Luxurious Oceania Riviera Cruise Ship Docks at Port of Walvis Bay
Namibia to Implement Entry Visas for Non-Reciprocating Countries
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security (MHAISS) has announced plans to introduce an entry visa requirement for nationals from countries that havenotreciprocatedNamibia'sfavourablevisapolicies.
This directive, unveiled by Etienne Maritz, Executive Director at MHAISS, aims to establish fair and balanced diplomatic relations. The newvisarequirement will affect citizens from 31 nations, including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,Britain,andthe
United States This policy shift comes in response to years of Namibia's one-sided goodwill gestures, where favourable visa treatment extended to nationals of various countries was not reciprocated. Maritz emphasised Namibia's history of generous visa policies, which have notbeenmetwithequi-
valent measures from the affected countries.
“This decision underscores our commitment to fostering fair diplomatic relations,”
Maritz stated The ministry will provide detailed information on the implementation date and application procedures through diplomatic channels in Continues on page 2
TheelegantpassengercruiseshipOceaniaRiviera,ownedby Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NCLH) and operated byOceaniaCruisesInc,hasmadeagrandarrivalatthePortof WalvisBaythisWednesday.SailingundertheflagoftheMarshall Islands, the Oceania Riviera is renowned for offering a luxurious experience tailored for culinary and travel connoisseurs.
TheOceaniaRivieraiscurrentlyona 12-day, one-way cruise from Trieste to Barcelona. The journey began on 29May2024,andwillconcludeon10 June 2024, promising passengers an unforgettablevoyageacrossstunning Mediterranean landscapes. Built in 2012 at the cost of USD 500 million and recently refurbished in 2022, the Oceania Riviera boasts impressive specifications:-Herlengthoverallis
251 meters, and she has a passenger capacity of 1 250 and 800 crew members. The Oceania Riviera has 15 decks with cabins on 6 decks. She boasts a total of 629 cabins. The ship offers an exceptional level of luxury and comfort, designed to cater to the sophisticated tastes of its guests. Its refurbishmentin2022ensuresstate-of-
Continues on page 2
Only 1 027 Spaces Available for Grade Ones
WalvisBayCircuit Education Inspector, Theresia Goagosessaidonly 1 027 spaces are available forgrade oneand300spaces available for preprimaryclassesfor 2025 at government schools in WalvisBay.
Goagoses said this at a meeting held on TuesdayatImmanuelRuiters Primary School in Kuisebmond. The meeting is hosted by the Walvis Bayeducationcircuiton
the 2025 Pre-Primary and Grade One enrolment process which is set to take place on Tuesday 4 June for Grade One and Wednesday 5 June for Pre-
primary Goagoses urgesallparentsnotto queue up and/or sleep infront of any schools prior to the enrolment date,ashasbeendone Continues on page 2
Luxurious Oceania Riviera
the-art amenities and modern, elegant décor Passengers aboard theOceaniaRivieraenjoyspacious accommodations, gourmet dining experiences, and a variety of onboard activities. The ship features world-class restaurants, offering culinary delights prepared by master chefs. This focus on fine dining and luxurious travel has
made the Oceania Riviera a favourite among discerning travelers With15decksandanarrayofleisure and entertainment options, the ship provides a high passenger-to-space ratio. The arrival of the Oceania Riviera at the Port of Walvis Bay highlights Namibia's appeal as a prime destination for luxury cruise liners.
Namibia to Implement Entry Visas
duecourse.Underthenewdirective, nationalsfromtheaffectedcountries willberequiredtoobtainvisasupon arrivalinNamibia.Thisprocesswill involve an applicable fee and an online visa application system Maritz assured that the measure is designed to uphold the principle of reciprocity in international relations and is not intended to hinder legitimate travel. Namibia remains committed to maintaining positive and mutually beneficial diplomatic relations while welcoming visitors
Continued from page 1
and tourists. The ministry will ensure that travelers from the affected countries receive comprehensive guidelines and procedures for visa issuance, promotingclarityandtransparency in the process. In summary, the MinistryofHomeAffairs'newvisa requirementpolicyseekstobalance international travel norms and upholdNamibia'sdedicationtofair diplomatic practices, ensuring that international visitors continue to feelwelcomedinthecountry
Only 1 027 Spaces Available
inthepast. “Parentstoqueueupattheschoolson theenrolmentdateandthoseparentswhoqueueup days before the enrolment dates for pre-primary andgradeoneinWalvisBaywillnotbeaccommodated.”AccordingtoGoagoses,“wewillworkon a first-come, first-served basis, and the children living in the area of the specific school will be givenpreference.IfachildstaysinNarravilleand applies at Narraville Primary School, preference willbegiven.”Goagosessaid,“parentswhodonot getaspacefortheirchildatarespectiveschoolare en-couragedtogototheWalvisBaycircuitoffice in Walvis Bay, where the child's name will be placed on a list for placement at a school. Walvis
Bay currently has nine government primary schoolswithatotalof2149learnersingradeone classes. Each year, the harbour town battles to place new learners at already-overcrowded schools.Toaccommodateallthelearners,schools make use of the platoon system, which requires learners to go to school in the afternoon,” she added. According to Goagoses, each year, the number of grade one learners increases. “We do nothavelatecomersperse,butparentswhodonot cooperate. However, for parents who are transferred from other regions for employment purposes, we deal with them at the beginning of the newacademicyear.”
Ministers Address Fishermen Concerns and Complaints
The Minister of Fisheries Derek Klazen and Minister of Labour, Utoni Nujoma recently convened a closed-door meeting at with ex-fishermen in Walvis Bay, to address their concerns and complaints raised over the Governmental EmploymentRe-DressingProgramme(GERP).
According to Klazen, themeetingwasheldto ensuresmootheroperations and sound labour relations in the fishing industry - more specifically within the cluster of employees employed under GERP “Despite the numerous complaints of the fishermen, the two ministers only met with committee members in the past This time around,theydecidedto face the ex-fishermen with all their issues head-on, with the sole objective of earnestly discussing the matters raised and, “hopefully put the matter to bed,” Klazensaid.Thefisheriesministersaidthatit is important to give clarityagainstgrowing misleading utterances whicharefalselyassuring all ex-fishermen of jobsatsea.“Itissimply not possible to reemploy all ex-fisher-
men on board fishing vesselsbecausefollowing their separation from their previous employers their previous jobs onboard fishing vessels have been taken over by other Namibians,” Klazensaid. “Thisisin part the reason why mostofthoseemployed undertheGERPdonot all have physical work fortheirhandsnowand continue to receive a monthly salary while outside the premises of their respective employers,” he added. A Cabinet decision directed the Ministries of Fisheries and Marine Resources and of Labour Industrial Relations and Employment Creation to secure fulltime and permanent gainful employment of specifically former NAMSOV employees andthosewholosttheir employment within the
fishingIndustryduring 2015 and immediately thereafter due to several reasons. After the Cabinet Directive and the efforts of the two ministries and their staff, a total of 2 483 ex-fishermen has been absorbed through GERP, of which 550 former fishermen employed in the horse mackerel sub sector whileafurther1933ex fishermen are in the hakesub-sectoragainst a tonnage of 18, 370 MT of Hake and 16,500 MT of horse mackerel Following theprogramme,fishermen have been resigning and petitioning the two ministries over employment conditions, with many insisting on jobs on fishing vessels as they are fishermen “As we convenetoday,Iwould like to stress that the government, through
the two ministries, is not an adversary, but a reliable partner and initiator of this whole process. I would further like to emphasise that this programme wasestablishedtoprovide dignity and sustenance to the affected ex-fishermen. The intention in creating this programme was not to undermine or oppose the very individuals whose livelihoods is our commitment,” Klazen said. Nujoma told the fishermen that they have been trying to resolve the complex disagreements which exist between the employers and employees.
Nujoma reminded the fishermen that Namibian fish stocks are declining,andthatthey need to take that into consideration while discussing the issues around their employment.
GERP Needs to be Reviewed
Because of the challenges the Government Employment Redress Programme (GERP)isexperiencingfromfishingcompaniesandthefishermenthemselves,the program needs to be reviewed said Fisheries Minister, Derek Klazen at a recent mediabriefing.
Thefisheriesminister saidatthemediabriefing that the decision came after the Ministers of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation held a consultation meeting in Walvis Bay with the re-employed fishermen under the programme,unionrepresentatives and eight companies to understandthechallenges.
Klazen said, “the Government Employment Redress Programme (GERP) has encountered several challenges some of which were genuine,whileothers appear to be superfluous and unduly influenced by political opportunism, personal gratification, conflicts and other dubious interests He said the meeting revealed there were initially fewer than 2 000 exfishermen in the group who lost their jobs, but more have joined the group, claiming they were among the Okapale fishermen “About 500 people resigned from Cavema Fishing. There were also workers from Pemba Bay,avesselthatwas
not working any more with also had 450 factory workers, consisting of women and men under the care of the National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (Fishcor) and more than1000employees.
Klazen said, when the expression of interest with companies went out, we tried to put the women in factories
This group embarked on a mass demonstration and handed petitions to these companiesandtheministry, of which responses were given at the meeting with the exfishermen. Klazensaid the companies under the programme were asked to employ the group on boats, at factories or in any job related to the fishing industry and were allocated quotas according to negotiations andagreementwiththe ministry on a certain rate.“Whatwerealised is that the rate is not sufficient for the companiestocharterorbuy their own boats. The companiesrealisedthat although they need boats, it does not make economic sense to bring in boats, because the amount of quota they received is not enough.” Accordingto Klazen, some companies also complain-
edthattheirquotaonly allowsthemtopayemployees a certain salary, with some fishermen paid while not workingbecauseofthe unavailability of vesselsandfactories.
“The fishermen are unhappythattheyonly earn about N$4 000 or N$5000whentheyare home or working at factories, while those on vessels earn about N$16 000 plus some benefits “There are not enough boats They are called when positions arise and are working on a rotation basis.We will go back and discuss our findings and renegotiate with the companies.”
Klazen said, “we cannot live with this unhappiness. I ask the affectedpeopletogive us an opportunity to get our findings togetherandworkonstrategies. He commended the participating companies for trying hard to make the programme work but notedthattheministry has the right to withdraw its agreement with those who are failingtoperform,and to consider which companies provide proper employment
Labour Minister, UtoniNujomasaidthe ministriesareawareof the fact that all
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Namibians are entitled to decent work and a decent standard of living. “We also employ other Namibians. While these ones were strikingin2015,others were employed. It is a challenge for companies to employ these workersnow Thereare not enough resources, and it is impossible for the government to provide more quota. If we had the resources, we could solve the problem overnight,” Nujomaadded. According to Nujoma the government cannot overlook the scientific findings and end up withoutresources.
“The sardines are already wiped out becauseofoverfishingby foreign trawlers. If we are not careful with hake and horse mackerel, the same will happen. We probably have to look at companies with available fishing boats and considerthem. Participating companies were warned not to victimise the workers who spoke out,”Nujomasaid.
Topnaar Primary School Suffers Major Renovation Setback
TheJPBrandPrimarySchool,withmorethan280pupilsfromgradeone toseven,andtheonlyschoolthatservestheTopnaarcommunityofUtuseb about 50 kilometres outside Walvis Bay, recently suffered a major renovation setback aftera fire destroyed the accommodations facility of oneofthematronsandthestoreroomsituatedattheschool.
According to the school's principal, Anna Maldrid Josti there was a lot of screaming, and she initially thought that someonewasfightinguntilone of the learners came running into her office screamingthattherewasa fire “We could only manage to grab the bed and the television of the matron, and when we wantedtograbsomemore items,thefirehadalready spread. Sheaddedthatthe block that caught fire was attached to the sleeping quarters block where somegirlsatthetimewas sleeping. “We managed to get them out and saved themattresses. Westilldonotknowwhat causedthefire,butweare thankful that no one was injured,”shesaid.
“Community members assisted in extinguishing the fire until the Walvis Bay fire brigade arrived,” she added and continued, “the next day all classes were suspended, as a psychologist visited that school and suggested that the burn -down area be t covered or that the debris
be removed, as it's been a traumatic experience for the learners.” Josti describ the incident as a ed massive setback on the plans to replace the windows Now the building has been affected by the fire any of these buil- M dings are wooden structures and are highly flammable. Josti said, “our firstpriorityistonormalcy and ensure the safety of to ourlearners.
Hence,weneedimmediate assistance to repair the damaged infrastructure andpreventsuchincidents inthefuture.Wealsoneed tonowconcentrateonhow to clear the debris, to get theplacebacktonormalso that we can assist the children in forgetting this traumatic event and then where to temporarily accommodate the matron andsortoutthegirls'hostel accommodation block as there is no electricity in thatblockatthemoment.
Jostifurtherstatedthatthe reduced water pressure at the school is one of the factorswhytheycouldnot extinguished the fire in time. “The water pressure
has been reduced, due to theveryoldwaterpipesof NamWater, therefore the school also deals with a shortage of water.” She said that if the pressure isn'treduced,thepipesare prone to burst, and the schoolwillnothavewater foradayortwo.Shesaida proper structure needs to be built for the matron, as she is the one who looks afterthegradeonetothree learners. “We call on the business community and the surrounding communitytoassisttheschool in cleaning the area and rebuild the accommodation facility of the matron and the school's storeroom. We also have two schoolgirls who lost their uniforms in the fire, we lost a number of school books,whicharealreadya challenge to acquire and we need to continue with our envisioned plans,” Josti said and concluded thattheschoolhasplansto expand the facility from a pre primary school up to grade 11. “This will assist that the community children to not drop out of school when they go to highschool,astheyareall based in Utuseb. This is caused when the learners need to go to high school, most of them do not have relatives in Walvis Bay to go to, they then have to resort to finding hostel accommodation in Swakopmund, where there is only one hostel, with Omaruru, Usakos or Okambahe as alternative options.”
Strengthening Customs Cooperation and Trade Facilitation in Africa
Ipumbu Shiimi, Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises in Namibia, attended the 30th Governing Council Meeting of the World Customs Organisation East and Southern African Region(WCOESA),whichconvenedforthefirsttimeinNamibia,Swakopmund,lastweek.He emphasised the importance of fostering trade partnerships for economic growth and urged intensifiedeffortstoenhanceintra-Africantrade.
Over the course of two days (23 and 24 May), discussions centered on the effective implementationoftradeagreementssuchastheAfrican Continental FreeTradeArea (AFCFTA), revenue mobilisation, customs modernisation, compliance, and security enhancement through data management,aswellasthewell-beingofcustoms staff.
Shiimi, highlighted Namibia's recent establishment of the Namibia RevenueAgency (NamRA) as a semi-autonomous revenue agency, a move aligned with international best practices Addressing the delegates, Shiimi emphasised the need for customs administrations to align their effortswiththeaspirationsoutlinedintheAfrican Unionblueprint,Agenda2063.
He stressed the significance of effective border management, digitalisation, transit facilitation, and data utilisation in promoting regional economic growth and stability Shiimi underscoredNamibia'scommitmenttoenhancing borderoperations,exemplifiedbytheintroduction of 24-hour border operations and the establishment of One-Stop Border Posts in collaboration with neighboring countries like Botswana.
He also emphasised the importance of capacity building, regional partnerships, and compliance enforcementinfosteringsustainabledevelopment andcombatingtransnationalcrimes.
WCOSecretaryGeneralIanSaundersemphasised the importance of active participation and feedback from member states in achieving the organisation'sgoals.Hehighlightedtheroleofthe WCO in enhancing global customs community success and international trade security, urging continued investment and collaboration to achieveevengreateraccomplishments.
Fisheries Minister Says Petitions Received
are Genuine
FisheriesandMarineResourcesMinister,DerekKlazenstated that a large portion of the petitions being received is genuine, while others appear to be influenced by political opportunism, personal gratification and otherinterests, at a meeting with fishermen from the IyalooWomen Investment GroupandWaluFishingInvestmentsatWalvisBay.
According to Klazen, the petitions are selfserving and spurred by a lack of understanding,notonlyoflabour laws, but also relating to a lack of understanding regarding which matters are to be dealt with in terms of the Labour Act.” He said both the ministries of fisheries and of labour were directed by Cabinet to secure full-time and permanent employmentofspecifically former Namsov Fishingemployeesand those who lost their employmentwithinthe fishing industry in 2015. This led to the absorption of about 2 483 ex-fishermen into the hake and horse mackerel subsectors through GERP with 550 former fishermen that were employed in the horse mackerel sub-sector, while another 1 933 ex-fishermen were in the hake subsector, against a tonnage of 18 370MT ofhakeand16500MT
Klazen said, “GERP programme is not a continuation of their previous jobs, but a new offer aimed at simply providing jobs to them within the vertical integrationoffishing. Thisverticalintegration orsupplychainconsists of catching, freezing, packaging, marketing and sales of fish, its related products and other marine resources, amongothers,andisnot specificallydesignedto offer the ex-fishermen seamenjobs.Iammentioning this as an important clarification against growing misleading utterances falsely assuring all exfishermenjobsatsea.It issimplynotpossibleto re-employallex-fishermen aboard fishing vessels because their previous jobs aboard fishing vessels have been taken over by other Namibians following their separation fromtheirpreviousemployers.”
According to Klazen
this was part of the reason why most of the employeesunderGERP donotallhavephysical work while continuing to receive a monthly salary outside the premisesoftheirrespective employers.
Labour minister, Utoni Nujoma said the country has limited fish resources, but that the governmentistryingits best to accommodate everyone. “You should also be aware that we have limited fishing resources. The fish is graduallydeclining. Many trawlers came fromdifferentcountries after independence to fish, and the pilchard industry is completely dead,” Nujoma added. “The minister of fisheries listened to the scientists when they do the assessments. They have told him that the resource is declining. The ministry has a limited quota available and it must be divided among the right holders to employ our people,”Nujomasaid.
Tragic Drowning Incident at Independence Beach
Discovered After Eleven Days
The body of 34-year-old Edison Sidney Geiseb was discovered today near the Namport New Terminal, eleven days after he was reported missingatIndependenceBeach.
The incident initially unfolded on 18 May when Geisebwaslastseenswimmingwithhisgirlfriend, aged 23, and a friend, aged 27, at Independence Beach.
According to Senior Inspector Hilma Shomongula, Acting Head of Subdivision, Community Policing of the Erongo Police, the groupwasenjoyingthebeacharound13:00when Geiseb'sfriendnoticedhissuddendisappearance. Despiteimmediateeffortstolocatehim,theywere
unsuccessful,andtheincidentwasreportedtothe authorities.
Asearchoperationwaslaunchedinvolvingpolice andNavydiversbuthadtobepausedasdarkness fell. Efforts resumed the following day, though unfortunately, Geiseb remained missing. The breakthrough came on Wednesday this week, whenatrawlersailingalongsidetheNewNamport Container Terminal near the lighthouse spotted a bodyontheboundaryrockoftheterminal. WithassistancefromtheNamibianNavy,thebody was retrieved and identified as Edison Sidney Geiseb Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, confirmed thatGeiseb'snextofkinhavebeeninformedofthe discovery
Young Man Fatally Stabbed in Henties Bay
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, a brutal murder took place on Anton Lubowski StreetintheOmdellocationofHentiesBay ChiefInspectorIleniShapumba,spokespersonfor theErongopolice,saidthatatapproximately3:00 in the morning, the victim, identified as 25-yearoldGrahamHorstWernerFleermuys,waswalking towardsagroupofthreemenwhowereseatedand consuming alcohol. One of the men stood up and beganthreateninghimwithakitchenknife. Despite Fleermuys questioning the man's aggressive behaviour and the other two men
attempting to defuse the situation, the suspect persisted Suddenly, the assailant stabbed Fleermuysontheleftsideofhisneck,severingthe jugular vein and causing him to collapse and die instantlyatthescene.
The police were immediately called to the scene. Thesuspect,a23-year-oldmale,wasarrested.The kitchenknifeusedintheattackwasrecoveredand takenasevidence.Thenextofkinofthedeceased have been informed. Police investigations are ongoing.
Kids Haven Receives Assistance
KidsHaven,achildren'shomeinWalvisBaythathasbeenaidingabused,vulnerable, and neglected children since 2009, received a donation of N$20 000 from OmbaraFishing.
After their visit to the children's home, the management members ofOmbaraFishing,one of the new entrants in the Namibian fishing sector,weretouchedby thewayvulnerablechildren in the centre are being cared for Walvis Bay Kids Haven Founder, Maureen Baard, alongwithJuanitaSnyman, Felicity Joubert, Lorraine Theron, Delien Cloete, Penny Ndeikwiila, Annemarie Wessels, and Sharon Salkung, have been caring for these children.
Lourenz Meroro and Harry Kasper from OmbarafishingapplaudedBaardandthecaretakersfor what theyare
doing for the children at the centre. Meroro said at the handover ceremony,“weallwant to see a better country and want to see children being taken care of properly and that they have the same opportunities as any otherchildreninNamibia.Weweremovedby the passion of Baard and the caretakers duringourfirstvisit. Therefore, we have taken a decision to commit and make sure they have a meal," Meroroadded. Hesaid that the company has now committed itself to assist the centre at leasttwiceayear Meroro expressed his gratitude towards the
caretakers. "I am so happy that these women have taken time to, regardless of having their own children,butdecidedtotake care and nurture these ones as well.” Juanita Snyman said after receivingthedonation, “this is not just a shelter but a home for them, and we appreciate these kinds of gestures. This donationwillgoalongway in providing a proper mealforourchildren,” she said. Snyman stated that they always strivetoprovideasafe space for the children until they reach adulthood.
She thanked Ombara Fishing for reaching outtothecentre.
employer and leader
the Namibian fishing industry, we have a vacancy for a
Educational Qualifications
- Certificate of Chief engineer class 5
- Certificate of Advanced Firefighting
- Certificate of Survival craft and Rescue boat
- Certificate of Familiarization and Basic safety
- Certificate of Specialization of Medical Care on Board
- 20 years proven experience as chief engineer in freezing vessels and wet vessels.
- Proven experience as chief engineer in freezing vessels and wet vessels
- Repairs in main engines, auxiliary engines, refrigeration system on board and in the fishing ground
- Elaboration of maintenance plans on board: correction and prevention
- Main engines: ABC 6DZC-600-090A
- Auxiliary engines: CATERPILLAR 3408, DEUTZ DITTER TD 229-6
- Leroy Sommer alternator with AVR Cards
- Gearbox: REINTJES WAF 1142
- Fixed propeller blades
- Cathelco system for propeller shaft
- Chloromar
- High hydraulic pressure systems: POCLAIN, HAGLUNDS, STAFFA, SAUER
- Winch and deck machinery: IBERCISA
- Refrigeration systems: expansion system
- Freezing compressors: screw compressors (Bitzer) and Grasso compressors.
- Speed drivers: ABB
- Direct current and alternating current
- Naval electricity and naval electronic
Another requirements
- Languages: English
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com not later than 14 June 2024
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments.
An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry, we have a VACANCY for a
Chief Operational Officer in Walvis Bay
Your responsibilities
· Formulate strategies and concepts to support the overall business goals
· Manage budget, costs, production targets
· Records and reports on KPIs
· Manages performance of the operation (like factory, maintenance, workshop, logistics)
· Develop key leaders in the department for succession planning
· Manage all operational internal and external processes
· Develop and manage processes and procedures in line with costs
· Manage all HR related matters
· Develop and manage a large group of employees in line with the Labour law and good HR practice
· Manage and produce excellent yields and output in line with Quality Management Standards
· Shape and develop a conducive organisational culture in line with exemplary leadership
· Stringently manage Health and Safety processes and committees
Your profile
· Grade 12 certificate, and a 5-year degree engineering / production management / commerce
· At least 15 year's managerial experience in a food manufacturing environment
· Excellent knowledge of GMP HACCP and food related quality management systems
· Excellent knowledge of Labour laws, disciplinary processes
· Excellent budgeting and cost management skills
· Excellent knowledge of MS – Office, Marel Innova Software
· Excellent skills: leadership, planning and organisation, delivering results, and reporting.
· Problem-solving orientation and entrepreneurial and commercial thinking
Your benefits
· Market – related remuneration
· Medical aid
· Pension
· Working in a well-established factory
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com not later than 14 June 2024
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments.
CONSENT: Self Catering and Rental ON ERF NO: 193 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon, Walvis BaySTREETNAME&NO:SJSimpsonandSam NujomaAvenue,33
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self CateringandRental Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,in writing,notlaterthan14June2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Jason Nani, PO Box 3040, Walvis Bay, email: jasonnani4@gmail.com
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Bed&Breakfast
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan14June2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: José Ramon Canosa Caamano, PO Box 3041, WalvisBay Email:joracanosa@gmail.com
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Removeofbadluckin yourbody.Promotionat work.Towinthecourt cases.Boostingofyour business.Chaseawaybad spirit.Towinthedivorce. Saleyourproperty quickly Wingambling. ANDMANYMORE
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TORENT:WalvisBay, Kabeljoustreet
Onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand livingroomwithprivate bathroominaveryneat andsecurearea.Builtin cupboardsinkitchenand bedroom.Highfenced wallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforasingleperson orayoungcouple. N$3950.00p/m Water & Electricity included.
Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229
FORSALE: Omaruru(ErongoPark), 3.9Hectare(39000 squaremeters),Plotfor sale,W+Eavailable, ElectricalFence, Automaticgate,private security24/7, N$990000.00(Excl. Costs)
FORSALE: Okahandja(Osona Estate),5Hectare(50 000squaremeters),Plot forsale,W+Eavailable, Fencing,Automaticgate, privatesecurity24/7, N$1 250 000 (Excl. Costs)
FORSALE: Gobabis(TownCenter), 1146squaremeters, GeneralBusinessErf, W+Epointsavailable, PerfectforWarehousing N$ 750 000 (Excl. Costs)
FORSALE:Okahandja (Ext.6),781square meters,2-Bedroom, BIC,BIS,Openplan kitchenandlounge, Doublegarage (motorized),paved driveway&walkways, burglarbars,alarm,2meterboundarywall,2x Aircons,DSTV,25Mb internet(viaFiber Optic), N$1 250 000 (Excl. Costs)
FORSALE: Swakopmund
Newlybuiltthree bedroomhousewith2 bedroomflatandsingle garageaswellasan alarm,locatedin Tulinawaonerfno.3064
Neg Contact:0812446902
3bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,lounge,dining room,TVroom,Three Garages,PlusFlat 2bedrooms,bathroomand open-plankitchen,Erf 2sise:1080m N$2.14mil
2bedroomsbic, 2bathrooms,Kitchen, Lounge,Plustwo bachelorflat,Double, GarageN$1.1mil
2bedrooms,bathroom, Kitchen,Loungeplus bachelorflat,Single GarageN$850000.00
3bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,loungeand singleGarage,Erf sise:612sqmN$1.05mil
Transfercostincluded OLWETWENI
4bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,lounge,Bachelor flat2bedrooms,kitchen &bathroomN$1.4mil
Malakia,Office064406783 Cell:0812977253
Email:malakiapropertie s@yahoo.com
FORRENT: EQicecreammachine forsixmonths Availableimmediately Termsandconditions apply.Swakopmund Contact:Celicia Forfurtherdetails +264817568956
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Rgtd: Welfare Organisation- WO 438
Malefoundon 7May2024
Still waiting to be claimed
Please contact the SPCA in Swakopmund to claim your dog 064 - 404419/ 081 477 4395
Remember to contact your local SPCAif your pet goes missing
Aladyislookingfor domesticworkinWalvisBay, takingcareofkidsathomeor atkinder-garden.Ihavea fittercertificate(NIMT) Contact:0813653391
Aladyislookingfor domesticworkinWalvisBay, takingcareofkidsathomeor atkindergarden.Ihavea fittercertificate(NIMT) Contact:0813653391
JOBWANTED:Fourladies inWalvisBaylookingfor workandisreadytostart immediately Contact:081 5585871/0812833130/ 0818374091/0812980184
Ekis34jaarenisopsoekna huiswerkofkindersopas. MaandaetotVrydae. Walvisbaai.0817796847
JOBWANTED:Iama32 yearoldladylookingfor domesticworkinWalvisBay, Town,Langstrand,Lagoon for3daysaweek.Iam hardworkingandisreadyto startassoonaspossible. Call:0815503980
JOBWANTED Iama32yearoldlady lookingforcashier, housekeepingoranyother work.Readytostartassoon aspossible.WalvisBay Contact:0814399942
Iamaladylookingfor housekeepingworkfor3or5 daysinSwakopmund,or nannywork,Icanstartas soonaspossible.081398 9983
Ekisdringendopsoekna3 daeof‘nweeksehuiswerkin Swakopmund,eksalinenige plekwerk.Ekkankinders oppasofkantoorskoonmaak, ekdrinkofrooknie.Gereed omtebegin.0815577685
Johanna33yearsoldis lookingforanykindofwork for5daysaweekinWalvis Bay 0813873178
Iama29yearoldlady lookingforworkin Swakopmund,3or5daysper week,Ihaveexperience.Iam hardworkingandtrustworthy andwillingtostartassoonas possible.0813096895
JOBWANTED:Iama23 yearoldladylookingfor housekeepingorbabysitting work.Ihave4years experience.WalvisBay Contact:0818768677 0813621718
Iamlookingforcleaning, receptionist,domesticwork inWalvisBay.Ihavea certificateinOffice Administration. Contact:0817325507
Atrustworthyladyislooking fordomesticworkinWalvis Bay.Idonotdrinkorsmoke. Iamalsowillingtostayin withchildrenifasked. 0812418869
CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 432 (2) TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREET NAME & NO: 432 KuisebAvenue, Langstrand.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 14 June 2024.
Christo v.d Merwe / Lilanie Liversage, 432, KuisebAvenue,Langstrand email:lilanie@liversage@outlook.com
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstosell,byprivate transaction, a ±1,000m² portion of Portion 9 of Farm 42 [Langstrand] situated along the First Street servitude road leading to the Langstrand Resort, nearby to the Langstrand Resort andErik'sCoveRestaurant
and the Langstrand Caravan Park, for general business/general residential purposes to The Sports Village Number Thirty Eight CC (Gunther Heimstadt/Ocean Key Development).
Description: Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 42[Langstrand]
Area: ±1,000m²
[To be consolidated with adjacent General Business Portion 8 of Farm 42 Langstrand]
PurchasePrice: N$3,566,400 – excluding VAT or N$4,101,360 –includingVAT
An additional amount of
N$356,640 – excluding VAT (N$410,136–includingVAT) is to be paid to the Council's Landscaping/Green Belt Fund.
Full particulars pertaining to the intended sale by private transaction will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 18 June 2024 at Room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond For more information,Mrs.S.Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064)2013232duringnormal officehours.
Any person objecting to the proposedsalemay,inwriting, lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag5017,WalvisBay,before oronFriday21June2024at 12:00.
JackRobertManale Manager:Housingand Properties
PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 Telephone:(064)2013232 WalvisBay E-Mail: satchipia@walvisbaycc. org.na
Public Participation Notice in terms of Regulation No. 29, Section 21 under the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007)
Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations (2012) for the following intended activity:
· Project Location: Ocean View, Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia
· Proponent: Welwitchia University (Pty) Ltd
· CompetentAuthority: Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism (MEFT)
· Environmental Assessment Practitioner: KPM Environmental Consultants
· Project Description: The project comprises building a 700-bed student accommodation complex and a 60-bed academic teaching hospital. The accommodation meets Welwitchia University's student accommodation needs, offering a conducive living environment for students. The hospital, tailored for the Faculty of Health Sciences, serves as a crucial healthcare training facility for students, faculty, and the local community
All Interested and Affected Parties (I & APs) are encouraged to register and raise concerns or provide comments and opinions on or before 5 June 2024. th Background Information Document (BID) will be provided upon indication as an I&AP
Public Consultation meeting date: Saturday, 1 June 2024
Venue & time: On Site, @ 11h00 (Ocean View, Erf 3342 Swakopmund Extension 9, between Monotoka, Dr Eugene Muller Street & Zypressen Str.)
Should you wish to register as an I&AP, please contact the EAP: Call / SMS / WhatsApp: +264 81 878 6676 / +264 81 147 3344 Email: kpm-consult@iway.na CC: kpm.consulting@outlook.com
• HR Superintendent • Blaster • Diesel Truck Operator
• Bus Driver • Engineering Superintendent • Drill Rig Operator
• Storeman
• Senior SHEQ Officer
• Engineering Officer
• Team Leader-Drill rig maintenance
• Drilling and Blasting Engineer • Drill Rig Mechanic
• Assistant Team Leader-Drilling • Serviceman
• Dozer Operater
• Assistant Team Leader-Blasting
• General Electrician
• Technical Superintendent
• MMUOperator
• Magazine master
• Surveyor
• Assistant Surveyor
• BlastingAssistant
• Officer - Skills Trainer (Mining)
For job descriptions and qualificationrequirements for eachposition, pleasefeel freeto follow the job adverts in the Vacancie Groups via Facebook.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Albertus Uiseb P. O. Box 493 Swakopmund.
2.Nameof businessor proposed business to which application relates: White Corner Investment cc.
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 1151, Mondesa, (Extension3)Unit1.
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Liquor License to operate a restaurant and take away for now and in future a public bar section.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund Magistrate Court.
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 30May2024.
7. Date of meeting of Committeeatwhich:10 July2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of theActinrelationtothe applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which application will be heard.
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self Catering)ONERFNO:342TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: 20 -1st Street, North,Meersig,WalvisBay
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: AccommodationEstablishment(Self-Catering).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan21June2024
NKF Hosts National Trials
The Namibian Kickboxing Federation (NKF) recently held their National Trials with Z1 Academy, Swakopmund Fight Club and Namibia MartialArtsAcademy at the Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment CentreinSwakopmund.
All the participants competed in both the junior and senior Kickboxingand Jiu-Jitsu sport codes, takingpart inPointFighting,LightContact,GiandNo-Gi.
MsJackelineSassSecretaryGeneraloftheNKFsaidthat they are pleased with the attendance of participants and spectators for the event, though we do believe that with moreeventslikethiswecanincreasebothattendanceand supportfortheathletesandsport.
Sasssaid,“Wewouldespeciallyliketocongratulatethe Juniors who courageously participated in this event and showedtruesportsmanshipandcamaraderie.”
“Ourgratitudegoestotheathletes,officials,supporters, sponsors and media for assisting to ensure that these eventsaresuccessfulandlookforwardtodevelopingthe athletes and sport of martial arts together in Namibia” Sassadded.
Sass stated that the NKF extended their heartfelt appreciation to Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre for hosting the venue for the tournament. “As always,theirattentiontodetailandprofessionalismonly aidsinthesuccessfuloutcomeofourevents.”
A special Kickboxing Demonstration with a disabled athlete, Iipinge Mateus was held, to showcase his skills learnedthusfar
Gold – Taleila Sass, Silver – Jade Venter, Bronze –ZiandrieWille
Gold – Taleila Sass, Silver – Jade Venter, Bronze –
Gold – Ryan Roux,Silver – Evan Cruys, Bronze –HeinrichRedelinghuys
Perdo and Sandro on it again
Pedro Fernandes withAndre Burger from Walvis Bay Golf Club in the middle EmilioMabohonninepoints.Twoclubs were registered by Grant Mather and DanievanAntwerpen.
ThesecondandfinallegoftheJaggie Challenge, partly sponsored by FOX DESIGNS saw a good field of 36 player take to the Walvis Bay Golf Courseoverthepastweekend.
Atwo-man alliance played a better ball formant whereby the first nine was batter ball Stapleford and the second ninewasBetterballnettmedal,withthe Stapleford being subtracted from the medalandthelowestscorewasdeemed tobethewinner
The winners on the day were Perdo Fernandes and Sandro de Gouveia on 5 points with Jonas Niilenge and Juvino Polster second on 7 points whilst the third place was won on a count out on eightpointsbyBertusandWillieVenter Junior, winning fromTienieandWilma deWeton8points.
The junior prize went to Emery and
WBGC thanked Pieter Fox of FOX DESIGNS for the sponsorship for the day
The ROUND TABLE will be hosting their fund raiser on Friday 31 May at WBGC.
OnSaturdaywewillhosttheCARLOS PAIRS, the format being first six holes willbefoursomes,secondsixholeswill bebetterballandthelastsixwillbeboth scores to count. There will also be a juniordivision. The SENIORS was played as normal last Thursday, and was duly won by Rory Wolhuter with 38 points, second wasKenRobertsandHoffieViljoenwas third.TieniedeWetwasweerdiebrood wenner
Namibia Hosts Final Expedition Africa Adventure Race
is proud to host the
SupportedbyDebmarine and Merrell, the race features a gruelling 490km course that encompasses kayaking, trekking, mountain biking, rope work, and camel trekking. Speaking at the event, Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes, highlighted the significance of this iconic expeditionanditsimpacton adventure racing in Africa.
Organised by Heidi and Stephan Muller, who transitioned from competitors to event organisers, Expedition Africa has evolved from local shortracestotheultimate endurance challenge
and final
Participants are predominantly navigating the course on mountain bikes,covering335kmof thetotal490kmdistance. The race is set to test the limits of even the most seasoned adventurers, with the first teams expectedtohavefinished onWednesdaythisweek, and the race concluding bySaturday,1Juneatthe Delight Hotel in Swakopmund, Fans can follow the race via live GPS tracking and social media updates, enabling supporters worldwide to witnesstheactioninrealtime.Thisuniquefeature transforms the event into a spectator sport, allow-ing viewers to track teams'progressfromone checkpointtothenext. ExpeditionAfrica,partof the Adventure Racing World Series, challenges teamsoffourtocomplete approximately 500km in
4 to 7 days on foot, mountain bikes, and kayaks. Since its inception in 2011 in Hermanus, Western Cape, the race has visited diverselocationssuchas Port Alfred, Drakensberg, Wild Coast, Swaziland,GardenRoute, Kouga/Baviaans, Namaqua West Coast, the island of Rodrigues, andLesotho.Thewinner of this ultimate endurance challenge earns a freeentryintotheWorld Championships The 11th edition, held in the Kouga area of the Eastern Cape, served as the Adventure Racing World Championship, showcasingtherigorous nature and international appeal of Expedition Africa.
namib times Sport
Namibian Hockey on their way to Croatia Namibian Hockey on their way to Croatia
Namibia men's and women's Indoor Hockey teams have secured their places at the FIH Indoor HockeyWorldCupinPoreč,Croatiafrom3-9Februarynextyearaftertheybothfinishedamongst thetoptwonationsatanintensefourdaysoftheIndoorHockeyAfricaCupattheMTCDomein Swakopmund.
In a thrilling rematch of the previous Indoor HockeyAfricanCupFinal,the Namibian Indoor Hockey Men made history as they emerged victorious over South Africa. This, after the match ended with the two teams tied at 3-goals apiece, sending it into the shoot-outs. Namibia sealedwitha4-3towintheIndoor Hockey Africa Cup thefirsttime.
The women's final was just as intense and saw another amazing 3-0 comeback by Namibia to level at 3-3 to send the matchintoapenaltyshootout which South Africa won 2-1 to become the championsofAfrica. With two men's and two women's spots available fromAfrica for the World
Cup, Namibia's men and South African women as well as Namibian women and South Africa men qualifiedfortheupcoming premier indoor hockey competition by finishing as the silver medalists at the Indoor Hockey Africa Cup.
TheIndoorHockeyAfrica Cup men's and women's competitions saw Namibia, South Africa, ZimbabweandBotswanacompeted in the round-robin stage with South Africa menwonallthreematches whilst their women team won one and draw one in this stage to finish top of thestandings,followedby hosts Namibia finishing second by winning their games against Zimbabwe and Botswana by com-
fortable margins and the womendrawagainstSouth Africa.
In the round-robin stage the Namibian men and women both got off to strong starts against Zimbabwe, with the men winning 12-1 and the women 12-0. Both Namibian menandwomensidesgota 5-0 walkover win over Botswana who was disqualified for arriving late.
The Namibian women draw 1-1 against South African women whilst the Namibian men lost 5-4 against South African men.
The president of the NamibiaHockeyUnion,Reagon Graig said for the Namibian Indoor men's team to win the Indoor AfricanCupwasahistoric
moment in the annals of Namibiansport.
Graigsaid,“Itisamomentous occasion for Namibian sport as hockey have rewrittenthehistorybooks and our team has shown thatitcanbedone.”
He added “Hard work, thorough preparation, the inputs of the coaches and therestofthesupportstaff, and regular international competitions contributed to us becoming African champions.”
“Our men showed they have the capacity and the willtodoit,andwhatthey didwasnotjustforhockey, but for all Namibian sport codes,”Graigsaid.
“I'mstillonCloudNine,it shows we as Namibians definitely have it in us to excel on the African
continent and now, we are lookingforwardtoproving itontheinternationalstage with both our men and women at next year's world cup in Croatia,” he added.
“Our women were extremely unlucky to lose their final against South Africa and we could have had both the African men and women's champions.
But I'm just grateful to be part of our hockey com-
munityinthishistorictime foroursport,”hesaid.
IndoorHockeyAfricaCup 2024 men individual awards:Playerofthetournament – Ernest Jacobs (Namibia).TopGoalscorer – Mus-tapha Cassiem (South Africa) Goalkeeperofthetournament–Cullin de Jager (South Africa). Men's Final Standings – IndoorAfrica Cup 2024 1 Namibia, 2 SouthAfrica,3.Zimbabwe
Indoor Hockey Africa Cup 2024 women individual awards: Player of the tournament – Kiana Cormack (Namibia). Top Goal scorer – Azaylee Philander(Namibia) Goalkeeper of the tournament – Sarah Paget (SouthAfrica) Women'sFinalStandings –IndoorAfricaCup2024 1.SouthAfrica 2.Namibia 3.Zimbabwe