6 oct namib times e-edition

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Final Farewell

Continued from page 9

were also awarded to Advanced Subsidiary Level learners who obtainedanaverageof 65% and Ordinary Level learners who obtainedanaverageof 70%. These learn-ers were Katya Dedekind, Kiva Garces, Mackenzie !Gontes, Ariana Nasilowski, JD Rossouw, Roché Thomas, Ané van der

Merwe, Berenice Winborn and Nelrie Zwemstra

Berenice Winborn was awarded as the best grade 12 learner in Accounting (92%) and Kiva Garves was the best grade 12 learner in Mathematics(89.78%).

AnévanderMerwewas awarded as the best student in languages; she achieved 60.00% in

English 1st language and 75.50% in Afrikaans2ndlanguage.

The Best Grade 12 learner in Design and Technology was awarded to JD Rossouw (79 83%)

andAriana Nasilowski was awarded the Strategic Management Shield for the best grade 12 learner in the Commerce field of

Junior Change Maker Award for Walvis Bay Teen

The second-year social work student at the University of Namibia (Unam) was nominated alongside Christine Mboma, Loide Nambundunga, and Ananias Endjala

Ndaraexplainedthat the award has various criteria “The juniorchangemaker award is someone who has actively participated or contributed towards a community development project, has made a lasting impact on the life of others, should have demonstrated an innovative approach and the person's story should inspire others to want to do the same. In addition,itshouldalsobe someone who is driving social responsibility at their school or community.” She added that the nominations were done on the Waka Moo Website.

“Anyone could nominate someone they thought was best fit for the category, however there was a team with different representatives who selected the nominees who were most suitable for the category I was nominated alongside Christine Mboma, Loide Nambundunga and Ananias Endjala

The voting process began, and it was done on the Waka Moo Website, and the person with the


Ndara stated that the award is such a motivation booster to continue being an advocate for the boy child.

“My current aspirations is to continue to serve my community, particularly theboychild,whichis why I started theAuni Azizi Foundation I hope to successfully expandmyfoundation sothatindividualsand different businesses willsupportusorwork with us. In the two years that we have been in operation, we have been able to provide mentors to young boys in Erongo (Walvis Bay) and Kavango East (Rundu) between the ages of 14 – 21. However, our goal is to eventuallyreachatleastone townineveryregion.I believe with more people helping us reach our goal the

vision can become a reality.”

The Auni Azizi Foundation non profitable organisation started in 2021, with the aim to providementorshipfor the boy child and create safe spaces for males to help them create healthy brotherly bonds with one another. “We want to break the generational chainthattellsmalesto keep their emotions to themselves,wewantto remind the boy child that they too have the ability to be leaders of substance ” Ndara added that it requires leaps of faith if you have an idea to bring about change within ourcommunities.

Takethatleapoffaith, putitinactionbecause youneverknowwhose life you will be saving withyouridea.Ireally believe that everyone has the potential to bring about change in


JDRossouwandElizhia Albertsreceivedleadershipawards.

Later today (Friday), these grade 12 learners will be seen all dressed upattheirannualmatric farewell ceremony, which will be hosted at the school, with the arrivalsofthematricsas from18:00.

Ndara was the former junior Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Junior Town Council of WalvisBay

Young Model Dreams BIG

WalvisBaychildmodelMilaSwiegers (8)isonthefast-tracktomakeherselfa household name in the modelling industry.

Swiegers has been selected to compete in the Global Student Model of the Year competition, scheduled to take place in South Africa in December2023.

This competition, hosted by Figures Models Finesse International, a renowned franchised modelling academy in South Africa, presents a remarkable opportunity for this young model. Successherewouldqualifyhertoparticipateinan MSC cruise organized by Project Aim, a proud partner of International Modelling and Talent Association (IMTA) in 2024 as well as a talent search opportunity hosted in New York later in 2024.

ThisGrade1learneratWalvisBayPrivateSchool hasfeaturedinnumerousmagazinefeaturessince shewasfouryearsold.

Hergrandmother,AlmarivandenBerg,saysthat herjourneyintotheworldofmodellingisnothing shortof'remarkable'.

She added that Mila's love for modelling and photography was ignited during a family photoshootwhenshewasfouryearsold.

“Mila embarked on her modelling journey with Figures Model Finesse Namibia earlier this year In this short span, she has not only qualified but hasalsobeenacceptedasapartoftheprestigious International Modelling and Talent Association. This association, boasting 300 modelling agents worldwide, recognises Mila's undeniable talent andpotential.”

“Her enchanting presence in front of the camera

captured the heart of the photographer, sparking her passion for modelling and the art of capturing life's most precious moments. For Mila, being in frontofthecameraisakintobeingaprincessina magical castle.Thecamera's flash and the elegant poses evoke a sense of wonder and excitement, allowing her to showcase her fanciful attire and immerseherselfinherownfairytale.”

Van den Berg added that Mila loves the joy her photos bring to others “Sharing the final photographs with loved ones and witnessing their happinessandadmirationlightsupherworld.It'sa feelingshedescribesashavingthepowertomake peoplesmile,likeatruesuperstarinthemaking.” Despite her young age, Mila dreams of representing Namibia on international modelling platforms.

“Thisdreamhastakenasignificantstepforward,as Mila has been selected to compete in the Global StudentModeloftheYearcompetition,scheduled to take place in South Africa in December 2023. These opportunities are both a platform where modelling agents from around the globe will be able to witness her talents, greatly enhancing her prospectsofbeingscoutedinternationally.”

“In her young heart, Mila carries the hopes and dreamsofayoungmodelwhoaspirestobringher country'snametotheforefrontoftheinternational modellingscene.

Mila'ssupportteamiscurrentlyonadrivetoraise fundstohelpherwithtravellingcoststocompetein the competition and build a bridge towards a brighterfutureforher.”

Communitymembersandbusinesseswhowishto contribute to 'uplift the spirit of a little girl's determination and passion are welcome to contactherfamily.

WalvisBayteen,AnnaNdara(19)recentlyscoopedthewon the2023JuniorChangeMakerawardattheStandardBank WakaKidsChoiceAwards. Anna Ndara, the 2023 Junior Change Maker Award recipient at the Standard Bank Waka Kids ChoiceAwards. Photo contributed Leandrea Mouers Leandrea Mouers Mila Swiegers. Photos contributed Mila Swiegers. Photos contributed
theirsociety;let'sall reflect on how we can be changemakersinoursocieties.”





Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/ 1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease by private transaction

Portion 7 of Farm 58

Walvis Bay to Chiffon Trading(Pty)Ltd.


Portion 7 of Farm 58


Area 200ha


N$1000,000 00 Plus


Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs S Satchipiacanbecontactedat telephone (064) 201 3232 during office hours.

Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersignedbeforeorat12:00 Friday, 20 October 2023.



CONSENT: SelfCatering ON ERFNO: 0160

TOWNSHIP/AREA: Dolphin Beach


In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringAccommodation.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 27 October 2023.


JSchmidt,POBox4703,Swakopmund email:seafrontc@gmail.com


Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & RegionalPlannersintendstoapply,onbehalfof the registered owners, to the Municipal Council ofWalvisBay,theUrbanandRegionalPlanning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing:

Erf 2062 Walvis Bay Extension 6 (corner of Eleventh Road and Peter Mueshihange Street): The Erf mea-sures 1390m² and is proposedforrezoningfrom“SingleResidential” with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 300m² (1:300m²) to “General Residential 1” with a density of 1:200 to permit a maximum of 7 dwellingunits;

Erf113Meersig(cornerofFourthRoadNorth and Second Road West): The Erf measures 1424m² and is proposed for rezoning from “SingleResidential”withadensityof1:500m²to “Single Residential” with a density of 1:300m², and subsequent Subdivision into 1 Portion and theRemainder

Erf1714WalvisBayExtension3(32Sixteenth Road): The Erf measures 1137m² and is proposedforrezoningfrom“SingleResidential” withadensityof1:500m²to“GeneralResidential 1” with a density of 1:150m² to permit a maximumof7dwellingunits.

The aforementioned applications are submitted intermsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay ZoningScheme,asamen-ded.


(a)thecompleteapplicationofeacherfliesopen for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and BuildingControlDepartmentoftheMunicipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre or can be downloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects

(b)anypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionsto an application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the groundsthereof,withtheChiefExecutiveOfficer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the last publicationofthisnotice.

(c) Written objections must be submitted before oron17:00Thursday,26October2023.


Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) for the following activities.

Project title: Proposed exploration activities on EPL7170

Project location: Walvis Bay District, Erongo region

Proponent: Hope Namibia Mineral Exploration (Pty) Ltd.

Description: The proponent intends to commence with slightly intrusive exploration activities on EPL 7170 for base metal and precious metal deposits hosted within the Matchless Amphibolite Belt and more specifically the Kuiseb Formation. The EPL is located about 100km southeast of Walvis Bay in the NamibNaukluft Park, Erongo region. It covers approximately 13996.3ha, however, certain sensitive areas have been identified and will be avoided.

I&APs are hereby invited to register, request the Background Information Document (BID) and submit comments/input to eia@greengain.com.na jkondja@gmail.com or

The last day to submit input is 19 October 2023.

The need for a public meeting will be communicated to all registered I&APs

For more information contact:

+264 81 142 2927


Notice is hereby given to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that applications for Environmental Clearance Certificates will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007) for the following activities.

Subdivision of Erf 1444 and 1445, Matutura Ext 7, Rezoning and subsequent township establishment

Proponent: Municipality of Swakopmund

EAP: Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc

The intended activities cannot be undertaken without any EIA being undertaken. I&APs are hereby invited to register, request for Background Information Document (BID), and send their comments to on or before 20 October eia@greengain.com.na 2023.

The need for a public meeting will be communicated to all registered I&APs

For more information contact +264811422927







Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer StewartPlanning

MunicipalityofWalvisBay Town&RegionalPlanners



townplanning@ walvisbaycc.org.na melissa@sp.com.na

0642013339 064280773


namib times Sport Send your sports news to

Hilifa and Aimwata Win Husab Marathon



Male:1.RainoldHilifa;2.EnocckHaufiku;3. PietCwi

Female:1.KaunaAimwata;2.LeenaEkandjo; 3.MarionSchonecke


Male:1.JeremiaShaliaxwe;2.Nghilyeendele Ndahangwasnasho;3.SimonShipanga

Female:1.LuciaAndrek;2.IvonneShelikita;3. ElizaStyel


Male:1.MatiasSimon;2.SimonNakale;3. GesonKoper

Female:1.MarthaShivolo;2.BeataAina Shekupe;3.SalmiNduviteko


Great Fun at Mini Olympics

Leandrea Mouers

LaerskoolWalvisbaairecentlyhostedtheirannualMiniOlympicswhere it's pre-primary and Grade R learners participated in various obstacles coursesmuchtotheirdelight.

Attheendoftheevent,eachofthe140learnersreceiveda'cookie'medalfor theirparticipation.HerearesomeofthescenesfromtheMiniOlympics.

Mr WeiJinming,CounsellorfortheEconomic andCommericialAffairsoftheEmbassywith RainholdHilifa,thewinnerofthemen's42km race.

Rainhold Hilifa and Ottilie Aimwata, clocking impressive times of 2:27:08 and 3:08:38, each claimed the Grand Prize of N$22,000 in the challenging42kmrace.

Thismarathonisn'tjustaboutcompetition;it'saday of community and family fun close to the breathtaking Namib Naukluft National Park. From challengingdesertterrainstoKungfuperformances andkiddieraces,there'ssomethingforeveryone

The total prize money handed out amounted to N$170000andtheotherprizewinnerswereinthe Grand Master, Master, Veteran, and Junior categories. Disabled participants and Swakop Uranium employees also participated and will receive their cash prizes in separate dedicated ceremonies.

Generous sponsorships from Husab Mine partners fuelled the event's success, aligning with Swakop Uranium's commitment to supporting the needy Proceeds will benefit selected schools and organsations.

Novanam Monthly Medal

An excellent field of approximately 40 golfers recently vying for not only those sought after boxesoffishbutalsothemonthlymeritpointson offerattheNovanamFishingMonthlyMedalat RossmundGolfClubinSwakopmund.

OurOverallMedalWinnerthismonthwas Rina Knight with an excellent score of 68nett was the overall Medal winner for the month of September Theotherwinnerswere;“A”Division: Hans Naobeb 72nett c/o; “B” Division: Helmut Ndjendja 69nett; “C” Division: Vilho Hanghome 69nett; Ladies Division: Bubble Burns 75nett; JuniorDivision:RudiAuseb73nett.

2ClubswereawardedtoKevinWentzel,Number7 andMarkJacobs,Number3.

Male:1.StefanusNangombe;2.ThomasPaulus; 3.PetrusShilongo

Female:1.ElfriedeShuliputj;2.Andlelika Shaango;3.HanganeniFikunaw

Thecompleteresultscanbeviewedat https://results.finishtime.co.za/results.aspx?CId= 35&RId=4271

It was great to welcome two visitors to the field; JamieJosephfromWindhoekG&CCandIgnatius GangaidzofromPhakalaneGC,inBotswana. Astheyeardrawstoaclosethemeritlistgetstight atthetopandeverypointcounts. Asalwaysabigthankyoutothesponsorandtoall theplayersfortheirsupport

The Novanam September Medal

Winners fltr: RudiAuseb; HansNaobeb; RinaKnight, VilhoHanghome; BubbleBurns; HelmutNdjendja

M competedinthe orethan600participants annualHusabMarathonhostedbySwakopUranium attheHusab accessroadnearArandis mines lastSaturday OttilieAimwata,thewinnerofthe42km women'srace Photos by Leandrea Mouers

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