23.03.1942 - 25.09.2023
A loving husband, brother, father and grandfather passed away peacefully.
Rest in peace, Colly.
Ons neem afskeid van ‘n ende, eggenoot, Pa, broer, vriend en visserman. ommie ons groet jou ede in ons harte, ons gaan jou mis, maar nooit vergeet!
Informele Roudiens by Hengelklub Walvisbaai
29 September 2023
Tyd: 15:30
Kontak: 0811228871 Helen 0811277238 Essie Herbst
Walvis Bay racing drivers Jan Everson and youngster Zachary Martin had an unforgettableexperienceattheMZMotorsSpeedFestival,
Jan Everson in his OpelAstra won the Club Men Class D in a time of 78.43 with the SouthAfrican Charl Opperman in a VW Golf MK1 play second fiddlewhilstMatthewStrydomcomethird.
The Walvis Bay youngster Zachary Martin was crowned as the Namibian Supercars Racing King after ended first of the Namibian competitors and secondoveralltomakehismarkthoroughly
ZacharyMartinsaidonhisfakebookpagethatthe J&PHydraulics racing team had a great weekend ontrack.“Wewereontopoftheboardwiththefastest time on the track after the first and second practicesessionwerereadyforQualifying.”
“MydadAllanMartinhasagoodsessionintheold faithfulgolfroughingupafewturbocarswiththe morethancapableMk1butunfortunatelyinPracticesessions2theGolf'sgearboxdecideditdidn't want to play along anymore and gave in and prematurelyendedmydad'sweekend”ZacharyMartinsaid.
Zachary said, “In race 1 I am pushing so hard we managed to smash our personal best time on the trackofa1:09.9witha1:08.7andinrace2sawwe werestillonpolepositionforthestartoftherace.I decided to slow the pace down on the start of the
racetogiveusasmuchofanadvantageonthestart aspossible.
Hefurthersaidthatrace3wasnoeasyfeateither,as hestartedatthebackoftheclassmeaninghehadto fightourwaythroughthepackandbeconservative to spare the car “With an amazing 3-way battle between myself MP team Zirkas we managed to takeP2inthefinalheatputtingusinagoodspotfor theoverallstandings.”
Zachary said, “What an incredible event we had withtheFord&FriendsClubfromSouthAfrica,a weekendforthehistorybooks.”
Zacharysaid,“Overall,asuccessfulweekendforus with little to no troubles on track 1st in Supercars class for Team Namibia and 2nd overall in Supercars for the Namibian team vs the South African team.
Zachary said that he is super thankful to everyone thathelpedthem.“Iwouldliketothankmydadfor having all the patience in the world with me this week.Thankyouforteachingmehowtodothisand forallowingmetolivemydreams!Iloveyoutothe moonandback”.
“Avoteofthanksgoestoourvisitorsforanamazing time and we look forward to coming to visit you guysdownthereinCapeTown”Zacharyconcluded.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress ofapplicant:ZenaTwenty ThreeInvestmentCCc/o RoodtJohanDyllan.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Zena Twenty Three InvestmentCC
application relates: Erf 6009,Kuisebmond
4. Nature and details of application: Grocery LiquorLicense
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 27 September2023.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 8November2023
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which the application willbeheard.