Nautika Magazine No. 67 (July/August 2020)

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S U P E R J A H T E / S U P E R YA C H T S

Azimut Grande Trideck


Istra - mesto za ljubitelje gastronomije i vina Istria - a place for gastronomy and wine enthusiasts

Najveća Azimut jahta ikada / Azimut's largest yacht ever J A H T E / YA C H T S

Sanlorenzo SX112 Absolute 64 Grandezza Jeanneau Leader 33



Č A M C I / B O AT S

MT-125 MT-03

Ribco Seafarer 36X

Lifestyle Charter Fashion

Bavaria 30

Dinamična, sportska i udobna jahta / Dynamic, Sporty and Comfortable Yacht

9 772334 900004

J A H T E / YA C H T S


Exterior Design _ Stefano Righini Interior Design _ Achille Salvagni Architetti

La Dolce Vita 3.0 Advanced Yachting Experience

AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER: DEALER INFORMATION Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /

A brand of AZIMUT BENETTI Group

SADRŽAJ/CONTENTS: Intervju Goran Vasić: Klijenti nas teraju da ostanemo na zavidnom nivou Interview Goran Vasić: Clients drive us to stay at high level of services


52 60 68 73 80 86 90 94 100 102


Azimut Grande Trideck

26 31 36 40 42 44 48


106 112 115 120 124 142 146

Jeanneau Leader 33 Ronjenje/Diving Absolute Navetta 68 Absolute Navetta 64 Atlantic Marine Advance G500 Intervju Goran Vasić: Klijenti nas teraju da ostanemo na zavidnom nivou Interview Goran Vasić: Clients drive us to stay at high level of services Blue Nautica čarter / Blue Nautica charter Bavaria 30 Enterijer / Interior Pershing 7X Grandezza plovila / Grandezza boats Moda / Fashion Sunseeker Project 8X Sanlorenzo SX112 HM 22 Open Intervju Ostoja Mijailović: Azimut Benetti Group od sada i u Srbiji Interview Ostoja Mijailović: Azimut Benetti Group now in Serbia Azimut Grande Trideck Brodogradilište Apatin / Apatin Shipyard Wandering Yacht Vodič / Guide Ribco Seafarer 36X Frauscher 1414 Demon Air Sundeck 580


OSNIVAČ I IZDAVAČ / FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER: NAUTIKA PRESENT D. O. O. Društvo za marketing i odnose sa javnošću / (Marketing and Public Relations Company) ADRESA / ADDRESS: Ilije Birčanina 13, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21/ 472-91-80, Fax: +381 21/ 472-91-81 e-mail:



NOVINAR (JOURNALIST): Aleksandra Grahovac







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CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 629.5+797.1 Nautika / glavni i odgovorni urednik Slađana Marović. 2013, br. 25- . - Novi Sad : Nautika Present, 2013- . - Ilustr. ; 30 cm Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Nautika & turizam = ISSN 2217-5911 ISSN 2334-900X = Nautika COBISS.SR-ID 280894983

J a h te / Ya c h ts


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

JEANNEAU LEADER 33 Elegancija, luksuz i odlične performanse

Elegance, luxury and great performance Leader 33 ima savremen, sportski izgled, koji je prepoznatljiv za Leader liniju. Ovaj model ima dve verzije: otvorenu verziju sa lukom i Sport Top sa čvrstim gornjim delom sa električnim otvaranjem. Prostrani kokpit omogućava zabavu u velikoj udobnosti i stilu. Posebno će vam se svideti atraktivni spoljašnji dnevni boravak i pametan raspored salona u pilotskoj kabini, gde se možete opustiti na krmenom sedištu koje se pretvara u sunčalište, dok u ogromnom kokpitu delite izuzetne trenutke sa prijateljima i porodicom za stolom. U potpalublju ćete biti zadivljeni njenom unutrašnjošću i prefinjenim dizajnom. Pastelni i tirkizni tonovi doprinose morskoj atmosferi, dok dugački prozori u trupu nude impresivan pogled na more i kupaju unutrašnjost prirodnom svetlošću. Modularni salon lako se pretvara u prelepu privatnu kabinu sa vratima. Funkcionalni raspored omogućava uživanje u ugodnim trenucima na brodu, a svi prostori, pa i kuhinja, imaju mnogo rešenja za odlaganje. Sa spoljne strane, kabina nudi izdašan životni prostor, a u unutrašnjosti je neverovatno svetla. Električno otvaranje krova povećava zadovoljstvo boravka na vodi. Svojim velikodušnim životnim prostorom, nudeći potpuno otvoren raspored tokom dana ili ugodnu atmosferu za veću privatnost noću, Leader 33 prilagođava se vašem ritmu i načinu života. Njegov sportski izgled u modernom je stilu luksuznih vanbrodskih modela. LEADER 33 može se pohvaliti nesumnjivo prepoznatljivom ličnošću.

Električno otvaranje krova povećava zadovoljstvo boravka na vodi / Electric roof opening increases the pleasure of being on the water


Dužina: 10.56 m Širina: 3.32 m Gaz: 0.96 m Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 520 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 175 l Masa praznog plovila: 4912 kg Broj kabina: 2

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Sportski izgled Leadera 33 je u modernom stilu luksuznih vanbrodskih modela / Leader 33 sporty look is in the modern style of luxury outboard models

The Leader 33 has a contemporary, sporty look, which is distinctive of the Leader line. This model has two versions: one version is with arch, and the other is Sport Top with an electrically regulated solid top. The spacious cockpit enables entertainment in great comfort and style. You will particularly like the attractive outdoor living room and the clever layout of the cabin in the cockpit, where you can relax on the aft seat that turns into a sundeck, while in the huge cockpit you can share special moments with friends and family at the dining table. On the lower deck, you will be amazed by the interior and sophisticated design. Pastel and turquoise tones contribute to the marine atmosphere, while the long windows in the hull offer an impressive view of the sea and flood the interior with natural light. The modular saloon can easily transform into a beautiful private cabin with a door. The functional layout allows you to enjoy pleasant moments on board, while all spaces, including the kitchen, have many storage solutions. On the outside, the cabin offers ample living space, and the interior is incredibly bright. Electric roof opening increases the pleasure of being on the water. With its generous living space, offering a completely open layout during the day or a cozy atmosphere for greater privacy at night, Leader 33 adapts to your rhythm and lifestyle. Its sporty look is in the modern style of luxury outboard models. LEADER 33 can boast of an undmistakably distinctive personality.


Length: 10.56 m Beam: 3.32 m Draft: 0.96 m Fuel tank capacity: 520 l Water tank capacity: 175 l Displacement of empty vessel: 4912 kg Number of cabins: 2

Maksimalna brzina ide do 31 Ä?vor / Maximum speed goes up to 33 knots


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Dizajn je minimalistički, a ipak tipičan za Jeanneau / The design is minimalist yet typical of Jeanneau

Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) CTC Store – ATV & Nautički centar Savska 2a, Ostružnica, 11251 Beograd / Tel: +381 11 7350890 / +381 63 35 99 99 Mail: /

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PUTOVANJE SA RONILAČKOM OPREMOM TRAVELING WITH DIVING EQUIPMENT Tekst/Text: Matej Ogorevc Foto/Photo: Huish outdoors, Aqualung, Freepik

Ronjenje je sport u kom oprema ima veliku ulogu. Lična oprema pruža sigurnost i udobnost i, bez obzira na to što svaki ronilački centar ima opremu za iznajmljivanje, ronioci uvek sa sobom nose neke delove opreme. I dok je put autom do Jadranskog mora jedno, putovanje avionom do Meksika, Galapagosa ili Filipina je sasvim nešto drugo Diving is a sport in which equipment plays an important role. Personal equipment provides safety and comfort and, regardless of the fact that every diving center has equipment for rent, divers always carry some pieces of equipment with them. While traveling by car to the Adriatic Sea is one thing, traveling by plane to Mexico, the Galapagos, or the Philippines is quite another

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Torbe za ronilačku opremu su čvršće, imaju dršku i izdržljive točkove, sa kvalitetnim zatvaračima i sigurnosnom bravom

Bez obzira na to što svaki ronilački centar ima opremu za iznajmljivanje, ronioci uvek sa sobom nose neke delove opreme / Regardless of the fact that every diving center has equipment for rent, divers always carry some pieces of equipment with them

IZAZOV PUTOVANJA AVIONOM Kad na put nosite ronilačku opremu, svakako najveći izazov jeste njena težina i osetljivost. Zbog toga sa sobom nećete poneti baš sve što imate u svojoj kutiji, a to što ponesete treba sigurno da spakujete. Ako se bavite sportskim ronjenjem, onda vam treba samo nekoliko delova opreme i vaše putovanje neće biti mnogo drugačije. Sasvim druga priča je tehničko ronjenje, gde ima mnogo više logistike. Tehničku opremu, naime, ne možete pozajmiti tek tako, pa zato treba baš sve da nosite sa sobom.

OPREMA, KOJU UVEK NOSIM SA SOBOM Kod ronjenja su najbitniji sigurnost i komfor. Uz to svoju opremu najbolje znate, pa joj u potpunosti verujete, a time raste i vaše samopouzdanje. Sve to su razlozi da neke stvari uvek nosite sa sobom: REGULATOR Regulator je nesumnjivo najvažniji deo opreme za sigurnost ronjenja. Svaki odgovoran ronilac brine o redovnom servisiranju regulatora, redovno ga čisti i održava. Važan deo regulatora je usnik koji svojom pravilnom veličinom i oblikom osigurava ugodno ronjenje, a istovremeno se usnik odnosi i na higijenu. Ako planirate mnogo da putujete, razmislite o putničkom regulatoru koji je lakši i koji ima manji drugi stepen oktopusa, a pre svega ne zaboravite na kvalitetnu zaštitnu putnu torbu. Još jedan savet - nije suvišno ako sa sobom imate i odgovarajuće adaptere za DIN ili INT ventil. RONILAČKI KOMPJUTER Još jedan važan komad opreme koji prati vaše zarone. S obzirom da znate da na ekranu odmah možete videti glavne podatke o ronjenju, znate kako da ga prilagodite za različite uslove ronjenja (nitrox itd.), brzo ga možete povezati sa računarom i prebaciti podatke u digitalni dnevnik ronjenja. Još jedan savet - pre nego što odete na aerodrom, proverite ograničenja i zabrane oko baterija u ronilačkom kompjuteru. Litijum-jonske baterije su zabranjene u check-in prtljagu, dok ih u ručnom možete imati. Svejedno proverite sigurnosna uputstva još pre polaska. MASKA (I DISALJKA) Maska koja je rosna, pritiska vas ili ne stoji dobro na vašem licu, a uz to sve vreme pomalo pušta vodu, može pokvariti čak i tako lep zaron. Jednom kada pronađete savršen model maske zbog koje ćete se osećati sjajno, uvek je nosite sa sobom, bez obzira koliko daleko odlazite na ronjenje. Naravno, tu i tamo možete koristiti i pozajmljenu masku, ali vaša maska je nezaobilazni deo lične opreme svakog ronioca. Masku


Lična oprema pruža sigurnost i udobnost / Personal equipment provides safety and comfort

na putu treba čuvati u posebnoj tvrdoj kutiji za maske da se ne bi oštetila, ili je možete staviti između garderobe u koferu. Disalljka ne predstavlja posebnu težinu, ali je zbog usnika i ona u grupi opreme „za komfor“. Ipak, ako je često koristite, smislite model za putovanja, koji se može saviti. KOMPENZATOR PLOVNOSTI Kompenzator plutanja nije neophodan deo putne opreme za ronjenje, ali još uvek mnogo doprinosi sigurnosti, a još više komforu ronjenja. Na vašem kompenzatoru zatvorenih očiju i u ponoć možete naći sve prstenove, kaiševe i crevo za naduvavanje, koji su uvek tamo, gde vam trebaju. A tu je i komfor ronjenja kompenzatorom koji je savršeno prilagođen vašem telu, umesto sa nekim, koji na vama visi kao kesa. Ukoliko puno putujete, možete izabrati putnu verziju kompenzatora koja je obično nešto manja i lakša, a uz to se putni kompenzator lakše sklapa i zauzima manje prostora. Ako imate tehnički-sportski kompenzator, zamenite čeličnu zadnju ploču

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onom od aluminijuma ili tvrde plastike, u suprotnom samo ploča teži 3 kg ili više.

OPREMA KOJU MOŽETE BEZ PROBLEMA IZNAJMITI Sve ostalo od opreme možete lako iznajmiti u ronilačkom centru, gde ćete roniti. U tropskim morima neće vam trebati mokro odelo debljine 5 ili 7 mm, nego će „shorty“ biti sasvim dovoljan. Neoprenske cipele i peraje takođe su prilično univerzalna oprema, a ova kategorija uključuje i kapuljaču, rukavice, kompas, baterijsku lampu, nož, bovu, kanap i alat. Iako većina ronilaca ima svoje boce i tegove, vi ih, naravno, nećete nositi sa sobom po svetu, pogotovo ne u avionu.

RONILAČKE TORBE ZA PUTOVANJE Transportne trake i aerodromski radnici koji se bave prtljagom sve su samo ne nežni, pa morate dobro zaštititi osetljivu ronilačku opremu. Najbolje je da regulator i ronilački kompjuter stavite u ručni prtljag, a masku možete spakovati u svoju putnu torbu u zaštitnoj kutiji ili kao što sam napomenuo – između garderobe u koferu. Ako se ipak odlučite za dodatni prtljag i uzmete sa sobom kompletnu ronilačku opremu, stavite je u posebnu torbu za ronjenje. Obično su te torbe čvršće, imaju dršku i izdržljive točkove za lakši transport, sa kvalitetnim zatvaračima i sigurnosnom bravom, a i unutrašnja strana je meko obložena kako ne bi oštetila opremu. Ronilačke torbe i koferi su dovoljno veliki da u njih stavite sve svoje stvari, uključujući peraja i ako treba suvu odeću. Za mokru opremu uvek nosite sa sobom jednu ili dve kese za smeće u slučaju da se oprema ne osuši dovoljno brzo nakon ronjenja.

SPAKUJTE I PROVERITE TEŽINU Prilikom pripreme za putovanje, podelite opremu na dva dela - prvi deo opreme ide u „check-in“ kofer, a drugi deo u lični prtljag. Pošto se ponekad desi da se kofer na putu izgubi i ne dođe sa vama na odredište, bolje je imati računar, lampu i kameru u ličnom prtljagu, posebno jer su to skuplji komadi opreme. Regulator često ima problema prilikom sigurnosne kontrole na aerodromu, bolje je da ga dobro zaštitite i spakujete u prijavljeni prtljag. Na kraju proverite težinu kofera i torbi, da vas na aerodromu ne bi iznenadila ne tako jeftina doplata za prekoračenje maksimalne dozvoljene težine. Za svaki slučaj možete sa sobom uzeti malu ručnu vagu za kofere, kako vam se prekoračenje dozvoljene težine ne dogodi na putu nazad. Neke aviokompanije, koje redovno lete na popularne ronilačke destinacije, poput Egipta ili Filipina, roniocima nude neke specijalne pogodnosti, poput mogućnosti prevoza više prtljaga po istoj ceni. Ali pošto se ovi uslovi stalno menjaju, pre nego što krenete proverite šta sve možete uzeti sa sobom i koliko prtljaga možete poneti bez dodatnih troškova.

Diving equipment bags are stronger, have a handle and durable wheels, with quality fasteners and a safety lock

THE CHALLENGE OF AIR TRAVEL When you carry diving equipment on a trip, certainly the biggest challenge is its weight and fragility. That is why you will surely not take everything you have in your box, and what you do bring with you should be packed safely. If you do sport diving, then you only need a few pieces of equipment and your trip will not be much different than usual. However, technical diving is a completely different thing, as there is much more logistics. Namely, it is not that simple to rent technical equipment, so you should carry everything with you.

EQUIPMENT THAT I ALWAYS CARRY WITH ME When diving, safety and comfort are of utmost importance. In addition, you know your own equipment best, so you can trust it completely, which boosts your self-confidence. These are all reasons to always take with you the following: REGULATOR Regulator is undoubtedly the most important part of equipment for safe diving. Every responsible diver takes care of apropriate servicing of the regulator, particularly regular cleaning and maintenance. An important part of the regulator is the mouthpiece, whose correct size and shape ensure comfortable diving, and at the same time the mouthpiece is also related to hygiene. If you plan to travel a lot, consider obtaining a travel regulator that is lighter and has a smaller second stage octopus, and above all, do not forget a high-quality protective travel case. Another tip - it is never too much to have the appropriate adapters for DIN or INT valve with you. DIVING COMPUTER Another important piece of equipment that accompanies every dive you make. You know that you can immediately see the main dive data on the screen, you know how to adapt it to different diving conditions (nitrox, etc.), you can quickly connect it to a computer and transfer the data to a digital dive log. Another tip - before you go to the airport, check the restrictions and prohibitions related to batteries in the diving computer. Lithium-ion batteries are prohibited in check-in luggage, while you can have them in hand luggage. However, check the current safety regulations before departure. MASK (AND SNORKEL) A mask that gets foggy, presses too hard, or does not fit well on your face, and at the same time leaks water all the time, can spoil even the most beautiful dive. Once you have found a perfect mask model that will make you feel great, always carry it with you, no matter how far you travel for diving. Of course, you can also use a rented mask from time to time, but mask is an indispensable part of every diver's per-

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Uvek na put nosite svoju masku, ne zauzima mnogo prostora u koferu, a vi ćete se osećati sjajno dok ronite / Always carry your mask on the road, it doesn't take up much space in the suitcase, and you will feel great while diving

Ronilačke torbe i koferi su dovoljno veliki da u njih stavite sve svoje stvari, uključujući peraja i ako treba suvu odeću / Diving bags and suitcases are big enough to put all your belongings in them, including fins and drysuit if needed

sonal equipment. The mask should be kept in a special hard always carry one or two garbage bags with you in case the box for masks so that it does not get damaged, or you can put equipment does not dry quickly enough after diving. it between the clothes in a suitcase. Snorkel does not weight PACK AND CHECK THE WEIGHT much, and because of the mouthpiece, it is also in the group of When preparing for a trip, divide the equipment "comfort" equipment. However, if you use it often, find into two parts - the first part of the equipment goes a travel model that is more flexible. BUOYANCY COMPENSATOR Buoyancy compenin the "check-in" suitcase, and the second part in Proverite sator is not a necessary part of travel diving equippersonal luggage. Since it sometimes happens that težinu kofera ment, but it still contributes a lot to safety, and even suitcases get lost on the way and do not arrive with i torbi, da more to comfort of diving. You can find all the rings, you at the destination, it is better to have the comvas na aerobelts and inflatable hose on your compensator even puter, lamp and camera in your personal luggage, dromu ne bi with your eyes closed, they are always exactly where especially because they are more expensive pieces iznenadila ne you need them. There is also the comfort of diving of equipment. The regulator often causes problems tako jeftina with a compensator that is perfectly adapted to your during security control at the airport, so it is better doplata / body, instead of having one hanging like a bag. to protect it well and pack it in check-in luggage. Check the If you travel a lot, you can choose the travel version Finally, check the weight of the suitcase and bags, weight of of the compensator, which is typically slightly smaller so that you do not get surprised at the airport by suitcases and and lighter, and in addition, the travel compensator the costly surcharge for excess weight. Just in case, bags, so that is easier to assemble and takes up less space. If you you can take a small hand scale for suitcases with you are not have a technical-sports compensator, replace the you, so as not to not exceed the permitted weight surprised steel back plate with one made of aluminum or hard on the return. by the not plastic, otherwise only the plate weighs 3 kg or more. Some airlines that regularly fly to popular diving so cheap destinations, such as Egypt or the Philippines, offer surcharge at EQUIPMENT THAT YOU CAN EASILY RENT divers some special benefits, such as the option to the airport You can easily rent everything else of the equiptransport more luggage at the same price. However, ment in the diving center of your destination. In tropias these conditions are constantly changing, check cal seas, you will not need a wetsuit 5 or 7 mm thick, what you can take with you and how much luggage but a "shorty" will do. Neoprene boots and fins are also quite is permitted at no extra cost before you leave. universal equipment, and this category also includes a hood, gloves, compass, flashlight, knife, buoy, rope and tools. Although most divers have their own tank and weights, you will definitely not carry them around the world, especially not by plane.


Conveyor belts and airport baggage handlers are anything but gentle, so you need to protect your fragile diving equipment well. It is best to put the regulator and the diving computer in your hand luggage, and you can pack the mask in your travel bag in a protective box or, as I mentioned earlier - between the clothes in your suitcase. If you do decide on extra luggage and take complete diving equipment with you, pack it in a special diving bag. Usually, these bags are stronger, have a handle and durable wheels for easier transport, quality fasteners and a security lock, and the inside is softly lined so as not to damage the equipment. Diving bags and suitcases are big enough to put all your belongings in them, including fins and drysuit if needed. For wet equipment,


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac



Poslednji dodatak Absolute floti doneo je još više elegancije i prefinjenosti. Navetta 68, jedna je od onih jahti koje će osvojiti srca najzahtevnijih i najstrastvenijih navigatora. Apsolutna udobnost vlada u zatvorenim i otvorenim prostorima posvećenim uživanju, prepunim dragocenih i elegantnih Apsolutna materijala, u skladu sa jeudobnost dinstvenim stilom Made vlada u in Italy. Prostor flajbridža zatvorenim i otvorenim opremljen je čvrstim kroprostorima vom čije su dimenzije slične posvećenim dimenzijama megajahte, NAVETTA 68 lakoći Dužina: 20,8 m koje mogu pokriti ceo proŠirina: 5,6 m življenja / stor za ručavanje i pilotiraGaz: 1,5 m An absolute Motor: 2 x IPS 1.200 D13(900 ks) VOLVO nje. Na donjoj palubi naKabine: 4 comfort laze se četiri velike kabine: Rezervoar za gorivo: 3500 l Rezervoar za vodu: 1000 l reigns in glavna je podignuta iznad indoor and nivoa vode, VIP i dve kabioutdoor ne sa krevetima (od kojih je jedna opremljena električspaces nim mehanizmom što vam omogućava da spojite ili dedicated podelite krevete prema potrebama), kao i dve odvoto the jene kabine za posadu. conviviality Svestranost i funkcionalnost su dodatno poboljšane prisustvom 6 kliznih vrata i velikim pretincem za odlaganje. Glavnu palubu karakteriše vedrina, elegancija i fleksibilnost u korištenju. Zamislite samo ulazna vrata u salon sa električnim kliznim prozorom ili električnim kliznim staklima koja daju bolju privatnost kuhinji i dnevnoj sobi. Čak i uzdignuti volan ima pregradni zid sa električnim mehanizmom i dizajniran je da ponudi maksimalnu udobnost i najbolju vidljivost. U Navetti 68 ništa nije prepušteno slučajnosti, čak ni strojarnica besprekorno organizovana kako bi se omogućio lagan rad i održavanje komponenata. Zahvaljujući brodogradilištu Absolute, ovo više nije samo vizija, već stvarno životno iskustvo na plovilu Navetta 68.


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Navetta 68 pripada onoj vrsti nautičkih ostvarenja sposobnih da zadive čak i najzahtevnije strastvene moreplovce na planeti, koji se pred njom prepuštaju najsnažnijim emocijama

J a h te / Ya c h ts

The latest addition has brought even more elegance and sophistication to the Absolute fleet. Navetta 68 is one of those yachts that will win the hearts of the most demanding and passionate navigators. Absolute comfort reigns in indoor and outdoor spaces dedicated to conviviality, in a framework of precious and elegant materials, in accordance with the unique Made in Italy style. The flybridge space is equipped with a hard top, whose dimensions are similar to the ones that can be found on a megayacht, so it can cover the entire area for dining and piloting. On the lower deck there are four large cabins: the master cabin raised above the floating level, the VIP cabin, and two cabins with single beds (one of which is equipped with an electric mechanism that allows you to join or divide the beds as needed), as well as two separate crew cabins. Versatility and functionality are further enhanced by the presence of 6 sliding doors and a large storage compartment. The main deck is characterized by brightness, elegance and flexibility of use. Just imagine the entrance door to the salon with an electric sliding window or an electric sliding glass pane that give better privacy to the galley and living room. Even the raised steering helm has a partition wall with an electric mechanism and has been designed to offer the maximum comfort and the best visibility. On board the Navetta 68, nothing is left to chance, not even the engine room, perfectly organized to allow for easy operation and maintenance of the components. Thanks to Absolute, this is no longer merely a vision, but a real life experience aboard the Navetta 68.

Navetta 68 is one of a kind sea creature able to capture the eyes of the most demanding and passionate navigators on the planet who let themselves be embraced by the most intense emotions

NAVETTA 68 Length: 20.8 m Beam: 5.6 m Draft: 1.5 m Engine: 2 x IPS 1.200 D13 (900 Hp) VOLVO Cabins: 4 Fuel tank: 3500 l Water tank: 1000 l

Glavnu palubu karakteriĹĄe obilje svetlosti, elegancija i fleksibilnost u upotrebi / The main deck is characterized by brightness, elegance and flexibility of use

Navetta 68 ima Ä?etiri velike kabine na donjoj palubi / Navetta 68 has four large cabins on the lower deck

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Prostor flajbridža opremljen je čvrstim krovom, po dimenzijama sličan onim na megajahtama


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

The flybridge space is equipped with a hard top whose dimension are similar to the ones of the megayachts

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J a h te / Ya c h ts



Potpuno nova neverovatna jahta dolazi u porodicu Navetta kako bi popunila jaz između modela 58 i 68. Absolute 64 Navetta biće lansirana u septembru 2020. i oduševiće vas! Ova vrlo luksuzna jahta nudi 4 kabine i dodatnu kabinu za posadu, ali sa mogućnošću neverovatnog Beach Club-a koji nikada ranije nije viđen na jahti ove veličine. Nova Navetta 64 će takođe imati vrlo impresivne performanse zahvaljujući 2 Volvo Penta 2 IPS 1350, a zanimljiv je i novi spoljni dizajn koji oplemenjuje odnos gostiju i mora. Nizom specifičnih izbora i ideja, ona nije samo „redizajnirana“ Navetta, Navetta 64 je novi model koji je ponovo stvorio nešto izvanredno.

A brand new amazing yacht is coming to the Navetta family to fill the gap between the 58 and 68 models. The Absolute 64 Navetta will be launched in September 2020 and she will surely amaze you! This very luxurious yacht offers 4 cabins and an additional crew cabin, but with the possibility of an amazing Beach Club, never seen before on a yacht of this size. The new Navetta 64 will also have a very impressive performance thanks to the 2 Volvo Penta 2 IPS 1350. Her new exterior design is also interesting, which enhances the relationship between guests and the sea. Through a series of specific choices and ideas, this is not just a "redesigned" Navetta, the Navetta 64 is a new model that has created something extraordinary.

Absolute 64 Navetta biće lansirana u septembru 2020. / Absolute 64 Navetta will be launched in September 2020

Navetta 64 nudi 4 kabine i dodatnu kabinu za posadu / Navetta 64 offers 4 cabins and an additional crew cabin Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 989173629, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1


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Ča mci/B oats

ATLANTIC MARINE Atlantic Marine prepoznat je među ljubiteljima plovila širom sveta. Odličan kvalitet, udobnost, trajnost, inovativni dizajn i savršene performanse, ključevi su uspeha ovog poljskog brenda. Od samog početka pažnju su usmeravali na to da njihov brend postane savršen. Specijalizovani su za proizvodnju savremenih motornih brodova od 4,9 do 9,2 m. Svaki čamac izgrađen je 100% u njihovoj kompaniji, od dizajna do završne faze testiranja na vodi. Konstantno rade na savršenstvu i inovativnom karakteru svojih plovila, dobijajući na taj način značajan položaj i ugled na tržištu. Grupa njihovih motornih brodova sastoji se od 11 modela u četiri serije: Day Cruiser, Sun Cruiser, Open i Adventure. Atlantic Marine is renowned by boating enthusiasts around the world. Superb quality, comfort, durability, innovative design and perfect performance together make the key to the success of this Polish brand. From the very beginning, they have focused on making their brand perfect and specialized in production of modern motor boats from 4.9 m to 9.2 m. Each boat is built entirely by their company, from design to the final phase of water trials. They are constantly working on the perfection and innovative character of their vessels, thus gaining a strong position and reputation in the market. The range of their motor boats consists of 11 models in four series: Day Cruiser, Sun Cruiser, Open and Adventure.


630 SUN CRUISER Najmanji model u gami Sun Cruiser-a, sa oznakom 630, izuzetno je brz i stabilan, kao i njegovi prethodnici. Čamac pokazuje odlične vozne karakteristike, prostran kokpit i veliku zapreminu kabine. Pored sunčališta na pramcu, prostor za uživanje nalazi se i u kokpitu sa odličnim rasporedom.

ELKO Marine daje 10% popusta na plovila sa lagera

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The smallest boat in the Sun Cruiser range, model 630 is extremely fast and stable, like its predecessors. The boat features excellent driving characteristics, a spacious cockpit and a large cabin volume. In addition to the sundeck on the bow, the space for enjoyment is located in the cockpit with a great layout.

630 SUN CRUISER Dužina: 6,55 m Širina: 2,50 m Kapacitet goriva: 120 l Maksimalan broj osoba: 7 Length: 6.55 m Beam: 2.50 m Fuel capacity: 120 l Maximum number of persons: 7

Ča mci/B oats

730 SUN CRUISER Pogodan za krstarenja od plaže do plaže, ali i dovoljno udoban da postane vaš dom na vodi tokom vikenda, ovaj walk-around čamac pleni već na prvi pogled svojom sportskom elegancijom. Veliki ležaj na pramcu je centralno mesto za druženje, uz sedište na krmi koje može da se pretvori u prostor za kupanje i sunčanje. Uz komfornu kabinu i toalet, veoma je pogodan da ugosti 9 osoba.

Ideal for beach-to-beach cruises, but also comfortable enough to become your home on the water over the weekend, this walkaround boat captivates at first glance with its sporty elegance. The large sunpad on the bow is a central place for socializing, besides the aft seat that can be turned into a space for swimming and sunbathing. With a comfortable cabin and head compartment, it is suitable to accommodate 9 persons.

730 SUN CRUISER Dužina: 7,70 m Širina: 2,50 m Gaz: 0,50 m Težina: 1825 kg Kapacitet goriva: 260 l Length: 7.70 m Beam: 2.50 m Draft: 0.50 m Weight: 1825 kg Fuel capacity: 260 l

750 OPEN Dužina: 7,70 m Širina: 2,50 m Gaz: 0,53 m Kapacitet goriva: 260 l Maksimalan broj osoba: 12 Length: 7.70 m Beam: 2.50 m Draft: 0.53 m Fuel capacity: 260 l Maximum capacity of passengers: 12

750 O P E N Ovaj perfektni dnevni kruzer sa dodatnom kabinom učiniće vaša putovanja nezaboravnim. Posebno dizajniran, snažan i širok trup daje potpunu kontrolu, a moćan motor omogućava brza i duga bekstva bez vraćanja u luku.

This perfect day cruiser with an additional cabin will make your trips unforgettable. The specially designed, strong and wide hull provides full control, and the powerful engine enables fast escapes without having to return to the port for a long time.

490 OPEN Atlantic Marine 490 Open napravljen je za jednodnevne izlete duž obale, sportove na vodi, kupanje i sunčanje. Ima sve prednosti otvorenog broda: veliki kokpit koji ne ograničava kretanje i veliki pramčani ležaj. Vrlo je lako promeniti sunčalište u udobno sedište sa stolom te služi i za odmor i za obedovanje. Poseduje i obimnu standardnu opremu i dovoljno prostora za skladištenje. Visoke bočne strane, kao i pouzdani trup koji glatko prolazi kroz vodu doprinose sigurnosti i stabilnosti, a staklo na upravljačkoj konzoli štiti i ublažava nalete vetra i talasa. Sa motorima od 15 do 75 ks, može se koristiti u različite svrhe. Odličan odnos cene i performansi čine 490 Open izuzetno poželjnim modelom. The Atlantic Marine 490 Open is perfect for day trips along the coast, water sports, swimming and sunbathing. It has all the advantages of an open boat: a spacious cockpit that does not hinder movement and a large bow sunpad. It is very easy to change the sun deck into a comfortable seating with a table, so it is used for both rest and dining. Extensive standard equipment is included and there is ample storage space. The high sides, as well as the reliable hull that cuts smoothly through the water contribute to safety and stability, and the windshield on the control console protects from gusts of wind and waves. With engines from 15 to 75 hp, it can be used for various purposes. The excellent price-performance ratio makes the 490 Open a highly desirable model.

Milana Vidaka 16a, 21410 Futog +381 21 893 474; +381 64 112 7 119; +381 677 355 600

490 OPEN Dužina: 6,65 m Širina: 2,50 m Težina: 980 kg Motor: 200hp Kapacitet goriva: 192 l Maksimalan broj osoba: 10

Length over all: 4.75 m Beam: 1.97 m Draft: 0.30 m Number of passengers: 5/6 Maximum engine power: 75hp Fuel capacity: 60 l

ELKO Marine offer a 10% discount on boats from stock

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Ča mci/B oats



G 500

Modelom G 500, Advance ulazi u novu kategoriju u svojoj gami, povezujući kompaktnu i luksuznu klasu RIB čamaca With the G 500, Advance enters a new category in its range, linking the compact and luxury class of RIB boats



dvance G 500 karakterišu atraktivan dizajn koji asocira na brzinu, skladne dimenzije i prostor koji je maksimalno iskorišćen. Po spoljnim crtama se jasno naslućuje kontinuitet sa većim modelima iz iste serije, G 600 i G 800. Specijalno na ovom modelu je urađen naslon sedišta koji se obara, čime se ceo zadnji deo pretvara u veliki ravan prostor za sunčanje, a ujedno omogućava i lakši pristup platformi. Ispod zadnjeg dela se nalaze čak tri prostora za odlaganje stvari: centralna velika komora i dve bočne, koje svojom funkcionalnošću i dužinom omogućavaju da se u njih stave skije za vodu ili drugi rekviziti za vodene sportove. Zadnja platforma je konstruisana da omogući jednostavan pristup čamcu sa doka ili ulazak iz vode preko merdevina od nerđajućeg čelika, koje se izvlače iz namenskog prostora i lako stavljaju u funkciju. Prednji „sundeck“ ispod sebe krije 2 odvojene komore: veliki prostor za odlaganje stvari, kao i manji, namenski projektovan za smeštaj sidra. Sedišta mogu da budu ispunjena specijalnom „BreathAir“ penom izuzetne udobnosti, koja propušta



Dužina: 525 cm Dužina sa platformom: 563 cm Dužina unutrašnja: 465 cm Širina preko svega: 238 cm Širina unutrašnja: 130 cm Prečnik tubusa: 5040 cm Nosivost: 1.100 kg Materijal tubusa: Orca HypalonNeoprene CSM Materijal korita: Staklopastika Maks. snaga motora 150 ks Maks. brzina: 50 čv

vazduh i ne zadržava vodu, dok se za oblogu koristi najfinija koža za nautičku primenu. Advance svojim kupcima omogućava izbor teksture, dezena i boja kože iz široke palete. Na upravljačkoj konzoli se pored standardnih uređaja za merenje brzine, dubine, trima i navigacionog uređaja, primećuje jedan detalj koji je prava retkost na čamcima ove klase: kaseta za odlaganje ličnih stvari, poput mobilnih telefona i dokumenata. Ovoj kaseti se lako može pristupiti, jer je sa gornje strane otvorena, a sa donje zaštićena kliritom koji sprečava da stvari ispadnu prilikom jačih manevara. Kao dodatna opcija, može se poručiti i manja namenska kaseta zatvorenog tipa, koja služi za povezivanje mobilnih uređaja sa sistemom zvučnika, ali i ujedno bezbedno punjenje telefona. Kupcima na raspolaganju stoji veliki izbor novih atraktivnih kombinacija boja, koje ranije nisu viđene na Advance čamcima, kao i dodatne opreme. Pored toga, proizvođač omogućava kupcima personalizaciju plovila i pravljenje jedinstvenih primeraka po porudžbini.

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Ča mci/B oats



dvance G 500 is characterized by an attractive design inIn addition to standard speed, depth, trim and navigation despired by speed, harmonious dimensions and excellent vices, the steering console has one detail that is a rarity in boats use of space. Exterior lines clearly indicate connection of this class: a compartment for storing personal belongings, with the larger models of the same series, the G 600 and G 800. such as mobile phones and personal documents. This comA special feature of this model is foldable backrest of the seat, partment can be easily accessed because it is open from the top which turns the entire aft area into a large flat sundeck, while and protected from the bottom to prevent things from falling also providing easier access to the platform. Underneath the out during sharp maneuvers. As an additional option, a smallaft area there are three storage compartments: a central large er, dedicated, closed-type compartment can be ordered to conchamber and one more on each side that, with their functionnect mobile devices to the stereo speaker system, as well as for ality and length, allow them to fit water skis or other water safe charging of phones. sports equipment. Customers have a wide range of new attractive color combinaThe aft platform is designed to enable easy access to the boat tions, not seen on Advance boats before, as well as accessories from the dock or entry from the water via a to choose from. In addition, the manufacturer allows cusstainless steel ladder that can be pulled out of tomers to personalize the vessel and create unique boats the designated space and easily put into functo order. ADVANCE G 500 tion. The front sundeck has 2 separate chamLength: 525 cm bers beneath it: a large storage compartment as Length with platform: 563 cm well as a smaller one designed for the anchor. Inner length: 465 cm Width overall: 238 cm The seats can be filled with a special “BreathAir” Inner width: 130 cm Tube diameter: 50foam for exceptional comfort, as it is breathable 40 cm and water-repellent, while the finest leather Maximum load: 1.100 kg for nautical application is used for upholstery. Tube material: Orca Hypalon-Neoprene Advance allows its customers to choose from CSM a wide variety of textures, patterns and leather Hull material: Fiberglass colours. Max single engine power: 150 hp Max speed: 50 kn

Maksimalna brzina ide do 50 čvorova Maximum speed goes up to 50 knots

Na upravljačkoj konzoli se nalazi i kaseta za odlaganje ličnih stvari, poput mobilnih telefona i dokumenata

Kupcima na raspolaganju stoji veliki izbor novih atraktivnih kombinacija boja, koje ranije nisu viđene na Advance čamcima / Customers can choose from a wide range of new attractive color combinations, not seen on Advance boats before

Steering console has also a compartment for storing personal belongings, such as mobile phones and personal documents

Advance boat | Advertout d.o.o. | Pavla Vujisića 78a, 11283 Beograd | +381 11 277 21 92 |

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S a tovi



Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac



Kao naslednik velike ženevske tradicije, Patek Philippe posvećen je očuvanju svih retkih rukotvorina koje se koriste za ukrašavanje satova više od četiri veka. Koji bi način mogao bolje da očuva ove veštine predaka za budućnost od njihove redovne primene? Rezultat su izuzetni primerci - džepni, ručni ili stoni satovi - često jedinstveni, koji prikazuju ove fine veštine na ivici izumiranja. Graviranje, ili umetnost pretvaranja kućišta sata u dragulj. Emajliranje i njegova paleta sofisticiranih tehnika. Graverski rad guilloché, sa svojim elegantnim geometrijskim šarama. Ugrađivanje dragog kamenja i magija linije finog nakita. Dekoracija od drveta koja daje očaravajući izgled brojčaniku. Da i ne pominjemo kreacije koje objedinjuju nekoliko navedenih disciplina u jedinstvenom umetničkom delu koje oduzima dah. Spajajući vekovne veštine sa savremenom inspiracijom i tehničke karakteristike sa umetničkim duhom, ova remek-dela rođena u radionicama Patek Philippe pomažu u očuvanju plemenite tradicije, a oduševljavaju poznavaoce i ljubitelje veoma lepog i retkog.

As heir to a great Geneva tradition, Patek Philippe is dedicated to preserving all the rare handcrafts that have been used to decorate timepieces for more than four centuries. What better way could there be to safeguard these ancestral skills for the future than by practicing them regularly? The result is exceptional pieces – pocket watches, wristwatches or table clocks – often one of a kind, that showcase these fine crafts on the brink of extinction. Engraving, or the art of transforming a watch-case into a jewel. Enameling and its palette of sophisticated techniques. Guilloché work, with its elegant geometric patterns. Gemsetting and the magic of Haute Joaillerie. Wood marquetry, lending enchantment to a dial. Not to mention the creations that bring together several of these disciplines in a single breathtaking work of art. Blending age-old skills with contemporary inspiration, and technical prowess with artistic flair, these masterpieces born in Patek Philippe’s workshops are helping to perpetuate noble traditions, while delighting connoisseurs and lovers of the very fine and rare.

„ B AT I K N A CR N O M “

“ B AT I K O N B L AC K ”

KUPOLASTI STONI SAT U CLOISONNÉ EMAJLU UKRAŠEN JE RUČNIM GRAVIRANJEM I OSLIKAVANJEM MINIJATURA Za ovaj jedinstveni komad u grand feu cloisonné emajlu, Patek Philippe je inspiraciju dobio od poznatih malezijskih saronga izrađenih drevnim batik tehnikama. Konture cvetova, listova i stabljika oblikovane su upotrebom 22,75 metara ravne zlatne žice, preseka 0,2 x 0,6 mm (45,5 g), isečene na sitne komade i oblikovane ručno. Da bi povećao intenzitet boja na crnoj pozadini, zanatlija je pojedinačne delove napunio sa ukupno 13 različitih neprozirnih, poluprozirnih i providnih emajl boja. Struktura lišća naglašena je delikatnim ručnim gravurama koje svetlucaju kroz prozirni emajl. Pojedini detalji oplemenjeni su minijaturnim oslikavanjem emajla. Svaki emajlirani element kućišta obrađen je 6 do 8 puta na temperaturama između 820° C i 850° C. Krug brojčanika u guilloche tehnici sadrži crne, lakirane nanete brojeve. Kalibar 17’’’ PEND, mehanički mehanizam koji navija se pomoću električnog motora.


DOME TABLE CLOCK IN CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ENHANCED WITH MANUAL ENGRAVING AND MINIATURE PAINTING For this unique piece in grand feu cloisonné enamel, Patek Philippe took inspiration from the famous Malaysian sarongs crafted with ancestral batik techniques. The contours of the blossoms, leaves, and stems were fashioned with 22.75 meters of flat gold wire with a cross section of 0.2 x 0.6 mm (45.5 g) cut into tiny pieces and sculpted by hand. To heighten the brilliance of the colors on a black background, the artisan filled the individual cells (cloisons) with a total of 13 different opaque, semi-opaque, and transparent enamel paints. The structure of the leaves is emphasized with delicate manual engravings that shimmer through the transparent enamel. Certain details are refined with miniature painting on enamel. Each enameled case element was fired 6 to 8 times at temperatures between 820°C and 850°C. The guilloched hour circle features black lacquered, applied numerals. Caliber 17’’’ PEND, mechanical movement wound by an electric motor.

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S a tovi



„ČA M C I U M AG L I “

“J U N KS I N T H E F O G”

DŽEPNI SATOVI SA DRVENIM OBLOGAMA I GUILLOCH TEHNIKOM ISPOD EMAJLA. Inspirisani satovima u paru koji imaju mnogo poklonika na Dalekom Istoku, ova dva jedinstvena pimerka prikazuju isti čamac u magli na pozadini kućišta, ali su napravljeni kao odraz u ogledalu. Da bi stvorio ovaj motiv bogat detaljima, zanatlija je strpljivo izrezao i sastavio 200 delova od drveta i 200 dodatnih komada intarzije izrađenih od 27 vrsta drveta različitih boja, tekstura i granulacije za svaki od dva sata. Brojčanik od žutog zlata sa primenjenim Breguet brojevima u žutom zlatu, ručno je obrađen guilloche tehnikom sa motivom sunčevog izlaska, a zatim premazan prozirnim žuto-zlatnim ili plavim emajlom. Krunice za navijanje ukrašene su zelenim (0,41 ct) i žutim (0,26 ct) safirnim kamenom u tehnici cabochon. Svaki sat ima ručno izrađeno postolje od žutog zlata na ovalnoj podlozi od abonosa sa zelenim (0,46) i žutim (0,37) safirnim kamenom u tehnici cabochon. Ima ručno navijanje kalibar 17’’’ LEP PS sa pomoćnim sekundarom.

POCKET WATCHES WITH WOOD MARQUETRY AND GUILLOCHING BENEATH ENAMEL. Inspired by pair watches that have many followers in the Far East, these two unique pieces show the same junk in the fog on their case backs but in mirrored depictions To create the richly detailed motif, the artisan patiently cut out and assembled 200 wood parts and 200 additional intarsia pieces made of 27 wood species with different colors, textures, and graining for each of the two watches. The yellow-gold dial with applied Breguet numerals in yellow gold was manually guilloched with a sunburst motif and then coated with transparent yellow-gold or blue enamel (flinqué). The winding crowns are set with a green (0.41 ct) and a yellow (0.26 ct) sapphire cabochon. Each watch comes with a hand-crafted stand in yellow gold on an oval Makassar ebony base set with a green (0.46) and a yellow (o.37) sapphire cabochon. Manually wound caliber 17’’’ LEP PS with subsidiary seconds.

Ova remek dela oduševljavaju poznavaoce i ljubitelje veoma lepog i retkog / These masterpieces delighting connoisseurs and lovers of the very fine and rare



DŽEPNI SAT SA DRVENIM OBLOGAMA. Ovaj jedinstveni komad na temu vode ističe se po motivima drvene obloge sa obe strane. Na poleđini kućišta prikazana je riba arovana. Brojčanik prikazuje vodene ljiljane. Da bi stvorio ovaj izuzetno živopisan portret „ribezmaja“ - veoma tražene u jugoistočnoj Aziji - sa zadivljujućim detaljima kao što su krljušti i mehurići vazduha koji joj izlaze iz usta, umetnik je morao da uloži veliko strpljenje tokom sečenja i sastavljanja ništa manje od 302 pojedinčna dela i 100 sitnih intarzija od 27 vrste drveta. Motiv vodenog ljiljana na žuto-zlatnom brojčaniku sastoji se od 102 odvojena dela i 25 intarzija izrađenih od 11 vrsta drveta. Kazaljke od žutog zlata i naneti Breguet brojevi prate protok vremena. Krunica je ukrašena kamenom karneolom u tehnici cabochon (0,35 ct). Ovaj sat ima ručno izrađeno postolje od žutog zlata na osnovi od abonosa. Ima ručno navijanje kalibar 17’’’ LEP PS sa pomoćnim sekundarom.

POCKET WATCH WITH WOOD MARQUETRY. This unique water-themed piece stands out with wood marquetry motifs on both sides. On the case back, it shows an arowana fish. The dial depicts water lilies. To create this very vivid portrait of a “dragon fish” – highly sought after in Southeast Asia – with stunning details such as scales and air bubbles escaping from the mouth, the artist had to exercise considerable patience while cutting and assembling no fewer than 302 individual parts and 100 tiny intarsias from 27 species of wood. The water lily motif on the yellow-gold dial consists of 102 separate parts and 25 intarsias extracted from 11 species of wood. Yellow-gold hands and applied Breguet numerals track the passage of time. The crown is set with a carnelian cabochon (0.35 ct). This watch comes with a hand-crafted yellow-gold stand on a Makassar ebony base. Manually wound caliber 17’’’ LEP PS with subsidiary.

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inter vju/interview

Goran Vasić

CEO Goga Yachting Club



ompanija Goga Yachting Club ove godine obeležava 30 godina uspešnog poslovanja. Tokom tri decenije stalnog razvoja i širenja ponude svojih usluga i proizvoda, kompanija je postala jedna od vodećih u oblasti nautike u Srbiji i regionu. O uspešnosti, profesionalizmu i inovativnosti u radu kompanije Goga svedoči više od 2500 zadovoljnih klijenata, kao i nagrade poput: Monterey boats 3. nagrada za najboljeg dilera u Evropi, Monterey boats nagrada za najbolju servisnu podršku, Monterey boats nagrada za najinovativniji sajt i marketing van teritorije SAD i Cranchi nagrada za najboljeg dilera na Balkanu. Iza ovog uspeha nalazi se gospodin Goran Vasić, koji se u intervjuu za naš magazin osvrnuo na prvih 30 godina poslovanja, govorio o trenutnoj situaciji u poslovanju, kao i planovima za budućnost.

Ove godine proslavljate veliki jubilej, 30 godina rada i postojanja kompanije Goga Yachting Club. Kada se osvrnete na protekle godine, na šta ste posebno ponosni i da li biste nešto promenili?

Pravo pitanje, ali je odgovor da je REPUTACIJA proizvoda koje prodajemo, kao i „POST USLUGA“ nama ipak najvažniji segment, jer ZADOVOLJSTVO KLIJENTA je po našem mišljenju 70% uspeha. Posebno se PONOSIMO kvalitetom Monterey brodova, jer su pokazali da su NAJKVALITETNIJI u svim svojim segmen-


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inter vju/interview

Kompanija Goga Yachting Club na čelu sa gospodinom Goranom Vasićem već 30 godina na tržište Srbije dovodi vodeće svetske nautičke brendove tima, i da su, slobodno možemo reći „BENTLEY“. I ponavljam, nisam preterao sa poređenjem jer mi smo do sada prodali oko 1900 plovila i imamo klijente koji se „SLATKO“ voze i čamcem iz 2001. godine bez ikakvih problema! Naravno, drugo na šta smo ponosni jeste da smo postali predstavnici CRANCHI FABRIKE, totalno novog dizajna, kvaliteta i prelepih brodova!

Godina 2020. donela je velika iskušenja celom svetu. Ipak, čini se da na rekama nikad nije bilo više plovila, a kod Vas u marini se traži mesto više. Kako komentarišete novonastalu situaciju?

Upravo sam jako prijatno iznenađen OGROMNOM POTRAŽNJOM i mesta u marini i novih plovila, jer je dragim korisnicima dosadila ova „COVID-19“ neizvesnost i ozbiljno su svi OTVORILI DUŠU i tražili bilo koje plovilo i bilo koje mesto! Rezultat toga je da smo NAŽALOST odbili desetak klijenata za mesto u marini jer smo TOTALNO POPUNJENI, a isto tako već od 23. juna smo TOTALNO RASPRODATI i nemamo nijedno plovilo da ponudimo klijentima! I to se dešava, ko bi to mogao da pretpostavi?

U Beograd su stigli prestižni modeli iz Cranchi flote na čelu sa veličanstvenim HT44, a sigurno da je velika potražnja i za modelima Monterey i Regal. Koja plovila su Vaši favoriti za leto?

Ovo je sad trik pitanje, ali ću biti iskren: No.1 je ipak MONTEREY, No.2 je Regal, zbog svoje raznovrsnosti i većeg kapaciteta u odnosu na Monterey, a VAN KATEGORIJE je Cranchi jer je to ipak savršenstvo u izradi plovila i dizajnerski su, Italijani su ipak Italijani!! U Beograd su stigli Cranchi HT44, Z35, E30 dva komada, E26 dva komada i stvarno smo PREPONOSNI na taj rezultat! I Beograd da vidi nešto LUKSUZNO i PRESTIŽNO SVETSKOG RANGA!

Goga Yachting Club je godinama sigurno utočište za nautičare. Kupiti brod je možda i najlakše, mnogi prvi vlasnici ne obraćaju

pažnju da je veoma važna i postprodajna usluga koja je kod Vas na visokom nivou.

To sam već rekao da je u našoj prodaji dosta zastupljena preporuka „od usta do usta“ i na to obraćamo VELIKU PAŽNJU. Ali kao zvanični serviseri, uz iskustvo od 30 godina, uveli smo procese rada da bismo izbegli opterećenost i pritisak u sezonskom periodu koji je OGROMAN! Samo PROCEDURE PRATITI i sve će biti na svom mestu! Mi pružamo kompletan paket održavanja klijentima i to im je najbitnije - „KLJUČ U RUKE“, a mi se bavimo plovilom 365 dana, i pored toga smo i 20% jeftiniji jer idemo filozofijom bolje MALA ZARADA na više plovila nego VEĆA ZARADA na malo plovila! Trenutno preko 250 klijenata održavamo u našoj mreži!

Marina trenutno ima 94 mesta, da li planirate da proširite kapacitete?

Kao što smo izložili u prethodno da smo potpuno puni, moramo da se širimo i planiramo sledeću sezonu za još 28 mesta, ali samo ako dođe do zakonske regulative na nivou gradskih odluka, neizvesnost nas ubija u našim investicijama zbog NEREGULISANOG STATUSA, marina, splavova i opšte NAUTIČKE DELATNOSTI! Ali moramo dalje, jer nas klijenti teraju da ostanemo na tom ZAVIDNOM NIVOU USLUGA i prodaja 50 i više plovila svake godine je ozbiljan NADOLAZEĆI PROBLEM.

CRANCHI HT 44 je pravo plovilo za lične potrebe i dovoljno komforno za putovanje porodično ili sa prijateljima / CRANCHI HT 44 is the right boat for personal needs and comfortable enough to travel with family or friends

Kako vidite činjenicu da je 60% fabrika prešlo na vanbrodske čamce i da se u narednih 3-5 godina planiraju i elektro verzije motora?

To su već poznate informacije, jer već poslednje 3 godine fabrike nas upozoravaju da će se preći na VANBRODSKE MOTORE i na ELEKTRO MOTOR u narednih 3-5 godina, što mislimo da im

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inter vju/interview

Goga Yachting Club je generalni zastupnik i Regal plovila za region / Goga Yachting Club company is also general dealer of Regal boats for the region


Monterey brodovi su pokazali da su najkvalitetniji u svim svojim segmentima / Monterey boats have proven to be of the highest quality in all their segments

je jeftinije da proizvode vanbrodske motore, lakše i mnogo brže se servisiraju! Postao je TREND imati vanbrodski motor iako naši klijenti još uvek vole i UGRADNE MOTORE! Videćemo uskoro!

Na koji način smatrate da će se razvijati situacija na svetskom i domaćem nautičkom tržištu u godinama koje dolaze?

E ovo je stvarno neizvesno zbog OPŠTE SITUACIJE, ali mi verujemo da će ovo sve proći i ostati iza nas, mi idemo PUNIM PLUĆIMA dalje i za novu sezonu NARUČUJEMO između 40-50 plovila! Kako se kaže u narodu „kud puklo da puklo“, važno je da nije kvarljiva roba i da NEĆE DA ISTEKNE ROK TRAJANJA!

Možemo reći da ste svetski putnik, koje plovilo i destinacija su Vaš izbor za porodični odmor?

Tu apsolutno nemam dilemu jer je CRANCHI HT44 pravo plovilo za lične potrebe i dovoljno komforno za putovanje porodično ili sa prijateljima, a destinacije su po meni najlepše po Italiji i po Hrvatskoj, ali ja volim i nasmejane Grke skromnijih cena i prelepog mora! A što se tiče prekookeanskog odmora, jer smo u Americi svake godine po 20-25 dana, definitivno FLORIDA, Majami, Key West, Palm Beach, Tampa i sve u okruženju je još uvek prelepo! Želimo VAM puno zdravlja



his year, Goga Yachting Club celebrates 30 years of successful business. Over the three decades of constant development and expansion of the range of its services and products, the company has become one of the leaders in the nautical field in Serbia and the region. More than 2,500 satisfied customers testify to the success, professional attitude and innovation in the work of the Club, as well as awards such as: Monterey boats 3rd prize for the best dealer in Europe, Monterey boats award for best service support, Monterey boats award for the most innovative website and marketing outside US territory, and the Cranchi Award for the best dealer in the Balkans. Behind this success is Mr. Goran Vasić, who in this interview for our magazine shares his reflection of the first 30 years in business, talks about the current business situation, but also about plans for the future.

This year you are celebrating the great jubilee of 30 years of work and anniversary of the Goga Yachting Club. When you look back on the past years, what are you particularly proud of and is there anything you would change?

Good question, but the answer is that the REPUTATION of the products we sell as well as AFTER SALES SERVICES are still the most important segments for us because CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is 70% of success in our opinion. We are especially PROUD of the quality of Monterey boats because they have shown that they are the BEST in all their segments, and that we can freely say

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inter vju/interview

the most important thing, "TURNKEY", while we deal with the vessel for 365 days. In addition we are 20% cheaper because we go by the philosophy of LOWER EARNINGS on more vessels rather than HIGHER EARNINGS on fewer vessels! We currently maintain over 250 clients in our network!

"BENTLEY" of the nautical world. And I repeat, I am not overestimating in that comparison, because we have sold about 1,900 boats so far and we have clients who sail "SMOOTHLY" aboard a boat from 2001 without any problems! Of course, another thing we are proud of is that we have become dealers of the CRANCHI SHIPYARD, a totally new design, high quality and beautiful boats!

The marina currently has 94 berths, so do you plan to expand the capacity?

As we have pointed out in the previous answers that we are completely full, we have to expand and plan the next season with another 28 places, but only if the regulations at the level of City Council decisions are in place. Uncertainty is killing us in our investments due to UNREGULATED STATUS of marinas, rafts and NAUTICAL ACTIVITIES in general! But we have to move on, because clients drive us to stay at that ENVIABLE LEVEL OF SERVICES and sales of 50 or more vessels every year is a serious COMING ISSUE.

The year 2020 has brought great temptations upon the whole world. However, it seems that there have never been more boats on the rivers, and everyone is looking for a place in your marina. How do you comment on the new situation?

I am honestly very pleasantly surprised by the HUGE DEMAND both for places in the marina and new boats, because our dear customers are fed up with this "COVID-19" uncertainty and seriously everyone has OPENED UP THEIR HEART and looked for any boat and any place! The result is that we have UNFORTUNATELY turned down a dozen clients for a place in the marina because we are TOTALLY FULL, and also from June 23 we are TOTALLY SOLD OUT and we do not have any vessels to offer to clients! Who could have guessed that such things happen!

Prestigious models from the Cranchi fleet led by the magnificent HT44 have arrived to Belgrade, and there is certainly a great demand for the Monterey and Regal models as well. Which boats are your favorites for the summer?

This is a trick question but I will be honest: No.1 is still MONTEREY, No.2 is Regal because of its versatility and greater capacity compared to Monterey, and OUT OF ANY CATEGORY is Cranchi because it is perfection in boat construction and design, THEY are "SO ITALIAN!''. Cranchi HT44, Z35, E30 two items, E26 two vessels have arrived to Belgrade and we are really PROUD of that result! Belgrade can finally see something LUXURIOUS and PRESTIGIOUS, WORLD CLASS!

Goga Yachting Club has been a safe haven for boaters for years. Buying a boat is perhaps the easiest PART, many first-time owners do not realize that the after-sales service, which is at a high level in your company, is also very important.

I have already said that the WORD OF MOUTH, recommendation is quite common in our sales, and we pay GREAT ATTENTION to that. But as official service center, with experience of 30 years, we have introduced work processes to avoid overload, the pressure in the high season period, which is HUGE! Just FOLLOW THE PROCEDURES and everything will be in its place! We provide a full maintenance package to clients and this is

How do you see the fact that 60% of factories have switched to outboards and that electric versions of engines are planned in the next 3-5 years?

Goga Yachting Club, led by Mr. Goran Vasić, has been bringing the world's leading nautical brands to the Serbian market for 30 years

This is already well known information, because for the last 3 years the factories have been warning us that they will switch to OUTBOARD ENGINES and ELECTRIC MOTOR in the next 3-5 years, as we think it is cheaper for them to produce outboard engines, and easier and much faster to service! It has become a TREND to have an outboard engine even though our clients still love INBOARD ENGINES, too! We'll see soon!

How do you think the situation on the world and domestic nautical market will develop in the years to come?

Well, this is really uncertain due to the GENERAL SITUATION, but we believe that all this will pass and stay behind us, we are going with FULL SAIL ahead. For the new season we WILL ORDER between 40-50 vessels!! As people say "WHATEVER HAPPENS", it is important that our goods DO NOT HAVE THE EXPIRY DATE!

We can say that you are a world traveler, which boat and destination are your choice for a family vacation?

I have absolutely no dilemma there, because the CRANCHI HT44 is the right boat for personal needs and comfortable enough to travel with family or friends, and the destinations are the most beautiful in Italy and Croatia, but I also like the ever smiling Greeks with more affordable prices and beautiful sea! And as for the vacation across the ocean, because we are in America every year for 20-25 days, definitely FLORIDA, Miami, Key West, Palm Beach, Tampa and everything in the surroundings is really beautiful! We wish you good health!

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Ča r ter /C har ter

ČARTER JEANNEAU MOTORNIH BRODOVA bez posade ili sa skiperom

Blue Nautica svake godine obnavlja svoju čarter flotu sasvim novim Jeanneau modelima


Charter flota novih Jeanneau motornih plovila raspona veličine 7-14 metara sa bazom u ACI Marini Trogir, samo 5 km udaljenosti od Aerodroma Split. Poznato je da je Trogir sam po sebi top destinacija, ali je takođe zbog svoje lokacije i odlična polazišna tačka prema najpoželjnijim destinacijama srednje, južne i severne Dalmacije. Tradicionalno, svake godine obnavljamo svoju čarter flotu sasvim novim Jeanneau modelima. Kod kreiranja čarter flote naš izbor je uvek renomirani francuski brodograditelj Jeanneau zbog vrhunske izrade, kvaliteta materijala, atraktivnih linija modela plovila i kvalitetu plovila. Fokusirani smo na to da svojim gostima ponudimo isključivo najviši kvalitet, vrhunsku uslugu, pouzdanost, nova plovila po pristupačnim cenama, ali takođe, uz to pazimo i da se izdvojimo iz mase jedinstvenošću modela brodova.


Kao ovlašćeni serviseri Suzuki, Honda i Volvo brodskih i vanbrodskih motora, pobrinuli smo se i da u našoj hali i suvoj marini pokrivamo apsolutno sve aspekte čuvanja i kompletnog stručnog održavanja plovila. Naš hangar u potpunosti ispunjava sve najviše standarde kvaliteta.

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Charter baza je u ACI Marini Trogir, samo 5 km udaljenosti od Aerodroma Split / Charteer fleet is based in ACI Marina Trogir, only 5 km from Split airport

Ča r ter /C har ter

RENT A JEANNEAU MOTORBOAT bareboat or skippered

Every year, Blue Nautica renews its charter fleet with brand new Jeanneau models

Charter fleet of new Jeanneau motorboats ranging in length from 7- 14 m based in ACI Marina Trogir. Only 5 km from Split airport, historic city of Trogir is a top destination, but also a great starting point to the most desirable tourist destinations in Central, Southern and Northern Dalmatia due to their proximity. Traditionally, every season we renew our charter fleet with brand new Jeanneau models. When creating a charter fleet, our choice is always the renowned French shipbuilder Jeanneau because of its superior craftmanship, quality of materials, attractive lines of boat models, and ultimately the quality of the boats. We are focused on offering our guests only the highest quality, best service, reliability, new boats at affordable prices, but also, in addition, we care to stand out from the crowd with the uniqueness of the boat models.

Charter flota Jeanneau motornih plovila raspona veličine 7-14 metara / Charter fleet of Jeanneau motor boats ranging in size from 7-14 meters


As authorized service technicians of Suzuki, Honda and Volvo marine inboard and outboard engines, we have made sure that in our own hall and dry marina we cover absolutely all aspects of storage and complete professional maintenance of boats. Our hangar fully meets all the highest quality standards.

BLUE NAUTICA Motorboat charter – Diving – Underwater museum – Private beach & Aquapark – Dive & Rescue - Dry Docking Put Cumbrijana 19, 21220 Trogir (ACI Marina Trogir), Croatia • Phone: +385 99 6600 269 | +385 91 211 4884 E-mail: • •

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Osig ura nje/I nsurance



Iz Poreča su u korona-krizi stigle dobre vesti: Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Šurija prvi je u saradnji s EmergenSea mrežom ponudio podsticajne i inovativne dodatne usluge u svojim osiguranjima brodova i jahti: dve besplatne usluge od posebnog značaja u doba pandemije Finally some good news during the Corona crisis come from Poreč! Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Šurija recently offered incentive and innovative additional services included in its boat and yacht insurance policies: two cost-free services of significant importance during the pandemic PREGLED BRODA Nudi se vlasnicima koji zbog restrikcija kretanja ne mogu do svojih plovila, odnosno mogućnost da im se na njihov zahtev pregleda brod na vezu: kako je vezan, da li su bokobrani pravilno postavljeni, da li je sve drugo na palubi u redu. Na taj način vlasnici dobijaju kratak izveštaj i nekoliko fotografija. Ova usluga je besplatna. Ukoliko vlasnici zatraže više informacija o svom plovilu, može se obaviti i to, primera radi- pregled unutrašnjosti broda, paljenje motora, ventilacija, punjenje baterija i slično.

povezanost ove dve kompanije nastavila se 2016. kada je dogovoreno da svi PYI osiguranici imaju 30 posto popusta na usluge EmergenSea. Usluge ES punokrvne asistencije uključuju: vuču do 10 NM, eskort plovila do 10 NM, uvođenje plovila u vez, lakša vuča, ronjenje do 30 minuta, dostavu goriva ili delova, te transfer do dva putnika. Jedini uslov za navedenu gratis asistenciju je uplata polise kasko osiguranja i nekomercijalna upotreba broda.

PUNOKRVNA ASISTENCIJA NA MORU Kada vlasnik napokon isplovi, druga, jednako takođe veoma važna novost jeste besplatna asistencija na moru. Naime, uz kasko polisu PYI osiguranja odnedavno se dobija Standard paket asistencije kompanije EmergenSea za 2020 godinu! Zašto se naziva „punokrvna” asistencija na moru, u čemu je razlika? Neki nude besplatnu asistenciju na moru koja obuhvata veoma malo usluga, a PYI nudi najbogatiji paket asistencije renomirane kompanije EmergenSea. Inače, EmergenSea ima 21 bazu na Jadranu uključujući Sloveniju i Crnu Goru te 12 godina iskustva, a najvažnije je da su se za to vreme dokazali kao pouzdani partneri u spasavanju brodova PYI osiguranika. Saradnja je započela 2008. godine, a još snažnija

Saznajte više na ili, nazovite na telefon +385 52 432 230 ili pošaljite e-mail s upitom na


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Osig ura nje/I nsurance

Premium Yacht Insurance BY JACK ŠURIJA - MARINE INSURANCE BOAT INSPECTION It is offered to a boat owners who, due to free movement restrictions, weren’t able to reach their boats. Now they have the possibility to ask for a free inspection of their boat at berth: how she is moored, are the fenders set well, is everything else on deck in order. They get a brief report and several photos, all for free! If boat owner asks for more information about his boat, it can be arranged as well: for example interior checkup and ventilation, engine starting, battery charging and similar.

COMPREHENSIVE ASSISTANCE AT SEA When the owner finally sets sails, another important news is about free assistance at sea. Namely, when choosing full hull insurance (casco) policy, the boat owner free of charge gets Standard package of EmergenSea assistance at sea for 2020! Why is it called comprehensive assistance, what is the difference? Some insurers offer free assistance at sea which includes

only few services, while PYI offers the most complete assistance package provided by renowned EmergenSea. This network for help at sea has 21 bases in the Adriatic including Slovenia and Montenegro as well as 12 years of experience during which they proved to be reliable partner when providing services to PYI customers. This cooperation begun in 2008 while in 2016 the relationship was strengthened even more when it was agreed that PYI policy holders get 30% discount for EmergenSea services. Comprehensive assistance services now include towing for up to 10 NM, boat escort for up to 10 NM, berthing the boat, simple refloating, diving up to 30 minutes, fuel or spare parts delivery, as well as transfer for two passengers. The only requirements for the mentioned free assistance are that insurance policy has been settled and that the boat is intended for private (non-commercial) use.

Find more at or at, dial +385 52 432 230 or send e-mail to

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Motor i


M otorbikes

TAMNA STRANA JAPANA The Dark Side of Japan


amaha MT modeli zauvek su promenili izgled sveta motocikala. Lansiran 2013. godine, legendarni MT-09 uveo je na ulice radikalno novi izgled i stav. Od tada se Yamaha Hyper Naked klasa neprestano uvećava, a trenutno nudi jedan od najjačih izbora modela u rasponu od 125 cc do 1000 cc. Svojim upečatljivim japanskim nasleđem, atletskom karoserijom i motorima sa snažnim obrtnim momentom, Yamaha MT modeli pružaju idealan spoj sirove agresije, samouverenog stava i savremenog stila. Namenjeni nekonvencionalnim vozačima koji žele da izraze svoju ličnost na jedinstven i originalan način, svaki MT model ima duh "Tamne strane Japana" i otvara uzbudljiv novi način života. NOVI MT-125 I MT-03 SPORTSKI PAKETI: TAMNIJI NEGO IKAD Sa radikalno novom karoserijom i zastrašujućim izgledom s dvostrukim pozicionim svetlima, potpuno novi MT125 i MT-03 donose čisti Hyper Naked stav u kategorijama motora A1 i A2. Sa novim snažnim motorom od 125 kubika, kao i novim Deltabox okvirom i 41 mm naopakim viljuškama, MT-125 je Yamaha potpuno lagani naked model, dok MT03 stiže sa novim naopakim viljuškama i masivnim dizajnom nove generacije.


Svojim ultra-agresivnim novim izgledom i naprednijim specifikacijama, ovi modeli su dizajnirani za vozače koji traže uzbuđenje i pravu stvar i koji zakorače u Tamnu stranu. Uvek posvećena da svakom kupcu pruži zadovoljstvo da svoj motocikl obeleži ličnim pečatom, Yamaha predstavlja nove sport pakete. Oni dodatno izoštravaju radikalni izgled i pojačavaju agresivni karakter ovih Hyper Naked modela. MT-125 Sport Pack sastoji se od fly ekrana, držača registarskih tablica, štitnika motora, podloge rezervoara i LED pozicionih svetala, koji zajedno podižu karakteristični MT izgled na novi nivo i daju ovom motociklu još oštriji i privlačniji izgled, istovremeno doprinoseći zaštiti od svakodnevnog habanja. MT-03 Sport Pack sadrži sportski ekran, držač registarskih tablica, zaštitu hladnjaka, podlogu za rezervoar i LED poziciona svetla, koji zajedno naglašavaju dinamični izgled ovog Hyper Naked motocikla koji je vodeći u svojoj klasi, poboljšavaju kvalitet vožnje i pomažu u održavanju odličnog stanja. ORIGINALNI YAMAHA DODACI Yamaha nudi širok spektar individualnih originalnih dodataka za modele Hyper Naked, uključujući delove za poboljšanje performansi, udobnosti i stil-

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Yamaha MT modeli pružaju idealan spoj sirove agresije, samouverenog stava i savremenog stila / Yamaha MT models deliver the ideal blend of naked aggression, in-yourface attitude and contemporary style

Motor i


M otorbikes

LED poziciona svetla alternativna svetla za oštriji dizajn / LED blinkers - alternative blinkers for sharper design

skog izgleda. Kao deo potpunog Hyper Naked iskustva, Yamaha poseduje namensku brendiranu kolekciju odeće, koja sadrži jakne za urbanu vožnju, majice, kape, majice sa kapuljačom i još mnogo toga. Detaljne informacije mogu se videti na MYGARAGE APP MyGarage je brz i jednostavan način za kreiranje personalizovanog Yamaha motocikla, koji omogućava klijentima da eksperimentišu i upoređuju različite kombinacije originalnih dodataka i vide koje komponente im najbolje pristaju. Koristeći MyGarage aplikaciju, svako može odmah stvoriti svoj željeni Hyper Naked i pogledati ga iz bilo kog ugla u visokoj rezoluciji. Ova aplikacija eliminiše faktor nagađanja pri izboru pravih delova, a konačna lista može se poslati imejlom Yamaha prodavcu, koji će nabaviti i ugraditi odabranu originalnu dodatnu opremu. MYRIDE APP MyRide aplikacija omogućava Yamaha vozačima da prate svaku vožnju i snimaju različite podatke, uključujući ugao naginjanja, ubrzanje, maksimalnu brzinu, promene visine i pređenu udaljenost. Slike se mogu dodati podacima o putovanju i deliti na društvenim mrežama, a informacije se mogu sačuvati pod ličnim korisničkim nalogom. To je najbolji način da se svakoj vožnji doda nova dimenzija i omogućuje vozačima da ponovo prožive svoja omiljena putovanja.

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amaha's MT models have changed forever the landscape of the motorcycle world. Launched in 2013, the iconic MT-09 introduced a radical new look and attitude to the street. Since then Yamaha's Hyper Naked class has continuously expanded, and now offers one of the strongest selection of models from 125cc through to 1000cc. With their signature Japanese heritage, athletic bodywork and torque-rich engines, Yamaha MT models deliver the ideal blend of naked aggression, in-your-face attitude and contemporary style. Aimed at unconventional riders who are looking to express themselves in a unique and original way, each MT model captures the spirit of the Dark Side of Japan, and open up a thrilling new way of life. NEW MT-125 & MT-03 SPORT PACKS: DARKER THAN EVER With radical new bodywork and an intimidating look with their bold twin-eye position lights, the all-new MT-125 and MT-03 bring pure Hyper Naked attitude to the A1 and A2 licence categories. Featuring a powerful new 125cc engine as well as a new Deltabox frame and 41mm upside down forks, the MT125 is Yamaha's ultimate naked lightweight - while the MT-03 comes with new upside down forks and next-generation mass-forward design. With their ultra-aggressive new looks and more advanced specifications, these models are designed for thrill-seeking riders who want the real deal from the moment and step into the Dark Side. Always committed to giving every customer the pleasure to make their bike their very own, Yamaha introduces -the new Sport Packs. They sharpen the radical looks and reinforce the aggressive character of these Hyper Naked models. The MT-125 Sport Pack consists of a fly screen, license plate holder, engine protectors, tank pad and LED blinkers, that take the characteristic MT looks to the next level and give the bike a yet sharper and cooler image, while also helping to protect it from everyday wear and tear. The MT-03 Sport Pack features a sport screen, license plate holder, radiator protector, tank pad and LED blinkers, that emphasize this class-leading Hyper Naked bike's dynamic looks, enhance ride quality and help to keep it in excellent condition.



M otorbikes

YAMAHA GENUINE ACCESSORIES Yamaha offers a wide range of individual Genuine Accessories for the Hyper Naked models, including performance, comfort and stylistic parts. As part of the full Hyper Naked experience, Yamaha has a dedicated collection of branded apparel including urban riding jackets, T shirts, caps, hoodies and more. Full information can be seen at MYGARAGE APP MyGarage is the quick and easy way to create a personalized Yamaha, enabling customers to experiment with and compare different combinations of Genuine Accessories and see which components work best for them. Using the MyGarage app anyone can instantly create their dream Hyper Naked and view it in from any angle in high definition. This app takes the guesswork out of choosing the right parts, and the final list can be emailed to a Yamaha dealer who will supply and fit the selected Genuine Accessories. MYRIDE APP The MyRide app enables Yamaha riders to track every ride and record a variety of data including lean angle, acceleration, top speed, elevation changes and distance covered. Images can be added to the trip data and shared on social media, and information can be saved and stored under the customer's own account. It's the best way to add another dimension to every ride and allows riders to rediscover their favourite journeys.

Yamaha MT modeli zauvek su promenili izgled sveta motocikala / Yamaha's MT models have changed forever the landscape of the motorcycle world

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Podloga rezervoara štiti od svakodnevnog habanja / Tank pad protects against everyday wear and tear


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Fly ekran - za agresivniji izgled Tamna strana Japana/ Fly screen - for a more aggressive Dark Side of Japan look

Držač registarskih tablica stvara uredniji zadnji kraj / License plate holder creates a neater rear end

Štitnici motora sprečavaju slučajno oštećenje kućišta / Engine protectors prevents accidental damage to cases

Svaki MT model nosi duh Tamne strane Japana i otvara uzbudljiv novi način života / Each MT model captures the spirit of the Dark Side of Japan, and open up a thrilling new way of life

Svaki detalj na novim MT modelima je urađen perfektno / Every detail on the new MT models is done perfectly


Plattner: Plattner Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd | 00381 11 65 57 980 | | Plattner Novi Sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi Sad | 00381 21 21 00 074 | | Barel: Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš | 00381 18 512 792 | | Galija Nautika: Galija nautica BG, Ada Ciganlija 7, 11000 Beograd | 00381113549594 | | MONTENEGRO:

Efel: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 podgorica | 00382 20 610 140 | |

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Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac


Na glavnoj palubi ima mnogo mesta za sedenje There are plenty of seating on the main deck

BAVARIA S30 ima iznenađujuće veliku fleksibilnost i inteligentnu konstrukciju. Dizajn trupa je stabilne sendvič konstrukcije, i uz visoko postavljeno kormilo osigurava sigurnost i precizno rukovanje. Krstarenje na talasima dostiže brzine od preko 35 čvorova, u zavisnosti od varijante motora. Mnogo mesta za sedenje na glavnoj palubi, kako za skipera, tako i za goste, znači maksimalnu slobodu. Sto, koji se nalazi u kokpitu, može postati udobna ležaljka za sunčanje ili uživanje u večernjim satima na vodi. Ovaj deo namenjen je hedonistima, budući da poseduje i bar sa roštiljem i velikim frižiderom.


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Dužina: 8.76 m Širina: 2.99 m Težina: 4700 kg Broj kreveta: 4 Kapacitet putnika: 6 Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 500 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 120 l

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Enterijer na S30 uz male detalje pravi veliku razliku. Vlasnička kabina pruža relaksirajući odmor za dve osobe, a poseduje i kupatilo sa tušem. U samo nekoliko koraka sto u malom salonu transformiše se u 4 kreveta, što znači da na brodu može prenoćiti ukupno 6 osoba. Više dnevnog svetla i LED osvetljenje, koje se može prigušiti kako bi odgovaralo raspoloženju, povećavaju prijatan osećaj koji dočeka svakog ko se nađe na ovom modelu. Prostranost je postignuta uz pomoć višedecenijskog iskustva proizvođača brodova BAVARIA. Kuhinja je pravi primer toga- ima dovoljno prostora za spremanje obroka, ali i za odlaganje stvari. Idealna kombinacija za beg u priobalne morske predele ili jezerske vode, gde će se neodoljivi S30 pokazati kao pouzdan partner.

BAVARIA S30 ima iznenađujuće veliku fleksibilnost i inteligentnu konstrukciju / BAVARIA S30 features surprisingly great flexibility and intelligent construction

Zabava i udobnost su zagarantovani uz BAVARIA S30 Fun and comfort are guaranteed with the BAVARIA S30

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Length: 8.76 m Beam: 2.99 m Displacement: 4700 kg Number of berths: 4 Passenger capacity: 6 Fuel tank capacity: 500 l Water tank capacity: 120 l


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BAVARIA S30 može da primi 6 osoba

The BAVARIA S30 features surprisingly great flexibility and intelligent construction. The hull design is a stable sandwich construction, and with a high rudder ensures safety and precise handling. Wave cruising reaches speeds of over 35 knots, depending on the engine option.

BAVARIA S30 can accommodate 6 people

Plenty of room for seating on the main deck, for both the skipper and the guests, means maximum freedom. The table, located in the cockpit, can transform into a comfortable sunpad for sunbathing or enjoying the evening on the water. This part is designed for hedonists, since it also has a bar with a barbecue and a large refrigerator. The interior on the S30 makes a big difference with the use of small details. The owner's cabin provides a relaxing space for two persons, including a bathroom with a shower cabin. In just a few steps, the table in the small salon can be transformed into 4 beds, which means that a total of 6 persons can spend the night on board. More daylight and LED lighting, which can be dimmed to suit the mood, increase the pleasant feeling that greets everyone who comes aboard this model. The spaciousness is achieved with the help of decades of experience from BAVARIA boat manufacturers. The galley is a real proof of that - there is enough space to prepare meals, but also for storage. The ideal combination for an escape to coastal seas or lake waters, where the irresistible S30 will prove to be a reliable partner.

Krstarenje na talasima dostiže brzine od preko 35 čvorova Wave cruising reaches speeds of over 35 knots

BAVARIA S30 je namenjena velikim jezerima ili za obilazak zaliva / BAVARIA S30 is primarily intended for large lakes or tours along the coast

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Dužina: 10.06 m Širina: 3.31 m Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 520 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 250 l Kapacitet putnika: 8

Model S33 odlikuje visok stepen ekonomičnosti, zajedno sa odličnim performansama, ne ostaje ravnodušan pred izazovom nove avanture i zabave na vodi, ali sa stavom koji nalaže da je sigurnost apsolutno neprikosnovena. Inteligentan dizajn trupa i stabilna konstrukcija sa visokim bokovima garantovaće bezbednu vožnju čak i kada plovilo pređe brzinu od 35 čvorova. Opcija spuštanja stola u kokpitu pogodna je jer se pretvara u ležaljku na kojoj mogu uživati porodice i prijatelji. Takođe, nije ni daleko od velike platforme za kupanje, što je veoma zgodno tokom dana. Ono što boravak na vodi čini još prijatnijim su ugodne noći i dobar san, a potpalublje je rezervisano za to. U glavnoj kabini nalazi se veliki bračni krevet, kao i kupatilo sa tušem. Opremljena je visokokvalitetnim materijalima i veoma je svetla. Ono što uvek stvara dobar ambijent je kombinacija lepog drveta, a dizajneri i graditelji bili su svesni toga te kreirali nameštaj koji salonu daje posebnu atmosferu. Kuhinja sa velikom radnom pločom i frižiderom od 80 litara nudi prostor za pripremu namirnica. Idealna jahta za porodični odmor-BAVARIA S33, nudi lepotu bez kompromisa i pruža sve što je potrebno za duža putovanja.



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The S33 is highly economical, along with excellent performance, and does not remain indifferent to the challenge of a new adventure and fun on the water, but with an attitude that safety absolutely comes first. The intelligent hull design and stable construction with high bullwark guarantee a safe cruise even when the vessel exceeds the speed of 35 knots. The option of lowering the table in the cockpit is convenient because it turns into a sundeck where family and friends can relax. Furthermore, it is not far from the large swimming platform, which is very convenient during the day. What makes staying on the water even more enjoyable are pleasant nights and good sleep, and the lower deck is reserved for that. In the master cabin there is a large double bed and a bathroom with shower. It is fitted with high quality materials and very bright. The feature that always creates a good ambience is a combination of beautiful wood, and the designers and builders were aware of that fact and created furniture that gives the salon a special atmosphere. The kitchen with a large worktop and an 80-liter fridge provides great food preparation area.


The ideal yacht for a family vacation - BAVARIA S33, offers beauty without compromise and provides everything you need for longer cruises.


Maksimalna brzina ide do 35 čvorova / Maximum speed goes up to 35 knots

Length: 10.06 m Beam: 3.31 m Fuel tank capacity: 520 l Water tank capacity: 250 l Number of passengers: 8

Modele prestižnog


Efel Motors d.o.o Bul. Josipa Broza BB, Podgorica 81000 +382/69-326-410 (djelovi)l; +382/69-100-221 (prodaja)

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brodogradilišta - svetski poznatog proizvođača modernih i elegantnih jedrilica, uzbudljivih motornih jahti i šarmantnih prostranih katamarana možete pronaći kod generalnog zastupnika Efel Nautic iz Podgorice. / Models of the prestigious Bavaria Yachts shipyard - a world-famous builder of modern and sleek sailboats, exciting motor yachts and charming spacious catamarans can be found at the general dealer Efel Nautic from Podgorica, Montenegro.


Enter ijer /I nterior



ssential Home je inovativni moderni brend nameštaja kome je uzor sredina prošlog veka i koji uzima važne istorijske i kinematografske reference iz tridesetih i šezdesetih godina dvadesetog veka i pretvara ih u jedinstvene komade nameštaja. Ono što je započelo 2015. godine kao „Essentials“, kolekcija nameštaja brenda za rasvetu DelightFULL, brzo je preraslo u jedan od najelegantnijih primera modernog dizajna sa temom sredine prošlog veka, stvarajući tako novo ime i novi brend, Essential Home. "Cilj Essential Home-a je da stvori vrhunsko putovanje kroz vreme u jednom prostoru. Želimo da uzmemo neku snažnu konotaciju iz tridesetih i šezdesetih, te da stvorimo savršen spoj između prošlosti i sadašnjosti stvaranjem modernih komada nameštaja sa pešatom sredine dvadesetog veka, koji istovremeno nose neko moderno obeležje". "Skladno balansirajući ideale muškog i ženskog, klasičnog i savremenog, Essential Home je u stanju da stvori najbolja rešenja za intimne i udobne ambijente koji izražavaju eleganciju i luksuz. Ne koristeći ništa osim najkvalitetnijih materijala, Essential Home donosi moderni pečat sa sredine prošlog veka, koji ga čini tako neodoljivim".


HAJDE DA RAZGOVARAMO O ZELENOJ BOJI Zelena šuma je oličenje prirode, obnove i energije. Zelena je smelija, bogatija, jača boja koja ostavlja utisak. Potreba za prirodnim materijalima, za povezivanjem sa prirodom, prisutna je tokom cele godine. Budite spremni za osećaj avanture, tropskih letnjih noći, duboke, guste, zelene šume. Zelena šuma vraća nas u predivan svet prirode, sa bogatim i prirodnim materijalima, neverovatnim okruženjem i biološkom raznolikošću. Takođe je trend da se prirodni materijali koriste u dizajnu, posebno kada se radi o komadima nameštaja u modernim domovima, pa se zelena šuma pojavljuje kao blagoslov, način da se još više prirode uključi u dekor kuće, ili čak u modu, arhitekturu ili umetnost. Dodajte zelenu šumu kućnom dekoru u tapete sa tropskim uzorkom ili kroz neverovatne komade nameštaja koji oživljavaju ovu zadivljujuću boju u baršunu ili koži, u oba slučaja sa takvim karakterom da im je nemoguće odoleti. Dve fotelje koje koriste isti trend, ali sa vlastitim šarmom, Grace i Bogarde donose zelenu šumu na svoj šarmantan način. U svetu mode, zelena šuma je svuda, ne samo kao snažna boja, već u tropskim uzorcima i uzorcima prirode. Veza sa okolinom i prirodom je glavna tema ove godine, pa očekujemo da ćemo videti mnogo prirodnih materijala sa sve prisutnijim šumskim zelenilom. Givenchi, Jean Paul Gaultier i Haider Ackerman su neka od imena koja su se pridružila ovom neverovatnom trendu. Kada je u pitanju umetnost, ova boja se lako uvodi ne samo u slike za vaš dom već i na naslovne strane modnih časopisa, pa se čini da postaje jedan od glavnih ovogodišnjih aduta.


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Neverovatna fotelja koja je jednako svestrana koliko i moderna, savršena za bilo koji dnevni boravak, kancelariju u kući ili čak hotel / An amazing armchair that is as versatile as it is stylish, perfect for any living room, home office or even hotel

Fotelja Grace ima slojevitu kompoziciju, kombinujući poliranu mesinganu podlogu sa čvrstim naslonom od ebanovine / Grace Armchair has a layered composition, combining a polished brass base with a solid back made of ebony wood

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LET’S TALK ABOUT GREEN Green forest is the personification of nature, renewal, and energy. green is a bolder, richer, stronger color that will cause an impact. The need for natural materials, for the connection to nature, will be present throughout the year, Be ready for the feeling of adventure, of tropical summer nights, of the deep, rich, green of the forest. Green forest takes us back to the wonderful world of nature, of rich and natural materials, of incredible environ ments and biodiversity. It will also be a trend to use natural materials in design, especially whe it comes to furniture pieces in modern homes, so green forest appears as a blessing, a way to incorporate even more of nature into home decor, or even in fashion, architecture or art.


ssential Home is an innovative mid-century modern furniture brand that takes important historical and cinematographic references from the 1930s and 1960s and turn them into unique furnishing pieces. What started out in 2015 as 'Essentials', a furniture collection by the mid-century lighting brand DelightFULL, quickly grew to be one of the most elegant representations of mid-century modern design, thus creating a new name and a new brand, Essential Home..

Add green forest to your home decor in wallpaper with a tropical pattern or through incredible furniture pieces that bring this stunning color to life in velvet or leather, both with such identity that it’s impossible to resist it. Two armchairs using the same trend but with a charm of their own, Grace and Bogarde bring green forest in their own charming way.

"Essential Home's goal is to create the ultimate time traveling experience inside a single space. We want to take the strong reminiscent connotation of the 1930s and 1960s, and create the perfect blend between the past and the present by creating mid-century modern furniture pieces that include a contemporary twist". "It is by harmoniously balancing the ideals of masculine and feminine, classic, and contemporary that Essential Home is able to create the finest solutions for intimate and cozy ambiances that express elegance and luxury. Using nothing other than the highest quality materials, Essential Home delivers the mid-century modern signature that makes it so irresistible".

In the world of fashion, green forest is everywhere, not only as the rich color it is but in tropical/nature patterns. The connection to the environment and nature will be a big deal this year, so we’re expecting to see a lot of natural materials with the ever so present forest green. Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Haider Ackerman are some of the names that joined in on this incredible trend.

Dodajte zelenu šumu kućnom dekoru / Add green forest to your home decor

When it comes to art, this color is easily introduced not only in paintings for your home but also in fashion magazine covers, appearing to become one of the strongest calling cards of this year.

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Pershing 7X je izgrađen sa visokom tehnologijom i neverovatnim performansama, bez kompromisa po pitanju veličine i prostora za odlaganje stvari / The Pershing 7X was built with high-tech and incredible performance in mind, without compromising on volumes and storage space


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Nova zvezda serije Generation X objedinjuje sve tipične Pershing karakteristike u savršeno laganom i kompaktnom obliku The new star of the Generation X range combines all the typical features of Pershing in a perfectly lightweight and compact shape

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Novi Pershing 7X: dizajn, tehnologija i munjevite performanse


ezaustavljivi talas inovacija Pershing-a neprekidno stvara vrhunska plovila, istovremeno postavljajući nove standarde u oblasti uzbudljivog jedrenja. Poslednjih godina brodogradilište sa sedištem u Mondolfu bilo je ključni igrač u neverovatnoj projektnoj evoluciji koja je dovela do razvoja Generation X, palete modela fokusiranih na četiri glavne osnove: dizajn, tehnologiju, performanse i upotrebu ultralakih materijala. Projekat, koji je osmislio Fulvio De Simoni, jedinstven je i vrlo prepoznatljiv: sportske, smele i elegantne linije oblikuju celokupan izgled modela, rešenjima koja karakterišu estetska i arhitektonska inovacija; tehnologija - uvođenjem integrisanog navigacijskog i upravljačkog interfejsa, sistema upravljanja i pogona sa najnovijom generacijom automatizacije - pruža vlasniku izuzetnu svestranost u plovidbi; performanse bez premca rezultat su ne samo efikasnosti sistema trupa i pogona, već i upotrebe ultralakih materijala - uključujući karbonska vlakna - i drugih vrhunskih rešenja koja omogućavaju jahtama da postignu vrhunske ciljeve performansi uz istovremeno smanjenje potrošnje, ali i povećanje prostora i udobnosti na plovilu. Karbonska vlakna dominiraju u filozo-


fiji projekta i glavni su građevinski materijal. Ali Pershing 7X ide još dalje i cilja na povećanu lakoću kroz odabir opreme, materijala za nameštaj, upotrebu laganih legura i ugradnju litijumskih baterija umesto uobičajenih. Ova rešenja su omogućila postizanje težine od samo 35 tona, što rezultira značajnim smanjenjem potrošnje goriva za iste brzine u poređenju sa prethodnim modelima. Kao takav, Pershing na svom tržištu nudi jahtu koja je puna sadržaja i istovremeno veoma visokotehnološka, sa neuporedivim performansama. Prvi primerak takođe uvodi novu boju za trup i nadgradnju: Alusilver, prilagođena varijanta sive boje koja podseća na poznate metale. Novost je i mat crna boja koja se pojavljuje na nekim delovima, kao što su navigacioni instrumenti, ventilacioni otvori i elementi na krmi. SPOLJAŠNJI PROSTORI Spoljašnje zone se ističu i vizuelno i funkcionalno. U stražnju centralnu garažu može se smestiti Williams 345 Sportjet tender, a upotreba hidrauličke platforme tipične za Pershing-ove modele olakšava spuštanje u vodu i šlepanje. Na vrhu, paluba za sunčanje može da primi do četiri osobe, dok je prednji deo opremljen ve-

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Postojeći asortiman ovog brenda je proširen uvođenjem modela Pershing 7X / The brand’s current range has been expanded with the inclusion of the Pershing 7X

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likim sedištem. Kokpit je opremljen ugaonom garniturom za sedenje sa stolom zaštićenim krajnjim delom nadgradnje. Jedinice sa bočne strane sadrže sudoperu i, na zahtev, roštilj i ledomat ili frižider. Odavde se može pristupiti i prostoru za posadu i mašinskom prostoru.

VIP apartman je smešten napred i nudi slobodu kretanja sa tri strane bračnog kreveta. Gostinski apartman na desnoj strani ima dva odvojena kreveta. Sve kabine imaju sopstvena kupatila sa odvojenom tuš-kabinom. Kupatilo u gostinskoj kabini služi i kao dnevni toalet.

UNUTRAŠNJI PROSTORI Glavna paluba ima pogled od 360° na more zahvaljujući velikim bočnim prozorima i staklenom krovu koji, zajedno sa potpuno uvučenim staklenim vratima koja vode u dnevni boravak, obezbeđuju vizuelni kontinuitet između unutrašnjih i spoljašnjih prostora. Prolazi su dobro raspoređeni: u kormilarskoj stanici na levoj strani, nalazi se velika ugaona sofa, koja okružuje trpezarijski sto koji se može produžiti tako da primi osam osoba, a nasuprot je ormarić sa televizorom koji se uvlači. Mogućnost podizanja i spuštanja stola pretvara dnevni boravak u prostor za obedovanje ili kafu. Postoje tri kabine: vlasnički apartman u punoj širini u centralnom delu jahte, koji je potpuno redizajniran: pozicioniran je po dužini i osvetljen novim pravougaonim prozorima sa čeličnim okvirima, pružajući ugodnu atmosferu.

POGON I TEHNOLOGIJA Pershing 7X je opremljen dvostrukim MAN V12 dizel motorima koji stvaraju po 1800 KS, kombinovano sa površinskim pogonom Top Sistem P85X sa površinskim propelerima. Performanse spadaju u sam vrh svoje klase: jahta može dostići maksimalnu brzinu od 50 čvorova i krstareću od 42 čvora, uz maksimalni domet od 300 nautičkih milja (preliminarni podaci).

Jahta može dostići maksimalnu brzinu od 50 čvorova / The yacht can reach a top speed of 50 knots

Dva žiroskopska stabilizatora Seakeeper NG6 obezbeđuju maksimalnu udobnost dok je jahta na sidru / Two Seakeeper NG6 gyroscopic stabilisers ensures maximum comfort while at anchor

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

The new Pershing 7X: design, technology and lightning speed performance


he unstoppable wave of Pershing innovation continually produces cutting-edge craft, while setting new standards for exciting sailing. In recent years, the Mondolfo-based shipyard has been the key player in an incredible design evolution leading to the development of Generation X, a range of models focused on four fundamental pillars: design, technology, performance, and use of ultra-lightweight materials. The design, a Fulvio De Simoni creation, is one of a kind and very distinctive: sporty, bold and sleek lines shape the entire range with solutions characterised by aesthetic and architectural innovation; the technology, with the introduction of an integrated navigation and control interface, steer-by-wire controls and propulsion systems with latest generation automation, gives the owner considerable sailing versatility; the unrivalled performance is the result not just of the efficiency of the hull-propulsion systems, but also of the use of ultra-lightweight materials – including carbon fibre – and of other cutting-edge solutions which enable the yachts to reach top performance targets while reducing consumption, but also increasing volumes and on-board comfort.

Carbon fibre dominates the project philosophy and is the main construction material. But the Pershing 7X goes even further and aims for increased lightness through the furnishings, furniture materials, the use of lightweight alloys, and the installation of lithium batteries rather than traditional ones. These solutions have made it possible to achieve a displacement of just 35 tonnes, resulting in a significant reduction in consumption compared to previous models for the same speeds. As such, Pershing offers to the market a yacht that is full of content and at the same time very high-tech, with unparalleled performance. The first unit also introduces a new colour for the hull and superstructure: Alusilver, a custom variant of grey reminiscent of the well-known metals. Also new is the matt black featured on some portions, such as the navigation instrumentation, air vents and aft mouldings. EXTERIORS The exterior zones stand out in both visual and functional terms. The aft central garage can fit a Williams 345 Sportjet tender, where the use of the hydraulically-operated platform typical of the Pershing models facilitates launching and towing. Up top, a sun deck can fit up to four people, while the forward area is fitted with a large seat. The cockpit is furnished with an L-shaped sofa with table, protected by the end portion of the superstructure. The units to the side house a sink and, upon request, a grill and ice maker or refrigerator. The crew area and engine room can also be accessed from here. INTERIORS The main deck has a 360° view of the sea thanks to the large side windows and glass roof which, together with the fully retractable glass door leading to the lounge, ensure visual continuity between the indoor and outdoor areas. The flows


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Karbonska vlakna dominiraju u filozofiji projekta i glavni su građevinski materijal / Carbon fibre dominates the project philosophy and is the main construction material

are well distributed: in the starboard helm station, on the left, there is a large L-shaped sofa surrounding a table that can be extended to accommodate up to eight diners, and opposite is a cabinet with retractable TV. The ability to raise or lower the table transforms the dinette into a dining or coffee area. There are three cabins: the fullbeam owner’s suite at the centre of the yacht, which has been completely redesigned: positioned lengthways, it is illuminated by the new rectangular portholes with steel frames and has a cosy atmosphere. The VIP suite is located all the way forward and offers freedom of movement around the three sides of the dou-

J a h te / Ya c h ts

Veliki bočni prozori pružaju pogled od 360° na glavnoj palubi / Large side windows provide a 360 ° view of the main deck

Vlasnički apartman osvetljen je novim pravougaonim prozorima sa čeličnim okvirima, pružajući ugodnu atmosferu / The owner's suit is illuminated by the new rectangular portholes with steel frames and has a cosy atmosphere

ble bed. The starboard guest suite has twin beds. All of the cabins have en-suite bathrooms with separate shower. The guest cabin bathroom also serves as a day toilet. PROPULSION AND TECHNOLOGY The Pershing 7X is equipped with twin MAN V12 diesel engines generating 1800 hp each, combined with a Top System P85X surface drive transmission with surface propellers. The performance is at the top of its class: the yacht can reach a top speed of 50 knots and a cruising speed of 42 knots, with a maximum range of 300 nautical miles (preliminary data). +41 62 393 35 95

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Ča mci/B oats

CLF 22 Ukupna dužina: 6,6 m Maksimalna širina: 2,5 m Balast: 1500 kg Ispravljanje: N/A Motori KS: 115 min / 230 maks Rezervoar za gorivo: 240 l Enterijeri Rezervoar za gorivo: 240 l Kapacitet broda: 8 Rezervoar za vodu: 80 lt


CLF 22 je zvučna i ambiciozna skraćenica za cabin luxury fisherman - luksuzni čamac za ribolov sa kabinom. To je odgovor brodogradilišta Ranieri International na težak zadatak: kombinacija profesionalnih potreba (pecaroši amateri obično su veoma zahtevni) sa onima koje su usmerene na zabavu i opuštanje. Predeo krmenog ogledala je, kao i obično, prazan kako bi ribolovci mogli da opreme ovo područje kako žele. Iako model koji je korišćen za test vožnju još uvek nije bio opremljen svom potrebnom opremom, čak i najdetaljnija osoba bi mogla pronaći pravo rešenje odlikovano velikom prostranošću u odnosu na raspoloživu veličinu plovila. Vanbrodski motor ugrađen je na platformu, takođe korisnu za izlazak iz mora. Pristup pramcu omogućen je sa dva proporcionalna prolaza, a ograde na palubi su vrlo korisne. Kabina je dobro strukturirana i opremljena je sudoperom na desnoj strani i prostorom za organizovanje kuhinjskog prostora, dok je instrument tabla smeštena napred i opremljena udobnim sedištem; takođe ima i prostor za postavljanje sve potrebne navigacijske opreme, a posebno opreme za ribolov. Sa leve strane se nalazi mali ležaj koji se može produžiti kako bi se pomoću nekoliko pokreta napravio udoban ležaj ili gostoljubiva trpezarija. Drugi ležaj je smešten prema napred i sastoji se od dva kreveta u obliku slova V, koji se mogu spojiti zahvaljujući središnjem komadu i transformisati u bračni krevet. Na desnoj strani se nalazi ploča koja otvara pregradak za brodski toalet. Čamac možete uživo videti u prodajnom centru slovenačke kompanije MotoNautika d.o.o. CLF 22 je dostupan odmah, pa ne oklevajte da odete i pogledate ovog elegantnog ribolovca.

Generalni uvoznik za jadransku regiju je Moto-Nautika iz Miklavža kod Maribora. Za više informacija, te pregled dodatnih ponuda i zaliha, možete posetiti web stranicu


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CLF 22 je potpuno prilagodljiv željama kupca / CLF 22 is fully customizable

Ča mci/B oats

C A B I N L U X U RY F I S H E R M A N B OAT The CLF 22 is a resounding and ambitious acronym for cabin luxury fisherman. It is the Ranieri International response to the hard task of combining professional needs (amateur fishermen are usually very demanding) with the ones focused on the entertainment and relaxation. The transom, as usual, is vacant in order to allow fishermen to equip this area as they desire. Although the model used for the test was not provided yet with all the required equipment, even the most meticulous person could find the right solution characterized by a great spaciousness in comparison with the boat's available size. The astern outboard engine is installed on a platform also useful for getting out of the water. The bow access is ensured by two well-proportioned passageways, while the railing on the deck is very useful. The cabin is well-structured and provided with a starboard sink and a space to set up a galley area, while the dash board is located forward and provided with a comfortable seat; it also enjoys an area to install all required navigation equipment, especially the fishing ones. On port, a little sofa can easily be extended in Luksuzni order to become a comfortable berth or a welcoribarski čamac ming dinette in just a few moves. Another berth is sa kabinom located forward and provided with two V-shaped koji može beds, which can be joined thanks to a central piece da smesti and transformed in a queen-size bed. The starboosam osoba / Luxury fishing ard one is provided with a top which opens the locboat with a ker holding the head compartment. cabin that can You can see the boat at the sales center of the accommodate Slovenian company Moto-Nautika d.o.o. The CLF eight persons 22 is available immediately, so do not hesitate to come and see this elegant Fisherman.

CLF 22 Overall length:6.6 m Maximum beam:2.5 m Ballast:1500 kg Straightening:N/A Engines Hp:115 min / 230 max Fuel tank:240 lt Boat capacity: 8 Water tank: 80 lt

The general importer for the Adriatic region is Moto-Nautika from Miklavž near Maribor. You can visit the website for detailed information, and an overview of additional offers and supplies, at:

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

GRANDEZZA plovila / boats


Od Botnijskog zaliva do sedam svetskih mora, sva plovila Grandezza jedinstveni su primeri finske baštine izgradnje brodova. Finnmaster Boats je porodična kompanija i ima tri aktivna brodogradilišta u Finskoj, gde su projektovani i izgrađeni svi modeli Grandezza, Finnmaster i Husky. Osvit ove priče započinje 1990. godine, kada je izgrađen prvi Finnmaster brod. Nudeći besprekoran kvalitet, kako dizajna, tako i izrade, nije trebalo mnogo vremena da Finnmaster postane jedan od vodećih brendova za plovila u skandinavskom regionu. Postavljeni su temelji za novu luksuznu marku brodova: 2005. godine, prvi Grandezza primerak dostavljen je ponosnom vlasniku. Danas su Grandezza motorni čamci visoko cenjeni od strane nautičara širom Evrope. Ova vekovna tradicija zanatske veštine ogleda se u ambiciji koju proizvođači brodova imaju pri izradi svojih plovila, što je rezultiralo beskompromisnim kvalitetom i dizajnom linije Grandezza. „Nordijski arhipelag i promene vremena tokom godišnjih doba predstavljaju neumoljivi test i uslove za razvoj naših brodova. Naša filozofija projektovanja i dizajna nastaje iz našeg velikog iskustva kao aktivnih pomoraca i iz pažljivog slušanja sugestija naših kupaca. Sve to u kombinaciji sa našim bogatim iskustvom - upotpunjeno upotrebom najnovijih tehnologija i vrhunskih materijala i komponenti - osigurava da budemo u mogućnosti da pravimo brodove koji ne poznaju kompromise. Ovo su vrednosti koje stoje iza renomiranog Grandezza Imprekvaliteta. One dolaze iz srca naših projektanata i sivan dizajn, brodograditelja, koji svojim veštim rukama daju žiizuzetna vot ovim vrhunskim čamcima." lakoća ruGrandezza modeli variraju u veličini od 23 do kovanja i 40 stopa, sa najpopularnijim modelima kao što su beskom25S, 28OC, 34OC, 37CA, 40CA i 40FLY. Ipak, nova promisni Grandezza 37 CA privlači najviše pogleda svojim kvalitet svake elegantnim linijama. Raspored salona i krmenog Grandezze rekokpita nudi veliki prostor za zabavu. Impresivan zultat su istindizajn, izuzetna lakoća upravljanja i privlačan enske izrade i terijer čine da svako putovanje bude istovremeno stručnosti uzbudljivo i opuštajuće. Neprevaziđeni dizajn u kombinaciji sa vrhunskim kvalitetom zanatstva i preciznosti u svakom detalju čine da vam Grandezza postane savršeni pratitelj za vrhunsko vreme provedeno na moru.


Grandezza 37CA Dužina: 11,55 m Širina: 3,50 m Povišen pogon: 0,70 m Spušten pogon: 1,20 m Težina: 7500 kg Osobe: 10

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Grandezza 37CA Length: 11,55 m Beam: 3,50 m Drive raised: 0,70 m Drive lowered: 1,20 m Weight: 7500 kg Persons: 10

Svaka Grandezza je jedinstvena, prelepa i komplikovana kombinacija pažljivo izabranih delova, komponenata i materijala / Every Grandezza is a unique being, a beautiful and complicated combination of carefully chosen parts, components and materials

J a h te / Ya c h ts

Upravo detalji otkrivaju pravi karakter plovila. Grandezza 37 CA svojim elegantnim linijama privlači poglede / It's the details that reveal the true character of a boat. The Grandezza 37 CA is a real eye catcher with her elegant lines


The impressive design, extraordinary ease of handling and uncompromising quality of every Grandezza is the result of true craftsmanship and expertise

From the Gulf of Bothnia to the seven seas of the world, all Grandezza boats are unique examples of the Finnish boat building heritage. The Finnmaster Boats is a family owned company and have three active boat yards in Finland where all Grandezza, Finnmaster and Husky boats are designed and built. The dawn of the story dates back to 1990 when the first Finnmaster boat was built. Offering impeccable quality both in design and craftsmanship, it did not take long for Finnmaster to become one of the leading boat brands in the Scandinavian region. The stage was set for a new luxurious boat brand: in 2005, the first Grandezza was delivered to her proud owner. Today Grandezza motorboats are highly esteemed by yachtsmen and women all over Europe. This age-old, skilled tradition is reflected in the ambition that boat builders have for their craft, resulting in the uncompromised quality and design of Grandezza. ''The Nordic archipelago and seasonal weather changes work as an unforgiving testing and developing environment for our boats. Our design philosophy draws from our vast experience as active seafarers and from continuously listening to our customers. All this combined with our wealth of experience – complemented with the use of the latest technologies and top-quality materials and components – ensures that we are able to build boats that do not compromise. These are the values behind the renowned Grandezza Quality. They come from the heart of our designers and builders who are the ones that give life to these state-of-the-art boats with their skilled hands.“ Grandezza models vary in size from 23 to 40 feet with the most popular models such as 25S, 28OC, 34OC, 37CA, 40CA and 40FLY. Grandezza's latest newcomer to the market is the Grandezza 37 CA - a true eye catcher with her elegant lines. The saloon and aft cockpit arrangement offer a generous entertaining area. The impressive design, extraordinary ease of handling and the inviting interior make every voyage both exciting and relaxing. The unparalleled design combined with the finest quality in craft and precision in every detail make Grandezza the perfect companion for prestigious times at sea.

Dinamičan dizajn Grandezza 37 CA pruža maksimalno krstarenja na otvorenom/ The dynamic design of Grandezza 37 CA makes it easy to get the most out of open-air cruising

Finnmaster Boats Oy Lahdenperäntie 10, 67900 Kokkola, Finland

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Meg aja hte/M egayachts



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Meg aja hte/M egayachts


brze deplasmanske jahte Glavna odlika je ispod vodene linije –pramac tipa High Performance Piercing Bow (HPPB) Projektovana kao plod saradnje sa Cor D. Roverom, serija Horizon brzih deplasmanskih motornih jahti (FD Series) i super-jahti garantovano privlači poglede, delimično zahvaljujući veoma velikim prozorima, prostranoj unutrašnjosti i dobro isplaniranim prostorima za zabavu u modernom pakovanju. Iako spoljašnji stil ove pionirske serije - prvi put predstavljene u Evropi na sajmu nautike u Kanu 2016. godine - privlači pažnju, platforma trupa i sopstveni projekat pramca izdvajaju ovu seriju od jahti sličnog stila. Trup serije FD karakterišu i oštri i zaobljeni uglovi - oštri na pramcu za povećanje potisne sile i zaobljeni na srednjem delu i prema krmi za smanjenje otpora. Dobro projektovana krma dodatno smanjuje otpor i umanjuje gaz. Oštro podvodno izbočenje pramca lako seče vodenu struju i smanjuje ulazni ugao pramca uz istovremeno povećanje dužine vodene linije. Ove karakteristike povećavaju udobnost vožnje ublažavanjem kretanja i poboljšanjem hidrodinamičkih performansi na celom plovilu. HPPB projekat se takođe odlikuje dugačkom kobilicom koja ima dužu bočnu podvodnu površinu i daje odličnu stabilnost u držanju pravca. Efikasnost i performanse moraju pratiti stil u projektovanju jahti, a takvi su aspekti činili osnovu na kojoj je serija Fast

Displacement evoluirala u nove modele. U kombinaciji hibridnog oblika trupa i projekta osovinskog tunela, Horizon-ov HPPB pramac daje plitak gaz, udobniju vožnju, manji otpor i odličnu stabilnost u poređenju sa tradicionalnim projektima trupa kod brzih deplasmanskih plovila sa oštrim uglovima. Testiranje CFD i rezervoara kod ove vrste trupa rezultiralo je hidrorodinamičkim poboljšanjima u odnosu na tradicionalni projekat. Dok ostali projekti oštrog isturenog pramca efikasno rade ili pri velikim ili pri malim brzinama, HPPB pruža manji otpor i glatki prelaz u svim rasponima brzina, donoseći i efikasnost pri manjim brzinama i performanse pri većim brzinama.

Vraćajući se sa puta od 5242 nm od Tajvana do Australije na svojoj potpuno novoj jahti, vlasnik FD85 „JULIND“ rekao je: „Iako smo naišli na prilično nemirno more i talase visine od preko 5 metara, FD85 je neverovatno morsko plovilo. Plovila je besprekorno. Kombinacija FD trupa zajedno sa lakšom nadgradnjom i stabilizatorom daje fantastičan rezultat. " Uspeh ove serije predstavlja prekretnicu za visoko obučeni i iskusni istraživački tim kompanije Horizon, koji nastavlja da ulaže napore na uvođenju inovacija. Prvi put primenjen na modelima FD85 i FD87 Skyline, HPPB projekat je sada standard za FD seriju - što dodatno potvrđuje da su ove luksuzne jahte zaista revolucionarne.

Horizon-ov HPPB pramac daje plitak gaz, udobniju vožnju, manji otpor i odličnu stabilnost / Horizon’s High Performance Piercing Bow (HPPB) delivers a shallow draft, more comfortable ride, lower resistance and excellent stability

Za više informacija kontaktirajte HORIZON YACHT EUROPE na For more information contact HORIZON YACHT EUROPE at

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Meg aja hte/M egayachts

HORIZON’S FAST DISPLACEMENT YACHTS HPPB projekat je prvi put primenjen na modelima FD85 i FD87 Skyline / The HPPB design was first implemented on the FD85 and FD87 Skyline models

Horizon’s Fast Displacement Series may be most recognizable for its exterior styling, but it is what lies beneath the waterline that sets this series apart. Designed in collaboration with Cor D. Rover, Horizon’s Fast Displacement (FD) Series of motoryachts and superyachts is nothing short of head-turning, thanks in part to the oversized windows, voluminous interior, and well-planned entertaining spaces wrapped in a stylish package. While the exterior styling of this pioneering series—first introduced in Europe at the 2016 Cannes Yachting Festival —attracts attention, it is the hull platform and proprietary bow design that sets the series apart from similarly-styled yachts. The FD Series’ hull features both hard and soft chines—a hard chine at the bow to increase lift force and a soft chine midship and aft to reduce resistance. A welldesigned tunnel aft further reduces resistance and decreases draft. The sharp underwater bow protrusion cuts through currents with ease and reduces the entrance angle of the bow wave while increasing waterline length. This enhances ride comfort in head seas by damping the motion and improving hydrodynamic performance across the board. The HPPB design also features a long skeg that offers a longer lateral underwater surface area and yields excellent directional stability.


Main Feature is Beneath the Waterline – The High Performance Piercing Bow (HPPB) Efficiency and performance must accompany style in yacht design, and such aspects formed the basis of the design conversation as the Fast Displacement series evolved to include new models. Comprised of a hybrid hull shape and tunnel design, Horizon’s High Performance Piercing Bow (HPPB) delivers a shallow draft, more comfortable ride, lower resistance and excellent stability in comparison to a traditional fast displacement, hardchine hull design. CFD and tank testing of the HPPB design resulted in across-the-board hydrodynamic improvements over a traditional design. While alternative bow designs that feature protrusions work efficiently at either high or slower speeds, the HPPB delivers lower resistance and a smooth transition in all speed ranges, bringing

both efficiency at slower speeds and performance at higher speeds. Returning from a 5242nm journey from Taiwan to Australia aboard his brand new yacht, the owner of the FD85 ‘JULIND’ said, “Although we encountered some reasonably rough seas upwards of 5 meters, the FD85 is a unbelievable sea vessel. She came into her own and performed flawlessly. The combination the FD hull along with the lighter superstructure and the stabilizer is a fantastic outcome.” The success of the HPPB is a milestone for Horizon’s highly trained and experienced research team as they continue their efforts to innovate. First implemented on the FD85 and FD87 Skyline models, the HPPB design is now standard for the FD Series – further proving these luxury yachts as truly revolutionary.

Kombinacija FD trupa zajedno sa lakšom nadgradnjom i stabilizatorom daje fantastičan rezultat / The combination the FD hull along with the lighter superstructure and the stabilizer is a fantastic outcome

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Mod a /Fashion

Mary Katrantzou

Grčka dizajnerka je s ovom debitantskom linijom obeležila prvi iskorak svog brenda izvan njegove već postojeće konfekcijske kolekcije Pre otprilike godinu dana, Mary Katrantzou, grčka dizajnerka sa adresom u Londonu, pripremala se da plasira svoju novu kolekciju za leto Mary Mare, inspirisanu sunčanim primorskim destinacijama: Kan, Nica, Grčka, Portofino, Monte Karlo, Venecija, Dubrovnik, Kosta Brava, Azurna obala i mnogim drugim. Ko je mogao da pretpostavi da će je godinu dana kasnije lansirati u vreme globalne pandemije? Foto-snimanje kolekcije, koja je bila u pripremi već 18 meseci kada je prodata kupcima prošlog juna, nije bilo moguće. Inspirisana idejom slanja razglednica kući voljenoj osobi, Katrantzou je dala svom timu da ilustruje razglednice koje su se koristile u katalogu priozvoda i tako je kolekciju predstavila kao mali poklon sa nagoveštajem želje za putovanjem i nostalgije. Mary Mare predstavlja „rezultat rada ovog brenda u poslednjoj deceniji, uz želju za sakupljanjem, nagomilavanjem i negovanjem niza predmeta“, sa printovima koje je dizajnerka opisala kao „vitrinu punu zanimljivosti“ u saopštenju ovog brenda. Poštanske marke sa egzotičnih odredišta ukrašene su pamučnim poplinom, lanenim i svilenim kopčama u nizu svakodnevnih haljina, od kojih je svaka dobila kontrastne trake kao kaiševe oko struka. Takođe postoji i serija od deset haljina koje proslavljaju grafički otisak ovog brenda, u obliku školjke, koji je projektovan na volane od žoržeta i pamuka na mini haljinama i kaftanskim oblicima. Pored odeće, Mary Katrantzou je takođe unela novinu u obliku kupaćih kostima od



likre kroz šest stilova, od kojih je svaki dostupan u adaptaciji printa iz svake pojedinačne priče. Tu su uzani modeli sa kratkim rukavićima, dvodelni kupaći kostimi bez bretela, kao i dva nova stila bikinija, koji su dizajnirani da ponude "ponešto za sve oblike i veličine tela". Kolekcija ima za cilj da upotpuni garderobu muze Mary Katrantzou, s ovom debitantskom linijom koja je obeležila prvi iskorak ovog brenda izvan njegove već postojeće konfekcijske kolekcije, te čini deo većeg plana za širenje proizvoda Mary Katrantzou, omogućavajući njihovom kupcu „nove načine za uživanje u bojama i printu tokom putovanja“.

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Mary Katrantzou je unela novinu u obliku kupaćih kostima od likre kroz šest stilova Mary Katrantzou has introduced newness in the form of swim lycra across six styles

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U novoj kolekciji je i serija od deset haljina koje proslavljaju grafiÄ?ki otisak ovog brenda u obliku ĹĄkoljke The new collection also includes a series of ten dresses that celebrate the graphic imprint of this brand celebrating the brand’s graphic seashell

Mary Katrantzou lansirala je nove modele u vreme globalne pandemije / Mary Katrantzou has launched a new models in the face of a global pandemic n a u t i k a @ p re s e n t- g ro u p.c o m | Ju l /Avg 2 0 2 0


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Printove na novim modelima dizajnerka opisuje kao vitrinu punu zanimljivosti

Nova kolekcija inspirisana je sunčanim primorskim destinacijama: Kan, Nica, Grčka, Portofino, Monte Karlo, Venecija, Dubrovnik, Kosta Brava, Azurna obala... / New collection is inspired by sunny coastal destinations: Cannes, Nice, Greece, Portofino, Monte Carlo, Venice, Dubrovnik, Costa Brava, Cote d'Azur ...

The designer describes the prints on the new models as a “cabinet of curiosities"

With this debut line, the Greek designer marked the first step of her brand beyond its already existing ready-towear collection Approximately a year ago, Greek yet Londonbased designer Mary Katrantzou was getting ready to market her new resort collection Mary Mare, inspired by sunny, oceanfront destinations: Cannes, Nice, Greece, Portofino, Monte Carlo, Venice, Dubrovnik, Costa Brava, the Côte d'Azur, and more. Who would’ve ever guessed that a year later, she’d be launching it in the face of a global pandemic? The photo shoot for the collection, which had been in the pipeline for 18 months, when it was sold to buyers last June, couldn’t be done. Inspired by the concept of sending a holiday postcard to a loved one back home, Katrantzou had her team illustrate the postcards used for the lookbook, thus communicating the collection as a little gift to cherish with a hint of wanderlust and nostalgia. Mary Mare is an “accumulation of the brands last decade alongside one’s desire to collect, amass and cherish a series of objects” with the prints described by the designer as a “cabinet of curiosities” in the brand’s press release. Postage stamps from exotic destinations have been emblazoned on cotton poplin, linen and silk twill across a series of day-to-night dresses, each nipped in via a contrasting belted waist tie.


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There is also a series of ten dresses celebrating the brand’s graphic seashell print projected onto georgette and cotton voile on mini-dresses and kaftans shapes. In addition to the apparel, Mary Katrantzou has also introduced newness in the form of swim lycra across six styles, each available in an adaptation of each print story. There are capped-sleeved scuba styles, bandeau bathing suits and two new bikini styles, which have been designed to offer “something for all body shapes and sizes”. The collection is aimed at completing the Mary Katrantzou muse’s wardrobe, with this debut capsule marking the brand’s first extension beyond its pre-existing in-house ready-to-wear collection, and forming part of its wider plan to broaden the Mary Katrantzou product offering, by allowing the Mary Katrantzou customer “new ways to embrace colour and print whilst they travel”.

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SUNSEEKER PROJECT 8X • Dužina preko svega: 27,10 m • Maksimalna širina: 7,16 m • Maksimalan broj osoba na brodu: 24 • Broj kabina: 4 (opciono 5)


Nova jahta, Ocean Club Ninety, umešno je poboljšana sa nekoliko inovativnih projektnih rešenja


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Otkako je početkom ove godine na sajmu nautike u Diseldorfu Jedinstvena glavna paluba, salon u 'penthouse' stilu i luksuobjavio detalje o svom uzbudljivom novom modelu, Project 8X, zne kabine nude novi pravac dizajna i izbora materijala, dajući tim renomiranih stručnjaka svetske klase brodogradilišta Sunseeelegantan enterijer koji će očarati svakog vlasnika. Unutrašnja ker u svom centru za projektovanje i tehnologiju sa sedištem u završna obrada kombinuje tradicionalnu eleganciju i savremene mestu Pul u Dorsetu, dorađivao je ovaj izvanredan projekat pre detalje. Slojevitost teksturnih elemenata i mešavina nameštaja njegovog lansiranja. Novi model će dobiti ime Ocean Club Ninety i tkanina daje vanvremenski osećaj sa modernim uticajima za i biće izgrađen u novom proizvodnom pogonu u njihovom glavjednostavnost i sofisticiranost. nom brodogradilištu. Prostrani salon meri neverovatnih 8,8 m dužine i širinu od 5,6 Jahta će imati znatno veći prostor od bilo kog konkurentskog metara, pružajući prostor za raskošna modularna sedišta i ležaproizvoda, što u odnosu na model jahte 86 ovog istog brodograjeve. Prozori od poda do plafona preplavljuju dnevni boravak pridilišta predstavlja povećanje od 20%, ali će i proizvodnja modela rodnom dnevnom svetlošću, a na zahtev se mogu dodati i bočna 86 biti nastavljena zbog njene popularnosti. klizna vrata. Želeći da prikažu novi pravac dizajna Elegantni nameštaj i besprekorni dizajn nove generacije Sunseeker većih plovila, ponavljaju se i ispod palube. Spektakularni nove spoljne linije jahte su izmenjene, čime je drveni pregradni zid vodi vlasnike u luksuznu omogućeno da Beach Club postane još imglavnu kabinu u punoj širini plovila, koja nudi presivniji prostor. Ova velika prostrana paluba panoramski pogled zahvaljujući prozorima od dimenzija preko 6x4m odlična je za druže2,5 metra. Ključna karakteristika u vlasničkom nje sa porodicom i prijateljima u blizini vode, apartmanu su "njegovi i njeni" ormarići sa šara možda i za korišćenje velikog ugrađenog kama i komode sa fiokama uz koje se nalazi roštilja. Ono što je posebno važno, ove inodeo za sedenje i police iza ogledala u punoj vativne ležaljke X-TEND pružaju mogućnost visini prostorije. pravljenja mnoštva rasporeda u prostoru koji Široka prednja VIP kabina s namenskim će verovatno biti ključni za zabavu na brodu. ulazom i dve dvokrevetne kabine prema krmi Ležaljke 'X-TEND' vešto su integrisane u di(odvojeni kreveti koji se mogu spojiti u jedan), zajn. Ležaljkama se može upravljati električnim pučine jahtu koja može udobno da primi osam gotem i mogu da se podignu prema gore kako bi bile stiju u istoj modernoj udobnosti koju ima vlasnički okrenute natkrivenom prostoru za sedenje u kokpitu apartman. Jedinstvena ili se mogu spustiti kako bi se okrenule prema krmi Za čarter tržište, opciona peta kabina moguća je glavna na nivou Beach Club-a. Savršeno za opuštanje sa čak i umesto standardne vlasničke kabine, dok je za paluba, salon porodicom i prijateljima, bez obzira na doba dana. određena tržišta moguća i donja kuhinja sa direku 'penthouse' Vrata garaže postavljena su pod uglom kako bi se tnim pristupom kabini za posadu. Kabina za posastilu i luksuzne omogućilo ne samo uklapanje ovih ležaljki, već i da du, kapaciteta za četiri ili pet osoba, ima čajnu kukabine nude bi se povećao izvanredan kapacitet skladištenja na hinju, prostor za obedovanje, sopstveni toalet i dva novi pravac brodu. Produženi deo palube s velikom hidrauličnom uređaja. dizajna platformom pruža prostor za smeštaj i pokretanje Jet Ocean Club Ninety je spreman da iznenadi i odui izbora ski, 15' Williams 460 SportJet i dva SeaBob-a, smeševi na svakom koraku. Svaki pojedačni element pamaterijala štenih u namenske ormariće sa odvodom vode. žljivo je osmišljen do detalja, odiše sofisticiranošću i / Its unique Na vrhu flajbridža koji je 25% veći od uporedivih pruža detalje koji se mogu naći samo na prilagođemain deck, jahti, postoji mogućnost spa bazena i bočno postavnim superjahtama. penthouse ljenog drugog integrisanog roštilja. Na raspolaganju style saloon je i bar sa sudoperom od nerđajućeg čelika, frižider and luxurious sa fiokama, aparat za led i staklenom površinom na staterooms šanku da biste maksimalno iskoristili ovaj omiljeni offer a new prostor za zabavu. Rukohvati su sada obloženi tikofound design vinom, zastakljeni na donjem delu, što omogućava direction and neprekinuti panoramski pogled. Čvrsti krov od karmaterials bonskih vlakana sa pokretnom nadstrešnicom u puselection noj širini pruža hladovinu izuzetno izdašnom prostoru za sedenje i obedovanje, koji se može konfigurisati ili ostaviti kao otvoreni jedinstveni deo, u zavisnosti od zahteva vlasnika. U kokpitu postoji opcija fiksnog ili samostojećeg nameštaja, integrisani šank sa frižiderom, aparatom za led i nerđajućom sudoperom, integrisanom pregradom na električni pogon u punoj visini i odgovarajuća ograda od tikovine sa zastakljenim donjim delom kako bi se upotpunio osećaj otvorenog prostora. Ocean Club Ninety je spreman da iznenadi i oduševi na svakom koraku / The Ocean Club Ninety is set to Prednja paluba je još jedno mesto sa tri odvojena dela za surprise and delight at every turn sedenje plus sunčalište sa električno podesivim naslonima, zaštićeno opcionom tendom. Kasnije tokom dana, bioskopska opcija na prednjoj palubi sa laserskim projektorom i 140-inčnim ekranom bez sumnje će zaokupiti maštu svih gostiju, bez obzira na njihov uzrast.

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Vlasnička kabina u punoj širini plovila nudi panoramski pogled zahvaljujući prozorima od 2,5 metara / Full-width master cabin offers a panoramic view through a 2.5-meter window


Since announcing details of its exciting new model, Project 8X, earlier this year at Dusseldorf Boat Show, Sunseeker’s world-class team of experts at its Design and Technology Centre based in Poole, Dorset have been refining the remarkable design and engineering in the lead up to its launch. The new model will take the name Ocean Club Ninety and will be built in a new production facility at its main shipyard. The yacht will carry substantially more volume than any competitive product, equivalent to a generous 20% increase against the company’s own 86 Yacht which will continue in build due to its popularity. Keen to showcase the fresh design direction of Sunseeker’s next generation of larger models, the new yacht’s exterior lines have been modified, allowing the Beach Club to become an even more impressive space. This large spacious deck measuring over 6m x 4m is great for family and friends to socialize close to the water, perhaps utilizing the large built-in BBQ. Importantly, these innovative ‘X-TEND’ sunbeds will allow for a multiplicity of arrangements in what is likely to be the key entertainment space on board. The ‘X-TEND’ sunbeds have been skillfully integrated within the design. The sunbeds can be operated electrically to either raise upwards to face the covered cockpit seating area or alternatively, they can be lowered to face aft at Beach Club level. Perfect for relaxing with family and friends, whatever the time of day. The door of the garage has been set on an angle to not only allow for the design of the sunbeds but to also increase the remarkable storage capacity on-board. The adjoining deck area

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Prozori od poda do plafona preplavljuju dnevni boravak prirodnom dnevnom svetlošću / Floorto-ceiling windows flood the living accommodation with natural daylight

New yacht Ocean Club Ninety has been cleverly enhanced with several innovative design solutions

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with large hydraulic platform provides the space to house and launch a Jet Ski, a 15’ Williams 460 SportJet and two SeaBobs, housed in dedicated self-draining lockers. Up top on the flybridge which is 25% larger than a comparable yacht, there is the option of an infinity spa pool and sideboard with second integrated BBQ. A wet bar with stainless steel sink, drawer fridges, ice maker and glass bar top is also available to make the most of this popular entertaining area. Handrails are now capped in teak with glazing below, allowing for uninterrupted panoramic views. The carbon fibre hardtop with full-width retractable canopy provides the shade for an exceptionally generous seating and dining area that can be configured or left open-plan depending on the owner’s exact requirements. Within the cockpit, there is the option of fixed or freestanding furniture, an integrated wet bar with fridge, ice maker and stainless sink, an integrated full height electrically operated privacy blind and matching teak-capped hand rails with Trpezarijski prostor glazing below to enhance the open-plan za osam osoba može se postaviti na levoj ili na feel. desnoj strani / The dining area for eight people The foredeck provides yet another can be placed on the left destination with three separate seating or on the right groups plus sunbather with electrically adjustable backrests, protected by a sail canopy option. Later in the day, the foredeck cinema option with laser projector and 140-inch screen will no doubt capture the imagination of all guests, whatever their age. Its unique main deck, penthouse style saloon and luxurious staterooms offer a new found design direction and materials selection providing elegant interiors to enchant any owner. The interior finish combines traditional elegance with contemporary updates. The layering of textural elements and the mix of furnishings and fabrics feels timeless with a modern twist that oozes sleek simplicity and sophistication. The considerable saloon measures a remarkable 8.8m in length by 5.6m width providing space for sumptuous modular lounge seating and chaise longue to port. Floor-to-ceiling windows flood the living accommodation with natural daylight complimented by sliding doors to port if required. The elegant furnishings and flawless design are replicated below deck. A spectacular wooden feature wall leads owners into the luxurious full beam master stateroom offering panoramic views via its 2.5m feature windows. A key feature to the stateroom are ‘his & hers’ pivot-hinge wardrobes and drawer units adjoining feature lobby shelving sitting behind panelled full-height mirrors. The broad forward VIP cabin with dedicated access and two twin aft cabins which can be converted into doubles, provides a yacht that can comfortably sleep eight guests in the same modern, cosseting comfort afforded to the master. For the charter market, an optional fifth cabin is even possible in lieu of the standard master stateroom whilst for certain markets, a lower galley with direct crew cabin access is also feasi-

ble. The crew cabin, with capacity for four or five, benefits from a kitchenette, crew mess, en suite and provision of two appliances. The Ocean Club Ninety is set to surprise and delight at every turn. Every single element has been carefully considered in meticulous detail, exuding a sophistication and detail hitherto only found in custom superyachts. Sunseeker CEO, Andrea Frabetti, comments: “We have a fantastic team of world-class designers here at Sunseeker’s Design

and Technology Centre and they have delivered an incredible new design incorporating some truly remarkable engineering solutions. “The ‘X-TEND’ sunbed system is yet another example of the extraordinary talent we hold inhouse and is set to become a defining feature across many of our future models. Whilst Sunseeker is well known for its craftsmanship and leading the way in terms of engineering and design, this is Sunseeker innovation at its best and continues to set us apart from our competition.”

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X-TEND ležaljke pružaju mogućnost pravljenja mnoštva rasporeda u prostoru koji će biti ključni za zabavu na brodu / X-TEND deck chairs provide the ability to create a multitude of layouts in a space that will be key to on-board entertainment


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SANLORENZO SX112 Dužina: 34 m Širina: 8 m Gaz: 1,85 m Maksimalna brzina: 23 čvora



Veći i bogatiji za 34 metra, renomirani Sanlorenzo proširuje svoju SX liniju i kolekciju upotpunjuje novom jahtom SX112. Akcenat je ovog puta stavljen na razvijanje novih sadržaja i scenarija tokom boravka na vodi. U tom poduhvatu spoljašnje linije svojom kreativnošću potpisao je Bernardo Zuccon , dok je enterijer dizajnirao Piero Lissoni, umetnički direktor kompanije Sanlorenzo. Model SX112 deo je inovativne SX crossover linije koju je 2017. godine lansirao Sanlorenzo, a inicirao Massimo Perotti, izvršni direktor kompanije. Zahvaljujući njegovoj hrabrosti i sposobnosti da prkosi konvencijama, na tržište je stigla nova vrsta jahti. Posle zvučnih imena kao što su SX88 i SX76, jahta SX112 nudi drugačiji način života, otvoren ka spoljašnjosti, gde barijere nestaju, a ne odstupa se od fleksibilnosti, stila i funkcionalnog kvaliteta. Najupečatljiviji deo jahte predstavlja plažna zona u krmenom delu. Glavna paluba je organizovana kao otvoreni prostor, inovativno rešenje koje je Sanlorenzo prvi put predstavio na SX88. Eksterijer je zasnovan na ravnoteži volumena i oblika koji upućuju na velike morske sisare, a u dizajnu enterijera je vodeća ideja podeljenosti unutrašnjih prostora, ali u stalnom dijalogu sa njihovim spoljašnjim parnjacima. Kormilarnica je svoje mesto našla na flajbridžu i tako oslobodila prostor za okupljanje i uživanje na glavnoj palubi. Originalne unutrašnje spiralne stepenice prolaze i spajaju tri nivoa, a na najvišoj palubi su zatvorene providnim ovalnim oblikom koji podseća na riznicu dragocenosti. Kombinacija japanske čistoće i italijanske elegancije odiše kroz sve detalje i materijale. Koncept iskorišćenosti i sloboda prostora prožima novu SX112 jahtu, a spoj kreativnosti, istraživanja, industrijskog savršenstva i zanata učinili su još jednom Sanlorenzo izuzetnim.


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SX112 može da razvije maksimalnu brzinu od 23 čvora /SX112 can reach a maximum speed of 23 knots

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The renowned Sanlorenzo shipyard expands its SX line, making it bigger and richer by 34 meters, and completes the collection with the new SX112 yacht. This time the emphasis is on developing new content and scenarios for the stay on the water. In this endeavor, the exterior line design is marked by Bernardo Zuccon's creativity, while the interior was designed by Piero Lissoni, Artistic Director at the Sanlorenzo company. The SX112 is part of the innovative SX crossover line launched in 2017 by Sanlorenzo and initiated by Massimo Perotti, the company’s CEO. Thanks to his courage and ability to defy the conventional, a new type of yacht appeared on the market. After great names like the SX88 and SX76, the SX112 offers a different way of life, open to the outdoor areas, where barriers disappear without compromising on flexibility, style or functional quality. The most impressive part of the yacht is the beach area in the stern. The main deck is organized as an open space, an innovative solution that Sanlorenzo first introduced on the SX88. The exterior is based on a balance of volume and shape that reminds of large marine mammals, and in interior design the leading idea is the division of interior spaces, but in constant dialogue with their external counterparts. The wheelhouse found its place on the flybridge, thus freeing up space for socializing and fun on the main deck. The original indoor spiral staircase rises and connects the three levels, and on the top deck it is closed by a transparent oval shape reminiscent of a treasure trove of valuables. Combination of Japanese pure lines and Italian elegance exudes through all the details and materials. The concept of utilization and freedom of space permeates the new SX112 yacht, and the combination of creativity, exploration, industry perfection and craftsmanship have once again made Sanlorenzo exceptional.

Model SX112 deo je inovativne SX crossover linije koju je inicirao Massimo Perotti, izvršni direktor kompanije Sanlorenzo / The SX112 is part of the innovative SX crossover line initiated by Massimo Perotti, CEO of Sanlorenzo

Najupečatljiviji deo nove Sanlorenzo jahte predstavlja plažna zona u krmenom delu / The most impressive part of new Sanlorenzo yacht is the beach area in the stern

SANLORENZO SX112 Length: 34 m Beam: 8 m Draft: 1.85 m Maximum speed: 23 knots

Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia +385 99 357 1727

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Made in Italy TECNOMAR FOR LAMBORGHINI 63 Dužina: 63 ft Težina: 24 t Maksimalna brzina: 60 čvorova Motori: 2 X MAN V122000 ks TECNOMAR FOR LAMBORGHINI 63 Length: 63 ft Weight: 24 t Maximum speed: 60 knots Engines: 2 X MAN V12-2000 hp

PRVI L AMBORGHINI NA VODI Automobili Lamborghini i The Italian Sea Group predstavljaju svetsku premijeru nove motorne jahte kompanije Tecnomar - „Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63“, dostupnu u limitiranoj seriji koja je nastala na temeljima Lamborghini-ja iz 1963. godine. Stefano Domenicali, direktor kompanije Automobili Lamborghini, rekao je: „Ova jahta predstavlja značaj stvaranja dragocenog partnerstva u svom savršenstvu: naša saradnja omogućava da se suština stilova i stručnosti obe organizacije prenese u različite svetove, deleći njihovu raznolikost za tumačenje i dodavanje vrednosti konačnom proizvodu u novom okruženju. Kad bih morao da zamislim Lamborghini na vodi, to bi bila moja vizija. Oduševljen sam što mogu da proslavim ovu uspešnu saradnju". Dizajn eksterijera karakteriše sportska silueta, sa modernim, ali apsolutno nautičkim izgledom. Enterijer ovog plovila rezultat je visokotehnološkog dizajna koji se zasniva na vrhunskim materijalima za težinu i funkciju, a u potpunosti je uklopljen u baštinu Made in Italy. Prva motorna jahta biće dostupna početkom 2021. godine.



Prva motorna jahta biće dostupna početkom 2021. godine / First motor yacht will be available at the beginning of 2021

Automobili Lamborghini and The Italian Sea Group present the worldwide premiere of „Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63“, the Tecnomar fleet’s new motor yacht available in a limited edition in reference to Lamborghini’s 1963 foundation. Stefano Domenicali, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini said: ”This yacht represents the significance of creating a valuable partnership, at its best: our co-operation allows the essence of both organisations’ style and expertise to be transferred to different worlds, sharing in their diversity to interpret and add value to the final product in a new environment. If I had to imagine a Lamborghini on water, this would be my vision. I’m delighted to celebrate this successful collaboration.” The exterior design is characterized by a sportive silhouette, with a cutting-edge but thoroughly nautical appearance. The interiors of Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 are the result of hightech design based on superperforming materials for weight and function, perfectly married with the best Made in Italy heritage. The first motor yacht will be available at the beginning of 2021.

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Ča mci/B oats

Instrument tabla podređena vozaču

Dve fotelje za vozača i suvozača, potpuno podesive, po visini i naprednazad se pomeraju

Veliki izbor dodatne opreme Tank za gorivo 140Ll od čak 140

Veliki separe u pramčanom delu u koji se može dodati i sto

Komforna krmena klupa

Veoma dubok bok plovila koji daje maksimalnu sigurnost i udobnost pri velikim talasima

HM 22 OPEN Sigurna plovila na reci i moru

Safe Vessels for River and Sea

HM 22 Open je plovilo moćnog izgleda i odličnih maritimnih performansi. Ističe se sportskim linijama, dok je njegova unutrašnjost obogaćena komfornim palubnim klupama koje se mogu pretvoriti u dodatni ležaj za sunčanje. Sadrži i kabinski prostor u koji se ulazi kroz skipersku konzolu. Mnogo prostora za uživanje, kao i skladištenje, značajne su karakteristike koje olakšavaju olakšavaju dan dan na navodi. vodi.Krmeno Krmenosedište sedište sa poklopcem sa hidrauličkim podizačem sa poklopcem sa hidrauličkim podizačem unuunutar koga je veliki za ribolovački pribor, tar koga je veliki boksboks za ribolovački pribor, skiskije i ostalu potrebnu opremu,pokazuje pokazujei pravu i praje i ostalu potrebnu opremu, vu namenu ovog plovilaHM22 22 Open Open prilagonamenu ovog plovila - HM đen je krstarenju, ribolovu ili skijanju na vodi sa porodicom i prijateljima. Novi dinamički dizajn upravljačke konzole savršeno se uklapa u okruženje naglašenog komfora i brzog trupa. Ovaj moćni glisersko dizajnirani trup omogućava razvijanje velikih brzina (do 47 nm/h sa maksimalnom snagom motora od 200 ks) i sigurnu plovidbu, kako na reci, tako na moru. Plovilo je u više navrata testirano sa motorom od 100 ks, opterećeno sa 5 odraslih ljudi i pri tome pokazalo izuzetne karakteristike u plovidbi.


Dodatno ojačano korito Dodatno koje može da izdrži ojačano do 200kskorito (nije koje može dazaizdrži standardno ovu do 200 ks (nije kategoriju plovila) standardno za ovu kategoriju plovila)

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Dužina preko svega: 6,41 m Širina: 2,48 m Gaz: 0,30 m Deplasman: 800 kg Broj putnika: 7 Motor maksimalne snage: 200 ks

Ča mci/B oats

Moćni glisersko dizajnirani trup omogućava razvijanje velikih brzina i sigurnu plovidbu / Powerful planing hull enables developing high speeds and safe navigation, both on the river and at sea


Length over all: 6.41 m Beam: 2.48 m Draft: 0.30 m Displacement: 800 kg Number of passengers: 7 Maximum power engine: 200 hp

The HM 22 Open is a vessel of powerful appearance and excellent maritime performance. It stands out for its sporty lines, while its interior is enriched with comfortable deck benches that can be transformed into an extra sunbed. The vessel also contains a cabin that can be entered through the skipper's console. Plenty of space for fun and relaxation, as well as for storage, are important features that make a day on the water more convenient. The stern seat with a lid with hydraulic lifting system contains a large box for fishing gear, skis and other necessary equipment, which indicates the true purpose of this boat - HM 22 Open is adapted for cruising, fishing or water skiing with family and friends. The new dynamic design of the control console fits perfectly into the environment of distinctive comfort and fast hull. This powerful planing hull enables developing high speeds (up to 47 nm /h with a maximum engine power of 200 hp) and safe navigation, both on the river and at sea. The vessel was tested on a sea trial several times with a 100 hp engine, loaded with 5 adults, and showed exceptional sailing characteristics.

THE KEY FEATURES OF HM ARE AS FOLLOWS: Large seating booth in the bow section, to which a table can be added Very high sides of the boat that provide maximum safety and comfort on big waves Comfortable aft bench Two seats, for the skipper and a passenger, fully adjustable in height and forward/ backward position Extra reinforced hull that can withstand up to 200 hp (not standard for this category of vessel) Instrument panel adjusted to the driver Wide range of accessories Fuel tank of 140 l

Milana Vidaka 16a, 21410 Futog +381 21 893 474; +381 64 112 7 119; +381 677 355 600

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inter vju/interview



Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac

Vlasnik nekoliko renomiranih kompanija, generalni direktor British Motors-a i predsednik Ko š a r ka š ko g k l u b a Par tizan NIS Owner of several renowned companies, General Manager of British Motors and President of t h e B a s ke t b a l l C l u b Pa r t i za n N IS

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inter vju/interview



zimut Benetti Group, italijanski proizvođač prestižnih jahti i brodova, ima svoje zvanično predstavništvo u Beogradu, na adresi Zrenjaninski put 11. Za ljubitelje nautike iz naše zemlje i regiona, otvaranje novog predstavništva pod imenom „BM - Premium Yachting 2020 doo. Beograd“ donosi priliku da poruče neko od ekskluzivnih plovila po svom ukusu direktno od predstavnika koji ima bogato iskustvo u uvozu i distribuciji premium brendova za srpsko tržište. Na čelu kompanije koja će se posvetiti plasmanu jahti i brodova za rečnu i morsku plovidbu, ekskluzivnog italijanskog proizvođača, nalazi se Ostoja Mijailović, vlasnik nekoliko renomiranih kompanija, generalni direktor British Motors-a i predsednik Košarkaškog kluba Partizan NIS. “Veoma sam zadovoljan potpisivanjem ugovora sa kompanijom Azimut Benetti Group, koja ima lidersku poziciju u Evropi i svetu. Azimut posluje po jednom od najviših svetskih standarda konstrukcije koji se primenjuju u proizvodnji brodova, koristeći tehnologiju razvijenu u sopstvenoj inovacijskoj laboratoriji (Azimut Yachts Innovation Lab). U pitanju su vrhunski modeli, najbolji na tržištu i oni garantuju nezaboravno iskustvo plovidbe. Na ovaj način, poslovni sistem na čijem sam čelu, sada je u poziciji da ponudi još širu paletu premium proizvoda našim klijentima i učestvuje u razvijanju ovog segmenta poslovanja u Srbiji. U narednom periodu planiramo dosta aktivnosti na planu promocije Azimuta u Srbiji“, izjavio je za naš magazin gospodin Mijailović.

Kao relativno mlada kompanija uspeli ste visoko da se pozicionirate, a sada napravite i iskorak iz automobilske u nautičku industriju. Da li ste tome težili od početka ili su potrebe tržišta pokazale da je to logičan sled?

U premium segmentu, jedino što vas može izdvojiti u odnosu na konkurenciju je kvalitet proizvoda i kvalitet pruženih usluga. Klijenti su veoma dobro edukovani i itekako znaju šta žele, a mi smo osluškujući želje i potrebe naših klijenata došli na ideju da svoje poslovanje proširimo na nautičku industriju. I naravno, prirodno je bilo da i na tom tržištu nastupimo u premium segmentu.

Da li uspevate da prepoznate potrebe potencijalnih kupaca kada su u pitanju plovila ili oni dolaze sa jasnom vizijom? Koji Azimutov model je najpopularniji među kupcima u Srbiji?

Klijenti u našoj zemlji i regionu veoma dobro poznaju tržište plovila, dobro su informisani i barem okvirno znaju kakav model bi želeli. Taj razgovor više liči na razgovor između poslovnih partnera, nego između kupca i prodavca, a takav odnos se i trudimo da izgradimo. Mi smo tu da saslušamo njihove želje i da zajedno sa njima pronađemo najbolje rešenje. Ne postoji neki model koji se drastično izdvaja, ipak je kupovina plovila izraz ličnih sklonosti. Ljudi i te kako prate novine koje se pojavljuju na tržištu, pa je tako sada interesovanje nešto veće za modele iz S kolekcije, S8 i Grande S10, odnosno Flybridge 78.

Azimut posluje po jednom od najviših svetskih standarda konstrukcije / Azimut operates according to one of the highest world shipbuilding standards

Kako se odvija izbor, poručivanje i isporuka plovila? Koliko vremena je potrebno da prođe od prvog do poslednjeg koraka?

Vreme isporuke zavisi od trenutne dostupnosti modela. Od trenutka kada se klijent odluči za model i potpiše ugovor, mi se trudimo da vreme isporuke ne bude duže od nekoliko nedelja. Početna faza prodaje se obavlja kataloški.

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inter vju/interview

Najveće interesovanje na našem tržištu je za modele iz S kolekcije, S8 i Grande S10, odnosno Flybridge 78 The biggest interest in our market is for the models from the S collection, S8 and Grande S10, or Flybridge 78

Ovo je godina u kojoj se svet suočava sa velikim izazovima. Koliko nova ekonomska kriza utiče na industrije kojima se bavite?

Realne posledice koje će Covid-19 ostaviti, očekujem da se u potpunosti osete kroz nekoliko meseci. Trenutno, svet se polako vraća u normalu i ako ne bude nekih novih iznenađenja, posledice će biti u granicama podnošljivog.

Kako vidite razvoj nautike u Srbiji u budućnosti?

Verujem da će broj luksuznih plovila na našim rekama porasti u narednim godinama. Tu ima mnogo prostora za napredak.

Mnoge nagrade i priznanja koja ste dobili svedoče da je moguće opstati na vrhu, kako u svetu biznisa, tako i u svetu sporta. Koji od ova dva Vam donosi veću satisfakciju?

Naporan i predan rad se uvek isplati, samo što nekada nagrada dođe pre, a nekada kasnije. Kontinuitet je ključ svega, a lično se teško mogu odlučiti između ponuđenih opcija. U sportu ima mnogo više faktora na koje ne možete da utičete. Konkretno u košarci, nekada sve zavisi od jednog trenutka kada lopta jeste ili nije prošla kroz obruč. U tim momentima, često se zaboravljaju napori koje su uložili i uprava i igrači i treneri da bi do šanse za uspeh uopšte došli. Taj adrenalin čini da je trenutna sreća ili tuga nešto veća nego u svetu biznisa, gde se stvari ipak odvijaju sporije.




zimut Benetti Group, Italian manufacturer of prestigious yachts and boats, now has its official dealership in Belgrade, at the address 11 Zrenjaninski put. For all the nautical enthusiasts from our country and the region, opening of this new dealership named "BM - Premium Yachting 2020 doo. Belgrade" is the opportunity to order one of the exclusive vessels to their liking directly from a representative with extensive experience in import and distribution of premium brands for the Serbian market.

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inter vju/interview

Ostoja Mijailović, the owner of several renowned companies, General Manager of British Motors and President of the Basketball Club Partizan NIS, is at the head of the company, and also the person who will be dedicated to placement of yachts and boats for river and sea navigation by the exclusive Italian shipyard. "I am very satisfied with signing of the contract with Azimut Benetti Group, the industry-leading company both in Europe and worldwide. Azimut operates according to one of the highest world shipbuilding standards, using technology developed in-house by Azimut Yachts Innovation Lab. These are top models, the best on the market and they guarantee an unforgettable sailing experience. In this way, the business system that I lead is now in a position to offer an even wider range of premium products to our customers, thus contributing to development of this business segment in Serbia. For the following period, we plan a lot of activities aimed at promoting Azimut in Serbia," said Mr. Mijailović for our magazine.

As a relatively young company, you have managed to position yourself very high, and now you have even made a step forward from the automotive to the nautical industry. Is that what you strived for from the very beginning or did the market demand lead to this as a logical step?

In the premium segment, the only thing that can set you apart from the competition is quality of the products and quality of the services provided. Clients are very well educated and know exactly what they want. Therefore, listening to the wishes and needs of our clients, we came up with the idea to expand our business into the nautical industry. And of course, it was natural for us to operate in the premium segment in that market as well.

Do you manage to recognize the needs of prospective buyers when it comes to boats or do they come with a clear vision? Which Azimut model is the most popular among customers in Serbia?

Clients in our country and the region know the boat market very well, they are well informed and at least roughly know what model they would like. That conversation is more like a conversation between business partners than between a buyer and a seller, and we are trying to build such a relationship. We are there to listen to their wishes and find the best solution together with them. There is no model that stands out significantly, but buying a boat is an expression of personal preferences. People follow the novelties that appear on the market, so now the interest is a bit

higher for the models from the S collection, S8 and Grande S10, and also Flybridge 78.

How is the process of selection, ordering and delivery of vessels carried out? How long does it take from the first to the last step?

Delivery time depends on the current availability of each specific model. From the moment the customer decides on the model and signs the contract, we do our best to make the delivery within a few weeks. The initial phase of the sale is done from a catalog.

This is a year in which the world is facing great challenges. How much does the new economic crisis affect the industries you work in?

I expect the real consequences that Covid-19 will have to be fully felt in a few months. At the moment, the world is slowly returning to normal, and if there are no new surprises, the consequences will be within tolerable limits.

How do you see the development of nautical industry in Serbia in the future?

I believe that the number of luxury vessels on our rivers will increase in the coming years. There is a lot of room for improvement.

Klijenti u našoj zemlji i regionu veoma dobro poznaju tržište plovila / Clients in our country and the region know the boat market very well

Numerous awards and recognitions you have received testify that it is possible to survive at the top, both in the world of business and in the world of sports. Which of the two brings you more satisfaction?

Hard work and dedication always pay off, it is just that sometimes the reward comes sooner, and sometimes later. Continuity is the key to everything, and I could hardly decide between the options offered. There are many more factors in sports that you cannot influence. Particularly in basketball, sometimes everything depends on one moment when the ball did or did not go through the hoop. In those moments, all the efforts made by the management and the players and the coaches to get a chance for success are often forgotten. That kind of adrenaline makes the happiness or sadness at that specific moment somewhat greater than in the business world, where things tend to happen more slowly.

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J a h te / Ya c h ts


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac

AZIMUT GRANDE TRIDECK Italijansko brodogradiliťte Azimut Yachts ima u planu da u 2021. godini predstavi najveću jahtu iz svoje flote / Italian shipyard Azimut Yachts plans to present the largest yacht from its fleet in 2021

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J a h te / Ya c h ts


Maksimalna brzina ide do 24 čvora / Maximum speed goes up to 24 knots


Azimut Grande Trideck, novi kompleksan projekat, debitovaće 2021. godine. Eksterijer je dizajnirao Alberto Mancini, dok je za enterijer bio zadužen Achille Salvagni. Iz Azimuta kažu da je ovo njihov prvi trideck i najveća megajahta koju su ikada izgradili. Smeštajni kapacitet osoba na ovoj velelepnoj jahti je 10, uz još 6 članova posade. Azimut Grande Trideck u ponudi je sa dvostrukim MTU motorima od 2400 ks ili 2600 ks, koji sa većim motorima isporučuju maksimalne brzine do 24 čvorova. „Veći modeli, kao što je Azimut Grande Trideck, aspirativni su proizvodi za vlasnike“, kaže Marco Valle, generalni direktor Azimuta. „Oni ne samo da povećavaju asortiman, već pomažu i rast poslovanja potiskujući prodaju manjih modela u svojevrsnu lančanu reakciju. Zapravo, naš promet se povećava iz godine u godinu i isporučili smo više od 250 jedinica u različitim rasponima do sada“. Sa nestrpljenjem čekamo da vidimo ovo remek-delo u punom sjaju na talasima.


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Dužina: 37.6 m Širina: 7.9 m Gaz: 1.8-1.85 m Maksimalna brzina: 24 čvora Kapacitet goriva: 23000 l Kapacitet vode: 4000 l

J a h te / Ya c h ts

Nova Azimut jahta debitovaće 2021. godine / New Azimut yacht will have her debut in 2021

Veći modeli, kao što je Azimut Grande Trideck su aspirativni proizvodi za vlasnike

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J a h te / Ya c h ts


Azimut Grande Trideck, a new and complex project, will have her debut in 2021. The exterior was designed by Alberto Mancini, while Achille Salvagni was in charge of the interior design. From Azimut they say that this is their first trideck model and the largest megayacht they have ever built. Accommodation capacity on this magnificent yacht is 10 persons, plus 6 crew members. The Azimut Grande Trideck comes with twin MTU engines of 2400 hp or 2600 hp that deliver maximum speed of 24 knots with more powerful engines. "Larger models like the Azimut Grande Trideck are aspirational products for our owners,” says Marco Valle, Azimut Managing Director. "They not only increase the range, but help grow the business by pushing sales of the smaller models in a kind of chain reaction. In fact, our turnover is increasing year on year and we've delivered more than 250 units across the various ranges so far this year.” We look forward to seeing this masterpiece in her full glory on the waves.


Length: 37.6 m Beam: 7.9 m Draft: 1.8-1.85 m Maximum speed: 24 knots Fuel capacity: 23000 l Water capacity: 4000 l

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

U ponudi je Trideck sa dvostrukim MTU motorima od 2400 ks ili 2600 ks / Trideck comes with twin MTU engines of 2400 hp or 2600 hp

Azimut Grande Trideck moĹže komotno da smesti 16 osoba / Azimut Grande Trideck can comfortably accommodate 16 persons

Za dizajn enterijera je bio zaduĹžen Achille Salvagni / Achille Salvagni was in charge of the interior design

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Brod og ra d ilište/Shipyard

Brodogradilište Apatin potpuno je opremljeno za kompletnu proizvodnju čeličnih brodova do 135 m dužine / Apatin Shipyard is fully equipped for the complete production of steel ships up to 135 m in length

100 godina Brodogradilišta Apatin Brodogradilište Apatin osnovano je 1920. godine u gradu Apatinu, u Srbiji. Nekada je bilo poznato pod imenom Brodogradilište Boris Kidrič. Od osnivanja do današnjeg dana proširivani su kapaciteti kako postrojenja, tako i opreme. Vremenom je kosi navoz za izvlačenje brodova zamenjen savremenim sinhro liftom kapaciteta 1500 tona i izgrađene su hale i radionice za remonte i izgradnju brodova u zatvorenom. Brodogradilište je kroz svoju dugu istoriju proizvelo preko 400 brodova i obavilo više stotina remonta. Današnje brodogradilište je potpuno opremljeno za kompletnu proizvodnju čeličnih brodova do 135 m dužine, kao i za kompletne remonte na brodovima i plovnim objektima. Nakon preuzimanja vlasništva od strane preduzeća Arsenal-Rem DOO tokom 2019. Brodogradilište godine, brodogradilište nastavlja sa radom Apatin punim kapacitetima, a paralelno se radi na poseduje sve modernizaciji i rekonstrukciji svih postojećih neophodne postrojenja i opreme brodogradilišta, kao pogone za i nabavka i izgradnja nove opreme i poizgradnju strojenja, što će kapacitete za proizvodnju i i remont remonte učiniti još efikasnijim. brodova Izgrađena je nova hala za proizvodnju / Apatin aluminijumskih brodova različitih tipova do Shipyard has all 35 m dužine. the necessary Brodogradilište Apatin DOO, preduzeće facilities for za izgradnju i remont brodova i plovnih building and repairing ships objekata posluje na adresi Dunavska obala 2 u Apatinu, Srbija. Poseduje sve neophodne pogone za izgradnju i remont brodova u svom vlasništvu i to: šest zatvorenih hala za izgradnju i remont brodova, sinhro lift za brzu manipulaciju prilikom podizanja i porinuća brodova u vodu (nosivosti 1500 t), dva otvorena navoza za remont i izgradnju brodova, halu za izgradnju aluminijumskih brodova, halu pripreme, te sledeće radionice: za obradu metala, brodomonterska, bravarska, mehaničarska, motorna, cevarska, elektro radionica, stolarska i radionice za peskarenje i bojadisanje. Svi navedeni pogoni su smešteni na parceli od 9 hektara


u rukavcu na levoj obali Dunava kod Apatina, zaštićeni od glavnog toka reke. Brodogradilište Apatin proizvodi brodove različitih dimenzija od sledećih materijala: 1. ČELIK: proizvodnja i kompletno opremanje čeličnih brodova sa jednim trupom do dužine od 135 m i širine do 15 m (u slučaju katamarana maksimalna širina je 25 m) 2. ALUMINIJUM: Proizvodnja i kompletno opremanje aluminijumskih brodova do dužine 35 m i širine 12 m. Brodogradilište je u mogućnosti da vrši kompletne remonte, modernizacije i popravke različitih vrsta brodova sa reka i mora (do 135 m dužine i 15 m širine). Istovremeno se može vršiti remont do 10 brodova različitih dimenzija. Brodoremontni radovi koji se obavljaju su: Remont brodskog trupa i nadgradnje Remont svih ventila i kormila Remont osovinskih vodova, brodskih kopči, glavnih i pomoćnih brodskih motora Remont i rekonstrukcija svih brodskih cevovoda i tankova Remont svih elektrouređaja i elektroinstalacija na brodu Remont i modernizacija svih sistema elektronike i automatike na brodu Remont svih vrsta brodskih pumpi i kompresora Remont i uređenje svih stambenih brodskih prostorija te brodskih kuhinja i hladnjača Ugradnja novih uređaja i sistema za desalinizaciju morske vode te ugradnja sistema za skupljanje i prečišćavanje otpadnih voda na brodu (sive i crne vode) Remont, modernizacija i ugradnja novih sistema za navigaciju, radio vezu i sistema za sigurnost (bezbednost) plovidbe Remont pomoćnih čamaca i brodskih soha i dizalica Pored osnovne delatnosti izgradnje i remonta brodova, u pogonima brodogradilišta se obavljaju i mogu obavljati druge delatnosti kao što su remonti industrijskih mašina, projektovanje i izrada metalnih konstrukcija različitih namena, cevovoda, stolarije i sl. Od 2020. godine Brodogradilište Apatin nudi i usluge veza uz operativnu obalu za veće brodove, kao i usluge čuvanja i održavanja manjih brodova i jahti do 20 m na suvom. Detaljne informacije o Brodogradilištu Apatin su dostupne na sajtu:

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Brod og ra d ilište/Shipyard

100 Years of Apatin Shipyard Apatin Shipyard was founded in 1920 in the city of Apatin, Serbia. It used to be known as the Boris Kidrič Shipyard. From its establishment until today, the capacity of both plant and equipment have been expanded. Over time, the slipway for towing ships out of the water was replaced by a modern synchronous hoist with a capacity of 1,500 tons, and halls and workshops were built for indoor repair and construction of ships. Throughout its long history, the shipyard has produced over 400 units and performed hundreds of overhauls. Today's shipyard is fully equipped for the complete production of steel ships up to 135 m in length, as well as for full overhaul of ships and other vessels. After takeover by the company Arsenal-Rem DOO in 2019, the shipyard continued to operate at full capacity, with simultaneous works on modernization and reconstruction of all the existing facilities and equipment of the shipyard, as well as procurement of new equipment and construction of new facilities so as to improve efficiency of both production and repair work. A new hall was built for the production of aluminum vessels of various types up to 35 m in length. Shipyard Apatin DOO, company for construction and overhaul of ships and other vessels operates at the address Dunavska obala 2 in Apatin, Serbia. It owns all the necessary facilities for construction and repair of ships, including: six indoor halls for shipbuilding and overhaul, synchro hoist for quick manipulation when hoisting and launching ships (capacity 1500 t),

Kosi navoz za izvlačenje brodova zamenjen je savremenim sinhro liftom kapaciteta 1500 tona / Slipway for towing ships out of the water was replaced by a modern synchronous hoist with a capacity of 1,500 tons

two slipways for overhaul and construction of ships, a hall for construction of aluminum ships, preparation hall, as well as the following workshops: metal processing, shipbuilding, locksmith, mechanic, motor, pipe, electrical workshop, carpentry, and workshops for sandblasting and painting. All these plants are located on a plot of 9 hectares in a tributary on the left bank of the Danube near Apatin, protected from the main river flow. Apatin Shipyard produces ships of various sizes from the

Brodogradilište Apatin osnovano je 1920. godine / Apatin Shipyard was founded in 1920

following materials: 1. STEEL: production and complete fitting of single-hull steel ships up to 135 m in length with a beam up to 15 m (in case of catamarans the maximum beam is 25 m) 2. ALUMINUM: Production and complete equipping of aluminum boats up to 35 m long and 12 m wide. The shipyard has capacity to perform overhaul, modernization and repair of various types of ships for rivers and the sea (up to 135 m long and 15 m wide). Up to 10 vessels of different sizes can be repaired at the same time. Ship overhaul and repair works performed at the shipyard include: Overhaul of hull and superstructure Overhaul of all valves and rudders Overhaul of axle lines, ship buckles, main and auxiliary ship engines Overhaul and reconstruction of all ship pipelines and tanks Overhaul of all electrical devices and electrical installations on board Overhaul and modernization of all electronics and automation systems on board Overhaul of all types of marine pumps and compressors Overhaul and refurbishing of all cabins intended for living, as well as galley and cold rooms Installation of new devices and systems for seawater desalination, and installation of wastewater collection and treatment systems on board (gray and black water) Overhaul, modernization and installation of new navigation, radio communication and safety systems Overhaul of tender boats and ship's axes and cranes In addition to the basic activity of ship construction and overhaul, other activities are performed in the shipyard facilities, such as overhaul of industrial machines, design and manufacture of metal structures for various purposes, pipelines, carpentry, and so on. From 2020, Apatin Shipyard also offers services of berths along the operational shore for larger vessels, as well as dry berths and services for storage and maintenance of smaller boats and yachts up to 20m on land. Detailed information on Apatin Shipyard is available from the website:

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Brodogradilište Apatin Dunavska obala br.2, 25260 Apatin +381 63 8394921, +381 69 700585


Predsta vlja mo/Present


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o Predsta vlja mo/Present

Prva kancelarija Wandering Yacht-a nalazi se na kraju visoko razvijene i moderne marine Porto Montenegro u Tivtu Kaže se da nikada zaista ne upoznate neko mesto dok ne počnete tamo da živite, zbog čega je svaka prilika da ga vidite očima onih koji to čine tako dragocena. Kada iskombinujete znanje i ljubav prema nekom regionu sa strašću za jedrenje, imaćete nezaboravno iskustvo, a to je upravo ono što čini Wandering Yacht. Nema ničeg goreg od dolaska na odredište koje vas razočara. Kada posećujemo neko mesto na kom nismo ranije bili, stvorimo sebi u glavi savršenu sliku na osnovu svojih prvih utisaka i na osnovu slika koje smo videli i priča koje smo o tom mestu čuli. Međutim, kada vas u toku boravka nešto natera da ranije napustite željenu luku, nešto očigledno nedostaje. Ovo je situacija sa kojom se Judith Freiha suočavala i o kojoj je slušala puno puta, te je zbog toga osnovala Wandering Yacht Montenegro. Wandering Yacht je originalan koncept. Globalni brend luksuzne nautike. Prva kancelarija Wandering Yacht nalazi se na kraju visoko razvijene i moderne marine Porto Montenegro u Tivtu, u Crnoj Gori. Ponuđene usluge su: Čarter, Vezovi, Gorivo, Menadžment i Concierge. Wandering Yacht osnovan je sa misijom da ljude drži u onom zanosnom luksuznom stanju boravka na luksuznim jahtama, čak i kada nogom kroče na kopno. Po dolasku, tim Wandering Yacht dočekaće vas i započeti vaše “iskrcavanje”. Oni će harmonično uklopiti najkompleksnije detalje vašeg boravka, kako bi se osiguralo konstantno održavanje najviših standarda. U Wandering Yacht -u su luksuz, praktičnost i diskrecija klijenata od najveće važnosti, a pružena usluga ide i dalje od toga. Prepustite se besprekornom iskustvu koje ostavlja trajne uspomene. Obratite se njihovom višejezičnom timu konsultanata za početak vašeg specijalnog putovanja.

Wandering Yacht će učiniti vaš boravak u Crnoj Gori nezaboravnim

BESCARINSKO TOČENJE GORIVA Iskoristite prednost crnogorskog goriva bez poreza. Opslužujemo sve luke. CONCIERGE & EKSKURZIJE Ako želite da boravite na kopnu, Wandering Yacht će vam organizovati kompletno iskustvo.


Judith Freiha, Marco Bulatović i Olja Aleksić / Judith Freiha, Marco Bulatović and Olja Aleksić

ČARTER VAŠIH SNOVA Započnite ili završite svoj čarter sa Wandering Yacht u Crnoj Gori, prema savršenoj ruti. KUVAR I EKSKLUZIVNA HRANA Ekskluzivni događaji za degustaciju hrane i najam privatnog kuvara.

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USLUGE U LUCI Niz osnovnih usluga od privezivanja jahte do njenog održavanja. KUDA ĆETE DALJE? Besprekorni transferi plus pomoć oko prelaska granice i carinjenja.

Predsta vlja mo/Present

Wandering Yacht nudi niz usluga za vaĹĄa plovila/ Wandering Yacht offers a range of services for your boats

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Predsta vlja mo/Present

The first Wandering Yacht office is on the edge of the highly developed and modern Porto Montenegro marina in Tivat

It’s been said that you never truly know a place until you’ve lived there, which is why any opportunity to see it through the eyes of those who do, is so special. When you combine the knowledge and love of a region with a passion for yachting, you are bound to have an unforgettable experience, which is exactly what Wandering Yacht is about. There is nothing worse than arriving at a destination only to be disappointed. When visiting somewhere we’ve not been to before we build a picture perfect postcard in our mind based on our first impressions and on the images we’ve seen and the stories we’ve heard. However, when the experience of your stay drives you to leave your destined port early, something is clearly missing. This is a situation that Judith Freiha has been faced with and heard about on more than one occasion, which is why she founded Wandering Yacht Montenegro. Wandering Yacht is an original concept. A Global Nautical Luxury brand. The first Wandering Yacht office is on the edge of the highly developed and modern Porto Montenegro marina in Tivat, Montenegro. The services offered are: Chartering, Berthing, Fuelling, Management and Concierge. Wandering Yacht was founded with the mission of keeping people in that elated luxury state of mind that they are in on luxurious yachts, even when they place their foot onto land. Upon your arrival, Wandering Yacht’s team will greet you and the disembarking begins there. They will orchestrate the most intricate details of your stay, to ensure the highest standard is maintained. At Wandering Yacht, the luxury, convenience and discretion of clients is of utmost importance and the service provided goes above and beyond. Indulge in a seamless experience that leaves you with lasting memories. Contact their multilingual team of consultants to begin your special journey.

Wandering Yacht will make your stay in Montenegro unforgettable

TAX-FREE FUELLING Take advantage of Montenegro’s tax-free fuel. All ports serviced. CONCIERGE & EXCURSIONS If you’re looking to venture on land, WanderingYacht will orchestrate your experience. YOUR DREAM CHARTER Begin or end your Wandering Yacht charter in Montenegro following a bespoke itinerary.

Wandering Yacht +382 (0)69 333 694 (Montenegro) +44 (0)20 8089 4441 (UK) +1 305 671 3222 (US)


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THE CHEF & FINE DINING Exclusive food tasting events, and private chef hire. PORT SERVICES & MANAGEMENT A range of essential services from berthing your yacht to keeping it well maintained. WHERE WILL YOU WANDER NEXT? Seamless transfers plus assisted immigrations and customs clearance.

Vod ič/G uide

TROUGAO NA SEVEROZAPADU - mesto za ljubitelje ISTRE gastronomije i vina Jedan trougao na severozapadu Istre, raj je za ljubitelje gastronomije i vina. Ta zona koju omeđuju Savudrija i Novigrad s mora, te kao vrh oštrog trougla, grad Motovun, pruža dovoljno materijala za produženi vikend. Vrsni uljari, restorani, konobe, vinarije, biciklističke staze, pešačke staze, istorijski gradovi, zelene oaze. Dakle, parkirajte svoj brod u novigradskoj marini i pođite na ručak u restoran Marina koji gleda upravo na privezište. Restoran Marina je nešto što se ne propušta: Marina Gaši i njen suprug Davor Buršić imaju jedinstveni koncept - nema pisanog jelovnika, niti a la carte porudžbina, već je ponuda sastavljena na bazi 3-69 sledova koji su isključivo morski, a njihov opis zavisi od San Rocco, jedan ulova lokalnih ribara. Marina od šampiona sve pravi sama, od hleba i hrvatskih testenine do svakog tanjira luksuznih koji izađe iz njene kuhinje, hotela / a Davor je majstor usluge i San Rocco, vina. Ovde ćete se osećati kao u njihovom dnevnom one of the boravku, ležerno, udobno, prisno, jer usluga je potpuchampions no personalizovana. Volite li da prespavate na kopnu, of Croatian San Rocco, mali boutique hotel u Brtonigli i jedan od luxury hotels šampiona hrvatskih luksuznih hotela, nudi ne samo udobne sobe velike poput studio aparatmana, već i izvrstan restoran, SPA centar te vinoteku. Hotel ima i predivnu prostranu terasu i spoljni bazen sa barom, pa je lako „zaglaviti“ i celo jedno popodne, jer sadržaja ne nedostaje. Nije na odmet spomenuti da San Rocco ima izuzetna maslinova ulja iz sopstvenih maslinjaka, pa u jelima ovog fine dining restorana često možete dobiti omaž upravo ovom čarobnom sastojku. Vinarija koju ne smete propustiti i koja takođe nudi opciju celodnevnog boravka jeste vinarija porodice Kozlović koja od 1904. na istom mestu, u slikovitoj dolini Valle, živi s vinom i od vina. Njihova vinarija je moderno zdanje po ekološkim standardima, pa


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Član udruženja Jeunes Restorateurs d’Europe, San Rocco spada u sam vrh istarske i hrvatske gastronomije / A member of the Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe, San Rocco belongs to the top Istrian and Croatian gastronomy

Vod ič/G uide

Svaka soba je dizajnirana za sebe i svaka nudi poseban ugođaj / Each room is designed for itself and each offers a special atmosphere

se zidovi hlade prirodnim zelenim barijerama, kao i krov koji je obrastao lavandom i ruzmarinom. U vinariji koja insistira na lokalnim sortama – istarskoj malvaziji, teranu i muškatu momjanskom, možete uživati u nekoliko programa degustacije, a posebno preporučujemo Meet the Estate, program koji uz 5 vina predviđa i 5 malih tanjira posebno kreiranih od strane vrhunskog hrvatskog šefa Zdravka Tomšića. Ako tražite pravu istarsku konobu, Stari podrum ispod vinarije Kozlović je pravo mesto za vas. Ako vam nakon svega ostane snage za jednu šetnju, osim uvek lepog Motovuna, pođite u Grožnjan, grad umetnika i galerista. Uživaćete u njegovom blagom žamoru i napojiti oči lepim umetninama. Sam grad pripada najepšim istarskim akropolskim gradićima, a njegovi stanovnici revnosno uređuju ulice koje preplavljuje cveće.

U restoranu Marina doživećete rapsodiju za nepce u jelima / In the Marina restaurant you will experience a rhapsody for palates in dishes

Marina Gaši i njen suprug Davor Buršić, vlasnici restorana Marina / Marina Gaši and her husband Davor Buršić, owners of the Marina restaurant

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Vod ič/G uide

TRIANGLE IN THE NORTHWEST - a place for gastronomy OF ISTRIA and wine enthusiasts A triangle in the northwest of Istria is a paradise for gastronomy and wine enthusiasts. This zone, bordered by Savudrija and Novigrad from the sea, and as the tip of the an acute triangle, the town of Motovun, provides enough material for a long weekend. Excellent oil mills, restaurants, taverns, wineries, bike routes, hiking trails, historic towns, green oases. So, moor your boat in the Novigrad marina and go for lunch to the Marina restaurant, which has a view to the mooring. Marina restaurant is too good to miss: Marina Gaši and her husband Davor Buršić have a unique concept - there is no printed menu or a la carte Vinarija orders, but the offer is based Kozlović on 3-6-9 combinations that stvara vina are exclusively seafood, and u kojima se their availability depends on neguje izraz the catch of local fishermen. i karakter Marina does everything herautohtonih istarskih sorti self, from bread and pasta / Kozlovic to every plate that comes out of her kitchen, and DaWinery has vor is a master of service and wine. Here you will feel created wines like a guest in their living room, casual, comfortable, in which they intimate, because the service is completely personalnurture the ized. If you like to stay overnight on the mainland, San expression Rocco, a small boutique hotel in Brtonigla and one and character of the champions of Croatian luxury hotels, offers not of autochthoonly comfortable rooms as large as a studio apartnous Istrian ment, but also an excellent restaurant, spa center varieties and wine store. The hotel also has a beautiful spacious terrace and an outdoor swimming pool with a bar, so it is easy to "get stuck" in there all afternoon, as there is plenty to do. It is worth mentioning that San Rocco has exceptional olive oil from their own olive groves, so in the dishes of this fine dining restaurant you can often get an homage to this magical ingredient.


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Kvalitetom, postojanošću i širokom paletom etiketa te izvrsnim rakijama i maslinovim uljem, Kozlović je jedan od najpoznatijih brendova regiona

Vod ič/G uide

Vinarija Kozlović, moderno zdanje po ekološkim standardima / Kozlović Winery, modern building by environmental standards

A winery that is also a must see and offers the option of a full day's stay is the winery of the Kozlović family, which has been living with wine and from wine in the same place, in the picturesque Valle Valley, since 1904. Their winery is a modern building made by environmental standards, so the walls are cooled by natural green barriers, as well as the roof overgrown with lavender and rosemary. In the winery that insists on local varieties - Istrian Malvasia, Teran and Muscat Momjan, you can enjoy several tasting programs, and we especially recommend Meet the Antonella i Gianfranco Kozlović Estate, a program that includes 5 wines and 5 small plates specially created by top Croatian chef Zdravko Tomsić. If you are looking for a genuine Istrian tavern, Stari podrum (the Old Cellar) below the Kozlović winery is "the place".

With quality, durability and a wide range of labels, as well as excellent brandies and olive oil, Kozlović is one of the most famous brands in the region

If after all these activities there is still strength in you for a walk, besides the ever beautiful Motovun, visit Grožnjan, the city of artists and gallerists. You will enjoy its gentle murmur and treat your eyes with beautiful works of art. The city itself belongs to the group of the most beautiful Istrian walled hilltop towns, and its inhabitants zealously decorate the streets that are filled with flowers.

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Ča mci/B oats

Novi model ovog brodogradilišta ima bolju efikasnost, veće brzine i maksimalnu bezbednost / The new model of this shipyard has better efficiency, higher speeds and maximum safety

Seafarer 36 X sadrži dve kabine, dve ležaljke, dva reda sedišta, WC, šank i ležaj / Seafarer 36 X include two cabins, two sunbeds, two rows of seats, WC, wet bar and a couch

1 24

RIBCO SEAFARER 36X Seafarer 36 X rezultat je kontinuiranog razvoja započetog pre 10 godina, kada je po prvi put predstavljen „Seafarer 36“. Najprodavaniji model ovog brenda 2020. godine proslavlja 10 godina uspeha novim inovativnim modelom. „Seafarer 36 X“ podiže na viši nivo kategoriju od + 10 m RIB. Paluba je potpuno nova. Sadrži dve kabine, dve ležaljke, dva reda sedišta, WC, šank i ležaj. Poseban dodatak je novi krov T-Top, koji je izrađen 100% od karbonskih vlakana, što smanjuje težinu i težište. Poznati trup je i dalje tu, ali unapređen, što ima za rezultat bolju efikasnost, veće brzine i maksimalnu bezbednost. To je savršena kombinacija mnoštva različitih karakteristika koje nije lako pronaći zajedno na jednom RIB-u. Od 2020. godine, YACHT IN je jedini službeni zastupnik koji ove izuzetne mašine nudi svojim klijentima u jugoistočnoj Evropi, uključujući Hrvatsku, Srbiju, Sloveniju, Crnu Goru, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Severnu Makedoniju i Albaniju. Za dalje informacije o RIBCO tenderima visokih performansi, obratite se Matiji Zeliću, direktoru prodaje Yacht IN-a na: ili na mobilni: +385 91 314 3033.

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Ča mci/B oats

„Seafarer 36 X“ podiže na viši nivo kategoriju od + 10m RIB / The “Seafarer 36 X” takes to another level the category of +10m RIB

Seafarer 36 X is the result of continuous development which started 10 years ago when the “Seafarer 36” was originally launched. On 2020 brand’s best seller celebrates 10 years of success story with a new innovative model. The “Seafarer 36 X” takes to another level the category of +10 m RIB. The deck is completely new. Two cabins, two sunbeds, two rows of seats, WC, wet bar and a couch are all included. Highlight is the new T-Top which is build 100% from carbon fiber which reduces the weight and the center of gravity. The well-known hull is there with the development in the set up resulting in better efficiency, higher speeds and maximum safety. It’s the perfect combination of many different characteristics that its not easy to find on one RIB together. As of 2020, YACHT IN is the official dealer to provide these exceptional machines to their clients in South East Europe including Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Albania. For further information about RIBCO high performance tenders, please contact Matija Zelic, Yacht IN Sales Director at or via mobile at +385 91 314 3033.

Poseban dodatak na novom Ribco modelu je novi krov T-Top, koji je izrađen 100% od karbonskih vlakana / Highlight on new Ribco model is the new T-Top which is build 100% from carbon fiber

RIBCO official dealer for South East Europe YACHT IN - Perfectus d.o.o. office D-Marin Dalmacija, Pier 16, 23206 Sukošan, Croatia

SALES +385 91 314 30 33

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CHARTER +385 99 819 5889


Ča mci/B oats

380 TAf Ya m a h a Ya m a h a


g u m e n j a c i I n f l a t a b l e s

YAM Alu gumenjaci sa Yamaha vanbrodskim motorom su idealna kombinacija. Zajedno pružaju odlične performanse, izdržljivi su i sa stilom YAM boats with Yamaha outboard are the ideal combination. Together, they deliver great performance, are durable, and with style


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Ča mci/B oats

RIB ČAMAC NOVE GENERACIJE Lagana YAM plovila na naduvavanje pružaju upravo ono što se od njih očekuje - izuzetnu postojanost i jednostavnost upravljanja. Upravo to je ono što ih čini veoma poželjnim i traženim modelima, naročito u redu ljubitelja kampovanja, ronjenja, pecanja i drugih avanturističkih aktivnosti. Najveća prednost ove serije RIB čamaca jeste njihov aluminijumski trup koji karakteriše mala težina, kao i jednostavna i brzo sklopiva konstrukcija. Svaki YAM čamac može se spakovati ili naduvati za svega nekoliko minuta, uz pomoć vazdušne pumpe za brzo naduvavanje. Model 380 TAf odlikuje “V” oblik trupa koji obezbeđuje precizno manevrisanje pri većim ili manjim brzinama, kao i ravan pod otporan na manje udare. HEYTEX PVC materijal novije generacije koristi se za punjenje tubelusa, a lepljivi šavovi i spojevi za optimum vodootpornosti i sigurnosti garantuju plovilo rezistentno na spoljne faktore poput slane vode i sunca. Uskočite u svoj YAM koji je čuven po glatkim performansama, ekonomičnosti i stilskoj pouzdanosti, i tako se pridružite hiljadama srećnih vlasnika koji krstare lukama, marinama i kopnenim vodama Evrope.

Svaki YAM čamac može se spakovati ili naduvati za svega nekoliko minuta uz pomoć pumpe / Each YAM boat can be packed or inflated in just a few minutes with the help of a high-speed air pump

380 TAf

Ukupna dužina: 3,8 m Širina: 1,9m Težina: 160 kg Kapacitet: 6 osoba Motor: 22 kW / 30 PS (L)

“V” oblik trupa obezbeđuje precizno manevrisanje pri većim ili manjim brzinama V-shape keel provides precise maneuverability at high or low speed alike

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Ča mci/B oats

Čvrsti podovi daju sigurnost i dodatnu sposobnost pri bržoj plovidbi / Solid flooring provides safety and additional strength for faster navigation

N E W G E N E R AT I O N R I B The lightweight YAM inflatable boats provide precisely what is expected of them - exceptional durability and ease of use. This is exactly what makes these models highly desirable and sought after, especially by camping, diving, and fishing enthusiasts, as well as those keen on other adventure activities. The biggest advantage of this series of RIB watercraft is their low-weight aluminum hull, along with the construction that is simple and fast to fold. Each YAM boat can be packed or inflated in just a few minutes with the help of a high-speed air pump.

380 TAf

Overall length: 3.8 m Beam: 1.9m Weight: 160 kg Capacity: 6 persons Engine: 22 kW / 30 PS (L)

The 380 TAf features a V-shape keel that provides precise maneuverability at high or low speed alike, as well as a flat floor resistant to low impact. New generation HEYTEX PVC material is used for tube filling, and adhesive seams and joints for optimum water-tightness and safety guarantee the vessel's resistace to external factors such as salt water and sun. Jump aboard your YAM, which is renowned for its smooth performance, economical consumption, and stylish reliability, thus joining thousands of lucky owners who cruise Europe's ports, marinas and inland waterways.


Plattner: Plattner Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd | 00381 11 65 57 980 | | Plattner Novi Sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi Sad | 00381 21 21 00 074 | | Barel: Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš | 00381 18 512 792 | | Galija Nautika: Galija nautica BG, Ada Ciganlija 7, 11000 Beograd | 00381113549594 | | MONTENEGRO:


Efel: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 podgorica | 00382 20 610 140 | |

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac



Novi S6 Sportfly svetsku premijeru imao je na ovogodišnjem sajmu nautike u Diseldorfu / The new S6 Sportfly had its world premiere at this year's boat show in Düsseldorf S6 Sportfly predstavlja sportsku i poboljšanu verziju luksuznog modela S6 / S6 Sportfly is a sporty and improved version of the luxury S6 model

Azimut S6 Sportfly predstavlja sportsku i poboljšanu verziju luksuznog modela S6, a tamo gde se susreću vrhunska tehnologija i italijanski šarm, uspeh ne može da izostane. Upotreba karbonskih vlakana je izbor koji omogućava da se zapremine i površine povećavaju, a da se pri tome zadrži ista težina, čime se održavaju odlični nivoi dinamičke stabilnosti. Karbonska vlakna i pogonski sistem koji sadrži tri Volvo IPS jedinice znači da možete imati sve što ste oduvek želeli od klasične sportske motorne jahte, bez narušavanja udobnosti: ogroman životni prostor podeljen između unutrašnjih i spoljašnjih regija, prostrane kabine i elegantan stil. Unutrašnjost S6 Sportfly dizajnirao je Francesco Guida, koji je poznat i po svom radu na Arcadia Yachts, dok sportski eksterijer potpisuje Stefano Righini, sa već prepoznatljivom senzualnom Azimut siluetom. U potpalublju dominira prostrani i luksuzni glavni apartman, sa svojim dvostrukim ležajem i kupatilom. Spoljašnje regije za uživanje na krmi, pramcu i flajbridžu, kao i velika garaža, pokazuju da je S6 Sportfly namenjen aktivnim ljudima koji vole da provode vreme napolju. Definitivno je sve ono što možete da očekujete od Azimuta, možda i više od toga.

The Azimut S6 Sportfly is a sporty and improved version of the luxury S6 model, and when cutting-edge technology and Italian charm combine - success is inevitable. Use of carbon fiber is a choice that allows volumes and surfaces to be increased while maintaining the same weight, thus creating excellent levels of dynamic stability. The carbon fiber and propulsion system featuring three Volvo IPS units mean you can get everything you have always wanted from a classic sports motor yacht, without compromising on comfort: huge living space divided between interior and exterior areas, spacious cabins and elegant style. The interior of the S6 Sportfly was designed by Francesco Guida, who is also well known for his work on Arcadia Yachts, while the sporty exterior is signed by Stefano Righini, with instantly recognizable sensual Azimut silhouette. The lower deck is dominated by a spacious and luxurious Master Suite, with its own double bed and bathroom. Outdoor areas created to enjoy your time aboard - on the aft, bow and flybridge part - as well as the large garage, show that the S6 Sportfly is designed for active people who like to spend time outdoors. It is definitely all you can expect from Azimuth - and beyond.

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /


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I televizor i muzički stub / TV set and a stereo system in one





BeoVision Eclipse, in addition to the perfect image, is reflects BeoVision Eclipse je, pored savršene slike, odraz dizadesign and high-end acoustics that characterise Bang & Olufsen jna i vrhunske akustike koja odlikuje Bang & Olufsen. Novi brand. The new TV integrates a three-channel SoundCentre and televizor integriše trokanalni SoundCentre i vizualni izraz a visual expression that is a mixture of glass and colored fabrics koji je mešavina stakla i obojene tkanine ili aluminijuma. or aluminum. For the first time, it includes OLED techPo prvi put uključuje OLED tehnologiju, koja je nology, which is unique in its ability to reproduce the posebna po sposobnosti reprodukovanja najprimost natural image thanks to the revolutionary pixel rodnije slike zahvaljujući revolucionarnoj tehnomanagement technology that provides perfect black logiji upravljanja pikselima koja omogućuje saDizajnu color, infinite contrast and an expanded range of colvršenu crnu boju, beskonačan kontrast i proširen možete dati ours. BeoVision Eclipse is at the same time a TV set and gama raspon boje. BeoVision Eclipse je i televia stereo system presented in a single comprehensive zor i muzički stub predstavljen u jednom sveobusopstveni solution. The design is based on the classic Bang & hvatnom rešenju. Dizajn se temelji na klasičnom pečat / You Olufsen ideal of aesthetic simplicity, emphasizing the Bang & Olufsen idealu estetske jednostavnosti, can give significance of sound; the thin glass surface continues ističući značaj zvuka; tanka staklena površina your own below SoundCenter, which, however, extends below nastavlja se ispod SoundCentra, koji se međutim personal the rests on both sides. This is the cause of exciting širi ispod naslona u obe strane. Ovo je uzrok uztouch to its contrasts - between image and sound, slim looks and budljivih kontrasta – između slike i zvuka, tankog volume. However, at the same time, the design naturally izgleda i glasnoće. Međutim, dizajn istovremeno design integrates all the elements in an amazing result. na prirodan način integriše sve elemente u zaThe movable floor stand makes BeoVision Eclipse panjujuću pojavu. stand out from the rest even more obviously. By pressPokretni podni stalak još više izdvaja BeoVisiing a button you can move the TV across the floor silently, as if on Eclipse iz mase. Pritiskom na dugme možete bešumno it were hovering towards you. Apart from being attached to the pomerati televizor po podu, kao da lebdi prema vama. floor stand, BeoVision Eclipse can be mounted on a movable or Uz podni stalak, BeoVision Eclipse može se postaviti na manually-adjusted wall bracket. pokretni ili prilagodljivi zidni nosač.

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /


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Top lotne

p ump e




Solarni specijalista SHARP daje esencijalan doprinos revolucionarnim poboljšanjima u solarnoj tehnologiji / Solar specialist SHARP makes an essential contribution to revolutionary improvements in solar technology

Pumpe rade uz korišćenje morske ili slatke vode i uz pomoć ekološkog gasa L 410 A / The pumps operate with the use of seawater or fresh water and with the use of eco-gas L 410 A


Sinclair pumpe/pumps

P E R F E C T S O L U T I O N F O R S M A L L E R B O A T S A N D YA C H T S Za sve one koji grade nova plovila, Sinclair ima jednostavno rešenje za klimatizaciju. Isto tako, za one koji imaju jahte, a u novogradnji nisu rešili pitanje klimatizacije, Sinclair toplotne pumpe su idealno rešenje za grejanje ili hlađenje. Odlikuju se kompaktnom izvedbom, a njihova konstrukcija je takva da zauzimaju malo prostora, jednostavno se montiraju, imaju visok stepen iskorišćenja i obezbeđuju prijatan i ugodan prostor u kome se koriste.

For all those who build new vessels, Sinclair has a simple air conditioning solution. Likewise, for those who have a yacht and have not settled on the issue of air conditioning in the process of building, Sinclair heat pumps are the ideal solution for both heating and cooling. They feature a compact design and their construction is such that they take up little space, are easy to install, have the high level of utilization and provide a comfortable space in which they are used.

Toplotne pumpe serije „Boat“ su dostupne u šiPumpe rokom rasponu snaga, bilo da se koriste u morskim ''Boat'' series heat pumps are available in a wide su urađene od visoko ili slatkovodnim plovilima. Pumpe rade uz korišćenje range of capacities, whether used in marine or freshkvalitetnih morske ili slatke vode i uz pomoć ekološkog gasa L water vessels. The pumps operate with the use of nerđajućih 410 A. Efikasno hlade vazduh kada je temperatura seawater or fresh water and with the use of eco-gas materijala / vode ispod 35 oC, a efikasno greju kada je temperaL 410 A. They effectively cool the air when the waThe pumps ter temperature is below 35°C, and effectively heat tura vode iznad 4,4 oC. are made of when the water temperature is above 4.4°C. Pumpe su urađene od visoko kvalitetnih nerđajutop of the The pumps are made of top of the range stainćih materijala, uz upotrebu visoko kvalitetnih izolacirange stainless less materials, using high quality insulation materials. onih materijala. Isporučuju se sa žičanim i daljinskim materials They are delivered with cord or remote controls. upravljačima. There are 6 models available: ASB-05A, ASB-09A, Na raspolaganju je 6 modela: ASB-05A, ASB-09A, ASB-12A, ASB-16A, ASB-20A, ASB-24A with basic ASB-12A, ASB-16A, ASB-20A, ASB-24A osnovnih kafeatures: power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz, air flow volume from 320 rakteristika: to 950 m3 / h, noise level: 58 - 62 dB, cooling / heating capacity Napajanje: 220 V, 50 Hz, zapremina protoka vazduha od 320 3 do 950 m /h, nivo buke: 58 – 62 dB, kapacitet hlađenja / grejaranges from 1.10 / 1.40 to 6.40 / 6.55 KW. nja se kreće od 1,10 / 1,40 do 6,40 / 6,55 KW. Digitron Ist, as the general distributor of the SHARP brand Digitron Ist, kao generalni distributer brenda SHARP za Srbiju, for Serbia, is pleased to present an ecological and economical ima zadovoljstvo da predstavi ekološki i ekonomičan energetski energy system that is good for people and the planet. With 50 sistem koji je dobar za ljude i za planetu. Sa 50 godina iskustva, years of experience, solar specialist SHARP makes an essential solarni specijalista SHARP daje esencijalan doprinos revoluciocontribution to revolutionary improvements in solar technology. narnim poboljšanjima u solarnoj tehnologiji. SPG (Solar PowerSPG (Solar Power Generation) is a clean energy system that Generation) je čist energetski sistem koji proizvodi elektricitet od produces electricity from the sun rays reaching the Earth. It can sunčevih zraka koji padaju na Zemlju. Može se koristiti svuda – u be used anywhere - in factories and residential buildings, but fabrikama i stambenim objektima, ali i na brodu. Stoga ne čudi also on vessels. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that there is a da je povećano interesovanje za SPG sistem u cilju poboljšanja growing interest in the SPG system in order to improve the qualkvaliteta života, kako na kopnu, tako i na vodi. ity of life, both on dry land and on water.

Digitron Ist Generalni distributer za Srbiju, Crnu Goru i BiH


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Na k it/Jewelr y

NAKIT vrhunskog kvaliteta TO P QUA L I T Y J E W E L RY

LeveriS Jewelry je izvrstan modni nakit precizne ručne izrade i završnice. Izrađen je od PLEMENITIH metala (najviše se koristi RODINIRANO SREBRO) i SWAROVSKI KRISTALA, a u izradi se koriste metode tipično rezervisane za dragocen nakit. Samo onda kada je nakit ocenjen da ima najviši kvalitet moguće je da primi pečat savršenosti, lepote i kvaliteta izrade, u vidu stilizovanog logoa "LS" Trademark LeveriS Jewelry. LeveriS Jewelry nakit izrađuje se ručno, masovna proizvodnja nije moguća, a nije im ni u interesu. Svaki je komad nakita posebno osmišljen i kreiran, a uglavnom je kreacija njihovih saradnika. Međutim, ima kreacija i iz specijalizovanih časopisa, knjiga ili drugih autora po kupljenim projektima. U izradi svakog komada nakita osim materijala i vremena uloženo je i dosta ljubavi, pa se nadamo da ćete uživati noseći ga.

Nakit je izrađen od plemenitih metala i SWAROVSKI KRISTALA / Jewelry is made of precious metals and SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL


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LeveriS Jewelry jewelry is splendid fashion jewelry, precisely handmade with exceptional finishes. It is made of precious metals (the most used is RODINATED SILVER) and SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL, and the methods used are typically reserved for precious jewelry. Only when the jewelry is judged to be of the highest quality it is possible to receive the seal of perfection, beauty and quality of workmanship, in the form of the stylized logo "LS" Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. LeveriS Jewelry is handmade, mass production is not possible, and it is not in their interest. Each piece of jewelry is specially designed and created, and is mostly a creation of their associates. However, there are creations from specialized journals, books or other authors on purchased projects. Apart from materials and time, there is also a lot of love invested in making each piece of jewelry, so we hope that you will enjoy wearing it.

Na k it/Jewelr y

Svaki komad LeveriS Jewelry nakita je posebno osmiĹĄljen i kreiran Each piece of LeveriS Jewelry jewelry is specially designed and created

U izradi Leveris Jewelry nakita osim materijala i vremena, uloĹženo je i dosta ljubavi Apart from material and time, there is also a lot of love invested in making LeveriS Jewelry jewelry n a u t i k a @ p re s e n t- g ro u p.c o m | Ju l /Avg 2 0 2 0


Mod a /Fashion


Nova šoping destinacija u Beogradu New shopping destination in Belgrade Fashion Paradise sada ima i novo prodajno mesto u prijatnom ambijentu TC Mercator u Beogradu. Ovaj italijanski modni raj u ponudi ima žensku i mušku obuću, kao i veliki izbor tašni. Nova kolekcija donosi duh Italije i leta, u njoj dominiraju jarke boje, šareni printovi i kvalitetni materijali, a sve u skladu sa modnim tendencijama sezone. Fashion Paradise now has a new store in the pleasant ambience of TC Mercator in Belgrade. This Italian fashion paradise offers ladies' and gentlemen' shoes, as well as a large selection of handbags. The new collection brings the spirit of Italy and summer, it is dominated by bright colors, colorful prints and high quality materials, all in line with the latest fashion trends of the season.

Jarke boje, šareni printovi i kvalitetni materijali dominiraju u novoj kolekciji / Bright colors, colorful prints and quality materials dominate the new collection

„FASHION PARADISE“ TC MERCATOR, Bulevar oslobođenja 102; Dunavska 3, Novi Sad FashionParadiseSrbija


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Sportska i svestrana jahta koju karakteriĹĄu visoke performanse / Sporty and versatile yacht, characterized by high performance


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J a h te / Ya c h ts


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

1414 DEMON AIR Kombinacija lepog i snažnog uvek predstavlja dobitan rezultat, upravo takav je Frauscher 1414 Demon


Ravan pramac ima vertikalno stablo, bočnu liniju u obliku slova Z i vetrobransko staklo bez okvira / The flat bow with its vertical stem, the Z-shaped sideline and the frameless windscreen


Godine 2016. desila se revolucija, jer je ekskluzivno Frauscher brodogradilišite ostavilo jak uticaj na ljubitelje jahti u celom svetu. Samo dve godine kasnije, ovo nagrađivano vodeće tradicionalno Austrijsko brodogradilište prodalo je 30 primeraka iz omiljene serije i na taj način u okeanima osvojilo simpatije i najveću privlačnost. Da bi pokazali da odlično rade svoj posao i da su umetnici u pomorskom svetu, Frauscher predstavlja svoju “Air” verziju moćne jahte. Kod siluete Frauscher 1414 Demon Air kombinuju se karakteristične dizajnerske note Frauscher brodogradilišta – posebno ravan pramac koji ima vertikalno stablo, bočnu liniju u obliku slova Z i vetrobransko staklo bez okvira. Precizan dizajn naglašava jedinstvenost, a zbog samostojećeg srednjeg kormila, Air varijanta daje više prostora i udobnosti od bilo koje druge Frauscher jahte. Neverovatna paluba, dugačka 14 metara svojim šarmom posetioce dočekuje srdačnom dobrodošlicom, koja upotpunjuje prostor šankom i prostranom platformom za kupanje. Ni unutrašnji dizajn ne zaostaje. Unutar jahte nalazi se veliki prostor koji može biti predviđen za zajednička okupljanja, takođe, poseduje čajnu kuhinju, kupatilo i kabinu u kojoj četvoro ljudi preko noći mogu pronaći kutak za odmor i relaksaciju. Ove karakteristike pretvaraju 1414 Demon Air u visoko funkcionalnog džentlmenskog trkača, kako za dnevna putovanja, tako i za vikend uživanja.

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

NEW “DEMON” IS HERE In 2016, a revolution took place, when exclusive Frauscher shipyard left a strong impression on yacht enthusiasts all over the world. Just two years later, the award-winning leading traditional Austrian shipyard sold its favorite series in more than 30 items and thus won hearts and admiration in the oceans worldwide. In order to show that they are doing a great job and that they are artists in the nautical world, Frauscher presents “Air” version of the powerful yacht. The Frauscher 1414 Demon Air silhouette combines the distinctive design notes of the Frauscher shipyard - particularly the flat bow with its vertical stem, the Z-shaped sideline and the frameless windscreen. The precise design emphasizes uniqueness, and due to the free-standing centrally positioned helm station, the Air provides more space and comfort than any other Frauscher yacht. The incredible 14-meter long deck welcomes visitors with its charm into the area fitted with a bar and a spacious bathing platform. The interior design is in line with the exterior beauty. Inside the yacht there is a large space that can be used for socializing, as well as a kitchenette, a bathroom and a cabin where four people can find a place to rest and relax overnight. These features make the 1414 Demon Air a highly functional Gentlemen's Racer, both for day trips and weekend fun.

Beauty and power are always a winning combination, and that is the case with the Frauscher 1414 Demon

Besprekoran kvalitet izrade brodova / Impeccable quality in boat building


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J a h te / Ya c h ts


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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Na prostranom flajbridžu nalazi se letnja kuhinja, upravljačka stanica, kao i veliki salon koji se pretvara u sunčalište / On the spacious flybridge there is a summer kitchen, control station, as well as a large lounge that turns into a sun deck



obrade. Prilagodljiv u svakom detalju, Sundeck 580 garantuje neuporedivo malu potrošnju pri deplasmanskoj brzini kretanja, koja ostaje izvanredna, s obzirom na dimenzije i težinu, čak i pri glisiranju. CE kategorija ove jahte je A, najbolja moguća za izgradnju plovila za razonodu i sinonim je za plovidbenost i pouzdanost u svim vremenskim prilikama. U odnosu na prethodni model, primećujemo da je brod skoro za metar duži. Ova razlika se ponajviše odražava na krmi, koja je udobnija čak pored velikog guBili smo na početku jeseni kada su nas iz Sundeck Yachts obamenjaka, koji može naći prostor na hidrauličnoj platformi, koja i vestili o mogućnosti za testiranje potpuno novog Sundeck 580, pored toga omogućava lak pristup vratima kabine za posadu. poslednjeg modela isporučenog iz ovog brodogradilišta sa faPoslednji pogled pre ukrcavanja na Sundeck 580: deluje zabrikama smeštenim u mestima Fano i Ravena te prodajnim i marista impresivno, ali proporcionalno dimenzijama. ketinškim kancelarijama u luci Lavagna. A u zalivu Njegov nesumnjivo moderni izgled prostire se od Tigullio, Angelo Casartelli, osnivač i vlasnik brodopramca i vertikalnog vetrobranskog stakla, tipičgrasdilišta Sundeck Yachts, i njegov tim ugovorili su nog za profesionalna plovila, pa sve do uglova na nam sastanak za test vožnju na moru. Sundeck trupu i nadgradnji od četrdeset i pet stepeni, poLiguria u ovom periodu godine još uvek nudi 580 je prirodno red apsolutnih boja (bela i crna). dragocene ostatke letnjeg vremena, idealne za stabilan Takođe su predstavljeni i primerci u bojama priSundeck 580, čiji projekat jasno otkriva cilj da se zbog oblika lagođenim zahtevima kupaca, poput metalik sive, napravi jahta koju vlasnik može da koristi tokom trupa, velikog tamno plave i tako dalje. velikog dela godine, čak i kada je u pitanju najzakrmenog dela i Kao i ostali deo asortimana, Sundeck 580 je htevniji nautičar. umerenog ugla urađen od fiberglasa, dobijenog vakuumskom inKada smo stigli do navoza, Edoardo Mancini, šef / Sundeck 580 is fuzijom, najsavremeniji proces u nautičkoj industriji prodaje od osnivanja kompanije, ilustrovao nam je naturally stable koji obezbeđuje trajnost i čvrstoću proizvoda. Koključne karakteristike ovog modela, lansiranog kranačno, završna obrada omogućava dodatno rasdue to the shape jem 2018. godine kao prirodna evolucija modela pršivanje sloja “gelcoat” sa završnim nanošenjem i 550, i moramo se složiti sa njim da je ovaj novi moof the hull and poliranjem. Rezultat je trup bez nesavršenosti, izudel ispunio očekivanja: nudi odlične velike prostore, the large aft part zetnog sjaja. između spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg dela (brod je širok and moderate Baš kao i većina vučnih plovila tipa naveta, 5 metara, a unutrašnjost je uglavnom svuda preko angle možemo obilaziti jahtu u potpunoj bezbednosti, 2,00 m), veliku količinu svetlosti pružaju veliki bočbudući da nas veliki rukohvat štiti do visine struka. ni prozori, kao i odličan kvalitet izgradnje i završne rod inovativnog dizajna, projektovan tako da pruži maksimalne plovne karakterisitke i pouzdanost. Sundeck 580, prirodna evolucija modela 550, nudi izuzetno dobro organizovane i velike prostore, za prave ljubitelje plovidbe. Vredi napomenuti da svaki Sundeck može biti u potpunosti prilagođen. Potrošnja goriva? Proverite u našem pregledu, izvedenom u prelepom okruženju Portofina.

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oblika trupa i velikog krmenog dela i umerenog ugla, međutim, U kokpitu se nalazi veliki čvrsti sto od tikovine koji omogućava kada "lansiramo" Seakeeper 6 žiroskopski (standardni) stabilizaudobno obedovanje za 8-10 osoba. Na pramcu, sunčalište nas tor, pokazuje drastično smanjenje ljuljanja, tako da se stvarno podseća na ime brodogradilišta “Sundeck” - prostor za sunčanje osećamo gotovo 100% stabilno! je zaista ogroman i opremljen udobnim kaučem, kao i sadržajima Zaista bismo mogli ploviti ovako satima: tišina na brodu pokao što su stereo zvučnici, nešto prostora za skladištenje, a tu je staje gotovo apsolutna kada se zatvorimo u salon, a generator opciono i mreža za zaštitu od sunca, postavljena na nosače od snage 16 kW omogućava nam da lako koristimo klima uređaj i karbonskih vlakana. gledamo film na satelitskom TV-u. Čak smo mogli i lako skuvati I na kraju, flajbridž zaista pruža mnogo prostora i može ponuručak, stigavši do odredišta, dok bi mašina za vodu na 24 V proiditi još jedan veliki deo za sunčanje na krmi, sa velikim prostorom zvela svu potrebnu vodu. Ali na žalost ne možemo toliko tražiti od za odlaganje ispod ili dizalicom za drugi pomoćni čamac, po izljubaznog vlasnika koji nam je odobrio upotrebu svog gotovo noboru kupca. Opremljen je letnjom kuhinjom, sa roštiljem, sudopevog dragulja za ovaj test, pa nastavljamo dovođenje broda do rom i frižiderom. Upravljačka stanica nalazi se na bočnoj strani, „brze“ krstareće brzine. Postavljamo gas za dva FPT (Fiat Power kao i pristup flajbridžu, tako da možete posmatrati pristajanje Train) dizela snage po 570 ks, izabrana upravo zbog svojih karakna krmu ukoliko ne želite da koristite kamere na višenamenskom teristika obrtnog momenta i pouzdanosti, a oni lako izvlače trup ekranu na komandnoj tabli. iz vode glisirajućom brzinom od tek nešto iznad 13 čvorova. Veliki salon, nasuprot tome, pretvara se u sunčalište, a dvoIzmeđu 17-18 čvorova, u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova i opstruka tenda poduprta elegantnim i funkcionalnim nosačima od terećenja, obaveštava nas Sundeck, karbonskih vlakana upotpunjuje gornju dostiže se najbolja kriva potrošnje: u palubu 580. stvari možemo videti preko 100 l/h za Pre nego što smo započeli test vožnju, oba motora. Moramo imati na umu da pogledali smo mašinski prostor, redizajsmo za kormilom broda od 25 tona! niran u odnosu na 550. Ulaz se nalazi u Lagani talas ne brine naš Sundeck, podu kokpita putem čeličnih merdevina. jahte klase “A” lako podnose mnoNe morate biti inženjer da biste primego složenije stanje na moru! Međutim, tili veliki prostor unutra, toliki da možete možemo ceniti koliko je vožnja suva i skoro da stojite. Motori, menjač i direksa apsolutno neutralnim nagibom, totne osovine, sa njihovim delovima, kako liko da joj nikada ne treba korekcija bi se izbeglo propuštanje slane vode, i pomoću trimovanja za održavanje saglavni sistemi (klima uređaj, generator, vršene vidljivosti, verovatno zahvaljujući Seakeeper žiroskop itd.) su svi vidljivi i i većoj dužini na zadnjem delu trupa, vizuelno pregledni: ovde dominira i bela što je ključna promena trupa na SY 580. boja koja omogućava da se odmah Odlična zvučna izolacija, primenjena na identifikuju bilo kakve anomalije, poput mašinskom prostoru, kao i dodatna izocurenja ulja. Iz brodogradilišta nas obalacija, takođe omogućavaju razgovor i veštavaju da je Sundeck 580 jedno od slušanje muzike i televizije. retkih plovila na tržištu koje omogućava, na zahtev, SUNDECK YACHTS 580 Sundeck nam govori da 580 može dostići makugradnju drugog generatora od 220 V. Ukupna dužina: 17,80 m Dužina homologacije: simalno 26,5 čvorova, i mi, koji smo mislili da testiSada smo spremni da se otisnemo, najzabavniji 16,10 m ramo jednu porodičnu udobnu jahtu, ne možemo deo počinje uskoro! Dužina vodene linije: 15,46 m da dočekamo da stignemo do maksimalne brzine. Odmah možemo da primetimo da je SY 580 Maksimalna širina: 5,00 m Vodena linija: 4,34 m tako jednostavan za rukovanje, čim ga počnemo U okviru kanonske marže od 15% brzine motora, Visina konstrukcije: 3,15 m pomerati sa priveza. Trasteri pramca i krme reaveć smo prešli preko 20 čvorova. Trup je napustio Gaz: 0,90 m Zapremina rezervoara za guju kao plus. Moguće je upravljati ovom jahtom idealnu krivu potrošnje, ali i dalje smo ispod 150 lt/h. gorivo: 2500 l Zapremina rezervoara za i uz pomoć džojstika, što je zaista lako i zabavno Guramo punim gasom i čamac prelazi 26 čvovodu: 900 l Rezervoar za tehničku poput video igre, ali za konzervativnijeg nautičara, rova ... što bi moglo biti i gotovo jedan čvor više na vodu: 175 l zapravo je i više nego dovoljno upravljati sa dva mirnom moru. Rezervoar za otpadnu vodu: 360 l motora sa direktnim vratilom, da biste lakše maOčigledno je da brzina nije problem za ovu vrstu Motor: FPT ENT N67 EVO 570 2k419 kV nevrisali Sundeck-om, čak i iz uzanog mesta kakvo plovila, ali ovaj test nam daje predstavu o širokoj Težina motora: 2k650 kg smo imali! “margini” koju mehaničari rezervišu za nas. 220V / 24V / 12V Električni sistem: Pripremamo se da ovu jahtu isprobamo u razliU međuvremenu smo stigli do zaliva Portofino. CE kategorija „A“ čitim brzinama, počevši od deplasmanske, idealne Nemoguće je ne zastati da pogledaš u prizor koji za duže plovidbe. Trup je optimizovan za deplanudi ovo svetski poznato mesto, možemo uživati smansu brzinu kretanja između 7 i 9 čvorova. Okrečak i iz unutrašnjosti, kroz ogromne prozore, dok nuli smo pramac prema čuvenom Portofino zalivu, koji je spreman osećamo prednosti savršene stabilizacije na sidru. da testira ovaj Sundeck, kako u pogledu komfora, tako i potrošOtvaramo „preklopna“ vrata salona i u stvari se stvara ogronje. Motori rade između 1100 i 1280 o / min. Savršen projekat i man kokpit, delom na otvorenom, delom u zatvorenom, koji se kombinacija propelera, motora i dizajna trupa daju kao rezultat zaista proteže od krmenog ogledala do vetrobranskog stakla. nešto što nije lako poverovati: ekrani prikazuju gotovo neverovatKuhinja se nalazi na ulazu, nije ogromna, ali prostor, skladište i nih 7 l/h pri 7 čvorova, do 18 l/h pri 9 čvorova. To znači da smo uređaji (svi su tu) su zgodno postavljeni te uviđamo lakoću kojom zahvaljujući 2500 litara goriva na brodu mogli stići do Sicilije u se može poslužiti u salonu, kokpitu i flajbridžu. Frižider/zamrziokviru autonomije ove jahte! vač na suprotnoj strani, sa četiri čelične fioke, modernog izgleda, Zaista cenimo komfor plovidbe. Brod je prirodno stabilan zbog imaju veliki kapacitet (brod je takođe opremljen vinskim podru-


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mom, frižiderom na flajbridžu i zasebnim za kabinu za posadu). Dnevni boravak je dizajniran sa namerom da pruži udoban boravak: kauč u obliku slova „U“ na levoj strani, a drugi na suprotnoj, stvaraju idealno opuštajuće okruženje za ručak i večeru u kome se može udobno smestiti 10 osoba. Jahta ima parket, od istog furnira orahovog drveta koji se koristi za nameštaj, koji je izrađen besprekorno. Ovo je jedna od različitih opcija koje su dostupne za uređenje enterijera. Kožne sofe, rukohvati od nerđajućeg čelika i pregrade i plafon sa krovnim prozorima, koji ne ostavljaju vidljivu površinu od fiberglasa, doprinose da se u ovoj konfiguraciji ispolji umeren, nikada preteran osećaj luksuza. Veličina prostora ispod palube kod ovog Sundecka-a je možda još više iznenađujuća: visina preko 2,10 metara, omogućava da i neka viša osoba uživa u ovoj jahti! SY 580 je dostupan u dve verzije prostornog rasporeda, sa tri ili četiri kabine i tri kupatila, a sve su opremljene zasebnim tušem. Testirana verzija, za koju nam kažu da je najviše tražena, nudi vlasniku pravi privatni apartman u punoj širini, sa sopstvenim kupatilom i osvetljenim ogromnim bočnim prozorima. VIP kabina nalazi se u pramcu, dok na desnoj strani imamo kabinu s duplim



n innovative design boat, engineered to ensure maximum seaworthiness and reliability. The Sundeck 580, natural evolution of the 550, offers extremely and well managed generous spaces, for keen sailing clients. It is worth mentioning that each Sundeck can be mostly totally customized. The consumption? Check it out in our in our review, performed in the beautiful surroundings of Portofino.

krevetom i sopstvenim kupatilom. Kupatila u kojima se drvene pregrade, pultovi, mozaici i čelični delovi savršeno podudaraju, pružaju čak i ručke za tuširanje sa polihromatskim svetlima: teško je pomisliti da je ovo jahta manja od 18 metara! Konačno, deo za posadu takođe zaslužuje da bude pomenut: dva udobna kreveta, odvojeno kupatilo (gde se nalazi i vešernica) i sve pogodnosti, uključujući TV, klima uređaj i privatni minibar. Iako je Sundeck Yachts 580 zamišljen za solo ili porodičnu plovidbu, vlasnici smatraju mogućnost ukrcavanja posade čak i na duži period jedna od prednosti ovog modela. Na povratku konačno možemo testirati ostale mogućnosti ovog broda, zabavljajući se, na primer, na pramcu, dok se približavamo lučkom kanalu, ritualnim operacijama, poput rasporeda bokobrana, upravljanja brodom bežičnim daljinskim upravljačem. Za krajnja razmatranja vraćamo se na vez. Sundeck Yachts stvorio je jahtu velike pouzdanosti i visokog kvaliteta gradnje koja istovremeno zadivljuje i ima svoj karakter zahvaljujući i namerno minimalističkom dizajnu koji, međutim, svaki vlasnik može obogatiti svojim idejama i željama. Brod pogodan za sve one koji žele da iskuse more u najširem smislu, dok prelaze mnoge milje i borave na brodu duži period.

We are at the beginning of autumn when at Sundeck Yachts, they inform us about the chance to test an almost brand-new Sundeck 580, the latest delivered from the Shipyard with plants located in Fano and Ravenna and Sales and Marketing offices at the Port of Lavagna. And it is in the Tigullio Gulf, that Angelo Casartelli, founder and Owner of Sundeck Yachts, and his team, set us the appointment for the sea trial. Liguria in this season, offers still precious remnants of summer time, ideal for Sundeck 580, whose project clearly reveals the goal to provide a yacht that owner can use during a large part of the year and even by the most demanding sailors. As we arrived to the slip, Edoardo Mancini, head of Sales of the Company since its incoporation, illustrates the key characteristics of this model, launched at the end of 2018 as a natural evolution of 550 and we have to convey with him, that this new trawler accomplished the purposes: it offers excellent huge volumes, between exterior and interior (the boat is 5 meters wide and the interior height more or less everywhere exceed 2.00 m), an amount of brightness is delivered by the large side “open view” windows and an excellent quality of assembly and finish. Customizable in all its details, the Sundeck 580 guarantees unparalleled low consumption at displacement speed, that remains remarkable, considering the dimensions and weight, even in planning speed. The CE category of construction of this yacht is A, the best applicable to leisure boat building and it is synonymous of allweather seaworthiness and reliability. Compared to the previous model we notice that the boat is almost a meter longer. This difference is mainly reflected on the stern area, more comfortable even in the presence big dinghy, which can find space on the important hydraulic platform, still now allowing an easy access to the transom crew cabin door. At last glance before boarding the Sundeck 580: it appears truly impressive , but proportionate in the volumes. Her unquestionable modern flavor, is exalted from the axe bow and the ver-

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Sailor, it is actually more then enough, working the two direct tical windshield, typical of professional vessels, to the forty five shaft engines throttles, to easy shift this Sundeck and let it slide degrees cuts of the hull and superstructures , other than from the out from even a tight spot as the one we had! absolute colors (white and black). We are preparing to test this yacht at various speeds, starting Custom colour units have already been launched as well, such with the displacement one, ideal for long range navigation. The as metallic grey, dark blue and so on. hull is optimized, at displacement speed, to sail between 7 and 9 Like the rest of the range, the Sundeck 580 is built in fiberknots approximately. We put the bow towards the renowned Gulf glass, obtained by vacuum infusion, a cutting-edge process in of Portofino willing to test this Sundeck, both in terms of comfort the nautical Industry which ensure durability and strength of the and consumption. Engines run between 1100 and 1280 r/min. The product. perfect study and combination of shaft line propellers, engines Finally, the finishing provides further spray of a gelcoat layer and hull design, give as result something not easy to believe: the with a final fairing and polishing. The result is a hull without imscreens displays in facts almost incredible 7 lt/h at 7 knots, up to perfections, with exceptional shine. 18 lt/h at 9 knots. This means that, thanks to the 2500 liters of fuel Just like most of the trawler/navetta, we can walk around the on board, we could reach Sicily within the range of this Yacht! vessel in complete safety, since the oversized handrail comes to We appreciate the comfort of navigation. The boat is natuprotect us up to the waist. rally stable due to the shape of the hull and it’s large stern secThe cockpit hosts a large solid teak table which allows for tion and moderate deadrise, however when we "launch" the comfortable dining for 8-10 people. At bow the sunbathing area Seakeeper 6 gyroscopic (standard) stareminds us that the name of the shipbilizer, shows a drastic reduction of the yard is ''Sundeck'', as it really huge and roll, such that we really feel almost 100% it is set up with a comfortable seafront stable! sofa as well as equipped with ameniWe could really sail many hours this ties such as stereo speakers, some storway: the silence on board becomes age and optionally also a mesh screen almost absolute when we close in the shade, rigged with carbon fiber poles. saloon door and the 16 kW power genFinally, the Flybridge, really has a lot erator allows us to easily use the air of room and it can offer another large conditioning and watch a movie on sundeck on the stern with underneath satellite TV. We could even cook lunch, big storage or a crane for a second arriving at our destination, while the tender on demand. It is equipped with 24V watermaker, would produce all the a summer galley, featuring a grill, a sink water we need. But unfortunately we and a fridge. The helm station is located cannot ask that much of the kind owner on the starboard side, as is the access who granted us the use of his almost to the Fly, so you can watch the stern new jewel for this test, so we proceed mooring when you do not want to use bringing the boat to the “rapid” cruise the cam available form the multifuncspeed. We give throttle the two FPT (Fiat Power tional screen on the dash. SUNDECK YACHTS 580 Train) diesel of 570 hp each, chosen precisely for A large lounge, opposite, converts also in a sunOverall Length: f.t. 17.80 m Homologation length: their characteristics of torque and reliability, they deck and a double awning supported by elegant 16.10 m easily push the hull out of water at planning speed and functional carbon fiber poles complete the Waterline length: 15.46 m Maximum width: 5.00 m just past 13 knots. upper deck of 580. Waterline: 4.34 m Construction height: Between 17-18 knots, depending on the weather Before the sea trial starts, let’s take a look at the 3.15 m and loading conditions, Sundeck reports us, the engine room, redesigned with a new layout comDraft: 0.90 m Fuel tank capacity: 2500 l best consumption curve is reached: we can see, pared to 550. The entry is located in the cockpit Water Capacity: 900 l Gray water tank capacity: in fact, just beyond 100 lt/h for both engines. We floor eased by a steel ladder. You don’t need to 175 l Black water tank must remember that we are at the helm of a 25 be an engineers to notice the large space inside, capacity: 360 l ton boat! so much that you can almost stand. The engines, Engine: FPT ENT N67 EVO 570 2x419 kW Light waves do not bother our Sundeck, Class the gearbox and direct shafts, with their logs to Motor weight: 2x650 kg 220v/24V/12V “A” yachts can easy handle much more complicate avoid salt water leakage, and main systems (A / Electrical system: CE sea condition! However we can appreciate the dry C, generator, Seakeeper gyroscope etc.) are all Cat “A” ride and the absolutely neutral trim, so much that visible and optically inspectable: white color also it never needs correction by the trim tabs to maindominates here and allows to immediately identain perfect visibility, thanks also probably to the tify any anomaly, such as leaks of oil. The Shipyard increased of length at rear section of the hull, which is the key hull informs us that the Sundeck 580 is one of the few units on the change on the SY 580. The excellent soundproofing, applied to market that allows, on request, the installation of a second 220V the engine room, as well as the additional insulation, also allow generator. at to converse and listen to music and watch TV. We are now ready to leave the dock, the fun part is starting Sundeck tells us that the 580 can reach a maximum of 26,5 shortly! knots and we, who thought we were testing merely a family We can notice immediately that SY 580 is so easy to handle, comfortable yacht, can’t wait then to push the boat at her top just as we start moving it from the mooring. The bow and stern speeds. thrusters appear almost as a plus. In fact, it is also possible to Within the canonical margin of 15% of the engine speed, we maneuver the yacht with a joystick, which really makes it easy are over 20 knots already. The hull has left the ideal consumption and fun as playing a videogame, but for a more conservative


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On the way back, we can finally test further options of this curve, but we are still below 150 lt/h. boat, entertaining for example on the bow, while we approach We push at full throttle and the boat exceeds 26 knots…which the port channel, with the ritual operations, like the arrangecould be almost one knot more probably with flat sea. ment of the fenders, governing the boat with the wireless remote Obviously, speed is not an issue for this kind of vessel, but this control. test gives us an idea of the wide "margin" that the mechanics We return to the berth for final considerations. Sundeck Yachts reserve for us. has created a yacht of great reliability and building quality which In the meantime, we have reached Portofino Bay. It is imat the same time captivating and full of personality also thanks possible not to stop and stare to the portrait offered by this to her deliberately minimal design, which however each owner worldwide renowned place, we can enjoy even from the interior, can enrich with his own ideas and customizations. A boat suitthought the oversized windows, while we benefit from the perable for those who want to experience the sea in the most exfect stabilization at anchor. tensive way, covering many miles and staying on board for long We open the "folding" door of the saloon and in fact a huge periods. cockpit is created, part outdoors, part indoor, which really extends from the transom to the windshield. The galley is located at the entrance, it’s not enormous but space, storage and devices (all present) are conveniently located, we appreciate the ease with which saloon, cockpit and the flybridge can be served. The fridge/freezer on the opposite side, with four modern look, steel drawer units, have big capacity (the boat is also equipped Sundeck with a wine cellar, a fridge on the Fly and a private one for the 580 garantuje crew cabin). neuporedivo malu potrošnju pri The lounge is designed with conviviality in mind: a “U” shaped deplasmanskoj brzini kretanja sofa on the left and another opposing one create an ideal relax/ The Sundeck 580 guarantees ing environment for lunch and dinner that can comfortably acincomparably low commodate 10 people. power consumption at displacement The boat has parquet flooring, from the same veneer of walspeeds nut used for the furniture, worked with impeccable craftsmanship. Enterijer This is one of the various options available for interior decoration. je potpuno prilagodljiv The leather sofas, the handrails in stainless steel and the bulkželjama kupca heads and ceiling finished in sky, which do not leave any visible / The interior is completely fiberglass surface, contribute to communicate, in this configuracustomizable to client's wishes tion, a fair, never excessive luxury feeling. Lower-deck, the volumes of this Sundeck are perhaps even more surprising: the heights, all over 2.10 meters, let also a taller guy to enjoy this yacht! The SY 580 is available in two layouts, with three or four cabins and three bathrooms, all equipped with a separate shower compartment. The tested version, which we are told is the most requested, offers the owner a real full-beam priSY 580 vate suite, with a private bathroom and illuminated dostupan by the huge walled windows. The VIP cabin is located in the bow, while on the right we have a flatje u bed cabin with private bathroom. The bathrooms, verzijama where wood bulkeahs, corean counters, mosaics sa tri ili and steel hardware perfectly match each other, četiri provide even shower heads with polychromatic kabine / lights: it’s hard to think this is a less than 18 meters SY 580 is overall yacht! Finally, the crew quarter also deserves a menavailable tion: two comfortable bunks, a separate bathroom in versions (where there is also a laundry room) and all the with three comforts, including TV, A/C and private minibar. or four Although the Sundeck Yachts 580 was conceived cabins for solo or family sailing, the possibility of embarking crew even for long periods is considered, by the owners, one of the advantages of this model.

SUNDECK YACHTS Calata Porto Turistico, 47 16033 Lavagna (GE) Tel. +39 0185 044781 Info@Sundeck.Yachts

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Mod a /Fashion


Sezona stiže i obezbedite svojoj posadi kvalitetnu i udobnu uniformu / Season is coming and make sure that your crew have good quality and comfortable uniforms 152

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Mod a /Fashion

I Z A B E R I T E I D E A L N U KO M B I N A C I J U "Vođeni idejom da svaki član posade prvo i najvažnije treba da uživa u kvalitetu i da se oseća ugodno u svojoj uniformi, kreirali smo liniju uniformi za posadu. Osnovali smo ovu mladu porodičnu kompaniju u skladu sa zahtevima tržišta, diktirajući specifičan modni dizajn zasnovan na dugogodišnjem iskustvu u radu sa tekstilom, u jahtingu i radu u hotelima i ugostiteljstvu sa 7 zvezdica. Zahvaljujući pažljivo odabranim tkaninama i krojevima, a i prateći zahteve različitih potreba, uspeli smo da udovoljimo svim zahtevima naših klijenata. Nedavno je kupovina preko interneta postala dostupna i našim klijentima."

Udobne, kvalitetne i moderne. Januz uniforme su najbolji izbor za narednu sezonu Comfortable, quality and modern. Januz uniforms are the best choice for next season


Proizvodnja uniformi za sve članove posade i osoblja u ugostiteljstvu / Providing uniforms for crew members and all staff in hospitality

"Guided by the idea that each crew member schould first and formest enjoy quality and feel comfortable inside his uniform, we created a line of uniforms for the crew. We founded this young company in accordance with the requirements of the market, dictating a specific fashion design in cooperation with many years of experience in working with textiles, yachting and 7-star hospitality. Thanks to carefully selected fabrics and cuts, as well as following the requirements of various needs, we manage to meet all the requirements of our clients. Recently, online shopping has also become available to our clients."

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Tur iza m/Tourism

D-Marin marine smeštene su u samom srcu hrvatske obale / D-Marin marinas are located in the heart of the Croatian coast

D-MARIN MARINE NEUPITAN KVALITET ZA PREKO POTREBAN ODMOR Tokom više od deset godina poslovanja u Hrvatskoj, D-Marin marine – smeštene u samom srcu hrvatske obale, postale su jedna od omiljenih polaznih tačaka za uživanje u jedrenju na Jadranu. U godini neizvesnijoj nego ikad, kad nam je zaista potreban odmor bez premca, marine D-Marin Borik u Zadru, D-Marin Mandalina u Šibeniku te D-Marin Dalmacija u Sukošanu - ujedno i najveća marina na hrvatskoj obali, posetiocima nude korisne i opu-


štajuće sadržaje, kao i brojne servisne usluge. D-Marin je oduvek bio usmeren da gostima pruži širu ponudu, sadržaje i iskustva, a uz to je, kroz brojne sportske aktivnosti, kontinuirano promovisao nautički turizam i jedriličarski sport. Pritom je doprineo i dodatnom pozicioniranju Hrvatske, naročito Šibenika i Zadra – kao atraktivnih turističkih destinacija kojima se brojni gosti vraćaju i danas.

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Tur iza m/Tourism

D-MARIN MARINA UNQUESTIONABLE QUALITY FOR MUCH NEEDED VACATION Over more than ten years of operating in Croatia, D-Marin marinas - located in the heart of the Croatian coast, have come among the favorite starting points for enjoying sailing on the Adriatic. In the most uncertain year ever, when we really need an unparalleled vacation, marinas D-Marin Borik in Zadar, D-Marin Mandalina in Šibenik and D-Marin Dalmacija in Sukošan - also the largest marina on Croatian coast, offer their visitors useful and relax-

ing facilities, as well as numerous services. D-Marin has always been focused on providing guests with a wider offer, facilities and experiences, and in addition, through numerous sports activities it has continuously promoted nautical tourism and sailing. They also contributed to the positioning of Croatia, especially Šibenik and Zadar - as attractive tourist destinations to which many guests have been returning to this day.

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Tekst/Text: Aleksandra Grahovac

Za ljubitelje duĹžeg boravka na puÄ?ini For enthusiasts of longer stay on the high seas


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Dužina: 21.24 m Širina: 5.80 m Težina: 32 t Gaz: 1.60 m Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 3350 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 1433 l Maksimalna brzina: 23 čvora

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J a h te / Ya c h ts

Menorquin 68 poseduje neverovatnu stabilnost i efikasnost / Menorquin 68 features incredible stability and efficiency

Menorquin 68 je veran odraz svih vrednosti koje Sasga Yachts predstavlja: tradicija, inovacija, kvalitet i personalizacija. Spoljašnjost ovog modela podseća na tradicionalne balearske ribarske brodiće koji se i dan danas koriste, dok je enterijer u potpuno drugačijem maniru, elegantan, savremen i svetao. Dizajniran za udaljene destinacije i uživanje u usputnim predelima, ovaj model nudi maksimalnu udobnost i pogodnost boravka, zahvaljujući prostranoj unutrašnjosti i spoljašnjosti. Dužine skoro 20 i širine 6 metara, Menorquin 68 poseduje neverovatnu stabilnost i efikasnost. U glavnom salonu nalazi se trpezarijski sto i nameštaj u obliku slova U, naspram kojih je prostor za ormariće i TV. Stepenice iz salona vode u praktičnu i dobro opremljenu kuhinju, koja je inteligentno smeštena. Veliki kokpit, flajbridž i dve upravljačke stanice omogućavaju plovidbu u različitim vremenskim uslovima. Komforno sunčalište na pramcu, kao i sofa na flajbridžu pružaju mesta za do 8 osoba, a sa njih se razleže najlepši pogled na pučinu. Garnitura na krmi odlično je povezana sa velikom platformom za plivače te je ova regija savršena za sve dnevne aktivnosti. Na donjoj palubi moguće je izabrati opciju sa 3 ili 4 kabine, sa prenoćištem za 6 ili 8 osoba. Visok kvalitet izrade pretvorio je ovaj tradicionalni dizajn u izuzetno moderan i šarmantan dom na vodi.

Garnitura na krmi odlično je povezana sa velikom platformom za plivače / The aft seating area is well connected to the large swimming platform


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J a h te / Ya c h ts



Novi Menorquin 68 dostupan je u verziji sa tri i četiri kabine na donjoj palubi / The new Menorquin 68 is available in a version with three and four cabins on the lower deck

Length: 21.24 m Beam: 5.80 m Displacement: 32 t Draft: 1.60 m Fuel tank capacity: 3350 l Water tank capacity: 1433 l Maximum speed: 23 knots

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /


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Tradicionalan, ali ipak moderan dizajn doma na vodi / Traditional, but stil modern home design on the water

Menorquin 68 is a true reflection of all the values represented by Sasga Yachts: tradition, innovation, quality and customization. The exterior of this model is reminiscent of traditional Balearic fishing boats that have been used to the present day, while the interior is in a completely different style - elegant, modern and bright. Designed for reaching remote destinations and enjoying the environment while getting there, this model offers maximum comfort and convenience of stay, thanks to the spacious interior and exterior. Almost 20 meters long and 6 meters wide, the Menorquin 68 features incredible stability and efficiency. In the main lounge there is a dining table and U-shaped furniture, with space for cabinets and a TV directly opposite. Stairs from the salon lead to a practical and well-equipped galley, which is cleverly positioned. The large cockpit, flybridge and two control stations enable sailing in different weather conditions. A comfortable sundeck at the bow, as well as the sofa on the flybridge, provide space for up to 8 people, and from these spots you can enjoy the most beautiful view of the open sea. The aft seating area is well connected to the large swimming platform and this region is perfect for all day activities. On the lower deck it is possible to select the option with 3 or 4 cabins, accommodating a total of 6 to 8 persons. High quality workmanship has turned this traditional design into an extremely modern and charming home on the water.

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Destina cija /Destination



Porto Montenegro tim priprema uzbudljiv i aktivan kalendar za nastupajuće mesece / Porto Montenegro team is preparing an exciting and active calendar for the coming months


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Destina cija /Destination

Porto Montenegro tim nije gubio vreme tokom pandemije Covid-19. Nakon nekoliko dinamičnih meseci usled zatvaranja u Crnoj Gori, prilikom kojih su članovi posada i dalje mogli da uživaju u kompletnom programu inventivnih aktivnosti preko interneta, Crew Club sada priprema uzbudljiv i aktivan kalendar za nastupajuće mesece. Počevši od jula meseca sa Superyacht Games, planiranim za prvi vikend u mesecu, Crew Club obećava nedeljne zabave na bazenu, večeri u pabu uz kviz, teniske izazove i izlete tokom vikenda, kako bi se nadoknadilo izgubljeno vreme. Stalna posada ima svoje omiljene lokacije u celom naselju, u koje spada nekoliko restorana i barova kao "hot-spot", redovna mesta za okupljanje. Od prošle godine, legendarna terasa The Clubhouse dobila je konkurenciju na drugom kraju naselja mesto sa živom muzikom i prostorom za zabave The BlueRoom, koje su članovi posade već proglasili svojom teritorijom. The BlueRoom je lokalni klub - kafić, sa igrama, sportskim i filmskim projekcijama, DJ-evima i živom muzikom, zabavnim i kulturnim događajima, koji će zajednici ovog naselja pružiti dobro osmišljeno i popularno novo mesto za sastajanje. The BlueRoom je snabdeven i opremom za stoni tenis, stoni fudbal, najnovijim video-igrama, simulatorom za golf, četiri TV ekrana sa sportskim prenosom uživo, kao i prostranom terasom sa pogledom na zaliv, tako da može da pruži zabavu za sve starosne grupe. Kao najnoviji dodatak za ovu letnju sezonu, bazen u The BlueRoom-u nudi lep kutak da se sklonite od užurbanosti naselja, zaklonjen u senci tropske atmosfere ovog mesta. Bazen gleda na bujno zeleno igralište sportske Arene, pružajući savršenu opciju za sunčana popodneva u prirodnom okruženju i zelenilu nakon dugog dana provedenog na palubi. Poslovni prostori za iznajmljivanje u delu Arsenal Business Club-a, smeštenom iza The BlueRoom,-a već su postali dom nekim od uspešnih firmi iz međunarodne i domaće jahting industrije, uključujući Stellamar Recruitment i Adriatic Yachting Association. Desetogodišnja tradicija jedrenja i aktivnosti na vodi u Porto Montenegro Yacht Club-u nastavlja se dinamičnim nedeljnim kalendarom časova jedrenja, veslanja i dečijeg jedrenja, kao i mogućnošću da istražite zaliv na SUP daskama. Centar RYA nudi časove jedrenja i upravljanja motornim brodicama, dok "beskonačni" bazen u klubu Porto Montenegro Yacht Club, dugačak 64 metra, očekuje posetioce sa potpuno preuređenim noćnim klubom koji obećava uzbudljiv noćni život od početka jula. OBEZBEDITE NA VREME SVOJ ZIMSKI VEZ Bezbedno zaštićen u srcu zaliva Boka, Porto Montenegro nudi fantastične zimske pakete za brodove svih veličina. Nagrađivana korisnička usluga, vrhunski sadržaji marine i blaga zimska klima u zalivu pružiće vam bezbrižno "zimovanje" za vaš brod. Uz specijalne izlete u Beograd i besplatnu skijašku planinsku kućicu u crnogorskim planinama, upotpunjenu aktivnim događajima za posadu koji se organizuju na nedeljnoj bazi, kao i fantastičnu mogućnost edukacije (kursevi Warsash Superyacht Academy, kursevi RYA), budite sigurni da će vaša posada biti angažovana i produktivna. Smešteni između tri međunarodna aerodroma, koji pružaju usluge i za privatne letove, uz nedavno otvoreni heliped u samoj marini, nećete morati da brinete o tome kako da stignete ovamo. Za rane rezervacije možete da odaberete opciju "plati 5, ostani 7 meseci".

There has been no twiddling of the thumbs for Porto Montenegro during Covid-19. Following a dynamic few months during the lockdown in Montenegro, when crew members were still able to enjoy a full programme of inventive online activities, the Crew Club now prepares an exciting active calendar for the upcoming months. Kicking off July with the Superyacht Games, planned for the first weekend of the month, the Crew Club promises weekly pool parties, pub quiz nights, tennis challenges and weekend trips, to make up for lost time. Residing crew have their favourite locations throughout the village, claiming several restaurants and bars as regular crew hot-spots. Since last year, the legendary terrace of The Clubhouse was rivalled by a complementary live music and entertainment venue on another side of the village - the BlueRoom - giving crew yet another venue in which to mark its territory. The BlueRoom is a local cafe-meets-social club, with games, sports and movie screenings, DJs and live music entertainment and cultural events, giving the village community a well-rounded and chic new hangout. The venue is equipped with ping pong, table football, the latest video games, a high-spec golf simulator, four live sports TV screens and a spacious terrace overlooking the bay, providing entertainment for all ages. As the newest addition for the summer season, the BlueRoom pool offers a fine getaway from the busyness of the village, sheltered in the shade of the venue's new tropical vibe. The pool overlooks the lush green playing field of the sports Arena, providing a perfect option for sunny afternoons surrounded by nature and greenery after a long day on deck. The Arsenal Business Club office rental hub, situated behind the BlueRoom, is already home to some exciting businesses from the international and local yachting industries, including Stellamar Recruitment and The Adriatic Yachting Association. A decade long tradition of sailing and on-water activities at the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club continues with a dynamic weekly calendar of sailing, rowing and kids sailing lessons as well as the opportunity to explore the Bay on SUP boards. The RYA Centre offers sailing and powerboat courses, while the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club 64m infinity pool beckons, with a fully refurbished nightclub promising exciting new nightlife in the village from the beginning of July. SECURE YOUR WINTER BERTH TIMELY Safely sheltered in the heart of the Boka Bay, Porto Montenegro offers fantastic winter berthing packages for boats of all sizes. Award-winning customer service, state-of-theart marina facilities and mild winter climate in the Bay will ensure you a piece of mind for your boat. With special Belgrade weekend trips and a complimentary ski chalet in Montenegrin mountains, complemented by active village events for the crew organised on a weekly basis, and a fantastic education opportunity (Warsash Superyacht Academy courses, RYA courses), be sure your crew will remain engaged and productive. Positioned neatly between three international airports, all with private jet facilities, and featuring recently opened helipad in the marina, you won't have to worry about arriving here. For early bookings, select pay 5 months, stay 7 offer is available.

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The Dolce Vita

AZIMUT 78 _ Carbon-Tech

AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER: DEALER INFORMATION Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /

Exterior Design _ Alberto Mancini Interior Design _ Achille Salvagni Architetti A brand of AZIMUT BENETTI Group

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