2 dec namib times e-edition

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Semi-submersible rig DEEPSEA BOLLSTA docked at Walvis Bay to drill for Shell

Norther Ocean's semi-submersible rig, Deepsea Bollsta owned by Odjell Drilling docked at the Port of Walvis Bay afteracontractawardhasbeensecuredon20August2022for therigfromShellUpstreamNamibiaBV,aShellPLCsubsidiary, foroperations in Namibia where an oil discovery was made using the Valaris-owned DS-10 drillship earlier this year.

Therigisexpectedtostartathree-wellexplorationandappraisaldrilling campaign centered on its large Graff oil and gas discovery in December Thesupermajor'sexplorationwellontheGraffprospectintheorangeriver basin found what is thought to be hundreds of millions of barrels of oil. UpstreamEnergyExploredsaysafollowupwelldrilledbyShellafterthe Graff discovery, called La Rona did not reveal the results. Online energy magazine,Offshorereportsthecontracthasanestimatedfirmdurationof twelvemonthsplusonesix-monthoption,andthecontractwithShelladds approximately N$ 2,108 billion of firm revenue backlog to the company, excluding the option. The rig departed from Las Palmas on 4 November andarrivedatthePortofWalvisBayon27November

Forbes re-elected as mayor

Cllr Trevino Forbes and Cllr Saara Mutondoka was reelected asWalvis Bay Mayorand Deputy Mayorat a special councilmeetingon30Novemberintheharbortown.

Two changes were made to the composition of the management committee, OliviaAndrews replacing Ryan Gordon and Paulus KauhondamuareplacingOliviaAndrewsasalternatemember

The management committee now consists of Richard Hoaeb (Popular Democratic Movement) re-elected as the chairperson, Olivia Andrews (Independent Patriots for Change), Ronald Bramwell (Joint Walvis Bay Resident'sAssociation) and Leroy Victor (Independent Patriots for Change) with Paulus Kauhondamua(Swapo)electedasanalternatemember

The remaining members making up council are Ephraim Shozi, Albertina Nkoshi representing Swapo and Ryan Gordon (LandlessPeople'sMovement).

TheMunicipalCouncilofWalvisBaywillgointorecessforthe period19December2022to23January2023.

Continues on page 2

TheDEEPSEABOLLSTA(IMO:9664196)isaPlatformthatwasbuiltin 2019. Her carrying capacity is 3 1098 t DWT and her current draught is reportedtobe17meters.Herlengthoverall(LOA)is122.56meters,and herwidthis77.76meters.

Swakop Councillors retain their seats

Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264
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Eileen van der Schyff Re-elected Walvis Bay Mayor Cllr Trevino Forbes and Deputy Mayor Cllr Saara Mutondoka Rudi Bowe
Walvis Bay Waterfront businesses to be relocated
Henties Bay Spar reopens after destructive fire earlier this year

Walvis Bay Waterfront businesses to be relocated

Consultation of Data Protection Bill held in Swakopmund

RegionalconsultationsontheDataProtectionBillbytheMinistry of Information and Communication Technology took place on Thursday, 24 November in Erongo region with the main aim of educating and informing stakeholders and the community on the importanceoftheBill.

AccordingtoWalvisBayRuralCouncillor,FlorianDonatus,Namibiahasnot enactedadataprivacylawthatmakesprovisionforregulatingtheprocessing of information related to individuals to protect the fundamental rights and freedomsofindividuals,andinparticular,theirrighttoprivacyconcerningthe processingofsuchinformation.Donatussaidthereisagreaterneedandpublic demand for the country to have a Data Protection Law that safeguards the citizens'righttoonlineprivacy

ThelawaimstoestablishaDataProtectionSupervisoryAuthority(theAuthority), Provide theAuthority with powers, duties, and functions necessary to achievetheobjectsoftheAct,createobligationsofdatacontrollersanddata processors, provide regulation for the processing of information relating to individuals for the protection of their fundamental rights and freedoms.The lawfurtheraimstoprovidefortherighttoprivacyconcerningtheprocessing of personal information, provide for the rights of individuals about whom informationisbeingprocessed,provideforrestrictionsandexceptionsunder provisions of the act and provide codes of conduct of data controllers and processors.

This was said by Namport's Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kanime during the Namibian Ports Authority Port Users Breakfast recently heldatWalvisBay KanimesaidNamportwants to relocate businesses that are operating in that specific area to an area that is specifically earmarked, which they call the Marina Development.“Thisistheareawhere,wehave appointedtheserviceprovidertoinstallservice utilities, and once those are in place, once we have finalized the roads there, we would then relocate them out. Short-term leases were granted to various entities, such as tour operators and restaurant owners, with the understandingthatNamportplanstoestablisha properwaterfrontinthefuture,”Kanimeadded. He said with its mix of temporary wooden structures, it has a very specific charm and is popularwithnationalandinternationaltourists.

Forbes re-elected

Kanime explained that the Walvis Bay Waterfront, located in the extreme southern cornerofthePortofWalvisBay,wasdriven,and developed by local entrepreneurs, providing a unique interface between the town and the sea. “Namport, as the landowner, is committed to facilitatingthedevelopmentofawaterfrontatthe present waterfront area, which upon completion couldbecomethemaincityandtouristattraction inWalvisBay,”theCEOsaid.

Kanime said due to the high demand for space, they have created additional capacity to accommodate more business. "We will also be able to accommodate new businesses at the marina, and this is specifically targeting the informaleconomy Ourheadofstatealwayssays no one should be left out, and the marina development is focusing on the SME sector and theinformaleconomy."

TheDeputyDirectorofInstitutionalPolicyRegulationandMonitoringatthe Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Elizabeth Kamutuezusaid,“wearetryingtoobtainpublicinputforthedraftDataProtection Bill. Data Protection entails the right of individuals as in Article 13 of the NamibianConstitutionandwhatthislawistryingtodoistoamplifyandsafeguardtherighttoprivacyintermsofpeople'spersonalinformation”.Personal datameansanyinformationrelatingtoanidentifiableindividual,italsorefers to information or data stored on a computer or an organized paper-filling systemaboutlivingpeople.Kamutuezusaid,suchinformationshouldbeprotectedandrulesabouthowdataaboutpeoplecanbeused.Kamutuezufurther said,organizationsthatdonotadheretotherulesset,riskprosecution.

According to Kamutuezu, the Law is trying to protect people's personal information against unintended use and abuse of personal information by organisationsandinstitutionsaswellasindividuals.Kamutuezusaidthisisan internationalapproach.“Ithinkwe(Namibia)areevenlatewiththislawinthe adventoftechnology,everythingisindigitalformat,andthespreadortransmission of personal information goes fast on a high speed. If we want to be competitiveinternationally,weneedthisLawassoonaspossible.”According toKamutuezu,thislawissupplementingtheHumanRightsandtheWhistleblowers Protection Bill, because it protects your right to privacy “Meaning, even in your Whistle-Blowing Law the other, details pertaining to a person shouldbeprotectedandusedandcorrected,stored,andprocessedinamanner thatitisintendedfor So,ifwedon'twanttheabuseofsuchinformation,ifwe don't want such information to be used for another purpose, this law is a people'scenteredlaw Itisalsogivingtherighttothedatasubjecttoconsentto givesuchinformationtothedataprotectorordatacontroller.”

Kamutuezu further said the Data Protection law is a law that needs careful considerationandapplicationsothatthesafetyandprivacyofanindividualis balanced.Italsomakesexceptionsforsomeinstancesofnationalsecurityand othermatterspertainingtotheintegrityofthecountry

Kapenda takes back his seat


Walvis Bay local authority councilors standing at the back from left to right Cllr Ryan Gordon, Cllr Olivia Andrews, Cllr Paulus Kauhondamua, Cllr Leroy Victor, Cllr Ephraim Shozi, Cllr Albertina Nkoshi, Cllr Ronald Bramwell and Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councilor Florian Donatus. In front is Chairperson of the Management Committee Cllr Richard Hoaeb, Walvis Bay Mayor Cllr Trevino Forbes and Deputy Mayor Cllr Saara Mutondoka BusinessesoperatingattheWalvisBaywaterfrontwillbeprovisionallyrelocated to another area to better combine maritime activities with recreational and tourismactivities. Risto Kapenda of SWAPO who was replaced by Erastus Kandenge of the Independent Patriots of Change (IPC) in 2020 after serving as Mayor of Arandis for six terms took backhispositiononWednesdayduringtheelectionofoffice bearersinArandis.KapendawillnowserveasthenewMayor ofArandisforthe2022/2023term. Kandenge was elected as the Deputy Mayor and the Chairperson of the Management Committee is Cllr Cecillie //Hoebes. Management Committee members are: Cllr Johanna Namupala, Cllr Isabella Kavendjii. Cllr Barnabas Kambara will beservingasanOrdinaryCouncilmembertogetherwithCllrRita Hoeses.TheproceedingswerepresidedbySwakopmundDistrict MagistrateNelaoBrown. Kapenda 1Arandis Town Council Office Bearers
Sharlien Tjambari
Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari

Swakopmund Councillors retain their seats

DinaNamubesoftheIndependentPartyforChange(IPC)wasreelectedonWednesdaythisweektoserveastheMayorofSwakopmund for the 2022/2023 term, Daniel Am-Gabeb retained his positionastheDeputyMayorwhileWilfriedGroenewaldremains theChairpersonoftheManagementCommittee.

During her acceptance speech, Namubes said: “I promise to keep being the lightandsaltofthiscityandtheneighbourhood.Byabidingbytheruleoflaw,I will continue to serve my people with dignity, integrity, transparency, and honesty AstheCouncil,ourresponsibilityistoseethattheeducationneedsof our people is strengthened, that housing needs are met, water & electrical as wellassanitaryservicesaremet.Ourteamhasalreadybegunworkingontasks thathavelainunfulfilledforabout8years.” Namubessaidhersuccessdependsonhercolleaguesandthemembersofthe public,“Icannotsucceedonmyown,butalongwithyouandthepublic,wecan succeedandeffectchange.”

Leading with the trio is Claus-Werner Goldbeck who is theAlternate Chair personoftheManagementCommittee,BlasiusGoraseb,andPeterShimanda are also members of the Management Committee, Matthias Henrichsen will serve as an additional member of the Management Committee. Errkkie Shitana,SuammaKautondokwaandHeinrichHafeniNghidipayaareadditional member of council. The proceedings were presided by Magistrate Conchita OlivieroftheSwakopmundDistrictCourt.

Road users! Exercise caution

Erongopolice,yesterdayconfirmedtwomajoraccidentshappenedaround Walvis Bay this week. In the first confirmed accident, a pedestrian was fatallystruckontheB2coastalhighwayinthevicinityofLangstrand,and intheotherincident,adriverlostcontrolofthetruckhewasdrivingonthe M44, dual carriageway (road behind the dunes). The occupants of the truck,whichincludesachildwereseriouslyinjured.

Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes and her Deputy David Am Gabeb seen with Magistrate Conchita Olivier Swakopmund Councilors seen with Magistrate Conchita Olivier Unit Commander for Community Affairs of the Erongo Police,InspectorIleniShapumbareminds,“Ourroadblocks start today (Thursday).
It is important we remind all road userstoalwaysexercisecaution.”
Sharlien Tjambari Eileen van der Schyff

Court Swakopmund Court Report


PetrusShuudifonya(48),appearedona charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto28March2023forpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Stella Nguazikeko (43), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 23 March 2023 for plea and trial.The accusedisonbail.

Graven Van Neel (27), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 9 May 2023 for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

Stephanus Lineekela (20), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponedto27March2023forpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Moses Herman (29), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 30 January for further investigations. Theaccusedisonbail.

Johannes Thomas (33), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 16 January 2023 for continuation of bail application. The accused remains in custody

DamianShetungewua(30)andAngela Haiputa (29), appeared on charges of recklessornegligentdriving,defeatingor obstructing the course of justice, and resisting a member of the police. The matterwaspostponedto3May2023for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

Nelson Gurirab (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 23 January 2023 for further investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Titus Fudala Kauluma (24), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 23 January 2023 for legal aid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Corne Hugo Sass (38), appeared on a chargeoffailuretopaymaintenance.The matterwaspostponedto18January2023 forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedis onbail.

Walter Haraseb (45), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponed to18January2023forfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Gerhard Akunda (34), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breathalcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponed to 17 January 2023 for plea. The accusedremainsincustody

Dwayne Theron (30), appeared on a chargeofassaultcommonreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 5 Decemberforplea.Theaccusedremains incustody

Zheras Jantjies (18), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 6 December for plea. The accused remainsincustody.

Lukas Amukoto (26), appeared on a charge of escaping common law. The

matter was postponed to 7 February 2023 for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody

Simson Kandolo (31), appeared on charges of fraud 1st alternative to count one theft by false pretenses and prevention of organised crime act acquisition,posses-sionoruseofproceeds of unlawful activities. The matter was postponed to 14 February 2023 for plea andtrial.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Godhard Gaseb (18), appeared on charges of assault by threat read with the provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act 4 of 2003 and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 January 2023 for continuation of trial. The accused have beenwarned.

Paulus Alweendo (21), appeared on charges of possession of dependenceproducing substance and theft by false pretenses.Thematterwaspostponedto23 March2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccused isonbail.

Linus Shaalukeni (30), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm.The natter was postponed to 22 February 2023 for fixing of trial date.


Thomas Nambinga (33), appeared on charges of malicious damage to property, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm,andindecentassault.Thematterwas postponed to 13 December for tracing of accused. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.

Thomas Akwaake (20) and Benhard Bdangi Nangolo (24), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponed to6Marchforpleaintermsofsection119.


Paulus Valombola (46) and Selma Naftal (26), appearedon charges of fraud and forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 5 Marchforotherreason.Theaccusedison bail.

Johann Hecmair (38), appeared on a chargeofdrivingwithanexcessivebloodalcohollevel.Thematterwaspostponedto 19July2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccused isonbail.

EugeneWalter(18),appearedonacharge of attempted murder The accused is at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.

Jodie Burger (29), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 8 March 2023 for plea in terms of section 119.Theaccusedisonbail.

Muisepi Mukunya (19), appeared on a chargeoffraud.Thematterwaspostponed to 7 March 2023 for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

Philipus Ngaifiwa (29), appeared on a charge of attempted murder The matter waspostponedto17July2023forpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Polly Haiyambo (22), appeared on a chargeoffraud.Thematterwaspostponed to6March2023forfurtherinvestigations. Theaccusedremainsincustody.

Walvis Bay Court report

Ananias Kanana (31), Drunk Driving, Negligent Driving (November 2011) The matter is postponed to 27 March 2023. PleaandTrial.Onbail.

JeremiaUugwanga(44),Rape.(November2022)Thematteris postponed to 9 February 2023. Remains in place of safety –WalvisBaypolicecells.

RomanusMungoye(38),Assault–TwocountsofAssaultwith intenttodogrievousbodilyharm(February2022)Thematteris postponedto24November2022.Section55Enquiry Incustody

CollinThomas HenryWilliams (61),Theft of employee from employer, Conducting employment contrary to the temporary employmentpermit.(October2022)Thematterispostponedto7 December2022.Incustody

DavidNghishekwaTooleni(36),Displayingalicencediscnot applicabletothevehicle,Drivinganunregisteredandunlicenced vehicle(November2022)Plea.Onbail.

ChandraCatherineRooza(31),Assault–Assaultwithintentto dogrievousbodilyharmreadwiththeprovisionsoftheDomestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (November 2022) The matter is postponedto9February2023.Furtherinvestigation.Incustody

Romanus Mungoya (39), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. (November 2022) The matter is postponed to 24 February2023.LegalAid.Incustody

Two suicides on same day

Two suicides were reported on the same day to the Erongo policethisweek,andinbothcasessuicidenoteswereleft.

HafeniShivovanhu(31), committedsuicidebyoverdoseinthe OkombahesettlementonWednesday Shivovanhuoverdosedon insulinhepurchasedfromalocalclinic.

In a separate incident, also on Wednesday, 51-year-old Haskel AmbrosiuscommittedsuicidebyhangingathishomeatWalvis Bay's Tutaleni,Kuisebmond.

Pedestrian fatally struck by ambulance on

Marking InternationalAnti-Corruption Day
9H00 - 16-30
A state ambulance fatally struck a pedestrian on the B2 coastalhighwayinthevicinityofLangstrandonWednesday thisweek. The 40-year-old driver of the ambulance was driving from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay when he allegedly saw the pedestrian and swerved to the right side of the road in an attempt to avoidhittingtheunidentifiedman.AccordingtoErongoPolice's Unit Commander for Community Affairs, Inspector Ileni Shapumba,thepedestriandiedonthespot.
Website:www.namibtimes.net Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Community centre open for women and children

Sharlien Tjambari

TheDRCWomen'sCommunityProjectCentrewhichaimstoprovidebetterliving standardsandsupportforwomenandchildrenlivingunderharshcircumstances inDemocraticResettlementCommunity(DRC)whichwasconstructedtothetune ofN$12million,wasofficiallyinauguratedonWednesdaythisweek.

When Founder, Anja Rohwer established the DRC Women's Project in 2010, they provided a variety of community engagements, such as a beadwork program - generating a small income for women, a soup kitchen-providing a warm mealtwiceaweekfor250children,andakinder garten- providing early learning education to 60 children.Today,thenewlybuiltcentre,whichlies in the heart of the DRC, now caters for 100 preschool children in brightly coloured classrooms, with a library equipped with books and games available to teachers and learners. A training facility is a home to women who embark on learningskillsandbeadworkandsewing.Women are trained in beadwork to handmake various articleslikejewelleryforthetourismsector According to Rohwer, a fully equipped sewing centrewillenablemorewomentobecomebreadwinnersandthusensureabetterfutureforthemselves and their children. The centre also has a vegetable and fruit garden which helps to subsidizethesoupkitchenwithanutritionalmeanplan whichfeeds250childrentwiceaweek,including the learners from the preschool who receive a dailyhotmeal.

Rohwersaid,“thiscentreistheretoallowchildren andwomentodreamofaworldofhopeandreceive quality education to better their living conditions for their future potential.” According to Rohwer,thenewlyconstructedDRCCommunity Centrewouldnothaveexistedifitwasn'tforthe generous donation of N$9 million by a German medical doctor, Dr Annedore Knak who died in 2017andsharedtheDRCWomenProject'svision of helping to improve the living standards of

women and children in the DRC community “We were able to embark on building and equipping a much larger centre. With the purchase of a larger piece of land from the municipality of Swakopmund, it was made possible to build a facility that helpsupliftwomenandchildrenfromtheeveryday povertytheyface.”

RohwerinformedtheNamibTimestheN$9million theyreceivedwasonlyusedfortheconstructionof theexteriorstructure,theyacquiredotherdonations from various donors to furnish the interior and for the installation of the solar panels which are very costly

Inherremarksduringtheofficialopeningceremony of the centre, Rohwer said, “I believe education is oneofthefewinterventionsthatcantrulytransform thelivesofpeople.Itprovidesthetoolforachieving our greatest dreams and empowers us to be better people. Education contributes to social justice, but evenmoreimportantly,itcontributestotheachievementofone'sfullpotential,educationunitesoppor tunitywithexcellence.”

Among the invited guest speakers were: Martha Shilyomunhu the principal of the Fidel Castro Ruz primary school in Windhoek, Rosa Namises the directorofWomenSolidarityNamibiaandFounder andmainoperatoroftheDolamChildren'sHomein Windhoek, Maria Elago a member of parliament and trustee of the DRC Women's Community Project, Klaus Hess the President of the Deutsches Namibische Gesellschaft-DNG, Edith Doebbert a memberoftheDeutschesNamibischeGesellschaftDNG and a partner of the DRCWomen's Community Project, Dr Martha Namundjebo- Tilahun a NamibianbusinesswomanandSwakopmundConstituencyCouncillorLouisaKativa.


SWAN Assembly Trust Community Seminars

Every September Swan Assembly Trust and Kuisebmund Secondary School avail themselves to providing free of charge community enrichment seminars that equip community members with entrepreneurial skillstoprovidethemwithmoreopportunitiesforimprovingtheirlivelihood.

Thetrust recentlyheldaprizegivingceremonyattheschoolforstudentswho tookupcoursesinAcrylicNails,BasicComputers,EnvironmentalHealthand SafetyaswellasNeedlework.

SwanAssemblyTrustisanon-profitorganisationthataimstoequiptheyouth andthecommunityatlargewithtrainingorganisedtospearheadcapacitybuildingcoursestoempowermembersofthecommunitywithlifeskillstraining that will enable them to become responsible and effective members of the community

“Since2011,thetrust,throughFlamingoGroupinSweden,committedthemselvestoservingthosewhoareaffectedandinfectedbythesocialillsinWalvis Bay,” said Principal of K.S.S. Jonathan Maswahu in his speech at the ceremony Hethenwentontoinviteallmembersofthecommunity,regardless ofagetotakepartintheseseminarsastheyservetoempowerthem. Theceremonywasalsogracedwithacaptivatingperformancebytheschool's cultural group, who mesmerised the attendees with the marimba's and a culturaldance.

Needle work graduates showing off their own designs

Henties Bay Spar reopens after destructive fire earlier this

Henties Bay Spar has reopened its shop on Wednesday this week at 17 Benguala Street, after a "huge undertaking" to restoreitfollowingamajorfire.

The building was almost destroyed by the blaze while owners, JohanandDaleenAgenbaghopelesslywatchedtheirshopburnto the ground on the evening of Saturday, 26 March. The shop opened for business way in advance of the initial 16 months the couple thought it would take to again open doors for business.

After the blaze, Spar's insurance was in place and the claim was quickly settled before the arduous process of planning and rebuildingunderstrictbuildingregulationsstarted,aproject,that Johan, also a trained mechanical engineer, was in his element about.Thefoundationsofthebuilding'sofficeswerepreparedin July ThebuildingofthenewHentiesBaySparwasplannedwith the finest of detail from the ground up.Towards the end of July, thefirstwallswentupinpreparationofagrandershopthatnow can compete with the big stores. Reparations on the famous yellowcombi,“Splitty”startedearlieron31March. Allresidents ofthisfishingtownwillagreethatHentiesBaySparisnotHenties BaySparwithout“Splitty”.

As a young couple, Johan and Daleen stayed in Okiep where Johanworkedasanengineeratthemine.In1995Daleen'sfather helped the couple financially to buy the supermarket and they startedHentiesBaySpar

Apartfromgoodbusinesssenseandstoremanagement,themain reason for the couple's success as shop owners is their involvement with customers. They know their customers by name, aid, andconverseswiththeircustomers.“WhenyouwalkintoHenties BaySpar,itfeelslikehome,”oneresidenttoldtheNamibTimes. Thestaffisprofessional,efficient,andfriendly

Saturday 31 December 2022 Time: 00:00 Open Area next to Naval Base, Kuisebmond NOTICE OF NEWYEARS FIREWORKS DISPLAY Tunacor will once again have a New Years Fireworks Display for the Walvis Bay Community
Eileen van der Schyff

Responsible Drinking 22

Withmuchanticipationon28November2022,NamibiaBreweriesLimited(NBL), asubsidiaryoftheOhlthaver&List(O&L)Group,launchedtheirlatestresponsibledrinkingcampaign–“TakeaSecond”–designedandexecutedbyfull-service agencyandfellowO&Lsubsidiary,O&LBrandX.

ThelatesteditiontoNBL'slongstandingcommitment to responsible drinking, the new campaign was announced alongside the company's online learning platform, EduDrink, being launched to thepublicaswell.

At the launch event, O&L BrandX Managing Director (MD), Patricia Hoeksema, took the audience through NBL's past responsible drinking campaigns,includingthe“It'stheBeerthatshould beDrunk–notyou”campaignin2003;“Welcome toyournewlife”;andmorerecentlythe“#TAKES ANATION”AND “#BE THE ONE” campaigns duringtheyearsofthepandemic.

From drinking and driving to underage drinking, Hoeksema noted how NBL's campaigns have evolved over the years with a greater range of stakeholdersjoiningtheseefforts.Hoeksema:“As we began to adapt and evolve with the times, our approachbegantoincludeavarietyofoptionsthat spoketoourconsumersdifferently “With the support of the National Road Safety Council, NAMPOL, City of Windhoek, Roads Authority and Motor Vehicle Accident Fund we continuedtorolloutmessagingaimedatreversing the socially acceptable behavior of drinking and driving with awareness of the consequences of theseactions.”

NBLMD,MarcoWenk,introducedthenewcampaign, stating that all it takes is a second to make therightdecision:“Our'TakeaSecond'campaign will focus on a straightforward and simple approach and a main message: Take a second to thinkabouttheeffectsofyouractions.

Bycapturingtheattentionofouraudiencewiththis message,weintendtoensuretheconsumerbecomes aware of their actions and contemplates whether their behaviour is acceptable, or places them and thosearoundthematpossiblerisk.”

“To complement this campaign, today we are also excitedtolaunchEduDrinktothepublic.

FollowingitssuccesswithintheO&LGroupanda fewcorporatepartners,andourdesiretospreadthe responsible drinking message as far as we can, we want to equip as many people as possible with the rightinformationtomaketherightdecisionsabout alcohol,”

Wenk added. Noting that NBL's educational initiative will support the National Road Safety Campaign launched on 22 November, guest of honour, Lt. Gen. Joseph Shimweelao Shikongo, Inspector GeneraloftheNamibianPolice,furthersaid:“You may be all aware, experience has shown that when lawsarenotaccompaniedbyaneffectivesystemof educationandenforcement,theywouldfailtohave theirdesiredeffectoroutcome.

“Itisafactthatsomedriversandotherroadusersare oftenunawareoftheriskstheyrun,whendrinking, and tend to undervalue the protective effects of legislation.Thus,itisimportanttounderstandwhy peoplefailtofollowtheserules,inordertoplanand implementappropriateaction.

“Therefore, enforcement is more effective when accompanied by public awareness campaigns that makepotentialviolatorsbelievetheyarelikelytobe stopped,leadingtoarapiddeclineinthenumberof trafficlawviolations.”

ResponsibleDrinking22: (left to right): Lt. Gen. Joseph Shimweelao Shikongo, Inspector-General of the Namibian Police; Marco Wenk, NBL Managing Director; and Patricia Hoeksema, O&L BrandX Managing Director


PleasetakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintends toapply,onbehalfofregisteredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvis Bay, the Urban and Regional Planning Board and the En-vironmental Commissionerforpermissionforthefollowing: Rezoning of Erf 3196 Walvis Bay (C/o Sixth Street and Sixth Road) from “Single Residential” (1:300m²) to “Office” with consent to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress. Application foranEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheaboverezoning. The aforementioned application are submitted in terms of the Urban and RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)andtheWalvisBayZoning Scheme. Therezoningoflandfromresidentialtocommercialuseisalisted activity,andanapplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatewill bemadeintermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of 2007).

Pleasetakenotethat–(a) the rezoning application lies open for inspection at Room 101 of the RoadsandBuildingControlDepart-mentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay situated at Civic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be downloaded from www sp.com.na/projects;

(b) Potential interested and affected parties are invited to register with Stewart Planning, and any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality ofWalvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice;

(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submitted beforeoron17:00Friday,13January2023.

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na 064280773

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339


CONSENT: Pre-School ON ERF NO: Erf No: 184TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREET NAME & NO: Mermaid Street No: 70, Narraville,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-School.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 23 December 2022.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LuciaJNJoseph,POBox7,WalvisBay email:luciajoseph788@gmail.com


Learning Right Elementary School cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consent for an “Institutional Building” to operate a “Junior Primary Private School”onthepremisesofErf133,Swakopmund, (11 Tobias Hainyeko Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme.Detailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.

Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 27 December2022.

ContactPerson:MrsHMeyer,Cell:0811277408, Email:office@lrkc.school.na or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

N O T I C E S &




CONSENT: Self-Catering ON ERF NO: 419R TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Meersig STREET NAME&NO:No74thRoadNorth,Meersig.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-Catering.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 23December 2022.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LeonPearson(CasaAtlanticacc),POBox3959, WalvisBay email:leon@amjicaja.com




By virtue of Council Resolution thCO9/26/10/2022/09 /2022 and in terms of Section 63 (2)(b) of the LocalAuthoritiesAct, (Act 23of1992)asamended,readinconjunctionwith Section 30 (1)(t) of the Local Authorities Act 1992(Act23of1992)asamended,noticeishereby given that the Municipal Council of Henties Bay intends to alienate portion of the Farm HentiesbaaiTownlands no.133 measuring in extent250047HaatasellingpriceofN$10.00(N$ 2 500 470.00) for the purposes of establishing mixedusedhousingdevelopment. Further take note that the locality and the layout plan of the property lies open for inspection duringofficehoursattheofficesoftheMunicipal Council situated at the corner of Jakkalsputz RoadandNickeyIyamboAvenue.

Anyperson(s)havingobjection(s)totheintended alienation of the portion may lodge such objection(s) fully motivated to the undersigned, within fourteen (14) days after the second placementoftheadvert.

Enquiries: Ms Bianca B. Hamutenya on 064 502027, email:Property.Officer@hbaymun.com.na

ChiefExecutiveOfficer POBox61 HentiesBay


WalvisBayUrbanStructurePlan2022–2042 FormalPublicConsultation

TheWalvisBayCouncilisreviewingitsapprovedIntegratedUrbanSpatialDevelopmentFramework(IUSDF),theCouncil'slong-termurbandevelopmentplanwhichwas approvedbytheWalvisBayCouncilin2014forimplementation.TheIUSDFwillbe replacedbytheWalvisBayUrbanStructurePlan(WBUSP)andisbeingpreparedin accordancewiththeUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(U&RPAct)andU&RP Act Regulations.AUSP is a spatial planning tool for guiding development within a townforaperiodrangingbetween15to30years.TheaimoftheWBUSPistoinform theWalvis Bay community, local and foreign investors, and any other interested and affectedpartyoftheWalvisBayCouncil'slong-termvisionastohowurbandevelopmentwillbeguidedinWalvisBayoverthenext20years.

Urban Dynamics, together with Bigen Kuumba, Enviro Dynamics, Urban Design StudioNamibia,andStewartPlanning,hasbeenappointedbytheWalvisBayCouncil topreparetheWBUSPwhichwillguideurbandevelopmentoverthenext20years.

The October 2022 DraftWB USPhas been prepared following consultation with the Walvis Bay community, utility providers, and line ministries. Once theWB USPhas been approved by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development this will enable the WalvisBayCounciltobeanAuthorisedLocalAuthorityfortownplanningdecisionmaking.

Thepurposeofthisnotificationistoinformallinterestedandaffectedpartiesinterms ofSection34oftheU&RPActandintermsofRegulations2,3,and5oftheU&RPAct Regulations, that the October 2022 Draft WB USP is available for formal public consultation.TheOctober2022DraftWBUSPliesopenforinspection atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101,CivicCentre,WalvisBay,NangoloMbumbaDrive,atStewart Planning, First Floor, CLA Building, 84 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, and at the Narraville,KuisebmondandHeadOfficeLibrariesduringnormalworkingoficehours.

Anypersonhavingcomments,representations,and/orobjectionstotheOctober2022 DraftWBUSPmustlodgesuchcomments,representations,and/orobjections,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning Section), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay (064 201 3229 or townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na),andStewartPlanning,POBox2095,WalvisBay (064280770orbruce@sp.com.na),inwriting,by17:00on 20January2023.

TheOctober2022DraftWBUSPcanalsobedownloadedfromtheWalvisBayCouncil Web-Pageat:www.walvisbaycc.org.na.


C l a s s i f i e d s





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Memorial Service

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Funeral Service

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Bank Windhoek Cancer Apple Project #Givehope

Each Bank Windhoek branch annually sells apples to raise funds, and in addition, each branch has an interpleural challenge, raising funds not only for CANbutalsotowardsacommunityprojectaswell. LizasPunzelfromBankWindhoeksaid,“Fundsare being split equally between CAN and a school or centreworkingwithdisabledchildren,givinghope toabetterfuture.Tomakeiteasier,Icombinethese twoeventsintooneevent,(Iarrangeitonbehalfof the Walvis Bay branch) Ladies Buffet breakfast sponsored by Rojo's and the proceeds from ticket sales for the event are split 50/50 between the two projects.”

SteppingStoneSchoolisasmallschoolinthetown of Swakopmund that works with autistic children. JavierfromtheSteppingStoneSchoolspokeabout the school at the event. “The school is very dependentondonationsandprojectsandforthenew yeartheyplantosetupasectionthathelpschildren to develop a little more and get ready for life there outside.” Every year Liza arranges for a speaker, givingsomeonewhohashadcanceranopportunity to speak, but this year she spoke about the topic herselflookingatcancerfromtheoutside.“Iwalked the road this year with a friend who had a double mastectomy So,it'squiteaneyeopenerifyouwatch from the outside how another person goes through theprocess.”

Swakopmund Beach Action Plan

TheSwakopmundcouncilintroducestheBeach Action Plan this festive season, as council receives countless applications from residents andvisitorsforthehostingofavarietyofevents along the town's beach as the town is a wellknown coastal resort that attracts many recreationalusersonbothcasualandorganised basis.

The Swakopmund Beach, Parks and Jetty Regulations seek to safeguard and preserve the beach, recreational parks, and jetty, while individualsstillenjoythemselveswhenvisitingthe beach.TheSwakopmundBeachAccessPlanisin linewiththeSwakopmundBeach,Parks,andJetty Regulations which gives Council the authority to declare,restrictorcloseoffanyareaforaparticular use.Asaresult,thisplanwillthereforecompliment Council'sBeachRegulations.Whenresidentsand visitors wish to host activities at the beach, they will be subjected to follow the event application guidelines that will be reviewed and approved by theEventsCommittee.

Applicantscompeteforthebestsitesencouraging conflict and disagreement. The Municipality of Swakopmund's Public Relations Officer, Linda Mapupa says at times allegations of favouritism aremadewhencouncilallocatessitesforeventsin thepast.Thesituationisfurtheraggravatedbythe absence of a Beach Access Plan that designates zones where certain recreational activities are permitted,restricted,prohibitedorregulated.“The purpose of this plan is to effectively manage and control recreational activities that individuals choose to refresh and recharge their bodies and mindsandmaketheirleisuretimemoreinteresting and enjoyable.” Mapupa said. These activities includetriathlon,swimming,beachsoccer/netball, kayaking and surfing among others. “To control crowdingatonevenuefornumerousactivitiesand toclearlyidentifywhichlocationisdesignatedfor a certain activity, this plan will be utilized as a guide for decision-making. The document will significantlysimplifytheapplicationandapproval processes for both residents and staff members. Transparency, consistency, and prompt decisionmakingwilleventuallybeenhanced,Mapupasaid. ThisPlanisapplicabletothebeachareastretching fromtheSwakoprivertothenorthernmostbeacon of the caravan park, known as Mile 4. It includes the land between the low tied mark and fist proclaim street or surveyed erf or 100 meters eastwardsfromthelowtiedmark,whicheveristhe nearesttothelowtidemark.


The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, being an equal opportunity Company, has a vacancy for:


Responsibleto: MaintenanceManager

Responsiblefor: MaintainingHotelComplex Liaisewith: AllHeadsofDepartment.


Responsible for upkeep of hotel complex and all related equipment to ensure the hotel is in 100% runningconditionatalltimes.

Education, experience and competencies required

·Grade12certificate,previousexperienceasa MaintenanceAttendantwillbeanadvantage


·FluencyinEnglish,excellentcommunication& peopleskills-andguestrelations,Wellgroomed, Soberhabits

·Mustbeabletoworkshifts,Mustbeabletowork underpressure


-Changebulbs,repairbrokenlightfixturesandwiring, resetswitchgearwhennecessary

-Repairleakingtaps/toiletsandallrelatedplumbing problems,dosewatersofteningplantwithsaltona dailybasis

-Tilinginthekitchenandthesurroundingsofthehotel, cleaningofparkingarea,workshopandsurroundings,assisthousekeepingwhenrequiredtodoso

-Cleanswimmingpoolanddosewithchemicals/ backwashfiltersystem,Painting/touchupofinterior andexteriorofcomplex,cracks,etc,carpentry work whererequired

-Minorfaultfindingonelectricalequipment,masonry work,settingupforshowsandfunctionswhen necessary fittingworkandbolting,fasteningwhere required,minorelectrical/plumbinginstallations, welding,gluingofmaterials,minorwallpaperingand carpetfixing

-Assisthousekeepingandfood&beverage departmentswheretechnicalhelpisneeded

-Cleanexteriorwallwithhighpressurecleaneronan ongoingbasis.


-Reportbacktosupervisorormanagerregardingany faultsorirregularities detectedoncomplex

-Adheretocompany'srulesandregulationstoavoid disciplinaryaction

-Becourteoustoguestandstaffatalltimes,Obey supervisorandmanager'sinstructions

-Workafternoonshiftandnormalshiftsaccordingto timetable,Notifymaintenancemanager immediatelywhenaseriousproblemarises,Hand inalllostproperty,Knowemergency,fireandsafety procedures

-Askwhenyouareunsureofsomething,Doallyour worktothebestofyourability,Attendmeetings arrangedforyouwhenpossible,Checkallarrival roomsonadailybasisaccordingtostandard procedure


-Workovertimeasrequiredbymanagement,Assist in otherdepartmentswhenrequiredby management

-Doallworkallocatedtoyoubymanagementoutside thecomplexwhen required

If you are interested in applying for this vacancy and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the informationset,pleasedraftaletterofapplicationand sendittogetherwithabriefCVto:

The Personnel & Training Manager, Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, PO Box 616, Swakopmund, E-mail: swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za

Opening date for application : 05 December 2022

Closing date for application : 16 December 2022

· Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No personaldocumentswillbereturned.

Bank Windhoek's 2022 Cancer Apple Project under the theme, #GiveHope together with their EntrepreneurSocialInitiative,raisedfundsinaidofSteppingStoneSchoolatafundraisingevent (ladiesbuffetbreakfast)atRojo'sRestaurant(Yachtclub)inWalvisBayonSaturday,19November. Eileen van der Schyff
In Loving
Contact Details: Ulandi 081 277 7799 Craigen Bester 081 122 2144 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Memory of: ROLAND HECTOR BESTER MARCH 01, 1963 - NOVEMBER 29, 2022

Rossmund Golf Club News

Saturday 26 November – the final round of the 2022 Monthly Medal was played, sponsored by Novanam.Weatherconditionswere actually just great for golf resulting insomegoodscoresbeingposted–however, Achmet Abrahams was alreadysittinginthedrivingseatfor theMedalMastersocouldrelaxand enjoy his golf. Strangely enough John Horne was the only player to produceatwo-clubontheday

The Overall Medal Winner for the Month was none other than Steven Johns carding a brilliant 69nett; HelmutNdjendjatookthelaurelsin the “A” Division with a 71nett; Bertie Saunderson had a 72nett to winthe“B”Division;whilstthe“C” Divisionwasdecidedonacountout on 70nett, won by Eddy van Wyk; the Ladies Division was won by TiekieDeWetwitha77nettandthe Junior Division by Kevin Zhang 83nett.

In the Overall Order of Merit for 2022 the results were as follows:

Men's Division: 1 : Achmet st Abrahams 116 points; 2 : Hans nd Naobeb 98 points; 3 : Helmut rd Ndjendja 98 points; 4 : George th Murasiki94points:JuniorDivision: Kevin Zhang 55 points; Ladies Division:TiekieDeWet51points.

We say a big word of thanks to Miguel Tordesillas, Chairman Novanamforhisongoingsupportof this very important series on the annual Rossmund Golf Club calendar and to his right hand lady Robertha Jansen for always being their month in and month out. We are looking forward to competing againin2023.

Sadly Miguel could not be present onthedaybutsenttheRGCandits members a heartfelt message via whatsapp We look forward to seeinghimoutthereonthefairways againsoonandtakethisopportunity towishhimandhisfamilyarelaxing festiveseason.

Thewinnersofthe2022Matchplay Tournamentwerealsoannounced–Doubles: Helmut Ndjendja and Thomas Shitaleni; Singles Champion:HelmutNdjendja–well played to all the competitors and thank you for a great competition played and finalized on schedule


Sunday 27 November however was different kettle of fish – when we played our annual Golfer/Non Golfer Fun Day organized by the Ladies RGC Section – the modus operandi is to introduce new blood intothiswonderfulgamethatwecall GOLF Atotalof24teamstookpart in the chilly, windy weather conditions. It was a wonderful sight to watch the players teeing off from all walks of life; young and old; Moms and Dads; Oumas with grandkids; kids with their friends; high handicappers and low handicappers. In the end everyone had a fantastic day - especially the children – who can all be really proudofthemselvesforhavingtaken part and coming forward to collect their prizes.The winners on the day with a brilliant 19nett were Fritz Coetzee Jnr and his partner Ruan (brother) winning a count out over Father & Son Team Lensing (Peter and Peter Jnr). Prizes were awarded toallthenon-golferswhotookpart.

Coastal Warriors Champs of Champs

Swakopmund Pool club Coastal Warriors Pool Club was crowned as the Champ of Champs with WindhoekbasedYoungOnesPoolClub'sBandA secondandthirdrespectively Quinten Swarts from Rehoboth Pool Club is the winner of the President's Cup with Coastal Warriors Fillopus Wakambalala in second place andAlfredodeKlerkfromYoungOnesthird.The playerofthetournamentwasWilhelmKatanafrom CoastalWarriorsandtheNPBF's leagueplayerof theyearwasJannieMollerfromCelticPoolClub inSwakopmund.

Newly selected interim NPBF president Cyril van Rooi said it is his believe that all clubs with their members will join hands and work hard towards theirmutualgoal.“ThemaingoaloftheNPBFisto develop pool in all regions in the country and to selectanationalteamtorepresentthecountryatthe All Africa Pool Association (AAPA) championships,”vanRooisaid.

The NPBF Board thanked everyone that made the annualChampofChampsahugesuccess.

Federations join Namibian Olympic Family



The president said, “only through hard work, determination and dedication remarkable milestones are realised. In our constant endeavour to grow the sport of Martial Arts both locally and abroad we are extremelydelightedatthisachievementandlookforwardtopromotingoursport,countryandathleteson theinternationalstage.”

ThepastweekendwasverybusyattheRossmundGolfClubwithseveral competitionscomingtoaclosebeforethegreatinfluxofinlandresidents. The Namibia Pool and Billiards Federation (NPBF) recently held their annual Pool Champ of ChampsattheOffsideSportsBarinWindhoek. The Namibian Kickboxing Federation (NKF) and Namibia Handball Federation joined the NamibianOlympicFamilyasaffiliatedmemberfederations. ThiswasannouncedataNNOC-CGAGeneralAssemblyheldonWednesday,24November2022atthe HiltonHotelinWindhoek.TheNamibianKickboxingFederationandNamibiaHandballFederationare IOCrecognizedsports,affiliatedtotheirrespectiveinternationalfederations,andarepracticingarealand ongoingsportactivityinNamibia. hardshipsencounteredinthelastyearswithCOVID-19 affectingmanyaspectsofthecountry'seconomy,sportandherpeopletheKickboxingFederationmoved Novanam-November Winners: GeorgeMurasiki(RGCCaptain): StevenJohns;BertieSaunderson;HelmutNdjendja;RoberthaJansen (Novanam);KevinZhang;TiekieDeWet;EddyvanWyk 2022MedalMasterWinnerAchmet AbrahamswithRoberthaJansen fromNovanam Rudi Bowe Players of Swakopmund Pool club Coastal Warriors Pool Club with the newly selected interimNPBFpresidentCyrilvanRooi. Newly NPBF interim board appointed by NSC are from left to right. Amen Nghidengwa (Additional), Beulah van Rooi (Secretary General), Cyril van Rooi (President), Grace Believe me James (Pro), Sérge du Plessis (League Administrator), absent Anna-Stasia HallelujahTNghidengwa(VicePresident)

namib times Sport

Blue Waters at top

Coastalfootballgiants,B isat lueWaters thetop of the log of the Debmarine Namibia Premiership afterpicking up maximum points withtwohome overthe weekend victories past atJanWilkenstadium,WalvisBay

The handed visiting Black coastal football giants

Africa a 1-0 defeat through goal by Lazarus a Andjengo on Saturday and a 2-1 26 November victory overYoungAfrican goals by Erastus with Kulula and Israel Shikongo on Sunday, 27 November

Eleven Arrows at could only register two draws home a draw Young with 1-1 against a ten men AfricanonSaturdayanda1-1drawagainstBlack Africa on Sunday in the Debmarine Namibia PremierLeague match playedat Jan football es the WilkenstadiuminWalvisBay

Thefullresultsofthepastweekend Saturday26November

ElevenArrows1-1YoungAfrican BlueWaters1-0BlackAfrica



Citizens1-4JulinhoSporting Civics2-0LifeFighters


OkahandjaUnited0-2AfricanStars Sunday27November

BlueWaters2-1YoungAfrican TuraMagic1-3OrlandoPirates

Civics2-2JulinhoSporting OkahandjaUnited4-2YoungBrazilians

MightyGunners0-2AfricanStars Unam0-0Tigers, ElevenArrows1-1BlackAfrica, Citizens0-2LifeFighters.

Thecoastal BlueWatersandElevenArrows giants will travel to lash against Keetmanshoop to c Young Brazilians on Saturday and Sunday respectively

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Over 900 cyclists registered for Dash

Itisthe18theditionofoneoftheworld'smostgruellingcyclingevents withmorethan900riders uptoraceacrossthreecategories Thatsigned consistingofsolos,two-personandfour-personteams.

The Namibian Desert Dash, the longest single-stage mountain bike race in the world will start on Friday, 9 December at Grove Mall in Windhoek.

Cyclistsaregiven24hourstocompletethe393kmracethroughtheKhomas Hochland Mountains and the Namib Desert to end the following day Saturday10December,atPlatzAmMeerMallinSwakopmund.

TheNedbankDesertDashhasbecomesomuchmorethanasportingevent, asitsbenefitsgofarbeyondcycling.Theraceholdsgreateconomicbenefits forlocalbusinessinWindhoekaswellintheErongoregion.

Cyclists from 17 different countries will take part in this year's Nedbank Desert Dash, namely Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, USA, Germany, Canada, Germany, Zimbabwe, UK – Britain,Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Botswana,Malawi,DRCongo,FranceandAustria.

The Steckel's Toyota women's team than consist of Anique Schoeman, Charly Taylor, Monja Scholtz and Monique Taylor will tackles the 393 kilometreNedbankDesertDashmountainbikemarathonfromWindhoekto Swakopmund.

This year two para-cycling teams that are based in the northern town of Ongwedivaarefine-tuningfortheirdebutinthe2022NedbankDesertDash. The hand-cycling team consists of Roodley Gowaseb, Nico Kharuxab, Modestu Lipuleni and Gabriel Nghiishililwa. The team will be joined by Lucas Ndahangwapo for any emergency substitution

The visually impaired cycling team consists of Mateus Kambudu, Sem Shikondjele, Fillemon Lotto and George Nehwaya, who will be cycling togetherwithStevensonHamukoto,RobertNambambi,DavidHaluteniand Naftal Paulus, as their pilots to assist them in navigating the route.

The visually impaired team consist of eight cyclists, four of them visually impaired, while the other four will act as their pilots. This team has been preparingforthiseventforthelastfourmonths.Atthemoment,theyarein theirhighmileagestageoftraining.

An Old Mutual All Black Girls team that consists of Vicky Dan, Winnie Mukupuki,JackieShipenaandSofiaSimonwillalsocompeteinthisyear's Nedbank Desert Dash. The team which is solely made up of women from previouslydisadvantagedbackgroundswillalsocompeteatthisyearedition oftheNedbankDesertDash2022.

ILoveBoobies,alocalcharityorganisationadvocatingforcancerawareness through educational tools, early detection services and support, will be fieldinganall-womanteammadeupof,JanavonBackström,VickyVosloo, MimiHough,andJoniePetersfortheworld'slongestsingle-stagemountain bikeeventstheNedbankdesertDash.

Nedbank Namibia's communications and public relations manager Selma Kaulinge applauded the athletes for their hard work in preparation for the DesertDash.

Nedbank Namibia Communication and PR Manager, Selma Kaulinge, applaudstheathletesfortheirhardworkinpreparationfortheDesertDash and the two groups of ladies for taking on the challenge of cycling in the NedbankDesertDash.

Coastal football teams suffer

Thecoastalfootballteamssufferedonmatchdays3and4ofthe SouthernStreamFirstDivisionfootballleague,playedoverthepast weekendinWalvisBayandSwakopmund.

Onmatchdaythree,Saturday,26November,WalvisBay-basedNorthern StarsandWesternSpurslostagainstDateElevenandtriedagain respectivelyattheJanWilkenStadiuminWalvisBaywhilstBlueBoys hadadrawagainstMarientalFCattheMondasaStadiumin Swakopmund.

Onmatchday4,Sunday,27November,NorthernStarsbeatTryAgain4-0 andWesternSpurslost0-3againstDateElevenattheJanWilkenStadium andinSwakopmundBlueBoyslost1-3againstNamibianCorrectional ServicesFC.

“As one of the leading sponsors of cycling in Namibia,weappreciatethatthesportisenjoyedby members of different demographics of our country.Iamveryproudofthisteam,andwesee their determination to take on this incredible race with the hopes of finishing and it and hopefully createanarrativethatwomencanalsomaketheir mark in the world's longest single-stage cycling event,”Kaulingesaid.

The Nedbank Desert Dash is co-sponsored by Indongo Toyota, SuperSpar (Maerua and The Grove)andHollard.


TheSteckel'sToyotawomen'steamthatwill competein2022NedbankDesertDash Para-cyclists(seatedfromleft)GabrielNghiishishililwa,NicoKharuxab,LukasNdahangwapo,RoodleyGowaseb,ModestuLipuleni alongwithJeanPaulSchmidt(standingleft) &MichaelHamukwaya TheOldMutualAllBlackGirlscycleteamthat willcompetein2022NedbankDesert ILoveBoobies,all-womancycleteamthatwill competein2022NedbankDesertDash

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