Natural Nutmeg May 2022

Page 32



The Chicken or the Egg?

By Sharon Sklar

MAY / JUNE 2022

32 “We learn by observing. In many cases, my clients make conscious choices to let go of that history of learned behavior and create their own physical reality.” —Sharon Sklar


t’s the age-old conundrum—which came first, the chicken or the egg? Similarly, as a student of Rolfing forty-odd years ago, we debated the question, “does structure determine function or does function determine structure?” Just as you can’t separate the body from the mind and vice versa, it is difficult to resolve the function/ structure debate. I have had many years of experiencing clients prove both sides during my time as a Rolfer.

Which Comes First?

Several years ago, a client thought his teenage son would benefit from what he was learning and experiencing in his own Rolfing series. I soon got started with the son’s sessions and found the fourteen-year-old to be quiet, shy, and initially somewhat uninterested in what we were doing. A few sessions into the ten-session series, though, there was a noticeable change in the child’s behavior at home, at school, and in his interactions with me. He was more open, more talkative, doing better in school, and, to his parents, he seemed happier. The constant slumping at his desk, fists under chin to hold his head up, causing back problems and pain, had shifted. As he sat more comfortably upright he was more awake, more alert, and more attentive in school. He was happy when he came to our sessions and had more confidence in his budding personality and social life. Was his structure determining his function, or was his function determining his structure?

The same question applies to a current Rolfing client of mine. I am currently working with a woman who has a great deal of physical and emotional trauma from her past and is working through deep personal loss. She is in all-encompassing pain and has a difficult time being grounded and centered in her life. She was very athletic in her early life, trained as a gymnast and taught that competing at a high level means you don’t acknowledge your pain, you move past it. She is therefore now dealing with old injuries, old neglect and abuse, and current heartache; her body is rigid and stuck in imbalance. Over our sessions, I can see her emerging. She is sleeping better, more grounded, in less pain; her body is softer, less resistant, and more responsive to our hands-on work together.

Peel Back Your Layers

Another current client has been dealing with issues of a recent divorce and years of dealing with an emotionally abusive, manipulative mother. My client—a smart, successful woman—had heard that Rolfing can bridge that gap between psychological wellness and integrating those changes into physical wellness. After years of bracing herself against the onslaught of emotional confusion and terror, she was ready for change. Our first session was very difficult. The entire left side of her body was much tighter than the right side; it was as she was split in two. The hands-on work was very hard for her to let in, which created more resistance and presented

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