Robbery with aggravated circumstances, Acquisition, use, possession, import/export of proceeds of unlawful activities (March 2019) The matter was postponed to 29 April 2019. Further investigation. Johannes Shipahu (23), Possession of drugs (March 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Blessing Boois (18), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (December 2018) The accused was found guilty with evidence.

Sam Megameno Niingo (40), Attempted murder and Discharge of a firearm. (January 2017) The matter is postponed to 27 March 2019. Trial partly heard – continuation of trial. Gabriel Gariseb (27), Ratjiv Paul Habab (27), Raymond Seibeb (25), Assault on a member of the Police (October 2018) The case was withdrawn against Ratjiv Paul Habab and Raymond Seibeb. Gabriel Gariseb was found guilty and sentenced. Jimmy Links (30), Theft (November 2018) The case was transferred to the Regional Court in Swakopmund. Nicolas Rooza (33), Theft (February 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Kaarina Petrus (41), Theft and Disguising unlawful origin of goods / cash (December 2018) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Hafeni Haipumbu (26), Assault common read with the Provision of the Domestic Violence Act 3 of 2004. (March 2019) The matter was postponed to 16 April 2019. Plea and Trial. Paulus Lukas (27), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (March 2019) The matter is postponed to 25 April 2019. Further investigation (Final Remand) Ricardo Kubas (33), Drunk driving and failure to ascertain damages (road traffic act).(January 2018)The accused was found guilty – with evidence. Petrus Vashoka (27), Use of a vehicle without the owner's consent, negligent driving and failing to ascertain injuries in an accident (March 2018) The accused was found guilty.

Kleopas Kasheeta (21), Robbery ( July 2018) The accused was found guilty with evidence. The case was finalised. Terrsa Ndjamba (20), Indecent assault and common assault (February 2019) The matter was postponed to 7 August 2019. Plea and Trial Underage boy (16), Indecent assault (February 2019) The matter was postponed to 18 September 2019. Plea and Trial. Andreas Iipinge (33), Theft from a motor vehicle that was properly locked. (February 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Brolin Arendse (32), Drunk driving (March 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Lukas Kahungu (21), Dealing and possession of drugs (March 2019) The matter was postponed to 22 August 2019. Plea and Trial. Herman Shiimi (19), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (March 2019) The matter was postponed to 22 May 2019. Further investiation. Final Remand.

Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court Ruddy Hinanifa (39), Edward Paul Ganaseb (42), appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and corruptly using a false document by an agent. The case was withdrawn against the accused on request of the state. Mateus Nuyoma (25), Joseph Shikongo (27), Leonard Themus (28), appeared on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 27 June for continuation of trial. The accused have been warned.

Magistrate Court Duardt Ochs (31), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 3 March for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Jo-Ann Cloete (27), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was withdrawn against the accused as there were no state witnesses and no docket. Showen Van Wyk (24), Andre Skrywer (21), Spriano Mbeyete (18), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 12 August for plea and trial. The accused are on bail of N$1 500 each. Dwayne Donovan Van Schalkwyk (30,) appeared on a charge of possession of depence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 16 April because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Erastus Simon (21), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 14 May for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Andre Botha (24), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 2 April for plea. The accused is on bail of N$8 000. Frans Tangeni Shau (18) Wensley Narib (21,) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 24 September for plea and trial. The accused are on bail of N$3 000 each. Patricia Mebuza (24), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 September for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$500. Samuel Ghom-Kheiseb (34,) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 16 April for legal aid. The accused remains in custody.

29 MARCH 2019



America explores investment opportunities in Erongo Rudi Bowe

The Mayor of the City of Atlanta in the USA and the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young accompanied a group of business entrepreneurs to Namibia to explore investment opportunities.

The Mayor of the City of Atlanta Andrew Young with the Chief Executive Officer of Namport Bisey /Uirab

Website: www.namibtimes.net

The delegation payed a courtesy visit to the office of the Governor of the Erongo Region and is keen on exploring investment opportunities in the Erongo Region. They would like to explore the mining sector, import and export, the tourism sector and developments in and around the airport and harbour. The delegation had a business engagement with the Chief Executive Officer of Namport Bisey /Uirab who said that Namport visited the East Coast Port of New Jersey in America and have seen the possibilities that it offers. /Uirab said at the business engagement that trading along the East Coast Port of New Jersey in America through the ports of Walvis Bay will increase trade volumes between Africa and America it is closer to Africa. The Governor of the Erongo Region Cleophas Mutjavikua said that Namibia especially the Erongo Region is gifted with raw materials that are currently shipped out of the country in its raw form and that the exportation of the raw materials deprives Namibia of many opportunities. The Governor used granite and marble as an example, as it is extracted in Namibia but are shipped out to be processed in China, Italy and South Africa and finds their way back to Namibia at an expensive price. Mutjavikua said “We are focusing on manufacturing to turn our economy around and that Namibia is keen to capitalise on Atlanta as the city has the best located airport that links Africa via Kenya and that the route can bring more tourism opportunities to Namibia as we are regarded as one of the best tourism countries in the world�. The Governor added that all business thoughts can only materialise if foreign direct investment opportunities are part of development discussions. The delegation also visited the Saltpans and various fishing factories in Walvis Bay.

29 MARCH 2019


Increased cargo handling over weekend

The port of Walvis Bay experiences an upswing in cargo handling this weekend with four container vessels calling at port and three multi-purpose vessels that will discharge various forms of cargo including containers. Today, (Friday 29 March) Maersk Casablanca, Maersk Cadiz and MSC Gabriella is scheduled to call, followed tomorrow by Barrier. The multi-purpose vessel Green Mountain is also alongside today and is followed tomorrow by Kota Bintang and Kota Bistari.

Friday 29 March Low Tide: 04:35 High Tide: 10:55 Low Tide: 17:22

Sunday 31 March High Tide: 01:04 Low Tide: 07:10 High Tide: 13:22 Low Tide: 19:17

Saturday 30 March High Tide: 00:02 Low Tide: 06:16 High Tide: 12:30 Low Tide: 18:33

Monday 1 April High Tide: 01:43 Low Tide: 07:45 High Tide: 13:59 Low Tide: 19:50

Port Log

29 MARCH 2019



3 accidents in one month at this intersection Members of the public expressed concerns this week over the prevalence of vehicle accidents lately on the intersection of Nangolo Mbumba Drive and 11th Road in Walvis Bay. Three accidents during March on this intersection revealed the main causes: disregarding red traffic lights and speeding. On Tuesday afternoon, two vehicles collided in the intersection after one of the drivers ran a red traffic light. The force of the collision sent one of the vehicles onto the pavement, narrowly missing the front section of a secondhand goods shop. In an accident a week earlier, a light pick-up was also hit by a sedan vehicle in the same intersection, sending the pick-up onto the pavement and into the entrance of a nearby building (view video of collision on the 518 Neigbhorhood Watch Facebook profile). In an accident in the beginning of March two vehicles were also involved in a collision at this intersection, after one of the motorists ran a red traffic light. On the pictures: the two vehicles damaged in the accident on Tuesday. One of the injured persons was evacuated from the scene by ambulance.

FNB warns of scam

FNB Namibia wishes to once again warn the public to be careful as an 'old' scam has resurfaced. The so-called 'imposter scam', where fraudsters pretend to be from FNB Namibia and manipulate customers by asking them to perform an action on their cell phone, which leads to loss of money through e-wallet payments.

Ingrid Kahona-Katjiukua, FNB Forensics: “This is not a new scam, but every now and then we see it resurface because customers still fall prey to this scam.” The scam works as follows: The fraudster calls people at random and poses as a FNB employee enquiring about funds that need to be released for various reasons. Dividends, policy pay-outs, or rewards for long standing customers have been used as ruses in the past. The call, in most cases, is placed to a landline and the customer is then requested to enter a code on their cell phone for release of funds. This code is normally the cell phone banking string; *140*392# or *140*321# followed by what the fraudster then names as a verification code but is in fact the amount the customer is about to transfer to the fraudster - e.g. 4994 ultimately sending

N$4 994. Ingrid Kahona-Katjiukua: “We urge customers to remain vigilant at all times – calls such these are NOT from FNB Namibia. The bank will never call a customer or a member of the public to release funds for dividends, policy pay-outs or for any form of receiving or sending money. We also do not require any 'codes' from a customer to release funds. Keep in mind that we will also never ask you to go through any steps on your cell phone.” Ingrid advised customers to be alert when receiving calls from their banks and to rather practice extra safety precautions. “Take the caller's details and phone the bank through the switchboard number to confirm that this is not a scam. When you suspect fraud or a scam, please call FNB on 061 299 2222/ 061 299 7764.”

29 MARCH 2019


A.M. Brew Coffee World at Swakopmund Sharlien Tjambari

Have you ever wondered where coffee comes from? What it looks like in its raw format just after harvesting? Visit A.M. Brew Coffee World, a coffee roasting shop located in John Otto Nankudhu Street in the Industrial Area in Swakopmund. You will find the answers there. The owner of A.M. Brew Coffee World is Stephanie Brayshaw. She and her late husband codeveloped a warehouse complex in the new industrial area of Swakopmund in 2015. She had the idea to grow a home-based coffee roaster in one of the units. The warehouse complex is known as Tribiano Business Park, situated next to Quiver Tree Investment at 4823 John Otto Nankudhu Street. And it is just there where you will find A.M. Brew Coffee World. The first batch of coffee was roasted on 24 December last year at the roaster. “I started roasting coffee on samples from the U.K. at home as early as 2017. The idea grew and so did the project. A convection roaster from the United States was the next big

step. “You must understand that trying to sell coffee in an industrial area is a challenge in its own right. We aim to open a retail outlet closer to the central business district of Swakopmund to promote sales. That premises is opposite Hotel Eberwein in the main street” further explained Brayshaw. She further explained all suppliers are internationally acclaimed. We want visitors to have a positive experience with coffee at A.M. Brew Coffee World. Visitors must become customers and customers clients. Through sample uses each and every person can mix and match his or her own unique coffee brew. A visit to A.M. Brew Coffee World is a must. “Roast on Demand is what we do”. And then there is the wonderful world of online shopping. www.ambrewcoffee.com is also at your finger tips to have the freshest coffee beans and roasts delivered at your doorstep. Swakopmund and Windhoek residents in particular should not miss this unique opportunity. Whatever the occasion, whoever the special person there is a unique coffee blend to celebrate the occasion. It is a matter of you mixing and matching and A.M. Brew Coffee World to bring it into being.

Stephanie Brayshaw (left) and her assistant Johanie at their shopfront. At. A.M. Brew Coffee World it is all about the world’s most favourite hot drink. The freshest roasted coffee beans for a cup of delicious, fresh Espresso, Americano or Cuppacino. For information, see advertisement below:

29 MARCH 2019

Food project makes a difference Isaac Chikosi



With food security a critical topic. Communities across Namibia are working hard to ensure that they do their part. It is for this reason the Food is Free project was started in Swakopmund in 2015. Namib Times took a closer look at progress with the project. The project's key concept is to grow food and share the excess you don't consume. A discussion around the table between teachers from local schools ignited the idea some years ago. They were moved into action by the alarming number of children who sometimes arrive at school hungry. “I find it extremely difficult to teach children who have to come to school every day on empty stomachs. Malnutrition creates an evil loop where students as a result of hunger cannot do their part in the education value chain. They cannot concentrate and cannot cooperate fully. You can have the best and most committed teacher, a well equipped classroom, but if your learners are hungry and under-fed they cannot concentrate and you cannot blame them for not giving their full cooperation�, explained Divan Mouton, a teacher at the Coastal High School. Mouton is one of the project founders. After an agreement with Coastal High School's principal, the team began with the gardens. However, challenges such as irrigation and pest control proved to be a stumbling block. At this stage sponsorships by Dunlop Zone for old tyres to grow tomatoes in, Omega Security in Walvis Bay for tools and Namport who sponsored netting to help keep away pests. These contributions keep the project going. Mr Van Der Westhuizen, a co-founder of the project added growing food wasn't going to be enough for success. Leadership and responsibility are needed too to keep the garden growing. We have systems in place. Older children for insance transfer the knowledge to the younger generations. At the end of 2017, the project was handed over to the school. Since, this idea spread to schools across Namibia and also Botswana and South Africa. The project continues to flourish. It is support the school's soup kitchen. Here is a classic example of the power of every day people making a difference.

29 MARCH 2019


An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Und immer lockt das Meer... Swakopmunds Muschel & Toastmasters bieten an: Ein Fest für die Poesie

Swakopmund(sk) Von Geburt an war das Meeresluftschnuppern ein Teil von Sigi Maters Leben - zuerst in Hamburg, dann in Swakopmund. Wie viele Swakopmunder Häuser hat unser ausgebildeter Maler und Lackierer nicht renoviert, als er sich 1953 entschloss, sein Dasein am Atlantik zu bestreiten. Sigi Mater erinnert sich u.a. gerne an den derzeitigen Arzt,

Gleich neben dem damaligen Chorleiter des Swakopmunder Männergesangvereins der 50er/60er Jahre, Carl (Charly) Hatterscheidt (ganz rechts), steht Siegfried Mater. Wer noch jemanden erkennt, darf sich liebend gerne melden. Foto: von Sigi Mater erhalten!

Dieser Aufkleber ist eine Reminiszenz an die Europareisen, die Sigi Mater mit namibischen Gruppen organisierte und unternahm. genüber von Namib I Dr. Schwietering: erinnern. In den 90er “Damals gab es zum Jahren übernahm Sohn Streichen noch keine Jürgen Mater zeitSteckgerüste mit weilig das Geschäft, Leisten und Planbevor Horst Gürtel daken. Als ich den Saal raus einen Fahrradim Bismarck-Hotel laden gestaltete. Inzwistrich, fiel ich fünf schen befindet sich Meter tief von der dort ein SpielwarenLeiter und brach mir geschäft. m e i n K n i e . D r. Sigi Mater sang nicht Schwietering schob nur im Swakopmunder das kaputte Knie mit Männergesangsverein, der Hand hin und er übernahm auch her, legte einen Gips einige Jahre lang das an, und das Knie Unternehmen Eurowurde ohne OperaTours von Klaus Hortion geheilt.” nung. Während seine Sigi und Annetta Frau Annetta sich Mater hatten inzwiweiterhin um das Farbschen vier Kinder, geschäft kümmerte, J ü r g e n , C o n n y, ging er als Leiter mit Michael und Ulla. interessierten “SüdAls Ulla Anfang der western” auf Europa70er Jahre eingereise. Die letzte Reise schult wurde, kaufte durch u.a.Deutschland, der Herr Papa von Frankreich, Österreich Fritz Stiemert ein und die Schweiz fand Geschäft im Atlanta1996 statt. Gebäude - gleich neIrgendwann beschloss ben dem Atlanta-Kidas Ehepaar Mater no, das damals für dann, nach Wilderness Unterhaltung sorgte. ins Westkap zu ziehen, Später bot Werner wo es 1997 einen GäsGossow dem Maler tebetrieb eröffnete und und Tapezierer einen bis 1999 ganz alleine Laden an:”Herr führte. Auch dort konnGossow war immer te unser ehemaliger ein angenehmer Hamburger Meeresluft Mensch - und fair!” schnuppern - diesmal fasst Sigi Mater den am Indischen Ozean. Unternehmer zuDie Swakopmunder sammen. Viele werSirenen aber lockten den sich noch an Sigi über 2150 km mit ihren Maters Farb- und verführerischen StimMalgeschäft Painmen, und so landeten ter’s Paradise in der die beiden bald wieder heutigen Hendrik dort, wo der kalte BenWitbooi-Str. (früher guelastrom die AtemRoonstr.)schräg ge-

wege erfrischt. Und hier in “good old Swakopmund” genießen Sigi und Annetta Mater, die nunmehr seit 61 Jahren verheiratet sind, ihren Lebensabend und ihre Zweisamkeit. Ihre vier Kinder leben alle in Namibia (zwei in Swa-

kopmund, einer in Omaruru und eine in Windhoek) und besuchen sie regelmäßig in ihrem Haus in der Libertine Amatila Straße. Die namib times wünscht ihnen noch eine schöne, friedliche Zeit zusammen.

Dieses Schild hängt an der Swakopmunder Haustür von Siegfried und Annetta Mater. In Hamburg aufgewachsen, zog es Herrn Mater immer an das große Wasser. Daher fühlt er sich in Swakopmund auch so wohl.

Swakopmund (sk) In unserer modernen Welt der Technologie wird dem künstlerischen Schaffensprozess der Lyrik viel zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Nun haben sich “Die Muschel” und “Toastmasters Swakopmund” zusammengetan, um die Poesie hochleben zu lassen. “Poetry Out Loud” bietet Sprachkünstlern Namibias eine Plattform, Gedichte in verschiedenen Sprachen vorzutragen. Somit werden Dichtkunst und die Vielfalt der namibischen Sprachen gleichzeitig gefeiert. Jeder, der Lust hat mitzumachen, kann sich noch bei Elrie Pieters von Toastmasters Swakopmund unter 0812507135 melden. Wer eher ein Zuhörer ist, darf sich am Freitag, den 5. April um 18h00 Uhr zu

18h30 Uhr in der “Muschel” einfinden. Nicht nur werden Gedichte von namibischen Einwohnern auf Oshiwambo, Deutsch, Damara, Afrikaans, Holländisch, Englisch und selbst Maori vor-

getragen - es gibt auch Wein, Saft und Snacks. Der Eintritt ist ferner frei, und Sie dürfen sich somit auf einen interessanten Abend mit kulinarischen Genüssen freuen.

Zwecks Werbung melden Sie sich bei Mikkie Kriel;0812869519

Haltet die Küste SAUBER! Möchten Sie zeigen, dass Schiffskapitäne von der Weiblichkeit gerne angehimmelt werden - wie hier Captain F.J. Pye 1964 von der Walvis Bay-Einwohnerin Heinke Kleyenstüber? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; 081 2538850; susannkinghorn@gmail.com

29 MARCH 2019



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Die Anfänge Swakopmunds Locker vom Hocker Blauer Pfau: Visuelles Ornament!

Eine Familienanekdote aus Schmunzeln mit ‘ner Prise Sand von G a b y Ti r ro n e n (geb. Henrichsen), deren Familie bereits in der 5. Generation in Swakopmund lebt: Eine Eintragung aus dem Tagebuch eines Neuansiedlers, der vor etwa 125 Jahren von Deutschland nach Südwestafrika auswanderte : “Der Atlantik ist rau, die haushohen Wellen brechen mit Getöse an der mir unbekannten südwestafrikanischen Küste. Dichter Nebel umhüllt die Siedlung, die mir in den nächsten Monaten Heimat sein soll. Unser kleines Boot hat Mühe, nicht zu kentern; klitschnass und durchgefroren erreichen wir den Strand von Deutsch-Südwestafrika. Kein Hotel, nicht einmal ein Zimmer ist zu mieten. Die Swakopmunder zeigen mir eine größere Holzkiste. Dies ist nun mein neues Zuhause: der Boden besteht aus schneeweißem Sand. Ich schlage 4 Planken aus einer Seite, dies wird mein Eingang sein, ich drehe ihn nach Norden, damit der Südwestwind nicht reinweht. Nun bin ich geschützt gegen den eiskalten Wind, den ständig aufgewirbelten Sand und Staub und gegen den Nebel mit seiner durchdringenden Feuchtigkeit. Ich schneide kein Fenster in meine Bude. In der Nacht jaulen die Schakale, es heult eine Hyäne, die Flöhe und Läuse beißen mich, bei Morgengrauen kreischen die Möwen. Ist mein Traum von Afrika Wirklichkeit geworden? Am nächsten Morgen scheint die Sonne. Ich entdecke meine Nachbarn, keine 20 Meter von mir entfernt. Sie haben ihr Haus aus Walrippen gebaut, die sie in ihrer natürlichen Biegung mit Fellen der Seerobben überzogen haben. Es gleicht einer

Liebe Küstenleser! Nicht nur die Pfauenhennen auf der Omaruru Game Lodge wurden ganz flügellahm beim Anblick des prächtig dekorierten Hahnes, der gerade sein Rad schlug. Ich selbst konnte vor Entzücken kaum die Kamera stillhalten. Und als das vogelige Schmuckstück dann auch noch mit den funkelnden Federn rasselte, war es völlig um mich gesche-

Swakopmund um 1908. Foto: Quelle nicht bekannt Höhle, ist ein Schutz, wasser gewaschen, a- hoch ist. Die Kälte lässt ein gemütliches Heim. ber nur, wenn die die Hände schnell blau Vater und Sohn leben Brandung nicht zu anlaufen.” hier; ähnlich ist die Konstruktion ihres Arbeitsbereiches, wo sie sich eine Schmiede eingerichtet haben. Der Betrieb läuft auf 1. Es gibt eine südafrikanische Wortneubildung: Hochtouren, denn je- Elektrogasmus. Diese beschreibt das Gefühl der des Pferd, das von Extase, wenn nach dem Loadshedding unerwartet Deutschland gelandet wieder der Strom fließt. wird, muss geeignete 2. Eskom kann uns den Strom wegnehmen, aber Hufeisen bekommen, das Feuer fürs Braai wird ewig brennen. die es ihnen ermög- 3. Danke Eishkom! Du hast uns Südafrikaner licht, über die Dünen erfinderisch gemacht. Statt eines Haartrockners der Wüste zu steigen verwenden wir nun einen Luftballon. Man blase und auf der felsigen den Ballon auf , halte ihn gegen das nasse Haar Erde der Namib zu und lasse die Luft langsam entweichen. traben. 4. Südafrika wurde, dank Eskom, zum romanIch suche mir mein tischsten Land der Welt gewählt. Es gibt fast Frühstück an der Lagu- jeden Abend ein Dinner bei Kerzenlicht. ne:Eier aus den Nes- 5. Wer seine Thermoskannen nicht jedes Mal zwitern der Seemöwen, schen den Loadshedding-Phasen mit heißem Miesmuscheln von den Kaffeewasser füllt, ist noch kein Südafrikaner! Felsen. Später schieße 5. In den dunklen, südafrikanischen Nächten ist ich eine Ente für das es an der Zeit, dass wir die Sonne wieder aus Abendbrot, ebenso ei- unseren in Richtung Eishkom zeigenden Ärschen nen Flamingo, aber der scheinen lassen. schmeckt tranig. Ich hab noch viel zu lernen. Es ist öde hier, nichts zu tun. Mein Wasser bekomme ich neben einer Düne, wo das Wasserdepot aufgebaut worden ist. Es ist Frischwasser, das die Schiffe von Deutschland gebracht haben. Natürlich nur zum Trinken und Kochen gedacht, die Körperhygiene wird bei Ebbe im Meer erledigt, die Wäsche im See-

Das Schimmern der Federstrahlen wird durch eine kristallähnliche, gitterförmig aufgebaute Struktur aus Melanin und Keratin erreicht. Diese ist so angeordnet, dass die Federn Licht in unterschiedlichen Winkeln reflektieren - ähnlich Ölflecken auf Wasserpfützen. Kein Wunder, dass das imponierende Gefieder des Indischen Pfauenhahns in der Verhal-

scheinbare Haushuhn. Die “Indischen Pfauenhähne” werden gerne privat auf Farmen und in Gärten gehalten. Man findet die tag- und dämmerungsaktiven, vogeligen Hingucker aber

Worte der Woche zum Loadshedding

Dieser Blaue Pfau (pavo cristatus = mit einer Krone versehener Pfau) auf der Omaruru Game Lodge darf sich der weiblichen Aufmerksamkeit sicher sein. Foto: Susann Kinghorn hen. Welch ein Farb- und Musterwunder hat die Natur in dem männlichen Blauen Pfau zusammengebracht. Das leuchtend blaue Gefieder an Hals, Brust und Bauch schimmert bei einem bestimmten Lichteinfall grünlich und golden, sodass man sich visuell völlig darin auflöst. Wenn sich die eineinhalb Meter lange Schleppe zu einem fächerförmigen Rad aufstellt, verschlägt dieser Anblick einem den Atem. Die riesigen blau-irisierenden Augen, die eigentlich dazu gedacht sind, Feinde abzuschrecken, ziehen einen magnetisch in ihren Bann. Und wie gesagt: Setzt der Pfau seine gefächerten Schwanzfedern dann auch noch in eine laut rasselnde Bewegung, werden selbst die betonhärtesten Frauenknie weich - ob Vogel oder Mensch! An dem hypnotisierenden Effekt sind lediglich die Federn schuld. Daohne ist der eigentliche Schwanz nämlich bis zu 45 cm kürzer, braun und unscheinbar.

tensbiologie als visuelles Ornament bezeichnet wird. Indischer Pfau? Nun ja, eigentlich heißt er nur auf Englisch Indian peacock - auf Deutsch spricht man vom Blauen Pfauenhahn (natürlich der prominent blauen Farbe wegen) -, aber die englische Bezeichnung ergibt einen Sinn, wie so viele Namen. Ursprünglich war dieser älteste Ziervogel der Welt, der in den Sagen der griechischen Antike bereits erwähnt wird, nämlich in Indien und Sri Lanka (bis 1972 Ceylon) beheimatet. Heute wird der Blaue Pfau weltweit als Haustier gehalten - daher der afrikaanse Name makpou, was “zahmer Pfau” bedeutet. Ja, und gezähmt sind diese zur Ordnung der Hühnervögel gehörenden, großen Piepolle inzwischen allemal - genau wie die anderen beiden bekanntesten Vertreter der Familie der Fasanenartigen, nämlich der Fasan und das stinknormale, vergleichsweise un-

auch freilaufend in Parks oder Zoologischen Gärten - freilaufend deshalb, weil sie als ausgesprochen standorttreu gelten. Nur während der Nacht kommt der Naturinstinkt dieser einst wild lebenden Pfauen zum Vorschein, indem sie sich, als Schutz vor Raubfeinden, auf hohe Bäume zurückziehen. Obwohl der Blaue Pfau im allgemeinen ein gern gesehenes Prachtexemplar der Vogelwelt ist, die Hindus ihn sogar als heiligen Vogel verehren und Indien ihn gar zum Nationalvogel erklärt hat, ist er nicht überall beliebt. Auf der Florida-Insel Longboat Key zum Beispiel sind die knapp 100 kronengeschmückten Pfauen ein Ärgernis für die Bewohner dort, weil immer mehr fotografierende Touristen ihre Nachbarschaft stören und die Pfauen ihre Exkremente in den Vorgärten hinterlassen. Man kann es wohl nie allen Menschen Recht machen. Ihre Susann Kinghorn


29 MARCH 2019

VACANCIES & NOTICES WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF: 5396 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Tutaleni Uugwanga Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Day-Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 12 April 2019. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Mrs V Nicodemus, H/no.5396, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY An equal opportunity Employer The Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers the following opportunity to Namibian Citizens DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

TEAM LEADER: GEOGRAPHICAL TEAM ×2 (PATTERSON GRADE LEVEL B2) Purpose of the Job To perform and oversee the completion of a range of manual tasks as assigned to ensure the effective upkeep and maintenance of all parks, gardens, green belts, plant bays and related facilities. Key Performance Areas · Maintenance functions at parks, gardens, plant bays and green belts · Staff supervision and administration. · General Maintenance Qualifications and Experience · Grade 8 including basic literacy and numeracy · 1 years' relevant experience, which should have included supervisory exposure. Closing date: Friday, 12 April 2019 Remuneration The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Applicants are advised to apply by forwarding a cover letter, a comprehensive CV and certified copies of qualifications and any other relevant documents to: The Manager: Human Resources Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Hand delivered applications can be submitted at the entrance of the main building (front desk of the Security Officer) or via Courier Services to Municipality of Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Further information is obtainable from the Assistant HR Practitioner, Mr Absalom N Iiyambo at telephone number 0642013231. E-mail and fax applications are not acceptable. NOTICE NO: MWB-042/2019

29 MARCH 2019



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net


SERVICES OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com



GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685 SHORT COURSES Started 11th March 2019 ·HIV/AIDS Awareness ·Principles of HIV Test ·Principles of SelfTesting ·Health Effects of Alcohol Abuse ·Basic Counselling Skills ·Road Safety for Taxi Drivers ·Food Hygiene for Street Vendors ·Secretarial & Personal Assistant Skills ·Single Parenting & Relationship Skills …Many more Courses, Tutoring, Extra Classes. Call: 085 660 1313 / 085 313 7153 / 081 313 7153 enquiregroup@gmail.c om Multipurpose Centre, Swakopmund

SALE SALE Jumble Sale Flohmarkt When: Saturday 30 March 2019 Where: 50 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Swakopmund. Time: 7:30 till 12:00 New and old things for sale. Please bring your own plastic bags!!!!!!

TRAINING NUMBER ONE TRAINING INSTITUTE offering day and evening classes for high school and namcol students, all subjects. Call for enrolment for serious coaching and learning 081 331 8007

DIENSTE 3 ton trok beskikbaar vir trekke, verwydering van vullis, tuinvullis, bou rommel. Ons laai self! Walvisbaai, Swakopmund, Langstrand, Dolfynstrand, Hentiesbaai. Kontak Maryka: 081 333 4211 EK HET N 4 TON LORRIE,HET JY N VRAG? Ons verwyder bou rommel, tuin rommel, enige vullis, huis trekke, kantoor trekke en ons ry lang pad. Bel dan praat ons Coenraad Fourie 081 337 0876

EDU-CARE EDU – CARE DISTRIBUTOR (Walvis Bay) Educational – Care Academy TUTORING( WALVIS BAY) Gr 7 to Gr 12 (Core/Extended) Monday to Thursdays Time: 02H00 – 06h00 (Maths, Geography, Physics, Natural Science) (Additional Subject (s)offered (Maths Master Class) Time: Saturday 09H00 01H00 We cater for your needs of your children . Upfront payment , limited spaces are available We also specialise in assisting students who are currently enrolled at Institutions of Higher Learning. We assist with assignments and any other education-related needs students may have. For more info: Contact: 081 868 1995 / 064 20 221850 (Next to Photo Krause)Photo Volker

SERVICES * Garden Maintenance * Window Cleaning * Housekeeping * Organising of Spaces/Garages

Contact: Zen Creations & Garden Services Cell: 081 128 6714

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 H&Z HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES REPAIRS MAINTENANCE SPARES & SALES DEFY & HISENSE service Agent & we do repairs on all well-known brands. Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay, Stoves gas/electric, Microwave Ovens (only carry in), Fridges/Freezers, Washing machines, Tumble dryers & Dishwashers. Please call: 081 129 9736 081 129 1271

VERSATILE BUSINESS NO 202 SAM NUJOMA AVENUES, WALVIS BAY CONTACT: 081 853 2464 REG No: CC/2016/11482 TAX CONSULTATIONS AND BUSINESS PLANNING BUSINESS PLANS PTY REGISTRATION AND AMENDMENT APPLICATION FORM FILLING LETTER TO CHART A VESSEL BUSINESS PLAN + PTY + LETTER LOAN APPLICATION DBN, FNB ETC CC REGISTRATION (PACKAGE) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS/ YR PROVISIONAL RETURNS VAT RETURNS PERIODICAL *NEW: ELECTRICAL CONSULTATIONS & SERVICES OFFERED FOR INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC INSTALLATIONS, MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS F. Vries Renovation and Construction CC We specialise in the following: Renovation Construction Tiling Roofing Plumbing (open blocked drains) Interlocking Exterior wall pressure washing Painting Disposing of garden waste We are and accredited and certified entity. Contact: 81 247 7318 Mr Fritz Vries Welwitschia Accountants provide assistance to individuals and companies in the following: Business Registration Tenders Document Preparations Bookkeeping Tax matters Accounting Services. We specialized in helping with penalty fines and audits from Ministry of Finance. Get your returns up to date. We are based in Swakopmund. Tel - 081 7235540 Email admin@welaccser.com

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES EDU-CARE DISTRIBUTORS We specialise in School text books, study guides, teachers guides, answer books, examination booklet, vocational training guide, Cambridge study guides, NAMCOL Grade 10 / 11 / 12 ORD/HL study guides, CD'S & DVD'S, all other educational material needs. APPROVED BY NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (NIED) Contact 081 868 1995 064 22 1850 Email: lcvisagie@gmail.com BOOKSHOP PHOTOCOPY CENTRE Photocopying, binding & finishing/printing Lamination, fax services, scan to file, email services, typing / editing Internet, WIFI Contact: 081 868 1995 / 064 221 850 Next to Photo Volker (Photo Krause) Operation hours Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00 UNO TRUST BUILDERS AND RENOVATORS P.O BOX 650 SWAKOPMUND Tel: 064-461 844 Building, renovating, painting, maintenance, roof sealing paving, plumbing ect. Sound construction methods and proper workmanship by experienced team guaranteed. Contact: J Harteveld 081 148 1939 SERVICES: Keep unwanted flies away from your food the easy way, without chemicals. Just turn the Shoo Away on – watch it spin and say goodbye to unwanted buzzings around your meals or buffets! www.shooawaynamibia. com Swakopmund 064 40 2621 JETS TRANSPORT 2019 SPECIALS Are you travelling or sending your parcel? We transport people between Walvis Bay and the north every day and back. WALVIS BAY N$ 300.00 SWAKOPMUND N$ 300.00 ARANDIS N$ 300.00 For safety and Good Service of our Customers, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Arandis, We will pick you up from home. Bookings: 081 800 7765 JETS TRANSPORT, YOUR DESTINATION PARTNER

TO RENT: Narraville, Seewier Str. Bachelor flat Bic in kitchen bic in rooms W/E incl N$ 3 500.00 p/m Plus deposit No garage. Contact: 064 200 579


WALVIS BAY TO LET INDUSTRIAL N$10000 – 174m² warehouse/office N$11000 – 204m² warehouse/office N$7000 – 100m² workshop N$40250 – 800m² warehouse/office N$14000 – 228m² warehouse/office OFFICE SPACE – CENTRAL N$4500 – 70m² shop/office N$10500 – 106m² shop/office N$6800 – 65m² shop/office N$8600 – Workshop N$6500 – 90m² shop/office N$10000 – Shop space N$31500– 350m² Warehouse/office N$21800 – 250m² Warehouse/office N$22800 – 209m² Office N$3500 – 31m² Office RHODA 0814131313 TALITHA 0813373669

TO RENT: House to rent in Matutura, Swakopmund. Available now at N$ 4 800.00 per month plus deposit (water included). For more info, contact: 081 240 9000 or 081 208 2067. TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND Two bedroom house to rent in Matutura, Rossing & Husab, alarm Rent Amount: N$ 5 500.00 Deposit N$ 5 000.00 (can be paid in 2 installments) Water included (up to N$ 250.00) Pre-paid electricity Available as from: 01 April 2019 Contact: 081 215 1276 TO RENT: Meersig 1 bedroom flat, with open plan kitchen and sitting room. W/E incl. N$ 3 700.00 p/m Deposit N$ 5 00.00 Available 1 April Contact: 081 220 8477

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Kabeljou Str. Single flat / room with private bathroom, in a very neat and secure area. Ideal for single person with no kids. No garage. N$ 2 450.00 p/m W/E incl. No deposit needed. Available immediately. Contact: 081 127 8229 TO RENT: Erf 5490, Tutaleni Uugwanga Street. NHE House. Room. DSTV connection Pre paid electricity. Deposit N$ 1 400.00 neg. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Water incl. Available 1 April Call: 081 284 2361 TO RENT: Narraville Bachelors flat 1 bedroom + bic Fully tiled bathroom shower + WB + toilet Electric geyser Open plan kitchen / lounge, bic Build in stove with extractor fan Aluminium windows DSTV Dish Outside braai Interlock yard Alarm system burglar bars W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m No deposit Rent payable upfront No garage + no pets For single person or couple Available immediately Contact: 081 247 5248 TO RENT: 1x 2 bedroom flat to rent in Omuguluwobashe circle, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay W/E incl. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Contact: 081 128 4191 081 479 1477 2 BEDROOM GRANNY FLAT TO RENT WALVIS BAY On suite full bathroom Private entrance Secure parking W/E incl. N$ 6 600.00 plus deposit VERY SPACIOUS, WITH PRIVATE COURTYARD PLEASE CALL: 081 254 8142


29 MARCH 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

TO RENT: CBD TOWN WALVIS BAY One bedroom backyard flat available. Own entrance Bic in bedroom, open plan kitchen & living area, shower & toilet, remote controlled garage. Pre paid electricity, N$4 500.00 p/m water & Alarm incl. Deposit payable in 2 months Contact: 081 122 0727

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TE HUUR: Lagoon, Walvisbaai Vol gemeubileerde enkel woonstel bestaande uit slaapkamer, kombuis en badkamer. Onderdak toesluit parkeering, beskikbaar 1 April 2019 Water, krag en tv ingesluit. Veilig en privaat Jammer, geen kinders of troeteldiere. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposito afbetaalbaar oor 3 maande Kontak: 081 247 1687 081 245 6233


TO LET J & B PARK CENTRAL OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION - 191 m² Warehouse plus office WAREHOUSE INDUSTRIAL AREA 170 m² to 700m² @ N$50 per m² 300 m² @ N$40 m² OFFICES ABOVE NEDBANK 350 m² @ N$45 per m² CENTRAL SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE Between 100 m² and N$250 m²

Dianne 081 239 6323


TO RENT: Kabeljou, Walvis Bay One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, and sitting room. Secure parking. Free wifi. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 286 7210 081 205 9653

TO RENT: Narraville 3 bedroom spacious with bic, open plan kitchen, lounge, large courtyard. Near shops and police station. N$ 4 000.00 p/m N$ 4 000.00 deposit Pre paid water and electricity. Contact: 081 723 9086 085 705 3100 TO RENT: Meersig 4 bedroom house double storey Kitchen, bic, lounge, bathroom, single garage. Big yard N$ 8 5000.00 p/m Water excluded. Contact: 085 353 2639 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat, own kitchen. Sitting room. Free garage. W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit negotiable. Available 1 May 2019 Contact: 081 279 0260 081 621 3440 TO RENT: Narraville, Lasevillana Str One bedroom flat available on 1 April 2019 Contact: 081 229 0899 To let: In Walvis Bay on Union Street New two bedroom house, single garage, open-plan kitchen, built-in braai, BICs, small pet friendly, two toilets, prepaid meter, fully alarmed. Rent: N$6000.00 p/m, excluding W+E. One month deposit and reference required. Available immediately. Call: 081 378 7347 064 204 986 TO RENT: Close to !Nara Primary School, new NHE houses. House to rent in Kuisebmond, 3 bedroom, open plan kitchen, 1 bathroom, no garage. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity pre paid. Deposit N$ 5 000.00 Contact: 081 170 0784

TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat with open plan kitchen & sitting room. BIC & BIS bathroom W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposit Available immediately. Contact: 081 578 2854 VERY BIG ROOM TO LET Walking distance to Dunes mall and Duneside High School Large room with lounge, braai and private bathroom N$ 3500 (1 person) or N$4000 (2people sharing) Jimmy 0812374105 or 200036


WALVIS BAY 20 4505

TO LET KUISEBMUND 1-bedr unit @ N$2350 water included. KUISEBMUND NEAR KABELJOU STREET - 2-bedr unit garage @ N$4000 p.m. w&E exclusive. NARRAVILLE 2-bedr house with garage w&E exclusive @ N$4500 p.m. CENTRAL 2 Bedr flat, 1 garage @ N$5500 p.m. MODERN UNIT NEAR MEGA BUILD 2 Bedr units, 1 garage @ N$5500 p.m. 3 bedr unit, 1 garage @ N$6500 p.m MEERSIG - ULTRA MODERN 3- bedroom house, 2 garages open plan lounge kitchen @ N$11500 p.m. Available immediately

Dianne 081 239 6323


WALVIS BAY TO LET NARRAVILLE N$2700 – 1 Bed flat, W + E incl N$4500 – 2 Bed house with single garage N$5500 – 2 Bed house with single garage KUISEBMOND N$3350 - 2 Bed Unit with single garage N$3750 – 2 Bed Unit with single garage, W incl N$1800 – Bachelor flat W incl N$3850 – Double story 3 bed house N$5500 – 3 Bed unit with garage N$3200 – 2 Bed flat N$3850 – 2 Bed house with garage N$1250 – Bachelor flat N$2250 – 1 Bed flat N$4200 – 3 Bed house with single garage RHODA 0814131313 TALITHA 0813373669 Swakopmund, Tamariskia house for rent: 3 bedroom with BiC in Tantalite street newly renovated 2 bathrooms Double Garage, Lot of Space, Alarm Water included N$ 7 500-00 p/m Deposit of N$ 3000.00 required Contact 0812474088 / 0811279094


TO RENT: NHE Tutaleni, Uugwanga Street, Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house , 2 bathrooms Water included. Pre paid electricity. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Call: 081 140 5969 TO RENT: 1x bedroom flat in Hermis behind Welwitschia Private Hospital. BIC & stove Blinds on all windows. W/E incl. Wifi also available N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit required. No garage available Contact: 081 378 8304 / 081 128 1470 TO RENT: Swakopmund, Vineta Backyard flat, 1 bedroom, bathroom with shower Kitchen, living room. Safe parking in front of flat. Not pet friendly. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 W/E incl. Contact: 085 122 2581 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai naby Spar 1 slaapkamer woonstel met kaste, stort en toilet Ooplan sitkamer en kombuis. Kombuis het ingeboude kaste met stoof. W/L ingsl. N$ 4 200.00 p/m Deposit afbetaalbaar Kontak: 081 642 2932

TO LET SWAKOPMUND VINETA N$ 8000- 3 Bed house, 1 Garage OCEAN VIEW N$ 5800- 1 Bed, Single garage N$ 11000- 3 Bed, double garage N$ 11300- 4 Bed house, Double garage VOGELSTRAND N$ 10350- 2 Bed, Fully Furnished, Double garage TAMARISKIA N$ 7300- 3 Bed, Single garage N$ 8500- 3 Bed, Double garage N$ 13500 – 4 Bed, Double garage MONDESA N$ 4300- 2 Bed, no garage N$ 6500- 3 Bed, no garage Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view TO RENT: Narraville, Kokerboom Str. 3 bedroom house, with bic, fully furnished kitchen, 2 sitting rooms, double garage. W/E incl. N$ 9 000.00 p/m Deposit can be paid off in two months Contact: 081 129 9322 TO RENT: Narraville 3 bedroom, with 2 bathroom, main bedroom with bathroom. Build in cupboards in all rooms. Newly renovated kitchen, free standing house, big yard, family and pet friendly. N$ 6 500.00 p/m W/E excl. Deposit negotiable. Available 1 April Contact: 081 035 1091 TO RENT: Narraville One bedroom flat with kitchen and toilet. Pre paid electricity. Water is included. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Free wifi Contact: 081 263 2352 TO RENT: Skakelhuis te huur in Narraville – 2x Slaapkamers, kombuis, sitkamer en badkamer Maandelikse huur is N$ 3 500.00 water en ligte uitgesluit, met n deposito van N$ 1 700.00 Beskikbaar vanaf 01 April 2019 Kontak persoon: Heidi (081 255 8457) TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent in Kuisebmond Near Shop 4 Value Contact: 081 711 1055

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Bachelors flat in lagoon area Open kitchen 1Bed Room Bathroom Fully BIC, burgular bars & alarm No pets N$4,500.00 p/m (W&E & alarm Incl) Available from 1 April 2019 Contact: 081 455 8333 TO RENT: 1x bedroom, study/store room, 2x garages, alarm system, en-suite bathroom, 1x guest bathroom, spacious living and kitchen area. 220m², spacious backyard. Pet friendly, free standing house in Meersig ext 2. N$ 7 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Call Lucy: 081 809 0232 081 220 0022 TO RENT: 2x 1 bedroom flats BIC cupboards W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Plus 50 % deposit Garage available price neg. Contact: 081 300 3428 TO RENT: Kuisebmond in a secure complex 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen and lounge. N$ 2 300.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 402 7738 TO LET TO LET TO LET TO

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


Two bedroom house to rent in Matutura (Swakop), N$ 5500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 5000.00 (can be paid in two installments) Water included (up to N$250-00) Pre-paid electricity Available as from: 01 April 2019 Contact: 081 215 1276

TO RENT: 1 bedroom, toilet and kitchen 164 Hage Geingob Str. Near Multisave N$ 3 800.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Contact: 081 312 5582

TO RENT: Town House available from 1 April in Mile 4. Open plan kitchen, two bedroom, two bathrooms, double garage, own courtyard. Features include alarm system, prepaid electricity, automatic garage doors, built in cupboards and outside braai area. N$ 7 000.00 p/month excluding water and electricity. Contact Danny: 081 604 6996



TO RENT: Narraville, Sandkasteel 2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen & lounge. Bathroom, bic, bis, garage. Pre paid water & elect. N$ 4 800.00 p/m N$ 4 800.00 deposit Contact: 081 200 4126

TO RENT: 19 Merlyn Cresent Street, Kuisebmond Outside room 1x large with inside bathroom N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit negotiable. Contact: 081 484 8471 085 255 5272



TO RENT: Swakopmund. A bachelor flat available 1 April at NHE houses, opposite Tamariskia Build in cupboards, DSTV cable. Pre-paid electricity N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 3 000.00 Call: 081 739 4444

WALVIS BAY TO LET CENTRAL N$7300 – 3 Bed, 3 bath Unit with single garage N$7500 – 3 Bed unit with double garage N$6500 – 2 Bed flat with single garage MEERSIG N$9500 – Modern 3 bed house with double garage N$11500 – Huge 3 bed unit walking distance from lagoon N$17500 – Double storey 3 bed house with double garage N$9000 – 3 Bed, 2 bath house with double garage LAGOON N$5500 – 3 Bed, 1 bath with single garage N$8000 – 3 Bed, 1 bath house with 3 garages FAIRWAYS N$6500 – 2 Bed flat with single garage HERMES N$3850 – 1 Bed flat with garage N$5300 – 2 Bed flat with single garage N$5800 – 2 Bed flat with single garage N$3500 – Bachelor flat with single garage W+E incl TALITHA 0813373669 RHODA 0814131313



TO RENT: Narraville One bedroom, open plan kitchen, toilet & shower. Strictly for single person. No garage N$ 3 200.00 p/m N$ 1 000.00 deposit Contact: 081 250 8702 / 081 442 8436




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

TO LET CENTRAL OFFICES ABOVE NEDBANK 643 m² N$30 per m² available immediately OFFICE / WAREHOUSE SITUATED ON 1ST FLOOR – J & B PARK 110m² @ N$9800 exclusive available immediately 191m² Warehouse plus office N$10500 excl.

Dianne 081 239 6323


TE HUUR: Enkel woonstel Fairways N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 645 7479

TO LET HENTIES BAY OMDEL 2 bed house, no garage – N$ 2000 ARANDIS 2 Bedroom Flat, no garage – N$ 2800 Call Lucille 081 169 6216

29 MARCH 2019



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO RENT Swakopmund- Oletweni · One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, with toilet. For N$3000 water and electricity Included Mondesa- Tulinawa · 2 Bedroom House, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, Living room, Single garage. For N$ 6000.00 p/m Plus deposit Mondesa -behind Woerman · Bachelor flat, with toilet and shower. Pre-paid electricity and water included. For N$2400.00p/m Tamariskia · 2 bedroom townhouse, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/sitting room, 1 garage and a small courtyard. For N$ 6500/m water and electricity excluded. Tamariskia Ex 3 · 3 Bedroom House, 2 bathrooms, Open plane kitchen, Single garage. For $6000 p/m Prepaid Water & ElectricityVinetaSwakopmund· 3 bedrooms, kitchen, sitting room, dining room, one bathroom and single garage. N$9900 p/m water and electricity excluded. 3 Bedrooms,2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, Dining room, washing room and 1 garage. For N$ 10 500/ month water and electricity excluded. Walvis Bay - Kuisebmund · One bedroom flat with kitchenette and toilet for N$ 2500.00 p/m water& electricity included. · 2 Bedroom, bathroom, Open plan kitchen, and Single garage, For N $ 4000.00p/m Water&Electricity excluded. · Office to LetSwakopmund (TOWN) 60sqm for N$7000.00 plus deposit For more info call 0812755508 or 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.com Website: tukaproperties.com TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou Area 1 big room, kitchen, shower and toilet N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Available 1.04.19 Call: 081 269 0484

Tamariskia house for rent: 3 bedroom with BiC in Tantalite street newly renovated 2 bathrooms Double Garage Lot of Space Alarm Water included N$ 7500-00 Deposit of N$3000 required Contact 081 247 4088 / 081 127 9094


TO LET KUISEBMOND Shop space ranging from 30m² to 100m² in different areas in Kuisebmond Please call Yolanda 0811583463 To view all properties FLATMATE WANTED: To share a 2 bedroom flat, near Platz Am Meer, BIC. Preferably female with sober habits must be neat and tidy. N$ 2 500.00 p/m + deposit (can be paid in installments) Contact: 081 265 6383 TO RENT: Two bedroom, two bathroom flat with private courtyard and separate private entrance in Ocean View Swakopmund. Single remote operated garage with Prepaid Elec and DSTV connection ready. Separate alarm security system with free armed response and water included. NAD 6 200.00 p/month plus deposit negotiable. Contact Leonard at: 081 161 6945 RENT WANTED: Looking for a small, separate flat or house for me, female 65J + my 2 old dogs. Preferably outside Swakopmund at Swakopmund River Plots. I am willing to help in house + garden . Contact : 064 550 374 081 209 5271 TO RENT: NHE Tamariskia x 2 bedrooms house with BIC, big lounge, kitchen, toilets, geyser and open plan parking space, garage optional, Electricity pre-paid, water included. N$ 4 700.00 p/m + N$ 2 500.00 Contact: 081 621 4147 TO RENT: Spacious inside room available immediately for N$ 1 500.00 p/m in Mahetago, close to Mondesa Woermann shopping centre. Swakopmund. Water included electricity prepaid. Contact: 085 310 1660 TO RENT: Flat to rent at Apex Park Tamariskia 1st Floor - 1 bedroom flat with BIC, open-plan kitchen and lounge, single garage. No courtyard. W/E incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Available, Immediately Contact: 081 747 8829 TO LET: Commercial shop/office space in CBD Walvis Bay. Area: 130sqm with kitchenette and toilet. Large display windows fitted with blinds. Front and rear access. Private parking. Pre-paid electricity meter. Immediately available Contact: (064) 204871 0812437598 0816135791


TO LET WALVIS BAY INDEPENDENCE BEACH 71m² office space on the beach. Please call Yolanda 0811583463 to view

TO RENT: A very spacious 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, bathroom, bic and garage. Water incl. Available in Kuisebmond N$ 3 700.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 For viewing call: 081 124 8480 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Diamond Str 48 Two bedroom flat, open plan sitting room & kitchen with bic N$ 4 200.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 268 8086 Townhouse to Rent: Walvis Bay CENTRAL - Near Schools 3 bedroom townhouse in small complex with BIC, Open plan kitchen, Lounge, 2 full bathrooms, Built-in Stove, scullery and double garage Prepaid Electricity & Water excluded. Available - Immediate Monthly rent N$8000-00 Deposit N$8000-00 Contact: 0811223008

TO LET LONGBEACH N$ 4900- Bachelor flat, 1 garage N$ 5500- 2 Bed flat, tandem garage N$ 6900- 3 Bed flat, 2 garage N$ 8500- 3 Bed house, 2 Garage N$ 10450- 3 Bed Unit, Water Incl Dolphin Beach N$ 11000- 3 Bed House, 2 Garage Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view

TO RENT: Walvis Bay Industrial Area Syncrolift 2nd Street East 2 bedroom flats available. Contact: 081 124 3904

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Malakia Properties Estate Agents TO LET MONDESA Rooms from N$1400.00 to N$2700.00 JABULANI 2Bedrooms,2bathrooms Lounge, Kitchen bic with stove and parking area N$4500.00 W/L Excl OLWETWENI 2Bedrooms,bathroom and Kitchen N$3200.00 W/Incl 3Bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge and Garage N$5000.00 W/L Excl NHE {Swakopmund} 3bedrooms, bathroom Lounge and Kitchen N$6000.00 W/L Excl TULINAWA 2Bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge N$4500.00 W/INCL HENTIES BAY 2Bedrooms,bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge N$3000.00 W/L EXCL All Deposit Required Tel: 064-406783,Cell: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yahoo .com

TO RENT: Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma Ave 216 Walvis Bay. Modern spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen with stove / dishwasher. Build in cupboards Big lounge, double garage Big private front courtyard Small at the back. Blinds, Paid G4S. Pre paid electricity. Moderate water incl. Very strict selection. Quiet safe complex. No animals Long term lease. No agents. Available from 1 April 2019 N$ 7 000.00 p/m Plus N$ 7 000.00 deposito Contact Frank/Hannah 081 124 2151

TO RENT: Spacious one bedroom backyard flat with open plan kitchen, BIC and separate toilet to rent in Tamariskia. Water included and pre-paid electricity. N$ 3 500.00 p/m. Deposit required Available immediately Contact: 081 122 8653

TO LET WALVIS BAY INDEPENDENCE BEACH 71m² office space on the beach. Please call Yolanda 0811583463 to view

TO LET WALVIS BAY - CBD Various sizes shop/offices available in the Pelican Mall Please phone Yolanda 0811583463

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Mondesa. 3 bedrooms, 2 toilets, sitting room, open plan kitchen, dinning, single garage, store room, boundary wall, pre-paid electricity, GF alarm. N$ 650 000.00 exc cost. Contact: 081 146 2561 / 081 259 9387

HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 800 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960

TO LET or FOR SALE Narraville - Brand new 2 bedroom flat incl. motorised lockup garage. To let from N$ 4 800pm Contact Janine 081 150 5020

Excellent Investment Opportunity Only three units selling at reduced prices at Pelikan Platz (flats) Narraville

TO RENT: Mondesa, opposite Woermann 1 bedroom bachelor flat, open plan kitchen / living area, bathroom, pre-paid electricity, hot water inclusive. N$ 2 800.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 233 9946 TO RENT: Mile 4, starfish street 15, Swakopmund. 4 bedroom luxury units, 2 garages, 1 open garage. N$ 13 000.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 124 0396 / Benny: 081 246 1254 TO RENT: Mile 4, Oyster street 65, Swakopmund. A double story 3 bedroom house, ± 70 meters away from the sea, double garage. N$ 9 350.00 p/m Contact Benny: 081 246 1254 TO RENT: One of our units will be available on the 1st of April. 2019 2 bedrooms open plan kitchen and lounge with bathroom . Build in stove with own court yard. Own prepaid meter and water to connect. N$3850 p/m Deposit N$3850 Contact +27826218592 or email ebanclarke@gmail.com

TO RENT: ACADEMIA Immediately available. Fully furnished Student accommodation, walking distance from UNAM, DSTV & Wi-Fi. Call: 081 128 8924 2 SHOPS TO RENT: 47.5m² and 50m² in Rosh Pinah. Please call: 061 237 160 for more information. TO RENT: VINETA Spacious 3 bedroom house, 2 garages and separate bachelor flat, walking distance from the Waterfront Mall. Available end of May. N$ 14 500.00 + dep. Cal: 081 128 6095

Was N$805 000.00 Now N$684 000.00 Was N$840 000 Now N$715 000 Was N$865 000 Now N$735 000 For viewing contact Janine Bester

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE WALVIS BAY Urgent sale with office rights. 3 bedrooms ,1 Full bathroom house, indoor BBQ , large Kitchen with scullery ,laundry & Double garage.Plus: 1 bedroom flat with own garage & big yard. N$1 700 000.00 neg, REF: RR1473426 Herman 0812817634 TAMARISKIA 3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Dining room, Lounge Plus two bachelor flats and Double Garage N$1.6mil NHE 3bedrooms bic, 1bathroom, Kitchen bic and Lounge N$850 000.00 JABULANI 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen, lounge plus bachelor flat N$810 000.00 OLWETWENI 3bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen, lounge, plus 2outside rooms, N$950 000.00 GOOD INVESTMENT ARANDIS 4bedrooms, 1bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge, Plus 2 flats with 2bedrooms, Bathroom and open-plan kitchen Each N$680 000.00 PLOT Size 458sqm, N$90 000.00 WALVIS BAY FLATS: EDELWEISS 2bedrooms, bathroom, open-plan kitchen bic with stove, Garage, N$750 000.00 NICSTER COURT 2bedrooms, bathroom, open-plan kitchen bic with stove, Garage, N$795 000.00 Malakia, Office 064406783 Cell: 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties @yahoo.com

+264 81 150 5020 EMIRATES REAL ESTATES Properties for sale, Narraville 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, 1 lounge, dining room, double garage Spacious granny flat with rental income of N$ 3 000.00 p/m N$ 1 270 000.00 Plots available starting from N$ 370 000.00 Hemis, Edelweiss 2 bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen / lounge, Bathroom, single garage N$ 700 000.00 Contact: 081 147 5143 081 285 6215

FOR SALE WALVIS BAY Fairways Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house with BIC, Open plan kitchen living room with indoor BBQ, Laundry, alarm system & double garage. N$1 550 000.00 neg. Ref: RL1474288 Herman 0812817634


29 MARCH 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES FOR SALE TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE Mile 4 ext 1 ·3-Bedrooms modern house, 2 full bathrooms, open plan lounge, dining and kitchen, 2 garages, inside braai, alarm, BIC and guest toilet. House size 224 m² ,Erf size 700m² selling for N$ 1,9800 000.00 Tamariskia Ext 3 (Business investment property) ·Beautiful property divided into two units. Unit consists 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan Kitchen, Double garage, plus court yard ·Separate unit; 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms open plan kitchen and single garage. Selling for N$ 2.3 Mil For Sale - ext34, Swakopmund 3 Bedrooms (each Bedrooms has its own ensuite), scullery , Open Living are with entertainment and braai , kitchen , Double Garage one with a driving through, Outside braai, Alarm and beams. Erf size 614 square meters, building cover 216 still left with a space for extension or flat behind. Selling for N$ 1,690 000.00 Ocean View Ext 15Swakopmund 3-Bedrooms family house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, living area, dining, TV/Study room, double garage. Selling for N$ 2,100 000.00 Mondi haven- Mondesa Swakopmund ·2-Bedrooms townhouse, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room, single garage. Selling for N$ 690 000 ·Mondesa near 064 bar ·2-Bedrooms House, Separate kitchen, Living room, No garage. Selling for N$650 000.00 Bellvue Court- MondesaSwakopmund ·2-Bedrooms flat, open plan kitchen, single garage for N$ 720 000.00 Mondesa – Oletweni ·2-Bedrooms family house, Kitchen, Living room with indoor braai, Bathroom, 2x Backyard flat with open plan kitchen. Selling for N$ 895 000 Tulinawa-Swakopmund ·3-Bedrooms house, 1bathrooms, kitchen and living room with a 2 rooms flat at the back selling for N$ 870 000.00 Erf for Sale – Tulinawa, Swakopmund ·317 Square meters – Selling for N$ 270 000 ·1040 Square meters Selling for N$ 850 000 Longbeach ·2-Bedrooms flat in a secure complex, 2 bathrooms; open-plan kitchen, dining room and Single garage. Selling for N$1. 070 mil Kuisebmund- Walvis Bay ·3 bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room and 1 garage. The property has 3 flats each with ensuite and kitchenette. Selling for N$ 950 000.00. For more info call 0812755508 or 081 241 5447/064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.com Website: tukaproperties.com

PROPERTIES FOR SALE VACANT PLOT KUISEBMUND, WALVIS BAY Well situated serviced business plot. Ideal for a carwash or salon. Plot size: 418m² N$440 000.00 Angelika – 081 562 2186 EMIRATES REAL ESTATE CENTRAL TOWN House for sale, close to business area, schools and private hospital 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms plus 2 lounges + indoor braai Garage parks 5 cars 2 storerooms, plus 1 toilet One bedroom flat with kitchen, lounge plus bathroom, Jacuzzi, remote gate, boundary walls, intercom, outside bbq, alarm 4 geyser CC Registered Zoning: Business 1 Erf size 1250m² Selling below valuation: N$ 3 200 000.00 Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143

PROPERTIES WANTED TE KOOP GESOEK: Kramersdorf, Ocean view 2/3 slaapkamers, garage, ingeboude kaste ± N$ 1.2 mil Kontak: 081 829 2228 Kamers/kantoorruimte ongeveer 93m² beskikbaar. in Swakopmund Mediese Sentrum. Kontak 081 412 8868. WANTED TO RENT: I am urgently looking for a flat to rent in Kuisebmond Between N$ 1 500.00 – N$ 2 000.00 p/m There should be a relevant toilet. I do not drink or smoke. Ek is dringend opsoek na 'n woonstel te huur of garage. Min of meer N$ 1 500.00 – N$ 2 000.00 p/m wees. Ek rook of drink nie. In Kuisebmond Kontak: 081 471 8044


FOR SALE: House for sale in Kuisebmond 3 bedroom, 2 showers, 2 toilets, kitchen, sitting room, tandem garage for 3 cars, licensed tuckshop, fire wall and security alarm. No agents! Call: 081 582 2156

Looking for houses to buy in Windhoek, Swakopmund , Walvis Bay & Henties Bay area. Have pre-approved clients ready to buy Herman 0812817634

FOR SALE IN USAKOS: 3 Bedroom house, large living area, kitchen and a lounge. Flat and “vleiskamer” outside. Large garden with a variety of fruit trees. Air conditioning in all rooms Yamaha generator and 1000lt water tank. Contact: 081 605 8900

ZzZ Guesthouse Windhoek West: Comfortable BUT affordable accommodation with ensuite bathroom, DSTV, aircon, complimentary snack, free WiFi, private BBQ areas, Swimming pool and safe parking. Bookings: 081 4777 414

WANTED Walvis Bay area Are you tired off Renting? I have Houses, Warehouses & Plots for sale. Don't miss out. Phone now Herman 0812817634

WANTED TO BUY: I want to buy an old truck crane. Conditions are as follows: 1. 35 – 50 ton 2. Production date is after 2021 3. Indicated model 4. Indicated address Leave contact telephone number Contact: 081 851 8777

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




KAR TE KOOP: GWM Station Wagon Voetstoots “as is”. N$ 40 000.00 negotiable. Walvisbaai Skakel: 081 152 2956

We Turn you valuable Assets into Cash

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TE KOOP: 1x Casio till te koop N$ 1 250.00 Skakel: 081 261 0117

We Buy, Sell and Auction Walvisbaai 0811434368 0811475475 0811513961 Swakopmund 0811624900 0812269419 0813334251

FOR SALE: I am selling my GOtv Full kit: Decoder + GOtenna + remote control, still like new. R350.00 Contact Jimmy 0812374105 or 064 200036


TE KOOP: Skrynwerkers hout te koop ± 4 m³ Oregonpine planke + kanthoute 15 deckplanke 4 x 3.2 m sleepers 8 x 2.2 m sleepers In Swakopmund te besigtig Skakel: 081 373 7614

JJs Private School Teacher Post Vacancy Walvis Bay Grade 8 to 12: Mathematics and Commerical Teacher needed Job requirements -Teaching qualification specialising in Mathematics - Commercial degree - At least 10 years teaching experience with exposure to the British or similar curriculum being an added advantage. - Fluent in English Email CV to : Jjscarecentre@gmail.com VACANCY: Master Carpenter & Roofer with Trainee experience Weimann´s Carpentry is in search for a Master Carpenter & Master Roofer with at least 4-5 years of experience working with apprentices in both trades. Requirements: - master Carpenter & Roofer Skills - passion for teaching and training - good pedagogical abilities - English and Afrikaans - preferably no younger than 30 years old Looking forward to receive your applications at Weimann´s Carpentry cc Einstein Street 28 P.O Box 393, Swakopmund info@weimannscarpentry. com VACANCY: Butchery opening soon in Walvis Bay Looking for 1x Butcher suitable candidate should at least have 3 years experience in red meat processing industry. Send cv & documents rits3008@gmail.com Most valuable candidate to be considered for this position


JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Hardworking trustworthy male is looking for drivers work. I can start immediately, I have BE + PDF license. Hardwerkende, betroubare man is opsoek na drywers werk, bereid om onmidellik te begin. Het BE + PDF lisensie. Contact: 0811522956 JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for any type of domestic work, cleaning ironing. I can start anytime. Call: 081 571 1807 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady who completed grade 12, is looking for any kind of domestic work. Cleaning, offices, kiosks, shops and restaurants. I have experience. Mondays to Fridays. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Contact: 081 293 2595 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 'n 36 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk 3 – 5 dae in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 428 6354/081 693 7653 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady in Walvis Bay who is looking for domestic work / chef and cleaner. I am willing to start anytime. Contact: 081 415 9361

JOBS JOBS WANTED WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Long Beach from Monday to Friday. I'm very hardworking, friendly, honest and trustworthy and can start immediately. I have outstanding references from previous employment. Please Contact: 0814467622 or 0811225168 JOB WANTED: A 26 year old lady is looking for domestic work, or any house work, I can even look after kids in Walvis Bay, Lagoon, Narraville, Meersig. Kontak: 081 663 4188 JOB WANTED: A 35 year old lady is looking for any kind of work. Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 638 2430 JOB WANTED: I am a very hardworking young lady looking for domestic work or office cleaning. Mondays to Fridays even Saturdays. Willing to work as soon as possible. Contact: 081 556 8752 JOB WANTED: I am looking for any kind of work any time. I am very hardworking and can work underpressure. Contact: 081 759 5192 081 418 3734 JOB WANTED: I am looking for any type of work in Walvis Bay. I am hardworking and can work under pressure. Contact: 081 759 5192 081 418 3734 081 616 1598 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 'n 28 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk. Kontak: 081 781 2448 JOB WANTED: I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work, ironing and cleaning. I am the best at doing this work. Contact: 081 712 4941 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for domestic work (housekeeper) working in hotels, chef or cleaner. I am willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 702 3811

JOB WANTED: I am a highly motivated and dedicated young lady with strong communication skills, hardworking and have garde 12. I am hereby looking for work as a secretary, administrative officer, or personal assistant in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. I have 1 year experience in office work and computer literate. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 640 6731 / 081 869 0475 JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for work in hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, butchery and domestic work, no babysitting in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. I can start anytime. Contact: 081 780 9854 / 081 218 0110 JOB WANTED: I am a 29 year old, English speaking Vambo lady I am experienced in housekeeping, laundry, cooking and caring for elderly. I am available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays. I have references. Contact: 081 801 7388 JOB WANTED: I am a 27 year old lady looking for domestic work, cleaning, washing, ironing or looking after children Monday to Friday in Swakopmund only. I can start as soon as possible, I have experience. Contact: 081 876 8825 / 081 860 6077 JOB WANTED: I am a young man looking for a job in the following. Truck driver (CE with D.G.P) Crane operator, Crane truck operator, Forklift operator and Bus driver with defensive driving certificate, only in Namibia. Contact: 081 128 1180 / 081 725 3169 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 49 jaar oud en opsoek na huiswerk, ek is bereid om enige tyd te begin, ek soek een of twee dae per week, behalwe Maandae en Vrydae want ek werk klaar, ek het verwysings. Kontak: 081 384 9014

WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of kinders opas werk. In Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 617 8134

WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk 3 of 5 dae per week in Swakopmund en Langstrand, ek kan kinders oppas, huis skoonmaak, was en stryk. Ek het meer as 10 jaar ondervinding, ek rook of drink nie, ek is baie hard-werkend, netjies en baie betroubaar. Ek het ook verwysings. Kontak: 081 669 3893

JOB WANTED: I am a 34 year old lady looking for domestic work or office cleaning. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays or two days a week Tuesdays or Thursdays. Can even work on Sundays. Contact: 081 287 6192

JOB WANTED: A 42 year old lady is looking for domestic work for 3 days a week. I have experience in cleaning and ironing for many years. In Walvis Bay, Langstrand, Dolphin Park and Swakopmund. Call: 081 338 7030

JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady looking for household work in Walvis Bay. I am ready to start immediately Contact: 081 321 9983

JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for work of any kind, I have experience as a stock clerk. I can start anytime. Call: 081 459 9188


29 MARCH 2019


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






DR CHIEF HASSAN All problems are 100% guaranteed Are you disappointed and lost hope in financial love affairs, family problems, gambling? Here is good news from Baba Khulu Salome. My muthi is your answer, I use Angulu Calabash, bring back lost lover & make him/her be under your fet forever & stop cheating using Mbule powder. Get married quickly and make your partner to think about you always using Mtamiko. Get a lover of your choice or without proposing anyone & to be loved & attractive. Fix unsettled marriages & divorce matter. Baba Mkhulu Salome is here to help you with all your financial problems. Come & borrow magic stick/wallet & become rich, short boys/girls to bring money in your house. I never failed to solve any kind of problem, Kulaga to get money fast in your bank, powerful juwa & likule to bring money and to solve your financial problems. Hire Jinn Mwape to make you rich & become a tycoon. Remove all evil spirits & bad luck, manhood strong erection and control ejaculation. Lucky charm for job, promotion, get double salary. Clear debts/loans. Bind house / properties. I treat different diseases fast. Finsih unfinished jobs:081 780 4564

Dr BANDA. NYASA HERBALS CC Dr Banda is hailed as a Herbalist of the year in 2007, 2008 & 2015. He has more than 20 years of Experience in Arabic healing/ Central, East & Southern African Herbs & Astrology. He opened up in Ormonde, they are astrologer, Herbalist Healer & Researcher. They are the Proud winners of the East/Central African Control Counsil Award for a life time Achievement in Astrology & Herbal Healing. Specialises in the following : 1. Bring back lost lovers, even if lost for a long time. Just from 3 days. 2. Remove badluck, witchcraft, Tokoloshes & Demons from your body or your home. 3. Ensure that promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career. 4. Herbal medicine for enlarging the Penis in both length & girth permanently. 5. Herbal therapy for controlling early ejaculation & increase sperms count. 6. Guarantee you to win that troubling court case, no matter what stage. 7. Attract customers to your Business & turn your trade into a favourite. 8. Eliminate in family fights between Children & Parents, in laws, Husband & Wife to ensure peace & harmony at home. 9. Quit Alcohol, smoking & Drugs using purely herbal therapies with no side effects. 10. Heals most chronic Diseases & advice on lifestyle Diseases. Healing using Organic Herbal supplements. Diseases like: Epilepsy, Fits, Asthma, Bed wetting, Shingles, Unhealed wounds, High & Low blood pressure, Sugar Diabetes, Heart Diseases, effects of Cholesterol, swollen (Glands, Stomach, Legs, Lungs) & many more. Now the Doctor is here in your Town for the first Time. Call for Appointment & Consultation. All his works are 100% guaranteed. If you have tried a lot & failed, don't give up, simply turn to the Young African Celebrated Doctor from Malawi now here in Namibia. Dr BEN (BANDA) 081 740 7321

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get ten-ders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals Sexual transmitted sickness all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs - Marriage Pro-blems Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887

Dr Makote powerful traditional doctor. Pay after success, same day results within 30minutes, Bring back your lost lover's in same day, Get a lovely of your choice, Stop your partner from cheating on you and to make him or her to love only you, Get attracted to a rich man or woman to love you, Remove bud lucky, Boosting your business, Bring back stolen property within 24hours, Man Power sexuality, Pass examination, Deleted you're Loan's, Get wallet magic stick for using Libindo Usipa to get more money, Pregnancy problems and many more call Dr MAKOTE 0813103337

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29 MARCH 2019



29 MARCH 2019




BUCO Desert Sport Fes- Namibia does not tival qualify Rudi Bowe

Rudi Bowe

The Namibia national under-19 cricket team failed to qualify for the 2020 Under-19 World Cup in South Africa.

South African Legends Stefan Terblanche left and Chester Williams right with Namibian Legend Dr Rudy Van Vuuren

The 6th annual BUCO Desert Sport Festival hosted by Walvis Bay Private High School at the sport fields of the school in Walvis Bay was an immense achievement. Over 650 athletes participated in the 6th annual BUCO Desert Sport Festival hosted by Walvis Bay Private High School in Walvis Bay With over 650 athletes from nine Namibian and eight South African schools participated in Rugby, Netball and Hockey sport codes. The festival was also blessed with the presence of South African Rugby Legends Danie van Schalkwyk, Francois Bonthuys, Chester William and Stefan Terblanche. The biggest reason that the Walvis Bay Private High School hosted the festival is to bring young sport men and women to unite in sport. Sport makes you strong and healthy and help with the development for the future. Team sport teaches you to build character and to work together and to accept defeat and celebrate victory. To be a successful sport man and woman you need to be disciplined. South Africa Legend Stefan Terblanche said I have been all over the world and Namibia absolutely blew me away. The beauty of the country and especially the people and the manner and discipline of the athletes" The legends said that Namibia has a lot of rugby talent that just needs to be developed and that the Namibian Rugby Union and every one that helps with the development of the young rugby players need to take good care of them as the youth is the future of the country. The rugby legends trained rugby players from De Duine Secondary School, Walvis Bay Private High School (WBPHS) and Private School Moria that participating in the 2019 BUCO Sport Festival. The results were as follows; Rugby Alberton High School 26-39 Private School , Alberton High School 25-31 Pro-Ed Academy, Windhoek High School 7-65 Porterville High School, Walvis bay Private High School 47-25 Windhoek AfrikaansePrivate School, Private School 12-0 Bryanston High School South Africa, Walvisbaai Private High School 24-15 Hoërskool

Linden, Windhoek Afrikaanse 29- 9 Hoërskool Wolmaransstad, Windhoek Afrikaanse 26-5 Hoerskool Linden, Windhoek Gymnacium 16-10 Walvis Bayte High School, Private School Elnatan 44-34 Hoërskool Wolmaransstad, Tsumeb Gymnasium3-0 Port Natal Skool, Private School Moria50-0 De Duine Secondary School, Bryanston High School South Africa 22-7 Windhoek Technical High School, De Duine Secondary School 24-12 Windhoek Technical High School, Tsumeb Gymnasium l0-24 Volkies Heidelberg, Windhoek High School 27-15 Hoërskool Linden, Private School Moria41-7 Hoërskool Wolmaransstad, Windhoek Gymnasium Private School 21-3 Port Natal High School, Windhoek Technical High School 7-29 Private School Moria, De Duine Secondary School 10-15 Braynston High School, Private School Moria 12-0 Bryanston High School South Africa , Walvis bay Private High School 24-15 Hoërskool Linden and Windhoek Afrikaanse 299 Hoërskool Wolmaransstad Netball: Elnatan Private School 59-2 Windhoek High School, Hoërskool Porterville 20-35 Pro-Ed Academy, Windhoek AfrikaansePriva School 38- 5 Walvis Bay Private School Alberton High School 35-11 Walvis Bay Private School , Private School 27-29 Walvis Bay Private School, Walvis Bay Private School 28-25 Alberton High School, Walvis Bay Private School 29-27 Porterville High School, Walvis Bay Private School 28-25 Alberton High School, Elnatan Private School 59-2 Windhoek High School Alberton High School 26-38 Private School , Hoërskool 25-31 Pro-Ed Academy, Windhoek High School 7-65 Porterville High School and Walvis Bay Private School 47-25 Windhoek Afrikaanse School Hockey: Pro-Ed Academy 2-1 Walvis Bay Private High School, Windhoek High School 0-9 Pro-Ed Academy, Alberton High School 2-3 Walvis Bay Private High School, Pro-Ed Academy 2-2 Walvis Bay Private High School and Pro-Ed Academy 2-1 Walvis Bay Private High School

Namibia national under-19 cricket team has qualified for the Under-19 World Cup on nine occasions, more than any other associate member of the International Cricket Council (ICC) with the team's best performance at the 2016 Under-19 World Cup in Bangladesh, where it defeated defending champions South Africa in the group stage and eventually placed seventh. Over the course of the week, the ICC under 19 Cricket World Cup, Africa qualifying tournament was a roaring success with some terrific skill on display over the five days of action, and a mention must be made of Cricket Namibia, for quality surfaces and seamless logistics throughout. Despite failing to qualify for next year's World Cup, Cricket Namibia was congratulated for hosting a fine performance. The tournament went down to the wire with Namibia needing to beat Kenya on the final day while hoping for a favour from the Leone Stars in the derby against Nigeria. After Namibia despatched Kenya, all eyes turned to the WAP-Affies field to see if Nigeria could handle the pressure. Notable centuries included Namibia's Matthew de Gouveia, who notched 102 not out against Sierra Leone, which was full of excellent strokes. Ramon Wilmot, also of Namibia, made a brilliant 132 against Tanzania, and the host's in general scored heavily throughout the week. Jan Izak de Villiers (Namibia) had a good week with the ball, finishing on 11 wickets apiece. Individual prizes were: Batsman of the tournament was the Namibian captain Divan la Cock. He scored 271 runs, over five matches, with three half-centuries with an average of 54, while leading his side with aplomb. Namibian bowler Mauritius Ngupita was crowned as the Bowler of the tournament with an overall haul of 15 wickets for 71 runs from 37.1 overs, he took his scalps at an astonishing average of 4,71. He also had an economy rate of just 1, 91 to the over, as his unerring control hit the spot again and again. Player of the tournament went to the Nigeria captain Slyvester Okpe. He led demonstratively, taking nine wickets during the week. More than the wickets, he mixed up his attack expertly, and kept the team calm when they closed in on history. His spell against Namibia on the first day was telling, as he rifled through the middleorder. Congratulations to Nigeria for winning the tournament of the U/19 Cricket World Cup African Qualifier Division 1 Tournament and qualify for their first cricket World Cup. Well done Namibia U/19 team for being the runners up of the qualifiers.

Namibia Masters perform Rudi Bowe

The Namibian Masters swimmers performed exceptionally well at the 2019 South African Masters Swimming Championships on the 20th of March in Port Elizabeth. The Namibian master swimmers brought home 5 Gold, 5 Silver and 8 Bronze medals after 4 days of intense competition. Over 200 master swimmers from South Africa, Namibian, Germany, Botswana, UK and Spain took part in the Championships. The most notable performances from the Namibian swimmers were in the women's 60 – 64 age group, 200m Individual Medley where Cheryl Young set a new South African record of 3:05. 5. She also took gold in the 400 Individual Medley and the 800m Freestyle. Paddy Murphy (57) walked away with a Silver medal in his age group on the opening day of competition in the 3.0 km Open Water race with a time of 41:16.3. He claimed Gold in the 800m Freestyle with a time of 11:18.8. Jane Samson took Gold in the Women's 50 – 54 age group 100m Breaststroke with a time of 1:35.4 but had to settle for Silver in the 50 meter Breaststroke where she was "out touched"at the finish. Zoë Mitchell (52) produced a Silver medal performance in the 3.0 km Open Water race and collected Bronze in both the 800 meter and the 200 meter Freestyle. The team's "Relay Specialist", Carl Brinkmann (56) was unstoppable in both the 50 meter Mixed Medley Relay and in the 50 meter Mixed Freestyle Relay. He also finished with 4th place in both the individual 50 meter Butterfly and in the 100 meter Freestyle events in his age group. Gábor Salamon (62) was happy with 4 personal best finish times out of his 6 individual events. This included a Bronze for the 400 meter Freestyle and a 4th place in the 50 meter Butterfly.


29 MARCH 2019

namib times

Sport Rugby season kicks off Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Rudi Bowe

The 2019 Rugby season will kick off tomorrow at the coast with all the coastal teams in action in Narraville and Swakopmund. The coastal teams are Kudus 1 Premier League, Kudus 2 Reserve League, ERA, Dolphins, Vikings and Sparta. They will battle it out in the 1st division for a place in the final. In Narraville at the House of Pain the first and second teams of Kudus will host the first and second teams from UNAM while in Swakopmund, Erongo Rugby Academy (ERA) will host Dolphins from Swakopmund and the 2018 champions Vikings will host Sparta from Walvis Bay. The 2018 season was a satisfactory season for the first team of Kudus. The "Blue Machine" as the team is known is a team to be feared. Up until the end of last season Kudus was still in contention for a place in the playoff rounds before United's backward at-

tempt hit the harbour team to a halt. Although few players left, some boots hanged up there are a lot of new faces and a semi-final battle in their vision for 2019. It is expected that the team will show more consistently this year and that Kudus will be a team to take notice of. Variety was a big headache. They lost matches where they were the favourites and won games where nobody gave them a chance. On the attack, the Blue Machine was devastating. They had the ability to keep the scoreboard going, but at times surrendered too much. If they can strike the balance between attack and defence it will be hart to stop the "Blue Machine".Regular 1st team players from 2018 such as Luke Jansen and Ngumee still injured and with Ivo Croza and Aurelio Plato have only attended one or two training sessions a blood thirsty Kudus team will be ready tomorrow for

UNAM students.The teams were not available at the time of writing but if the exercises are not indicative, Calacca, Tannies, Deriou, Wardo, Codey, Joshwin, Vossie and Cosmos will be the pack to start against Unam. Ulriato is back in time to be added to first team and Cameron Stevens may well make his first appearance in the Premier League. The rest of the backline may well be completed by Murf, Chippie, Lloyd, Donsie, Percy, Keeane, Rayton and Vernon. Last season was a good season for Kudus next best team as they finished 2nd on the log standing in their division and only lost in the semifinal. The team seems to have worn their form of last season, measured 2 weeks ago as they convincingly beat the Dolphin 36-0 in a friendly game. The "House of Pain" as the team's home ground is known is always a big chal-

The newly elected Kudus management lenge for any team and Kudus 2 will be a hard nut to beat. The team has a welloiled backline. The combination between the front and back was sometimes not very effective either. Kudus 2 will have to sort it out with their poisonous backlines. If Kudus 2 can continue building on 2018 and play the same type of Rugby they can be a force to be reckoned with and with a little luck and the jumping of the ball they can go beyond the semi-final. With experienced men such as Boetie, Wikkie, Damants and Ashwin should give Unam a hard time on the field. After successful discussion over 3 years between the Kudus and ERA it was decide to make the best for both clubs and do what is best for the players and that is that as from this year Era will be playing under the banner of Kudus Rugby Club.

ERA participates in a tough section and played good rugby at times with their flawed stallion who kept them on the back foot of the 2018 season.With the team playing this year under the auspices of Kudus, much more is expected for this year. With the merger there is optimism in the ERA camp and it is expected that ERA, unlike 2018 ERA will be a tough nut to beat in 2019. ERA lost much of its home games in 2018, which should not happen and it is something that needs to be rectified immediately. ERA has always been a difficult team to break into on their home field and will have to use it to their advantage. To finishing in the top half of the league they will have to pick up points at the "House of Pain". Over the years, their poisonous back-line was their strong point and they were known to play offensive

rugby. However, the team will have to try to dominate as the other teams do not fear the ERA pack. It's hard to tell if ERA will be good enough this year to end up in the top half of their division but with the potential at their disposal it is not impossible. The Walvis Bay Rugby Club has Merge with the well know Sparta United Recreation Club in Walvis Bay and will be known as the Sparta Rugby Club. Therefore a new chapter for the beloved Walvis Bay Recreational Club is about to be unveiled as their Rugby players are about to make history as it they will be the first in a chapter of a brand new legacy, when they make the very short trip to Swakopmund to play their first ever league game as Sparta Rugby Club against the Vikings the current champions of first division league. This is a new chapter in the

club and personally for all the players coaching staff and management that will start their legacy as champions and end it as champions. The game Vikings versus Sparta will start at 15:00 at the SFC sport field in Swakopmund. The match between ERA/Kudus 3 against Dolphins promises plenty of action and will start at 17:00. The first match between Kudus 2 and UNAM 2 will kicks off at 13:00 and the match between Kudus 1 and UNAM 1 will kick-off at 15:00 all the games will be at the House of Pain in Narraville. Kudus Rugby Club invites the community to come and support their team. Windhoek next week both the first and second teams will travel to Windhoek to play against Wanderers. Entrance fee for the games are N$20 per Adult, N$10per pupil and N$10 per car.

Club competition Last weekend a small field of 34 players turned out for a club competition sponsored by SAGES. The format of individual stableford had a twist in that on 2 of the par 3's and two of the par 5's [drawn after play] points were doubled. The winner on the day was Jonas Niilenge who scored a very good 45 plus the bonus of 11. Second went to Tangeni Mupupa (a visitor for the day from Windhoek) with 42 points and 12 bonus points. Paul Sham surprised

Thomas receiving his prize from Shane

all and Sundry (even himself I think) carding 40 points with 10 bonus points to end third. Two clubs were recorded by Jonas and Katti. Katti was not present to collect his winnings. Please remember if you are not present you will not collect the club money. The biggest winner on the day was Thomas Wolff. He scored a whopping 16 points for the full 18 holes, but no birdies on his card for the day and was given Shane's lucky draw prize. This is going to be a busy weekend at the club starting with the high school today which is normally a cracker and then ESU PAIRS on Saturday. The list is up for tomorrow and the format is 6 x 6 x 6, 6 holes one score, 6 holes two scores and 6 holes multiplier. Also piggy backing on the ESU pairs is the international pairs with the winners going to regional playoff and with those winners going to Portugal. The calendar for the next few weeks : 29 March High School fund raiser 30 March ESU pairs and Windhoek Lager International pairs 6 April Western Insurance 8-12 April National Sages in Cape Town 12 April Laerskool Golf Fund Raiser 13 April Best Drive and ladies central open at Omeya as well as the Namibian open at Rossmund. 25 May the annual Tsumeb Golf day. This is normally a real good one, and the list is on the board. It is a pair's event so get yourself a partner and append your names onto the list soonest. Some of the club members are going to the National Sages in Cape Town.

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