21 Christmas and New Year's babies 2023 a Year of Revival
Doctors and nursing staff at three state hospitals in the Erongoregionwereverybusyovertheholidayastheywelcomed twenty-one bundles of joy into the world on ChristmasandNewYear'sDay
Nurses were delighted to welcome five boys and five girls at the Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Omaruru State hospitals into the world on December25.NobabieswerebornattheWelwitschiaPrivateHospital, SwakopmundMediclinic,HentiesBay,UsakosorKaribibstatehospitals onChristmasDay
NewYear'sDaywasslightlymoreeventfulforthemidwivesatthehospital, who delivered nine girls and two boys at the Swakopmund and WalvisBayStatehospitals.
The first baby that was welcomed in 2023 was a boy weighing a whopping 4.36kg. The boy was born at 2:54 at the Swakopmund state hospital.Secondwasa1.95kgbabygirl,bornat5:27attheWalvisBay statehospital.
TherestoftheNewYear'sbabieswerebornbetween5:45and23:51and weighed between 3.4 kg and 4.27kg.All the babies that came into the worldonChristmasDayandNewYear'sDayarehealthy
Swakopmund Mayor greets visitors at roadblock
Namibians are urged to welcome 2023 as Year of Revival and look forward in anticipation to new beginnings and with renewed hope and optimism.
This was said by the Namibian President Hage Geingob in his annual New Year's message. Geingob said as the Namibian people were saying goodbye to 2022, a year which focused on reimaging the local economy, they should also welcome2023withreignitedstrengthinorderfor
them to shape the future towards shared prosperity
Geingobsaid“wehavenavigatedthroughheavy storms,headwindsandroughwatersbutwehave done so with patience, poise and a collective sense of purpose, ensuring that no matter how difficult things seemed, we kept the ship intact, keeping it on course towards the shores of progress and prosperity Although we are rejoicingthefactthatweover-camewhatseemed likeanabsolutecatastropheduringtheCovid-19 outbreakin2021and2022,asenseofmelancholy stilllingersasweremindourselvesofthosewho did not make it through the difficult days of the disease.”
Continues on page 2
Three-month-old dies at Swakopmund day-care centre
Mother of Independence Beach drown victim cries out to community
“I am joined here today at the Swakopmund roadblocks by the Special ReserveForcetobidfarewelltoourpreciousvisitors.Iwanttogivethem specialthanksonbehalfoftheCouncilandtheentirecommunityfortheir support to our businesses. No other platform would have allowed me to accomplish this, “the mayor said and extended well wishes to all the residentsandvisitors.“Iwouldalsolike wish visitors happynew yearandsafetravels.”
Themotherofathree-month-oldbabyfoundherbabylifelessina bed at a Swakopmund day-care centre afterleaving herchild in thecentre’scarebeforegoingtoworkonMonday,2January According to a caregiver, three-month-old Nettesia Popyeni was dropped of at the centre by her mother at around 7:00 on Monday morning. Unit Commander of Community Affairs of the Erongo policesaiditisallegedthecaregiverfedherataroundmiddayandlaid hertosleeponamattress.Whenthebaby'smotherarrivedatthecentre to fetch Popyeni at 18:00, she immediately realised something was wrong when she picked her baby up and she was not moving. ParamedicsfromtheSwakopmundstatehospitalandthepolicewere calledtothescene.Policeinvestigationscontinue.
Carnival of flames Sound of Summer
Geingobsaid,“aswecelebratetheconclusionoftheYear2022andlook forward to the New Year, let us appreciate the fact that we live in a countrywherepeaceprevails.Letusnottakethispeaceforgranted.
Aswelookforwardtoayearofnewpromise,letusendeavortokeepthe peacebybehavingresponsiblyandcelebratingthedawnoftheNewYear inaspiritoflove,compassionandunderstanding,keepinginmindthat oneperson'sfreedomendswhereanotherperson'sfreedombegins”
GeingobsaidweneedtogointotheNewYearknowingthatinthisland, blessed by many gems and natural resources, unity is one of our most precious treasures. “It is our collective responsibility to protect it and preventanyonefromstealingitfromus.”
President Geingob said,“we say welcome to 2023, theYear of Revival, whichisaboutreignitingthestrengthofaresurgentnation,anationthat looksintothefuturewithrenewedhopeandoptimism.”
Geingob said, “It is time for our collective revival, to shape our future, onestepatatimeaswemarchtowardssharedprosperity Wehavecausetolookforwardwithoptimismandarenewedsenseofan improvingeconomicsituationatthedawnof2023,andbeyond.
Kuisebmond hit-and-run suspect arrested
Eileen van der SchyffAsuspectthatbumpedapedestrianwithachildandabsconded the scene at Kuisebmond's Tutaleni on Sunday, 1 January has beenarrestedaccordingtoErongopolice'sUnitCommanderof CommunityAffairs,InspectorIleniShapumba. ThesuspectfaceschargesofRecklessandNegligentDriving,Failureto stopatthesceneofanaccident,Failuretoascertainthenatureandextent ofinjuredpersonsafteranaccident,andFailuretoRenderAssistanceto injuredpersonsafteranaccident.
One dies in Karibib vehicle crash
Eileen van der SchyffA case of Culpable Homicide was opened after one person died when a vehicle carrying 12 passengers, including the driver overturned on the B2 Highway about 25km from Karibib on the OmarururoadonMondaythisweek.
JulianaKatjinongo(44)succumbedduetoheadinjuriesatthesceneof the accident. The 39-year-old driver escaped unscathed after losing control of the Opel Corsa he was driving on a journey from the OkahumbaravillageinOmatjetetoWalvisBay. Accordingtoapolice reportitisallegedthevehiclesufferedarightreartireburstthatledto the accident. All the other passengers sustained moderate to severe injuries, including four under ten-year-old children who sustained moderate injuries.All the injured were stabilised at the scene of the accidentandtransportedtotheUsakosandOmarurustatehospitalsfor furthermedicalattention.
Mother of Independence Beach drown victim cries out to community
Eileen van der SchyffThe mother of 17-year-old Antonio Betto Hermanus, the teen who drowned at Independence Beach on Christmas day, is asking assistance from the Walvis Bay community in the form of donations to be able to lay Hermanus to rest at Grootfontein.
“I raised Antonio as a single mother for 17 years. I'm pleading the community of Walvis Bay to help with donations so that I can take my son back to Grootfontein for his burial hopefullyon14January,”themothertoldthe newspaperearlierthisweek.
The body of the 17-year-old teen, was discoveredonMondaymorning,aweekafter thedrowning,washedashoreatanemptyJetty ofMarlusFishing.TheGrade10studentfrom FlamingoSecondarySchoolWalvisBay,was swimming from the shore to the orange buoy
when according to the boy's mother, he disappeared under the water Hermanus's mother called the rescue team on standby at thebeach,andanimmediatesearchensued. Please contact: Stanley 081 302 4836 or Julia0813239335
Zero tax on sanitary pads
Rudi BoweNamibia's Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises has announced that the Value Added Tax (VAT) Amendment Act, 2022 will comeintoeffecton1January2023.
As from the first day of 2023, women in Namibia willnolongerbechargedaluxurytaxrateof15% ofvalue-addedtax(VAT)onsanitaryproducts.
This follows an announcement that was made by the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to remove tax on sanitary pads, according to theTax AmendmentActof2022.
This announcement was made by the Ministry of FinanceandPublicEnterprisesafteramotionwas set in place by the deputy minister of information and communication technology, Emma Theofelus inMarch2021.
ThespokespersonattheministryoffinanceWilson Shikoto said in a statement that Registered VAT (valueaddedtax)persons(vendors)are,therefore, reminded to adjust their sale systems in order to implement the new provision of the law, and accordingly provide the necessary relief on the costingoftheseproductstoconsumers.
The amendments to the Act include the reclassification of the supply of sanitary pads as a zero-ratedsupply”,saidWilsonShikoto.
"This means no VAT is to be charged on sanitary padsasdefinedintheAmendmentActinJanuary next year Registered VAT persons and vendors are, therefore, reminded to adjust their sale systemstoimplementthenewprovisionofthelaw, andaccordinglyprovidethenecessaryreliefonthe cost of these products to consumers," Shikoto added.
This will enhance affordability by the girl child and suppliers and retailers are urging to pass on thisrelieftoconsumersonceenacted.
The public welcomed the finance minister's announcement to scrap VAT on sanitary products ineffortstoenhanceaffordability
Public members said this is a step in the right directiontomakesanitaryproductsaccessibilityto thegirlchildandwomen. Photocontributed
Port of Walvis Bay news
Bulk Carrier HELSINKI EAGLE (IMO: 9699270), sailing under the flag of Marshall Is is currently docked at the Port of Walvis Bay after a 26-day voyage from Port Ras Laffan, Qatar The Carrierisdischarging33000MetricTons(MT)of Bulk Sulphur The Bulk Carrier arrived at the Walvis Bay Port on 26 December and will be dockedattheportfor14daysuntilitsdepartureon Monday,9January Hercarryingcapacityis63605 t Deadweight tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 10.2 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 199.9 meters, and her width is 32.32meters.
Oil/Chemical Tanker, BOW CAPRICORN (IMO:9752010)sailingundertheflagofNorway dockedatthePortofWalvisBayon5Januaryafter 5-day20hoursvoyagefromPortTema,Ghana.The tanker is discharging 3000 Metric Tons (MT) Sulphuric Acid whereafter it will depart on Saturday,7January Hercarryingcapacityis40929 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 9.4 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 182.8 meters, and her width is 32.04meters.
General Cargo FRIEDRICH (IMO: 9594298), sailingundertheflagofAntiguaBarbudadockedat thePortofWalvisBayon3Januaryaftera14-day
11 hours voyage from Port Takoradi, Ghana. The Cargovesselisdischarging2520MetricTons(MT) AmmoniumNitrateandwilldepartonSaturday,7 January Her carrying capacity is 8690 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 6.8 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 109.95 meters, and her width is 17.4meters.
Bulk Carrier AFRICAN WAGTAIL (IMO: 9649043), sailing under the flag of Bahamas will arrive at the Port of Walvis Bay on Sunday, 8 Januarywhereitwillbedockedforsixdaystoload 55 000 Metric Tons (MT) Bulk Salt before its departure on Friday, 13 January Her carrying capacity is 58340 t Deadweight tonnage (DWT) andhercurrentdraughtisreportedtobe6.9meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 197 meters, and her widthis32.26meters.
Bulk Carrier UNIVENTURE (IMO: 9521849), sailingundertheflagofAntiguaBarbudawilldock atthePortofWalvisBayonSaturday,7Januaryto discharge 15030 Metric Tons (MT) Bagged Manganese.ThecarrierwilldepartonThursday,12 January Her carrying capacity is 17096 t Deadweight tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 8.6 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 149.96 meters, and her width is 23.6meters.
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TORENT:WalvisBay, Towncenter 1bedroomflat,1bathroom,1 kitchen.available immediately N$3500.00p/m+deposit required,W/Einclusive Nogarage,Nopets. Contact:0812529876
TORENT:Three-bedroom housewithgarage,kitchen, diningroom,tvroomforrent forN$8350.00Waterand electricityincluded.Available from30thDecember2022. Contact0812898668or 0814351012/0814344858
TORENT:Fullyfurnished sharingSTUDENTROOMS inAcademia Walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi, waterandelectricity includedN$2800 00Call: 0811288924
TORENT WALVISBAYFLAT IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLEnear WelwitchiaHospital.Lounge, kitchen,onebigbedroom, buildincupboards,bathroom andtoilet.Waterincluded, prepaidelectricity.Single N$3500.00orCouple N$4000.00. Call:0812527474
RENTALORFORSALE: Aspacious3bedroomhouse onbigerf 1100m²forrentalor purchase 1garage&1bathroom Hugekitchen,diningroom Onbigerfwithlotsof potentialformorestructures Location:Hermes,Walvis Bay Formoredetailscontact: 0817552813
TORENT:1BedroomFlat torentplusgarageWalvis Bay N$4500-00inclWaterexcl prepaidelectricity Immediatelyavailable. Contact0813335230
TORENT:2bedroomflat Openplanlounge,kitchen, bathroom.Prepaid electricity Waterexcl. N$3600.00p/m Depositnegotiable Contact:0814TORENT: WalvisBay Mainhouseonerftorent 3bedrooms,2bathrooms, fullybuildincupboardsin eachroom Water included Electricity pre-paid. N$12000.00p/m Depositnegotiable Contact:0812533439
TORENT:Twobedroom flatinNarraville Bothhasonesleepingroom andsittingroom Smallkitchen N$2800.00p/meach DepositN$1000.00 Availableimmediately Garageavailablein Kuisebmondforparking N$350.00p/m Contact:0816245801/ 0812957143
WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘ndameopsoekna werkinSwakopmund, SwakopRiverplots, RossmundenNonidas.Ek kankindersoppas,stryk werkenoumenseoppas. MaandagtotVrydagofenige dagindieweek,ekkanook inslaap. Kontak:0817632112
JOBWANTED: Iamahardworkinglady lookingfordomesticwork,I am34yearsold,Icanwork underpressureandIhave experience.Mondayto Fridayor3daysperweek. Contact:0812077591/ 0818247200/0814675345
JOBWANTED: Iama33yearoldlady lookingforoffice Administrativework, Receptionoranyofficework inSwakopmund,Ihave experience.
NOSCAMMERSPLEASE!! Contact:0815501655
JOBWanted: Iama29yearoldlady lookingforbabysitingwork inswakoomund,Ihave experinecandcanstartas soonaspossible. Contact:0817539606
JOBWANTED: Iama39yearoldlady lookingforajobasa domesticworkeranywherein SwakopmundandLong Beach. 0817280028
VERONICA:Iamlooking fordomesticworkorany kindofwork inWalvisBay Readytostartimmediately Contact:0815827212
JOBWANTED: Iama25yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork aroundWalvisBay.Ihave2 yearsexperience.Iamready tostartanytime. Contact:0812509916
JOBWANTED:Iama28 yearoldwomanlookingfor domesticwork,Iam hardworkingandreadyto startimmediately Contact:0813927158 0813501043
WERKGESOEK: Bettysoekhuiswerkvir 3dae.Maandae,Woensdae enVrydae.Ekkanonmidellik begin.Ekkanskoonmaaken stryk. Kontak:0812325554
JOBWANTED: Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, cleaningoffices,house, hotelsorworkinginshops.I haveexperienceincleaning. Contact:0817078563
WERKGESOEK: Ekis'n25jarigedame opsoeknaskoonmaakwerk, kindersenbabasoppasenek kanooknabejaardesomsien. Ekisbaiebetroubaar, hardwerkendenaltydoptyd, bydiewerk.Eksoekvir2–3daeof5dae'nweek. Langstrand,Dolfynstrandof inWalvisbaai. Kontak:0815936447
JOBWANTED: TresiaImmanueliam lookingfordomesticwork, cleaningofficeandhotels, MondaystoFridaysfrom 08:00to17:00 Contact:0814968864
LOURENCIA: Ekisopsoeknaeendag huiswerkvirDonderdae.Ek hetverwysingsenis49jaar oud.Ekkanenigetydbegin. Kontak:0814153119
JOBWANTED:Iama37 yearoldladylookingfor domesticworkinWalvisBay for2daysaweek,Tuesdays andThursdaysorfor5daysa week.Ihaveexperiencefor5 years.0814958368
FabuPharm Mole Beach Open 2022
Rudi BoweSwakop Beach Volleyball Academy hosted the FabuPharm Mole Beach Volleyball Open on 19 and 20 December in Swakopmund.
This year we had 19 teams participate. The level of play is consistently improving!Alotofyoungteamswereinthefieldandafewfirsttimers.The tightlycontestedgameswerefeastforthe200spectators. DanilovonLudwigerandConradJohannesbeatthePfeifferTwins,Danieland Fabian2setstooneinatightlycontestedmen'sfinalandLenaGretscheland MelanieWindtbeatTejaLückandJankaMeyer2-1intheladiesfinal. LenaGretschelandMelanieWindtaretheladieschampionsafterbeatingthe experiencedteamofTejaLückandJankaMeyerinthefinal. JanErikandLukewentontosecurethemen'sbronzemedalinstraightsets,20.ThethirdspotintheladiescategorywastakenbytheSistersRomyandPia Lück
The organisers thanked FabuPharm for supporting the event, and they are lookingforwardto2023,foranevenbiggertournament.
Master Moyo wins chess tourney
CandidateMasterDionMoyowalkedaway as the winner of the 2022 Bank Windhoek Kehat Beukes Legacy Chess Tournament hosted by the Namibia Chess Federation from Saturday, 17, until Sunday, 18 December2022,inSwakopmund.
TheKehatBeukesLegacyChessTournamentreturnedto its historical hosting site, the Swakopmund Municipal Training Centre after being held in Windhoek for two yearsduetoCovid-19.
The contest attracted local and international chess enthusiasts and players who competed for top honours overninerounds.Eachroundlasted50minutes,andthe players competed on the World Chess Federation rules overallarbitrationmatters.
Therewerealsoforeignplayers,mainlyfromZimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many local players also made their journeys from players like Grootfontein,Ongwediva,andWindhoek.
CandidateMasterDionMoyowalkedawaywiththebig prize after scoring seven wins and two draws. Second placewenttoJossyUapingene,andinthirdwasGoodwill Khoa.
TheNamibiaChessFederationthankedBankWindhoek for its continued sponsorships for this event. The Bank Windhoek Kehat Beukes Legacy Chess Tournament is theoldestinthecountrydatingbackto1994.Thisyear's event was well attended and featured many National JuniorChampionsandtheSeniorNationalteamplayers.
OpenSectionsWinners:(ChampionshipSection) 1.CMDionMoyo 2.JossyUapingene 3.GoodwillKhoa
Women'sSectionWinners: 1.LutopuKhoa 2.TjatindiKamutuua 3.LuciaNamushinga
BestYouthWinners 1.DitshabaJane 2.SeanChembe 3.SibusisoAngula
BestCadets(Under12-year-olds) 1.FidelShekupe 2.TapiwanasheKatsvara 3.SocratesIsrael
Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1 Name and postal
address of applicant: Erikson Ndakondja “RT InvestmentCC”,POBox 4226,WalvisBay
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: RTKiosk.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Portion 11 of Farm 42, Langstrand.
4. Nature and details of application: R T KioskGeneral Dealer Grocery LiquorLicence.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court,
WalvisBay 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 22 December 2022.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard:8 February2023.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
Noticeisgiventhatan applicationintermsof the Liquor Act, 1998, parti culars of whichappear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant:
Franco Uirab, PO Box97268,Windhoek.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates:Villa Rocco
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Stand Erfno.2900Chamarel street, Sunbay, HentiesBay
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Special LiquorLicense.
5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, district
6. Date on which the application will be lodged: 9 January 2023.
7. Date of meeting of committee at which applicationwillbeheard 8March2023.
Anyobjectionorwritten submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the SecretaryoftheCommitteeto reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
Little Eden herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate a place of Instruction Creché andAftercare on thepremisesoferf983,(MandumeNdemufayoStreet) Mondesa,Extension3.
Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis30January 2023.
Contactperson:MrsSelmaNcube,cell:0816635178 Email:selmancube95@gmail.comor
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403
CONSENT: Guest House ON ERF NO: 5548 TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME&NO:MakalaniCresent.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:GuestHouse.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 27 January 2023
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SakariIiyambo,POBox7510,Kuisebmond
Fifth title for Gas Bottels
Atotal of nine teams consisted of Gas Bottles, Die Swakkelinge, Souties, Die Sand Barbers, Die Ounes,MaakShow,HansaDraught,Barbariansand Lionscompetedatthisyear'stournament. The defending champions Gas Bottels a Touch RugbyteamfromWalvisBaybeatLionsinthefinal tomaintaintheirholdonthepopularannualHenties Touch Rugby Tournament with a fifth consecutive win. In the Cup Division semi-finals Gasbottels beatSoutieswhilsttheLionsbeatDieOuens SandBarbersbeatHansaDraughtandMaakShow
beatBarbariansinthesemi-finalsofthePlateDivisionwithMaakShowcrownedasthePlatewinners after beating Sand Barbers 1-0 in the final.
MissTouchies: Haily Saaiman was crowned as Miss Touchies 2022withSuriaStoffbergasherfirstprincessand SophiaNobleasthesecondprincess.
TheMissTiny: Ilse-Monique van Zyl was crowned as Miss Tiny with Mia Bruwer as her first princess and Chere Herlodtasthesecondprincess.
Steenkamp duo reign supreme
Floris Steenkamp (Snr) and navigator Floris Steenkamp (Jnr) from Windhoek emerged as overall winners with Nico Oberhlozer (Snr) and navigator Nico Oberholzer (Jnr) finished second overall on 530 points whilst Nico Theron and navigator Herman Theron third overallwith530points.
Namib Desert 4x4 club hosted the Namibian Motor Sport Federation sanctioned event wheretheroadendsandthefunbeginswith 14experienceoff-roadcompetitorscompeted intwodifferentclassesmanoeuvringtheirway through 10 very demanding obstacles including six sandpits, two dune climbing stages,atirepitandamudpitstage.
TheSteenkampduowontheCclasswith580 points followed by Nico Oberholzer Snr and NicoOberholzerJnrinsecondwith530points andRuanViviersandnavigatorSuelizeViviers thirdwith510points.
Nico Theron and Herman Theron won the D classwith530pointsfollowedbyDolfBothma and navigator Nick Maritz second with 490 points and Cobie Mans and navigator Sue AllenMansthirdwith460points.
ClassC: FlorisSteenkampandson-580 NicoOberholsterandson-530 RuanandSuelizeViviers-510 NicoBothmaandJossieMaritz-500 RainerKompatandFrankSchatz-470 ChrisBruynsandAlbertoMostert-470 PJBalaoandDEngelbrecht-340 JacoLouwandRalphNaunn-340.
ClassD: NicoandHermanTheron-530 AdolfBothmaandNickMaritz-490 CobieandSueAllenMans-460 EwanandZaneMans-450