Walvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes in the middle with, from left to right the Mayor of Omaruru, Keetmanshoop Cllr, Mayor of City of Windhoek, Mayor of Mariental, Mayor of Swakopmund, Deputy Mayor of Swakopmund, Walvis Bay Cllr and Keetmanshoop Cllr at the mayoral fundraising gala dinner
Mayoral relief fund boosted
TheWalvisBaymayoralfundwasboostedwithN$856300,of which N$218 000 came in for tickets sold, N$608 300 was receivedinpledgesandN$30000wasreceivedforamarketing campaignattheMayoralFundraisingGalaDinneronSatur day,1OctoberinWalvisBay.
ThemayoralrelieffundthatcameintoexistencefollowingtheAtlanticMeat MarketbombblastinAugust1986whichkilledfourpeopleandinjured20, hasovertheyearsassistedtheWalvisBaycommunityinvariousaspects.
WalvisBayMayor,TrevinoForbes,saidattheevent,ifonelooksathowthe fundcameintoexistence,“Iamnotsurpriseditisstilloperationalandstill assists the most vulnerable. The Walvis Bay business community and individualshavecontinuouslyshowedupwhenthetownisinneed.”
According to Forbes, “the mayoral relief fund would not exist without the people and the business community ofWalvis Bay, who have proven time andagainhowdeeptheirpocketsare.
Nam-Zambia reviews implementation of bilateral agreements
Namibia hosted the 10th session of the Namibia-Zambia Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation in Swakopmund aimed at reviewing the implementation of bilateral agreementsandmemorandaofcooperationinawiderange ofareasfrom5-6October.Theseincludeamongothers,trade and commerce, agriculture, fisheries, transport, education andtraining,youthandsportandculture.
Thetwocountriessignedthelegalframeworkagreementestablishingthe Zambia-Namibia Joint Permanent Commission of Co-operation shortly afterNamibia'sindependencein1990.
During the opening ceremony of the 10th session, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said, “ten sessions of the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation and 23 sessions of the Joint Permanent Commission on Defence and Security, have taken place. These are instruments our two governments have relied on to further strengthen bilateralcooperation.IwishtoplaceonrecordthatZambiaremainsand continuestoremainoneoftheimportantbilateralpartnertoNamibia.We not only share a common border but a common people and heritage.”
According to Nandi-Ndaitwah, Zambia is an important trade link for Namibia in the SADC region. Of all the Dry Ports at the Port of Walvis Bay, the Zambian Dry Port, is the most active in terms of volume. Containerised imports continue to account for over 60% of all transit
Continues on page 2
NFCPT launches 10th edition NFCD Historic Namibian Business gets a new beginning
NFCPT launches 10th edition NFCD
The Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) launched the tenth edition National Fish Consumption Day (NFCD) on Friday, 30 September at WalvisBay.
TheaimsoftheNationalFishConsumptionDay aretopromotefishconsumptionamongstNamibians, increase consumer education around fish, promote fish species, teach Namibians how to cleanfishandcreateawarenessaroundtheNamibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust and the fishingindustry
Namibia Fishing Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) raises funds for regional educational developmentpurposesinthehostRegionthrough theNationalFishConsumptionDayinitiative.
Thelaunchedofthe10thNationalFishConsumptionDay,markstheofficialopeningofactivities such as school activations, school tournaments, fishsalepromotionandmarketday
The fisheries minister, Derek Klazen, said in termsofpolicy,thegovernmentwantstoachieve atleast20.4kgoffishconsumptionperpersonper yearwithinthisfinancialyear Klazen said, “if people consume 20.4kg of fish peryear,thistranslatestoabout47,000MTconsumedwithinNamibiawithatleast30%ofhorse mackerel's total allowable catch, or about 100,000MT,wouldbesoldlocally.”
TheministeraddedthatNFCPTcollectsthefunds during the gala dinner, and the Trust procures school items needed by the host Region through theRegionalAuthority
According to Klazen, the NFCPT corporate socialresponsibility(CSR)theinitiativeisbyno means the only way the fishing industry shares thebenefitsofthefisheriestothewiderNamibian community
He said the industry pays fishing levies, quota fees and taxes, which are in turn distributed throughtheNationalBudgettoallregionsinthe country to build roads, schools, hospitals, and otherdevelopments.
“All these value addition activities will create jobs for Namibians and will unlock the value of our fish in villages far away from the ocean”
The chairman of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations (CNFA) Matti Amukwa expressedthehopethattheindustryandtheNFCPT will continue to build on its existing partnership.
"The fishing industry stood by NFCPT as a silent partner, providing fish and catching the quotas allocatedtothemwhiletheywerebuildinguptheir distributionsystem.”
“We wish to see the trust taking great strides in making it easier for Namibians to access the fish and fish products caught in Namibian waters.
Alwaysfeelfreetocallontheindustryforanypossibleassistanceandcollaboration”Amukwasaid. Amukwaapplaudedtheministryoffisheriesandits scientist for doing a sterling job. "The availability of the resource which has been managed responsiblybythefisheriesministryismakingitpossible forNFCPTtosetupallthesefishshopoutletsinthe regions. We urge both the ministry and NFCPT to continuewiththispositivetrend."
FCPT CEO Victor Pea, “The day was initiated in 2012bytheTrustincollaborationwiththeministry of fisheries and marine resources.To date, nine of the 14 regions have hosted the day and over N$5 million has been raised through the fund-raising galadinnerandistheninvestedinthehostregions' basiceducation.”
Atlastyear'sNFCDevent,theKhomasregionwas selected as the host for the 2022 edition. For this year's NFCD, school activations will take place from10–28Octoberwhichincludesanetballand football tournament, followed by educational and road shows from 24 – 28 October 2022 within the varioussettlementsintheKhomasregion.
The fundraising gala dinner will take place at Droombos,Windhoekon26Octoberafterwhichit willbefollowedbythemarketdayon29Octoberat ZooPark,wherevariousexhibitionswillbeset-up, a fish cooking competition, live music, kiddies' corneraswellasastreetparade.
Swakopmund Council to disconnect water from 15 October
Thefinallistforwaterdisconnectiontogovernmentagenciesanddeveloperswillbeissuedfor15 October, and those whose names appear thereon will be disconnected. This was confirmed by Helao!Naruseb,GeneralManagerofFinancedattheSwakopmundMunicipality.
DuetotheimpactofCovid-19,manybusinesses, government agencies and residents went into debtwiththeirwaterbillswiththeSwakopmund council.Councilhadtofindawaytorecoverthe debt and came up with a debt recovery plan. Although Swakopmund council has given governmentagenciesanddevelopersuntiltoday, 7 October, to settle or make payment arrangementstoavoidwaterdisconnections,thecouncil hasnotyetstartedwiththedisconnectionofthe watersupplytogovernmentoffices.
Swakopmund council, last year in November, had a categorised debt analysis of outstanding
debts, in total the outstanding council debt as of 23 June 2022, stood over N$107.8 million, which includes all account holders of Swakopmund, domestic, businesses, government accounts, developersetc.
ThisweekMonday,!Narusebsaid,“wehavereceived tremendous payment responses from some of the Ministries, and some are still following payments with their head offices. We have received a numberofproofofpaymentsfromafewMinistries, and Council wants to ensure that all payments are allocated prior to disconnection of the water supply.”
Mayoral relief fund
Forbes said, “we took over office at a very difficult time, a time that saw WalvisBayunderseverepressureeconomicallyandwithaddedstrainfrom COVID-19,withWalvisBaybeingtheepicentre.However,Iwouldliketo applaud the business community of Walvis Bay who still managed to remain committed to assist those who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances,”Forbessaid.Wearelivinginchallengingtimes,buteachof ushasaroletoplayinovercomingthesechallenges,bothindividuallyand collectively”headded.
“ThemostchallengingaspectoftheMayoralReliefFundwasthecharter,as itwasveryrestrictiveinhowandwhoneedstobeassisted,howeveritwas amended 4 months ago and we hope that going forth these amendments wouldmakeitpossibletoprovideassistancefaster”Forbesexplained. He said that he is a strong believer that Progress cannot be achieved by working in isolation, “that's why working in partnership is important to tacklingsocialinjustice,inequalityandpoverty.”MayorForbessharedhis three-yearactionplanforthemayoralfund.“Mythree-yearactionplanfor thisfundistohaveraisedenoughmoneytohavefunded20morestudentsat tertiaryorvocationaltrainingcolleges,tobuildatleast100low-costhouses throughthemayoralhousingschemeinpartnershipwiththelocalbanksand businesses(revolvingfund)andtocontributeatleastN$150000tourban agricultural projects annually, as food security is an essential basic need.
“Thethree-yearactionplanwouldneedN$11,2milliontokickoff,”hesaid. NS230000wasraisedatthefundraisinggaladinnerfor2021,which,along with Saturday's donation, will go towards urban agriculture and low-cost housingthroughthemayoralhousingscheme.
Accordingtothemayortheeventwasagreatsuccess,betterthanlastyear “We didn't reach our target but will have another fundraising event as the yeargoeson.ThelittlethatwascollectedwillhelpthecommunityofWalvis Bay.”
“I very thankful and would like to applaud the business community of Walvis Bay and is very grateful to everyone who attended the event and openedtheirwalletsandsupportedourcommunity”Forbesadded. The mayor also thanks the team from the municipality who made the evening the success that is was, “I am forever grateful to you. The social welfareofthistownisourcollectiveresponsibility.”
Nam-Zambia reviews
Continued from page 1
cargo via the Dry Port at the Port of Walvis Bay.As a result of the joint mechanism, the two countries completed the Trans-Caprivi Highway, KatimaMulilo-SeshekeBridgeontheZambeziRiver,andtheLivingstoneSeshekeRoad,allofwhichhavefacilitatedtheexportofgoodsthroughthe port of Walvis Bay at a faster speed, lower cost, and greater efficiency Nandi-Ndaitwah further said, “as a direct result of these milestones, we havewitnessedanincreasednumberofvisitorsfrombothcountries.”
The two ministers, Nandi-Ndaitwah and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Zambia, Stanley Kakubo, exchanged viewsonissuesofmutualconcernandinterestattheregional,continental, andmultilateralfora.NamibiaisthecurrentChairoftheSADCOrganon Politics,DefenceandSecurityCooperation,whileZambiaistheIncoming Chair Kakubourgedthetwocountriestobefullycommittedandproactive in order to ensure that the resolutions of the 10th session of the Joint PermanentCommissionarefullyimplementedwithintheshortestpossible timeandhefurtherencouragedthetwocountriestoensurethatmid-term review meetings are organised on schedule, Kabuko said, “this will be critical in taking stock of progress, identifying and devising strategies to addressbottlenecksinimplementationofagreedareasofcooperation.”
OnWednesday,5October,theZambianMinisterialdelegationalsovisited the Port of Walvis Bay, particularly NAMPORT, the Oil Storage Facility and the Dry Port of the Republic of Zambia, built on land donated by the GovernmentofNamibia.ItisallegedthattheDryPortoftheRepublicof ZambiahasnotonlymadetheRepublicofZambiasea-linkedbutalsobeen a key contributor to the increased import and export volumes at Port of WalvisBay
AccordingtoNandi-Ndaitwah,throughtheJointAgriculturalProject,the two countries are further cooperating within the framework to ensure sustainable food security between our two countries. This project was conceived with the idea to realize food security I implore on our Senior Officials, in conjunction with the Private Sector, to realize the speedy implementation of this noble idea that holds great promise for our economiesandpeople.
Accordingto!Naruseb,thelocalministries were visited personally by councilofficialstoinformthemoftheir outstanding debts, who in turn have promised to follow up the payments with their head offices, “thus we are affording them that opportunity for now The final disconnection list will be prepared for 15 October 2022, and thoseappearingthereonwillbedisconnected.”,said!Naruseb. !Narusebmentionedthatthetotaldebt of the central government as of 30 August 2022, amounted to N$ 7 620
Theinitialdatethatthecouncilgave to residential account holders to make payment arrangements and settle their accounts was October and November but !Naruseb said, “we are slightly behind schedule as initially behind, however, we are nowbusywithissuingoftheletters ofdemandsforpaymentwithBusinesses and Developers, which will be followed by residential account holders.”
Merry-go-round is in town
The Merry-go-round under the management of Amusements 4 AfricawillbeatWalvisBayforthenexttwoweekends,offering fun and games, ice-cream, and cotton candy with their exhilarating rides. They will open today at 15:00, and on SaturdayandSunday,thecarouselwillbeopenfrom10:00.They willbeclosedthroughouttheweekandwillre-openonceagain nextweekendbeforepackingup.
21st Fish Eagle Rally 2022 this weekend
Jointhe21stFishEagleRally,hostedby1313Mac'sFamilia Namibia, at the Jan Wilken Stadium, Walvis Bay this weekend,startingtoday.
Theeventisexpectedtobefilledwithexcitementforyoungand old, starting with a mass ride and drags on Saturday, followed by live bands, a cash bar, burnout king, kids' corner, and food stalls.TheeventwillconcludeonSundaywithachurchservice withPastorOros.
Thegatesopenat12:00onFriday EntryfeeisN$250andchildrenunder12havefreeentry
No fishing in 200m isobar zone
TheWetLandedHorseMackerelAssociation(WLHMA)sectorlastmonthsought Cabinetinterventiontobeallowedtofishintherestrictedarea,asthesector's1300 jobsareatrisk.
This is after the minister of fisheries, Derek Klazen last yearatastrategicplanningsessioninSwakopmund,with scientists and high-level ministerial official said he will not be pressured into making hasty decisions without doing proper research regarding trawling within the restrictedzoneofthecountry'sfishinggrounds. ChairpersonoftheHakeAssociation&Confederationof FishingAssociations,MattiAmukwasaidatthelaunchof theNamibiaFishConsumptionDayatWalvisBay,on29 September that the association supports the minister's positionnottoallowanyonewithoutexceptiontogoand temperwiththisinvaluableresourceinthisprotectedand restrictedarea.“Weremainfullybehindtheministerand hecancountonoursupport."
Amukwas said, “the wet pelagic industry has been lobbyingforthepasttwoyearstobegrantedpermissionto fishinthisarea,asmanybelievethatthisiswherethefish travel during winter months. Fishing factories in the wet pelagic industry and horse mackerel fishing comes to a standstill during winter months.” Amukwa emphasized that the 200m isobar restrictions were introduced for scientificreasons.“Theshallowwatersarethespawning groundsformostofthecommercialspeciesinNamibiaas wellasthecob.Apartfrombeingthespawninggrounds, theyarealsothenurserygroundsformanyofthespecies before they grow to a size where they will migrate into deeperwaters.”
Amukwa pointed out that fishing cannot be allowed in thesewaters as thedisturbanceof theyoung fish, caused byfishingwillimpactonthebiomassofallthespeciesthat areimportanttotheNamibianfishingindustry,including thehorsemackerel.“Openingupthegrounds,evenfora short period, will set a precedent. Sectors of the industry including mining might be enticed to also request access tothesewatersanditwillbedifficulttodenythemaccess once the "no fishing" rule has been broken ” According toAmukwa such a move will also jeopardize theHakeMarineStewardCouncil(MSC)certificationthe
country received. “This was awarded considering the prudentwaywemanageourfisheriesandtheclosureof that area was one of the most positive points taken into accountfortheassessment.”
Chairperson of WLHMAsector, JasonAngala, said the decision to introduce a restriction at the 200m-depth level was done arbitrarily, and it was not based on any scientificresearchorrecommendationtoprotectmarine resources, but rather to protect the purse seine industry frominterferenceinthe90sandearly2000s.
According to him, the 200m restricted zone is not a gazettedlegislation,anditisonlycontainedinthehorse mackerel rights conditions document, issued 11 December1997.“Thatmaybechangedatthediscretion of the minister from time to time. The said conditions vaguelydescribethedepthrestrictionforhorsemackerel as'about200metres'–unlikehake,whereRegulation63 of 10 April 2015 is very precise in its description and provides the required clarity Therefore, we humbly request interim exclusive catching zones as a relief, as jobsareatstake.”
Walvis Bay Court Report
Underaged boy (17), Rape (December 2020)
Matter removed from court roll. Court refused furtherremand.
IsraelShiphepo(25),DealingandPossessionof drugs(February2021)Thematterispostponedto 13 October 2022. Trial partly heard – Submissions. Onbail.
ImmanuelCloete(53),EdwardSwartbooi(37), Illegal hunting and Possession of game meat (April 2021) The matter is postponed to 10 November2022.Accusedabsent.Onbail.
Jerome Levy-Lee Tsauseb (22), Reckless or negligent driving (August 2021)The matter is postponedto13October2022.TrialPartlyHeard –Continuationoftrial.
Marsello Nanub (22), Eliser Nanub (25), Assault with the intend to do grievous bodily harm (February 2022) The matter is postponed to 30 January 2023. Plea andTrial (Final Remand) On bail.
SamuelGariseb(23),Housebreakingwithintent tostealandtheft(April2022)Thecasewaswithdrawn against the accused. PP requests withdrawal–nowitnessestraced.
Rodney Fredericks (24), Assault – Assault by threat read with the provisions of the Domestic ViolenceAct,Act4of2003,Maliciousdamageof pro perty, read with the provisions of the DomesticViolenceAct.(May2022)Thematteris postponed to 31 January 2023. Plea and Trial (FinalRemand).
TangeniElago(28),Theft–Theftbyfalsepretences (July 2022) The matter is postponed to 12 December 2022. Further Investigation. In custody Erastus Amukwaya (22), Mattheus Ngenohasho Johannes (31), Shihuilika Shatyohamba (31), Theft (August 2022) The matter is postponedto14February2023.PleaandTrial.
Ledical Lukas Nehadi (28), Displaying a licence disc that is not applicable to the vehicle, Falsifying/Counterfeiting licence number or license mark.(August2022)Theaccusedwasfoundguilty andwassentenced.
Patyrick Namholo (35), Drunk driving (September 2022) The accused was found guilty and was sentenced.
Shepard Lokwalo (40), Axle mass overloading (September 2022) The accused was found guilty andsentenced.
Leonard Straus (35), Theft (August 2022) The matterispostponedto15November2022.Further investigation.Incustody
Godwin Gawanab (22),Theft(August 2022)The accusedwasfoundguiltyandwassentenced.
Beauty Emmely Haimbili (30) Jalmari Ngatuwane Haimbili (31), Struck from roll. Final RemandPGD.
PaulusOnesmus(35),Assault–AssaultCommon (January2022)Thecasewaswithdrawnagainstthe accused.PleaandTrial–Docketnotatcourt.Withdrawn.
Samuel Swartbooi (29), Assault – Assault with intenttodogrievousbodilyharm(April2022)The matter is postponed to 25 January 2023. Plea and Trial.Onbail.
Vaino Shilongo (26), Possession of suspected stolen property (May 2022) The matter is postponedto31January2023.PleaandTrial–Onwarning.
AlfredSchmidt(34),Theft(June2022)Thematter ispostponedto15November2022.FurtherInvestigation(FinalRemand).Onbail.
RichardEduards(33),Dealingindrugs(September2022)Thematterispostponedto12December 2022.LabResults.Incustody
JoseIrenue(51),DrunkDriving(September2022) The matter is postponed to 17 November 2022.
RodgerDanvilleDien(41),DrunkDriving(October 2022) The matter is postponed to 6 October 2022.Plea–OnBail.
Uarotua Kamanu (28), Drunk Driving (October 2022) The matter is postponed to 4 October 2022. Plea–Incustody
NFCPT partners with NBII
The Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) inAugustthisyearpartneredwiththeNamibiaUniversityof Science and Technology's Business Innovation Institute (NBII) to conduct and implement the training and recruitmentoffishdistributionagentsundertheprojecttitled 'IdentifyinginnovativedistributionagentsfortheNFCPT'.
NFCPTidentifyinginnovativedistributionprojectisexpectedto be implemented in two phases to assist with conducting and implementing the project to grow the fish redistribution sector throughSMEs.
The project, worth N$807 200 aims to attract, train and recruit potentialbusinessstart-upsandestablishedSMEstoestablishand growfishretailbusinessesandtoincreasetheaccessibilityoffish to the Namibian population, through partnerships with potential agentswhowillmakefishavailableintownsandlocalitieswhere the NFCPT does not have fish shops. It will also allow participants to gain knowledge in business administration throughtrainingbytheNBII.
The fisheries minister, Derek Klazen, at the launch of the tenth editionoftheNationalFishConsumptionDay(NFCD)onFriday, 30 September at Walvis Bay, applauded the NFCPT for the initiative to partner with NBII, to implement the training and recruitment of fish distribution agents under the project titled 'IdentifyinginnovativedistributionagentsfortheNFCPT'. Klazensaid,“theprojectisatatrialstage,andoncefoundviable, itwillnotonlyincreasetheaccessibilityoffishtotheNamibian populationthroughpartnershipwithpotentialagentswhowillbe able to take fish to towns and localities where NFCPT does not havefishshopsbutwillallowparticipantstogainknowledgein businessadministrationthroughcapacitybuildingbyNBII.” Klazen said phase one aims to capacitate the potential start-ups, SMEs and other retailers with growth potential to establish and grow businesses in fish retail business. “The capacity building traininginthepilotphasewillbehostedinselectedtownsnamely, Ruacana, Helao Nafidi, Divundu, Epukiro, Okahandja and Oranjemund. Please note that these training centres were identifiedtobecriticallyimportantbecauseoftheirproximityas well as absence of NFCPT activities there” Klazen said. “Particularly, it is important for the youth and women business start-ups, SMEs and, other retailers to participate in the training sessions in order to build their capacities to establish and run sustainablefishshopsorretailbusiness”Theministeradded. Klazen explained that the second phase provides additional mentorshipandcapacitybuildingtoapplicantswhosubmitviable business proposals for distribution agents. “The purpose of the training is to ensure business continuity and sustainability for theirrespectivebusinessesafteroneyearofoperations.”
Accordingtotheminster,thepurposeofthetrainingistoensure successful business continuity and sustainability of their respectivebusinessesbeyondoneyearofthebusinessoperation.
“All applicants for the Distribution Agents (youth and women business start-ups, and SMEs will be expected to submit competitive bids in order to be selected, and qualify for the program,”Klazensaid.
Historic Namibian Business gets a new beginning
Comfortable, robust, and most importantly uniquely made in Namibia, a near perfectdescriptionofthe“SwakopVellie”.Forover60yearsthissought-aftershoe wasmanufacturedbytheSchierfamilyinSwakopmund.Now,thereinswerepassed toanewgeneration.
Since 1 September African Leather Creations (ALC), famous for manufacturing the “Swakop Vellie”, is under new ownership. The new owner, Lee Coetzee, will elevate the business to new heights. “But, most importantly, we promise to continue the legacy of the belovedSwakopVellie”,saidCoetzee.
TheSwakopVellieshoeoffersqualityandcomfortand is still affordable. Coetzee further said: “We feel very privileged that we were gifted the opportunity to take overthisbusiness.Itismorethanabusiness,it'sapart of SwakopmundandNamibia'shistory”.
ThenewGeneralManagerofALC,ErwinLeuschner, couldn't agree more: “That the Swakop Vellie continues to be produced locally for another 60 years and beyond.”
The history of the company dates all the way back to the year 1938 when the Swakopmund Tannery (Pty) Ltd was founded by, amongst others, Ewald Schier whohadjustarrivedfromGermany
In the year 1960 Ewald Schier identified the need for basic, comfortable footwear to satisfy the needs of Namibianfarmersandhunters.Herecognisedthatthe shoe would have to be durable, tough, and wellventilatedforNamibia'sharshenvironment,yethewas not prepared to compromise on comfort. Thus, the production of the veldskoen or the “Swakop Vellie” began.
Ten years later Herbert took over the Swakopmund Tannerywhichduringitspeakhad36employees,most weremainlyactiveintheproductionoftheveldskoen.
In 2002 the Swakopmund Tannery was closed. Two years later, Herbert and his wife Irene Schier founded AfricanLeatherCreations.
Now, after being in the leather business for 52 years, HerbertsoldAfricanLeatherCreations.
“Togetherforleather Thatwasthetopicofmybusiness –andshouldbetheguideforthenewownersaswell”, Herbert Schier said. For him the phrase together for leather means a good team, satisfied customers, a healthy business and, above all, a wonderful product.
“I really hope that the new owners will step in to take the 'skoenfabriek, sy personeel en sy leer-winkel' fur ther”,heconcludes.Schierobtainedtheskilloftanning inGermanyandthusestablishedaTanneryinSwakopmundintheyear1938,whichdiscontinuedinNovember 2005, while the shoe factory was relocated to 22
Rakotoka str across from Karakulia Weavers and is now the new shoe factory and shop of the renamed Business:AfricanLeatherCreationscc.Afterbeingin the leather business for 52 years Herbert Schier has sold the company to Mr Lee Coetzee and Erwin Leuschner WhileMr Schierisnowenjoyinghiswelldeservedretirement,thenewownerpromisetocontinuethelegacyofthe“SwakopVellie”–acomfortable and quality shoe. African Leather Creations is more thanjustabusiness,it'sapartofSwakopmund'sheritage;andthenewownerwillholdtheALCflaghigh, continue to serve its loyal client base and grow the businessfurther
Intheyear1960EwaldSchieridentifiedtheneedfor basic, comfortable footwear to satisfy the needs of Namibianfarmersandhunters.Herecognizedthatthe shoe would have to be durable, tough and well-ventilated for Namibia's harsh environment, yet he was notpreparedtocompromiseoncomfort.
HeobtainedtheskilloftanninginGermanyandthus established a Tannery in Swakopmund in the year 1938, which discontinued in November 2005, while the shoe factory was relocated to 22 Rakotoka str across from Karakulia Weavers and is now the new shoe factory and shop of the renamed business, AfricanLeatherCreationscc.
Whileexperimentingwithvarioustypesofleatherand tanning methods to find the perfect material for the upperleather,SchiereventuallydiscoveredthatKudu Leatherprovidedtheperfectbalancebetweencomfort anddurabilityandwasmosteffectiveforthedesignof footwear
This marked the birth of the 'Swakop Vellie'. The nameisderivedfromtheAfrikaansword:'Veldskoen' whichmeans'ShoefortheBush'.
The business of producing 'Swakop Vellies' has remained in the Schier family and in 1980 Herbert Schier,Ewald'soldestson,tookoverthefamilybusinessafteracquiringamaster'stanningdegreeinReutlingen,Germany
OvertheyearstheleatherbusinessinNamibiahasbecomemoreandmoresophisticated.Todaywemanufactureawidevarietyofleatherproductsderivedfrom the rich diversity of Namibian game. Our range includesbelts,shoes,purses,handbagsandofcourse westillmanufacturethehandcrafted'SwakopVellie' madefromgenuineKuduleather
Renewal oflease periodof aportion ofland adjacent to Erf4743, Swakopmund
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992 as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to renew the lease agreement for Mr Quinton t/a Lighthouse Pub & Restaurant to lease a certain portion of land a portion of portion B of the town and Townlands of Swakopmund measuring 749m² adjacent to Erf 4743, Swakopmund.
Full particulars of the above transaction will lie for inspection at the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund, Room BO 22B (Ms E Nakale), ground floor, between 07:30 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 14 October 2022
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 onTuesday, 18 October 2022
Please take note that NO objections via e mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephonenumber
Only enquiries will be considered at the email address below.
Indian Warship drops anchor at Port of Walvis Bay
High Commissioner Prashant Agrawal stated this visitisofamoreauspiciousnaturethantheprevious twoin2017and2019,sinceIndiaiscelebratingits 75thanniversaryofindependence. India was instrumental in Namibia's own struggle for independence and in recognition of this shared historytheseportcallsservetorenewfriendlybonds betweenthetwonations.
According to INS Tarkash Captain Abraham Samuel, the vessel was deployed to areas of maritimeinteresttoIndiainordertoensurenational interests are protected.
INS Tarkash visited eight countriesbeforedockingatthePortofWalvisBay, closely working with several regional navies in addressingthenon-traditionalmaritimethreats.
Agrawal pointed out that Namibia is a gateway to the rest of SADC, and these visits serve to boost
Captain Samuel also added that India's continued commitment to capacity building through the IndianTechnical&EconomicCooperation(ITEC) andotherbilateralframeworksserveassolidpillars forthecountry'sdefensecooperation.
The three day visit was a chokehold with collaborative activities between the Indian and Namibian navy, such as damage control drills and firefighting that serve to reinforce both countries' maritimesecurity
Pupils from Tutalani Primary School in Kuisebmond were also welcomed onboard and immersed on an educational tour The crew members took the time to visit the school, where theyplantedafewtreesontheschoolgrounds.
Entrepreneurs should also capitalise
With World Maritime Day (WMD) celebrated around the world under the theme 'New Technologies for Greener Shipping', Namibia needs to do more to effectively harness its natural resources to the next level, while entrepreneurs shouldalsocapitalisebyusingallopportunitiespresentedby theocean.
WMDcelebratesthesignificantimpactofthemaritimeindustry on the world and global trade, the importance of safety to the shippingindustry,andthesignificanceofmarinesecurityandthe environment.
ThelaunchpresentedlearnersfromWalvisBayschoolsachance to explore first-hand some career opportunities as well as the economicbenefitsofthemaritimesector
Erongo governor, Neville Andre, encouraged learners to consider taking an interest in maritime opportunities, said the awarenessweekshouldnotonlyserveasaneducationalactivity, but also as a precursor to further endeavours of unlocking economicactivitiesintheregionpost-Covid-19.
“As we may all remember, our region has borne the harshest bruntofthepandemic,havingbeendeclaredanepicentreseveral times.Nonetheless,wefindresolutenessinouruniquenessasa region and in the work of our good corporate citizens such as Namport and other stakeholders upon whom we count on to build back our regional economy better and stronger,” Andre noted.
According to Andre, the coastline and only deep-sea port of Walvis Bay gives it an advantage against other regions to championdevelopment,andmakeasalientcontributiontowards thecountry'seconomy
Namport CEO Andrew Kanime said Namibia has been gifted with the Atlantic Ocean that presents boundless opportunities which are beneficial to neighbouring countries such as Botswana,Zimbabwe,ZambiaandMalawi.
“Themovementofvariousessentialgoodsandcommoditiesare criticalrequirementsfortheeffectivefunctioningofourcountry, asthebenefitswegeneratefromourseaandmarineresourcesare immense and nearly immeasurable. However, are we deriving enoughbenefitsfromthesegreatresources?”Kanimeasked. Kanimeexpressedthehopethatthecommemorationoftheday willbringimmenseimportancetotheindustryinthecountry,the skillsshortageandtheneedforallrole-playerstocometogether todeveloptheskillsneededtomaximiseandsustainthemarine resources.
Namport held an essay and drawing competition for primary schools in Walvis Bay The winner of the competition were CharlanaTheronwhowonN$1000-00forherselfandN$450000 for her school Walvis Bay Primary School in a essay competition and Immanuel Joseph who won N$500-00 for himselfandN$4000-00forhisschoolTutaleniPrimarySchool inadrawingcompetition.
Innovation and creativity in the Public Sector
One of the concerns in Namibia's public sector management is the need for creativity and innovation. Innovation is a major source of improved service deliveryinthepublicsectorasgovernmentsareoperatinginnewlandscapes.But howdoesNamibianintendtoachieveandembracethecultureofinnovationand creativity,andhowwellequippedandpreparedarethecitizenstoaccommodate government's big dreams of reinventing the wheel to address the increasingly sophisticateddemandsofourcitizens?
Adefinitionofinnovationinpublicsectorprovidedby theOrganisationforEconomicCo-operationandDevelopment(OECD)(2016)statesthat,“innovationinthe public sector refers to significant developments to public administration and/or services that government hasaresponsibilitytoprovide,includingthosedeliveredbythirdparties”.
Namibia'sPublicSectorInnovationPolicy(PSI)(2020) speaksofhow“innovationinpublicsectoriscomplex and knowledge-intensive, and it is characterized by various uncertainties”. There are ever-changing interests,demandsandexpectationsofmanystakeholders, beingitpoliticians,privatesector,civilservants,andthe citizens to mention a few; and to sustainably deliver servicesthereisneedtoconstantlyengagethem. Secondly,thecomplexityofpublicsectorinnovationis
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering) ON ERF NO: 2847 TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREETNAME& NO:24FrankGuthrieStreet.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:Self-Catering.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 21 October 2022.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: EsmèMostert,POBox4794,WalvisBay email:esme@evolve.com.na
coupledwith“multipleandmulti-facetedregimesofpolicies, regulations, legislation and institutional structures thatformthepublicsector”
The countries' experiences and policy recommendations stipulatedinthedocumenttitledInnovationinthePublic Sector(2017)bytheUnitedNations,furthercomprehends thechallengesand“uncertainnatureoftheinnovationprocess”inthepublicsector
Itstatesthatthereisa“lackofcompetition”inthepublic sector and the public sector does not accommodate competition, as competition is seen as a “destructive force”.
There is need for openness and public servants are constrained in their ability to act when opportunities present themselves.Thereisintoleranceoffailureandanyexposuretopossiblefailureisseenasbeingirresponsible.This isjusttohighlightafew
OneiscurioustofindouthowNamibiaintendstohavean“innovativepublicsectorthat efficiently and effectively delivers social and economic services to build an inclusive, industrializedandsustainablenation”asstipulatedinthePSI.
Firstly, the PSI implementation modalities speak about “programmatic initiatives and activities”tobeimplementedinafive-yearplananditisyetanothertop-downapproach whichallowsforlittleparticipationintheinnovationprocess.
Secondly,withthe“multi-faceted”policiesandregulationsthatmakeupthepublicsector, coupled with slow implementation of measures to address the uncertainties, Namibia'sdreamtoachieveinnovationandcreativityinthepublicsectormightjustbe far-fetched.
Itistruethatstimulatinginnovationinthepublicsectorrequiresaholistic,systematic, and dynamic approach. Whilst policies and frameworks are excellent for pathfinding andguidance,theycanalsobeastumblingblockandmayhindertheinnovationweseek inthepublicsector
Innovation requires an understanding of people, being it the citizens as the users, the stakeholders,orpublicservants,whoarethefrontlineofinnovation.Letthefocusbeon humancapital.Embraceandempowerpublicservantsinprovidingthemwiththespace andfreedomtodothingsdifferently,andpossiblyevenbetter Foranordinarypublicser vant to think of “something big” and it eventually gets implemented in a public institution,isadreamcometrueformanyinnovatorssittinginpublicinstitutions.But willthesystemsandexcessivelycomplicatedadministrativeproceduresingovernment allow them? Bureaucracy and legal frameworks can overly constrain public servants, restrainingtheircapabilitytorevolutionize.
Furthermore, Namibia needs to rethink the leadership it gives to its public servants. Leadershipiscrucialtodeveloptheworkforceandensuringthatthereareopportunities to innovate. Solid and transformational leadership is required to support employees. DoesNamibia'spublicsectorhavethetypeofleadershipthatsupportemployeesinensuringthatthereareopportunitiestoinnovate?
Peopledriveinnovations,andtheyneedtobeempoweredtodoso.Developingcapacity forinnovationiscentralandtheworkforceisastrategicpartnerforinnovation.
Equipment represents world leading equipment brands manufactured for
in the Mining, Construction, Marine and Energy Industries. We provide technicalandlogisticalsupporttoourCustomers.
KeyAccounts Manager Walvis Bay
Equipment Namibia sites, including financial, operational, safety and people risks.
ImplementKeyAccountManagementPlanwithCustomers (predominantlyChinese)
Effectivebusinessdevelopment,Customerrelationship managementandproblemresolution
EffectivemanagementofSafety,Health,Environmentand riskQuality
Achievementofateamenvironmentthatenablesmaximum productivityandprofitability
marketsaleGrowtheafter- businesswiththeKeyAccount Customers
with3-5years'experienceinthemaintenanceof heavyminingequipment(HME)
QualificationinBusinessManagementwillbeanadded advantage
businessacumen(budgets,forecasting&businessplan preparation)
C l a s s i f i e d s
Do you want to know who is your rightful partner?
Come and find out at the Single Conference.
Venue: Shalom
Pentecostal Church, Swakopmund
Dates: 28 October 2022 (age 21-25) & 29 October 2022 (age 26+) Tickets costs: N$200.00 meals included)
Buy your ticket two weeks in advance) Contact: 081 299 9205 / 081 296 4082
LabourConsultant specializingin: ChairingDisciplinaryand AppealHearings Recruitmentsand Selections
Forquotationscontact: prudence.augusto@yahoo. com 0812867502
DrMajorOne,thefaith healer,herbalist& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines:
3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant)
4.Manpower&Erectile dysfunction5.Workand promotionrelatedmatters
Luckymeansbeingin therightplaceatthe righttime
DrAtwabi:Payaftersuccess, samedayresults
Saturday 8 October 2022 @10:00
same street as Probst BakeryWalvisBay Receiving Goods for auctionrightnow
Contact: 081 127 1031 / 0812593175.
Alpha Lipid Colostrum Powder (Broad Spectrum Effectivity)
now available at the Coast.
Just to mention a few of the ailments which benefit from daily Colostrum
Ø Cancer ØDiabetes ØDementia / Alzheimer
ØWeight Loss
Ø Bone & Joint Disease
Many, many more…. Call Maria @ 081 143 7222
CallAdelléforany NatisInquiry
Adelléwillassistyou withallyour roadworthytest
SortoutanyNatis Problems
Namibia-SouthAfrica Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
6.Business&customer attraction7.Love, relationships&marriages problems
8.Improvesandboostbody immunity9.Spiritual illnesses10.Luckycharms andwinninginlife
Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming
Plantinggrassandflowers Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs
Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.
Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmovesonthe roofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholandsmoking 17.Unfinishedjobs 18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed wounds20.Wealthmatters andmanymanymore. CallDrMajoroneformore informationand appointmentson 0812017556
DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuck-Luck Muti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboostyour business-Peopledon’twant topayyouback-Pregnancy Problems-Protectionof Farms,Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexualtransmitted sickness-allsickness Asthma,BP-Removetokoloshifrom bodies,houses -Men’spowersexualitySpiritualdoctorsinneedof morespiritualpowers,etc. HouseNr.(79)3191D. JohannaBensonStreet Kuisebmond,WalvisBay Cell:0813033149
Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Af-fairsMarriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inessesProtection at HomeRemoval of Toko-loshiMens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay&Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults.
Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299
Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil) *pregnancyproblems *Manhoodenlargementin allsizesandstrongerin bed*Clearyour debts/Loansquickly*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbank accountusingchida *Wintenderswinlotto andgamblingand contracts*promotionat work*Iamgoodin makingawomantobe excellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNowBaba Kareem0812528744
SexualProblems Controlearlyejaculation Increasemenspenis Abnormalmenstruation Infertility
Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage Sexualsatisfactionboth menandwomen
Bringbacklostlover Troubledrelationship Controlcheatinglovers Pregnancyproblems Other
Tobelikedatwork Bringbackstolenproperty Attractcustomers Stopsmoking/alcohol Courtcases
Findingajob Doyouhavepiglice problems
Swollenbodies/BP/ Drop
Skinproblems,long periods
Removebaddischarge Wombcleaning Witches
Cars&shops Chaseawaytokoloshe Bewitchpeople
Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors
Callorwhatsapp+264 812549875
Specialistinvariousforms ofAfricanTraditional healing,spells,spiritual healingsolutionstoassist youwithanychallengesyou mightbefacing. reconciliationwithlostlove (lover)Attracttherightman orwomanforlove& marriage.Stronglucky charmsforwork& promotionGetthejobofyour choice&qualification(you willbethefavoritecandidate amongstallshortlisted.Win tenders,getloansapproved, startyourownbusiness& attractcustomers/clients. Healingchronicdiseasessuch asepilepsy,asthma,high bloodpressure,sugar diabetesandmore.Using purelyorganicherbs. IndegenousSouthernAfrican mixtures&ancienthealing methodologies,willalso assistyouwithlifestyle habitschangestodealwith addiction&weightloss Guguda-menenlargementin 3sizes,medium,large& extralarge,withproven results&testimonies. Prayers,healing,fortune telling,dreaminterpretations. Finance,pregnancies&more Visithimintown,nextto ChoppiesSupermarket Call,text,whatsapp 0817407321
TRADITIONALDOCTOR PROFESSORKINGOF BUSHisherenow *Stopcrying -togetthejobyouwant *wintenders *wincasino/gambling *stopalcohol&drugs *getmarried *stopyourpartnerfrom cheating *bringbacklostlovers *pregnancyproblems *businessproblem,clear debts/loans *luckycharm,remove badluck *bindyourhousehips *breasts&buttenlargement *man/womanofchoice *towincourtcases *removeshortboysfrom yourhouse *bindyourpropertiesaway fromyourenemies *winpassexaminations Contact:0812248966
TraditionalDoctorMoyo Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywherebut notachievingyourrealgoals, hereisyourdoctortoprove everythingforyou.Hehelps withdifferenttypesof problemssuchascourtcases, loveaffairs,marriage problems,weakerections whichisunabletosatisfy yourwoman,vaginatightness formantofeelalways attractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoploverfrom cheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotectedlife, nevergiveupyourlife,your doctorisheretocleanseand liftyouup.Comeat471 MandumeYaNdemufayo StreetMondesaSwakopmund orcallDoctorMoyo081339 5913
Bringbackyourlostloverthe sameday,getaloverofyour choice,getmarriedquicklyto amanorawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmakehim orhertoloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore.CallDr Atwabi0812337274
1bedroomflatforsingleor couple.BICinbedroom bathroom fully tiled shower, wash basin & toilet Electric geyser warm water Open plan kitchenlounge
BIC & BIS with extractor fan.Fullytiledfloors Aluminiumwindows DSTVDish,Outsidebraai Interlockedyard Alarmsystem-G4S
W/Eincl. Nodeposit rentpayableupfront Nogarage+nopets Availableimmediately Contact:0812475248
TorentinMeersig: 2xbachelorflatswith sharedkitchen,Bicin kitchen,ownshowerand toilet,largeparkingarea. WaterandWifiincluded. Prepaidelectricity
N$2800.00p/m. DepositN$1500 required. Contract0812587211 / 0813235163
Pre paid water and electricity Plusdeposit PHARMACY:
Prepaid water and electricity Address:Nehale Iyampinganastreet, Kuisebmondcloseto NamportPrimary School
Meersigextension2 1bedroomflat,openplan kitchen/lounge Includes: BIC, stove wifi, water Prepaid electricity Veryneat,privateand securedarea
N$4000.00p/m N$2000.00deposit Contact0813504642
WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat–Partlyfurnished. Nr3–55,SamNujomaSpacioustwobedroom (beds)withshowerand bath.BIC,kitchenmicrowave,stoveand fridge.Sittingroomwith cornercoach,diningtable andchairs.
Curtains/blinds.Indoor braai.Alarm.Single garagewithremotedoor Prepaidelectricity. Sorry –Nopets.Nomunicipal connectionfees. N$5500.00p/mplus deposit. Availableimmediately 0812504694
WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat.
Nr4–55,SamNujomaSpaciousandsunnytwo bedroomwithbothensuitebathrooms.Lotsof BIC,openplankitchen, sittingroom.Stove.Big outsidebraaiwithseating. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remotedoor.Prepaid electricity. Sorry–No pets.Pensionersfriendly Municipalwater-no connectionfees. N$6500.00p/mplus deposit Availableimmediately 0812504694.
WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat@ BlockofFlats. Nr7–172,Theo-Ben Gurirab -Duplex-Sunny twobedroom,BIC. Bathroom,openplan kitchen&sittingroom. Stove.Alarm.Single garage.Prepaidelect. Municipalwater-no connectionfees.Sorry–Nopets.NS5500.00p/m plusdeposit.Available immediately 0812504694.
ToRent–CBD: 1-bedroom,1-bathroom, openplankitchen,dining &lounge,tandemgarage. N$4500p/monthexcl. water&prepaidelec. Officespace(2x interleadingoffices,96m² &37m²)withkitchenette &WC.
N$12000p/monthexcl. water&elec.
ToRent–Kramersdorf: 1-bedroom,1-bathroom, stkitchen&lounge,on1 floor,singlegarage.
N$4125p/monthexcl. water&prepaidelec.
Newlyrefurbished,1bedroom,1-bathroom, kitchen&lounge,on groundfloor,single garage.
N$5000p/monthexcl. water&prepaidelec.
C l a s s i f i e d s
One-bedroomflatwith bathroom,openplan kitchenandsittingroom.
Theflatissituatedin RomanStreet36.
Direction: Turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and drive in Roman Street. The flat is behind the house at Roman Street 36.
Rent:N$2800per monthandwateris included.Adepositwill berequired.Prepaid electricityisinstalled.
Spacious1-Bedroomflat with1-bathroom,open planroomwith cupboardandasmall kitchen.BachelorFlat Koraal Street 44 opposite Munici-pality in Narraville. Ideal for a single person only. Very safe area and close to shops.
Rent: N$ 2 800 per month
Deposit: Will be required. Prepaid electricity installed Contact:0814554176
KombuisoopplanIngeboudekaste-stoof &oond
2Braai-binne/buite Sit/Eetkmr
DepositoN$10000 081765544
Pre-cast shop complete with interlocking paving as floor and asbestos roof with 2 x selling windows with burglar bars as well as a lockable entry door, Shelving on inside, 200Ltr Deep freezer( 1 yr old), counter top, separate build-in pizza oven, 2 outside tables with benches. Size of shop itself is 3mtr x 2mtr
Must be dismantled and removal will be on new owner's cost after purchase.
Empress Realtors
1.Meersig under construction freestanding double story house
5 Spacious bedrooms with main ensuite + Walk-inCloset
Home office + Store room
Massive kitchen and dining area. Indoor braai and entertainment area + Jacuzzi
3 Garages
771 sqm
N$3 150 000 + costs
2.CBD Walvisbay 4 bedroom freestanding home
2 bathroom Kitchen + dining + lounge 2 bedroom flat 541 sqm
N$1 950 000 + costs
3.Dolphin Beach 3 bedroom freestanding home 2 bathrooms Kitchen + lounge + single garage
Neat and modern 514 sqm
N$1 850 000 + costs
4. Beautiful duplex townhouse in Langstrand. 3 Spacious rooms
Main ensuite Bathroom and shower Indoor barbeque and entertainment area.
Walkable distance to the beach with beautiful views N$1 350 000 +costs
Langstrand duplex townhouse also available for rent
N$7 500 + Deposit Admin and stamp fees applicable.
Contact: Empress Realtors
Petrina Keramen 0812005351 / 0812192646
Priorcallsareessential Cell:0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay ***
Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar
WANTEDTORENT: Young male is looking for a place to rent in Jabulani, Tamariskia or Town, in Swakopmund. Pricerange:N$1600-N$2000. Contact:0857719952
WANTED Vacancies
We`re Hiring: Looking for Sales reps/consultant at Le Morgan Direct Marketing If Interested please call for an interview of hand in your CV at our office in Walvis Bay Call Kevin 0812495221
An equal opportunity employer, have vacancies for:
Technical Advisors
Technical Advisor – Tile line and Mosaic
· Namibian citizen
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· Speaking and understanding the Mandarin language
· Willing to work weekends and shifts
· Travelling will be essential
· Ability to work independently and as a team
Interested candidates who preserve the required skills for the above-mentioned position are welcome to apply
BCI P.O. Box 4676, WALVIS BAY Email to vacancies@ bestcheer.com.na
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Dr.OupaChimezathe Giant,stopsuffering andcrying
ishope,Oupa ChimezaisinWalvisBay withverystrongmedicine fromMalawi,hehas23 yearsexperiencein variousproblemsand diseases.Heis professionalinbringing backlostloverswithina shorttime,pregnancy problems,courtcases,job problems,stopdrinking alcoholandsmoking. Hipsenlargement,debts, BP,strokeandmany more,comeand experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife.CallOupa Chimeza 0815587112
DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret.
Smsorcall 0816431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751
DoctorBomba Bazuka – the nameisenough
The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days.
Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases,bindingyourloveandto be your only And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobsandpromotions,business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarmsfrom thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenatemenspowerduring sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice Chest pains, headache, swollen legs &feet, epelipsy, drinking /smoking, to be released from prison,manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderfulmiracleshappening inyourlifeandyouwillnever regret.
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysalltypes ofwitchcraftpowerthatis happeninginpeople'slifeand hebringsbackallyourluck whichistakenthrough witchinghegenuinelyhelps withthefollowingproblems:
Removingbadluck completely
Destroystokoloshiinyour life4.Restoringbirthrights lucky
Breakingthechainsof family problemsanddiseases
Providepowerful protectionagainstyour enemies
Blockingyourpartnernot tocheatonyou9. Cureallwitchcraftdiseases
Bringsbackfinancial happiness
Customerattractionboost yourbusiness
Treatingcancer,TB, diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke,Bp, wombpain,jointpain,gout.
Hipandmanhood enlargement
Removingblackspotson yourskin
Stimulatesexualdesire andlonglastinginbed.Don't hesitatetocontacthimnowto witnesstheendofyour problems.
Iamlookingfordomestic work,babysittingor woodwork.
Iama29yearoldlooking fordomesticwork, Langstrand,Dolfynstrand orWalvisBay Contact:0816842065
Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workaroundWalvisBay Iamreadytostart immediately Contact:0816613285
WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘nbetroubarevrou opsoeknahuiswerkvir halfdagekkanallesdoen. Kontak:0817756421
Iama23yearoldyoung ladylookingfordomestic workinWalvisBayor anykindofwork available.Ihave experienceinhospitality for2years. Imreadytostartanytime. Contact:0818504629
Iama35yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work.Mondaysto Fridays.For2-3daysa week.Ironing,washing, cleaningcompanies, housesorflats.Iamready tostartanytime. Contact:0814101966
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workinMeersig, LangstrandorLagoon. Contact:0818117966
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk vir3-5dae‘nweekin Walvisbaaiekhet10jaar ondervinding. Kontak:0815615850
Iama32yearoldhard workingyoungwomen thatislookingforany typeofjobinandaround walvisbay(Domestic work,afterschoolchild care,exampreparations etc),Ihavecomputerand Ihave morethan7years workingexperienceinthe hospitalityindustry.Iam outspokenandwillingto startanytimeplease Contactmeon081343 7110/0816346573
JOBWANTED: 21Yearoldladyis lookingforworkin Swakopmund,candothe following:Cashier,waiter, cleaningofficesand packingthingsinstore. ShecanspeakEnglish andAfrikaanswell.Can startimmediately Contact:Re-Ann Narusesat0814418803
WERKGESOEK: Zelda(25)isopsoekna huiswerk,kanookna kindersomsien.Syis vriendelik,hardwerkend. Kanonmiddelikbegin. Skakel:0817569704
WERKGESOEK: Dameisopsoekna3dae sewerkvirDinsdae, DonderdaeenSaterdaein Swakopmundof Langstrand. Sykanonmiddelikbegin. Kontak:0814418803
WERKGESOEK: Eenn(50)isopsoekna huiswerkvir5daein Swakopmund,Vineta, OceanViewof Kramersdorf..Kanstryk, Was,Skoonmaakenna oumenseenkinders omsienasookkosmaak. Kontak:0813456084
JOBWANTED: (49)Yearoldislooking fordomesticworkon Mondays,Wednesdays andFridays.Cando anythinginahousethat’s neededfromherandcan bakehealthybreadas well.
WERKGESOEK: Petraisopsoeknainslaap werkinSwakopmund, Walvisbaai,Langsgtrand ofHentiesbaai.Rookof drinknieenkanmooina babasenbejaardes omsien.Kanonmiddelik begin.Hetverwysings. Kontak:0814016625
LOOKINGFOR WORK: Aronislookingforwork andcandothefollowing: -Supceillings -Skimcellings -Balkets -Patitionsdrawall -Computerfloor ContactAronat081 2004484 Ref:Rudi-0813194621 orEmil0811702171
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workimafastlearner, honestandreliable. Contact:0817576486
WERKGESOEK: Ekis42jaaroudenis opsoeknahuiswerkof kantoorskoonmaak,in Walvisbaai,Langstrand. Ekhetjareondervinding enisbereidomenigetyd tebegin.
JOBWANTED: A27yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay,Meersigor Town.Icanstartanytime. Contact:0816851928
JOBWANTED: Iama30yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBayTown. Contact:0817667885
Running for a good cause
Mabasa once again conquers the Atacama Desert
Eileen van der Schyff
Zimbabwean born Swakopmund resident, Mabasa Finish Mubatapasango completely turned his life around for the good, notonlybenefittinghimself,butalsotheunderprivilegedchildren of the Democratic Resettlement Community (DRC) after a lifestyle change put his life on the course of becoming an ultramarathon runner. This lifestyle change was brought on from survivingalife-threateningsleepapneaepisodein2017,andnow theSwakopmunderrunstoraisemoneyandfoodforthechildren intheDRC.
In July this year, Mabasa's birthday month, the marathon runner was inspired to engage in what he calls a Running Party This idea wasinspiredbyawaiterata Swakopmund restaurant who uses the tips he gets to feed over 400 under privileged children in the DRC through his organisation that helps bridging thegapbetweentouristsand children, Helping Hand –Sandwich Tours. “My runs during this month were aimed at raising awareness and funds, I did 21.1km every day in July to raise money and food for the DRC children through Helping hands, Untamed Africa and Rotary Club.” Mabasa thanks Swakop Physio, Footworx, Fusion Wellness, FMS, Paratus for their continued support in thejourney Mabasasayshe is ready for his next
challenge which will be the GobiDesertinMangolia.
Mabasa's lifestyle change was inspired after volunteering at the Racing the Planet Marathon which initially sparked his weight loss mission. This inspiration led Mabasa signing up for the Husab Marathon without any training “I finished the race last, in 6 hours and 23 minutes ” Mabasa told the Namib Times.This is what set Mabasa's running desire and entered the Namib race leg oftheRacingthePlanetlast year,markinghisfirstinternational race. Racing the Planet and the 4 Deserts Ultramarathon Series is widely recognised as the most prestigious outdoor footrace series in the world.
“At first glance, from a volunteer's point of view, I called these competitors
crazy One would understand why I thought this was fitting as these competitors were covering a total dis-tance of 250km across the harsh Namib desertonfootcarryingtheir 12kg supplies with them.”
Despite Maba sa's first impressions, he soon found himselftrainingforthe2021 Namibianeditionoftherace and brought home a special spiritawardforfinishingthe raceinthe8thplaceoverall.
Key Duties & Responsibilities:
Noticeisherebygivenin terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, a Portion of the old hostel kitchen sit uated on Erf 5654 Kuisebmond for the establishment of a Youth and Vocational Training Centre: Sage by Dee Entrepreneurs Academy.
Portion of Erf 5654 Kuisebmond
N$1,277.43 plus 15% VAT (escalating with 10%perannum)
Full particulars per taining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information MrsSTSatchpiacanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Writtenobjections,duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersignedbeforeorat 12:00 *Friday, 14 October2022.
AVictor GeneralManager: Community& Economic Development MunicipalOffices CivicCentre NangoloMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017
Fax:(064)209714 WalvisBay
Hidden Sponsor Golf championship
TheHIDDENSPONSORGolfchampionshipwasplayedforthefirsttimeinmany alongyearonSaturday1OctoberattheWalvisBayGolfClub.
The championships were played in a 3 ball allianceandobviouslythiswaslongoverdueasa big field of 42 players turned up to try and meet theHIDDEDSPONSOR.
WinnersonthedaywereOomPikkerChampion who played a great round of 96, Danie vanAntwerpenandBossieBossmanon94points,second placeon92pointswereRochePitout,WayneHart and Shane Westerdale, with Wouter van Wijk, Pieter Fox and David Peake third on 81 points.
The fourth prize went to Wynand Breytenbach, TienieandWilmadeWeton78points.
Alas it did not happen, as the HIDDEN SPONSORfailedtomakeanappearancebutdidsenda message saying he/she/they will be back bigger andbetternextyear
TheclosesttothepinswerewonbyPedroFernandes, Christo Miller, Nardo Sardinha and Shane Westerdale. There was only one two club on the dayandDavidPeakewonthe200bucks.
TheWalvisBayGolfClubannouncedthepassing ofanoldstalwartoftheclub,PietHeunis.Heunis wasaclubmanandasportsmanofnoteandwill besorelymissedby notonlythemembersof the clubbutbythetown'sfolksingeneral.
The club's members give their sincere condolences toHendaandfamilyRIPPieteroumaat.
EarlywarningthattheNGKMoedergemeentehave theirfundraiseron14thOctober,theentryhasbeen sentout-contactPierreLeRouxforfurtherinfo.
TheNIGHToftheRACESwillhappensomewhere inNovember
Theprovisionalcalendarforthenextfewweeksisas follows
Introductory Coaching Course at the coast
TheNamibianFootballAssociation(NFA)inconjunctionwiththe Erongo Football League recently held an introductory Football coachingcourseatWalvisBay
A total of thirty-one coaches from clubs, schools and football academies attended the course that was facilitated by NFA Coach Instructor Willy Kapukare.
The course was held to empowering coaches not only in Erongo region but throughoutthenationtocreatefuturestarsinNamibia.
NFACoaching InstructorWilly Kapukare said that the coached that received certificates are ready and that he hopes the EFLwill make use of them on all levels.
Kapukare said, education is important for a coach as they need to relay the correctinformationtotheplayers,andneedtoknowthedifferentexercisersfor thedifferentagegroups.”
Kapukare thanked the NFAand the EFL for their assistance to facilitate this introductory Football coaching course and to come on board for the development of football in the Erongo region. “To the new certified coaches workwiththepotentialthatyouhaveanddevelopfootball.”
ParticipantsoftheintroductoryFootballcoachingcourseinWalvisBaywere: Rudolf Bester Eleven Arrows FC, Mateus Nangolo Air Force Karibib FC, FridolinShikongoAirMastersFC,MichaelBassonandTheofilusShimbilinga Air Force FC, Wilhelm FESTUS Gendev FC, Luther Humphries and Alexander Melani Western Spurs, Chris Mukumbi Zula Molest FC, Eroquesone Cipriano and George Alweendo YoungEleven FC, Lindon Aseb Lindy Cosmos FC, Abisalom N David Mighty Eagles FC, Donald Tjikune SorentoBucksFC–Arandis,JacksonAraebAraebPredatorsFC,PhillipJacobs United Stars FC, Franziskus Eweson, Theruel Charlton Jonas and Vatiraro Hamajuva Namibian Navy FC, Ebson Mbautaene Sailors FC, Michael Skini HentiesBayUnitedFC,TomasPaulusMVULAandReynholdOsvaldoDOS SANTOS Playtime, Festus Kalimba and Alfons Gurirab Blue Waters FC, Theodor Ngowani Karibib FC, Reinhold IIPINGE Gendev FC, Steven Damaseb, Dos Santos Playtime, Dewet Mouton SS De Duine, Edward Uiseb ZulaMolestFC,MariusJermainPersensPlaytime.
Rossmund Says Cheers With A Windhoek Lager
TheannualWindhoekLagerBetterballStablefordGolfCompetitionon Saturday,1OctoberattheRossmundGolfClubatSwakopmundsawa field of 40+ golfers, strutting their stuff on the fairways and greens in whatcouldbedescribedasaperfectgolfingday
TheOverallWinnerswerethehusbandandwifeteamofSakkie&Heidivan Niekerk producing an excellent 46pts winning a count out over Clive Lawrence &Tienie van Rensburg 46 points; 3rd: Bruce & Bubble Burns 45 points c/o; 4th: Helmut Ndjendja/Thomas Shitaleni 45 points; 5th:Gert Cloete/HansNaobeb43points;6th:AchmetAbrahams/FredBosse42points. Was a good day to be shooting your 2-club, well done to Bertie Saunderson andRichardPrinsloo;whilstthelongestdaywasenduredbyHelga&Harold Engling?
We say thank you and Cheers to Namibian Breweries for their ongoing supportandaspecialwordofthankstoHelmutNdjendja-whoalwaysmakes ithappenwhatevertheoccasion.
namib times
your sports news to
Erongo U/15 football champions
TheErongounder15footballteamandtheunder17netball team are the 2022 Bridging the Gap champions of their respective sport codes with the athletics team from the Khomasregion,thewinnersoftheathleticscompetition.
The 2022 Bridging the Gap sports initiative was hosted by Debmarine Namibia in collaboration with the Namibia Schools Sports Union (NSSU) saw over 300 schools and more than 700 learners from all 14 regions in Namibia competed from 1 to 2 October for honours in football, netball and athletics at the Vineta Sports Field in Swakopmund.
TheErongoU/15footballteamdefeatedtheOshikotoU/15boys1-0inthefinalwhilst //Kharas U/15 and Otjizondjupa U/15 shared the third position. Otjozondjupa U/17 teamdethronedthedefendingchampionsErongoU/17with21-14inthenetballfinal andKhomasU/17defeatedKavangoEastU/17with29-25inthethirdplaceplay-off. Erongo U/17 defeated Khomas U/17 with 25-24 and Otjozondjupa U/17 defeated KavangoEastU/17with20-13inthesemi-finalroundofthetournament.ErongoU/17 defeatedHardapU/17with31-12,OtjozondjupaU/17defeatedOhangwenaU/17 3014, Khomas U/17 defeated Oshana U/17 20-18 and Kavongo East U/17 defeated OmahekeU/17with24-20inthequarter-finalroundofthecompetition.
TheKhomasregionwascrownedastheathleticschampionswithfivegoldmedals,one silverandfourbronzemedalswhilesOmusatiaretherunnerupwiththreegoldmedals, twosilversandtwobronzemedalswithOhangwenathirdwithonegoldmedalandfour silvermedals.
Rudi Bowe
Bridging Gap sports initiative, a overall success
The second Bridging Gap sports initiative held from 1 to 2 October at the coastal town of Swakopmundwasaoverallsuccess.
ThiswassaidbyDebmarineNamibiaCEOOttoShikongo Debmarine as he emphasised on the fact that theprivatesectorhasaresponsibilitytoassistgovernmentinthedevelopmentofsport."Wearesponsoring thiscompetitiontoimprovesportsamongtheyouthat grassroots level. This initiative helps the country identifyfuturestarsaswellasgivethemtheplatform to shine,” Namibia, in partnership with the Namibia SchoolSportsUnion(NSSU),isbeinghosted. Shikongo said, “we are also using this platform to conductaschooloutreachprogrammethroughwhich wepromoteawarenessofcareeropportunitieswithin the marine diamond recovery sector coupled as well asmarineenvironmentalawareness.”
He highlighted that the investment made by DebmarineNamibiadoesnotonlybenefityounggirlsand boysfromthe14regions."Ithasafar-reachingeconomicbenefitforourcommunitiesaswell. According the Shikongo their total sponsorship commitmentstandsatN$3million.“Wedecidedthat the games will be hosted each year in a different region,preferablyintheregionofthewinningteam.In July this year, we launched the second season of 'Bridging the Gap' youth sport development programme in Windhoek and the continuation of this competition,for2022–2023consecutively.”
“We further included a third sporting code, athletics under 15. We decided to add athletics to inspire the youthinterestedinathletictrackevents,toalsohave anopportunitytoshowcasetheirtalent.”
Speaking on behalf of the sports minister Agnes Tjongarerothedirectorof theministryof sports, JoAnnManuelsaidthattheministerhailedsportsdevelopment as a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle andsaidthatitistheonlywaytalentcanbeidentified andathletescanbegroomedintomakingalivingfor themselves.
Theministersaidthatsportsarealucrativesectorand thatsportsdevelopmentintheregionsisanindication that we are moving in the direction of talent identificationaswegroomournextOlympiansanddirecting them to their destined paths as medal holders,
“Notallcanbeaward-winningathleteswhowillrepresent this greatnation.BridgingtheGap createsa sustainable,effectiveenvironmentforschool-goingaged boys and girls and nurtures the children's learning,” sheadded.
ThevariousregionalcoachesandmanagershavelaudedtheDebmarineBridgingtheGapinitiative,saying the sports competition is a great platform to develop talentasmanychildrenwereaccordedanopportunity toshowcasetheirtalents.
Thestandardofthetournamentandtheimpactithadin thespaceoftwodaysandpleadedformorecompanies to come on board and host more tournaments of such nature.
ThetournamentwasgoodthankstoDebmarineforthe goodworkofputtingupsuchatournament.Withthis competition,morepeoplearealreadytryingtoexplore iftheycantaketheseplayersintotheiracademies. Allwasimpressedwiththeamountoftalentthatthey sawatthecompetition.
Theexposurereceivedbyyoungathleteswouldboost their morale, especially those who come from disadvantagedareasinthecountry
The competition provided a platform where learners could“aimforthestars”. Theyouthtournamentwas veryvitalinthelivesofallthelearnersanditencour aged interaction as well as cultural exchange with some children gained a skill or two from their other regionalcounterparts.
Thecompetitionismorethanjustacompetition.This was an eye opener for the athletes and to understand one or two things from other regions/tribes. It creates unity amongst them as Namibians, which is good for thecountry
They echoed the event created a great opportunity to exchange knowledge. They will now go back home and plough the knowledge back at their respective schools.
Thechildrenworkedhardtoimprovetheirskills,most importantlytheydidtheirbestonthefield.Theyhope formorecompetitionsofsuchnature.
HendrinaShikwayawasnamedasthetopshooterofthenetballtournamentwithJanice Mbaire from Erongo the best defense player and Dania Greef from Erongo the best midfieldplayerwhilstGraceMatyayiistheplayerofthetournament. Elton Hanabeb from the Oshikoto region was named goal keeper of the football tournamentwithRashidNaobebfromtheErongothetopgoalscorerandplayerofthe tournament.
SaciaAiwongafromOmusatiwastheBestU/15femaletrackathleteaswellbestfemale athletewithDeCarvallo–KhouthebestU/15maletrackaswellasbestmaleathlete. DebmarineNamibia'sChiefFinancialOfficerWillyMertenssaidthatforthewinning region,eachschoolrepresentedreceivessportskitsandequipmenttothevalueofN$10 000 irrespective of the number of players from a particular school. “All players and officialsalsoeachreceiveanamountofN$1500tospendonfootwear.”
“The runner-up region pockets sports kit to the value of N$5000 for each school represented as well as N$750 footwear vouchers for athletics, football and netball players. This all amounts to about N$843 750 in total prize money for schools and children”Mertensadded.Mertenssaid“InadditionDebmarineNamibiaalsorenovated the Vinita Sports facility to the tune of N$1 million as token of appreciation to the hostingregion.”
Mertenscommendedalltheparticipantsforbeingattheirbestandlivinguptothespirit ofcompetition."ItgivesDebmarineNamibiaanimmensejoytobeabletocontributeto theirdevelopment.”
He added that sports events like this not only provide an opportunity for bonding as learners but it teach them how to work in harmony with others and recognising the winnersgivesachancetoshowcasethecollectivetalent.“Itisoursincerehopethatthis investmentandpartnershipwiththeNamibianSchoolSportUnion,AthleticsNamibia, theNamibianFootballAssociationandNetballNamibiawillcontinuetobemutually