Belgium's King Phillipe Arrives in Walvis Bay
Belgium's King Phillipe accompanied by a business delegation, arrived in Walvis Bay on Tuesday this week onboard airbusA340-300, on a four-day visitatthecoastaltownsofWalvisBay andSwakopmund.
King Phillipe was the guest at the pre-inauguration of the Cleanergy Green Hydrogen InaugurationandvisittheHydrogenRefuelling station to witness the filling of two dual-fuel trucksandundertookatouroftheGH2Productionarea,Dual-TruckWorkshopandSolarPark inWalvisBay
KingPhillipealsowitnessedthelatestdevelopments on Walvis Bay as a Gateway for Namibia'sGreenIndustrialisationstrategy Aproject be-tween the Namibian Ports Authority in Partner-ship with the Port of Antwerp Bruges International. The visit by His Majesty King Phillipe,providedanexcellentopportunityfor Namibia and Belgium to strengthen cooperation for the benefit of our peoples in a diverse range of sectors, ranging from green hydrogen, environmental protection, tourism, forestry,artsandculture,tradeandinvestment, including the development of port infrastructure.
Abandoned Child's Mom Remanded in Custody
NdapewaAbed (24), the mother of the ofthebabygirlfoundabandonedinthe dunesontheoutskirtsWalvisBay,was remandedincustody.
Abedstandsaccusedofexposingher16month-old daughter to danger The little girlwrappedinablanket,dressedwarmly
Municipality to Investigate Legality of Force Debt Collection Contract
On 30 April, RedForce Debt Management (RDM) has filed an urgent application to the High Court to interveneintheterminationofitscontract by theWalvis Bay Municipality Council.
The urgent application, saying there werenolegalgrounds for the Municipality
ofWalvisBaytoterminate the contract, through its legal practitioner, Karel Gaeb,
undertheSisaNamamdjelawfirm,isseeking to put aside the decision taken by the Walvis Bay Council on 23 April.
WindhoekHighCourt judge, Thomas Masuku has ordered the Walvis Bay municipalitytostopthetermination of its contract
with RedForce Debt Management The court order issued by judge Masuku reads that the continuous implementation of the decision taken by the respondents on 23 April to terminate the services of RedForce Debt Management CC with immediate effect,
is hereby pending the final determination of an action to challenge the respondents' purported termination of theagreementbetween the parties and RedForce's services and to enforcethetermsofthe agreementbetweenthe parties. In a turn of events the attorney of the Municipality of Walvis Bay municipality, Mr Richard
Metcalfeissuedastatement saying the municipalitywillinvestigate how RedForce Debt Management obtained a debt collection contract with the local government This comes after RedForce obtainedanorderfrom the Supreme Court to prevent the municipalityfromterminating theircontract.
Continues on page 2
Municipality to Investigate
Continued from page 1
Mr Metcalfe noted that investigations are ongoing into the contract awarded to RedForce and the tender process, documentation, contracts and schedules of the agreement, while civil and criminal proceedings willcontinueifthere isevidenceofimpropriety Thestatement furthersaystheWalvisBayTownCouncil unanimously decided to terminate the services of RedForceDebtManagementCCon23April.
Mr Metcalfe stated that any termination of RedForce Debt Management CC's serviceswilltakethe form of an advisory services agreement with the municipality Red Force issuedapublicstatementonTuesdaythe week,statingthatall accounts handed over for collection willremainwithRed Force until they are settled in full. The statement further reveals all its opera-
tions have resumed following the High Court order, which stops the municipality from continuing to implement the decision to terminate the contract.
In the meantime, The Affirmative Repositioning Movement (AR) demanded in a lettertotheministryof Urban and Rural Development that the ministry immediately order the suspension ofallactivitiesbyRed Force in Walvis Bay and conduct a thorough investigation to hold the responsible individuals within the Municipality accountable through severe punishment.
AR alleged in a letter that Red Force was granted a contract surpassingthelegalthreshold for local authorities without involving the Procurement Board. They further saidthattheprocessis further concerning because a co-founder of RedForcewasalsothe Manager of Revenue and Credit Control
within the same Walvis Bay Municipality that dubiously awarded the contract raising severe concerns regarding potential conflictsofinterestand possible indications of corruption, collusion, cronyismornepotism. AR urge the ministry that all review mechanisms provided under thePublicProcurement Act be activated and that the cancellation of the agreement be rigorously applied in line with Section 63 of the Public Procurement Act,ensuringfulltransparency and disclosure to the public. AR also advocates for a complete audit of the Walvis Bay Municipality's procurement practices, particularlyforprojects exceeding the Local Authorities' threshold, to prevent such egregious oversight from recurring.Shouldthese investigations confirm any instances of legal violations or ethical misconduct, restitution and possibly punitive measures should be imposed.
Alternative Medicine Always Available at Public Health Facilities
ChiefMedicalOfficerfortheMinistryofHealthandSocial Services in the Erongo region, Dr Leonard Kabongo has advised patients to always ask for alternative medication whenevertheyareinformedthattheirmedicationisoutof stockatstatepharmacies/publichealthfacilities.
Kabongo said public health facilities receive medication and clinical supplies stock once a month, and sometimes when they see that they have ordered less than what they need, theymakeaninterim order and get stock withinaweekortwo.
Kabongo said, “alternatives are always available while we are waiting for an interim order to arrive.” This was in response to complaints by members of the public regarding the availability of medication at the public health f a c i l i t i e s i n Swakopmund A
pensioner who visited the namib times office recently,
Abandoned Child's Mom
withextranapkinsbyherside,wasfound last weekend on Saturday morning at approximately07:10byamanwalkingin the dunes behind the Narraville neighbourhood of Walvis Bay After the Namibian Police distributed a bulletin in which they requested the public's assistance in identifying the baby girl and her mother, detectives of the Erongo Police arrested Abed in the business area of Kuisebmondwhereshewassellingkapana.
Abed, who made her first appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court on Mondaymorningthisweek,wasformally informed about the charges related to child neglect and abandonment against her Abed will remain in police custody until she makes her next appearance beforeaWalvisBayMagistrateon18June.
ChiefInspectorIleniShapumba,thehead of the community affairs division of the
said he was frustrated withthefactthatthere isnomedicationatthe state hospital or clinics, specifically the Bio-Atenolol and Enalapril medication that he uses for his chronic illness. “I am frustrated and do not know what to do anymore. Last time I had the same problem and I had to go buy from the private pharmacies, this time again Now my question is, what happens to those who cannot afford to even putbreadonthetable, how will they afford medication at the private pharmacy?” According to him, patients are told to go buy medication at private pharmacies because there is no stock at the clinics or
state hospitals. “Once yougotothepharmacy and you are told that thereisnostockforthe medication you are normally using, you should go back to the doctor that attended to you and ask for an alternative medicine while you are waiting for stock to arrive,” saidKabongo.Patients arealsoadvisedtolaya formal complaint should they not be satisfied with the servicestheyreceiveor themedicationtheyare administered. Someof the medications for chronic illnesses are very costly and not everyone would be able to afford them. Alternativemedication is medication that works similar to the oneyounormallyuse.
Continued from page 1
Erongo police, stated that the initial observationsmadebyinvestigatorswhere thebabywasfoundindicatethattwodifferent people were at the scene. Chief Inspector Shapumba said the baby was taken to a place of safety and left in the careofasocialworkerfromtheMinistry ofGenderandChildWelfare.
On the whereabouts of the father Shapumba said that the 27-year-old father who lives in Omuthiya in the Oshikongo region, has been identified and that the policeconductedathoroughinvestigation into the father and are still working with socialworkerstolookintoallthecircumstances surrounding the abandonment of thebaby Hehowever,addedthatinvestigatorsfoundnoreasonorgroundsforthe arrest of the father The accused person did not give any motive or reason for abandoning her daughter when she appearedincourt.
Attention Shifts to Walvis Basin
This move follows the diminishing opportunities in the Orange basin, where majorslikeChevron, TotalEnergies, and Shell have been active. Now, attention is shifting to the potential of the Walvisbasin,withChevron making the first move, signaling a potential battleground for industry giants.
Namibia's oil potential has drawn comparisonstoGuyana, where significant discoveries have led to an economic boom and attracted major com-
panies. Patrick Pouyanne,CEOofTotalEnergies, highlighted the substantial oil reserves in Namibian waters, echoing sentiments from other industry leaders TotalEnergies, alongside Shell and Galp Energia, has made significant finds off Namibia's southwest coast, setting the stage for potential economic transformation similar to what occurred in Guyana. While no field has yet been approved for development, TotalEnergies aims
tomoveforwardwith its Venus pro-ject, targeting pro-duction of up to 180 000 barrels per day
However, Pouyanne acknowledges the complexities of managing multiple projects led by different operators compared to the centralised development led by ExxoninGuyana. Community participation and empowerment are becoming integral to Namibia's oil industry Sintana Energy'srecentacquisition in the Orange Basin, facilitated by the Knowledge Katti Foundation, demon-
s t r a t e s a commitmenttolocal involvement The acquisitioninclu-des contributions to a community trust, setting a precedent for shared participation and benefit fromoilandgasprojects. Sintana Energy'spartnershipwith QuantumXploration and engagement with Namibia's national oil company NAMCOR further emphasise the importance of local engagement in driving industry development.
Sources: Upstream/ Biznews/Africa EnergyChamber
The Future of Usakos Looks Bright
OnMondaythisweek,theUsakosTownCouncilhadaStakeholder'sEngagement meetinginWalvisBayaimedatpromotingUsakosTownandenhancingthetown's relationshipwithlocalprivateandpublicsectorsonrespectiveparticipationinthe economyofUsakos.
The meeting aimed at providing organisation in Walvis Bay the opportunity to learn more about the vision, mission, and current situation in Usa-kos; supporting Usakos growth and gaining insight into partaking in the local economic development; fostering mutually beneficial relationships between your organisation and UTC; networking with a relevant local business in all areas and support each other, businesses to
gain a better understanding of UTC's service offerings; in terms of UTC's governance, water crisis and infrastructure needs, fire
brigade challenges, revenue collection, land delivery and housing, water masterplan, economic opportunities,andunemployment,findout howtobecomeapartner of Usakos Town Council; Support for the Mayoral Youth Empowerment and Training program to curb unemployment, reduce crime and eliminate drug abuse, and it was a good
opportunity to explore Usakos Town Council virtually and meetallcouncillors. In her speech at the meetingtheMayorof Usakos, Irene Simeon-Kurtz said, “it isnoteasyforatown like ours to get all stakeholders together, especially not in Usakos.We therefore said, let us go to our stakeholders and engage them, after all, we all have a respon-
sibility to grow the Erongo region and makeitnumberone.”
According to Simeon-Kurtz, Usakos servesasatrunkway, a trunk road between the main Port City of Namibia, WalvisBay, and all the transport corridors that lead in and out of the Port of WalvisBay Boasting her town, SimeonKurtz said ice that serves as a dry port betweenthecoastand inland.
Lichtenstrasser Gets Two Life Prison Terms
Convicteddoublemurderer,ErnstLichtenstrasserwassentencedtotwotermsof lifeimprisonmentonMonday,29AprilattheWindhoekHighCourtforthemurder oftwotopexecutivesoftheNamibianInstituteofMiningandTechnology(NIMT), backinApril2019.
Lichtenstrasser(62),aformerNIMTemployer was found guilty on two counts of murder, defeatingthelawandfiveotherchargesrelated toweaponsandammunitionaswellasacharge of illegal possession of a shotgun, illegal possession of ammunition and obstruction of justiceinNovemberlastyear Windhoek High Court Acting Judge, Christi Liebenberg sentenced Lichtenstrasser to life imprisonment for murdering executive head, Eckhart Mueller and a second life term in prison for the murder of the deputy executive head, Heimo Hellwig of the Namibia Institute ofMiningandTechnology(NIMT)situatedin Arandis. The judge sentenced Lichtenstrasser toanotherlifeterminprisonforthemurderof Mueller's second-in-charge, Heimo Hellwig. Judge Liebenberg further sentenced Lichtenstrasserto16yearsonothercharges,including armsandammunitioncharges,andachargeof attemptingtodefeatthecourseofjusticeanda chargeoftheft.JudgeLiebenbergsaidLichten-
strasser felt no remorse for his evil deeds, as he until the end maintained his innocence. Mueller and Hellwig died in the morning hours of 15 April 2019 after being gunned down at the entrance of the NIMT offices. Liebenbergalsocommentedthatthekillingof the two men could only be described as “callousandextreme”andthat“norespectfor the sanctity of human life was shown” and that Lichtenstrasser's “violent, irrational and unpredictable behaviour” shows he is a dangertosociety
The judge informed Lichtenstrasser after the sentencing that he could not have grounds to appealbeforethesentencing,Lichtenstrasser told the judge that he “expected this kind of sentence"and"preparedaccordingly.”
However, he may appeal through an official applicationforleavewithinthenextfourteen days, and if the application is successful, his appealcanbeheardintheHighCourt.
Noticeisherebygivenofa SpecialGeneralMeeting tobeheldattheMissiontoSeafarers, 1RikumbiKandagaRoad on21May2024at17:30
Subject:FutureoftheMissiontoWBSeafarers Allmembersareencouragedtoattend.
Whether the cricket ball has taken out the windshield the patio door or any other window or there was no cricket ball just a new project needing installation If it’s broken glass we can help you
Located at No. 31, 10th Street East Industrial Area, Walvis Bay
With service across the country from Industrial needs to insurance claims
A member of the Deamaru Group
Lions Club Old Age Home Kitchen Revamped
Sharlien Tjambari
For the first time after three decades, the Lions Club Old Age Home's kitchen got a new look.This came afterthe First National Bank of Namibia through the FirstRand Foundation came on boardandrenovatedthekitchentothetuneofN$225000.
The newly renovated kitchen, which is now installed with brand new state of the art equipment and flooring, was inaugurated this morning FNB staff members helped with preparing lunch for the elderly as part of their Volunteer Program, which was introducedtofacilitate and support employee community involvement.
Revonia Job, the Group Corporate Social Investment Manager for FirstRand
Namibia said the FirstRand Foundation is FNB's Corporate Social Investment Vehicle. “We have six focusareaswhichthen allows to invest in the livesofthecommunity across the 14 regions of Namibia, the focus areas are: education and financial literacy, community and health development, skills and capacity development, environmental guardianship, sport, andartsandculture.”
wisdomthattheyhave, andwearehappytobe associated with the Lions Club Old Age Home with this donation and the project wearerunninghere.”
Job said, combined with the N$225 000 is their staff volunteerism initiative where the staff member mingled with the senior citizens of the Lions Old Age home and also helped prepare lunch for them and some staff members took the elderly for a walk to town and ice-cream, “So it is aboutgivingbackyour timeandskillsandnot justmonetaryterms.It is important for us to take care of our senior citizens, with the
According to Job, through this initiative, FNB has handed over millions to drought relief and has earmarkedN$500000for the provision of food for Erongo and Kunene regions, and they are yet to finalise the distribution of food withbothgovernors.
Lions Club Swakopmund Secretary Jonathan Wilsnach said this kitchen has notbeenrenovatedfor morethan35years,“it has been a long goal for us to get this
kitchen renovated and we are very grateful that we have accomplished our task with the help of FNB's FirstRand Foundation.”
According to Wilsnach, they (Lions) have put in a lot of work in this project to raise funds for the kitchen and a lot of other things at the Lions Old Age Home. The Lions Club Old AgeHomewasbuiltin 1968, the first phase was ten single units, the kitchen and ablution facilities, and throughtheyearsgrew into a massive complexofover90unitsat theOldAgeHome,the frail care unit and the Lions Village which
accommodate over 200elderlypeople. Wilsnach said their sole purpose at the Lionsistoensurethat theymakethelivesof the elderly so much better “We are busy withmajorprojectsat the moment which will be announced in thenewspapersoneof these days and we would like corporates to get involved, and the youth to get involved as well. I wanttheyouthtostart from an earlier age and get involved and know what it is to serve the community and serve the elderly people and what it is to value and respect ourseniorcitizensfor thatisourmotto.”
StraussFishTradingccherewithintendstoapplyto the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operatean“administrativeoffice”onthepremises of Erf 1723, Swakopmund Extension 1 (36 SchwesterFriedaStreet)asprovidedforintermsof Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 22 May2024
Contactperson:MrsEStrauss,Cell:0811286776 Email:trading@iway.na Or
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
RMR Donates Educational Equipment to Coastal School
DeepYellowLimited'sReptileMineralResourcesandExploration(RMR)donatedtextbooks and educational equipment to the value of approximately N$42 000 to Narraville Secondary SchoolatWalvisBayonMonday29April.
RMR jumped into action and donated a projector and mobile screen to help bring lessons to life, as well as 21 textbooks for eachsubject,covering English, Geography, PhysicalScience,Life Science, Agricultural Science, History, Maths, Accounting, and Entrepreneurship to the school that opened its doors in January this year with approximately 330 pupils from grades 7 to9inWalvisBay Dr Katrin Kärner, Exploration Manager, highlightedtheimportance of the collaboration with the Directorate to meet educational needs, saying, "may these textbooks serve as valuable resources, igniting curiosity and fueling the thirst for knowledge among students Together, let'scontinuetoinvest in the future generation's education and empower them to reachtheirfullpoten-tial." Ms T Goagoses, the Inspector of Education for the Walvis BayCircuit,identified aneedfortextbooksat Narraville primary School, especially for Grade9students.
Ms Goagoses expressedhergratitudeforthe new resources, noting the positive impact they'll have on all learners."Wesincerely appreciate the generous donation and support from RMR," shesaid. "The textbooks will
Company background
enhance the learning experience, while the projector and screen willcontributetocreatingamorestimulating and inclusive learning environment, ultimately benefiting both studentsandteachers,” Goagosessaid.RMRis committed to impro-
ving educational opportunities in Namibia and is always on the lookout for new ways to make a positive impact on the community Thisdonation is just one of many initiatives in its undertaking to achieve this goal.
Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc
Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc is a dynamic entrepreneurial driven company responsible for the Sale and Marketing of the Castrol range of Lubricants within the Retail and Commercial segments.
Key responsibilities
· Responsible for the overall day to day management of the Coastal Depot.
· Develop and maintain business relationships with current and prospective customers.
· Develop and implement the Sales and Marketing strategy within the Coastal area.
· Coordinate sales effort with marketing, sales management, accounting, logistics and technical staff
· Supply management reports on customer needs, interests, competitor activities and potential product and market expansion
Essential Requirements
· Must be a self-driven individual with strong communication skills
· Relevant Marketing or equivalent degree
· Minimum 5 years Sales & Marketing experience within the Oil industry or related fields
· Namibian Citizen
· Must be able to travel from time to time
· Team player
· Valid Driver's licence
th Closing date: Wednesday the 15 of May 2024 Applications should address their CV's to:
Pegasus Hydrocarbon Supplies cc General Manager- att. Leon Retief E-mail- leon@pegasushs.com
Only short listed candidates will be contacted. No CV'S will be returned
Inthe Estateofthelate Elisabeth Kaden who died on 31 May 2023 and was residing at Antonius Residence, S w a k o p m u n d , RepublicofNamibia.
Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requestedtolodgetheir claims against the Estateorpaytheirdebts to the Estate at the undermentioned addresswithinaperiod of days as 30 (Thirty) f r o m d a t e o f publication of this advertisement.
Altstadthof No.15Libertina AmathilaStreet POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:EW/amMAT19586)
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: PaulusNdimunhu,PO Box3836,WalvisBay.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Middle Sea ShebeenNo.1.
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf
2862, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region,Namibia.
4. Nature and details of a p p l
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application willbelodged:Clerkof
’s Court,WalvisBay
6 Date on which applica-tion will be lodged:2May2024.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard:12June2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of theActinrelationtothe applicationmustbesent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease a Portion of Farm 38 to
Euarestos Asset
M a n a g e m e n t (Partners) for the establishment of a SolarPlant
Description PortionofFarm38
Area 60ha
N$330 000 plus 15%
VAT N $ 4 9 5 0 0 (escalating with 10% perannum)
Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby
interested persons until *Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Writtenobjections,duly motivated, to the intended transaction mustbereceivedbythe undersignedbeforeorat 12:00*Friday,24May 2024.
AVictor GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development MunicipalOffices CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 37 to MrsMCVermaak.
Description PortionofFarm37
Area 10000m²
Purchase Price
N$1 392.08 Plus 15%
Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices,
For more information
MrsSSatchpiacanbe contactedattelephone (064) 2013232 during officehours. Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday 24 May 2024.
PvanNiekerk ActingGeneral Manager: Community& Economic Development MunicipalOffices
NangoloMbumba Drive
Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
CalpakNamibia/KutzHouseherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operate an“administrativeoffice”onthepremisesofErf103, VinetaProper(83NordStrandStreet)asprovidedforin termsofClause6oftheSwakopmundZoningScheme details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
th Closing date for objections or comments is: 24 May 2024
Contactperson:MrU.Kutz,Cell:0811288343 Email:calpaknam@gmail.com
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
CONSENT: Contribution Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 1986 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREETNAME&NO:PatrysStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:ContributionCashLoan.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan24May2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SadrahMThomas,POBox4324,WalvisBay email:sadrahthomas@gmail.com
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Blue Boys Obtain Maximum Points
Swakopmund based Blue Boys FC
Swakopmund based Blue Boys FC showcased unwavering determination and skill during their recent Southern Stream Frist Division home games over the weekend, securing two consecutive victoriesandapplyingpressureonlogleaders.
InadisplayofdominanceagainstBlackAfricaFC on Saturday,Amon Jones set the tone earlywith a commanding header within the first 5 minutes of the match. Following Jones' opener, "Kangaroo" Andreas Joseph showcased his prowess with successive goals. Despite Black Africa FC being reduced to 10 men, Hendrick "Flo" Gurirab managedtoputonepasttheopposition,concluding thematchwitharesoundingvictoryforBlueBoys FC, with a final score of 4-1. Sunday's match against O&L Ramblers FC proved to be a tightly contestedaffair,characterizedbyaerialbattlesand long balls. However, just after half time, it was a precision-grounded pass from Sixon Kamentu to ChristiaanDoeseb,affectionatelyknownas"Tero,"
that ultimately secured victory for Blue Boys FC, with a final score of 1-0.The man of the weekend was Dario Goraseb. Club Chairperson Elton Katangolo expressed satisfaction with the team's performance and well-deserved credit to coach Paige,highlightingtheimportanceoftheresultsin thecontextoftheseason'sclosingstages.
With only five fixtures remaining, Katangolo conveyedoptimismregardingtheteam'sprospects, emphasisingtheneedforcontinueddedicationuntil thefinalwhistleoftheseason.
Withtheselatestvictories,BlueBoysFCmaintains its position in second place, trailing behind log leadersNamibiaCorrectionalService.
Death Notice
Standard Bank Swakopmund Open Ends in a Flourish
The Rossmund Golf Course in Swakopmund hosted the fifth annual StandardBankSwakopOpenGolfTournamentoverthepastweekend.
The tournament attracted a field of 65 golfers that included 12 ladies and 10 juniors, representing all the major clubsinNamibia. Weather conditions on the weekend were just perfect on the whole, althoughslightlyhumid and breezy at times. The morning round on Saturday did not produce any exciting scores Brendon Britten had the best score 76 gross – however they improvedslightlyinthe afternoon – Edwin Kutara73gross;withHans Naobeb and Stefanus Bonifatius one shot behind.Attheendofthe day, Stefanus Bonifatius (151) had a oneshot lead over Edwin Kutara (152). In the C Division Marthinus Marais from Walvis Bay had his nose in front shooting an 81 gross The Ladies Division saw Wilmari WoestandAnjaWessels goingheadtoheadwith scores of 88 gross StablefordDivisionsaw junior golfer Deidre Stafford her hands firmly on the club producing an excellent 42 points followed by Lester Hess on 38 points.Sundaymorning arrived bright and clear for the Stableford and “C” Divisions to have their chance to lead out the field, temperatures increased throughout the round Deidre Staffers managed to holdontoherleadfrom round one shooting 37ptsinroundtwo.The
samecanbesaidforthe lady's leader Wilmari Woestwhokeptherfoot on the pedal to come in withan85gross,whilst in the “C” Division Marthinus Marais managedtowardoffup andcomingjuniorRudi Auseb shooting 81 and 83 respectively The Clubhouse was buzzing waiting for the final fourball to arrive, ready to crown the winner –scores amongst the top players were much improved–KevinWentzel with a 2 under par 70 and Brendon Britten with a 1 under par 71, Stefanus Bonifatius managed to stay in the mix with a 73 followed closelybyChrisDurant on74.
The end result was that allusive playoff – so backdown18theywent Brendon & Stefanus –theclubhousewentinto a deadly hush as everyonewatchedtheplayers advancetothegreen-it only needed one extra holeasBrendonBritten hit his tee shot into the penalty area finishing with a par whilst Stefanus Bonifatius managed to close the deal with a birdie. We say well done to all the players and a big thank you to Standard Bank for their ongoing support of the tournament; thanks also to Veyama Tjikukutu from Standard Bank for officiating at the prize giving. The NAGU President, Toady Gurirab thanked all those who had worked so hard toward
making the tournament asuccess.
The Final Results of theOverallGrossand Champion: Stefanus Bonifatius 224 (p/o); R/U Gross: Brendon Britten 224; Overall Nett: Dennis Haimbondi 214; R/U Nett:HansNaobeb215. “A” Division: Winner Gross: Kevin Wentzel 226;R/UGross:Edwin Kutara 232; Winner Nett: Eli Mbango 220; R/U Nett: Jackson Kawaya223.
“B” Division: Winner Gross: Alfie Ndyenge 251; R/U Gross: Jonas Katti258;WinnerNett: George Murasiki 222; R/U Nett: Helmut Ndjendja226.
“C” Division: Winner Gross: Marthinus Marais 162; R/U Gross: Gerhard Byleveld 187 c/o; Winner Nett: Des D'Emiljo 137 R/U Nett: Vigo Kotze Jr 148.
LadiesOverallGross& Champion: Wilmari Woest 173; R/U Gross: Doulaine Holtzhausen 181; Winner Nett: Suné Venter 152 c/o ; R/U Nett: Mariena Ludwig 152.
Ladies “A “Division Gross: Anicia Le Grange183;Nett:Anja Wessels170;Ladies“B “Division Gross: Rina Knight 204; Nett: TiekieDeWet158. Stableford Division Winner: Deidre Stafford 79 points; nd2 :Lester Hess 75 rd points; 3 : Steven Johns74pts.
Death Notice
Bojos Café remembers our dear friend
Joan Massier. You will always be a member of our team. We will miss your happy laugh And your love for a cappuccino
NRU Receives a Whooping N$3.5 Million Sponsorship
Rudi BoweNamibia Rugby Union (NRU) recently received a whooping N$3.5 million sponsorship from JSB Betting andtheNamibiaBreweriesLimited.
JSBBettingextendedtheirpartnershipwiththeNRUwithan N$500 000 sponsorship towards the Namibian Rugby Referees Association whilst Namibia Breweries Limited announced a N$3 million sponsorship deal in support of various programs until the 2027 Rugby World Cup. Jayson Zulch,adirectorofJSBBetting,saidduringthehandoverat
the Hage Gaingob Stadium that they have aligned themselveswiththelong-termvisionoftheNRUtogrow the game and make it all inclusive. “This is quite a substantial commitment from us as our previous sponsorship totalled N$350 000. We have certainly steppedupourgamebecausewearenotjusthereforthe short term, and we want to improve opportunities for Namibians,” Zulch said William Steenkamp, the operations manager of the NRU, said, “the money from the sponsorship will be allocated to paying referees a matchfee.”
Accordingtohim,theNRUdidnotdeterminetheamount yet per match, it will be defined by the ranking of the match.”ThesponsorshipfromtheNBLwillbeallocated to,domesticclubandregionalleagues,theparticipationin Rugby Africa's Under-20 Barthes Cup, contributions to the expenses of referees, the NRU's National Hosting Budget and the NRU's annual and club forum meetings. NRUvice-presidentforrugbymatters,JohanDiergaardt, said, “the involvement of NBL in these initiatives are pivotal not only for the advancement of rugby within Namibia, but also for promoting our sport on the internationalstage.”
Mini Sports Fields
TheSwakopmundMunicipalityiscurrentlyconstructingaminisport fieldsforchildreninTamariskiaExtension2.
The concept of suburb -based "Mini sport fields" is being implemented alongsidethecreationofpublicparksinallsuburbs.Theideaistocreatesafe spaces(grasssurfacedandfenced)minisportfieldswhereCouncilisunable tocreateparksduetospacelimitations.
These mini sports fields are intended to create safe spaces for children to play under adult supervision. These spaces will ensure that children no longerplayonthepaved/tarredroadsasthisposesadangertochildrenand drivers. The contractor is installing a sprinkler system which will be followedbytheplantingofagrasssurface.
Namibia Golfers Take on the Continent
Namibia was represented by Charles Lohmann (Captain), Connor Gibson, Kyle Johnson and Samuel Nel who made history by competing againstjuniorgolfersfromsixteencountriesinthe tournament,whichmarkedamajormilestoneinthe development of amateur golf on the continent. Namibian Junior Amateur golfers Kyle Johnson secureda7thontheoverallindividualleaderboard. TheteamwasaccompaniedbythePresidentofthe Namibian Junior Golf Foundation (NJGF) President, Pieter Fox. Whilst in South Africa,
Connor Gibson, Kyle Johnson and Namibian youngster,JPJohnsoncompetedintheNOMADS EGU in the under 17 men and under 15 men respectively at the Junior Stroke play competition atERPM,Boksburg.
ThirdPlace-ConnorGibson(75) U/15Men
namib times
Cycling For The TKC
Thirty cyclists from Namibia, Botswana and South Africa took on the gruelling 1 800km Trans Kalahari Corridor (TKC) Cycle Challenge that commenced on 15 April in Rustenburg via Lobatse, and conclude on 29 AprilinWalvisBay
The challenge coincides with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the memorandum of agreement between Namibia, South Africa, and Botswana. The cycling initiative held under the theme"Transformingthe Trans Kalahari Corridor into an Economic Corridor" saw cyclists ride a 143 km daily on mountain bikes or gravel bikes. Theactofcycling through the three member states of the TKC complements the wishes of Southern Africa's founding fathers of a cohesiveandmoreunited sub-region that jealously guarded the interests of its people. TKCMC in collaboration with the Namibia Road Safety Forum (NRSF), the SADCAllianceofNGOs for Road Safety (SADC Alliance),andotherstakeholders to engage in an Awareness Ride with the aim to create an awarenessoftheTKC.
In his address, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works & Transport, Hon John Mutorwa, emphasised thesignificantroleofthe Trans Kalahari Corridor in facilitating the transportation of goods and services to benefit citizens across the region. He highlighted the importance of ongoing
efforts to promote infrastructure development and enhance crossborder cooperation to ensurethecorridor'scontinued success in promotingeconomicgrowth andconnectivity
Botswana's Minister of Transport and Public Works, Eric Molale said thatthisinitiativehasthe potential to unlock the economic status of communities that live along the Corridor “We must beallowedtomovefreely across our region; we must harness our processes and protocols that facilitate that free movement;andwemustinvest alongthecorridor That is what these honourable cyclists are bringing, and we shall witness you in a moment when we sign the pledge that will be a complete pledge that brings commitment, and that has been inspired by this cyclist." The executive director of the Trans Corridor Secretariat, Leslie Mlungisi Mpofu, said that the corridor transversesthroughsome of the low-income communities, and therefore thecorridorisexpectedto inject economic impetus on these communities, thereby creating muchneeded jobs, be it informal or formal employment.
The 2024 Sanlam Coastal Marathon
Swakopmund played host to an impressive gathering of over 1 200 athletes on Saturday, all vying for victory in the 2024 Sanlam Coastal Marathon.
Simon Matias (22) and Lavinia Haitope (34) were the overall winners in the men's and women's categories of the 2024 Sanlam Coastal Marathon held on 27 April in Swakopmund. Matias crossed the finish line with a time of 2:21:51,JesayaMatheuswassecondina timeof2:22:51andJasonJohannesthird inatimeof2:29:50inthemen'scategory whilstHaitopewontheladiescategoryin a time of 2:45:00 with Beata Naigambo second in a time 2:53:53 and IndileniMweshamekange third in a time of2:56:17.
TheresultsoftheSanlamCoastal Marathonareasfollows: 42.2kilometres:
Men'scategory;1MatiasSimon (2:21:51),2JesayaJoleniMatheus (2:22:51),3JasonJohannes(2:29:50)
Ladiescategory;1LaviniaHaitope (2:45:00),2BeataNaigambo(2:53:52), 3IndileniMweshamekange(2:56:17)
Veteranmen:1JasonJohannes (2:29:50),2PaulusVilho(2:31:50),3 MynhardtKauanivi(2:32:42)
Veteranwomen:1BeataNaigambo (2:53:53),2HarrietKnott(3:29:29),3 SusanaCampbell(3:54:09) Master'smen:1JohanBronkhorst (3:49:53),2JacksonHamwele
The overall winners in
and women's categories
Haitope of the 2024 Sanlam Coastal Marathon
(4:04:11),3RabanusShoopala (4:20:04) Masterswomen:1ShaniErlankScholtz(3:58:49),2BirgitHoffman
(4:28:22),3BarbaraKittel(4:43:51) Grandmastersmen:1Raimund Kintscher(3:55:36);2AchimHerma (4:56:54)
21Kilometres; Men'scategory;1TangeniSakaria (1:15:11),2LukasJoel(1:18:21),3 SimonShipangana(1:16:54)
Ladiescategory;1LuciaAndrek (1:22:19),2OttillieAimwata(1:22:51), 3AnnaAmutoko(1:27:28)
Juniormen:1LucasChallow(1:18:54), 2ReginalVanyana(1:27:29),3Wesley Haukongo(1:29:06)
Juniorwomen:1NicoleGroenewald (2:18:32),2ShiyelekeniTulikemanya (2:19:09),3PaulaCodinaRella (2:20:33)
Veteranmen:1SimonShipanga (1:15:54),2SakariaShifitoka(1:17:32), 3ErichGoeieman(1:22:11)
Veteranwomen:1OttillieAimwata (1:22:51),2AnnaAmutoko(1:27:28),3 NicoleSpangenberg(1:36:14)
Mastersmen:1KristofNdunga (1:05:17),2GabrielJoshBraz (1:29:46),3FabianHaufiku(1:54:28)
Masters'women:1EmiliaKatekene Nambahu(2:03:09),2AnjaKreiner (2:09:02),3MartinettevanNiekerk (2:11:58)
Grandmastermen:1EwaldOchs (2:12:42),2ChrisCronje(2:14:49),3 FrankFielding(2:19:20)
Grandmasterwomen:1ChristineHaupt (2:07:08),2LydiaLehoho(2:19:11),3 MarinaCoetzee(2:23:45)