8 sept namib times e-edition

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Erongo Council Budget Shows 31% Deficit

During the recent Ordinary Council Meeting, the Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council (ERC), Benita Imbamba tabled the ERC budget in Swakopmund which showed a deficit of N$1 912 260 or 31%shortfall.

Imbamba said the Council's estimated revenue for the last financial year that ended 31 March 2023 was N$48 716 240, of which during the same financial year the Council collected N$4 337 740 in revenue while the Council's estimated revenue collection for the financial year was N$6 250 000, inclusive of Uis Settlement estimated revenue.According to Imbamba, the estimatedrevenueforthecurrentfinancialyear 2023/24 is N$71 646 340.This estimated revenue is inclusive of Uis Settlement revenue estimate equal to N$9 839 428 as well as 5% AssessmentRatesequaltoN$6000000.

Imbamba said, “the appropriated income from Central Government for 2022/2023 was N$48 716 240 and in this financial year Council secured funds from Central Government totalling to N$48 764 241. This is a result of a slight increase in the funds from the Central

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Acsda Equips The Vulnerable

The African Counsellors Social Development Association (ACSDA), a nonprofit organisation, recently celebrated its first graduation ceremony in Walvis Bay,whereapproximately60graduates, including victims of the Otweya fire, Narraville evictees, and vulnerable community members, received free basictraininginvariousskills.

Theseskillscoveredawiderange,includingBasic Hospitality, Basic Carpentry, Welding and Fabrication, Computer and OfficeAdministration,

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Swakopmund CEO's contract extended

The Swakopmund Municipality announced the contract extension of Alfeus Benjamin, their Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for an additional five years effective1December.

His contract is set to expire on 30 November, having been initially appointed on 1 December2018.

Swakopmund Mayor

Dina Namubes stated theirdecisionisbacked

by the immense contribution and tangible results that the CEO has delivered over his firstfive-yearterm.

“We are indeed fortunate to have a visionaryCEO,theonewho

is people centred, an authentic leader who engagesandisactively involved in the work deliverables of this Council, to lead our ship.”

She added that in his

Mayor and Promiseland Celebrate Expansion of Educational Facilities

Lights Are On For Shack


first five years, Benjamin has achieved far more than what was expected.

“Hence, our decision to renew his contract was not a daunting task. The success of this organisation can be celebrated becauseofhishardwork, dedication, and passion. We realised that we needed to keep him longer so that our community can continue to enjoy the fruits of his labour.”

Inhisremarks,Benjamin expressed his gratitude to the council of Swakopmund for considering his extended appointment.

“I am humbled by the trust you, individually

Continues on page 2

NAMCOR Presents Inaugural Oil & Gas Seminar: Empowering Namibia's Youth and Professionals in the Energy Sector

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7032 FRIDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2023 N$6 inside
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The graduates after receiving their certificates. Photo Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe Leandrea Mouers Sharlien Tjambari

Erongo Council

Government amounting to N$48 001.”

According to Imbamba, this current financial year the Councilisrequiredto collect its own revenuetotallingN$6200 000 inclusive of N$2 600 000 for Uis SettlementfortheCouncil to realise its estimated revenue of N$71 646 340. The sourcesfortheCouncil's revenue are such astheprovisioningof basic services at all settlementareas,interest received, and othershort-termsources of income. Imbamba further said, “although there is a huge demand for more services in our

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settlements it is not always possible to provide these services due tolimitedresources.”

The budget further reflected that the total expenditure for 2022/23 financialyearwasN$61 024 077, which reflects a saving of N$10 272 770. Thissaving,according to Imbamba, was essentially made from the personnel expenditure, primarily salaries for the positions that could not be filled during the financial year.

The total estimated expenditureforthiscurrent financial year is N$71646340.

“However, it should be noted that about 63%, N$45 326 440 of the

Swakopmund CEO's

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and collectively, along with the community of Swakopmund, have placed in me.”

“I pledge to uphold the high standards of excellence and integrity associated with this role. I am committed to leading the organisation with vision, dedication, and a collaborative approach. I will work closely with council, the executive team, employees, stakeholders and regulatingbodiestoachieve thegoalswehaveset; maintain compliance with regulating acts and create value for all.”

He added that he is eager to leverage his experience, skills, and expertise to steer the Municipality of Swakopmund towards greater achievements, innovation, and operational excellence.

“We have achieved significant milestones that will serve as launch pads for future sustainable development.

Council has allocated land to over 1500 beneficiaries under the various housing projects by council. This does not include the various private projects across town.

Soon a further 89 beneficiaries will

above-mentioned total expenditure estimate is allocated to the Council's Wage Bill (Personnel Expenditure) andamere

37%remainsforoperational activities which were prepared in line with the Annual plan and mainly cover activities earmarked in all Constituencies, SettlementsandHeadOffice, thus inclusive of water sales at Okombahe, Otjimbingwe, Wlotzkasbaken and Uis Settlement under utilities, maintenance expenses and other services for both Settlements, Constituencies and Head Office,” Imbamba stated.

Acsda Equips

JoineryandCabinetMaking,SewingandDesign, EarlyChildhoodDevelopment,HealthandSafety, and Electrical work. The event was a response to the challenges faced by the Otweya community, which was devastated by a fire in 2020, and the Narraville evictees who lost their shelters due to theeconomicimpactofCovid-19andhadtoliveat theRugbyStadiumClubHouseinNarraville.The goalwastoempowertheseyoungindividualswith skills that could open up entrepreneurial opportunities and job prospects, enabling them to affordhousingservices.

The Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare, Doreen Sioka, commended the graduates for their efforts and emphasisedtheimportanceoftheirnewlyacquired skills.

“We recognise the incredible efforts and unwaveringspiritofouryoungresidents,whohave undergone training and gain the necessary skills that will help them safeguard their community from future disasters”. She highlighted the graduates' responsibility in training their community in fire safety to prevent future disasters. Sioka encouraged ACSDA and other organisations to continue addressing trauma and mental health issues within the community, underscoring the commendable nature of their initiatives.Shealsoappreciatedthesupportofthe regionalleadershipinfacilitatingthesecommunity services

receive houses in October under the Mass Housing initiative.”

He added that 246 beneficiaries for the DRC Seaside / DRC Proper will receive land as part of council's decongestion process within the followingtwomonths, pending Council's approval.

“Additionally,Council has allocated land to developers such as Block 9, Quintessential(Pty)Ltd,Eddy Angula Trust, Elize Investment(Mondesa) and others which will continue to deliver land and housing for ourresidents.”

In terms of bulk infrastructure upgrades he said there is significant investment into sewerage infrastructure upgrade to address the issues of sanitation, open defecation, and sewerage overflows.

“In terms of tertiary institutions, the Swakopmund council is implementing various projects to address the tertiary and quality education needs for Swakopmund.Thisincludes IUM Post Graduate Research Centre,whichisunder construction, the Welwitschia University Project in Oceanview, OmavalaUniversityin Kramersdrof, two

government schools (primary and high) whichisnearingcompletion and an Open Air Education Centre in Matutura which is also nearing completion.”

“Council is implementing 22 key investment projects underLandservicing, Housing, Tertiary, Alternative Energy and Bulk Services Upgrades. We have also taken about 26 internal efficiency decisions that addressed matters of Strategic Planning, Personnel Management, Budgeting, City-wide Cleaning and Governance of operational efficiency. Another 44 key developmental decisions across all five developmental strategic pillars have been made, some of which are completed, nearingcompletionor are in the process of implementation.”

“Wehaveshownover thepastfewyearsthat if we put our hands and heads together, we can overcome the challenges of development that we are facing. Let us keep eyes our eyes on the Big Prize which is to turn Swakopmund intotheleadingsmart city providing excellent services to the residents and visitors.”



ACSDA's Founder and President, Saltiel Kalola, creditedthesuccessofthetrainingprogramtothe MunicipalityofWalvisBay'ssupportinproviding a training facility. Kalola noted that many graduates had already secured employment, with several finding jobs at fishing companies such as Seawork Processors and Tunacor Fishing Company.Heexpressedhopethatmorecompanies would follow suit in offering job opportunities to the youth, as this was seen as a crucial step in eradicatingpovertywithinthesociety.

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ACSDA's graduation ceremony marked an important milestone in empowering vulnerable individuals through skill development, and the support from the government and local businesseswascrucialinmakingthisinitiativea success.

Personswhograduatedinthedifferentcategories are as follow: Certificate in Hospitality Operations; Amukwaya Rachel, Damonze Beauzet, Fabianus Petrina, Gawases Annalise, Huses Desiree, Joba Anna Mary, Kapweya Suama, Rhode Richardine, Rogers William, Mbendeka Mbeata, Ndunge Foibe, Sambonde Vistolina and Swart Carmen. Certificate in Basic Health and Safety; Block Bazil, Cloet Jacqueline,CookCandida,DamonzeVeronique, Hairungu Veronika, Hamukwaya Ndapunikwa, Izaaks Viola, Liyemo Dorcus, Ohlinaus Beverley, Shiyolitha David, Snyders Janine, Tomas Selma, Van Wyk Darine and Van Wyk Grezelda. Certificate in Basic Computer and Office Administration; Abrahams Dilene, Gaisivue Katrina, Abrahams Selome, Gaweses Eldina,CampbellCharmone,HaimbondiLaimi, Ikorua Ebenesia, lyambo Paulina, Kadhila Paulina,MulungaMaandaha,MutilifaNdakoko, Nuuyoma Saimi, Sebron Menete, Shilongo Maria, Tomas Kristofina and Van Rooyen Maryka. Certificate in Basic Welding and Fabrication; Scheepers McEaben, Simbango Beatrice, Simataa Hellen, Shivute Marti and MalamboJulia.

Certificatein BasicAgriculture; BlockArleen and Mwangala Chuma. Certificate in Basic Joinery and Carpentry; Abrahams Christopher. Certificate in Basic Sewing Design; Booysen Claudia, Wincler Solyla, Hamunyela Aili and Kanomuua Hilde. Certificate in Basic Electrical; Mintoor Berenice. Certificate in Basic Early Childhood; Gabriel Elizabeth, ShikongoNatalia,ShilongoHileniandTuufiilwa Elizabeth.

Mayor and Promiseland Celebrate Expansion of Educational Facilities

In a heartwarming celebration, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes, and Promiseland Trust came together to mark the grand opening of two additional classrooms at Promiseland School. The occasion, which took place recently highlighted the incredible progress made by Promiseland Trust in its mission to empowervulnerablechildrenandupliftthecommunity.

MayorForbesexpressedgratitudeonbehalfofthe community, acknowledging Promiseland Trust's unwavering commitment to supporting vulnerable children and addressing basic needs. He highlighted the organisation's significant contributions towards alleviating food poverty, homelessness, and basic education in the region. Forbesstressedthatwithoutthegeneroussupport of partners like Promiseland Trust, achieving these objectives would be an uphill battle. Promiseland Trust, a non-profit welfare organisation, operates three projects in Walvis Bay's vulnerable community of Kuisebmund. Theiroverarchinggoalistoempowervulnerable individuals through daily care, education, skills training,andprovidingnutritiousmeals.Overthe years,theyhavemadeasubstantialimpactonthe lives of the less fortunate. The new expansion includes additional classrooms and the introduction of activities like jazz dancing and chess clubs, homework sessions, and extra classes. This expansion enables the school to

accommodate 100 vulnerable children daily, ranginginagefrom3to6yearsold.Thechildren remain with the program for three years, gradually transitioning to mainstream schools. Promiseland Trust ensures that even after graduation, these children continue to benefit from their various programs. In her speech, a representative from Promiseland expressed gratitude to all supporters and donors who have madethisprogresspossible.PromiselandTrust's history dates to its establishment in 2009, primarily focusing on feeding vulnerable children. Over the years, they expanded their effortstoincludefostering,farming,andforming projects, all aimed at creating self-reliance withinthecommunity.TheTrustoperatesunder legal regulations, comprising community members,trustees,andemployees.Theyoperate transparently, with financial results audited and opentopublicscrutiny.Theirprojects,including a feeding program, foster care, farming, and forming projects, have positively impacted thousands of lives in Walvis Bay. Promiseland Trust emphasised the role of supporters and donors,whosecontributionshavebeenpivotalto their success. They invited everyone present to join in their mission, whether through financial support,volunteering,orspreadingawarenessof theirprojects.Thegoalistoprovideeverychild with a quality education, in line with Julius Nyerere's belief that "Education is not a way to escape poverty, it is a way of fighting it." The event concluded with the cutting of the ribbon, symbolising the expansion of educational facilities and the continued journey of hope and empowerment for vulnerable children in the community.

Eileen van der Schyff

LightsAre On For Shack Dwellers

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) and Erongo Red have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which will enable them to electrify32homes,belongingtotheShackDwellers,undertheErongoRegional Energy Distributor (Erongo Red). The signing of the MoU took place in Swakopmundrecently.

The MoU is a formal commitment in complimenting each other's duties and functions pertaining to the solar electrification drive across three (3) earmarkedwindowsto provide identified communities in the Otjozondjupa, Kunene, Erongo Region with concessional funded solar installationalongwithmentoring, capacity building and technical development training to MSME owners in the regions.

While officiating the

event, the Governor of Erongo Region, Neville AndréItopesaid,“itisa reality that postindependence a significantportionoftheNamibianruralandperi-urban population still do not have access to modern energy technologies and services. The existing supplyofelectricitycannot cover its demand, especially in times of a changing climate and increasing requirements forcleanandsustainable energysolutions.

Meeting this increasing demand, particularly in vulnerable rural com-

munities and peri-urban (informal)settlements,is presenting a challenge because sustainable economic development and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 (access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all) is onlypossibleifsufficient energyisavailable.”

Itope further said due to theincreasingurgencyof preventing and mitigatingtheimpactsofclimate change, the Paris Climate Agreement and SDG 13 (action to com-


Saturday 30 September 2023

batclimatechangeandits impacts) require in addition that economic growth and sustainable development be powered by renewable energy, which also takes into consideration the needs for an inclusive and equitable development andaccesstoenergy.

Itope stated that through this initiative an electrification benchmark of upto300householdsand five SME's will be achieved. “We will establish a working concept for the installation and supply chainfunctionthatspeaks to current market needs. This collaboration will develop an alternative financing model that addresses a gap in the renewableenergyfinancing segment, such as for example developing and applying funding models likeconcessionalloansor results-based funding/development, targeting in particular female/women-lead, vulnerablehouseholds.”

The Chief Operations

Officer,Mr.KarlAribeb of the EIF said, “the electrification drive further targeted individual households within the identified communities of which 50% are women-headed households and MSMEs' looking to pilot and scale their inclusive business models and solutions are enterprises thatincludelow-income people as customers, owners, employees, producers and entrepreneurs at various points within the value chain.” AccordingtoAriseb,the community identified under Erongo RED for the TIDRET rural electrification component was the Shack Dwellers Community Houses in Swakopmund in the Erongo Region. Aribeb said that the homeowners are low-income working individuals, who cannot afford to purchase supply equipment to connect to the gridduetothecostlypricing of electrical installations.

The Project Management Unit (PMU) identified priority communities for electrification via extensive stakeholder engagement

and recommendations from the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development – the custodians for development in rural and periurban Namibia as well as the respective regional energy Distributors.

The criteria used to affirm recommendations were the proximity of the said areas from the grid and further the demographics of the said communities.

The MoU coverage is further focused on strengtheningeffortsfor joint advocacy supportingtheachievement of the ambitious targets under the NDC and green economy agenda, which will directly tackle the several systematic barriers that have been identified in

termsoftheNDCimplementation including addressing the gaps in implementing NDC's. It also includes institutional, human, and technical capacity, inadequate financial resources, the need for stronger stakeholder engagement and to address the challenge of lack of access to electricity in rural and periurban areas and specifically investigate innovativefinancingand support mechanisms for the electrification of theseareas.

Aribeb said although much progress has been made,itremainsareality that more work needs to be done and urges other stakeholders to work together to share developmental ambitions and national progress.

Please take note that a section of 18th Street East (Union Street) from the circle until the 4way stop at thecemeterywillbeclosedfrom09:30amuntil12:00 on Saturday 30 September 2023 for the yearly Fish Eagle Rally Mass Ride and Drags through Walvis Bay.

The MoU was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, Mr. Immanuel! Hanabeb and Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Karl Aribeb of the EIF on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of EIF, Mr. Benedict Libanda Sharlien Tjambari

Court SwakopmundCourtReport


Josselonnia Murphy (40) and Rosetta Williams (28), appeared on a charge of generaldeficiency.Thematterwaspostponed to 6 November for continuation of trial. The accusedhavebeenwarned.

Alfreda Eixab (21), Rion Kokorito Goreseb (28) and Edwardo Unomuinyo Cloete (18), appeared on charges of murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances asdefinedbysection1ofAct51of1977.The matter was postponed to 18 September for continuationofbailapplication.Theaccused areincustody.

Namushi Immanuel Amadush (30), appearedonachargeofrape.Thematterwas postponed to 9 October for continuation of trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Luwigio Jaun Bock (22), appeared on a charge of rape.The matter was postponed to 27 February 2024 for plea and trial. The accusedhasbeenwarned.

Leon Simataa (27), Robert Mukwena (32) andMichaelBossieNarib(43),appearedon achargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 27 October for legal aid. Leon Simataa is at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissuedwhile hisco-accusedareonbail.

Kasika Precious (43) and Plaatjie Andre (49),appearedonachargeofanti-corruption act- corruptly using office or position for gratification and conspiracy to commit a contravention of section 43 (1) of act 8 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 23 Octoberforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused areonbail.

PaulusSakeus(29),appearedon8countsof rapecharges.Thematterwaspostponedto23 May 2024 for trial. The accused remain in custody.

Douglas Uri-Khab (26), appeared on a charge of rape.The matter was postponed to 10Octoberforlegalaid.Theaccusedremain incustody.

SitaliChombo(23),appearedonachargeof rape.Thematterwaspostponedto10October forlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Wayne Dryer (53), appeared on charges of rapeandindecentassaultreadwithprovisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 23 September forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

TitusKauluma(25),appearedonachargeof rape.Thematterwaspostponedto27October forlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.


FransiskaGeises(51)andRevivalGawises (24), appeared on charges of dealing in

dependence producing substance and possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 7 November for record to be transcribed. The accusedareonbail.

HenryPelenomi(38),appearedonachargeof possession of dependence producing substance. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.

Inda Kandjimi (26), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 April 2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedhavebeen warned.

MarioFredsVesser(34),appearedonacharge ofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto2October forfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.

Ambrossius Ndinoika (44), Petrus Shatiwa (32) and David Moses (30), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto2 November for legal aid. The accused are on bail.

FelixMushimba(25),appearedonchargesof dealing in dependence producing substance, possession of cocaine and possession of potentially dangerous dependence substance. The matter was postponed to 7 November for labresultsfinal.Theaccusedremainincustody.

Francois Scheiffers (20) and Lee Whan Eiman (25), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23April for plea and trial.Theaccusedremainincustody.

Lukas Junias (30), appeared on charges of robbery and possession of suspected stolen property.Thematterwaspostponedto17April for plea and trial. The accused remain in custody.

Thoe-Lucian Martin (30), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 18 April2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.

EliaserNtaango(26),appearedonachargeof assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 3 October for further investigations final remand. The accused remainincustody.

Simon Tuukondjele (26), appeared on a chargeofrobbery.Thematterwaspostponedto 22 April 2024 for plea and trial. The accused remainincustody.

Jona Ndunge (33), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failing to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponed to 14 September for plea. The accusedremainincustody.


Erongo Region's Emerging Techmetals Potential: Andrada Mining

Leads The Way

In the heart of the Erongo region, a promising transformation is underway in the tech-metals mining sector, drivenbyAndradaMining'svisionaryapproach.

As an Aimlisted company, Andrada Mininghassetitssightsoncreatinga remarkableportfolioofgloballysignificant, conflict-free production and explorationassets.

Attheforefrontofthistransformation is the Uis Mine, nestled within the mineral rich Erongo region. Once knownastheworld'slargestopen-cast hard rock tin mine, the Uis Mine has evolvedintoacornerstoneofAndrada Mining'sambitions.Situatedapproximately240kmnortheastofthePortof WalvisBay,itscentrallocationplaysa pivotalroleinNamdeb'sextendedLife of Mine operations, ensuring the region's continued growth until 2042.

The recent unveiling of the Alternate Feed Stream (AFS) has further solidifiedtheErongoregion'simportance inNamdeb'sfutureplans.Designedas a second feed point for run-of-mine ore,theAFSissettoenhanceoreprocessing capabilities, boosting efficiency and production. Collaborative efforts with Epangelo Mining Com-

pany(Pty)LtdandWIAGoldLimited haveledtoamomentousdiscoveryat the Kokoseb gold deposit within the Erongoregion.Thisjointventurehas unearthed a low-cost gold discovery, withthepotentialtoinjectsignificant investments into the region's mining sector.The Erongo region's mineralisationisfoundwithintheKuisebFormationmetasediments,surroundedby granites and mafic dykes. Andrada Mining's commitment to "money in theground"echoesthroughtheextremely cost-efficient discovery at Kokoseb, marked by a mere US$2 per ounce of gold. These developments took centre stage at this week's Mining Expo in Windhoek that took place on Wednesday and Thursday, where the Erongo region's emerging tech-metals potential was showcased to global audiences. With Andrada Mining's pioneering efforts, the Erongoregionispoisedtobeahubof techmetals activity, propelling Namibia'sminingindustryintothefuture.

NAMCOR Presents Inaugural Oil & Gas Seminar: Empowering Namibia's Youth and Professionals in the Energy Sector

The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) has proudly announced its first-ever Oil & Gas Seminar, scheduled to take place on September 11 and 12, at the esteemed Namibia University of Science & Technology (NUST). With a resolutefocusonfosteringengagementandparticipationamong youth, professionals, and the public, the seminar aims to delve intothefundamentalaspectsoftheoilandgasindustry. TheNAMCORRacetoFirstOilSeminarwillprovideinvaluableinsightsintoawide spectrumoftopics,encompassingtheessentialsofhydrocarbonformationandthe upstreampetroleumlifecycle.Furthermore,theseminarwillfeaturecomprehensive presentations spotlighting the Namibian upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors.Thediscussionswillalsoencapsulatethemyriadbenefitsandopportunities that accompany oil discoveries, underscoring their profound impact on the nation, thebusinesslandscape,andtheindividualNamibiancitizen.ShiwanaNdeunyema, theActingManagingDirectorofNAMCOR,stated,“theseminarembodiesthecompany'ssteadfastcommitmenttofosteringpubliceducationanddiscoursearoundthe immensepotentialthattheenergysectorbestowsuponthecountry.”Hefurthercontinuedtostate,“thisseminarprovidesanexceptionalplatformforstudents,aswellas membersofthegeneralpublicfromdiversebackgrounds,tonotonlygaininsights into current events and concepts but also directly engage with our accomplished executivesandspecialists."Distinguisheddignitarieswillgracetheeventwiththeir presence and profound insights. The Minister of Mines and Energy, Hon. Tom Alweendo, and NAMCOR's Board Chairperson, Jennifer Comalie, will officially inaugurate the seminar. Their participation underscores the significance of the occasionandthesharedcommitmenttodrivingtheoilandgasindustryforward.The seminarbuildsuponnumeroushigh-levelengagements,highlightingtheindustry's critical importance and potential. Under the Exploration business segment, NAMCOR plays an active role in exploring oil and gas resources, alongside other energy opportunities. These efforts are executed through strategic collaborations withinternationalenergymajors,bothwithinNamibiaandbeyonditsborders.Inthe realmofDevelopmentandProduction,thecompanydiligentlyseekstosecureoilproducing assets in stable jurisdictions worldwide. This aligns with NAMCOR's overarching mandate of ensuring energy security while also safeguarding the company'slong-termsustainability.TheDownstreamlegofNAMCORfocuseson sourcing and distributing petroleum products to the Government, commercial entities, and the public. With its pioneering Oil & Gas Seminar, NAMCOR reinforces its dedication to equipping Namibians with a comprehensive understanding of the energy sector. A media release issued by NAMCOR on Wednesday this week reads: “To ensure that no one misses out on the enriching experience we have prepared, we encourage the public to connect with us on our socialmediaplatforms.Wewillbeofferingalivestreamoftheevent,allowingyouto engage with the insightful discussions and valuable insights shared during the seminar. In the coming week, we will be dispatching email confirmations to all registeredindividuals,communicatingwhethertheyhavebeensuccessfullyselected toattendor,duetospaceconstraints,wereunabletosecureaseatthistime.Withan astounding count of 782 enthusiastic participants expressing their interest, the NAMCORSeminarreflectsthetremendouspublicenthusiasmforourindustry.We assureyouthatthisisonlythebeginning,andwearecommittedtoorganisingmore seminars in the future, ensuring that the opportunity for engagement remains accessibletoall.”

AboutNAMCOR: TheNationalPetroleumCorporationofNamibia(NAMCOR) is the vanguard of Namibia's oil and gas industry, spearheading exploration, development,andproductionactivities.Withasteadfastcommitmenttoexcellence, sustainability, and responsible energy practices, NAMCOR plays a pivotal role in drivingthenation'senergysecurityandeconomicgrowth.

Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Namibians Urged to Participate in Heritage Week Celebrations this Year

Thisyear,NamibianHeritageWeek,whichencouragesNamibianstokeeptheir culture alive and to pass on inherited traditions and knowledge to their descendants,willtakeplacefrom18to24September.

Thisyear'sofficialopeningceremonyofthe NamibianHeritageWeek,themed“Heritage and Culture: A Rock-Solid Foundation” in theNamibiansignlanguage,willtakeplace in Swakopmund with various fun activities taking place across the country during that week. Namibians from all fourteen regions ofthecountryareencouragedtoparticipate.

During the media launch of the Namibian Heritage Week last week in Swakopmund, Nadine Phiri, the Museum Curator at the Scientific Society of Namibia said the Namibian Heritage Week originated from theideaoftheNationalMuseumofNamibia to have an annual Museum Day. The Museums of Namibia became a partner, extendingthedaytotheregionswhereafter the event grew bigger and better, and the National Heritage Council and other stakeholdersjoinedhandsanddecidedtoenlarge theeventandchangethenametoNamibian HeritageWeek.

The week encourages all Namibians to celebrate and commit to protecting the excellentandculturalnaturalresourcesthat


The key objectives of the week are, to celebrateNamibia'srichanddiverseheritage, topromotethesafeguardingandprotectionof all cultural heritage in Namibia irrespective of religious or ethnic identity, to recognise thatallformsofculturalheritageinNamibia arevaluedasequalinimportance,topromote understandingacrossdiversecommunitiesof thecommunalvalueofheritage,torecognise that the holdings of cultural repositories are also locations of the tangible expressions of humanhistory,topreservetheknowledgeof the indigenous communities of Namibia and todevelop,maintainandsupportawidenetworkofcontactsandpartnersdedicatedtothe preservation of cultural heritage through effectivepractices.

Visit Namibian Heritage Week @NAMHERITAGEWEEK on twitter, @NAMIBIAN_HERITAGE_WEEK on Instagram, or NAMIBIAN HERITAGE WEEK on facebook for further details on activitiesinyourregionandthevenueswhere activitieswillbetakingplace

In a move towards improving healthcare in Namibia, Debmarine Namibia has donated cutting-edge endoscopy equipmenttotheSwakopmundStateHospitalincollaborationwith theMinistryofHealthandSocialServices(MoHSS).

This generous contribution aims to enhance surgical care by providing reliable diagnostic and interventional endoscopic procedures, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for patients. Health Minister, Kalumbi Shangula expressed his appreciation duringtheofficialhandoverceremony, emphasising the critical role of the equipment in strengthening healthcare provision. Additionally, the Ministry has expanded its national medical internship program to Swakopmund State Hospital, among others, where medicalinternswillreceivetrainingin various clinical domains, including generalsurgery.Thistraininginitiative underscores the importance of skill development in ensuring quality and effective medical care. The donated equipmentwillalsoplayapivotalrole in training approximately 40 medical internsatSwakopmundStateHospital, elevating both the quality of training and surgical care. Debmarine Namibia's CEO, Willy Mertens, highlighted the company's

commitment to addressing socioeconomic challenges in the nation, recognisingthatahealthypopulation contributes to prosperity. This initiativealignswithNamibia'sgoal to achieve Universal Health Coverageby2030.TheMinistryhas established technical working groupstorevisetheEssentialHealth ServicesPackage(EHSP)forhealth facilities, with a particular focus on surgical services. Furthermore, the National Surgical, Anaesthesia, and Obstetric Plan (NSOAP) is being developedtoensureequitableaccess tosurgicalcareacrossthecountry. Debmarine Namibia's partnership withMoHSSspans16years,during which they've made significant contributions to healthcare, including upgrading health centers and supporting the national suicide prevention program. This latest equipment donation marks another milestoneintheirongoingeffortsto improvehealthcareinNamibia.

Debmarine Namibia Enhances Healthcare with Advanced Equipment Donation Sharlien Tjambari Eileen van der Schyff

TripTravel officially opened theirWalvis Bay Office in 12th Road onThursday, 31August with a meet and greet.

Attheopening(fltr):JackyRobbins,LiezelKassen,NeeltjieBurmeister,HerbertBurmeister,MayorTrevino Forbes,IlsjeduPlooy,JuanitaBoeck,LiandraFerisandIngridStrauss

Disabled Urged to Take Part in Consultative Workshops Aimed at Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The National Disability Council of Namibia (NDCN) held a two-day Workshop thatstartedonTuesdayandconcludedon Wednesday inSwakopmundonthedraft Persons with Disabilities Bill and the National Policy on Disability, which aims to domesticate the principles entrenched in theUNCRPDintoourdomesticstatutory frameworks.

The launch of the consultative meeting was done in Windhoek at the beginning ofAugust, and they will move to other regions as well. While addressing stakeholdersandpersonswithdisabilities,Angelique Philander, the Chief Executive Officer of the NationalDisabilityCouncilofNamibia,said,“thisistheir opportunity to make sure that Namibia crafts the necessary legislative frameworks that will speak to theirrightsandtheirneeds,soitisnecessaryforthem toparticipateintheseconsultativeworkshops,whetheritisinperson,onlineorcomingtoourofficesand providing us with the input or sending it to our offices.Theirtimeisnow.” Philander,,saidtheNational PolicyonDisabilitywhichwaslastdiscussedin1997 isoutdated,andthedraftingoftheNationalPersons with Disabilities Bill which will then replace the NationalDisabilitiesCouncilAct,Actno.26of2004 is now being reviewed. Philander said all stakeholders from the disability fraternity from Otjozondjupa, Kunene, and Erongo regions gathered in Swakopmund to solicit input for these important frameworkswhichwillcraftthewayforwardforthe personalprotectionoftherightsofpersonswithdisabilitiesinNamibia.

Duringtheopeningoftheworkshop,theGovernorof Erongoregion,NevilleAndreItopesaidthisprocess will not only ensure that Namibia complies with its internationalobligationsbutwillequallyensurethat persons with disabilities in Namibia receive the required protection. The Bill further aims to establish thatNamibiaandtheNationalDisabilityCouncilof Namibia are assertive when it comes to matters and issues that relate to persons with disabilities, said Itope.AccordingtoItope,theNamibianpolicy,legislative, and institutional framework is conducive to addressingtherightsofpersonswithdisabilities.Itopesaid,“theDecember4th,2007,ratificationofthe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(UNCRPD)andtheOptionalProtocolreaffirmed the Namibian Government commitment to protect,promoteandfulfiltherightsofpersonswith disabilitieswithanacutesenseofurgencyandtoupholdthehumanrightsofpersonswithdisabilitiesas wellastodevelopandreviewpoliciesandlegislation forensuringalignmentwiththeConvention.” Philandersaid,“thesetwodocumentsareveryimportant because Namibia is now rectified as we said, however,wehavenotdomesticateditintoourlegislativeframeworkandpoliciesandthatiswhatweare also doing, so comprehensively, crafting two legislativeframeworks,thatwillspeakspecificallytothe rightsandneedsofpersonswithdisabilitiesbecause it is not so comprehensive in our constitution or in anyotherframeworkinNamibia.


Noticeisherebygiventothe ResidentsofWalvisBayand affectedpeoplethatWalvisBay BackyardTenants willholdafund-raisingeventat IndependenceBeachon 29-30September2023 from08::00-22:00daily. There will be selling of foods, breweries, fun games and Jumping castle for children

Forfor moreinfocontact organisers:


GustafKandonga:0813881604 Comeandsupport

Sharlien Tjambari

From Walvis Bay to Qingdao, China

LocalresidentKieranHaywardrecentlytradedinWalvisBay for Qingdao China, where he is employed as a Foreign ProfessionalEnglishasaSecondLanguage(ESL)Instructor.

Hayward stated that after he graduated from the University of Namibia (UNAM) in 2016, he couldnevermanagetosecure permanent employmentinNamibia.

“I eventually managed to getateachingpositionata local government primary school and though I excelled at teaching (parentswouldattesttothis),I remained on contract and could never be appointed onapermanentbasis.This lackofopportunitiesinmy home country, coupled with the fact that over the

years I saw how institutionalised racism, nepotism and plain corruption in the employment market,wasleadingtothemarginalisation of minority groups, led me to seek greenerpasturesabroad.”

He stated that it was quite the challenge to get all the paperwork verified and done, but in the end it was wellworthit.

“Since arriving in beautiful Qingdao China, I think the greatest challenge I've faced is missing my loved ones back home- my wife, kids, mom and siblings.

Kraatz Supports Walvis Bay Primary School

And of course, the tastes and comforts of home. The delicious stews, soup on a cold day, braaivleis, roosterbrood and off coursepotatosalad.”

Hayward who has a Honours degree in political science, a honours degree ingeographyandenvironmental studies and a postgraduate diploma in education, teaches studentsEnglishinatraining centre.

“I specialise in instructing students who are preparing to study a-

broad, in most cases they'reontheirwaytoIvy LeagueUniversitiesinthe States,ChinaortheUK.”

Hesaidthatheisadapting quite well to his new home.

“The Chinese have been very welcoming and my transition has been made easy by the fact that there arequiteafewSouthAfricansinQingdao.Weshare the same values, interest and I have people I can speak Afrikaans with!

Overall, it's what you make of it. I've embraced the culture, customs and cuisine.”

He encouraged those who are in the process of preparing for life overseas to “keep at it. The journey is difficult,butit'sworthit.

Opportunities are limited at home, so if you get the opportunity to move abroadandstartafresh,do it.”

“At times you'll find yourself questioning whether you've made the right decision, but at the end of the day, any opportunityisbetterthan noopportunity.”

Hayward added that Namibia will also be home.

“Asapatrioticsonofthe soil, I am duty bound to serve my nation. When the right opportunity presents itself to help build my nation by ploughing back my knowledge and experience,Iwillheedthecall andreturn,butaslongas the status quo remains back home, I see myself enriching and contributing to the developmentofforeignnations.” “Keepatit.Ifaboyfrom 'die Hongerlaagte in Narraville'coulddoit,so canyou!”

Kraatz (Pty) Ltd, a local engineering service provider and subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group, proudly showcases its commitment to education, sustainable development,andcommunitywell-beingthroughthedonationof labourandconsumablesforastandaloneablutionfacilityof theWalvisBayPrimarySchool.

The facility, ingeniously repurposed from a 6-meter shipping container, is set to elevate the overall experience of participants and spectators alike during school events. This display of solidarity and partnership between Kraatz and Walvis Bay Primary School exemplifies the positive impact that collaboration between local businesses and educational institutions can have on the community. By breathinglifeintothisproject, both entities under-

score the positive impact such collaborations can have on thedevelopmentofthe societytheyserve.

TheSchoolDirectorat Walvis Bay Primary School, Charl Theron expressed their gratitude for the donation, highlighting its practicality and versatility. "This facility will significantly enhance the experience of our learners, parents, and staff during sport events, andwearetrulyappreciative of Kraatz support to our school and community."

Managing Director of Kraatz Frank Kernstockechoedthesenti-

ment remarking, “We are delighted to enhance the comfort and convenience of the school's sports days andevents.”Kernstock said,“thisdonationisa testament to our belief in giving back to the community and supporting educational endeavours. We hope this facility will serve the school and its attendees for years to come."

According to Kernstock, this endeavour exemplifies the positive outcomes achievable through collaboration between local businesses and educational institutions. As

Walvis Bay Primary School continues to provide enriching experiences for its learners, the impact of suchinitiativesonthe community remains immeasurable.

“Kraatz Pty Ltd remains resolute in its commitment to the community, personifying the group's purpose of "Creating a future, enhancing life."Bybeingaforce for good, the company takes ownership of the future of the community it hails from and operates within” Kernstock said.

School News
Kieran Hayward in Qingdao, China. Photo contributed Leandrea Mouers

Disco Fever

ItwasDiscotimeforDeDuineSecondary School when they hosted their grade 11 farewell with the theme 'EuphoricNightUndertheStars'.

Atotalof87learnersattendedthefarewell which was hosted at the Walvis Bay Town Hall, from 197 grade 11's. The prom King and Queen for the night was Keanu BooysenandChanteFeris.

“We are extremely grateful for our sponsors, Freddy Shigwedha, Jose Bastos andEvetteStemmet.”

The Fairest of Them All

TutaleniPrimarySchoolinWalvisBay recentlyhosteditsannualMissJunior andSeniorbeautypageants.

A total of 25 participants competed in the Miss Junior pageant, while 10 competedintheMiss Seniorpageant.

Kaarina Shaanika wascrownedasMiss

Tutaleni Junior, while her first princess is Ella de Wet and second princess wascrownedasJoh-

nell van der Westhuizen.

Miss Tutaleni Senior was Ligola Indongo, her first princess is Monika Paulus, and second princess SeciliaMbalamba. Moreupcomingevents for the school is their BigWalkslatedfor 29 September, and their Bazaar on 30 September.

Photo by Jamal Bampton, Starlight Photography Leandrea Mouers
School News
Leandrea Mouers

Little Green Ambassadors Initiative Launched

Old Mutual recently announced a competition aimed at schools and learners across Namibia, with the aim to empower the younger generation to become heroes for the planetandchampionsofenvironmentalsustainability.

The Old Mutual Foundation will be sponsoring 56 trees to two primary schools in the region. Eachschoolwillbe provided with two trees,andtheessentials needed for themtonurtureand take care of their trees for a threemonthperiod.

At the end of the three months, an evaluation will be done by a panel of judgestoseewhich school was able to best take care of their trees. Prizes up for grabs are N$20 000 for first place,N$15000for secondplace,N$10 000 for third place,

N$5 000 for fourth placeandN$3000for fifthplace.

Toenterandbecome part of the Little Green Ambassadors initiative all primary school learners are to complete an online formalongwitha30second video shared via+264816610858 to showcase their commitment to the environment by 22 September. By doing so, participants get a chance to win two Old Mutual Foundation trees for their school and elect a Little Green Ambassador who will lead the way in nurturing the trees andraisingawareness about environmental

issues in their school andcommunity.

Mignon du Preez, Group Marketing, Public Affairs, and Sustainability Executive expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative.

“The Little Green Ambassadors initiative represents our commitment to building a brighter future for Namibia, one tree at a time. We believe inthepowerofyoung minds and their ability to bring about meaningful change.

By empowering our youth, we are sowing the seeds of environmental responsibility and nurturing a generation that understandstheimportance ofsustainability.”


3. The Bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”) who wish to respond. Bidders may only associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or under a sub-contractual agreement to complement their respective areas of supply to enhance their capacity to carry out the supply of goods and provision of required services and so long as any association is formed or subcontract is entered into in accordance with the bidding document associated with this IFB.

4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents.The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 13 September 2023 at 10h00 am. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.

The last day for the submission of clarification requests is: 25 September 2023.

6. Bids must be delivered to the address below before: 13 October 2023 at 12h00 pm Local Namibian Time. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

7. The address referred to above is: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road

8. Bidders should take note that the bid opening ceremony will be conducted virtually, and the link is available on the Namport website.

All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Tender and ContractsAdministrator


Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or

Procurement Manager

Melani de Klerk

Tel: +264 208 2319

Email: m.deklerk@namport.com.na

(Back row: fltr): Daniel Simon, Deputy Head Boy of Martti Ahtisaari Primary School, Mufaro Nesongano, Group Communications and Foundation Manager, Mignon du Preez, Group Marketing, Public Affairs and Sustainability Executive, Voza Mouton, the Junior Primary Head of Department at Martti Ahtisaari Primary School and Valentina Nghiivali, the Deputy Head Girl of MarttiAhtisaari Primary School. row: fltr): Mekayla Links and Delano Mouers,s grade 1 learners at MarttiAhtisaari Primary School 1. Bids are invited through Open National Bidding (ONB) bidding procedures for the Provision of Cleaning Services for a period of 36 months at the Port of Walvis Bay. 2. The bid is open to all Eligible Namibian Bidders and a margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.
Leandrea Mouers


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 445 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand

STREET NAME & NO: Dolphin View 35, KuisebAvenue.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 22 September2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: AlmaTjirimuje,35DolphinView email:tjirimujeA@ra.org.na


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 445 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand

STREET NAME & NO: Dolphin View 20, KuisebAvenue(Erf445).

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 22 September2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LilanieLiversage,ShellDolphinBeach email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com


In the Estate of the late Norman Oswald Curry who died on 8 October 2022 and was residing at Erf 1211 Vogelstrand, Swakopmund, Republic ofNamibia. Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requested to lodge their claims against the Estate or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as from dateofpublicationofthis advertisement.

PIETERHAMMAN Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/amMAT19511)



Notice is hereby given to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) and relevant stakeholders, that applications for Environmental Clearance Certificates will be submitted to the Competent Authority and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) for the following activities.

TitleofActivities: Operation of Portion 1 of farm Namib Plaas 93 and Portion 1 of farm Namibfontein 91 as Guest Farms.

Location: Arandis District, Erongo region

Proponents: Namibplaas Farming cc: farm Namib Plaas93 LivingAdventure Tours cc: farm Namib Fontein91

I&APs are hereby invited to register, request the Background Information Document (BID), and submit comments/inputs to info@greengain.com.najkondja@gmail.com or

The last day to submit inputs is on 22 September 2023. The need for a public meeting will be communicated to all registered I&APs



Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is a fully integrated broiler production operation established in 2012andsituated30kmnorthofWindhoekontheA1HighwayonthefarmKleinOkapuka in Namibia. Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer with the following vacancyavailable.Interestedandsuitablyqualifiedcandidatesaswellascandidatesfrom thedesignatedgroupsareinvitedtoapply.


Responsible for the care and management of the stock on site in order to conform with acceptedpracticesandtoachieveproductionstandardsinconjunctionwiththeManager and to make sure that your subordinates understand and comply with the proper managementpracticesduringtheirshiftsonsitetoachievetheproductionstandardsas required.









•Emergencyproceduresforpowerfailures,alarms,fire,gasleaks,accidentsandinjuries areupheld.

•ManageHealthandSafetymattersonthesite,includingtheproperdisplayofchemical safetydatasheetsandfirstaidboxes.




•ResponsibleforthewelfareofthechicksandLayinghensatalltimes&thatprotocolare beingfollowed.

•Productionresults,mortalities,ventilation,temperaturecontroltoberegulatedasper standard.

•Emergencyproceduresareadheredtofore.g.powerfailure,alarms,fire,gasleaks, accidentsandinjuries.



•Ensurethatbreakagesandrepairsarebeingattendedtoasquicklyandefficiently repaired.

•Responsibletoseethatalarmssystemsandventilation,feedingsystemandareworking properly.

•WorkingonastandbyscheduleassetupbytheProductionManager&attendto breakdownspromptly.




•Eight(8)yearsrelevantworkingexperiencewithintheFarmingOperationsinthePoultry Industryatsupervisorylevel.





•Mustbeabletoworkshifts,weekends,overtime,Sundaysandonpublicholidays. The company offers a competitive salary and market-related employee benefits. Previously Disadvantaged Namibians (PDN) and women are encouraged to apply Candidates who qualify for the above position should send a short CV to the HR department.

Email: HRsalaries@npi.com.na

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.




RT Trading cc (Or the Proponent) recognises the lack of tourism enterprise development along the tourism routes & tracks in the Brandberg/Geopark Landscape despite the striking beauty of this part of Namibia which is unexplored. For this reason, the Proponent intends to construct and operate a Tented Campsite and Tourism Facilities in Doro!awas near Twyfelfontein along Aba-Huab River, Khorixas Constituency,Kuneneregion.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The proponent understands these activities may not be undertaken without approval of theEnvironmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).This public notice is in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an ECC will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment,ForestryandTourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate the public participating process and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC.

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested&AffectedParties(I&APs)are notifiedtoregisterinordertoparticipateinthepublicparticipationprocess. In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I &APs bycontacting:

Ms. Naemi Nelumbu Email: nelumbu7@gmail.com Mobile: +264 816343170



Brandberg Desert Lodge cc (Or the Proponent) recognises the lack of tourism facilities along the routes & tracks in the Brandberg/Geopark Landscape despite the striking beauty of this part of Namibia which is unexplored. For this reason, the Proponent intends to construct and operate a Lodge and Tourism Facilities at a site located along the Ugab River and about 10 KM north-east of Brandberg Mountain. One part of the site is located north of the Ugab River and the other part is located north of the River, meaning that the site cuts across two regions; viz. Kunene and Erongo regions.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Proponent understands these activities may not be undertaken without approval of theEnvironmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). This public notice is in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an ECC will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry andTourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate the public participating process and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I &APs by contacting: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu Email: nelumbu7@gmail.com Mobile: +264 816343170


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 495 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREETNAME&NO:SunsetSails2.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 22 September2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: JohanduPlessis,POBox20626,Windhoek email:johan@nanodag.net

Our client, a substantial contributor in the Namibian Fishing Industry, and an equal opportunity employer has a vacancy in Walvis Bay for a


You possess the following knowledge / abilities / skills

Grade 12 + Bcom Degree, a qualified and registered CA is preferred, with at least 5 years' experience as a financial manager preferably in a food processing, fishing or manufacturing environment. You have excellent knowledge of: The Companies Act, Income Tax laws, GAAP, Social Security Act, Labour Act, auditing principles, cost management processes and good governance principles. You must be computer literate on an advanced level (MS – Office and ERP system). You possess exceptional verbal and numeric cognitive abilities and you are able to solve complex problems. You possess excellent leadership skills and you tend to support and co-operate with your team. You are ethical and possess a high level of integrity. You are able to formulate and implement strategic concepts. You are methodical, detail – conscious and able to generate substantially thought through ideas. You are goal orientated and able to set priorities. Communicating formally and informally comes naturally to you. You have excellent planning, and organisational skills and deliver on results in time. You are resilient to work under pressure and you are adaptable to change. As part of the position, you may be required to travel from time to time and work overtime.

You wish to execute the following responsibilities

The candidate shall lead the finance department in ensuring financial and administrative integrity in line with procedures of good governance. The incumbent plays a leading role in setting accounting and financial processes and managing those processes within the organisation. The candidate shall be responsible to formulate and implement financial strategies to achieve goals. The candidate shall ensure the compilation and implementation of group financial policies and procedures. He / she shall plan and co-ordinate all financial audits and ensures that proper controls are implemented accordingly. The incumbent must prepare all statutory reporting and ensure on time submission to the Board of Directors. The candidate is furthermore responsible to ensure that the department is staffed with high calibre employees in order to be able to achieve set goals. He / she must also identify annual training needs and measure performance of employees. Our client offers a market related package on a Cost to Company basis, including pension and medical aid benefits






NAME & NO: 110 Damara Tern, Dolphin Beach.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 22 September2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Esmerelda Jacobs, 110 Damara Tern, Dolphin Beach email:mereldar@gmail.com

Coming Events


*8Sept:11thNationalFishConsumptionGalaDinneratJan WilkenStadiumat19:00.

*14Sept:Women’sHealthBreastClinicsatWalvisBayTown hallCivicCentrefrom09:00-13:00.

*14Sept:CupforCancerwithCordeliaatWalvisBayTown Hallat18:30.

*18-29Sept:11thNationalFishConsumptionSchoolsports tournament.


*3Okt: InterkerklikeGebedsbiduurom09:00byLewende WaterWalvisbaai.

*7Nov.:InterkerklikeGebedsbiduurom09:00byNazarene Kerk,Walvisbaai.

* 5 Des: Interkerklike Gebeds biduur om 09:00 byAnglican Kerk,Narraville.

* 26 - 30 Sept: Annual Namport Maritime Week at Walvis Bay.


*ShotokanKarate:EveryMonday&Wednesdayat17:30 attheDome.ContactValdemarSwartat0812340134.



CONSENT: Home Based Business (Salon) ON ERF NO: 4374

TOWNSHIP/AREA:KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:32Frankie AbrahamStreet.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Home Based Business (Salon).

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29September2023.

NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Teopolina Elifas, P O Box 3535,WalvisBay email:ericmowa@gmail.com



Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipality Council considers the followingconsentuses,erectionofbuildinganduseoflanddetailswhichare obtainablefromtheGeneralManager.

LaaitiesandLadiesDaycareherewithintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityof Swakopmund for special consent to operate a Daycare Centre on the premisesofErf2259(TurmalinStreet)Swakopmund.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectionagainstsuchapplicationshouldlodgesuch objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicantandtheSwakopmundMunicipality,duringnormalbuisnesshours.



Contact Persons: Mrs Juliette Judeel, Cell: 081 367 4940, email: claudinevisser20@gmail.com or

MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403oremail: jheita@swkmun.com.na


NAMPORT is a leading strategic and dynamic institution facilitating trade for national development. We are unique in our trade and operate in a highly competitive global sphere. Opportunities are available for creative and high potential individuals who have the zeal to learn, grow and contribute in a high-performing environment.As a reputable Employer of choice, we offer competitive rewards and prospects in return.

If you are passionate about leading high-performing teams and unlocking individual potential, we invite you to apply for the following positions at the Port of Walvis Bay:


Department: Port Operations

Division: Technical Services

Peromnes Job Grade: Grade: 10


Department: Port Operations

Division: Technical Services

Peromnes Job Grade: Grade: 10


Department: Port Operations

Division: Technical Services

Peromnes Job Grade: Grade: 14

Women and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply and will be given preference. To apply, and for more information on these vacancies, please visit our website at or www.namport.com/careers/ apply through the Namibia Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS) at https://nieis.namibiaatwork.gov.na/ All foreign qualifications should be evaluated by NQA.


No hand delivered, emailed, or faxed applications will be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Enquiries and applications should be addressed to:

Human Capital Business Partner| Namibian PortsAuthority | PO Box 361 | Walvis Bay Tel: 064: 208 2307/2316






Membersarehereby invitedtoattendthe 2023AGM.



Time: 18:00for18:15



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Please visit us for a free quotation. We can also copy most modern transponder car keys and a whole variety of other household keys. We stock a variety of hardware, paints and cleaning products.



ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandtobe youronly.Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome.Come andexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

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CallDrRingazi: 0812049299

TraditionalDr Herbalist DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)

FromMalawiisin WalvisBaywith30years vastexperiencein variousproblems& diseasessuchasbringing backlostlover,togeta newjob,towincourt cases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,to passexams,topass driving,toprotectyour bodyfromwithcraft,to boostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyou sleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbad dreams,amantobe stronginbedduringsex, awomantohavefeelings foraman,headaches, swellingofyourbody, madness,epilepsy,joints pain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneeda newbaby,periodpains, torecoverstolen property,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafila Street

DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorawoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand makehimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,allpregnancy problems,hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore....Call DrAtwabi 0812337274


FLATTORENT: Narraville Spaciousandneat1, bedroomflat,withopen plankitchenandlounge, builtincupboards,private backyard,privateentrance, garage.Preferablyalady tenantwithsoberhabits,no pets.Depositpayablein2 monthsandrentalcontract tobesigned. Availablefrom1st


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1Bedroom.kitchen, launch,Bathroomand lockupgarageforrentin Tamariskia Swakopmund.

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3bedroomhousewith lockupgarageforrentin Tamariskia Swakopmund. PriceisN$7800.00water included.Prepaidpower available.Contact number0811284353or 0811405785

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Thiswelllocatedproperty offersa3Bedroom Housewithhugeerfof 5569sqm,idealforthe personwholovespace andgardening. Thinkingofretirement?, thenthisopportunityis justforyou!Theproperty furtherconsistsof2 bathrooms,fittedkitchen, loungeareas,scullery, pantry,dining,study, storerooms,singlegarage, carports,verandas,BBQ. Withmoreroomfor developmentsuchasto rezoneforvarious units/flatsortobe changedintoaGuest House,thispremiseswill bethebuyofaLifetime! Propertyislocatedinthe centreofaresidential neighborhoodandhavea beautifulviewtothe river,easilyaccessible andclosetoamenities.

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0811464770 16 NAMIBTIMES 8SEPTEMBER2023




Vacancies Vacancies JOBS WANTED

JOBWANTED: Iama36yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork TuesdaysandSaturdaysor Sundays.Icaniron,wash, cleanetc,Icanalsolook afterkids.Ihave10years experience.Canstart anytime,basedinWalvis Bay.



Iama26yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticworkin WalvisBay.



WERKGESOEK: Tweejongdamesisopsoek naskoonmaakofkinders oppaswerk.Langstrand, MeersigofLagoon,vir3tot 5dae‘nweek.

Kontak:0818522483 0816495746


Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, housekeepingetc.Iam hardworking,determined andloyal.


WERKGESOEK: Betroubaredameisopsoek nahuiswerkofstrykwerk. MaandaeenWoensdae.Ekis 47jaarenhetverwysings. Kanonmidellikbegin, Walvis,Langstrand,Meersig ofLagoon.Kanenigedag begin.




JOBWANTED: Iama25yearoldlady lookingforanykindofwork inSwakopmund.Nanny, shopassistantordomestic work,IcanstartASAP.



Iama27yearoldmale lookingforaJobinthe followingfields: Security Barista

Carpentary Generalwork Withreferencesand experienceinSwakopmund.



Ekis‘n41jarigevrou opsoeknahuiswerkvir3dae (Maandag,Woensdagen Donderdag)inSwakopmund ofLangstrand,ekhet verwysingsenondervinding.


JOBWANTED: A35yearoldladyis lookingforwork, washing,ironing, cleaning.WalvisBayTownorNarraville.

Ihave2yearsexperience andisreadytostart immediately.





NAME & NO: 110 Damara Tern, Dolphin Beach.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained atTown Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 22 September2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Esmerelda Jacobs, 110 Damara Tern, Dolphin Beach email:mereldar@gmail.com


NamdealAuctions herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consent to operate a “shop” on the premises of Erf623,MondesaExtention1(c/oNelsonMandela Avenue & Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhichare obtainablefromtheGeneralManager:Engineering &PlanningServices.

Any person having any objection against such applicationshouldlodgesuchobjection/sinwriting and within 14 days of the last publication to the applicantandtheSwakopmundMunicipality,during normalbuisnesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 29th Spetember2023.

Contact Persons: Ms L.Alves, Cell: 081 838 5729, email:lizete84@gmail.com or

MrJ.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403oremail: jheita@swkmun.com.na

Iama38yearoldwomanin WalvisBaylookingfor domesticworkor babysitting,trustworthyand hardworking.Iamvery patientandreadytostart immediately. MondaystoFridaysor3 daysaweek.



IamLidia,39yearsofage lookingfordomesticwork fortwoor5daysaweek.I canspeakEnglishand Afrikaans.Ihavemorethan 10yearsexperience.



Iama33yearoldyoung ladyurgentlylookingfor domesicworkfor5daysa week.Langstrand,Lagoon andMeersig.Canstart immediately.

Contact:0812578665 0816454505

WERKGESOEK: Betroubare50jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerkvir2-3 dae‘nweek,Dolfynpark, LangstrandofWalvisbaai. Strykwerkook.


WERKGESOEK: DankieSeibesisopsoekna huiswerkvirMaandag. WoensdagenDonderdagin Swakopmund.



Iamlookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund,Iam readytostartanyday.

Contact:0816372539/ 0818200161




19August 1983 - 4 September 2023

He is survived by his parents Bernd & Carol, siblings Nici & Nils and his beloved Claudia with Kevin, Tulio & Enrico

AMemorial service will be held on Tuesday, 12 September at 15:00 pm at Shofar Church, 1 Ekuma Street, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund.

Bitstream Wins Namib Diesel Social League

BitstreamemergedasthewinneroftheannualNamibDieselSocialSquashleaguehostedbyBuccaneers SquashClubinWalvisBayon25August.

Bitstreamendedat150points,upagood12pointsaheadofBaywashthatendedsecondwith138points,whilst VenmarFishingendedthirdon125points. TrevorHeathfromBuccaneersSquashClubsaidattheprizegiving event“Welldoneyouguyswellplayedanditwaswelldeserved.Allinall,theleaguewasenjoyedthoroughlyby allincludingthemuch-usedreserves.”HethankedJacodeWittandNamibDieselforthesponsorshipofthis popularannualevent.“Itisdefinitelyonethatplayerslookforwardtoplayingeveryyear.”

Heathalsothankedalltheteamsforthetastymunchiesthatwerecateredforthroughouttheleagueitwas amazing.Heathsaid,“NamibDieselconfirmedthatitshallsponsortheeventagainnextyear,soitgoeswithout sayingthatallarelookingforwardtonextyear'stussle.

“NextupistheSupatronixDoublesleaguesogetyourpartnersandkeeponsquashing”Heathconcluded. Thefinalpointsstandingswereasfollows:

1 Bitstream150;2 Baywash138;3 VenmarFishing125;4 WoermannBrockHardware&BuildingSupplies

125;5 FireBolts120;6 NamibDiesel119;7 FCS115;8 GatewayLogistics103&9 Supatronix85.







MostPopularMensreserves:MichailPretorius& TrevorHeath.

MostImprovedandBestSportswoman:Annemi Brink.

BestSportsman:JonAllen. Uilskuiken:ImanuelAmorongo.

It's all systems go for the Shell V-Power Swakop Rally

It'sallsystemsgoforthe that ShellV-PowerSwakopRally willstartattheOceanViewServicestationat10:00 onSaturday,endingatthego-karttracksoutsidethecoastalholidaytown.

The rally organised and hosted by Walvis Bay Motor Club under the auspices of the Namibia Motorsport Federation, consists of only 10 stages withtwoserviceparkswill haveatotaldistanceofthe rally is a mere 135km, of which 100km consists of special stages in and aroundSwakopmund.

A total of 17 cars will competeinS2,CR2,CR1, S1andS4vehicles.

Theentries fortheShell V-Power Swakop Rally are /hané Berto MostertC Havenga, Dirk RedmanHarri-Johan / BaarmanLoic Bathfield , / Johan SteynPeer , RöhmPieter SteynRian / , KritzingerIan Stander / , Willie SchoemanHugo / ArangiesEkko Eisen- , bergHorazio RietzWilro / , DippenaarCarolyn Swan / , Zachary Martin /Anique SchoemanWido , BartschRaymond Fourie / , Werner BartschChristel / FourieMadeleineKoege- , lenbergTivian Von / WeidtsJannie Coetzee , / George CoetzeeMorne , OosthuizenJacques / KrugerWillem Hugo , / Amanda HugoIssai , Nhindadian Vd Merwe / And / Pieter GreeffJP Robinson

The event sponsorvarious companies Shell V-Power, JP is ed by that includes HydraulicsRacing,SafewearNamibia,Skyway,andSealConsultingEngineers. The organisers called on the public to adhere to the safety officers' and marshals' directions at all times for their own safety, while at the same time enjoying every momentalongthetracks.



Stage2@10h21DaggabosShortS22°37'25.20"E14°32'26.22" Stage3@10h35SoutpanS22°37'24.88"E14°32'15.87"

Stage4@10h50MXShortS22°35'51.63"E14°32'33.24" Stage5@11h45PipelineS22°39'02.86"E:14°34'53.87"


Stage7@12h26DaggabosLongS22°37'48.06"E14°33'18.29" Stage8@14h00SoutpanS22°37'24.88"E14°32'15.87"

Stage9@14h14MXLongS22°35'51.63"E14°32'33.24" Stage10@14h43GoKartS:22°39'19.35"E:14°33'49.88"

School News
st nd rd th
th th th th th
Bitstream - Jakkie Nel, Ockie du Plessis with Jaco de Witt and Richard vd Meer. Rudi Bowe

Elmoreen De Koker, n voormalige ' onderwyservanNarravillePrimereSkool, geetansonderwysinVryburg.

Sy is ook die sport organiseerder van hul skool en tans word 14 sport kodes beoefen. Dit sluit dogters en seun in. As Landloop s afrigter en deelnemer is hul skool geaffilleer by Atletiek Sentraal Noordwes sedert 2022.

ElmoreenhetSaterdagaandie km vieriloeter deelgeneem in die ouderdom 55-59 jr. Sy aa het eerste plek behaal en n goue medalje ' ontvang.

Haar landloop atlete het ook baie goed vertoonenkwalifiserendetyebehaal.

Sy is gekies om deel te wees van die NoordWes Landloop span, met twee ander atlete, Kago Sheba (10) en Tebogo Mosete (11). Hul gaan deel neem in die Suid AfrikaaseKampioenskappeop16September inPortElizabeth.

Tatami Championships a Success

About 30 Kickboxers from three Kickboxing Club in the Erongo and Khomas regions competed in the recently Tatami Heroes Kickboxing championships hosted by the Namibian Kickboxing Federation (NKF) at the Swakopmund Hotel&EntertainmentCentreinSwakopmund. wasforthe to offtheir

Theaimofthetournament littleones show incrediblespirit, camaraderie and bravery and to educate the public on the beautiful sport of kickboxingto create awareness and promote the sport of ickboxing in as well as K Namibia

The tournament also presented a Special Category for Ethan Melani from the KenbukaikanKyokushinClubwhohasanADHDdisability,andheperformedwith greatshowmanshipintheFormscategory.

NKF ecretary eneralJackelineSasssaid SG thatthiswasthefirsttimethattheNKF hostthe Tatami Heroes focus on the atami styles of ed championships, whish T K PFLCF, a new Kickboxing ickboxing, namely, oint ighting, ight ontact and orms stylethatwaslaunchedatthechampionshipsbytheNKF.

Accordingto , is Sass Formsasortofimaginaryfightagainstoneormoreopponentsin whichtheperformerusestechniquescomingfromOrientalMartialArts,andwehope togainfurtherinterestinthiscreativestyleinfuture.

added“Thechampionshipsthatwereunderthe ofthe Sass rules WorldAssociationof Kickboxing Organizations WAKO planning to host ()was a big success and we are twomore thisyearchampionshipslater .”

Sass said Through these Martial Arts truly can include all ,“ championships, individualsfromeverybackgroundandcapability.”

“Kickboxers All did exceptionally well and held the Namibian name high encompassing the values of Heroes Day, and the NKF is pleased at the discipline, determinationandprogressallhaveshownthisyear”Sasssaid.




YC ounger adets


Tatiana Verchusa Dominates Laser and Junior Nationals

This event was made possible in collaboration with the Walvis Bay Yacht Club, and its primary sponsor was Catamaran Charters. The competition was divided into two main categories: the Laser class and the Junior division.

Sailors who participated in the Laser class had the opportunitytoshowcasetheirskillsandcompeteagainst oneanother.Additionally,theJuniordivisionwasopento sailors under the age of 19, who sailed in two distinct classesofboats.

The serene waters of Walvis Bay played host to an exhilaratingdisplayofskillanddeterminationassailing enthusiasts from across Namibia.Against a backdrop of mist and then clear blue skies and gentle winds, sailors navigated their boats through challenging wind conditions,showcasingablendoftechniqueandtenacity.

The second Laser class race had to be abandoned after fierce competition when the wind dropped to zero, but after a patient wait it was restarted in slightly stronger winds.

Theregattaattractedthelargestnumberofparticipantsin recentyears,rangingfromseasonedveteranstoup-andcoming talents eager to make their mark. Organised by theNamibianSailingAssociation,theeventspannedtwo daysofintensecompetitionandcamaraderie.

The first day of the regatta saw sailors battling for supremacyinthetwodifferentclasseswheretheysailed4 raceseach.TheOptimistclasswasdominatedbyTatiana Verchusa who secured 4 wins on the first day but competitionforthenext3raceswasverytightandinthe Laserclasstherewereonly3pointsseparatingthetop4 competitors.

Astheregattacontinuedintothesecondday,afreshsetof challenges awaited the participants in the "Long Race." This part of the competition had all boats starting and sailingtogetheroveralongcoursetobeabletodecideon handicapwhowastheoverallbestJuniorsailor.

XeniaPlarre,apreviouswinnerofthisevent,showedher prowess as a junior in this race coming in 4th, although shewasbeatenacrossthelinebyherfatherin3rdplace.

ThelongracealsosawNicoleSteyn'stenacitypayoffto get a second place in the junior event beating Anna Verchusa, who was last year's Junior Nationals winner, coming in just behind her sister Tatiana taking Junior places3rd&4th.

The regatta wasn't without its fair share of challenging weather, the light winds were tricky sailing conditions, especiallywiththetide,andonSundaywehadtowaitfor


In a heartwarming display of sportsmanship, the top sailorsintheseniorcategoryofferedinsightsandadvice to their fellow junior sailors, highlighting the spirit of camaraderiethatdefinesthesailingcommunity. As the results were processed on the final day, participants waited to see how the handicaps and points would play out and who the winners would be in the 3 differenteventspriortotheawardsceremony.

The Laser class saw a tie-on points for 1st & 2nd place and 3rd & 4th place, positions only decided on a count back of number of and the . The overall firstseconds winner of the Laser Class was Vyacheslav Verkhusha with10pointsincluding3firstswhilstalsoon10points butwithonly2firstscameSusanSteynfollowedbyAnna VerchusaandXeniaPlarre.

The Trophies and prizes were handed out by Theunis Keulder of Catamaran Charters and thanks given to the manyvolunteersaneventliketheseneeds,andofcourse thehostclubWalvisBayYachtClub.

Reflecting on the regatta, Susan Steyn, development officer of the Namibian Sailing Association, expressed her satisfaction with the event's success and the record numberofboatsthathadparticipated."Thisyear'sregatta sawalotofnewfacesinbothfleets,manyofthemwho hadonlystartedsailingthisyearthroughFavouredWinds SailingAcademywhichoperatesoutofWBYC,andwe hopetheywillcontinuetoenjoythesport”

The Optimist Sailing Dinghy is an international youth boatdesignedspecificallyforchildrenbyAmericanboat designer Clark Mills in 1947.The Laser class is also an internationalclassandisusedfortheOlympicmen'sand ladies single handed classes as well as at the youth worlds.




OC lder adets








2.AlejandroNdjivitiua Cadets





5.Cody-JamesGreeves OC lder adets

1. GeekaySikabongo


OC lder adets




YC ounger adets



OC lder adets











Sailor – . , . , .

1 Vyacheslav Verkhusha2 Susan Steyn3 Anna Verchuša4 Xenia Plarre5 Brigitte Zander6 , . , . , . Philipp Plarre7 Nicole Steyn8 Lauren Davidson9 , . , . , . WilliamGraham10 KellyBeukes11 YanaLyeshchuk , . , . , 12 StefanSchulz

JuniorOverallSailor- . , . ,

1 XeniaPlarre2 NicoleSteyn

3 TaťánaVerchuša4 AnnaVerchuša5 CruzPrinsloo , . , . ,

6 Emily Zander7 Mariel Thompson8 Milana , . , , Burlachenko9 KatyBeukes , .

1 TaťánaVerchuša2 EmilyZander

OptimistSailor– . , . ,

3 Mariel Thompson4 Milana Burlachenko5 Emily , . , . Sparg6 KatyBeukes7 RobertZander8ainSparg9 , . , . , .L, . AltenBeukes10 CruzPrinsloo , .

TatianaVerchusadominatehe aser unior ationals NamibianSailingAssociation stLandJNheldrecentlybythe attheWalvisBayYachtClub
Narraville Onderwyser Reg
Suid Afrikaanse Landloop
Rudi Bowe PointFighting-Female YC ounger adets 1.AnastasiaSass 2.Mia-MaeduPlessis OC lder adets 1.TaleilaSass 2.AshantiduPlessis 3.JadeVenter Juniors
2.CourtneyMelani 3.RayneSadler Seniors 1.BiancaHellwig
3.DawnSpangenberg PointFighting–Male YC ounger adets 1.EthanCampher 2.TangeniNanyeni 3.EvidenceShaningwa 4.StiaanHefer Juniors 1.RyanRoux 2.HeinrichRedelinghuys
4.LiamBlaauw DQRihandroSamaria Seniors 1.ArmandKruger
The winners of the 2023 Laser and Junior Nationals

namib times Sport Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Honbu Dojo Hosts National Championships


The well-organised annual National IOGKF Championship saw over 50 karatekas perform beyond their abilities for bragging rights and top honours. Karatekas competed in team kata, kumite, individual kata, and, for the first time, the family Kata event, which was a huge success.

Sempai Dieter Buys was awarded his Nidan Certificate (Black Belt 2nd Dan), and Sempai Sylvia Maritz was awarded her Shodan Certificate(BlackBelt)at the national championships. IOGKF Namibia will select a team to represent Honbu Dojo at the Namibia Karate Federation ("NKF") National Karate Championships in October this year. The winners at the NKF Nationals will have the opportunity to participate in upcoming international events.

Honbu Dojo extends its gratitude to all the officials for their hard workandinputintotheart of karate. Sponsors including Eden Care (FuneralService&Cemetery), Spot-on Supermarket, Multisave GroceryStore,SwakopLaser Cutting,JillvandenBerg, andDieterSchroeterwere recognisedforsupporting the national championships. Sensei Wikus Oberholster, Chief Referee of the Namibia Karate Federation, was present at the event to assistwithofficiatingand evaluate the officials in their practical performance. Sensei Nico Maritz was impressed with the competition's

Juwan Kok maak Amok

Die vyf-jarige Juwan Kok, n leerling van Pro-Ed Akademie, wat reeds die Internationaleouderderdomsgroeprekordgebreekhetvirvyf-jarigeshetditdie afgelope Saterdag tydens die Pupkewitz Ope Atletiek Kampionskappe weer gedoenendierekordmet'nverdure2cmopgeskuif.

Dierekordwat0.81mhethyvroerdiejaarverbeterna0.86menSaterdag2September verbetterhyditweerna0.88m. SyafrigterHenieHornhetgesedatnadathydierecord gebreek het hulle gestop. “Tydens oefening het Juwan alreeds oor 1.06m oor die dwarslatgeseil.”

Volgens Horn moet daar na elke record n video en van die official results ingestuur wordvirerkenningdeurdieWereldBeheerLiggaamvanAlketiek.“Juwansevorige record is erken en die nuwe record behoort so oor twee weke op die international ouderdromsgroeperekordstewys.DiePupkewitzFoundationinsamewerkingmetdie Atletiek Ontwikkelings klub maak hierdie byeenkomste moontlik en dis regtig goed omtesienaldietalentwatnavorekom.Aldiebyeenkomstebeskikookoordienodige permittevanAtletiekNamibia,”hetHorngesê.

Juwan Kok wat sy eie hoogspring rekord gebreek het

presentation and the spectators'reactions.




1. Efraim Abiatar, Petrus Iwete; 2. Roberto ChamGaoseb, Junior Zondy Cham-Gaoseb - Family 2:

1. Tyler Engelbrecht, Daniel Klem; 2. Isabel Robberts, Kara Robberts, NicolasRobberts-Family

3:1.HillaryHerero,Jesse Herero; 2. Hardus Naudé, Eduan Naudè - Family 4:

1. Cathryn Claasen, Kyle Claasen; 2. Nico Maritz, Sylvia Maritz; 3. Vilho Ndahangwapo, Asser Ndahangwapo


1. Radhiya Rodriques, Eliana Brits, Kimora-Lee Jantje; 2. Chayanna De Goveia, Ngurimuje Mujende, Liza Els; 3. Roberto Cham-Gaoseb, King-David Shingeni, Tillienge ImmanuelGroup 2: 1. Courage Amungulu, Immanuel Shikongo, Tyler

Engelbrecht; 2. Daniel Klem, Tydin Swarts, Junior Zondy ChamGaoseb;3.OlaviIipumba, Andreas Indongo, AtjiheTjiumuaKUMITE

1. Anè Olivier, Addy Samuka, Jesse Herero; 2. Veronicah Kashweka, Eduan Naudè, Ryan Shiyukifeni; 3. Tommy Manja


Female: Group1: 1. Kimora-Lee Jantje; 2. Radhiya Rodriques; 3. Eliana Brits - Group2: 1. Chayanna De Goveia; 2. LizaEls–Male:Group3:

1. King-David Shingeni;

2. Roberto Cham-Gaoseb; 3. Tillienge Immanuel –Group4:1.JuniorZondy Cham-Gaoseb; 2. Tydin Swarts; 3. Daniel KlemGroup5: 1. Immanuel Shikongo; 2. Courage Amungulu; 3. Tyler Engelbrecht-Group6:1. AtjiheTjiumua;2.Andreas Indongo; 3. OlaviIipumba

- Group 7: 1. Kyle van

Wyk;2.JeremiaDavid;3. Marshall Haipinge –Female: Group 8: 1. Zahra Schroeter; 2. Isabel Robberts - Group 9: 1. KaraRobberts; 2. Hillary Herero;3.LelanieKooper

– Male: Group 10: 1. Petrus Iwete; 2. Nicolas Robberts - Group 11: 1. LouisRossouw;2.Damon Biller; 3. Shayne BekkerGroup 12: 1. Rayniër Raynard;2.Chris-William Grane;3.MathiasMathias - Group 13: 1: Hardus Naudé; 2. Tobias Iyambo; 3.RanelyBester - Group 14: 1. Ngurimuje Mujende;2.EfraimAbiata – Female: Group 15: 1. Cathryn Claasen; 2. Veronicah KashwekaGroup16:1.AnèOlivier; 2.Andra Heyman – Male: Group 17: 1. Tommy Manja; 2.Addy SamukaGroup 18: 1. Ryan Shiyukifeni; 2. Jesse Herero; 3. Eduan NaudèGroup19:Male:1.Asser Ndahangwapo – Female: 2.AnelynMaass

Navy in a Catch

TheNamibianNavy'sNetballteamisinacatch22situationinthefinalround ofthe2023 atthe MTCNamibiaNetballPremierLeagueKhomasdalNetball Courts , inWindhoekonSaturday 9September.

Afterfinishinginsecondplacelastyear, the Navy coastalNetballclub, Namibian Netball Club (NC) in the 2023 is optimistic about their chances MTC Namibia NetballPremierLeague isheadingtowardsitsconclusion,withonlyonegame that remaining.

Navy urrently with 34 points a NC cleading the log standing after 21 games, with two-pointmarginoverthereigningchampions,theNamibianCorrectionalServices whostillhavetwogamesremaining.

T the Navy's last he outcome of match against the Namibian Correctional Services significant importance as it will (NCS) tomorrow at 15:30, carries determinethefinalstandingsintheleague.

Ifthe winbothoftheirremainingmatches,theyNCSNC tomorrowwillbecrowned asthe2023 champions.MTCNamibiaNetballPremierLeague

However,coastalNetballteamElevenArrowsNCfacerelegationastheyare9 on th thelogwith10pointswithonly5winsand15lossesafter21games.Arrowswill face at12:30whoislastonthelogwith21lossesaftertwenty-onegames.


NCSNCvsYoungStarsNC 8:00

NorthernFlyBallersNCvsRebelsNC 9:30

AfrocatLionsNCvsMightyGunnersNC 11:00

ElevenArrowsNCvsFatouNC 12:30

TigersNCvsYoungStarsNC 14:00Windhoek

TheInternationalOkinawanGoju-RyuKarate-DoFederationNamibia(IOGKF)recentlyhosteditsNational KarateChampionshipsattheHonbuDojoinWalvisBay. FatouNC Rudi Bowe SempaiDieterBuysreceivedhisNidanCertificate(BlackBelt2ndDan)fromSensei NicoMaritz
The Namibian Navy's Netball team

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