TUESDAY 13 MAY 2014 Photo by Jade McClune
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"Sluts" march IMPROVED HEALTH: Dr Richard Kamwi unveiling the Mondesa PHC Clinic plaque while the Mayor of Swakopmund Juuso Kambueshe looks on
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Sam Khubis viering nie vergete
Three clinics for Swakopmund
Jade McClune Swakopmund received a major shot in the arm to boost its health profile with the inauguration of three new health facilities. The new Primary Health Care antenatal care for expecting The clinic will primarily The construction of the three registered and four enrolled (PHC) clinic at Mondesa mothers, HIV counselling serve the needs of residents clinics at the DRC, Mondesa nurses. Mondesa currently will provide screening and and -testing, as well as of Mondesa, Oletweni, and Tamariskia cost more has only one registered treatment of minor illnesses, immunising and monitoring Tulinawa, Omulundo, DRC than N$15.3 million. nurse and three enrolled family planning services, the growth of children. and Tamariskia. Tamariskia Clinic has two Continues on page 2
Ontploffing eis byna 21-jarige se lewe Slagoffer vertel… Page 9
Walvis Bay
Page 12
EBH dethrones Engen Strikers
Page 24
Marshallino Beukes ‘n Jong rekenmeester student aan die Instituut vir Bankiers in Namibië (IOB) in Windhoek het Saterdag die dood naelskraap vrygespring, nadat ‘n M-59-geweer granaat by ‘n woning in Swakopmund ontplof het.
Volgens me Drucilla Hoebes, moeder van Chantelle Gaoses (21), het haar dogter op die spesifieke dag by die Van Blerk woning in Monotokastraat 21, Ocean View, gaan help om die motorhuis skoon te maak, toe die ongeluk gebeur het. Chantelle, wat in baie pyn verkeer het, het kort na die voorval uit haar hospitaalbed aan die namib times vertel dat sy en haar ma se werkgewer, mnr Enwee van Blerk, items uit sy motorhuis gedra het, met die doel om dit op te ruim.
“Ek het ronde goed opgetel en na buite gedra, waarna ek aan mnr Van Blerk genoem het dat die goed ‘los’ voel. Hy het egter gesê dat dit veilig is. Die tweede voorwerp het geval en die volgende wat ek kan onthou, het ek op die grond gelê,” het Gaoses vertel. Hoof van die Swakopmund Buurtwag, mnr Mike Nederlof, het aan die koerant genoem dat hulle omstreeks 11:03 die noodoproep ontvang het en hulle en die G4S Sekuriteit maatskappy was van die eerstes op die toneel.
Die slagoffer, wat ernstige beserings aan haar bene, onderlyf en arms opgedoen het, sowel as mnr Van Blerk is deur Eagle Christian Ambulansdiens na die hospitaal gehaas. Van Blerk het slegs ligte skrape aan sy bors opgedoen. Die polisie, weermag en plofstofdeskundiges is ontbied en nadat die straat afgesper is, is die polisiemag se hondeafdeling ook ontbied om seker te maak dat daar nie nog lewende plofstof is nie. Niks is egter op die perseel gevind nie. Volgens aanduidings het
mnr Van Blerk ‘n paar maande gelede items van ‘n onbekende dame in Walvisbaai gekoop, waaronder ook leë kanon koeël doppe was. Hy gebruik dit blykbaar om ornamente soos asbakkies en wyn houers te maak. ‘n Merkbaar geskokte Van Blerk het aan polisie op die toneel genoem dat hy glad nie bewus was wat presies die inhoud van die kartonne was nie. Die verkoper se man, wat skynbaar oorlede is, was blykbaar ‘n versamelaar van hierdie items. Mnr Van Blerk het die
Chantelle Gaoses (21) ernsig beseer in die ontploffing Foto deur Marshallino Beukes Hy het gister in die Swakopmund Magistraatshof verskyn en N$20 000 borg is aan hom toegestaan. Die saak is tot 1 Julie 2014 uitgestel vir verdere ondersoek.
polisie na die woning in Walvisbaai geneem, maar geen ander plofstowwe is daar gevind nie. Van Blerk is op aanklag van besit van onwettige plofstowwe en die berging daarvan in hegtenis geneem.
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Freshly Cut Fruit Salad
N$29.99 per kg
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2 N$25 Smoothies
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Food Lover’s Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoëb, Swakopmund, Tel: 414 400 • Fresh Produce Market, 69 Moses Garoëb St, Walvis Bay, Tel: 207 152 • Valid From: Tuesday 13 - Thursday 15 May 2014 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY! • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 120514 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST
13 MAY 2014
Ontploffing eis byna lewe Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 Chantelle moes Saterdagaand inderhaas na Windhoek vervoer word en die koerant kon gisternamiddag bevestiging kry dat sy haar linkerbeen verloor het terwyl dokters steeds besig was om te veg vir die behoud van haar regterbeen.
Haar toestand word egter as stabiel bestempel. Tydens ‘n gesprek met Gaoses se moeder het sy genoem dat sy (moeder) al vir jare by die Van Blerks as huishoudster werk en dat hulle “baie goeie mense is”. Chantelle het blykbaar saam
met die Van Blerk familie opgegroei en is soos ‘n “huis kind” daar en wanneer sy met vakansie is, het sy altyd by die woning in Ocean View gaan help met werkies. Sy bestempel die voorval as ‘n tragiese ongeluk en blameer niemand daarvoor nie. Ontploffingstonele
Fotos deur Marshillino Beukes
President fires salvo at lazy Namibians and SOE bosses
President Hifikepunye Pohamba has expressed concern about the lack of commitment to work by some Namibian employees and said people should not blame the Chinese when they get the contracts. The President was speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the N$3 billion New Container Terminal for Namport in Walvis Bay on Friday. The remarks coming towards the end of his speech resembled the combatant he is as he fired verbal bullets to people who do not take assignments seriously. He said employees in Namibia have a tendency
to work looking at the clock all the time and packing bags 15 minutes before official knock off time. “...And then they will blame the Chinese and say the Chinese are “No Goodwo” because the Chinese work extra hours. If they do it why can’t we do it,” he asked, drawing roaring laughter from the hundreds of delegates who attended the
ceremony as he imitated the way Nigerians actors speak.. The ammunition spared Namport chief executive officer Bisey /Uirab and grazed non performing heads of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). He said he was impressed with the manner /Uirab is steering the Namport boat but gave a stern warning to his counterparts running loss making parastatals and are perpetual beggars of supplementary funds form Government. ”I am talking about you seated in front who are now avoiding eye contact with me. Do the same as your colleague here. Some of you are not doing well. You are lucky I am going. If I was going to stay on you were not going to get it anymore. Instead of you making money, you are depending on the government budget. Time and again you go to Saara (Minister of Finance) asking for money. Stop them!” President Pohamba instructed his Minister of Finance, drawing another raucous applause from the audience. He said Government must consider devising a system of rewarding performing heads of parastatals so that least performing organisations heads will be paid
accordingly. The President however warned Mr Uirab not take comfort in the praises and relax adding that if he basks in the comfort of his appraisal, his next term of office will not be approved. President Pohamba also Namport chief executive officer Bisey /Uirab flanked by President Pohamba, warned all companies left and the Speaker of Parliament Theo Ben Guirab gestures to the expanse contracted to work on Photo by Dorcas Mhungu Namport’s project to of the New Container Terminal deliver quality work. development improve Namibia’s eco- this will create business He said the mass housing national projects in Swakopmund goals. He urged all nomic competitiveness and entrepreneurial opstrengthen the portunities especially for and Walvis Bay are parties involved to ensure and it is completed on time country’s position as the Small and Medium progressing well but and within the budgeted preferred gateway for Enterprises (SMEs) to expressed reservations imports and exports to use the corridors. about the quality of the resources.” I have noticed during and from the southern Employment opportubuildings. nities will be created “They are doing well but my tenure of office that African region. quality is another thing people will say money Other projects to drive our communities in that I have detected. They is not enough, our the same agenda are towns and villages will are moving fast enough calculation was not right. the SADC Gateway be uplifted and will but I think quality is I hope we are not going Terminal and the con- make great inroads in to be confronted with struction of a deep water overcoming poverty in lacking somewhere.” He said the contractors the same situation. We port at Lüderitz/!Nami our country,” President awarded tenders to build would like to see nothing Nus. In terms of road Pohamba noted. classrooms and clinics else but the high quality infrastructure, Namibia He said the Government among others have done work and decent working embarked on significant will continue to pursue substandard work and environment for the projects to enhance and implement initiatives the efficiency of cargo aimed at addressing unbuildings have shown workers. employment and pocracks on the walls and He said he was impressed handling at the port. with the excellent quality Road networks along verty through bilateral floors just six months of workers’ accomthe corridors include the channels to attract foafter completion. The President said the same modation and facilities expansion of the Walvis reign direct investment people are quick to at Husab Mine when he Bay to Swakopmund to facilitate the creation complain when the officiated at the opening road behind the dunes, of employment opportenders are awarded to the of one of the world’s and the tarring of the tunities, skills developlargest uranium mine Swakopmund to Henties ment, technological Chinese. outside Arandis on Bay road. transfer industrialisation President Pohamba said “It is pleasing that the and to promote economic the construction of the Thursday. new container terminal The expansion project Walvis Bay Corridor growth, create wealth is another step towards at Namport is part of Group is establishing and overcome poverty in improving Namibia’s Government’s long term logistics hubs in the line with Vision 2030. economic competitive- strategies to develop northern and eastern ness and realisation of infrastructure that will parts of the country and
Three clinics for Swakopmund Continued from page 1
nurses, while the DRC clinic, which was built out of shipping containers, has two registered and one enrolled nurse. The minister said he expects to fill a number of vacancies once the Public Service Commission has approved the ministry’s plan. At the new DRC Clinic, there is a “mother-to-child container”, focusing on reproductive health, HIV counselling and -testing. Pregnant women in the DRC, who had to walk more than 5km to the Tamariskia Clinic, had often simply opted out of antenatal care. Speaking at the inauguration of Mondesa
clinic yesterday, Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Richard Kamwi called on nurses and health workers to show discipline and care and to go the extra mile to help people in need. He urged them to focus on reducing mother and child mortality. “No death should occur in the course of giving birth”, he said, noting that the ministry’s slogan is, “No woman should die while giving life”. Irene Kapuka, a resi-dent of the area, who attended the ceremony on Monday, said: “The new clinic in Mondesa will make a big difference to us. Previously it was a real problem if somebody
gets sick at night and has to travel far, or cannot afford a taxi to go to the hospital. The new clinic is a major solution for us. Well done!” Magdalena Gowases of the DRC said having health services nearer their homes will help a great deal: “It used to take us so long to get to the clinic. It is really a good move.” She mentioned though that the health of the poorest people is also badly affected by the lack of water and food. Katrina Beukes of the DRC said that the DRC clinic is so far from their homes that it suits them better to walk to the new Mondesa clinic.
MAJOR PROJECTS PLANNED IN ERONGO REGION • At Kuisebmond the ministry will build an accommodation block for health workers; • At Arandis the construction of the new clinic has been completed and will open in the course of this year; • At Utuseb the ministry will start to work on the foundation of the PHC Clinic; • At Usakos the government will construct a new hospital admin block; • At Walvis Bay renovations to the state hospital will be done and a new TB (tuberculosis) ward established. These plans are just not wishful thinking, Minister Kamwi pointed out, “It has all been budgeted for and approved!” he enthused, while the local residents applauded the minister’s efforts. Kamwi admitted though that the opening of clinics in Mondesa and the DRC is long overdue, but said the official opening of the three health facilities yesterday May represent an important milestone in the delivery of health services to the most disadvantaged. Before the establishment of the new facilities, Tamariskia Clinic was the only primary health care facility at the town. Minister Kamwi will also inaugurate a new state-of-the-art clinic in Usakos on Tuesday.
13 MAY 2014
DRC requests to build dry port at Walvis Bay
It has emerged that the Namibian government is considering a request by the Democratic Republic of Congo to establish a dry port facility at Walvis Bay. Foreign Affairs Minister Netumbo NandiNdaitwah said on Monday during official talks with DRC foreign minister Raymond Tshibanda N'tungamulongo, that Namibia is prepared to assist landlocked SADC member states in gaining secure access routes to the sea for their imports and exports. The meeting in the DRC formed part of the Joint Permanent Commission between the two SADC member states. The ministers also agreed that there is a need for greater cooperation in the areas trade and investment, mining, fishing, military cooperation, agriculture and energy sectors. The joint commission will meet again in the DRC in 2015. Residents of Walvis Bay, living in the vicinity of the nearly complete Botswana Dry Port complained bitterly about the pollution and noise that affected them during the construction of the Botswana Dry Port culminating in a public meeting being arranged by the Municipality of Walvis Bay and stakeholders. It later emerged that despite nearing completion, the dry port cannot be put into use until a further environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been done and approved. It would appear that the concerns of local residents were not adequately addressed during the initial round of public consultations and the entire EIA will now have to be resubmitted by Botswana Rail, taking into account the concerns of the residents of the area.
At a public meeting in Walvis Bay last week people living near the new dry port complained of extensive dust pollution caused by ongoing construction in the area, but also raised concerns about noise levels, due to the expected increase in traffic in the area, specifically heavy duty trucks and containers moving in and out of the dry port. Some complained that the walls in their houses were cracking due to the impact of construction work in the area. Port Engineer Elzevir Gelderbloem said that in light of the residents' complaints, Namport would set up a soundproof fence around the perimeter of such construction, “However the fence would cost N$10 million and this is still under discussion with the Botswana government,” he explained. Namport also indicated that all traffic destined for the Botswana dry port will be directed through the port's main gate. The future use and viability of the dry port now awaits the review and approval of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Selma Uushini of the Namibia Coast Conservation and Management project (NACOMA) reportedly told the meeting that, “Residents were (supposed) to be told how this operation would be carried out and how the project would affect them during all phases. There is legislation that allows for sustainable development where the interested and affected parties' concerns are addressed and their input. This should be followed by any developer.”
Motorcyclist being attended to by paramedics
Truck collides with motorcycle Piquet Jacobs An accident involving a motor cycle and a truck occurred at the intersection of Sam Nujoma Avenue and Circumferential Street in Walvis Bay. Eyewitnesses on the scene Kuisebmond. yesterday morning, said a motor- The witnesses said the biker did not cycle and truck collided after the see the oncoming truck and rammed truck coming from the direction of into one of the left side wheels of the the robots while turning into truck. Circumferential Street, collided He did not sustain serious injuries with a motorcyclist who was but was rushed to hospital for obsercoming from the direction of vation.
Ministry wants youth to be engaged Piquet Jacobs A public meeting organised by the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture, to instil a sense of self-esteem and aspiration amongst the youth, was held at the Namsov Hall in Kuisebmond. The meeting emphasised the need to inform and encourage young men and women in the Walvis Bay Rural and Urban Constituencies, to be active in tasks of national reconstruction. The official from the Youth Ministry, Aili Shigwedha, said there is a need to provide services to the youth that are in line with national policies. There is also a need to sensitise and mobilise the youth and provide them with opportunities that will develop relevant life skills that will able them to become responsible Regional Youth Officer, Aili Shigwedha
and self-reliant members of the community. The youth were told that the Youth Service is available for different training opportunities and the office should be used for guidance on how to get scholarships, how to write CV's and how to further studies. The youth is urged to remain focused on their future and careers. They were informed that it is equally important to know their rights and obligations in order to become productive members of society.
CLOSE CALL: A student from Windhoek narrowly escaped death yesterday afternoon, when he almost drowned at sea, close to the SeaSide Hotel in Swakopmund. The incident occurred around15:30 and Eagle Christian Ambulance Services was quickly on the scene. The young man was rushed to the Swakopmund State hospital, where he was treated and his condition was described as stable. On the picture medical staff of Eagle Christian Ambulance Services, with Mr Terrence Ward (far right) off-loading the patient at the State Hospital.
WARNING Thieves are targeting Narraville. According to the Unit Commander for Criminal Investigations Johan Henry Geiseb they gain access into homes via windows. They then force doors open and remove cellphones, laptops and flat screen television sets. These syndicates apparently operate and transport the valuables with the assistance of crooked taxi drivers. “We will arrest such drivers and confiscate their vehicles if they are found guilty of trans-
porting stolen items” said Geiseb. He appealed to drivers to rather report individuals who approach them to transport stolen property and called on community members to report any suspicious looking individuals they notice in the area by dailing 064 219071 or 081 262 9842. “Please be extra alert and take precautionary measures in order to safeguard your property and valuables” he concluded.
Avid fraud case resumes, police search for 41 witnesses Jade McClune
Walvis Bay 7 May 2014 • Manfred Andreas Wenk (42) ap-peared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain injuries. The charges against the accused were withdrawn. • Livius Wapunduka (52) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. • A minor (15), and two minors (17) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found both accused guilty and sentenced them to 60 days imprisonment or fined with N$500. • Brian David (26) appeared on a charge of uttering, tendering or accepting Bank of Namibia notes. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. • Adriaan de Wee (21) and Elgero Isacks (26) appeared on charges of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found both accused guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. • Hikopua Moses (32) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 13 May 2014. The accused is in custody. • Rudolf Johannes Botha (46) appeared on a charge of failing to give name or address or furnish false name or address to police. The case was postponed to 11 November 2014. The accused is on bail. • Josef Coetzee (55) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 8 months imprisonment or fined with N$3 000. • Ivan Renato Mendes (19) ap-peared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor’s entry permit. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. • Yannic Estefano Pires (18) ap-peared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor’s entry permit. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. • Vladmiro Filipe Miguel Junior (21) appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after ex-piration of visitor’s entry permit. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. • Fabian Langenhoven (29) appeared on charges of possession of potentially dangerous depen-dence-producing drugs and deal-ing in dangerous dependence-producing drugs. The case was postponed to 3 September 2014. The accused is on bail. • Ruben Nangaku (33) and Tomas Kwedhi (36) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 31 July 2014. The accused are on bail. • Petrus Andreas (47) appeared on a charge of arson. The case was postponed to 14 May 2014. The accused is on bail. • Shopala Nicodemus (38) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or fined with N$3 000. • Siyongo Mishake (34) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 28 July 2014. The accused is on bail. • Armas Levi (22) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 17 June 2014. The accused is in custody. • Geiriseb Elvis (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. • A minor (16) appeared on charges of housebreaking with
13 MAY 2014
intent to commit the offence of rape and attempted rape. The case was postponed to 28 July 2014. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. • Josephina Augustinus (21) ap-peared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 8 May 2014. The accused is in custody. • Ndakondja Shiwedha (35) and Tselestine Shivute (40) appeared on charges of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment or fined with N$500.
8 May 2014
• Amupadhi Megameno (24) and Ruben Megameno (37) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 16 May 2014 and transferred to Swakopmund. The accused are on bail. • Robert Jackson (18) appeared on a charge of robbery. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused not guilty. • Mathew Johannes (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and sentenced to 8 months imprisonment. • Dyau Shanyengange (54) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 22 May 2014. The accused is on bail. • Johannes Shipalanga (26) and Victory Ambuga (21) appeared on charges of theft. The case was postponed to 12 June 2014. The accused are on bail. • Piet Nakanene (29) appeared on a charge of murder. The case was postponed to 16 June 2014. The accused is in custody. • Muatije David (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The accused is on bail. • Gabriel Ampadhi (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 24 July 2014. The accused is in custody. • Josephina Augustinus (21) ap-peared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 10 June 2014. The accused is on bail. • David Ekandjo (27) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 21 July 2014. The accused is in custody. • Carlos Vahongaifa (30) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 21 May 2014. The accused is on bail. • Teopolina Hafeni (49) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused not guilty. • Hango Alariki (24) was absent from his hearing on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused is at large. • Evalistus Sheehama (24) and Kashiwala Martin (19) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The charges against the accused were withdrawn. • Dumeni Filipus (22) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 23 June 2014. The accused is on bail. • Alexander Gregorius (33) ap-peared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 14 May 2014. The accused is in custody. • Frans Hangula (32) appeared on an unknown charge. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. • Sandry Chris Tempo (42) ap-peared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 11 June 2014. The accused is on bail.
Cocaine bust at nightclub Piquet Jacobs Lee Mark Jones (24) was arrested at a local night club last Friday night, in connection with dealing in drugs. Sources privy to the arrest said the accused was at a local nightclub in Walvis Bay and acted suspiciously. When the police arrived and conducted a search on Jones, they found an undisclosed amount of
cocaine on him. He was arrested and spent the weekend in the holding cells. The accused appeared in court yesterday, and was granted N$2 000 bail. The case was postponed to June 19.
The Namibian police have appealed to 41 witnesses to come forward to testify when the fraud trial of seven prominent people connected to Avid Investment Corporation resumes in the High Court on 19 May. The long-running and unresolved case of the missing N$30 million came to prominence in August 2005 with the arrest and subsequent death of Avid Investment’s boss, Lazarus Kandara in front of the Windhoek police station. Shortly after his arrest on the evening of 24 August 2005 Kandara bled to death from single wound to the chest caused by a 9mm bullet fired from a Beretta pistol. He had been taken into custody some time around 18:00 at the High Court where he had been testifying on the second day of an inquiry into the affairs of the asset management company, Avid. The Social Security Commission (SSC) had turned to the High Court when it became apparent that Avid could not repay the SSC’s N$30 million investment by May 2005, as agreed in January that year. The inquiry, which was instituted under the Companies Act, drew widespread public interest on account of the fact that it involves high level public officials and large amounts of public funds. The case also revealed something of the inner workings of the system, of the clandestine activities of public figures, including a high-ranking military official, lawyer, company directors and a former minister. The political backdrop of the case, the names and the people involved provided much intrigue and the courtroom was packed day after day, as people eagerly sought to find out what happened to the money. STARTED BY KANDARA Avid was started by Kandara in mid-2004 and scored big on a questionable N$30 million investment from the SSC in January 2005. Officials at the SSC say they were pressurised and were apparently told by Swapo politician Ralph Blaauw that the orders to invest the money came from “a higher authority”. One of the SSC officials testified that he had been told the Swapo Youth League owns 80% of Avid and that the former President, Sam Nujoma is also a shareholder. The allegations could not yet be confirmed. According to the BBC, Mr Kandara admitted that payments had been made to Swapo Party members through Avid. He confessed to using his company to defraud the SSC and said he personally spent around US$46 000 during those four months. All indications were that he knew the game was up and he was about to tell it all. A few hours later, he was dead. Kandara had transferred around N$19.5 million to Namangol, owned by Kandara’s associate Nico Josea, who proceeded to spend around N$14.5 million on friends, family, and fellow church members over the next five months. He had initially transferred N$20 million to one Allan Rosenberg in South Africa, who later transferred N$15 million to Namangol. Josea apparently claimed his
spending spree was motivated by his religious beliefs, and promised that the investment would come to fruition in good time. That was nearly ten years ago and the SSC has since recovered very little of their N$30 million investment. SHOOTING OF KANDARA Following his testimony on 24 August 2005, Kandara was arrested that very same evening on charges of theft and fraud. He was then escorted home by three policemen to fetch his belongings and consult a lawyer. The police investigation into his death concluded that Kandara had got hold of a pistol at his house and shot himself. Then Police Inspector Hieronymus Goreseb told the press that on his return to the police station, where he was about to be remanded in custody, Kandara pulled out a gun from under a blanket and shot himself. Phil ya Nangoloh of the National Human Rights Society (NSHR), disputed this version: “It is very difficult to turn a pistol against yourself aiming at your heart surrounded by police”. “We suspect he was shot by the police,” he told AFP. The testimony of Namangol director Nico Josea, a witness with inside knowledge of the parties involved in the deal will be keenly watched. He reported that he received death threats in 2012. An SMS text to his mobile reads; “U are the next to die u wil pay the blood of Lazarus Kandara (sic).” Kandara facilitated the transfer of N$29.5 million of the SSC’s investment money to Namangol Investments, within 48 hours after the SSC had transferred N$30 million to Avid. N$20 million was sent to a South African bank account of one Alan Rosenberg and the rest paid out to a number of key players. POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT Former Deputy Minister of Works and Transport Paulus Kapia said he knew nothing of Kandara or Josea and Namangol before 10 July 2005, but was shown a newspaper report, indicating that prior to that date he was at a gala dinner, where Namangol Investments pledged N$310 000 to the Sam Nujoma Foundation. Kapia also at first denied that he knew of Kandara’s involvement in the company, but the veracity of his testimony was thrown into dispute when mobile phone records obtained by the prosecution showed that he had in fact been in contact with his co-accused, and had arranged at least one lunch meeting, before he was supposed to have met the players. In January 2005, before Avid got the funds from the SSC, Kapia, Blaauw and Kandara had met at a coffee shop in Windhoek, the court heard. If Kapia really did not know Kandara, although he was a director of Avid, then Kapia did not know who the de facto CEO of the company was, nor that Kandara had signing
powers to the bank account. There were also no records of board meetings that could be referred to. Apparently minutes were not kept by Avid’s directors. PERJURY Acting High Court Judge Raymond Heathcote said in 2008 that the inquiry had been diverted from tracing the missing N$30 million by witnesses who blatantly lied to the court. He recommended they be charged with perjury. Kapia resigned from his ministerial post shortly afterwards. Blaauw also resigned as acting Secretary-General of the National Youth Council and the former SSC boss, Tuli Hiveluah was suspended from his post. The case, which starts again on 19 May is expected to be concluded by 31 July. The prosecution have identified 66 witnesses, including Kandara’s wife, Christophine, who was present at their house on the day her husband was allegedly brought home by the police to fetch a blanket, some clothes and medicine. She testified in 2005 that, on the instruction of her husband, she has personally handed over vast sums of cash to several people, including well-known lawyer, Otniel Podewiltz, who represented the Ministry of Labour on the SSC management. THE ACCUSED Retired Namibian Defence Force (NDF) Brigadier Mathias Shiweda, former Deputy Minister of Works and Transport Paulus Kapia, Sharon Blaauw and her husband, former acting Secretary-General of the National Youth Council (NYC) Ralph Blaauw, lawyer Otniel Podewiltz, Namangol Asset Management Company CEO Nico Josea and Avid’s secretary Inez //Gases. They face charges ranging from fraud, alternatively theft, corruption, and giving false evidence in a Companies Act inquiry. The following witnesses are asked to contact Detective Warrant Officer Elifas Namdjembo at 081 296 6143, or Detective Chief Inspector Sandema at (061) 209 3306 or 081 284 0658: Tuli Hiveluah, Eric Knouwds, Maria Magdalena Mungunda, De Wet Esterhuizen, Gideon Fredrick Mulder, Avril Godfried Green, Tonata Shiimi, Abel Hermanus Badenhorst, Christo Bezuidenhout, Marita Botha, Jacobus Fredrick Brayshow, Mariane De Kerk, Petrus Jacob Du Plooy, Nadiema Eberenz, Sylvis Gille, Paul /Goagoseb, Renette Goussard, Elfriede Graf, Michael Nicholas Groenewald, Yoolokeni Mwaulange Haihambo, Henrich Helm, Wilbur Izaaks, Barend Hermanus Janeen, Wilma Joubert, Christophine Ndapewa Kandara, Margie Kein, Isak Ben Khabeb, Erica Kruger, Louretta Louw, Edward Willem Mostert, Etuna Nashima, Karel Jacobus Nel, Caroline Nghifitikeko, Tileinge Sacharia Oholima, Hester Opperman, Desderia Schroder, John Stephanus Smith, Charlotte von Wielligh and Elizabeth Williams.
13 MAY 2014
“Sluts” march against discrimination
Marshallino Beukes
Sexual violence is one of the biggest concerns in modern society and a group of Swakopmund residents staged a march on Saturday in this regard. The SlutWalk protest marches began on April 3, 2011 in Toronto, Canada, after a police officer stated to a crowd at York University that to avoid being made victims of sexual violence, “women should avoid dressing like Sluts”.
Slutwalk was born out of outrage, because victims have been told over and over again that if they are raped or sexually assaulted, it’s because of what they were wearing. The demonstrators said no one, regardless of age, sex, gender,
sexual orientation or sexual history, deserves to be assaulted. Placards stating, “Blame the rapist, not my boobs” and “Don’t tell me how to dress,” were displayed at the gathering point in front of the Magistrate’s court. Some of the participants
13 MAY 2014
Largest Nam owned vessel
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
commissioned Piquet Jacobs
The largest Namibian-owned fishing vessel, purchased by Atlantic Pacific Fishing (PTY) Ltd (APF), was commissioned on Thursday at the Port of Walvis Bay.
The FV Leader
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Captain of the ship and Minister Esau on the bridge of the ER in his opening remarks said, “This is a big achievement for APF – economic growth for the company and the country is important.
APF will continue to embrace economic empowerment in the fishing industry. We aim for long-term sustainable growth.”
Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:27 h and sunset will be at 17:30 h on Tuesday, 13 May of 2014. The moonset will take place at 4:57 h at 257º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (105º) at 16:39 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 1:30 h and the next high tide at 14:00 h. The first low tide will be at 7:30 h and the next low tide at 19:40 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:27 h and sunset will be at 17:30 h. The moonset will take place at 4:56 h at 257º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (105º) at 16:39 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 1:25 h and the next high tide at 13:55 h. The first low tide will be at 7:25 h and the next low tide at 19:35 h.
The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:28 h and sunset will be at 17:29 h on Wednesday, 14 May of 2014. The moonset will take place at 5:55 h at 254º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (108º) at 17:27 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 2:10 h and the next high tide at 14:35 h. The first low tide will be at 8:05 h and the next low tide at 20:20 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:27 h and sunset will be at 17:30 h. The moonset will take place at 5:55 h at 254º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (108º) at 17:27 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 2:05 h and the next high tide at 14:35 h. The first low tide will be at 8:00 h and the next low tide at 20:15 h.
Port Log
The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:28 h and sunset will be at 17:29 h on Thursday, 15 May of 2014. The moonset will take place at 6:55 h at 251º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (110º) at 18:19 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 2:45 h and the next high tide at 15:15 h. The first low tide will be at 8:45 h and the next low tide at 21:00 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:27 h and sunset will be at 17:29 h. The moonset will take place at 6:54 h at 251º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (110º) at 18:20 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 2:45 h and the next high tide at 15:10 h. The first low tide will be at 8:35 h and the next low tide at 20:55 h.
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
Minister Esau christening the vessel
commissioned by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau, who expressed his delight about the milestone describing the acquisition as not only for APF but Namibia as a nation.“This impressive vessel creates an environment for capital investment and what an immense pleasure it is to see the local and international friendship between Namibia and China”, said Esau. He added, “We urge newcomers in the fishing industry to forge partnerships with those who have the know-how and expertise.” The Ambassador of China, Xin ShunKang, was present at the event, and expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he received from all Namibians and the delight at being part of the venture and the prospects of producing positive results. General Raonga Andima
aru ru
Group Ltd, a subsidiary of Pacific Andes International Holdings Ltd., based in Hong Kong. The FV Leader is more than 120 metres in length and employs 110 people. The vessel is one of the most suitable Horse Mackerel fishing vessels that processes and freezes the catch at sea, maintaining freshness and high quality of the fish. The vessel was officially
The company is a joint venture comprising of leading Horse Mackerel rights holders, Hefdy Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd., Joka Two Fishing (Pty) Ltd. and Namibia Seaweed Processing (Pty) Ltd owning 51% shares and are the majority share holders. The remaining 49% is owned by Brandberg Namibian Investment Company (Pty) Ltd, which is held by China Fishery
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
13 MAY 2014
UNESCO for sustainable development A UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) Annual Camp under the theme “Driving education for sustainable development and focusing on the impact of climate change on sustainable living” was held from 27 April to 1 May, at the Gobabeb Research and Training Centre and Coastal High School in the Erongo Region. This annual camp of the UNESCO ASPnet Schools falls under the overall framework of UNESCO's work on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). As the designated lead agency for the implementation of the decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), “UNESCO seeks to integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to address the environmental, social, economic and cultural problems we face in the 21st century”, said Mr Samuel Diekert, Education Specialist from the UNESCO Windhoek National Office,
in his official opening remarks at the Gobabeb Research and Training Centre. A total of one hundred and forty-nine participants, consisting of learners, ASPnet coordinators and principals, from all over Namibia, were in attendance. The camp provided a platform for the each of the 20 participating schools to present research presentations, debate and discuss on various topics such as climate change and biodiversity, climate change and agriculture, youth participation in sustainable life-styles, promoting sustainable cultural practises, climate change and land man-agement and also sustainable water
management and water security. ASPnet was launched by UNESCO in 1953 with 33 secondary schools in 15 Member States to promote education for international understanding and peace. The program has emerged as one of UNESCO's most successful long-term initiatives. “ASPnet has become a unique network committed to reinforcing the humanistic, ethical, cultural and international dimensions of education whilst ensuring the sharing and exchange of good practises nationally and internationally”, stated Mr Diekert. In her welcoming remarks at Coastal
Participants of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network Annual Camp High School, Ms N Goagoses, Chief Regional Officer of the Erongo Regional Council, said she was overwhelmed to see that so many schools promote quality education and the four pillars of learning namely, learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together. She complimented the learners for promoting the ideals of UNESCO
of peace, tolerance, mutual understanding and intellectual learning, to share research findings on the theme and learn about local places of cultural and historical significance. As the world's largest network of schools and teacher training institutes, the ASPnet serves as a laboratory for innovative pedagogical approaches, and strives to support teachers and learners in their efforts
to address today's changing educational needs and tomorrow's challenges. Dr Marius Kudumo, Secretary General of the Namibian National Commission for UNESCO said that the expected outcomes of the camp are to raise awareness among the participants on education for sustainable development and the impact of climate change on sustainable
Cycling for charity
The Young Africa students with the Dutch cyclists
Piquet Jacobs
Eighteen Dutch cyclists who are cycling from Victoria Falls to Cape Town, called at the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency office and made a donation of N$11 500 and also gave three solar radiation measuring instruments to the Young Africa students who are studying solar technology. The cheque was han- maintenance of solar young people have ded over to Dirk and panels and training on plans of setting up their Yvette Bellens, the how solar technology own solar companies in directors of Young can be used in com- the future, bringing Africa Namibia. The bination with other solar power to their money will be used to energy technologies, as home areas such as the purchase a solar heater well as basic elec- Northern regions of the for Young Africa's tronics. country where most Solar Centre in Kuiseb- “This gives them a villages are not connecgood opportunity to ted to the electricity mond. Currently there are 14 make a living out of the grid. students undergoing a rising demand for solar The group of cyclists, three month training panels. known as the Tropical p r o g r a m m e w h i c h The first training Cyclists, started the focuses on solar tech- course started in March journey from Victoria last year with five Falls in Zimbabwe on nology. The programme pro- young women and nine April 24. They will vides youngsters with young men,” Dirk arrive in Cape Town by practical skills training Bellens said. May 24, completing a in installation and He said most of the distance of 6 000 km.
living, innovative research findings on the theme of the camp were generated and the UNESCO pillars of learning namely, learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together have been concretised. “I learned so much from the camp and got to experience Namibia in a whole different light, meeting different people from all over the nation. It was truly an experience that will last me a lifetime” said Deborah, Vice Headgirl from Concordia College, also a participating school from Windhoek. The camp offered different fun and educational activities for the learners. The initiative was supported by key partners such as the UNESCO Windhoek National Office, Alason Trading Enterprise, Seal Caterers, Independence Caterers, Kunene Caterers, Coca-Cola, Shoprite, Namibia Publishing House and Ohlthaver and List to enable the Namibia National Commission for UNESCO Secretariat to host the 2014 ASPnet Camp.
13 MAY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.
letters the to
or edit
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.
namib times
Walvis Bay in Need of Beautifying
reader’s comments
Explosion rocks
Reader writes: As a long-time and proud citizen of Walvis Bay I am quite disappointed at how the town is gradually getting uglier. Nadja Vogl Jimmy, it's so true. I've been away for 15 years, moving back end of this year and do hope more people will come together to change exactly this!! We must work with the municipality to have a positive impact. June Lund van Schalkwyk What a load of rubbish! What has industry got to do with looking nice. After all the local authorities are making enough money from these very industries so can quite easily plough a bit back into the community!?! Maamberua Undamuje Joel Maamberua Only ordinary citizens
can look after thier cities and towns, not politicians or other private sectors who are after money, if necessary Walvis residents must take it to pohamba and show him how Walvis uglier than. Japie de Jager A matter of "who cares"... Geen trots meer nie! Wendy Mueller True Walvis Bay dirty, ugly it is very sad shame to the town Council. Esme Scheepers Van Wyk Industrial or not, it's the first town from the airport and first impressions do count. Walvis Bay is dull and unimpressive to say the least.
Namibia Smart Lights Walvisbaai het ook die scrapyard geword van al die oorsese ou motors, dit staan ons strate vol, oliekolle orals, onpadwaardige voertuie en lorries, jy kan klagtes indien so veel soos jy wil. Dit val op dowe ore Karen Botha Dit is baie sad! Dit kan sekerlik net 'n idioot wees wat so 'n stelling gemaak het?! Japie de Jager Hooligans. John Malcomx A single traffic ticket is way too expensive then this demage. They MUST replace it. Schalk Louw Tax payers suffer from this act.
Wat gaan aan? Kan iemand dalk net verduidelik wat gaan aan met Telkom Walvisbaai? Wag al van Desember vir internet, hul adverteer 'n diens, is dit dan onregverdig om te verwag hul moet dit
lewer? Is die gerugte dat Telekom bankrot is waar!? Retha Augustyn Vermeulen
Cyclist narrowly escapes death
A government vehicle and a cyclist were involved in an accident near Cymot in Walvis Bay on Wednesday. Luzane van Rensburg Funny... As sy in hom vas reverse het dan het hy mos van agter af gekom en dit lyk dan nie of hy in die verkeerde kant van die pad gery het nie???As sy hom van voor af getref het dan was hy in die verkeerde kant van die pad?? En wie reverse daar in die middel van die pad as mens so na die foto kyk? Wendy Kaitjirokere Kavari How can u
reverse and crushed into the cyclist if it was on the wrong side? Rennie Gariseb You guys are not serious, who don't know the rules of the road where does the arrow show and where was the cyclist, than obvious the driver saw the cyclist and what was the cause of revercing in the middle of the road? Derrick Southworth Good question Wendy
Now we need an answer Christley Creeby LoCo Tempo Julle almal Praat S....t. Julle kan Net nie die Driver beskuldig nie. Gideon van Zijl Revirsing at an corner. My excuse to when I drive over an cyclist. Rita Sowden Ai hulle is onskuldig, al weer! Sit 'n siviele eis teen die pote in, hulle kom met te veel oortredings weg, asb vat hulle aan!
A young woman was seriously injured in an explosion in the Oceanview suburb of Swakopmund on Saturday morning. Elizabeth Williams These types of accident should not go unpunished, makes one wonder what more this person could be harbouring on his premises,we are a peacefull nation, he just opened up old wounds. I Wish a speedy recovery to the lady. Dankie Gaomuses Its gud hs bn arrestd, how cn he even leave such a device around like that. Paulus Nghihadelwa Hamunyela What was the owner doing with such in the garage? Talichia Rickerts What was live ammo doing in a garage!? The law says locked up in a safe! Hope she is ok, our thoughts and prayers are with her xox. Denise Van Bergen I think the owners/residents of the house should be charged with criminal negligence. Willa Hanekom Schafer Denise, voordat jy oordeel en "comment" vind eers die waarheid uit! Toevallig is die "owners/residents" Onskuldig!! Willa Hanekom Schafer Oliver, Please find out the fact before Judging!!!!! (That person involved nearly lost his life. That's why they call it an accident). Willa Hanekom Schafer Dankie Erika vir jou "Comment" Dankie vir die regverdigheid wat jy sien in die ongeluk, en die publiek sal in die volgende dae sien dat die man Onskuldig is. Ronell Francis Mense moenie oordeel nie. Julle sit die pot mis. Lees Erika Dobberstein wat sy sê is die reine waarheid. Erika Dobberstein Mense moet dalk eers feite agtermekaar kry voor hulle comment. My gebede gaan uit na almal wat betrokke was. Die familie wie se kind beseer is en die eienaar wat ook beseer is. Ek glo nie enige iemand hou lewendige ammunissie aan as hyself n gesin het nie. Hoeveel van ons het nie lee patroon doppe in die huis nie? Onbewus van die gevaar? Kom ons bid en oordeel nie.
Oliver Nederlof What kind of a person keeps live grenades in their garage? It is VERY DANGEROUS!!!!! That person must be held responsible to what happened to the poor lady. My thoughts and prayers are with her family!!!! Linda Julius Eish so sad..... the owners must answer. Peter Baron Van Ginkel Daar is 'n groot verskil tussen 'n lee patroon dop en 'n lewedige montier so ek sê, hoop hulle gooi die tronk sleutel weg. Brucelene Kùrz Again namib times first with the news! Thank you very much your hard work and dedication is appreciated Claudius Ikera Eish! Who keep such dangerous explosives in boxes? Namibia is enjoying peace and harmony, so those keeping dangerous weapons and explosives should hand it to the police. Quinton Willem Salkunga Hope everyone is fine and investigating took place to root up the problem, a shame the lady has to be the victim. Robert Appollis Wat maak j met 'n grenaad in jo garage, dai mense mut investigate word, waar kry hule dit... Hazel Ndapewa Angela the point remain... why are they having such things in the garage? Why? What gives them the right... they endangered innocent peoples lives. Johan Grobler Whatever grenade it was, it should'nt have been there. Its a terrible accident. I'm glad it was'nt my garage. I pray for the young lady.
Help asb vir Beauty
HI... Beauty Gowases het dringend doeke nodig... kan jul dalk help??? Al is dit net om ‘n fondsie om in haar apteek rekening in te betaal??
Die rekening is by Sentrum Pharmacy & Clinic, in Walvis Bay.... Baie dankie!!! Melandie Gabrielsen
13 MAY 2014
Sam Khubis viering nie vergete Piquet Jacobs
Die Sam Khubis vieringe, op 7 en 8 Mei, is iets wat die Bastergemeenskap baie na aan die hart lê, hiermee herdenk hulle die gelofte aan God wat hul voorouers by Sam Khubis afgelê het. Met deesjaar se vieringe kant van die Duitsers in die daat ontsnap en die nuus op Walvisbaai was die tema “Keer terug na my”. Die verwelkoming is deur Annetjie Benz behartig en 'n oorsig van die gebeurtenis te Sam Khubis, is deur Pastoor Mark Beukes gelewer. Charleze Jochimsen het die betekenis van die Sam Khubis vlag as volg verduidelik, “die swart buiteraam beeld doodangs en vrees uit, die rooi binneraam beeld bloedverlies en gewondes uit, terwyl die wit middelpunt van die vlag eenheid in geloof uitbeeld.” Die unieke betekenis van die Sam Khubis vlam is deur Martha Van Neel verduidelik, “dit is 'n herinnering van eenheid en die dapper stryd vir oorlewing”. Gasspreker, Robert Kahimise, is die geleentheid gegun om sy toespraak te lewer waarin hy erken het dat hy nog nooit van Sam Khubis gehoor het, tot dat hy in Walvisbaai gekom het nie. “Dit is vir my kenmerkend vir 'n volk om so saam te staan”. Daarna is die oorhandiging van die vlam gedoen, met 'n slot gebed. Charleze Jochimsen het die aand van die byeenkoms, 8 Mei, haar 19de verjaarsdag gevier. Elke jaar sedert 1977, het die Rehoboth Basters 'n byeenkoms by Sam Khubis, sowat 80 km suidwes van Rehoboth, vir 'n tweedag fees ter herdenking van die "volk" se nabyuitwissing aan die hande van die Duitse koloniale magte. Hierdie jaar is die 99ste herdenking van die geveg en dit was ook die derde keer dat die geleentheid in Walvisbaai gevier is. Gedurende hierdie twee dae trek die gemeenskap op na Sam Khubis, om hul gelofte gestand te doen en ook hierdie belangrike dag in hul geskiedenis te herdenk en te onthou. Die geskiedenis van Sam Khubis begin in 1884 toe Duitsland 'n protektoraat oor Namibië, toe SuidwesAfrika, verklaar het. Die Bastergemeenskap het onmiddellik probeer om Duitse beskerming te verkry, om sodoende hul voortbestaan op Rehoboth te beveilig. In 1885 is 'n beskermingsen vriendskapsverdrag met Duitsland aangegaan. Hierdie verdrag het daartoe bygedra dat wet en orde vir 30 jaar lank in dié deel van Namibië gehandhaaf kon word. Dinge het wel in 1914 drasties verander. Met die uitbreek van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog in 1914, is 'n Basterkorps van ongeveer 176 mans ingestel, onder bevel van die Duitse koloniale owerhede in die land, met die uitdruklike verstandhouding dat geen Baster gebruik sou word om teen die Duitse vyande te veg nie. 'n Aantal gebeure roer toe vermoede aan die kant van die Basters dat die Duitsers probeer om die Basters te laat veg aan die
vorming van strydende faksies: die lede van die korps is voorsien met wapens en uniforms, wat die Basters geweier het om te dra. Sommige lede van die korps is gestuur na Kraaipoort en Nauchas, en ander is verder na die weste te Jakkalswater en Ururas, langs die Walvisbaai grens gestuur. Kaptein Cornelius van Wyk, die broer van Hermanus, het by 'n vergadering op Swakopmund aan generaal Louis Botha verduidelik dat die Basterkorps deur die Duitsers gedwing word om aan hul kant te veg. In Februarie 1914 was 46 lede van die korps aangesê om op Uitdraai, meer as 120 gevangenes van die oorlog te beskerm onder die bevel van Duitse offisiere. Weer in April van daardie jaar is die Baster Raad gevra om lede van die korps te stuur na Otjiwarongo, om 'n ander groep van die gevangenes op te pas. Dit het na bewering groot protes veroorsaak onder Basters wat 'n ontmoeting met 'n kolonel Francke by die stasie op Bahnhof gehad het. Die kolonel se reaksie was vinnig en bondig: óf die Basters gaan na die noorde, waarna hulle gestuur is, óf die hele Baster volk word ontwapen. Die Basters was drie dae grasie gegee om 'n besluit te neem. Hulle besluit was dat niemand noorde toe sal gaan nie en dat hulle ook nie ontwapen sal word nie. Later in April 1914, het die manne op Uitdraai hul poste verlaat en hierdie nuus is onmiddellik getelegrafeer aan die Baster Raad. Van daardie punt af het dinge vinnig en onherroeplik ontrafel. Die Baster soldate in die sorg van die Duitsers se perde was in die geheim ontwapen. Een van hierdie soldate het probeer ontsnap en hy is dadelik geskiet. Die skietery eggo deur die rustige dorp en veroorsaak 'n uitbarsting van vrees en paniek. Dieselfde nag was Baster soldate by Sandputs ontwapen. Een het probeer vlug en is doodgeskiet. Die volgende oggend het 'n sol-
aan die Baster Raad oorgedra. Konsternasie breek toe los. Mense vlug uit die dorp toe Duitse troepe die dorp binnemarsjeer. Teen die middag het gewapende Baster mans laers gevorm op die westelike en suidelike grense van Rehoboth. Ontwapende mans, vroue en kinders het hulle gehaas na Sam Khubis, in 'n poging om voluit oorlog teen die faksies te voorkom. Die Baster Raad is na Windhoek om met die goewerneur te ontmoet, maar geen ooreenkoms kon bereik word nie. Pieter Mouton maak alle weerbare mans op Schlip bymekaar om na Sam Khubis op te ruk 'n Duitse sersant weier 'n bevel van Basters om te stop by die Schlip polisiekantoor en is gewond en ontwapen. Die strydlyne is stewig gevestig in die sand wat 'n aantal kleiner skermutselings verreken voor die slag van Sam Khubis. Op 22 April 1915 is 'n groep vroue, kinders en mans aangeval deur die Duitse soldate by Heuras. Een man en 'n jong meisie is doodgeskiet terwyl twee mans gewond is. Vroue en kinders het in alle rigtings na die berge gehardloop. Alle osse voor die waens is doodgeskiet en die waens is verbrand. Daar was swaar verliese gely in vee- en ander ware. Na 'n paar dae bereik die vlugtende groep Sam Khubis. Die Beskermingsen Verdedigingsverdrag is toe nietig verklaar. Toe Kaptein Cornelius van Wyk die dreigende gevaar vir sy familie besef, het hy hulle gestuur om skuiling te vind in die berge nie ver van sy plaas af nie. Saam met hulle was die families van Frederik en Stoffel van Wyk. Op 4 Mei 1915 het 'n paar Duitse soldate hierdie skuilplek ontdek. Op 'n koelbloedige wyse is daar op hierdie weerlose vroue en kinders geskiet. Die eggenote van die Kaptein, Katrina, het as ooggetuie onder eed oor hierdie skietery getuig dat, ten spyte van pleidooie om genade, die 70-jaar oue eggenote van Stoffel van Wyk, deur die bors geskiet
Basters by die Sam Khubis vieringe in Walvisbaai is. Daarna is 'n deel van die kopbeen van Frederick van Wyk se vierjarige seuntjie weggeskiet, terwyl die elfjarige seuntjie van Stoffel van Wyk in die kop gewond is (hy het later herstel). Johannes (12), die seun van die Kaptein is doodgeskiet, asook sy dogter Anna (23) wat probeer ontsnap het. Daarna is die res aangeja, terwyl die Kaptein se seun Hermanus (18) agter gehou is. Later is 'n skoot agter die rotse gehoor. Hierdie vroue en kinders is met 'n wa na Leutweinstasie naby Windhoek vervoer en daar gelos. Hulle het later te voet teruggekeer na Garies. Eers op 9 Mei 1915 het Katrina by haar eggenoot, die kaptein op Sam Khubis aangesluit. Hulle het teruggekeer na Garies om te gaan vasstel wat van hul seun Hermanus, geword het. Sy lyk is geblinddoek, op sy rug aangetref met vier koeëldoppies langs hom. Alle oorblywende waens sowel as die vroue en kinders het uiteindelik Sam Khubis bereik. Daar was ongeveer 300 Baster mans rondom die Sam Khubis berge gestasioneer, terwyl vroue en kinders binne die sirkel was. Teen 8 Mei 1915 is die Duitse mag geskat op ongeveer 300 tot 400 man. Hulle het twee kanonne en drie Maxim masjiengewere gehad. Die Duitsers op 8 Mei 1915, omtrent dagbreek
aangeval. Die geveg het die hele dag geduur. Teen die aand het die Basters tot die wrede ontnugtering gekom dat hul ammunisie uitgeput was. Totale uitwissing was in sig. Met 'n vaste vertroue in God was daar in ernstige benoudheid gebid. 'n Gelofte is daardie nag afgelê: God van onse Vaders, sterk en magtige GOD Heilig is u naam op die ganse aarde U, wat die hemel en aarde geskape het Neig u oor tot ons Luister na die smekinge van u kinders Die dood staar ons in die oë Die kinders van die bose soek ons lewens Red ons uit die hand van onse vyand En beskerm onse vroue en kinders (en nou die Gelofte): En dit sal vir ons en onse nageslag wees, Soos 'n Sondag, waarop ons U naam sal prys, En U goedertierenheid Tot in ewigheid Nooit sal vergeet nie AMEN
Kort hierna is die smeekgebed verhoor. Wonder bo wonder het die Duitsers na hierdie gebed/gelofte, teruggetrek. Na die geveg is vasgestel dat nege Basters doodgeskiet was en vier-entwintig gewond was. Binne 'n laer was twee meisies en een kind gewond. Daardie nag het die Duitsers teruggekeer tot waar hul kanonne gestaan het en daar het hulle gebly tot die volgende oggend. Die oggend van 9 Mei 1915 het hulle nog 'n paar kanonskote op die Basters gevuur. Terwyl dit aan die gang was, het hulle sommige van hul dooies begrawe. Daarna het hulle in die rigting van Rehoboth weggetrek. Verskeie Duitse soldate, vrouens en kinders wat gevange geneem is, is goed behandel en later teruggestuur na Rehoboth. Dit is egter moeilik om te sê wat die verliese van die Duitsers was. Twee bokwaens wat weggery het met dooies en gewondes is egter gesien. By verre in die minderheid en sonder ammunisie, glo
die Basters dat hulle die Schutztruppe se aanvalle op 7 en 8 Mei 1915 oorleef het te danke aan Goddelike ingryping. Benewens die politieke gevolge van hierdie botsing lê die geestelike betekenis van die herdenking van hierdie gebeure opgesluit in die geloofskrag van die Christen, vertroue in God en 'n wegwyser vir die nageslag wat om te doen in tye van benoudheid, doodsangs en twyfel in voortbestaan wanneer "de kinderen der bose zoeken onze levens." Hier hoef dus nie altyd die vyand van Sam Khubis bedoel te word nie. "Wanner ons twyfel oor waarheen ons oppad is, is dit altyd raadsaam om terug te kyk en vas te stel waarvandaan ons gekom het" Ten slotte word vertrou dat hierdie voorbeeld van die reddingswerk van die Allerhoogste nie net vir elke gelowige nie, maar in besonder vir die nageslag van hierdie voorouers, 'n geestelike versterking sal bly op aarde.
TODAY 06:00 Good Morning Namibia 08:00 Rhythm City 08:30 Scandal 09:00 News 09:30 Talk of the Nation 10:30 World Championships 11:00 Euromaxxx 11:30 Endangered Series 12:30 Yearning for Your Love 13:00 CNN News 14:00 Legend of the Dragon 14:30 Great Book of Nature 15:00 JSC 16:30 Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus 17:30 Yearning For Your Love 18:00 News Journal 18:30 National Agenda 19:00 Tupopyeni 20:00 News 20:30 One on One 21:00 Generations 21:30 Rhythm City 22:00 Scandal 22:30 Triple Cross 23:30 TBA
10:00 Local Film 11:00 Green Horizon 11:30 True Heroes 12:00 Initiative Africa 12:30 Yearning For Your Love 13:00 CNN News 14:00 Malo Korrigan 14:30 Phantom Spirits 15:00 JSC 15:30 JSC 16:00 Silver Sun 16:30 School Grounds 17:00 Euromaxx 17:30 Yearning for Your Love 18:00 News Journal 18:30 Soccer Pitch 19:30 Tutaleni 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Politics 21:00 Generations 21:30 Soccer Pitch 22:30 News Journal 23:00 Business Africa
TODAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4
WEDNESDAY 06:00 Good Morning Namibia 08:00 Rhythm City 08:30 Scandal 09:00 News 09:30 Brutal Rugby 10:00 World ChampionShips Athletics 10:30 One on One 11:00 Culture Paradise 11:30 Grey’s Anatomy 12:30 Yearning For Your Love 13:00 CNN Global Update 14:00 Reboot 14:30 Moonscope 15:00 JSC 15:30 JSC 16:00 Whatagwan 17:00 Business Africa 17:30 Yearning For Your Love 18:00 News Journal 18:30 Trustco’s Star Performer 19:00 Green Horizon 19:30 Off the Hook 20:00 News 20:30 Business Today 21:00 Generations 21:30 Rhythm City 22:00 Scandal 22:30 EPL Highlights THURSDAY 06:00 Good Morning Namibia 08:00 Rhythm City 08:30 Scandal 09:00 News 09:30 Off the Hook
13 MAY 2014
09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Boerekos S1 10:00 Safari 4x4 Roetes S7 10:30 Groen Reis S1 11:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3 11:30 BVP 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 14:30 Fiesta S13 15:00 Proesstraat S3
15:30 Superrugby 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Thomas @ S1 18:00 Villa Rosa S9 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Sterlopers S1 20:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 21:00 Wie le Waar S2
21:30 Impresario 22:00 Woef en Kie S3 22:30 Villa Rosa S9 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 00:30 Leef jou Reis S2 01:00 Proesstraat S3 01:30 La't Wiel S14 02:00 BVP 02:30 'n Spesiale Aand met... 03:30 Hoor Hoor S1 04:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3 04:30 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3 WEDNESDAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee
08:30 Binneland S4 09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Fiesta S13 10:00 Superrugby 11:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1 11:30 Boerekos S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 14:00 Wie le Waar S2 14:30 Impresario S1 15:00 Groen Reis S1 15:30 Sterlopers S1 16:00 Thomas @ S1 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Woef en Kie S3 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Kwêla S16
09:00 Villa Rosa S10 09:30 Vallei van Sluiers S3 10:30 Woef en Kie S3
11:00 Wie le Waar S2 11:30 Thomas @ S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Groen Reis S1 14:30 Kwêla S16 15:30 Robinson Regstreeks S7 16:00 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 16:30 Boerekos S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Geure Uit Die Vallei 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Bravo S4 20:00 Kokkedoor S2 21:00 Boer Soek 'n Vrou S7 22:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Thomas @ S1 00:30 'n Spesiale Aand met... 01:30 Fiesta S13
06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:00 The Goldbergs 07:30 Beauty And The Beast S2 13V
02:00 Groen Reis S1 02:30 Boerekos S1 03:00 Robinson Regstreeks S7 03:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 04:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3
06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:00 Raising Hope S4 13 07:30 Elementary S2 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 Survivor SA S5: Champions 11:30 The Goldbergs S1 PG13L 12:00 MasterChef Australia 13:00 The Talk S4 0137 14:00 The Fixer S3 15:00 Nashville S2 16:00 Grey's Anatomy S10 17:00 The Blacklist S1
18:00 Two Broke Girls S3 18:30 MasterChef Australia 19:30 Chicago Fire S2 20:30 The Blacklist S1 21:30 Shameless S4
12:00 MasterChef Australia 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 15:00 Elementary S2 16:00 Revenge S3 17:00 NCIS Los Angeles 18:00 Mike & Molly S4 13SL (Season Starts)
20:30 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 21:30 CSI S14 18:30 MasterChef Australia S5 (Season Ends) 19:30 Revenge S3
08:30 Survivor SA S5: Champions 09:50 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone PG13L 11:30 Two Broke Girls S3 12:00 MasterChef Australia 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 Revenge S3 15:00 Almost Human S1
22:30 Shameless S4 18SNL 23:30 Game Of Thrones S4 00:30 The Guard 16VL 02:05 Circle of Lies 16SL 03:25 Snitch 13VL 05:15 The Talk S4 THURSDAY
16:00 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 17:00 Chicago Fire S2
THURSDAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4
18:00 The Michael J. Fox Show S1 18:30 MasterChef Australia 19:30 About A Boy S1 20:00 The Millers S1
TODAY 20:30 Groen Reis S1 21:00 Robinson Regstreeks S6 21:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 22:00 Safari 4x4 Roetes S7 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 01:00 Wie le Waar S2 01:30 Impresario S1 02:00 Boerekos S1 02:30 Fiesta S13 03:00 Sterlopers S1 03:30 Hoor Hoor S1 04:00 Kokkedoor S2 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3
18SNL (Season Starts) 22:30 Looking S1 18SNL 23:00 Beauty And The Beast S2 13V 00:00 The Last Stand 01:50 The Door 13V 03:30 Phil Spector 13L 05:00 The Talk S4
06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:00 Two Broke Girls S3 07:30 About A Boy S1 08:00 The Millers S1 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 Diamond Dog Caper 11:30 The Michael J. Fox Show S1
20:30 Blue Bloods S4 (Season Ends) 21:30 NCIS Los Angeles 22:30 The Blacklist S1 23:30 CSI S14 00:30 Looking S1 18SNL 01:00 Lay The Favourite 02:40 The Magic Of Belle Isle PG13L 04:30 Kings Point PG 05:00 The Talk S4
Don’t allow any Newspaper vendors into your house or business. A number of them had been caught stealing cellphones and wallets when entering premises in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Buy your Newspaper only from vendors on the street
13 MAY 2014
Jazzy VIBES Percival & Pedro Rinquest
Otis Finck
The Walvis Bay Library presented a Jazz evening on Thursday, in celebration of the Jazz Appreciation month.
The recognition of Jazz is observed throughout the world in April and the well-organised event lived up to expectations. Disc Jockeys Dean Jansen and Derick Rooza set the mood and took those in attendance on a jazzy musical journey with some familiar and remixed songs. Percival and Pedro Rinquest and George Pickering entertained jazz fans with live performances. Rooza lamented the absence of Jazz related events and music in the town and kicked off the evening by playing some classic Jazz from a vinyl LP produced in 1958 by the Heath Brothers with Milt Jackson on xylophone. Dean enticed the crowd with a combination of modern and funky jazz by artists such as Bob James, George Benson, Dr Victor and Ray Barito, to mention a few. He pointed out that he comes from an
era of LP’s and that the sound was of a superior quality when compared to today’s digitally mastered and produced music. “Back
said. The Rinquest brothers performed two songs from Sade (By your side and Baby Father) and rounded off their
with his rendition of REO Speed Wagon’s I want to know what Love is and Let it Be by the Beatles. He rounded off his
George Pickering then we use to buy LP’s and grouped to listen to music. These days music is all over. Everywhere you go music is playing in the background. We also tend to invest too much in lipsynching artists at the expense of real and genuine performers” he
performance with an own composition. Percival is an established musician, songwriter and producer. He is a member of the Windhoek based Chilling in the Park band and is currently working on his own album. Pickering had the crowd singing along
Cheryl Fortuin, the Head of Walvis Bay Library Services
performance with one of his own compositions that will be included on his, soon to be released 11 track album, in September. Rooza invited interested persons who would like to be part of a Jazz Blues band to contact the Library. He plans to approach the Library
DJ Dean and Derick
to avail the hall where the event was staged as venue for practise sessions and more performances. According to the Head of Walvis Bay Library Services, Cheryl Fortuin and Library Assistants, Aneke Blizard and Talana De Jong the event was organised to create awareness and to introduce Jazz amongst the youth and with the aim to provide exposure to local musicians. “We want to provide some healthy and quality entertainment for grown-ups. We are looking forward to make it a regular item on the coastal entertainment calendar,” said Fortuin. She invited established groups or artists to come up with proposals to utilise the venue at the Library for cultural shows and events. This was the second Jazz event organised by the Walvis Bay Library. Artist from Swakopmund performed at the first event organised in 2013.
• Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 14 May: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. • 6 June: Round Table Winter Knights project. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 14 June: Bank Windhoek 4x4 Vasbyt at Dune 7. • 20 June: Safari dance - Namib Desert 4x4 Club. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 28 June: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.
• Bridge: Every Monday at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila Street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: swakoptm@gmail.com. • Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • Up to 8 June: Group - Exhibition at Woermannhaus - Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil & acryl paintings under the title: “Colours - Celebrating Life.” The opening introduction will be held by Ms Christiane Berkrer at 3 May, 17:00.
• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country-Our people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.
13 MAY 2014
ER CANADA in Walvis Bay
The ER Canada coming in
Photos by Otis Finck
CMA CGM - the "ER CANADA", a container cargo vessel which is hailed as one of the biggest to call at the port of Walvis Bay, docked here on Friday. Otis Finck
Fishing vessel dwarfed by the approaching ER Canada
Dock-workers tying the ER Canada mooring lines
Two tugs guiding the ER Canada through the docking canal
She has a capacity of 5 700 TEU with a maximum stowage capacity of 6 000 TEU. She is 277m long and has a deadweight of 68 025 tons. She is the biggest container vessel in history which has called on Walvis Bay and the West African coast and operates on the NEW ASAF service together with other 11 sister vessels of the 6 000 TEU-class. The arrival of the vessel ensured that the CMA CGM Group, the world’s third largest container shipping company which links Namibia with all continents of the world, officially became the first carrier to avail a direct service vessel with such enormous container capacity to the country. The leading maritime transport company in Africa rolled out the red carpet and treated its clients to a cocktail event and a tour of the massive vessel on Friday evening. “It is a momentous day for us at CMA CGM Namibia. We are making history with the first call of the ER CANADA to Walvis Bay. Our company is bringing these big vessels to Walvis Bay for two reasons: Firstly, in order to be more cost efficient since bigger vessels are more cost efficient and secondly, to be able to bring more volumes to Walvis Bay. We will also be able to load more local IMPORT and EXPORT cargo. Together with Namport, CMA CGM Namibia is committed to provide the industry with the fastest and most economical services in order to compete on a global scale. Further, in order to assist Namport and Walvis Bay to become a logistical hub for the SADC region, you need dedicated services which operate with large vessels linking all continents together. Our job as a Shipping Line is to service our clients to get their cargo to be shipped to anywhere in the world in the most economical way” said Florian Nittscher, Managing Director of CMA CGM Namibia. In Africa CMA CGM has currently 72 offices in 43 countries, 25 maritime services, 1 300 employees, the CMA CGM Group has transported over 1 200 000 TEU (twenty foot equivalent unit) in 2013 from/to Africa. Already well-established in Africa, the Group aims at reinforcing its maritime
Florian Nittscher, Managing Director of CMA CGM Namibia services with the opening of new trades and calls, developing the creation and modernisation of its ports infrastructures, extending its solutions for intermodal transport so as to deliver cargo inland and creating new logistic platforms offering a wide range of additional services to its customers. The Omanda and Omkashi tugboats were used to guide the vessel through the canal up to the dock. Four Liebherr cranes were utilised to offload more than 500 containers and to load around hundred containers nonstop and throughout the night while the vessel remained docked. The ER CANADA sails under the flag of Liberia and left the port of Singapore on 19 April for Walvis Bay after it sailed from the port of Shekou in China. The vessel was built in 2001. It has a Gross Tonnage of 65 792 tons with a width of 40m. The vessel has nine decks, is equipped with an elevator and is manned by 30 crew members.
13 MAY 2014
Namport CEO Bisey Uirab officially welcomed the vessel ER Canada captain Jerzy Nowak
Namport cranes working non-stop to offload and load cargo
CMA CGM container being discharged from the ER Canada
13 MAY 2014
13 MAY 2014
Catching up with the Anri Jacobs Last City
This week it was time to catch up with two amazing people, Lizbet and Adam, together known as “The Last City.” For those of you who do not know them, this is who they are, “We are two people living, working, and married in Hiroshima, Japan. We teach English and play music on the side with the goal of switching those around one day. We play a type of music that we've dubbed “classical pop” although we really have no idea how to define it most days. We want to break down the walls between the creative and the ordinary and show that they don't have to be mutually exclusive.” Lizbet was born in the beautiful town of Swakopmund but was raised in South Carolina and Adam was born and grew up in the same city. From the moment the two met the magic has been unstoppable. This power duo does not only make music together but enjoy a happy marriage. Their most recent performance was at one of the “foreigner havens” in Hiroshima, an American style bar called Kemby's that was hosting a fundraiser for disadvantaged Thai children. Lizbet further said, “This year we've been building our internet presence through YouTube and blogging, writing and making videos about anything that we find interesting and hope that other people will find interesting, too. We've been promoting our latest music baby, a CD called “Willfully Human,” and we've been finding as many opportunities as possible to play music.” At the moment Lizbet and Adam are teaching so that they can pay for their music projects
and graduate studies. Lizbet continued, “We are studying Japanese and mixing with friends when we aren't playing or working in a desperate effort to be bilingual. We are busy but usually in a good way,” Lizbet said. When asked the big question about where they want to be in future she said, “Probably in the US or back in Japan doing something with music and ministry. We are very passionate about helping victims of human trafficking and we are in a part of the world where it is all too common. We have no idea what these desires and dreams will actually look like, but we are excited to see.” Lizbet further added that they recently put out a six song Willfully Human EP, but have already started writing
and recording new songs. They duo will be releasing singles during the course of the year and hope that by the end of the year they will be able to release an album. “We want to make music that is meaningful, that is creative, that is innovative, and that touches others in the same way that it touches us. We perform a mixture of covers and originals but the songs on our CDs are either completely ours or written in collaboration with friends.” The duo shared their journey, “Adam has been singing since he was young. He grew up in a house that constantly had music playing or being sung, and he carried that with him.” Lizbet played violin and piano from a young age, and began to branch out in the types of music she played as she got older. The couple started playing in a band and performed together. Asked to comment on the message they try to send to listeners, they said, “There is a certain depth that seems to be lacking in popular music today. We want to rediscover that. We want people to realise that creativity is not limited to a couple of hours a day or to one activity. It can be found everywhere, in the small turn of phrase, in the blending of different art forms, or in ways in which we work.” “Be sure to check out our social media outlets for updates and to see our latest creative projects! Our main site/blog: http://www.thelastcityformiles.com/ ”
27 30 April 2014 Thank you for your support Ministry of Education Langer Heinrich Uranium (Main sponsor) Walvis Bay Salt Refineries Municipality of Swakopmund The Pupkewitz Foundation Hansa Hotel Swakopmund James Ralph Casio Calculators Namibia Publishing House Pearson Namibia Simply Sales
13 MAY 2014
Reptile Uranium Namibia (Pty) Ltd ADMINISTRATION / FINANCE MANAGER
Reptile Uranium Namibia (Pty) Ltd (RUN) is the wholly owned Namibian operating subsidiary of ASX-listed Deep Yellow Limited (DYL), an advanced stage uranium exploration company. RUN's flagship is the Omahola Uranium Project, the highest grade independent uranium project in Namibia consisting of three deposits with a 2004 JORC compliant Mineral Resource Estimate of 48.7 Mt @ 420 ppm U3O8. for 45.1 Mlbs U3O8. The company also has other advanced uranium exploration projects, such as the Tubas Sand Deposit with a 2012 JORC compliant Mineral Resource Estimate of 34 Mt @ 170 ppm U 3O8. for 12.7 Mlbs U3O8. as well as extensive palaeochannel calcretes. The company operates out of Swakopmund where it has an exploration office and laboratory complex staffed by an all-Namibia permanent complement of some 16 employees. The company is seeking to appoint a new Administration/Financial Manager with the impending departure of the current incumbent. The Administration/Financial Manager is responsible for the overall day-to-day administrative and financial management of RUN and its subsidiaries in Namibia. This is an important appointment and the role offers a great opportunity for an experienced Administration/Finance Manager to step up to a new challenge. The Role: Leadership requirements as part of the management team; Management of the full finance function within the company in Namibia; Develop and monitor operating budgets; Monthly and quarterly reporting on financial results of company through group and management reports; Full responsibility of the year-end audit; Preparation of annual financial statements; Statutory submissions (social security, annual duties, business registration, renewals, etc.); Full payroll function and personnel administration; All tax related submissions (Import VAT, normal VAT, PAYE, withholding tax, income tax, VET levy) and reconciliations; Liaise with Receiver of Revenue regarding all tax related issues and outstanding claims; Full responsibility in terms of internal control and corporate governance for the company and its subsidiaries in Namibia; Upkeep of company secretarial records; General administrative responsibilities; and Ad-hoc projects as directed. Your Profile: Ability to work autonomously; Hands-on approach Good time management and efficiency; Relevant financial degree or diploma; Articles, as well as VIP Payroll and Pastel knowledge will be an advantage; The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge of management and financial accounting; Living in or be willing to relocate to Swakopmund or surrounding area/s; and Some business travel to Windhoek. If you would like further information on this exciting opportunity, or would like to apply for the position by 30 May 2014, please contact Mrs Ursula Pretorius Group Financial Controller Ursula.Pretorius@deepyellow.com.au Preference will be given to Namibian citizens and previously disadvantaged individuals - Suitably qualified applicants from designated AffirmativeAction groups are encouraged to apply.
MUNICIPALITY OF HENTIES BAY NOTICE OF LEASE BY WAY OF PRIVATE TREATY In terms of section 30(1)(t) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, read in conjunction with section 63 of the mentioned Act 23 of 1992 notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of Henties Bay is of the intention to lease, by private negotiation, the under mentioned property, with the option of renewal, to Messrs Bianca Bridal Boutique for the purpose of establishing a playground (indoor and outdoor). The lease shall be N$750.00 per month escalating with 10% per annum “2500m² unsurveyed portion of Portion 82 of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No 133, situated adjacent to the area known as the supertube area” Further take notice that the locality and layout plan of the area lies open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the municipal council situated at the corner of Jakkalzputz Road and Nickey Iyambo Avenue. Any person(s) having an objection(s) to the intended leasehold of the property may lodge such objection(s) together with grounds thereof to the Municipal Council of Henties Bay within 10(ten) days after placement of the second advertisement at the above mentioned street address or at the following address: The Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties bat P.O. Box 61 HENTIES BAY Or Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay C/o Jakkalzputz Road & Nickey Iyambo Avenue HENTIES BAY
13 MAY 2014
CASE NO AC 01/2014
IN THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA (Exercising its admiralty jurisdiction) Name Of Vessel: MFV “JCS 1” In the matter between:
Atlantis Fisher Namibia (Pty) Ltd Applicant and The MFV “JCS 1” Her Owners and all other interested in her Respondent ABBREVIATED ORDER OF COURT KINDLYTAKE NOTICE that on Friday, 25 April 2014, the above honourable Court issued a rule nisi calling on all persons interested to show cause before the High Court on Friday, 23 May 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be made: 1. That the MFV “JCS 1” (hereinafter referred to as the “vessel”) be sold by public auction subject to confirmation by the Court. 2. That the Deputy Sheriff for the district of Walvis Bay act as auctioneer for and on behalf of the Court in respect of the sale. The contact particulars of the auctioneer is as follows: Tel number: 09-264-64-221805 Fax number: 09-246-64-221806 Cell number: 09-264-64-081 280 1899 Reference: Mr Andre Visser 3. That Advocate Theo Jooste Frank be appointed as Referee to receive, examine, consider and report to this Honourable Court upon the validity and ranking of claims against the Fund. 4. That the sale shall be held not less than two (2) weeks and not more than four (4) weeks after the return date for the confirmation of this order. 5. That the auctioneer shall advertise the sale and the date thereof not less than five (5) calender days before the date once in the Namib Times and once in the Republikein in Namibia and once in the Business Day in the Republic of South Africa. 6. That the proceeds of the sale shall constitute a Fund in the High Court of Namibia and shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the order. That the full text of the proposed Order of Court and Conditions of Sale are available for inspection at the office of D F Malherbe & Partners, the attorneys of record for the Plaintiff, 171 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay, telephone number: +264-64-206708 (reference: Mr D Malherbe). DATEDAT WINDHOEK ONTHIS 25TH DAYOF APRIL2014. REGISTRAR OF THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA
13 MAY 2014
Meersig - 3x 500m² ervens N$ 560 000.00 TO RENT: Arandis - Newly built 2 bedroom unit N$ 3 500.00 p/m With an option to buy N$ 450 000.00 Long Beach - Fully furnished 3 bedroom Narraville - 2 bedroom newly built flat N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/E incl. N$9 000.00 p/m To view contact Emma: 081 122 8067
3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen, Double garage. Dining & Living area, Indoor Braai / Patio
N$1.650 Mil
Contact owner 081 122 9402
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CENTRAL Brand New Development 2 bedr apartments, 1 bathr open plan kitchen, lounge, garage. N$ 895 000.00 FAIRWAYS 2 bed. townhouse, 2 bathr open plan kitchen, lounge dining area, 2 garages. N$ 1 260 000.00 Plot and Plan!!! 3 & 4 bedr. houses each with 2 bathr, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor BBQ, dining, 2 garages. Choose your own finishes N$ 1 690 000.00 MEERSIG 4 bedr. townhouse on its own erf, 2 bedr, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor BBQ dining room, double remote controlled garage. N$ 1 690 000.00 CC Reg (no transfer duty fees) INDUSTRIAL 10 x Brand new warehouses - 275m2 each. Only 1 unit left!!! N$ 1 600 000.00 Call Cecilia 081 129 5407 Yolande 081 251 9377 Lydia 081 241 8980 Nadia 081 274 5081 Office (064) 272 580
MAYS TRADINGCC For Sale Walvis Bay, House , N$ 480 000 3bedrooms,bathroom,gara ge, built-in-cupboards 1250m², good area, central Kuisebmund,House N$ 850 000 8Bedrooms, kitchen, tandem garage, 326m²,very neat (tenants in rooms) Walvis Bay,House, N$ 1590 000 3 bedrooms, bathroom, spacious kitchen ,lounge, office, entertainment area with braai, Beautiful garden, 2 garages, huge erf. Plus bachelor flat with built-in-kitchen cupboards Walvis Bay House, N$ 1570 000 Hermis ,double storey house top floor ,spacious on-suit-bedroom, ground floor 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms lounge with built-in braai , tv room, kitchen with lots of BIC. Extension2, Langstrand Erf,N$550 000 582m²,boundary walls Heavy Industrial erf, N$ 17 million 6000 m² (N$2834 per/m²) Warehouse on erf 2000m² Boundary wall New Industrial Erf, N$ 4,7 million 4200m²,Boundary walls, Newly built office space (100m²) Plot & Plan Fairways, N$ 1670 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , open plan kitchen with granite toppings and lots of built-in-cupboards, Lounge with indoor braai , Double remote garage, interlocks, boundary walls Fairways, House, N$2 200 000 Lounge, diningroom, entrance hall, modern kitchen,office,3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, Tv room with indoor braai, Jacuzzi room, laundry with staff toilet ,double remote garage, boundary walls Walvis Bay Flats 2bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage, laundry, N$ 750 000 1bedroom,lounge,kitchen, garage, N$700 000 Narraville, Houses for sale 2 & 3 bedroom houses N$650 000-00 to N$850 000-00 Brand New, quality houses. Boundary wall We are urgently looking for houses, properties, town houses to buy for pre-approved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Long beach and Dolphin beach. Contact Tracey: 081 302 3806 Mounien:081 860 1938 Email:mickeymays@iwa y.na
TO RENT: A fully furnished 2 bedroom flat + garage to rent at Long Beach on a daily or monthly basis. Contact Welma: 081 295 4702 TO RENT: Room inside house. Central Town. Must be male ages 25-30 years. W/E incl. N$2 000.00 Avail immediately. Please call 081 390 7066 For viewing after 17H00
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only N$860 000 (excluding commision) Contact Neville Smith Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsnamibia.com
ARANDIS 827m² Vacant erf N$285 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 MEERSIG EXT 1 3 bed, 2 bath house, open-plan kitchen, entrance hall, lounge, dining, laundry, scullery, 2 garages & boundary walls N$ 1 770 000-00 Emily 081 293 0335 LONGBEACH 554m² Vacant erf N$ 650 000-00 Emily 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND 3 bed, 2 bath house with garage PLUS: 2 bed, 1 bath flat N$ 860 000-00 Emily 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND 3 bed, 2 bath house with kitchen, dining, lounge and garage with extra room. N$ 760 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 SWAKOPMUND 4 IN A ROW 3 X 500m² vacant plots N$ 570.000-00 each. And 1 X 569m²N$ 630 000-00. BUY ALL 4 & PAY LESS! Gogga 081 870 9950
LONGBEACH Beautifull 2 bed townhouse, garage, patio & balcony. FURNITURE INCL. N$ 1 175 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Meersig 2 bed, 1 ½ bath house lounge, open plan kitchen & garage for 6 cars N$ 1 100 000-00 Saloom 0813821888
Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage selling from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 0818709950 Manie 0813179334
FLAT TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom + kitchen BIC Bathroom Small Back yard W/E incl. N$3000.00 p/m Deposit neg. Contact: 081 724 7204 081 261 6601 TO RENT: 3x bachelor flat to rent in Narraville for single person / people. N$2600.00 each W/E incl. No deposit. Contact: 081 240 8716 HOUSE FOR RENT: Narraville, Kruis Street 3 bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen. N$ 5 500.00 p/m W/E excl. Available from 1 June 2014 Contact: 081 232 6622 Calls can be made after 16H00 TO RENT: Narraville. Romans Street 36 (turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and drive in Romans Street. The flat is behind the house nr 36.) Big one bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen and sitting room. Water incl. Pre paid electricity. N$ 2 500.00 Deposit N$ 2 500.00 Contact: 081 360 7641 HOUSE TO RENT: Hermis 3 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, 2 badkamers, hoofslaapkamer met eie badkamer, groot kombuis met ingeboude kaste en oop plan eetkamer / sitkamer met ‘n groot stoep. N$ 6 800.00 Water incl. Electricity excl. Deposit 2 months to pay. Contact: 081 124 656 TO RENT: Kuisebmond near Kabeljou Street 2 bedroom house. New built N$ 3 300 P/M W/E incl. Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: Rooms for offices in town. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 350 1860
FOR SALE: Arandis 4 bedroom house, one kitchen, toilet and big yard. Opportunity to extend. N$340 000.00 For viewing; Penguin Str. 893 Contact: 081 360 7641 To let Vogelstrand Luxury 3bedroom town house, 2 Full bathroom guest loo, kitchen with stove and oven indoor fire place, braai double garage ,sea view in secure complex. N$7900 per month Tamariskia Bacherlor flat flat with a garage in a secure complex N$3300 Contact 085 124 9826 HOUSE TO RENT Arandis: 3 bedrooms, garage. N$2400.00p/m Water & Electricity excluded. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 821 1337 FLAT TO RENT Ocean View, Extension 9 - near Shell Garage: 2 bedroom(BIC), open plan kitchen(BIC) flat to rent. Immediately available at N$5000.00p/m. W/L Incl. Contact: 081 325 4549 081 203 5665 For more info.
TO RENT: 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen. Sitting room & bathroom. For one or two people. Immediately available. N$2800.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 723 7005 081 278 7763
Walvis Bay
FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay. Theo Ben Gurirab Street. Bachelor Flat, preferably for single person or couples, Bathroom (shower+toilet) Open Plan Kitchen. W/E incl. N$3300.00 p/m N$3300 deposit Contact Henry Dennis: 081 480 0272 081 280 2328
PRIVATE SALE OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bedroom Townhouse in Secure complex with double garage, 2 bathrooms, BIC. Indoor Braai plus established garden. Registered in CC. No transfer Duties or Agents Commission. Contact: Cell: 081 256 2328 Tel: 064 400 065
Box 2238 Walvis Bay www.grobbies-estates.com
Want to Buy or Sell Property in Walvis Bay - contact your coastal Agents Ruth 081 240 7350 Jackie 081 246 3590 Karien 081 250 4690 Hettie 081 270 4333 Office 064- 202 788 Property is Wealth!
WANTED: Looking for a bachelors flat to rent in Town or Kramersdorf, near Town. For 1 person only. Price: N$2000.00 - N$2500.00 Contact: 081 810 3498 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET KUISBMOND KABELJOU 3bedrooms,1bathroom Toilet, kitchen bic with stove Single Garage N$5000.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity TAMARISKIA Flat: 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$4950.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen with bic N$4500.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity
Suna: 081 210 7823
TULINAWA 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$3800.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity
KRAMERSDORP Secure 2 bed flat, BIC, open plan. Single garage. Fire place, Lock up & go. N$ 5 500.00
OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl For Single person only
LONG BEACH 3 bedr. town house, kitchen with lots of BIC Balcony, Double Garage N$ 5 500.00
2bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Garage and boundary wall N$4500.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity
Furnished townhouse
3 bedr, 2 bath, indoor bbq
balcony, double garage MILE 4 - DUET house 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, Indoor BBQ, Extra BIG Double garage Close to beach N$ 9 500.00
ARANDIS STAY IN STYLE 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, Open Plan, Modern look N$ 3 000.00 VOGELSICHT 3 bedr. townhouse 2 bathr, small garden. outside BBQ, close to beach N$ 7 900.00 INDUSTRIAL SHOP SPACE FROM: N$ 5 500.00 WAREHOUSE 495m² with 183m² yard N$ 17 000.00 plus vat CONTACT US TODAY
All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yahoo .com TO LET Swakopmund Garage: - 38sq N$1550.00 + VAT - 52sq N$1950.00 + VAT Contact: 085 580 0700 OPSOEK NA ñ HUIS TE HUUR Ocean View, Vineta, Myl 4, etc: 3 slaapkamers, dubbel garage en tuin. Het troeteldiere en ook goeie verwysings. Kan N$7500 excl. W/L bekostig. Swakopmund Kontak: 081 653 5965
13 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
For sale Vw kombi 2.6 Exclusiv Mint touring condition Spotless N$90 000.00 Contact: 081 63 86 300
VACANCY: All rounder handyman for swk Workshop and building sites. Handyman1@iway.na
FOR SALE: E 30 car body for sale N$7000.00 Contact: 081 200 4722
FOR SALE: 2010 Toyota Hilux 3D D/C 2x4 125 000km Full service history Canopy, Tow bar. Excellent condition N$270 000 Contact: 081128590
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Can-am 800cc 4x4 Revenger V-twin Less than 100 hours Like new on brand new trailer. N$130 000.00 081 63 86 300
FREE Large box of recorded cassette tapes Contact Des 081 127 9817 FOR SALE: Complete set includes books cards etc:Learn and Understand “Astrology” (The art of Divination) N$1 000.00 6x Cast Iron Steak Plates together with wooden boards. N$500.00 Contact Des: 081 127 9817
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE FOR SALE: 1 x 40litre Engel (fridge/freezer) + cover and 92 Amp deep cycle Battery. Excellent condition. Tel: 064 400 065 Cell: 081 256 2328
GARDENING FOR SALE Palms of sale Fern tree palms 6 years old now in 120 ltr containers Can dig and plant for Buyer. 081 638 6300. PALM TREES FOR SALE WERE N$150.00 NOW N$50.00 Swakopmund 0811246227 / 0811273100.
Position for a good allrounder at Swakopmund supply company immediately available for a competitive salary. Job requirements: - Office management - Experience in procurement, sales & logistics - Book-keeping background. Further NONNEGOTIABLE requirements: - Excellent English language proficiency (written & spoken) - Minimum Grade 12 - Be tough, responsible, honest, efficient, take pride in his/her work and be a quick learner - Strong ability to work independently and perform well under pressure - Outstanding Excel knowledge & computer skills - Own means of transportation Please email: namibt2014@gmail.com ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC VACANCY: We are having the following positions available: Control Room Operators (Walvis Bay) Basic Requirements * Must be a Namibian Citizen/Prove of permanent residency * Must have grade 10/12 or higher * Can work under pressure * 2 x Photo Copies * Knowledge of Intelligent Monitoring will be and advantage If you meet the requirements, hand in your CV's at our office Situated in Hage Geingob Street No 59,Opposite JC Harris Park. Or email to the Operations Department Guards@security.com.n a/easwvb@gmail.com
Bookkeeper Duties: -Accounts up to Trial Balance -Monthly management accounts -Social Security Commission Administration -VAT -General administrative duties Qualification: Accounting qualification from accredited institution Experience At least 3 5 years experience in similar position to Dianne Orban at dorban@abenteuerafrika.com
Vacancy for a Chef: With Chef certificate and minimum 5 years experience, working under pressure, planning menus, doing orders and stock control. For +/- 40 guests. Please send CV to Fax 064 570134 or omlodge@iafrica.com.n a Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Vakature vir Chef: Met kwalifikasies en minimum 5 jaar ondervinding wat onder druk kan werk, Menu beplanning, bestellings en voorraad beheer vir lodge met ± 40 gaste. Stuur assebief CV na Fax 064 570134 of omlodge@iafrica.com.n a Net kortlys kandidate sal gekontak word VACANCY: Walvis Bay For someone with drivers licence to drop - off and pick up, and supervising a small group of staff. Ideal for retired gentleman. Call: 081 395 6729
TO HIRE Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150
SITUATION WANTED RIKUUKA(33): Looking for a job as a Filling clerk, Office cleaning or domestic work. I have experience and can start immediately. Monday - Friday. In Swakopmnd and Walvis Bay Contact: 081 830 4010 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work. Monday-Friday. Washing, Ironing and cleaning in Swakopmund & Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 677 3477 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae per week. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek het verwyssings en ondervinding. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kan ook kinders oppas. Kontak Maria: 081 620 1211 WERK GESOEK: ;N 38-jarige dame is opsoek na huiswerk. Dinsdag en Donderdae, kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 616 0273
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
JOB WANTED: A 34-year-old lady is looking for domestiv work for 3days. Monday Wednesday and Friday. In Walvis Bay but not in Narraville. Contact: 081 620 1948
PETRA: Betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk, was, stryk en skoonmaak of kantore skoonmaak. Kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 403 3118
JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work or office cleaning work in Walvis Bay except Narraville. 2/3 days a week. Contact: 081 444 4945
WERK GESOEK: Betroubare vrou is opsoek na huiswerk 3 - 5 dae per week. Kan onmiddelik begin. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 6095135
JULIA: Dringend opsoek na werk, kasier, koffie winkel, restaurant of huiswerk. Langstrand, Meersig of in Walvisbaai. Ek het vorige verwysings en kan onmidellik begin. God seen U. Kontak: 081 332 3503 081 748 4184 JOB WANTED: I am a 38-year-old woman looking for work in Walvis Bay. Cleaning, babysitting, office cleaning and guesthouse or shop assistant. I am trustworthy, mature, responsible and reliable. Please do not hesitate to contact me, can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 301 9003 BETINA: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk, was, stryk en skoonmaak (kantore, guesthouses ens.) Kontak: 081 373 5870 JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old man is looking for work as a tipper truck, bus or transporting goods. I have more experience in driving heavy loads and transport, with Code C license with GIP. For further information regarding me please do not hesitate to contact: 081 655 6963 WERK GESOEK: 53-jarige vrou is opsoek na uiswerk vir 3 dae, Maandae tot Woensdae. Kontak: 081 389 7439 MONICA: Ek is ‘n 43-jarige-vrou opsoekna 5 dae werk per week, het ondervinding en ek kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel: 081 848 7407 AGNES: 37-jarige-vrou is opsoek na strykwerk vir twee dae in Walvisbaai. Baie betroubaar. Kontak: 081 400 2705 JOB WANTED: Lady looking for domestic work, house cleaning for the whole week / two / three weeks. Langstrand, Meersig or Lagoon. Can also take care of kids and look after old people. Can cook well and is able to start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 627 7128
ANTOINETTE(30): Looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Can start immediately. Monday to Friday. Contact: 081 717 0195 MAUREEN(29): Looking for any ind of work. 3 - 5 Days a week. Very hardworking and humble. Contact: 081 406 4780 081 340 0904 ANNA(39): Soek huiswerk of “Nany werk” in Swakopmund. Baie betroubaar en hardwerkend. Het verwysings ook. Kontak: 081 396 5188 SONI: Soek huiswerk. Enige dae per week. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 659 8970 JOB WANTED: I am a 31 year old lady looking for Housekeeping or domestic work in Swakopmund. I am hardworking. Contact: 081 780 6289 JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old woman looking for domestic work or Office cleaning jobs in Swakopmund. Please call: 081 6731499 JOB WANTED: I am a 23 year old lady looking for any kind of job in Swakopmund. Domestic work, cleaner in Hotel, restaurant or office. I have 3 years experience, hardworking an d reliable. I can start immediately. No jokes! Contact: 081 764 6181 JOB WANTED: 28-year-old lady urgently looking for work. Clean and responsible and very neat. Can wash, iron and clean. In Meersig, Lagoon and Langstrand. Speak Afrikaans Really would like serious people to contact me Contact: 081 655 4918
PROPERTIES PROPERTIES Erf with a size of 594 m² available to buy for N$70 000.00 (Negotiable) The plot is situated in the centre of town near banking facilities and the Arandis Town Council. Contact: 081 360 7641
HOUSE FOR SALE: A 2 bedroom house for sale in Tamariskia with a single garage. G4S security systems installed. Prepaid electricity At a secure area on a 407m²erf. Price N$ 800 000.00 Call: 0811270406 0856309045
Swakopmund Ocean
Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsnamibia.com
View Bargain Plot for sale Near Spar Supermarket Only N$685 000 875m² (Commission excluded) Don’t Delay! Residential Erven Near Mile 4 Affordable plots!! price as low as N$395 000 (cost and commission excluded) Tamariskia Plot and Plan for sale 3bedroom with garage and 2bathrooms BIC for only N$980 000 (cost excluded) Don't Delay! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com
FOR SALE: New House for sale Swakopmund Vineta N$1 520 000.00 Contact Du Plessis: 081 127 6049
HOUSE TO RENT Arandis: 3 bedrooms, garage. N$2400.00p/m Water & Electricity excluded. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 821 1337 FLAT TO RENT Ocean View, Extension 9 - near Shell Garage: 2 bedroom(BIC), open plan kitchen(BIC) flat to rent. Immediately available at N$5000.00p/m. W/L Incl. Contact: 081 325 4549 081 203 5665 For more info.
13 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
SHALOM MARKET: Please note that our NUMBER HAS CHANGED to: 064 463 793
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@mweb.com.na
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For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome. SLABBERT CONSTRUCTION: For professional services in the following: Any type of building work, all types of renovations, repair and sealing of roofs, paint work, paving, interlocks, tiling. We specialize in water and sewer reticulation. Please contact us via: Cell: 081 617 6900 Email: Slabbertconstruction@gm ail.com
HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
TSAUTAGO CAR HIRE: Cars available for rent at affordable rates. Contact: 081 231 8572 081 339 9875 DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, male weak erections, enlargement, body slimming, work and business promotions, bad luck, education (memory), court cases, win gambling and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection from being fired at work. Diseases like blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, poor vision and tears from the eyes, swelling of stomach and feet. Adults above 70-years and kids below 5-years free treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA
KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom remodelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519.Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance namibia.com
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
VDM Courier CC We are at your service. We offer door to door parcel delivery service between the coast and Windhoek daily. Call or sms: 081 418 5530
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
Ons koop Goud, Silver en Diamante We buy Gold, silver and Diamonds Swakopmund, Walvis Bay Henties Bay and Arandis 081 344 3794 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. KHOROMANA Is back in Walvis Bay after a long time. Home with very powerful medicine for various problems & diseases. Lost lovers, peaceful marriages. Business customer attraction. Removal of bad luck. Complicated court cases. Protection of witch craft from body & houses. Removal of tokolosh. Work and promotions Producing of babies Nightmare problems Penis enlargement, Gambling. Weak erections Revenge. Unfinished jobs by other doctors. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life Contact: 081 495 8023. “BRILLIANT MINDS” HOMEWORK CENTRE We present homework classes for grade 1-7 When: Monday to Thursday Time: 14:00 - 17:00 Location: AGS Pleroma Church, in the Central of Walvis Bay next to the old Parade that is now the Paint Shop. Contact Thelma Strauss: 081 413 3600 Email: thelma.kleinhans@gmail .com TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887. Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock 081 607 8320 Roof and Home Renovations Call the Austrian "Gunther" For a free Quote 081 63 86 300
FRANSU RENOVATIONS Ons doen renovasies in en om u huis. Doen ook Plumbing. Kontak ons gerus vir n kwotasie. 081 616 3998 081 258 0166. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR Harry Gama A very powerful and experience doctor with a difference is in Walvis Bay for the first time. Exxpert in Lost lovers, peacefull marriages business customers attraction. Bad luck, catch thieves. Court cases. Protection of bodies and houses from witch craft. Removal of tokoloshis. Penis enlargement. Charms for luck. Gambling. Weak erections. Work promotions. Complicated diseases and other problems. Revenge and many more!! Call the old man: 081 661 1554 In Walvis Bay
COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217.
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Tuesday 13 May 2014 SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My father who has given them t me, is greater than all... ” John 10:27-29. Lord, may my children prosper by trusting in your power and listening for your voice. Wednesday 14 May 2014 TAKING A CLOSER LOOK Who is like the Lord, Our God, who is enthroned on high... Psalm 113:5 Thursday 15 May 2014 Being Kind to One Another For you have said, “My kindness is established forever.” Psalm 89:3 Friday 16 May 2014 The Spice of the Afterlife You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself... John 14: 1-3 Saturday 17 May 2014 Getting to Know You Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still don’t know me, Philip?” John 14:9 Sunday 18 May 2014 In Communion... I Know Him If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him. John 14:7
SWAKOPMUND SHENE shene@namibtimes.net 064 461 866
13 MAY 2014
13 MAY 2014
Johan Sauermann * 31.12.1957 - + 30.04.2014
Jy is so skielik van ons weggevat dat ons al die lekker tye en visvang saam nog vars in ons gedagte het Rus in vrede saam met jou geliefde Ma & Pa.
Van: Latifa (jou suster), Peter en Shaun
Aan die familie van
Jakes Jacobs
Ons innigste meegevoel met julle groot verlies.
Mag julle berusting en krag van Bo ontvang.
STAINLESS ENGINEERING cc Cash, Dolly, Johan en personeel van Stainless Engineering
Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience: · Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods NARAS INVESTMENT BUSINESS CENTRE (PTY) LTD General Worker Plumbing and Driver WALVIS BAY
Responsibilities: · Attend to a plumbing and maintenance programme · General maintenance, installation, repairs and maintenance · Clearing blocked systems · Attend to general maintenance requirements · Empty refuse bins on the premises · Ensure company vehicles are kept clean after use · Attend to fat traps · Removal of waste from factories, building rumble, plus deliveries and collections Requirements · Minimum Grade 10 with a strong plumbing and maintenance background · At least 3 years experience as a plumber · Post school qualifications on plumbing will be an added advantage · Basic numeracy and English for general communication · Driver's license code BE · Must be a technical person in the plumbing fraternity · Physically fit · Must maintain sober habits APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: NIBC Manager Naras Investment Business Centre (Pty) Ltd Subject: General Worker Plumbing and Driver P.O. Box 2391 Walvis Bay Namibia OR emailed to chriselle@iway.na Applications can also be delivered at: Naras Investment Business Centre (Pty) Ltd C/o 3rd Street East & 14th Road Walvis Bay Namibia rd
13 MAY 2014
Doele bonanza in Swakopmund Marshallino Beukes
Sokker ondersteuners in Swakopmund is Saterdag met 'n doele fees vir hul moeite beloon, nadat Eleven Arrows van Walvisbaai die tuisspan, Blue Boys, met 4 doele teenoor 2 verslaan het. Blue Boys het die onderspit gedelf, nadat hulle swye geruk het. met rustyd 'n 2-1 voorsprong oor die besoekers Hierna het albei spanne verwoed aangeval, maar gehad het. Hierdie hoogs vermaaklike wedstryd dit was Eleven Arrows wat met 'n teenaanval is op die Vineta stadion gespeel en die skaal kon daarin kon slaag om die finale spyker in die Swain enige rigting swaai het, aangesien beide kopmunders se doodskis te slaan, om die spanne wêreldklas sokker gespeel het. eindtelling op 4-2 tot stand te bring. 'n Doel deur Eleven Arrows het binne 5 minute na die afskop Blue Boys is nie toegestaan nie, nadat die van die tweede helfte die gelykmaker behaal, assistant-skeidsregter aangedui het dat een van deur 'n 25 meter vryskop in die tuisspan se nette hul spelers in 'n onkant posisie was. te plaas. Slegs 'n paar minute later was dit weer Die Blue Boys afrigter het ten afloop van die sulke tyd, nadat 'n kommunikasie gaping tussen wedstryd aan die namib times genoem dat dit vir die Blue Boys doelwagter en sy verdediger hulle “terug na die swartbord is”, maar dat sy span ontstaan het en Eleven Arrows se nommer 13 met op die regte trant is en nie gevaar loop om 'n kopstamp die tuisspan se ondersteuners tot gerelegeer te word nie.
FNB Namibia Winter Corporate League Bowls 2014 The Final of Plate section: Namsov vs Build It (24-2). Build It tried their best in the final but was undone by a determined Namsov team. 1st Namsov, 2nd Built It rd and 3 WFS. Wooden Spoon - Manica HR. The Final of Shield section: Standard Bank vs Coastal Cel (8-7). This was a closely contested final. Unfortunately there has to be a winner and loser in every contest. Well done to Standard Bank on winning the FNB Namibia Winter Corporate League st 2014 Shield. 1 Stannd dard Bank, 2 Coastal Cel and 3rd Walvis Bay High School. Wooden Spoon FNB. Best Team Spirit FNB. Jockey Award- FNB. G-string Award- NMT. The organisers thanked all who helped to make the First National Bank generous sponsorship a success and look forward to seeing you all at the Summer Corporate League or next year's Winter Corporate League.
Plate Winner- Namsov
Shield Winner- Standard Bank
Kudus 1 en 2 te sterk vir moedige Dolphins
Eleven Arrows spelers vier hulle oorwinning oor Blue Boys Saterdag
Namibia wins Walvis Bay
World Dressage Challenge
The Walvis Bay Equestrian Centre hosted a prestigious FEI World Dressage Challenge this year. This international competition took place last week Thursday.
The aim of the event is to give the less experienced Dressage riders who, under normal circumstances, cannot take part in international Dressage competitions the opportunity to compete internationally without having to leave their own country. The Competition is divided into 11 geographical zones, made up of between four and six countries. Namibia is part of Zone 11, together with Swaziland, Mauritius and Botswana. It offers five performance levels and two age groups (12-15 yrs, 16 yrs and older): Prix St.Georges, Advanced, Medium, Elementary and Preliminary. The riders of the FEI World Dressage Challenge are judged on the same tests and by the same Ground Jury within each geographical Zone. The FEI World Dressage Challenge also serves as an educational purpose by linking the competition with the coaching. The Dressage tests are in correlation with the Levels 1, 2 (and soon Level 3) of the FEI Coach Education System, which is implemented in the same NFs that participate to the FEI World Dressage Challenge. In addition to the competition itself, the Ground Jury also offers to competitors practical and theoretical instructions during a training course following the event. In the past the judges came from Argentina, France and Russia, and
this year we were very excited to welcome Mrs Tiina Karkkolainen from Finland and Mrs Mary Robins from New Zealand. They were very impressed with the organisation and the level of the participants. It was a real honour for our riders to have lessons with these experienced Judges after the competition. The standard of the different levels was very good and the results fairly close. The event was well organised by the Walvis Bay Equestrian Centre, who need to be commended on their hard work and excellent team spirit. Gratitude goes out to all the sponsors who made the event possible. The Individual results - Preliminary Class Juniors: 1. Elizabeth Rossouw on Okakambe Fury, 2. Nadine Flemming on Ginger and 3. Karin Schommarz on Jason. Preliminary Class Seniors: 1. GesaFlemming on Seeis Shelton, 2. Sumari Piepmeyer on FCS Precious Gift and 3. Salom Nghinamito on Bastos Bodenhausen In Kognito. Elementary Class Juniors: 1. Elizabeth Rossouw on Okakambe Fury, 2. Nadine Flemming on Ginger. Elementary Class Seniors: 1. Kira Rohloff on Hoseason Kahlua, 2. Gesa Flemming on Seeis Eymet. Medium Class: 1. Alexandra Röhl on Alpha So Cool, 2. Silvia Kleyenstüber on Midgards Gigant. Advanced Class: 1.Alexandra Röhl on Alpha So Cool. Team results: 1. Namibia, 2. Swaziland, 3. Botswana and 4. Mauritius.
Albei Kudus spanne het met volpunte weggestap na twee klipharde wedstryde teen Dolphins van Swakopmund verlede week Saterdag.
In albei wedstryde moes Kudus tot diep in die tweede helfte diep delf om die oorwinnings te verseker. Kudus 2 het sy eweknie met 27 7 geklop danksy drieë deur Waylon Strauss, Marvin Bruwer, Charlton Stevens en Floyd Freygang. Calla het twee van die drieë verdoel terwyl Herkie 'n strafskop deur die pale gejaag het om Kudus se punte op 27 te staan te bring. Soos verwag was die kragmeting tussen die
twee eerste spanne 'n klipharde wedstryd met albei spanne wat aan die wenkant wou eindig. Kudus het die wedstryd teen 'n vinnige tempo begin en 'n strafskop deur Shalako Groenewaldt en 'n drie deur Daniel Bok het die tuisspan vroeg met 10-0 laat voorloop. 'n Vasberade Dolphin span het egter desperaat terug baklei en toe die fluitjie vir rustyd blaas was die telling gelykop met 10 punte elk. Kudus 1 het egter in die tweede helfte stadig maar seker
die oorhand begin kry en drie verdere drieë deur Cassio Schoombe (2) en Ernesto Bampton het aan Kudus 'n welverdiende oorwinning besorg. Shalako het 2 van die doelskoppe verdoel terwyl hy ook een strafskop bygevoeg het wat die eindtelling op 32-13 in Kudus se guns besorg het. Kudus is dus oor die eerste hekkie om steeds die nommer een span langs die kus te bly. Eerskomende Saterdag kom hul egter voor hul grootste toets te staan
waneer hulle vir Walvisbaai op die Jan Wilken Stadion aandurf. Walvisbaai se eerste en tweede spanne is twee weke gelede deur Wanderers met 88- 0 en 73- 20 onderskeidelik vermorsel en sal definitief hul naam in ere wil herstel. Alle Kudu spelers word versoek om die week se oefeninge by te woon. Spelers wat werk of beseer is moet vir Fanco of Block kontak.
THE NAMIBIAN TEAM: Gesa Flemming on Seeis Shelton, Nadine Flemming on Ginger, Sumari Piepmeyer on Precious Gift, Holger Kleyenstüber on Rathmore Sapphire. Standing with the Namibian Flag is NAMEF representative Gigi Mathias and between the horses are the international FEI judges Tiina Karkkolainen and Mary Robins.
13 MAY 2014
Action from the final between EBH I and Engen Strikers
EBH dethrones Engen Strikers Otis Finck
EBH I defeated defending champions Engen Strikers in the final and third edition of the EBH Namibia Five Overs Eight-a-side Cricket Cup competition at the Walvis Bay Oval on Saturday. The tournament serves as a curtain raiser for the frustrated the Engen Strikers batting attack into EBH Namibia sponsored T20 Coastal Cricket submission. Nian Grobler from EBH I was the league that will commence on 17 May. Ten teams top performing batsman with 93 runs. Clifford Durant from Engen Strikers was will compete in this year's edition of second with 61 runs and Kerneels the competition. EBH I batted first EBH Namibia T20 Brockman also from Engen and posted a score of 44 runs for Upcoming fixtures Strikers third with 67 runs. Matthe loss of one wicket in their allotted five overs. Nian Grobler contri- Fri 16 May NDF (Windhoek) hews Stander from EBH II was the buted 23 runs (not out) Jaco Le vs EBH II at Walvis Bay Oval top performing bowler with 5 wicRoux contributed 15 runs (not out) (14:00). Sat 17 May NDF vs kets. Kerneels Brockman foland John Calaca contributed four Fish Trader at Walvis Bay lowed in second place with 4 wicruns. Tight bowling by Grobler, Oval (9:00) and Medic Magic kets and Herman Karsten of EBH Joe Blom, Mathew Stander and vs Zebra Ladies (Namibian II was third with three wickets. John Calaca, restrained the Engen Girls) at Sparta (9:00). NDF Seven teams competed in this Strikers reply to 34 runs for the loss vs.Engen Strikers at Walvis year's event. Dream Team won in of four wickets. Grobler claimed Bay Oval (1:00) and Zebra 2012 and Engen Strikers won the the scalp of Frits Coetzee with the Men vs Zebra Ladies at competition in 2013. The team last ball in the first over. Blom Sparta (1:00). Sun 18 Golden that wins the curtain raiser comstruck with his first ball and Youngsters vs Zebra Ladies petition usually makes it into the dismissed Clifford Durant in the at Walvis Bay Oval (9:00) and semi-final round of the T20 comsecond over. Calaca dismissed Zebra Men vs EBH II at petition and manages to secure a Kerneel Brockerman with a well Sparta (9:00). Golden top four position. taken catch on the boundary Y o u n g s t e r s v s E n g e n En route to the final EBH I brought about by bowling from Strikers at Walvis Bay Oval defeated Dream Team 47-44 and Jaco Le Roux. Matthew Stander (1:00) and EBH I vs Dream Magic Medics 54-52. Engen Strikers scored a 65-43 victory dismissed Marc Stehle and Team at Sparta (1:00) over The Fish Trader, a 57-28 vicclaimed the fourth Engen Strikers tory over EBH II and a 40-32 victory wicket with the score on 28 runs. against Golden Youngsters. Spin bowler Calaca further tighten the screws and