8 march namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay Municipality to Tackle Potholes and Roads

WalvisBayMayorTrevinoForbeshashighlightedinitiatives related to pothole repairs and road rehabilitations at the recentcouncilmeeting.Oneofthekeyinitiativesistheprogress ontheestablishmentofanin-housepotholerepairteam.

"By creating a dedicated team to address our town's road infrastructure, the council can ensure smoother andsafertravelforall residents. The team was established two years ago but was not operational due to a

Swakopmund Psychiatrist Faces Trial for Unprofessional Conduct

A prominent psychiatrist from Swakopmund faces a trial for unprofessional conduct following allegations ofdruggingandrapingapatient.

Dr Van der Westhuizen, previously acquitted of rape charges, now confronts accusations that led to a hearing by the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia. The trial, scheduled for April, follows investigations initiatedin2018. Despite previous legal bat-

tles, new charges emerged, prompting apublichearingfrom 15 to 19 April. If foundguilty,Vander Westhuizen's medical privileges could besuspended.

Additionally, recent allegations of domestic violence by his estranged wife have added to his legaltroubles.

lackofequipmentand materials, which has nowbeenresolved.” He stated that the council will continue with four external potholecontracts,and these contractors will beassignedtocritical areas. Roads in Kui-

sebmond and Narraville that have been identified for urgent repair include Agaat Street, Khomas Hocland Street, Sixteen Avenue, Johannes Nampala Avenue, Nathaniel Maxuilili

Continues on page 2

Walvis Bay Mayor Provides Update on Farm 37

WalvisBayMayorTrevinoForbesprovidedanupdateonFarm37atthemost recent council meeting. Last week, the Namib Times reported on challenges faced by the residents of Farm 37 (Green Valley), including water connectionandtransportation.Currently, those allocated plots at Green Valley havestartedmoving.

“The council is in the process of installing communal water meters while working on providing individual water meters ” He recognisedthatoneofthesignificantproblems with the relocation to Green Valley is the availability of transport, especially for schoolgoingchildren.

“This has been temporarily resolved through the assistance of King Charcoal, who will be providingbusservicesfromGreenValleyinthe mornings to Narraville and Kuisebmond and back again in the afternoon for the school children.”

Furthermore, the Council is busy with a land

Continues on page 2

USAID Grants N$19 Million to Namibian Hydrogen Fund

30 Years BrazilNamibia Naval Cooperation (1994 - 2024)

Jonah Children’s Home New Board

Galp’s Mopane Discovery

N$6 namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7056 FRIDAY 8 MARCH 2024 Page 2 Page 4 Page 6 inside Page 15 & 16 Sports News Page 3
The residents of Farm 37 or Green Valley had to collect water from a washbasin inside a container bathroom placed for them at the residential area. Photo Leandrea Mouers Leandrea Mouers Eileen van der Schyff Leandrea Mouers

Walvis Bay Municipality

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Themayorexpressedhisthankstotheresidents fortheircommitmenttosettlingtheiraccounts.

"This has contributed immensely towards allocatingfundsfortheseprojects."

Forbesaddedthattheroadworksinpartnership withtheRoadFundAdministration(RFA)will officially commence from mid-2024 onwards.

"TheroadsthatwillundergorehabilitationprimarilyservethePortofWalvisBay."Theroads havebeenprioritised,withthefollowingbeing of the highest priority: Hannah Mupentani Street, 3rd Street East, Railway Street, 5th Street East, 6th Street East, and Rikumbi


"Rehabilitationandconstructionoftheseroads will significantly improve the town's transportation network, enhancing connectivity and promoting economic growth."Additionally, he stated that the Council is committed to enhancing the cleanliness of the town. "A clean environment not only improves the quality of lifeforourresidentsbutalsoreflectsourtown's pride and commitment to sustainability N$5 million has been set aside for this, and this includes the provision of wheelie and street bins.TheCouncilhasalsostartedtoengagethe privatesectorinassistingwithkeepingthetown cleanthroughcleaningcampaigns.”

USAID Grants N$19 Million to Namibian Hydrogen Fund

The U.S. government revealed in a media release dated 5 March the USAID Mobilising Investment project, has announced a substantial grant of NAD19 milliontoNamibiaHydrogenFundManagers(Pty)Limitedinpartnershipwith the Environmnetal Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia, to bolster Namibia's effortstowardssustainabledevelopmentandgreenenergyinitiatives.

The grant will be channeled intothe NAD22 billion Sustainable Development Goals ( S D G ) S D G Namibia One Fund,apioneering initiativelaunched at the United NationsClimateConferenceCOP-17in November2022.


One Fund serves asNamibia'sdedicatedfinancevehicle for green hydrogen projects, aimed at fostering a greener energy grid, creating employment opportunities, reducing emissions, and promoting sustainable economic growth. U.S. Ambassador Randy Berrycommended

Namibia's proactive stance in the global race towards green hydrogen development, citing it as a key component of the country's Vision 2030 He emphasised the unique opportunity that hydrogen presents for Namibiatoestablish a low-carbon industry and applauded the government's commitment to this endeavour Launched in May 2023, the five-year USAID Mobilising Investment project aimstoaddressfunding gaps in Southern Africa's investment ecosystem. Namibia Hydrogen Fund Managers (Pty) Limited, known as Nam H2, has been selected as

a recipient of the NAD19milliongrant under this initiative. Through catalysing increased private capital inflows into the economy, the project seeks to enhance employment prospects, alleviate poverty, and mitigate inequality across the region. The USAID Mobilising Investment project Operates across ten Southern African countries including Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, South Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique,andZambia.

A media release by the Environmental Investment Fund Namibiashedlighton the ground-breaking ceremony that took

Walvis Bay Mayor

Continued from page 1

development project in Narraville extension 8, where 35 million has already been spent “The servicing of this extensionisenvisioned to be completed by early April 2024, making 225 erven available for sale to thepublic.

In addition to Green Valley,thisshowsthe Council's commitmenttolanddelivery foritsresidents.”

Forbesaddedthatthe Council is currently awaiting Ministerial approval for their application for boundary expansion for

Walvis Bay, “as the council will run out of land for residential land developmentprojects.”

“This application is crucialtoourtown's growth and development.

By expanding our boundaries, we are securing a prosperous future for generations to come.”

Body of Anthony Elrico Williams Recovered at Mole

ThebodyofAnthonyElricoWilliams,whowassuspectedto havedrownedonSaturday,2March,hasbeenrecoveredin the early morning hours of Thursday, at the Mole in Swakopmund.

Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson of the Erongo Police confirmed the recovery “Thefamily positively identified therecoveredbodyas that of Anthony ElricoWilliams. Subsequently, the body was transferred to the Swakopmund State Hospital for officialcertification,” Chief Inspector Sha-

investments. The council, a proud initiativeassignedby the late President Hon Geingob, remains fully committed to its mission, HonObethKandjoze said. RobinPadberg,

pumbasaid. 22-Year-old Anthony Elrico Williams went missing while swimming in the ocean at the Mole in Swakopmund on Saturday, 2 March at around lunchtime.Described as an experienced swimmer, Anthony was enjoying the afternoon with his twocousinswhenthe incident occurred

Witnesses reported thatwhilehiscousins were swimming ahead, they suddenly realisedthatAnthony wasnolongervisible and appeared to be struggling in the water Despite their frantic efforts to locate him, Anthony disappeared beneath the surface, prompting a desperate searchbyhiscousins.

commitment of the U.S. government to promote sustainable developmentandeconomic growth in Southern Africa

place at Hilton Hotel in Windhoek on 4 March Namibia

Planning Commission's Director General and Green Hydrogen Council's Chairperson, Hon ObethKandjozeemphasised the importance of this venture.

“The Green Hydrogen Council, established under the leadership of the former President, operates independently, providing technical advisory services

Thecouncilreportsto Cabinet With 19 members, including representatives from various institutions, our strategy is to promote investment in the green hydrogen sector through requests for proposals (RFPs) and financial

Chief of PartyUSAID Southern Africa Mobilising Investment said, “we're excited to support Namibia's journey towards green energy and industialisation. This grant exemplifies the

Throughthe#USAID Mobilising Investment Project, we aim to make a lasting impact on the region's economiclandscape."

The media release concludes, “Hon Kandjoze further highlighted, "The Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises oversees the

SDG Namibia One Fund, we as the Green Hydrogen Council are working on a public awareness campaign to explain green hydrogen in layman's terms through town hall meetings. The Green Hydrogen Council is driving these efforts, reinforcing that the Government of Namibia has full ownership of this transformativestructure.”

U.S. Ambassador Randy Berry and Namibia Hydrogen Fund Managers Investment Director Mercia Geises during the grant signing ceremony (Fltr): National Planning Commission Director General Obed Kanjoze, Environmental Investment Fund Chief Executive Officer Benedict Libanda, Namibia Hydrogen Fund Managers. Investment Director Mercia Geises, U.S. Ambassador to Namibia Randy Berry, and USAID Mobilising Investment Project Chief of Party Robin Padberg.
Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Neighbours Across the Ocean Celebrating 30 Years of Brazil-Namibia

Naval Cooperation (1994-2024)


to Namibia

Late President Hage G. Geingob once referred to the friendship of Brazil and Namibia as that of “neighbours, separated only by the Sea.” Thanks to three decadesofsuccessfulnavalpartnership,BrazilandNamibiahavetrulybecome neighboursunitedbytheAtlanticOcean.

On Monday, 4 March, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Brazil-Namibia Agreement forNavalCooperation,whichpavedthewayfor Brazil's biggest and strongest naval cooperation inAfrica. Assuch,itisbefittingtorevisitsome ofthemaineventsthatmarkedthisjourneyandto look into new avenues of cooperation between ournaviesinthefuture.

Theanniversarycoincideswiththecelebrationof 30 years since the handover of Walvis Bay and the offshore islands to Namibia in 28 February 1994,markingtheconsolidationoftheNamibian territory

Following the reintegration of Namibia's main portcity,localauthoritieswelcomedonMarch2, 1994 the Brazilian Frigate “Niteroi,” the first military ship to enter Namibian waters after the return of Walvis Bay On the same day, Brazil establishedaNavalMissiontoNamibia,withthe aimofsupportingthecreationandstrengthening of the Namibian naval wing, which would becomeafully-fledgedforcein2004.

DuringitsstayinWalvisBay,the“Niteroi”was honouredbyavisitofPresidentSamNujoma.It wasalsothestageforthesigningceremonyofthe navalagreement.

AlandmarkprojectbetweenBrazilandNamibia under the agreement was the hydrographic surveyoftheNamibiancoast,performedin1997by the Brazilian hydrographic vessel “Sirius.” The projectledtothepublicationofthefirstnautical chartoftheWalvisBayHarbour

Revised and extended in 2001, the naval agreement allowed for 1,179 Namibian military personnel,comprising90%oftheNavystaff,toreceive training in Brazilian naval institutions within a period of 10 years. Since then, every yearnewcoursesandtrainingsareofferedtothe Namibian Navy, in areas as diverse as cartography,nauticalsciencesandmilitarystrategy

From 2003 to 2006, Brazil provided naval consultancy to Namibia in preparing the documentationrequiredbytheUnitedNationsCommission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)forthesubmissionofaformalproposal regardingtheNamibianContinentalShelf.

In2004,theBrazilianGovernmentdonatedtothe Namibian Navy the “Purus" Corvette, which as re-baptized as "NS Lt-Gen Dimo Hammambo".

The Brazilian Navy also provided specialized training, as well as technicaland logistics assistancefortheNamibianship'screw

In2009,BrazilalsosuppliedtheBrazilianmade 200-ton "Brendan Sinbwaye" Navy patrol vessel,andtwopatrolboatsofthe“Marlim”class.In the same year, the Brazilian Marines Advisory

Technical Team in Walvis Bay was established, allowing for the training in Namibia of 723 privates and 209 non-commissioned officers, leading to the creation of the Namibian Marine Corpsin2016.

Since then, the Brazilian Marines have trained more than 1.400 Namibian Marines in courses taught in the country, in addition to providing military,technicalandadministrativeadvicetothe Marine Infantry Battalion, including the planning and execution of annual operational activities. Furthermore, under the bilateral naval cooperation, Brazilian Offshore Patrol Vessels have regularlyvisitedNamibiaaspartofnavaltraining exercisesalongthecoastofAfrica.

InSeptember2022,the“NSElephant"becamethe firstNamibianvesseltocrosstheAtlanticOceanto participateintheBraziliancelebrationofthe200th Anniversary of Brazil's Independence and take part in the multilateral naval exercise UNITAS LXIII,inRiodeJaneiro.

Overthreedecades,theBrazil-Namibianavalpartnership has made long strides in bringing our countries together as ocean-bonded neighbours, thus contributing to the strengthening of our bilateral ties and to a safer, more integrated SouthAtlanticnavalcommunity

Beyond our bilateral ties, Namibia and Brazil are members of the SouthAtlantic Peace and CooperationZone,acommunityof24riverinecountries from South America and West and Southern Africa. Createdin 1986, theAPCZ aims at ensuringthattheSouthAtlanticremainsanareafreeof nuclearweaponsandweaponsofmassdestruction, where peaceful cooperation prevails. In the 21st century, these goals remain more relevant than ever

AsNamibiaembarksonanewstageofeconomic development,byexploringtheabundantoilreserves recently discovered, challenges regarding securityinitsoffshorezonewilldemandnewsolutions and actions. The Brazilian Navy, which has long been responsible for the security of Brazil's oil and gas offshore platforms, stands ready to shareitsexperienceandexpertisewithNamibia.

The successful naval partnership between Brazil andNamibiaisasourceofprideandsatisfactionto ourcountries.Withitsuniquecharacter,thiscollaboration created lasting bonds of friendship between two developing nations that share the commonspaceoftheSouthAtlantic,withitsvast marine resources, while embracing the same values of peace and cooperation. As such, let us celebrate together 30 Years of Brazil-Namibia NavalPartnership!

Ceremony for the creation of the Namibian Navy - 2004 Brazilian OPV Amazonas visited Walvis Bay in 2023 The “Niteroi” Frigate, which arrived in Walvis Bay on 2 March 1994.

Public Engagement Meetings for Green Ammonia Terminal and Pipelines

Environmental Compliance Consultancy (Pty) Ltd (ECC) has been commissioned by Cleanergy Solutions Namibia (Pty) Ltd to conduct an environmental and social impact assessment study for the proposed construction of a green ammonia terminal in the Walvis Bay Port area, alongwithanammoniapipelinefromFarm58totheammoniaterminaland ahydrogenpipelinebetweenArandisandFarm58.Aspartofthisprocess, ECC is reaching out to stakeholders and potentially interested parties to invitethemtopublicengagementmeetingsscheduledfornextweek,from12 Marchto14March.

The EEC in a notification revealed the proposed projects include the construction of an ammonia terminal at the Walvis Bay port area, comprising an ammonia storage tank with a capacity of 40 000 metric tons, export facilities, a Nitrogen Generation Unit, air units, fire/service water tanks, emergency diesel generators, and wastewater units Additionally, an ammonia pipeline spanning 12.7 km from the terminal to Farm 58 is planned, alongside an 80 km hydrogen pipeline from Arandis to Farm 58 Interested parties are encouragedtoattendthe public engagement meetings, which will be

held at the following locationsandtimes:

1. 12 March, at the Walvis Bay Town Hall, John Muafangejo Street, Walvis Bay, startingat18:00.

2 13 March, at the Tamariskia Town Hall, 599 Plaath, Swakopmund,startingat18:00.

3 14 March, at the Arandis Town Hall, Main Road, Erf No 1147, Arandis, starting at18:00.

The notification further reads Registered Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) will receive notificationsregardingthe availability of the draft scoping report for review Duringthisreviewperiod, I&APs are encouraged to raise any concerns or issues they may have

Thosewishingtoregister as an I&APcan do so by completing the registration form on the ECC website. For assistance with registration or for any further inquiries, individuals are encouragedtocontactECCvia email at info@eccenvironmental com This public engagement process serves as an opportunityforstakeholdersto provide input and feedback on these proposed projects, ensuring that environmentalandsocial considerations are carefullyaddressed. For more information andaccesstobackground documents, interested parties can visit the ECC website at https:// eccenvironmental com/p rojects/.

New Board for Jonah Children's Home

Leandrea Mouers

The Jonah Children's Home in Walvis Bay recently welcomed a new board. The Jonah Home, establishedin2011byateamofvolunteersledatthetimebyMrsTirzahStutzer,isregisteredwith theMinistryofGenderEquality,PovertyEradication,andChildWelfare,aswellastheMinistryof HealthandSocialServicesunderthenameHealingMinistriesAssociation.

According to Chere-Lee Diergaardt, one of the Board Members, the home currently houses and caters to all the needs of 12 children with a maximum capacity of 15 children. “We have two babies aged three and 10 months, and the rest are aged two to 17 years: four boys and eight girls in total.WealsohaveapermanentlyemployedHouse Manager, a House Mother who lives on the premises with the children, and five Caregivers who work shifts.” She added that the Jonah Home serves as a housing facility and place of safety, providing a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children until the age of 18 years in Walvis Bay “We work alongside government social workers who place children in need of protective care due to various circumstances, with us. These vary from being orphaned, abandoned, neglected,abused,orparentswhoareunabletocare forthemforwhateverreason.”

Intermsofthenewappointments,shestatedthata newly appointed board of dedicated volunteer directors consisting of seven individuals was appointedinlate2023.“Wehavemanyplansforthe yearahead,butourmaingoalistofindsustainable meansandfinancialresourcestobeabletocontinue to maintain the home and meet the needs of our children. We are all very excited to have become part of this mission, and I believe our collective efforts will make a significant difference in providing ongoing support and stability for the home.”

Diergaardt added that the community can get involved in various ways to render support and assistance to the children's home “Local businessescanofferinternshipsoremploymentfor older kids. Once they reach 18 years of age, they have to leave the home and make a living for themselves. We also have a WhatsApp volunteer group. Anyone is welcome to join and offer their time,skills,oranyotherresourcestheymayhave,


Notice is hereby given that the ANNUALGENERALMEETING

Of the SFC Sport Club will take place at the Club ON WEDNESDAY, 24APRIL2024, commencing at 19:00 Hours.


RethaMullerPropertiesherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent”, to operate an “administrative Office” on the premises of Erf 4067, Swakopmund Extension 11 (10 Tsavorite Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund ZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe GeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.


Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis:25 March




Eileen van der Schyff


Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)


e.g., odd maintenance jobs, driving lessons, planned activities for the kids, making a birthday cake,tutoring,etc.Individualsandbusinessescan also make commitments to weekly or monthly contributions of some sort towards our operating costs e.g., food parcels, toiletry bags, school fees, andschoolsupplies.Wealsocallonnewspaperand radiostationstoassistinspreadingthewordabout ourhomeandotherslikeitandthecrucialservice weprovidetothecommunity.”

Additionally, she said that when the community comes together, 'we can create a strong support network for these kids and contribute to their wellbeing and future success as productive membersofoursocietyandthenextgenerationof adults. Whether through volunteering, donations, orsimplyspreadingawareness,everyeffortmakes a difference in building a brighter future for our children.”

Furthermore, apart from a monthly government grant of N$450 per child under the age of 18, the association is completely dependent upon donationsfromcorporateandprivatesponsorsfor support.

“Wearecurrentlyrunningshortandurgentlyneed funding for home renovations and working appliances, specifically for the house mother's quarters. Our cars are overdue for service and maintenance, groceries, food, clothes for the children, baby supplies such as nappies and formula,andassistancewithsalariesforthehouse manager,housemother,andcaregivers. We can be contacted at fundraising@jonahhome.org.”




Oshana Repair CC (Or the Proponent) intends to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) to mine industrial minerals (mica) on a state land in the locality of Goanikontes in the Arandis Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The Proponent has appointed Portal Research and Engineering CC to facilitate public consultations and prepare reports required to support an application for the ECC at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT). The appointed Consultants would like to notify the public in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be launched with the Environmenta Commissioner at MEFT INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. In order to receive information about this activities, kindly register as I &APs via following:

Portal Research and Engineering CC P. O. Box 3826, Vineta; Email: connecttoportal@outlook.com; Mobile: +264 813193588

Galp's Mopane Discovery Hype or Reality?

In recent months, Portuguese energy giant Galp's exploration activities in Namibia have stirred significant market interest, but doubts lingeroverthe true extent of its Mopane discovery Galp's initialannouncementinearlyJanuaryofanoilfindattheMopane2 well was met with optimism Subsequently, the company commenceddrillingasecondwell,withconfidenceinthepotential ofthediscovery However,concernshavebeenraisedbytheBankof America analysts regarding the perceived overvaluation of the discovery and the broader implications for Galp's financial outlook.

Energy Voice's oil Journalist, Ed Reed reported in a recent article, despite Wood Mackenzie's provisionalestimateof400 million barrels for the Mopane discovery, the market has responded asifGalphadunearthed a mammoth 3 billion barrelsofoil.

This discrepancy in valuation has prompted scepticism, particularly considering the lack of confirmation regarding thesizeandcommercial viability of the find.

Bank ofAmerica's analysis, based on comparable such as Impact Oil and Gas' deal with TotalEnergies on Venus, suggests that the

market's exuberance may be premature While Venus enjoys a high level of confidence, the same cannot be said for Mopane.

Adjusting the valuation to a more conservative USD2perbarrelimplies a discovery size of 750 million barrels, still a significant find but far from the market's currentperception.

Moreover,Galp'sfinancialconstraintsandlack of flexibility raise concernsaboutitsabilityto capitalise on potential growth opportunities in Namibia or Mozambique's LNG sector “With a high breakeven oil price and projected

increases in net debt over the next three years, Galp may face challenges in pursuing its ambitious explorationagenda.”

Galp's intention to reduce its stake in the Namibian license further complicates the situation, potentially undermining its negotiatingpositioninfuture endeavours.

The article furhter reads: “Galp has publicly said it plans to reduce its 80% stake in the Namibian lisence.

The analyst note said this requirement was 'detrimental to its potential future negotiatingpositions.”

Source:EnergyVoice Photo:Internet


* Land Cruiser 70 Series range now offered with additional fourcylinderturbo-dieselautomaticpowertrain

* New-lookdesignbringsretrostyleandincreasedfunctionality

* Improvementsinsafetyandconveniencewithnewsafetytechnology andupgradedmultimedia

ThenextchapterinthestoryofthereveredToyotaLandCruiser70Seriesis set to begin with the arrival of a new powertrain option to the 4x4 icon, sportingnewstyling,upgradedtechnologyandenhancedspecification. TheupgradedLandCruiser70Serieswillbenefitawiderangeofcustomers lookingforatoughandcapable4x4.


Priortothispoint,thecurrent-generation70Seriesrangehasbeenavailable with a 4.0-litre naturally aspirated petrol inline-6 (single and double cab pick-ups), a 4.2-litre naturally aspirated diesel and a 4.5-litre turbo-diesel V8.Allthesepowertrainsbeingmatedtoamanualtransmission.

However, the upgraded Land Cruiser introduces the 1GD 2.8-litre turbodieselfour-cylinderenginematedtoasix-speedautomatictransmission,for thefirsttimeinthe70Series.Allbodyshapesareavailablewiththe2.8-litre four-cylinder engine. The new 2.8-litre four-cylinder powertrain has been provenovertheyearsinarangeofToyota4x4models(Hilux,Fortunerand Prado among others) and produces a stout 150kWat 3400rpm and 500Nm from1600-2800rpm.

Multiplemechanicalchangeshavebeenmadetotheenginespecificallyfor the70Seriestoensureoptimalcoolingandperformanceintoughconditions andunderheavytowingloads,withallmodelsofthe70Series’maintaininga strong3500kgbrakedtowingcapacity

Asbefore,theLandCruiser70Seriesrangeisequippedwithapart-time4x4 systemwithlow-rangegearing,durableliveaxlesandfrontcoilsuspension. Thefour-cylindermodelsaddfrontandrearlockingdifferentialsforultimate off-roadtraction.



4.5-litre diesel models in both pick-up and station wagon configurations – is immediately recognisable thanks to its updated exterior styling, clearlyinfluencedbypreviousgenerationsofLand Cruiser

Anew square grille with a black mesh pattern and ‘TOYOTA’letteringsitsaboveathree-slotcooling ventinspiredbythe75SeriesLandCruiser,witha smallhoodventabovethegrilleborrowedfromthe original40Seriesmodel.Awidebumperandblack overfenders give the 70 Series a muscular stance andsenseofstability,pairedwithdarkgreymetallic 16-inchalloywheels.

TheStationWagonalsosportsasteelbumperwhile the VX variant adds further differentiation in the formofaRockfordFosgatesoundsystem.

In addition, all the 70 Series grades gain a new centreconsoleconsistingofaliddedcentrestorage box, cupholder and multiple small item compartments. Station Wagon variants are made more functional with new second-row seats with 60:40 split-folding-functionality and can be tumbledforwardtomaximisecargospace.

All variants powered by the 2.8 GD-6 engine are upholsteredindurablegreyfabric,whiletheStation WagonVXgradesgainleatherupholstery Four-cylinder versions gain Downhill Assist Control (DAC) for steady, controlled off-road

descents, automatically modulating the brakes to safelynavigatesteepdeclines.TheStationWagon VX variant also gains a new reversing camera, helping to make parking in tight spaces easier (The VX variant shown in press photography sports a fridge – offered byToyota as an optional accessory.)

The LC70’s classic colour palette continues with Ivory White, Satin Silver Metallic, Sand Beige, Graphite Grey Metallic, Ruby Metallic and Dark Blue.TheLC78Wagonderivativeisreintroduced and offered exclusively in Attitude Black and Avant-GardeBronze.

All Land Cruiser 70 Series models are offered with a 3-year/100 000km warranty and an optional100000kmserviceplan.

LAND CRUISER 70 SERIES PRICING SINGLE CAB Lc79 4.0 Petrol S/C 5MT – N$ 765 500 LC79 4.2 Diesel S/C 5MT – N$ 829 000 LC79 4.5 Diesel V8 S/C 5MT – N$ 956 200 LC79 2.8 GD-6 Diesel S/C 6AT – N$ 917 100 DOUBLE CAB LC79 4.0 Petrol D/C 5MT – N$ 864 600 LC79 4.2 Diesel D/C 5MT – N$ 920 800 LC79 4.5 Diesel V8 D/C 5MT – N$ 1 039 200 LC79 2.8 GD-6 Diesel D/C 6AT – N$ 1 009 000 STATION WAGON LC78 4.2 Diesel SW 5MT - N$ 900 100 Lc76 4.5 Diesel SW 5MT – N$ 1 076 800 LC76 2.8 GD-6 Diesel SW 6AT – N$ 999 900 LC 76 2.8 GD-6 VX Diesel SW 6AT – TBC AMOS 081 432 3188 DIANA 081 124 1062 EDD E 081 603 1062 LOTTO 081 608 3735 NAK TA F & I 081 608 3735 INDONGO TOYOTA WALVIS BAY 064 203 561 - d.els@indongotoyota.com Call our Sales Team today Walvis Bay *T's and C's apply N$ 7760 P/M* 2020 TOYOTA C-HR 1.2 T LUXURY CVT - 21 500 KM 2023 SUZUKI SWIFT 1.2 GL - 53 770 KM N$ 4260 P/M* 2022 TOYOTA URBAN CRUISER 1.5 XR M/T - 40 800 KM 2017 VOLKSWAGEN POLO VIVO 1.4 CONCEPTLINE - 116 325 KM 2022 TOYOTA URBAN CRUISER 1.5 XS M/T- 33 450 KM Walvis Bay Walvis Bay 2022 SUZUKI VITARA BREZZA 1.5 GLX AT - 34 950 KM 2017 ISUZU KB 2.4 4X4 - 190 740 KM N$ 4250 P/M* 2020 RENAULT DUSTER 1.6 2WD - 28 540 KM N$ 10 130 P/M* 2017 TOYOTA HILUX RAIDER 4.0 V6 4X4 A/T - 115 870 KM N$ 3210P/M* N$ 6100 P/M* N$ 4110 P/M* N$ 4466 P/M* 2017 TOYOTA HILUX 2.8 X-CAB 4X4 M/T - 99 250 KM N$ 10 000 P/M* N$ 3570 P/M* N$ 7300 P/M* 2018 TOYOTA RAV4 2.0 GX 2WD A/T - 64 590 KM N$ 4240 P/M* 2016 RENAULT CLIO IV BLAZE - 64 790 KM N$ 5230 P/M* 2020 POLO VIVIO 1.6 HIGHLINE - 52 375 KM N$ 4780 P/M* 2020 VOLKSWAGEN POLO TRENDLINE 1.0 TSI - 80 920 KM 2021 TOYOTA FORTUNER 2.8 4X4 A/T - 43 750 KM N$ 11 430 P/M* AND GET A MINIMUM 2 YEAR PRE-OWNED WARRANTY N$ 20 000 CASH BACK For more information and a test drive make a turn at Indongo Toyota in Walvis Bay or call them on 064-203 561 8MARCH2024 7

Afrika Odyssey Expedition Visits Swakopmund

SouthAfrican-basedexplorerKingsleyHolgateandhisteamaretwo-thirdsofthe waythroughtheir41sthumanitarianandgeographicexpedition.Aspartoftheir travels through Namibia, the team visited Swakopmund, specifically Westside HighSchool.

Theexpedition,whichstartedinJune2023,aimstovisit 22 African countries, with the focus on conservation, community,andculture.TheAfrikaOdysseyexpedition has already surpassed 40 000 kilometers along some of the most treacherous routes in Africa, withstanding torrential rains, excessive heat, and record floods in the pasteightmonths.

Theaimistoreach22uniquewildlifereservesmanaged by the conservation NGO African Parks in partnership withthegovernmentofeachcountry “Overthepast30 years of adventuring in every country on the continent, we'vecometorealisethatAfrica'siconicbiodiversityand wildlife are under immense threat,” said Kingsley Holgate. “For a long time, we've been asking the question:IstherehopeforAfrica'swildspacesaswellas the people who depend on it, in the face of burgeoning global demand for natural resources? That's what spawned the idea for this expedition, and there's good news. We've been privileged to see firsthand the incredible work being done to protect and restore vast tracts of wilderness and the frontline fight against criminal networks that profit from illegal trade in wildlife, logging, and mining We've heard gutwrenching, personal stories of loss from rangers on the front line, alongside uplifting stories of hope that bear witnesstotherevivalhappeninginmanycountriesthanks to proactive governments, and the positive impact it is having on both wildlife and neighboring communities.” The expedition has now reached 15 of the 22 wildlife regions on their list. Starting in the northern tip of the Namib Desert at Iona National Park in southwestern Angola, it has journeyed through nine national parks in Zambia,Zimbabwe,Mozambique,andMalawi;reached the furthest and highest source of the White Nile in the mountainousrainforestsofNyungweinRwanda;tackled a difficult route to two remote wildlife parks in South Sudan; and nearly lost the expedition Defenders to the worstfloodsin20yearsatGarambaNationalParkinthe remotenortheasterncorneroftheDRC.


As part of its conservation efforts in each region, the expeditioneducatesthelocalsinitsareasofconservation. InSwakopmund,thefocuswasonprotectingouroceans. NaudeDreyerfromOceanConservationNamibiashared the work he and his team have been doing along the coastline. “Overthepastfiveyears,wehavemanagedto catch 3 500 seals, rescuing them from fishing lines, or other pollutants entangled around their necks or bodies. These animals are dying and suffering unnecessarily because of people's negligence; people aren't conscious ofwhattheydowiththeirplastic.Weneedtobecareful every day about what we do with plastic.” Dreyer highlighted one specific item found around the necks of seals-balloonstrings.“Thattinystringcancausealotof damage.Whenpeoplereleaseballoonsintheair,itneeds tocomedownandendsupintheocean.Thestringendsup

entangledaroundaseal's neck,andaturtle,abird,or a fish might eat the balloon, mistaking it for a jellyfish. Thegeneralruleis,ifthereisanythingplastic,wewant tokeepitoutoftheocean.Itdoesnotbelongthere;itdid notcomefromthere.”

Holgate added that through theirWildlifeArt program, they helped educating thousands of children living alongsideAfricanParks-managedprotectedareasabout thevaluesofcaringfortheirenvironment.“Theyarethe future guardians of these wildlife gems, and it's importanttopassonthebatonofconservationtoensure theycontinuetobenefitfromAfrica'swildliferesources inthecomingyears.”


“Ahead lies the most difficult part of the expedition, to reach seven wildlife regions in the Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, and Benin,” said expeditionleaderRossHolgate.We'llbetacklingdense rainforest conditions, difficult river crossings, vast desert,androckymountainterrainwherewaterandfuel will be hard to come by, as well as potential security threats. The logistical issues for this chapter are extreme.” Additionally, students from Ireland were traveling with the expedition. Dave Kyne said that the main idea is for the boys to share experiences with learnersfromothercountries.“Theboyshavedoneabit of fundraising over the past couple of months to help withtheconservationprojectsoftheexpedition.Forthe boys, it's a great opportunity for adventure, meet new peopleallovertheworld,andunderstandeachcountry's cultureandcountry.” Theboysplayedafriendlygame of soccer with learners from Westside High School, bringing along soccer jerseys and some skills to share withthelocals.


Furthermore, veteran expedition member 'Shova Mike' Nixon, one of only three people in the world to have completed all 19 Cape Epic Mountain bike races, will attempt to cycle 600 kilometers on a specially adapted Evo-bike through Chad's Sahel and Sahara Desert to reach the World Heritage Site of Ennedi Natural and Cultural Reserve near the Libyan border “Ennedi is saidtobethemostbeautifulpartoftheSahara,butI'm expecting a hard, physical test with powdery soft sand andtemperaturesabove40°C,”saidNixon.“Fromwhat I've researched, this route hasn't been attempted before bybicycle;hopefully,itbecomesanother'first'thatadds an extra level of adventure and excitement to the expedition ” The Afrika Odyssey's Scroll for Conservation – with hundreds of pages already filled with inspiring messages from community leaders and beneficiaries, park rangers, conservation partners, and governmentenvoys–willalsocompletethejourney,as will the well-traveled Zulu calabash that is collecting symbolic water from all 22 African Parks-managed protectedareas.

3. Interested elig ble bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in the specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) of and submit the proof of payment to in order N$300.00 procurement@namport.com.na to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

4. A Site Visit is scheduled for 18 March 2024 at 10h00 AM at the Port of Lüderitz, Hafen Street, Lüderitz.

5. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted. All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details: Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete

The choir of Westside High School with the students of Ireland, along with Ms Veneza Rheeder, principal of Westside High School and Kingsley Holgate Leandrea Mouers Learners busy with the Wildlife Art Competition at Westside High School Photos by Leandrea Mouers The students from Ireland engaging with some of the learners from Westside High School
Tel.: +264 64 208 2217 E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or
Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) bidding procedures for the Supply & Delivery of Diesel to the Port of Luderitz for a Period of Three (3) Years.
The Bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed, or subcontract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB. Procurement Manager Melani de Klerk Tel: +264 208 2319 Email: m.deklerk@namport.com.na Bid Reference Number Brief Description Pre-bid Conference Last Day for Clarification Requests Closing Date G/ONB/NAMPORT -3613/2024 Supply & Delivery of Diesel to the Port of Luderitz for a Period of Three (3) Years. Non-Compulsory Virtual Pre-bid meeting on 15/03/2024 @ 10h00 AM (Meeting link is available on the Website) 28/03/2024 19/04/2024 @ 12h00 PM (Virtual Bid Opening Link will be available on website) 26 March 2024.

Mr and Miss WBPS Crowned

WalvisBayPrivateSchool(WBPS)hosteditsannualMrandMissWBPScompetition, where Joy Lewis and Christo Smit clinched the respective Miss and Mrtitles.Withthethemefortheevening being 'See the Light Illuminate,' a total of30contestantscompetedforthecovetedtitles.

WillemLouwrenswas crowned as the first prince, and Waneka Venterasthefirstprincess. The second runners-up were Stefan Goosen (second prince) and Magdel Pienaar (second princess).

Willem Louwrens and Zara Beukes were

crowned as Mr and Miss Congeniality respectively,whileJordan Vorster and ShyAnn Kaoseb were crowned as Mr and Miss Photogenic, respectively

TheWalvisBayPrivate School's Art Committee worked tirelessly to ensure that

every aspect of the pageant was executed flawlessly; their creativity and attention to detail were evident in every performance andsetdesign.

“We commend their dedication and thank them for their invaluablecontributions.We extend our heartfelt

thanks to every memberofourstafffortheir dedication and professionalism.Thesupport and encouragement from our parents were instrumental in making this event a success. We are supremely grateful for their unwavering support and entrusting us with

the education and well-being of their children. We are also extremely grateful to every single sponsor who made this an unforgettable evening.”

Emceesoftheevening Jana Duvenhage, Juané Brand, and Lindiwe Qhena-Kambombo sparkled in their own way “It warms our hearts to see our learners using this platform to hone their presenting skills.”

The judges for the evening were Lizelle Cordier,JuliaMbai,Jo Nichol, and Lizane Thiersen.”

Mr and Miss WBPS, Joy Lewis and Christo Smit. Mr and Miss WBPS first prince and princess Willem Louwrens and Waneka Venter Photos by Christine Smit and Chrissi van Dyk Mr and Miss WBPS second prince and princess Stefan Goosen and Magdel Pienaar


A vacancy exists for a Management Accountant at Mpact Corrugated (Pty) Ltd.

The incumbent will report to the Finance Manager




Key Performance Areas:

! Prepare monthly management statements and divisional reports

! Prepare internal management reports.

! Prepare weekly financial forecasts

! Assist with annual budgets.

! Prepare annual financial statements and statutory notes.

! Ensuring sound and effective financial management

! Liaise with auditors, banks and other stakeholders

! Respond to financial inquiries by gathering and interpreting data

! Keep and analyse all financial and production records

! Maintain monthly stock take records, schedules and consumption rates.

! Prepare monthly general ledger reconciliations and standard journals.

! Maintain asset registers

! Identify and implement effective internal controls.

! Conduct manual costing of products.

Minimum Qualification, Education & Experience

! Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accountancy

! Completed Articles or 3 years plus experience in a similar role will be an advantage.

! Sound knowledge of IFRS, Company tax and VAT

! Sound knowledge of Windows products

! Must be a Namibian citizen

Interested applicants should submit their CVs, stating relevant experience to:

The Human Resources Department, P. O. Box 399 Walvis Bay. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned.

No emails

Closing Date: Friday, 15 March 2024

Closing date: 15 March 2024



In the High Court of Namibia.

Windhoek – Main Division.


Inthematterbetween: UnitransNamibia (Pty)Ltd

ExecutionCreditor and JaphetNoa Ndjuluwa


In execution of a Judgementagainstthe above Defendants granted by the above Honourable Court on 22 March 2023, the following goods will be sold in Execution by the Deputy Sheriff

ofWalvis,Namibiaon 18-20 March 2024 at thefollowingaddress: Premises of Aucor Namibia, c/o 3rd Street East and 14th Road, Industrial Area, Walvis Bay, Namibia by online auction Auction

Starts Online 18

March 2024 @ 10h00 Auction Ends

20 March 2024 @ 13h00

“Voetstoots and Cash” to the highest bidder,viz:-



1x Grey Defy microwave


1x Dark brown coffee table

1x 3 Piece dark brownTvstand


1x LG seround sound system

1x Defy Grey deepfridge

1 x S a n s u n g toploader


1xwhitechestwith drawers

Dated at Walvis Bay on4March 2024.





131SamNujoma Avenue


(Ref:JHO/pb/U002/ 1191)

Registration No:2017/0334



In the estate of the late

Gerhard Martin Weiss, Id Nr 290428 0008 9, who died on 29 August 2023, resided at Flat No. 29 Lion's Old Age Home, Rhode Allee, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried.

Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.


Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Incorporated

Haus Altona

2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street

P O Box 1455

Swakopmund (REF. HEA/AW EST 328 /0001-50)

JobTitle: FactoryTechnician

Location: Arandis

Position Overview: We are seeking a skilled FactoryTechnicianwithpriorexperienceinfactory operations. The ideal candidate will be knowledgeableaboutsafetyprotocolsrelevanttoindustrial environments and possess hands-on experience working with conveyors electrical motors, and various machinery Proficiency in mechanics, electrical systems is essential for successinthisrole.


·Performroutinemaintenanceandrepairson factoryequipment,includingconveyors,electrical motors,andothermachinery

·Troubleshootmechanicalandelectricalissuesas theyarise,diagnosingproblemsand implementingeffectivesolutionspromptly

·Conductregularinspectionstoensuremachinery operatesefficientlyandmeetssafetystandards.

·Collaboratewiththemaintenanceteamto developandimplementpreventivemaintenance schedules.

·Adheretosafetyprotocolsandproceduresatall times,promotingacultureofsafetywithinthe workplace.

·Utilizewelding,grinding,andotherfabrication techniquestorepairandmodifyequipmentas needed.

·Maintainaccuraterecordsofmaintenance activities,includingworkperformed,partsused, andtimespentoneachtask.


·Previousexperienceworkinginafactoryor industrialsettingisrequired.

·Proficiencyinmechanicalandelectricalsystems, withtheabilitytotroubleshootandrepair equipmenteffectively

·Strongknowledgeofsafetyregulationsand protocolsapplicabletoindustrialenvironments.

·Experiencewithwelding,grinding,andfabrication techniquesishighlydesirable.

·Familiaritywiththeoperationofpowertoolsand otherequipmentcommonlyusedin manufacturingsettings.

·Problem-solvingskillsandtheabilitytowork independentlyoraspartofateam.

·Effectivecommunicationskills,bothverbaland written.

·Willingnesstoworkflexiblehoursandrespondto emergencymaintenancerequestsasneeded.

·Highschooldiplomaorequivalent;additional technicalcertificationsortrainingareaplus.

If you meet the qualifications outlined above and arelookingforanexcitingopportunitytocontribute toadynamicteam,weencourageyoutoapplyfor the position of Factory Technician to Rejoice.Gaoses@greencharcoalnamibia.com

Website: www. namibtimes.net


Key areas of responsibilities will include:

∙ Receiving of customer orders via telephone and email;

∙ Sending of orders to oyster room for packing;

∙ Corresponding with local and international client queries;

∙ Preparation of quotations, invoices and delivery notes;

∙ Preparation of export documentation;

∙ Reconciliation of customer accounts;

∙ Sending of monthly statements to customers;

∙ Following up on overdue accounts;

Competency Requirements

∙ Attention to detail;

∙ Excellent verbal and written communication skills;

∙ Proactive approach to resolving customer issues and concerns;

∙ Accurate data entry and maintenance of financial records;

∙ Ability to function under pressure;

∙ Work collaboratively with other departments;

∙ Willing to work overtime if necessary;

Minimum Requirements

∙ Grade 12 or equivalent;

∙ At least 2 years relevant experience;

∙ Knowledge of Sage Accounting software or similar;

∙ Proficiency in MS Office;

∙ Valid drivers license;

Closing date: 22 March 2024

CV's to be emailed to accounts@namoyster.com

Only emailed CV's will be considered. Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. If you are not contacted within 7 days after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

1. Chief Engineer:

Educational Qualifications

- Certificate of Chief engineer class 5

- Certificate of Advanced Firefighting

- Certificate of Survival craft and Rescue boat

- Certificate of Familiarization and Basic safety

- Certificate of Specialization of Medical Care on Board

· Experience

- 20 years proven experience as chief engineer in freezing vessels

- Proven experience as chief engineer in freezing vessels

- Repairs in main engines, auxiliary engines, refrigeration system on board and in the fishing ground

- Elaboration of maintenance plans on board: correction and prevention

· Knowledge/Skills

- Main engines: DEUTZ 358

- Auxiliary engines: GUASCOR, DEUTZ

- Leroy Sommer alternator with AVR Cards

- Fixed propeller blades (NAVALIPS)

- Cathelco system for propeller shaft - High hydraulic pressure systems

- Winch: CARRAL MCM-5

- Refrigeration systems: flooding system

- Freezing compressors: screw compressors (Bitzer, Mycom), Grasso's compressors

- Water generator: FONTEMAR

- Reverse osmosis

- Speed drivers experience: DANFOSS VLT and MENTOR

- Direct current and alternating current

- Naval electricity and naval electronic

- Strapping machine: REJSOPACK

· Another requirement - Languages: English

2. Baader Mechanic:


- Strapping machine: REJSOPACK

- Baader 182

- Baader 52

- Sausage Machine FREY KONTI C55

- Clipping Machine: CDC800 / CDC800S

- Skinning machines TRIO


- 8 years’ experience as Baader Mechanic on vessels with propulsion

3. Bosun:

· Education & Training requirements

- Bosun's certificate

- Certificate of Advanced Firefighting

- Certificate of Survival craft & Rescue boat

- Certificate of Familiarization and Basic safety

- Certificate of Medical First Aid

- Netmaker certificate

· Experience

- 20 years proven experience as bosun on midwater / deep sea trawlers (2000 gross tonnage)

- 8 years’ experience required in Net Shop training

- Practical sea experience and proven record of training at sea.

- Supervisor training.

- Experience with Pelagic nets, Uruguayan nets, pedreira nets and 4 faces nets

· Knowledge/Skills

- Trawling winch: CARRAL MCM-5

- Repairs & Modifications of semipelagic's nets

- Repairs & Modifications of pedreira's nets

- Repairs & Modifications of 4 face's nets

- Repairs & Modifications of Uruguayan's nets

- Thyboron trawl doors

- Guerra's crane

Closing date: 15 March 2024

All interested persons should submit their relevant CV with all documentation per email below

For enquiries contact:

Zanobia Johannes, Tel: 0642731500, Email: zanobiaj@catofishing.com

Vacancy: Vessel Superintendent

Main activities:

· Attend to all Husbandry matters while vessel in port.

· Liaison with all Namport, Stevedores, Authorities, planning the vessel's call and ensure fast turnaround of vessels.

· Plan and oversee discharge and loading operations of containerised, break bulk, out of gauge, heavy lift, and project and bulk cargo onboard multi-purpose vessels.

· Preparing and working according to Cargo and container plans.

· Ensure efficient and cost-effective operations, check and compile all invoices related to vessel's Port call.

· Plan cargo stowage from Baplie / EDI files.

· Arranging all vessel formalities from berth space through to sailing clearance.

- Refrigeration skills will also be advantageous.


· Able to work overtime.

· Minimum Grade 12.

· Fluent in English.

· Computer literate

· Work in a fast pace, cost effective environment.

· Driver's license & own vehicle. Please send CV to vacancynam@macship.com th by 20 March 2024.


Oryx Properties Limited – Walvis Bay, Namibia


The Property Manager: Dunes Mall will report to the Portfolio Manager and be responsible for team leadership, lease renewals and filling vacancies, optimizing tenant mix, maximising net returns, marketing, risk control and building management, budgeting and financial management of Dunes Mall in Walvis Bay


· Negotiation of leases both new and renewals across all categories including anchors, line units, F&B and leisure

· Ensure proper tenant mix in line with business strategy and market demand and to achieve desired footfall

· Oversee and assist with development of sales and leasing plans in conjunction with the leasing team to identify new clients and negotiate with prospective tenants to maximize income in line with the business plan

· Ensure accurate and on time tenant billings and recoveries and perform regular lease audits.

· Market research and liaison with key stakeholders.

· Follow up on the collections.

· Prepare, review and adjust financial budgets, systems and processes and monitor performance against budget.

· Compile and ensure the timeous submission of the monthly management report packs to the Portfolio Manager

· Monthly input on expense control and cash flow requirements into revised budgets.

· Performance management, training, team building and development of staff.

· Oversee Development, implementation, and the upkeep of the corporate mall identity - ensure adherence to corporate brand guidelines.

· Overseeing and implementation of marketing strategy

· Responsible for community public relations.

· Tenant management and query resolution.

· Develop and maintain a long-term beneficial relationship with all existing tenants, associations and Retail Groups to ensure continued and future business.

· Develop and implement a structured business plan for the mall covering all key components of mall operations.

· Monitor and report tenant sales performance, market competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information to management.

· Ensure that management implements day-to-day risk control within the center/portfolio.

· Implement controls and programs for overall adherence to relevant legislation, including Occupational Health & SafetyAct.

· Develop, implement, and maintain approved procedures and systems across all mall functions to ensure smooth co-ordination / cooperation among various internal departments to facilitate business needs and deliver positive customer and tenant experiences.

· Oversee preparation of plans and schedules for regular and periodic maintenance in conjunction with the Operations Manager and follow up on quality and execution.

· Oversee and manage the property maintenance together with the Operations Manager and on-site technical team.

· Energy Management (including meter readings) & MunicipalAccounts (including electrical recoveries).


· Minimum of Grade 12 with Accounting as subject or equivalent qualification/training.

· Minimum of 3 years' experience in Property Management

· Strong negotiator

· Skilled in management and leadership

· Excellent written and verbal communication skills

· Energetic, enthusiastic and dynamic individual

· Ability to multi-task and work in a methodical manner

· Good interpersonal and problem-solving skills

· High tolerance for stress

· Customer and quality focused

· A valid Code B driver's license

· Namibian

Kindly submit your CV via e-mail to by no later than Friday, 15 March 2024. hr@oryxprop.com.na

* This is not a comprehensive job specification and may be changed at any given time.

* Please take note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

* Candidates not meeting the minimum requirements will not be considered.

Oryx Properties is an equal opportunity employer and complies with the Affirmative Action Legislation. People from previously disadvantaged groups meeting the requirements are encouraged to apply Applicants who do not receive any response within four (4) weeks after the closing date must accept that their applications were not considered favourably Oryx Properties regrets that it cannot return documents.




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Properties Wanted


Lookingfor2bedroom apartmentinMeersig, HermesandFairways. pricerange

N$5000.00p/m water included

Contact:0813095153/ 0813795388




Amazing Designs

wedding dress Size 36 Hand beaded, lace upper body with sleeves. Easy to alter Worn once.

Price 6000.00


Contact : 0811243503 for viewing.

NEED MOREPOWERS Callorwhatsapp+26481 2549875
15.Protectingyourhouse properties
Luckycharms 17.Hipsbreastandbuttocks enlargements
19.Getmanorwomanof yourchoiceyouwant

C l a s s i f i e d s

Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No


CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations. Cowboys.

064418150or 0811464770


VacancyForGroup FinancialManager

FAKotze-Nolene Manufacturersccand relatedgroupof companies

Seekingaqualifiedand experiencedFinancial Managertooverseethe completefinancial functionoftheFA Kotzemanufacturing operations.


Bachelor'sdegreein scienceofaccounting

Minimumof10years' experienceinthe manufacturingindustry StationedinWalvis Bayatheadoffice.

Theincumbentwillbe responsiblefor:

Managingtheday-todayfinancialand administrativeaspects ofthecompany

Deadline-drivenand accuratefinancial reportingi.e.month endreports,financial forecasting,year-end reports,budgets, financialanalysis, strategicplanningand procurement management.

Managementofa diversifiedworkforce atmultiplelocations acrossNamibia.

Clearlyneedsto communicatefinancial performanceagainst targets.Requiredto develop,implement andmodifyfinancial practicesandpolicies.

PleaseSendCV'sto: nolenesales@gmail.



Betroubare dame opsoek na huiswerk, tuisversorging, kinders opas of plaas werk. Ek het 2 jaar kennis, en het 6 jaar na ‘n spesiale kind omgesien. Ek kan onmidellik begin.




I am looking for domestic work, housekeeping, cleaning work in Walvis Bay



A 34 year old lady is looking for domestic work. Mondays - Fridays. Start immediately

Contact:08162945508 0813883615


I am a lady looking for work in Walvis Bay Mondays to Fridays. I am ready to start immediately



Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of salon werk, ek het het by Salon Bianca gewerk.



I am trusting hardworker looking for work in Swakop or Walvis Bay



I am a woman looking for domestic work around Walvis Bay or Langstrand. I am trustworthy, honest with sober habits.

I have 7 years experience in cleaning.

Contact:0814688651 0817973362


Ek is ‘n 29 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk ek kan ook kinders versorg. Stryk en was. Ek kan enige tyd reg om te begin.



I am a matured confident self motivated girl, seeking for domestic work or any other job opportunity. I am hardworking and ambitious individual who always strives to achieve the highest standard possible at any given task. I carry my grade 12 certificate and testimonial. I am ready to start as soon as possible.

Contact:0818514613 0818860249


I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. I am hardworking and humble.



I am a 44 year old lady looking for work in a guesthouse or laundry Walvis Bay



I am a 30 year old lady looking for work as a housekeeper, washing, ironing and cleaning. Walvis Bay, Town, Narraville or Lagoon.



I am a 39 year old lady looking for housekeeping or domestic work. Town, Meersing, Lagoon or Narraville.



I am a 30 year old lady looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay, domestic work, cleaning or in a tuckshop. I am computer literate and have experience in laundry work.



I am a 39 year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund and Long Beach, I have experience and I can take care of babies and elderly. I can speak English and Afrikaans and I can start any time.



I am a young lady looking for work on Saturdays only to clean or iron in and around Swakopmund, I can start immediately


JOBWANTED: I am a 37 year old woman looking for domestic or laundry work in Swakopmund, I can start as soon as possible and I am hardworking.



I am a 34 year old lady looking for domestic work for 3 days per week in Swakopmund, Long Beach, Nonidas, Kramersdorf.


JOBWANTED: I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work for a whole week in Swakopmund, I am ready to start as soon as possible.



I am a 37 year old young lady looking for any cleaning and ironing work in Swakopmund or Long Beach from Monday to Saturday Contact:081



I am a 40 year old lady looking for domestic work for a whole week in Swakopmund, I am hardworking and trustworthy, ready to start immediately




(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be madetotheMagistrateof theDistrictof Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Diane Louise Le Roux, PO Box 4647, Walvis Bay.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Oriana General Dealerscc.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: 602 Jakkelsspitzstreet, HentiesBay

4. Nature and details of application:Application forWholesale License.

5.Clerkofthecourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 4 April2024.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which 8 May 2024.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication mustbesentordelivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21daysbeforethedateof the meeting of the Committee at which applicationwillbeheard.

7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: PROJECT NAME: The Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Decommissioning of the Proposed Walvis Bay Independence Beach Promenade PROJECT LOCATION:Along Independence Beachfront, Walvis Bay PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components: · A multifunction walkway about 1.3km with a width of 3 to 4meter o The walkway will be complemented by a variety of greeneries in the form of lawn/grass, palm trees, succulents, and canopy trees. · Two functional nodes. · Different associated infrastructure such as open-air gym, trading areas, ablution facility, beach sport facilities etc. PROPONENT: Municipality of Walvis Bay PUBLIC MEETING: Public consultation meetings will be held on 15 March 2024 at the following venue and time: · 10:00-12:00 at Independence Beach, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing to: Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 22 March 2024. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE D E A T H N O T I C E S


ZeraTrading(Pty)Ltdherewithintendstoapplytothe Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Special Consent” “bed and breakfast” , to operate an on the premises of Erf , ( ) as 84 Rossmund 6 Lizard Crescent provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund ZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe GeneralManager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: nd2 April 2024

Contactperson: ,Cell:081 MrPvanWyk 1225225 Email:pine@stewardship.com.na


Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

We are looking for a RUNNER/DRIVER with previous experience in the clearing and forwarding logistics and courier business.

We are looking for a person with the following knowledge:

· Deliver and collect documents at Customs as well as handling related queries.

· Deliver and collect documents at Namport as well as handling related queries.

· Deliver and collect documents at shipping lines as well as releasing of shipments.

· All other related duties.

· Collection and delivery of parcels in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund area.

Please forward all CV's to cv@airfreight.com.na




(Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Sishao BoysenMasikilo,POBox 7620,WalvisBay

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: TruethLoungeNo.2.

3 Address/location of premises to which applicationrelates:Erf No 7226,KingklipStreet.

4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 8 March2024.

7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10April2024.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.


Business Unit: Avis Budget Rental

Location: Walvis Bay Airport - Namibia

Reporting to: Coastal Branch Manager

Send CV to: Jeanne.Oswald@zeda.co.za

Core purpose of the role

To identify and satisfy customers' needs by conducting sales and services processes on the counter in order to exceed the customer's experience and expectations whilst ensuring the profitability of the company

Key deliverables and outputs

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

· Fleet and Counter Product Planning

· Rental Transactions

· Admin

· Customer Rental Experience

· Health, Safety and Security

Internal and External Stakeholders

The role requires close engagement and collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders.

Internal Stakeholders

All branch Staff.

External Stakeholders Customers.

Academic Qualifications - Essential:

· Matric with 23 points and E aggregate in English

· Code 08 unendorsed Driver's License.

Work Experience - Essential:

· Incumbent will be responsible for his / her own transport to and from work

· Shift work

· Must be well presented

· Must have the ability to sell

· Preference will be given to applicants with perations, sales and customer service experience.

This job requires that the employee maintains the highest level of Honesty and Integrity as he /she will have access to company assets, cash handling and confidential record storage areas. This requires that a formal personal background check is undertaken. In ensuring a safe working environment for all, Avis will prioritise vaccinated employees in the recruitment process.

To apply for the role please send your application to Jeanne.Oswald@zeda.co.za

Due date of submissions is 15 March 2024.




Noticeisherebygiventhat an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Andre Joubert, P O Box 2379, WalvisBay

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: H & B Amusement Centre t/a L’orange.

3 Address/location of licensedpremisestowhich application relates: Erf

1043Shop1&2,94Theo Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay Erongo, Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application:Changetrade name FROM: H & B AmusementCentret/a


5. Where application will belodged:ClerkofCourt WalvisBay.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 6 March2024.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.



We require the service of a Receptionist at our Walvis Bay Operation. The candidate must be a Namibian Citizen.




The incumbent will report to the Finance Manager

Summarised duties and responsibilities:

! Receive incoming calls and direct to the extensions

! Monitor the telephone and managing the system

! Report defect/faults on the system

! Direct customers/visitors to the correct office.

! Assist customers/visitors with requests.

! Filling of all invoices/Delivery Notes & POD'S

! General typing work

! Arrangement of functions and travelling.

! Organise appointments for and with the General Manager and Management staff.

! Arrange courier services forAdmin Personnel.

! Handle petty cash and cash sales receipts.

Minimum Qualification, Education and Experience:

! Minimum Grade 12 with 30 points and a “D” in English.

! Secretarial certificate or diploma will be an added advantage

! At least three (3) years relevant secretarial experience.

! Computer Literacy is mandatory, Excel, MS Word.

! Must be able to work independently

! Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

! Must be a Namibian citizen.

! Good leadership qualities.

! Valid code B Driver's license.

Interested applicants should submit their CVs, stating relevant experience to: The Human Resources Department, P. O. Box 399 Walvis Bay. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned.

Closing Date: Friday, 15 March 2024


Rössing Marathon Entries Double

courts. Entry is N$20 per walk and all proceeds will be channelled to the Cancer

Theeventissettobrace thecoastaltownfromas early as 07h00 starting from the tennis courts with amateur and elite runners expected to compete in the 42km marathon, the 21km Frank Slabbert half marathon, the 10km run,and5kmfunwalk.

The marathon to date remains Rössing Uranium's sports flagship eventandthebiggeston the Erongo region's sporting calendar partnered with Swakop Stridersrunningclub.

Rössing Uranium's Manager Corporate Communication Daylight Ekandjo highlighted that this year's edition is testament of theinevitablegrowthof the Rössing Marathon whichfeatureseliteand amateur runners from acrossthecountry “Entries this year have doubled, and this cementsthedireneedof sportingeventsinthe country The nation every year looks forward to this event and thisyear'snumbersonly means we should double our efforts to appetise running for health reasons, and at the same time create a platform for our elite runners to compete nationally to better represent the country internationally,” said Ekandjo.

AlinaArmaswhointhe lasteditionscoopedtop female accolade in the marathonsaidsheisexcited to still participate

inthisyear'seditionand is looking forward to seeing new competition particularly from femalerunners. “I have already started with preparations for the Rössing Marathon

andwouldliketocallon all athletes to register andmaketheirnameon theweekend.Trainhard so that you get the results you want. Consistencyiskeyineverything you do, “said the


Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.

OndjambaSafarisNamibiaccherewithintendstoapply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for a special consent to operate a Resident occupation: AdministrativeOfficeonthepremisesofErf3747No.4 RössingStreet,Swakopmund.

Any person having any objections against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwritingand within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.


Closing date for objections or comments is 2 April 2024

Contactperson:DieterRisser,Cell:0811294643 Email:ondjamba@ondjamba.com.na

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)


8-time elite female winner of the Rössing Marathon.

RegistrationfortheFun walkwilltakeplaceon8

March between 16:00 and 20:00 and 9 March as from 6:00 to 8:45 at Strand Street car parking area near the

Vacancy: Chief Engineer


·ValidCoCChiefEngineer,issuedbyarecognized administration·ValidMaintenanceSupervisor (IMOa.891)license

·Documentedminimum24monthspractical experienceasSecondEngineer(assistantchief engineer)frommobileunits.

·Documentedgoodall-roundcompetencerelating totheplatform'sdifferentsystemswithparticular emphasisonalltechnicalsystems.

·Managementexperienceandcompetence required.

·Completedtraininginthecompany'sgoverning documentation.

·IncompliancetotheflagStatecompetence requirementsanddocumentation

·Fluentwritten/oralEnglishlanguage Responsibilities

·TheprimaryfunctionoftheChiefEngineeristo ensurethesafeandefficientoperationofthe EngineDepartmentandpropermaintenanceof vessel,plantandequipment.

·Theirresponsibilitiesinclude,butarenotlimited to, thekeepingofoperationalstandardandthe maintenanceandrepairofhull,structureandall mechanicalandelectricalequipment.

·TheresponsibilitiesoftheChiefEngineerareto administerthePlannedMaintenanceSystem.The ChiefEngineershalladministertheSMSbudget includingpurchasingandensurebudgetary controlismaintainedbyalldepartments.

·InadditiontheChiefEngineerisresponsibleforall fixedandportablefire-fightingequipment.·Their responsibilitiesalsoincludetheplanningand loggingofworkinghoursfortheengineroomcrew andtheorganisationoftheonboardsafetytraining programmeforemergencyincloseco-operation withtheChiefOfficerandtheSafetyOfficer ·TheChiefEngineerisresponsibleforthemaintenanceoftechnicaloperationrecordsandfiles andforkeepingasufficientstockofbunkersand lubricantsaswellasorderingaccordingto CompanyProcedures.

·TheChiefEngineer'sresponsibilitiesalsoinclude theevaluationofreportednonconformity, necessarycorrectiveactionsandverifications,as requiredbyOOSInternational'sIntegrated ManagementSystem,inco-operationwiththe Master/OIM.






NAMIBTIMES 15 8MARCH2024 School News
Entrynumbershavedoubledforthemuch-anticipatedRössingMarathonChampionship,10kmrunandFunWalkscheduled at7:00,7:30and9:00respectivelyon9MarchinthecoastaltownofSwakopmundisallgoodtogowithentrynumbershaving doubledforthe2024edition.
Tennis AssociationofNamibia to bolster their fight againstcancer

namib times Sport

All4TheBabies to Take on Cape Town Cycle Tour

Iron ladies Michelle Strauss and Michelle Steenkamp will be participatingintheCapeTownCycleTourthisweekend.

Strauss and Steenkamp previously competed in the Nedbank Desert Dash as a four-woman team to raise funds for theRuachElohimFoundation,aregisteredChild Protection Organisation focusing on the awareness and prevention of baby dumping. It also serves as a home that accommodatesandcares for abandoned, neglected, and abused babies.

With just one day left before the Cape Town Cycle Tour, Strauss expresses both excitement and anxiety “This is my second time; Michelle has participated in the CycleTourtwicebefore.

Hailed as the world's largest individually timed cycle race, it's trulyanhonourtobepart of the 46th event and to participate in it for the Ruach Elohim Foundation.”Steenkampadded that she is 'super excited' and nervous as well. “The Cape Town Cycle Tour is, after all, one of the largest timed cycling events in the world, attracting thousands of cyclists. The race brings together cyclists from around the world not only to test

physical endurance but also to celebrate cycling and community spirit. I cannot wait. This will be my third Cape Town Cycle Tour I am really honoured to be able to make a positive impact towardssuchacharitable effort while also engaginginphysicalactivity.”

Both Strauss and Michelle say that they haven't stopped cycling since competing in the Nedbank Desert Dash.

“Although we've been battling with flu and colds, it has been all hands-on deck to remain fit and in shape. Cycling 109km nonstop can be challenging, especially considering Chapmans Peak and Suikerbossie.”

The duo added that they are asking for a N$1.00 donation per kilometre.

“Any other contributions are also more than welcome.”

Strauss added that creating awareness about babydumpinghasbeena challenge in Namibia for a long time. “Ronel and DickPeters,thefounders of the Ruach Elohim Foundation, have put theirheartsouttheretobe a safe haven for these babies. Supporting our cause will ensure they

havefundstocareforthe babies. We have all read abouttheSocialBabiesin the media a while ago, and we are delighted to mention that some of the babies have found a safe place at The Baby Box.

We are grateful to play a part in doing what we love to raise funds and awarenessforTheRuach ElohimFoundation.”

With the addition of the Social Babies, the Ruach ElohimFoundationneeds volunteers to assist, especially during 16:00 and 20:00 They added that creating awareness about the Foundation's work through the Nedbank Desert Dash has been amazing. “This has been to such an extent that we still received donations after the Dash.

The awareness process for the Cape Argus has been done on the same basis,andthemainaimis tocreateawarenessinaid of baby dumping and its prevention. It's been an incrediblejourneyforus!

We have received so muchsupportthroughout andaftertheDash.Asour focus is to create awareness to eradicate baby dumping in Namibia and aidRuachElohim.

The ladies expressed their gratitude to everyone who has supported themthusfar

“Thank you sounds so small in comparison to thesupportanddonations received thus far, but we are so thankful for the support.Westandinawe ofyoursupportandreally can't thank you enough for your support We appreciateyouall!”

Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Secures Dominance

WalvisBayUrbanConstituencysecuredtheirdominanceinbothFootballandNetball categories along with the coveted trophies and prize money in the Erongo Governor's CupheldinOmaruruoverthepastweekend.

AllsevenConstituencies,WalvisBayUrban,Walvis BayRural,Swakopmund,Daures,Omaruru,Karibib and Arandis competed against one another for the lucrativeGovernor'sCup.

In a closely contested match, the defending champions, Walvis Bay Urban emerged victorious with a 1-0 win over Arandis Constituency to successfullyretainedtheFootballcup. Winner of the Governors Football Cup 2024 is Walvis Bay Urban Constituency; 2nd Place was Arandisandthe3rdPlacewasKaribib. WalvisBayUrbanemergedtriumphantwitha43-30 victoryovertheirrivalsSwakopmundintheNetball final that showcased a thrillingcoastalderby

Walvis Bay Urban beat Daures A 42-26 and Swakopmund defeated Arandis 43-23 in their respectivesemi-finals.

Provisional squads of 38 football and 18 Netball players are bean selected to represent the Erongo RegionintheNewspaper Cuponthe29thofMarch 2024inGobabis.

The final squad of 20 football and 12 Netball players will soon be selected.

Special awards were handedoutasfollows:


Top Goal Scorer was Ruben Jansen - (Arandis) 4

Goals Player of the Tournament - Nehemiah Venter (Arandis)

Golden Glove Benson Kampona - Walvis Bay




OverallbestConstituency-WalvisBayUrban PlayeroftheTournament-JasminePhillips fromDauresA


sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net
Send your
ErongoGovernorNevilleAndrewiththeNetballteamoftheWalvisBayUrbanConstituency Erongo Governor Neville Andre with the Football team of the Walvis Bay UrbanConstituency Rudi Bowe Leandrea Mouers

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