Well known Community Activist, Irvin Basil Summers made his first court appearance on a charge of rape in the Magistrates Court of Walvis Bay on Tuesdaymorningthisweek. The 53-year-old stands accused of the alleged rape of a 13-year-old minor place of residence one month after ananti-rapemessageout.
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The Erongo police regional commander for community affairs, Inspector Ileni Shapumba confirmed to the NamibTimesthreepeoplewerefound dead Thursday morning in different housesatMondesa,Swakopmund. Shapumba could however not furnish any
Three dead bodies found - another critical furtherinformationandsaidthattheyarestill investigating. The news has spread through the town of Swakopmund and residents are eager to know what happened and who the peopleare. Itisallegedtwomenandawomanwerefound dead, and another person is in a critical conditioninaintensivecareunit.
Eileen van der Schyff Sharlien Tjambari Kativa bids council farewell Scenic incrashescharterAirplanedownZambezi haltedlicensesforapplicationsNationwidefuel
Community activist makes first appearance in court for alleged rape charge Estate agent, Ryno du Plessis and his partner, Christian Thiart, were arrested on Thursday 25 August for allegedly assaulting an 11 year old fosterchild.
Oasis Destroyed In Blaze
namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6980 FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 3 Page 5 Page 4 ·Communitymembersprotestedbail grantoutsidetheWalvisBayCourt ·Stateopposedbail ·Casepostponedto11October2022
The Oasis Supermarket situated in 19 Mermaid Street that served the Narraville community forabout 52 years, was destroyed in a fire at around 1:05 on Thursdaymorning. The owner of Oasis Supermarket, Colin Van Niekerk (known as Uncle Colin) said someonealertedthemofsmokeandheand hissonranouttoinspect.“Whenwearrived attheshoptheWalvisBayFireBrigadewas alreadyatthescene,”UncleColinsaid,and praised the fire brigade, emergency services,NarravilleNeighbourhoodWatch, andsomeofcommunitymembersfortheir effortsincontainingthefiretotheshopand flatsatthebackoftheshop,occupiedbythe shop Uncleemployees.Colinsaid, "I do not want to
Continues on page 2 RudiRudiBoweBowe
The two made their first appearance in the SwakopmundMagistrate'sCourtonacharge of assault with the intention to do grievous bodily Accordingharm.to a police incident report, the suspects beat the victim, who stayed with thematthetime,withawoodenplankonthe buttocks,causingswelling. They released bailofN$5000each, Estate agent charged with assaulting foster child
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Community activist makes first appearance in court Estate agent charged with assaulting foster child
DuPlessissaidthatitwasagreedthata"small simple pine plank" would be used to administer the spanking - on the buttocks. "I gave him a normal hiding, and explained to himwhy,"hesaid,referringtothelastincident in which the child was supposed to do homework, but instead, played computer Hegames.saidthathecontactedarelativetotakethe childforsometimesohecoulddealwithother family issues, which included a very sick "Wmother-in-lawedroppedhim off, and everyone was all smiles, and the next thing I know, I am being lockedupforassault,"hesaid,addingthathis partner, Thiart, was also arrested because he also gave the child a spanking two weeks beforeforallegedtheft.
According to a reliable source, Du Plessis calledarelativeaboutaweekagoaskingher ifshecouldtakethechild.Heallegedlytold herthatthechildwassonaughtythathehad to give him a hiding. After she picked him up,andtookhimhomewithher,shenoticed hewaswalkingfunny Sheaskedwhatwasgoingon,andhesaidhe was in pain because he was given a hiding. "We went to the room, and I inspected his buttocks.Theywerebruisedblackandblue, and swollen double the size," the relative said. "I was shocked." She informed the speculate on what may have caused the fire.Itisanoldbuilding,soitisdifficult to say what could have gone wrong, an investigation is underway Our building may have been burnt down, but we will continueourbusinesswiththesupportof our staff and the community. We will most probably stand up again," said Uncle AccordingCollin.Inspector
Website:www.namibtimes.net Visit our Namib Times Swakopmund office at c/o of Otavi and Wasserfall street at Ané Court No. 13
Oasis Destroyed pectedthatthefirestartedattheflatsatthe back of the shop. The cause of the fire is unknown at this stage. The inspector said therewasnooneintheshopatthetimeof the fire and no injuries or loss of life was recorded. “However, there is extensive damage to the building and all properties burneddown.Itisfurtherreportedthatthe firealsodestroyedthreeflats,includingthe properties there were in these flats,”
"We'vewalkedalongwaywithhim,andinthe eventofdiscipline,we'vedoneeverythingwe could when he is naughty; take privileges away, or ground him, you name it, we tried everything to teach him discipline," he Accordingexplained.
PublicProsecutor,AnnakletaKandjimiopposedbail.Magistrate, John Sindano postponed the case to 11 October 2022 for further investigation and remanded Summers in custody. Magistrate SindanoadvisedSummerstogetlegalrepresentation.“Rapeisa serious crime in Namibia, and it is advisable to have legal representation,”MagistrateSindanosaid. AccordingtotheErongopolice,sometimebetweenthemonthsof MayandAugustof2021,itisallegedSummersinvitedtheteento his house to wash dishes when the alleged rape happened in his roomwhenshewenttheretotellhimthedishesaredone.Theteen waslivingwithherparentsinabackyardapartmentonSummers' propertyatthetime.Apolicereportstatedtheaccusedallegedly pulled the teen by her arm, threw her on his bed, and allegedly rapedherbeforetellinghernottotellanyonewhathadhappened. Itisalleged,aftertheteen'sparentsfoundatextmessagefromthe accusedonherphone,theycontactedthepolicewhichledtohis Inarrest.1990, Summers appeared in court for assault charges, and a caseofrapein1994hadbeenwithdrawnagainsthim.
tohim,relativesallegedlyalsotold him that the only thing that will "work" with thechild,wouldbeaspanking-andeventhe childallegedlyagreed.
InspectorShapumbasaid. social workers, which eventually led to the arrest and the two men being charged. When contacted for comment, Du Plessis, saidbothhimandtheparentsagreedtotakein thechildoverayearandahalfagoduetothe family being in difficult circumstances.
Shapumba, spokesperson of the Erongo police, it is sus-
Erongo Red adjusts electricity tariffs
Rudi Bowe
Kativacontinued:“Theadministrationofcouncilisindeedapplaudable. theyareindeedgreatimplementersunderthevisionaryleadershipofour great legend, Mr Alfeus Benjamin. I believe that Swakopmund will onlybecomebetterandbetter IamproudthatIworkedwithyouall.”
RooftopSolarInstallation–ThroughtheNetMetering Rules promulgated by the Electricity Control Board (ECB)in2016,customerswillstillbeallowedtoinstall solarrooftopsontheirpremisestogenerateenergyfor self-consumption. The surplus energy can be fed into ErongoRED'snetworkandearnNetMeteringCredits in return. Erongo RED uses the net metering credits earnedbythecustomerstooffsetpartoftheirelectricity !Hanabebbill.appealtoourpensionerstopleasere-register again so that they continue to benefit from the subsidizedtariffs.“Thepurposeofthere-registrationis to mitigate the risk of misuse of the scheme by those whoarenotsupposedtobeonthepensionertariff.” He alsoappeals to all Erongo Red consumers to play theirpartinreducingtheelectricitybills.“Justapplying basicelectricity-savingtipssuchasturningoffunused lightsandappliances,adjustingyourgeyserthermostat anduseofenergy-efficientappliancescanmakeahuge differenceonthebill.”
Kativa further said, “my journey as mayor has ended, however, I have beenelevatedandthereforemyworkisstillsurroundingthepeopleof Swakopmund. therefore, we are still together, and I want to work to ensurethatourtowncontinuestogrowfromstrengthtostrength.”
Inherfinalremarksincouncil,Kativasaidsheisgratefulandhumbled bythesupportthatshehasbeenreceivingfromthecommunitymembers duringhertimeasmayorandwhenshestoodasacandidateforthebyelections for the Swakopmund constituency, “I will surely work to ensurethatIdeliverthepromisesImade.”
The Electricity Control Board (ECB) has approved a weighted average of 6.7% tariff adjustment by the Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor (Erongo RED) effective 1 August.
Kativa thanked her fellow councillors for having entrusted her to lead the council. She said, although they were a diverse group representing different political parties, they set their differences aside and continuouslyprioritizedthecommunityofSwakopmund.
Kativastressedtheimportanceofsoundstakeholderrelationsandthatit needs to be always effective. She said her journey with council will continueastheyneedtoworktogethercontinuouslyforthebetterment ofthetown.
The former mayor of Swakopmund, Louisa Kativa, who willbeheadingtheSwakopmundConstituencyOfficesaid herfinalgoodbyestoherfellowcouncillorsandstaffofthe SwakopmundMunicipalityandofficiallyhandedoverthe chainduringthecouncilmeetingthispastWednesday.
The adjustment was a resultof the Electricity Control Board (ECB) announcement that NamPower's average tariff would increase by7.3%, effective from 01 July 2022.Erongo RED submitted an application to the ElectricityControlBoard(ECB)foratariffadjustment increaseforthe2022/2023financialyear TheChiefExecutiveOfficerofErongoRed,Immanuel !Hanabeb during a media conference in the harbour town on Wednesday 31 August said thatalthough the approved weighted tariff is 6.9%,the impact on customerswillvarydependingonindividualconsumer consumptionpatternsandtypeofconnection. According to !Hanabeb, the ECB Levy will remain unchangedfortheperiodof12months,starting01July 2022 to 31 June 2023. “The Ministry of Mines and Energy has not yet indicated to us regarding the NEF Levyforthe2022/2023financialyear.” !Hanabebsaid,“thesetariffincreasesarenotuniqueto the electricity industry only Almost everything (from basiccommoditiestomaterialcosts)hasgoneupinthe pastfewmonths.” Heexplainedthatthemainfactorthatinfluencestariffs, is the bulk tariff increase by NamPower All these factors have an impact on the input cost to bring electricitytotheend-user !Hanabebsaidthatduringthereviewprocess,theylook for all possible ways to cushion the impact on their customers whilst ensuring that service delivery is not compromised. “Thus, the company has resolved on followingmeasurestoassistvulnerablemembersofour community.”ErongoRED will continue to support the pensioners–Despite the increase, the pensioners will continuetoenjoysubsidizedtariffs(specialtariffs)upto 40-ampere circuit breakers and installation of the prepaidboxisfreeforpensioners. ErongoREDwillcontinuewiththeSocialTariffforthe 2022/2023period.Thus,consumersonthe20amperes will be charged on the inclining block tariff structure. Erongo RED will only subsidize the first 400 units for consumers in this category The subsidized units have beenreducedfrom500to400. Pre Paid Business Tariffs(SMEs) Erongo RED acknowledgedthechallengesthisconsumersectorhas experienced,especiallyinthelasttwoyears.Tosupport thissector,ErongoREDhasresolvedtopassa0%tariff increase to the customers on the Pre-Paid Business (SMEs)forthecurrentfinancialperiod. Farmers- the Fixed charges for the Farmers in the ExNamPower areas namely the first connection, and additionalconnectionforthefarmsandplotshavebeen reducedby50%.Aswehavetakennoteoftheconcerns oftheFarmersintoconsiderationduringthereview FreePre-Paidmeterinstallation-Wehavealsodecided to continue with the free pre-paid meter project for pensionersandcustomerswhoareondebtmanagement onlyTheDebtManagementprogram–thecompanyhasalso decided to extend the debt management program to allow customers who are disconnected to be reconnectedthroughadebtmanagementarrangement. Thisissubjecttotermsandconditions.
Kativa bids council farewell Sharlien Tjambari
Court Swakopmund Court Report
Nationwide applications for fuel licenses
RegionalCourt Mathias Ndombo (34), KasperShimooshili (32), David Sheehama (40), Temus Shikalepo (39), Erkan Kaapanda (40) and Jason Ngalandji (40), appeared on a charge of a motor vehicle theft.The matter waspostponedto16January2023forcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedareonbail. James Lewis (38), Kristiaan Kristopher (27) and Fransisco Mathias, appeared on charges of 19 counts of a motor vehicle theft. The matter was postponed to 31 October for continuation of trial. The accusedareonbail. Nairobi Beukes (23), appeared on two counts of theft charges. The matter was postponed to 19 October for legal aid. The accusedremainsincustody MagistrateCourt Johannes Ashipala (33), Andreas Keendjek (30) Saymore Chiradza (34), appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwith intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 3 October for continuation of trail Andreas Keendjek and Saymore Chiradza,areonbailandJohannesAshipala hasbeenwarned. Graven Van Neel (27), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter is postponed to 28Novemberforpleaandtrail.Theaccused isonbail. Petrus Steenkamp (71), appeared on a charge of dealing in protected wildlife products. The matter is postponed to 3 Octoberforfixingoftraildate.Theaccused isonbail. Orlando Heita (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.Thematterwaspostponedto21September for juvenile pre-sentencing report. Theaccusedisonbail. TersiaBasson(41),appearedonachargeof theft. The matter was postponed to 3 Octoberfor pleaand trial.The accusedhas beenwarned. CarlonCloete(33),appearedonachargeof theft.Theaccusedisatlarge,andawarrant ofarrestwasissued. AmosMbinga(24),appearedonachargeof theft with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 27 October for further investigation. The accused remains incustody Del Pi laar Lylly Goretta Coimbra(33), appearedonchargesofmaliciousdamageto property and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 3 October for fixing of trialdate.Theaccusedisonbail. Jason Nangolo (42), appeared on a charge of culpable homicide. The matter was postponed to 23 November for plea. The accusedhasbeenwarned. Robert Maletzkey (43), appeared on a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to n5 September for fixing of trial date. The accused has been warned. Frans Ganuseb (27), appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to rape and assaultbythreat.Thematterwaspostponed to3Octoberforlegalaid.Theaccusedison bail. Nigel Kock (28), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 September for further investigations. The accusedremainsincustody ChristianThiart (56) and RynoAdriaan Du Plessis (38), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 November for further investigations. The accusedremainsincustody Marianza Erasmus (38), Anthony Erasmus(20),AnthonyErasmus(38),Irshane Rhode (18), Tyrion Echardt (26) and Romano Pitt (26), appeared on charges of malicious damage to property and assault withintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matter was postponed to 25 January 2023 forpleaandtrial. LucasHanse(18),appearedonachargeof assaultbythreat.Thematterwaspostponed to 10 November for continuation of trial. Theaccusedisonbail.
Applicationsfornewretailsitesandwholesalelicenseshavebeen haltednationwidebytheMinistryofMinesandEnergybecauseof concerns involving both fuel wholesale and retail markets being highlysaturatedwithlisences. This is according to the spokesperson of the ministry, Andreas Simon, who stated the situation creates problems that ultimately leadtohighfuelpricesinthecountry “Esceptionswillbemadefor applications for fuel consumer installations and other license amendments,”Simonstated. halted
The long weekend started off with Erongo police closing the B2 route between Arandis and Usakos for over an hour to allow emergency services to extinguish a blazing empty tanker truck. The truck caughtfireafewkilometers from Arandis in the direction of Usakos on Thursday, 25August. Twodays later, on 27August, a seven seater with three occupants over turned about 40 km outside Usakos to wards Arandis resulting in various in juries. The next day, two people sustained serious injuries when the vehicle they were traveling in slammed into the rear of a touristbus'straileronthe C36 (Henties Bay/ Uis road). On Monday, 29 August, a well respected man from Walvis Bay lost his life when he lost control of the Toyota Pradohewasdriving, causing it to overturn on the B2 route from Arandis to Swakopmund. On Tuesday thisweek,anaccident involving a seven seater and truck was reported. The truck landedonitssidenext to the road. Both the tuck driver and the driver of the sevenseater escaped with theirlives. A four-year vehicle crash statistics report collected by the Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund shows the Erongo region is one of the six high crash regions in the Fromcountry2019 to 2022, the Erongo region recorded 1 119 road crashes, that resulted in 1 735 injuries and 125 Consideringfatalities.this, the Erongo region accounts for 10% of the crashes on aver age annually Injuries and fatalities accounts for 9% and 7%respectively Website:www. namibtimes.net
Scenic Air charter plane crashes down in Zambezi
Erongo roads hit with four big vehicle accidents in days
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
AccordingtoNamibiaCivilAviationAuthority's (NCAA), Executive Director, Toska Sem, the scene of the crash was closed for investigation that will be conducted by the Ministry ofWorks and ManagingTransport.Director of Scenic Air, Michael Böttger expressed their condolences, “everyone atScenicAirisdevastedbythistragicevent,and our deep and heartfelt condolences go out to the familiesandfriendswholostlovedones.”
A21-year-old SouthAfrican pilot and all four German passengers onboard a charter flight with a Cessna Centurion C210, V5-LMK of the Windhoek/ Swakopmund private airplane charter company, ScenicAir, died when the plane crasheddownonthebanksoftheZambezi RiverintheZambeziregionduringlunch timeonTuesdaythisweek. The flight took off from the Impalila Island in theZambeziregionenroutetoRundu. Spokesperson of the Namibian police, Chief Inspector Elifas Kuwinga stated the plane crashedonlyminutesafteritstake-offfromthe ImpalilaairportalongtheZambeziRiverbank. Thenamesofthepilotandfourmembersofthe German family who was onboard the plane, were released by the Namibian police late Tuesdayafternoon.Thepilotwasidentifiedas Nicole Mienie (21). The members of the
Onepilotandfourtouristsdieindevastatingaccident PiecesofthelightaircraftscatteredalongtheZambeziRiverbanks InvestigationconductedbyMinistryofWorksandTransport,Directorateof AircraftAccidentInvestigation(DAAI) GermanfamilywereidentifiedasThomasRings (59), Dr Evelyn Rings (57),Alicia Maria Rings (19)andPaulinaLuciaRings(17). AmediastatementbyScenicairstatesthecause oftheaccidentremainsunknown.“Theaccident is now being investigated by the Directorate of AircraftAccidentInvestigation(DAAI).Assuch anduntilsuchtimeasanofficialdeterminationis madebyDAAI,anyspeculationbyanyoneasto the cause of the accident is wholly unwarranted anduninformed,”thestatementreads.
Namibianroadswerepepperedwithvehicleaccidentsoverthelongweekend.Inthe Erongoregionalone,fourbigmotorvehicleaccidentshappenedinamatterofonly days.
. . .
Erongo vehicle crash statistics a concern
The Oelofse family, from the Mount Etjo Rhino Trust in Namibia hands the Baton of Hope to the Bolton family from SouthAfrica
“Patriarch, Jan Oelofse, was a world-renowned conservationist.Hisfamily,wifeAnnette,sonAlex andhiswifeCarola,withtheirchildren,JanJr and Keira continue his legacy, working tirelessly for conservation,”Boltonaddedandfurthersaid,“the significance of a family with such strong conservation roots, especially regarding Rhino's, passing on the baton to ours gives even greater impetus and substance to the baton's purpose. A massive thanks you to Swakop Sands and the Oyster Box for accommodating the team of the Forever Rhino Ride Expedition, we appreciate your warm and caring hospitality' Bolton
6 NAMIBTIMES 2SEPTEMBER2022 Giventhecurrentconcernsinlinewithpreviousexpeditions,NelsonMandelaBay(NMB) basedAnti-Rhinopoachingactivist,WayneBoltonhasembarkedlastSaturday,20August, ontheForeverRhinoRideExpedition2022,wherehewilllinkNamibiaandSouthAfrica.
The Forever Rhino Ride Expedition 2022
Laura, Wayne & Nikki Bolton gear up for their Namibia/SA adventure Bowe
the same time as usual," admitted Bolton. "I'm hopingthelegsholdoutonthosecorrugatedgravel roads from Swakopmund to Wayne Bolton in the middleoftheNamibDesert,butI'velearntinlifeas well that when you step out of your comfort zone it's those occasions that will be with you forever," Boltonadded. Boltonsaidhismaingoalfromthisexpeditionisto complete the journey having connected different role players in Rhino Conservation. "This would notbejustatapoliticallevelbuthopefullyalsoat national parks and private reserves level both in SouthAfrica and Namibia. If we can also connect the next generation of kids in the two countries, then we would have succeeded. The reason for linking Namibia and SouthAfrica is that Namibia holds the largest population of the critically endangeredBlackRhinoandSouthAfricamostof the near-threatened White Rhino. These two countries are inextricably linked as primary custodians of our planet's remaining Rhino Species,”Boltonsaid. According to Bolton a pledge of unity in conservationisengravedonthebackofawooden sphereintheshapeoftheForeverRhinoRidelogo thatisbeendesignedasawoodenpuzzlemadeup of twoseparate halves. Bolton will carry one half withtheBlackRhinofromNamibia,handedtohim by representatives of Namibian Rhino Conservation, and connect it with the second half bearing the White Rhino, with South African representativesofRhinoConservationatthefinish. BoltonwillalsocarrytheBatonofHopewithhim from Namibia.This baton is also carved out of wood in the shape of a Rhino horn and is in four parts.AtDonkinReservethiswillbedisassembled, and each part will be handed over to One Land Love It (OLLI) representatives who are local legendsinNMB.Boltonexplainedthatthe“Baton of Hope” is a special symbolic gesture that will launchseveralinitiativesstartingwiththeForever Rhino Ride. “We as the Bolton were honoured to receivetheBatonfromtheOelofsefamily,fromthe MountEtjoRhinoTrustinNamibia.”
The adventure commenced by cycling with his mountainbikefromSwakopmundonthewestcoast (Atlantic Ocean) of Namibia, and will finish at Donkin Reserve in Gqeberha Nelson Mandela Bay (IndianOcean)intheEasternCapeofSouthAfrica on the22 September, a rideof approximately2400 km. The expedition that bears the approval of both the Namibian and South African Rhino Conservations will generate awareness of the need forordinarypeopleacrosscountriesandcultures,to conserve our ancient rhino species. Rhino's may havebeenwithusforever,butwecannolongertake that for granted. Bolton said, "I think the first two expeditionshavecreatedaplatformforusnowand wefeltthetimingwasright,especiallywithsomeof the Rhino Poaching that has taken place in the Etosha National Park in Namibia, to elevate the level of the awareness. I'm excited and nervous at Wayne Bolton with his mountain bike on his way to Nelson Mandela Bay
Source:concluded.Curtesy of the Bolton family, AlgoaFM NewsandFacebook
I Willem Buckle of Merlus Nature Fishing (Pty) Ltd hereby give notice that in consequence of changing the name of MFV Dunboy to MFV Helgoland. I have applied under Merchant Shipping Act,Act 57 of 1951 as amended, and its regulations thereof, in respect of the ship MFV Dunboy of gross tonnage 338 tons hereto owned by Merlus Nature Fishing (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1996, Walvis Bay, for permission to change her name to MFV Helgoland. Any objections to the proposed change of name must be sent to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport, Windhoek within thirty days from the appearance of this notice.
During the visit, the delegation conducted a site visit to Equatorial Guinea's Punta Europa Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) where the delegation gained insight into facility operations,challenges,andsuccesses.
is a new industry for us so we need to start building those skills and this agreement will really help us and we are thankful for that. As Africa, we need to start increasing collaboration among our selves,” stated Hon. Alweendo. SPRING SPECIAL 01-08 SEPTEMBER 2022 Plant Pot Italo Roma Set 350mm - N$ 65.00 incl VAT Plant Pot Italo Roma Set 400mm - N$ 124.00 incl VAT AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENTCOLOURS: GRIGIO, COTTA Organic Granules 5kgVita-boostWonder N$ 121.00 incl VAT WondersolAll Purpose 500ml N$ 89.00 incl VAT Fendona 6SC 60ml Efekto 169 N$ 135.00 incl VAT Plant Super Pot & Saucer Set 200mm - N$ 39.00 incl VAT Plant Super Pot & Saucer Set 250mm - N$ 59.00 incl VAT Plant Super Pot & Saucer Set 300mm - N$ 85.00 incl VAT AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENTCOLOURS: TEAL, PEACH, YELLOW, CLASSIC BLUE Electric Blower 2000W Ryobi N$ 499.00 incl VAT Pressure Sprayer 5l SX-CS5F) Efekto 33451 N$ 329.00 incl VAT Hose Pipe with fittings 20m x 12mm (5yr warranty) N$ 219.00 incl VAT Wheelbarrow Concrete Poly Sandmaster N$ 1239.00 incl VAT Watering Can 5L Teal /Classic Blue N$ 69.00 incl VAT Gardenset 3 Piece Lasher N$ 189.00 incl VAT Fan Leaf LivingstoneRake N$ 83.00 incl VAT Fork 4 LivingstoneProng N$ 189.00 incl VAT Spade Digging #2 MHSS 660mm Lasher N$ 221.00 incl VAT Shovel Round Nose MHSS MB2 Lasher N$ 249.00 incl VAT Rake 16TAll Steel Livingstone N$ 109.00 incl VAT AVAILABLEAT THESE STORES: BUCO.CO.ZA BUCO WALVIS BAY 160 CIRCUMFERENTIALROAD TEL: 00264 84 000 9890 BUCO WINDHOEK 27 PARSONS STREET SOUTHERN INDUSTRIALAREA TEL: 00264 84 000 9870 BUCO ONGWEDIVA DR SAM NUIJOMADRIVE TEL: 00264 84 000 9880 BUCO ONDANGWA ERF 1257 MAIN ROAD TEL: 00264 84 000 8780 NEW RANGES
Ufudu Marine Namibia cc intends to provide underwater hull cleaning services involving cleaning of hull vessels using the Diver-controlled Hull Cleaning Technology. The appointed Consultants would like to notify the public in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for ECC (Environmental Clearance Certificate) will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.
TomAlweendo - Minstry of Mines and Energy
ely centered
Notice of Vessel Name Change
Following these meetings, Hon Alweendo met with H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea, with discussions l rg around how Namibia cansecureinvestment and fast track hydrocarbon lessons.willstryattachedyoungwethehasAfrican“Whendevelopment.wehaveancountrythattheexperienceandmeans,thatiswhyarehere.WehaveNamibianengi-neerswhowillbetotheMini-heresothattheyhavemoreon-the-jobandpracticalThisway,it will accelerate the processforustobuild the skills. It
Location and description: The site for the proposed development is located within the Walvis Bay Port limits. Underwater Cleaning operations will take place where vessels will be located within the Walvis Bay Port limits.
A delegation led by Hon Tom Alweendo, has conducted a diplomatic visit to Equatorial Guinea
Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions CC. Invitation to participate: By this notice, Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. Only registered IAPs will receive information related to the proposed project activities To register as IAP see contact information below: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu Email: elumbu7@gmail.com or mnelumbu@ecutsnamibia.com ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS CC
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent use, erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringServices.
Any person having any objections to the proposed activities may lodge such objections duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer before or on 23September2022.
Christian Tors (Seawork Head of Operations) Annie Theron (Seawork Cares Project Coordinator) Ernst Grothkopf (FNB Client Portfolio Manager)
At Seawork, they believe in their mission and know that a good meal can equal great results.
Seawork Cares Adopt-a-School Foundation in partnership with FNB Namibia aims to help more Namibian school children
As part of Seawork's ‘Seawork Cares’ program, established in May 2019, the Adopt-a-School Foundation in partnership with FNB Namibia, primarily focuses on providing a healthy meal to underprivilegedschoolchildrenintheremoteandruralareasofNamibiatwiceaday
Tel:0812895377 email:britt@brittklews.com orMr JHeita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403/0811500269 email:jheita@swkmun.com.na
Christian Tors, Head of Operations at Seawork said, “We care about the future and believe together we can create a better tomorrow, today We believeeducationisthegreatequalizer,providing thosewhoarelessfortunatewithopportunitiesto pursuetheirdreams.Twoprimaryschools,witha total of 420 children are currently benefitting of the Adopt-A-School Foundation. These two schools are Marmer Primary School in Aus and Cocoma Junior Primary School outside Rundu.
Eileen van der Schyff
The owner of Erf 536, Cnr Mandume Ya Ndemufayo and Moses//Garoeb Streets, Swakopmund, intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for Special Consent to operate offices within a Light Industrial zoning on the premises on erf 536, Cnr Mandume Ya NdemufayoandMoses//GaroebStreets,Swakopmund.
Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s, in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
By virtue of Council Resolution C010/23/06/2022/ 05th/2022andintermsofSection63(2)(b)oftheLocal AuthoritiesAct, (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, read in conjunction with Section 30 (1)(t) of the LocalAuthoritiesAct 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended,noticeis herebygiventhattheMunicipalCouncilofHentiesbaai intends to alienate portion 117 of Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands no.133, measuring 25 Hectares (Equivalentto250000m²) atacostofN$15.00/m²amountingtoatotalpurchasepriceofN$3750000.00(Three Million, Seven Hundred & Fifty Thousand Namibian Dollars), by way of private treaty to Messrs Neral Investment for the purpose of establishing a Housing Furtherdevelopment.takenotethatthelocalityandthelayoutplanof thepropertyliesopenforinspectionduringofficehours at the offices of the Municipal Council situated at the cornerofJakkalsputzRoadandNickeyIyamboAvenue. Anyperson(s)havingobjection(s)totheintendedalienationoftheportionmaylodgesuchobjection(s)fully motivatedtotheundersigned,withinfourteen(14)days afterthesecondplacementoftheadvert.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer POBox61 HentiesBay
FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust donated N$250 000 to Seawork Cares on Friday, 19 August. Annie Theron (Seawork Cares Project Co-ordinator)said,“Thefundswillbeallocatedto providing healthy, nutritious meals to underprivileged Namibian youths in rural, undeveloped regionsofNamibia. Thanks to the generous donations from FNB Namibia, we will be providing meals for an additional 3 schools, still to be announced, in FNBNamibia”.Client Portfolio Manager, Ernst Grothkopf said, “I am truly honoured to represent the First National Bank of Namibia to hand over this donation of N$250 000 to the Seawork Cares Trust. Through the FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust, FNB is passionate about social upliftment programs, and we look forward to co-creating new realities for our communities with Seawork Cares. Due to lack of food security thousands of children are forced to fend for themselves and drop out of school every year This does not have to be our reality!Withpassionanddetermination,togetherwe can ensure underprivileged Namibian youths can getafairchanceatschool.Webelieveeducationis the key to make a lasting difference for future generations which will impact and transform our communities in such a way that they are able to contribute meaningfully and confidently towards theirandothers'sustainability Letusurgedecision makersinournetworkstosupportinitiativessuchas thisone.”
V3-1@PSS W11-0@Flamingi(20/08/2022)
Nuus van Pro Ed Akademie
W15-0@Flamingo Netbal Superliga Finaal in Windhoek 19 &20 Augustus2022 O/12 W6-4@Parkies V13-6@WAP V14-4@Edugate Eindig4de O/13 W17-14@WAP V24-13@WHKGim Eindig2de
Eindig4de Napso Chess Virtual Tournament: 20/08/2022 (PE SWKVurtualChess) Gr1-3: Ethan Innes, Jathan Hangula, Laila Davids andReubenPetrus Gr4-7:ASpan-JannaKathena,TuliKainge,IanVan SchalkwykandJoshuaMatthys B Span Jaden Matthys, Mia McKay, Ulrich BeckmannandJannesCoetzee Hoërskool: A Span Indila Abrahams, Ashron Damens,JonathanPlattandSchalkSmith B Span- Nathan Van Greunen, Eduan Strampe, LorenzoWilliamsandAlvandroDiergaardt School News Vervolg op bls 11
O/15 V24-32@GobabisGim W25-14@WBPHS O/17 V38-8@WHKGim V29-11@Edugate O/19 W33-26@WAP V21-31@EllaDup V32-26@AShipena
SportUitslae: RugbyO/15–PE17/08/2022 O/15:W41-5@WBPHSB RugbyO/13–PE17/08/2022 O/13:W34-10@WP 1steRugbyspan–PE20/08/2022 V20-12@WHS 1steHokkieSeunsinSwakopmund18/08/2022 W14-0@Dolphin 2deHokkieMeisiesinSwakopmund18/08/2022
Gelykop13/08/20220-0@WBPHS 2de Hokkiespan Meisies in Swakopmund V5-013/08/2022@WBPHS NOTICES & VACANCIES vervolg van bls 10
·Should be able to develop new training programs based on CliftonStrengths
Benguella Enterprises (Pty) Ltd is a marine equipment supplier and safety equipment service centrewithmorethan50yearstradingexperience. We have a vacancy for an Accountant who is mature, well organized, self-disciplined with good interactive skills that will report to the Board of Directors.
·At least 4 years' coaching experience using Gallup's CliftonStrengths material and guidelines
School News Baiegelukaanelkeenwat13Augustus deelgeneem het by St Georges seAGA rankingshootinWHK. Uitslaeasvolg: BullseyeroundJnrGirls: Gold: Danya Laas, Bronze: Skyler Viviers, 4de: ChrisnaSmith,5de:AmyHenningen10de:Zayden AnimalArandse/3Dround: Gold:DanyaLaas,Bronze:ChrisnaSmith,4de:Am y Henning, 5de: Skyler Viviers en 6de: Zayden AnimalArendseRound/3D:SnrGirls 6de:NicoleSteyn OverallwinnersJnrGirls: Champion: Danya Laas, 2de Runner Up: Chrisna Smith, 4de: Skyler Viviers, 5de: Amy Henning en 7de: OverallZaydenArendseSeniorwinnersSnrGirls 10de:NicoleSteyn SportUitslae:LSRugbyinWalvisbaai13/08/2022 O/11:V17-0@WBPHS O/13:V39-0WBPHS 1steRugbyspaninWindhoek13/08/2022 V53-18@WHKGim 1ste Hokkiespan Seuns in Swakopmund
·To ensure development of staff and teams
·To provide Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths training
·Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coaching Certification ·A B.Comm Degree in Human Resource Management
·Relevant computer skills
Keyresponsibilities: 1. Preparation up to Financial Statement Level. 2. Preparation and presentation of Financial Reporting documents to the Board of Directors. 3. ManagingTax. 4. ManageAudits. 5. Weekly Cash Flow 6. Management ofAdmin/Finance Department. 7. Implementation of Financial Controls and Procedures. Minimum requirements: 1. B.Com degree or equivalent qualification. 2. Namibian citizen. 3. Minimum driver's license – Code BE 4. Minimum 10 years working experience with 5 years in a supervisory position. 5. Display good computer skills, MS Office proficiency will be an advantage. 6. Working knowledge of Pastel. 7. Fluent in English andAfrikaans. All applications must be submitted electronically before or on 16 September 2022. Prospective candidates should forward a detailed CV to: hr@benent.com.na Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.
MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB · To provide CliftonStrengths Coaching to staff members and extremal clients KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
CONSENT:HomeBasedOffice(CashLoan)ON ERF NO: 7007 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Ongulumbashe InCircle.terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedOffice(CashLoan). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan23September NAME2022.ANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: SFMakayi,POBox399 email:samuelmakayi131@gmail.com
Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coach Wanted (based in Windhoek)
·A self-starter who can take initiative and responsibility without supervision ·Good listening skills ·A strong communicator (oral and written) The closing date for the application is: 25 September 2022 Please send CV to cv@acvnam.com Please note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
·To conduct Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths coaching sessions with staff and departmental teams
SexualDR0812528744KareemZANIAProblems Controlearlyejaculation Increasemenspenis Abnormalmenstruation UnwantedInfertilitypregnancy& Sexualmiscarriagesatisfactionboth menand PregnancyControlTBringFindingRelationship/lovewomennewlovebacklostloverroubledrelationshipcheatingloversproblems Other Tobelikedatwork Bringbackstolen PassproblemsDoFindingCourtStopAttractpropertycustomerssmoking/alcoholcasesajobyouhavepigliceexams Sicknesses Can'tseeperiod Swollenbodies/BP/ SkinDropproblems,long otherFinishBadluckBewitchChaseCarsFixWWRemoveHIVperiodssymptomsbaddischargeombcleaningitcheshouses&shopsawaytokoloshepeopleunfinishedjobsbydoctors SANGOMASWHO NEED CallPOWERSMOREorwhatsapp+264 812549875 DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma&Epilepsy 2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile 5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses 10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heart
DOCTTRADITIONALORKALENGA: Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Af-fairsMarriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inessesProtection at HomeRemoval of Toko-loshiMens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay Swakopmund.& Cell: 0812017887
TORENT:Kabeljou / WalvisBay Onebedroomflatina securedplace,freewifi N$2300.00p/m Waterandelectricity included Contact:0812867210 / 0812059653
TORENT: Fullyfurnishedsharing STUDENTROOMS in Academia.Walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi, waterandelectricity includedN$2800.00 Call:0811288924 Shopavailableforrent orbuyinKuisebmond, WalvisBay Rent:N$4,000,Water& Electricityexcluded Buy: forN$4,000Afacilities--room-anyrestaurant,-ExcludingN$1,000,000,costsSuitableforButchery,minimarketorotherbusiness.FreezerroomandColdinstalledKitchenwithBICOfficecubicleandtoiletvailableimmediatelydepositrequiredrent. Pleasecall0857220429 TO NearRENT:Spar,OceanView Swakopmund *1bedroomflat, immediatelyavailable N$3000.00p/m water& *inclusiveelectricity2bedroomflat , availablefrom01 September2022 N$5000.00p/m water& neighbourhood.TTContact:inclusiveelectricity0816118500ORENT:amaraiskiaveryquiet
TORENT:Koraal straat,Narraville BachelorBuiltin cupboardsandstove N$3000.00p/m N$1500.00deposit Contact:0815782854
Bachelorflatforasingle person,Ibedroomwith BICandopenplan kitchen
TEHUUR: Woonsteltehuur MeersightHeights, 22Walvisbaai.slaapkamers,badkamers,oopplan kombuis,leefarea.Enkel garage.Alarm,pet friendly.Grootgeplaveide N$agterplaas.6200.00p/m Plus Beskikbaardeposito1Oktober‘22 Kontak:0812564277
DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems&diseases tomentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin4 daysonly,bindingyour loverandtobeyoursonly; andtostophim/herfrom cheating.(b)Removalof badluckndtowintough andchallengingcourtcases. (c)togetaman/womanof yourchoice.(d)jobsand promotions.(e)pregnancy problemsandwinning tendersandcontracts, protectionofbodies,house ofwitchcraft,revengeand rapasule,rejuvenatepower duringsexandboostweak erection.Paints,headache, epilepsy,swollenlegsand feet,manhoodenlargement, recoveringofstolen propertyandmanymore othercomplicatedproblems anddiseasesyoumighthave beenletdownbyother doctorsnthepast.“Stop Crying”nowit’syourtime tocomeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracle happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.For anyappointmentcall DoctorChinomba081767 7045
FLATTOLET: in Omaruru. Newlybuilt2bedroom flat,b.i.c.,open-plan kitchenwithstove,guest toiletandbathroom, roofedveranda,carport andsmallyard.Prepaid electricity,waterincl.up to20units,nopets.Rent NS5000.00plusdeposit. Call:0816612087
SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES C l a s s i f i e d s E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication
DRBABAKAREEM Luckymeansbeingin therightplaceatthe righttime Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.
DrAtwabi:Payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getalover ofyourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanora womanofyourchoice, stopyourpartnerfrom cheatingandmakehimor hertoloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementS toXLandmuchmoreCall DrAtwabi0812337274
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice,stop yourpartnerfromcheating andhimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, financialproblems,magic ringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299
anfloungewith BICandBIS. N$3500.00permonth, waterincludedandpre paidelectricity.Deposit requiredbutNegotiable. Noanimals,garagecanbe arranged. immediatelyAvailable Contact:0812883286/ 0812349916 PROPERTIESFORSALE PROPERTIESFORSALE ForsaleinNarraville WalvisBay 3bedroomhouse–BIC allrooms 2 GarageOpenBathroom1BACKOutsideGARAGEFORAPPROVEDGasOUTSIDEBuildBuildscullerydiningLoungeTvbathroomsroomroomincupboardsinBraai-stovePLANSDOUBLE&ExtraRoom.Yardflatbedroom–BICplankitchen/lounge PriceN$1385000–(neg)–Valuation N$1450000 CALL0812902614/085 2902614TOVIEW 600sqmErfforsalein TamariskiaExt3, ApprovedBuilding Plans contact:Price:N$Available5800000812926886 TOHIRE CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access.Officeor ablutionalterations. Cowboys.064418150or 0811464770 WANTED WANTED WANTED/GESOEK: IamlookingforaTVto buyinSwakopmund. Ekisopsoekna‘nTVomte koopinSwakop-mund. Contact:0818174581 VACANCIES 12 NAMIBTIMES 2SEPTEMBER2022
Heisanexpertand experiencedTraditional medicinesandpractitioner ofherbsofdifferenttypes Heisanexpertand experiencedin:Natural andartificialdiseases, witchcraftandmagical diseases,weatherand createddiseases,african andforeigndiseases,love issuesandproblems, marriagesandfinancial issuesandproblems,court cases,farmandhome protection, protection,protection,developmentlivestockandbodyconfiningand catching employmentthieves,andbusiness opportunities,luckand luckycharms,gambling andlotto,charmsofany kind,talismanicringsand belts,sea protection,workerssealagdiseases andmanymore... N$ consultationcounselingcounseling,stressMarriage100.00counseling,anddepressionbusinessandandplansare alsodoneatafee. CalltodayDr.Jericothe witchdoctorofalltimes 0814307446 Comeandseethebest doctor!Youwilllivea healthyandsuccessful life
Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving *BuildingConstruction *YardConstruction *Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting. SwakopmundWalvisBay
LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupile oil)*pregnancyproblems *Manhoodenlargementin allsizesandstrongerin bed*Clear debts/Loansyourquickly*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbank accountusingchida *Wintenderswinlotto andgamblingand contracts*promotionat work*Iamgoodin makingawomantobe excellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNow Baba diseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmoveson theroofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholand 17.smokingUnfinishedjobs 18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed 20.woundsWealthmattersand manymanymore. CallDrMajoronefor moreinformationand appointmentson HealingDr0812017556.JericoTheWitchdoctorPractisingas:JumahAfricanTraditionalMethods
E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netOR smallswk@namibtimes.net
LEKKERVET DONKIEVLEISte koop: skakelmygerusvir aflewering.Strictly kontantbyaflewering. N$50.00npak FreshfarDonkieMeat forsale.N$50.00apack. Kindlypleasecontact mefordeliveryat 0816375060.CASH ON ONLDELIVERYY!!!
JOBWANTED: Betroubaredameis opsoekna3dae huiswerkofkantoor skoonmaakwerk.Ek hetverwysingsenkan enigetyd. Kontak:0812052856
JOBWANTED: Iama43yearoldlady maturedislookingfor workopportunityin WalvisBay.Ihave experience,housework, caregiver Iknowledge.anddon’tdrinkorsmoke. Iamreadytostart immediately Contact:0817651518
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfor domesticworkfor3 daysora cleaning.Babysittingweek.oroffice
WERKGESOEK: Betroubaredamesoek huiswerk,enigeskoon maakwerk,klerewasin strykwerk.Praat AfrikaansenEngels. Langstrand,Dolfyn, Walvisbaai,Narraville. Kanenigetydbegin. Kontak:0812644400
JOBWANTED: Iama40yearsoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay, Meersig, CancleaningWFairwaysLagoon,orLangstrand.ashing,ironing,inside.startasap.
JOBWANTED: Iama26yearwoman lookingforanykindof work,domesticoroffice cleaningwork.Icanwork MondaystoFridays. Ihaveworktestimony Contact:0818954280 JOBWANTED: Iamanagentlookingfor domesticworkfor3-5 daysaweek.Langstrand, MeersigorLagoon. Contact:0815495439
CLOSINGTIME:10:00day priortopublication
Contact:0812490696 WERKGESOEK: EkisAltaopsoekna huiswerkvir3daeof5 dae,wasenstryk.Baie dringendopsoekna werk,Dorp,Langstrand, Lagoon,Meersig. Kontak:0817186673
5408 WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknawerkin Swakopmund,ekisbaie betroubaarenekkan onmiddellikbegin. Kontak:0812112303 WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk ofkantoorskoonmaak werkinSwakopmund. Kontak:0813676609/ 0817485867 WERKGESOEK Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk wasenstryk.In Walvisbaai.Maandaetot Vrydae. Kontak:0817959936 2SEPTEMBER2022 NAMIBTIMES 13 PETALERT FOUND Steffixmalefound on15.8in SwakopmundStrandstr. Please contact the SPCA Swakopmundintoclaimyourdog064-404419 SENDYOUR NEWSTOTHE NAMIBTIMES NEWSDESK: newsdesk@namibtimes.net SENDYOUR SMALLS marketingswk@namibtimes.netSENDsmalls@namibtimes.netTO:YOURADVERTSTO:mikkie@namibtimes.netor
JOBWANTED Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inNarravilleor Langstrand.Mondaysto Fridays. Contact:0818337116 081435
WERKGESOEK: 48jarigedameopsoekna strykwerk,Woensdaeof Vrydae.Dorp,Meersig, LagoonofLangstrand. Ekhetverwysing. Kontak:0813030863
PJ AgentBURGER, Of ExecutorThe c/o IncorporatedAssociatesKinghorn HausAltona 2–6 info@kinglawHainyekoTobiasStreetPOBox1455Swakopmund.com.na(Ref:PJB/EST300/0001-60)
Minimum Experience Required 10 years’experience, of which 7 years should have been in a role of strategic decision making and implementation.
An equal opportunity Employer
ESTATENOTICE ESTATENUMBER: E1899/2022 Intheestateofthelate Albertus Johannes Ludevicus Van Biljon, Id Nr: 490201 0024 6, who died on 08 May 2022, resided at Erf 447, Strand StreetSouth,Swakopmund, thisdateperiodaatCreditorsNamibia.anddebtorsoftheaboveestatearecalledupontolodgetheirclaimsorpaytheirdebtstotheestatetheundermentionedddresswithinaof30daysfromofpublicationofnotice.
Minimum RequirementsQualificationsEducational B. Degree (NQA Level 7) in any relevant study field related to the Municipal services of the WalvisBayMunicipality and an MBA(NQALevel 9) of which modules must include Financial Management in accounting termsandliteracy,StrategicLeadershipandImplementation,HumanResourceManagement/ OrganisationalBehaviour
Ado Jeneker was crowned as the men's winner with Clint LangenhovenastherunnerupandCarmenfromRayMallthe women's single winner with Colleen from Ray Mall the runner-up. Ado Jeneker won a MSC Sinfonia boat cruise for two to the value of N$20 000 as partofhispriceatthe EDU's champion Aships.totalof7menand3 women teams competed in the Erongo Dart Union cham pionship that started on Friday, 26 and endedonSaturday,27 August at the Walvis Bay municipality's social club, at the Jan Wilken Sport Sta Thedium.two-day championships that was a big success with 40 Dart players from Torpedos, Ray Mall (men and women), Mustangs, Pelicans, Underdogs, Kavango West (men and wom e n ) , K u d u s (women) and Walvis BayMunicipality The men's division waswonbyTorpedos with Mustangs in second and the women's team of Ray Mall from Windhoek won the women's division with Kudus Tsecondhemen's double winnerswereDeclive Gauchab and John Mundinda with Hadley and James Julie second The women's double winners were Carmen and FIA from Ray MallwithChanteland Colleen from Ray Mallsecond. Ado Jeneker won a MSC Sinfonia boat cruise for two to the valueofN$20000. Declive Gauchab had the highest close with Lyndon Green most T180s.he Erongo Dart Union would like to thank ALL THIER SPONSORS and privateindividuals.
Special Requirements Driving License Code B
Remuneration: The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Further information with regards to remuneration or any other information related to the vacancy can be enquired at the telephone number: 081 442 3206 – Sean Badenhorst. Application forms (obtainable on our website: www.walvisbaycc.org.na) must be completed fully and accompanied by all relevant documents including NQA Evaluation Reports and Academic Transcripts of all qualifications, and must be submitted togetherwiththeemailsubjectlinecontainingtheVacancyReferenceNumber
Qualifications and Experience
Onlyemailedapplicationsaccompaniedbytheapplicationform,supportingdocuments, resumeandvacancyreferencenumberwillbeaccepted.
Applications Email: recruitment@seventy7consulting.com Vacancy reference number: 77Rec097 Closing date: 30 September 2022 Contact Person: Sean Badenhorst, HR Generalist, Seventy7 Consulting 081 442 sean@seventy7consulting.com3206
Ado Jeneker wins Dart championships School News DEATH NOTICES & VACANCIES NOTICE Single winner - Ado Jeneker NOTICE
The incumbent should display a good balance between sound understanding of technical aspects of infrastructure development, maintenance and provision, provision of all relevant local authority services, the management of relationships at a high level and leadership of a significant entity of regional importance within Namibia.This also means the balancing of the socio-politicalforcesandcommercialgrowthinitiatives.
The Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers the following opportunity: OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
losersaftertheirmatch,onlywinners,andalltheplayersgotgold and shared the division trophy The under-14 division was also "incredible", with the final going double over time HammondsaidthatNamibianplayersdidwell,andshowedtheir level of training and preparedness, especially in the u/18s and u/22s, whiletheNamibianseniormen's teamalsomadeittothe profinal."Namibia'sprogrammehasbeenverystrong,andweare seeing key standout players who have an opportunity to play overseas professionally It is always good when they come back because it just uplifts the whole level of play," explained Hammond.Headdedthatthefutureofthesportis"verybright" considering the debut of the u/6 division. "If we can get people playing at this young age, it's really special " HammondpointedoutthatNamibiaisnowalsoseeingthesecond generation of players, with the veterans starting families, who have also begun to play As for the development of the sport in Africa,eventssuchastheAfricanCupshowcasethesport."Ifthe peoplecanwitnessit,theywillmaybewanttostarttryingit,and maybe they fall in love with it and that is how we develop it.'
Infact,therearetalksthattheAfricaCupmightnextbehostedin otherAfricancountries,suchasEgyptandZimbabwe,aswellas SouthAfrica.
Men u/25 winners: 1st George Louw, 2nd Elias Shikongo, 3rd Sarel Janse van Rensburg awarded by Sanlam Financial Advisers Johan Smit and John Orren
TheErongoDartUnion(EDU)officiallylaunchedtheErongoYouthDevelopmentDartsProgram onFriday,26AugustatWalvisBay
“It's good to see that you as the learners are well dressedandrepresented.” Resandt urge the youth to make them self, their schoolsandDartsproud. She added that they shoulddothisforthelove ofthesportandtobecome thebestinthesport. EDU would like to thank Novanam and Lalandii, Mola-Mola Safaris, Laramon Tours, Sandwich Dune Tours, Pelican Kayak Tours, Opi-Kopi Guestfarm, Supersport, Bokomo, Woermann& Brock,Fruit&Veg,SpotOn, Magic Discounters, Dockside, Crazy Mama's, Petmer Investments, Charlie's Meat Market, J&P Hydraulics, and privateindividuals.
The Sanlam sponsored event saw a total of 61 players with ages ranging from 8 to 24 years from Khomas, Erongo, Otjozondjupa and Oshikoto battling fiercelyfortopspotsin 109singlesmatches. The talented young Namibian players displayed their skills and treated spectators to a feastofexcitingtennis. It is evident that tennis in Namibia is improving as more players contest the top positions in each age categoryOnesuchaplayeristhe 3rd ranked boys u/16 player,JuanKuhn,who silenced his opponents by first overpowering the 1st seeded RuanCalitz with 6 2,6 3 after which he sealed the fate of Antonio Tchivanda, another favourite, in the finals with a score of 6-2 and 6-4. Tchivanda had to outmanoeuvre 4th seededOliverLeicher andsecondseededStephan Koen(6-4,7-6)tomatchup in the final against Kuhn andearnthesilver The three top-seeded players,JoaniviaBezuidenhout (1), Mari van Schalkwyk (3)andMinenhleMoyo(2) dominated the Girls u/14 category They over powered all their opponentsinthegroupstagesof the round-robin matches, wheretheymetinthesemis and Moyofinals.defeated Bezuidenhout in the first semi-final with a score of 6-3, 6-2, where after she sealed the victoryagainstVanSchalkwykwithascoreof6-4,63. Van Schalkwyk contested the match with numerous winners and powerful play, but in the end, the consistency of Moyo's strokes gave her the edge against Van Schalkwyk. Van Schalkwyk and Bezuidenhout teamed up against Moyo and Leandre Louw in the u/25 women doubles in a highly competitive match whichsawVanSchalkwyk and her partner winning 63,2-6and11-9. The u/10 division saw 13 entries with ten boys and three girls, a good sign for the future of tennis in Namibia. The young guns all tried their utmost, but it was second seeded Eric Pretoriuswhowalkedaway with the gold by overpowering Christiaan du Plessis 8-4 in the quarterfinals, Shafishina Shimali 8-5 in the semi-finals, and the 1st seeded BreytonBezuidenhout 8-1 in the finals. Shimali ended up Inthird.the men's u/25 division, there was no stop to first seed George Louw, who recently returned from an International Tennis Federation (ITF) World Tennis Tournament in Botswana. He beat Sarel Janse van Rensburg, who came third, 6-4,6-2andEliasShikongo 7-5,6-0totakethegold. Girl'su/16mergedwiththe two players from the womenu/25division.Leandre Louw came out on top by overpoweringTjijandeuaMbetjiha 6-3, 6-0, after which she had to fight to the last point to get the better of Dominique Theron with 4-6, 6-3 and 10-8, a match that could have gone either way Theron took silver and Mbetjihabronze. The Namibia Tennis Association's Chairperson thanked Sanlam for their sponsorship and support over the years. "The game oftennisisasteppingstone intoreallifewhereplayers learn to trust themselves and believe in themselves and eventually gain the confidencetoplayandlive their lives to their fullest potential,"hesaid. Sanlam Marketing and Communications Manager DenilleRoosteestatedthat the company recognizes theimportanceofsportsin schools and is proud to be associatedwithsponsoring tennis “The impact of youth sports participation has proved to benefit teen health, well being and academic achievement acrossallsocioeconomic “Thesegroups.”benefits, as mentionedabove,allcontribute to enabling our Namibian youth to develop into confident individuals" she Dsays.etailed results are as follows: U/10 Girls: 1st: Janah King,2nd:VictoriaJansen, 3rd:AlexandradeWitt U/10 Boys: 1st: Eric Pretorius, 2nd: Breyton Bezuidenhout, 3rd: Shafishina Shimali, Doubles 1st:BreytonBezuidenhout and Shafishina Shimali, Doubles 2nd: Chirstiaan du Plessis and PhillipNel U/12 Girls: 1st: Linda Alemu,2nd:EmmaBrinkmann, 3rd: Secilia Nghitewapo U/12 Boys: 1st: Johan Theron, 2nd: Nathan Fundisi, 3rd: Tadiwa Mombeyarara, Doubles 1st: Johan Theron and De Witt Bergh, Doubles 2nd: Nathan Fundisi and TadiwaMombeyarara U/14Girls:1st:Minenhle Moyo, 2nd: Mari van Schalkwyk, 3rd: Joanivia Bezuidenhout, Doubles 1st: Linda Alemu and Emma Brinkmann, Doubles 2nd: Hilya Nana Campbell and Natalia Ouses U/14 Boys: 1st: Lemual Kahindi, 2nd: Kyle Els, 3rd:HenlouduToit Doubles 1st: Johan Pieters and Henlou du Toit, Doubles 2nd: Kyle Els andAlexanderMocke U/16 Boys: 1st: Juan Kuhn,2nd:AntonioTchivanda, 3rd: Stephan Koen, Doubles 1st: Ruan CalitzandEduanSchollij, Doubles 2nd: Lance and LemuelKahindi U/25 Women: 1st: Leandre Louw, 2nd: Dominique Theron, 3rd: Tjijandeua Mbetjiha, Doubles 1st: Joanivia Bezui denhout and Mari van Schalkwyk,Doubles2nd: Leandre Louw and MinenhleMoyo U/25 Men: 1st: George Louw, 2nd: Elias Shikongo, 3rd: Sarel Janse van Rensburg, Doubles 1st: George Louw and SarelJansevanRensburg, Doubles 2nd: Elias Shikongo and Antonio Tchivanda
The Erongo Youth Development Darts Program aims to give back and investintheyouth. The role of the Darts developmentprogramisto trainfuturedartstarsusing senior players that is membersofEDU. The youth will learn darts skills, leadership skills, and discipline. They will grow life skills that will equipthemtoperformwell and to ensure that every young player has the best opportunity for success withqualitydartboardsand precisiondarts. Withtheapprovalfromthe Namibian School Sport UniontheEDUintroduced Darts to most of the schoolsinWalvisBay Afewweeksagomorethan 30 learners from deferent school in Walvis Bay attendedthefirstsessionof the youth development program hosted by the ErongoDartUnion. The sessions that are held every Saturday at theWalvis Bay municipalities social club at the Jan Wilken Sport Stadium has grew to about100 learners whichshowsthatthefuture of darts in the Erongo regionisexcellent. WalvisBaymayorTrevino Forbes said at the launch thatitisgoodtoseethatso many children want to be partoftheDartsprogram. Forbessaid“Iwouldliketo thank the EDU for taken theinitiativetodevelopthe youth of Walvis Bay to do sportsinthetown.” Themayorurgestheyouth to listen to their coaches and give their all to learn the game of Darts to becomechampions. The Chairperson of the Welwitschia Sport AssociationMsLucindaResandt said that she is very impressed to see that so manygirlswanttolearnto play the game of Darts.
Tennisplayersfromacrossthecountryparticipatedinthe7thNationalJuniorTennisTournament overtwodaysat18courtsinWindhoek.
SanlamJuniorTour Woman u/25 winners: Tjijandeua Mbetjiha 3rd Dominique Theron 2nd, Liandre Louw 1st awarded by Sanlam Financial Advisers Johan Smit and John Orren
Over 220 inline hockey players from 13 nationalities participated in nine divisions that included the under-6 debutants at the fourth edition of the Africa Cup inline hockey tournament were held from 22 to 27 August at the MTCDomeinSwakopmundNamibia. The Namibian national teams (senior men, junior men, and women) participated along with international teams, PGKA Alliance, PAMA Golden Knights, Swiss Alliance, and Ninja HockeyShop.ThetournamentconcludedonSaturdaynightwith the pro-division, in which the international alliance, PAMA GoldenKnights,beattheNamibianseniormen'steam8-3. TournamentorganiserandalsothecaptainofthePAMAGolden Knights,DaveHammondsaidthatitwasareallygoodgamewith about1000spectators. "We fed off that energy, and then it was a good first period that wentbackandforth.Intheend,wetookoverthewholegame.It wasreallygoodstuff,anditwasanhonourtoplaywiththeothers -especiallywithsomanyyoungsters,"hesaid. According to Hammond, the interest and skill levels of the youngsters show that there is a great future for inline hockey in NamibiaandAfrica."Itwascooltoseethekidsinteractingwith theprosandseeingtheolderguysbeingrolemodels.Itwasreally special,"hesaid. Some of the big names in attendance included Kevin Mooney (USA), Bjorn Bombis (Germany), Eric Baldwin (USA), Silvan Brunner(Switzerland),andLouieNewell(Britain). Besidestheturnoutandtheworld-classhockeyondisplay,some highlightsofthetournamentincludedseeingtheu/6teamsplaythe first time for this division at the tournament.There were no
Results: u/6(1st-Go2NamibiaandHejaGameLodge) u/10(1st-DemushuwaPropertyDevelopersand2nd-GH u/14Sports)(1st-Marsbladeand2nd-Bauer) u/18(1st-NamibiaRedand2nd-SwissAlliance) u/22(1st-NamibiaBlueand2nd-NamibiaRed) 30(1st-PGKAAllianceand2nd-Dragons) AdultSilver(1st-NinjaHockeyand2nd-Dragons) Pros(1st-PAMAGoldenKnightsand2ndSeniorMen's) Email all your sport
Rudi Bowe
Pictureabove: DelanoMüllerinactionasofficialatthe WAKOAfricanChampionships Pictureright: DelanoMüllerwithSouthAfricanmovie starAlfredNtombela
severe,withonly3minutesand57seconds separatingthewinnerfromthesecondplace, which was driven by Walvis Bay's Allan Martin and his lady navigator from Windhoek, Maretha Olivier, in their lime greenandwhiteJ&PHydraulics4x4Skoda FabiaR5.Allan Martin and navigator Maretha Olivier in their S4 class, J&P Hydraulics 4x4 Skoda Fabia R5 was first overall in the Rally Class with Wilro Dippenaar and navigator Carolyn Swan second in the S4 class in a 4x4-Ford Fiesta S2000, while Etienne van den Heever and navigator Willy van Wykgrabbedthethirdoverallinthe S1-class in their 2x4, Volkswagen InPolo.the off-road division, Jandré Dippenaar and navigator Gielie Visser in the CR2-class with a 4x4 Ford RangerV8wastheoverallwinnerintheCR class, with Ewald and Hein Bisschoff's in theCR1-classwitha2x4-NissanHardbody V8 second whilst Dirk Redman and navigator Flippie Liebenberg in the CR2 class with their 4x4 Toyota Hilux 2.7 third Specialoverall.thankstoallthemembersofWalvis BayMotorClubforthearrangements,route planningandroutenotesandallthehoursof timetheyputintomakingtheeventpossible and Geraldine Naude, the top-class route clerk,theNMSFtheirhelpandinputaswell astheSwakopmundmunicipalityandallthe Thespectators.organisers hailed the event as a resounding success, which was made possiblethroughthesupportandsponsorsof Shell V-Power, Vivo Energy Namibia, OceanViewShell,Skyway,J&PHydraulics Racing, Seal Consulting Engineers, Swakopmund Go Karts, Hardap Freight Services as well as Malan's Meat Market and Safeware who contributed generously to rallies throughout to host events
Thesuccessfullyfinalrallyoftheyearwillbeon11and 12NovemberinSwakopmund. Resultsperclass: S4: 1. Allan Martin/ Maretha Olivier 2. Wilro Dippenaar/Carolyn Swan. Oswaldo Mendes/CecilKoortswiththeir4x4-Subaru Impreza(stage1)andIssaiNhinda/Dianvan der Merwe with their 4x4-Subaru Impreza (stage10)didnotfinishwhilstTinusMalan and Paul van Niekerk with their 4x4-Audi TTwithdrawafterstage5. S2: 1. Gert Coetzee/Dalton Bezuidenhout withtheir2x4-VWPoloA7,2.Jannie Coetzee/George Coetzee with their 2x4VW Polo Gold. Wido Bartsch/Raymond Fourie and Zachary Martin/Amanda Hugo with their 2x4-VW Polos broke in stages 2 and4respectively S1: 1. Van den Heever/Van Wyk, 2. Paul Oosthuizen/JohanduPlessiswiththeir2x4V W G o l f M K 2 , 3 P i e r r e Röhm/BertoMostert2x4-VWPolo,4.Pieter Greeff/JP Robinson with their 2x4-Toyota Corolla. Steven Marnevick/Rouche Louw's 2x4-Mitsubishi Lancer develops problems andwithdrawsinstage2. Cr2: 1. Jandré Dippenaar/Gielie Visser, 2. DirkRedman/FlippieLiebenberg CR1: 1 Ewald Bisschoff/ Hein Bischoff. Willie Schoeman/SJ Schoeman (stage 7) with their 2x4-Toyota Hilux 2.8, Werner Bartsch/Christel Fourie (stage 9) with their 2x4 Ford Courier V6, Peter Alan Alchin/Riaan Hennop (stage 5) with their 2x4-FordCourierV6hadtowithdraw Wilro Dippenaar/Carolyn Swan, Allan Martin/ Maretha Olivier and Etienne van den Heever and navigator Willy van Wyk
The versatile 18-year-old Delano Müller officiated the WAKO African Cham pionships held from 26-28 August 2022, at the John Barrable Hall in Johannesburg, SouthAfrica.
AllanMartinandhisnavigatorMaretha Olivier dominated the rally in their S4 class, J&P Hydraulics 4x4 Skoda Fabia R5 as they completed the Shell V-Power Swakopmund Rally in 53 minutes 47 seconds to be crowned as the overall winneratanactionpackrally. The Shell V-Power Rally formed the sevenths leg of the Namibian Rally Championships hosted by Walvis Bay Motor Club under the auspices of the Namibian Motorsport Federation (NMSF) heldintheSwakopmundarea.
Rudi Bowe
The J&P Hydraulics 4x4 Skoda Fabia R5 in action at the Shell V-Power Swakopmund Rally
Rudi Bowe
The rally route comprised a total 110 kilometresofchallengingdesertandgravel terrain in and around Swakopmund outskirts, further testing the team's driving andnavigatingskillsthroughelevenstages. Competitionamongstthefrontrunnerswas
JD du Plessis said, “being one of the youngest officials,MüllerrepresentedNamibiawell.Hedid exceptionally well. We are proud to have such strong bonds with African countries and work closelywithNamibia.”
Müller was part of the digital sports data training and will receive Official Certification for Judges and Referees from theWAKOTechnical DirectorJD Du Plessis, which makes Muller the highest qualifiedOfficialinNamibia.
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WAKO World President - Roy Baker, WAKO Namibia President - Anita de Klerk and Delano Müller
Aline-upofanimpressive20vehiclesmade it to the start at the Shell Ocean-View service station on the Henties Bay Road, where the vehicles were on display for inquisitivespectators,beforeheadingoff.
Müller holds certification in the following Martial Arts Disciplines: Boxing, Kickboxing, and Mixed MartialArts.