Nautika Magazine No. 80 (Sep/Oct 2022)

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97 7233490000 4 No. 80 • Sep/Oct 2022 • 590 RSD • 6€ SRP/ENG No. 80 20 MAJESTY 120 INTERVJU / INTERVIEW godina MMK years of MMK Marko Gnjidić Veličanstvenost na delu / Magni cence at Work CUSTOM LINE 140 CRANCHI SESSANTASETTE SUNSEEKER 100 YACHT




ADRESA/ADDRESS: Ilije Birčanina

Tel: +381 21/ 472-91-80, e-mail:





GRAFIČKA PRIPREMA/ DESKTOP PUBLISHER: Agencija za grafički dizajn Enigma Design (

Sadržaj /Contents CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 629.5+797.1 Nautika / glavni i odgovorni urednikSlađana Marović.2013, br. 25- . - Novi Sad : Nautika Present, 2013- . - Ilustr. ; 30 cm Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Nautika & turizam = ISSN 2217-5911 ISSN 2334-900X = Nautika COBISS.SR-ID 280894983 IMPRESSUM WWW.NAUTIKA-PRESENT.COM
o. o. Društvo za marketing i odnose sa javnošću/ Marketing and Public Relations Company
50 104 82 102 30 70 FIM 470 REGINA " Otkriće godine" "Revelation of the Year" MARINA PUNAT Nautička sezona nakon leta Nautical season after summer | Sep/Okt 2022 24
121 Sadržaj /Contents 114 138 156 112 142 126 132 146 2022 LEXUS LX 600 Dobre stvari dolaze onima koji čekaju Good things come to those who wait SUNSEEKER 100 YACHT Podvodni muzej Side Side Underwater Museum YAMAHA XSR700 XTribute Vozite legendu! Ride the Legend! HORIZON FD102 Sa potpuno prilagođenim enterijerom With customdesigned interior | Sep/Okt 2022 25

Privlačan i rafiniran proizvod kojim se možete pohvaliti. Sa ergonomskim rešenjima, sadržajem visoke tehnologije i tehničkom preciznošću, Fuoripista Bike je inovativni sobni bicikl i prvi Elite brendirani proizvod kreiran u partnerstvu sa Adriano Design. Proizveden u Italiji i napravljen od prirodnih prefinjenih materijala koji prate odlične performanse, Fuoripista uvodi potpuno jedinstven dizajn, ističući lepotu, eleganciju i čiste linije.

Ovaj bicikl donosi novi način vizuelizacije koncepata dobrobiti vežbanja sa sofisticiranim pristupom dizajnu. Karakteriše ga mogućnost postavljanja u zatvorenom ili otvorenom prostoru (ispod pokrivenih područja) a od tradicionalnih sportskih uređaja razlikuje se po svojoj formalnoj liniji i materijalima toplijih boja. Raspoloživ je u dve varijante, crnoj i boji drveta, tako da se uklapa u različite stilove. Glavni nadvratnik je izrađen od čistog jasenovog drveta sa višeslojnim lakom na vodenoj bazi, što ga čini vodootpornim. Drvo prirodno nudi različite vrste površine i nijanse, pa je svaki primerak jedinstven.

A highly appealing, very refined product to show off, with ergonomic solutions, high-tech content and technical accuracy. Fuoripista Bike is the first Elite-branded product created from the partnership with Adriano Design: the innovative indoor stationary bike that becomes a sculptural element with an iconic image. Made in Italy, created with natural refined materials and super performing, Fuoripista introduces a totally new design that highlights beauty, elegance and clean lines.

Fuoripista Bike brings forth a new way of visualizing the concepts of well-being and workouts with a sophisticated approach to design. Fuoripista Bike can be positioned indoors or even outdoors (under covered areas). It differs from traditional sports devices for its formal line and warmer-coloured materials.

It comes in two colour variants, wood and black, so it fits different styles. The main lintel is made of solid ash wood with water-based multiplelayer closed-pore varnish, which makes it waterproof. Wood naturally offers various grains and shades: each device is unique.

TreSound1 je bežični zvučnik kompanije Trettitre koji donosi uzbudljiv zvuk, pogodan za svaki dom. Karakterišu ga Bluetooth 5.1, surround zvuk od 360° i minimalistički dizajn završne obrade u klavirsko crnoj boji. Pred vama je remek-delo inspirisano planinskim obrisima, gde vrhovi simbolizuju jasnoć u srednjih i visokih tonova, dok dolina predstavlja pun i moć an bas. Iako je projektovan za savremenog čoveka kog krasi dinamičan životni stil, ovaj zvučnik istovremeno zove na opuštanje i pronalaženje kutka za uživanje u umirujućoj muzici. Trettitre ima za cilj da obezbedi mirno i prijatno iskustvo u domu, eliminišuć i stres i pružajući spokoj kroz savršen HiFi zvuk.

TreSound1 by Trettitre is a wireless speaker packed with Bluetooth 5.1, piano paint finish, 360° Surround Sound and a minimalist design to bring you soul-stirring sound, fit for any home. An artistic masterpiece inspired by the shapes of the mountain. The peaks symbolize the clearness and brightness of the mid and treble, while the valley symbolizes the full and powerful bass.

TreSound1 is designed for the modern people of this century who live a fast-paced lifestyle. Simultaneously, it allows them to find a place to relax and enjoy soothing music. Trettitre aims to provide a peaceful & enjoyable experience at home eliminating the stresses people have and refreshing your tranquil mood through its HiFi sound.

Vesti / News



LYNX YACHTS JE PORINUO SVOJU PRVU SUPERJAHTU CROSSOVER 27, KOJA JE DEBITOVALA NA SAJMU NAUTIKE U KANU Ovaj model spaja najbolje karakteristike dva sveta, pružajući čvrstinu, svestranost i izdašan prostor za skladištenje pomoćnog čamca uz udobnost i eleganciju superjahte. To ga čini idealnim za novu generaciju avanturistički nastrojenih vlasnika koji žele da maksimalno iskoriste svoje vreme na moru uz sportove na vodi ili istraživanje okoline.

Unutrašnjost jahte odlikuje obimna upotreba hrastovog drveta i belog kamena, kao i boje „neobrađenog betona“ u kupatilu za čist, moderan i vanvremenski efekat. Karakteristike koje je vredno istaći na ovoj jahti su veliki salon na glavnoj palubi ispunjen svetlom, kao i višenamenska glavna paluba od 70 m2, koja se lako može transformisati u prostor za zabavu kada nema ‚‚igračaka'' - jednog Air Nautique G23 i RIB-a od pet metara.

U pogledu performansi, Avontuur postiže maksimalnu brzinu od 14 čvorova, brzinu krstarenja od 12,5 čvorova i koristi prednosti impresivnog ekološkog dometa od 3.000 nautičkih milja. Snagu plovila obezbeđuju dva motora Caterpillar C12.9 – 2 x 850hpat 2300 o/min.


This model brings together the best of two worlds: o ering the robustness, versatility and generous storage space of a support vessel alongside the comfort and elegance of a superyacht. This makes her ideal for the next generation of adventurous owners who want to make the most of their time at sea through watersports or exploration. Avontuur’s interiors feature heavy use of oak wood and white stone, as well as ‘raw concrete’ colours in the bathroom for a clean, modern and timeless e ect. Features of note on board Avontuur include her large light-filled main deck saloon, as well as her 70 square-metre multi-purpose main deck, which can easily be transformed into a generous entertainment area when clear of her toys – an Air Nautique G23 and a five-metre RIB.

Performance-wise, Avontuur has a maximum speed of 14 knots, a cruising speed of 12.5 knots, and benefits from an impressive eco range of 3,000 nautical miles. The vessel’s power is provided by twin Caterpillar C12.9 – 2 x 850hpat 2300 rpm engines.


Željno očekivana jahta, Pearl 72, konačno se približava zvaničnoj svetskoj premijeri na čuvenom međunarodnom sajmu nautike u Fort Loderdejlu, planiranom od 26. do 30. oktobra. Tek što su obavljene test vožnje na moru, ona već krstari po sunčanoj američkoj državi, upoznajući se sa prelepim priobalnim vodama. Što se tiče prostornog rasporeda, Pearl 72 uvodi jedinstvenu novinu za svoju klasu: dve glavne kabine. Jedna je smeštena napred sa privatnim ulazom, što se obično može videti na mnogo većim jahtama, a druga je u punoj širini u središnjem delu broda. Osim što pruža idealno rešenje za suvlasnike koji zajedno borave na jahti, inovativni raspored omogućava vlasnicima da uživaju u pogledu čak i kada su usidreni na krmi u marini. Pored izuzetne garaže sa prostorom za Williams 345 pomoćni čamac (ili sličan model) i džet-ski, jahta sadrži još dve dvokrevetne kabine sa sopstvenim kupatilima, kao i smeštaj za posadu.

The hotly anticipated Pearl 72 is finally approaching her o cial debut at Florida’s famous Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, held from October 26th to October 30th. Fresh from her completed sea trials, she is already cruising around the sunshine state, getting acquainted with the beautiful coastal waters. In terms of layout, the Pearl 72 makes a unique introduction to the size-class: two Master Cabins. One is forward with a private entrance, as typically seen on much larger yachts, and the second is full beam amidships. In addition to providing an ideal solution for co-owners who enjoy the yacht together, the innovative layout allows owners to enjoy a beautiful view even when moored stern-to in a marina. There are two further en-suite double cabins plus accommodation for the crew, in addition to an exceptional garage with space for a Williams 345 tender (or similar) and a jet ski.

Vesti / News
LYNX | Sep/Okt 2022 28

Novi FIM 470 Regina, drugo ostvarenje FABBRICA ITALIANA MOTOSCAFI, nagrađen je 9. septembra kao „Najbolje otkriće godine“ tokom gala večere YACHTS TROPHY u Carlton Beach klubu.

Veliko priznanje rezultat je celogodišnjeg zajedničkog rada svih članova FIM tima i studija Ferragni Progetti. Zahvaljujući ovom uspehu, mlado brodogradilište FIM, rođeno pre samo dve godine u maloj fabrici u Treskoru blizu Bergama, sada je spremno da se pridruži najvažnijim igračima u oblasti jahtinga i dočeka buduće modele u novoj modernoj fabrici od 5.000 m2, koja će zvanično biti otvorena sledećeg oktobra u Cividateu.

Adriatic Wave Group, preko svog ogranka Adriatic Marine, ponosno nosi titulu ekskluzivnog distributera FIM YACHTS za Italiju, Nemačku, Austriju, Poljsku, Sloveniju, Hrvatsku, Mađarsku, Češku, Slovačku, Srbiju i Crnu Goru.

The new FIM 470 Regina, the second creation of FABBRICA ITALIANA MOTOSCAFI, was awarded by an international jury during the YACHTS TROPHY Gala Dinner at the Carlton Beach Club on Saturday 9th September, as "Best Revelation of the Year". This great recogniton is the result of a year of joint e ort by all members of the FIM Team and Ferragni Progetti studio. Thanks to this achivement the young shipyard FIM, born only 2 years ago in a small plant in Trescore close to Bergamo, is now ready to join the most important players in Yacht Business, also due to the new modern factory of 5.000 sqm that will be inaugurated next October in Cividate (Bergamo).

Adriatic Wave Group through its branch ADRIATIC MARINE is proud of its choice to be the exclusive distributor FIM YACHTS for Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro.

Vesti / News
„Otkriće godine“ “Revelation of the Year” WINNER YACHTS TROPHY 2022 FIM 470 REGINA | Sep/Okt 2022 30


470 Regina je zamišljena tako da maksimalno iskoristi spoljašnje prostore, zahvaljujući transformacijama na krmi i pramcu. Pramča ni salon za sunčanje spajanjem kreira pravi kokpit i pruža priliku za druženje i zabavu, dok krmeni salon garantuje maksimalnu svestra nost kroz konfigurisanje spoljne trpezarije na različite načine.

Kao rezultat pažljivog izbora proporcija između unutrašnjeg i spo ljašnjeg prostora, 470 Regina poseduje inovativne karakteristike, izvanredne performanse i opremu visokog kvaliteta. Idealna za one koji žele funkcionalnost bez odricanja od luksuza i prefinjenog stila, ova kombinacija elegancije i udobnosti svoj najveći potencijal izra žava u prostorima ispod palube. Moderni drveni furniri, savremeni umetci i rafinirani detalji doprinose stvaranju elegantne i prijatne

atmosfere, dok izbor boja i upotreba dodatne opreme visokog kva liteta, kao što su koža, krzno i obojeni čelik, garantuju najbolje od Made in Italy.

470 Regina je dizajnirana tako da obezbedi najbolju organizaciju unutrašnjih prostora bez ustupaka po pitanju privatnosti. Standardni raspored predviđa dve kabine, glavnu i VIP, obe opremljene komfor nim bračnim krevetima i brojnim pregradama i plakarima. Glavna kabina obiluje prijatnom svetlošću koju dobija sa velikih prozora i panoramskog okna na plafonu. Prisutna su dva kupatila sa odvoje nim tušem, kao i posebno kupatilo koje se nalazi u okviru vlasničke kabine. Prostrani dnevni boravak krasi velika kuhinja i udobna trpe zarija. U opcionom rasporedu sa tri kabine, VIP kabina je podeljena kako bi se dobila još jedna prostorija za goste. | Sep/Okt 2022 31


470 Regina is conceived to make the most of outdoor spaces, thanks to the movements studied aft and bow. The bow sun lounge, trans lating sideways, creates a real cockpit, offering the opportunity to spend time together and have fun. The aft salon guarantees maxi mum versatility, thanks to the possibility of configuring the external dinette in different ways.

As a result of careful proportion choices between the inner and outer space, 470 Regina is characterized by innovative features, outstand ing performance, and high-quality equipment. 470 Regina is the ideal yacht for the owners who wish functionality without renouncing luxury and refi ned style. The combination of elegance and comfort expresses its highest potential in the spaces below deck. Modern wood veneers, contemporary inserts, refined details make the at mosphere elegant and welcoming. The color choices and the use of high-quality accessories such as leather, hide, and painted steel guarantee the best of Made in Italy.

470 Regina is designed to ensure the best organization of internal spaces without sacrifi cing privacy. The standard layout features two cabins, one master and one VIP. Both cabins are equipped with spa cious double beds and numerous compartments and wardrobes. The master cabin is very bright, thanks to the large windows and the sepa rate panoramic window on the ceiling. There are two bathrooms with separate showers, the master cabin has a private one. The living area consists of a large kitchen and a comfortable dinette. In the optional three-cabin layout, the VIP cabin is divided to create a guest cabin.

Vesti / News | Sep/Okt 2022 32

26 - 30.

Visoka očekivanja za 2022. Biograd Boat Show će ove godine proslaviti svoje 24. izdanje, nastavljajući 21 uzastopni sajam sa dva vrlo uspešno održana u vreme pandemije, što je pokazatelj njegove otpornosti i važnosti. Ovaj srednjoevropski sajam nautike na moru, kao najveće okupljalište hrvatske nautičke industrije koje iz godine u godinu privlači sve više posetilaca i izlagača iz susednih zemalja, ujedno označava kraj nautičke sezone i početak nove poslovne godine.

Važnost sajma za nautički sektor Značaj sajma dokazan je u protekle dve godine kada su izlagači i posetioci iz mnogih delova Evrope koji gravitiraju ka Jadranu došli da direktno komuniciraju i suoče se sa globalnim promenama koje su se desile. Show održan 2021. godine čak je privukao rekordan broj posetilaca! Ove godine očekivanja su veoma visoka, jer su mnogi izlagači najavili proširenja kako bi zadovoljili sve veće interesovanje nautičara.

Boat Show doživljaj

Biograd Boat Show je stekao međunarodnu popularnost među izlagačima i posetiocima zahvaljujući važnosti Hrvatske kao nautičke destinacije i postrojenjima kojima upravlja Ilirija d.d. a koji uključuju marinu Kornati, Ilirija hotele, restorane i zabavne kapacitete. Ilirija će i ove godine nastaviti da radi na osiguranju bezbednog okruženja, ali i održavanju zabavnog programa i društvenih manifestacija u skladu sa zdravstvenim uslovima.

Podjednako je važno da nautička industrija i nautička javnost imaju događaj koji budi strast i uliva optimizam za jedrenje na Jadranu... To je Biograd Boat Show doživljaj!

Pristup tržištu Centralne Evrope Iz godine u godinu Biograd igra važnu ulogu za domaće i međunarodne nautičare. Mnogi od njih su upoznati sa sajmom tako što tokom godine posećuju Biograd na Moru kao jednu od najvećih globalnih destinacija za čarter jahti, zatim prate svetski poznati kalendar regata i drugih nautičkih manifestacija, ali ga poznaju i kao grad sa jednom od najprometnijih marina u Hrvatskoj. Shodno tome se međunarodna prepoznatljivost i reputacija ovog sajma iz godine u godinu poboljšavaju.

Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru
10. 2022. | Sep/Okt 2022 36

Biograd Boat Show zlatni član IFBSO-a Biograd Boat Show je zlatni član međunarodne asocijacije organi zatora nautičkih sajmova koji usvajajući visoke standarde aktivno učestvuje u daljem razvoju udruženja, nudeći svoj jedinstveni po slovni model i inovativna rešenja poput 360° Virtual Reality Tour i Biograd B2B. Posetite i upoznajte sajam preko 360° Virtual Re ality Tour-a, te pogledajte mnoštvo zanimljivih fotografija i video snimaka.

Biograd B2B

Ilirija je razvila Biograd B2B, business to business platformu za nau tičko-poslovno umrežavanje tokom sajma, koja poslovnim posetio cima omogućava registraciju, učestvovanje i zakazivanje sastanaka sa izlagačima i drugim B2B učesnicima, ali i participiranje u opsež nom nautičkom kongresnom programu. U sklopu biogradskog B2B, Hrvatska gospodarska komora će od 26. do 28. oktobra 2022. godine održati šeste po redu Dane hrvatske nautike, koji uključuju brojne sastanke industrijskih udruženja, poslovne prezentacije i umrežene društvene događaje.

Croatia Charter Expo

U sklopu Biograd B2B, od 26. do 27. oktobra 2022. godine, održaće se četvrti Croatia Charter Expo. Ovaj dvodnevni poslovni događaj, ekskluzivan za jaht-čarter industriju, omogućava pružaocima uslu ga čarter flote susrete sa agentima, brokerima i dobavljačima, a podržan je i aktivnim programom čarter kongresa. Svi učesnici su registrovani na Biograd B2B platformi i mogu da učestvuju na saj mu nautike tokom njegovog celokupnog trajanja. Ove će godine

Svetlija nautička budućnost Biograd Boat Show ostvario je najveću dobit nakon globalne fi nansijske krize, prerastajući iz manjeg regionalnog u međunarodni sajam koji je jadransku nautičku regiju doveo na svetsku pozornicu u vreme kada su se svi ostali nautički sajmovi suočavali s ozbiljnim padovima. To je postignuto optimizacijom nautičkih i ugostiteljskih dobara Ilirije d.d. te kreiranjem povoljnih cena za izlagače i posetio ce, što je rezultiralo dugoročnim uspehom. Slične mere korišćene su i tokom 2020. godine, sa fokusom na pružanje bezbednog odmora, ugostiteljskog doživljaja, hrane, pića i organizacije događaja. Ilirija planira da u 2022. godini poveća uspeh sajma kako bi unapredila svoju važnu ulogu u postavljanju kursa za svetliju budućnost nautike na Jadranu.

Croatia Charter Expo dobiti novu i proširenu lokaciju u dvorani D u Marini Kornati Sever, u blizini čarter jahti, restorana marine Korna ti i Captain’s Cluba. Velikodušnu podršku ovom događaju pružili su grad Biograd, Hrvatska turistička zajednica i Hrvatska gospodarska komora. | Sep/Okt 2022 37


26 - 30, 2022 Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru


Great expectations for 2022

Biograd Boat Show celebrates its 24th edition this year, continuing its streak of 21 record breaking shows, followed by two very successful shows held during the pandemic, which is a clear indication of its strength and significance. This Central European nautical event at sea, as the largest gathering point of the Croatian nautical industry, attracts an increasing number of visitors and exhibitors from neighboring countries year after year, and also marks the end of the nautical season and the beginning of the new business year.

Importance of BBS for the nautical sector

Importance of the Show has been confirmed in the past two years when exhibitors and visitors from many parts of Europe who gravitate towards the Adriatic came to communicate directly and face the global changes that have taken place. The show held in 2021 even attracted a record number of visitors! Expectations are very high this year, as many exhibitors have announced expansion to meet the growing interest of boaters.

Boat Show experience

The Biograd Boat Show has gained international popularity among exhibitors and visitors thanks to importance of Croatia as a nautical destination and facilities managed by Ilirija d.d. which include Kornati Marina, Ilirija hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities. This year, Ilirija will continue to work on ensuring a safe environment, as well as maintaining an entertainment program and social events in accordance with health conditions.

It is equally important that the nautical industry and the nautical public have an event that awakens passion and instills optimism for sailing on the Adriatic... That is the Biograd Boat Show experience!

Access to the market of Central Europe

Year after year, Biograd plays an important role for local and international sailors. Many of them became familiar with the Boat Show by visiting Biograd na Moru during the year as one of the largest global destinations for yacht charter, or following the world-famous calendar of regattas and other nautical events, but they also know it as a town with one of the busiest marinas in Croatia. Accordingly, the international recognition and reputation of this event is improving from year to year.

Biograd Boat Show gold member of IFBSO Biograd Boat Show is a gold member of the International Federation of Boat Show Organisers that, maintaining high standards, actively

participates in the further development of the Federation, o ering its unique business model and innovative solutions such as 360° Virtual Reality Tour and Biograd B2B. Visit and get to know the Boat Show through a 360° Virtual Reality Tour, and see numerous interesting photos and videos.

Biograd B2B

Ilirija developed Biograd B2B, a business to business platform for nautical-business networking during the Show, which allows business visitors to register, participate and schedule meetings with exhibitors and other B2B participants, as well as to participate in the extensive nautical congress program. As part of the Biograd B2B, from October 26 to 28, 2022, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce will hold sixth consecutive Croatian Nautical Days, which include numerous meetings of industry associations, business presentations and networking social events.

Croatia Charter Expo

As part of Biograd B2B, from October 26 to 27, 2022, the fourth Croatia Charter Expo will take place. This two-day business event, exclusively for the yacht charter industry, enables charter fleet service providers to meet agents, brokers and suppliers, and is supported by an active charter congress program. All participants are registered on the Biograd B2B platform and can participate in the Boat Show during its entire duration. This year, Croatia Charter Expo will have a new and expanded location in Hall D in Marina Kornati Sever, near charter yachts, the restaurant of Marina Kornati and the Captain's Club. Generous support for this event was provided by the town of Biograd, the Croatian Tourist Board and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

Brighter nautical future

Biograd Boat Show made the biggest profit after the global financial crisis, growing from a smaller regional event to an international boat show that brought the Adriatic nautical region to the world stage at a time when all other nautical shows were facing serious decline. This was achieved by optimizing the nautical and catering assets of Ilirija d.d. and by creating favorable prices for exhibitors and visitors, which resulted in long-term success. Similar measures were used during 2020, with a focus on providing a safe vacation, hospitality experience, food, beverages and event organization. Ilirija plans to increase the success of the Boat Show in 2022 in order to enhance its important role in setting the course for a brighter future of boating in the Adriatic.

Najava / Announcement
October | Sep/Okt 2022 38

Biograd Boat Show ove godine proslavlja svoje 24. izdanje koje se tradicionalno održava u Marini Kornati u Biogradu od 26. do 30. oktobra, a kompanija Pearlsea Yachts će na zadovoljstvo svih nautičara i zaljubljenika u more izložiti svoje najreprezentativnije modele, Pearlsea 40 i Pearlsea 31 HT

The Biograd Boat Show, which is traditionally held in Marina Kornati in Biograd from October 26 to 30, is celebrating its 24th edition this year and the Pearlsea Yachts company will exhibit its most representative models, Pearlsea 40 and Pearlsea 31 HT, to the satisfaction of all boating and sea enthusisats



Brodogradilište Pearlsea Yachts je u svom proizvodnom pogonu, tokom 2018. i 2019. godine, razvijalo model zatvorenog tipa sa po kretnim tvrdim krovom, ali i sa inovativnom mogućnošću zatvaranja kokpita vratima kako bi se dobila dva modela u jednom - Hard Top i Coupe verzija.

Pearlsea 40 predstavlja nastavak uspešnog modela Pearlsea 31 koji se takođe proizvodi u obe verzije. Karakteristike nove četrdesetke oslikane su u dužini od skoro 12 metara i širini od nepuna četiri metra, čime se osigurao komoditet u potpalublju. Još jedna prednost ovog modela jeste prostrani kokpit sa duplim kormilarski sedištem, ali i klu pa oko stola koja se može transformisati u pomoćni ležaj. Gurmanima će se svakako dopasti barski deo opremljen frižiderom, grilom i sudo perom sa toplom i hladnom vodom.

Kokpit je zatvoren bočnim staklima sa mogućnošću otvaranja, kao i električnim pokretnim krovom iznad kog se nalaze solarni paneli za dopunu baterija. Prozori od kaljenog stakla sa otvorima za vazduh koji se prostiru čitavom dužinom trupa kao na najmodernijim plovili ma tog ranga, doneli su obilje svetla u potpalublje i pogled na more iz kreveta. Donja paluba se sastoji od dve kabine, prostrane kuhinje i kupatila odvojenog od toaleta staklenim vratima. Odlična pregled nost sa skiperske pozicije govori koliko je pažnje projektant posvetio linijama i okvirima staklenih površina.

Penušanje mora iza krme i vetar u kosi samo su neki od doživljaja koje Pearlsea 40 može da vam pruži tokom plovidbe. Poštovanje bro dograditeljske tradicije, funkcionalni detalji izrađeni sa puno pažnje i zanatskog umeća, kao i sposobnost implementacije najnovijih teh nologija, predstavljaju odlike koje ovu jahtu čini pravom lepoticom i najsjajnijom zvezdom brodogradilišta Pearlsea Yachts.

During 2018 and 2019, the Pearlsea Yachts shipyard in their produc tion facility, developed a closed model with a removable hardtop, thus creating an innovative ability to close the cockpit door and make two models in one - the Hard Top and Coupe versions.

The Pearlsea 40 is a continuation of the successful Pearlsea 31 mod el, which is also produced in both versions. Characteristics of the new 40 are her length of almost 12 meters and beam of just below 4 meters, which provides comfort on the lower deck. On the other side is a spa cious cockpit with a double helmsman's seat, then a bench around the table that can be transformed into an extra bed. Gourmands will cer tainly appreciate the bar section, equipped with a fridge, a grill and a sink with hot and cold water.

The cockpit is enclosed by side windows that can be opened for airing, and with the electric removable top above which there are solar panels for additional charging of the batteries. The entire length of the hull contains tempered-glass windows with air vents, just like the most modern vessels of this range, providing enough light below the deck and a view of the sea from the berth. The lower deck consists of two separate cabins, a spacious galley and a bathroom, separated from the toilet with a glass door. Excellent visibility from the skipper's position indicates the attention the designer devoted to the lines and frames of the glass surfaces.

Foaming sea behind the stern and wind in your hair are just a part of the on-board experience that your Pearlsea 40 can give you while sailing. Respect for the shipbuilding tradition, functional details made with a lot of care and craftsmanship, as well as the ability to implement the latest technologies are the qualities that make this yacht a real beauty and the brightest star of all models by Pearlsea Yacht shipyard.

Najava / Announcement
PEARLSEA 40 Dužina preko svega: 11,99 m Dužina trupa: 11,50 m Širina: 3,90 m Istisnina praznog plovila: 7,5 t Istisnina na punoj nosivosti: 10,9 t Istisnina na pola nosivosti: 8,5 t Gaz: 0,95 m Rezervoar goriva: 800 l Rezervoar vode: 340 l Kabine: 2 Maksimalan broj osoba: 10 PEARLSEA 40 Length over all: 11.99 m Hull Length: 11.50 m Beam: 3.90 m Light Displacement: 7.5 t Full Load displacement: 10.9 t Half Load displacement: 8.5 t Draft: 0.95 m Fuel tank: 800 l Water tank: 340 l Cabins: 2 Maximum number of people: 10 | Sep/Okt 2022 41


Ukupna dužina: 9,85 m

Dužina trupa: 9,30 m Širina: 2,98 m

Zapremina prazna: 4.400 kg

Zapremina 1/2 opterećenja: 5.500 kg

Zapremina puno opterećenje: 6.600 kg

Zapremina goriva: 600 l

Zapremina vode: 200 l Kabine: 2


Lenght overall: 9.85 m Lenght hull: 9.30 m Width: 2.98 m Displacement empty: 4.400 kg Displacement 1/2 load : 5.500 kg Displacement fully loaded: 6.600 kg

Fuel capacity: 600 l Water capacity: 200 l Cabins: 2


Pearlsea 31 Hard Top je prava sportska krstarica sa zadivljujućim stilom i dizajnom mnogo većeg i skupljeg plovila. Prostrani kokpit i zavidna širina čine ga veoma udobnim i adekvatnim plovilom za svoju klasu. Opcija sklopive pregrade u salonu znači da Pearlsea 31 HT u svoje dve kabine nudi smeštaj apsolutne udobnosti. Kuhinja, toalet i kabine ispod palube obezbediće vam izuzetan osećaj nezavisnosti i komfora na višednevnim plovidbama, a različite opcije snage motora pružiti idealan odnos performansi i ekonomičnosti.

The Pearlsea 31 Hard Top is a new sport cruiser with stunning style motiv and the design of a much larger and more expensive vessel. The spacious cockpit and the vessel's ample beam make it a very comfortable and adequate vessel for its class. The option of a folding partition in the salon means that the Pearlsea 31 Hard top can o er true 2-cabin accommodation with absolute comfort.

The galley, head and two cabins below deck will provide you with an exceptional sense of independence and comfort on multi-day cruises in this boat. The various engine power options give this vessel an ideal ratio of performance to economy.

Pearl Sea Yachts d.o.o. Zagrebačka Cesta 86, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Mobile: +385 99 3193 674;

Najava / Announcement | Sep/Okt 2022 42

Adriatic Wave Group


Najveći srednjoevropski sajam nautike na moru ove godine obeležava svoje 24. izdanje, a Marina Kornati, kao najvažnije okupljalište hrvatske nautičke industrije koje svake godine privlači sve više poseti laca i izlagača iz susednih zemalja, pored mnoštva eminentnih brendova, poslednjih dana oktobra biće dom i izuzetnim plovili ma pod okriljem kompanije Adriatic Wave Group.

Od 26. do 30. oktobra, osam reprezen tativnih plovila krasiće vezove biogradske marine. Pored prepoznatljivih Absolute modela, čiji su ekskluzivni zastupnici, na ovogodišnjem sajmu nautike u Biogradu posetioci će imati priliku da se upoznaju i sa brendovima Invictus Yachts i Capofor te Boats koji su se odnedavno pridružili Adriatic Wave porodici. Kad kažemo po rodica, ne možemo a da ne spomene mo Adriatic Marine, ogranak kompanije Adriatic Wave, koji je sa modelima bro dogradilišta Fabbrica Italiana Motoscafi na Jadran doneo strast, ali i Made in Italy dizajn i kvalitet.

The largest Central European boat show at sea is celebrating its 24th edition this year. Marina Kornati, as the largest gathering place of the Croatian nautical industry that attracts an increasing number of visitors and exhibitors from neighboring countries every year, in addition to many eminent brands, in the last days of October will also be home to exceptional vessels under the umbrella of Adriatic Wave Group.

From October 26 to 30, eight prominent vessels will grace the moorings of the Bio grad marina. In addition to the distinctive Absolute models, whose exclusive repre sentative is AWG, at this year's boat show in Biograd visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the brands Invictus Yachts and Capoforte Boats, which have re cently joined the Adriatic Wave family. Tal king about family, we cannot help but men tion Adriatic Marine, a branch of the Adriatic Wave company, which brought passion and Made in Italy design and quality to the Adriatic with the models of the Fabbrica Ita liana Motoscafi shipyard.

Najava / Announcement | Sep/Okt 2022 44
Najava / Announcement ABSOLUTE 48 COUPE ABSOLUTE 58 NAVETTA CAPOFORTE FX 190 FIM 340 REGINA CAPOFORTE SX 200 INVICTUS GT 370 ABSOLUTE 68 NAVETTA ABSOLUTE 48 NAVETTA Modeli koje će Adriatic Wave Group predstaviti na ovogodišnjem sajmu nautike u Biogradu od 26. do 30. oktobra Models that Adriatic Wave Group will present at this year's boat show in Biograd from October 26 to 30 Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 91 6001 137, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1 | Sep/Okt 2022 45
Događaji / Events CANNES YACHTING FESTIVAL 2022 IZUZETAN USPEH ZA 45. GODIŠNJICU NAJVEĆEG EVROPSKOG SAJMA NAUTIKE NA VODI Kanski jahting festival zatvoren je u nedelju, 11. septembra, nakon šest izuzetnih dana. 600 izlagača, 54 000 posetilaca, 650 izloženih plovila, uključujući 135 svetskih premijera, cifre su koje će vremenom postati statistika. Međutim, trijumf dizajna, dominacija najsavremenijih tehničkih dostignuća savršeno implementiranih u duboku tradiciju, kao i plodonosni susreti ljudi, ideja i fascinacija, upravo je ono što ovaj festival čini neprevaziđenim decenijama unazad | Sep/Okt 2022 46


OVAJ DATUM! Sledeće izdanje festivala biće održano od utorka 12. do nedelje 17. septembra 2023. godine.

Sa druge strane marine Port Canto, posetioci su mogli da se dive i posete 36 jahti koje su nekada bile u vlasništvu, a sad čekaju prodaju ili iznajmljivanje, uključujući tri velike jedrilice. Ove godine je u prostoru Yacht Brokerage smešten najveći brod na festivalu sa izuzetnom du žinom od 73 metra. Prostore na kopnu zauzele su nautičke igračke koje su postale neza obilazni pribor najvećih jahti.


Jahting industrija nije zaobišla razvijanje ekološke svesti. Usklađivanje nautičkih aktivnosti sa očuvanjem životne sredine je izazov sutrašnji ce. Već nekoliko godina marine i nautički sektor, kao i profesionalci i korisnici, postaju svesni uticaja koje njihove aktivnosti na moru imaju na planetu i uveliko rade na unapređenju poštovanja životne sredine. Da bi svojim posetiocima pružio priliku da saznaju više o ovoj ekološ koj tranziciji, festival je postavio Zelenu rutu na kojoj je predstavljeno više od 60 izlagača sa konceptima zaštite životne sredine.


Sajam u Kanu je pokrenuo ekološku tranziciju unapređenjem svo je korporativne društvene odgovornosti (CSR) kroz implementaciju mnoštva akcija za smanjenje uticaja na životnu sredinu, vođen pri stupom RX grupe na međunarodnom nivou.

Mnogi dokumenti koji se obično štampaju obezbeđeni su u digital nom formatu (mapa izlagača u katalogu sajma, ulaznice, itd.)

Korišćenje recikliranih i reciklažnih materijala (Press Villages na meštaj od recikliranog i reciklažnog kartona, reciklažni tepih na pro lazima i tribinama, većina natpisa na ovom događaju može da se reciklira) Ovom nastojanju pridružili su se ugostitelji, pružaoci usluga i izlagači sajma.


Luka Vieux Port je u potpunosti bila posvećena industriji motornih plovila, sa oko 500 brodova dužine od 5 do 48 metara, a već drugu godinu zaredom ponudila je prostor za desetak električnih čamaca, Edorado, FinX, Pinball boat, Eco – inspiration ili X-Shore, kao i marinu za višetrupne motorne čamce. Na drugom kraju Kroazete, u luci Port Canto, usidrile su se nove jedri lice. Posebno namenjen prostor okupio je 116 plovila u rasponu od 10 do 33 metra, uključujući 19 predstavljenih kao svetske pretpremijere. Innovation Village, odnosno prostor za inovacije, instaliran je u obla sti posvećenoj jedrenju, u partnerstvu sa Mer Angels i BNP Paribas Banque Privée, kako bi se prikazala „inteligentna“ start-up preduzeća u nautičkom sektoru koja pokrivaju sve od projektovanja brodova do dovođenja vlasnika u kontakt sa kapetanima.

INAUGURACIJA SA DAVIDOM LISNARDOM, GRADONAČELNIKOM KANA Gradonačelnik David Lisnard otvorio je sajam u Kanu sa Aleksandrom Martinom, resornim većnikom, Hjuom Džonsom i Mišelom Filzijem, predsednicima RX Global i RX Francuska, Silvi Erno, direktorkom saj ma nautike u Kanu, Žerarom Lačkarom, potpredsednikom Francuske federacije nautičke industrije (F.I.N.) i mnogim drugim prisutnim zva ničnicima. Nakon tradicionalnog presecanja vrpce, gradonačelnik je obišao izlagače u Vieux Port-u.


Kako bi se zahvalili svojim izlagačima i partnerima i omogućili sta novnicima Kana da podele čari sajma, u partnerstvu sa gradonačel nikom Kana i kompanijom Pertimm, spektakularni aeromiting sa 400 dronova obasjao je kansko nebo u trajanju od 15 minuta, isticanjem četiri nezaobilazna mesta u gradu koja se moraju videti i ilustrova njem sajma. Ovu jedinstvenu predstavu, koja nije stvarala buku ni ot pad, izlagači su ocenili kao veoma lepu i originalnu. Kao i svake godi ne, festival je nastavio sa podrškom organizaciji spasilaca na moru La Societe Nationale des Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM, Sea Rescue) i uručio ček na 5.000 evra predstavnicima njihovog ogranka u Kanu. | Sep/Okt 2022 47



The next edition of the Yachting Festival will be held from Tuesday 12 to Sunday 17 September 2023.

The Cannes Yachting Festival closed on Sunday 11 September after 6 exceptional days. Six hundred exhibitors, 54,000 visitors, 650 vessels on display, including 135 world premieres, are figures that will become statistics over time. However, the triumph of design, the dominance of the state of the art technical achievements perfectly implemented in a long tradition, as well as the fruitful encounters of people, ideas and senses are exactly what makes this edition the best one ever


The Vieux Port is entirely devoted to those in the motor boat industry with about 500 5- to 48-metre boats, and for the second year ac commodated an area dedicated to fully electric boats with a dozen boats by Edorado, FinX, Pinball boat, Eco-inspiration or X-Shore…, as well as a marina for multihull motor boats.

At the other end of the Croisette, the new sailing boats were moored in Port Canto for the third edition, in a dedicat ed area, which brought together 116 10- to 33-metre boats, including 19 presented as world previews.

The “Innovation Village” was installed in the sail ing area, in partnership with Mer Angels and BNP Paribas Banque Privée, to showcase “intelligent” start-ups in the nautical sector that cover boat design to putting owners in contact with captains.

On the other side of Port Canto, visitors were able to admire and visit 36 previously-owned yachts for sale or hire, including 3 large sailboats. This year the Yacht Brokerage area accommodated the biggest boat at the Festival with an exceptional length of 73m. The spaces on land were occupied by the nautical toys that have become must-have accessories for the biggest yachts.


The yachting industry has not escaped ecological awareness. Rec onciling nautical activities with respecting the environment is tomor row’s challenge. For several years now, marinas and the nautical sec tor, as well as professionals and users, have been becoming aware of the impact their nautical activities at sea have on the planet and are working to improve respecting the environment. To give its visitors the opportunity to learn more about this eco-friendly transition, the Festival laid out a Green Route showcasing more than 60 exhibitors presenting a concept in favour of the environment.


The Yachting Festival has undertaken an ecological transition by im

proving its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through implement ing new actions to reduce its event activity’s environmental impact, guided by an approach of the RX group at international level. many documents that are usually printed were provided in digital format (visitor map included in the Festival catalogue, tickets to the Festival (tickets and badges), etc.)

use of recycled and/or recyclable materials (Press Villages furni ture in recycled and recyclable cardboard, recyclable car pet on the aisles and stands, most of the Festival sig nage recyclable)

The Festival caterers, service providers and exhibi tors’ undertakings join this effort.


The Mayor, David Lisnard, inaugurated the Yacht ing Festival with Alexandra Martin, departmental councillor, Hugh Jones and Michel Filzi, Presidents of RX Global and RX France respectively, Sylvie Ernoult, Director of the Cannes Yachting Festival, Mr. Gérard Lachkar, Vice President of the French Nautical Industries Federation (F.I.N.) and many officials in attendance. After the traditional cutting of the ribbon, the Mayor visited exhibitors around the Vieux Port.


To thank its exhibitors and partners, and enable the people of Cannes to share the magic of the Yachting Festival, in partnership with the Mayor of Cannes and the company Pertimm, a spectacular air show featuring 400 drones lit up the Cannes sky for 15 minutes by highlighting four must-see places in the city and by illustrating the Yachting Festival. This unique show, which did not generate any noise or waste, was highly appreciated by the Festival exhibitors for how beautiful and original it was. As it does every year, the Festival continued its support of La Société Nationale des Sauveteurs en Mer (SNSM, Sea Rescue) during the festivities and presented a cheque for €5,000 to representatives of the Cannes branch.

Događaji / Events | Sep/Okt 2022 48

Dragulji festivala jahti u Kanu Gems at the Cannes Yachting Festival

Nezaobilazna 45. manifestacija luksuznog jahtinga pokazala se kao savršena pozornica za Master Yachting, ekskluzivnog distributera brodogradilišta Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Beneteau, Lagoon, Aquila i Frauscher

The unmissable 45th luxury yachting event proved to be the perfect stage for Master Yachting, the exclusive dealer for Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Beneteau, Lagoon, Aquila and Frauscher shipyards

Kan je još jednom bio kulisa spektakularne izložbe koja svakog septembra slavi lepotu života na vodi. Od Vieux Port do Port Pierre Canto, duž čuvene Kroazete, imali smo priliku da se divimo najboljem iz međunarodne ponude jedrenjaka, motornih, jednotrupnih i višetrupnih plovila.

Kompanija koja predstavlja lidere na svetskom tržištu u relevantnim segmentima, u Kanu je demonstrirala svoju moćnu poziciju, a redakcija magazina Nautika imala je priliku da se susretne sa kapitenom Master Yachting i Sanlorenzo Adria tima, gospodinom Francom Šilingerom, koji je sa nama podelio utiske sa ovogodišnjeg sajma. Složili bismo se sa konstatacijiom gospodina Šilingera da je veliki broj posetilaca i pozitivan saldo na kraju, pre svega, omogućen zahvaljujući ambijentu u kom se izložba postavlja, jer činjenica da zainteresovani vide jahte koje žele da kupe upravo tamo gde će jahta kasnije biti, odnosno na vodi,

suštinska je prednost takvih sajmova. Pored toga, mnogi izlagači nude test vožnje za velike jahte tokom festivala i odmah nakon njega, što je značajna razlika u odnosu na obilazak jahte u hali.

Posetiocima se pružila mogućnost da upoznaju impozantnu Sanlorenzo gamu plovila. Kao lider na tržištu za jahte preko 24 metra, Sanlorenzo je pristigao sa deset modela, od kojih su dva, SD90 i SP110 prikazana premijerno. Prezentacije su uključivale SL glisirajuće jahte, kao i SD poludeplasmanske modele i revolucionarne Sanlorenzo SX "crossover'' jahte. Pored novog SD90, ogromna zainteresovanost vladala je i za Sanlorenzo SP110 koja je ujedno i začetak nove generacije jahti sa najvišim performansama i najnižom potrošnjom goriva. Njen mlazni pogon obezbeđuje maksimalnu efikasnost i udobnost u svakom opsegu brzina, dok solarni paneli sprovode električnu energiju za upravljanje opterećenjem potrošnje svih sistema na jahti.

Događaji / Events | Sep/Okt 2022 50

Bluegame, relativno novi brend kompanije Sanlorenzo sa rasponom od 42 do 72 stope, takođe je imao veoma upečatljiv nastup sa pet modela, uključujući jahte od 70 i 72 stope, kao i novu Bluegame 54. Sve jahte su projatovane tako da omoguće bezbednu plovidbu u različitim vremenskim uslovima, a tu je i otvoreni kokpit sa pogledom koji oduzima dah i, iznad svega, nepogrešiva Bluegame duša.

Poslovanje brenda Beneteau, najveće brodogradilišne grupe na svetu, istaklo se na zavidnom nivou tokom trajanja festivala. Izloženo je devet motornih čamaca i jahti: Swift Trawler 48, Swift Trawler 41 Fly, Grand Trawler 62, Antares 11, Gran Turismo 32, 36, 41 i 45, kao i Flyer 8.

Takođe, Beneteau je odigrao zapaženu ulogu i u segmentu jedrilica. Pored modela First 36, novog trkačkog broda visokih performansi koji je imao svetsku premijeru, izložen je i First 44, kao i modeli kruzera Oceanis 40.1, 46.1, Oceanis Yacht 54 i premijerni Oceanis Yacht 60.

Svi ljubitelji katamarana jedrilica prisustvovali su dominaciji brenda Lagoon koji je došao sa najprodavanijim modelima Lagoon 42 i 46, kao i novim Lagoon 51 i luksuznim modelima Lagoon 55, Sixty 5 i Seventy 7.

Za one koji radije biraju motorni pogon, Aquila kao najveći proizvođač motornih katamarana i ovog je puta predstavio Aquila 54 i Aquila 36, sportski motorni katamaran sa puno prostora, takođe pogodan za jezera i reke.

Vrhunac za zaljubljenike u dizajn bili su, kao na svakom sajmu nautike u Kanu, džentlmenski gliseri brenda Frauscher. Egzotikom obujmljen 1017 GT, i te kako vidljivi 1212 Ghost, kao i vraški zgodan 1414 Demon, definitivno su zadovoljili sve one koji žude za performansama, veštinom i brzinom, ali i za ugodnošću, luksuzom i jasnim identitetom.

Jesenji sajmovi obično označavaju završetak nautičke sezone. To je vreme kada se ubiraju plodovi, zbrajaju cifre, podvlače rezultati, ali

i prave planovi za narednu godinu. Pored prodaje brodova, za koju gospodin Šilinger ističe da je bila i više nego uspešna, novoosnovano posredničko odeljenje kompanije Master Yachting, takođe je zabeležilo zavidno poslovanje, a zasluge za tako fantastične rezultate pripisuju se iskusnom i renomiranom brokeru jahti, Maksu Volkovu.

Pred nama je mnoštvo nautičkih događaja koje ćemo pažljivo ispratiti u nadi da ćemo susretati ljude od kojih ćemo učiti, prenoseći dalje svaki savet i ideju. Ono što provereno možemo da tvrdimo jeste da ukoliko je vaša strast za jahtingom neiscrpna, želja da zaplovite opipljiva i jasna, ali vas dileme oko odabira plovila sputavaju u posedovanju istog, provereni Master Yachting tim će vam ponuditi kompletno rešenje, oslanjajući se na svoje dugogodišnje iskustvo u prodaji i posredovanju, kako bi vam pomogao da pronađete svoj brod iz snova.

SANLORENZO SD90 SANLORENZO SP110 Franz Schillinger, Max Volkov | Sep/Okt 2022 51

Cannes was once again the backdrop for a spectacular show that each year in September celebrates beauty of life on the water. From Vieux Port to Port Pierre Canto, along the famous Croisette, we had the opportunity to admire the best of the inter national offer in the areas of sailing, motor, monohull and multihull vessels.

The company, which represents the leaders in the global mar ket in the relevant segments, demonstrated its power and position in Cannes, and the editorial staff of the Nautica magazine had the honor of talking to the captain of the Master Yachting and Sanlor enzo Adria team, Mr. Franz Schillinger, who shared with us his impres sions from this year's boat show. We would agree with Mr. Schillinger's statement that the considerable number of visitors and the positive balance at the end was, primarily, made possible thanks to the sur roundings in which the exhibition takes place. Due to the fact that customers interested in seeing the yachts they wish to buy exactly where the yachts will later be, i.e. on water, is an essential advantage of such events. Apart from that, many exhibitors offer test drives for large yachts during and immediately after the festival, which is sig nificantly different from having a tour of a yacht in a boat show hall.

Visitors had the opportunity to see the impressive Sanlorenzo range of vessels. As the market leader for yachts over 24 meters, Sanlorenzo attended with ten models, two of which - the SD90 and the SP110, were presented for the first time. Presentations included SL planing yachts, as well as SD semi-displacement models and revolutionary Sanlorenzo SX "crossover" yachts. In addition to the new SD90, there was great interest in the Sanlorenzo SP110, which is the initial model of a new generation of yachts with the highest performance and lowest fuel consumption. Her jet propulsion ensures maximum efficiency and comfort in any speed range, while solar panels conduct electricity to manage the consumption load of all the yacht's systems.

Bluegame, Sanlorenzo's relatively new brand with a 42- to 72-foot range, also had a truly impressive presence with five models, including 70- and 72-foot yachts, as well as the new Bluegame 54. All yachts are designed to allow safe sailing in a variety of weather conditions, and there is an open cockpit with breathtaking views and, above all, the distinctive Bluegame soul.

Događaji / Events
BLUEGAME 75 BLUEGAME 54 | Sep/Okt 2022 52

Business operations of the Beneteau brand, the largest shipbuild ing group in the world, stood out at an enviable level during the fes tival. Nine powerboats and yachts were on display: Swift Trawler 48, Swift Trawler 41 Fly, Grand Trawler 62, Antares 11, Gran Turismo 32, 36, 41 and 45, as well as Flyer 8.

Furthermore, Beneteau played a notable role at the sailboat part of the boat show. In addition to the First 36 model, a new high-per formance race boat that had its world premiere, the First 44 was on display, as well as the Oceanis 40.1, 46.1, Oceanis Yacht 54 and the premiered Oceanis Yacht 60 cruiser models.

All aficionados of sailing catamarans witnessed the dominance of the Lagoon brand that arrived with the best-selling models Lagoon 42 and 46, as well as the new Lagoon 51 and the luxury models La goon 55, Sixty 5 and Seventy 7.

For those who prefer motor propulsion, Aquila, as the largest man ufacturer of motor catamarans, has this time presented the Aquila 54 and Aquila 36, a sporty motor catamaran with an abundance of space, also suitable for lakes and rivers.

The highlight for design enthusiasts were, as at every yachting fes tival in Cannes, the gentleman's racer of the Frauscher brand. The exotic 1017 GT, and the very easily visible 1212 Ghost, as well as the devilishly handsome 1414 Demon, definitely satisfied all those who long for performance, skill and speed, but also for comfort, luxury and a clear identity.

Autumn boat shows usually mark the end of the nautical season when the fruits have already been harvested, the figures are com puted and the bottom lines calculated, but that is also the time when plans are made for the following year. In addition to boat sales, which Mr. Schillinger points out has been more than successful, the newly established brokerage division of Master Yachting has recorded an enviable amount of business that attributes its fantastic results to the experienced and renowned yacht broker, Max Volkov.

There are many nautical events ahead of us that we will follow closely in the hope of meeting those from whom we will learn, pass ing on each piece of advice and idea. What we can say in full confi dence is that if your passion for yachting is inexhaustible, your desire to sail palpable and clear, but dilemmas regarding the choice of a vessel hinder you from purchasing one, the reliable Master Yachting team will offer you a complete solution, relying on their many years of experience in sales and brokerage, in order to help you find your dream boat.

LAGOON 51 | Sep/Okt 2022 53

Čarobni pejzaž u Konobi Žakan poslužio je kao savršeno okruženje za nezaboravno iskustvo i perfektno utočište za prelepe brendove jahti Ferretti grupe

The magical scenery at Konoba Žakan was the perfect setting for an unforgettable experience and the perfect haven for the beautiful brands of the Ferretti Group yachts



kao i partnere luksuznih brendova Frette, Malalan, Caviar Giaveri, itd. bio je susret prijatelja i klijenata, upotpunjen neverovatnom hranom, pićem i živom mu zikom, ali i specijalnim gostima i zapaženim n astupima.

"We consider the time spent with friends having a great time and sharing memorable moments is the most magical thing - therefore we will make sure there is a 2023 edition of the Summer Breeze…"


Group one of the most promi nent nautical companies in the region as well as the official Ferretti Group deal ers, known as your "Yachting partner" at the Adriatic sea organised this summer a very spe cial private event at the renowned Restaurant Konoba Žakan in the heart of the Kornati Island archipelago.

Named the "Summer Breeze'' event with part ners from their MYYACHTOYS water toys division - Technohull, Belassi and Lampuga, as well as Luxury brands partners as Frette, Malalan, Caviar Giaveri and many more was a special gather ing of friends, clients and partners with amazing food, drinks and live music with special guest and performances. We'll let the photos tell the story...

Događaji / Events
jedna od najistak nutijih nautičkih kompanija u regionu i zvanični diler Ferretti grupe, pozna ta kao vaš „jahting partner" na Jadranskom moru, organizovala je ovog leta veoma uspe šan događaj u renomiranom restoranu Kono ba Žakan, u srcu arhipelaga Kornati.
nazvan „Summer Breeze“ uz partnere iz njihove divizije MYYACHTOYS koja se bavi igračkama za vodu - Technohull, Belassi i Lampuga,
„Smatramo da je vreme provedeno sa prijateljima uz sjajan provod i deljenje nezaboravnih trenutaka najčarobnije iskustvo - zato ćemo se pobrinuti da 2023. godine održimo sledeće Summer Breeze izdanje…“ | Sep/Okt 2022 55


Snažan i poetičan kućni zvučnik

A Powerful and Poetic Home Speaker

korisnika na interakciju. Pređite preko gornje ploče da kontrolišete jačinu zvuka ili dodirnite ikonice kako biste promenili numeru, pau zirali muziku ili izabrali unapred sačuvanu listu. Kada se udaljite od zvučnika, interfejs će se zatamniti i nećete videti ništa osim alumini jumske površine.

ZVUČNIK POSVEĆEN SVRSISHODNOJ TEHNOLOGIJI Činjenica da su prvi u pravljenju zvučnika za dom nije umanjila po svećenost kompanije Bang & Olufsen stvaranju svrsishodne tehnolo gije. Beosound Balance dolazi sa sedam jedinstveno konfigurisanih drajvera i dva suprotna vufera, spremna da generišu moćan bas zvuk i potisnu vibracije koje bi mogle uznemiriti komšije. Beosound Balance takođe nudi inovativno i fleksibilno akustično iskustvo za snovano na dva režima zvuka – višesmernom režimu koji obezbeđuje ujednačen zvučni doživljaj oko zvučnika i režimu zvuka koji pruža pre cizno fokusirano i jedinstveno ambijentalno iskustvo. Obe tehnologije su prenete sa vodećih Bang & Olufsen Beolab zvučnika.


Beosound Balance vas prilikom startnog podešavanja vodi kroz tehnologiju aktivne kompenzacije prostorije. Analizirajuću vašu sobu pomoću ugrađenog mikrofona, zvučnik istovremeno kreira i nudi set filtera kako bi se dobio optimizovan zvuk za okruženje u kom se na lazi. Niske frekvencije korišćene prilikom analize prostorije proizvešće savršeno skrojen B&O Signature Sound.


Beosound Balance je multiroom zvučnik koji podržava Google Chro mecast, Apple Airplay2 i Spotify Connect. Dolazi sa vodećim gla sovnim asistentima, Google Assistant i Amazon Alexa, tako da sve dok ste na Wi-Fi mreži možete puštati muziku, proveravati vesti i još mnogo toga bez upotrebe ruku.

Strast za muzikom, dizajnom i zanatskom veštinom, iznedrila je Beo sound Balance, zvučnik inspirisan da redefiniše kućni zvuk na način koji samo Bang & Olufsen može. Meka zaobljena silueta uz upotrebu materijala koji su prvi put upotrebljeni u enterijeru, kao što su puno hrastovo drvo i pleteni tekstil, predstavlja savršenu kombinaciju sa inovativnim korisničkim interfejsom, nevidljivim kad nije u upotrebi, i sedam pažljivo postavljenih drajvera sa tehnologijom formiranja snopa zvuka koja omogućava korisniku da bira između snažnog zvuka za svakodnevno slušanje i usmerenog za precizna i potpuna muzička iskustva.

U saradnji sa Bendžaminom Hubertom iz britanskog dizajnerskog studija LAYER, Beosound Balance je dizajniran kao zvučnik pogo dan za držanje na polici, a da pritom ne remeti doživljaj zvuka u velikim životnim prostorima. Koristeći materijale koji tehnologiju pri lagođavaju toplom i kvalitetnom nameštaju, Beosound Balance odlikuje baza od punog hrastovog drveta i cilindrični oblik obložen besprekorno ispletenim tekstilom, privlačnim na dodir i lepim iz bilo kog ugla.

Uklopljen kao deo enterijera, zvučnik poseduje skriveni interfejs na dodir za ručno upravljanje. Kada mu se približite, interfejs zasvetli koristeći aluminijumsku tehnologiju za propuštanje svetlosti i poziva

Predstavljamo / Presenting | Sep/Okt 2022 57

Created with a passion for music, design and craftmanship, Beosound Balance is inspired by interior objects to redefine home audio in a way that only Bang & Olufsen can: a soft, rounded silhouette using interior-first materials such as solid oak wood and knitted textile, an innovative user interface that hides when not in use and seven carefully placed speaker drivers with beam-forming technology that lets the user choose between powerful and room-filling sound for everyday listening and sound directivity for precise and immersive music experiences.

Beosound Balance is designed in collaboration with Benjamin Hubert from the British industrial design studio LAYER as an interiorfirst and shelf-friendly speaker that doesn’t compromise on the sound experience in large living spaces. Using materials that soften technology and blend in with quality furniture, Beosound Balance presents a solid oak wood base that visually grounds the speaker and a cylindrical shape clad in seamlessly knitted textile that makes Beosound Balance inviting to touch and beautiful from any angle.

Blending in as an interior object, Beosound Balance has a hidden touch interface to manually control the speaker. When approaching the speaker, the interface lights up using light-trough aluminium technology and invites the user to interact with the speaker. Swipe around the top plate to control volume or touch on the icons to change tracks, pause the music and select pre-saved favourite listening experience for easy access. When walking away from the speaker, the interface dims leaving nothing but the aluminium surface visible.


Being a forerunner in making speakers for the home did not sacrifice Bang & Olufsen’s dedication to delivering purposeful technology. Beosound Balance comes with seven uniquely configured speaker drivers with two opposing woofers that generate a powerful bass sound that cancels out vibrations that could upset the neighbors. Beosound Balance also brings forward an innovative and flexible acoustic experience based on two sound modes – an Omnidirectional mode ensuring a uniform sound experience around the speaker, and a sound mode delivering a precisely focused and unique ambient experience. Both technologies have trickled down from the flagship Bang & Olufsen Beolab speakers.


Setting up Beosound Balance for the first time, the speaker will guide you through the active room compensation technology in Beosound Balance enabling the speaker to analyse your room with an internal microphone and creates a set of user defined filters that compensates for sound reflections in your home. Beosound Balance will use low frequencies to analyse the room, and the result is a perfectly tailored B&O Signature Sound.

MULTIROOM FUNCTIONALITY AND VOICE CONTROL Beosound Balance is a multiroom speaker that supports Google Chromecast, Apple Airplay2 and Spotify Connect. The speaker comes with leading voice assistants built in: The Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, so you can play music, check the news and much more completely hands free, when you are on Wi-Fi.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o. Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Predstavljamo / Presenting | Sep/Okt 2022 58


Yacht House Belgrade company powered by Fors Corporation has brought the first hydroplane to Serbia and thus significantly expanded its o er. With an innovative approach, they realized the idea of connecting a mobile home on the water and a hydroplane, and for a complete solution, they have o ered a great opportunity to fly by hydroplane from Belgrade to Golubac in just 15 minutes or to Porto Montenegro marina in just two hours. The great advantage of these planes is that they behave like speedboats on the water with the option of tying them in a marina or to a raft.

Yacht House Belgrade became a strategic partner with the Serbian aircraft manufacturer Aero-East-Europe d.o.o, in order to improve the development, promotion and distribution of the first Serbian hydroplane in Serbia and abroad in the best possible way. The company points out that they are looking forward to new challenges and the privilege of being partners with many who choose active team building on mobile rafts, enjoying water sports, while the experience of riding a hydroplane creates memories of Belgrade and Serbia, showing all their beauties and treasures.

NEW FACE OF SERBIAKompanija Yacht House Belgrade powered by Fors Corporation dovela je prvi hidroavion u Srbiju i time znatno proširila svoju ponudu. Inovativnim pristupom ostvarili su zamisao povezivanja pokretne kuće na vodi i hidroaviona, a za potpun ugođaj ponudili i sjajnu mogućnost da njime preletite od Beograda do Golupca za samo 15 minuta ili do marine Porto Montenegro za svega dva sata. Velika prednost ovih aviona jeste što se na vodi ponašaju poput glisera sa opcijom vezivanja u marini ili za splav. Yacht House Belgrade je postao strateški partner srpskog proizvođača aviona Aero-East-Europe d.o.o, kako bi na najbolji mogući način unapredio razvoj, promociju i distribuciju prvog srpskog hidroaviona u Srbiji i inostranstvu. Iz kompanije ističu da se raduju novim izazovima i privilegiji da budu partneri mnogima koji biraju aktivan team building na pokretnim splavovima, uživaju u vodenim sportovima, dok iskustvo vožnje hidroavionom rađa uspomene na Beograd i Srbiju, prikazujući kao na dlanu njihove lepote i posebnosti.
Yacht House Belgrade Antifašističke borbe 15, Novi Beograd Email: Telefon/Viber/WhatsApp: +381 66 195 555 | Sep/Okt 2022 61


Pronaći pravujahtu nikad nijebilo jednostavnije

Finding the right yacht hasnever been easier

Još od osnivanja, 1995. godine, kompanija S-Nautica stvorila je brend potpuno posvećen svakom pojedinačnom klijentu, sa težnjom da pruži vrhunsko zadovoljstvo prilikom kupovine luksuznog plovila. Oni razumeju ključne elemente poslovanja: prodaju, čarter i menadžment kao osnove jedinstvenog paketa, koji garantuje samu suštinu jahtinga - a to je krajnje uživanje. Transparentan, pošten i pouzdan, kako prema klijentima tako i prema kolegama brokerima, posvećen dugotrajnom prijateljstvu - oblik je pristupa kom teže i koji razvijaju kroz sveobuhvatne savete i podršku, vođeni istinskom pomorskom strašću.

S-Nautica je ovlašćeni diler za Fairline, Cranchi Yachts, Scanner Marine, MV Marine i Comitti. Pored prodaje novih plovila, ova kompanija ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u posredovanju prilikom prodaje polovnih brodova, a svim svojim klijentima nudi i opciju „trade in“, odnosno zamenu njihovih korišćenih plovila za nove porudžbine. Pored toga, vođenje čartera i pomorskog osiguranja upotpunjuju paket Yacht Service.

Ever since its foundation back in 1995, S-Nautica established a brand strongly dedicated to each individual client, aiming to achieve ultimate pleasure in purchasing a luxury vessel. They understand key elements of yachting business: sales, charter & management as fundamentals of a single package aimed to secure the very essence of yachting, which is all about pleasure. Transparent, honest and reliable, both towards clients and colleague brokers, devoted to a long term friendship is the kind of approach they tend to care and develop, trough all around tailored advise and support driven by genuine sea passion.

S-Nautica is an authorized dealer for Fairline, Cranchi Yachts, Scanner Marine, MV Marine and Comitti. Besides the business of New Sales, this company has many years of experience in used boat brokerage, as well o ering to all their clients “trade in” options of their used boats for new orders. In addition to that, Charter Management and Marine Insurance are completing this package of Yacht Service.

Predstavljamo / Presenting


Kao kompanija specijalizovana za prodaju, posredovanje i savetovanje u nautičkoj industriji, S-Nautica nudi širok izbor plovila renomiranih proizvođača. Ovog puta za vas izdvajaju najnoviji model brenda SCANNER MARINE, Envy 1200

Scanner je prepoznatljiv po proizvodnji visokokvalitetnih RIB čamaca, koji se odlikuju originalnim dizajnom i odličnim plovidbenim karakteristikama. Kompanija je oduvek težila pronalaženju funkcionalnijih rešenja, što je politika koja se isplatila 1993. godine stvaranjem projekta „SCANNER” na nacionalnom nivou. Lansiranje modela SCANNER 590, kog su odlikovale upečatljive linije dizajna u kombinaciji sa futurističkim tehničkim rešenjima, zaista je predstavljalo revoluciju u svetu nautike. Usledili su brojni drugi modeli, osmišljeni sa ciljem da zadovolje potrebe tržišta željnog novih proizvoda, koji su spojili udobnost i dizajn čamca sa praktičnošću i bezbednošću gumenjaka. Brend Scanner Marine je na talasu ovog uspeha osnovan 2001. godine i zahvaljujući iskustvu stečenom tokom godina i uspešnoj saradnji sa nekim od najpoznatijih proizvođača motora, kompanija je postala važna referentna tačka za industriju RIB čamaca u pogledu dizajna i inovacija.


As a company specializing in sales, mediation and consulting in the nautical industry, S-Nautica offers a wide range of vessels by renowned manufacturers. This time they give you highlights of the latest model of the SCANNER MARINE brand, the Envy 1200

Scanner is recognised for producing high-quality RIBs, characterised by original design and excellent seaworthiness. The company has always striven to find increasingly more functional solutions, a policy that paid off in 1993 with the creation of the “SCANNER” project on a national scale. The arrival of SCANNER 590, thanks to her lines and futuristic technical solutions, truly revolutionised the nautical world. Numerous other models followed, created to satisfy the needs of a market looking for a new product combining the comfort and design of a boat with the practicality and safety of a dinghy.

Scanner Marine was established on the wave of this success in 2001 and thanks to the experience acquired over the years and successful collaboration with some of the most famous boat engine manufacturers, the company soon became an important reference point for the boat industry in terms of design and innovation.

Predstavljamo / Presenting | Sep/Okt 2022 63

Scanner Envy 1200

Stil i performanse su zajednički imeni telj cele Scanner Marine Envy kolekcije, koja se sada proširuje novim modelom Scanner Envy 1200, najnovijim ostvarenjem italijanskog proizvođača RIB čamaca i pri lagođenih tendera za jahte. Pravi otvoreni gumenjak kreiran od strane plodne olovke Donata Montemitra (Montemitro Design), vlasnika brodogradilišta Scanner Marine, osmišljen je kao tender za dnevni čamac ili superjahtu, ali je takođe pogodan za krsta renje na kratkim razdaljinama. Celokupni raspored palube koji se razvija oko centralne konzole je prekriven elegantnom, vijugavom linijom čvrstog krova sa vetro branskim staklom i zaklonima, što predstav lja odličnu zaštitu, nošenu jednim centralnim osloncem prema krmi. T-Top otvorena verzija bez kontinuiteta između vetrobranskog sta kla i gornjeg dela je takođe dostupna, te je

ova kombinacija prozračnija i svedenija u linijama.

Na krmi, velika paluba za ljubitelje sunčanja zauzima sav koristan prostor iznad mašin skog dela. Kokpit koji je zaštićen stranicama od fiberglasa sa rukohvatima od nerđajućeg čelika, dočekuje za drvenim stolom i na udobnim sofama do osam gostiju, dok multi funkcionalna kuhinja, pozicionirana uz kormi larska sedišta, nudi šporet, sudoper i frižider.

Uz tri pilotska sedišta koja pružaju potpunu udobnost, impozantna centralna konzola poseduje dovoljno prostora za dva ekrana i svu elektroniku potrebnu za upravljanje ovim moćnim RIB-om.

Dve bočne palube sa obe strane plovila vode do praktične i prijatne palube od tikovine koja okružuje drugu površinu za sunčanje.

U produžetku, veoma elegantan pramac je tehnički prostor za privez i čine ga dva bočna

stuba, vitlo na palubi, lanac koji se nalazi u posebnom žlebu na sredini čamca i sidro od nerđajućeg čelika, postavljeno na konzolnu klackalicu.

Sa dužinom od 12 metara, Scanner Envy 1200 izdvaja dovoljno unutrašnjeg prostora za bračni krevet u pramcu, hodnik sa sofom i multifunkcionalnim nameštajem, korisne za premine u ormarićima i, pre svega, komforan toalet sa odvojenim tušem. To je tačno ono što je potrebno za potpuno uživanje u jed nom ili više dana na moru.

Scanner Envy 1200 je opremljen sa dva ben zinska motora sa krmenim pogonom, ali vla snik može da se opredeli za dvostruke dizel motore ili 2/3 vanbrodske motore do 1200 KS. Na kraju, kako tvrdi brodogradilište, odličan trup je sposoban da plovi brzo i bezbedno čak i po uzburkanom moru sa uzbudljivim performansama.

NOVO / NEW | Sep/Okt 2022 64

Style and performance are the common denominator of the whole Scanner Marine Envy collection, which is now being expanded with the new Scanner Envy 1200, the latest addition from the Italian manufacturer of RIB boats and custom yacht tenders. A pure open dinghy created by the prolific pencil of Donato Montemitro (Montemitro Design), owner of the Scanner Marine boatyard, it was created as a dayboat or superyacht tender, but is also suitable for short-range cruising.

The entire deck layout develops around the central console, covered by the sleek, sinuous line of the hard top with windscreen and wraparound uprights, which is very protective and supported by a single elegant central support towards the stern. A T-Top and therefore open version is equally available, with no continuity between the windscreen and the top, which is more airy and essential in lines.

At the stern, a large sundeck occupies all the useful space above the engine room. The cockpit, protected by fibreglass bulwarks with stainless steel handrails mounted on the mainmast, is furnished with a wooden table for eight guests and sofas, while the multi-function galley unit set against the helm seats is equipped with a cooker, sink and fridge.

The imposing central steering console has plenty of space to fit two charts and all the electronics needed to manage the boat, while the three pilot seats o er total comfort.

On the sides, two large side-decks lead to a practical and pleasant teak deck surrounding the second sundeck that furnishes the deckhouse. The very elegant teakcovered bow is the technical mooring area: two lateral bollards, winch on view on the deck, chain running in a special stainless steel groove in the middle of the boat and anchor positioned on a cantilevered stainless steel rocker.

With a length of 12 meters, the Scanner

Envy 1200 allocates ample interior space to the double bed in the bow, the hallway with sofa and multifunctional furniture, the useful volumes in lockers and cupboards and, above all, to the large, comfortable head with separate shower: exactly everything you need to fully enjoy a day or more at sea.

Scanner Envy 1200 is fitted with two sterndrive petrol engines but the owner can equally opt for twin diesel engines or 2/3 outboards up to 1200 hp.

Lastly, as the boatyard claims, the excellent hull is capable of sailing fast and safely even in rough seas with exciting performance.

Scanner Envy 1200

Godina izgradnje: 2021.

Dužina preko svega: 12 m Širina: 4 m

Dizajner eksterijera: D. Montemitro Design – SCANNER

Dizajner enterijera: D. Montemitro Design – SCANNER

Pomorski arhitekta: D. Montemitro Dizajn – SCANNER

Snaga motora: maks. 1200 KS

Scanner Envy 1200

Year of built: 2021.

Length over all: 12 m

Beam: 4 m

Exterior designer: D. Montemitro Design – SCANNER

Interior designer: D. Montemitro Design – SCANNER

Naval architect: D. Montemitro Design – SCANNER

Engine power: max. 1200 hp


Marina Porto Montenegro, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Mobile. +382 (0) 67 24 99 71; Tel.+382 (0) 32 540 320

d.o.o. / Sales / Charter / Insurance
Predstavljamo / Presenting | Sep/Okt 2022 65

Merry Fisher 1295 Fly



Merry Fisher 1295 Fly je novi model linije Merry Fisher, za koju bez preterivanja možemo reći da je jedna od najkom pletnijih na tržištu motornih čamaca sa vanbrodskim pogonom. U pitanju je linija sa čak sedam modela, među kojima su Jeanneau Merry Fisher 605 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695 Serie 2, Je anneau Merry Fisher 795 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 895 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095 Fly , a najnoviji model Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly stiže kao vrhunac ove i te kako uspešne linije. Projektovan od strane dva tima pomorskih arhitekata, Jeanneau Design/Centkowski & Denert Design, Merry Fisher 1295 Fly ima uku pnu dužinu od skoro 12,56 metara, odnosno 11,92 metra dužine tru pa za širinu od 3,80 metara. Kao takav, ovaj model je pozicioniran na tržištu vanbrodskih motornih čamaca od 40 stopa.


Sa velikim svetlim prozorima i panoramskim pogledom na vodu, život postaje sladak na vodećem Merry Fisher modelu, dodatno unapređenom prefinjenim i savremenim izborom materijala. Zauz mite svoje mesto za kormilom i iskoristite prednosti najnovijih teh noloških rešenja za lako upravljanje, koja se obično nalaze na naj većim čamcima.

Kuhinja je pozicionirana sa leve strane krme i sa posebno nagla šenim šankom osigurava jasan kontinuitet sa eksterijerom. Ona poseduje svu očekivanu opremu za savršen komfor: šporet, rernu, frižider, sudoper i prostor za skladištenje. Ostatak salona je upot punjem dnevnim boravkom u obliku slova C i kormilarskim mestom na desnoj strani sa kog se pruža odličan pogled. Komandna tabla uključuje dva GPS ekrana, džojstik i autopilot.

Paluba sa tri integrisane ležaljke, koje obezbeđuju trenutke čiste re laksacije, definitivno će vam postati omiljeni prostor za opuštanje, dok će ljubitelji sunca pronaći zadovoljstvo na potpuno opremlje nom flajbridžu, koji je idealan za vožnju u punoj brzini, sunčanje u privatnosti ili uživanje u koktelu sa pogledom na more na kraju dana.


Uz veliki flajbridž, salon na prednjoj palubi i krmeni kokpit sa pre gradom na sklapanje, Merry Fisher 1295 Fly nudi i tri dvokrevetne kabine, uključujući i vlasničku. Smeštene ispod palube, kabine uz dva kupatila obezbeđuju smeštaj za osam osoba. Vlasnička kabina koja se nalazi na pramcu ima sopstveno kupatilo dok druge dve sa po dva odvojena kreveta dele jedno. Na brodu je osigurano mnoš tvo prostora za skladištenje.


Merry Fisher 1295 je čamac B klase, sa velikim rezervoarima za go rivo od 1174 litara i tri vanbrodska motora od po 300 konjskih snaga. Katalog opcija omogućava dodatno podizanje nivoa udobnosti na brodu, a uključuje generator, klima uređaj, žiroskopski stabiliza tor ili hidraulični most.

Jahte / Yachts JEANNEAU | Sep/Okt 2022 66

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly is a new model of the Merry Fisher line, which is without exaggeration one of the most complete outboard motorboats on the market. It is a line with as many as seven models, including Jeanneau Merry Fisher 605 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 895 Serie 2, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095, Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095 Fly, and the latest model Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly comes as the pinnacle of this successful line. Designed by the naval architect duo Jeanneau Design / Centkowski & Denert Design, the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly measures nearly 12.56 m overall with options, that is to say 11.92 m in hull length, for a beam of 3.80 m. The Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly is positioned in the market of the 40 feet outboard pilothouse motorboats.


With large, bright windows and a panoramic view over the water, life is sweet aboard this flagship, enhanced by a refined, contemporary selection of materials. Take your place at the helm, and take advantage of the very latest technologies, found aboard the largest boats, for easy handling.

The galley positioned on the port side aft ensures continuity with the exterior, notably by o ering a bar. It has all the expected comfort equipment: stove, oven, refrigerator, sink and storage. The rest of the saloon is fitted with a C-shaped saloon and a steering position on starboard with a clear view. The dashboard is equipped with two GPS screens, a joystick and an autopilot.

Your favorite place to relax will certainly be the deck with three integrated deck chairs, providing guaranteed moments of pure enjoyment and relaxation. Sun worshippers will enjoy the fully equipped flybridge, which is ideal for cruising at full speed, sunbathing in privacy or enjoying a cocktail overlooking the sea at the end of the day.


With a large flybridge, a foredeck saloon and an aft cockpit with a folding bulwark, the Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295 Fly o ers 3 double

cabins, including an owner's cabin. Below deck, three cabins and two bathrooms allow 8 people to sleep. The owner's cabin located on the bow has its own bathroom. The two other cabins with twin beds share the same bathroom. There should be plenty of storage space on board.


The Merry Fisher 1295 is a Class B boat with large fuel tanks, 1174 l, and three outboard motors with 300 horsepower each. A catalog of options allows to increase the comfort on board like a generator, an air conditioning, a gyroscopic stabilizer or a hydraulic bridge.

Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) ATV & Nautički centar Savska 2a, Ostružnica, 11251 Beograd Tel: +381 11 7350890 / +381 63 35 99 99

Mail: /

Jahte / Yachts
AZIMUT 68 Čisto, harmonično, suptilno Clean, harmonious, subtle

Sa izborom od tri glavna rasporeda palube i multifunkcionalnom zonom, novi Azimut 68 je pravo oličenje „svetske jahte“. Prva verzi ja rasporeda poseduje elegantan salon na ulazu u glavnu palubu, sa kuhinjom odvojenom rešenjem koje kombinuje rebraste pregra de i pleksiglas. Nazvana „Lanterna“ ova konfiguracija nudi privat nost, ali i mogućnost prodora svetlosti koja obasjava celokupan ambijent.

Verzija sa kuhinjom otvorenog tipa je idealna za one koji traže malo opušteniji raspored. Uklanjanje kliznih vrata otvara pogled prema krmi i povezuje kuhinju sa trpezarijom koja se, kao i kod rasporeda „Lanterna“, takođe može pretvoriti u drugi dnevni boravak.

U konfiguraciji sa neformalnijim rasporedom, kuhinja je pozicionira na na krmi kako bi se olakšao direktan protok između unutrašnjeg i spoljnog prostora, dok je dnevni boravak odvojen prema pramcu. Opcija sa kuhinjom blizu ulaza savršena je za posluživanje u oba trpezarijska prostora, čime se unapređuje mogućnost za druženje.

Važna karakteristika enterijera jeste veličina noćnog prostora, kon figurisanog da ponudi četiri kabine i tri kupatila izrazito izdašnih dimenzija. Četvrta kabina ima krevete u obliku slova L i prostrane ormare, što značajno povećava nivo udobnosti.


Yachts je lansirao novi model Flybridge kolekcije, pro jektovan u saradnji sa Albertom Manćijem, zaduženim ek sterijer i Akileom Salvanjijem koji je oplemenio unutrašnje prostore. Zahvaljujući detaljnom poznavanju tržišta, Azimut je ovu jahtu od 21 metra projektovao tako da se prilagođava željama sa vremenih vlasnika koji sve više insistiraju na rešenjima „po meri“ čak i za manje brodove.

Dizajner eksterijera Alberto Mancini koristi savremeni jezik usvojen iz dizajna automobila kako bi usmeravao evoluciju Flybridge kolekci je, ističući karakteristične osobine Azimut jahti u kombinaciji sa sve oštrijom čistoćom linija, konceptom koji je ranije uveden kod mode la Azimut 78.

Unutrašnje prostore je zajedno sa spoljašnjim nameštajem osmislio Akile Salvanji a ono što ih odlikuje jeste gracioznost i elegancija koje pružaju savršen osećaj boravka.

Izvanredna karakteristika enterijera modela 68 je i prefinjeni vla snički apartman kog odlikuje prirodan i neometan osećaj luksuza i atmosfera blagostanja bliska modernom „wellness“ konceptu. Deo kupatila sa lavaboom je u direktnoj komunikaciji sa apartmanom i odiše spokojnom atmosferom prefinjenog Spa centra. Spoljašnje prostore karakteriše mogućnost transformacije i multi funkcionalnost, posebno uočljiva u prostranoj zoni pramca gde se deo jastuka za sunčanje (dužine preko dva metra) može preobraziti kako bi se dobio ogroman dnevni boravak opremljen sa dve duboke i udobne sofe, idealne za trenutke apsolutnog opuštanja i druženja. Održivost je prioritetni fokus ovog brodogradilišta, što za Azimut ne znači samo fokusiranje na alternativne pogonske sisteme, nego i pokretanje konkretnih rešenja koja doprinose značajnom smanje nju uticaja brodova na životnu sredinu. Azimut 68 karakteriše širo ka upotreba karbonskih vlakana u gornjem delu jahte, uključujući nadgradnju, čvrsti krov i deo palube, sa ciljem da se smanji nivo potrošnje uprkos izdašnim zapreminama jahte. Isti cilj bio je ključan za projekat trupa čiji su oblici optimizovani za postizanje što boljih performansi i maksimalnog užitka u plovidbi.

Jahte / Yachts
AZIMUT 68 Dužina: 20,98 m Širina: 5,23 m Gaz: 1,60 m Maksimalna brzina: 32 čvora Kapacitet goriva: 3700 l Kapacitet vode: 1000 l AZIMUT 68 Length: 20.98 m Beam: 5.23 m Draft: 1.60 m Maximum speed: 32 knots Fuel capacity: 3700 l Water capacity: 1000 l | Sep/Okt 2022 73


Yachts has launched a new model of the Flybridge collection, designed in collaboration with Alberto Mancini for the exteriors and Achille Salvagni for the interiors. Thanks to the shipyard’s in-depth knowledge of the market from all over the world, Azimut Yachts designed a 21 meters yacht that adapts to the desires of contemporary owners who increasingly insists on bespoke solutions even for smaller boats.

Exterior designer Alberto Mancini works surfaces using a modern language – also adopted in car design – to guide the evolution of the Flybridge collection and point up the distinctive features of Azimut Yachts with ever sharper cleanness of line, a concept already introduced in the Azimut 78.

The interior spaces, as well as the external furnishings, were designed by Achille Salvagni and are characterised by grace and elegance conveying sensations of onboard wellbeing.

With a choice of three main deck layouts and a multi-functional zone, the new Azimut 68 is the epitome of a true “world yacht”. The first layout has an elegant lounge at the entrance to the Main Deck, with a galley o to one side, closed o by a solution that combines ribbing and plexiglass. This “Lanterna” configuration gives the galley privacy but allows light to flow throughout the space, creating a large and light-filled ambience.

For owners seeking a more convivial layout, the version with an openstyle galley is ideal. Eliminating the sliding door opens up the view astern, as the galley connects directly to the dining area which, as in the Lanterna layout, can also be turned into a second lounge area.

In the configuration with the most informal layout, the galley is in the stern to facilitate direct flow between interior and exterior, while the living area is set apart towards the bow. The option with the galley

near the entrance is perfect for serving both exterior and interior dining areas, encouraging conviviality.

An important feature of the interiors is the spaciousness of the night area, configured to o er four cabins and three bathrooms of decidedly generous dimensions. The fourth cabin even has L-shaped beds and capacious wardrobes, significantly increasing the level of comfort.

The stand-out feature in the 68’s interiors, lastly, is the refined owner’s suite, characterised by a natural and una ected sense of luxury and an atmosphere of wellbeing that is close to the modern concept of wellness. The part of the bathroom with the sink is open-style in fact, in direct communication with the suite and reminiscent of the serenely relaxed atmosphere of a refined modern spa.

Like the interiors, the external areas are characterised by transformability and multifunctionality, especially noticeable in the spacious bow zone, where part of the sun pad (over 2 meters long) can be flipped to create a huge lounge furnished with a facing pair of extradeep and incredibly comfy sofas, ideal for moments of absolute relaxation and conviviality.

Sustainability is also a priority focus of this shipyard, which for Azimut doesn’t only mean concentrating on alternative propulsion systems, but has always involved concrete solutions delivering a significant reduction in the environmental impact of its boats. The Azimut 68 is characterised by extensive use of carbon fiber in the yacht’s topside, including the superstructure, the hard top and part of the deck, aiming to cut consumption levels despite the yacht’s generous volumes. The same goal was key to the design of the hull, whose forms have been optimised to achieve better performance and maximum cruising pleasure.

AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER: Azimut Yachts Serbia Navis Marine d.o.o. in partnership with BM Premium Yachting 2020 d.o.o. Zrenjaninski put 11, Beograd, +381 11 413 444 / +381 66 800 2030

Jahte / Yachts | Sep/Okt 2022 74


uspeha jahte Settantotto, brodogradilište Cranchi Yachts predstavilo je novog člana svoje vodeće linije, flajbridž Sessan tasette. Ime nije slučajno napisano u obliku italijanske transkrip cije broja 67, ono ukazuje da ova jahta pruža mnogo više nego što bi mogla da sugeriše njena dužina - nepogrešivi italijanski dizajn i vrhunska tehnička rešenja.


Projekat je realizovan u bliskoj saradnji između istraživačkog razvoj nog centra brodogradilišta i Kristiana Grandea, kome je povereno umetničko vođenje. Dizajn novog Sessantasette inspirisan je po kretom, a odlikuju ga skladni oblici bez izraženih ivica koji prenose prirodan osećaj ravnoteže i moći. Fluidne rasplamsane linije koje se prepliću, ne predajući se minimalizmu, ovu jahtu čine vizuelno interesantnom.

Iza prefinjenih linija krije se prostran i pažljivo stilizovan enterijer vi sokog stepena perfekcije. Brojne površine za druženje i relaksaciju snabdevene su elementima koji prevazilaze standarde kategorije ovog plovila. Tradicionalno opremljena trpezarija zamenjena je ele gantnim stolom i udobnim foteljama, dok je ostatak prostora takođe upotpunjen luksuznim nameštajem koji odiše toplinom doma. U do njoj palubi smestile su se tri kabine, a glavni apartman sadrži veli ku radnu sobu koja se može koristiti kao kancelarijski prostor. Poput ostalih prostorija i ona je bogato obasjana prirodnom svetlošću.

Uzimajući najbolje od svog prethodnika, ovo plovilo poseduje imple mentirana izvanredna tehnološka rešenja, nudeći visoke bezbedno sne standarde, najbolja rešenja za stabilizaciju, ograničavanje po trošnje goriva i emisije štetnih gasova, smanjenje nivoa buke, kao i sisteme kućne automatizacije i zabave.

Rafinisana kombinacija estetike i funkcionalnosti čini Sessantasette skladnom celinom u kojoj se može živeti i uživati. Upravo po tome je ovo italijansko brodogradilište čuveno.

Priča kompanije Crachi Yachts započela je pre 152 godine izradom plovila za Evropljane koji su stigli do jezera Komo, privučeni njegovom lepotom. Nasleđe Đovanija Krankija se prenosi s generacije na ge neraciju, a sa njim i vizija poslovanja. Danas su plovila koja izlaze iz ovog brodogradilišta veća, tehnologija je napredovala, ali u kompa niji Cranchi ističu da je obećanje koje daju vlasnicima brodova širom sveta ostalo nepromenjeno - spojiti lepotu i zadovoljstvo, jedinstvenu lepotu mora sa zadovoljstvom posedovanja jahte koja izražava najbolje od italijanskog dizajna.

Jahte / Yachts | Sep/Okt 2022 77

Many of the Sessantasette's key attributes can only be discovered by climbing aboard and experiencing them first hand. Prepare to be amazed as spaces and surfaces seem to expand and multiply

Mnogi od ključnih atributa će se otkriti samo ako se popnete na brod i iskusite ih iz prve ruke. Pripremite se da budete zadivljeni jer se prostori šire i množe | Sep/Okt 2022 78 | Sep/Okt 2022 79


Following the success of their yacht Settantotto, Cranchi Yachts has presented a new member of its flagship line, the flybridge Sessantasette. The name is not accidentally written in the form of the Italian transcription of the number 67, as it indicates that this yacht offers much more than might be implied by its length - distinc tive Italian design and superior technical solutions.

The project was realized in close cooperation between the shipyard's Research and Development Department and Christian Grande, who was entrusted with the art direction aspect. The design of the new Sessantasette is inspired by motion and characterized by harmoni ous forms without pronounced edges that convey a natural sense of balance and power. Fluid flared lines that intertwine, without yielding to minimalism, make this yacht visually interesting.

Hidden behind the refined lines is a spacious and carefully styled interior characterized by a high degree of perfection. Numerous ar eas for socializing and relaxation are equipped with elements that exceed the standards of this vessel's category. The traditionally furnished dining room has been replaced by an elegant table and comfortable armchairs, while the rest of the space is also completed with luxurious furniture, exuding the home-like warmth. The lower deck accommodates three cabins, and the master suite contains a large study that can be used as an office space. Like the other rooms, it is flooded with natural light.

Taking the best of its predecessor, this vessel has implemented out standing technological solutions, offering high safety standards, the

Cranchi Sessantasette

Dužina preko svega: 20,8 m Širina preko svega: 5,4 m

Težina: 42000 kg

Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 4000 l

Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 900 l

Kapacitet rezervoara za otpadnu tečnost: 500 l Broj osoba: 18

Cranchi Sessantasette

Overall length: 20.8 m

Overall beam: 5.4 m

Displacement: 42000 kg

Fuel tank capacity: 4000 l

Water tank capacity: 900 l

Waste water tank capacity: 500 l

Number of persons: 18

best stabilization solutions, limiting fuel consumption and harmful gas emissions, reducing noise levels, as well as home automation and entertainment systems.

This refined combination of aesthetics and functionality makes Ses santasette a harmonious unit that can be lived in and enjoyed. That is exactly what this Italian shipyard is famous for.

The story of Cranchi Yachts began 152 years ago with the creation of vessels for Europeans who arrived at Lake Como, attracted by its beauty. The legacy of Giovanni Cranchi has been passed down from generation to generation, along with the vision of the business. To day, the vessels leaving this shipyard are larger and technology has advanced, but Cranchi emphasizes that the promise they make to boat owners around the world has remained unchanged - to com bine beauty and pleasure, the unique beauty of the sea with the pleasure of owning a yacht that expresses the best of Italian design.

GOGA Yachting Club

Save Kovačevića 4e - II prilaz, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača Tel: +381 11 3317317, +381 11 2710052

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Jahte / Yachts | Sep/Okt 2022 80
Jahte / Yachts

Novi vodeći model kombinuje dizajn i udobnost u prostorima kakvi do sada nisu viđeni sa odličnim performansama i vrhunskom tehnologijom

Custom Line svojim novim modelom inspiriše ljubitelje elegantnog krstarenja i apsolutnog komfora da sanjaju velike snove. Sa uku pnom dužinom od 42,61 metar i maksimalnom širinom od 8,54 metra, nova jahta predstavlja vrhunsko delo „Made in Italy” kreativnosti i dostojanstvenosti, spremno da izazove beskrajne emocije.

Stvorena u partnerstvu sa Odeljenjem za strategiju proizvoda na čelu sa gospodinom Pjerom Ferarijem i projektno-inženjerskim ode ljenjem Ferretti grupe, ona je treća jahta Custom Line sa stilom ek sterijera i enterijera koji potpisuje atelje Francesco Paszkovski Design i enterijerom projektovanim u saradnji sa Margeritom Kasprini i studi jom Custom Line Atelier.

Postoje mnoge nove karakteristike na ovom remek-delu pomorskog dizajna inspirisanom stambenom arhitekturom, zasnovane na de taljnom istraživanju u cilju poboljšanja oblika i prostora.

Prvo, tu je deplasmanski trup za velike brzine koji omogućava jahti da dostigne maksimalnu brzinu od 21,5 čvorova (preliminarni podaci) i predstavlja stvarnu dodatnu vrednost kada se uzme u obzir njena zapremina i istisnina. Ovaj brod, najveći ikada napravljen od strane Custom Line brenda i zvanično njihov vodeći model, odlikuje duboka sportska estetika, ali i najviši standardi udobnosti, odlične perfor manse i vrhunska tehnologija.


Uz naglašenu sportsku estetiku, jahta istovremeno ispunjava najviše kriterijume udobnosti za vlasnika i goste. Elegantne moćne konture pružaju isti porodični osećaj kao i ostale brze motorne jahte ovog brenda, sa linijama koje se kreću od pramca do krme u uzbudljivoj smeni materijala i boja.

Prozori na trupu su izdašnih dimenzija, dok zastakljivanje od poda do plafona na palubi omogućava direktan kontakt sa vodom, dodatno naglašen otvorenom ogradom na krmi. Obojeni aluminijumski rukohvat sa stubićima u obliku slova Y pred stavlja još jedan važan detalj, podjednako elegantan i funkcionalan u savršenom Paszkowski stilu.


Raspored sačinjavaju tri udobne palube sa jasno razdvojenim pro storima za goste i servis, kao i okruženje namenjeno za druženje koje se elegantno proteže kroz spoljašnje i unutrašnje prostorije. Naglašavajući ovakav pristup dizajnu, stepenište na levoj strani tru pa direktno povezuje unutrašnje servisne prostore, od glavne palube do samog vrha jahte. Plažni klub na krmi je projektovan tako da gostima ponudi jedin stveno okruženje za aktivnosti i druženje. Može da se opremi po že lji vlasnika i potpuno je oslobođen tehničkih dodataka kako bi se postigao maksimalan komfor. Porinuće tendera i njegovo vađenje iz vode se odvijaju na levoj strani trupa. Glavna paluba, sa prostranim salonom od 30 kvadratnih metara, dom je prelepe vlasničke kabine u punoj širini, koja takođe nudi pre ko 30 kvadratnih metara komoditeta. Opremljena je duplom garderobom i kupatilom sa dva umivaonika, kadom i tušem. Panoramska terasa se u opcionoj verziji otvara kako bi vlasniku obezbedila pri vatnost u direktnom kontaktu sa morem. Gornja paluba, pored toga što nudi zastakljeni ‚‚sunčani salon'' i spoljašnje i unutrašnje prostore, takođe sadrži upravljački most od 18 kvadratnih metara sa integrisanom Teamitalia instrument tablom. Prostor za mape u ovoj postavci podseća na one na putničkim i te retnim brodovima. Predstavljajući inovativni koncept, gornja paluba je sa prednjim pro storom direktno povezana bočnim prolazima, a moguć je i pristup sa upravljačkog mosta. Rezultat ovakvog pristupa projektovanju je izuzetno povezana komforna paluba. Na donjoj palubi su pozicionirane još četiri kabine: tri VIP i jedna go stinska sa dva kreveta. Prostor za posadu, smešten u prednjem delu, prima sedam osoba u tri dvokrevetne kabine, od kojih svaka ima sopstveno kupatilo. Kapetanova kabina je na gornjoj palubi. Panoramska paluba za sunčanje je prava privatna oaza uživanja i relaksacije. Sadrži kutak za opuštanje sa hidromasažnom kadom i samostojećim nameštajem, a po potrebi može da se zakloni tendom.

Pramac predstavlja istinski salon na otvorenom, kojem prethodi servisni prolaz za posadu. Ono što je tradicionalno na Custom Line jahtama, a što se ponovilo na novom modelu jeste još jedna gara ža smeštena napred, koja se može koristiti za odlaganje tendera ili džet-skija.

Enterijer je dizajniran po najvišim standardima kvaliteta i pažnje posvećene detaljima, u skladu sa prilagođenim pristupom Custom Line i velikom veštinom i stručnošću tima Custom Line Atelier, proi zvodnog tima i svih visoko specijalizovanih zanatlija uključenih u pro ces proizvodnje.


Superjahta Custom Line 140’ je opremljena parom MTU 16V 2000 M96L motora sa 2.638 mhp. Kao deo težnje da se udobnost krsta renja dovede do maksimuma, različita mesta na jahti imaju neupo redivu akustičnu udobnost i privatnost, dobijene na osnovu detaljne matematičke analize svakog pojedinačnog izvora buke i njegovog položaja na brodu. Primenjena rešenja uključuju plutajuće sisteme, specijalne materijale i dodatnu izolaciju između pregrada i plafo na. Poseban fokus stavljen je na privatnost i odvajanje prostora za goste od delova za posadu i tehničkih prostorija, zahvaljujući zatvo renim prolazima koji sprečavaju bilo kakvo ometanje. Drugi doprinos akustičkom komforu jeste ugradnja tihih izduvnih sistema motora i nosača mašina, projektovanih specijalno da apsorbuju vibracije. Konačno, najkvalitetniji sistem klimatizacije je usklađen se najboljom praksom i ispunjava najviše moguće standarde. Custom Line 140', kao i sve najnovije generacije Custom Line jahti je sertifikovana u skladu sa standardima IMO TIER III (Međunarodna po morska organizacija) koji u industriji brodogradnje obezbeđuju zaštitu životne sredine smanjenjem toksičnih emisija azotnih oksida (NOx) u izduvnim gasovima, što potvrđuje da industrijska strategija Ferretti Grupe ima snažan fokus na ekološku prihvatljivost i održivi razvoj. Jahta takođe ispunjava zahteve međunarodnog MCA sertifikata za čarter.

The new flagship combines design and comfort in spaces never seen before with excellent performance and superior technology

Custom Line inspires lovers of stylish cruising and absolute com fort to dream big with the new Custom Line 140’ superyacht. At 42.61 metres in length overall and with a maximum beam of 8.54 me tres, the new yacht is a superb work of ‘Made in Italy’ ingenuity and savoir-faire that is ready to generate endless emotions.

Created in partnership with the Product Strategy Committee led by Mr. Piero Ferrari and the Ferretti Group Engineering Department, she is the third Custom Line yacht with exterior and interior styling by Francesco Paszkowski Design and interiors in collaboration with Margherita Casprini and the Custom Line Atelier.

There are many new features on this masterpiece of naval design in spired by residential architecture, to which it adds in-depth research to enhance the shapes and volumes involved.

First there is the high speed displacement hull, which enables the yacht to reach a top speed of 21.5 knots (preliminary data) and rep resents real added value when we remember the yacht’s volumes and displacement. This ship, the largest ever built by the brand and officially the new flagship, features a profoundly sporty aesthetic, as well as the highest standards of comfort for both owner and guests, excellent performance, and superior technology.


The yacht has a profoundly sporty aesthetic, as well as offering the highest standards of comfort for owner and guests. The sleek, power ful contours share the same family feeling as the brand’s other plan ing yachts, with taught lines sweeping from bow to stern in an excit ing alternation of materials and colours . The hull windows are generously sized, while the floor-to-ceiling glazing on deck offers direct contact with the water, emphasised by the open stern rails.

Another important detail is the painted aluminium handrail with Yshaped uprights, an elegant and functional design feature in perfect Paszkowski style.


The layout features three decks for comfort, with guest and service areas clearly separated and social settings flowing seamlessly across exterior and interior spaces.

Emphasising this design approach, a stairway on the port hull side directly connects the internal service areas from the main deck to the sun deck via the upper deck.

Aft, the water’s edge beach area is designed to offer guests a spe cial setting for leisure activities and socialising. Completely free of technical features, this area can be furnished as desired by the own er for maximum comfort. Tender launch and recovery operations take place on the port hull side.

The main deck, with a spacious 30-square-metre lounge, is home to the beautiful wide body owner’s cabin, also offering over 30 square metres of space. It is fitted with a double walk-in wardrobe and a full-beam bathroom with twin sinks and both bath and shower. In the optional version, a panoramic terrace swings open to provide the owner with a private area in direct contact with the sea.

The upper deck, as well as offering a sky lounge with forward-toaft glazing and both exterior and interior spaces, also contains the 18-square-metre bridge with an integrated Teamitalia dashboard. The chart area in this setting is reminiscent of those on passenger and cargo ships.

Introducing an innovative concept, the upper deck is connected di rectly to the forward area by side corridors, with access also from the bridge. The result of this design approach is a single, spacious deck.

Jahte / Yachts

On the lower deck are four more cabins: three VIP and a guest with twin beds. The crew area forward accommodates seven people in three double cabins, each with its own bathroom. The captain’s cabin is on the upper deck.

The sun deck on Custom Line 140’ is a panoramic deck to enjoy in total privacy. Containing a relaxation area with a hydro massage tub and freestanding furniture, it can be sheltered from the sun by a bimini top.

The bow area is to all intents and purposes an outdoor lounge, preceded by a service corridor for the crew. As is traditional on Custom Line yachts, another garage forward can be used to stow a tender or jet ski.

The interiors are designed to the highest standards of quality and attention to detail, in line with Custom Line’s tailor-made approach and the great skill and expertise of the Custom Line Atelier, the production team and all the highly specialised craftsmen involved in the production process.


The Custom Line 140’ superyacht is fitted with a pair of MTU 16V 2000 M96L engines rated 2,638 mhp. As part of the e ort to maximise cruising comfort, the various settings on the yacht have got all enjoy peerless acoustic comfort and privacy, based on a detailed mathematical analysis of each individual noise source and its position in

the boat. The solutions used include floating systems, special materials and additional insulation between bulkheads and in ceilings. There is a special focus on privacy and on separating the guest area from the crew quarters and technical areas, with sealed passageways making it easier to block out disturbances. Other contributions to acoustic comfort are the installation of silenced engine exhaust systems and machinery supports designed specifically to absorb vibrations. Finally, the best-of-breed air conditioning system is aligned with best practices and meet the highest possible standards.

Custom Line 140’, like all latest generation Custom Line yachts, will be certified according to IMO TIER III standards (International Maritime Organization) that ensure environmental protection in the shipbuilding industry by reducing toxic emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in exhaust fumes, confirming that Ferretti Group’s industrial strategy has a strong focus on environmental friendliness and sustainable development.

The yacht also meets the requirements of international MCA certification for chartering purposes. +41 62 393 35 95 | Sep/Okt 2022 86


Dobrodošli u oličenje luksuza

Welcome to the epitome of luxury

Jahtu Majesty 120 karakteriše široka upotreba naprednih kompozita, kao što su GRP i karbonska vlakna, koji su ugrađeni njenom celokupnom dužinom od 37 metara. Projektni tim Soyaslan iz Turske preuzeo je odgovornost za pomorsku arhitekturu, dizajn eksterijera nosi pečat internog dizajnerskog studija brodogradilišta Gulf Craft, dok italijanski studio Cristiano Gatto Design Team potpisuje dizajn enterijera.

Izvanredna unutrašnjost odiše sofisticiranim dizajnom sa pažljivo odabranim drvenim, kožnim i mermernim završnim obradama i oblogama. Pažnja posvećena detaljima na ovoj superjahti je bez premca. Svaki komad opreme predstavlja eksponat, što je veoma uočljivo u visokokvalitetnom ručno montiranom nameštaju.

Majesty 120 gostima nudi širok izbor prostora za ručavanje, odmor i sunčanje. Ogromna sunčališna paluba, koja je za 30 odsto veća od jahti ove klase, nudi neverovatno mesto za zabavu gostiju u potpunoj privatnosti.

Sa svojim efikasnim dizajnom, Majesty 120 može udobno da primi do 12 gostiju u šest prostranih kabina, što je čini superjahtom savršeno prilagođenom evropskom i američkom tržištu, kao i privlačnom za zemlje članice Saveta za zalivsku saradnju.

Pokreće je Twin CAT C32B koji isporučuje 2400 KS i postiže maksimalnu brzinu od 18 čvorova.

Jahte / Yachts | Sep/Okt 2022 88

MAJESTY 120 Ukupna dužina: 37,54

Širina: 8,36

Gaz: 2,10

Deplasman (pri polasku): 230

Zapremina goriva: 20,869

Kapacitet sveže vode: 9.812

Kapacitet sive vode: 2.013

Kapacitet crne vode: 4.457

Generatori: 2 x 80 kW, 50


Motori: Twin CAT C32B, 2400 KS, 2300

RPM | Sep/Okt 2022 89

Measuring 37 metres, the Majesty 120 is constructed us ing advanced composites such as GRP and carbon fibre. Soyaslan Design Team, Turkey is responsible for her naval architecture and exterior design is penned by Gulf Craft’s in-house design studio, while the Italian studio of Cristiano Gatto Design Team undertook her interior design.

The sophisticated design of the Majesty 120 includes an outstand ing interior, which features carefully selected wooden, leather and marble finishes and paneling. The attention-to-detail on this su peryacht is unrivalled. Every fixture and fitting are a showpiece down to the high-quality hand-fitted furniture.

The layout of the Majesty 120 offers guests a wide selection of dining, lounging and sunbathing spaces onboard. The vast sun deck, which is 30 percent larger than yachts in its class, makes for an amazing place to entertain guests in total privacy.

With its efficient design, the Majesty 120 can comfortably accom modate up to 12 guests across six generous staterooms, making it a superyacht perfectly tailored to suit European and American mar kets, as well as appealing to GCC territories.

The superyacht is powered by a Twin CAT C32B delivering 2400 BHP reaching a top speed of 18 knots.


Length overall: 37.54 m

Beam: 8.36 m

Draft: 2.10 m

Displacement (at departure): 230 t approximately

Fuel Capacity: 20,869 l

Fresh water capacity: 9,812 l

Grey water capacity: 2,013 l

Black water capacity: 4,457 l

Generators: 2 x 80 kW, 50 Hz

Engines: Twin CAT C32B, 2400 BHP, 2300 RPM

Jahte / Yachts

Majesti Yachts, vodeći brend kompanije Gulf Craft, pokrenut je 2004. godine kako bi se dodatno ojačalo prisustvo Gulf Craft-a na međunarodnom tržištu. Vanvremenski stil, luksuzni prirodni materijali i čvrsta konstrukcija omogućili su ovom brendu da se izdvoji od drugih proizvođača jahti i postane prepoznatljiv širom međunarodne jahting zajednice po svojoj izvanrednoj vrednosti i najnaprednijoj tehnologiji. Izgrađene sa najpametnijim projektom prostornog rasporeda, Majesty jahte broje široku paletu GRP deplasmanskih plovila u rasponu od 49 do 175 stopa, sa unutrašnjom zapreminom koja premašuje brodove slične veličine. Vodeći asortiman kompanije Gulf Craft poseduje izvanredne plovidbene mogućnosti i besprekorne standarde kvaliteta koji ispunjavaju međunarodne specifikacije.

Majesty Yachts, Gulf Craft’s flagship brand, was launched in 2004 to further establish Gulf Craft’s presence within the international market. Majesty Yachts’ contemporary and timeless styling, luxurious natural materials, solid and robust construction allows it to standout from other yacht manufacturers and is today known throughout the international yachting community for its outstanding value and most advanced technology

Built with the smartest layout designs, Majesty Yachts comprise of an extensive range of full displacement GRP yachts ranging from 49 ft to 175 ft that have large interior volume than other yachts of similar size. Gulf Craft’s flagship range have outstanding sea going capabilities and immaculate quality standards that meet international specifications. | Sep/Okt 2022 91



Dostupnost kao prioritet!

Povećana potražnja za iznajmljivanjem plovila nameće i sve veći obim posla čarter agencijama. Kako bi se na pravi način mogle posvetiti klijentima i njihovim brodovima, kompanija MMK Systems je kreirala Booking Manager, specijalnu platformu koja nudi kompletno rešenje za čarter poslovanje i koja vas kao savršen distribucijski kanal povezuje sa celim svetom. Od ideje do realizacije pružio se put ispunjen trudom, posvećenošću i sluhom za svakog klijenta ponaosob. A kako je bilo hodati njime, pitali smo Marka Gnjidića, izvršnog direktora kompanije MMK Systems i osnivača platforme Booking Manager

Ove godine slavite dvadesetogodišnjicu poslovanja. Možete li se vratiti na početak? Kako ste došli na ovu ideju? Vreme leti ako se dobro zabavljate! Kada se osvrnem na početne verzije onoga što je sada poznato kao najveća platforma za onlajn distribuciju u našoj oblasti poslovanja, deluje nadrealno. Ideja se jednostavno rodila. Na početku svoje karijere dobio sam nalog od najveće hrvatske čarter kompanije da im napravim internet stranicu. Imali su najveću flotu u toj oblasti i mnogo podataka razbacanih po papirima i sveskama. Znao sam da je ključ za završetak tog projekta organizovanje i digitalizacija njihovih podataka, pa sam to i uradio. Ubrzo sam shvatio da ono što sam napravio može da se primeni u celoj industriji i da pomogne mnogim drugim kompanijama da rade brže i bolje. Tako sam prionuo na po sao, i još uvek radim na tome, uz pomoć 40 članova tima.

Da li ste očekivali da ć e B ooking Manager osvojiti vašu oblast poslovanja na način na koji je to učinio?

Bio sam mlad i ubeđen da sam upravo stvo rio rešenje koje će se prodavati samo od sebe, pa sam ostao zatečen početnim otpo rom. Iako je meni, mladom programeru u to vreme, digitalizacija delovala kao prirodan napredak, nisu svi bili uvereni u to. Nekim kompanijama su bile po trebne godine, čak i decenija, da prihvate tu viziju. Danas, u sistemu postoji skoro 10.000 jahti iz preko 950 čarter kompanija koje dnevno dobijaju rezervacije od 5.000 aktivnih agenata koji koriste Booking Manager, tako da se sigurno može reći da je došlo do tačke koju sam u početku zamislio.

Šta smatrate svojom glavnom prednoš ć u u ovom poslu?

Teško je navesti samo jednu, jer stalno radimo na tome da budemo nekoliko koraka ispred svih. Biti najveći globalni distributivni sistem je velika stvar, ali verujem da nas je obim usluga koje pružamo do veo do tog nivoa. Posedovanje jednog jakog rešenja za vođenje svih vaših operacija, od praćenja zaliha do integracije računovodstva, znači da je celokupno čarter poslovanje podržano i radi na Booking Manager-u. Nezavisnost je još jedna velika prednost. To što nemamo

investicione veze sa jednom čarter kompanijom omogućava nam da pružimo fer igru svakom klijentu, bez obzira na veličinu njihove flote.

Booking Manager je vaš najve ć i pr oizvod, ali nudite i druge. O čemu se radi?

Booking Manager System za čarter operatere i agente označava srž našeg poslovanja. Ipak, postoji još nekoliko proizvoda koji poboljša vaju funkcionisanje, na primer Booking Manager Widget, brzo i jed nostavno rešenje koje svakome omogućava da prikaže dostupnost u realnom vremenu na svojoj internet stranici. API veza podataka klijentima obezbeđuje predstavljanje dostupnosti plovila kako god žele. Tu je i Booking Manager Websites, uslu ga za sve one koji nastoje da njihove internet sajtove pravi tim koji razume principe čarter poslovanja.

Nakon dve decenije uspešnog poslovanja koje imate iza sebe, gde vidite Booking Manager za narednih 20 godina?

Voleo bih da imam kristalnu kuglu kako bih mogao sa sigurnošću da vam kažem, ali plan je da se još više proširi. Uvek postoje novi iza zovi za koje su potrebna rešenja, a nadam se da ćemo to i dalje biti našim sadašnjim i bu dućim klijentima. Postoje tržišta do kojih tek treba da dođemo i nadogradnje koje želimo da napravimo. Određene ideje su mi još uvek samo u glavi, a neke velike novine izlaze ove jeseni.

Šta se dešava sa događajem Booking Manager Summit? Mali projekat, nastao iz želje da podelimo znanje, prerastao je u vo deći obrazovni događaj u našoj oblasti poslovanja i na to smo neve rovatno ponosni, pogotovo kao tim čije je čvrsto uverenje da je znanje moć. Četvrto izdanje događaja Booking Manager Summit održava se u hotelu Hilton Garden Inn u Zagrebu od 9. do 11. novembra. Podi žemo ga na još viši nivo i dovodimo 30 vodećih svetskih stručnjaka da podele svoje znanje i iskustvo primenljivo u čarter industriji, u prodaji, marketingu, društvenim medijima, odnosima sa klijentima, finansija ma i još mnogo toga. Godišnji paneli za čarter i agencije okupiće predstavnike iz te oblasti kako bi razgovarali o gorućim pitanjima i ponudili svoje poglede na rešenja. Biće to odlična prilika za učenje, ali i za umrežavanje i zabavu na našoj proslavi dvadesetogodišnjice!

Intervju / Interview | Sep/Okt 2022 93


Availability is a priority!

Increase in demand for boat rentals imposes an ever-increasing volume of work on charter agencies. In order to properly devote themselves to clients and their boats, MMK Systems has created Booking Manager, a specialised platform that offers a complete solution for charter business and connects you with the whole world as a perfect distribution channel. From idea to realization, a lot of effort, dedication and focusing on each individual client was needed. We asked Marko Gnjidic, CEO of MMK and founder of the Booking Manager platform, what it was like to follow that path

point. Having one robust solution to run all of your operations, from tracking inventory to accounting integration, means the entire charter business is supported by and running on Booking Manager. Being independent is another huge advantage. Having no investment ties to one charter company allows us to provide a fair game to every client regardless of their fleet size.

Booking Manager is your biggest product, but there are others you are offering. What is it about?

You are Celebrating your 20th anniversary this year. Can you go back to the beginning? How did you come up with the idea?

Time flies when you're having fun! Looking back on initial versions of what is now known as the largest online distribution platform in the industry feels surreal. The idea came to me. Early in my career I got commissioned by a largest Croatian charter company to build them a website; they had the biggest fleet in the area and lots of data scattered across papers and notebooks. I knew the key to completing this project was organising and digitalising their data, so I did that. Soon I realised that what I built could be applied across the industry and help many other companies work faster and better. So I got to work, and I am still working on it, with the help of 40 team members.

Were you expecting Booking Manager to storm the industry the way it did?

I was young and convinced I had just created a solution that would sell itself, so I was taken aback by the initial resistance. Although, to me, a young developer at the time, digitalisation seemed like a natural progression not everybody was convinced. It took years for some companies, even a decade, to be able to share the vision. Nowadays, there are almost 10000 yachts in the System from over 950 charter companies getting daily bookings from 5000 active agents that use Booking Manager, so It's safe to say it got to a point I envisioned initially.

What do you consider to be your main advantage in the industry?

It's hard to name just one as we continuously work on being a few steps ahead. Being the largest Global Distribution System is a big one, but I believe the scope of services we provide got us to that

Booking Manager System for Charter Operators and Agents is the core of our business. Still, several other products are game changers for our clients, such as Booking Manager Widget, a quick and straightforward solution that allows anyone to display real-time availability on their website. The API data connection allows clients to present the fleet availability however they prefer. And then there are Booking Manager Websites, a service we o er to clients who want their websites built by a team that understands the principles of charter business.

With 20 successful years of business behind you, where do you see Booking Manager in 20 years? I wish I had a crystal ball to be able to tell you for sure, but the plan is to expand even further. There are always new challenges that need solutions, and I hope we continue to be just that to our current and future clients. There are markets we have yet to reach and upgrades we want to do. Some are still in my head, and some big ones are coming out this fall.

What about Booking Manager Summit? Our "little passion project" grew into the leading educational event in the industry, and we are incredibly proud of that as firm believers in the fact that knowledge is power. The fourth edition of Booking Manager Summit is in Hilton Garden Inn Hotel in Zagreb from the 9th to the 11th of November. We are taking it up a notch, bringing 30 world-leading experts to share their knowledge and experience applicable in the charter industry, in sales, marketing, social media, customer relationships, finance and many more. The annual Charter and Agency Panels will gather industry representatives to discuss the burning issues and o er their perspectives on the solutions. It will be an excellent opportunity to learn but also to network with peers and have some fun at our 20-year party!

Intervju / Interview
Izdvojena G serija predstavlja rezultat dugogodišnje saradnje sa italijanskim dizajnerom Aleksandrom Kezom, koji je svoju estetiku i pažnju posvećenu detaljima spojio sa osnovnom Advance filozofijom, zasnovanoj na najvišem kvalitetu izrade kao garancije za dugotrajan i pouzdan proizvod The outstanding G series is the result of long-term cooperation with the Italian designer Alessandro Chessa, who combined his aesthetics and attention to detail with the basic Advance philosophy, based on the highest quality of workmanship as a guarantee for a long-lasting and reliable product Čamci / Boats ADVANCE Premijum klasa Premium class

Sa ovim modelom Advance povezuje kompaktnu i luksuznu klasu RIB čamaca. Njegove osnovne karakteristike su atraktivan dizajn koji asocira na brzinu, skladne dimenzije i maksimalno iskorišćen prostor, dok spoljne crte jasno ukazuju na kontinuitet sa većim čamcima iz iste serije, G 600 i G 800. G 500 poseduje specijalno izrađen naslon sedišta koji može da se obara, čime se kompletan zadnji deo pretvara u veliki ravan pro stor za sunčanje, što ujedno omogućava i lakši pristup platformi. Ispod zadnjeg dela se nalaze čak tri prostora za odlaganje stvari: centralna velika komora i dve bočne, koje svojom funkcionalnošću i dužinom omogućavaju da se u njih stave skije za vodu ili drugi rekviziti za vodene sportove.

Zadnja platforma konstruisana je da omogući jednostavan pristup čamcu sa doka ili iz vode preko merdevina od nerđajućeg čelika koje se izvlače iz namenskog prostora i lako stavljaju u funkciju. Prednji „sundeck“ ispod sebe krije dve odvojene komore: veliki prostor za odlaganje stvari, kao i manji, namenski projektovan za smeštaj sidra.

Na upravljačkoj konzoli se pored standardnih uređaja za merenje brzine, dubine, trima i navigacionog uređaja, primećuje jedan de talj koji je prava retkost na čamcima ove klase — kaseta za odla ganje ličnih stvari, poput mobilnih telefona i dokumenata. Kaseti se lako pristupa, jer je sa gornje strane otvorena, a sa donje zaštićena kliritom koji sprečava da stvari ispadnu prilikom jačih manevara. Kao dodatna opcija, može se poručiti i manja namenska kaseta zatvorenog tipa, pogodna za povezivanje mobilnih uređaja sa si stemom zvučnika, ali i bezbedno punjenje telefona.

With the G 500, Advance enters a new category in its range, lin king the compact and luxury class of RIB boats. Advance G 500 is characterized by an attractive design inspired by speed, harmo nious dimensions and excellent use of space. Exterior lines clearly indicate connection with the larger models of the same series, the G 600 and G 800.

A special feature of this model is foldable backrest of the seat, which turns the entire aft area into a large flat sundeck, while also providing easier access to the platform. Underneath the aft area there are three storage compartments: a central large chamber and one more on each side that, with their functionality and len gth, allow them to fit water skis or other water sports equipment. The aft platform is designed to enable easy access to the boat from the dock or entry from the water via a stainless steel ladder that can be pulled out of the de-signated space and easily put into function. The front sundeck has 2 separate chambers beneath it: a large storage compartment as well as a smaller one designed for the anchor.

In addition to standard speed, depth, trim and navigation devi ces, the steering console has one detail that is a rarity in boats of this class: a compartment for storing personal belongings, such as mobile phones and personal documents. This compartment can be easily accessed because it is open from the top and protec ted from the bottom to prevent things from falling out during sharp maneuvers. As an additional option, a smaller, dedicated, closedtype compartment can be ordered to connect mobile devices to the stereo speaker system, as well as for safe charging of phones.

Advance G 500 Dužina/Length: 525 cm Dužina sa platformom/Length with platform: 565 cm Dužina unutrašnja/Inner length: 465 cm Širina preko svega/Width overall: 235 cm Širina unutrašnja/Inner width: 135 cm Prečnik tubusa/Tube diameter: 50 - 40 cm Materijal tubusa/Tube material: Orca Hypalon-Neoprene CSM Materijal korita/Hull material: Staklopastika / Fiberglass Maks. snaga motora/Max single engine power: 140 hp/KS Maks. brzina/Max speed: 45 knots/čvorova ADVANCE G 500 | Sep/Okt 2022 97


Nastao kao kruna izuzetno uspešnog partnerstva kompanije Advan ce sa italijanskim projektantom, gospodinom Kezom, G 600 pred stavlja čamac koji svojom ergonomijom i specifičnim stilom prelazi na potpuno novi nivo.

Dizajnom dominiraju oštre linije i specijalno projektovani izlomljeni tubusi, koji ovom modelu daju izuzetno agresivan izgled. Namenjen je ljubiteljima sportske plovidbe, ali uz ugrađen tank za gorivo od 120 litara, predstavlja i odličan izbor za dnevna krstarenja sa porodicom ili prijateljima. Veliki prostor za sunčanje oivičen je vazdušnim komo rama i dodatnim tapacirungom koji sprečava kontakt sa staklopla stikom. S obzirom na savršeno iskorišćen prostor palube, na čamcu može da boravi do 12 osoba.

Advance G 600 sadrži veoma funkcionalne pregrade velike zapremi ne u svim delovima, od komore ispod nogostupa, do velikih skladiš nih prostora na pramčanom i krmenom delu plovila. Platforma na za dnjem delu poseduje skrivene merdevine od nerđajućeg čelika koje se vrlo jednostavno izvlače i stavljaju u funkciju, olakšavajući lako penjanje na čamac iz vode. Takođe su prisutna i dva bočna, kao i je dan pramčani nogostup za lakši ulazak na plovilo sa doka. Neklizaju ća površina je izvučena u kalupu, kako na palubi, tako i na platformi. Kao posebna varijanta ovog modela ističe se verzija G 600 Carbon. Odlikuju je najkvalitetniji hipalonski tubusi u beloj ili crnoj karbonskoj teksturi, ali i detalji od nerđajućeg čelika, kožna presvlaka volana i LED ambijentalna svetla.

Pozicija skipera je optimalno prilagođena dimenzijama plovila i omo gućava odličnu vidljivost u svakom trenutku. Stakloplastični roll-bar je dizajniran da prati agresivno sportski izgled čamca, ali je istovre meno i funkcionalan za montiranje opreme za noćnu plovidbu. Postoji mogućnost instalacije GPS ili kompas navigacije, nautičkog muzič kog sistema, tanka za vodu sa tušem na zadnjoj platformi, hidraulič nog vitla sa prohromskim sidrom, vučnog posta za skijanje na vodi, pa čak i ugradnog frižidera. Imajući u vidu sve navedeno, može se zaključiti da Advance G 600 prelazi u premijum klasu RIB čamaca.

It was created as a crown of phenomenally successful partnership between the company and Italian designer Mr. Chessa. It repre sents a boat that, with its ergonomics and specific design, enters the new level.

Sharp line design and specially constructed curved tubes, gives G 600 highly aggressive look. It is intended for the sport ride lo vers, but with integrated fuel tank of 120-liter capacity, it is also a perfect choice for daily cruising with the family or group of friends.

Large sundeck area is surrounded with the air tubes and additional cushion that prevents contact with the fiberglass. Due to perfectly used deck space, the boat can carry 12 people.

Advance G 600 has functional high volume chambers in all parts of the boat, from bow walkway locker to huge bow and stern sto rage departments. It has back platform, which allows easier entry into the boat from the water. Stainless steel ladders are hidden in the platform, and can be easily assembled and put into operation. There are one bow walkway and two on the sides, for easy entering the boat from the docks. Anti-slip surface is molded in the deck and back platform.

A special version of this model stands out, G 600 Carbon, with the highest quality Hypalon tubes in white or black carbon texture. This version also features extra details from stainless steel, leather stee ring wheel and LED ambient light.

Position of the skipper is optimally adjusted to the dimensions of the vessel, enabling excellent visibility at all times. Fiberglass rollbar is designed to keep up with the aggressive sport look of the boat, but is also functional for fitting the night ride equipment.

There is a possibility of installing GPS or compass navigation, na utical music system, water tank with shower on the back platform, hydraulic winch with stainless steel anchor, towing post for water skiing, and even installing built-in fridge. Having in mind all that is mentioned, it can be concluded that Advance G 600 steps into a premium class of RIB boats.

Čamci / Boats
Advance G 600 Dužina/Length: 608 cm Dužina sa platformom/Length with platform: 645 cm Dužina unutrašnja/Inner length: 570 cm Širina preko svega/Width overall: 260 cm Širina unutrašnja/Inner width: 160 cm Prečnik tubusa/Tube diameter: 50-53 cm Materijal tubusa/Tube material: Hypalon-Neoprene Materijal korita/Hull material: Staklopastika / Fiberglass Maks. snaga motora/Max engine power: 200 hp/KS Maks. brzina/Max speed: 47 knots/čvorova

Advance G 800 je spoljne crte, agresivan izgled i izlomljene tubuse, nasledio od izuzetno uspešnog modela G 600. Ono što ga karakteriše jeste duboko „V“ korito, projektovano za savladavanje većih talasa na otvorenom moru, kao i veliki rezervoar za gorivo od 460 l koji omogućava prelaske dugačkih relacija na pučini. Zadnji deo palube sadrži višenamensku klupu sa trodelnim naslonom, čijim se obaranjem pravi veliki prostor za sunčanje, ali i direktan izlazak na platformu. Aktiviranjem hidrauličnog mehanizma, izvlači se sto, te se kompletan zadnji deo pretvara u ugaoni element. Upravljački deo čini masivna konzola obložena karbonskom pločom i specijalnom kožom. Navigacioni uređaj, sonar sa mogućnošću prikaza celokupnog prostora oko i ispod plovila, merači brzine, dubine, trima, nivoa tečnosti u svim rezervoarima, samo su deo informacija neophodnih za bezbednu vožnju, a koje skiper ima ispred sebe i koje u svakom trenutku može da kontroliše. Panel od nerđajućeg čelika poseduje 14 namenskih prohromskih tastera. Ispod konzole, u potpalubnom delu, skrivena je manja toaletna odaja. Sastoji se od lavaboa, ventilacionog sistema, kao i toaleta sa ugrađenom pumpom na električni pogon. Odvojena upravljačka sedišta za skipera i člana posade su ergonomski oblikovana i pružaju opciju podešavanja donjeg dela što im omogućava da se prilagode stilu vožnje, bila ona u stojećem ili sedećem položaju. Odmah iza sedišta je pozicionirana mala kuhinja koju čine plinski rešo, sudopera i radna površina, dok se ispod krije ugradni frižider i ostava za kuhinjski pribor.

Zadnja platforma je konstruisana da omogući jednostavan pristup čamcu sa doka ili ulazak iz vode preko merdevina od nerđajućeg čelika koje se izvlače iz namenskog prostora i lako stavljaju u funkciju. Na njoj se sa leve strane nalazi tuš, dok je sa desne konektor za vodenu pumpu, čime se dobija mogućnost pranja plovila i kada je čamac ukotvljen.

Advance G 800 inherited the outer features from the highly successful G 600, aggressive appearance and angled tubes. It is shaped with a deep "V" hull designed to cope with larger waves on the high seas and to cross long distances in the open sea, which is also enabled by a large fuel tank that can hold 460 liters of fuel.

The aft of the deck consists of a multi-purpose bench with a threepiece backrest, whose folding creates a large flat space for sunbathing, as well as direct access to the platform. By activating the hydraulic mechanism, the table is pulled out and the whole aft area is converted into a corner seating.

The control part is made up of a massive console lined with carbon fiber and special leather. Navigation device, sonar with the ability to display the entire area around and below the vessel, speedometers, gauges for depth, trim, level in all tanks, are just some of the information crucial for safe driving, which the skipper has at hand and can fully control at all times. The stainless steel panel has 14 stainless steel buttons for various purposes.

Under the console, below the deck, there is a smaller toilet chamber. It consists of a sink, a ventilation system, as well as a toilet with a built-in electric pump. The ergonomically shaped helmsman's seats are separate for the skipper and a crew member. They can be adjusted in the lower part in order to suit the driving style, in a standing or sitting position. There is a small kitchen set behind the seats, which consists of a gas hob, sink and worktop, while underneath there is a built-in fridge and storage for kitchen utensils.

The aft platform is designed to allow easy access to the boat from the dock or entry from the water via a stainless steel ladder that can be pulled out of the its purpose-made storage area and easily put into service. There is a shower on the left side and a water pump connector on the right, which gives the possibility of washing the boat even when the boat is anchored on that side.

Advance boat

Obrenovački drum 8, 11030 Beograd, +381 11 277 2192, +381 63 418 263


Advance G 800 Dužina/Length: 800 cm Dužina sa platformom/Length with platform: 850 cm Dužina unutrašnja/Inner length: 660 cm Širina preko svega/Width overall: 310 cm Širina unutrašnja/Inner width: 180 cm Prečnik tubusa/Tube diameter: 58-48 cm Materijal tubusa/Tube material: Hypalon-Neoprene CSM Materijal korita/Hull material: Staklopastika/Fiberglass Maks. snaga motora/Max single engine power: 425 hp/KS Maks. snaga motora, dupla instalacija/Max twin engine power: 2x250 hp/KS Maks. brzina/Max speed: 55 knots/čvorova ADVANCE G 800 | Sep/Okt 2022 99
Marine / Marinas



Sa odlaskom leta završava se sezona godišnjih odmora, ali ne i nautička sezona. Nautičari sve do kraja oktobra rado koriste svaku priliku da provedu nekoliko dana na moru i uživaju u sunčanim danima, pogotovo tokom Miholjskog leta, a Marina Punat je zbog svoje blizine idealna nautička destinacija.

U poslovnom svetu rana jesen je vreme za planiranje naredne poslovne godine, a za nautiku tad počinje period najintenzivnije trgovine –prodaju se polovna plovila, naručuju novi brodovi, sa čarter kompanijama sklapaju novi ugovori.

U najvećoj marini severnog Jadrana veoma je živo – sa više od 1300 plovila na stalnom vezu, Marina Punat predstavlja najveću nautičku zajednicu na Jadranu. Brojni vlasnici jahti uživaju u poslednjim sunčanim danima, pripremajući plovila za zimovanje u moru ili na suvom vezu, razmenjujući i prodajući suvišnu opremu. Čak deset čarter kompanija koje posluju u marini obnavljaju svoju flotu, a zainteresovanim kupcima se pruža mogućnost za razgledanje brodova namenjenih za prodaju. To je idealna prilika za one koji razmišljaju o kupovini svog prvog plovila da iz prve ruke dožive život u nautičkom rizortu. Hotel Kanajt i rustikalni bungalovi, smešteni u maslinjaku oko hotela, tik iznad Marine Punat, idealni su za boravak, naročito dok je plovilo u servisnoj zoni, a za one koji žele iskusiti život na vodi, na raspolaganju je i plutajući apartman u moru. Dok brod pre zimovanja prolazi svojevrsni SPA tretman u rukama licenciranih majstora yacht servisa, vlasnici se mogu prepustiti užicima u wellness centru hotela Kanajt ili se opustiti uz bazen i lounge bar Poznati Restoran Marina od septembra privremeno zatvara vrata zbog temeljne rekonstrukcije, a otvaranje novog prostora najavljeno je za početak leta 2023. godine. Međutim, u Marini Punat i dalje možete dobro jesti! Bistro „9 bofora" je početkom godine proširio svoj meni ukusnim á la carte jelima, te pored čuvene testenine, pizze i burgera, sada nudi i sofisticirana jela od jagnjetine, ribe i morskih plodova. S jeseni počinje sezona lova na jadranske lignje, pa su one pečene u kombinaciji sa krompirom posebno popularan lokalni specijalitet. Tokom zimskih meseci, kada se ostrvo Krk pomalo uspava i turistički žamor utihne, a brojni ugostiteljski objekti zatvore svoja vrata, u Marini Punat sve usluge ostaju jednako dostupne. Bili nautičari ili ne, tu ćete pronaći udoban smeštaj i topli tuš, kvalitetan obrok i čašu vina, a možda vam se svidi i neki brod.

The end of summer also means the end of the vacation seasonbut not the nautical season. Until the end of October, boaters gladly use every opportunity to spend a few days at sea and enjoy the sunny days, especially during the Indian summer. Thanks to its location, Marina Punat is an ideal nautical destination.

In the business world, early autumn is the time for planning of the next business year, and for the nautical world it is the period when the most intensive trade activities begin - used vessels are sold, new boats are ordered, new contracts are signed with charter companies.

The largest marina of the northern Adriatic is very lively - with more than 1,300 vessels on permanent berth, Marina Punat is the largest nautical community in the Adriatic. At the moment, many yacht owners are enjoying the last sunny days, preparing vessels for winter at sea or on dry dock, trading and selling unneeded equipment. As many as ten charter companies that operate in the marina are renewing their fleet, and prospective buyers get the opportunity to take a closer look at the boats intended for sale. It is an ideal opportunity for those considering purchase of their first vessel to experience life in a nautical resort first hand.

The Kanajt Hotel and rustic bungalows, located in the olive grove around the hotel, just above Marina Punat, are ideal for your stay, especially while your vessel is in the service area. On the other hand, for those who wish to experience life on the water, a floating apartment in the sea is also available. While the vessel undergoes a kind of 'spa treatment' before winter at the hands of licensed yacht service craftsmen, their owners can indulge in pleasures in the wellness center of the Kanajt Hotel or relax by the pool and lounge bar.

The famous Restaurant Marina has temporarily closed its doors since September due to thorough reconstruction, and the opening of the new restaurant is announced for the beginning of summer 2023. However, you can still eat well in Marina Punat - at the beginning of the year, the "9 bofora" bistro expanded its menu with delicious á la carte dishes, and in addition to the famous pasta, pizza and burgers, it now also o ers more sophisticated lamb, fish and seafood dishes. In the autumn, the hunting season for Adriatic squid begins, and they are a particularly popular local specialty baked with potatoes.

During the winter months, when the island of Krk becomes slightly dormant, the tourist buzz diminishes, and numerous catering facilities lock their doors until the next seson, all services remain available at Marina Punat. Whether you are a boater or not, here you will find comfortable accommodation and a hot shower, a good quality meal and a glass of wine, and maybe you even get to fancy a boat.

Marina Punat je nautički rizort koji živi 365 dana u godini, a možda je baš i vaš drugi dom?
Marina Punat is a nautical resort that lives 365 days a year, and maybe it's just your second home? | Sep/Okt 2022 103
DIZAJN I KVALITET PO MERI BESPOKE DESIGN AND QUALITY Dizajn / Design ARGOLA Kada spojite personalizovanost, kreativnost, savremenu 3D tehnologiju i kvalitet, dobijete Argola Textile Yacht Design, vodeći hrvatski brend u tekstilnoj nautičkoj industriji koji više od 23 godine oprema brodove i jahte, suvereno vladajući ne samo hrvatskim već znatno širim tržištem

Dase radi o najvišem nivou kvaliteta u svetskoj ponudi, dokaz je oznaka „Hrvatska kvaliteta“ koja se dodeljuje samo vrhun skim proizvodima i uslugama, a Argola kao jedina kompanija u nautičkoj industriji ponosni je nosilac ove prestižne titule. Nepoko lebljiva predanost i stroga kontrola proizvoda po ISO normama od 2009. godine (9001, 14001, 45001) iznedrile su brojne sertifikate. Argola ogromnu pažnju posvećuje inicijalnoj i kontinuiranoj edukaciji svojih zaposlenih, kao i procesu otkrivanja novih koncepata i učenju naprednih tehnika. Know-how znanje i iskustvo unutar kompanije prenosi tim od 20 kvalifikovanih stručnjaka koji se brine o potrebama klijenata i svoje proizvode razvija u 600 m2 modernog pro izvodnog pogona.

Iako ih je 2017. godine možda i iznenadio poziv od strane Hill Robinson Yacht menadžmenta za rad na projektu MY Project Blue u kooperaciji sa londonskim dizajnerskim studiom Based Upon, isto tako im je otvorio vrata u svet opremanja mega i superjahti. Od tada do danas Argola je stvorila zavidan portfolio projekata u saradnji sa brodogradilištima i dizajnerima, ostavljajući svoj prepoznatljiv potpis na svakom od njih. Odeljenje za dizajn i razvoj proizvoda posebnu pažnju po svećuje kvalitetu i dizajnu materijala, trendovima u svetu nau tičke industrije, ali i odabiru najboljih proizvođača materijala, reno miranih svetskih brandova i dizajnera. Kao najnoviji trend se istakla personalizovana prirodna koža. Klijent bira boju, teksturu i dizajn, a Argola ih svojim stručnim znanjem vodi kroz čitav proces. Sve zami šljeno može biti preneseno na enterijer ili eksterijer jahte. Za svaki proizvod imaju jedinstveno tehničko rešenje i dizajn, kako bi istovremeno pružio zaštitu, ali i doprineo izuzetnom stilu jahte. Tako su na velikom projektu za MY Sanlorenzo SL102 dobili zadatak da zaštite skipera i poboljšaju mu vidljivost u nepogodnim uslovima ko risteći posebno PVC staklo prvoklasnog kvaliteta i performansi, što predstavlja standard u njihovoj proizvodnji.


Custom-made i handcraft tradicija se nastavlja i kroz 3D tehnologiju u proizvodnji. 3D dizajn je stvorio novu viziju, proširio tržište, ubrzao proizvodnju, ekološki unapredio kompaniju, otvorio nova radna me sta za mlade 3D dizajnere. Svaki projekt tende, pokrivača ili jastuka pre realizacije doživi i svoju 3D vizualizaciju. Sve to dovodi do una pređenja saradnje sa privatnim klijentima, brodogradilištima i diza jnerima jahti.


U kompaniji su odavno shvatili da je u jahting indu striji veoma važna kompletnost ponude, tako da Argola osim eksterijer i enterijer jastuka i tendi, nudi i dušeke i posteljinu po meri, tepihe, zavese, posuđe i ostale luksuzne dodatke za jahte. To je ono što je izdvaja i što klijenti prepoznaju i cene.

Dizajn / Design
Personalizacija i prilagođavanje željama klijenta - svaki projekat je jedinstven / Personalization and customization to each client's wishesevery project is unique | Sep/Okt 2022 105

When you combine personalization, creativity, modern 3D technology and quality, you get Argola Textile Yacht Design, the leading Croatian brand in the textile nautical industry that has been equipping boats and yachts for more than 23 years, confidently ruling not only the Croatian but a much wider market


of the highest level of quality in the global o er is provided by the "Croatian Quality" label, awarded only to top products and services, and Argola is the only company in the nautical industry that is a proud holder of this prestigious title. Unwavering commitment and rigid product control according to ISO standards since 2009 (9001, 14001, 45001) have resulted in numerous certificates.

Argola pays great attention to the initial and continuous education of its employees, as well as to the process of discovering new concepts and acquiring advanced techniques. Know-how, knowledge and experience within the company is transferred by a team of 20 qualified experts who take care of the needs of their clients and develop their products in a 600 m2 modern production facility.

Although in 2017 they may have been surprised by the invitation from Hill Robinson Yacht management to work on the MY Project Blue project in cooperation with the London design studio Based Upon, it also opened the door to the world of fitting mega and superyachts. From then until today, in cooperation with shipyards and designers Argola has created an enviable portfolio of projects, leaving its distinctive signature on each one of them.

Department for Design and Product Development pays special attention to quality and design of materials, trends in the nautical industry world, but also to selection of the best material producers, renowned world brands and designers. Personalized natural leather has stood out as the latest trend. Each client can choose color, texture and design, and Argola guides them through the entire process with its expert knowledge. Anything imagined can be transferred to the interior or exterior of a yacht. For each product, they have a unique technical solution and design in order to simultaneously provide protection and contribute to the exceptional style of the yacht. Therefore, on a large project for the MY Sanlorenzo SL102, they had the task of protecting the skipper and improving their visibility in adverse conditions using special PVC panel of first-class quality and performance, which is a standard in their production.


Custom-made and handcraft tradition continues through 3D technology in production. 3D design created a new vision, expanded the market, accelerated production, environmentally improved the company, and opened new jobs for young 3D designers. Each awning, cover or cushion project undergoes its own 3D visualization before implementation. All this leads to the improvement of cooperation with private clients, shipyards and yacht designers.


The company realized a long time ago that comprehensiveness of o er is extremely important in the yachting industry, so in addition to exterior and interior cushions and awnings, Argola also o ers custommade mattresses and bedding, carpets, curtains, dishes and other luxury accessories for yachts. This is what sets this company apart and what clients recognize and appreciate.

ARGOLA TEXTILE YACHT DESIGN d.o.o. Odranska 16, Biograd na Moru, Croatia Tel/fax +385 23 638 331, Mob +385 99 59 29 709

Sve Argola proizvode karakteriše vrhunski kvalitet, sofisticirani dizajn i najviši standard luksuznog životnog stila/ All Argola products are distinguished by top quality, sophisticated design and the highest standard of luxury lifestyle
Dizajn / Design | Sep/Okt 2022 106


is where the music is
Dom je
gde je muzika Home

Moć an multiroom zvučnik koji zvuči jednako lepo kao što izgleda

Powerful multiroom speaker sounding every bit as beautiful as it looks


Bogat, dinamičan i pun finoće/Rich, dynamic and full of finesse

Beosound 2 pruža sjajne i zaista moćne zvučne performanse. Primena tehnologije akustičnih sočiva na konusno telo zvučnika omogućava doživljaj zvuka od 360 stepeni koji ispunjava celu prostoriju gde god da ga postavite.

Beosound 2 delivers a stellar and truly powerful sound performance. Applying Acoustic Lens Technology to the conical speaker body creates a 360-degree sound experience that fills the entire room from anywhere you place the speaker.


Estetski funkcionalizam/Aesthetic functionalism

Dizajniran za fleksibilnost. Beosound 2 vam donosi jutarnje vesti na kuhinjski sto ili diskretno svira u dnevnoj sobi. Njegov prilagodljiv dizajn, jasnih linija i male osnove, savršeno će se uklopiti u svaki kutak vašeg doma.

Beosound 2 is designed for flexibility. Delivering the morning news from the kitchen table or playing discreetly from the living room floor. With its clean lines and small footprint, it has an adaptable design that fits in everywhere in your home.


Besprekorni komad lepote/A seamless piece of beauty

Izrađen je od visokokvalitetnog aluminijuma sa neverovatnom pažnjom posvećenom detaljima. Međutim, izbor materijala kompanije Bang & Olufsen prevazilazi estetiku jer koristi najkvalitetnije elemente, kao i površine bez spojeva za eliminisanje bilo kakvog izobličavanja zvuka, čime se postižu vrhunska akustična svojstva. Crafted in high-grade aluminium with incredible attention to detail. But Bang & Olufsen's choice of materials goes beyond aesthetics. It also provides superior acoustic properties thanks to its material sti ness and seamless surfaces that eliminate any distortion of your sound.


Jednostavnost na delu/Simplicity in action

Beosound 2 ima ugrađeni senzor blizine koji detektuje vaše prisustvo i automatski okreće kontrolni interfejs prema vama. Gornji deo zvučnika radi kao minimalistički kontrolni panel. Jednostavno ga dodirnite i pokrenite svoju omiljenu radio stanicu, okrenite točkić i podesite jačinu zvuka ili prevucite prstom i promenite numeru. Beosound 2 has a built-in proximity sensor that detects your presence and automatically turns the control interface towards you. The top of the speaker works as a minimalistic control panel. Simply tap to start your favorite radio station, turn the wheel to adjust the volume, and swipe to change tracks.


Preuzmite aplikaciju Bang & Olufsen AR kako biste videli zvučnike u svom okruženju. Postavite proizvode gde god želite i prilagodite ih tako da odgovaraju vašem stilu enterijera.

Download the Bang & Olufsen AR app to see the speakers in your own home. Place the products wherever you want and customize them to fit your interior style.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o. Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Tehnologija / Technology | Sep/Okt 2022 109


Thanks to state-of-the-art systems for a more comfortable and challenging ride, safe and care-free parking, easy steering and ignition, fast and long-range mileage, you will realize that the most exciting electric scooters to date are right in front of you

ZA UDOBNU VOŽNJU zadužen je jedinstveni zlatni trougao ravnoteže. Baterija koja je smeštena ispod nožne pedale i sam položaj baterije, spušta centar gravitacije i daje vam stabilniju i sigurniju vožnju.

COMFORTABLE RIDE due to the unique golden riding triangle responsible for balance. The very position of the battery, which is placed under the foot pedal, lowers the center of gravity and gives you a more stable and safer ride.

ZA SNAGU VISOKOG NAPONA zaslužna je litijumska baterija i Smart Batteri Management Sistem (BMS) 6.0, koji podrazumeva manje održavanja i prati količinu energije, brzinu punjenja, sprečavanje prepunjavanja itd.

HIGH VOLTAGE POWER due to the lithium battery and Smart Battery Management System (BMS) 6.0, which means lower maintenance and monitoring the amount of energy, charging speed, preventing overcharging, and so on.

ZAHVALJUJUĆI AHRS-u (referentni sistem držanja i pozicioniranja), vaš eScooter je zaštićen od krađe. Pametni bezbednosni sistem detektuje bilo kakve nepravilne pokrete i šalje obaveštenja direktno na vaš telefon u roku od nekoliko sekundi. THANKS TO AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System), your eScooter is protected from theft. The smart security system detects any irregular movements and sends notifications directly to your phone within seconds.

Pametna mobilna aplikacija/Smart Mobile App Omogućava zaključavanje i otključavanje/Enables locking and unlocking

Pruža podatke za svaku vožnju/Provides data for each ride Govori vam gde ste parkirali/Tells you where you parked Šalje obaveštenja kada se eScooter kreće i omogućava njegovo praćenje/Sends notifications when the eScooter is moving and allows you to track it

Električni skuteri/Electric Scooters Zahvaljujući najsavremenijim sistemima za udobniju i izazovniju vožnju, sigurno i bezbrižno parkiranje, lako upravljanje i paljenje, brzu i dalekodometnu pređenu kilometražu, shvatićete da su pred vama najuzbudljiviji električni skuteri do sada
Skuteri / Scooters | Sep/Okt 2022 110

jedinstvena Segway eScooter modela. Model 110 dolazi u dve opcije, E110S

B110S. Razlikuje ih snaga baterije, pa samim tim i za nijansu veća prosečna brzina. Model 125 poseduje dve baterije, veću snagu i mogućnost prelaska do 123 km bez dopune. Istražite svaki model i otkrijte pun potencijal vozila budućnosti!

In the o er of ATV & NAUTICA CENTER, you will find three unique Segway eScooter models. Model 110 comes in two options: E110S and B110S. They di er in battery power, and therefore the average speed is slightly higher. Model 125 has two batteries, more power and the ability to travel up to 123 km without recharging. Explore each model and discover the full potential of the vehicle of the future!

do 75 km

Domet (približno):

Maksimalna brzina: 45 km/h

Prostor za skladištenje: 27 l

Visina sedišta: 770 mm

Međuosovinsko rastojanje: 1345 mm Kontrolna tabla: digitalna LED tabla Kontrola upravljača: prisutna

Prednja i zadnja svetla: LED svetla

Vreme punjenja: do četiri sata za 100%

Težina baterije: 11 kg

Kapacitet baterije: C 1440 WH

Range (approximately):

up to 75 km

Maximum speed: 45 km/h

Storage space: 27 l

Seat height: 770 mm

Wheelbase: 1345 mm

Control panel: digital LED panel

Steering wheel control: present

Front and rear lights: LED lights

Charging time: up to four hours for 100%

Battery weight: 11 kg Battery capacity: C 1440 WH

Domet (približno):

do 140 km (dve baterije)

Maksimalna brzina: 45 km/h

Sistem protiv blokiranja točkova: ABS

Prostor za skladištenje: 27 l

Visina sedišta: 770 mm

Međuosovinsko rastojanje: 1365 mm

Kontrolna tabla: digitalna LED tabla Kontrola upravljača: prisutna Prednja i zadnja svetla: LED svetla

Vreme punjenja: do četiri sata za 100%

Težina baterije: 2x11 kg

Kapacitet baterije: 288 WH

Maksimalna snaga: 3 kW

Range (approximately): up to 140 km (two batteries)

Maximum speed: 45 km/h

Anti-lock braking system: ABS Storage space: 27 l Seat height: 770 mm

Wheelbase: 1365 mm

Control panel: digital LED panel

Steering wheel control: present Front and rear lights: LED lights

Charging time: up to four hours for 100%

Battery weight: 2x11 kg

Battery capacity: 288 WH Maximum power: 3 kW

Domet (približno): do 105 km

Maksimalna brzina: 25 ili 45 km/h

Visina sedišta: 779 mm

Međuosovinsko rastojanje: 1125 mm

Kontrolna tabla: digitalna LED tabla

Kontrola upravljača: prisutna

Prednja i zadnja svetla: LED svetla

Vreme punjenja: do četiri sata za 100%

Težina baterije: 11,7 kg

Kapacitet baterije: 1440 WH

Maksimalna snaga: 850 kW

Range (approximately): up to 105 km

Maximum speed: 25 or 45 km/h

Seat height: 779 mm

Wheelbase: 1125 mm

Control panel: digital LED panel

Steering wheel control: present

Front and rear lights: LED lights

Charging time: up to four hours for 100%

Battery weight: 11.7 kg

Battery capacity: 1440 WH

Maximum power: 850 kW

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XSR700 XTribute

Vozite legendu!

Yamaha je tokom godina stvorila mnoge prepoznatljive motocikle koji su prošli test vremena, ali nijedan kao model XT500. Jednostavan, snažan i svestran, postao je omiljeni motocikl Evrope. Njegove dizajnerske implikacije, zajedno sa uzbudljivim iskustvom vožnje, temelji su modela XTribute.

Osim jasnih referenci dizajna, oba motocikla dele niz bitnih karakteristika zbog kojih ćete ih lako zavoleti. XT500 i XTribute, relativno su jednostavnog dizajna, iskoristive snage i svestrani. Čista i istinska zabava praćena Yamahinim vrhunskim kvalitetom.

Savršen spoj bezvremenskog dobrog izgleda i savremene tehnologije fantastično ilustruje pravi duh filozofije Faster Sons. Sa upečatljivim specifikacijama, XSR700 XTribute pruža čitavoj novoj generaciji vozača priliku da slave prošlost dok istovremeno koriste modernu tehnologiju i izvanredno iskustvo vožnje.

Jedinstvene karakteristike modela XSR700 XTribute uključuju ravno sedište i glomazne oslonce za noge u stilu modela XT, kao i ručice upravljača i zaštitne navlake za viljuške za terensku vožnju, koje dopunjuju bezvremenski Scrambler stil. Zahvaljujući dvocilindričnom rednom motoru obima od 689 ccm i laganoj šasiji, XSR700 XTribute ima snagu i tehnologiju koje će vas impresionirati.

Ride the Legend!

Over the years Yamaha has created many iconic models that have stood the test of time. None more so than the XT500. Simple, strong and versatile, it became Europe’s best loved bike. The design implications of the XT500, together with the emotional enjoyment, are the foundations in the XTribute.

Besides the clear design references from the XT500 in the XSR700 XTribute, both motorbikes share a number of important characteristics, that make them easy to love. Both the XT500 and the XTribute have a relatively simple design, useable power and an all-round versatility. Just pure and honest fun accompanied with Yamaha’s high regard for quality.

This special combination of timeless good looks and modern technology perfectly illustrates the true spirit of the Faster Sons philosophy. With its unique specification the XSR700 XTribute gives a whole new generation of riders the chance to celebrate the past, while at the same time benefitting from modern technology and an outstanding riding experience.

The XSR700 XTribute’s special features include an XT-style flat seat and chunky footrests, as well as o road handlebars and fork gaiters that complement the timeless scrambler style. And thanks to its 689 cc inline 2-cylinder engine and lightweight chassis, the XSR700 XTribute has the power and technology to impress.

Motocikli / Motorcycles
YAMAHA PRODAJA I SERVIS SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255 Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792 Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245 Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51 MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140 Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju: Pratite nas: XSR700 XTribute Verzija snage 35 kW A2 je takođe dostupna LED svetla asortimana XSR Izmenjen raspored kokpita sa integrisanim nosačima farova Retro boje i grafički prikazi nadahnuti modelom XT iz 1981. Agregat CP2 ,zapremine 689 ccm, velikog broja obrtaja, usklađen s normom EU5 Lagan i tanak cevasti okvir Ručice upravljača i glomazni oslonci za noge za terensku vožnju Gume Pirelli MT 60 RS kvadratnog uzorka za vožnju ulicom i makadamom Ravno sedište u stilu modela XT, zaštitne navlake za viljuške, integrisani nosači glavnog svetla Lagan, kompaktan i agilan 35kW A2 version also available XSR family LED lighting Revised cockpit layout with integrated headlight stays Retro XT inspired ‘1981’ colours and graphics 689cc CP2 high-torque EU5 engine Light and slim tubular backbone frame O road handlebars and chunky footrests Block-pattern Pirelli MT 60 RS tires for street and gravel road riding Special XT-style flat seat, fork gaiters and integrated headlight stays Light, compact and agile XSR700 XTribute 2021. dostupan po sniženoj ceni/available at a reduced price XSR700 XTribute 2022. dostupan po standardnoj ceni/available at a standard price
Dobre stvari dolaze onima koji čekaju Good things come to those who wait 2022 LEXUS LX 600 Automobili / Cars

Nakon tri impresivne generacije, čekanje je završeno – stigao je potpuno novi LX. Redizajniran od temelja – iznutra i spolja – novi 2022 LX 600 stoji kao vrhunski sportski vodeći model u rastućem i raznolikom asortimanu ovog brenda. Luksuzni SUV pune veličine, sa svojom rekonstruisanom platformom karoserije na okviru, avangardnim stilom i raskošnom kabinom, predstavlja oličenje po svećenosti brenda Lexus ispunjavanju širokog dijapazona potreba i životnih stilova kupaca.

Od svog lansiranja 1995. godine, LX je ikona luksuznog SUV-a, obli kovanog identitetom koji se odlikuje neukrotivom dvostranošću. Nje gov udoban kvalitet vožnje i duga lista pogodnosti definisale su ga kao luksuzni lend-kruzer dugog dometa, ali njegove isprobane i te stirane terenske specifikacije i oprema odveli su ga dalje od asfalta u više od 50 zemalja i regiona sveta. Od avgusta 2021. godine, preko 500.000 LX modela prodato je širom planete.


Iako je LX prošao potpuno redizajniranje, jedna stvar ostala je ne promenjena- njegove vrhunske performanse. Luksuzni SUV, sa svo jom novokonstruisanom platformom karoserije na okviru, produblju je Lexus-ov zaštitni znak vožnje, imajući na umu udobnost gostiju. Zahvaljujući uvođenju krute GA-F platforme i smanjenju težine za 200 kilograma, dobro poznate karakteristike SUV-a dodatno su poboljšane. Lakši od svog prethodnika, novi LX ostvaruje predvi div, izbalansiran položaj prilikom skretanja, ubrzanja i usporavanja, a garantuje i stabilnost u vožnji izvan puta. LX pokreće 3,5-litar ski V6 tvin-turbo benzinski motor moćne snage i velikog obrtnog momenta.


Kada je u pitanju dizajn, vodeći LX model kombinuje visoku funkci onalnost sa upečatljivom estetikom. Prednji A-stubovi su pomereni kako bi se stvorio dizajn kabine nagnut ka nazad i čvrst torzo, dok

aluminijumski točkovi od 22 inča (najveći u Lexus liniji) nude osećaj dinamične vožnje. Svetla prednjih farova, koja su na pređašnjim modelima bila u obliku slova L, evoluirala su u trodimenzionalni oblik sa unutrašnjim udvostru čenim sočivima, pružajući tokom vožnje jedinstven doživljaj dubine. Ovi jedinstveni detalji stvaraju izuzetnu ugodnost svima koji se nađu unutar novog LX modela, omogućavajući im da vide, ali i da budu viđeni.

SUPERIORNA FUNKCIONALNOST Pored svega već navedenog, novi LX je sada dostupan u pet klasa: Standard, Premium, Luxury — i po prvi put u istoriji brenda, F SPORT i Ultra Luxury. Napravljene tako da odgovaraju svakom životnom sti lu, nove klase podižu vozačko iskustvo na mnogo viši novo. Na primer, Lexus-ova prva Ultra Luxury klasa sa četiri sedišta po boljšava ovu liniju sa naglaskom na putnički prostor pozadi, a za udobnost bez premca prednja sedišta mogu znatno da se pomere

Automobili / Cars 116 | Sep/Okt 2022

ka napred, što je idealno za putnike sa dužim nogama. Ne samo da je kabina Ultra Luxury klase redizajnirana, već se može pohvaliti i sa nekoliko drugih luksuznih karakteristika, kao što su za krivljeni nasloni za glavu, bočna zaštita od sunca i ekskluzivni sistem klimatizacije sa ventilacionim otvorima, koji pruža udobnost celom telu.

Za one kojima je draži sportski izgled i osećaj, F SPORT klasa pravi je izbor jer nudi jedinstvene dizajnerske detalje i rukovanje. Vozilo poseduje ekskluzivne 22-inčne kovane aluminijumske felne i hromi rani okvir rešetke sa mrežastim dizajnom. Iako je ovaj SUV sportskiji, luksuza i dalje ima u izobilju. Za stilski izgled i bolje prijanjanje, prava koža krasi volan i menjač, a ekskluzivni F SPORT amblem upotrebljen je na mnogim mestima.


Zahvaljujući novom multimedijalnom sistemu Lexus Interface, život je upravo postao lakši za LX goste. Sa tehnologijom usredsređenom na čoveka koja upotpunjuje sva čula, LX 600 omogućava da se usred sredite na put, dok inovativni i intuitivan sistem pomaže u navigaciji. Novi interfejs uključuje gornji ekran osetljiv na dodir od 12,3 inča sa dodatnim LX ekskluzivnim donjim ekranom od sedam inča, pružaju ći intuitivnu tehnologiju na dohvat ruke. Human Machine Interface (HMI) poboljšava interakciju korisnika i pristupačnost pomoću vida, dodira i glasa.

TERENSKO-PRILAGODLJIVI DIZAJN Uprkos dokazanoj sposobnosti da se nosi sa teškim putevima, novi LX nastavlja da se razvija. Opremljen sa šest režima terena: Auto, Dirt, Sand, Mud, Deep Snow i Rock — gosti mogu samouvereno da voze tamo gde ih putovanje odvede. Bilo da se kreće kroz stenovi te planine Kolorada ili po seoskim zemljanim putevima, ovaj SUV je spreman da se izbori sa svim stazama izvan asfalta. Opseg rada Multi-Terrain Select ranije je bio ograničen na niži op

seg (L4), dok je sada proširen na visoki (H4). Novi automatski režim projektovan je tako da kombinuje informacije sa različitih senzora za procenu stanja na putu i optimizira hidraulički pritisak kočnice, pogonsku snagu i kontrolu vešanja tokom vožnje.

Pored toga, LX je opremljen sa nekoliko naprednih tehnologija za vo žnju van puta, kao što su Multi-Terrain Monitor (MTM) i prvi dvostruki ekran, osmišljen da olakša vožnju u teškim uslovima. Fenomenalni Crawl Control intuitivno upravlja uključivanjem i is ključivanjem snage motora i hidrauličkog pritiska kočenja kako bi se smanjilo proklizavanje pneumatika i optimizovalo ponašanje šasije. Kada se spuštate niz strmu padinu, sistem za pomoć pri spuštanju Downhill Assist Control je napravljen tako da automatski podesi hi draulički pritisak na sva četiri točka kako bi podržao stabilno spušta nje bez blokiranja točkova. Pošto se brzina vozila održava pritiskom na prekidač, vozač je u mogućnosti da se koncentriše na upravljanje bez brige o kočenju i ubrzanju.

117 | Sep/Okt 2022

Following three impressive generations, the wait is now over –an all-new LX has arrived. Totally redesigned from the ground up – inside and out – the all-new 2022 LX 600 stands as the ultimate sport-utility flagship in the luxury brand’s growing and di versified model portfolio. The full-size luxury SUV, with its newly reen gineered body-on-frame platform, avant-garde style and luxurious cabin, embodies Lexus’ commitment to meeting the diversifying ne eds and lifestyles of customers. Since its launch in 1995, the LX has been a luxury SUV icon shaped by an identity distinguished by an indomitable duality. Its comfortable ride quality and long list of amenities have defined it as a luxurious longrange cruiser, yet its tried-and-tested off-road specifications and equipment have taken it beyond the pavement in more than 50 countries and regions around the globe. As of August 2021, over 500,000 LX models have been sold throughout the world.


Although the LX has undergone a complete redesign, one thing hasn’t changed: its superb performance. The full-size luxury SUV, with its newly reengineered body-on-frame platform, deepens the Lexus Driving Signature with guests in mind. Thanks to the introduc tion of the rigid GA-F platform and a 441-pound weight reduction, the SUV’s well-known characteristics have been enhanced even further. Lighter than its predecessor, the new LX realizes a predic table, balanced comportment during turning, acceleration and de celeration maneuvers, plus improves stability when driving off-road. Powering the LX is a high-output, high-torque 3.5-liter V6 twin-turbo gasoline engine.


When it comes to design, the flagship LX combines high functionality with striking aesthetics. The SUV’s front A-pillars are pushed back to create a cab-backward design and a stout torso, and it’s equipped with 22-inch aluminum wheels (the largest in the Lexus lineup) that convey a sense of dynamic driving.

To give a sense of depth depending on the viewing angle, the he adlamps’ L-shaped clearance lamps (with daytime running lights) have evolved into a three-dimensional shape and their inner len ses have been doubled. These unique details create an appeal that helps guests to see and be seen.


What’s more, the new LX is now available in five grades: Standard, Premium, Luxury — and for the first time ever, F SPORT and Ultra Lu xury. Designed to suit every lifestyle, the new grades will elevate the driving experience for everyone.

For instance, Lexus’ first-ever four-seat Ultra Luxury grade enhan ces the lineup with an emphasis on rear passenger space and com fort. For unparalleled comfort, the front seat can be moved forward, which is ideal for passengers with longer legs.

Not only has the Ultra Luxury-grade cabin been redesigned, but it also boast several other luxury features, such as curved headrests, sunshades on the side, and an exclusive air-conditioning system that provides full-body comfort with overhead vents.

If guests prefer a sportier look and feel, the F SPORT grade is the right choice. A first for LX, the vehicle offers unique design touches and handling. It features exclusive 22-inch forged aluminum wheels and a chrome grille frame with a mesh design. Although this SUV is sportier, luxury still abounds. Genuine leather trims the steering wheel and shifter for style and grip and the exclusive F SPORT em blem is emblazoned throughout.

Personalizujte svoje okruženje tako da odgovara vašem raspoloženju uz dostupno ambijentalno osvetljenje. Dizajnirane da izazovu emocije i blizinu prirode, unapred odabrane teme uključuju kišnu šumu, vodopad i zalazak sunca Personalize your environment to suit your mood with available ambient illumination. Designed to evoke the emotions and feelings of nature, pre-selected themes include Rainforest, Waterfall and Sunset | Sep/Okt 2022 118


Thanks to the new Lexus Interface multimedia system, life just got easier for LX guests. With human-centered technology that com plements the senses throughout, the LX 600 allows guests to focus on the road while the innovative and intuitive system helps navigate life’s twists and turns.

The new interface includes a 12.3-inch upper touch screen with an added LX-exclusive 7-inch lower touch screen, providing guests with intuitive technology at their fingertips. Human Machine Interface (HMI) enhances user interaction and accessibility using sight, touch and voice.


Despite its proven ability to handle rough roads, the new LX continu es to evolve. Equipped with six terrain modes: Auto, Dirt, Sand, Mud, Deep Snow and Rock — guests can drive confidently where their jo urneys take them. Whether it’s through the Rocky Mountains of Co lorado or countryside dirt roads, this SUV can tackle paths beyond the pavement.

The operating range of Multi-Terrain Select — a new feature to the LX — was previously limited to the low range (L4) and has now been expanded to the high range (H4). The new Auto mode is designed to combine information from various sensors to estimate road con ditions and optimize brake hydraulic pressure, driving force and su spension control while driving.

In addition, the LX is equipped with several advanced technologies for off-road driving, such as the Multi-Terrain Monitor (MTM) and the first dual display, designed to help make it easier to drive in harsh environments.

With Crawl Control, it intuitively orchestrates the engagement and disengagement of engine output and hydraulic braking pressure to help reduce tire slippage and optimize chassis behavior.

When descending a steep slope, the Downhill Assist Control system is designed to automatically adjust the hydraulic pressure on all four wheels to support stable descent without locking up the wheels. Because the vehicle speed is maintained with the flick of a switch, the driver is able to concentrate on steering without having to worry about braking and accelerating.

MAROKO/MOROCCO MARAKEŠ/ MARRAKECH Destinacije / Destinations Grad hiljadu i jedne noći The city of a thousand and one nights 121 | Sep/Okt 2022

Ime Marakeš potiče od berberskih reči mur i wakush, što znači „Božja zemlja". Kao treći po veličini grad u Maroku, posle Kazablanke i Rabata, smestio se u podnožje snežnih planina Atlas, na nekoliko sati udaljenosti od Sahare. Njegova lokacija i kontrastni pejzaž svrstali su ga među najpopularnije destinacije Maroka.

Dok budete šetali trgom Džema El-Fna, tržnicama jarkih boja i orijentalnih mirisa, crveni grad, kako ga još zovu, obezbediće vam neponovljiv i autentičan ugođaj, dok će vožnja zaprežnim kolima, sunčane terase, putujući umetnici i druge dnevne i noćne aktivnosti učiniti da poželite stalno da mu se vraćate, jer između tradicije i modernog, Marakeš ispunjava obećanje nenadmašnih doživljaja.

Dovoljno je da posetite samo jedan od brojnih rijada Medine kako biste se divili njenom kompletnom arhitektonskom bogatstvu. Pored rijada, malih orijentalnih palata sa prekrasnim otvorenim terasama, relaksaciju možete pronaći i u vrtovima Menare, zelenoj oazi sa prepoznatljivim bazenom i prekrasnom vegetacijom.

Marakeš svoje goste obasipa sjajem raznolikosti. Dovoljno je napustiti bedeme starog grada kako biste uronili u savremeni Maroko.

Okruzi Gueliz i Hivernage nude najsavremeniju infrastrukturu, prozračne avenije, luksuzne butike i prodavnice svetskih proizvođača konfekcije, što sve zajedno doprinosi jedinstvenoj ponudi ovog čudesnog grada.

Kao užurbani trgovački centar u ekonomskom usponu, Marakeš poseduje posebna praznična i kulturna mesta, kao što su Palais des Congres i raskošno Kraljevsko pozorište, dok noći unutar ovog grada odišu posebnom atmosferom, otkrivajući mnoštvo kutaka sa tematskom zabavom, moderne klubove i tradicionalne večeri koje odražavaju njegov živahan duh.


Nasleđe Marakeša dugo je skoro hiljadu godina. Vreme ovde kao da je stalo, sa bogatom kulturnom baštinom koja se s ponosom neguje. Trg Džema El Fna je mesto upijanja tradicije i svetlosti, ali i glavno okupljalište svih onih koji gosteći se lokalnim delicijama uživaju u jarkim svetlima predstava, dok pripovedači, pevači, proroci i gnava muzičari ovaj prelepi trg obasipaju posebnim čarima. Obliven ružičastim sjajem svojih zidova od ćerpiča, prelepi Marakeš otvara svoja vrata svim ljubiteljima kulture. Unutar njegovih zidina stoje arhitektonska remek-dela na kojima se vide tragovi drevnih civilizacija. On je mešavina različitih uticaja i mozaik boja gde se susreću čuda prošlosti i sadašnjosti.

Prošetajte gradom, zakoračite ispod vrata Medine i otisnite se u staru četvrt. Tu kuca istorijsko srce nekadašnje kraljevske prestonice sa čuvenom džamijom Kutubija i minaretom visokim 77 metara, simbolom islamske umetnosti koji je dizajnom inspirisao Hasanovu kulu u Rabatu, ali i Giraldu u Sevilji. Malo dalje od Medine čekaju vas bašte Menara, projektovane za

vreme dinastije Almohada. Uživajte u svežini ovog mesta i njegovih maslinjaka. Dok sunce pokriva horizont, Menara sija, podsećajući na priče o arapskim noćima. Marakeš je takođe domaćin velikog broja sjajnih festivala i poznata tačka na mapi filmske industrije. Svakog decembra je domaćin Međunarodnog filmskog festivala koji privlači najveća imena sa velikog platna. Sredina godine je rezervisana za popularne umetnosti koje bivaju počašćene sopstvenim festivalom, tokom kojeg se posetioci časte tradicionalnim marokanskim pesmama, igrama i muzikom.


Na vrhu parapeta velikih zidina Marakeša, zagledajte se u pejzaže dokle god vam seže pogled. Grad je okružen planinama Atlas čiji večito snegom pokriveni vrhovi iscrtavaju nazubljene siluete na horizontu. Nešto čarobno izbija iz ovih predela, a poziv da ih otkrijete tera vas u žudnju za avanturom!

Uđite u rijad u Marakešu i bićete očarani detaljima svuda oko vas /Step inside a riad in Marrakesh and you will find yourself mesmerized by all of the tiny details all around you
Destinacije / Destinations | Sep/Okt 2022 122

Nacionalni park Toubkal nalazi se između dolina N'Fiss i Ourika. Od grada je udaljen nekoliko desetina milja, ali kada stignete do njega ostaćete opčinjeni lepotom lociranom u samom središtu Atlasa, usred 94.000 hektara zaštićenog zemljišta.

Unajmite vodiča koji će vas povesti na Jbel Toubkal. Naporni uspon traje dva dana, ali će vaš trud biti dobro nagrađen kada kročite na jedan od najlepših vrhova u Maroku, ako ne i u celoj Africi. Tokom ove avanture uočićete biljke i divlje životinje, uključujući šakale, lasice, lisice, pa čak i berberske makaki majmune u nekim klisurama. Na samo nekoliko milja od Marakeša, zaboravićete na crveni grad kada uronite u zelenilo i carstvo prirode.

Ljubitelji sporta ne zanemaruju odlazak do jezera Lalla Takerkoust. Ovo veličanstveno mesto pruža vam priliku da se prepustite svim vrstama vodenih aktivnosti kao što su džet ski i kanu. U okolini vredi posetiti i vodopade Ouzoud. Lako su dostupni i savršena su prilika za porodični izlet. Voda koja se spušta sa ogromnih visina stvara divan pejzaž koji će svakoga ostaviti bez daha. Ako ste od onih koji vole da spoje prirodu i kulturu, obiđite odmaralište Oukaimeden gde ćete pronaći stenovite predele sa stazama za pešačenje koje će vas okrepiti i omogućiti vam da se divite umetnosti ljudi bronzanog doba.


Prošetajte uskim i vijugavim ulicama obrubljenim obilatom ponudom hrane. Dok budete koračali sigurno ćete čuti cenkanje koje dopire sa poznatih tržnica na kojima se izlažu tradicionalni umet-

nički predmeti. Prolazeći kroz pijačnu kapiju naći ćete se na tržnici Semmarine, jednoj od najzanimljivijih u Maroku. Amaziški (berberski) i arapski zanati pune njene uličice, sa tezgama zanatlija koji izlažu šarenolik izbor ukrasnih sveća, zemljanog posuđa, lampi i još mnoštvom toga.

Ostale pijace širom grada imaju svoje specifične tezge. Attarine je jedna od popularnijih, posvećena predmetima od mesinga i bakra. Od bronze do pozlaćenog bakra, raskošni predmeti dolaze u svim mogućim nijansama, ukrašavajući svaku tezgu svojim prefinjenim kovanim detaljima. Malo dalje, kožari i farbari rade na svim vrstama kože, ispunjavajući ulice babušima i drugom kožnom galanterijom i preplavljujući vazduh opojnim mirisom prirodno štavljene kože.

U Marakešu se tradicija i moderno uvek harmonično spajaju. Kupovina nije izuzetak od ovog pravila. U tržnicama ćete otkriti autentični zanat kroz trgovinu lokalnim namirnicama i zanatskim proizvodima, a samo nekoliko koraka dalje dočekaće vas četvrt Gueliz. Na ovoj trgovačkoj odrednici locirani su najveći domaći i međunarodni brendovi koji u glavnim gradskim ulicama i u tržnim centrima nude nakit, odeću i obuću za svakog ljubitelja mode.

Ta simbioza tradicije i modernog posebno je očigledna u dizajnu rukotvorina pojedinih gradskih zanatlija. Oni daju stvaralaštvu predaka potpuno novi koncept. Umetnost obrade metala, sasvim je obnovljena kada je u pitanju kombinacija metala zvana Maillechort. Kao legura bakra, cinka i nikla posebno je omiljena marokanskim stvaraocima, a koristi se za ogledala, tacne i nakit koji se savršeno uklapaju u najsavremenije enterijere i ukrase.

Marakeš je pravi mikrokosmos marokanskih rukotvorina. Upijajte boje i kulturu njegovih kvartova i otkrijte blaga svakodnevne umetnosti Marrakech is a true microcosm of Moroccan handicraft. Soak up the colors and the culture in its souks and discover the treasures of everyday arts | Sep/Okt 2022 123

The name Marrakech originates from the Amazigh (Berber) wordsmur (n) wakush, which means "Land of God". It is the third largest city in Morocco after Casablanca and Rabat, and lies near the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains and a few hours away from the foot of the Sahara Desert. Its location and con trasting landscape has made it an enviable destination in Morocco. Strolling the Jemaa El-Fna square and the souks with their shimmer ing colours and oriental smells, the red city offers you a complete change of scenery. Horse-drawn carriage rides, sunny terraces, travelling artists and other day and night activities will give a tates of wishful comeback. Between tradition and modernity, Marrakech is the promise of unequalled sensations.

You will be able to admire all the architectural richness of the Medi na, upon visiting one of its many riads, small oriental palaces over looking a beautiful patio. You can also relax and recharge at the Menara, a vast garden with an emblematic basin. Marrakech showers its visitors with its splendor and its diversity, you just have to leave the ramparts to be immersed in modern Morocco. The districts of Gueliz and Hivernage offer the most modern infra structures, luxury boutiques and international ready-to-wear stores, airy avenues; which all contribute to Marrakech's unique offering.

Being a growing economic bustling city, Marrakech has special fes tive and cultural places, such as the «Palais des Congres» and the splendid Royal Theater. Enjoy Marrakech at night by discovering the many themed venues, trendy clubs and traditional evenings that re flect the lively part of the city.


The rich heritage of Marrakech is nearly a thousand years. The time here seems to stand still. The culture is vivid.

Jemaa El Fna Square is where you’ll soak up the culture and the lights. Come experience this gathering place where people revel in the bright lights of its shows, reveling in the local delicacies. Storytell ers, singers, fortune tellers and gnawa musicians, the square knows how to vary its charms.

Bathed in the rosy glow of its adobe walls, the beautiful Marrakech opens its doors to all culture lovers. Inside of its walls, architectural masterpieces stand where you can see the foorprints of ancient civi lizations. Marrakech is a mixture of different influences, and a mosaic of colors where the wonders of the past and present meet.

Stroll the city. Go under a door of the medina and venture into the old quarter. This is where the historic heart of the former royal capi tal beats, where the famous Koutoubia minaret stands. Reaching 77 metres high, you get to see the lighthouse of Marrakech, which is one of the symbols of Islamic art, since its design has inspired both the Hassan Tower in Rabat and the Giralda in Seville. A little further away, the Menara gardens founded by the Almohad dynasty await you. Enjoy the freshness of the place, and its olive

groves. As the sun covers the horizon, the place shines, reminiscent of the tales of the Arabian Nights.

Marrakech also hosts its part of splendid festivals. The city is a mov iemaking landmark. Each December it hosts the Marrakech Inter national Film Festival, which draws the biggest names from the sil ver screen. In the middle of the year, popular arts are honored with their own festival, during which visitors are treated to the traditional songs, dances and music of Morocco.


Atop the parapets of the great walls, gaze at the landscapes as far as you can see. The city is surrounded by the Atlas Mountains. Their perpetually snow-capped peaks cut jagged silhouettes across the skyline. Something magical emerges from these landscapes; an invi tation to discovery that makes you yearn for an adventure!

Toubkal National Park stands between the N'Fiss and Ourika valleys. It is only a few dozen miles away, but once you reach the park, you’ll be bewitched by its charm. Here you are right in the center of the Atlas Mountains, amidst 94,000 acres of protected land.

Kada sunce zađe, Marakeš se budi/ Once the sun sets, Marrakesh wakes up | Sep/Okt 2022 124

Hire a guide to lead you on a climb of Jbel Toubkal. The effort takes two days, but your work is well rewarded once you land atop one of the most beautiful summits in Morocco, if not in all Africa. Throughout your adventure you’ll spot plants and wildlife, including jackals, wea sels, foxes and even a Barbary macaque in some gorges. Just a few miles away from Marrakech, you'll forget about the red city as you immerse yourself in the greenery and revel in nature's hands. Sport lovers, don't hesitate to go to the foot of the lake of Lalla Takerkoust. This magnificient place gives you the opportunity to in dulge in all kinds of water activities such as jet skiing and canoeing. In the surroundings, the Ouzoud waterfalls are also worth a visit. They are easy to reach and are a perfect opportunity for a family outing; the waters rushing down from the heights create a wonderful scenery that delights young and old alike. If you want to combine nature and culture, go to the high altitude resort of Oukaïmeden, where you’ll find rocky sites and pathways ideal for hiking that give you the opportu nity to rest and admire the art of men of the Bronze Age.


Walk in the narrow and sinuous streets lined with overflowing food displays. As you stroll, you can hear the haggling in the dif ferent famous souks of Marrakech. Traditional arts are displayed in these markets. Through a gate, you’ll find yourself in the Semmarine souk, which is one of the most interesting markets in Morocco. Both Amazigh and Arabic craftsmanship are animating its alleys. Every artisan has a stall, where they display selections of ornamental can dles, earthenware, lights and more. Other markets around the city have their own stalls. The Attarine souk, one of the popular ones, is dedicated to brass and copper work : from bronze to gilded copper, the sumptuous objects come in every possible shade and dress up any table with their finely wrought details. A bit further, tanners and dyers work on all sorts of leather, filling the streets with babouches and other leather goods and flooding the air with the heady scent of hides naturally tanned. In Marrakech, tradition and modernity always blend harmoniously. Shopping is no exception to this rule. In the souks, you’ll discover an authentic trade : in front of the trader, you’ll trade in local food stuffs, works of craftsmanship. A few steps away from these shop ping alleys, the Gueliz district await you. In this market, biggest local and international brands, on the main arteries of the city and in the shopping centres, offer jewellery, clothes and shoes for any stylista. This union of tradition and modernity is particularly evident in the design of some of the city's craftsmen. The latter give ancestral creations a whole new concept. Arts of metallurgy, completly rede signed by Maillechort; this alloy of copper, zinc and nickel is par ticularly desired by Moroccan creators, and is used for mirrors, trays, and jewellery, that fit perfectly with the most modern interiors and ornaments.


Fotogragije/Photos: Timon_Koch

Lindesnes is known for its intense weather conditions, which can change from calm to stormy several times a day. Upon arriving at the site, the visitor’s impressions of the unruly outdoors quickly dissolve as they are ushered through into the hushed, oak-clad foyer. The rich interiors create a warm, welcoming atmosphere inside the restaurant


jedinstveni projekat je pozicioniran na najjužnijoj tački norveške obale, na ušću gde se susreću morske oluje sa se vera i juga. Restoran koji je projektovao arhitektonski studio Snøhetta funkcioniše i kao istraživački centar za podvodni živi svet, odajući počast divljoj fauni mora i stenovitoj obali najjužnije tačke. Na norveškom, reč „Under“ ima dvostruko značenje: „ispod“ i „čudo“. Napola potopljena u more, 34 metra duga monolitna forma zgrade razbija površinu vode da bi se oslonila direktno na morsko dno pet metara niže. Građevina je projektovana tako da se tokom vremena u potpunosti integriše u morsko okruženje, jer će hrapavost betonske konstrukcije funkcionisati kao veštački greben i postati dom za alge i školjke. Sa debelim betonskim zidovima koji leže oslonjeni na krševitu obalu, konstrukcija je izgrađena tako da izdrži pritisak i udare nasta le zbog nemirnog mora. Poput potopljenog periskopa, veliki prozor restorana pruža pogled na morsko dno i omogućava da se prate promene tokom godišnjih doba i različitih vremenskih uslova.


Restoran svakodnevno prima od 35 do 40 gostiju za večeru, u tr pezariji zaštićenoj betonskim zidovima debljine pola metra. Stvoriti prefinjeno iskustvo, zasnovano na visokokvalitetnim proizvodima lo kalnog porekla i sa posebnim akcentom na održivo hvatanje divljih životinja, osnovni je fokus restorana. Glavni kuvar Nicolai Ellitsgaard, pristigao iz poznatog restorana Måltid u Kristiansandu, oko sebe je okupio internacionalni kuhinjski tim od 16 osoba sa iskustvom iz vr hunskih Michelin restorana.


Jednako važan deo projekta jeste stvaranje pogodnog mesta za istraživanje mora. Restoran će dočekivati interdisciplinarne istraži vačke timove koji proučavaju biologiju mora i ponašanje riba putem kamera i drugih mernih alata koji su instalirani na fasadi i van resto rana. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je prikupljanje podataka koji se mogu programirati u alate za mašinsko učenje koji redovno prate dinamiku populacije ključnih morskih vrsta, čime se stvaraju nove mogućnosti za poboljšanje zvaničnog upravljanja morskim resursima.


Under je priča o kontrastima. Projekat naglašava delikatnu ekološku ravnotežu između kopna i mora i skreće nam pažnju na održive mo dele odgovorne potrošnje. Fokusirajući se na koegzistenciju života na kopnu i u vodi, Under predlaže novi način razumevanja našeg odnosa prema sopstvenom okruženju – iznad površine, pod vodom i paralelno sa životom u moru.

Lindeznes je poznat po oštrim vremenskim prilikama koje se nekoliko puta dnevno mogu menjati od zatišja do oluje. Po dolasku na ovu lokaciju, utisci posetilaca o neukrotivoj prirodi brzo se rasplinu dok ih uvode u tihi, hrastovinom obložen foaje. Bogati enterijeri stvaraju toplu i prijatnu atmosferu u restoranu
127 | Sep/Okt 2022

Located at the southernmost point of the Norwegian coastline, where the sea storms from the north and south meet, the project is situated at a unique confluence. The Snøhetta-designed res taurant also functions as a research center for marine life, providing a tribute to the wild fauna of the sea and to the rocky coastline of Norway’s southern tip.

In Norwegian, “under” has the dual meaning of ”below” and ”won der.” Half-sunken into the sea, the building’s 34-meter long mon olithic form breaks the surface of the water to rest directly on the seabed five meters below. The structure is designed to fully inte grate into its marine environment over time, as the roughness of the concrete shell will function as an artificial reef, welcoming limpets and kelp to inhabit it. With the thick concrete walls lying against the craggy shoreline, the structure is built to withstand pressure and shock from the rugged sea conditions. Like a sunken periscope, the restaurant’s massive window offers a view of the seabed as it changes throughout the seasons and varying weather conditions.


The restaurant seats 35-40 dinner guests every night, in a dining room protected by half a meter-thick concrete walls. Its culinary fo cus is to create a fine dining experience based on high quality, local ly-sourced produce, with a special emphasis on sustainable wildlife capture. Danish expatriate Nicolai Ellitsgaard from acclaimed res taurant Måltid in Kristiansand is the Head Chef, bringing an inter national, 16-person kitchen team with experience from top Michelin restaurants.

Na dnu mora, pet metara ispod površine, leži panoramsko oko zgrade. Horizontalni prozor širok jedanaest metara i visok 3,4 metra pruža vizuelnu kapiju ka moru i povezuje goste sa podvodnim vrstama koje žive napolju

At the seabed, five meters below sea level, lies the panoramic eye of the building. An eleven-meter-wide and 3.4-meter-tall horizontal window offers a visual gateway to the sea and connects the guests to the wildlife outside

128 | Sep/Okt 2022


An equally important part of the project is the building’s facilita tion of marine research. The restaurant will welcome interdiscipli nary research teams studying marine biology and fish behavior, through cameras and other measurement tools that are installed on and outside the facade of the restaurant. The goal of the re search is to collect data that can be programmed into machine learning tools that monitor the population dynamics of key ma rine species on a regular basis, thereby creating new opportuni ties to improve official marine resource management.


Under is a story of contrasts. The project underscores the deli cate ecological balance between land and sea and draws our attention to sustainable models for responsible consumption. By focusing on the coexistence of life on land and in the sea, Under proposes a new way of understanding our relationship to our sur roundings – above the surface, under the water, and alongside the life of the sea.

Aquastar Deepstar II

Ronilački sat Aquastar Deepstar II, predstavljen 2021. godine, svoje korene vuče iz šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Ovaj model je zadržao velike sličnosti sa svojim pretkom, posebno u dizajnu. Sa mnoštvom jedinstvenih detalja neće vam dosaditi nijedne sekunde, a što ga duže budete posmatrali postajaće sve uzbudljiviji. Idemo redom...


možete odabrati u jednoj od tri različite boje - crnoj, sivoj ili plavoj, ali verzija sa nijansama plave deluje najčarobnije. Veoma je uočljiv dodatni svetli brojčanik na kome pratimo kazaljku za sekunde i koja je nažalost ostala bez lu miniscentnog premaza. Velike oznake za pozicije 12, 3 i 6 nas na određen način vraćaju u prošlost, a i slažem se sa jednim od komentara na internetu, da sat deluje pomalo Art déco. To je valjda zbog dugih i tankih crtica kod oznaka za minute i masivnih ka zaljki, koje se zbog luminiscentne boje savršeno uklapaju sa istaknutim oznakama za 3, 6 i 12 časova. Naravno, odmah su uočljivi potpisi „ Aquastar ” i naziv modela, ali ono što zaista privlači pažnju jesu prstenovi. Da, dobro ste pročitali – prstenovii! Ovaj sat poseduje čak dva.

Prvi, unutrašnji, je „klasični ronilački" prsten za praćenje vremena ronjenja, a drugi, spoljašnji, zapravo je poklon prvom Deepstar modelu. Godine 1962. Aquastar je pa tentirao sistem za kalkulisanje površinskih intervala za ponovljene zarone kod ronjenja bez dekompresije, a za kalkulaciju su uzeli podatke iz ronilačkih tablica francuske mor narice. Naravno, danas te informacije mnogo brže i tačnije izračuna ronilački kom pjuter, ali ako vas i dalje zanima kako funkcioniše taj sistem, posetite njihovu internet stranicu, na kojoj je opisan ceo proces.

Valja pomenuti i dimenzije sata. Mi ronioci smo uglavnom navikli na velike ronilač ke satovi, pa će Deepstar II za mnoge biti poprilično iznenađenje zbog prečnika od „samo“ 36,75 mm i „debljine“ od 12 mm. Ali to nikako nije prepreka, jer se zbog ovakvih dimenzija sat mnogo lakše prilagođava drugim prilikama na kopnu i u svakodnevnom životu. Međutim, sredinom 2022. godine, iz kompanije Aquastar stiže i veći izmenjeni model (39 mm) sa dodatim luminiscentnim indikatorom rada mehanizma, pomoću kog se u lošoj vidljivosti prati rad sata.

Kućište je izrađeno od nerđajućeg čelika (316L), a kaiš se može zameniti NATO ili TRO PIC trakom. Prelepe boje brojčanika dodatno su naglašene safirnim staklom, a sat teoretski omogućava zaron do 200 m dubine. Pokreće ga automatski mehanizam Sellita SW290, koji obezbeđuje rezervu snage za 38 sati rada.

Aquastar Deepstar II nesumnjivo je divan i zanimljiv ronilački sat koji savršeno kom binuje moderan i „nežno“ retro dizajn, ponosno čuvajući tradiciju svojih prethodnika. Ukoliko želite da ga poručite, bolje je da požurite! U fabrici će, naime, proizvesti samo 300 primeraka u svakoj od tri boje.

Aquastar Deepstar II Prečnik: 36,75 mm Debljina: 12 mm Najveća dubina: 20 ATM (200 m) Mehanizam: Sellita Caliber SW290 Swiss automatic Zaliha energije: 38 sati Cena: 1890 USD / 1490 USD (Early orders)



can choose the dial in one of three different colors - black, gray or blue, but the version with shades of blue seems to be the most magical. The easily noticeable ad ditional bright dial, on which we follow the hand for seconds, has unfortunately been left without a luminescent coating. The large indices for positions 12, 3 and 6 take us back in time in a certain way, and I agree with one of the comments on the internet, stating that the watch looks a bit Art Deco. This is probably due to the long and thin lines on the minute markers and the massive hands, which fit perfectly with the prominent markers for 3, 6 and 12 hours due to the luminescent colour. Of course, the signatures "Aquastar" and the name of the model are clearly noticeable, but what really attracts attention are the bezels. Yes, you've read that correctly - bezels! This watch has as many as two of them.

The first, inner, is a "classic dive" bezel for tracking dive time, and the second, outer, is actually a nod to the first Deepstar model. In 1962, Aquastar patented a system for calculating sur face intervals for multiple non decompression dives, and for the calculation they took data from the dive tables of the French Navy. Of course, today this information is calculated much faster and more accurately by the dive computer, but if you are still interested in how that system works, visit their website, where the whole process is described.

The dimensions of the watch are also worthy of mention. We, divers, are mostly used to large dive watches, therefore the Deepstar II will be quite a surprise for many due to the diameter of "only" 36.75 mm and the case height of 12 mm. However, this is by no means a drawback, because due to such dimensions, the watch can adapt much easier to other occasions on land and in everyday life. However, in the middle of 2022, a larger modified model (39 mm) ar rives from Aquastar with an added luminescent indicator of the movement's operation, which is used to monitor the operation of the watch in conditions of poor visibility.

The case is made of stainless steel (316L), and the strap can be replaced with NATO or TROP IC option. The beautiful colors of the dials are additionally accentuated by sapphire crystal, and the watch theoretically allows dives to a depth of 200 m. It is powered by an automatic Sellita SW290 movement, which provides a power reserve for 38 hours of operation.

Aquastar Deepstar II is undoubtedly a wonderful and interesting dive watch that perfectly combines modern and slightly retro design, proudly preserving the tradition of its predeces sors. If you wish to order this model, you'd better hurry! The factory will produce only 300 items in each of the three colors.

Aquastar Deepstar II

Model: Aquastar Deepstar II Diameter: 36.75 mm

Case height: 12 mm

Maximum depth: 20 ATM (200 m)

Movement: Sellita Caliber SW290 Swiss automatic Power reserve: 38 hours

Price: 1890 USD / 1490 USD (Early orders)

The Aquastar Deepstar II dive watch, presented in 2021, has its roots in the 1960s. This model has retained great similarities with its predecessor, especially in design. With a multitude of unique details, you will not be bored by it for a single second, and the longer you observe it, the more exciting it will get. Let's take a closer look...
Satovi / Watches



Dobrodošli u ekskluzivni noćni klub Fendace – mesto dobre zabave na kom se piše istorija mode

Welcome to the exclusive Fendace nightclub - where fashion history is made and there's fun to be had

Fendace je jedinstveni trenutak u modi. To nije samo saradnja već razmena uloga i kodova brendova na čelu sa dizajnerima Kimom Džonsom i Silviom Venturini Fendi koji donose upečatljivu perspektivu u Versace, kao i sa Donatelom Versaće koja je Fendi preoblikovala kroz svoju viziju, stvarajuć i zauzvrat dve kolekcije: Fendi by Versace i Versace by Fendi. Rođena iz kreativnog dijaloga, Fendace kolekcija sadrži prepoznatljive Versace zaštitne znake predstavljene uz Fendi FF logo print. Istražite ponudu torbi, konfekcije i modnih dodataka sa logotipom Fendace i prepoznatljivim Medusa motivom.

Fendace is a unique moment in fashion. It's an exchange of roles and brand codes rather than a collaboration, with designers Kim Jones and Silvia Venturini Fendi bringing their perspective to Versace, and Donatella Versace recasting Fendi through her vision, creating in turn two collections: Fendi by Versace and Versace by Fendi. Born from a creative dialogue, the Fendace collection sees signature Versace codes presented alongside Fendi's FF logo pattern. Explore a range of bags, ready-to-wear and accessories featuring the Fendace logo and Medusa signifiers.


Pamučna majica kao deo osnovne

Fendace linije sadrži Fendace logo izvezen preko grudi sa štampanim rubom i motivom Meduze na leđima.

Part of the Fendace capsule collection, this cotton T-shirt features the Fendace logo embroidered across the chest with a printed border and a Medusa motif on the reverse.

Pamučni šeširi ć sa Fendace logom i FF po stavom predstavlja deo osnovne Fendace kolekcije. Kao kreativni dijalog između Kima Džonsa i Donatele Versa ć e , Fendace osnovna kolekcija nastaje iz međusobnog prijateljstva i poštovanja.

Part of the Fendace capsule collection, this cotton bucket hat features the Fendace logo with a FF lining. A creative dialogue between Kim Jones and Donatella Versace, the Fendace capsule collection stems from mutual friendship and respect.



Napravljena od platna, ova torba srednje veličine deo je Fendace osnovne kolekcije. Njen prostrani otvoreni stil karakterišu izvezeni Fendace logotip i unutrašnji džep sa patent zatvaračem. Kao završni detalj tu je i odvojivi i podesivi kaiš za rame.

Made from canvas, this medium tote bag is part of the Fendace capsule collection. This spacious open-top style features an embroidered Fendace logo and internal zipped pocket. It's finished with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap.

Jednodelni kupaći kostim, kao kombinacija dva italijanska brenda, predstavlja deo osnovne Fendace kolekcije, sa Fendace logom na prednjoj strani i dubokim izrezom na vratu i leđima.

A coming together of two Italian brands, this one-piece swimsuit is part of the Fendace capsule collection, featuring the Fendace logo at the front and has a low scoop neck and back.


Papuče ukrašene Fendace logotipom pozicioniranim preko njihovog gornjeg dela od metalne mreže, deo su osnovne Fendace kolekcije.

Part of the Fendace capsule collection, these sliders are embellished with the Fendace Logo across metal mesh uppers.

Moda / Fashion | Sep/Okt 2022 133


Jewelry for special ladies Nakit za posebne dame

LeveriS Jewelry je izvrstan modni nakit, precizne ručne izrade i završnice, napravljen od plemenitih metala (uglavnom rodiniranog srebra) i SWA ROVSKI kristala.

Samo onda kada je ocenjen najvišim kvalitetom, nakit dobi ja pečat savršenosti, lepote i kvaliteta u vidu stilizovanog logoa “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. Ovaj nakit izrađuje se ručno, masovna proizvodnja ne postoji, što je svakako još jedna potvrda au tentičnosti. Svaki komad posebno je dizajniran i uglavnom je kreacija Leveris saradnika. Takođe, postoje primerci urađeni po kupljenim projektima drugih autora, ali i iz knjiga i časopisa.

U realizaciju svakog modela, osim materijala i vremena, uloženo je i dosta ljubavi, te se nadamo da ćete uživati noseći ga.


Jewelry is splendid fashion jewelry handmade with precision and exceptional finish, made of precious metals (mostly rhodiumplated silver) and SWAROVSKI crystals.

It is only after being rated the highest quality that a piece of jewelry gets the seal of perfection, beauty and quality in the form of a stylized logo “LS” Tra demark - LeveriS Jewelry. It is handmade, mass production does not exist in their workshops, which is certainly one more confirmation of authenticity. Each piece is specially designed and in most cases is creation of their collaborators. There are also models from specialized magazines, books or by other authors of purchased projects.

In addition to the material and time, a lot of love has been invested in realiza tion of each item, so we hope that you will enjoy wearing it.

Nakit / Jewelry | Sep/Okt 2022 134

A true showpiece, the 100 Yacht is a grand statement of refinement and sophistication, eloquently expressed through its striking lines, full beam master cabin, seamless transition from flybridge to foredeck, and fully glazed wheelhouse

Kao pravi eksponat, 100 Yacht je veličanstvena slika prefinjenosti i sofisticiranosti, elokventno izražena kroz upečatljive linije, vlasničku kabinu u punoj širini plovila, prelaz sa flajbridža na pramčanu palubu bez prepreka i potpuno zastakljenu kormilarnicu


očekivana jahta porinuta je u luci grada Pula u Engleskoj, ugledavši dnevnu svetlost po prvi put. Pripremajući se za svoje putovanje, čekala je u sedištu brodogradilišta Sunseeker, pre nego što je ovog leta isporučena na Mediteran.

Agresivni stil 100 Yacht ostaje verna odlika Sunseeker linije, ali sa novom, trodimen zionalnom estetikom. Generalni direktor kompanije Sunseeker International, Andrea Frabetti, je prokomentarisao: „Neverovatno smo ponosni što u Pulu, u prisustvu njenog vlasnika, predstavljamo ovu spektakularnu jahtu. Naš projektni tim radio je veoma naporno kako bi lansirao prvi primerak i pripremio plovilo za početne test vo žnje na moru. Drugi trup ovog modela sledi uskoro, a naši timovi su trenutno zauzeti izgradnjom više od sto porudžbina za isporuku 2022. godine i kasnije, što je izuzetan uspeh. Knjiga narudžbina je odraz snage brenda Sunseeker, kreativnosti zaposle nih i strasti svih uključenih u proces proizvodnje novog modela. Ovo je jedina jahta koja nudi neometan pristup između flajbridža, prednje palube i privatne vlasničke terase".

100 Yacht unosi revoluciju u Sunseeker Yacht asortiman, označavajući početak nove ere u dizajnu i funkcionalnosti flajbridža za ovo britansko brodogradilište. Sa inova tivnim funkcijama za zabavu u prvom planu, novi model pruža veliku svestranost, istinske globalne privlačnosti. Široki flajbridž, potpuno prohodan od pramca do krme, jedna je od izuzetnih zona za zabavu koje definišu 100 Yacht. Ogroman pro stor pametno je podeljen na zone sa namerom da ponudi besprekornu relaksaciju. Prednja paluba ima dve odvojene garniture za sedenje sa mogućnošću upotrebe bioskopskog platna, dok centralni flajbridž poseduje ugaonu garnituru, opremljen šank sa sudoperom i prostor na krmi za samostojeći nameštaj ili hidromasažnu kadu. Širina od 22 stope značajno povećava unutrašnju zapreminu, mnogo veću nego kod uobičajenih 100 stopa, u skladu sa unutrašnjim karakteristikama koje se obično nalaze u superjahtama pravljenim po porudžbini. Vlasnički apartman pune širine, pozicioniran na glavnoj palubi, koristi prednosti širokih prozora od poda do plafona i izuzetnih staklenih vrata predvorja koja vode do privatne terase na pramcu. Sa motorima MTU 12V 2000 M96X ili MTU 16V 2000 M96L, 100 Yacht dostiže brzinu do 29 čvorova i ima autonomiju od 1300 nautičkih milja prilikom krstarenja od 12 čvorova. Odražavajući ogromnu snagu i sposobnost projekta, jahta je dobila status CE kategorije A/okean.


highly anticipated 100 Yacht launched into Poole Harbour, seeing daylight for the very first time. Preparing for her maiden sea trial, the 100 Yacht stood poised at the home of Sunseeker before her delivery into the Mediterranean this summer.

Aggressive styling remains true to Sunseeker lineage but with a new, three dimensional aesthetic. Andrea Frabetti, Chief Executive Officer at Sun seeker International, commented: "We are incredibly proud to unveil the 100 Yacht here in Poole with the owner in attendance to see, for the first time, this spectacular new model. Our project team has worked incredibly hard to present the first build and prepare the vessel for initial sea trials and testing. The second hull is following in close succession and our teams are now busy building multiple 100 Yacht orders for delivery in 2022 and beyond; it's been a remarkable success. The order book is a reflection of our brand strength, the in-house creativity and the passion of all involved to deliver a spectacular new model. This is the only yacht offering seam less access between flybridge, foredeck and owners' private terrace on the sea."

The 100 Yacht will revolutionise the Sunseeker Yacht range, earmarking the start of a new era in flybridge design and functionality for the British yard. With new entertainment features at the fore, the 100 Yacht offers great versatility with a truly global appeal. The sweeping flybridge, with complete walk-around access from bow to stern, is one of the exceptional entertainment areas that defines the 100 Yacht. The vast space on the fly bridge is cleverly zoned to offer seamless entertainment. The foredeck has two separate seating arrangements with cinema screen capability, while the central flybridge has L-shaped seating, a fully equipped wet bar and space aft for free-standing furniture or a spa bath.

The 22-foot beam adds significant interior volume feeling much larger than a 100-footer, matched by interior features typically found in bespoke su peryachts. The full-beam master suite situated on the main deck benefits from floor to ceiling windows port and starboard as well as an exceptional glass atrium door forward, leading to an owner's private bow terrace.

Powered by MTU 12V 2000 M96X or MTU 16V 2000 M96L, the 100 Yacht reaches speeds of up to 29 knots and has a range of 1,300 nautical miles at a cruising speed of 12 knots. Reflecting its enormous strength and design capability, the yacht has been awarded CE Category A/Ocean status.

100 YACHT Ukupna dužina: 29,85 m Širina: 6,90 m Gaz (puno opterećenje): 2,10 m

Zapremina (polu opterećenje): 94,119 kg

Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 12.800 l Kapacitet rezervoara za svežu vodu: 1.800 l

Smeštaj: Do 10 gostiju i do 5 članova posade

Opcije motora: MTU do 5.280 PS

Performanse: Do 29 čvorova Autonomija @ 12 čvorova - do 1300 nautičkih milja


Length overall: 29.85 m

Beam: 6.90 m

Draft (full load): 2.10 m

Displacement (half load): 94.119 kg

Fuel capacity: 12.800 l

Fresh water capacity: 1.800 l

Accommodation: Up to 10 guests and up to 5 crew

Engine options: MTU up to 5,280 PS

Performance: Up to 29 knots

Range@ 12 knots-Up to 1,300 nautical miles

Jahte / Yachts | Sep/Okt 2022 141
142 | Sep/Okt 2022


jedan FD102 uspešno je porinut i isporučen svom vlasniku.

Projekat koji je počeo kao FD92 u međuvremenu je proširen kako bi se udovoljilo zahtevima vlasnika koji je želeo obilje otvorenog prostora. Ovaj model poseduje tri prostrane palube, uključujući otvoreni flajbridž i poluzatvoreni skajlaundž, i nudi raspored od pet kabina sa vlasničkim apartmanom na palubi. Iako jahta na glavnoj palubi ima tradicionalni raspored sa prostranom krmenom palubom, salonom koji se ističe po prozorima u punoj visini, kao i formalnom trpezarijom i kuhinjom prema pramcu, ona nikako nije tradicionalna po svom stilu. PLK Design, australijska firma za dizajn enterijera, stoji iza njenog savremenog izgleda, a sam vlasnik kompanije lično je izabrao završnu obradu i specijalne dodatke. Proizvođač nameštaja Jardan isporučio je veći deo mobilijara za enterijer, od trpezarijskog stola i stolica do fotelja u salonu, dok je kupac odabrao prelepe detalje od Cambria kamena kao stilsku nadogradnju u celoj jahti. Upotreba drugih dizajnerskih brendova nastavlja se kroz opremu za rasvetu, pri čemu Soktas Hand Blown Glass Lighting obezbeđuje centralno osvetljenje u salonu, kao i zidne lampe u vlasničkoj kabini koja se u punoj širini prostire na glavnoj palubi. Smeštajni kapaciteti se protežu od vlasničkog apartmana na centralnoj palubi do četiri preostale kabine na donjoj palubi, koje se sastoje od dve VIP kabine smeštene u sredini broda, kabine sa bračnim krevetom i dvokrevetne kabine smeštene napred. Prostorije za četvoročlanu posadu i garaža pozicionirane su iza strojarnice. Ergonomičnost glavne palube novog trospratnog modela, sa poluzatvorenim skajlaundžom sa šankom i prostorom za sedenje koji se na krmi nastavlja u potpuno opremljenu trpezariju sa velikom džakuzi kadom, nikoga neće razočarati. Tender Castoldi Jet, dužine 4,5 m, biće smešten na prednjoj palubi, dok otvoreni flajbridž nudi obilje prostora za odmaranje i sunčanje.


AnotherHorizon FD102 has launched and has been delivered to her owner. This project began as an FD92 but was extended to accom modate the owners’ requests for plentiful exterior areas. She features three spacious decks including an open flybridge and a semi-enclosed skylounge and offers a five-stateroom layout with an on-deck master suite.

While the yacht features a traditional layout on the main deck, with an expansive aft deck, a salon highlighted by full-height windows, and a for mal dining area and galley forward, it is anything but traditional in its styl ing. Australia-based interior design firm PLK Design is responsible for the contemporary interior, with the company’s owner personally selecting the finishes and outfitting accessories. Furniture maker Jardan supplied much of the interior furniture, from the dining table and chairs to the tub chairs in the salon, and the owner selected beautiful Cambria stonework as an up grade throughout. The use of other design brands continues in the lighting, with Soktas Hand Blown Glass Lighting providing the main ceiling feature light in the salon as well as the wall lamps in the full-beam master state room on the main deck forward.

Guest accommodations extend from the on-deck master to four further staterooms on the lower deck comprising mirrored VIPs amidships and a double and convertible twin forward. Crew quarters for four and a garage are situated aft of the engine room.

The deck areas on this tri-deck FD102 do not disappoint, with the semienclosed skylounge hosting a bar and seating area and extending aft to a full dining area with a large jacuzzi tub. The 4.5m Castoldi Jet tender will be stowed on the foredeck, while the open flybridge offers plentiful seating and sunbathing opportunities.

Jahte / Yachts
144 | Sep/Okt 2022
Savršen saputnik za istraživanje novih horizonata The perfect companion for exploring new horizons

Navis Marine preporučuje

Svaki zaljubljenik u more dobro zna da je kupovina broda ili jahte avantura života. Kompanija Navis Marine, specijalizovana za ekskluzivnu prodaju, posredovanje i savetovanje u nautičkoj industriji, svojim klijentima nudi impresivnu selekciju novih i polovnih brodova renomiranih proizvođača. Ovog puta izdvojili su modele četiri poznata brenda koji oduševljavaju nautičare širom sveta

Navis Marine Recommends

Every sea enthusiast knows that buying a boat or a yacht is an adventure of a lifetime. Navis Marine company specializes in exclusive sales, brokerage and consultancy in the nautical industry, and offers its clients an impressive selection of new and used boats built by reliable and reputable manufacturers. This time, they highlight models by 4 well-known brands that continuously delight boaters around the world

Menorquin 42 FB

Navis Marine, kao generalni zastupnik za proizvode iz pro grama brodogradilišta Sasga, u svojoj ponudi pored jahte Menorquin 42 HT poseduje i veći model koji sadrži nadgradnju sa još jednom palubom na krovu kabine, odnosno gornju pa lubu na flajbridžu.

Svi Sasga proizvodi kreirani su sa ciljem da zadrže stari imidž pouzdanih deplasmanskih brodova velike zapremine, ali su istovremeno modernizovani i unapređeni kako bi iskoristili veću snagu motora i povećali brzinu plovidbe. Podvodni oblik trupa prilagođen je novim zahtevima tržišta, čime su i znatno poboljšane maritimne sposobnosti.

Menorquin 42 FB je plovilo koji će definitivno privući pažnju svih nautičara koji cene tradicionalnii stil brodogradnje. Mno gi će poželeti da zaplove ovim karakterističnim brodom ispu njenim mirisom, toplinom i bojama drveta.

Sve je na ovom modelu podređeno moru i mornarskom ži votu. Na dužini od preko trinaest metara i širini od četiri me tra, Menorquin 42 FB poseduje predivnu krmenu platformu od preko deset kvadratnih metara, na koju može da se smesti manji tender čamac ili skuter.

Ovaj brod je prvenstveno napravljen za duga krstarenja. Ukoliko ste se otisnuli dalje od obale, flajbridž na prijatnoj visi ni predstavlja savršeno mesto na kom možete da se ugnezdite i uživate u pogledu na horizont. Zahvaljujući duplim koman dama jahtom se lako upravlja, samo je važno izabrati poziciju koja vam najviše odgovara. Nekoliko dana plovidbe na njoj ostaće trajno zabeleženo u arhivi vaših sećanja.

Predstavljamo / Presenting | Sep/Okt 2022 146

Navis Marine, general representative of the Sasga shipyard product range, in addition to the Menorquin 42 HT yacht also has this larger model that has an upgraded superstructure with an other deck on the roof of the cabin- the top deck on the flybridge.

All Sasga products are created with the aim of maintaining the old image of reliable displacement high-volume boats, but they are also modernised and advanced so as to use higher engine power and increase the speed of navigation. The underwater form of the hull is adapted to the new market demands and thus en hances maritime capabilities.

Menorquin 42 with Flybridge is a model that will attract atten tion of those nautical enthusiasts who appreciate more traditional

shipbuilding style. Many of them will wish to set sail on this distinc tive boat abundant in the scent, warmth, and colors of wood.

Everything aboard the vessel is designed for the sea and ma rine lifestyle. Menorquin 42 FB, a boat over 13 meters long and 4 meters wide, features a stunning aft platform of over 10 square meters, which can accommodate a small tender boat or a scooter.

This yacht is primarily made for long cruises. On the flybridge, you can nicely nest at a pleasant height and enjoy the view of the ho rizon, when you go a little further from the shore. At the same time, dual commands make it easy to steer this yacht, it is just important to choose the position that suits you best. Even a few days of navigation will remain permanently recorded in the archives of your memories.

Menorquin 42 FB Dužina preko svega: 13,20 m Dužina trupa: 11,98 m Širina: 4 m Gaz: 1,1 m Istisnina: 11258 t Kapacitet goriva: 1200 l Kapacitet vode: 500 l Snaga motora: 2x300 KS Maks brzina: 23 čvora Brzina krstarenja: do 15 čvorova CE sertifikat: A Menorquin 42 FB Length overall: 13.20 m Hull length: 11.98 m Beam: 4 m Draft: 1.1 m Displacement: 11258 t Fuel capacity: 1200 l Water capacity: 500 l Engine power: 2x300 hp Max speed: 23 knots Cruising speed: up to 15 knots CE certificate: A | Sep/Okt 2022 147

Linije novog modela koje je iznedrio Mannerfelt projektni tim predstavljaju pravu evoluciju stila i filozofije maksi RIB PIRELLI. Njegov sportski izgled i čiste linije odišu autentičnom elegancijom, spremnom da očara sve koji se nađu na njemu.

Nastao iz procesa započetog sa modelom PIRELLI 42, dizajn novog PIRELLI 50 kombinuje lični pečat i karakter. Projekat koji omogućava kružno kretanje po palubi daje prednost otvorenim prostorima, od iznenađujućeg dela za dnevni boravak do sofe na pramcu. Široki pramčani prostor za sunčanje nudi udobnost i bezbednost za one koji žele da potpuno uživaju u moru, dok kokpit opremljen prema željama vlasnika dočekuje veliki broj gostiju u savršenom komforu.


Libeccio 8.50 je prvi dnevni kruzer u bogatoj ponudi ovog brenda jer pored prostrane dvokrevetne kabine koja se proteže do pramca ima i spoljnu kuhinju opremljenu sudoperom, pločom za kuvanje i frižiderom. Kabina na modelu Libeccio 8.50 takođe poseduje i odvojeni toalet. Još jedna specijalna karakteristika ovog prelepog čamca tipa gozzo jeste paluba sa malom sofom. Štaviše, tu je i rol-bar od fiberglasa koji omogućava da tenda zasenči celu krmu čamca. Uprkos svojoj veličini, a zahvaljujući funkcionalnom dizajnu, zadnja paluba se vrlo lako pretvara u sto sa udobnim sedištima.

Kao i kod svih Gozzi modela, trup je napravljen vakuumskom infuzijom kako bi se smanjila njegova težina i dobio čvršći proizvod sa manjim uticajem na životnu sredinu, što je omogućeno upotrebom motora manje snage.

Libeccio 8.50 sa kabinom je veličanstven, bezbedan i stabilan gozzo projekat, kako iznutra tako i spolja, sa pažnjom posvećenom detaljima, što ga čini pravim remekdelom Made in Italy u nautičkoj industriji.

Libeccio 8.50 is the first day cruiser of the range as it has, in addition to a spacious double cabin that extends to the bow, also an outdoor kitchen equipped with a sink, a hob and a fridge. Libeccio 8.50 cabin also features a separate toilet. Another peculiarity of this beautiful gozzo is the deckhouse with a small sofa. Moreover, there is a fiberglass roll bar which allows the awning to cover the entire stern of the boat. Despite its size, thanks to a functional design, the afterdeck can be turned into a table with comfortable seats.

Like all Gozzi by Mimì, the hull is made with vacuum infusion to reduce its weight for a more solid product with less impact on the environment, since it allows the use of a less powerful engine.

Libeccio 8.50 cabin is a majestic, safe and stable gozzo designed, both inside and outside, with attention to detail, which makes it a real masterpiece of Made in Italy in the nautical industry.

The PIRELLI 50 lines are the right evolution of the style and philosophy of the maxi rib PIRELLI designed by the Mannerfelt Design Team. Sportiness and clean lines give it a unique elegance that can charm anyone.

Born from a process started with PIRELLI 42, the PIRELLI 50 design combines personality and character. The walkaround layout privileges the open spaces, from the surprising living area to the bow sofa. The wide bow sunbathing area o ers comfort and safety for those who want to enjoy the sea in its entirety, while the cockpit is equipped according to the requirements of the owner and allows to accommodate many guests in complete comfort.

The inner spaces are the result of a search to meet the demands of the owner, with the aim of making the most of any space o ered by PIRELLI 50. Elegance, luxury and convenience are the terms that best describe the result obtained by this process.

Unutrašnje površine predstavljaju rezultat težnje za ispunjavanjem zahteva vlasnika, sa namerom da se svaki prostor koji nudi PIRELLI 50 maksimalno iskoristi. Elegancija, luksuz i udobnost su termini koji najbolje opisuju rezultat dobijen u tom procesu.
Predstavljamo / Presenting


Sa svojim savršeno usklađenim modernim i retro stilom, novi Windy 37 Shamal ima za cilj da ponovi uspeh legendarnog modela Khamsin. Projektovan od strane međunarodno priznatog projektanta jahti (Espen Øino) i prožet osnovnom DNK kompanije Windy, Shamal slavi lakoću korišćenja čamca i udobnost stila 21. veka. Sa fokusom na prostrani kokpit, vrhunski trup i odlično upravljanje, inspirisani Windy modelima napravljenim šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina, Espen Øino i njegov tim razvili su fantastičan dizajnerski jezik sa visokim nivoom udobnosti i najsavremenijom tehnologijom.

U kokpitu, šank sa sudoperom omogućava opušten boravak, dok njegovi bočni okviri u stilu limuzine štite posadu, a dubina garantuje udobnost i bezbednost u brzini. Ispod velike krmene površine za sunčanje sa kliznim naslonom, smestio se par Volvo Penta motora, uključujući superglatke dizele D6/400 i 440DPI za izuzetno prefinjene performanse do 45 čvorova i pristajanje pomoću džojstika. Sa svim informacijama koje se prenose na glavni Glass Cockpit ekran i funkcijama za vožnju kao što su pomoć pri trimovanju, tempomat i režim male brzine, Windy 37 Shamal se pokazao kao veoma pogodan za brzu vožnju. Kao što biste i očekivali, kormilarska stanica je ergonomski gotovo savršena, sa kormilom i gasom nadohvat ruke, kao i sa preglednom konzolom za maksimalnu pogodnost vožnje. Tu je i platnena tenda sa električnim podešavanjem koja može potpuno da zatvori kokpit ako se vremenske prilike promene.

Unutrašnjost ovog modela podjednako je zapanjujuća kao dopuna elegantnoj spoljašnjosti. Iako je prvenstveno projektovan za kraći boravak na vodi uz odlične performanse, kabine pozivaju na relaksaciju kroz nenametljiv moderan skandinavski stil – sa duplim ležajevima u prednjem i zadnjem delu (krmeni prostor se može zatvoriti pomoću genijalne pregrade sa šarkama) i lepo uređenim toaletom sa odvojenom tuš kabinom.

With modern retro-styling the new Windy 37 Shamal is set to emulate the success of the legendary Khamsin. Designed by the internationally acclaimed yacht designer Espen Øino and steeped in Windy’s core DNA, the Shamal celebrates “ease of use boating”, in 21st century style and grand comfort. With its focus on a spacious cockpit, superb hull and excellent handling, inspired by the Windy models built in the Sixties and Seventies, Espen Øino and his team have developed a fantastic design language with high comfort and technology brought right up to date.

The cockpit wet-bar provides relaxed cockpit living, with the limoesque side frames protecting her crew, and a deep cockpit ensuring comfort and security at speed. Under her large aft sunpad with sliding backrest, sits a pair of Volvo Penta engines, including the super-smooth D6/400 & 440DPI diesels, for exceptionally refined performance up to 45 knots, and the option of joystick docking. With all information relayed to a Glass Cockpit main screen and driver aids such as power trim assist, cruise control and low speed mode, the Windy 37 Shamal is a very rewarding hull to drive fast. As you would expect, the helm is ergonomically near perfect, with wheel and throttles all falling to hand from supportive bolstered helm seats and a clear, uncluttered console for maximum driver involvement. There is a simply deployed all-over canvas canopy, with electric tensioning, to enclose the cockpit should the weather turn.

To complement the stylish exterior, the interior of the Windy 37 Shamal is equally stunning. Whilst she is primarily designed as a performance weekender, the cabins have a cool, relaxed feel and an understated modern Scandinavian chic – with fore and aft double berths (the aft space can be closed o using an ingenious hinged bulkhead panel) and a beautifully appointed heads compartment, with separate shower stall.

1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278

Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423

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Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main o ce: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385
275 Coast o ce: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 / 37 | Sep/Okt 2022 149

time on the water with family and friends provides some of the most pleasurable and rewarding moments of our lives. Every GRAND boat is designed and built to provide optimum excitement and the feeling of Luxury, Comfort and Safety no matter where your journey takes you!

Vreme provedeno na vodi sa porodicom i prijateljima rađa najdragocenije trenutke u životu. Svaki GRAND čamac je projektovan i napravljen sa cijem da omogući optimalno uzbuđenje i ose ć a j luksuza, udobnosti i bezbednosti bez obzira gde vas put odvede! Spending

GRAND je postao sinonim za eleganciju, pouzdanost i kvalitet jer godinama gradi modele u skladu sa najvišim standardima. Sa nenadmašnom posvećenošću da postigne vrhunski kvalitet i pruži zadovoljstvo sa svakim modelom koji napravi, istakao se kao najbolji izbor za sve koji žele da prožive nezaboravne trenutke na vodi.

Kupovinom bilo kog GRAND modela ne kupujete samo prevozno sredstvo za vodu, nego i emocije proizašle iz opuštanja sa porodicom i prijateljima, udobnost boravka i uživanje u lakom rukovanju - bilo da se radi o plovidbi na mirnoj ili ustalasanoj vodi.

Proizvodnu liniju kompanije predstavlja više od 50 različitih modela čamaca sa bogatim izborom dodatnih opcija i opreme. Možete odabrati boju cilindara i fiberglasa, kao i materijal i dizajn presvlake po svom ukusu. Na taj način stvarate svoj jedinstveni čamac, sastavljajući ga kao dizajner, prisećajući se detinjstva i dečjih želja. Pravo vreme da to uradite je upravo sada, jer u salonu Moto-Nautike u Sloveniji, koji je i distributivni centar za ovaj deo Evrope, već prikupljaju porudžbine za 2023. godinu, a stare cene su zagarantovane do kraja septembra. Takođe, u istom salonu možete uživo videti praktično sve najprodavanije Grand modele i kupiti ih na licu mesta.

Moto-Nautika će biti prisutna i na ovogodišnjem sajmu nautike u Biogradu od 26. do 30. oktobra 2022. godine. Biograd Boat Show će proslaviti svoju 24. godinu postojanja, nakon 21 godine neprekidnog održavanja i dva izuzetno uspešna pandemijska izdanja koja su dokazala otpornost i važnost ove manifestacije. Protekle godine sajam je uspeo da obori sve rekorde posećenosti, a izgledi za ovu godinu su više nego dobri jer veliki broj izlagača proširuje svoje izložbene prostore, a mnogo novih izlagača se pridružuje snažnoj i lojalnoj postojećoj bazi. Moto-Nautika će na Biogradskom sajmu ponuditi test vožnje dva izuzetna plovila Ranieri, Cayman 28.0 Executive Trofeo sa Yamaha motorima od 2x300 konjskih snaga i Ranieri Next 240.

For years, GRAND has been building models with the highest level of standards and has become a synonym for Elegance, Reliability and Quality. With an unsurpassed dedication of redeeming excellence and providing satisfaction in every model they build, GRAND is the top choice for o ering fun and memorable moments on the water.

Purchasing any model of GRAND boats, you buy not just water vehicle, but positive emotions and pleasure from relaxing with family and friends in nature, comfort from being in a boat, enjoying easy handling, be it smooth movements on the water surface or steep turn on the waves.

The company’s product line is represented by more than 50 di erent models of boats with a choice of various additional options and accessories. You can choose the color of the cylinders and fiberglass, the material and colors of the upholstery to your taste, thereby creating your unique boat, assembling it as a designer, remembering childhood and children’s desires. And the perfect time to do that in now, because in the Moto-Nautika showroom in Slovenia, which is also the distribution center for this part of Europe, they are already collecting orders for the 2023 models, where the old price is guaranteed only until the end of September. They also have an extensive stock of vessels in the Moto-Nautika showroom in Slovenia, where you can see practically all of Grand's best-selling models live and buy them immediately.

Moto-Nautika will also be present at this years Biograd Boat show from 26.10.2022 to 30. 10. 2022. Biograd Boat show will celebrate its 24th year following 21 years of continuous record breaking shows and two highly successful pandemic shows, which proved the resilience and importance of the event. In 2021, the show managed to break all attendance records, and the outlook for this year is very bright, as many exhibitors are expanding their exhibits, and many new exhibitors are joining our strong and loyal exhibitor base. At this year's Biograd Boat Show, Moto-Nautika will o er two exceptional Ranieri vessels for testing. This year you will be able to test the prestige of the Cayman 28.0 Executive Trofeo model with 2x300 horsepower Yamaha engines and the Ranieri Next 240.

Kontakt za porudžbine / For preorders contact: 00386 2 629 04 00; 00386 31 300 205

Moto-Nautika d.o.o. Ptujska c.63, 2204 Miklavž pri Mariboru, SLO +386(0)26290400 GRAND G500 GRAND G580 | Sep/Okt 2022 151

RIB nove generacije

Lagana YAM plovila na naduvavanje pružaju baš ono što se od njih očekuje - izuzetnu postojanost i jednostavnost upravljanja. To su i prednosti koje ih čine veoma poželjnim, naročito među ljubiteljima kampovanja, ronjenja, pecanja i drugih avanturističkih aktivnosti.

Najveći potencijal ove RIB serije predstavlja aluminijumski trup kog karakteriše mala težina i laka i brza priprema čamca za upotrebu: jednostavno naduvajte tubuse i spremni ste.

Model 380 TAf odlikuje “V” oblik trupa koji obezbeđuje precizno manevrisanje prilikom većih ili manjih brzina, kao i ravan pod otpo ran na slabije udare. Za izradu tubusa se koristi 1100 Decitex PVC materijal novije generacije, a lepljeni šavovi i spojevi za optimum vodonepropusnosti i sigurnosti garantuju plovilo rezistentno na spoljne faktore poput slane vode i sunca.

Uskočite u svoj YAM, čuven po glatkim performansama, ekonomič nosti i stilskoj pouzdanosti, i pridružite se hiljadama srećnih vlasni ka koji krstare lukama, marinama i unutrašnjim vodama Evrope.



6 persons

22 kW/30 PS (L)

Čamci / Boats
YAM380 TAf
YAM380 TAf Ukupna dužina: 3,8 m Širina: 1,9 m Težina: 160 kg Kapacitet: 6
Motor: 22
PS (L) YAM380 TAf Overall length: 3.8 m Beam: 1.9 m Weight: 160 kg Capacity:
Engine: | Sep/Okt 2022 152
Ponuda ALU gumenjaka Yam380Taf sa opremom po specijalnoj akcijskoj ceni! YAM380TAF 2019 – OGRANIČENA KOLIČINA Serijska oprema: Kutija za opremu na pramcu Set alata Nožna pumpa Upravljačka konzola sa sedištem Vizir upravljačke konzole Okvir vizira od inoksa Sedište za vozača sa prostorom za opremu Roll bar PVC rezervoar za gorivo od 25 l sa priključcima Motor i ostala dodatna oprema su na raspolaganju uz doplatu. Za sve detalje i ponudu posetite ovlašćenog Yamaha distributera. Offer of ALU inflatable dinghy Yam380Taf with equipment at a special promotional price YAM380TAF 2019 - LIMITED QUANTITY Standard equipment: Bow equipment box Tool set Foot pump Control console with seat Control console windshield Stainless steel windshield frame Driver’s seat with storage space for equipment Roll bar PVC fuel tank of 25 l with connections The engine and other accessories are available at extra cost. For full details and a quote, visit your authorized Yamaha dealer. | Sep/Okt 2022 153

New Generation RIB

The lightweight YAM inflatable boats provide precisely what is ex pected of them - exceptional durability and ease of use. This is ex actly what makes these models highly desirable and sought after, especially by camping, diving, and fishing enthusiasts, as well as those keen on other adventure activities.

The greatest potential of this series of RIB boats is reflected in the aluminum hull, which is characterized by low weight and easy and quick preparation of the boat for use: simply inflate the tubes and you are ready.

The 380 TAf features a V-shape keel that provides precise maneu verability at high or low speed alike, as well as a flat floor resistant to low impact. New generation 1100 Decitex PVC material is used for tube filling, and adhesive seams and joints for optimum watertightness and safety guarantee the vessel's resistace to external factors such as salt water and sun.

Jump aboard your YAM, which is renowned for its smooth perfor mance, economical consumption, and stylish reliability, thus joining thousands of lucky owners who cruise Europe's ports, marinas and inland waterways.

Pratite nas:

Čamci / Boats YAMAHA PRODAJA I SERVIS SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255 Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792 Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245
Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51
MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140
Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju: | Sep/Okt 2022 154


znali? Did


Podvodni muzej Side

/Side Underwater Museum

Zaronite u istoriju

Prvi podvodni muzej Turske, Podvodni muzej Side, vodi zaljubljenike ronjenja na epsko putovanje plavim dubinama sa svojom kolekcijom od 110 skulptura. Muzej koji govori o bogatstvu anadolske civilizacije nalazi se na oko 2,5 kilometara od mesta Side, na dubinama od 11, 18 i 24 metra. Otvoren je 2015. godine, a hiljade ljudi posećuje ga svake godine.

Muzej ima za cilj da demonstrira interakciju između umetnosti i nauke o životnoj sredini, kao i da formira složenu strukturu grebena za kolonizaciju morskog podvodnog života i biomase u velikim razmerama, pa su same skulpture napravljene od specijalizovanih materijala koji se koriste za podsticanje života korala.

Svih 110 skulptura, izloženih pod vodom Sredozemnog mora, podeljeno je u nekoliko istorijskih i kulturnih tema u rasponu od „Turskog rata za nezavisnost“ do „Derviša koji se vrte“, „Vozova kamila“ i „Cvetnih bašta“. Među statuama, najzanimljivije delo predstavlja džinovska statua Posejdona, visoka tri i po metra i teška 50 tona.

Dive into History

The first underwater museum of Turkey, Side Underwater Museum takes diving enthusiasts on an epic journey in blue waters with its collection of 110 sculptures. The museum, which tells about the richness of Anatolian civilization, is located approximately 1.5 miles off Side, at 11, 18 and 24 m depths. It was opened in 2015, thousands of people visit the museum by diving underwater.

The museum aims to demonstrate the interaction between art and environmental science and form a complex reef structure for marine life to colonize, inhabit and increase biomass on a grand scale. The sculptures were constructed from specialized materials used to foster coral life.

Under several historical and cultural themes ranging from the “Turkish War of Independence” to “Whirling Dervishes,” “Camel Trains” and “Flower Gardens”, 110 sculptures are now on display under the Mediterranean waters. Among the statues, the giant Poseidon statue, which is three and a half meters long and weighs 50 tons, is the most interesting work.

Da li ste znali? / Did you know?
li ste
you | Sep/Okt 2022 156

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