We cannot eliminate these toxins from our environment altogether, so we need to be smart to avoid excess exposure.
Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides by Dr. Fred Harvey, MD
arkinson’s Disease (PD) is an illness that affects approximately one million Americans. It is a neurodegenerative, multi-system disease. This means that nerve damage affects the whole body. Its cause is unknown, but it results in damage to nerve cells or neurons in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. The neurons in this area make dopamine, and are called dopaminergic neurons. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that signals between nerve cells. It is known to help with fluid movement, and is called the smile chemical because it helps us feel happiness. Lack of dopaminergic neurons results in the symptoms of PD. Early symptoms can include fatigue, loss of smell sensation, small handwriting, loss of facial expression, tremors at rest and muscle rigidity. As the disease progresses, more movement dysfunction occurs, and tremors worsen. Posture becomes more stooped, and steps become smaller and faster. Muscle rigidity can also impair daily functions.
Sarasota/Manatee Edition
This degeneration is not limited to the dopamine nerve cells, however. With time other neurons are affected, and there is a decrease in available serotonin, adrenalin and acetylcholine. This results in more symptoms like depressed mood, cognitive impairment and sleep disorder. Although the cause is not clear, we know this process involves the interplay of genes with the environment. Genes involved in processing toxins for removal from the body are critical in the development of this disorder. The interaction of toxins with cells that have poor genetic detoxification resources results in dysfunction of mitochondria, enzymes and increases oxidative stress and inflammation. These processes are responsible for degenerative disease. Many petrochemical toxins have been implicated, but the most substantial evidence suggests that organochlorine pesticides are among the worst offenders. Paraquat was extensively used to kill
weeds and cannabis. Many cannabis smokers were exposed in the 1970s and 1980s to paraquat because the Mexican government would spray the cannabis, but it would still find its way into consumer hands because the grower was not about to lose out on profits from this crop. Atrazine, which is used extensively in Midwest and Southern agriculture, causes changes in fetal cells that appear to decrease the dopaminergic neurons and predispose to PD. 2,4-D is the chemical in Agent Orange that the VA recently added to list of PD causes that poisoned the military in Vietnam. 2,4-D is also being used here in the U.S. because weeds are evading Roundup. The chemicals in Roundup include glyphosate, a membrane destabilizer, which increases damage from the pesticides. We cannot eliminate these toxins from our environment altogether, so we need to be smart to avoid excess exposure. Use the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce list to guide smart, low-pesticide choices. Drink two liters or more of filtered water daily. Exercise to sweat out toxins regularly. Use detoxification supports such as homeopathic Drainage drops, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), alpha lipoid acid, milk thistle, CoQ10, probiotics, fiber, prebiotics, and methylated B vitamins for help in off-loading the toxins that are stored in fat cells. The Harvey Center’s Nutripharmacy stocks these physician grade detox products. Contact Supplement Specialist Alicia or any of my team to learn how to support your detoxification. Or call your Health & Nutrition questions into my “Ask the Doc” radio show each Monday on WMNF 88.5FM. The Harvey Center is located at 3982 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota. Telehealth and second