31 march namib times e-edition

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Namport and WBCG key speakers at Land-Linked Zambia Conference in Lusaka

NamportandWalvisBayCorridorGroup(WBCG)werekey speakers at the Land-Linked Zambian (LLZ) Conference & Exhibitionthemed“LeveragingontheimpactsoftheAfrican ContinentalFreeTradeArea(AfCFTA)fortheAfricanTransport & Logistics Industry" in Lusaka held on 23 and 24 March.Theiraimistoexpandtheirbusinessnetworksinkey MarketssuchasZambia,Angola,TanzaniaandMosambique.

TheNamportandWBCGteamledbyMrMbahupuHTjivikua,WBCG's ChiefExecutiveOfficer,andNamport'sChairpersonoftheBoard,Madam Nangula Amunyela, included, Mr Trevor Ndjadila, Namport's Business Development Manager, Mr James Kaposa, WBCG's Business Development Manager for Zambia and Mr Erick Shimumbwe, WBNLDC Trade FacilitationCoordinator

According to an article courtesy of Namport, the team visited not only Zambia, but also the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with the purposeofengagingclients,inspectingtheWalvisBay-Ndola-Lubumbashi Development Corridor (WBNLDC) and also to promote exports and imports of goods through the WBNLDC. The delegation used the opportunity to visit clients whilst promoting business development initiatives through the Corridor The Namport newsletter further reads: “TheWalvisBayNdola-LubumbashiDevelopmentCorridor(WBNLDC) provides the shortest route between the Namibian west coast Ports of

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Judgement date set for Wasserfall's murder case

Azaan Madisia and Steven Mulundu who stand accused of the murder and burial of Shanon Wasserfall at Walvis BayinApril2020,willheartheirfateon 16Maythisyear.

This is after Judge Christie Liebenberg heard final arguments in the murder case in the High CourtinWindhoek.Madisia,whowasarrested late 2020 after the remains of Wasserfall were found buried in a shallow grave close to the Dunes Mall at Walvis Bay, faced four charges beingMurder,DefeatingtheCourseofJustice, FraudandTheft.

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Trans- Kalahari Mamuno Border Post opens 24/7

Topromoteseamlessmovementofgoods and people, promote investment and trade facilitation between Namibia and Botswana, both countries have agreed

that the Trans-Kalahari/Mamuno border post between the two countries, which links the Port of Walvis Bay to Botswana's capital, will begin daily 24hour operations from 1 April 2023, insteadofitsusual06:00tomid-nightoperatinghours.

Oneofthebusiestcorridors,theTransKalahari/ MamunoborderpostislocatedalongtheTransKalahari Corridor, a tripartite trans boundary corridor spanning approximately 1 900 km across territories of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. The corridor is supported by a railwaylinefromthePortofWalvisBaytoGobabis where transshipment facilities are available. The corridor begins at Walvis Bay, on the B2 coastalroadtoSwakopmundfromwhereitheads

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Namibia's Net Zero VillageDaures Green Hydrogen Village

Estate agencies misleading the public KAS scholars meet civil society organisations in Swakopmund

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7009 FRIDAY 31 MARCH 2023 N$6 inside Page 16 Page 8 Page 2 Page 5 Sports News
Rudi Bowe Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Namport and WBCG Judgement date set for Wasserfall's

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Lüderitz and Walvis Bay and the vital transport hubs of Livingstone, Lusaka and Ndola in Zambia, Lubumbashi (southern Democratic RepublicofCongoandZimbabwe.Thiscorridorisperfectlypositioned to service the two-way trade between the SZDC region and Europe, NorthandSouthAmericaandemergingmarketsintheEast.Whereasthe other two corridors namely the Trans-Kalahari Corridor and the TransCunene Corridor services the two-way trade between South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Europe, the Americas and the Far East and the later corridor servicing the two-way trade between Angola, Namibia, SouthAfricaEurope,theAmericas,andtheEastwiththerailwaylinethat hasbeencompleteduptotheAngolanborderrespectively.”

ZambianMinisterofTransportandLogistics,Hon.MubesaFrankTayali gracedtheconferencewhichhasdrawnkeyplayersintheSADCregion's logisticsandtransportsector

Theconference,organisedbyAfricastincollaborationwiththeZambia's MinistryofTransportandLogistics,accordingtoAfricast'seventdetails, rangedfromthecreationofnewtraderoutestoagrowthinthevolumeof exports which will translate into a faster and less expensive transport system and improved connections between the domestic and international transport and logistics forwarders.The implementation of theAfricanContinentalFreeTradeArea(AfCFTA) [oneofthethirteen flagship projects ofAgenda 2063: TheAfrica We Want, of theAfrican Union] will have a large positive impact on theAfrican Transportation and Logistics Industry “LLZ attracts regional key players from SADC and in 2023 will focus on getting the best from theAfCFTAagreement while giving transport and logistics professionals access to strategic content, business networking, valuable lead generation, and brand awareness.” Africast further explained, “the conference engaged all stakeholders involved in the transport and logistics sector on how to provide optimum, effective and efficient transportation and logistics solutionstoimproveservicedeliverytobetterrespondasasectortothe needsofallusersofourtransportsystemswhilstchampioningethicaland sustainablebusinesspracticesthroughtransparency.”

Trans- Kalahari Mamuno

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eastwards from Swakopmund, through Karibib, to Okahandja, where it reachesajunctionwiththeB1Highway Atthisjunction,theB2Highway ends,andthecorridorbecomestheB1Highwaysouthwards.Theentire section from Walvis Bay to Okahandja is shared with the Walvis BayNdola-LubumbashiDevelopmentRoad(Trans-CapriviCorridor).

FromOkahandja,itheadssouthwardsastheA1Road(thatisthefreeway sectionoftheB1road)for70kmtoWindhoekwhereitreachesajunction withtheB6road.Atthisjunction,thecorridorbecomestheB6eastwards. ThesectionfromOkahandjatoWindhoekissharedwiththeTripoli–Cape TownHighway

From Windhoek, the corridor heads eastwards as the B6 for 315 km, through Gobabis, to the Buitepos Border, where it crosses the national boundaryinaneasterlydirectiontoenterBotswanaandbecometheA2 road.FromBuitepos,thecorridorheadseast-south-eastastheA2for750 km,throughJwaneng,tothebordertownofLobatse.Immediatelyafter Lobatse,atSkilpadshek,thecorridorcrossesthenationalboundaryinan easterly direction to enter South Africa and become the N4 road (PlatinumHighway).

From Skilpadshek, the corridor heads eastwards as the N4 for 285 km, through Rustenburg, to Pretoria (Tshwane; Capital of South Africa), where the Trans-Kalahari Corridor ends at an interchange with the N1 road. The N4 then continues eastwards from Pretoria to reach the Mozambique border at Komatipoort (415 km), as part of the Maputo Corridor,completingtheroutefromWalvisBaytoMaputo.

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Mulundufacedtwocharges,namelyMurderand Defeating the Course of Justice for allegedly assisting his sister, Madisia with concealing Wasserfall's remains. He handed himself over for his involvement shortly after his sister's arrest. The two have been in police custody since. BothMadisiaandMulunduonlypleaded guiltytothecountoftryingtoDefeattheCourse ofJusticeanddisposingofWasserfall'sremains inthedunes.

Shannon Wasserfall was 20 at the time of her disappearanceinthebeginningofApril2020at WalvisBay Herremainswerediscoveredburied onashallowgraveinthedunessixmonthslater

Namibia's Net Zero Village- Daures Green Hydrogen Village

Eliphas Sheepo

TheofficialgroundbreakingoftheDauresGreenHydrogenVillage(DGHV),took placeon27MarchintheDauresConstituencyandmarksagreatadvancetowards Namibia'sgreenhydrogenagenda.

ChiefexecutiveofficeroftheDGHV,andsoonto be Africa's first net zero village, Jerome Namaseb confirmed that the project as per signingofcontractwithSouthernAfricaScience ServiceCentreforClimateChangeandAdaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) was calculated at N$220 million, fully funded by Germany's FederalMinistryofEducationandResearchand this is only in phase one, pending feasibility studiesforphasestwotothree.

sent to the port of Walvis Bay through gas pipelines and combined with nitrogen to produce liquid ammonia that will be traded withintheregionandeventuallyEurope. Another highlight is the climate controlled greenhouses that will be powered by fuel cells using this locally produced hydrogen and ammonia. Estimated to produce up 500 -600 tons of Africa's first carbon free “green” TomatoesandCarrots.

Kindly take note that due to the public holiday next Friday our next edition will be on

Thursday, 6April 2023

Dear Readers Happy Easter


“Formsofthisprojectwillbegoingliveoverthe next12months,agriculturewillcertainlybethe first part most likely in October this year, we anticipateproducinghydrogenbetheendofthe firstquarter2024.”

Green hydrogen will be produced by using energy generated from the wind turbines and solar panels to break apart water molecules (H₂ O) into hydrogen and oxygen through a process calledelectrolysis.Initsfirstphasetheprojectis sourcing water from commercial boreholes dug aroundthecommunity ButGreenHydrogenCommissionerofNamibia

James Mnyupe envisions that as the project grows through phase two to four could actually start drawing water from the desalination plant further down in the Erongo region near Swakopmund. In these phases hydrogen will be

Namaseb also emphasized how community oriented this project is, employing over 100 Namibians during construction and 50 as permanent. “We will also be establish 12 communitygardensthatwillcreatesustainable jobsandfoodsecuritytoover1000peopleinthe conservancy

In his speech Daure Daman Traditional Authority Chief Z Seiseb outlined how the weatherconditionsinthisareaareperfectfora project such as this, stating; “This wind will sometimesblowsomuchsothatyouwillnotbe abletoseesomeonethatisnexttoyou.”Which wasanallegoryforhismainmessageofhowhe hopes that this project, unlike the countless previous projects which only left them with emptypromises,helpsthecommunitymembers benefit from what they for quite long saw as a disadvantage.

Shannon Wasserfall Azaan Madisia and Steven Mulundu who stand accused of the murder and burial of Shanon Wasserfall The place where the body of Shannon Wasserfall was found in a shallow grave

Construction of Hydrogen Plant on Farm 58 approved

In the Ordinary Council Meeting of the Municipality of Walvis Bay held on Thursday, 23 March, it was recommended that 24 hectars (ha) of Portion 8 of Farm58beleasedtotheapplicant,CleanergyNamibia(Pty)Ltdforaperiodof 25yearstobeextendedforafurtherperiodasagreeduponbetweentheWalvis Bay Municipality and Cleanergy Namibia for the purpose of a Hydrogen Pilot Plant.

It was also recommended Cleanergy Namibia providesallservicesatowncostandadheresto theguidelines/standardrequirementsforwater connection, water/sewerage/electricity reticulation.AreportpresentedintheOrdinary Council Meeting states: “At its meeting held on 6 September 2022, council resolved under item11.10,interalia,asfollows:

1. That the remaining portion of Portion 8 of arm58,WalvisBay,bereservedforCleanergy Namibia(Pty)Ltd(theapplicant)forthefuture expansion.

2.Thattheapplicantsubmitswithin12months afterthisreservationthefollowing:

· The Environmental Clearance for the pilot project.


·Financialcapabilitythatfundsareavailableto startwiththeproject.”

An update and application from Cleanergy

Namibiatothecouncilindicates,whilesomeof theprocessesarestillongoing,they[Cleanergy Namibia]wanttocontinuewiththeleaseofthe 24haofPortion8ofFarm58for25years,with anoptiontobuyafteralltheplanningandother related matters have been attended to and

completed. This request by the company is necessitatedbythefacttheprocessofthesaleof land will take too long due to the services that still need to be installed which will ultimately cause delay in the envisaged project. It is the intentionofCleanergyNamibiatostartwiththe developmentwhilesomeoftherequirementsare still ongoing. An excerpt of the report further reads: “Theproposalbytheapplicantisofsuch a magnitude to be supported by council with relation to Local Economic Development, whereby value addition as well as a Hydrogen plantwillcreatemuchneededjobopportunities inWalvisBay Theideaoftheapplicantistostart withearthworksandsomeconstructionworkon site immediately following the ECC approval that is expected next month ” Cleanergy

Namibia also indicated they will provide bulk servicesandroadinfrastructuretoFarm58and other developers that will follow must refund themproportionallyfortheinvestment.Council said the project will further emphasise the Government initiative on green energy and hydrogen projects in Namibia. “This will ultimatelycreateemploymentandskillstransfer to Namibians in our region and Walvis Bay in particular.”

Dangerous goods storage facility to be considered by Walvis Bay Municipality

TheapplicationbyDesertStorageCCtoestablishastorage facility for dangerous goods at Farm 38 in Walvis Bay has been submitted to the Walvis Bay Municipality for consideration after the Ministry of HomeAffairs, Immigration, SafetyandSecurityapprovedtheapplicationon7February 2023.

DesertStorageCC[applicant]indicatedtocounciltheywanttoleasefive hectaresofFarm38fortenyearsforthestoragedangerousgoodssuchas Ammunition Detonators, Emulsion; Batteries containing Sodium; AmmoniumNitrate;UraniumOxideandBatteriesSulphuricAcid. Inthe OrdinaryCouncilmeetingheldattheKuisebmondCouncilChamberson Thursday, 23 March, council presented in a report, recommendations regardingtheapplication.“Safetyandsecurityareofutmostimportance, and all regulations with regard to safety must be adhered to.” Among others, council recommended the applicant provides all services at own costandadherestotheguidelines/standardrequirementsforallservices, i.e., water connection, water/sewerage/electricity reticulation, and enclosetheleasedareaalsoatowncost.Itwasrecommendedtheapplicant shall, on vacating the site, rehabilitate the area to the satisfaction of the GeneralManager:RoadsandBuildingControl.


InaCouncilMeetingheldon9November2021,councilresolvedthatinprincipleapprovalbegiventoDesertStorageCCprovidedtheapplicant submitswithinsixmonthsafterthisin-principleapprovalaconciseproject proposal that indicates the timeline of the planning activities and approvalsfromrelevantauthoritiessuchastheExplosives/RadiationUnit of the Namibian Police and consent from NACOMA, with consent/ supportfromtheMinistryofMinesandEnergyandtheNamibianPorts Authority, and consent/support is obtained from the Namibian Defense Force,AirportsCompany,NativeStorageFacilityandanyotherrelevant offices. It was also resolved the applicant obtains an Environmental Clearance Certificate in terms of section 56 of the Environmental ManagementAct, 2007 (Act 7 of 2007) form the Ministry of Environment, Tourism, Directorate: Environmental affairs within a year [12 months] of the notification of council's in-principle approval and in the event of the applicant failing in the points discussed in this November 2021councilmeeting,theresolutionshallbedeemedcancelledandofno furthereffect.

Website:www.namibtimes.net Website:www.namibtimes.net Website:www.namibtimes.net
Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Court Swakopmund Court Report


JohannesAshipala (33),Andreas Kandjek (30) and Saymore Chiradza (34), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto5 July for continuation of trial. JohannesAshipala ha been warned and his co-accused are s onbail.

Del Pi Laar Lylly Goretta Coimbra (33), appeared on charges of malicious damage to propertyreadwithprovisionsofthedomestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and assault by threat.Thematterwaspostponedto1August forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Nikanor Sylvanus (65) and Teofelus Vakoma (43), appeared on charges of attempted murder and arms and ammunition act- dischargeofafirearm.Thematterwaspostponed to10Mayforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Uitani Paracelsus Namubeb (30) and Panduleni Desmond Kanime (31), appeared on charges of the liquor act- failure to comply withthedemandofapoliceofficerintermsof act 6/1998 and assault on a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 10 May forlegalaid.Theaccusedareonbail.

A 17-year-old boy, appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 3 May forjuvenilescreening.Theaccusedwasreleasedincareofguardian.

Quinton Ouseb (31), appeared on three

counts of rape charges and a charge of kidnapping.Thematterwaspostponedto27April forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremains incustody

Gideon Israel (43), appeared on charges of recklessornegligentdriving,failuretoprovide specimen of breath and driving without a driver's licence. The matter was postponed to 11Aprilforplea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

DenzilKlaaste(29)andErnestXoagub(32), appearedonachargeofdealingindependence producing substance. The matter was postponedto26Aprilforplea.Theaccusedareon bail.

Erwin Marcel Doeseb (23), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharmandmaliciousdamagetoproperty Thematterwaspostponedto5Julyforpleaand trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

BeakinVanStaden(18),appearedonacharge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto13Julyfor pleaandtrial.Theaccusedha beenwarned. s Willie Alfred Shitima (25), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain injuries. The matter was postponedto27Aprilforfurtherinvestigation.


Pinehas Tangeni Amunyela (33) and Mika Mika (21), - appeared on a charge of house

breakingwithintenttostealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto20 Julyforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

PhillipOpperman(26),appearedonchargesofrecklessornegligent drivingandfailingtoreportanaccident.Thematterwaspostponedto 15Augustforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

LazarusShihepo(23),appearedonachargeof27Aprilforco-accused toberearrested.Theaccusedisonbail.

Quewine Moller (19), appeared on a charge of driving under the influenceofintoxicatingliquor.Thematterwaspostponedto21June fortrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

StefanusLinekeela(20),appearedonachargeofrobbery.Thematter waspostponedto11mayforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

CyrasHoebeb(22),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto11Mayforfurther investigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody

AshleyGanuseb(24),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponedto27Aprilforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsin custody

SeibebBranden(31),appearedonachargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponedto7Augustforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Morgen Gonteb (37), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intenttostealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto24Aprilforlegal aid.Theaccusedisonbail.

DavidGuiseb(24),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 4April for plea. The accusedremainsincustody

OswaldFrans(28),appearedonachargeofassaultwithintenttodo grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto24Aprilforfurther investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

GeorgeVeldskoen (39), appeared on a charge of murder.The matter waspostponedto30Mayforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedison bail.

Pendapala Shatyohamba (34), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matterwaspostponedto27Aprilforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

StevenTsaeb(34),appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintent tostealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto3Mayforfurtherinvestigations.Theaccusedremainsincustody

ShilumaJeremia(24),appearedonachargeoffraud.Thematterwas postponedto2Mayforlegalaid.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Collin Boois (36), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto2Mayforlegalaid. Theaccusedisonbail.

EsterNangwena(36)andChipoMapfima(35),appearedonacharge offraud.Thematterwaspostponedto16Mayforfurtherinvestigation. Theaccusedremainsincustody

Helmut McKay (43), appeared on charges of assault by threat and crimeninjuria.Thematterwaspostponedto30Mayforotherreason. Theaccusedremainsincustody


Police investigates murder

A case of Murder has been opened after a man, soaked in bloodwasfoundlyingunconsciousinOmbiliStreet,DemocraticResettlementCommunity(DRC),Swakopmundinthe earlyhoursofWednesdaymorningthisweek.

According to police reports, the deceased man, who is not yet identified,wasfoundbarefeetinblood-soakedclothes.Thedeceased isdarkincomplexionandbelievedtobebetweentheagesof34and37. Erongo police's Unit Commander of Community Affairs, Inspector Ileni Shapumba said police are following up on the matter with confidenceandthepublicwillbeinformed.“Werequestanyonewith information in this regard to urgently contact the police.” Inspector Shampumbasaid.AnyonewithinformationisurgedtocontactDeputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu at 0812464757 or Detective Warrant Officer Cletus Kabuku at 0813910671 or report the nearest police station.

Estate agencies misleading the public

TheManageroftheNamibiaEstateAgencyBoard(NEAB) FestusUnengurecentlyexpressedhisdisappointmentwith thewayestateagentshandletheirclientsduetotheclient's lack of knowledge on how estate properties should operate andtheircodeofconduct.

AnestateAgency,4UPropertieshasrecentlybeeninthenewsafteritwasliquidated and ordered to stop operating late last year after numerous complaints of alleged defrauding were received by the board from members of the public (tenants and landlords)datingbackto2021.Allegationswerethat4UPropertiesallegedlydonot givedepositmoneybacktotenantsastheyshouldhave,whichUnengusaidisacommon practice in Namibia from estate agencies in the sense that they always find somethingorthereisalwayssomethingbrokenorsomepaintingneededtobedoneso they come up with these things and that is the problem that NEAB is having, that estateagenciesdonotwanttopaybackdeposits.

Earlierthisyear,NEABrequestedlandlordsunder4UPropertiestoterminatetheir mandateswith4UPropertiesandfindanotheragencytomanagetheiraffairs,andto communicate such to their tenants. NEAB further requested all tenants to cease communicationandpaymentsto4UPropertiesandinstructedthatcommunications andpaymentsshouldbedirectlymadetolandlords.

WhenNamibTimescontactedUnengutogetclarityonthematter,Unengusaid4U Properties is currently not operating, “However we have received information that Mr Ryno Du Plessis (Owner of 4 U Properties) is working with Christian Thiart (ThiartProperties),andhemaynotdothat.Mr DuPlessismaynotdothatbecausehis fidelity fund certificate was withdrawn.” NEAB received about 17 to 20 cases or complaintsagainst4UProperties.

Unengufurthersaid,uponhisinvestigation,whenhevisited4UPropertiesOfficesin Swakopmund,therewerenosinglefilesorleaseagreementsorsalesagreements,etc. It is based on that reason that I went back to the disciplinary committee and that is whentheirfidelityfundcertificatewaswithdrawn.

Unengusaid,“Mr DuPlessisjusttoldmethathehandedoverallhisclientstoMr Chris Thiart of Thiart Properties Investment and that he is now busy working on those, which is very wrong. 4 U Properties was supposed to inform all their clients thattheyarederegisteringandthereisaderegistrationformwithNEAB,theymust thenderegister,partofthederegistrationisclosingtheirbusinessandtrustaccounts andthenpayingoverthebalancestothecorrectpeople.Afteryouclosethosetrustand businessaccountsyougivethatinformationtous,andwewillthencloseyoudown appropriately.”

AccordingtoUnengu,onlyafteranestateagencygivesbackthetenantsorlandlords whatisduetothemcantheagencytellthelandlordstochooseanyestateagencyof their choice, “so only at this point should 4 U properties have promoted Thiart Properties.Youcannotforcesomeonetoworkwithanagency,maybeanotheragency willprovidebetterservice.”

“So,oneoftheallegationswereceivedregardingDuPlessisisthathefailedtopay back deposits and another allegation we received from the landlords is that the landlordsdonotgetpayments.Landlordsgiveovertheirpropertiesto4UProperties andthen4UPropertiesreceivetherentfromthetenants,thereisproofthattenants pay the rent into 4 U's account, which I am also very unhappy with because the contractisbetweenlandlordandtenant,thereforetherentmoneymustbepaidbythe tenant into the landlord's account and only after seven days or whatever time is indicated and the tenant has not paid, that is when I send the estate agent to my propertytogofindoutwhymyrentwasnotpaid.Moneymustnotbepaidintothe estateagencyaccountandthentothelandlord,thatisverywrong.”

Anotherallegationmadewasthat4UPropertiesreceivedmoneyfromthetenantsand never paid it over to the landlords. Unengu further said they received queries that whentenants,landlordsandevenestateagenciesthatusetoworkfor4UProperties asktheagencyformoneyduetothem,theagencyinformsthemthattheyareunder investigation and that the NEAB is busy with audits and only when NEAB is done will 4 U Properties be able to pay the people, Unengu said there is no truth in such allegations, “These people are misleading the public and members of the public should make sure they are dealing with registered estate agencies. Estate agencies mustregistereveryyear.”

UnengumentionedthatpeopleshouldcontacttheNamibiaEstateAgencyBoardto getclarity,thereisinformationontheirwebsiteorcalltheirNEABofficetogetmore information before signing a contract with an estate agency Contact NEAB at 061 249885/0811221828oratwww.neab.co.nashouldyourequiremoreinformationon howanestateagencyshouldlegallyworkandwhattheircodeofconductis.


All the Leos that was inducted with Leo advisors Jonathan Wilsnach, Ame Geldenhys, Lion President Mare Steenkamp, Her Worship the Mayor, District Governor Charles Flanagan, Namibian Regional Chairperson Gert Grobler, Zone Chairperson Chris Bruyns

Lions Club Swakopmund

Swakopmund,Namibia-TheLionsClubofSwakopmundhaschartered and sponsored the first Leo Club in Namibia. The LeoAlpha Club was officiallyinauguratedonMarch27,2023,markingasignificantmilestone fortheyouthorganisationandthecommunityitserves.

The Leo Alpha Club is a youth organisation affiliated with Lions Clubs Internationalthataimstoprovideyoungpeoplewithopportunitiesforpersonal development,leadershipexperience,andcommunityservice.TheLeoAlpha Clubisopentoindividualsbetweentheagesof12and18andtheLeoOmega Clubisopentoindividualsbetweentheagesof18and30,whoarepassionate aboutmakingapositiveimpactontheircommunities.

The chartering ceremony was attended by members of the Lions Club of Swakopmund, the District Governor Charles Flanagan, and the Mayor of Swakopmund,HerWorshipDinaNamubes.TheeventcelebratedthecommitmentanddedicationoftheyoungindividualswhohavechosentojointheLeo AlphaClub.

"WearethrilledtobesponsoringthefirstLeoClubinNamibia,"saidSwakopmund Lion President Mare Steenekamp. "The LeoAlpha Club will provide youngpeoplewiththenecessaryresourcestodeveloptheirleadershipskills, participateincommunityserviceprojects,andmakeapositiveimpactontheir communities.”

The LeoAlpha Club will be led by a board of officers who will oversee the club'sactivitiesandprojects.Thenewlyelectedboardofdirectorsare:





District Governer Charles Flanagan, Mayor and new elected Leo President Juliene Ndjedja and Johanathan Harris upcoming Leo Omega Present.

Photo right: District Governor, Charles Flanagan with board of directors of the 1st Leo Club in Namibia –Treasurer – Leckinat Mulundileni, Sectretary – Hilda Kazarako, Vice-President – Gift Booysen, President –Juliene Ndjendja, Additional Board members –Kimberley-Anne van Reenen, Candle Bam and Lukas Taneni

AdditionalBoardMembers–Kimberley-AnneVanReenen,CandleBamand LukasTaneni.

TheclubwillworkcloselywiththeLionsClubofSwakopmundtoidentifyand implementcommunityserviceprojectsthatwillbenefitthelocalcommunity "WeareexcitedtohavethefirstLeoClubinNamibia,"saidDistrictGovernor CharlesFlanagan."ThisisasignificantmilestonefortheLeoorganisationand forthecommunityitserves.WelookforwardtoworkingwiththeLeoAlpha Clubtocreateabetterfutureforall."

TheLeoAlphaClubisnowopenformembership,andinterestedindividuals areencouragedtocontacttheLionsClubofSwakopmundFacebookpagefor moreinformation.

Newly inducted Leo's with the Mayor and Swakopmund Lions president Mare Steenkamp

Fruits and vegetables worth N$3 billion imported

Duringthehandoveroftheagriculturalequipment,sewingmachines,andwheelchairstheGovernorofErongoregion,NevilleAndreItope,revealedthatforthe pastthreeyears,NamibiahasimportedfruitsandvegetablesworthN$3billion,a figurethatheisnothappywith.

Itope said, “this means that every yearweimportfruits and vegetables worth a billion dollars.Thisshouldnot be, because once you import fruits and vegetables, we are exporting employment to other countriesandweare

also taking away the foodthatneedstocome to the table, we are exporting that because wearenotempowering our people and we are not giving the opportunitytoourpeopleto grow food that we can produce in our country.”


go Regional Governor handed over agricultural equipment, sewing machines, and wheelchairs his office received from the private sector and individuals to beneficiaries within the region on Thursday, 23 March in Swakopmund.


theitems,Itopesaid,“I am very happy to announce today that what we are handing over today came out of the private sector, people that really try to go deepintotheirpockets, people that produce Some of them are companieswheresome of our brothers and

sistersareworkingday and night and the profits they make are what we are getting today So, it is the contribution of people thatsawitfittobepart and share with the wholenation.”

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NAMRA) donated 1 037 agricultural equipment such as rakes, shovels, and picksthatwillbedistributed to farmers or people that are already engagedinagricultural

projects across the region so that they can continue to grow and producemore.

Itope said he hopes the donation of agricultural equipment will expire the people who areinthesectortogrow more, work hard, and produce food not only for their families but alsofortheshops.“We would want to see that whatyouareproducing in your backyard or at your project is having space on the shelves in

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Filemon Mathew, P O Box405,Okahandja.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:

3 Address/location of p

h application relates: Erf 7703, Nehale Iyampinga Street..

4. Nature and details of application: Application for a Special Liquor Licence.

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Walvis Bay

Shoprite, Woolworths, and all those other shops we buy food from in our country Thisdonation should increase production levels so that we do not import our food from other countries so that we eatwhatweproduce.”

Rani Group of Companies also handed over 50 wheelchairs and the Office of the First Lady donated twosewingmachines.


6 Date on which application will be lodged:29March2023.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10May2023. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary,notlessthan21 daysbeforethedateofthe meetingoftheCommittee at which application will beheard.

Visit our store for some amazing deals on a wide range of Building Materials and Hardware @ 160 Circumferential Road, Walvis Bay MAKITARotary Hammer Drill 710w 22mm SDS PLUS @ N$ 2 510.00 each Einhell sliding Mitre SawTC-SM216 @ N$ 3179.00 Each Diamond Blade 230mm Kit @ N$ 1752.00 each Supwhite Bisonlam Peen 2750 x 1830 x 16mm @ N$ 734.52 each Hammer claw 25mm & Clamp Set 3Pcs @ N$ 240.00 each THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS 160CircumferentialRoad Tel:064277000,WalvisBay Walvis Bay * All prices valid while stocks last MINISTRY
Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee,Region
Sharlien Tjambari
14, 26
The Booth Lodge
, Kuisebmond
remises t

KAS scholars meet civil society organisations in Swakopmund

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Foundation held an information-sharing session with a group of 15 KAS Scholars from Germany, Civil Society Organisations in Swakopmund and the municipalityofSwakopmundon24March.

TheaimoftheengagementwasforKASscholarstogainabetterunderstanding of the role of Civil Society and various activities and organisations on the ground, including a brief overview of the impact of a collaboration of Civil SocietyOrganisations(CSOs)registeredwiththeSwakopmundMunicipality incontributingtowardcommunitydevelopment.Thehalf-daysession'sobjective was for CSOs and the Municipality in Swakopmund to mutually benefit fromtheinformationsharedbythescholarsonsimilarengagementsoverseas. ProgrammeManagerfortheKonrad-Adenauer-StiftungFoundation,NamibiaAngola Office, Claudia Gossow said, “we are here today in Swakopmund to meetandfacilitatetheplatformforcivilsocietyandthelocalauthoritytocontinueengagingfromourpreviousroundtablediscussionwehadin2022,todiscusssomeoftheoutcomessincethediscussionlastyearandhowtherelationshipbetweencivilsocietyandthelocalauthorityhasstrengthenedthusfarand whatchallengesaretherethatneedtobetackledfromboth sides.

TheKASscholarswhovisitedSwakopmundcomefromabroadbackgroundof academics,rangingfrommedicinetoeconomicsandpolitics.Gossowsaidthey aretheretoensurethatacrosstheglobetheirscholarsareeducatedandinformedonsomeoftheactivitiesthatarehappeningonthegroundforthefoundation andtoenrichtheirstudies.Gossowfurthersaid,“welookforwardtothenext discussioncomingupinafewmonths,tofindouthowtheprogressisinterms of the municipality engaging with civil society in registering civil society organisationsandcommunity-basedorganisationsatthemunicipalityandforthe municipality,wehavetoestablishaCBObookletthatcanbedistributedacross Namibiaandfacilitatefurthertrainingforcivilsocietyintheregion.

FounderofNecessityWellnessProfession,PeninaHaimbondisaidtheparticipation of CSOs is a crucial element of democracy and civic participation in governanceisthefundamentalpillarinthepromotionandprotectionofdemocraticgovernance.“Civilsocietyorganisationsoftenlacktheinstitutionalcapacity to play a meaningful role in the development of Namibia and that is wheretheKonrad-Adenauer-Stiftungcomesinwhentheyrealisedthatthereis agapandchallengesincapacitybuildingamongstorganisations,theycomein tomakesurethereisorganisationalcapacity.”


Sunshine Corner Montessori Elementary School Camp 2023

OurYearTwo'sandThree'sspenttwonightsatGoanikontes in the Swakop River. The children thoroughly enjoyed this 'team-building'experience.

The animal 'petting zoo', as well as the obstacle course, hikes and swimmingpool,makethisanidealsettingforanyfamilytrip. WewouldliketothankallthestaffatGoanikontesfortheoutstanding facilitiesandfriendlyservice.Welookforwardtoreturningagain!




NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the GS Swakopmund Private School has applied to the Swakopmund Municipality for consent use, and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.

FortheSpecialpermissiontooperateaPlace of Instruction on Erf 2475, number 49 DiamondStreet,Swakopmund.

Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 14 days from the last publicationofthisnotice.

Contactpersons:MrLenardFickatcell:081 455 1322 or Mr J Heita (Manager: Town Planning)Tel:+2644104403.


Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Plannersintendstoapply,onbehalfofErongoRED(Pty)Ltd, to the Walvis Bay Municipality for consent for the following applications:

295Narraville:SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder, Permanent Closure of Portion 1 as Public Open Space, and RezoningofPortion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.

688 Meersig: Subdivision into Portion 1 and the Remainder andRezoningofPortion1fromSingleResidential(1:500m²) toUtilityServices.

1788 Kuisebmond: Subdivision into Portion 1 and the Remainder, Permanent Closure of Portion 1 as Public Open Space and Rezoning of Portion 1 from Public Open Space to UtilityServices.

2624&2625 Narraville Ext 1: Subdivision of Erf 2624 into Portion 1 and the Remainder, Subdivision of Erf 2625 into Portion 2 and the Remainder, Consolidation of Portion 1 and Portion 2 into Portion X and Rezoning of Portion X from SingleResidential(1:300m²)toUtilityServices.

2998 Narraville Ext 1: Subdivision into Portion 1 and the Remainder, Permanent Closure of Portion 1 as Public Open Space,andRezoningofPortion1fromPublicOpenSpaceto UtilityServices.

3213Narraville:SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder,PermanentClosureofPortion1asStreetandRezoningof Portion1fromStreettoUtilityServices.

ThepurposeoftheapplicationsistoenableErongoRed(Pty) Ltd to take transfer of existing substations situated on the above-mentionedproperties.

Theaforementionedapplicationsaresubmittedintermsofthe Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and theWalvis Bay Zoning Scheme.The permanent closures aresubmittedintermsoftheLocalAuthoritiesAct,1992(Act No.23of1992). TherezoningoflandzonedOpenSpacetoany otherlanduseisalistedactivityandwillbedealtwithinterms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007).


(a)thecompleteapplicationofeacherfliesopenforinspection at the town planning office of the Walvis Bay Municipality, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. The applications are alsoavailabletodownloadfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b)anypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionstoanyproposed application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withtheChiefExecutive Officer of the Walvis Bay Municipality and Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publication of thisnotice;

(c)Writtenobjections/commentsmustbesubmittedbeforeor on17:00Wednesday,26April2023.


ChiefExecutiveOfficer WalvisBayMunicipality POBox5017,WalvisBay



Applicant: StewartPlanning POBox2095,WalvisBay Tel:+26464280770 melissa@sp.com.na




(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Yokohama Seafood and Sushi Bar CC, P O Box 5294, Swakopmund

2. Name of business or proposedbusinesstowhich application relates: Yokohama Seafood and SushiBarCC

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 283, Shop no2. Bonus Marktplatz, Sam NujomaAvenue.

4. Nature and details of application: Application fortemporaryremovalof licenceRestaurantliquor licence FROM: shop 4A, Erf 4790 Stadtmitte, Swakopmund TO: Shop no. 2, Bonus Markplatz, SamNujomaAvenue,Erf 283.

5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.

6 Date on which application will be lodged: 29March2023.

7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10May2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee atwhichapplicationwillbe heard.


CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self Catering) ON ERF NO: 1355 TOWNSHIP/AREA:MeersigSTREETNAME&NO: PioneerStreetNo.22.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:AccommodationEstablishment(Self Catering).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person havingany objectionto theapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan21April2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: FestusWeyulu,POBox60585,Windhoek email:otistrading@gmail.com


Location: Walvis Bay

Your Responsibilities:

· Maintain and repair all cooling / refrigeration apparatus and equipment by following a fixed maintenance plan in factory and vessels

· Do preventative maintenance in line with budget

· Inspect all electrical/cooling equipment for proper functioning

· Manage and Control cooling/ refrigeration and temperature monitoring systems

· Handle standby operations on electrical systems and appliances

· Give proper feedback on executed work


· Grade 12, Qualified Cooling/Refrigeration Technician (Trade Test)

· Have 5 years experience in food processing plant / vessels

· Able to maintain and repair cooling systems operations

· Knowledge of cooling systems on vessels, factory, ice plant

· Knowledge of sound cooling / refrigeration management

· Knowledge of electrical operation

· Good interpersonal skills

· Work under pressure

· Must be able to plan and organise work tasks

· Must be able to work independently and in a team

· Must be at least bilingual

· Must be computer literate on an advanced level (excel)

· Must be willing to work overtime and stand-by

· Must have a driver's license

Your benefits

· Market – related remuneration

· Medical aid

· Pension

· Working in a well-established factory

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to zanobia.johannes@catofishing.com by not later than 15 April 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments


Location: Walvis Bay

Your Responsibilities:

· Weld stainless steel – Tig welding (70%)

· Must do argon and gas welding (20%) on trio machines or copper pipes

· Fabricate stainless steel conveyors, stands, stairs, tables and repairs

· Adherence to all health and safety procedures


· A minimum qualification: Grade 12 (mathematics as a main subject) and Welder / Fabricator

· A minimum experience of at least 3 years as a welder on vessels and factories

· Must be able to weld (TIG and Argon welding)

· Must be conscious about costs

· Must have knowledge of various legislation: H&S – safety at work

· Must be open-minded and willing to learn

· Must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills

· Must have excellent analytical skills and do fault finding

· Must be detail-orientated, analytical, and must focus on prevention

· Must have good practical mechanical insight

· Must have demonstrated excellent numeric and verbal ability (preferably multilanguages)

· Must be able to cope with a demanding work life (including working overtime when needed)

· Desirably must be able resolve simple problems

· Must follow instructions

· Must be computer literate

· Must have a driver's license

Your benefits

· Market – related remuneration

· Medical aid

· Pension

· Working in a well-established factory

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to zanobia.johannes@catofishing.com by not later than 15 April 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments

An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industrty An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industrty

C l a s s i f i e d s





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ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.

Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.





DoctorBombaBazuka–the nameisenough

ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs&feet, epelipsy,drinking/smoking, tobereleasedfromprison, manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast.Iknowyouhave beenletdownbyothersbut nowyourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102



(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,topassdriving,to protectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet


DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults.

Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwomanof yourchoice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandhimorher toloveyouonly,getattracted toarichmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, financialproblems,magic ringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hipsand breastenlargement,badlucks andmanymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299


Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime, Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE

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*Iamgoodinmakinga womantobeexcellentinbed, tobesweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingforthose peoplethatotherdoctors failedtoassist,finish unfinishedjobandmany more.MailOrderAvailable









Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage

Sexualsatisfactionbothmen andwomen














Doyouhavepiglice problems















Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors



Pregnancy - Education -

Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay& Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887

TheGoodNewsStop CryingTraditionalHealer

Powerfulisheretohelp anykindofproblems

ContactNumberDrAzula Whatsapporcall 0812248966





5.Stopyourpartnersfrom cheating

6.Bringbacklostlovers quick



9.Penisenlargementall stress






15.Protectingyourhouse properties


17.Hipsbreastandbuttocks enlargements


19.Getmanorwomanof yourchoiceyouwant

20.Sendwanaoil,walletand money

DrAzulaContact081224 8966/0857795317


DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults

Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,all pregnancyproblems,hips andbreastenlargement, financialproblems,magic wallet,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement


CallDrAtwabi081233 7274



SameDayresultscallor whatsapp0813675266

Bringbacklostloverthe sameday

Getmarriedquicklytoman orwomanofyourchoice

Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating














Getjobquicklyofyour choice



DRNYAMBE-Payafter successsamedayresults.

Bringbacklostloversame dayGetloveofyourchoice toamanorwoman.Get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice.Stop yourpartnerfromcheating, makehimorherloveyou only.Manhoodenlargement from5cm-30cmHipsand breastenlargement. Financialproblems,luck charmWincasinogambling wintenders,winpromotion atwork,wincourtcases, protectionyour body,getjobquicklyofyour choice,clearyour debts/loans Washoutbadluckusing khambaandmanymore. 0812916966

DRWANJAPayafter success,samedayresults.

Bringbackyourlostlover samedayGetaloveofyour choice.Getmarriedquickly toamanorwomanofyour choice.Stopyourpartner fromcheating.Tomakeyour loverhimorhertoloveyou onlyPregnancyproblems. Manhoodenlargementfrom 5cm-30cm.Hipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problemsRemovebadluck usingLyolaoil.Getjob quicklyandclearyourdebts /loans.



Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeninginpeople's lifeandhebringsbackall yourluckwhichistaken throughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:

1.Removingbadluck completely


3.Destroystokoloshiinyour life

4.Restoringbirthrights lucky


6.Breakingthechainsof familyproblemsand diseases

7.Providepowerful protectionagainstyour enemies

8.Blockingyourpartnernot tocheatonyou

9. Cureallwitchcraftdiseases

10.Bringsbackfinancial happiness


12.Customerattraction boostyourbusiness






18.Treatingcancer,TB, diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke, Bp,wombpain,jointpain, gout.

19.Hipandmanhood enlargement

20.Removingblackspotson yourskin

21.Stimulatesexualdesire andlonglastinginbed. Don'thesitatetocontacthim nowtowitnesstheendof your problems.



(TheBest). BadLuck-

LuckMuti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboost yourbusiness-Peopledon’t wanttopayyouback-


ProtectionofFarms,Houses, CarsandAnimals-Sexual transmittedsickness-all sicknessAsthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexuality-Spiritual doctorsinneedofmore spiritualpowers,etc. House Nr.(79)3191D.Johanna BensonStreetKuisebmond, WalvisBay Cell:0813033149

DOCTORKADELEPay afterresultsBringingback lostloverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice.Stop yourpartnerfromcheating, getattractedtoarichmanor woman.Pregnancy problems. Wingamblingandcasino. Getjob,promotionatwork, removebadluck,chitaka wallet,manhoodenlargement allsizes,hipsandbuttocks andmanymore..Calldoctor Kadelenow0812218201



Singlepersononly(no childrenorpets)

CentralNarraville,closeto DoctorsandShops



Kitchen,sink&cupboard nostove,floorstiled

Bedroom-BIC-Floors tiled





N$3000.00 N$3000.00permonth W/E incl.

Immediatelyavailable Nopictures.Onlytoview




Modern3bedroom,2 bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,big privatecourtyard. Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals.Strict selection


Availablefromimmediately N$7600.00p/mDeposit N$7600.00



Veryneat2bedroomflatto rentinWalvisBay,walking distancetoDunesideHigh SchoolandWelwitschia Hospital. Cornerunitwith BICsandstove,openplan kitchenandloungearea, balcony&undercover parkingforN$4950p.m. (Waterincl&Electricity excl). Availableon1April 2023.


MOREPOWERS Callorwhatsapp +264812549875

C l a s s i f i e d s



TORENT: 1xbedroomflat


Largeshower,toilet& basin







TORENT: Modernapartment

2xbedroom,garage,sun room,openplankitchen

2minutewalkawayfrom Lagoon N$6500.00p/m


ContactRyno: 0811403477



N$5300.00Water includedandpre-paid electricity


N$8350.00Waterand electricityincluded.


Contactus:081289 8668or0814351012


NewlybuiltTownhouse inOceanView


*2bathrooms(each bedroomwithowntoilet andbathroom)


*Openplankitchenwith loungeandbalcony




Contact:0818002358 formoreinformation.



TheNamibiaDartsFederationishostingtheirsecondlegofthe nationaltrialson30and31MarchinWalvisBay.



Commonshowerand toilet

Kitchenwithbicand stove Lounge






Comfortableand Affordable Accommodationwith DoubleorQueenbeds, En-suitebathroom,DSTV, Aircon,WiFi, BBQareas, Swimmingpoolandsafe parking.


Single:N$420,Double: N$550,Family:N$760



VACANCY: SalesAssistant

Honest Vibrantandfriendly Namibiancitizen

FluentinEnglishand Afrikaans




PleaseforwardCv’sto: LF@BDMNAM.COM

P.O.Box4032 WalvisBay

VACANCY: Prominentrestaurantin WalvisBayislookingfor sushicheftojoinour dynamicteam ForwardCVto logistics@rojobistro.com

Vacancy - Housekeeper

We are looking for a healthy, neat, energetic, lady with sober habits to join our team. Must have at least 2 years experience. Duties will include but are not limited to housekeeping and cleaning food , preparation, stock control. Must speak, read and write English. Afrikaans will be an advantage. Market related salary

Please forward CV to gm@nganduatsea.com




Drie-hoek WalvisBay N$650.00permonth

1xBuslicenseforrent. Bordertoborder Registeredundera company N$1400.00permonth.

Contact: 0812058000




1electrical4plateDefy Hopbrandnew N$2400.00

15Burnergashopbrand newN$1900.00

60litregasandelectrical deepfreezer(testedin workingcondition)


60litreelectricaldeep freezer(testedinworking condition)N$900.00

150litrechestfreezer (canbeusedasa storage/foodbox)


Woodenloungecorner benchplus2chairs (seats8)N$950.00

Pleasecontact:081328 8197



Any type of toner and liquid printer cartridges refill and selling.

Contact: 081 636 1858


3HeavyDutyindustrial upholsteryandcarpet washer.Idealforstartinga cleaningservicecompany



Sailboat“McGregor26" Boat+trailerinperfect conditionandlicensed.





Call:0811291100 onleaveamessage


Iama32yearold youngladywithsober habits.Lookingforany kindofworkinWalvis BayorLangstrand. Ihaveexperiencein housekeeping.



Amatured,hard workingladyisseeking employmentinPayroll /HR/Admin.

Ihaveyearsof experienceinPayroll (VIP),HRandgeneral admin.




Ekis‘nvroudringend opsoeknahuiswerk.Ek blyinWalvisbaai,maar soekwerkinMeersig, LagoonofLangstrand. Ekisbaiebetroubaar, enisAfrikaans sprekend.Vir3dae‘n week.


JOBWANTED: Lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay


JOBWANTED: Aladyislookingfor domesticwork,can takecareofchildren. MondaystoFridays. WalvisBayonly



Ekis‘ndameopsoek nahuiswerk,kinders oppas,skoonmaak, strykwerk,ekkanook kindersindieaand oppasofinslaap.Enige dagvandieweekby Riversplots,Nonidas, Rossmundvillageen Swakopmund.

Kontak:0816334942 /0817632112




About20femaleand60maleDartplayersfromall14regionswill compete for a place in the nation juniors: Under 25 (19 to 25), Seniors25to50andVeterans(Above50).Thefirstroundwasheld last year October in Keetmanshoop with the final round be heldinMaythisyear inWindhoek. National teams will representNamibiaat the African Union Sport Council Region 5 Championships (A.U.S.C Region 5) and selected competitions.


Following the much-anticipated co-sponsored PSG and Capricorn Group Ride theRidgesMTBthree-daystagerace,theorganisers,riders,andsponsorsagreed that the event, hosted from 24 to 26 March 2023 at Heja Lodge, was world class anditexceededallexpectations.

Village at Heja Lodge brought out the deeper essence of the Ride the Ridges eventwithliveentertainment,aginand beerbar,andvariousstalls.Familyand friendsgatheredearlyeachdayatHeja Lodge to cheer on the riders as they came in at the Rider Village, tired but exhilarated by the ride.Two lucky riders were surprised with Gondwana vouchersofN$10000.

WERKGESOEK: Ekis35jaaroud,getrouden betroubarevrouopsoekna huiswerk,kantoor skoonmaakwerk,kinders oppasofoumense.Ekhet‘n palliativecarecertificate,ek hetookkasierondervinding.

Ekkandadelikbeginin SwakopmundofLangstrand. MaandagtotVrydag. KontakRegina:

Iamlookingforany drivingwork.Ican operatemotorgrades, excavator,bulldozer, hydrauliccrane, forklift,withbasicfirst aidandoccupational healthandsafety certificates.Icanbe reachedonmyemail ssmakhosi@gmail.com forafullresume.I havecodeCdriving licensewithGP

Contact: 0814024325

This second annual mountain bike trail event was an epic adventure with a uniqueexperienceforthe202riderswho journeyed on the lush, green, scenic ridgessurroundingWindhoek. The demand for 2023 was so significant that entries were extended by 33%, yet the event was still sold out. Riders contributed donations as part of their entry fees to the Gondwana Care Trust, which was selected as Ride the Ridges official beneficiary PSG and Capricorn Group handed over a cheque for N$20 000 on Saturday to the Gondwana Care Trust.

The -day journey comprised three three stages, with the first stage offering an easyintroductiontotheweekend.Riders departed at from15:00 on Friday where they enjoyed breathtaking scenery from some of the highest mountains surrounding Windhoek, followed by a sundowner at 2100m above sea level where they were rewarded with a cold beverage.

OnSaturday,ridersrelishedthe second stage, which took them ononeofthehighestridgelines in Namibia on a flowing jeep track, spread out over three privately owned farms and restricted access land. Finally, the last stage commenced on Sunday when riders took a shorterroutethroughthescenic LasVegasNamibiacamp. Water points were available on allthreestages,andaRider

“PSG Namibia is proud to have been involvedagainthisyearintheRidethe Ridges, which was again a huge success thanks to all the riders who participated. We are honored to support eventsthatalignwithourvalues,andwe will be back next year,” said Brian van Rensburg:DirectoratPSGNamibia. “Capricorn Group is proud of its partnership with PSG in hosting this unique -day stage race. The event three definitelyexceededourexpectations,and it was yet another unique experience for riders. We are looking forward to next year,” said Marlize Horn, Group Executive:Brand&CorporateAffairsat CapricornGroup. RidetheRidgesisunlikeanythingriders have ever ridden in Namibia, with magnificent scenery and great hospitality Ridge Riders walked away from this unforgettable experience richer and eagertojointhenexthostedevent. Patrick de Goede from event organiser, Cycletec, said the Ride the Ridges is a celebration of cycling, providing a challenging yet thrilling experience for participants, hence no winner was declaredatthisyear'sevent. For more information, visit @ridetheridges on Facebook or www.cycletec. com.na or contact Festus Nakatana at

bedroomhousewith 2bedroombackyard flatinSunValley, Narraville
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5695307 31MARCH2023 NAMIBTIMES 13
Quintin Hartung, Group Environmental and Social Impact Manager at Gondwana Collection hands over a voucher to lucky riderDannyBeukes Happy riders journeying the route Riders riding up high ridge lines, with breathtaking background scenery


The international fistball Cohen tournament will take place in WindhoekonSaturdayatthegroundsoftheCohenFistballClub.

The kick-off will be at 0 00 with the U/11 :8 games. The cup tournament,whichwaslast held in 2018, is there-

fore celebrating an even greater comeback. With two teams from Germany as well as Bundesliga and


Mompolo Entertainment 2 herewith intends to applytotheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilfor Special Consent “place of to operate a amusement’’-gamblingandbaronthepremises of Erf 4077, Mondesa Proper, (Independence Street)asprovidedforintermsofClause6ofthe Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering PlanningServices. &

Any person having any objection against such application should / lodge such objection s, in writing with 14days the publication and in of last to the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality,duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 25 April2023.

Contact persons: Mr A Joubert, Cell: 081 636 6719,Email:joubertchoppers@gmail.com or Mr J Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +2644104403


Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner, to the Karibib Town Council and/or the Urban andRegionalPlanningBoardforthefollowing:

[1] Rezoning of Erven 620, 621, and 622 Karibib Extension 1 from “Single Residential” (1:300m²) to “General Residential” (1:250m²) to permit two dwellingunitsoneacherf;

[2]ConsentfromtheKaribibTownCounciltoproceed with development on Erven 620, 621, and 622 Karibib Extension 1 while the rezoning is in progress;and

[3] Building line relaxation on Erven 620, 621, and 622 Karibib Extension 1 from the rear, street, and onesideboundary

TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)andthe KaribibZoningScheme.


(a)thecompleteapplicationliesopenforinspectionat the town planning office of the KaribibTown Council situated at 19 Kalk Street, Karibib or can be downloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Karibib Town Council and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice; © Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Wednesday,26April2023.

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na


ChiefExecutiveOfficer KaribibTownCouncil POBox19Karibib pa2ceo@karibibtown.org

national players from Germany and Austria, the tournament is peppered with international stars. The top favourite for the title this time is not the unstoppable team of thepast8years,CFC1, butSFC1.

In the category, 7 first teams entered, including two teams from TSV UnterpfaffenhofenGermering, two teams from SFC, one team from SKW and two teams from host CFC.

In the category, first CFC 1 meets TSV UnterpfaffenhofenGermering 1, CFC 2 andSFC2inGroupA.

In Group B, SKW 1, SFC1andTSVUnterpaffenhofenGermering twowillbattleitout.

The two best teams of each group advance to the semi-finals while the remaining teams playforplaces5to7in a round robin format.

With the German Bundesliga and national team player from TV Vaihingen/Enz, Johannes Jungclaussen, SFC 1 has strengthened their squad considerably In addition, the German national player Ida Hollmannisalsointhe starting line-up for the Swakopmund based team.Thus,thefistball players from the coast are aiming for their firstcupsuccessinanA category after 2011 BackthenSFCbolstered their attack with today's German international Nick Trinemeier In the meantime, SKW 1 from the

capital has also signed two Bundesliga players from Austria, Fabian Greifeneder and Elena Kalteis Both

offeredatrainingcamp for the youngsters of SKWlastweek.

It remains to be seen whether the series of

55 unbeaten matches oftheinjuredplagued CFC 1 will end and whether the hosts can evenwinamedal. In the cate secondgory, the guests from SKWentered5teams. The category is completed by SFC 3 and CFC3. The encounters are played in two halves of 12 minutes each. Only the final games are scheduled to be bestout sets.five

SPARNamibiaassistingthe NamibianJuniorTeams

TheJuniorMen'sandLadiesteamswiththetrainingjerseysfromSpar, and in centre Francois Lotter on the left and Eugene van Wyngaard on theright,bothfromSpar

The success of last year's world campaign, the National Junior Teams of Inline Hockey,withthebackingofSpar,kickedoff theiryearwithasuccessfultrainingcamp.


Location: Walvis Bay

Your Responsibilities:

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Your profile

· A minimum qualification: Grade 12 (mathematics as a main subject) and a welder certificate

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· Must follow instructions

· Must be computer literate

· Must have a driver's license

Your benefits

· Market – related remuneration

· Medical aid

· Pension

· Working in a well-established factory

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to zanobia.johannes@catofishing.com by not later than 15 April 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments

The 2022World Champion Ladies from Namibia and the 4th place world ranked Junior Men spent the weekend in Windhoek training at DTS. It was a great weekend to get all the players back together andworkinghard.

The players looked sharp most of the time withalittlerusttowork off. Spar Namibia was on hand as the proud backer of the Junior National teams (men andladies)forNamibia. Spar is supporting the National Program to a tuneofcloseto2million NADoverthreeyears. Money that will help keeps the athletes costs down and help make surethattheplayerscan continue to train. On hand from Spar was Eugene van Wyngaard (Director of Spar Namibia) and Francois Lotter (Regional operationalManager)whoon Saturdaymorninghanded over the new Spar trainingjerseys.

Eugene spoke to the teamsandcongratulated them on last year's suc-

cess and wished them luck in preparation for 2023 and said how proud Spar was to be sponsoring this group oftalentedplayersfrom Namibia. Players received a set of dark and light jerseys, branded with the Spar logo, which was very well received by theplayersandaddeda sense of purpose and professionalism to the trainingsessions.

Christine Röttcher, Captain of the 2022 World Champs and MVP of the World Championships, said, “The jerseys are really cool.Welookgoodand it's much easier to tell each other apart when playing on the rink. I feel so privileged to have Spar behind us thisyear It'sgoingtobe agreatyear!”

The next big event on the inline hockey calendar will be our firsttournamentforthe year,21–23April2023 at the Showgrounds hosted by the Badgers club.

14 NAMIBTIMES 31MARCH2023 School News
An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industrty
Wilko Hoffmann from CFC 1


The Shotokan Karate Academy in Swakopmund was the host of about200NamibiankarateathletesofallagesforthefirstSwakop OpenTournamentlastSaturday25March.

Athletes from Walvis BayandSwakopmund with karatekas from all over the country participated in both disciplines from as youngasfouryearsto 30yearsold.

The chief administrator of the Namibia Sports Commission

Freddy Mwiya who attendedthefirstSwakopOpensaidthatthe eventwasimportantto Namibia because ka-

rate is one of the developing sports, and he hopes that it would lead to more opportunities for national karatekas, such as selection for national teams.

Mwiya said “The future of karate in Namibia looks promising,anditishoped that events like this will continue to provide opportunities for personal development

and growth in the sport.”

Founder of Shotokan Karate Academy Sensei Valdemar Swart, said that it was his lifelong dream to host an open tournament where any karate athlete affiliated to any style of karate can enter and participate against each other in a friendlyandcontrolled environment.

Sensei Swart said


WiththeLIONSfundraiseradaynighteventlastFriday,therewas only a club competition on Saturday and a small field of 22 players turnedouttoplayafoursomeeventatWalvisBayGolfClub.

Foursomes aka 'sorry partner' is not played too often and more is the pity.

Pieter Fox andWoutervanWijkwonthe dayonacountouton 37pointsfromDavid Peake and Eckhardt


There was some contention about the rd3 prize as the third placed team did not have an official marker and as such

were not allowed to winaprize. This is a sad event but the committee need to be seen to be consequent in enforcing the rules. There was obviouslynotwoclubsor jackpotontheday

TheAEGIR MARINE Match play challenges are progressing well, thequarterfinalsasper the format will be playedonSaturday,16 September, with the

semi-finals on Saturday, 23 September with the third and fourth place play offs as well as the final being played on Saturday,30Septem-ber

The CORRIDOR LOGISTICS CORPORATEleaguewillkick off in September and will be played over three months so watch thisspace.

SOCIALLEAGUEfor non-golfer is in the

“Besides an opportunity for the athletes, theeventalsoprovided an opportunity for spectators to see some of Namibia's top karatekas in two disciplines,thetraditional side of karate for the style athletes, and the sport competition based on World Karate Federationrulesforall stylesofkarate.” Swart noted that the event also gave the “littleones”theopportunity to strut their stuff, with the aim to onedayrepresenttheir

pipe line at WBGC. The non-golfer will play three holes on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon at 17h30, for three weeks thus completing9holes. The BEST DRIVE individual event will be on Saturday, 1 April and the WBGC local sages on Sunday,2April.

The MultiSave Medal/WIP event will be on April 15 with the Walvis Bay Private School's Golf day on 21 April and DEWO Transport second leg on 22 April.


The Novanam monthly medal, otherwise knownasthemonthly“feeshing”competition washeldonSaturday,25MarchatRosmund GolfClub.

With a good field – 33 players – contesting the various divisions – unfortunately no juniors so theirfishwasauctioned–thanksFredvanZylfor picking up the tab – proceeds donated to the developmentprogram.Weatherconditions were almost perfect; this brought home some good scores – sunny but not hot –slight breeze coming in off the sea that pickedupastheafternoonworeon.

There were four 2-clubs coming from Kevin Wentzel & Bertie Saunderson on No.3;DouwvanWyk&CliveLawrenceon No.7.OurOverallMedalWinnerforMarch was Douw van Wyk shooting an excellent 71gross(evenparforthecourse)froma6 handicap–givinghima65nett.

Well played Douw, watch that handicap drop;”A” Division: Hans Naobeb 75nett; “B”Division:FredvanZyl72nett;“C”Division: Warren Theron 70nett; Ladies: Rina Knight 72nettwinningacountout.


Tordesillas and Novanam for their sponsorship and for officiating at the prize giving together withourveryreliableViceCaptain:MarkJacobs. The Graham Louw Invitational Golf Day is scheduledforSaturday1Aprilwitha–Betterball ScrambleDriveFormatwithaShotgunstart.This isasatributeandincelebrationofhisyearsspent atRossmund.

countryinternationally inthesport. Sensei Swart is confident that the Swakop

Openwillpavetheway for an international tournament, which includes neighbouring

countries, from next year,forthebenefitof karateNamibia.



About170femaleand male boxers from all 14 regions competed for a place in the Namibian national amateur boxing team that will represent Namibia at various international boxing tournamentslaterthisyear A well-represented Erongo region team that consisted of 11 boxers dominated the event by collecting eight gold and six silver medals to win the annual National Amateur Boxing Championship for the fifthconsecutivetime. The Khomas region was second with five gold medals and one bronzemedalwiththe Uniformed Forces (Namibian Defence Force, the Namibian Navy, and the Namibian Police) finished inthirdwiththreegold medals and the Oshanaregionone. The Namibian National Amateur Boxing team will consist of eight female and thirteen male boxers of which four female and eight male boxers will be selected to traveltoBotswanafor a training camp and the Five Nations Tournament.

The federation would have loved to take the whole team, but this depends on the availabilityoffunds.Onthe plus side, they will have a very strong group of reserves to call on should a situation arise that requires ustodoso.



Elifas Iimene of Khomas defeated Nanyalo Tadeus of Ohangwena intheEliteMale46kg48kgweightclass.

Lazarus Heita of the Uniformed Forces defeated France Shoombe in the 48 kg - 51 kg weight class. The fight was stopped after Shoombe sustained a cut underneath his left eye.

Johannes Trofimus from Oshana defeated Erik Erik from Erongo in the 51 kg - 54 kg weightclass.

TryagainNdevelofrom Erongo defeatedViano HangofromKhomasin the54kg-57kgweight class.

Elifas Shailemo from Unfiomed Forces defeatedPetrusUuwanga from Erongo in the 57 kg-60kgweightclass.

Divas Uushona from Erongo defeated Sakaria Kandjambanga

from the Uniformed Forces in the 60 kg63.5kgweightclass.

Jonas Lukas from From Erongo defeated Martin Tuyoleni from Hardap in the 63.6 kg - 67 kg weightclass.

Martin Kambaili from Erongo defeated Sinoka Sakaria from KavangoEastinthe67 kg - 71 kg weight class.

Petrus Festus from Khomas defeated Amon Josua from Erongo in the 71 kg75 kg weight class. Phillip Heveleni of Khomas defeated Elvin Nghishekwa of Erongo in the 75 kg80kgweightclass

Gerhard Iipinge from Erongo defeated Israel Amunyela from Oshana in the 80 kg86kgweightclass. Thefemalebouts, Erongo's Monica Kambonde beat Ohangwena's NdapandulaNgewheya, Khomas' Mirjiam Nghilongwa finished off Erongo's Hevelina Shuudifonya Khomas' Melissa Sekera beat Oshikoto's Bianca Nawina, Uniformed's Naanda Shalongo beat Erongo's NicolePhilander

NAMIBTIMES15 31MARCH2023 School News
The Erongo Regional BoxingAssociation in collaboration of the Namibian Boxing Federation, hosted the annual National AmateurBoxingChampionshipfrom23to25MarchattheMultipurposeCentreinMondesaSwakopmund. The winners Novanam March Monthly Medal (fltr) Warren Theron; Douw van Wyk; Hans Noabeb; Rina Knight; Fred van Zyl with MichaelTordesillas(sponsor). Rudi Bowe

namib times Sport Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net


The Prosperity Health and RMB Africa Triathlon Cup ChampionshipshostedbytheNamibiaTriathlonFederationon Saturday 25 March at the Mole in Swakopmund attracted about70competitorsfrom22countriesincludingNamibia

Namibia's elite TriathlonathleteAnriKrugel put up a strong effort and completed thewomen'selitedivisionsin14thplaceina timeof01:13:16whilst the Namibian junior Triathlon athlete Maja Brinkmanninatimeof 01:17:39tooksecond

place in the junior women's divisions of the African Triathlon Championships. The African Triathlon Championships were dominated by Dutch athletes Richard Murraywhowonthemen's division in a time of 57:00whilst Barbara de Koning won the elite women's division inatimeof01:05:09. South Africa dominated the junior men's category, with Kyle Erskine taking first place in a time of 01:05:49, Nathan Gallacher in second after 01:09:12, and Mário John Cossa from Mozambique happy to takethirdin01:12:08.

In the junior women's category, Kadence Ribbink from South Africa took first place inatimeof01:16:23,

with Namibian Maja Brinkmann second place in a time of 01:17:39 and Mikhaela De Oliveira from SouthAfricathird placeat01:18:26.

Richard Murray from the Netherlands won the elite men's divisionatimeof

57:00withEmilHolm fromDenmarksecond in a time of 57:22 and Matthew Wright from Barbados third in a timeof57:31.

Dutch athletes Barbara de Koning won theelitewomen'sdivision in a time of 01:05:09 with another Dutch woman Rachel Klamer second in a time of 01:05:19 and Gajdošová Romana from Slovakia third in atimeof01:05:28.


Tukondja Trading Enterprises Pty Ltd donated N$40 000 to the sportsdepartmentofDuinesigHighSchoolWalvisBay

According to the Sports Coordinator at of Duinesig High School, Mr Daniel Bock, the money was used to purchase new netball and volleyball uniforms, as well as the entrance fees for the rugby and netball teams to participate in the ongoingDesertSportsFestivalhostedbyWalvisBayPrivateSchool.

Mr Bock thanked Tukondja for their generosity and hopes this would inspire other companies to assist the school as well. Mr Bock has embarked on an ambitious project to upgrade the school's

sports facilities, starting with building netball courts and eventuallybuildingagrassfieldforthe rugby and soccer Currently these sportcodespredominantlypractice on sand surfaces and play all their home games at other facilities in WalvisBay Board members of Tukondja Mr Leon Barnes handed over the donation. He challenged other localbusinessestofollowTukondja's leadandsupportgrassrootssports inthecommunitiesthatneeditthe most.

Namibian junior Triathlon athlete Maja Brinkmann in action at the Africa Triathlon Cup ChampionshipsinSwakopmund The junior winners of the Africa Triathlon Cup Championships in Swakopmund at the back fltr Nathan Gallacher, Maja Brinkmann, Kadence Ribbink, Mikhaela De Oliveira and Mário John Cossa with Kyle Erskine in front Namibia's elite Triathlon athlete Anri Krugel in actionattheAfricaTriathlonCupChampionships inSwakopmund The elite winners of the Africa Triathlon Cup ChampionshipsinSwakopmund(fltr)EmilHolm, Rachel Klamer, Richard Murray, Barbara de Koning,GajdošováRomanaandMatthewWright Atthehandover (fltr)Mr HarryRencs(HODatDuinesigHighSchool),Mr Barnes(TukondjaBoard Member),Mr StanleyUri-Khob(PrincipalofDuinesigHighSchool),Mr Bock(SportsCoordinatorat DuinesigHighSchool),Mr CameronStevens(DS9Sportswear)withsomeofthelearnersshowingoff theirnewsportswear

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