09 sept namib times e-edition

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The visit to the harbour town takes place during a U.S.Africa Command (USAFRICOM)SeniorLeaderDelegationvisittoNamibiafrom30August to4 TheSeptemberUSSHershel“Woody”WilliamsreturnedtothePortofWalvisBayfora scheduled visit following its inaugural visit from September 16-18, 2021, whenthecrewconductedexchangesandparticipatedinjointtrainingwith theNamibianNavy

Fraud charge dropped against Dippenaar in weeklong court trial

THE trail against Jandre Dippenaar, accused of several charges after the horror crash on the Henties Bay to Swakopmund road on 29 December 2014, resumed in the Magistrates Court of Swakopmund on Monday, in a weeklongtrial.


The USS Hershel “Woody” Williams is the first U.S. Navy vessel to be assigned to the United StatesAfrica Command area of responsibility The Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy, Ms. Jessica Long, welcomed the ship to port alongside a senior leader delegation from U.S. AfricaCommand.

Rudi Bowe

TheLewisB.Puller-classexpeditionaryseabaseUSSHershel “Woody” Williams arrived at the port of Walvis Bay for its secondvisitinNamibiaonSaturday,3September.

Fraud (Alternatively Furnishing False Information)–inrelationtodriver'slicense




Dippenaar grievingly apologises to families of victims


Inthecontinuationofthetrial,LegalrepresentativetoMrDippenaar,Mr Louis Botes asked the court to drop the Fraud (Alternatively Furnishing FalseInformation)chargeagainsthisclient.OnTuesday,intheexamining oftheevidence,MrBotesmaintainedthestate,representedbytheErongo

Eileen van der Schyff

USS Hershel “Woody” Williams back at Port of Walvis Bay


Regional Magistrate, Gaynor Poulton failed to build a case around the charge that is in relation to a driver's license application. On Wednesday, during the court proceedings, the Fraud case against Dippenaar was dropped.

Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2 Ordinary Council Meeting

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6981 FRIDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 N$4 inside Sports News Page 3 Pages 18 - 20 Page 2

Fraud case dropped against Dippenaar on Wednesday

Lawyer to Dippenaar asks court to drop Fraud chargeonMonday

The Lewis B. Puller-class expeditionary sea base USS Hershel “Woody” Williams at the port of Walvis Bay

THEPortPoliceofWalvisBayreportedthedrowningofa crew memberonTuesday, 6 September, afterthe member fell overboard the fishing vessel, Laxe Dos that departed from the port of Walvis Bay with 22 crew members on Saturday,3September.

Eileen van der Schyff

Coenraad(Coenie)Strydom(46)wasgrantedN$10 000bailintheMagistratesCourtofWalvisBayon Wednesday this week. The Forensic Department awaits parts from the UK, after some of their equipmentbroke,beforeinvestigationsformulated through forensic and ballistic evidence can continue. Strydom must report to the Mariental Police Station twice a week between 8:00 and 15:00. All travel documents of Strydom were Strydomconfiscated.stands accused of having shot and killed his newly wedded wife in their Meersig home at WalvisBaylastyearandwaschargedwithMurder read with the Provisions of the DomesticViolence Act,afterapreliminaryinvestigationbythepolice revealed strong evidence Strydom's death was not suicideasthehusbandclaimed,butrathermurder

The vessel can accommodate 100 uniformed crew members, 45 civilian crew members and an additional150peoplewhodohumanitarianwork.

The community of Walvis Bay, especially thefamilyofEngelaStrydomwhowasshot lastyear,4November,isdevastatedafterthe manaccusedofhavingshothergotbail.

Visit our Namib Times Swakopmund office at c/o of Otavi and Wasserfall street at Ané Court No. 13

Theexpeditionaryseabase-classvesselsoftheU.S. Navy provide critical access infrastructure that facilitatesthedeploymentofforcesandsup-pliesto support a multitude of missions ranging from humanitarianandmedicalrelieftojointanti-piracy Theoperations.USSHershel

Eileen van der Schyff

“The United Sates Navy takes great pride in its partnership with the Namibian Navy and looks forwardtoexpandingthispartnershipintheyearsto come”Langesaid.

Captain Graham explained that the United States andNamibiasharearichbilateralsecurityrelationship that dates back to Namibian Independence. “Together,thetwocountriesworktoensuresecurity, safety,andfreedomofnavi-gationintheAtlantic.”

SeniorDefenseOfficialandDefenseAttachétothe U.S. Embassy in Namibia Lieutenant Colonel William Lange said that the deployment of the Namibian Navy's largest vessel, the NS Ele-phant, in support of Exercise Obangame Express 2022, illustrates not only the willingness of Namibia to partner in this domain, but also its commitment to assume a leadership role, serving as an example to otherpartnersthroughouttheregion.

According to Captain Graham, Both the United States and Namibia recognize that the future security of these waters is critical for Africa's prosperityandcontinuedaccesstoglobalmar-kets. Earlier in 2022, Namibia participated in Exercise Obangame Express, the largest annual maritime security exercise in Western Africa, alongside neighbours likeAngola and other part-ners such as Brazil.


dock (ESD). The ESDs are operated by the Navy's Military Sealift Command with predominantly civiliancrews,whiletheESBs,owingtothenature of their operations, have been com-missioned and commandeddirectlybytheU.S.Navy CommandingOfficeroftheUSSHershel“Woody” WilliamsCaptainChadGrahamsaidthatheUnited States works with partners to en-hance regional security and stability through maritime security Captaincooperation.Graham said “Following our last visit to WalvisBayin2021,wehopedtocontinuefoste-ring relationships with our Namibian counter-parts, and are thrilled to be returning less than a year later, continuing to engage with our partners here and promote security in the region through a consistent maritimepresence.”

“These exercises play a central role in not only strengthening bilateral partnerships, but also allowingpartnerstoworkmorecloselytoad-dressthe region's most pressing transnational maritime challenges”CaptainGrahamsaid.

Antonia Joschko in front of the Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court

Fraud charge dropped

Alleged wife killer Coenie Strydom gets bail

faces charges of Murder, Reckless or Negligent Driving and Driving without a Valid Driver's lisence after a horror crash on the road betweenHentiesBayandSwakopmundon29December2014.Thesole survivorofafamilyoffour,Germannational,AntoniaJoschko,whowas 16atthetime,ispresentinthisweek-longhearing,relivingtheeventsof the day she lost her father, Markus Walter Helmut Joschko, mother, StephanieSchermuck-Joschkeandsister,AlexandraMarleneJoschkoin the Thecrash.Joschko family was traveling in a Ford Ranger pick-up towards Swakopmundwhenahead-oncollisionwithaToyotaFJCruiser,driven by Dippenaar took place. Dippenaar was the only survivor of four occupantsinhisvehicle.ThethreepassengersintheFJCruiserdiedonthe spot.TheywereJCHorn,DinahPretoriusandCharleneSchoombee. Since the beginning of this high-profile case,Antonia Joschko with her lawyerandotherfamilymembersrepeatedlymusttraveltoNamibiafrom Germanyforthecourtcase.

Continued from page 1

Eileen van der Schyff

“Woody” Williams is named in honour of 22 year old Corporal Hershel W Williams, a Marine who served at Iwo Jima in the Second World War and was awarded the Medal of Honour for valour, for heroism above and beyond thecallofduty WilliamswasthelastlivingMedal ofHonourrecipientfromWorldWarII.

USS Hershel “Woody” Williams back

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So far, two 'fake doctors' and two employees of businesswoman Chanel Theart, were arrested on charges of Fraud (Falsifying of Documents). The employees obtained the sick leave notes by allegedly paying for it. “I want the public to be aware of this, and investigate the sick leave documents of employees, so that this can be stopped,” Theart told the Namib Times. The two arrested 'sick leave note sellers' were allegedly found in possession of blank medical certificates and one of two 'missing' stamps belonging to the Ministry of Health and Social Services, allegedly stolen from the Walvis Bay State Hospital some time Anotherago.suspectisontherun,anditissuspectedthis personhastheother“missing”hospitalstamp.The four suspects appeared in the Magistrate Court of WalvisBayyesterday Bythetimeofgoingtoprint, nonamesweremadeavailabletothenewspaperyet.

THEErongopoliceapprehendedaKuisebmondmanandwomanonTuesdaythis week, appearing to be part of a bigger group involved in the selling of fake sickleave notes in and around Walvis Bay, after a Walvis Bay businesswoman found inconsistencies when she investigated her employees' sick-leave notes. Two employeesofthebusinesswomanwerealsoarrested.

'Fake doctors' bust for selling sick notes

AccordingtothePortPolice,itisallegedonthatfatefulday,at around 07:50, the deckhand was busy hooking something on the door when the door swung and hit 49-year-old Daniel Haufiku Vatileni overboard. The report from the Port Police readsitisallegedtheliferingwasthrownouttoVatileni,andhe managed to hold on to it for a few seconds only.Vatileni was wearinghisprotectivegear About 20 minutes later, the body was found and brought onboard the vessel. Vatileni was declared dead at 08:54. The vessel docked at the Walvis Bay Port with the deceased on Tuesdaynightataround21:30.

Crew member of fishing vessel drowns after falling overboard

For the first time during the court proceedings, Dippenaar had the opportunitytoexpresshisfeelingsaroundwhatanimpactallhashadon his own life, and grievingly apologised to the families of the victims. Dippenaar said he tried to contact the parents of the passengers that lost theirlivesinthevehiclehewasdriving,buttheydidnotwanttospeakto him–DippenaarcouldnotcontactMissJoscho,becauseshewasastate Dippenaarwitness.

“They will therefore create the space and area for a discipline and then leasethesametoalocalentrepreneurinthisfield,”Hoaebsaid.

The number of requests for assistance through the fund has increased drastically over the past two years, “therefor the aim is to raise enough fundstobeabletobeinapositionwherewedo not turn anyone away who truly needs our assistance,”CllrForbescontinued.

announced that the Director of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mrs. SeblonicaKauariwillbetakingoverastheActingChief RegionalOfficer

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Construction of Vocal Training Centre planned for Walvis Bay

GEIwillsupportgovernment'sinitiativestoprepareandempoweryoung people through educational and practical training by offering short and long-term courses in, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration mechanic, metalworks,motormechanics,panelbeatingandspraypainting,carpentry,plumbingandpipefitting,electricalmillwrightandelectrical,solar technical, bricklaying and plastering, fitter and turner, boilermaker and welding,designandtechnology,amongstothers.

In an Ordinary Council Meeting held at the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, on Tuesday evening, 6 September, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Cllr TrevinoForbesclarifiedthemunicipalityofWalvisBayhasnopartinBakersville, touched on the Mayoral Fundraising Gala Dinner later this year, and public meetingstobehostedlaterthismonth.

Inconclusion,themayorinformedresidentsthat councilwillhavepublicmeetingsfrom19to23 Septemberwiththeobjectivetoengageresidents on the progress of projects and highlight difficulties in executing and dealing with some of the projects. “I encourage our residents to come out in numbers so we can have a fruitful engagement.”

Anillustrationoftheconceptualdrawingfortheenvisaged VocationalfacilitytobeconstructedinWalvisBay

Council agreed in principle to sell Erf 6191, measuring 63 975m² in Extension19byprivatetransactiontoGiantEarthInvestment(GEI)ata purchase price of N$30 per square metre; N$1 919 250 in total.

GEI required the land to establish a VTC that will consist of an office block,library,instructionhall,andworkshop,kioskwithkitchen,student accommodationandablutionfacilitiesattheharbourtown.

The Erongo regional Chief Officer, Ludmilla Habate Doëses, who was appointed as CRO for the Erongo Regional Council in July 2018 on a five-year contract, stepped downfromherpositiononThursday,1September.

Eileen van der Schyff

Doëses resigns

The annual Mayoral Fundraising Gala to raise funds for the Mayoral Relief Fund, organized by the Office of the Mayor, will take place on 1

ChairpersonoftheManagementCommitteeCouncillorRichardHoaeb said that council welcomes the application initiative to support Walvis Bay'sindustrialisationdriveandtoclearlyemphasisetheimportanceof thetownasNamibia'seconomicindustrialhub.Hoaebexplainedthatthe envisaged centre will work to transform unskilled youth into skilled workers,throughwhichtheystimulatethemtoearnanincomebymeans of finding a job or self-employment. “This will be achieved through franchisingthedifferentprinciplessetouttolocalentrepreneurs.

Ordinary Council Meeting

CllrForbespleadedcouncilnottoallowpolitical differences to hinder decision-making, as the effects of this will have a negative impact radiating outward on the town's growth and its residents. “If we politicise everything in this council, it will affect governance and management negatively and thus the growth of thistownandourresidents,Forbesstressed. Although the new township, Bakersville, seems tobethesolutiontoWalvisBay'shousingneeds, CllrForbesstatedtheMunicipalityhasnopartin the development of the said township. “Council would like to clarify that Bakersville is a private development,andtheMunicipalityofWalvisBay has no part in it. Any queries, questions or payments should be directed to the Bakersville Namibia directors ” Cllr Forbes said and continuedtherelevantgovernmentofficewillbe consulted to get clarity and establish how one person was able to receive land bigger than WalvisBayitself.

The Walvis Bay municipal council in-principle approved the sale of land to Giant Earth Investment for the construction of a Vocational Training Centre (VTC) at WalvisBay.

Rudi Bowe

During the recent council meeting on Wednesday this week, the Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council, Benita Imbamba expressed her gratitude andappreciationtoDoësesforhercommitmenttowards the mandate of the Erongo regional council. Imbamba said, “her guidance and contribution are much appreciated and valued. We wish her all the bestinherfutureendeavoursandanenjoyableearly

OctoberattheMunicipalTownHallfrom18:30. Cllr Forbes said,” I hereby invite the business community, corporate companies, NGO's parastatals,andindividualstojoinusattheGala dinner and celebrate the spirit of giving and sharingbybuyingaseat,tableorpledgingatthe fundraisinggala,youwillbesupportingthefund whose main objective is to assist the most vulnerable members of our community,” Cllr Forbessaid.

Sharlien Tjambari

Soeretes Muyumba (33), appeared on chargesoftheftandassaultbythreatread withprovisionsofthedomesticviolence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponedto29Septemberformentalobser vation report in terms of section 79.The accusedremainsincustody

SondragHamukwaya(23),appearedon charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 30 November for judgment. The accused is onbail.

Raped by ex-boyfriend

It's the ninth month of the year and the education directorate is now only ordering the principal of the school to send her child back to grade 8 and report back to his former school as he was neverdeniedtherighttoattendschoolathispreviousschoolorto alternatively place him at another school in grade 8. The directoratealsoofferedtoprovidecounselingtothechildshould herequireit.

Sakeus Francisco (21) and Paulus Alweendo (22), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substances.Thematterwaspostponedto 18 October for lab results. The accused remainincustody

NewsaboutthisissuewasreceivedbytheNamibTimesthisweek from concerned parents who have their children enrolled at the school.Parentsfeelthatwhatappliestooneshouldappliestoall. The parents have been enquiring about this issue since the beginningoftheyearwhenthechildwasenrolled,anditsimply fellondeafears.

BakiLyonga(33),appearedonacharge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level.The matter was postponed to 12 September for sentence.The accusedremainsincustody.

AprincipalofacertainschoolatSwakopmundallegedlyused herofficeandpositionforgratificationwhensheenrolledher ownsonatherschoolforgrade9whenthechildwassupposed torepeatgrade8athisformerschool.

USAKOS: A 36-year-old man faces a case of Rape – Assault through threat, Read with the Provisions of the Domestic ViolenceAct, after he allegedly gained forceful entry to his 32year-old ex-girlfriend's home and raped her The suspect was arrestedandissettoappearintheMagistrateCourtofUsakos.

WhenNamibTimescontactedtheAnti-CorruptionCommission's regional office in Swakopmund to find out if the office received anycomplaintsonthismatter,theyinformedthenewspaperthat they have not received any formal complaints on the issue and they will have to receive the complaint to determine if it is a corruptioncaseofnot.

Sarel Jacobus Behr (53), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 10 October for further investigation. Theaccusedremainsincustody Antheny Doeseb (32), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto 10Octoberforfurtherinvestigations.The accusedremainsincustody

Oneoftheparentssaidsheheardaboutachildwhowasbroughtto theschoolwithoutanyprogressreportatthebeginningoftheyear and in the meanwhile, after the principal had her child placed in grade 9 at her school, the principal allegedly wrote letters to the educationalofficesaskingthemtoplaceherchildingrade9.

Asser Findeisa (27), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievousbodilyharmandmaliciousdamage toproperty Thematterwaspostponedto 10 November for continuation of trial. Theaccusedisonbail.


Simon Gaoseb (35) and Hendrik Haoseb (60), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and arms and ammunitions actpossessionofafire-armwithoutalicence. Thematterwaspostponedto15February 2023 for plea and trial. Simon Gaoseb remainsincustodywhileHendrikHaoseb isonbail.

Gerhard Kavela (33), appeared on a charge of attempted murder The matter waspostponedto28Septemberforjudgement.Theaccusedisonbail.

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Stephanusfurthersaidsheneedtofollowuponwhetherthechild wasplacedingrade8asorderedand,“itisalsoanissuethatthe sonwillneedcounselling,becausewhatshedidwaswrong,andit willaffecttheson.”

Swakopmund Court Report


JessicaGaroes(36),appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccused hasbeenwarned.

Parentsalsofeelthattheeducationdirectorateistryingtopushthe matterunderthecarpet.

InaletterleakedtotheNamibTimes,theeducationaldirectorate onlywrotetotheprincipalon29Augustthisyear.Theletterreads: “This office established that your son was enrolled in grade 9 in 2022,despitethefactthathehastorepeatgrade8in2022asper theprogressreportfromhispreviousschool.Youastheprincipal andmotherplacedhimingrade9withoutanyapprovalfromthe RegionalDirectoranditisillegalsinceheisnotinpossessionof anyreportthatstatesthatheispromoted/transferredtograde9”. Theletterfurtherreads:“Youhaveputtheregionalleadershipin an awkward position and for fairness towards the rest of the learners in the region a decision has to be taken. Also note the parentcommitteeoftheschoolisnothappywithwhatwasdone.”

Luwellene Frederick (32), appeared on chargesofdrivingundertheinfluenceof intoxicating liquor, breach of covid 19 curfew and resisting a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 22 February 2023 for plea and trial. The

Quewine Moller (19), appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor The matter was postponed to 30 November for plea and trial. Theaccusedisonbail.

Katende Mulumba Fiston (34), appeared on charges of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence-producing drugs and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 20 February for plea and trial. Theaccusedisonbail.


Fillemon Johannes (43), appeared on charges of assault- breach of protection and malicious damage to property The matterwaspostponedto9Novemberfor continuation of trial. The accused is on bail.

Brandon Scheiffer (50), appeared on a chargeofmaintenance-failuretopay The matterwaspostponedto30Novemberfor otherreason.Theaccusedisonbail.

Josef Kalenga (29), appeared on a chargeofforgeryandutteringaforgedinstrument.Thematterwaspostponedto25 October for further investigation. The accusedremainsincustody

Ruaan Mbarandongo (20) and Merlyn Mbarandongo(41),appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 September for plea. The accused have beenwarned.

Kelvin Dausab (37), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 13 September for plea. The accused remains in custody

Simon Geingob (24), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponed to 24 November for plea and trial. The accusedremainsincustody

Sharlien Tjambari


Lazarus Shitatala (28) and Lazarus Shihepo (23), appeared on a charge of robbery Thematterwaspostponedto16 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccused areonbail.

Paulus Shikonngo (56), appeared on a chargeofmaintenance-failuretopay The matterwaspostponedto30Novemberfor plea.Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

School Principal uses position for gratification

Stephanus could not say when she received information on the issue, “I am not sitting with this file now unless you want me to checktheinformationandgetbacktoyou,butIcannotsaynow We are in communication with the school and there are instructionsthatwehaveforwardedtheprincipal.Wearegoingto sortitout.Idon'twantthisthingtogetintonewspapersanywayas to what should happen to the principal, but we are busy procedurallywithwhatevershouldhappen.”

When contacted by the NamibTimes, the Education Director in theErongoregion,ErnfriedeStephanussaid,“weareawareand weareaddressingit,becausetherearecommunicationsbetween ourofficeandtheprincipal.”

Donavan Haraseb (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 3 November for plea and trial. Theaccusedhasbeenwarned.

Leonard Katjiru (21), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 30 November for plea and trial forbail.

Aribeb said that Namibia is a water-scarce country and ranks amongstthe30driestcountriesintheworld,andthereforeurged thestakeholdersoftheprojecttoensure"thatthelittlewaterwe haveisconserved,respected,sharedandenjoyedbypresentand future Communitygenerations".Headman Benjamin Naruseb commended the EIF for their efforts in mobilizing the necessary resources towards achievingnationalandmostimportantlyregionalprioritiesand objectives. "This is a reflection of the reality that communities livingwithinNamibia'sruralcommunalareasareatthecentreof governmentplanning.”

samedreamagain.Thisiswhenshedecidedto contact relatives for information about her father to start the search, even with only limitedinformation.

Rudi Bowe


TheChiefOperationsOfficerofEIF,KarlAribeb,whospokeon behalf of EIF CEO Benedict Libanda noted that the aim is to relieve the communities of the three communal farms from the plightof'hardwater'(highcontentsaltminerals).“Thisinitiative contributes to a broader goal for achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.”

Woman searches for the father she hasn't seen in 21 years after recurring dream

The 28-year-old woman believes the two dreams she had some months ago about her fathershelastsawattheageofseven,isasign to locate him, and fix their father-daughter relationship. “A few months ago, I had a dream of my father In the dream, my father walked towards me, and was not in a good condition.Helookedverysickandwantedto fixourbrokenrelationship.”Thewomantold the Namib Times in a telephonic interview After this dream she told her husband, and thenignoredit. Aftersometime,shehadthe

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) recently handed over reverse osmosis units (mini desalination plants) to the value of N$1 million to water pointsofthreecommunalfarms,attheDauresconstituency intheErongoregion.

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These technologically advanced facilities will contribute to improvethelivelihoodsofthecommunitiesatGoeieGelukPos, FarmVrede and Santamab Pos communal farms.The aim is to softenthewateratthethreewaterpointsandmakeitsuitablefor humanconsumptionandirrigationpurposes. Erongo Regional Governor, Neville Andre said the new water softening systems will ensure easy access to water, but an efficient and a regular water supply system for the whole community. “These facilities are expected to impact many beneficiaries, including small-scale farmers in the area. In the process, they will improve sanitation, hygiene and serve as a platformforruraleconomicemancipationtomanyhouseholdsin the Daures Constituency. The facilities will also contribute to poverty eradication in the constituency through increasing the resilienceofourvulnerableruralcommunitiestotheimpactsof climatechange,”thegovernorsaid.

Eileen van der Schyff

Mini desalination plants for Daures constituency

Anyone with information about Brian Sekoo or his where-abouts can contact his daughteratthefollowingnumber,081381 4022.

AFTERarecurringdream,aSwakopmundwomanisdesperatetotrackdownher long-lostfatherandfinallygetclosure.

Brian Sekoo stayed in Funky Town, Windhoek for many years, before moving to the north.SekoolivedinWalvisBay21yearsago, whenthedaughterlastsawhim.

To help the needy and underprivileged girl child feel at ease and attent during her menstrual cycle, the Office of the GovernorinErongoregiondonated6912tobehandedover toallschoolsintheregion,especiallythosewherethereisthe mostneed.

During the handover of the sanitary pads in Swakopmund yesterday (Thursday),theGovernorofErongoRegionNevilleAndreItope,while addressing girls from Duinesig and De Duine Secondary School said, “surely, we know that our girls face the challenges of school drop-out becauseofthehealtharoundmenstruationeverydayandthechallenge ofnothavingsanitarypads.Itaffectsyourconfidenceatschool,andyou willnotwanttotakepartinactivities,thatexcludesyoufromactivities thatyouaresupposedtotakepartinasagirl.Asalearner,thisalsohasa seriouschallengeonhygienemanagementinourschools.”

Itope asked that the sanitary pads be given to the neediest girls in the regionasthereisn'tenoughforallthegirlswhoformspartoftheErongo region.Itopeurgesgirlstohelponeanother,“appreciatewhatyouand given and help others. Sometimes, as a girl, you might come from a privilegedfamily Whenyouhavemore,sharewiththosewhoarenot

The Director of Education in the Region, Erenfriede Staphanus said, “during the recent education conference there was research being presented saying that the boy child is neglected, and we are only concentrating on the girls.There is a reason why we focus on the girl child,wecannotonlytalkaboutmenstrualhelponedayonthe28May, it is an everyday event and therefore it is our appreciation that we receivethesesanitarypadsfromtheofficeofthegovernorthroughthe office of the President to handover to the schools. Today we will handover to Duinesig and De Duine but we have already identified schoolsin,especiallyruralareasandwealsohaveaprogramofatour regionalofficewherewecollectsanitarypadsthroughouttheyearand donatetothedifferentschools.”

Sanitary pads for the girl child

Sharlien Tjambari

Itope said the donation of the sanitary pads will address some of the challengesfacedbyagirlchild,“andIamsurethatthesepadswillhelp usandremindusasstakeholdersthatagirlinschoolrequiretohavea dignified and safe environment at school where they can play comfortably,freelyandwillbeabletobeincludedinalltheactivities.”

Thehaving.”officeofthePresidentdonatedthesanitarypadstovariousregional governorsearlierthisyearwhenit(theofficeofthePresident)received thesanitarypadsfromaprivatedonor Aydeelah Gertze, a grade 8 pupil at De Duine Secondary School in Walvis Bay thanked everyone for thinking about girls. Gertze said, “sometimeswefeelthatpeopledon'treallygivethatmuchattentionto us girls or even women. Thank you for having all these sanitary pads hereforthosewhocannotafford.”


Notice of Vessel Name Change

Visit our Namib Times Swakopmund office at c/o of Otavi and Wasserfall street at Ané Court No. 13

I Willem Buckle of Merlus Nature Fishing (Pty) Ltd hereby give notice that in consequence of changing the name of MFV Dunboy to MFV Helgoland.

I have applied under Merchant Shipping Act,Act 57 of 1951 as amended, and its regulations thereof, in respect of the ship MFV Dunboy of gross tonnage 338 tons hereto owned by Merlus Nature Fishing (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1996, Walvis Bay, for permission to change her name to MFV Helgoland.

Any objections to the proposed change of name must be sent to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport, Windhoek within thirty days from the appearance of this notice.

The short distance transportation of salt to the port ofWalvis Bay is ideal as it requires skilled driving over short distances with frequent loading and offloading.Although salt is not hazardous goods, the transportationofthecargofromthesaltminetothe port of Walvis Bay demands the highest level of socialandsafetyawareness.

“The school indicated that they have books in excessandwouldliketo donate them to public schools if there is a Martinneed.” said, “Knowing our schools very well, I took them on the offer

During August, celebrated as Women's Month, Nuule proudly joined her male colleagues in transporting bulk salt to the port of Walvis Bay Thanks to the transport partnership between Walvis Bay Salt and Unitrans Africa Namibia,

WBPS extends a helping hand

“As there is no women representation in hazar dous goods transportation, Unitrans Africa Namibiamadeaconsciousdecisiontostartchanging the culture of this male dominated industry andtoinvestintrainingfemaledriver,”saysGM Phil OriginallyHenning.a firefighter by profession, Nuule wants to inspire her fellow females through this achievement: “We cannot be undermined by the perception that women cannot do certain jobs. Don’t hold back in reaching for your dreams,” Nuule says. She also wants to change the perception that truck drivers are uneducated. “I hadtogothroughtoughtrainingtoqualifyforthis job and had to achieve an average of more than eightypercent,”sheadds.


Aftereightmonthsofintensivetraining,UliNuulecanproudlyclaimtobethefirst femaletruckdriveratUnitransAfricaNamibiaqualifiedtotransportbulkloads by road. She is one of 795 female hopefuls who in 2021 applied for the vacancy specificallytargetingwomen,andtheonlyoneoftwofemaleswhowereselectedto successfullycompletethetrainingprogram.

“Asfarasourminingoperationsareconcerned,thesaltroadisoneofourbiggestsafetyrisks.Theintensetrainingandhighsafetystandardsmaintainedby UnitransAfricaNamibia'sdriversisoneofthereasonswehavepartneredwith the company,” says Walvis Bay Salt's Managing Director Andre Snyman. “Congratulations to UnitransAfrica for this initiative, and particularly to Uli Nuule.Wewishhermanythousandsofsafekilometresandallthesuccesswith herachievingherdreamofbecomingafullyqualifiedhazardousgoodstruck driver,”Snymanadds.

Unitrans Africa Namibia Empowers Females Through Partnership With Walvis Bay Salt

Walvis Bay Salt, through its various subsidiaries, is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-SaharanAfrica. The company transports annually in the orderof600000tonsofprocessedsalttotheportofWalvisBayforexportsto variousmarketsinternationally

The books that will be distributed amongst different primary and secondaryschoolsinthe harbour town consist of 661 secondary and 781 primary school text bookscoveringavariety of Actingsubjects.WalvisBayEducation Circuit Inspector Joseph Martin said the school approached his office earlier this year

Our schools are in great need of resources such asteachingandlearning Mmaterials.”artinexpressed his gratitude towards the schools management and its school board.

“Thisdonationwillgoa long way, especially at schools such as High HopePrimarySchoolas

wellassecondaryschools which teach Afrikaans first language. We cannot thank you enough for this assistance.” According to Martin,thisisnotthefirst time that WBPS assisted other schools “Some colleagues indicated that whentheywereinneedof tables and chairs the school also assisted. It's important that the public knowwhattheoneschool is doing. If you do not appreciate it, you might

take what is not yours tomorrow Extending appreciation is impor tant.” The Principal of Walvis Bay Private School Henjan van der Hyde explained that the learners of the school are not using the books anymore. “Each year we make sure that we have thebestbooksandthatitis availabletoeveryone. Wethoughtthatinsteadof recycling or throwing it away we can donate it to

“Asacompany,weareextremelyproudofNuuleforherdedicationandperseveranceincompletingtherigorousin-housetheoreticalandpracticaltraining,” saysHenning.Heexplainsthatthisincludednearly37hoursofdrivingtimein preparationforherCodeCElicensetest.Duetothehighstandardanddifficulty ofthetest,thechanceofsuccessonthefirstattemptisabout15%.Nuule'sfifth attempt was successful. She however still needs three years of driving experiencebeforeshewillbefullyqualifiedtodrivebulkfueltankers.

Rudi Bowe

VanderHydeencourages other private schools to do the same. “I am sure that other schools would liketodothesameifthey have the resources to do so.Fortunately,wearein this position to do so and we are very glad to be abletoassist.”

Nuulecannowsethereyesonrackingupthehours to achieve her dream of driving bulk fuel tankers longdistanceinafewyears'time.

UnitransAfricaisknownforthereliablemovement of products throughout Africa, focusing its Namibian operations on the bulk transportation of fuel and mining transportation of bulk salt for WalvisBaySalt.

Walvis Bay Private School (WBPS) donated more than 1 000 used textbooks to WalvisBayEducationCircuitOfficeforgovernmentschoolsinWalvisBay.

AfterobtainingherCodeCElicenseinJune2022,Nuulestillhadtogothrough UnitransAfricaNamibia'sdefensivedrivingtrainingandevaluationprogram beforebeingcertifiedtodriveindependently Thisincludednearly145hoursof co-driving,coveringadistanceof4300km,duringwhichtimeshewasevaluatedonanumberoflevels,includinggeneraldrivingskills,riskassessmentand safety,turningskills,loading/off-loadingskills,speed,gearratio,tonamebuta few ThetotalinvestmentbyUnitransAfricaNamibiatofullyqualifyNuuleas abulkloadtruckdriverisN$166,000.00.

The challenge for females, or any person for that matter, who wishes to pursue a career in the transportation of hazardous goods, is that specialised trainingandextensiveexperienceisrequired,hence onlyskilleddriversarenormallyconsideredforthe job.

Acting Walvis Bay Education Circuit Inspector Joseph Martin (Gray jacket) received the books from the Principal of Walvis Bay Private School Henjan van der Hyde (Track-suit jacket) with some of the principals from Walvis Bay circuit present

schools in need. It's truly a privilege to take hands and assist our surrounding schools” Van der Hydesaid.

FutureRuleamendmentwillbeconsideredwhendealingwiththeRuleconsolidationtoremoveformermembers'futureclaimsintheFundsubsequenttothefullpaymentor zeroingofthe

ThedefinitionofaformermemberintheRulesimpliesaconditionalpayment.Theformermember,inordertobeeligibleforasurplusamount,hadto“contact the Fund within 5 years of the Distribution Date, or such extended period as the Trustees allow” orbetracedbytheFundwithintheprescribedperiod.ThisimpliesthattheFundnolongerhasa liabilitytoanyformermembers,and,asstatedinrule19.6.3.5,anysurplusremaining“willreverttotheFund.”

POBox Swakopmund2148



Anett Koetting (chairperson of the committee) 0812738722

Priortothesurplusscheme,formermemberswhohadexitedtheFundandreceivedtheirduebenefitsintermsoftheFundrules,hadnofurtherentitlementtobenefitsfromthe stFund,evenifsurpluswasdistributedthereafter TheTrustees,however,outofgoodwillfeltthatformermembersshouldbeincludedinthe31 March2012surplusschemeand thereforeamendedtheFundrulestoincludethemastheywerenotentitledtoparticipateundertheRulesthen.

DuringthismeetingtheBoardresolvedtonotallowtheunpaidsurplusto“revert to the Fund”, buttomakeasecondpaymenttotheregisteredformermemberswhobenefited stfromthe31 March2012surplus,andtoequallyre-distributetheamountstandingtothecreditoftheFormerMemberSurplusAccountofthoseformermembers.Theconsent fromthePrincipalEmployer,asrequiredbytheFundRules,wassubsequentlyalsosuccessfullyobtained.


TheRössingPensionFund(“theFund”)wentthroughadetailedsurplusapportionmentschemeeffective31 March2012.Inthissurplusscheme,15%ofthetotalsurpluswas stallocatedtoformermembers,beingmemberswhoexitedtheFundbetween1975and31 March2012.

Theapproachthatanysurplusremaining“will revert to the Fund”, wasfactoredintotheamendedandregistrarapprovedFundRuleswhichwascommunicatedtovarious stakeholdersduringthedistributionprocessduration.


Boarddecisiononequalredistributionofformermembersurplus th

Inordertoincludeallformermembers,datingbacktothestartoftheFundinthe31 March2012surplusdistributionscheme,theFundRuleshadtobeamendedtocaterforthe FormerMembers.

· Thistallyofbeneficiariesincludesformermemberswhosuccessfullyregisteredtheireligibilityforthedistributionasat31March2012,buthaveuponsuccessful registrationpassedon.Inthesecases,theamountwillbepaidtotheindividual'sestateorbeneficiariesasdirectedbytheLetterofAuthorityfromtheMasterofHigh Court.


TheformulaappliedbytheFundwastoattempttomakeupforanyshortfallthatformermemberscouldhavereceivedcomparedtotheRulebenefitspaidbasedontheavailable information.AmaximumsurplusamountofN$50,000wasapplied,andaminimumofN$5,000. Unfortunatelyformanywholeftbefore1995toolittledatawasavailable,so mostreceivedtheminimumofN$5,000.However,giventhenumberofpotentialformermembers(profiles),theFundcouldonlylistbetween9,000to10,000formermembers profilesandtheamountofsurplusavailablewasdistributedamongstthem.

In the Estate of the late Shaun Loubser who died on 12 January 2021 and was residing at No 12 Gousblom Street, Ocean View, Swakopmund, Erongo, NNamibia.oticehereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at theofficesoftheMaster of the High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for allinterestedparties.



We will delight you from 12 to 18 December with various shows from the Namib Primary SchoolAula to theAmphitheatre. Please look atoursocialmediaforupdates. If you can't teach me to fly, then teach me

TheBoardofTrusteesoftheRössingPensionFundhadanextraordinarymeetingonthe10 June2022toconsidertheformermemberremainingsurplusre-distributionoptions inconsultationwiththeFundActuary

ThePrincipalOfficer PrivateBag22391Windhoek C:+264811456004 E:rpf@rossing.com.na

· 3,344registeredformermembers/N$27,500each,beforetax/totalN$91.96millionwhichismuchhigherthanthereportedfiguresduetoinvestmentreturns.

Wmusic...ewill be drawing from our local talent for lecturers and participants. The celebrated Hendi Krog from SouthAfrica will be joining us as Musical Director Just to titillate the classical music fundi's, we intend to showcase


POBox Swakopmund2148

If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodgedwithintheperiod stated,theExecutorwill proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.

PIETERHAMMAN LegalpractitionersAltstadthof


If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executor will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.


360SamNujomaDrive Windhoek,Namibia

However,thedatainrespectofformermembersleftpriorto1995wasverylimited,withnodatesofbirthoridentitynumbers,thustracingwaslimited.Tracingwasconducted viaadvertisinginthemedia,havingregionalroadshows(includingSouthAfrica),contactingregionalcounciloffices,sharingdatawithcolleaguesandex-colleagues,wordof mouthandradio,etc.


pieces such as: The 1st movement from Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony, Radetzky MarchfromStraussandnottomentionsome DvorakandMozartpieces.



Foranyfurtherinformation,pleasecontactus at: FollowSwakopMusikwoche@gmail.comusonourtwitter,facebook and instagram wochenamibia@Swakopmundermusik

formermemberssurplusaccount. Process



TheregistrationofformermembersprocesshasbeenclosedintermsoftheFundRules,andasizeableamountofsurplusremainedintheFormerMembersSurplusReserve account(seedatabelow).Thisisasaresultofapproximately3344formermembers(profiles)claimingtheirsurplussuccessfully st



PIETERHAMMAN LegalpractitionersAltstadthof

Andwe'reback!MusikwocheisrisingfromtheasheslikeaPhoenix.Wearegoing backtoourrootsthisyearbyshowcasingayouthorchestraasinthepast.


· Thedeductibletaxwillbecappedat18%asperthedirectiveofInlandRevenue.

FormerMembersordeceasedformermembers'potentialbeneficiariesarerequiredtore-submittheattachedprescribedbankaccountparticularsconfirmationform fortheirindividualclaimwiththerequireddocumentationasindicatedontheform.Itiscrucialforustohaveupdatedbankaccountconfirmationletterfromeach Theclaimant.bankaccountconfirmationformsmustbesubmittedtobothemailsbelow: rpfsurplus2022@multi-wealth.comrpf@rossing.com.na FurtherclarificationmaybeobtainedfromthePrincipalOfficer Yours PrincipalIsmaelsincerely,KasutoOfficerCORRESPONDENCE


In the Estate of the late Irene Lohmeier who died on 20 April 2021 and was residing at No.9 Trekkopje Street, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund, Erongo, NamiNbia.otice hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at theofficesoftheMaster of the High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for allinterestedparties.


NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

Single Season 2.4380 1.9980 1.5480 2,472.54



PeakN$/kWhTime Standard Time N$/kWh Off-PeakN$/kWhTime Small Renewable - 1 Phase NS/kWhEnergyExport Meter Small Renewable - 1 Phase Domestic 1.1200 Small Renewable - 1 Phase Business 1.1200 Small Renewable - 3 Phase ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter Single Season 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 Large Power User ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter ExportNS/kWhEnergy-Meter Single Season 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 TOU TIME SLOTS (P=Peak, S=Standard,O=Off-Peak) TIME OF USE (TOU) 2022 / 2023 Single Season 365 Hour Weekdays Saturday Sunday 0 O O O 1 O O O 2 O O O 3 O O O 4 O O O 5 O O O 6 S O O 7 P S O 8 P S O 9 P S O 10 S S O 11 S S O 12 S O O 13 S O O 14 S O O 15 S O O 16 S O O 17 P O O 18 P S O 19 P S O 20 S S O 21 S O O 22 O O O 23 O O O Single Season - Bulk Consumers: 1 January to 31 December Single Season - 3 Phase Consumers: 1 January to 31 December Tel: +264 (0) 64 201 9000 Fax: +264 (0) 64 201 9001 Network Access charged on highest of current Demand or highest peak in previous 12 months. Demand charged on current Demand peak. Network Access charged on highest of current Demand or highest peak in previous 12 months. Demand charged on current Demand peak. Network Access charged on highest of current Demand or highest peak in previous 12 months and Demand on current Demand peak. Network Access charged on highest of current Demand or highest peak in previous 12 months. Demand charged on current Demand peak. Network Access charged on highest of current Demand or highest peak in previous 12 months. Demand charged on current Demand peak. Usage steps apply per calendar month and do not accrue. Usage steps apply per billing cycle and do not accrue. Usage steps apply per calendar month and do not accrue. Usage steps apply per billing cycle and do not accrue. Call Centre: 96000 (toll-free) Email: support@erongored.com.na CONTACT DETAILS SCHEDULE OFAPPROVED TARIFFS Business (Three Phase) PeakN$/kWhTime Standard Time N$/kWh Off-Peak Time N$/kWh Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Single Season 2.7800 2.3400 1.8900 50.71 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 Institutional (Three Phase) PeakN$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Single Season (SeeTOUTimetable) 3.1600 2.7200 2.2700 56.34 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212


ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212

FirstN$/kWh100kWh 100kWh up toN$/kWh400kWh OverN$/kWh400kWh N$/Amp/BasicMonth





Pensioner (Single Phase, registered pensioners only)

ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212

NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

Up to 40Amp 1.4961 1.6721 1.9801

Single phase up to 30Amps 2.8900

Institutional (Single Phase) N$/kWhEnergy Basic Amp/MonthN$/

ECB Levy 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160

More than 20Amp 2.5530 2.5530 2.5530

Single phase over 30Amps 3.4400

NetworkAccess Charge 182.25 Charge 198.23 Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

Up to 20Amp 1.5328 1.7299 2.0474

FirstN$/kWh100kWh 100kWh up toN$/kWh400kWh OverN$/kWh400kWh

ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212

All current limiter ratings 2.7454 16.57

All current limiter ratings 3.2054 18.82 Levy 0.0212 Levy 0.0160

Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee N$/kVA/Month Single Season (SeeTOUTimetable) 2.5350 2.0950 1.6450 2,524.22 NetworkAccess Charge 219.55 Demand Charge 239.56 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 EX NAMPOWER CUSTOMERSAND RURAL MEDIUM VOLTAGE Business (Single Phase) N$/kWhEnergy Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Farm first supply 2.7454 999.00 16.57 Farm additional / Plot supply 2.7454 401.00 16.57 Special supply 2.7454 11,880.00 16.57 ECB Levy 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 Institutional (Single Phase) N$/kWhEnergy Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Normal supply 3.2054 1,040.00 18.82 Plots supply 3.2054 414.00 18.82 Special supply 3.2054 12,483.00 18.82 ECB Levy 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 Institutional (Bulk Connections) PeakN$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee N$/kVA/Month Normal supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.5350 2.0950 1.6450 1,962.00 Plots supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.5350 2.0950 1.6450 1,328.00 Special supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.5350 2.0950 1.6450 14,292.00 NetworkAccess Charge 219.55 Demand Charge 239.56 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 Institutional (Three Phase) PeakN$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Normal supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 3.1600 2.7200 2.2700 1,040.00 56.34 Plots supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 3.1600 2.7200 2.2700 414.00 56.34 Special supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 3.1600 2.7200 2.2700 12,483.00 56.34 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 Business (Three Phase) PeakN$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee Basic Amp/MonthN$/ Farm first supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.7800 2.3400 1.8900 999.00 50.71 Farm additional / Plot - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.7800 2.3400 1.8900 401.00 50.71 Special supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.7800 2.3400 1.8900 11,880.00 50.71 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 Business (Bulk Connections) PeakN$/kWhTime Standard Time N$/kWh Off-Peak Time N$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee N$/kVA/Month Farm first supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.4380 1.9980 1.5480 1,863.00 Farm additional Plot - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.4380 1.9980 1.5480 1,269.00 Special supply - Single Season (See TOU Timetable) 2.4380 1.9980 1.5480 13,626.00 NetworkAccess Charge 182.25 Demand Charge 198.23 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 Business (Bulk Connections) PeakN$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee N$/kVA/Month Single Season (SeeTOUTimetable) 2.0300 1.5900 1.1400 2,472.54 NetworkAccess Charge 108.15 Demand Charge 116.76 ECB Levy 0.0212 0.0212 0.0212 NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160





Up to 40Amp 1.4961 1.6721 1.9801


FirstN$/kWh100kWh 100kWh up toN$/kWh400kWh OverN$/kWh400kWh

NEF Levy 0.0160

Business (Bulk Connections) PeakN$/kWhTime Standard Time N$/kWh Off-Peak Time N$/kWh Network & ServiceN$/MonthFee N$/kVA/Month


Domestic Conventional (Single Phase)

Domestic Pre-paid (Single Phase)

Institutional (Bulk Connections) N$/kWhTime StandardTimeN$/kWh Off-PeakTimeN$/kWh

Pensioner Pre-paid (Single Phase, registered pensioners only) FirstN$/kWh100kWh 100kWh up to 400kWhN$/kWh OverN$/kWh400kWh

With Basic 2.2598 2.2598 2.2598 11.72

NEF Levy 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160

Business (Pre-paid) N$/kWhEnergy

Business (Single Phase) N$/kWhEnergy Basic Amp/MonthN$/

ECB Levy 0.0212


In the Estate of the late Roy Christopher Magsonwhodiedon15 January 2022 and was residing at No 28 DiamondStreet,Vineta, Swakopmund,Republic of CreditorsNamibia.anddebtorsof the above Estate are requested to lodge their claimsagainsttheEstate or pay their debts to the E s t a t e a t t h e undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as fromdateofpublication ofthisadvertisement.

Contact person: Ms Margaret Sheehama ((064) 4104213

Please take note that NO objections via e mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number

NOTICE: 55 / 2022

To register as IAP see contact information below: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu Email: ornelumbu7@gmail.com mnelumbu@ecutsnamibia.com



InCircle.terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedOffice(CashLoan).

Invitation to participate: By this notice, Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. Only registered IAPs will receive information related to the proposed project activities

Any person having any objections to the proposed activities may lodge such objections duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer before or on 23September2022.




Tel:0812895377 email:britt@brittklews.com orMr JHeita(Manager:TownPlanning)





·Delegatingandsupervisejuniorteammembers, providetrainingandsupport

PIETERHAMMAN LegalpractitionersAltstadthof No15 AmathilaLibertinaStreetPOBox2148Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/am-MAT18866)


SuccessfulcandidatewillbebasedinWalvisBay EmailCVto: hr@vat.com.na

ABenjamin Chief Executive Officer

The owner of Erf 536, Cnr Mandume Ya Ndemufayo and Moses//Garoeb Streets, Swakopmund, intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for Special Consent to operate offices within a Light Industrial zoning on the premises on erf 536, Cnr Mandume Ya NdemufayoandMoses//GaroebStreets,Swakopmund.


Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated to the Chief Executive Officer not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to renew the lease agreement for Messrs Masadi Trading Five Three Eight CC for the pavement area measuring 18 m² adjoining E rf 267, Swakomund for open air seating The lease shall be for 5 years period

OFAPPLICANT: SFMakayi,POBox399 email:samuelmakayi131@gmail.com


Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent use, erectionofbuildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringServices.



Full particulars of the above lease transaction will lie for inspection in Room BO 22 A, between 07:30 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 23 September 2022

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan23September

Location and description: The site for the proposed development is located within the Walvis Bay Port limits. Underwater Cleaning operations will take place where vessels will be located within the Walvis Bay Port limits.


Ufudu Marine Namibia cc intends to provide underwater hull cleaning services involving cleaning of hull vessels using the Divercontrolled Hull Cleaning Technology The appointed Consultants would like to notify the public in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for ECC (Environmental Clearance Certificate) will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

Tel:+264(64)4104403/0811500269 email:jheita@swkmun.com.na

Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions CC.




·Assistauditmanagerandpartnerwithaudit engagementsfromplanningtocompletion


Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s, in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.



·Developstrongworkingrelationshipswithclient andclientstaff.


CONSENT:HomeBasedOffice(CashLoan)ON ERF NO: 7007 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Ongulumbashe

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

The Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers the following opportunity: OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

·Reconciliationsandanalysisoffinancial transactiondata

Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be receivedbytheundersignedbeforeorat12:00*Friday,30September2022.


CONSENT: Beauty Salon ON ERF NO: 5259 TOWNSHIP/AREA: FairwaysSTREETNAME&NO:TecomariaStreet,50A.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.


Vacancy reference number: 77Rec097 date: September


·Goodworkingunderpressureandattentionto detail





·Excellentcommunicationskills–writtenand verbal

·Incometaxcomputationsforindividuals,trusts, closecorporationsandcompanies


Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 27 September 2022 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Mrs S Satchipia can be contacted at telephone(064)2013232duringofficehours.


SuccessfulcandidatewillbebasedinWalvisBay EmailCVto: hr@vat.com.na

·Abilitytoprioritizeprojectsandhandlemultiple taskssystematically



2022 Contact Person: Sean Badenhorst, HR Generalist, Seventy7 Consulting 081 442 sean@seventy7consulting.com3206 Onlyemailedapplicationsaccompaniedbytheapplicationform,supportingdocuments, resumeandvacancyreferencenumberwillbeaccepted. Shortlistedcandidateswillbeexpectedtoproducealloriginaldocumentsrequestedforvalidation

DESCRIPTION AREA PURCHASEPRICE 2Erf6190WalvisBay 64,924m N$1,947,720.00

·Excellentcommunicationskills–writtenand verbal


NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: BloomingBeautiful,POBox90,WalvisBay email:bloomingbeautiful.bb@gmail.com

·Abilitytoprioritizeprojectsandprocessclient informationaccurately


Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 30 September2022.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:BeautySalon.

Closingdate: 20September2022

Closing date: 20 September 2022

Qualifications and Experience

·Abilitytosuperviseandco-ordinatetheactivities ofateam.


Remuneration: The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits.


·Incometaxcomputationsforindividuals,trusts, closecorporationsandcompanies

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the LocalAuthorities Act,1992(Act23/1992),asamended,thattheCounciloftheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay intends to sold by private transaction erf 6190 Walvis Bay to InternationalUniversityofManagement(IUM)forthesatellitecampus.

·Completedarticlesoraminimumof3yearswork experienceinanaccounting/auditfirm.

Further information with regards to remuneration or any other information related to the vacancy can be enquired at the telephone number: 081 442 3206 Sean Badenhorst. Application forms (obtainable on our website: must be completed fully and accompanied by allwww.walvisbaycc.org.na) relevant documents including NQA Evaluation Reports and Academic Transcripts of all qualifications, and must be submitted togetherwiththeemailsubjectlinecontainingtheVacancyReferenceNumber

·Goodworkingunderpressureandattentionto detail


·MustbeaNamibiancitizen Successful candidate will be based in Walvis Bay Email CV to: hr@vat.com.na




·Draftingoffinancialstatements(Caseware experiencewillbeanadvantage)



MUNICIPALITYOF WALVIS BAY An equal opportunity Employer

·Knowledgeandunderstandingofthevarioustax actsofNamibia.


(5)YEARS FIXED TERM CONTRACT (PATERSON GRADE LEVELF1) Minimum RequirementsQualificationsEducational B. Degree (NQA Level 7) in any relevant study field related to the unicipal ervices of them s MunicipalityofWalvisBay and an MBA(NQALevel 9) of which modules must include Financial Management in accounting termsandliteracy,StrategicLeadershipandImplementation,HumanResourceManagement/ OrganisationalBehaviour Minimum Experience Required 10 years’experience, of which 7 years should have been in a role of strategic decision making and implementation. The incumbent should display a good balance between sound understanding of technical aspects of infrastructure development, maintenance and provision, provision of relevantany local authority services, the management of relationships at a high level and leadership of a significant entity of importance within Namibia. This also means the balancing of thenational socio-politicalforcesandcommercialgrowthinitiatives. Special Requirements Driving License Code B

·B.ComAccountingdegreeorintheprocessof obtainingonewillbeabigadvantage

·Analysisoftaxaccountsofindividuals,trusts, companiesandclosecorporations.



Applications Email:

MunicipalOffices Civic NangoloCentreMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 WALVISBAY







Controlearlyejaculation Increasemenspenis Abnormalmenstruation

100%DrKOIKOIand ProfessorGONONDO


7.Providepowerful protectionagainstyour 8.enemiesBlockingyourpartner nottocheatonyou9. Cureallwitchcraftdiseases



TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda (Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,topassdriving,to protectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness,to belikedwithpeople,towin contractors,towinawoman ormanofyourchoice,tostop smokinganddrinking, alcoholanddrugs,divorce, stopyourlovertobestingy withmoney,tomakeyou sleepnicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amantobe stronginbedduringsex,a womantohavefeelingsfora man,headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet


kombuis,leefarea.Enkel garage.Alarm,pet friendly.Grootgeplaveide N$agterplaas.6200.00p/m Plus Beskikbaardeposito1Oktober‘22 Kontak:0812564277

3.Destroystokoloshiin yourlife4.Restoringbirth rightslucky

Prepaid electricity Available1October N$11000pmexclwater &elec Depositrequired Contact: 0812475040Liezel


Thereishope,Oupa ChimezaisinWalvisBay withverystrong medicinefromMalawi, hehas23 enlarsmoking.stopcourtpregnancywithinbringingHeproblemsexperienceyearsinvariousanddiseases.isprofessionalinbacklostloversashorttime,problems,cases,jobproblems,drinkingalcoholandHipsgement,debts,BP,strokeandmanymore,comeandexperiencewonderfulmiracleshappeninginyourlife. Oupa

Luckymeansbeingin therightplaceatthe righttime



DRFAMBAWILLNOT DISAPPOINTYOU Well Doctortraditionalexperiencedwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeningin people'slifeandhebrings backallyourluckwhichis takenthroughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:


Pleasecall 7220429085

*Manhoodenlargement inallsizesandstrongerin bed*Clear debts/Loansyourquickly*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbank accountusingchida *Wintenderswinlotto andgamblingand contracts*promotionat work*Iamgoodin makingawomantobe excellentinbed,tobe sweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingfor thosepeoplethatother doctorsfailedtoassist, finishunfinishedjoband manymore.MailOrder AvailableCallNow KarBabaeem0812528744

Wipe your tears and stop suffering. Iamoldenough,I don'thavetimetoplaywith peoplewhohaveserious problems,Iworkwith experience,Idon'trushfor peoplesmoneywithout helpingthemfirst.Don'tlose hopebecauseanotherDr failedyou.Cometome!!! TheonlyMiraclewaterfrom the AreVolcanoesyoustressingofmoney

N$5800.00p/m W/Eincl.


Peter Mueshihange th(15 East Street), 01. Oct 2022 NAD 9.000/month water not incl. Deposit: 1 month rent, 3 bedr. (bic), study, kitchen (bic), bathr, shower, double garage, outside room with shower & toilet, big yard,

DrAtwabi:Payafter success,samedayresults


WALVISBAY 0817492654

Other belikedatwork Bringbackstolen

Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving

Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102


Can'tseeperiod bodies/BP/ long faith herbalist


TEHUUR: Woonsteltehuur MeersightHeights, 22Walvisbaai.slaapkamers,badkamers,oopplan

3 Petgaragesfriendly

1.Removingbadluck 2.completelyBringsbacklostlover

Bringbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanora womanofyourchoice,stop yourpartnerfromcheating andmakehimorhertolove youonly,getattractedtoa richmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems,hips andbreastenlargement, financialproblems,magic wallet,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhood enlargementStoXLand muchmoreCallDrAtwabi 0812337274



House to let in Walvis Bay

*Demolishingwalls, tilingandpainting.

Repairroofs Place&replaceasbestos &rooffell

Onebedroomflatina securedplace,freewifi N$2300.00p/m


TORENT:Koraal straat,Narraville BachelorBuiltin cupboardsandstove N$3000.00p/m N$1500.00deposit Contact:0815782854


& TraditionalDoctorisherein ErongoSpecialisingin healing,treating&helping withthefollowingusing purelyindigenousAfrican Roots&Medicines: 1.HealsAsthma&Epilepsy 2.MentalDiseases 3.Barrenness(Problemsin failingtofallpregnant) 4.Manpower&Erectile 5.dysfunctionWorkandpromotion relatedmatters 6.Business&customer 7.attractionLove,relationships& marriagesproblems 8.Improvesandboostbody 9.immunitySpiritualillnesses 10.Luckycharmsand winninginlife 11.Improveshighblood pressure,sugar/diabetesand heartdiseases 12.Bringbacklostlovers 13.Peaceathome 14.Thingsthatmovesonthe roofsofhouses 15.Catchthievesandbring backstolengoods 16.Stopalcoholandsmoking 17.Unfinishedjobs 18.School.Soccerbetting, lotto,horsesandcasino 19.Badsmellandunhealed 20.woundsWealthmattersandmany manymore. CallDrMajoroneformore information 0812017556appointmentsandon

Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupile oil)*pregnancyproblems



PassproblemsDoFindingCourtStopAttractpropertycustomerssmoking/alcoholcasesajobyouhavepigliceexams Sicknesses

Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financialproblems, magicringformoney, chitakawallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.

Call for free quotation

C l a s s i f i e d s





6.Breakingthechainsof problemsfamilyanddiseases

CallDrKoiKoiandProf. Gonondo:0817326899

TORENT: OutsideRoomforrentin Hermes,WalvisBayfora singlepersononly, Withsoberhabits.Fitted with Zink,kitchenshowerandtoilet. No Allowedpetsandnogarage. W/Eincl. N$2300+N$2300 deposit. Immediatelyavailable. Contact:0812077651


otherFinishBadluckBewitchChaseCarsFixWWRemoveHIVperiodssymptomsbaddischargeombcleaningitcheshouses&shopsawaytokoloshepeopleunfinishedjobsbydoctors SANGOMASwhoneed morepowers Callorwhatsapp+264 812549875 DrMajorOne,the


UnwantedInfertilitypregnancy& Sexualmiscarriagesatisfactionboth menand PregnancyControlTBringFindingRelationship/lovewomennewlovebacklostloverroubledrelationshipcheatingloversproblems

Painthouses,shops, stores,warehouses,paint roads&roadmarking lines


Chimeza 0815587112

TORENT:Kabeljou / WalvisBay


Underroofparking Tel:0811426948.

TOLET:WALVISBAY 3bedroomhouse Hobbyroom IndoorStudybraai&bar

*Pregnancy*Badluck /removeevilspirits/getrid ofenemies*Unhappy marriage *Menspenis enlargement*Spiritpowers forpastors/Sangomas/ political/leader

*Finishunfinishedjobwith 69yearsofexperienced Zamba&Jososeph Onlymanyoucantrustfor quickandeffectiveresults. 100%guaranteed.

Shopavailableforrent orbuyinKuisebmond, WalvisBay. Rent:N$4,000,Water& Electricityexcluded Buy: forN$4,000Afacilities--room-anyrestaurant,-ExcludingN$1,000,000,costsSuitableforButchery,minimarketorotherbusiness.FreezerroomandColdinstalledKitchenwithBICOfficecubicleandtoiletvailableimmediatelydepositrequiredrent.

TORENT: Tamaraiskiaveryquiet neighbourhood. Bachelorflatforasingle person,Ibedroomwith BICandopenplan kitchenanfloungewith BICandBIS. N$3500.00permonth, waterincludedandpre paidelectricity.Deposit requiredbutNegotiable. Noanimals,garagecan bearranged.Available immediately Contact:0812883286/ 0812349916

–thenameisenough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with40yearsexperienceand has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/woman you want of your choice Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs &feet, epelipsy, drinking /smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement Hips/breast I know you havebeenletdownbyothers butnowyourtimehascome. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and youwillneverregret.

Waterandelectricity included Contact:0812867210 / 0812059653


Fullyfurnishedsharing STUDENTROOMS in Academia.Walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi, waterandelectricity includedN$2800.00 Call:0811288924

DRRINGAZI:Payafter success,samedayresults.


Contact Witta 081 255 9217 or 061 after25171917h00


DR SexualZANIAProblems




10.Bringsbackfinancial 1happiness1.Jobopportunities12.Customerattractionboostyourbusiness13.Promotion14.Tracingstolenproperties15.Winninggambling16.Winninglovepartner17.Cureweakerection18.Treatingcancer,TB,diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke,Bp,wombpain,jointpain,gout.19.Hipandmanhoodenlargement20.Removingblackspotsonyourskin21.Stimulatesexualdesireandlonglastinginbed.Don'thesitatetocontacthimnowtowitnesstheendofyourproblems.


Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love AffairsMarriage Problems - Bad Luck - BusinessesProtection at HomeRemoval of TokoloshiMens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay&Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887

cc Vacancy: Registered Nurse Bachelor'sQualifications:degree in Diplomanursing in Occupational health Experiencenursing in primary healthcare, midwifery and general nursing. NurandDispensingQualificAdditionalations:licensePharmacysingexperience. Please forward CV to: pharmacyadmin@sentrum.com JOBS




Iama28yearoldlady lookingforreception work, domesticcashiering,workoroffice cleaning Swakopmund.inIhave experienceinretailand adminworkandIhave grade10and12.Ican startimmediately Contact:0818904811/ 0814526876



Each class collected funds and trees were acquired to be planted. On this special occasion a total of 42 trees were planted, including Palm trees,Drawpear,WildOlives,andKaree. Weareallveryexcitedtoseewhatthefutureholds.


In2005Pro-EdAkademiefoundahomeattheirRiversideCampusin Kramersdorf.In2015thePre-SchoolandPrimarySchoolmovedtoour currentpremises,theBaobabCampus.TheHighSchoolwasstillunder construction during this time and only joined the Primary and PreSchoolin2018.


On 2 September 2022 Pro-EdAkademie held their firstArbour Day Thisprojectwastakenseriouslyasitwasnotonlyusedtoeducatetheir childrenabouttheusesoftrees,suchasshelterforanimalsandfoodfor all,butalsotoaddsomecolourtooursurroundings.

Leaners planting the tree on Arbor Day

Pro-Ed Akademie Arbour Day

Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk enstrykwerkvir5of3 daeperweek Swakopmund.inEkkan enigetydbegin. Kontak:0817098525


C l a s s i f i e d s E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.netORsmallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSINGTIME:10:00daypriortopublication PROPERTIESFORSALE ForsaleinNarraville WalvisBay 3bedroomhouse–BIC allrooms 2 Garagekitchen/loungeOpenBathroom1BACKOutsideGARAGEFORAPPROVEDGasOUTSIDEBuildBuildscullerydiningLoungeTvbathroomsroomroomincupboardsinBraai-stovePLANSDOUBLE&ExtraRoom.Yardflatbedroom–BICplan PriceN$1385000–(neg)–Valuation N$1450000 Availableforrentas CALLwell0812902614/ 0852902614 FORSALE: 600sqmErfforsalein TamariskiaExt3, ApprovedBuilding Plans contact:Price:N$Available5800000812926886 WANTED WANTED Vacancies BESTCASHPRICES PAIDONTHESPOT FORALLKINDSOF YOURGOLDRINGS BANGLES,CHAINS COINS,ETC EVENFORTHE BROKENONESWE ALSOBUY CUT DESERPleaseDIAMONDSvisitTJEWELER&CURIOSPriorcallsareessentialCell: 0814081550 Wehavemovedto 85HageGeingobstr WalvisBay OPPOSITEInternational SchoolofWalvisBay *** Ifyoudon’twanttosell youritems,YOUCAN PAWNyourgoldand diamondjewelleryoreven acar CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeor alterations.ablutionCowboys. 064418150or 0811464770 WANTED: Urgentlylookingfora SUVorDoubleCab4x4 Tobuyinthepricerange ofN$65000. Mustbeneatandwell maintained. Contact:0812077651 VACANCY MANAGERSECURITYWearelookingfora personwithsecurity fullPleasehisdriversMustexperiencehavevalidlicensewithowntransporthandinyourCVwithaValidPoliceClearanceat: StallionSecurity TOfficesel064205933 6thStreet,113 WalvisBay

Iamlookingfor domesticwork,washing andironing,caregiver andcleaning,Icanalso lookafterkidsin Swakopmund.Ihave5 yearsexperienceandcan startassoonaspossible. Contact:0816550751

EkisBonaVictoria,ek isdringendopsoekna huiswerkvir3daeof kindersoppas Swakopmund.in

Ekisopsoeknawerkin Swakopmund,ekisbaie betroubaarenekkan onmiddellikbegin. Kontak:0812112303


Iama31yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workoranyoffice cleaningworkin Swakopmund,Iam willingtostartanytime. Contact:0812427816/ 0817611137


WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n31jarigedame opsoekna3dae huiswerkinSwakopmundofLangstrand,ek het6jaarondervindngin skoonmaak,ekkanook kindersoppasenkoekies bak.Ekis hardwerkend.betroubaarbaieen

Ekisopsoekna huiswerkofbaba oppasinSwakopmund,ekrookendrink nieenkanenigetyd begin.

Pro-Ed Akademie was established in 1995 by the AGS Philadelphia Church of Swakopmund. The school was first situated at the church itself, where Villa Wiese is currently located.




Iamamarriedwoman withfourchildren lookingfordomestic workfor3daysin SwakopmundorLong Beach. Contact:0818906312/ 0812288296

Male-foundinour FemaleKlappe-foundin ourKlappeon 26 CastratedAugustmalefoundinTamariskia Please contact the SPCA Swakopmundintoclaimyourpet064-404419 Lost Rememberpet?yourtoalsoinformyourlocalSPCA


Sincethen,thebuildingswereerected,playgroundslayoutandsports facilities were added, a school hall and admin block built, and many otherpartsofinfrastructureadded.

Kontak:0812047555/ 0857695352



Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work SwakopmundaroundandLong Beach.Icancleanthe house,washandiron,I canalsolookafter children.


Furthertakenotethatthelocalityandthelayoutplan of the property lies open for inspection during office hoursattheofficesoftheMunicipalCouncilsituated atthecornerofJakkalsputzRoadandNickeyIyambo

PROJECT NAME: Proposed Development of Storage and Handling Facilities on Erven 6230 and 6231, Extension 19, Walvis Bay Erongo Region


PROJECT LOCATION: Erven 6230 and 6231 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Extension 19, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region


Ons se totsiens aan ons geliefde Moeder, Ouma en Skoonma en sal jou nooit vergeet nie. Die mooiste plek sal ons onthou in ons gedagtes, gebede, en in ons hart.

an:ChristineenJanLeff, DianaenRupertPrenn,JennyMoller, MorneMoller,AndreMoller, JuanMoller,JudyenIvanWhite


having objection(s) to the intended alienationoftheportionmaylodgesuchobjection(s) fully motivated to the undersigned, within fourteen (14)daysafterthesecondplacementoftheadvert.

POBox61 HentiesBay


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project entails the following: The Construction of Facilities for the Storage and Handling of: Food products Minerals


DEATH NOTICE & FUNERALARRANGEMENTS DOB: 02 July 1973 DOD: 06 September 2022 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23: verse 1 MEMORIALSERVICE Friday, 09 September 2022 Hosiana Lutheran Church Time: 18h00 FUNERAL: Sat: 10 Sept 2022 Time: 07h00 From Home: Meme MarthaAmorongo House Erf 30, Kaino Naindongo Street Kuisebmund Proceed to Kuisebmund Cemetery ENQUIRIES: Gazah: 081 360 6653 Kaupuua: 081 614 7830

By virtue of Council Resolution C010/23/06/2022/ 05th/2022 and in terms of Section 63 (2)(b) of the LocalAuthoritiesAct, (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, readinconjunctionwithSection30(1)(t)oftheLocal AuthoritiesAct 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of Hentiesbaai intends toalienate portion117ofHentiesbaai Town and Townlands no.133, measuring 25 Hectares (Equivalent to 250 000m²) at a cost of N$ 15.00/m²amountingtoatotalpurchasepriceofN$3 750 000.00 (Three Million, Seven Hundred & Fifty ThousandNamibianDollars),bywayofprivatetreaty to Messrs Neral Investment for the purpose of establishingaHousingdevelopment.

· Metal and scrap metals · Fuel · Alcoholic products PROPONENT: BPO Logistics CC PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 20 September 2022 at 18:00 The venue of the meeting will be Narraville Community Hall, Narraville, Walvis Bay REGISTRATION OF I&APsAND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, kindly contact: Email: colin@environam.com Fax: 061 258 470 or Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 27 September 2022 BABYLINE 0812218081 DON’T DUMPYOUR BABY.. STAYANNONYMOUS PHONE 0812218081 GIVEYOUR BABY ACHANCE.. CHOOSE LIFE DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICESNOTICES NOTICES


Diensgaangehouwordbydie AGSFiladelfiaSwakopmund Saterdag,17deSeptember2022 om11h00. * 20.01.1949 - + 31.08.2022

Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:


Ons gaan Mamma so baie mis.

· Building materials Fertilisers



ThebestpartnershipofthetournamenttodateisbetweenEstellevander Merwe from ProEd Akademie, scoring 70 runs from 48 balls and MekelayeMwatile,scoring46runsfrom30balls.


· Current Police Clearance Certificate (not older than 6 ·months).CurrentTax Clearance Certificate.


Girls' 1st team - Played at Pro-Ed Akademie - Quater Finals against WHS-ProEd1-0

· Fluent in English andAfrikaans, written and spoken.


If you wish to apply for the above position, please send your CV and documentation to; admin@ablecon.com.na Closing Date: 12h00, Friday 16 September, 2022

Under 19 National Girls Cricket and couch Wikus

· Capable of professional communication and producing high- quality documentation.


Pro-Ed Sport News

Under 13 Rugby... NSSU Champions

· Experience with CCS Candy Planning & Project Control, & Buildsmart ERP


Suitable candidate is sought for the Position of Senior Civil Works Site Agent for Ablecon Civil Contractors (Pty)Ltd in the Erongo Region.

300k to 400k per annum.

· Accredited SHE Supervisor & Legal Liability training.

Under 13 Rugby Rugby

ThroughtoSemi-FinalsinWindhoekon10September Cricket

VACANCIES Hockey girls Hockey boys


· 15 years construction site management with 10 years specific experience in reservoir construction.

· Willing to work Cross Border in RSAfor extended periods away from home.

Under 15 Played at JanWilken Stadium,Windhoek, on 3 SeptemberNSSULeagueplayoffs-Lost19-20againstDeDuine.

· Accredited Scaffolding training.

· Valid Driver's licence with PDP Code C.

Boys' 1st team - Played at Pro-Ed Akademie - Quater Finals against WHS-ProEdWon3-1 TheyarethroughtoSemi-FinalsinWindhoekon10September

Estelle was joined by fellow ProEd learners Kaylee vanWyk, Jorinda Fourie,JessicaMoolmanandAneBoshoff1

· Experience with ISO9001 Quality Management Systems.



Under 19 National girls cricket team is currently in Botswana playing fortheworldcupqualifiers.

· Proven history of successful, on-time construction projects on mines.

· Current Industry Related Medical Certificate and Radiological Report.

· Fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

School News

Under 13 played at WHS Vegkop Stadium, Windhoek, 3 SeptemberNSSULeagueFinals-Won33-12againstSuiderhof Pro-EdAkademie U/13 team is the NSSUA-league champions in the U/13division.


· Experience with Microsoft Office & Microsoft Teams.

· Accredited Plant O&M training.

· Preference will be given to Namibian Citizens. Remuneration


Under 15

Mr Aslam Mahomed - President (South Africa), Mr Resat Onur Er - General Secretary (Malawi), Mrs

Rossmund Bowling Club's women's singles champion Diana ViljoenandJPFouchefromErosBowlingClubwerecrowned asthenationalwomen'sandmen'schampionsrespectivelyat the Namibian National Singles Bowling Champion of ChampionstournamentheldrecentlyattheTsumebBowling Club.


The first ever combined MTB and Road Race competition at the coast, the FNB Seawork Coastal Classic, will be held on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 SeptemberattheoutskirtsofSwakopmund.

The Cycling will be from the school and back alongtheDune7(AirportRoad)roadandalongthe B2Highwaybehindthedunes.

Three of the board members of WAKO Africa (fltr) are the SecretaryAnita De Klerk, PresidentAslam Mahomed and VicePresident Mrs Isabelle Jeannot

FNB & Seawork Coastal Classic

School News

and Ride will be a 21.1 km halfmarathon that is an official qualifier for the 2 Oceans Marathon, a first of its kind 5km run or walk to help promote and encourage healthy livinginourcommunitiesandcyclingeventsof 90km,60kmand20km.

NamibianKickboxingPresidentAnitaDeKlerkhas been elected as the new Secretary ofAfrican KickboxingConfederation(WAKOAfrica)onAugust27 inJohannesburg.

Excitingroutesandtrailswithobstacleshavebeenlaidoutforthe'GravelGrinder'TrailrunandMTBracewhichwillbeheldattheGo-KartTrackinSwakopmund. The'RoadRage'-roadrunandroadcycleracewilltakeplaceontheC28justafter theoff-ramptoGoanikontes/BosuaPass.

WithatotalofN$70000inprizemoniestobewon,foodandrefreshmentsaresure nottomissthisexclusivefamilyfriendlyevent

The Namibian women and men's National Singles Bowling Champions Diana Viljoen and JP Fouche

As part of this community initiative, we commit N$30ofeveryentryfeereceivedtowardsthePromiselandTrustthatisanon-profitorganisationthat cares and provides for vulnerable children in the townofWalvisBay,Namibia.

PromiselandTrustcareandassistunderprivileged and destitute children in the poor local communities of this harbour town through education, feeding and character building. Please visittheirwebsiteifyouwishtolearnmoreabout theirorganisationhttps://promiseland.com.na/ All are welcome, as there will be something for everyone. Come and be part of a fantastic community-basedevent.


After a fierce Bowling competition, JP Fouche from EBC was crownedasthemen'snationalsingleschampionwith6points,and a shot difference was 32. The runner-up was Axel Krahenbuhl fromRBCalsoon6pointswithshotdifferenceof30andSteven PeakefromNPBCalsoon6pointswithashotdifferenceof0was


Onlythemen'schampionofNPBCStevenPeakerepresentedthe harbortownsclubastheirWomen'ssingleschampion,Elzaande Vries, did not participate. Axel Krahenbuhl and Diana Viljoen represented RBC. WBC was represented by Desmond van der SmitandTrudaMeaden,TNBCwasrepresentedbyhusbandand wife Schalk and Huipie van Wyk, JP Fouche and Sheena HawthornerepresentedEBCwithCornyStammandConnyHill representedTBC.

The festival will offer something for the entire

Draw prizes be drawn on social mediaplatformaftertheeventhastakenplace.

Entries are available at Cycles4U in Swakopmund or online at: https://specializedelite.com/index.php/event-entry

Rudi Bowe

For more information contact Cycles4U directly on 064 463 546 or check our Facebookpagesforupdates.

inthe5kmrunorwalkarewelcome in the following formats, a 2-person team, 1 x parentand1xchild(Undertheageof12)aswell as a 5 x person team, where all 5 x participants


Entries can be done online at https://bit.ly/ 3dAyDvW Pre-entrieswillcloseon28September at Multiplemidnight.Lucky

Rudi Bowe

TheFNBSeaworkCoastalClassicconsistsof2events,the'GravelGrinder'andthe 'RoadRage'withvaryingdistancestochoosefromineachdiscipline.

De Klerk was elected at WAKO Africa's General Assembly that were held on the side-lines of the WAKO AfricaContinentalChampionships.

De Klerk elected as Secretary of WAKO Africa

Rudi Bowe

WBPS is also very excited to host exhibition hockey matches of the Namibian National u/21 hockey teams as part of the inauguration of our newlybuiltAstrofield.

Isabelle Jeannot Vice President (Mauritius), Mr ParfaitDoukrou-BoardMember(IvoryCoast),Mr WilsonOkon-BoardMember(Nigeria),MrJairMiguel -BoardMember(Angola),MrMohamadouAziz-Board Member (Cameroon), Mr Mostafa El Rhannam - Board Member (Morocco), MrAbdelkader Ben Bahi RachidBoard Member (Algeria), Mr Yakhya Diop - Board Member (Senegal) and Ms Anita de Klerk - Secretary (Namibia).

KickboxinghasappearedonceattheAfricanGamesin 2007 inAlgiers. Last yearWAKOgot full International OlympicCommitteerecognition.

For every entry, N$20 is donated to the Seawork Cares Foundation, to promote educationandschoolattendanceinruralcommunitiesalloverNamibia!

The FNB Seawork Coastal Classic is fully endorsed by the Namibian Cycling FederationandwithasolidbackingandsponsorshipsfromFNBNamibia,Seawork FishProcessorsPty(Ltd)andCycles4Uissettobecomethemostprestigioustwoday,two-discipline,mixedterraineventontheNamibiansportingcalendar

Bothrunningandcyclingeventswillkickofffrom theschool’ssportsgrounds.Multiplewaterstations on both routes sponsored and manned by various stakeholdersfromtheWalvisBaycommunity

Therunroutethatwillstartattheschoolandback alongthelagoonandSaltPanRoadwillbecertified byathleticsNamibiaandcanbeusedasqualifier/ seedingplacementsforhalfmarathons.

It is with great excitement that Walvis Bay Road Runners and Cycle4U in conjunction withWalvisBayPrivateSchoolwillholdthefirstofitskindStandardBankDesertRun andRideon1OctoberattheschoolinWalvisBay.


Servingtopromotecyclingbygrowingthecommunityoflocalandnationalfitness enthusiasts,sportsmenandsportswomenalike-theCoastalClassicisboundtobea successandawelcomedadditiontotheNamibiansportingcalendar

All entrants will receive a section of our custom-made, modular medal for completing each discipline. To receive the full FNB & Seawork Coastal Classic medal,entereitheroneoftheeventsonbothdays.

There is something for everyone to enjoy, from the professional athlete to avid enthusiast,weekendwarriororcompletebeginner

singleNationalBowlsChampionwasDianaViljoen fromRBCwith6pointsandashotdifferenceof38.EBCSheena Hawthornealsoon6pointsandashotdifferenceof20wassecond andTrudaMeadenfromWBCwhoendedwith2pointsandashot differenceof3wasthird.

All entrants will receive a section of our custom-made, modular medal for completing each discipline. To receive the full FNB & Seawork Coastal Classic medal,entereitheroneoftheeventsonbothdays.

WAKOhasbeenamemberoftheGlobalAssociationof InternationalSportsFederationssince2006.

The new Executive Board of WAKOAfrica -African KickboxingConfederationelectedare.

The first Standard Bank Desert Run and Ride is part of the Standard Bank Desert Festival a communityfestivaltobeheldontheweekendof 30Septemberand1October

Diana Viljoen new Women's Singles National Bowles Champion

ThePresidentMr RoyBaker,VicePresidentMrEspen Lund,VicePresidentMrCarlosRamjanaliandTechni cal Director Mr Romeo Desaof World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO)attended the WAKOAfrica'sGeneralAssembly

The men and women's singles champion from Rossmund Bowling Club (RBC), Namib Park Bowling Club (NPBC), Windhoek Bowling Club (WBC), Eros Bowling Club (EBC), Transnamib Bowling Club (TNBC) and, Tsumeb Bowling Club (TBC),participatedinthemostprestigiousoftournamentswhere theNationalSinglesChampionswerecrowned.

TherewillbeCrossFit,karate,runningandcycling,vehicleexhibitions,jumpingcastles,stalls, a flea market, live music, tasty food and a beer tenttokeepthewholefamilyentertainedduring theStandardBankDesertFestival.

The first 400 ONLINE entries (paid via PayPulse) for the Standard Bank Desert Run & Ride on 1 October will receive an awesome goodiebagfilledwithsomecoolstuff,sodon'tlet the phrase “you snooze you lose” catch you

Rudi Bowe

Standard Bank Desert Run and Ride

Beukesinvitedprospectiveyoungrugbyplayerstojointheclub,“asSpartaRugbyis well managed and we try to put the player's interests first.We believe in hard work beingrewardedandstrivingforjustice,equalityandtrustamongourselves.

SailorscanlookforwardtothetraditionalWalvisBayYachtClubeventsinDecember Thesearelong-haulevents.

Rudi Bowe

The chairperson of the Namibia SailingAssociation Lauren Davidson explained that usually, the championships are hostedalongwiththeothercompetitionsoverDecember.'Wedecidedtospreadouttheeventssincewehavesailors who are Hobi Cat sailors as well as Laser sailors.With this change, we get more boats in the water and more sailors Accordingparticipating.”toDavidson, many new and exciting things are happening in terms of sailing at the coast. “We are in the processofestablishingasailingschoolinWalvisBay Wearebusybuildinguptheschoolaswearereallytryingtomake itmoreaffordableandaccessiblesopeoplecanseewhatthesportisallabout.Togetpeopleinvolvedinthesportof sailing is quite a challenge; there aren't a lot of places in Namibia where people can sail ” SteynsaidthatWalvisBaywillsoonbethehomeofasailingschool.

Five minutes into the second half Sparta extended their lead to 15-7 with a unconvertedtryBylionelCoetzee.ApenaltybySolomosandconvertedtrybyShaun thFarmeresawSwallowtakethelead17-15inthefiftysecondminute.Inthe55 minute Spartawasintheleadagain20-17withanunconvertedtrybyLionelCoetzee.Inthe nd62 minuteSpartaextendtheirleadto25-17asScottputhisnameonthescoresheet. Swallowsclosedthegapto25-20withapenaltybySolomons.

SpartaRugbyClubfromWalvisBayservedupasensationalshockinWindhoek as they romped to a 30-20 victory over Ocean Swallows Rugby Club from Lüderitz to retain the Namibia Rugby Union First Division League title on Saturday,3SeptemberattheHageGeingobStadium.

namib times Sport

“AsaRugbyClub,weareveryhappyandproudofhowfarwehavecomeasateam, giventhechallengeswehad.Fromhere,wejustwanttoseegrowthandwouldliketo participateintheReserveLeague,buttheleaguecompositionIbelievewillnotallow it,”Beukessaid.

TheNSAalsoconductedacoachingcourseatthebeginningoftheyear AnyoneinterestedinsailingcancontactLauren Davidson,SusanSteyn,ortheWalvisBayYachtClub.“Weareintheprocessofequippingnewinstructors,andoncethe sailingschoolisofficiated,wewillmakemoredetailsavailable.”

Send your sports news journalist5@namibtimes.netto

The men that made it all possible are from the left Marc Thiart, Frans Beukes, Ashley Platt and Heini Diergaardt

TheladiessurelymadetheirmarkattheLaserNationalsailingchampionshipswithatotalofnineboatsthatwashosted bytheNamibiaSailingAssociationandsponsoredbyWesternIndustrialSuppliesandLaramonTours.

Steyn said “we were all a bit rusty after the outbreak of Covid-19, which resulted in a few championships being “Thecancelled.”lasttimeIsailedwasinJanuary,soittakesawhiletogetyourbalancebackonthewaterandtostartsailingwell.I gotbackintoaLasertwoyearsago.ItfeelsgoodtoknowthatIstillknowhowtosail.Everythingachesabitmorenow, and it's great to see that we've got some great potential amongst our youth” Steyn added Steyn,whostartedsailingattheageof12,saidsheisveryimpressedbythefactthatthemajorityoftheparticipantsin thechampionshipswereladies.“Normally,it'salotofguyssailing,andthiswassoencouragingtosee.”


Sparta boys outplayed the boytjies from Lüderitz in every aspect, punishing their coastalneighbours'mediocredefenceandindisciplinetoraceintoa10-7leadathalfSpartatime.

The sailors that participated in the Laser Sailing National Champions Date: 21 September 2022 Time: 19:00 Venue: Coastal High School Swakopmund Contact: Rathan at 081 603 9111 We invite everyone to join AGM


VeteransailoranddefendingchampionSusanSteynretainedherLaserSailingNationalChampionshiptitlefor thesecondconsecutiveyear,followedbyXeniaPlarreinsecondwithBrigitteZanderinthirdattheannualLaser Nationalchampionshipsheldon27and28AugustattheWalvisBayYachtClub.

captainNielGrimbeekopenedthescoringwithapenaltyinthethirdminuteof the game. Poor defence by the Sparta back line saw Swallows take the lead in the twenty fifth minute asAkwena from Swallows scored a try that was converted by RonaldoSolomon(7-3).Justbeforehalf-timeSpartatooktheleadwithaconverted trybyGomseb(10-7).

Thetwo-timechampionSteynsaidthatshewonherfirstLaserChampionshipin2002whenshecametoNamibiafrom theUnitedKingdom(UK).“It'salwaysgreatsailinginWalvisBay.”

“Iwouldliketothanktheplayersandmyfellowcoachingstaffforajobwelldone,” Beukessaid.

Some of the players of Sparta Rugby Club with the NRU First Division League trophy

Steyn retains national title

Sparta stuns Ocean Swallows in Windhoek

InthelastminuteofthematchEldrickscoredthewinningtryfora30-20victory Sparta Rugby Clubs coach Frans Beukes said that this is all about hard work and commitmentbytheplayers.

Man of the match Lionel Coetzee

TheveteransailorwhoisalsoinvolvedwiththeestablishmentofthesailingschoolinWalvisBaysaidthattheschool willbeforpeoplewithnopriorexperienceandthatareinterestedtobeexposedtothisgreatsport.“Therearevarious internationalchampionshipsliketheAfricaCup,whichprovidesmanyopportunitiesfortheyouthtoseetheworld.”

Rudi Bowe

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