9 dec namib times e-edition

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Rössing repairs Nampol vehicles

OnTuesdaythisweek,RössingUranium handed over, to the Namibian Police, fourfully repaired vehicles belonging to the Namibian Police after a request to repairthevehicleswasreceivedfromthe policeheadofficeintheErongoregion.

The Managing Director of Rössing Uranium, Johan Coetzee said, “as affirmed by our Rössing slogan,'WorkingforNamibia'today,weareagain goingtodemonstratethiscontinuedsupporttothe

Local governments and the tourism sector need to work together

The Namibia Tourism Board's first ever Tourism Symposium, aimed at aiding the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in supporting its tourism revival plan, shared the latest ideas and developments from across tourism at SwakopmundonTuesdayandWednesdaythisweek.

Themed 'Re-imaging stronger together spirit', theTourism Symposium's main objectives are to gather key tourism stakeholders to share mind changes and rethink doing tourism business in an unusual approach. Anotherobjectiveistocreateaplatformfordialoguesaroundthecurrent and future business ecosystem environment that will contribute towards the sustainability of the tourism sector and finally provide hands-on trainingandexchangestooperatorswithintourism,inparticularSMEs,to improve and reposition business operations efficiently to be competitive inthemarketplace.

In her remarks, the Chairperson of the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB), Madelein /Goagoses said the tourism symposium is indeed the platform forcross-sectoraldeliberationsandrecommendations.“TheSymposium's speakers,carefullyselected,whomwebelievehaveagreatpassionforthis industry, will discuss global trends, challenges, and opportunities facing tourism.

/Goagosesfurthersaid,“surely,tosustainmarketgrowth,weneedtobroaden the range of our tourism products. Apart from the major tourism offeringcurrentlyonthemarket,aswearelookingforfurtherdiversityin the years ahead, Namibia can offer a whole range of "niche" tourism opportunitiessuchasgreentourism,culturalheritageproducts,spafacili-


Accordingto/Goagoses,thesymposiumaimstoofferthevariousparticipantsanareaforreflectionontheconcepts,meansofimplementation,and methodsforinvolvingtourisminthetourismproductofferingstagetogain abetterexperience.“Thesechallengespresentarealopportunitytoenrich theapproachesinthefieldoftourismproductdevelopmentbyallowingus to confront experiences from different angles about domestic and internationaltravelers.”

/Goagosessaidthefuturefortourismislookinggoodandtheopportunityis there for local governments and the tourism sector to work together to maximize the benefits. The tourism symposium was attended by local delegatesfromtheNamibiatourismlandscape,andinternationalspeakers fromSwitzerland,SouthAfrica,andTanzania,withabout50-70delegates inattendance.

Walvis Bay residents, use water sparingly

Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6994 FRIDAY 9 DECEMBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 5 Page 20 Page 2 Page 3
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Unregistered SIM cards to be deactivated from 31 Dec 2023
next two months
sign Agreement
Sharlien Tjambari Sharlien Tjambari

Unregistered SIM cards to be deactivated from 31 December 2023

LastweektheCommunicationsRegulatoryAuthorityonNamibia(CRAN)issued amediareleasetoclarifytheissueofSIMcardregistrationcommencementandthe disconnectiondateofunregisteredSIMcards.

The Government of the Republic of Namibia issued a policy directive, as published in the Government Gazette of 15 March 2021, that all Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards in Namibia must be registered in line with the provisions of Section 77 of the CommunicationsAct (No. 8 of 2009). Mandatory SIM Card Registration is a policy adopted by several governments around the world as part of efforts to mitigatesecurityconcerns,addresscrimeandenabletheapplicationofdigitalservices.

However, the Authority has noted some confusion amongst members of the public on the commencement date of mandatory SIM Card Registration. The Chief Executive Officer of CRAN, Emilia Nghikembua said: “We wish to clarify that the commencement date for mandatorySIMCardRegistrationis1January2023, and the last day will be 31 December 2023.The final date for registration is therefore not 31 December To this end, consumers still have 12 months to ensure registration with their mobile service providers. Unregistered SIM cards will bedeactivatedafter31December2023.”

CRANissatisfiedwiththeprogressoftheawareness campaign and the positive response from members of the public.The operators have equally expressed their satisfaction with the turnout of members of the public to register their SIM cards. “At this stage, we envisage that the registration of all SIM cards will be completed well withinthemandatorytimelinesi.e.,31December 2023,”statedNghikembua.

SIM Card Registration is a national initiative aimed at facilitating the investigation of crimes committedwiththeaidofmobiledevices.There

are also benefits and use cases that are directly facilitatedbytheregistrationofdigitalidentities.

Moreover,therehasbeenanincreaseintheuseof digital and/or online services, providing opportunities for Namibians to embrace virtual teaching and learning, mobile banking, online shopping,justtomentionafew Therefore,itisimportantthatnationalsafetyandsecurityagenciesare capacitatedtoensureasafedigitalenvironment. “Namibia currently has seven active mobile service providers, and customers can register their SIM cards at the service provider(s) they subscribe to, by providing their full name, proof ofresidentialaddress,andidentitynumberinthe form of a copy of an Identity Document (ID) or passport.TheSIMRegistrationConditionsapply toNamibiannationalsandforeignersandextend to include new or existing customers,” added Nghikembua.

Furthermore, CRAN conducted SIM Registration Awareness Activation Campaigns in all major town across the country, and held interviews and panel discussions, engaging with the publicandinformingthemofthebenefitsofSIM CardRegistration.CRANhasalsoformedaSIM RegistrationCommittee,incollaborationmobile operators to observe the preparedness before the mandatory registration comes into effect, and challengestheymightbeexperiencingduringthe registration process. “CRAN thus urge all consumers to register their SIM cards, in order to enjoy the availability of a wide range of high quality,reliableandefficienttelecommunications servicesasprovidedbyourlicensees,”concluded Nghikembua.

and Bennie Baby Farmer

Rössing repairs

NamibianPoliceForceinthemightyErongoregion-whichisourhome. InOctober2022,wereceivedarequestfromtheregionalcommanderof the Erongo region to repair seven vehicles belonging to Walvis Bay, Swakopmund,ArandisandKaribibstations.”Asabusinessthatisdriven tohonoritscorporatesocialresponsibility,RössingUraniumimmediately jumpedonboardtoassist.Coetzeesaid:“Iamgladtoinformyouthatwe wereabletorepairallsevenvehicles.Todaywewillbehandingoverfour vehicles,whilethreewillbedeliveredinthecomingweek.”

According to Coetzee, while busy with mechanical repairs on the seven vehicles,RössingUraniumreceivedanadditionalrequesttoaddtothelist ofvehiclestoberepaired,“totalling11vehicleswhichwillberepairedand serviced in-house by our artisans.The repair for all vehicles is valued at N$ 350 000.” Coetzee mentioned that having a fully functional fleet is crucialtotheNamibianPoliceForce,tocontinuewithitsdailyoperations. Coetzeeis gladthatRössing Uraniumwas ableto support itbecausethe workdonebyNamPolbenefitseveryone.“Wehopethatthissupportwill bring relief within the Erongo police team's fleet and in your efforts to combatcrimeinourregion.”

Duringthehandoverceremonyofthevehicle,theErongoPoliceRegional Commander Niklaus Kupembona said the Namibian Police is very pleased to see such occasions happening, “Rössing, this is really a true reflection that you are working for Namibia, from us as the law enforcement agency, we are so very pleased to associate with this company called Rössing. As you may recall that for the past two years businesswasscrambled,businesswasnotmakingaprofitandsomeeven wenttoretrenchtheworkforcebecauseoftheimpactofcovid,buttodayas weareseatingherewithmyteam,fullofsmilesandjoytoreceivethefirst consignmentwhichyouhaveworkedon.Youreallycametoouraidata verycrucialtimeintermsofmobilityandwithoutmobility,wemightnot alsorendereffectiveservice.”

You are the best parents any one could have ever hoped for You are truly one in a million!

You both are such an inspiration to us all and you have taught us that LOVE must be taken care of with - Respect, Care & Forgiveness.

Happy 50th Marriage Anniversary

We love you so much and thank God for blessing us with the absolute BEST PARENTS.

Your loving children Marysia, Boeta & Daniëlla Marius, Lolla, Tevin & Keanu

9 December 2022
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Congratulations on your Golden Anniversary! Uncle Bennie & Anty Baby Farmer 09.12.2022 From: Desiree, Jooste & Family Today as both of you look back with happiness and pride upon the fifty cherishe years that you’ve spent side by side, may every memory that you d share of dreams you’ve see come true, help make this special golden day n a happy one for you! You two are a wonderful example of tenacity, faith, love, happiness, commitment and success!

Local authority the backbone of a country

AseverythingstartsatalocallevelallLocalAuthoritiesare thebackboneofacountry. This was said by the President of the Association of Local Authorities in Namibia (ALAN) Dr Samuel !Oë-Amseb at theALAN Board of Directors meetingheldonMonday5DecemberinWalvisBay Dr !Oë-Amseb appealed to all local authority councillors to set aside their political differences and use that energy to serve the electorate who elected them into these offices. "Irrespective of our political affiliations we should workinunisonforsustainabledevelopmentofourtownstoaddresshunger, povertyandunemploymentparticularlyamongstwomenandyouth.”

ALAN is seriously developing modalities to strengthen the efforts of local authoritiesinNamibia",saidDr!Oë-Amseb.

Dr !Oë-Amseb said, “central government need to seriously consider improving the funding formula for local authorities capital projects. The overpopulation we experience in better developed towns are because of lack of developmentinothertownsduelackofcentralgovernmentfundingforcapital projects. Therefore, government decentralization program needs serious intervention.”

“ALAN is seriously developing modalities to strengthen the efforts of local authoritiesinNamibia.Wearefullyawareofthechallengeslocalauthorities experience including very high outstanding debts residents owe local authorities”Dr!Oë-Amsebadded.

Dr !Oë-Amseb urge residents and businesses to settle their debts with local authoritiestoenableLAtodeliverservicesweallwant.“Residentsandmunicipalitiesworkingtogetherisakeysuccessfactorforbetterservicedelivery bymunicipality.”

Dr !Oë-Amseb plead to the Red`s and Namwater to consider writing off the debtsowebymunicipalitiestocomplementLAeffortsforsubsidizingvulnerableresidentsandcouncilsongoingpracticeofwritingresident'sdebtsaspart ofitssocialresponsibility

AccordingtoDr!Oë-AmsebALANwillbuildcapacityofelectedleadersand officialsoflocalauthoritiesthroughtargetedtraininginterventions.

TheDeputyMinisterofUrban&RuralDevelopment(MURD)Hon.Natalia /GoagosessaidthatLocalAuthoritiesinNamibiafacesignificantchallenges such as poverty and unemployment of residents to afford service fee payments,informalsettlementswithoutbasicservices,dilapidatedcapitalinfrastructures, governance and accountability issues, inadequate revenue bases andotherextremeeventssuchasglobalization,urbanization,climatechange, technologicaladaptation,environmentalimpacts.

Theabilitytomeetourexpectationsandconsideringtherangeofservicesand regulatoryfunctionsbeingperformedbyLocalAuthoritiesrequiresreappraisalandreprioritisationofthewayCouncilsruntheirinstitutions.

According to the minister MURD andALLAN can only achieve and overcome their challenges if we work as a team. “Most especially to transform operatingmodels,drivebestpracticesandprocessefficiency,withinvestigate alternativemodelsforservicedelivery.”

The Namibia Water Corporation (Namwater) encourages residentsofWalvisBayandsurroundingareastousewatersparingly for the next two months considering the low storage reservoir levelsintheSwartbankandRooibankWaterSupplySchemes. Namwater's Acting Head of Business Unit Coastal, Frans Ihuhua said the problem stems from the ongoing power supply challenges caused by recent windsandthetheftofelectriccables.“ThishascausedtheB-Areaproduction boreholes and reservoirs at the High Dune and Dorop South Schemes operatingatbelowthe30%capacity TheWaterUtilitywillcontinuously monitorthesituationwhilecompletingtheoutstandingrepairs.”ThestoragereservoirlevelsattheSwartbankandRooibankWaterSupplySchemeshaveonly recoveredto65%capacity AccordingtoIhuhua,asatisfactoryrecoverycan be noticed only when the combined operations and reservoir levels of the HighDune,DoropSouthSchemesandSwartbankhavereached95%. Namwaterapologisesfortheinconveniencecausedbythesenaturaloccurrences andhumanfactors.

Walvis Bay residents, use water sparingly for next two months
The President of theALAN Dr Samuel !Oë-Amseb with the Mayor of Walvis Bay Trevino Forbes Eileen van der Schyff Rudi Bowe

Court Swakopmund Court Report


EliaMwesheendifa(25),appearedona charge of dealing in potentially dangerousdependenceproducingdrugs. Thematterwaspostponedto6February 2023forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedison bail.

MorisHai//gauseb(35)andSeunHai// gauseb (31), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 1 February2023forlegalaid.Theaccused havebeenwarned.

KashikumbeNdalifilwa(21),appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 14 February 2023 for plea andtrial.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Kirsten Spangenberg Martin (35), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessivebreathalcohollevel.Thematter was postponed to 16 March 2023 for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Matheus Kasheta (26), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 17 January 2023 because the docket was not at court. The accused is onbail.

Penda Nangula (42), appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter March 2023 for legal aid. The accusedhasbeenwarned.

NickVanSchalkwyk(29),appearedon charges of reckless or negligent driving, failure to ascertain damages and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. Thematterwaspostponedto21February 2023 for further investigations. The accusedisonbail.

Andre Skrywer (20), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 16 January 2023 because the trialwaspartly DenzilKlaaste(29)andErnstXoagub (32),appearedonachargeappearedona charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponedto28Marchforpleaandtrial. Theaccusedareonbail.

Toivo Kashihala (23) and Namambo Kamati (25), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 13 February 2023 for plea and trial. Toivo Kashihala remains in custody and NamamboKamatiisonbail.

Rivaldo Naruseb (21), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto6February2023forfurtherinvestigations. The accused remains in custody

Joshua Hangula (32), appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain injuries sustain.

The matter was postponed to 1 February 2023becausethedocketwasnotatcourt. Theaccusedisonbail.

Simon Namiseb (40), appeared on charges of the anti-corruption actcorruptlyusingofficeorpositionforgratification and corruptly accepting gratification by agent (as inducement). The matter was postponed to 6 June 2023 for plea and trial. The accused has been warned.

MartinInocecioGurirab(34),appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 23 January 2023 for further investigations. Theaccusedremainsincustody

PetrusPaulus(34),appearedonacharge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to6March2023forcontinuationoftrial. Theaccusedisonbail.

Tuhafeni Nghiwilepo(26),appearedon a charge of assault common. The matter was postponed to 12 January 2023 for further investigations. The accused is on bail.

Danson Isaaks (37), appeared on a charge of attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 1 February for further investigations. The accused remains in custody

Ismael Goagoseb (22), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 18 January 2023 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody

Martha Ndapandula Tomas (26), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 27 February 2023 because the docket was not at court. The accusedisonbail.

Morne Samuels (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 January 2023 for fixing of trialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.

Edwin Sheelongo (25), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharmreadwithprovisionsof the domestic violence act 4 of 2003. The accusedisatlarge,andawarrantofarrest wasissued.

A17-year-oldboy,PaulJason(54)and GlenFeris(32),appearedonachargeof attempted murder The matter was postponedto21February2023forfurther investigations.Theaccusedareonbail.

Matheus Narib (38), appeared on chargesofmurder,attemptedmurderand assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 21 February 2023 for legal representation. Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Swakopmund Beach Access Plan

The Swakopmund council introduces this festive season's Beach Access Plan and will be launching the refurbished recentlycompletedNorthernBeachrecreationalfacilities to beusedandenjoyedbythepubliconFriday,16December.

Thefacilitycomprisesofakiosk,ablutionandshowerfacilities, lifesaversroom,braaiingstandsandafencedplayground. The BeachAccessPlanisapplicabletothebeachareastretchingfrom theSwakoprivertothenorthernmostbeaconofthecaravanpark, knownasMile4.

MakesuretogetyourcopyoftheNamibTimesHolidayEdition nextweektoreadmoreaboutthis.

Truck trailer recovery with two cranes

Atruckcarryingaloadofcharcoaltippedoveronitssidejust outside ofWalvis Bay on the C14 road (Dune 7 road) earlier thisweek.

OnWednesdaymorningtwocranesfromWalvisBayPlant&Tool Hirerecoveredtheheavyloadedtrailerfromthesideoftheroad andliftedituntothehorseofatrucktobepulledaway

Website: www.namibtimes.net Website: www.namibtimes.net Website: www.namibtimes.net

ALAN and SALGA sign Agreement

A memorandum of cooperation (MoC) between the Association for Local Authorities in Namibia (ALAN) and the SouthAfricanLocalGovernmentAssociation(SALGA)was signedonTuesday6inWalvisBay.

The MoC offers an excellent opportunity toexpandthebilateral relationshipaswellas knowledge sharing cooperation between the countries, particularlybecauseofthe strong emphasis placed on strengthening bilateral relations between local authorities of Namibia and South Africa.

The Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural D e v e l o p m e n t (MURD) Hon Natalia /Goagoses at the signing event applauded the two associations for undertaking thisveryprudentpartnershiptosupportthe various national initiatives and approaches that are being undertaken to integrate sustainability into urban planning activities.

Natalia /Goagoses emphasised the importance of cooperation and offered an opportunity for ALAN and SALGA toadoptbestpractices fromeachother “Iam confident that ALAN will learn and adopt the best practices from SALGA including the recognition as a government entity/body.”

The minister added that MURD relies heavily on the expertiseofALANinorder to achieve our objective of representation and being the voice for local authorities.

"Transitioningtoresilienceandsustainable local governments hasbecomeinevitable forthetransformation of the country's local government in order to adjust, adapt, and most importantly, modify the response tovariousinternaland externalhazards,"she added. “I am positive that the partnership will bear fruitful resultsandIdeclarethat thelineministrypledges to support this significant partnership”Goagosessaid.

ALAN President, Dr Samuel !Oë-Amseb said that the agreement offers an excellent opportunity to expand the bilateral relationshipaswellas knowledge sharing between the two countries, at local government level !Oe-Amseb said that

thetwoassociationswill cooperate and develop operational plan in several key, emerging fields of development, primarily capacity building, project management, foster knowledge sharing, understood leadership, best practices, and innovations in support of the interests ofLocalGovernment.

!Oe-Amseb said, “Given the level of support and cooperation SALGAhaswiththegovernment of South Africa, ALAN could not miss

this opportunity to have a formal working together agreement with SALGA, as this will help us to address some of the challenges we experience in Namibia. We shall therefore not allow this cooperative agreement to catered dust in our archives, but we will find avenues to developmutualtrustand key strategic objectives to be achieved through thispartnership.”

According to !OeAmseb the two associationswillcontinuework

under one continental bodyoftheunitedcities and local governments of Africa (UCLGA), as well as within the frameworkoftheSouthern Africa Regional office{SARO}.

President of SALGA Hon Bheke Stofile said that as the representative voices of local authorities, they have a responsibility, amongst others,toensureasense ofurgencyintheimplementation of their tasks as directed and entrusted by their membership, and in so doing build stronger associations of municipalities that are more effective andefficientincarrying out our mandate to the

greater benefit of their membersandultimately the communities they serve.

Stofilesaid,“ourtaskis tosupportlocalauthorities to respond to the

complex and rapid changesofthe21stcentury and use the opportunities that it and the 4thindustrialrevolution presents for modernising governance, cen-

tred on people's development. We as SALGA are ever willing to learn fromALAN, and they from us, as we strive towards deepeninglocaldemocracy.”

SALGApresident Bheke Stofile, Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development Hon Natalia /Goagoses and ALAN president Dr Samuel !Oë-Amseb at the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between theALAN and SALGAin Walvis Bay Rudi Bowe

Promenade at Kuisebmond to become a reality in the near future

Likemanybeachesaroundworld,thebeachatKuisebmond,commonlyknownas Independence Beach will have a walkway. The walkway will boast a number of facilities,suchasplaygrounds,benches,outdoorgyms,andlightingthatwilloffer convenience to residents and visitors alike. The promenade has been part of the Municipality'sUrbanStructurePlanandwillbecompletedinstagesoverthenext 2years.

Awalkway offers convenience to beach goersandfitnessfanaticsconvenienceof levelled and durable surface. The walkway will boast a number of facilities, such as playgrounds, benches, outdoor gyms,andlightingthatwillofferconveniencetoresidentsandvisitorsalike.The promenade has been part of the Municipality'sUrbanStructurePlanandwillbe completedinphasesoverthenextcouple ofyears.

The development of the envisaged promenade is being facilitated through the ERONGO GOOD GOVERNANCE PROJECT, which was established for Participatory urban governance for resilient, safe and inclusive multifunctional publicspacesinNamibia.

Oneofactivitiesofthisprojectwillbethe establishmentoftheErongoGovernance Academy The academy will be online

basedandwillactasanincubationofideas forpossibleprojectsintheErongoRegion. With the guidance of international experts, participants will be assisted to develop ideas into project proposals for possible funding. Members of the Academy will include experts, representatives from academia and representatives from local authoritiesintheErongoRegion.

In the first quarter of 2023, residents will have an opportunity to take part in a charrette event to give input on how what they wouldliketoseeatthepromenade.

Theprojectisco-financedbytheEuropean Union within the framework of European Commission-Development&Cooperation -EuropeAidandimplementedjointlybythe Municipality of Czerwonak and the Municipality ofWalvis Bay, while the DevelopmentPolicyFoundationwillactasafacilitator

Port Log


Pretty Girls Get Customers

Walvis Bay has a mushrooming number of small medium enterprises, home shops (aka Tuck shops/Cuca shops) and Shebeensbeingamongstthemostpopular Itisn'tuncommontofindmorethanfiveoftheseestablishments in a single street of Kuisebmond. This creates a lot of competition amongst the owners. Many have resorted to hiring eye candy,asawayofattractingcustomers.

Sara Shiikwete, local retail clerk at her father's Tuckshop in Kuisebmond,reportedinaninterviewwiththeNamibTimesthat she was constantly being harassed and proposed to by overjealous male customers, who frequent her stand because, well sheis avisiblyattractivewomen.

“It got worse when we added alcohol to the stock, men park themselves by our shop for hours and lose all form of selfcontrol confessing there unwanted love for me day in and day out,” shesaidinadistressedtone.

Whileunendingadorationfrommenmayseemlikewhatevery girlwants,thetruthcan'tbeanyfurther.InShiikwete’scaseithas takenquiteatollonherself-image.“TheylookatmelikeIam somekindofanimalbehindthisglasswindowmbela,andhaving toplayalongeverydayjustsothatIwon'tlosecustomersisnot niceoshillihaye.”

Shiikwete’s father, a hardened alcoholic, is expectedly all too pleasedbythewholearrangement,asheisadmirablyshowered withdrinksbythelustfilledcustomerswhocometospendhours gawkingathisdaughter

‘Lackofbusinessdiversitythatiswhyourpeopleareresortingto suchdrasticandshamefulmeasures.Wecan'talljustbebuilding tuckshops and shebeens, we need to introduce new and innovative businesses in our community so that such things won't happen”, an anonymous local business owner commented. “If youthinkaboutit,thisisjustwatereddownprostitution.”


th th

On the 17 & 18 of December, Namib Film will be filming on the B2 road between Walvis Bay and Langstrand.

Road Closures will be set-up atAphrodite Beach and the Narraville bridge, Walvis Bay.

Traffic will be stopped for intermitted duration of 15 minutes between 05:00 – 10:00 and 16:00 – 22:00.

Kindly use the T0201/M044 behind the dunes as an alternative to avoid delay

Eliphas Sheepo

To clients sincere word thanks and and the season be

To all our clients a sincere word of thanks for your ongoing loyalty and goodwill.

May the joys and blessings of the holiday season be yours throughout 2022

We will be closed from 19 December 2022

We will re-open on the 09 January 2023

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Our clients range from private individuals to trusts and close corporations operating throughout a range of industries.

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prestigious Bank

The Banker Magazine announced FNB Namibia as the winnerofthe2022BankoftheYearNamibiaataceremony heldinLondon,UK.

The prestigious awards aim to reward and promote industry wide excellence in the global banking community and international judges selectonlyonewinningbankforeachcountry,whichiswhatmakesThe Banker“CountryBankofYearAward”suchasought-afteraward. WhencongratulatingFNBNamibia'smanagementandstaffonachieving top honours, The Banker Editor Joy Macknight said, “the judging panel feltthatthebankmadethemostprogressoverthe12months;something which is not only in terms of the bank's strong financials, but also in the widerangeofinitiativeswhichthebankundertookduringthisperiod.”

ReceivingtheprestigiousBankerAwardforFNBNamibiainLondonlast night, FNB Namibia CEO, Erwin Tjipuka said to colleagues via social mediathismorning“YearsagoFNBstartedtowinthis'awardofawards', andtowinitfor2022,forhelpingtobuildagloballycompetitiveNamibia, for building the best support base for customers and being the bank that seesnewpotentialinourbelovedcountry,isanamazingwaytoendthis year.” “It's our clients that inspire us to keep getting better at partnering with them, thank you! FNB Namibia recently refreshed their logo as a visible link to a refreshed positioning of intuitive help, help before you know you need it. It's about doing what matters, when it matters” said FirstRand Namibia Group CEO, Conrad Dempsey “Helpful innovation, easeofaccess,safebanking,andmeaningfulactionaboutclientfeedback, drives the excellence that wins awards. Well done FNB Namibia!” he concluded.

This is the 11th time that FNB Namibia has received this award. The Banker Magazine is a monthly international financial affairs publication ownedbyTheFinancialTimesLtd.AndeditedinLondon.Themagazine was first published in January 1926 through founding Editor, Brendan Bracken of the Financial News, who became the Chairman of the FinancialTimesfrom1945to1958.Thebestbankawardsarenamedinhis honour

of the Year Award From 14 December 2022 and Re-open on 09 January 2023 This notice serves to inform all our stakeholders that the Namibian Maritime and Fisheries Institute (NAMFI) will be closed for festive season holidays: Issued by the Office of the Director a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year The Institute's Board of Trustees, Management and Staff would therefore like to wish all stakeholders Public Notice
FNB Namibia wins

FNB Namibia supports SPCA veterinary care initiative

FNB Namibia through the FirstRand Foundation recently handedoverN$150000totheSPCA'Dixie'sFund'tobeutilisedtowardsprovidingbasicandextraordinarymedicaltreatmentstotherescuedanimals.

TheofficialhandovertookplacerecentlyattheSPCAannual'Animals by Night' event, held at the Goethe Institute. Over the past five years FNBNamibiahasdonatedmorethanhalfamillionNamibiandollarsto theSPCA.

Handing over the donation, FNB Head of Secured Landing Elmarie Cilliershighlightedtheimportanceofanimalstosociety “Weacknowledge all animals as sentient beings who play vital roles in our communities and strive to prevent their cruelty and exploitation as well as guaranteethattheytoohaveagoodqualityoflife,andtheirbasicneeds aretakencareof.“Webelievethatanimalwelfareisaffectedbytherelationshipshumanbeingshavewithanimalsanditisourdutytoensureall animals are treated humanely, responsibly, and with respect. This includes consideration for all aspects of animal well-being, which has beenandcontinuestobethefocusofalltheeffortsofSPCANamibia” sheadded.

SPCANationalDirector,HannaRhodinwhoreceivedthedonationsaid, “FNB'scontinuedsupportandgenerosityisnotonlyheart-warming,but also impactful for the animals in our care. The donation towards the organisation's 'Dixie's Fund' helps the SPCA provide much needed medical treatments to the animals that come through our doors. With over4,100animalsrescuedinthelastyear,andmanymorestillinneed, their support goes directly to these animals and for that, we are incrediblygrateful.”

TheSocietyforthePreventionofCrueltytoAnimals(SPCA)NamibiaWindhoek, is a registered Welfare Organization (Wo6). The organisation rescues over 4,100 animals each year and provides a haven for 250-400animalsatanygiventime.TheSPCAalmostentirelyrelieson donationsfromcorporatebusinesseslikeFNBandprivateindividualsto be able to care for some of the most vulnerable animals in our community

10 NAMIBTIMES 9DECEMBER2022 We would like to thank all our clients for their support during 2022.. Walvis Bay, Namibia 7 Dune Street Tel: 00264 64 202013, Fax: 00264 64 202050, Mobile: 00264 811282013 Wishing you a joyous holiday season with We will be closing on Friday, 9 December & opening again on Monday, 9 January 2023. Tel: 064 20 2771 Enjoy our Smokey tasting flame grilled Burgers, Ribs, Chicken and Cheesy chips during this festive season. 9 years of support from the Walvis Bay community deserves a treat back Delivery orders stand a higher chance of winning. Draw is on Dec 23rd Don't miss out!!! (Steers Walvis Bay opp Spar}


In the estate of the late Pius Jonas Kasera, born on 24 April 1963, Id No.630424 0104 9, who died on 23 June 2021, resided at Erf No 1091 Mondesa (Ext 3), Swakopmund,andwho was married to Lydia MetumoKasera.

Creditorsanddebtorsof the above estate are called upon to lodge theirclaimsorpaytheir debtstotheEstateatthe undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice.

HausAltona 2-6TobiasHainyeko Street POBox1455 Swakopmund (Ref:HV/lmEST266/0001-70)


Learning Right Elementary School cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for Special Consent for an “Institutional Building” to operate a “Junior Primary Private School”onthepremisesofErf133,Swakopmund, (11 Tobias Hainyeko Street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme.Detailsofwhichareobtainablefromthe General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.

Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 27 December2022.

ContactPerson:MrsHMeyer,Cell:0811277408, Email:office@lrkc.school.na or

Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.


EstateNo: E2781/2022

In the estate of the late Selma Kasera, born on 26 June 1968, Id No.68062600165,who died on 31 October 2012, resided at Erf No

1091 Mondesa (Ext 3), Swakopmund, and who was married in community of property toPiusJonasKasera. Creditorsanddebtorsof the above estate are called upon to lodge theirclaimsorpaytheir


CONSENT: Self-Catering ON ERF NO: 419R TOWNSHIP/ AREA: Meersig STREET NAME&NO:No74thRoadNorth,Meersig.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-Catering.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 23December 2022.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LeonPearson(CasaAtlanticacc),POBox3959, WalvisBay email:leon@amjicaja.com

debtstotheEstateatthe undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice.

AgentoftheExecutrix c/oKINGHORN

HausAltona 2-6TobiasHainyeko Street

POBox1455 Swakopmund (Ref:HV/lmEST312/0001-70)


CONSENT: Pre-School ON ERF NO: Erf No: 184TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBaySTREET NAME & NO: Mermaid Street No: 70, Narraville,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-School.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 23 December 2022.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LuciaJNJoseph,POBox7,WalvisBay email:luciajoseph788@gmail.com

WalvisBayUrbanStructurePlan2022–2042 FormalPublicConsultation

TheWalvisBayCouncilisreviewingitsapprovedIntegratedUrbanSpatialDevelopmentFramework(IUSDF),theCouncil'slong-termurbandevelopmentplanwhichwas approvedbytheWalvisBayCouncilin2014forimplementation.TheIUSDFwillbe replacedbytheWalvisBayUrbanStructurePlan(WBUSP)andisbeingpreparedin accordancewiththeUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(U&RPAct)andU&RP Act Regulations.AUSP is a spatial planning tool for guiding development within a townforaperiodrangingbetween15to30years.TheaimoftheWBUSPistoinform theWalvis Bay community, local and foreign investors, and any other interested and affectedpartyoftheWalvisBayCouncil'slong-termvisionastohowurbandevelopmentwillbeguidedinWalvisBayoverthenext20years.

Urban Dynamics, together with Bigen Kuumba, Enviro Dynamics, Urban Design StudioNamibia,andStewartPlanning,hasbeenappointedbytheWalvisBayCouncil topreparetheWBUSPwhichwillguideurbandevelopmentoverthenext20years.

The October 2022 DraftWB USPhas been prepared following consultation with the Walvis Bay community, utility providers, and line ministries. Once theWB USPhas been approved by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development this will enable the WalvisBayCounciltobeanAuthorisedLocalAuthorityfortownplanningdecisionmaking.

Thepurposeofthisnotificationistoinformallinterestedandaffectedpartiesinterms ofSection34oftheU&RPActandintermsofRegulations2,3,and5oftheU&RPAct Regulations, that the October 2022 Draft WB USP is available for formal public consultation.TheOctober2022DraftWBUSPliesopenforinspection atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101,CivicCentre,WalvisBay,NangoloMbumbaDrive,atStewart Planning, First Floor, CLA Building, 84 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, and at the Narraville,KuisebmondandHeadOfficeLibrariesduringnormalworkingoficehours.

Anypersonhavingcomments,representations,and/orobjectionstotheOctober2022 DraftWBUSPmustlodgesuchcomments,representations,and/orobjections,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning Section), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay (064 201 3229 or townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na),andStewartPlanning,POBox2095,WalvisBay (064280770orbruce@sp.com.na),inwriting,by17:00on 20January2023.

TheOctober2022DraftWBUSPcanalsobedownloadedfromtheWalvisBayCouncil Web-Pageat:www.walvisbaycc.org.na.

NOTICE EstateNo: E

Alcohol and drug abuse discussed

On Monday this week, the Swakopmund council launched SAADA (Swakopmund Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse) andhadthefirst-everroundtablediscussiononalcoholand substanceabusewhichisamajorconcerninthecommunity, to plan and deliberate on a solution-focused approach to targettheproblem.

A panel of speakers involving social workers, members of the Namibian Police Force, and Community leaders addressed community members, school learners, various corporates, and the business community in Swakopmund. Drug and alcohol abuse as wellasrelatedcriminalactivitiesremainathreatandaffectthelives of most residents of Swakopmund. In addressing the members of the community, Cllr. Blasius Goraseb of the Swakopmund Municipality said it is very worrisome that every car wash in Swakopmund has become an alcohol outlet and this requires enforcement and intervention. According to Goraseb, substance abusecauseshighhealthcosts,lossofproductivity,andothersocial illswhichcontributesignificantlytodeathseachyear Gorasebsaid, “lately we have witnessed drug overdoses costing loss of lives in Swakopmund. In Swakopmund, we lack proper prevention


programs, and treatment facilities and our law enforcement should be improved to actively fight alcohol and substance abuse.

WiththelaunchoftheSwakopmundAgainst AlcoholandDrugAbuseinitiative,SAADA inKhoekhoemeans'us',thisproblemaffects us all and therefore requires our collective input and that is why we have named this initiativetheSAADAinitiative.”

Goresebcallsonallstakeholders,education, health, and social services, the private sector, mining houses, law enforcement agencies, churches, support groups, and the community at large to join forces, “let's

stand united against alcohol, drug, and substance abuse. The end goal is to see active implementation goals, and awareness campaigns, and increase law enforcement efforts in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse. Our community needs to be empowered through training andawarenessprograms.”

Duringthemeeting,theunitcommanderfor community affairs in Erongo, Inspector Ileni Shapumba said as from 9 to 10 December they are planning to launch a campaignthataimsatcleaningWalvisBay ofdrugs.


C l a s s i f i e d s












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We require the services of a dynamic, mature and experienced candidate to manage a Private Conservation Area in a very remote part of Namibia. Must have a keen sense of responsibility

Duties will include:

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C l a s s i f i e d s
TraurignehmenwirAbschied VonFrau FreyaRust 16 NAMIBTIMES 9DECEMBER2022 * 1 September 2022 + 6 December 2022 Roudiens: Saterdag 10 Desember 2022 10:00 vanuit NG Kerk Meersig Walvisbaai Jesaja 43 Omdat jy kosbaar is, Omdat ek jou hoog ag en jou lief het. Ek het jou op jou naam geroep, jy is Myne.
Ons geliefde ma, vrou, dogter, suster & beste vriendin Ons sal jou altyd liefhê, jy is vir ewig kosbaar




Wentzel and De Wet Desert Iron And Steel Club Champions

Kevin,becomechampionagainwithascoreof 77 and 73 for a total of 150 gross, winning by oneshotfromjuniorKyleJohnsonon151–79 and 73. Wilma shot 86 and 89 by 5 shots to becomethechampion.

Chris Fourie and Wayne Hart tied for third place but the count out was won by Fourie, whileDanievanAntwerpenwonthefifthplace prize.AndreBurgerwaswithwinnerofthebest Nettforthedayshooting67and72foratotalof 139.

There was a stableford event for those not wanting/willing/able/interested to play 36 holes in one day and this was won by Boel Grob-belaar on a very well played 41 points withKevindeReucksecondon38points. Lucky draws were won by David Peake and Jonathon Mather Des Benson representing DESERT IRON AND STEEL was at hand to present the prizes and before he did that, he committedthattheywouldbebacknextyear OnFridaytheSPCAheldtheirfundraiser,and Boel Grobbelaar, Jakkie de Witt and Shane WesterdalewerethewinnersoftheSPCAheld theirfundraiserheldonFriday2Decemberat WBGC. The Funds that were raised will certainly used for the animals. Thanks to all the teamsthatentered Thanks to Boel Grobbelaar, Jakkie de Witt, Pieter,WayneHartandEtoshaFishingfortheir continuedsponsorshipoftheOldBallies. ThepreviousweekwehostedtheNamibMills better ball event andAndre Gous and his team from Windhoek were on the course to slog it out.


play what is now the longest standing sponsorship event on our calendar, the NAMIB MILLS betterballatWBGC.

ItwasastraightbetterballandwaswonbyAmandioSardinhaandMichaeldeBarroson50points, two shots ahead of Rocco Viljoen and Piet van Niekerk 48 points count out 26, with Boel Grobelaar and Kevin de Reuck 48 points 25 and winningfromWayneHartandPietvanNiekerk. WayneHartwasaswingerwithafewplayersand wonafewprizesforhisefforts.

Therewere11prizesforthetopteamsandeveryoneelsegotaNAMIBMILLShamper Closestto thepinwenttoPietvanNiekerkwhileavisitorto theclubWillemSerfonteinwonthelongestdrive. GousietookaJaggieforsneakingalongestdrive prizeintothecompetition.

ThankstoGousie,Skillie,Lee,TheresaandSandra for being with us again this year and we obviously look forward to having you back next year Itisreportedthatnextyearwillbethe25th anniversary of NAMIB MILLS so it will indeed beaspecialone.

Today and tomorrow is the national leg of the SAGES that will probably starting at 9h00 on bothdays.ForthosenotabletoplaytheSAGES as you are not experienced enough please check withAndreBurgerifthereisaslotopenforafternoonplay

Next weekend is the LSS and RSS Duane SaundersFestiveCup.

TherewillbenofurtherofficialgolfaftertheFestive Cup on 17 and 18 December with the last round of the Wednesday competition will be playedonthe21st.

WBGC will open officially on Wednesday 11 withthefirstSaturdayeventon14.

Karate flies national flag high

The Namibian karate team that consist of eight athletes scooped three medals at the African Karate Federation (UFAK) 2022 Championships held from November 28 to December4inDurban,SouthAfrica.

The team's accolades comprise of one silver won by Suzelle Pronk in the seniorfemalekatadivision,thefirsteverinthehistoryofNamibiaandtwo bronze medals won by Merziaan Mouton and Ronja Porteus in the junior femalekataandfemaleU/59Kumitedivisionrespectively

The team was accompanied by the National Coach, sensei Llewllyn Manale,NationalTeamManager,senseiRudolphBarnard,ChiefReferee senseiWikusOberholsterandNationalRefereeandJudge,senseiStephan DeJager

Chief Referee sensei Wikus Oberholster got his Referee KumiteAstatus and Referee Sensei Stefan De Jager got his Kumite Judge B status. Both weregradedandpassedatUFAKAfricanlevel.

NamibianCoachLlewellynManalesaidallotherathletescompetedwitha goodspiritandattitude.Theyfellshortonafewthingsanddidn'tmanageto achieveitnow

Manale said “We are no more participating, we are competing and achieving. I'm just glad to see that the hard work and dedication of the athletesarestartingtopaytheirrewards.”

Manale thanked the Namibia National Olympic Committee, Namibia SportsCommissionandNamibiaKarateFederationfortheirsupport.

World Karate Federation (WKF) President Antonio Espinós said at the CongressoftheAfricanKarateFederation(UFAK)heldontheeveofthe 2023UFAKKarateChampionshipsinDurban(SouthAfrica)thatAfricais thefastestgrowingcontinentinKarate,aswillbedemonstratedthisweek inDurban.

“I want to congratulate UFAK President Mohamed Tahar Mesbahi and WKFExecutiveCommitteemembersBechirCherifandSouleymaneGaye for their contribution to the development of Karate as well as to SAKF President Sonny Pillay for hosting this successful event in SouthAfrica” Espinóssaid.

Kevin Wentzel and Wilma de Wet were crowned CLUB CHAMPIONS of the DESERTIRONANDSTEELGolfdayon3DecemberattheWalvisBayGolfClub (WBGC). Des Benson with a smiling Kevin Wentzel Namibian Coach Llewellyn Manale with silver medalist Suzelle Pronk on his left and bronze medalist Merziaan Mouton and Ronja Porteus on his right Suzelle Pronk, Merziaan Mouton and Ronja Porteus with their medals that they won at the UFAK 2022 Championships in Durban SouthAfrica The Namibian karate that competed at the UFAK 2022 Championships in Durban, SouthAfrica Rudi Bowe Sandra Gous, Armandio and Gousie Des Benson with Wilma de Wet and Shane Westerdale

Pink Golf Ball Competition

Theaimofthedaywastoenjoybeingoutonthecourse and to have some fun.To the sounds of “oh my goodness”, “sorry partner”, “I've never been over there before”; “where's that mulligan”; why did I choose to playwithmywife”-theteamsmadetheirwaybackto the19thHole.

Surprisingly enough only three pink balls were lost, one being found by another team and returned to the officials. Scores were checked and double checked –whilst the golfers were given the once over to decide who were the pinkest pairs – oh, my gosh so many shadesofpink!

FinallywewerereadytogowithViceCaptain–Mark JacobsinchargeablyassistedbyDr.BertieSaunderson onbehalfofthesponsor

TheprizefortheMostGolfwaswonbyFatherandSon Team Robberts, playing in their first official competition.The Pinkest LadiesTeam was Mariena Ludwig &TiekieDeWetwhilstbytheMen-ChrisMagsonand StevenJohnscameoutontop.

OverallWinnerswereCliveLawrence&MarkJacobs points,2ndPlace:PeteBergh&BruceBurns48points; 3rd Place: Bertie Saunderson/Achmet Abrahams 45 points;4thPlace:WarrenTheron&EddyvanWyk43 pointsc/o.

Our sincere thanks again to the sponsor Medixx and wonderfultoheartheywillbebackagainin2023.

The final official competition for 2022 the Thovo Therm/TomyZwarGolfday,wellsupportedasalways was played on Wednesday 30 November at the RossmundGolfCourse.

UncleTony Boesch rang the bell for his birthday and treated everyone present to a small something.As per usualonaWednesdayprizegivingbroughtinthebuzz


Tannie Lynne took the opportunity to thank all the sponsorsfor2022-SSS-Engen;FamilyEngling;FamilyHorne; Thovo Therm; Advertising Displays; Proshop; Prestige Accounting; Safe Wear Namibia; Rossmund ClubhouseKitchen;FamilyvonKlitzing;NamibiaTours &Safaris;Williams&Knight;CoastalHire;&PumaChemicals. We look forward to doing business with you all againintheNewYear Forthosewholiketounderstandthe figures-anamountofapproximatelyN$28000wasraised on a Wednesday for the CLUB through entry fees. Well doneandthanksfortheongoingsupport.

Winnersontheday:18Holes:JohanKokwithanexcellent 43points–hesaiditwasjustoneofthosefantasticdays; theBestFront9wenttoAtholMclean22points;BestBack 9wasbirthdayboyTonyBoeschwinningacountouton19 pointsoverHarryBotha;NearesttothePinsonNumber7 andNumber12wereMarkJacobsandTonyBoesch;Peter Bass unfortunately played the Most Golf – exactly oppositeoflastweek–heythat'sgolf.

Thovo Therm/ Tomy Zwar confirmed that he will be sponsoringagainin2023.

Today Friday 9 December will be the Final of the DestinationSwakopmund/NamibiaTournamentandtomorrow 10/11Decemberwillbethe2022NAGU/NALGUGellert RossmundOpen.

Nam wins Plate Gold

Pic on top: The Commonwealth Beach Rowing Championship participants

Pic right below: The instructors of the Coach Development Course and National Technical Official

Middle pic: All the participants at the National Technical Official The Medixx Occupational Health Services annual Pink Golf Ball Competition on Saturday 3 Decembersawafieldof16teamstakingonthisinterestingformatoffoursomesinexcellentgolfing conditionsattheRossmundGolfCourse. Winners of Medixx Pink Golf Ball Competition Clive Lawrence, Dr Bertie Saunderson (sponsors representative) and Mark Jacobs Those that chose to wear pink

Send your sports news to


namib times Sport

Nam wins Plate Gold


and Destiny Rolle from the Bahamas beat Team Africa that is made up with rowers from Zambia (Sibanda Hlupekile and Mukuta Bathromew) and Kenya (Wanyonyi Diana Natecho and Buchanan James) in the Plate final of the Commonwealth BeachRowingChampionship.

The Commonwealth Rowing Association (CRA), in conjunction with the Namibian Canoe & RowingFederation(NamCanRow),organisedthe2022 CRABeach Sprint Championships (CRABSCHs) sponsored by NAMDIA, World Rowing (WR), Olympic Solidarity, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Gearbox&DiffDoctor&BrandbergConstruction that saw 12 countries competing from 2 to 4 December at the Independence Beach in Walvis Bay Namibia.

About 40 top rowers from Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, Namibia, Kenya, Jersey, Zambia, Barbados, Bahamas, South Africa and Wales participating in 4 categories, women coastal singles, men coastal singles, mixed doubles and teamrelays.

WorldRowing(WR)andOlympicSolidarityhelda Level 1 World Rowing Coastal Coach DevelopmentCourseandCoastalRaceModulecourseand a National Technical Official (NTO) education/ training course in the days preceding the championships. This was attended by about 25 participantsfromNamibiaandothercountries.

WorldRowingandOlympicSolidaritydonatedten rowing boats with a combined value of 1.1. Namibian Dollars that were used by all participants,whichwillremaininNamibia,asadonation from WR to assist the NRF in its developmental efforts. These boats will facilitate talent identification and the training of young and pro-mising athletesthatwilleventuallyseethempro-gresstoa higherlevelinthesport.

ErongoRegionalGovernor,NevilleAndresaid the Commonwealth Beach Sprints Championship is the first of its kind in Namibia and will undoubtedlyopenthedoorsofCoastalRowingintoAfrica and will bring further development in the sport to NamibiaandAfricaalike.

Andresaid,“CompetingataCommonwealthEvent is a truly unique opportunity for both rowers and coaches wishing to represent their nation at the highestpossiblelevel.

We are all aware that the sport started its developmentin2010,hereinNamibia.Eversince then, country has taken its baby steps in developing the required infrastructure, developing its talent.”

The president of Commonwealth Rowing, Peter Cookson, said that the support of Olympic Solidarity and the World Rowing Development Team hasbeeninstrumentalingettingthisprojecttothis stage. “These partners have provided significant

financial contributions to bring the rowing equipmentusedinthiseventtoNamibia.”

AccordingtoCooksonthisofcoursewillbeoneof the legacies for Namibia as this equipment will be used by future Namibian athletes to prepare for major international games such as the CommonwealthGamesandOlympicGames.

“World Rowing with support of the Namibia NationalOlympicCommitteehasprovidedexceptional expertise in the development of a national sport system for rowing in Namibia through the trainingofcoachesandnationaltechnicalofficials forthesport”Cooksonadded

HesaidthattheNamibiaCanoeandRowingFederation have done a tremendous job in putting togetherawonderfulvenuethatshowcasesthebeauty ofWalvisBay

“Itreallyhasbeenateamefforttoputonthisevent andwe,astheCommonwealthRowingAssociation (CRA) are confident that the staging of this event willleadtoagreatlegacyforrowinginNamibia.”

AsPresidentoftheCRA,Icannotthankenoughall of these amazing partners for their contributions. Wecouldn'tbeprouderofalltheseefforts.

Cooksonaddedthatthemotherbodyexpectstosee a very strong coastal rowing programme in Namibia as a result of what happened in Walvis Bay

Cookson expressed his gratitude towards the organising committee as well as the sponsors for comingonboardtomaketheeventpossible.



1.GregorHall(Scotland) 2.CharlesCousins(England) 3.MarcusDellaMarta(Australia)


1.ElizabethNewell(Australia) 2.ClareJamison(England) 3.SarahPidgen(Canada)


1 Laura McKenzie and Sam Scrimgeour (Scotland)




1.GregorHall,LauraMcKenzie,SamScrimgeour andIslaMacCallum(Scotland)

2. Charles Cousins, Clare Jamison, Melissa Shaw andHalFlowerdew(England)

3.SharedbySarahPidgen,LorneThomas,Sandra Farwell, Aubrey Oldham (Canada) and George Cowley, Thea Adamson, Isobel Powell and Jerry Owen(Wales)

4. The Namibian Relay Plate final winners Maike Diekmann, Karl Jacobie, Gino Matheus form NamibiaandDestinyRollefromtheBahamas.


Inwindy IndependenceBeachWalvisBaytheNamibianRowingteam claimedtheRelayPlateGoldattheCommonwealthBeachRowingChampionship. TheNamibianRowingteamthatconsistsofMaikeDiekmannKarlJacobie,GinoMatheusfromNami-bia The Namibian Relay Plate final winners Maike Diekmann, Destiny Rolle from the Bahamas, Karl Jacobie, Gino Matheus form Namibia and the Namibian coach The African Relay team from Zambia Sibanda Hlupekile, Mukuta Bathromew, the Zambian coach, Buchanan James Wanyonyi and Diana Natecho All the participants at the Coach Development Course Rudi Bowe

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