Nautika Magazine No. 81 (Nov/Dec 2022)

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97 7233490000 4 No. 81 • Nov/Dec 2022 • 590 RSD • 6€ SRP/ENG Elegancija je stav Elegance is an attitude BLUEGAME 54 RIVA 76’ BAHAMAS SUPER ABSOLUTE 60 FLY

OSNIVAČ I IZDAVAČ /FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER: NAUTIKA PRESENT d. o. o. Društvo za marketing i odnose sa javnošću/ Marketing and Public Relations Company





GRAFIČKA PRIPREMA/ DESKTOP PUBLISHER: Agencija za grafički dizajn Enigma Design (

ADRESA/ADDRESS: Ilije Birčanina 13, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21/ 472-91-80, e-mail:

Sadržaj/Contents CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 629.5+797.1 Nautika / glavni i odgovorni urednik Slađana Marović.2013, br. 25- . - Novi Sad : Nautika Present, 2013- . - Ilustr. ; 30 cm Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Nautika & turizam = ISSN 2217-5911 ISSN 2334-900X = Nautika COBISS.SR-ID 280894983 IMPRESSUM WWW.NAUTIKA-PRESENT.COM
46 90 68 82 26 58 Porinut SANLORENZO 57STEEL Launched FJORD Jedinstveni brend motornih brodova Unique brand of motor boats | Nov/Dec 2022 20
104 Sadržaj/Contents 100 118 154 94 128 110 114 132 CASA BADRA Vaš apulijski dom Your Apulian Home LEFKADA „Grčka Boka" "Boka Kotorska of Greece" Burna istorija Sueckog kanala Turbulent history of the Suez Canal McLAREN ARTURA Puna McLaren snaga The full force of McLaren FAIRLINE TARGA 45 OPEN Preporođena legenda An Icon Reborn | Nov/Dec 2022 21

Absolute Yachts na sajmu nautike u Dizeldorfu


Kompanija Absolute Yachts novu 2023. godinu započinje učešćem na 52. sajmu nautike u Dizeldorfu, koji će se održati od 21. do 29. januara.

Absolute tim je oduševljen što nakon dve godine ponovo može da vas dočeka na ovom globalnom okupljalištu istinskih zaljubljenika u nautiku i predstavi svoje spektakularne modele. Mnogima će se dogoditi ljubav na prvi pogled jer 47 FLY, 50 FLY, 56 FLY i 60 FLY reprezentuju ono najbolje od Made in Italy, a tome je teško odoleti! Inovativna jahta 47 FLY će vas uz svoju moćnu tehnologiju, udobnost bez premca i apsolutno iskustvo navigacije, odvesti gde god poželite. 50 FLY predstavlja pravo dostignuće Absolute brodogradilišta, gde savršen sklad veličine i funkcionalnosti slavi udobnost u svakom kutku ovog plovila. Harizma u svom najjasnijem prikazu oličena je u jahti 56 FLY, koja svojim dizajnom priziva energiju i entuzijazam, i što je najvažnije, omogućava vlasniku da doživi njen šarm i shvati zašto je ona sve što su oduvek želeli. I za kraj, jahta zbog koje će susret u Dizeldorfu ostati urezan u vašem sećanju-Absolute 60 FLY, model koji je doneo evoluciju, kako za brodogradilište Absolute, tako i za sve one koji ga poseduju. Nudeći visoku svestranost upotrebe i udobnost bez kompromisa, 60 FLY otkriva novu dimenziju života na vodi. Spremite se da upoznate najbolje od italijanskog kvaliteta i dizajna!

Absolute Yachts marks the start of the new year 2023 by participating at the 52nd Dusseldorf Boat Show, which will be held from 21st to 29th January.

The Absolute team is delighted that after two years it can once again welcome you to this global meeting place of true nautical enthusiasts and present its spectacular models. For many, it will be love at first sight, because the 47 FLY, 50 FLY, 56 FLY and 60 FLY embody the best of Made in Italy, and that is hard to resist!

The innovative yacht 47 FLY will take you wherever you want with its powerful technology, unparalleled comfort and absolute navigation experience. The 50 FLY represents a real feat of the Absolute shipyard, where the perfect harmony of size and functionality celebrates comfort in every corner of the yacht. Charisma in its clearest representation is embodied in the yacht 56 FLY, whose design evokes energy and enthusiasm, and most importantly, allows the owner to experience her charm and realize why she is everything they have always wanted. Finally, the yacht that will make the event in Dusseldorf remain etched on your memory - Absolute 60 FLY, a model that has brought evolution, both for the Absolute shipyard and for all those who own it. O ering high versatility of use and comfort without compromise, the 60 FLY reveals a new dimension to life on the water. Get ready to experience the best of Italian quality and design!

Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 91 6001 137, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1 ABSOLUTE 47 FLY ABSOLUTE 56 FLY ABSOLUTE 50 FLY ABSOLUTE 60 FLY | Nov/Dec 2022 22

Croatia Yachting


Zaposlenima u turizmu i čarteru Hrvatske nisu potrebne posebne pohvale, svoje znanje i zalaganje svake godine pokazuju i dokazuju rekordnim odzivom gostiju i promocijom Jadrana i Hrvatske kao jedne od najpoželjnijih turističkih čarter destinacija. Ipak, od svih prijavljenih čarter kompanija za dodelu nagrade ‚‚Turistički cvijet - kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” nad kojima je sproveden stručni postupak ocenjivanja, pobedu je odnela Croatia Yachting. Vest je objavljena na manifestaciji Dani hrvatskog turizma u Šibeniku 6. oktobra, gde se tradicionalno dodeljuje nagrada najboljim turističkim kompanijama i uslugama u zemlji. Ovo prestižno priznanje već 25 godina uručuju Hrvatska privredna komora i Hrvatska turistička zajednica kako bi promovisale i pohvalile kompanije koje svake godine doprinesu unapređenju turizma u zemlji.

Iz kompanije Croatia Yachting ističu da im je sezona 2022. bila najprometnija do sada, kao i da su godinu obeležili otvaranjem novih baza u Trogiru i Šibeniku. Tako danas svoje kancelarije imaju u Splitu, Trogiru, Šibeniku, Kaštel Gomilici, Biogradu i Dubrovniku.

Ovo je drugi put da je Croatia Yachting izvojevala pomenutu nagradu, jer su Hrvatska privredna komora i Hrvatska turistička zajednica i 2017. godine prepoznali kvalitet njihovih usluga. Potvrđena titula svakako je rezultat posvećenosti, poverenja i međusobnog poštovanja koje ova kompanija godinama gradi sa ogromnom mrežom svojih klijenata.

Croatian tourism and charter employees do not require particualr praise, they show and prove their knowledge and commitment every year with record guest response and promotion of the Adriatic and Croatia as one of the most desirable tourist charter destinations. However, of all the charter companies that applied for the "Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia" award, which involves undergoing an expert evaluation process, Croatia Yachting won.

The news was announced at the Days of Croatian Tourism event in Šibenik on October 6, where the award is traditionally given to the country's best tourism companies and services. The prestigious award has been organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Croatian National Tourist Board for the last 25 years and is used to promote and praise the tourism companies making a di erence in the country each year.

The Croatia Yachting company points out that the 2022 season was their busiest ever, and that they marked the year with the opening of new bases in Trogir and Šibenik. So today they have o ces in Split, Trogir, Šibenik, Kaštel Gomilica, Biograd, and Dubrovnik. This is the second time that Croatia Yachting has won this prestigious award, as the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian National Tourist Board recognized the quality of their services in 2017. The repeated award is certainly the result of the commitment, trust and mutual respect that this company has been building for years with its huge network of clients.

Nagrada „Turistički cvijet” u kategoriji najbolje čarter kompanije dodeljena je kompaniji Croatia Yachting koja može da se pohvali flotom od preko 140 plovila u šest baza duž dalmatinske obale / The "Tourism Flower" award in the category of the best charter company has been awarded to Croatia Yachting, which boasts a fleet of over 140 vessels at six bases along the Dalmatian coast | Nov/Dec 2022 24

Porinut prvi Sanlorenzo 57Steel


Sanlorenzo je porinuo prvi primerak linije 57Steel u okruženju La Specije, mesta proizvodnje superjahti ovog brodogradilišta. Kao prototip te linije, plovilo dugo 56,50 metara sa pet paluba i tonažom od 1050 GT biće isporučeno svom vlasniku početkom 2023. godine. Što se tiče koncepta i dizajna, novi brod za Sanlorenzo nadgledao je Bernardo Zukon, studio Zuccon International Project, koji je po prvi put projektovao spoljašnje linije jahte takvih dimenzija. Nova superjahta poseduje izrazito neobične unutrašnje i spoljašnje prostore, prezentujući prostornu funkcionalnost na potpuno inovativan način. U stvari, raspored modela 57Steel menja tradicionalnu ravnotežu i kormilarnicu, koja se obično nalazi na pramcu gornje palube, premešta na drugu palubu sa kormilarskim mostom tipičnim za veće jahte. Takav raspored pruža mogućnost korišćenja gornje palube na drugačiji način i pravi mesto za vlasničku kabinu sa pristupom velikoj privatnoj palubi koja garantuje ekskluzivan pogled na more. Zahvaljujući nesvakidašnjem rasporedu, velika VIP kabina takođe je pozicionirana na glavnoj palubi i može poslužiti kao druga vlasnička kabina. Tu je i prostrana krmena oblast koja uključuje bazen sa providnim dnom, omogućavajući tako svetlosti da prolazi ispod bazena i nežno naglasi prostor plažnog dela, koji se može dodatno proširiti pomoću sklopivih terasa. Enterijeri su kreirani u bliskoj saradnji sa klijentom i dizajnirani od strane Studio Wickers iz Londona. Time je omogućeno stvaranje toplog i prijatnog okruženja koje savršeno odgovara idejama i željama vlasnika. Upit:

Sanlorenzo has launched the first unit of the 57Steel line in the setting of La Spezia, the site of the shipyard's superyacht production. This first 56.50-metre long vessel with five decks and a tonnage of 1050 GT is the prototype of the line and will be delivered to her owner in early 2023.

In terms of design, Sanlorenzo's new addition was overseen by Bernardo Zuccon, studio Zuccon International Project, who for the first time ever designed the exterior lines of a superyacht of such dimensions. This new superyacht allows for indoor and outdoor spaces that are decidedly out of the ordinary and revises the di erent functions of the on-board spaces in a new way. In fact, the layout of the 57Steel alters the traditional balance whereby the wheelhouse, which is normally located at the bow of the upper deck, is relocated to another deck - the bridge deck typical of larger yachts - and o ers the possibility of using the upper deck in a di erent way. It is here that we find the owner's cabin overlooking the large Owner's deck, a private deck that guarantees an exclusive view of the sea.

Thanks to the unusual layout, a large full-beam VIP cabin, which can be used as a second owner's cabin, has also been placed forward on the main deck. This large aft area includes a swimming pool with a transparent bottom that allows light to filter into the area below, softly punctuating the spaces of the beach area, which can be further extended towards the water thanks to the folding terraces.

Designed by Studio Vickers of London, the interiors were created by working closely with the client. This made it possible to create warm and cosy environments that perfectly met the ideas and wishes of the owner. Enquiries:

Vesti/News | Nov/Dec 2022 26

Proizvođač godine Manufacturer of the Year

Garmin International, najinovativniji i najuticajniji proizvođač brodske elektronike na svetu, sa ponosom objavljuje da je osmu uzastopnu godinu proglašen za proizvođača godine od strane članova Nacionalne asocijacije za pomorsku elektroniku (NMEA). Ova zavidna titula se dodeljuje najpriznatijoj kompaniji u industriji pomorske elektronike za izvrsnost proizvodnih usluga i podršku na terenu.

Garmin je takođe nagrađen sa pet nagrada za izuzetnost proizvoda u kategorijama multifunkcionalnog displeja (MFD), autopilota, multimedijalne zabave, mobilne aplikacije, korisnosti i sistema za automatsku identifikaciju (AIS). O navedenim nagradama glasaju dileri Nacionalne asocijacije za pomorsku elektroniku koji su specijalizovani za instaliranje brodske elektronike, kvalifikovani tehničari i kolege proizvođači pomorske elektronike.

Garmin International, the world’s most innovative and recognized marine electronics manufacturer, is proud to announce that it was named Manufacturer of the Year in the large manufacturer category for the eighth consecutive year by members of the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA). The coveted title of Manufacturer of the Year is given to the most recognized company in the marine electronics industry for excellence in product service and support in the field.

Garmin was also awarded five Product of Excellence awards in the multi-function display (MFD), autopilot, multimedia entertainment, mobile application—utility, and automatic identification system (AIS) categories. These awards are voted on by NMEA dealers who specialize in installing marine electronics, qualified NMEA technicians and fellow marine electronics manufacturers.


MFD – GPSMAP® 8616xv

Ovaj 16-inčni ploter krasi Full HD in-plane switching (IPS) ekran sa multi-touch kontrolom. Dolazi sa unapred učitanim mapama i grafi konima, ali i podrškom za opcionu Garmin Navionics+™ kartografi ju sa pristupom dnevnim ažuriranjima, tehnologiji Auto Guidance+™ i još mnoštvu toga. GPSMAP 8616xv ribolovcima pruža izuzetno detaljan prikaz sa ugrađenom podrškom za širok spektar CHIRP tradicionalnih sonara, sonara za skeniranje ultravisoke defi nicije i celu Panoptix™ liniju svevideć eg sonara, uključujuć i LiveScope™ sonar za skeniranje uživo. Ovo je Garminova osma uzastopna nagrada u ovoj kategoriji.

MFD – GPSMAP® 8616xsv

This 16-inch chartplotter boasts a full HD in-plane switching (IPS) display with multi-touch control and comes preloaded with maps and charts along with support for optional Garmin Navionics+™ cartography with access to daily updates, Auto Guidance+™ technology and more. The GPSMAP 8616xsv o ers anglers exceptional sonar detail with built-in support for a wide range of CHIRP traditional and scanning sonars, Ultra High-Defi nition scanning sonar, and the entire Panoptix™ all-seeing sonar line, including LiveScope™ live scanning sonar. This is Garmin’s eighth consecutive honor in this category.

Autopilot – Hidraulični autopilot Reactor™ 40 sa SmartPump v2

Reactor je bio prvi Garminov rekreativni autopilot sistem koji koristi AHRS tehnologiju. Može se pohvaliti upotrebljivošć u, fl eksibilnošć u instalacije i mnogim drugim karakteristikama koje su se pokazale dragocenim za sve vrste plovila. Sa novim staklenim ekranom osetljivim na dodir od ivice do ivice, uključeni instrument autopilota GHC 50 ne samo da izgleda dobro, nego navigaciju čini jednostavnom i nepogrešivom. Već deset godina zaredom, Garmin je nagrađivan prvim mestom u kategoriji autopilota.

Autopilot – Reactor™ 40 Hydraulic Autopilot with SmartPump v2

The Reactor was Garmin’s fi rst recreational autopilot system to utilize AHRS technology and boasts usability, installation fl exibility, and many other features that prove to be valuable for any vessel. With a new edge-to-edge glass touchscreen display, the included GHC 50 autopilot instrument not only looks good, it makes navigation simple and hassle free. For 10 years running, Garmin has been awarded the top spot in the autopilot category.

GARMIN Vesti/News

Multimedijalna zabava – Fusion® Apollo™ RA770

Nagrađeni sistem za zabavu na vodi bio je prvi svetski brodski stereo koji je sadržao ekran osetljiv na dodir, Apple AirPlay®, ugrađen Wi-Fi i mrežne moguć nosti deljenja zvuka. Ovom nagradom se Garminov pobednički niz produžava na sedam godina.

Multimedia Entertainment – Fusion® Apollo™ RA770

This marine entertainment system was the world’s fi rst touchscreen marine stereo with Apple AirPlay®, built-in Wi-Fi and network audio sharing capabilities. This extends Garmin’s winning streak in this category to seven years.

AIS – Vesper Cortex M1

Prvi VHF radio na svetu sa bežičnim spravama, ekranom osetljivim na dodir, ugrađenim transponderom klase B smartAIS i daljinskim nadzorom plovila. Cortex upozorava nautičare o rizicima od sudara i pruža ključne informacije o situaciji kako bi komunikacija bila lakša i efi kasnija.

AIS – Vesper Cortex M1

The world’s fi rst VHF radio with wireless touchscreen handsets and built-in Class B smartAIS transponder and remote vessel monitoring, Cortex alerts boaters of collision risks, providing key information about the situation to make communications easier and more e ective.

Pomorska aplikacija, pomoć ni program – ActiveCaptain®

ActiveCaptain je besplatna mobilna aplikacija za pomorce i prateć a aplikacija za Garmin elektroniku koja pruža besprekoran način upravljanja sadržajem sa pristupom kartografi ji, automatskim ažuriranjem najnovijeg dostupnog softvera, moguć nostima planiranja van plovila, povezanim uslugama i mnogim drugim pogodnostima. To je Garminova osma uzastopna pobeda u ovoj kategoriji.

Marine Application, Utility – ActiveCaptain®

A free mobile app for mariners, ActiveCaptain is an all-in-one companion app to onboard Garmin electronics that delivers a seamless content management system with access to cartography, automatic delivery of the latest software available, o -vessel planning capabilities, connected services and so much more. This is Garmin’s eighth consecutive win in this category.

GARMIN Authorized Dealer

/ Info Team d.o.o. Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 193, 11000 Beograd, tel./fax. 011/2414-239, 011/655-78-59, 011/655-78-60

Vesti/News | Nov/Dec 2022 29

Loncin XWOLF 700

ATV & NAUTICA centar je svoju bogatu ponudu vozila upotpunio još jednim sjajnim kvadom koji se smatra pouzdanim partnerom u svim terenskim izazovima

Iz Loncin fabrike stiže novi ATV model, spreman da otvori nove adrenalinske vidike. XWOLF 700 predstavlja oličenje sofisticiranog dizajna i uravnotežene funkcionalnosti, a u kombinaciji sa sjajnim performansama garantuje nezaboravno iskustvo u vožnji. Pokreće ga napredni jednocilindrični četvorotaktni motor od 686 kubika i snage 47 KS, odnosno 35 Kw pri 5500 o/min. Karakteristike poput kratkog međuosovinskog rastojanja, ade-

kvatne snage i eksplozivnosti obezbeđuju mu funkcionisanje i savladavanje svih prepreka, bez obzira na vremenske uslove. Sigurni smo da će ovo vozilo svojom snagom i performansama oduševiti sve rekreativne vozače, ali i iznenaditi one mnogo zahtevnije. Prigrlite svoje strasti i prepustite se dinamičnoj, ali pre svega pouzdanoj vožnji. Posetite ATV & NAUTICA centar i pridružite se brojnim ljubiteljima adrenalina i avanture!

The ATV & NAUTICA center has enriched its excellent offer of vehicles with a great model of quad, considered to be a reliable partner in all off-road challenges


Ukupna dužina: 222 cm

Ukupna širina: 118 cm

Ukupna visina: 135 cm Visina sedišta: 91cm Međuosovinski razmak: 148 cm Rastojanje od tla: 280 mm

Masa praznog vozila: 385 kg

POGON Prenos: Automatski CVT

Menjač: L / H / N / R / P

Pogonski sistem: 2WD/4WD Differential lock

Prednje kočnice: Disk kočnice


Zadnji prtljažni nosači: 80 kg Maksimalna nosivost: 230 kg

OPREMA Retrovizori Štitnici za ruke Električni start Port za USB & upaljač Prednje zaključavanje diferencijala Servo (EPS)

Potpuno nezavisno prednje i zadnje vešanje Aluminijumske felne LED svetla

Prednje vitlo Kuka za vuču Sedište za suvozača Odeljak za ostavu


Total length: 222 cm

Total width: 118 cm

Total height: 135 cm

Seat height: 91cm Wheelbase: 148 cm

Ground clearance: 280 mm

Weight of empty vehicle: 385 kg


Transmission: Automatic CVT

Gearbox: L / H / N / R / P


ATV model comes from the Loncin factory and it is ready to open up new adrenaline vistas. The XWOLF 700 is the epitome of sophisticated design and balanced functionality combined with great performance, so it brings unforgettable driving experience. It is powered by an advanced single-cylinder four-stroke engine, with a volume of 686 cc and a power of 47 HP, i.e. 35 Kw at 5500 rpm. Its features, such as a short wheel-

base, adequate power and explosiveness ensure that it functions and overcomes all obstacles, regardless of weather conditions. We are sure that this vehicle will impress all recreational drivers with its power and performance, but also surprise the more demanding ones. Embrace your passions and indulge in dynamic and, above all, reliable driving. Join numerous adrenaline and adventure enthusiats, visit the ATV & NAUTICA center!

Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) ATV & Nautički centar

Savska 2a, Ostružnica, 11251 Beograd ATV & Moto salon

Autoput za Zagreb 32, Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 7350890 / +381 63 35 99 99 Mail: /

Drive system: 2WD/4WD Differential lock

Front brakes: Disc brakes


Rear luggage carriers: 80 kg

Maximum load capacity: 230 kg


Rearview mirrors

Hand protectors

Electric start

USB & cigarette lighter port

Front differential lock Servo (EPS)

Fully independent front and rear suspension

Aluminum rims LED lights

Front winch

Tow hook

Passenger seat Storage compartment

Vesti/News | Nov/Dec 2022 30

Booking Manager Summit 2022

Booking Manager Summit je četvrtu godinu zaredom premašio očekivanja i doneo svež pogled na svetsku industriju čartera jahti za 2023. godinu i nadalje. Svetski stručnjaci iz oblasti čarter poslovanja su zahvaljujući znanju pažljivo odabranog međunarodnog tima govornika imali priliku da se tokom trodnevnog samita u Zagrebu upoznaju sa najnovijim trendovima upravljanja čarterom. Posetioci, ali i virtuelni učesnici mogli su da slušaju, uče i komuniciraju sa BMS govornicima i trenerima na temu prodaje, marketinga, odnosa sa klijentima (CRM), organizacije i finansija. Važno je naglasiti da su usluge striminga i komunikacije uživo bile neophodne kako bi virtuelni posetioci dobili mogućnost interakcije u realnom vremenu za sva predavanja. Samit je svakog dana rađao ideje koje su kulminirale diskusijama u dva panela, jedan za čarter kompanije, a drugi za čarter agente, gde su iznete razlike u mišljenjima, pristupu, implementaciji i viziji budućnosti čarter poslovanja. S druge strane, večeri su zbližavale učesnike i govornike u neformalnom okruženju, što je bila savršena prilika da MMK u društvu partnera kruniše sopstvena dostignuća i proslavi svoj 20. rođendan.

Booking Manager Summit, for the fourth year in a row, delivered, beyond expectations, a fresh perspective on the world's yacht charter industry for 2023 and beyond. During the three days of the Summit in Zagreb, charter industry specialists coming in from all over the world were immersed in the latest trends of improving their business by utilizing knowledge brought by a handpicked international team of speakers. Both live and virtual visitors could listen, learn and interact with BMS speakers and trainers in topics ranging from sales, marketing, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to organization and finance. It is important to emphasize that live streaming services and live chat options were essential for virtual visitors to have a real-time interaction option for all lectures. Each day of the summit brought forth innovative ideas that culminated with two-panel discussions, one for charter companies and the other for charter agents, where the di erences in opinions, approach, implementation and vision of the future of the yacht charter business were brought to light. On the other hand, each night got the Summit attendants and speakers closer together in an informal setting, which was the perfect opportunity for MMK to celebrate its 20th birthday, sharing their passion and crowning the company's overall achievements with their partners.

Događaji/Events | Nov/Dec 2022 34


Biograd Boat Show

Najveći nautički sajam Srednje Evrope zatvoren je u nedelju, 30. oktobra, nakon petodnevnog spektakla na moru i niza poslov nih okupljanja i dogovora. Analize i brojke govore u prilog tome da su rekordi još jednom dostignuti, i to nakon dve skromnije pande mijske godine u kojima je ovaj sajam ipak održan. Ovogodišnje izdanje privuklo je najveći broj posetilaca dosad, čime se dokazalo kao najznačajnija nautička manifestacija u Hrvatskoj, ali i mnogo šire. Zahvaljujući organizacijskoj sposobnosti Ilirije, podr šci institucija i sponzora, okupljanju preko 300 izlagača i rekordnom broju izloženih plovila, Biograd Boat Show, još jednom je potvrdio da je centralno okupljalište svih ključnih segmenata hrvatske nautičke industrije.

Kako je festival održan u znaku „4 sajma u jednom“ uključivao je: Bio grad Boat Show – izlagački sajam, Dane hrvatske nautike – kongre sni sajam, Croatia Charter Expo – čarter sajam i Biograd B2B – po slovni sajam.

Izložbeni deo oduševio je nizom svetskih i hrvatskih premijera. Ljubitelji brodova mogli su uživati u preko 40 premijera plovila koje je izlagalo više od 20 kompanija. Tako je svetsku premijeru u Biogradu ostvario Monachus Issa 45 Fly iz hrvatskog brodogradilišta Monachus Yachts, slovenačka tvrtka Elan svetu je po prvi put predstavila svoj Impression 43, dok je svetsku promociju dočekao i SuperRIB 27 kompanije Pri budić-Borčić. Izloženi su mnogi novi hrvatski modeli, uključujući i Mo nachus 70 Fly, najveću serijsku jahtu u istoriji hrvatske brodogradnje. Predstavljene su i bojne hrvatske premijere, poput noviteta luksuznog brodogradilišta jedrilica Solaris sa modelom 50, kao i niz luksuznih motornih jahti italijanskog brenda Absolute, među kojima su istaknuti modeli Navetta 68, Navetta 58, Navetta 48 i 48 Coupe koje je za hr vatsko tržište premijerno prikazala rovinjska kompanija Adriatic Wave. More Ocean je nastupio s hrvatskom premijerom Hallberg-Rassy 57, Paspartu Yachts sa Targom 27.2 TF AD, dok je Aventur izlagao luksu znu jahtu Tesoro T40. Finska marka Saxdor predstavila je svoje mo dele Saxdor 320 GTC i 320 GTO Sport, a u segmentu katamarana debitovali su Fountaine Pajot MY4.S i Excess 11.

Poslovni segment sajma bio je organizovan putem online „B2B” plat forme za poslovno umrežavanje kompanija iz nautičkog sektora, što je višegodišnja posebnost BBS-a. Više od 800 potvrđenih sastanaka ugovorenih putem B2B platforme ukazuje na sve veću važnost umre žavanja poslovnih partnera. Uz hrvatske predstavnike, u B2B progra mu učestvovali su predstavnici iz Austrije, Slovenije, Poljske, Belgije, Nemačke, Mađarske, Slovačke, Srbije, Velike Britanije, Malte, Ando re, Francuske, Španije, Holandije, Švajcarske, Ukrajine, Češke, Grčke, Švedske, Finske, Turske, Meksika, SAD-a, Bahama, Australije i dr. Ovogodišnji 4. Croatia Charter Expo uspešno je nadmašio sve dosa dašnje. Preko sto registrovanih čarter kompanija, agenata i firmi koje nude usluge usko povezane sa čarterom i više od 400 akreditovanih učesnika, pretvorilo je ovaj ekskluzivni dvodnevni poslovni događaj u najveće globalno okupljanje „čarteraša“ u sklopu nautičkog sajma.

Dogodine na jubilarnom 25. BBS-u

Sajam je pratio i „Festival izvornosti“ sa dvadesetak proizvođača hrvatskih tradicionalnih proizvoda, kao i raznolika ponuda opreme i svega što prati nautiku. Posetioci su imali prilika da razgledaju jedin stveni akvatorijum ploveći Ilirijinim čuvenim brodom „Nada“, ali i da uživaju u sjajnom kulturno-umetničkom programu, koji je ovaj sajam učinio omiljenim među posetiocima.

Toplinu Biograda donose ljudi širokog osmeha i još većeg srca koji su se saživeli sa svojim sajmom, pa ako ne želite da propustite najbolju zabavu na Jadranu, ubeležite naredni datum jer je period od 25. do 29. oktobra 2023. godine rezervisan za 25. Biograd Boat Show!

Događaji/Events | Nov/Dec 2022 37

Central Europe's largest boat show closed on Sunday, 30th October, after a five-day spectacle at sea and a series of business gatherings and agreements. Analyses and figures speak in favor of the fact that new records have been reached once again, after two more modest pandemic years in which this event was held. This year's edition attracted the largest number of visitors ever, thus proving to be the most significant nautical event in Croatia, but also in a much wider area. Thanks to Iliria's organizational skills, as well as to support of institutions and sponsors, gathering of over 300 exhibitors and a record number of exhibited vessels, the Biograd Boat Show has once again confirmed that it is the central meeting point of all key segments of the Croatian nautical industry.

As the festival was held under the slogan "4 events in one", it included: Biograd Boat Show - exhibition event, Croatian Nautical Days - congress event, Croatia Charter Expo - charter event, and Biograd B2B - business event.

The exhibition part delighted visitors with a series of Croatian and world premieres. Boat enthusiats could enjoy more than 40 premiered vessels exhibited by more than 20 companies. For example, the Monachus Issa 45 Fly from the Croatian shipyard Monachus Yachts made its world debut in Biograd, the Slovenian company Elan presented its Impression 43 to the world for the first time, and the SuperRIB 27 of the Pribudić-Borčić company also had world premiere. Many new Croatian models were showcased, including the Monachus 70 Fly, the largest series production yacht in the history of Croatian shipbuilding. Major Croatian premieres were also presented, such as the novelty of the luxury sailboat shipyard Solaris with the model 50, as well as a number of luxury motor yachts of the Italian brand Absolute, among which the outstanding models Navetta 68, Navetta 58, Navetta 48 and 48 Coupe - premiered for the Croatian market by Rovinj based Adriatic Wave company. More Ocean came with the Croatian premiere of the Hallberg-Rassy 57, Paspartu Yachts with the Targa 27.2 TF AD, while Aventur exhibited the luxury yacht Tesoro 40. The Finnish brand Saxdor presented its Saxdor 320 GTC and 320 GTO Sport models, and the Fountaine Pajot MY4.S and Excess 11 debuted in the catamaran segment.

The business segment of the boat show was organized through an online "B2B" platform for business networking of companies in the nautical sector, which has been a specialty of BBS for many years.

More than 800 confirmed meetings arranged through the B2B platform indicate the increasing importance of networking of business partners. In addition to the Croatian participants, representatives

from Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Great Britain, Malta, Andorra, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Greece, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, Mexico, USA, Bahamas, Australia and other countries took part in the B2B program.

This year's 4th Croatia Charter Expo successfully surpassed all the previous editions. Over a hundred registered charter companies, agents and firms o ering services closely related to charter, as well as more than 400 accredited participants, turned this exclusive two-day business event into the largest global gathering of charter copmanies within a nautical show.

Next year at the jubilee 25th BBS

The boat show was accompanied by the "Festival of Excellence" with about twenty producers of traditional Croatian products, as well as a diverse o er of equipment and everything related to nautical industry. Visitors had the opportunity to see the unique water area by sailing on Iliria's famous boat "Nada", but also to enjoy the great cultural and artistic program, which has made this event a favorite among visitors throughout the years.

The warmth of Biograd is created by people with wide smiles and even bigger hearts who have become attached to their boat show, so if you do not want to miss the best entertainment on the Adriatic, save the day - the time from 25th to 29th October 2023 is reserved for the 25th Biograd Boat Show! | Nov/Dec 2022 38
Milan Šangulin, direktor BBS/Director of Biograd Boat Show



Kompanija British Motors premijerno je pokazala novi Range Rover Sport koji postavlja lestvicu više u modernoj tehnologiji i dizajnu

British Motors has premiered the new Range Rover Sport, which raises the bar for modern technology and design

Range Rover Sport je svoju globalnu premijeru doživeo na Islandu početkom maja ove godine, kada je napravio istorijski uspeh pro lazeći preko uspona uz poplavljeni prelivnik brane Karahnjukar. Ka skaderka – vozač u filmovima o Džejmsu Bondu - Džesika Hokins prepustila se riziku strmog pada u podnožje prelivnika brane kako bi stigla do vrha u jedinstvenom prikazu dinamičkih sposobnosti ovog automobila čime je novi Range Rover Sport dokazao impozantnu čvrstinu, snagu, moć, kao i najnaprednije tehnologije koje su ikada ugrađene u Land Rover.

Novi model odiše luksuzom savremenog doba. U skladu sa tim je i njegova promocija bila koncipirana - kroz mo deran pristup i najsavremenije tehničke mo gućnosti pokazalo se da je Range Rover Sport, pre svega, automobil sa stavom. Njegovo ot krivanje, praćeno sinergijom zvuka, svetla, mu zike i glasa „iz budućnosti“ potvrdilo je zvani cama da je reč o vanvremenskom automobilu. „Novi Range Rover Sport pripada trećoj ge neraciji ovog modela. Praktično možemo da kažemo da je reč o automobilu čvrste musku lature i pomalo hladne britanske elegancije, ali i o modelu koji ima prefinjene manire i po krete jednog pravog atlete. Impozantan dizajn prilično je unapređen u odnosu na prethodne dve generacije, kao i enterijer koji je izrađen od najnežnijih i najprefinjenijih prirodnih materija la. Sve to, uz mnoga tehnološka unapređenja, učinili su Range Rover Sport predmetom želja svih onih koji traže po uzdan i stabilan automobil za sve terene, ali istovremeno i komforan, luksuzan i vizuelno moćan – navela je Vera Vuković, direktorka mar ketinga British Motors, ovlašćenog uvoznika i distributera Jaguar Land Rover automobila za Srbiju i Crnu Goru.

„Uz igru svetlosti i prezentaciju performansi u prostoru, prateći atmosferu vedrim muzičkim tonovima, pokazali smo zvanicama i široj javnosti šta sve ovaj model predstavlja. Svi prisutni uverili su se da su nivo modernog luksuza, stav i neverovatna sofisticiranost izrade otišli nekoliko lestvica naviše i pojam “premium” u automobil skoj industriji praktično transformisali u “luxury”. Veče je bilo moćno, dinamično i beskompromisno, baš kao i novi Range Rover Sport“ –dodala je Vera Vuković.

The Range Rover Sport had its global premiere in Iceland at the be ginning of May this year, when it made a historic achievement passing over the rise along the flooded spillway of the Kárahnjúkar Dam. James Bond stunt driver Jessica Hawkins risked a steep plunge into the foot of a dam spillway to reach the top in a unique display of the car's dynamic capabilities. With such a move, the new Range Rover Sport proved its imposing solid structure, strength, power, as well as the most advanced technologies ever built into a Land Rover.

The new model exudes contemporary style and luxury. In accordance with that, its promotion was conceived - through a modern approach and the state-of-the-art technological perfor mance, it turned out that the Range Rover Sport is, above all, a car with an attitude. Its unveiling, followed by the synergy of sound, light, music and voice "from the future" confirmed to the guests that it is a timeless car.

''The new Range Rover Sport belongs to the third generation of this model. We can practically say that it is a car with solid muscles and somewhat cold British elegance, but also a model with re fined manners and movements of a true athle te. The impressive design has been significantly improved compared to the previous two gene rations, as well as the interior, which is made of the most gentle and refined natural materials. All this, along with many technological improve ments, made the Range Rover Sport the object of desire of all those who are looking for a reliable and stable car for all terrains, but at the same time comfortable, luxurious and visually powerful'' - said Vera Vuković, Marketing Director of British Motors, the authorized importer and dealer for Jaguar Land Rover cars for Serbia and Montenegro.

''With the play of light and the performance in the space, in the atmos phere accompanied by bright musical tones, we showed the guests and the general public what this model represents. All those who atten ded the event were convinced that the level of modern luxury, the atti tude and the incredible sophistication of the production increased and practically transformed the term "premium" in the automotive industry into "luxury". The evening was powerful, dynamic and uncompromising, just like the new Range Rover Sport'' - added Vera Vuković.

Događaji/Events | Nov/Dec 2022 40 | Nov/Dec 2022 41

Beosound Theatre

Nova vizija zvuka A new vision for sound | Nov/Dec 2022 42

Izvanredne performanse, moćan zvuk, napredna tehnološka platforma i modularni dizajn, sve iskombinovano u jednom uređaju. Bang & Olufsen predstavlja Beosound Theatre, sistem koji transformiše koncept kuć nog bioskopa

među postolja i TV ekrana, a uključuje i odeljak za skrivanje TV boksa i viška kablova.

Tamo gde drugi sistemi uglavnom šalju bas na najmoćniji zvučnik –obično sabvufer – Beosound Theatre koristi sve zvučnike u sistemu da rade kao jedinstvena celina. Na taj način celokupni sistem dostiže maksimalni potencijal, rezonancija u prostoriji je savršeno kontrolisana, a zvučnici rade besprekorno usklađeno.


Dizajn nalik kobilici čamca čini da Beosound Theatre izgleda kao da počiva na aluminijumskom sečivu i lebdi u vazduhu kao jedan fluidni oblik. Ova iluzija vešto je izvedena kroz srednje ekstrudirani profil od aluminijuma koji je poliran i eloksiran sa dve završne kapice formirane u zakrivljeni oblik i podeljene na četiri završne kapice. Zakrivljena ivica proizvoda se neprimetno uklapa u ravan soundbar profil, stvarajući jedinstveni komad.

Vanvremenski dizajn uparen sa najsavremenijom softverskom platformom „Mozart“ obezbeđuje povezivanje sa proizvodima poteklim još iz 1986. godine, sa ciljem kreiranja međugeneracijske kućne audio postavke. Pošto je platforma prepuna procesorske snage i memorije, Bang & Olufsen može da uvede nove funkcije, mogućnosti i povezivanje tokom vremena kako bi obezbedio jednako besprekorno iskustvo sa kućnim audio postavkama današnjice i onim koji dolaze u narednim godinama.



Beosound Theatre dolazi sa 12 drajvera, uključujući dva vufera niske frekvencije od 6,5 inča i 800 vati snage, obezbeđujući nivo zvučnog pritiska do 112 decibela. Jasnoću reprodukcije glasa kontroliše specijalno napravljeni centralni kanal, kod koga je visokotonac montiran direktno ispred srednjetonca. Poravnanje ovih drajvera omogućava odličnu distribuciju najkvalitetnijeg zvuka za sve koji se nalaze u prostoriji, dok usmerenost optimizuje kvalitet govora.

Ovaj impozantni soundbar sa sedam ugrađenih izlaza i podrškom za 16 spoljnih zvučnika može biti centralna tačka pune Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 surround konfiguracije. U takvoj postavci, Beosound Theatre funkcioniše kao centralni zvučnik koji spaja Dolby Atmos dekodiranje i prilagođenu naknadnu obradu sa Bang & Olufsen-ovim True Image algoritmom, kako bi se maksimalizovale mogućnosti svih Bang & Olufsen zvučnika.


Zahvaljujući principu modularnosti kupci svoj soundbar mogu da transformišu u kompletan Bang & Olufsen TV sistem, tako da se idealno uklapa i ne zauzima više prostora od postojećeg TV-a. Aluminijumska „krilca“ se jednostavno šire za one čiji TV ekrani rastu sa svakim novoizabranim modelom, što dokazuje da Beosound Theatre nastavlja da pruža savršeno integrisana rešenja otporna na budućnost. Motorizovani nosač interfejsa uspostavlja besprekornu vezu iz-

Beosound Theatre sadrži novu Bang & Olufsen tehnologiju podešavanja nazvanu Roomsense. Postavljanjem spoljnog mikrofona na poziciju za slušanje, Beosound Theatre sarađuje sa Bang & Olufsen aplikacijom za merenje udaljenosti od slušaoca do zvučne trake. Takođe dodeljuje ulogu svakom zvučniku, bio on postavljen na zidu ili u uglu, i izvršava kompenzaciju zvuka za svaki ponaosob, ali i ukupnu kompenzaciju prostorije kako bi se izbegla neželjena rezonanca.

Ključne karakteristike

- Novi sistem upravljanja basom

- Inovativni interfejs za montažu

- Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 signal

- 12 pojačala; 12 drajvera sa 800 W izlazom

- Termička zaštita

- Lagan, izbalansiran i jednostavan dizajn

- Prilagodljivi stil sa zamenljivim panelima

- Kompatibilan sa 3 različite veličine televizora 55", 65", 77"

- Idealno za kućno audio i vizuelno iskustvo

Predstavljamo/Presenting | Nov/Dec 2022 43


Beosound Theatre comes with 12 speaker drivers, including two custom-made long stroke 6.5” woofers and 800 watts of amplification power, providing up to 112 dB sound pressure level. Speech clarity is managed by the custom-made centre channel, where the tweeter is mounted directly in front of the midrange. The alignment of these drivers ensures a better sound distribution elevating the quality audio experience for everyone in the room, while directivity has been designed to optimize speech quality.

Starting with seven built-in outputs and supporting up to 16 external loudspeakers, the soundbar can be the heart of a full-blown Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 surround configuration. In this setup, Beosound Theatre functions as a centre speaker that merges the Dolby Atmos decoding and custom-tuned post-processing with Bang & Olufsen’s proprietary True Image algorithm to maximise the capabilities of all Bang & Olufsen loudspeakers.


Based on the principles of modularity, customers can easily transform the soundbar into a complete wall-mounted or floor standing Bang & Olufsen TV experience, so it blends in perfectly and doesn’t take up more space than an existing TV. Aluminium “wings” are also extendable for customers whose TV screens grow as they upgrade, proving that Beosound Theatre continues to provide perfectly integrated solutions that are future-proofed. The interface bracket is motorized and forms a seamless connection between the stand and the TV screen; a bracket includes a compartment to hide smart TV boxes and excess cables.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o. Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Where other systems simply send the bass to the most powerful loudspeaker – usually the subwoofer – Beosound Theatre uses all the loudspeakers in the system to work together as a single unit. This not only gives the maximum potential of the entire system but also helps to control resonance in the listening room, making sure that the various loudspeakers work with, and not against, each other.


Beosound Theatre’s keel-like design makes it appear as if it is resting on an aluminium blade, floating in the air as one fluid form. This illusion was artfully created; the middle-extruded profile of the aluminium was polished and anodized with two end caps that were formed into a curved shape and split into four end caps. This enables the curved edge of the product to seamlessly fit the flat profile of the soundbar, creating one unified piece.

This timeless design is paired with a cutting-edge software platform called “Mozart”, which ensures the soundbar can connect seamlessly with products as far back as 1986, creating a cross-generational home audio setup. Because the platform is packed with processing power and memory, Bang & Olufsen can also introduce new features, capabilities, and connectivity over time to ensure an equally seamless experience with home audio settings of the present day – and those in the years to come.


Beosound Theatre comes with Bang & Olufsen’s new setup technology called Roomsense. By placing the external microphone at the listening position, Beosound Theatre will work with the Bang & Olufsen App to measure the distance from the listener to the soundbar. But more than this, it will also assign a role for each speaker based on the di erent placements, carry out sound compensation for each speaker if it placed free standing, up against a wall or in a corner, as well as overall room compensation to avoid unwanted resonance.


Outstanding performance such as powerful sound, advanced technology platform, and modular design combined in a single device. Bang & Olufsen introduces Beosound Theatre, a system transforming the concept of home theatre
- New bass management system - innovative mounting interface - Dolby
signal - 12 amplifiers; 12 speaker drivers with 800W output - Thermal protection; - Lightweight, balanced and simple design - Customized design with interchangeable panels - Compatible with 3 di erent TV
sizes - Ideal for home audio and cinema experience | Nov/Dec 2022 44
Atmos 7.1.4
55", 65", 77"

Rockstar Yachts

Današnji svet, kog karakterišu brze promene, osetljivost i turbulentnost, predstavlja izazov i zahteva osmišljavanje jedinstvenih koncepata, poslovnih strategija, kao i novi pristup korisničkoj podršci. Ljudi se prilagođavaju vremenima pokušavajući da prošire svoju emocionalnu fleksibilnost i očuvaju istinske kvalitete. Na taj način porodične vrednosti i vreme koje dele sa voljenima, uz blagostanje i ličnu ostvarenost, dolaze do punog izražaja. Prodajom jahti koje nisu samo pomorski projekti, kompanija Rockstar Yachts nastoji da kupcima isporuči čiste emocije, dok sa strašću bira prave dragulje pomorske industrije kako bi zadovoljila njihove potrebe i želje. Sa posvećenim timom iskusnih menadžera, Rockstar Yachts nudi širok asortiman jahting usluga, uključujući posredništvo, novogradnju, čarter, ali i remont i pomoć nakon prodaje širokom portfoliju međunarodnih klijenata.

Kompanija Rockstar Yachts je ekskluzivni distributer za Prestige Yachts u Crnoj Gori. Brend Prestige rođen je pre 30 godina i od tada konstantno usavršava i iznova osmišljava industrijski savoir-faire, izoštren decenijama iskustva na moru i nasleđen od brodogradilišta Jeanneau. Sam brend je svoju vrednost uvećao tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina, posebno sa najnovijim X i M linijama.

Rockstar Yachts je od 2019. godine i ekskluzivni zastupnik za Crnu Goru kompanije Fiart Mare. Stacionirano u blizini Napulja, ovo italijansko porodično brodogradilište već dug niz godina proizvodi luksuzne jahte i čamce dužine od 35 do 60 stopa.

Very fast changing, vulnerable and turbulent world is challenging us and requires inventing new concepts and business strategies, new approach to the customer support. People are adapting to the situation, trying to stretch their emotional flexibility and make out of all their true values. Family values, time shared with beloved ones, prosperity, personal realizations and passions come to the fore. Selling not just maritime projects Rockstar Yachts is trying to deliver customers emotions first of all. Being passion to cover the customer needs and new challenges Rockstar Yachts chooses real gems’ brands within the maritime industry. With a full-time team of experienced managers Rockstar Yachts o er wide range of yachting services including brokerage, new build, charter, refit and after sales assistance to a large portfolio of international clients. Rockstar Yachts is an exclusive distributor of Prestige Yachts in Montenegro. Prestige was born 30 years ago. The shipyard perfects and reinvents an industrial savoir-faire honed by decades of experiences at sea and inherited from the Jeanneau shipyard. The brand itself has added much to its value during last several years, especially with their latest launched products of X- and M-line.

Rockstar Yachts exclusively represents also Fiart in Montenegro since 2019. Fiart is a longtime family owned shipyard located near Naples (Italy), producing luxury yachts and boats from 35 to 60 feet in length.

BROKER ZA LUKSUZNE JAHTE U CRNOJ GORI LUXURY YACHT BROKER IN MONTENEGRO Rockstar Yachts d.o.o Porto Montenegro Regent Pool Club, Baia Residence 85320, Tivat, Montenegro Tel. +382 69 130 540 e-mail:



Priča o brendu Fiart, čiji naziv je akronim za italijansku fabriku za primenu smola za termo-stvrdnjavanje, započela je 1960. godine izgradnjom prvog čamca od fiberglasa u Evropi. Conchita, gumenjak od 3,60 metara je na svojoj premijeri postigao izuzetan uspeh i ujedno označio početak nove ere za italijansko tržište. U narednim godinama, Fiart je stekao vodeću poziciju na tržištu rekreativnih čamaca, dizajnirajući, gradeći i plasirajući jedinstvena plovila sa tehnološke tačke gledišta, ali i po pitanju korišćenih proizvodnih procesa. Danas asortiman Fiart-a uključuje jahte dužine između 35 i 60 stopa, među kojima su potpuno novi Fiart P54, kao i Fiart 35-39-43 Seawalker serija.

The story of Fiart, acronym of Italian Factories for the Application of ThermoHardening Resins, begins in 1960 with the construction of the first fiberglass boat in Europe: Conchita, a 3.60 mt dinghy on its debut had an extraordinary success and marked the beginning of a new era for the Italian market. In the following years Fiart gained a leading position in the recreational boating market, designing, building and marketing unique boats from the technological point of view as well from the production processes used. The Fiart range today includes yachts between 35 and 60 feet in length, including brand new stylish Fiart P54 and Fiart 35-39-43 Seawalker series.


Italijanski walkaround model

Dizajn modela Fiart 35 Seawalker redefiniše Fiart-ove prepoznatljive oblike sa suptilnom smelošću. Njegova široka paluba dodaje estetiku inspirisanu sportom izuzetno funkcionalnom rasporedu, namenjenom slobodi i zabavi. Na krmi, velika paluba za sunčanje obezbeđuje savršenu udobnost, dok lako rukovanje znači da će pratiti vašu želju da pomerite granice uzbuđenja. Seawalker 35 je brod od 11,52 metra, kog karakterišu brojne zanimljive inovacije i glisirajući trup od 9,99 metara. Projektovan sa ciljem da bude neodoljivi partner za avanture, kako u verziji sa vanbrodskim tako i u opciji sa brodskim motorom, novi Seawalker 35 raspolaže bogatim smeštajnim kapacitetom koji može da primi do deset osoba (4 za noćenje). Brzina, energija i zabava osnovni su sastojci od kojih je sačinjen.

Projekat je u potpunosti izvelo tehničko odeljenje Fiart-a, na čelu sa tehničkim direktorom Masimom Simeoneom, koji je istakao: „Osećali smo potrebu da obnovimo naš asortiman od trideset stopa, primenjujući znanje stečeno kroz iskustvo na prethodnim modelima, a istovremeno stvarajući nešto potpuno novo, trup koji pruža emocije. Zahvaljujući ekstremnoj upravljivosti i dinamici svojih linija, Seawalker 35 je projektovan tako da bude pratilac avanture, brz i zabavan.”

Sloboda kretanja je glavna karakteristika walkaround modela. Spoljni prostori su znatno poboljšani što se ogleda u prohodnosti i nepostojanju prepreka oko centralnih elemenata kokpita i natkrivene kontrolne stanice koju čine dva udobna sedišta. Krmena paluba za

sunčanje postavljena je iza fukcionalne spoljne kuhinje, opremljene nameštajem, roštiljem ili pločom za kuvanje, sudoperom i frižiderom. Pristup plažnom delu za skok u more je brz i lak, kao i dolazak do onih koji se sunčaju na pramcu, gde se nalazi kutak za opuštanje koji se može opremiti u dva rasporeda: kao velika sunčališna terasa ili prostor sa dve sofe u obliku slova U sa centralnim stolom.

Površine ispod palube su detaljno proučene i svojim dizajnerskim rešenjima garantuju uživanje, privatnost i udobnost u prostorima koji su inače nezamislivi na brodu ove veličine. Seawalker 35 dolazi u ponudi sa kabinom otvorenog prostornog rasporeda, opremljenom centralnim bračnim krevetom, udobnim nameštajem i velikim kupatilom sa odvojenim tušem. A za potpuni komfor na raspolaganju stoje dva dodatna singl kreveta smeštena ispod palube u krmenoj kabini.

Fiart 35 Seawalker pruža brzinu, izdržljivost i izuzetan osećaj. Ovaj elegantni otvoreni čamac koji kombinuje lako rukovanje sa superdinamičnim projektnim konceptom, spreman je da bude vaš novi neodoljivi prijatelj u igri!

U ovom trenutku Rockstar Yachts prodaje poslednji dostupan model, Fiart 35 Seawalker, koji će biti isporučen na proleće 2023. godine-u pravo vreme za predstojeću sezonu! Opremljen sa dva Volvo Penta D4-320 dizel motora (krmeni pogon) i vrhunskim dodacima kao što su sklopive stranice, platforma koja se transformiše i čvrst krov, ovaj čamac je raspoloživ za prodaju isključivo preko Rockstar Yachts. Za više detalja i informacija kontaktirajte menadžment kompanije.

Predstavljamo/Presenting | Nov/Dec 2022 48

The italian walkaround

Fiart 35 Seawalker design redefines Fiart’s signature shapes with a subtly audacious edge. Its wide walkaround adds sports-inspired aesthetic to the supremely functional layout, set for freedom and entertainment. At the stern, the large sundeck ensures enhanced comfort, while the easy handling mean it’ll keep up with your desire to push the boundaries of thrill.

The Seawalker 35, is a boat with a planing hull, 9.99 meters long (32.70 ft) and LOA 11.52 meter (37.90 ft), introducing interesting innovations. Speed, energy and fun are the ingredients of this new yacht, that can welcome up to 10 people (4 for night), designed to be an irresistible partner for adventures, both in its outboard and inboard versions.

The project was carried out entirely by the Fiart technical department, led by Massimo Simeone, Technical Director, who points out, "We felt in the need to renew our thirty-foot range, applying the know-how gained from the experience on previous models and at the same time creating something completely new, a hull able to give emotions. Thanks to the extreme maneuverability and dynamism of its lines, the Seawalker 35 is designed to be an adventure companion, fast and fun.”.

The outdoor spaces enhance the freedom of movement of the walkarounds, without obstacles around the central elements of the cockpit, where the double-seat control station is located, whose comfort is guaranteed by the hard top. The comfortable aft

sundeck is an invitation to conviviality and is located behind the outdoor kitchen equipped with furniture with grill or hob, sink and refrigerator. Access to the beach for a dip in the sea is fast and easy, thanks to the platform up and down, as well as reaching those who are sunbathing in the bow, where there is the relax area that can be equipped with two layouts: a large sundeck or two U-shaped sofas with a central table.

Below deck the space has been studied in detail, to ensure privacy and comfort, with design solutions that allow you to enjoy spaces normally unthinkable on a boat of this size. The Seawalker 35 is offered with an open-space cabin with a central double bed, equipped with comfortable furniture and a large bathroom with separate shower. Two more single beds are provided below the deck floor in the aft cabin.

Fiart 35 SeaWalker delivers speed, stamina and exceptional feelgood factor! This stylish open boat combines easy handling with a super-dynamic engineering concept and is designed to be your new irresistible playmate!

At the moment Rockstar Yachts is selling the last available Fiart 35 Seawalker model for Spring 2023 delivery - just in time for the season! Equipped with 2 x Volvo Penta D4-320 diesel engines (stern drives) and top extras like foldable bulwarks, transformer platform and hard top, this hull is now available for sale exclusively with Rockstar Yachts. Please, get in touch with Company sales managers for more details.

Last year Fiart presented two new models, the Seawalker 35 and the Seawalker 39, that together with the 43 are part of a complete walkaround range

Prošle godine Fiart je predstavio dva nova modela, Seawalker 35 i Seawalker 39, koji zajedno sa modelom 43 čine kompletan walkaround asortiman | Nov/Dec 2022 49

Lakoća upravljanja i transporta prvi je utisak onih koji su isprobali ALTIVS, jer su aktuelni podvodni skuteri ostalih proizvođača duplo teži, pa zbog svoje mase zadaju teškoće kada se podvodna avantura završi. Njihova upotreba, po pravilu, izaziva bolove u leđima i rukama, a prilikom izvlačenja iz vode na brodsku platformu učestvuje bar dvoje ljudi. Najveću opasnost predstavlja činjenica što uvek postoji opasnost od povreda, oštećenja uređaja ili platforme broda. Sa ALTIVS skuterom takvih problema nema! Težak je svega 18 kg, pa se može nositi u jednoj ruci. Upravljanje skuterom prilično je jednostavno i savlada se lako, ali je neophodno pridržavati se uputstva, naročito ako nemate iskustva sa ovakvim uređajima. Poželjno je da osobe mlađe od 16 godina ALTIVS koriste u pratnji odrasle osobe. Svi parametri su podesivi, od brzine i statusa baterije do praćenja svih dosadašnjih ruta putem aplikacije, jer skuter poseduje integrisanu digitalnu navigaciju. Postoji opcija ograničavanja dubine koju sami kontrolišete direktno na uređaju ili putem aplikacije SublueGo, koja je kompatibilna sa Android i sa IOS operativnim sistemom. Sa ALTIVS skuterima vodene površine postaju vaše igralište. Njegov moderan hidrodinamički dizajn omogućava lako manevrisanje u bilo kom pravcu. Podjednako je koristan za rekreativno i profesionalno ronjenje, kao i za sve vrste spasilačkih misija i ekoloških akcija. Omogućava brzo plivanje, a njegova vodootpornost dozvoljava i zarone do 40 metara dubine. Potpuno ekološki i tih, ne zagađuje vodu niti uznemirava stanovnike podvodnog sveta. Pametni ekran i tehnologija sa integrisanom aplikacijom, digitalnom navigacijom i GPS-om čine ga pouzdanim pratiocem koji će vas držati na kursu dok uživate u svojim podvodnim avanturama.

TEHNIČKE KARAKTERISTIKE MAKS. SILA: 370 N MAKS. BRZINA: 16 km/h PUNJENJE: 3 sata do pune baterje (1.5

sat sa brzim punjačem) VREME RADA: 1h TEŽINA: 18 kg DUBINA ZARONA: 40 m REŽIM SNAGE: 4 SVETLO: 2,000 lumen LED PAMETAN INTERFEJS | Nov/Dec 2022 51

ALTIVS dolazi u safirsivoj i rubincrvenoj boji i može se brendirati i prilagoditi na zahtev i doplatu. Dodatna oprema uključuje transportnu torbu, kolica i nosač za zid prilagodljiv svakom prostoru, bilo da je instaliran na zidu broda, izložbenog salona ili garaže. Transportna torba služi za bezbedno prenošenje uređaja, a kolica olakšavaju transport od prtljažnika do marine i vašeg broda. ZA IOS I ANDROID UREĐAJE
MAX FORCE: 370 N TOP SPEED: 16 km/h

Ease of handling and transportation is the first impression of those who have tried ALTIVS, because the current underwater scooters made by other manufacturers are twice as heavy, so due to their weight they cause great di culties once the underwater adventure is over. As a rule, their use causes pain in the back and arms, and it takes at least two people to pull those models out of the water and onto a boat. The greatest danger is the fact that there is always a risk of injury, damage to the device or the boat's platform.

There are no such problems with ALTIVS, because it weighs only 18 kg, thus it can be carried in one hand.

Operating an ALTIVS underwater scooter is quite simple and easy to master, although it is necessary to follow the instructions, especially if you have no experience with such devices. It is preferable that persons under 16 years of age use ALTIVS accompanied by an adult.

All parameters are adjustable, from speed and battery status, to tracing all previous routes, using phone app, considering the scooter has an integrated digital navigation. There is an option to limit the depth that you control directly on the device or through the SublueGo app, which is compatible with both Android and IOS operating systems.

With ALTIVS scooters, water surfaces become your playground. Its modern hydrodynamic design enables easy maneuvering in any direction. It is equally useful for recreational and professional diving, as well as for all types of rescue missions and environmental actions. It speeds up swimming and diving, along with being waterproof at a depth of up to 40 meters. Completely ecological and silent, it does not pollute the water or disturb the inhabitants of the underwater world. Its smart screen and technology with an integrated app, digital navigation and GPS make it a smart and reliable companion that will keep you on course while you are enjoying your underwater adventures.

The ALTIVS underwater scooter comes in sapphire gray and ruby red and can be branded and customized upon request and at an additional cost. Accessories include a transport bag, a trolley and a wall bracket, which makes it invisible in any space, whether it is installed on the wall of a boat, showroom or garage.

The transport bag serves for safe transfer of the device, and the trolley facilitates its transport from the trunk of your car to the marina and your boat.

ALTIVS je zvanično predstavljen publici u septembru, na festivalu jahti u Kanu, gde je imao svoju svetsku premijeru. Odmah potom bio je izložen na sajmovima u Đenovi, Barseloni, Floridi, Monaku, Biogradu u Hrvatskoj i Bosforu u Turskoj.

Na sjajnoj turneji obišao je i Olympic Marine Yacht Show, boravio u Porto Montenegru, na Korčuli, Krfu i Atini, na sajmu Ekomobilnost u Beogradu, a u decembru će biti dočekan na Sajmu nautike u Atini, koji će se održati od 7. do 11. decembra 2022. godine.

S obzirom na to da je letnja sezona završena, svim zainteresovanim klijentima omogućene su prezentacije u zatvorenim bazenima, kao i pre-order popusti za kupce.

Opšti feedback je prilično pozitivan, a u prilog tome govori i činjenica da je do sada samo na Mediteranu prodato preko 50 uređaja.

Ekskluzivni uvoznik i serviser podvodnih skutera ALTIVS za region Jugoistočne Evrope i Azije (Maldivi i Šri Lanka) je ARGO NAVIS BESPOKE YACHTING d.o.o. a ovlašćeni diler za Srbiju, Hrvatsku i Sloveniju je kompanija Elko Marine.

Ovlašćeni diler za Crnu Goru je A+ Yachting.

ALTIVS had its world premiere in September at the Cannes Yachting Festival, where it was presented to a world audience. Immediately a erwards, it was showcased at the boat shows in Genoa, Barcelona, Florida, Monaco, Biograd in Croatia and Bosphorus in Turkey.

On this great tour, it visited the Olympic Marine Yacht Show, stayed in Porto Montenegro, on Korčula, Corfu and in Athens, at the Ecomobility Show in Belgrade, and in December it will be welcomed at the Nautical Show in Athens, which will be held from December 7 to 11, 2022.

Given that the summer season is over, all interested clients are o ered presentations and testing at indoor pools, and there are currently preorder discounts for all clients.

General feedback is quite positive, and this is supported by the fact that over 50 devices have been sold so far in the Mediterranean alone.

The exclusive importer and service for ALTIVS underwater scooters for the region of Southeast Europe and Asia (the Maldives and Sri Lanka) is ARGO NAVIS BESPOKE YACHTING d.o.o. and the authorized dealer for Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia is Elko Marine company.

The authorized dealer for Montenegro is A+ Yachting.

Vodene igračke/Water Toys
Milana Vidaka 16a, Futog, 21410, Serbia +381 21 893 474; +381 64 112 7 119; +381 677 355 600 o | Nov/Dec 2022 52


G 800

Evolucija dizajna, komfora i funkcionalnosti

Kada je u pitanju Advance G 800, važi jedno pravilo: sve je u detaljima. A upravo ti detalji omogućavaju da vožnja i boravak na ovom čamcu istovremeno izazovu i zadovoljstvo i ushićenje.

Advance G 800 odlikuje duboko „V“ korito koje je projektovano za savladavanje većih talasa na otvorenom moru i prelaske dugačkih relacija na pučini, što omogućava i veliki rezervoar za gorivo koji može da primi 460 litara goriva.

Zadnji deo palube čini višenamenska klupa sa trodelnim naslonom, čijim obaranjem se pravi veliki ravan prostor za sunčanje, ali i direktan izlazak na platformu. Aktiviranjem hidrauličnog mehanizma, izvlači se sto, te se ceo zadnji deo pretvara u ugaoni element.

Upravljački deo krasi masivna konzola obložena karbonskom pločom i specijalnom kožom.

Ispod konzole, u potpalubnom delu, skrivena je manja toaletna odaja koja sadrži lavabo, ventilacioni sistem, kao i toalet sa ugrađenom pumpom na električni pogon.

Ergonomski oblikovana upravljačka sedišta su odvojena za skipera i člana posade. Pružaju mogućnost podešavanja donjeg dela kako bi se prilagodili stilu vožnje, bilo ono u stojećem ili sedećem položaju. Iza sedišta, prema krmi, pozicionirana je mala kuhinja, koju čine plinski rešo, sudoper i radna površina, dok se ispod krije ugradni frižider i ostava za kuhinjski pribor.

Evolution of design, comfort and functionality

Advance G 800

When it comes to Advance G 800, one rule applies: everything is in the details. And it is precisely these details that make the atmosphere of driving and staying on this boat will cause both pleasure and exhilaration at the same time.

Advance G 800 is shaped with a deep "V" hull designed to cope with larger waves on the high seas and to cross long distances in the open sea, which is also enabled by a large fuel tank that can hold 460 liters of fuel.

The aft of the deck consists of a multi-purpose bench with a threepiece backrest, whose folding creates a large flat space for sunbathing, as well as direct access to the platform. By activating the hydraulic mechanism, the table is pulled out and the whole aft area is converted into a corner seating.

The control part is made up of a massive console lined with carbon fiber and special leather. Under the console, below the deck, there is a smaller toilet chamber. It consists of a sink, a ventilation system, as well as a toilet with a built-in electric pump.

The ergonomically shaped helmsman's seats are separate for the skipper and a crew member. They can be adjusted in the lower part in order to suit the driving style, in a standing or sitting position. There is a small kitchen set behind the seats, which consists of a gas hob, sink and worktop, while underneath there is a built-in fridge and storage for kitchen utensils.

Dužina / Length: 800 cm

Dužina sa platformom / Length with platform: 850 cm

Dužina unutrašnja / Inner length: 660 cm

Širina preko svega / Width overall: 310 cm Širina unutrašnja / Inner width: 180 cm

Prečnik tubusa / Tube diameter: 58-48 cm

Materijal tubusa / Tube material: Hypalon-Neoprene CSM

Materijal korita / Hull material: Staklopastika / Fiberglass

Maks. snaga motora / Max single engine power: 425 hp Maks. snaga motora, dupla instalacija / Max twin engine power: 2x250 hp

Maks. brzina / Max speed: 55 kn

Advance boat Obrenovački drum 8, 11030 Beograd, +381 11 277 2192, +381 63 418 263


Čamci/Boats | Nov/Dec 2022 56


Saxdor donosi još jedan inovativni projekat u kategoriji sportskih čamaca ispod devet metara / Saxdor brings another innovative project into the category of sports boats below nine meters

nirano za praktičnost. Elegantne proporcije i zapanjujuće konfigura cije SAXDOR 270 GTO uzdižu od brzog dnevnog čamca do modernog vikendaša.

Projektovan koristeći Saxdor zaštitni znak - lagani dvostepeni trup koji klizi kroz vodu - 270 GTO odlikuju performanse dobro poznate od ra nijih modela, poput brzine i efikasne potrošnje goriva. Lagana i čvrsta konstrukcija, izgrađena tehnikom vakuumske infuzije, rezultira mode lom kojeg je lako vući na drumskoj prikolici, čime se otvara novi svet plovidbe za one koji žele da se otisnu van svog uobičajenog područja krstarenja.

Svojim novopredstavljenim čamcem Saxdor Yachts dokazuje da su postojale teritorije funkcionalnosti koje je trebalo istražiti. 270 GTO je jedini model u svom asortimanu koji poseduje šank sa sudoperom i se dišta okrenuta licem u lice za maksimalno šest osoba, simetrični kokpit koji doprinosi ravnoteži, udobne i sigurne prolaze, trpezariju koja može da se transformiše u dodatni prostor za sunčanje na krmi, ali i krmenu staklenu ogradu kao odličnu bezbednosnu karakteristiku.

SAXDOR YACHTS Nakon uspeha koji su doživeli modeli 200 i 320, Saxdor Yachts predstavlja novi čamac 270 GTO. Reč je o svestranom i pamet nom plovilu, koje je svakim kvadratnim metrom prostora dizaj | Nov/Dec 2022 58


Ukupna dužina bez motora: 8,45 m Širina: 2,60 m

Putnici: kategorija B – 6 osoba; kategorija C – 9 osoba

Zapremina: 3061 kg

Maks. gaz: 0,51 m Kapacitet goriva: 300 l Maks. snaga motora: 300 KS Maks. opseg brzine: 32 – 45 čvorova Maks. nosivost: 1950 kg Kapacitet sveže vode: 80 l Konstrukcija: GRP Klasifikacija: ISO Kat. C, ABIC


Overall length excluding engine: 8.45 m

Beam: 2.60 m

Passengers: category B – 6 persons; category C – 9 persons

Displacement: 3061 kg

Max. draught: 0.51 m Fuel capacity: 300 l Max. engine power: 300 hp Max. speed range: 32 – 45 knots

Max. load: 1950 kg Fresh water capacity: 80 l Construction: GRP

Classification: ISO Cat. C, ABYC

Model je zvanično predstavljen na Međunarodnom sajmu nautike u Sautemptonu, održanom od 16. do 25. septembra 2022. godine /The model was officially presented at the International Boat Show in Southampton, held from 16 th to 25 th September 2022

Following the success of the models 200 and 320, Saxdor Yachts presents the new 270 GT. It is a versatile and smart vessel, abun dant with features, designed for practicality on every square

meter of space. The SAXDOR 270 GTO's sleek proportions and stun ning configuration move it to the next level - from a fast dayboat to a modern weekender.

SAXDOR 270 GTO was designed using the Saxdor signature—the light and soft-riding twin-stepped hull—the Saxdor 270 GTO delivers speed performance and fuel efficiency well-known from the earlier models. Light and strong construction, built using the vacuum infu sion technique, results in a watercraft that is easy to tow on a road trailer, opening a new world of boating for those who want to ven ture outside of their usual cruising area.

The only model in its range to feature both a wet bar and face-toface seating for up to six people, Saxdor 270 GTO proves there are new territories of functionality to be explored with the brand’s new model. The symmetrical cockpit supports the balance of the boat; the depth of the portside sidewalk allows one to move around confi dently; a convertible dinette also adds sunbathing space in aft. The glass transom is an excellent safety feature. | Nov/Dec 2022 59


Model 270 je vrhunski izbor za ljubitelje sunca. Sa dve ležaljke, od kojih je jedna smeštena napred, a druga na krmi, dobićete više nego dovoljno prostora za opuštanje pod suncem. Kada završite sa odmaranjem, krmena ležaljka se može ponovo sastaviti i poslužiti kao garnitura za ručavanje.

The 270 is the ultimate choice for sun lovers. With twin sunbeds–one in the front and one in the aft—you’ll have more than enough room under the sun to kick back and relax whenever needed. Once you’re done, the aft sunbed can be put back together and serve you as a dining settee.


Saxdor 270 GTO might be the only boat of its size on the market with a full-size wet bar, fresh water system, and a comfortable dining arrangement for up to six people. Hosting events has never been easier and your chic party remains protected with a yacht-style glass fence with gates mounted in front of the engine.


The large, airy front cabin is your next favorite hideout equipped with a two-person regular-size sleeping berth and plenty of natural light coming through skylight and hatches that optically enlarges the entire space. A sanitary corner with a toilet and an additional

also fits in to make your mornings onboard hassle-free.

U SUNCU/ ENJOY THE SUN Saxdor 270 GTO bi na tržištu mogao biti jedini čamac ove veličine koji poseduje bar i sudoper u punoj veličini, sistem za pijaću vodu i udoban trpezarijski aranžman za šest osoba. Organizovanje
događaja nikada nije bilo lakše, a vaša elegantna zabava ujedno je i sigurna, zahvaljujući staklenoj ogradi postavljenoj ispred motora.
Velika i prozračna prednja kabina lako će postati vaše omiljeno skrovište, opremljeno krevetom za dve osobe i ispunjeno prirodnim svetlom koje dopire iz otvora i krovnih prozora. Dobro uklopljeni toaletni kutak sa
umivaonikom doprineće da vaša jutra na brodu budu što bezbrižnija.
Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) ATV & Nautički centar Savska 2a, Ostružnica, 11251 Beograd ATV & Moto salon Autoput za Zagreb 32, Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 7350890 / +381 63 35 99 99 Mail: / | Nov/Dec 2022 60

Ranieri je predstavio konačne nacrte modela Cayman 45.0 Cru iser, novog Maxi-Rib broda. Sa njim će ovo brodogradilište sa sedištem u Soveratu nastaviti uspešan put koji je pre pet go dina ucrtao Cayman 38.0 Executive, prednjačeći prodajom kako u Italiji tako i u inostranstvu. Cayman 45.0 Cruiser biće najveći ikad napravljen model Ranieri International brodogradilišta, čime će se pozicionirati kao „ekstraluksuzni” vodeći brod, budući da je već bo gato opremljen standardnom opremom i dodatno prilagodljiv u ra zličitim aspektima.

Iako slike otkrivaju nesumnjivu impresivnost, novo Ranieri Maxi-Rib ostvarenje biće dugačko svega 14 metara. Što se konstrukcije tiče, kao i sva druga Rib plovila ovog italijanskog brodogradilišta, Ca yman 45.0 Cruiser projektovan je i napravljen korišćenjem tehnolo gije nazvane „potpuno razvijen kokpit sistem“, ekskluzivne tehnike izgradnje koju je usavršio Ranieri International, a koja ima za cilj da optimizuje proces proizvodnje stvaranjem jednodelne palube, od nosno kombinovanjem palube, poda kabine, tehničkog smeštaja or marića za skladištenje i rezervoara za gorivo i vodu u jednom kalupu.


Opremljen prostranom i funkcionalnom palubom, krmeni deo ovog ekskluzivnog kruzera poseduje veliku površinu za sunčanje na kojoj dve osobe mogu udobno da legnu, dok prostor ispod, sa električnim sistemom otvaranja, pruža dovoljno mesta za odlaganje pomoćnog čamca i igračaka za vodu. Ostale izvanredne karakteristike uklju čuju komfornu trpezariju opremljenu dvostrukim električnim stolom na sklapanje koji dnevni boravak lako transformiše u drugu udobnu krmenu palubu za sunčanje, veliki sto za osam osoba ili, okretanjem naslona, dva udobna i bezbedna prednja sedišta.

Upravljačka konzola u zadnjem delu sadrži opremu potrebnu dnev nom boravku, dok je u prednjem delu smešteno veliko sedište sa


četiri pojedinačna i specijalno tapacirana sistema, gde pilot i nje govi gosti mogu komotno da sede ili stoje uz udobne lumbalne oslonce. U svakom slučaju, bezbedna plovidba je zagarantovana. Konzola je prostrana, dobro čitljiva, zaštićena i prima svu ugrađenu instrumentaciju.

Kabina izdašnih dimenzija sa dve odvojene sobe i toaletom sa tuš kabinom prima do četiri osobe koje se mogu udobno smestiti da prenoće. Kako naglašavaju iz brodogradilišta, u fazi projektovanja posebna pažnja posvećena je osvetljenju i ventilaciji enterijera. Cayman 45.0 Cruiser će u okviru standardne opreme posedovati sasvim novi čvrsti zaštitni krov koji će zahvaljujući dodatnoj tendi pričvršćenoj na karbonske stubove vlasniku i gostima omogućiti da u potpunosti iskoriste dnevni boravak na palubi. Što se pogona tiče, za prve modele brodogradilište se opredelilo za tri Mercury motora od 450 KS.

Kupovinom ovog izuzetnog broda ne dobijate samo prevozno sred stvo, već emocije, udobnost, kvalitetno provedeno vreme sa poro dicom i prijateljima i, naravno, određeni luksuz. Novi Cayman je u osnovi odlično opremljen, ali postoji i mnoštvo prostora za dodatnu opremu i druga podešavanja pomoću kojih ćete plovilo učiniti zaista jedinstvenim.

Pravo je vreme da oslobodite dete u sebi i ostvarite snove iz de tinjstva. Salon Moto-Nautika iz Slovenije, koji je i distributivni centar Ranieri International brodova za Sloveniju, Hrvatsku i Srbiju, pomoći će vam u ispunjenju želja. Posedujući impozantnu zalihu plovila, izlo žbeni salon u Miklavžu na Dravskom polju omogućava razgledanje praktično svih najprodavanijih modela brenda Ranieri International i kupovinu na licu mesta.

Za detaljnije informacije o novom ultraluksuznom Cayman 45.0 Cru iser-u, kao i ostatku asortimana italijanskog proizvođača Ranieri In ternational, obratite se salonu Moto-Nautika. | Nov/Dec 2022 65

Ranieri International has unveiled the final renderings of the new Cayman 45.0 Cruiser, the new Maxi-Rib with which the Soverato-based shipyard will continue in the wake of the success achieved by the previous Cayman 38.0 Executive, launched five years ago and leading the way in terms of sales both in Italy and abroad.

The Cayman 45.0 Cruiser will be the largest yacht ever built by Ranieri International, thus positioning itself as an “extra-luxury” flagship, being a cruiser already very rich in standard equipment and further customizable in various aspects.

Although the images reveal a certain impressiveness, Ranieri’s new Maxi-Rib will be just 14 metres long. As far as construction is concerned, like all the other Ribs from the Italian shipyard, the Cayman 45.0 Cruiser has been designed and built using the “fully-developed cockpit system” technology, an exclusive construction technique perfected by Ranieri International that aims to optimize production processes by creating a one-piece deck, i.e. combining the deck, cabin floor and the technical accommodation of the storage lockers and fuel and water tanks in a single mould.


Equipped with a spacious and functional deck, the Cayman 45.0 Cruiser’s aft section features a large sundeck where two people can comfortably lie down, while below, with an electric opening system, there is plenty of room to stow a tender and water toys. Other outstanding features include a large dinette equipped with a double foldaway electric table, which allows the living area to be easily transformed according to di erent needs: a second comfortable stern sundeck, a large table able to seat eight people or, simply by swivelling the backrests, two comfortable and safe front seats.

The stand-up console accommodates in the rear the equipment serving the living area and in the front a large seat with four individual boolster systems where the pilot and his guests can comfortably sit, ensuring that they can sail safely or stand as comfortable lumbar supports. The console is very large and accommodates all the on-board instrumentation, which always remains well readable and protected. The cabin is also very generously sized: four people can be comfortably accommodated for the night, with two separate rooms and a toilet compartment with shower. Particular attention was paid in the design phase to the brightness and ventilation of the interior, emphasizes Ranieri International.

The Cayman 45.0 Cruiser will have as standard equipment a brandnew, very wide and protective hard-top, which will allow the owner

Moto-Nautika d.o.o. Ptujska c.63, 2204 Miklavž pri Mariboru, SLO +386(0)26290400

and his guests to take full advantage of the living area on deck, thanks also to the extension of the shaded area obtained with the awning fixed on carbon poles. As far as propulsion is concerned, for the first models the yard opted for three Mercury 450 HP engines. Purchasing this outstanding luxury flagship means that you didn't buy just a water vehicle, but also emotions, comfort, quality leisure time with family and friends and, of course, the extra luxury. Otherwise, the vessel is basically very well equipped, but there is still plenty of room for additional equipment and other adjustments with which you will equip the vessel according to your own wishes and make it truly unique.

Now is the time to release your inner child and make all your childhood wishes and dreams come true. The Moto-Nautika salon from Slovenia, which is also the distribution center for Ranieri International boats for Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, will help your childhood dreams to come true. They also have an extensive stock of other Ranieri International vessels in their showroom in Miklavž na Dravskem polju in Slovenia, where you can see practically all of Ranieri International best-selling models live and buy them immediately.

For more detailed information about the new ultra-luxury Cayman 45.0 Cruiser by the Italian manufacturer Ranieri International and the rest of the range of vessels of this brand, contact the Moto-Nautika salon.

Kontakt za porudžbine / For preorders contact: 00386 2 629 04 00; 00386 31 300 205

Čamci/Boats | Nov/Dec 2022 66

U2016. godini, Riva 76’ Bahamas ispisala je neizbrisivu stranicu u istoriji jahtinga, dizajna i luksuza, obogaćujući umetnost krsta renja izvanrednim brodom koji je predstavljao esenciju van vremenske privlačnosti i inovativne tehnologije. Šest godina kasnije, ovaj legendarni Riva model ponovo je u centru pažnje sa radikalnim i inovativnim novinama koje donose nove funkcije, moderne prostore i rešenja za odlaganje stvari.

Riva 76’ Bahamas je veličanstven rezultat saradnje između firme Of ficina Italiana Design, koju su osnovali Mauro Mikeli i Serđo Bereta, radeći u partnerstvu sa Strateškim komitetom za proizvode na čelu sa Pjerom Ferarijem i inženjerskim odeljenjem Ferretti Group. Razvi jen na platformi modela 76' Perseo Super, kupe ima ukupnu dužinu preko 23 metra i već je predmet želje svakog vlasnika, predstavlja

jući uzbudljivu kombinaciju otvorenog i kupe projekta, udobnosti i snage.

Ogroman kokpit je kultna karakteristika 76’ Bahamas, a sunčanje na prostranom ležaju sa pogledom na plažni deo predstavlja sastav ni deo tog iskustva. Restilizacija unapređuje ovu oblast naprednom tehnologijom i rešenjima za kućnu automatizaciju: nasloni za ruke le žaja imaju dva ugrađena panela za jednostavnu i neposrednu kon trolu osvetljenja, stereo sistema i vrata na krmi. Nastavljajući dalje, dnevni boravak koji dominira centralnim delom palube zaštićen je dvostruko zakrivljenim vetrobranskim laminiranim staklom sa okvi rom od poliranog nerđajućeg čelika. Sa desne strane pozicionirana je trpezarija, opremljena ugaonom sofom i stolom od tikovine koji udobno može da primi do osam gostiju. Iza ovog prostora ubačene su različite pregrade za odlaganje stvari u kojima se, između osta log, nalazi i audio oprema. Veliki šank na levoj strani sadrži frižider, ledomat i sudoper, kao i opcioni roštilj ili TV ekran. Most i instrumenti na upravljačkoj stanici su još jedan od fokusa nove tehnologije na restilizovanom 76’ Bahamas Super. Instrumenti imaju ekran osetljiv na dodir, a sistem upravljanja je zarad funkcionalnije plovidbe pretvoren iz hidrauličnog u Xenta elektro-hidraulični. Stoli ce, koje su specijalno dizajnirane za sve Riva modele od strane biroa Officina Italiana Design, smeštene su u konstrukciju od fiberglasa i podržane „mostom“ od nerđajućeg čelika.

Sada već legendarni C-TOP, aerodinamični karbonski krov sa pa tentiranim sistemom koji pretvara jahtu od open modela u coupe i obrnuto, ostaje glavna karakteristika i na ovom modelu. Podignut pomoću dva karbonska nosača, uzdiže se od palube do pozicije iz nad kokpita i pričvršćuje na vetrobran i karbonski rol-bar, otkrivajući prostranu trpezariju smeštenu napred. Sistem sa električnim upra vljanjem koji zaključava C-TOP za vetrobran i rol-bar se automat ski aktivira kada se taj deo pravilno postavi iznad kokpita, čime se završava normalna procedura otvaranja/zatvaranja. U ovoj obla sti, tehnologija i dizajn udružuju snage kako bi pružili iznenađuju ću udobnost tokom plovidbe: C-TOP se otvara za manje od jednog minuta.

Jahte/Yachts | Nov/Dec 2022 70

Velika krmena garaža može da primi Williams tender od 3,25 metara i igračke za vodu. U pramcu, odeljak za vitlo sada ima dva poklop ca umesto jednog, za poboljšani pristup. Aerodinamički profil tru pa boje Shark Grey sa kontrastnim Bright Black akcentima na no vom Bahamas modelu poseduje još veću redizajniranu zastakljenu površinu.

Vešta restilizacija se nastavlja i u unutrašnjosti sa dodatom zidnom kuhinjskom policom koja povećava radnu površinu. Vrata kuhinje više nisu uvučena, već su sada na šarkama, te se prostor za odlaga nje u susednoj gostinskoj kabini proširuje, omogućavajući dodavanje klizne fioke. Glavni apartman je opremljen bračnim krevetom, or marićem, ali i upotpunjen novoprojektovanim kupatilom. Centralno predvorje ima pogodan prostor za skladištenje u kojem su mašina za pranje i sušenje veša, dok ormarić na suprotnoj strani proširuje pro stor za odlaganje. Kupatilo u kabini za goste poseduje tuš odvojen staklenom pregradom, čime se poboljšava kvalitet života na jahti.


Riva 76’ Bahamas Super je u standardnoj verziji opremljena parom MAN V12 V-drive motora od 1.550 mhp. Sa ovom konfiguracijom, jah ta ima maksimalnu brzinu od 32 čvora i brzinu krstarenja od 28 čvo rova (preliminarni podaci). Vlasnik se takođe može odlučiti za dva MAN V12 motora od 1.800 mhp svaki, sa kojima maksimalna brzina raste na 37 čvorova, a brzina krstarenja na 32 čvora (preliminarni po daci). Most je opremljen Xenta elektro-hidrauličnim sistemom upra vljanja sa nezavisnom kontrolom kormila za sportsku optimizaciju skretanja i upravljačkom stanicom SIMRAD COMMAND sa integrisa nim nadzorom i kontrolom navigacije i manevrisanja.

In 2016, Riva 76’ Bahamas wrote an indelible page in the history of yachting, design and luxury, enriching the art of cruising with an extraordinary boat that is a distillation of timeless appeal and innovative technology. Six years later, this iconic Riva model is back in the spotlight with a radical and innovative restyling that proposes new functions, up-to-date spaces and unprecedented storage solutions. Riva 76’ Bahamas is the magnificent result of collaboration between O cina Italiana Design, the firm founded by Mauro Micheli and Sergio Beretta, working in partnership with the Strategic Product Committee led by Piero Ferrari and the Ferretti Group Engineering Department. Developed on the 76’ Perseo Super naval platform, the coupe has an overall length of over 23 metres and is already an object of desire for every owner, representing an exciting combination of open and coupe, of onboard practicality and liveability, and of comfort and power.

The huge cockpit is the iconic feature of 76’ Bahamas and relaxing on the generous sunpad overlooking the beach area, on the chaise longue or on the comfortable sofa is an integral part of the onboard experience. The restyling upgrades this area with advanced technology and home automation solutions: the sunpad’s armrests have two built-in panels that o er a simple and immediate way to control the lighting, the stereo system and the stern door. Continuing forward, the lounge area dominates the central part of the deck and is protected by the double-curved laminated glass windscreen with a polished stainless steel frame. On the starboard side, the dining area is furnished with an L-shaped sofa and a teak table with stainless steel trim that comfortably seats eight guests. Behind this space are various storage compartments that contain, among other things, the audio equipment. The big bar area on the port side contains a fridge, an icemaker and a sink, plus an optional grill or TV screen. The bridge and the helm station instrumentation are another focus of

the new technology featured on the restyled 76’ Bahamas Super. The displays are touchscreen and the steering system has been converted from hydraulic to Xenta electro-hydraulic for better functionality while cruising. The chairs, which are specially designed for all Riva models by O cina Italiana Design, are housed in a fibreglass cradle and supported by a stainless steel “bridge” for a lighter overall look. The now legendary C-TOP, the aerodynamic carbon top with a patented system that converts the yacht from an open into a coupe and vice versa, remains the star feature of Riva 76’ Bahamas. Lifted by two carbon arms finished with a polished carbon look, it rises from the deckhouse to a position over the cockpit and locks onto the windscreen and carbon roll bar, revealing a spacious forward dinette. The electrically operated system that locks the C-TOP to the windscreen and roll bar is activated automatically when the top is correctly positioned over the cockpit, completing the normal opening/closing sequence. In this area, technology and design join forces to deliver surprising cruising comfort: the C-TOP opens in less than a minute. The large stern garage can contain a 3.25-metre Williams tender and the water toys. In the bow, the winch compartment now has two flaps and not one for improved access. The aerodynamic profile of the Shark Grey hull with contrasting Bright Black accents now features an even more extensive glazed surface with a new design.

The skilful restyling continues in the interiors, with a pull-out wall shelf added to the galley to increase the available work surface. The galley door is no longer recessed but now hinged, which increases the storage space in the adjacent guest cabin, making it possible to add a sliding drawer. The full-beam master suite is furnished with a forward-facing double bed and a cabinet unit on the starboard side, complemented by the ensuite bathroom with its new layout. The master lobby has aconvenient storage area containing the washerdryer, while a big locker on the opposite side increases the storage space on board. The layout of the guest cabin bathroom features a shower separated by a glass partition to improve liveability.


Riva 76’ Bahamas Super is fitted with a pair of MAN V12 V-drive engines rated 1,550 mhp each in the standard version. With this configuration, the yacht has a top speed of 32 knots and a cruising speed of 28 knots (preliminary data). The owner can also opt for two MAN V12 engines rated 1,800 mhp each, in which case the top speed rises to 37 knots and the cruising speed to 32 knots (preliminary data). The bridge is equipped with a Xenta electro-hydraulic steer-by-wire system with independent control of the rudders for sporty turn optimisation and a SIMRAD COMMAND helm station with integrated onboard monitoring and navigation and manoeuvring controls. +41 62 393 35 95 | Nov/Dec 2022 72

Absolute Yachts 60 FLY

Brodogradilište Absolute je evoluiralo sa dolaskom reprezentativnog modela 60 FLY, nazvanog „The Absolute Prisma“. Kao što prizma prelama svetlost, otkrivajući nekoliko boja, tako 60 FLY predočava nove perspektive, genezu za asortiman, ali i za vlasnika

Absolute shipyard has evolved with the arrival of the yacht 60 FLY, their flagship model called "The Absolute Prisma". Just as a prism refracts light revealing several colors, so does the 60 FLY present new perspectives, the genesis for the shipyard, but also for the owner

Spoljne linije 60 FLY znatno su obogaćene, a njihovoj sofistici ranosti svakako doprinosi prisutnost zastakljenih balustrada. Pogled koji oduzima dah je zagarantovan, kako iz flajbridža, tako i iz kokpita, koji je na ovoj jahti projektovan bez fiksnih elemenata, te se po prvi put može opremiti po ukusu vlasnika. Absolute 60 FLY je brod koji omogućava privatnost, ali i bogat dru štveni život, ukoliko se detaljno sagleda njegova prostorna raspo dela. Pošto je modularnost jedna od istaknutih osobina ovog plo vila, nameštaju je posvećena značajna pažnja, pa je čak i pramac dizajniran da pruži maksimalnu svestranost, nudeći udobnu sofu sa stolom i sunčalištem.

Vlasnički apartman, zahvaljujući savršenom konceptu, zauzima punu širinu broda, što je bez presedana na jahti od 60/70 stopa. So fisticirana atmosfera, maksimalno posvećena udobnosti, postignuta je pomoću skladno projektovanih prostora za odlaganje, toaletnog dela sa pogledom na more, ali i širokih bočnih prozora koji nude sa vršen osećaj stapanja sa prirodom. Za potpun ugođaj, visoki plafoni uz bogatu paletu tekstura i boja namenjenih enterijeru zadovoljiće i najistančanije ukuse.

Prostranost flajbridža proizvela je još jedan salon, otvoren i uronjen u okolni pejzaž. Njegove izdašne dimenzije samo su čekala da ožive. Salon, kuhinja, trpezarija, ali i visokotehnološka kormilarnica uokvi reni su elegantnim dizajnerskim linijama, kontrastima boja i prefinje nom završnom obradom.

Pristup širokoj platformi za uživanje iznad vode omogućen je zahva ljujući duplom stepeništu koje se spušta sa krmenog kokpita. Panto grafska vrata skrivena u krmenom ogledalu otvaraju zaseban ulaz u prostorije posade, što svakako ide u prilog platformi kada se ocenju je njena komfornost.

Tehnologija najnovije generacije implementirana na modernim i lako pristupnim kontrolnim tablama, sa jasnim instrumentima na dohvat ruke, upravo je ono što model 60 FLY čini toliko privlačnim. Obe kormilarske stanice - na glavnoj palubi i na flajbridžu - imaju dvostruka upravljačka sedišta. Vetrobransko staklo glavne palube, sa minimalnim zaobljenim potpornim nosačima, svojom širinom ga rantuje nesmetan pogled ka horizontu. Prostrani flajbridž, takođe, može da se pohvali udobnom navigacijom. Zahvaljujući kauču i sun čalištu postavljenim pored kormila, kapetanu se pruža mogućnost da u društvu uživa u plovidbi. Na krmi je dostupna i treća stanica za privez, koja se može integrisati u namenski ormarić u kokpitu, opremljen džojstikom, upravljačem pramčanog pogona i pločom za paljenje motora.

Zeleni pristup brodogradilišta dokazuje opcija integrisanja solarnih panela u čvrsti krov kako bi se obezbedio manji uticaj na životnu sredinu. Dok je jahta na sidru, vlasnik može uživati u tišini i koristiti solarnu energiju za neometan rad osnovnih funkcija plovila. Bezbed nosni standardi ne plaše se konkurencije čak ni sa većim modelima, a upotrebljivost prostora je vrhunska, kako za skladištenje, tako i za održavanje i inspekciju prostora.

Plovidba na Absolute 60 Fly, posebno kada se nalazite na flajbridžu, predstavlja čisto zadovoljstvo. Trup seče talase bez vidljivog napora i jahta plovi stabilno, čak i u praznom hodu, brzinom od 5 čvorova

Jahte/Yachts | Nov/Dec 2022 76 | Nov/Dec 2022 77

The external lines of the 60 FLY are significantly enriched, and the presence of glazed parapet balustrades certainly contributed to their sophisticated look. Breathtaking views are guaranteed, both from the flybridge and from the cockpit, which is designed without fixed elements on this yacht, so for the first time can be equipped according to the owner's taste.

Absolute 60 FLY is a boat that allows privacy, but also a varied social life, if you look at her layout in detail. Since modularity is one of the standout features of this vessel, considerable attention has been paid to the furniture, and even the bow area is designed to provide maximum versatility, o ering a comfortable sofa with a table and a sundeck.

The master suite, thanks to its perfect concept, occupies the full beam of the boat, which is unprecedented on a 60/70 foot yacht. A sophisticated atmosphere, maximally dedicated to comfort, has been achieved with harmoniously designed storage spaces, a vanity area with a view of the sea, and large side windows that o er a perfect feeling of being at one with the environment. For a complete atmosphere, high ceilings with a rich palette of textures and colours intended for the interior will satisfy even those with the most refined tastes.

The spaciousness of the flybridge created another living room, open and immersed in the surrounding landscape. Its generous dimensions were just waiting to come to life. The salon, galley, dining room,

as well as the high-tech helm station are framed by elegant designer lines, lovely colour contrasts and refined finishes.

Access to the wide platform right above the water created for enjoyment is made possible by a double staircase that descends from the aft cockpit. A pantograph door hidden in the transom opens a separate entrance to the crew quarters, which is certainly considered to be a benefit when evaluating the comfort of the platform. State-of-the-art technology implemented on modern and easily accessible dashboards, with easy-to-use instruments close at hand, is exactly what makes the 60 FLY so attractive. Both helm stations - on the main deck and on the flybridge - have double helmsman's seats. The width of the windshield of the main deck, supported by minimal rounded support brackets, guarantees an unobstructed view of the horizon. The spacious flybridge also boasts comfortable navigation. Thanks to the couch and sundeck placed next to the helm station, the captain is given the opportunity to enjoy navigation in company. A third mooring station can be installed astern, which can be integrated into a dedicated cockpit locker, equipped with a joystick, bow thruster and engine ignition panel. The shipyard's green approach is demonstrated by the possibility of integrating solar panels into the hard top to ensure a lower impact on the environment. While the yacht is at anchor, the owner can enjoy the silence and use solar energy for the smooth operation of the basic functions of the vessel. Safety standards can compete even with larger models, and the usability of the space is superb, both for storage and for maintenance and inspection of the space.

Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 91 6001 137, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1 60 FLY Motori: Volvo Penta 2xD11 IPS950 (2x533 kW) Dužina preko svega: 18,66 m Širina: 4,94 m Zapremina rezervoara za gorivo: 2800 l Kapacitet rezervoara slatke vode: 730 l 60 FLY Engines: Volvo Penta 2xD11 IPS950 (2x533 kW) LOA: 18.66 m Beam: 4.94 m Fuel capacity: 2.800 l Fresh water capacity: 730 l Sailing on board the Absolute 60 Fly, especially when driven from the Fly, is pure pleasure. The hull cuts through the waves without apparent effort and the boat sails stably, even at idle, at 5 knots | Nov/Dec 2022 78

Oni koji me dobro poznaju shvataju da volim da budem željno iščekivan. Takav sam i ne mogu ništa protiv toga. Bio sam tražen nedeljama, čak i mesecima. Ali sada sam stigao!

Those who know me know that I do love to make myself wanted. That's me, there's nothing I can do. I made myself wanted for weeks, even months. But now I am here! Sa mnom je Bluegame

With me, once again, Bluegame went outside the box to redefine the concept of space for a 54 feet. I challenged the dimensional limits proving that size doesn’t matter, space matters.

Jahte/Yachts BG54
još jednom izašao van ustaljenih okvira i uspeo da redefiniše koncept prostora za 54 stope. Osporio sam ograničenja dimenzija dokazujući da veličina nije bitna i da je prostor mnogo važniji.

Uz mene ć ete otkriti najčistiji izraz mora, bezgranično vreme i prostor. Moje otvorene površine nude pogled koji oduzima dah (i neverovatne koktele). Kompaktnost Volvo IPS motora je u velikoj meri poveć ala prostor ispod palube. Zaista, ja sam jedina otvorena jahta u svojoj kategoriji koja vam daje pravu vlasničku kabinu u punoj širini plovila.

u punoj širini plovila, što je jedinstveni dodatak za plovila ovog asortimana. Kao i svi drugi Bluegame modeli, BG54 svoje vrhunske performanse duguje izuzetnim vodenim linijama koje su doprinele da Bluegame bude referentna tačka za kvalitet plovidbe”.

With me you will discover the sea in its purest expression, without boundaries of space or time. Thanks to my open spaces I offer breathtaking views (and incredible cocktails). The compactness of Volvo IPS engines greatly amplifies the spaces below deck. Indeed, I’m the only open yacht of my category that can offer you a true full beam owner cabin.


"The layout of the BG54 in one word is: amazing. Redesigned in line with the up-to-date technical evolution, the BG54 model presents the stern and bow areas improved in terms of ergonomics and functionality. Thanks to the smart and flexible layout, the owner can choose between two or three cabin proposals, one of which is a full-beam master: a unique addition for boats of this range. Like all other Bluegame models, the BG54 is built around superperforming water lines that have made the BG range a reference point for sailing quality”.

Sanlorenzo South Central Europe Porto Montenegro · Rovinj · Sukoš an · Zagreb · Vienna · Budapest · Brno +385 99 3571 727 / A company of the Master Yachting Group DOMINACIJA PROSTORA, BEZ KOMPROMISA! AKO VAM SE ČINI DA TO NIJE MOGUĆ E, POGLEDAJTE OVO! THE FEELING IS OF SPACE AMPLIFIED, WITHOUT COMPROMISE! IF IT DOESN’T SEEM POSSIBLE, LOOK AT THIS! PRAVIM MESTA ZA SVE, PA I ZA REČI MOG
„BG54 je, jednom rečju, neverovatan! Redizajniran u skladu sa najsavremenijom tehničkom evolucijom, nudi ergonomski i funkcionalno poboljšane prostore na krmi i pramcu. Zahvaljujuć i pametnom i fleksibilnom rasporedu, vlasnik može da bira između opcije sa dve ili tri kabine, od kojih je jedna vlasnička


Svaki Fjord oličava najbolje od tri sveta: skandinavski minima lizam koji pruža jedinstveni elegantan izgled, mediteranski „Savoir Vivre” kao inspiraciju za luksuzne detalje u opremi i nemačko inženjerstvo koje je omogućilo neverovatnu dinamiku upravljanja, maksimalnu sigurnost i pouzdanost, kao i besprekornu izradu. Ova kombinacija učinila je Fjord prototipom ekstravagant nog motornog broda i međunarodnom ikonom brodskog dizajna. Najmanji predstavnik ovog uzbudljivog brenda, bilo da se radi o „xpress” modelu sa vanbrodskim ili „open” sa unutrašnjm motorima, jeste FJORD 38, ovekovečen FJORD-ovim prepoznatljivim linijama, istaknutim kroz Patrik Benfildov minimalistički, ali potpuno izražajni dizajn koji uključuje T-top, čiste linije i vertikalni dizajn pramca. Fjord je sa svojim relativno novim modelom FJORD 41XL predsta vio jahtu superlativa i potpuno novi koncept rasporeda. Jedna od njenih sjajnih karakteristika je i najveći T-top u klasi, koji osim izvan redne zaštite od sunca, svojim konceptom kreira dodatni prostor

za vrhunski enterijer i dizajn palube. Njegovi čvrsti stubovi skladno su integrisani u bočne strane trupa i savršeno dopunjuju optimizo vani dizajn i interakciju trupa, palube i kormilarskog prostora. Osim maksimalne stabilnosti T-topa, navedene odlike garantuju maksi malnu jednostavnost kretanja po palubi. Zahvaljujući visokim boč nim stranama trupa unutrašnjost jahte je prostranija, pa samim tim i udobnija.

FJORD 41XL poseduje i najveće prozore na trupu u svojoj klasi koji ispod palube donose obilje dnevnog svetla, upotpunjujući već pre poznatljiv dizajn. Ova spektakularna jahta nudi ukupno 90 moguć nih kombinacija dizajna, te se može prilagoditi svim individualnim željama.

FJORD 44, dug 13.45 metara, postoji u Open i Coupe verziji. Osim što je dizajniran za uživanje po lepom vremenu, gde ga vrhunski prostori na palubi i potpuno otvoreni kokpit izdvajaju od uobiča jene gomile sportskih kruzera, FJORD 44 Open krasi i komforna


vlasnička kabina sa sopstvenim kupatilom, kao i bezbroj praktičnih detalja koji ga čine savršeno udobnim za duža krstarenja. Ipak, ukoliko želite da kombinujete jedinstven osećaj otvorenosti, po kojoj je Fjord i te kako prepoznatljiv, sa najvećom bezbednošći od vremenskih prilika, radujte se razvijenom dizajnu kupea sa luč nim salonom i konstrukcijom palube koja se može potpuno zatvoriti u bilo kom trenutku. Aerodinamična lučna forma salona dodelila mu je ime, ali prava fascinacija ogleda se u upotrebljenim materijali ma. Nerđajući čelik, visokotehnološki kompoziti i elegantno staklo pružaju jasnu vizionarsku estetiku kao i odličnu otpornost na sile prirode. Podjednako precizan i zapanjujući rad sačekaće vas i na donjoj palubi, gde se ušuškala suncem okupana kraljevska spava ća soba, sa luksuznim krevetom i nizom praktičnih rešenja. Završna obrada je besprekorna, a izgled jedinstven. Svaki pedalj FJORD 44 Coupé-a stremi da pruži savršen pogled i iskustvo koje se pamti. Najnoviji i najve ći m odel do sada je FJORD 53 XL - uzbudljivi flags hip brenda Fjord, koji donosi prepoznatljivost na moru i privlači pa žnju u bilo kojoj marini. Sa različitim opcijama opreme i konfiguraci ja, svaki Fjord 53 XL prilagođava se željama svog budu će g vlasnika. Najupečatljivija karakteristika ove jahte ogleda sa u velikikim pro zorima na trupu koji ne samo da osiguravaju prirodno svetlo u unu trašnjosti, ve ć i doprinose nepogrešivoj prepoznatljivosti. FJORD 53 XL krase brojne mogućn osti različitih rasporeda, futurističko kormi larsko mesto kao i garaža za gumenjak, sve potpomognuto impre sivnim radom Volvo Penta IPS pogonskog sistema.


Each Fjord embodies the best of the three worlds: Scandinavian minimalism that provides a unique sleek look, Mediterranean "Savoir Vivre" as an inspiration for luxurious details in the equipment, and German engineering that has enabled incredible driving dynamics, maximum safety and reliability, as well as impeccable craftsmanship. This combination made Fjord the prototype of an extravagant motorboat and an international icon in boat design.

The smallest representative of this exciting brand - be it an "xpress" model with outboards or an "open" model with inboard enginesis the FJORD 38, marked by FJORD's distinctive lines, highlighted through Patrick Benfield's minimalistic yet fully expressive design that includes T- top, clean lines and vertical bow design. With its relatively new model FJORD 41XL, Fjord presented a yacht of superlatives and a completely new layout concept. One of her great features is the largest T-top in her class, which, in addition to outstanding protection from the sun, creates additional space for a premium interior and deck design with its concept. Its solid posts are harmoniously integrated into the sides of the hull and perfectly complement the optimized design and interaction of the hull, deck and wheelhouse. In addition to the utmost stability of the T-top, these features enable maximum ease of movement on the deck. Thanks to the high sides of the hull, the interior of the yacht is more spacious and therefore more comfortable.

The FJORD 41XL also boasts the largest hull windows in her class, which bring an abundance of daylight below deck, complementing the already distinctive design. This spectacular yacht o ers a total of 90 possible design combinations, so she can be adapted to any individual wishes.

FJORD 44, with a length of 13.45 meters, is available in Open and Coupe versions. As well as being designed for enjoyment in fair weather, when superb deck spaces and a fully open cockpit set it apart from the usual sports cruisers, the FJORD 44 Open also boasts a comfortable owner's cabin with its own head compartment, as well as countless practical details that make her perfectly comfortable for longer cruises.

However, if you want to combine the unique feeling of openness, for which Fjord is highly recognizable, with the greatest safety from the elements, you can enjoy in the developed design of the coupe with an arched salon and a deck structure that can be completely closed at any time. The aerodynamic arched form gives the arc-saloon its name, but the real fascination can be found in the materials used.

Stainless steel, high-tech composites and elegant real glass lend the arc-saloon both clear, visionary aesthetics as well as excellent

resistance to the forces of nature. Equally precise and stunning work awaits you on the lower deck, which reveals a sun-drenched royal bedroom with a luxurious bed and a range of practical solutions. The finish is absolutely flawless, and the appearance is unique. Every inch of the FJORD 44 Coupé strives to provide a perfect view and an experience to remember. The latest and largest model so far is the FJORD 53 XL - the exciting flagship of the Fjord brand, which brings recognition at sea and attracts attention in any marina. With di erent equipment options and configurations, each Fjord 53 XL adapts to the wishes of her future owner. The most impressive feature of this yacht is reflected in the large windows on the hull, which not only ensure natural light in the interior, but also contribute to her distinctive appearance. The FJORD 53 XL features numerous possibilities of di erent layouts, a futuristic wheelhouse as well as a garage for a dinghy, all supported by the impressive performance of the Volvo Penta IPS propulsion system.

Croatia Yachting Dražanac 2a 21000 Split, Hrvatska +385 21 332 348

FJORD 44 OPEN FJORD 44 COUPE | Nov/Dec 2022 85


U 2022. godini Marina Punat proglašena je najboljom velikom marinom Hrvatske prema oceni struke i najboljom marinom Hrvatske prema izboru nautičara

In 2022, Marina Punat has been declared the best large marina in Croatia according to the opinion of professionals and the best marina in Croatia according to the boaters' choice


Na muzičkim festivalima oduvek se polemiše vredi li više glavna nagrada stručnog žirija ili nagrada publike, pa kada se u retkim slučajevima to poklopi sledi Grand Prix. I u poslovnom svetu je slično – svi vole dobiti priznanje od kolega iz struke, međutim, najveća je nagrada lojalnost klijenata i popularnost kod korisnika proizvoda ili usluge. Dobiti naklonost struke i publike, veliki je uspeh za svako preduzeće.

Dani Hrvatskog turizma, najveći poslovni skup turističke industrije Hrvatske, održan je početkom oktobra u Šibeniku. Na njemu se raspravlja o potencijalima za razvoj i unapređenje kvaliteta, a najboljima u pojedinim kategorijama stručna komisija Ministarstva turizma, Hrvatske turističke zajednice i Hrvatske gospodarske komore dodjeljuje nagrade za kvalitet. U kategoriji velikih marina, Marina Punat dobila je nagradu „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku 2022“ kao najbolja marina Hrvatske. Osnovana 1964. godine, prva i najveća marina severnog Jadrana višestruki je dobitnik nacionalnih priznanja kvaliteta u nautičkom turizmu, pa je ovo čak sedmi put da je proglašena najboljom velikom marinom Hrvatske.

Ni dve nedelje kasnije, na dodeli nagrada Nautičke patrole Jutarnjeg lista, Marina punat osvojila je Zlatno jedro za najbolju marinu u 2022. po izboru novinara i nautičara, kao prva marina koja je tu nagradu izvojevala po drugi put.

Zlatno jedro je priznanje kvaliteta za nautički turizam koje dodjeljuje Jutarnji list, jedan od vodećih dnevnih medija u saradnji sa Ministarstvom turizma i Hrvatskom gospodarskom komorom. Nautička patrola, sastavljena od novinara i nautičkog žirija, šestu godinu zaredom tokom 8-10 nedelja plovi od Umaga do Dubrovnika, obilazi marine i sidrišta duž Jadranske obale i sistematski ocenjuje njihovu ponudu. Istovremeno sprovodi i anketu među prisutnim nautičarima, pa je konačno rangiranje rezultat ocena nautičkog žirija i više stotina ispitanih nautičara, što garantuje objektivnost i daje posebnu vrednost ovoj nagradi.

At music festivals, it is always argued what is worth more - the main prize awarded by the expert jury or the prize awarded by the audience. Therefore, when in rare cases these two coincide, the Grand Prix is certain. It is similar in the business world - although everyone likes to receive recognition from colleagues, the biggest reward is customer loyalty and popularity among users of the product or service. Gaining the favor of both the industry and the public is a great success for any company.

The Days of Croatian Tourism, the largest business meeting of the Croatian tourism industry, was held at the beginning of October in Šibenik. The main topic is the potential for development and improvement of quality, and the best from certain categories are awarded quality awards by the expert committee of the Ministry of Tourism, the Croatian Tourist Board and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. In the category of large marinas, Marina Punat received the award "Tourist flower - quality for Croatia 2022" as the best marina in Croatia. Founded in 1964, the first and largest marina in the northern Adriatic is a multiple winner of national quality awards in nautical tourism, so this is the seventh time it has been declared the best large marina in Croatia.

Less than two weeks later, at the Jutarnji List Nautical Patrol Awards, Marina Punat won the Golden Sail for the best marina in 2022 as chosen by journalists and boaters, as the first marina to win that award for the second time.

The Golden Sail is a recognition of quality for nautical tourism awarded by Jutarnji list, one of the leading daily media, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. The Nautical Patrol, composed of journalists and a nautical jury, sails from Umag to Dubrovnik for the sixth year in a row for 8-10 weeks, visits marinas and anchorages along the Adriatic coast and systematically evaluates their o er. At the same time, they conduct a survey among the present boaters, so the final ranking is the result of the marks of the nautical jury and hundreds of surveyed sailors, which guarantees objectivity and gives a special value to this award.

Renata Marević, direktorica Marine Punat, prilikom preuzimanja nagrade za najbolju marinu Hrvatske je istakla:

„Veoma smo počastvovani ovom nagradom. Ona nije samo priznanje kvaliteta, ona je za nas obvezujuća. To je nagrada za koju su zaslužni svi zaposleni grupacije Marina Punat Grupa, kao i partnerska društva i kooperanti. Gotovo trista aktivno angažovanih zaposlenih radi na ovome, ne samo u sezoni, već tokom čitave godine i ovom prilikom im se svima zahvaljujem.“.

"We are very honored by this award. It is not only a recognition of quality, but also binding for us. It is an award for which all the employees of the Marina Punat Group, as well as partner companies and subcontractors, are meritorious. Almost three hundred actively engaged employees work on this, not only during the season, but throughout the year, and I would like to take this occasion to thank them all."

Renata Marević, the CEO of Marina Punat, when receiving the award for the best marina in Croatia, pointed out:
Powerful minimalist speaker | Nov/Dec 2022 90

Originalan dizajn i jedinstvena fleksibilnost ovaj zvučnik pozicioniraju na bilo koje mesto u kući, dok izuzetne specifikacije pružaju zvuk kakav do sada niste čuli

Zbog bežične konekcije i jednostavnog upravljanja uređajem, Beoplay A9 je u korak sa različitim muzičkim potrebama. Uključite ga u struju, povežite na iPhone, iPad ili Android uređaj i zvučnik počinje sa strimovanjem vaše omiljene muzike. Zvuk je dovoljno bogat da ispuni i najprostranije potkrovlje, ali i toliko raskošan da konkuriše mnogo kompleksnijim muzičkim sistemima. Beoplay A9 će se jednako dobro uklopiti u svaki dekor, bilo da stoji na podu ili je okačen na zid. Njegov legendarni oblik dizajniran je sa ciljem da privuče pažnju. Izdaleka, to je minimalističko remekdelo. Izbliza, detalji blistaju. Postojane drvene nogice izrađuju se od tikovine, bukovine i hrastovine, a prednju masku zvučnika, zahvaljujući raskošnoj paleti boja, možete prilagoditi vlastitom ambijentu.

Kontrola jačine zvuka nikada nije bila jednostavnija. Pređite rukom preko senzora na vrhu uređaja ili je samo zadržite ukoliko želite da potpuno utišate zvuk. I, naravno, selektujte numere i podešavajte jačinu preko vašeg pametnog telefona ili tableta.

Beoplay A9 poseduje dva ¾-inčna visokotonca i dva 3-inčna srednjetonca koji uz dva pojačala D klase od po 80 W donose neprikosnovene visoke tonove i prostorno definisane srednje tonove. Za sve ljubitelje niskih tonova tu je impozantan 8-inčni bas sa pojačalom od 160 W.

Optimizujte akustične performanse postavljajući uređaj u jedan od tri režima, u zavisnosti od toga da li je uređaj postavljen na zid, slobodno stoji u prostoriji ili ste se opredelili za postavljanje u sam ćošak sobe.

A9 podržava Chromecast, Airplay 2, kao i Spotify Connect i DLNA, pružajući trenutno povezivanje na omiljenu platformu uz prvoklasno zvučno iskustvo.

Due to the wireless connection and simple handling control, Beoplay A9 keeps up with different music needs. Plug it in, make wireless connection to your iPhone, iPad or Android device and Beoplay A9 starts streaming your favorite music. The sound is rich enough to fill even the most spacious loft, but also so voluminous that it competes with much more complex music systems. Beoplay A9 will blend in equally well with your decor, whether it is standing on the wall or on the floor. Beoplay A9's iconic shape is designed to be displayed. From afar, it's a minimal masterpiece. Up close, the details shine. The stable wooden legs are made of teak, beech or oak, and you can customize the front cover of the speaker to match your own environment, thanks to the rich palette of colours. Volume control has never been simpler. Run your hand over the sensor on the top of the device or just hold it there if you want to mute the sound. And, of course, select tracks and adjust the volume via your smartphone or tablet.

The Beoplay A9 features two ¾-inch tweeters and two 3-inch midrange units that are driven by two 80-Watt class D amplifiers each and deliver unassailable highs and spatially defined midtones. For all bass lovers, there is an impressive 8-inch bass with a 160-Watt amplifier.

You can optimize the acoustic performance by placing the device in one of three modes, depending on whether the device is placed on the wall, stands freely in the room or you have chosen to place it in the very corner of the room.

A9 supports Chromecast, Airplay 2 as well as Spotify Connect i DLNA, allowing you to instantly connect to your favorite platform with a first-class sound experience.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o. Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Tehnologija/Technology | Nov/Dec 2022 91
Original design and unique flexibility enable positioning this speaker anywhere in the house, while exceptional specifications provide sound quality you have never heard before



Novi / New Novi / New skuteri / scooters skuteri / scooters


Pravo je vreme za pronalazak novih rešenja urbane mobilnosti. Način na koji se ljudi kreću prolazi kroz ogromnu transformaciju jer mnogi odustaju od pretrpanog javnog prevoza dok tragaju za jednostavnijim stilom života. Novi NEO's pruža šansu za to!

Dugi niz decenija Yamaha je jedan od najuspešnijih i najuglednijih proizvođača skutera od 50cc na značajnom tržištu Evrope. Počevši od devedesetih godina prošlog veka, ova kompanija je proizvela neke od najcenjenijih modela u svojoj oblasti industrije pod brendovima Yamaha i MBK – uključujući istinski kultne modele kao što su BW's/Booster, Aerox/Nitro i verzija NEO's/Ovetto sa sagorevanjem.

Paralelno sa osnovnom delatnošću proizvodnje motora sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem, Yamaha više od trideset godina posvećeno radi na istraživanju i razvoju električnih skutera. Kompanija je 1991. godine predstavila Frog – svoj prvi električni skuter – na Salonu automobila u Tokiju i od tada kontinuirano razvija električne skutere koje je i lansirala u raznim azijskim zemljama.

Nova generacija NEO's za 2022. godinu je prvi Yamaha električni skuter „ekvivalent 50 kubika“ u masovoj proizvodnji koji će se pojaviti na evropskom tržištu. Ovaj pristupačni model sa nultom emisijom spreman je da odigra značajnu ulogu u transformaciji urbane mobilnosti evropskih varošica i gradova.

Novi NEO’s je skuter budućnosti, udoban, okretan i lak za vožnju. Napaja se litijum-jonskom baterjom, a pokreće ga električni motor postavljen na glavčinu koji vam daje snažno ali ukrotivo ubrzanje– i to sa nultom emisijom i super tihom vožnjom! Možete biti sigurni da moderni NEO's dolazi sa atraktivnim dizajnom, najnovijom tehnologijom i prvoklasnom Yamaha pouzdanošću.

Skuteri/Scooters | Nov/Dec 2022 92


Glatka, tiha i efikasna električna energija

Električni motor sa direktnim pogonom na glavčini

Brzo i ukrotivo ubrzanje

Univerzalni položaj za vožnju za bilo koju visinu i iskustvo vozača

Uklonjiva Yamaha litijum-jonska baterija

Izbor režima vožnje

Ultra tihi rad

Jednostavan, kompaktan i univerzalan stil

Povezivanje preko Yamaha MyRide aplikacije

Skladištenje ispod sedišta za kacigu

Elegantni i laki za čitanje LCD instrumenti

Smart Key sistem bez ključa

Kompletno LED osvetljenje


Smooth, quiet and e cient electric power

Direct drive hub-mounted electric motor

Quick and controllable acceleration

Universal riding position for any size and experience

Removable Yamaha lithium-ion battery

Selectable ride modes

Ultra-quiet running

Simple, compact and universal styling

Connectivity via Yamaha MyRide app

Jet helmet underseat storage

Stylish and easy to read LCD instruments

Smart Key keyless system

Full LED lighting

This is an ideal time to consider e cient new urban mobility solutions. The way everybody moves around the city is undergoing a massive transformation as people turn away from congested public transport and look for a simple and accessible way to live. And the new NEO’s is ready for you right now

For many decades Yamaha has been one of the most successful and respected manufacturers within the important 50cc scooter market in Europe. Starting from the 1990s the company has produced some of the industry’s most successful models under the Yamaha and MBK brands – including real icons like the BW’s/Booster, the Aerox/Nitro and the combustion version of the NEO’s/Ovetto.

In parallel to its core internal combustion engine business, Yamaha has been devoting substantial research and development into electrically powered scooters for over 30 years, and in 1991 the company displayed the Frog – its first electric scooter – at the Tokyo Motor Show. Since then Yamaha has continuously worked on electric scooter development and has launched several electric models in various Asian Countries. For 2022 the new generation NEO’s is Yamaha’s first “50cc equivalent” mass-produced electric scooter to be released in the European market, and this a ordable new zero emission model is ready to play its part in the transformation of the urban mobility in European towns and cities. Comfortable, agile and easy to ride, this new generation Yamaha scooter is powered by a lithium-ion battery and driven by a hub-mounted electric motor that gives you strong and controllable acceleration – but with zero emissions and a super quiet ride! You can be sure that the stylish new NEO’s comes with attractive design, the latest technology and firstclass Yamaha reliability.

Yamaha omogućava test vožnju svim zainteresovanim kupcima Yamaha offers a test ride to all interested customers

put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51

MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140

Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju:

Pratite nas:

Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255
Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792
Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245
Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski
SERBIA: Plattner | Nov/Dec 2022 93 | Nov/Dec 2022 94


Puna McLaren snaga The full force of McLaren

Automobili/Cars | Nov/Dec 2022 95

Prvi serijski hibridni McLaren superautomobil visokih performansi fokusira više od pola veka trkačkog i drumskog iskustva i ek spertize ove kompanije u novu generaciju koja kombinuje re volucionarnu tehnologiju sa McLaren-ovom posvećenošću čistom angažovanju vozača.

Zasnovan na filozofiji super laganog inženjeringa, potpuno novi mo del Artura predstavlja suštinu svakog atributa koji je svojstven za McLaren – prepoznatljiv dizajn, performanse bez premca, dinamička izvrsnost i inženjerske inovacije – uz elektrifikaciju koja sada donosi dodatne prednosti u vidu još brže reakcije gasa, niže emisije gasova i mogućnosti rada u čistom EV režimu za putovanja bez emisije do 31 km.

Potpuno nova od osnove do vrha, Artura je dala McLaren inženje rima i projektantima nove mogućnosti za inovacije, a glavna među njima bila je kako sačuvati McLaren-ovu super laku inženjersku filo zofiju kada se dodaju elementi hibridnog pogona, uključujući E-mo tor i bateriju.


Nizak i vitak. Minimalistički i moćan. Artura je potpuno nova inter pretacija McLaren projektno-dizajnerskog jezika. Ipak, od upravlja nja protokom vazduha i toplote, do postizanja ultraniskog centra gravitacije, pa čak i omogućavanja savršenog položaja za vožnju – svaka zaobljena površina postoji sa razlogom. Besprekoran osećaj ostvaren je zahvaljujući vrhunskoj stručnosti u oblastima karbonskih vlakana i naprednih tehnika kao što je Superforming.


Superautomobil nove generacije podiže angažovanje vozača na viši nivo. Inovativni dizajn kokpita stavlja prekidače za pogon i upravlja nje nadohvat vrhova prstiju. Držite ruke na volanu, a oči uprte na put. Elektro-hidraulično upravljanje obezbeđuje optimalne povrat ne informacije.

Trenutni obrtni moment E-motora nudi dvostruko brži odziv gasa od

„Hibridni superautomobil sledeće generacije. Destilat svega što smo ikada naučili." | Nov/Dec 2022 96
Pol Volš, izvršni predsednik McLaren grupe

automobila koji koriste samo benzin – neprimetan prelazak na V6 motor kako bi isporučio bujicu snage direktno iz stanja mirovanja. Sistemi za informisanje i zabavu, kao i povezanost, uključujući nove HD ekrane osetljive na dodir, Apple CarPlay® i Android Auto™ mogu ćnosti, znatno će produbiti i vaše angažovanje.


LAGANOST - Artura je definisana ultralakim inženjeringom. Inovativ na, izuzetno jaka i teška samo 82 kg, monokok šasija u srcu McLa ren Carbon Fiber Lightveight Architecture (MCLA) je pionirska nova platforma automobila. Napravljena sa neverovatnom preciznošću, koristi četiri nove vrste karbonskih vlakana, inovativni sistem smola i unapređen osnovni materijal kako bi pružila snagu i čvrstinu koje su vodeće na tržištu.

Potpuno novi V6 benzinski motor sa dva turbo punjača stvara 585 KS. Reakcija gasa je dvostruko bolja i vodeća u klasi. Pored toga, sa E-motorom od 95 KS uživate u ogromnom obrtnom momentu za za panjujuće ubrzanje. U opticaju je ukupno 680 KS besprekornih per formansi! Energetski jaka litijum-jonska baterija smeštena je nisko u sigurnosnu ćeliju od karbonskih vlakana za optimalnu raspodelu težine i zaštitu. Punjenje do 80% traje samo 2,5 sata, uz mogućnost dinamičkog punjenja u pokretu.

POD KONTROLOM - Artura je stvorena da vam pruži više u ekstrem

nim uslovima. Lakši i manji od mehaničke verzije, prvi McLaren elek tronski diferencijal precizno balansira obrtni moment preko prave osovine, omogućavajući bolju kontrolu prilikom zanošenja i veću vuču iz uglova. Takođe, sasvim novi sistem vešanja otključava uz višeno rukovanje i agilnost u deliću sekunde. Stabilnost je izuzetna. PIRELLI CYBER GUMA - Cyber guma pruža informacije sa većom pre ciznošću od tradicionalnih pneumatika zbog toga što su senzori za prenos u direktnom kontaktu sa samom gumom. Kao rezultat toga, podaci se prenose Artura sisteminma brže od konvencionalnog si stema za praćenje pritiska u gumama (TPMS) i sve informacije su do stupne pre nego što vozač pomeri automobil. Pošto automobil sada automatski zna koje specifikacije pneumatika postavlja i merena temperatura je temperatura gume, a ne naplatka, na kraju auto mobil kao inženjer za gume F1 predlaže vozaču savršen radni opseg za specifične gume postavljene na vozilo. Ovo omogućava i vozaču i automobilu da bolje razumeju pritisak, pružajući Arturi da ide do krajnjih granica.

Cyber Tyre prilagođava ograničenja brzine na osnovu specifikacije ugrađene gume, kontinuirano radeći na tome da automobil i vozač budu bezbedni. On upozorava vozača da uspori kada automobil premaši 270 km/h i ima zimsku gumu. Sve gume modela Artura imaju MC-C oznake na bočnim stranama, što ukazuje na jedinstven razvoj koji je Pirelli sproveo za McLaren, koristeći tehnologiju Cyber Tyre. | Nov/Dec 2022 97

McLaren’s first series-production High-Performance Hybrid supercar focuses more than half a century of the company’s racing and road-car experience and expertise into a nextgeneration supercar that blends ground-breaking technology with McLaren’s dedication to pure driver engagement.

Underpinned by the McLaren philosophy of super-lightweight engineering, the all-new Artura is the distillation of every attribute inherent in a McLaren – distinctive design, unrivalled performance, dynamic excellence and engineering innovation – with electrification now bringing the additional benefits of even faster throttle response, lower emissions and being able to run in pure EV mode for emissionsfree journeys of up to 31km.

All-new from the ground up, the Artura presented McLaren engineers and designers with new opportunities to innovate, chief among these being how to preserve McLaren’s super-lightweight engineering philosophy when adding hybrid powertrain elements including an E-motor and battery pack.


Low and lean. Minimal and powerful. Artura is a brand new interpretation of McLaren design language. Yet from managing airflow and heat, to achieving an ultra-low centre of gravity, and even enabling the perfect driving position – every curve exists for a reason. The seamless, sculpted feel is made possible by cutting edge carbon fibre expertise and advanced techniques such as Superforming.


The next-generation supercar o ers next-level driver engagement. The innovative cockpit design brings powertrain and handling control switches within fingertip reach. Keeping your hands on the wheel, and eyes on the road. Electro-hydraulic steering provides optimum feedback.

The E-Motor’s instant torque enables throttle response that’s twice as fast as pure petrol cars – seamlessly transitioning to the V6 engine to deliver a torrent of power from standstill. Infotainment and

connectivity deepen your engagement too – including new HD touchscreens, Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ capability.


LIGHTNESS, REDEFINED - Artura is defined by ultra-light engineering. Innovative, immensely strong and weighing just 82kg, the monocoque at the heart of McLaren Carbon Fibre Lightweight Architecture (MCLA) is the car’s pioneering new platform. Built with incredible precision, it uses four new kinds of carbon fibre, a new resin system and new core material to deliver market-leading strength and sti ness. An all-new twin turbocharged V6 petrol engine generates 585PS. Throttle response is twice as sharp. And class-leading. Plus, with the 95PS E-Motor, you enjoy massive instant torque for stunning acceleration. Totalling 680PS of seamless performance. Plus the Artura’s energy-dense Lithium ion battery is housed low in a carbon fibre safety cell for optimum weight distribution and protection. 80% charge takes just 2.5 hours, with dynamic charging ability on the move.

UNDER CONTROL - lighter and smaller than a mechanical version, McLaren first electronic di erential precisely balances torque across the real axle. Enabling greater control when drifting and more traction out of corners. So you can get more from Artura at the extremes. Also an all-new suspension system unlocks sublime handling and split-second agility. Stability is exceptional.

PIRELLI CYBER TYRE - Cyber Tyre provides information with greater accuracy than traditional tyres due to transmitting sensors being in direct contact with the tyre itself. As a result of this, data is transmitted to Artura faster than a conventional Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), all info are available before the driver moves the car. As the car now knows automatically what tyre specs it is fitting and the temperature measured is the tyre temperature not the rim one, finally the car as a F1 tyre engineer suggests the driver the perfect working range for the specific tyres fitted on the vehicle. This empowers both driver and car with a greater understanding of tyre pressure, allowing Artura to be pushed to the limits.

Cyber Tyre adapts Artura’s speed limits based on the specification of the fitted tyre, continuously working to keep car and driver safe.

Cyber Tyre warns the driver to reduce the speed when the car is over 270 km/h and fitted with the winter tyre. All the tyres developed for the Artura feature MC-C markings on the sidewalls, indicating the unique development carried out by Pirelli for McLaren, using Cyber Tyre technology.

"The next-generation hybrid supercar. A distillation of everything we've ever learned." | Nov/Dec 2022 98
Paul Walsh, McLaren Group Executive Chairman

Casa Badra nudi pravu atmosferu tradicionalne apulijske kuće, ušuškane u veliko imanje maslinjaka između jadranske obale i Alberobela

Casa Badra offers the true atmosphere of a traditional Apulian Masseria immersed in a large estate of olive groves between the Adriatic coast and Alberobello

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talijanska pokrajina Apulija svoju posebnost duguje bajkovitim tradicionalnim kućama za odmor. Reč je o kamenim objektima građenim krajem 19. veka na jugoistoku Italije, poznatim pod nazi vom trullo. Ukoliko želite da odmor provedete u miru i tišini, upijajući autentičnost i tradiciju, onda ova zdanja karakterističnih kupastih krovova predstavljaju savršen izbor. Casa Badra se sastoji od nekoliko kupastih kućica, rekonstruisanih sa željom da se održi autentičan duh nekadašnjeg vremena, kako u unutrašnjosti, tako i spolja. Prilikom uređivanja uglavnom su kori šćeni prirodni materijali, poput kamena i drveta, dok je područje oko kuće obogaćeno maslinjacima, koji uz bazen i površine za relaksaci ju predstavljaju savršene kulise ove ambijentalne bajke.


Većina smeštajnih jedinica je u onome što bi se moglo nazvati „glav nom kućom“, te na samom ulasku upoznajete sa udobnim dnev nim boravkom i malim trpezarijskim stolom. Sa leve strane, omanja pomoćna kuhinja odvešće vas u prostrani glavni apartman koji se pruža duž četiri konusne kućice, od kojih je svaka povezana lučnim prolazom. Apartman uključuje i spavaću sobu sa bračnim ili odvoje nim krevetima, kao i udobno kupatilo obogaćenim duplim umivao nicima i kadom. Belo okrečeni zidovi i kremasti kameni podovi reflek tuju prijatan i prozračan ambijent karakterističan za čitavo imanje. Glavni apartman ima sopstveni izlaz na veliku terasu i bazen. Vraćajući se kroz kuhinju u dnevni boravak ugledaćete još dve spavaće sobe sa sopstvenim kupatilima: dvokrevetnu i spavaću sobu sa bračnim krevetom postavljenim na mali mezanin iznad kupatila sa tuš kabinom. Napolju, nedaleko od terase, dolazite do četvrte dvokrevetne spavaće sobe sa zasebnim ulazom iz dvorišta.

Pored nje se primećuje dobro opremljena kuhinja-trpezarija, koja kao i većina smeštajnih jedinica ima direktan pristup spoljašnjim prostorima.


Život na otvorenom i obedovanje na velikoj kamenoj terasi sa po gledom na bazen i okolni pejzaž predstavlja samu suštinu boravka u ovoj prekrasnoj kući.

Prostrani bazen, udaljen samo nekoliko koraka od kuće, okružen je udobnim ležaljkama na kojima možete da se sunčate ili izležavate u senci pergole. Tamo gde se završavaju kamene terase, počinje to pla mirisna zemlja šaputavih maslinjaka Pulje. Da biste dobili najbolji pogled na okolinu, pa čak i na čuveni Alberobelo u daljini, dovoljno je preko spoljnih stepenica doći do panoramske krovne terase, koja će vam priuštiti savršeno mesto za večeru i ispijanje vina dok sunce zalazi nad apulijskim krajolikom.

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The Italian province of Apulia is special for its traditional holiday homes. We are talking about trulli, stone buildings with char acteristic conical roofs that were commonly built at the end of the 19th century in the south-east of Italy. If you wish to spend your vacation in peace and quiet, absorbing authenticity and tradition, then this stone building, which consists of several houses, is the right choice.

Casa Badra consists of several trulli intended for tourist rental, which have been reconstructed with the intention to maintain the authen tic spirit of the times gone by, both inside and outside. Natural ma terials, such as stone and wood, were predominantly used during their refurbishment. The area around the house is rich in olive groves, represent the ideal scenery of this fairy tale together with the swim ming pool and areas for relaxation.


Most of the accommodation is situated in what might be termed the “main house”. Here one enters a cozy living area with small dining table. To the left a small utility kitchen leads into the large master suite, which spreads across four of the trulli cones, each of which is linked by an arch. There is a double/twin sleeping area and a large en-suite bathroom with double sinks and tub. The white-washed walls and creamy stone-flagged floors make for a light and airy am bience that continues throughout the property. The master suite has its own external access to the large terrace next to the pool area. Heading back through the small kitchen, the living area provides

access to two more bedrooms: a double, whose en-suite bathroom features a large, glazed, walk-in shower, and a double bedroom whose bed is on a small mezzanine above an en-suite shower room. Heading back outside and along the terrace a little, one comes to the fourth bedroom, a double/twin with an en-suite shower room accessed only from the outside. Next to this, also accessed only from the outside, is the well-equipped kitchen-diner, which like most of the accommodation has easy access to the outside areas.


Life at Casa Badra is all about outdoor living and dining on the large stone-paved terrace, which offers a good variety of places for sitting and dining with views over the pool and the surrounding countryside. The lovely pool is just a few steps away and is surrounded by ample space for catching the sun or reclining in the shade of a pergola. Where the stone-flagged terraces end, the warm, scented earth of Puglia's whispering olive groves begins. To get the best view of all this, and even of the famous Alberobello in the distance, head up the external steps to the panoramic roof terrace, the perfect place to dine and drink wine while the sun slowly sets over the Apulian landscape.

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Širok spektar kulturnih atrakcija, uključujući muzeje, galerije, biblioteke i druge znamenitosti, svedoči o lokalnim običajima i tradiciji koji su i danas ovde živi. Međutim, svako ko bi pomislio da je Sent Moric zarobljen u prošlosti, bio bi daleko od istine: ovo područje je spoj tradicije i modernog, koji se ogleda u brojnim restoranima nagrađenim Mišelinovim zvezdicama sa tradicionalnom i inovativnom kuhinjom, zatim u mešavini savremene i istorijske arhitekture, kao i mnogobrojnim buticima sa dugogodišnjim poslovanjem.

U Engadinu su kultura i tradicija neraskidivo prepletene. Bogata istorija ove sunčane alpske doline vidljiva je u svakoj ulici i na svakom uglu. Krivi toranj u Sent Moricu, na primer, vekovima je predstavljao kulturno obeležje. Datira iz 1139. godine i bio je zvonik prve gradske parohijske crkve Svetog Mauricija. U jednom trenutku je počeo da propada (pre 1800. godine) da bi konačno bio obnovljen 1928. godine, od kada je i bezbedan.


Istorijske građevine uočljive su duž čitave doline Engadin, mada su tradicionalne kuće maštovitih fasadnih ukrasa (lokalno poznatih kao Sgrafitti) često dovoljan razlog za posetu ovoj regiji. Iako sam Sent Moric više karakteriše mešavina starine i modernog, ta luksuzna alpska metropola je i dalje jedno od najznačajnijih mesta prelepog Engadina.

Jedna od najpoznatijih građevina Sent Morica nesumnjivo je Muzej Segantini, koji je prvi put otvoren 1908. godine. Sagradio ga je arhitekta Nikolas Hartman, i u njemu se nalazi najveća svetska izložba čuvenog slikara Đovanija Segantinija, koji je poput Gogena i Van Goga bio pionir modernizma. Veličanstvena kupola i okrugla konstrukcija posebno su impresivne.

Moderne zgrade poput Chesa Futura (Kuća budućnosti) koju je projektovao britanski arhitekta Lord Norman Foster, predstavljaju klasičan primer sposobnosti Sent Morica da objedini tradiciju i modernost: 250.000 komada šindre od ariša upotrebljeno je za stvaranje ove stambene zgrade futurističkog izgleda. U zatvorenom parkingu Serletta, 35 velikih osvetljenih staklenih vitrina visi duž najdužih pokretnih stepenica u Švajcarskoj sve do jezera, dok Galerija dizajna Sent Moric omogućava prolaznicima da se dive različitim istorijskim plakatima koji su izloženi tokom cele godine.


Poznato je da je Sent Moric rodno mesto zimskog turizma. Ipak, ovo malo planinsko selo postalo je čuveno mnogo pre nego što je steklo taj status – prvobitno su lekoviti izvori sa vodom bogatom gvožđem tokom leta privlačili lepe i bogate. Banjska kultura u Sent Moricu datira od 1400. godine pre nove ere.

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Photo: Christopher Sonderegger, Kulm Hotel St Moritz/Engadin St. Moritz TourismusTekst/Text: Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus ag


Ovo je region koji nudi mnogo toga da u pogledu kulinarstva. Čuveni kolač od oraha iz Engadina, na primer, jedno je od najpoznatijih ostvarenja kantona Grišuna, a svako ko dođe u dolinu visokih Alpa i proba lokalnu kuhinju brzo će shvatiti koliko je hrana ovde važna. Domaća kuhinja je prisutna svuda. Bilo da je tradicionalna ili reinterpretirana, hrana u kantonu Grišun raznolika je kao i sami recepti. U lokalnim restoranima, od kojih su mnogi nagrađeni Mišelinovim zvezdicama i poenima Gault Millau, internacionalna jela i tradicionalni lokalni recepti se reinterpretiraju i kombinuju na veoma kreativan i inovativan način.


Engadinska tradicija poslastičarstva datira iz 15. veka. Poslastice su važan segment lokalnog života kao i tradicionalna slana jela. Napuštajući svoje domove raseljenici su zahvaljujući slatkim kreacijama često sticali čuvenje i slavu u dalekim mestima. Da li ste znali da se dokazi o konditorskom umeću Grišuna danas mogu naći u 891 evropskom gradu? Ovaj impresivan broj ne bi trebalo da bude iznenađenje, s obzirom na to koliko su te mnogobrojne kreacije zavodljive i ukusne.


Ovo stecište alpskih zimskih sportova bilo je dva puta domaćin Zimskih Olimpijskih igara, pet svetskih prvenstava u skijanju i 24 svetska prvenstva u bobu. Bilo bi nedovoljno reći da se međunarodni zimski sport samo praktikuje u Sent Moricu – on se u njemu rodio. U prvo vreme su se održavali turniri u kriketu i karlingu, kao i drugi sportski događaji na ledu, da bi ubrzo usledile Olympia Bob Run i Cresta Run. Tradicija zimskih sportova nastavlja se do danas na najvišem nivou, od svetskog kupa u polu na snegu i međunarodnih konjičkih trka na ledu, do takmičenja u bobu na jedinoj prirodnoj ledenoj stazi na svetu.


Takođe vredi pomenuti i veličanstvene grand hotele u Sent Moricu, koji od samog početka postavljaju standarde za luksuzni hotelski biznis. Otvaranjem hotela Kulm u zimu 1869/70. postavljeni su temelji za uspon zimskog turizma i zimskih sportova u ovom regionu.

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The wide range of cultural attractions, including museums, galleries, libraries and other sights, all bear witness to the local customs and traditions that are still alive here today. Anyone who thinks St. Moritz is stuck in the past, however, would be wide of the mark: the area is a melting pot of tradition and modernity, reflected in the numerous Michelin-starred restaurants that serve traditional and innovative cuisine, the mix of contemporary and historical architecture, and the many longstanding boutiques.

In Engadin, culture and tradition are inseparably intertwined: the rich history of this sunny Alpine valley is evident on every street and every corner. The leaning tower in St. Moritz, for example, has been a cultural landmark for centuries. It used to be the bell tower on the town’s first parish church, St. Maurice, and dates back to 1139. It began losing its shape at some point before 1800, and was eventually made secure in 1928.


Historical buildings can be found everywhere in the Engadin valley. The characteristic Engadin houses alone, with their imaginative façade decorations (known locally as Sgrafitti), are well worth a trip to the Engadin. Although St. Moritz itself is characterised more by a mix of tradition and modernity than by these typical Engadin buildings, the luxurious Alpine metropolis is still one of the highlights of the beautiful Engadin.

One of the most famous buildings in St. Moritz is undoubtedly the Segantini Museum, which first opened in 1908. Built by the architect Nicolas Hartmann, it is home to the world’s largest exhibition of work by the famous painter Giovanni Segantini, who – like Gauguin and Van Gogh – was a pioneer of modernism. The majestic dome and round structure are particularly impressive.

Modern buildings such as the Chesa Futura, designed by British architect Lord Norman Foster, provide further examples of St. Moritz’s ability to unite tradition and modernity: 250,000 larchwood shingles were used to create this futuristic-looking apartment building. | Nov/Dec 2022 107
Photo: Gian Andri Giovanoli, Fabian Gattlen, Carlton Hotel St Moritz/Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus

At Parkhaus Serletta, 35 large illuminated glass showcases hang along the length of Switzerland’s longest escalator all the way down to the lake. The St. Moritz Design Gallery, as it is known, allows passers-by to marvel at the different historic posters that are exhibited all year round.


It’s well known that St. Moritz is the birthplace of winter tourism. But the small mountain village became famous long before it achieved this status – it was originally the healing springs, with their ironrich water, that attracted the rich and beautiful to St. Moritz in the summer. The spa culture in St. Moritz dates back to 1400 BC.


The region also has lots to offer in terms of food. The famous Engadin walnut tart, for example, is one of Grisons’ most famous culinary creations, and anyone who comes to the high Alpine valley to sample the local cuisine will soon realise just how important food is up here. Home-style cuisine can be found everywhere. Whether traditional or reinterpreted, the local food in the canton of Grisons is as diverse as the recipes themselves. In the local restaurants, many of which have been awarded Michelin stars and Gault Millau points, international dishes and traditional local recipes are reinterpreted and combined in highly creative and innovative ways.


In Engadin St. Moritz, sweet treats are just as much a part of local life as traditional savoury dishes. Engadin’s tradition of confectionery dates back to the 15th century. Forced to leave their homes, migrants often achieved fame and glory in faraway places with their sweet creations. Did you know that evidence of Grisons’ confectionery artistry can now be found in 891 European towns? This impressive number should come as no surprise, given how seductive and delicious the many different creations are. | Nov/Dec 2022 108
Photo: Gian Andri Giovanoli, Fabian Gattlen, Ingo Rasp, Carlton Hotel St Moritz/Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus


This Alpine winter sports hotspot has hosted two Olympic Winter Games, five Ski World Championships and 24 Bobsleigh World Championships. But international winter sport isn’t just practised in St. Moritz – it also originated here. Cricket and curling tournaments, as well as other ice sports events, were held here in the early days, and were soon followed by the Olympia Bob Run and the Cresta Run. The winter sports tradition continues to this day at the highest level, from the Snow Polo World Cup and international horse racing on ice, through to bobsleigh competitions on the world’s only natural ice track.


Also worth mentioning are the magnificent grand hotels of St. Moritz, which have been setting standards for the luxury hotel business from the very beginning. The opening of Hotel Kulm in the winter of 1869/70 laid the foundations for the rise of winter tourism and winter sports in the region.

Konoba Pelegrini

„Ugostiteljstvo je način života u kojem morate uživati da biste ga mo gli kvalitetno raditi. Ugostiteljstvo je i divan karijerni put koji omogu ćava neprestano usavršavanje, putovanja, razmenu znanja i iskustva sa internacionalnim kolegama, implementaciju novih tehnika i praksi, otkrivanje ukusa, prenošenje znanja na mlađe generacije. Tu je nepre stana znatiželja jako važna. Morate biti gladni znanja jer je to profesija koja se neprestano razvija. Ono što je još važnije od znatiželje jeste upornost. Upornost i strpljenje. Sve me to oduševljava… Živim u rodnom gradu sa svojom familijom i uživam u poslu koji radim. Ja sam srećan čovek!“

Ovo su reči Rudolfa Štefana, vlasnika konobe Pelegrini i šefa kuhinje koja se zaslužno smatra jednom od najboljih u Hrvatskoj, a i mnogo šire, budući da su ponosni nosioci Mišelinove zvezdice za besprekoran ukus. Njegova kulinarska filozofija zasnovana je na kreativnoj fuziji tradicio nalnog i modernog. Akcenat je na lokalnim namirnicama i kontinuira noj edukaciji zaposlenih, te su pokrenuli i Chefs' Stage, internacionalni kongres gastronomije, ali i osnovali fondaciju Budi Foodie koja školuje mlade talente u gastronomiji. Pored filozofije, koja je svakako glavna pokretačka snaga, ali i čelične odlučnosti da se pronađe „ono nešto“ što budi ljubav na prvi zalogaj, dominira i težnja osoblja koje će učiniti da se osećate dobrodošlo i pri padate porodici odmah sa kućnog praga. To je vrsta topline koju Pele grini daje svima koji dođu pod njegov krov. Smešten na glavnom trgu u Šibeniku, ispred katedrale Sv. Jakova, resto ran ima jednu od najboljih lokacija, ne samo u gradu, nego i na čitavom Jadranu. Iako je mali broj stolova pozicioniran u uličici ispred restorana sa pogledom na katedralu, Pelegrini nudi i udobnost veličanstvene bašte, koja spaja sve čari Šibenika, uključujući pogled na Rivu ali i na jedinstvenu arhitekturu starog grada. I simbolika njegovog imena je autentična. Sama konoba nosi ime po palati Pellegrini-Tambača u kojoj se delom i nalazi. Prvi hotel u istoriji Šibenika zvao se Pellegrini. I na kraju, ali nikako manje važno, pelegrin dolazi od reči putnik-hodočasnik, a blizina katedrale Svetog Jakova cilj je hodočasnika, kao što je konoba Pe legrini cilj gastronomskih pelegrina.

Ako ste se zapitali kakvi se prijatni mirisi kriju u svakom kutku ove konobe i koji to sastojci golica ju mnoga zadovoljna nepca, odgovor ćete pro naći u darovima sezone i obilju lokalnih, zdravih i sa ljubavlju uzgojenih namirnica. Čovek mora biti svestan svog okruženja, a Pelegrini stalno radi na tome, povećavajući mrežu lokalnih proizvođača koji su žila kucavica njihove kuhinje.

Prepustite se modernoj interpretaciji tradicionalne dal matinske kuhinje, poznate po svom bogatom gastronom skom nasleđu koje datira iz vremena Mletačke republike, Tur ske, Francuske i Austro-Ugarske monarhije i kušajte dalmatinsku filozofiju življenja. Carpaccio, Jakovljeva kapica, brancin sa maslinama ili možda pašticada, biće dobar razlog da ovu dalmatinsku gastro oazu stavite na svoju „to do“ listu. Između trinaest jela, podeljenih na hladna, topla, glavna i desertna, kreirajte idealan meni od četiri sleda, prilagođen vašim afinitetima. Ako vas posluži sreća i pogodno je go dišnje doba, probajte kamenicu iz Skradinskog zaliva, zato što konoba Pelegrini kreira savršen trenutak za vaš „blind date“. I naravno, ne pro pustite lokalna vina jer svako od njih otkriva jedinstvenu priču o teroaru, grožđu i dugotrajnim prijateljstvima.

Pelegrini je mnogo više od restorana. On je doživljaj i iskustvo, ljubav prema gastronomiji i dalmatinskoj životnoj filozofiji | Nov/Dec 2022 111

“Hospitality is a way of life that you have to enjoy in order to be able to do it well. Hospitality is also a wonderful career path that allows you to constantly improve, travel, exchange knowledge and experience with international colleagues, implement new tech niques and practices, discover new tastes, and pass knowledge to younger generations. This is where constant curiosity becomes very important. You have to crave for new knowledge because this is a profession that is constantly evolving. What is even more important than curiosity is persistence. Persistence and patience. This all thrills me. I live in my hometown with my family and enjoy the work I do. I am a happy man!“

These are the words of Rudolf Štefan, the owner of the Pelegrini res taurant, and at the same time the master chef of the kitchen that is deservedly considered one of the best in Croatia and beyond, as they are the proud holders of a Michelin star for impeccable taste. His culinary philosophy is based on a creative fusion of traditional and modern. The emphasis is on local ingredients and continuous

education of employees, so they initiated the ''Chefs' Stage'', an in ternational gastronomy congress, but also founded the ''Budi Food ie'' foundation, which educates young talents in gastronomy. In addition to philosophy, which is certainly the main driving force along with the steely determination to find "that special something" that inspires love at first bite, there is also friendliness and aspiration of the staff who will make you feel welcome and belonging to the family right from the doorstep. This is the kind of warmth that Pel egrini gives to everyone who comes under its roof.

Located on the main square in Šibenik, in front of the Cathedral of St. James, the restaurant has one of the best locations not only in the city, but also on the entire Adriatic coast. Although a small number of tables are positioned in the alley in front of the restaurant over looking the cathedral, Pelegrini also offers comfort of a magnificent garden, which combines all the charms of Šibenik, including a view of the promenade and the unique architecture of the old town. Symbolism of its name is also authentic. The tavern itself is named after the Pellegrini-Tambača palace, where it is partly located. The first hotel in the history of Šibenik was also called the Pellegrini. And last but not least, the word ''pelegrin'' originates from the ''travelerpilgrim'', and the proximity of St. James's Cathedral is the goal for pilgrims, just as the Pelegrini restaurant is the goal for gastronomic pilgrims.

If you wonder what pleasant smells hide in every corner of this tav ern, and what ingredients tickle the many satisfied palates, you will find the answer in the gifts of the season and the abundance of local, healthy and lovingly grown ingredients. One must be aware of one's surroundings, and Pelegrini is constantly working on this, increasing the network of local producers who are the lifeblood of their cuisine.

Pelegrini is much more than a restaurant. It is sensation and experience, love for gastronomy and the Dalmatian philosophy of life

Indulge in a modern interpretation of traditional Dalmatian cuisine, known for its centuries-old rich gastronomic heritage dating back to the times of the Republic of Venice, Turkey, France and the AustroHungarian Monarchy, and taste the Dalmatian philosophy of living. Carpaccio, St. Jacob's Cap, sea bass with olives or maybe pashti cada will be a good reason to put this Dalmatian gastronomic oasis on your "to do" list. Between the thirteen dishes on the menu, divided into cold, hot, main and dessert, create an ideal four-course menu adapted to your preferences. If you're lucky and the season is right, try an oyster from the Skradin Bay, because the Pelegrini tavern will provide the perfect moment for your "blind date". And of course, don't miss to try the local wines because each of them reveals a unique story of terroir, grapes and long-lasting friendships.

Pelegrini chef Rudolf Štefan Pelegrini sommelier Branimir Vukšić | Nov/Dec 2022 113 | Nov/Dec 2022 114


Vrhunska kombinacija minimalističkog dizajna i stila sredine XX veka

Japan je predivna zemlja sa neverovatnom kulturom koja se izdvaja po svojoj autentičnosti i lepoti. Ako pogledamo oblast dizajna enterijera uočićemo da je japanski stil znatno drugačiji dok koristi nesavršenosti kako bi pokazao svoje korene i „ožiljke“ iz prošlosti. U poslednje vreme mnogo se pisalo o mešavini japanskog i minimalističkog skandinavskog stila. Ova kombinacija dovela je do rađanja ‚‚japandi stila'' koji integriše najbolje od oba sveta - lepotu Japana i udobnost Skandinavije. U ovoj predivnoj kući u Japanu, japandi je veoma izdefinisan od strane dizajnerke Joane Novak, zahvaljujući nameštaju dva luksuzna brenda, Essential Home i DelightFULL, i osvetljenju inspirisanom stilom s polovine prošlog veka.


Joana Novak je 3D umetnica i scenografkinja iz Pariza, rođena u Poljskoj. Svojim radom izražava večnu strast prema enterijeru, stvarajući jedinstvene prostore u kojima se realizam susreće sa nadrealizmom. Poigravajući se sa formom, bojom i strukturom, njeni enterijeri odeveni u mermer, kožu i čelik podsećaju na skulpture. U isto vreme su elegantni I minimalistički sa primesama modernog iz sredine XX veka. U partnerstvu sa kompanijama Essential Home i DelightFULL, Joana je kreirala projekat koji predstavlja dom iz snova!


Kuća se sastoji se od dve spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, dnevnog boravka, trpezarije, kuhinje i sobe za opuštanje, što je čini savršenom za zadovoljavanje svakodnevnih potreba, ali i za trenutke odmora i relaksacije. Ovome svakako doprinose prirodni materijali koji je ispunjavaju harmonijom, pružajući osećaj povezanosti sa prirodom. Izbor drveta i mermera sproveden je sa ciljem kreiranja ličnog blagostanja, zadržavanja luksuza i vintage načina koji je veoma blizak dizajnerki.

U kući je primetna upotreba kamena travertina, posebno u nameštaju. Pored toga što je sinonim za lepotu i sofisticiranost, ovaj kamen prilično je kvalitetan i otporan na mnoge spoljne faktore. Fantastičan Beverley stočić, koji se može videti u kući, ima jedinstveni skulpturalni dizajn u potpunosti napravljen od travertina. Sa umetničkom notom, njegova struktura inspirisana je čuvenim linijama italijanskog dizajna i arhitektonskih znamenitosti. Uspešna saradnja između biroa Studiopepe i Essential Home brenda iznedrila je skulpturalni i umetnički

dizajn koji se lako može prikazati u bilo kojoj od najboljih svetskih galerija, što Beverley stočić čini savršenim i upečatljivim komadom za svaki dizajnerski projekat.

U Japanu su veoma karakteristični otvoreni prostori, što možemo da vidimo i na ovom projektu. Preovlađujući neutralni tonovi dnevne sobe uočljivi su na bež Zelda i Marco sofama, proizvođača Essential Home. Marco sofa, kao glavni komad nameštaja, donosi eleganciju iz sredine XX veka uz sofisticiranost modernih tehnika i raskošnih materijala. Zadivljujući uglačani mesing, sjajne crne stope i neverovatne presvlake koje se lako prilagođavaju čine ovu sofu savršenom za najluksuznije prostorije.

U trpezariji nazdravljamo za neverovatnim Alberto trpezarijskim stolom, nazvanim po jednoj od najboljih ličnosti italijanske kinematografije (Alberto Sordi). Glatke zakrivljene linije drvenih nogu ovog jedinstvenog stola inspirisane su arhitektonskim oblicima betonskih konstrukcija Oskara Nimajera.

Essential Home i DelightFULL dali su jedinstvenost projektu, a savršen odabir nameštaja koji preovlađuju u ovom domu verno je oslikao stil sredine prošlog veka.

Dizajn / Design
Dizajn /


Joanna plays with form, colour and structure. Her interiors dressed in marble, leather and steel - elegant and minimalistic with a pinch of mid-century modern - resemble sculptural structures. Joanna in partnership with Essential Home and DelightFULL, created this wonderful project in Japan, a dream home!


Composed of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and relaxation room, this house is perfect for meeting everyday needs as well as having moments of leisure and relaxation. The natural materials bring a lot of harmony to this house, since it gives us the feeling of contact with nature. The choice of woods and marbles was not random, it was with a purpose, the purpose of personal well-being, keeping the luxury and the vintage way that is so close to the designer.

It is noticeable the use of travertine stone in this house, especially in the furniture. This stone is synonymous with beauty and sophistication, it is quite a quality stone that is resistant to many external factors. A fantastic Beverley side table features a unique sculptural design made entirely of travertine stone. Featuring an artistic touch, its structure is inspired by the iconic lines of Italian design and architectural landmarks. The Beverley side table created by Studiopepe with Essential Home is a sculptural and artistic design that could easily be displayed in any of the world's top galleries, making it a perfect statement piece for any design project.

In Japan it is very characteristic to have open spaces as we have in the living and dining room. In the living room predominate the netros tons, as we can see the beige in Zelda single sofa and Marco sofa from Essential Home. The Marco sofa is the centerpiece of this room, this sofa brings you mid-century elegance with the sophistication of modern techniques and gorgeous materials. Made for the most luxurious rooms, Marco never disappoints with stunning polished brass and glossy black feet and incredible upholstery that is easily customizable.

Japan is a beautiful country with an incredible culture, it is a country that stands out for its di erence and its beauty. In interior design it is no di erent, the Japanese style is a very di erent style, a style where they often use imperfection in order to show their roots, "scars" from their past. Lately we have heard a lot about the mixture of the Japanese style with the Scandinavian style, a more minimalist and comfortable. This combination of styles gave rise to the Japandi style (a union of Japan + Scandinavian). Japandi is the best of both worlds, with the beauty of the Japanese style and the comfort of the minimalist style often used in Scandinavian countries. In this wonderful house in Japan, this style could not be better defined, by designer Joanna Nowak with pieces from Essential Home and DelightFULL, two luxury furniture and lighting brands inspired by the Mid Century style.


Joanna Nowak, Paris-based and polish-born, 3D artist and set designer. Through her work, she express an eternal passion for interior design, creating unique spaces where realism touches surrealism.

In the dining room we toast with an incredible Alberto dining table, named after one of the finest personalities in Italian cinema (Alberto Sordi), the smooth curvilinear lines of the wooden legs of this unique table design are inspired by the architectural forms of Oscar Niemeyer's concrete structures.

The choice of products from Essential Home and DelightFULL made all the di erence in this project, all the products are in tune with the Mid Century style that is so prevalent in this home.

The ultimate combination of Mid century style with minimalist style
/ Design Dizajn / | Nov/Dec 2022 116



Kada sam 1996. godine sa Krfa došao na Lefkadu, posle organizacije F1 svetskog šampionata u motonautici, o toj regiji nisam ni razmišljao kao izuzetno pogodnoj za upražnjavanje vodenih i sportskih aktivnosti. Sudbina me je dovela tamo zahvaljujući preporuci prijatelja iz jedriličarskog kluba POJAT sa Krfa i stacionirala baš na mesto gde sam kasnije dugi niz godina organizovao specifične motonautičke trke. Za uspešno sprovođenje ovih zahtevnih takmičenja bilo je potrebno do detalja upoznati akvatorijum Lefkade i Preveze. Razgledajući, shvatio sam da me veoma podseća na Bokokotorski zaliv, te sam mu odmah nadenuo novo ime, Grčka Boka.

Nezaboravno detinjstvo proveo sam u Boki, obilazio svaku plažu, zaliv, uživao u skijanju na vodi. Dolazak u Lefkaski akvatorijum vratio me je u najveći zaliv Jadrana, opasan planinama. Prijateljica, inače Kotoranka iz Dobrote, koja je letovala na Lefkadi i sama mi je priznala da je gledajući na te planine imala osećaj kao da je kod kuće. Ovo magično područje okruženo je ostrvom Lefkada, kao i skupom ostrva Maduri, Skorpios, Skorpidi, Meganisi, Kalamos. Raspored pomenutih ostrva stvorio je bedem prema otvorenom moru i pružio utisak velikog zaliva. Za nautiku je važno spomenuti i grad Prevezu koji se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini Lefkade. Gledano iz tog ugla, Preveza i Lefkada se mogu tretirati

Tekst/text: Krsta Pašković
Osobenosti akvatorijuma koji okružuje Lefkadu idealni su za uživanje u nautičkoj rekreaciji koju popularno zovu „pleasure navigation“

kao jedna nautička regija. U Prevezi se nalaze dve moderne marine, jedna u gradskoj luci i druga prekoputa u Aktiju, u kom su pozicionirana i tri suva doka koja su ujedno i jedna od najvećih mesta za smeštaj plovila u Grčkoj.

Preveza se nalazi na ulazu u veliki zaliv Amvrakikos, koji je proglašen zaštićenom ekološkom zonom. Preplovio sam ga uzduž i popreko, a posebno uživanje bilo je okupati se na jednoj od mnogobrojnih plaža ostrva Meganisi. Ovo ostrvo nautičari prepoznaju kao najrazuđenije na Mediteranu, a i nemali je broj onih koji dolaze iz Srbije kako bi plovili u ovoj regiji. Što se tiče nautičkog turizma, iznajmljivanje jedrilica i motornih čamaca je u usponu i veoma je teško naći plovilo, te se preporučuje rezervacija par dana ranije. Ogromna potražnja vlada za manjim motornim čamcima od 30 KS koji se mogu iznajmiti bez plovidbene dozvole, dok je za plovila sa jačim motorom potrebna upravljačka licenca.

Akvatorijumi Lefkade i Preveze imaju izuzetne mogućnosti, pa se zaljubljenici u nautiku mogu opustiti i bezbedno ploviti. Lefkaski zaliv im to pruža jer, kako se još kaže, tamo nema „teškog“ mora. Međutim, od Preveze do ulaska u Lefkaski zaliv, iako trasa nije duga, potreban je dodatni oprez zbog otvorenog mora. U Lefkaskom akvatorijumu postoje tri veće i par manjih marina, petnaest manjih luka,

kao i dvanaest suvih dokova, dok se na samom ostrvu Lefkada završava izgradnja marine u gradu Vasiliki. Veoma popularno mesto za slobodan vez, odnosno vez na bovi, nalazi se u zalivu Vliho . Procenjuje se da u ovom regionu egzistira oko 6.000 plovila, od čega je veliki broj namenjen za iznajmljivanje. Sa ponosom mogu da kažem da sam svojevremeno u lukama Nidri, Lefkada i Preveza, kao i na ostrvu Meganisi organizovao sportska takmičenja poput formule na vodi i svetskih šampionata jer su uslovi za organizaciju tih specifičnih takmičenja izuzetno povoljni, a doneo sam i svetski šampionat u F1 ostrvu Krfu.

When I came to Lefkada from Corfu in 1996, after the organization of the Formula World Motorboat Championship, I did not even think about that region as extremely suitable for practicing water and sports activities. Fate brought me there thanks to the recommendation of a friend from the sailing club POJAT from Corfu and led me to the exact place where later, for many years, I organized specific motonautical races. In order to successfully implement these demanding competitions, it was necessary to get to know the water area of Lefkada and Preveza in full detail. Looking around, I realized that it reminded me a lot of the bay of Boka kotorska, and I immediately gave it a new name, the Greek Boka.

I spent an unforgettable childhood in Boka kotorska, visited every single beach, bay, enjoyed water skiing. Arriving to the waters of Lefkada brought me back to the largest Adriatic bay, surrounded by mountains. A friend, a Kotor lady from Dobrota, who spent her summer on Lefkada also admitted to me that looking at those mountains she felt as she had been at home. This magical area is surrounded by the island of Lefkada, as well as the group of islands Maduri, Skorpios, Skorpidi, Meganissi, Kalamos. The arrangement of the islands created a rampart towards the open sea and gave the impression of a large bay. For nautical activities, it is important to mention the city of Preveza, located in the immediate vicinity of Lefkada. From that point of view,

Preveza and Lefkada can be considered as one nautical region. There are two modern marinas in Preveza, one in the city port and the other across the road in Akti, which also houses three dry docks that together make one of the largest places for keeping vessels in Greece.

Preveza is located at the entrance to the large gulf of Ambrakikos, which has been declared a protected ecological zone. I sailed it to every corner, and it was a special pleasure to swim on one of the many beaches of Meganissi Island. This island is recognized by sailors as the most indented in the Mediterranean, and there are quite a few people who come from Serbia to sail in this region. As for nautical tourism, the charter of sailboats and motorboats is on the rise and it is very difficult to find a vessel, so it is recommended to make a reservation several days in advance. The demand for small motor boats of 30 hp that can be rented without a navigation license is very high, but for vessels with a more powerful engine, a license is required.

The water areas of Lefkada and Preveza offer exceptional conditions, so boating enthusiasts can relax and navigate safely. Lefkada Bay enables that, because, as they say, there is no "tough" sea there. However, from Preveza to the entrance to the Lefkada Bay, although the route is not long, additional caution is required due to the open sea. There are three larger and a couple of smaller marinas in the Lefkada water area, fifteen smaller ports, as well as twelve dry docks for the keeping vessels, while the construction of the marina in the town of Vasiliki is being completed, on the island of Lefkada itself. A very popular place for free mooring, i.e. mooring on a buoy, is located in Vliho Bay. It is estimated that there are around 6,000 nautical vessels in this region, a large number of which are intended for rental. I can proudly say that at one time in the ports of Nidri, Lefkada and Preveza, as well as on the island of Meganissi, I organized sports competitions such as water formula and world championships because the conditions for organizing those specific competitions are extremely favorable, and I also brought the world championship in F1 to the island of Corfu.

Krsta Pašković, inženjer, nautičar, osnivač organizacije Dunavski propeler/ engineer, boater, founder of the Danube Propeller organization
The peculiarities of the water area surrounding Lefkada are perfect for enjoying nautical recreation, which is popularly called "pleasure navigation"


Referenca: KKSVLT21

Delovi: 288

Ograničeno izdanje: 18 komada

ITL garancija: 2 + 3 godine

Kućište: titanijum razreda 5 zaštićen crnim

DLC tretmanom

Prečnik: 45 mm

Debljina: 20 mm

Otpornost na vodu: 30 m ili 3 ATM

Zadnja strana kućišta: titanijum 5. razreda

4 antirefleksna safirna kristala

Kalibar: KS 7.000

Frekvencija: 21’600 bph / 3Hz

Rubini: 27

Delovi mehanizma: 210 Rezerva snage: 5 dana

Svojim najnovijim poduhvatom, Kross Studio nastavlja uspešan niz saradnje i partnerstva, ovog puta udruživši snage sa renomiranim dizajnerom Alenom Silberstinom. U leto 2021. godine, Silberstin ih je kontaktirao, pričajući o svojoj viziji za sat inspirisan lotosom koji bi izrazio suštinu ovog svetog azijskog cveta. Kratak početni sastanak Silberstina i osnivača Kross studija Marka Tedeskija pretvorio se u unakrsnu vatru ideja koje su u konačnici iznedrile plan da se Lotus Tourbillon kreira koristeći centralni turbijon ovog renomiranog proizvođača (kalibar KS 7’000).


Nakon višemesečnog istraživanja, sada već poznati kalibar KS 7'000 Kross studija nudi petodnevnu rezervu energije. Regulator zauzima mesto u centru unutar kaveza turbijona na vrhu barela, objedinjujući formu i funkciju i postavljajući pozornicu za bezbrojne i kreativne iteracije, što je u ovom slučaju delikatan lotosov cvet. Efemerni cvet podseća posmatrača da je svaki trenutak dragocen. Poštovan u azijskom duhovnom svetu, lotos je cvet života i sveta biljka. Njegove naizgled krhke latice kriju neslućenu snagu. Svakog dana iznova se rađa i obnavlja, nikada ne gubeći sjaj. Polirani titanijumski lotos mašinski je u potpunosti obrađen u Kross Studio proizvodnji, pozicioniran tako da imitira lebdenje iznad turbijona u svoj svojoj lakoći. Vreme se očitava pomoću perifernog prikaza sati i minuta, koji kruži za 360 stepeni oko turbijona. Cikličan i harmoničan ritam sati, minuta i sekundi odražava životni ciklus lotosa i služi kao stalni podsetnik na svaki tren koji od života dobijemo. Smešten u titanijumsko kućište (45 mm) zaštićeno crnim DLC tretmanom, lotos cveta ispod safirne kupole, otkrivajući jedinstvenu stručnost proizvođača. Što se brojčanika tiče, glavne komponente mehanizma ručno su brušene po kružnom modelu od centra i obrađene crnom bojom, predočavajući viziju lotosa koji pluta na mirnoj vodi. Njegove otvorene latice omogućavaju zracima svetlosti da prodru u njih, pružajući satu priliku da otkrije hiljadu svojih tajni.


D-prsten na poleđini kućišta omogućava lako navijanje pokretom, dok se vreme podešava pomoću tastera između 3 i 4 sata. Dugme koristi Silberstinov odvažni grafički stil, ugraviran i ispunjen osnažujućim žutim lakom. Kross Studio je ovaj jedinstveni sistem osmislio kako bi garantovao simetriju dizajna i udobnije nošenje na zglobu u odnosu na tradicionalnu krunicu. Na poleđini kućišta, gravure crvenih krugova usklađene su sa logotipom Kross studija kao svedočanstvo jedinstvenog partnerstvu sa Alenom Silberstinom.


Sat se proizvodi u ograničenoj seriji od osamnaest primeraka i isporučuje u autentičnoj ručno izrađenoj kutiji, posebno dizajniranoj za ovu saradnju. Pakovanje/Totem se sastoji od naslaganih formi interpretiranih u tri dimenzije, uključujući plavi trougao, žuti kvadrat i crveni krug. Lotus Tourbillon zauzima svoje mesto u odeljku diskretno integrisanom u žutu kocku.


Reference: KXWLT21

Parts: 288

Limited Edition: 18 pieces

ITL warranty: 2 + 3 years

Case: Grade 5 titanium protected by a black DLC treatment

Diameter: 45 mm Thickness: 20 mm

Water Resistance: 30 m or 3 ATM

Case back: Grade 5 titanium

4 anti-reflective sapphire crystals

Caliber: KS 7’000

Frequency: 21’600 bph / 3Hz

Jewels: 27

Movement parts: 210 Power Reserve: 5 days

Kross Studio continues the design house’s successful streak of collaborations and partnerships with its latest venture, this time partnering with renowned designer Alain Silberstein. In the summer of 2021, Silberstein contacted Kross Studio to discuss his vision for a lotus-inspired timepiece that would capture the essence of the sacred Asian flower. A brief initial meeting between Silberstein and Kross Studio Founder Marco Tedeschi turned into a crossfire of ideas and a formal plan to bring the Lotus Tourbillon to life using the Kross Studio central tourbillon (the KS 7’000 caliber).


The now famous KS 7'000 caliber from Kross Studio, the result of months of research and development, comes equipped with an oversized barrel o ering a 5-day power reserve. The regulator takes its place in the center within a tourbillon cage at the top of the barrel, uniting form and function, and setting the stage for innumerable and creative iterations, this time: a delicate lotus flower.

The ephemeral lotus flower reminds the viewer that each passing moment is precious. Revered in Asian spirituality, the lotus is the flower of life and a sacred plant. Its seemingly fragile petals conceal unsuspected strength. It is renewed and reborn each day without losing its splendor. The lotus flower in polished grade 5 titanium has been machined entirely in the Kross Studio manufacture. It seems to float above the tourbillon in all its lightnes. The time can be read using the peripheral hour and minute display, which orbits 360 degrees around the tourbillon, the cyclical and harmonious rhythm of the hours, minutes, and seconds echoing the lifecycle of the lotus and serving as a constant reminder of each precious moment. Housed in a 45mm titanium case protected by a black DLC treatment, the lotus blossoms under a sapphire dome, revealing Kross Studio's unique watchmaking expertise.

On the dial side, the main components of the movement have been hand-brushed in a circular pattern from the center and treated in black, reinforcing the vision of a lotus floating on still waters. Its open petal forms enable rays of light to penetrate the lotus petals and allow the watch to reveal its thousand secrets.


A D-ring winder on the case back allows easy movement winding, while the time is set via the push button between 3 and 4 o'clock. The push button employs Silberstein’s signature bold graphic style, engraved and filled with an invigorating yellow lacquer. Kross Studio devised this unique system to ensure design symmetry and a more comfortable experience on the wrist than a traditional crown, while also enabling faster winding. On the case back, engravings of red circles align with the Kross Studio logo in a testament to this unique partnership between the Swiss design studio and Alain Silberstein, famed designer.


The Lotus Tourbillon watch is produced in a limited edition of eighteen pieces and comes delivered in a unique handcrafted watch case, designed especially for this collaboration. The totem consists of stacked forms, including a blue triangle, yellow square, and red circle interpreted in 3 dimensions. The Lotus Tourbillon takes its place within a compartment that has been seamlessly integrated into the yellow cube.

Satovi / Watches | Nov/Dec 2022 123

Jewelry for special ladies Nakit za posebne dame

LeveriS Jewelry je izvrstan modni nakit, precizne ručne izrade i završnice, napravljen od plemenitih metala (uglavnom rodiniranog srebra) i SWAROVSKI kristala.

Samo onda kada je ocenjen najvišim kvalitetom, nakit dobija pečat savršenosti, lepote i kvaliteta u vidu stilizovanog logoa “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. Ovaj nakit izrađuje se ručno, masovna proizvodnja ne postoji, što je svakako još jedna potvrda autentičnosti. Svaki komad posebno je dizajniran i uglavnom je kreacija Leveris saradnika. Takođe, postoje primerci urađeni po kupljenim projektima drugih autora, ali i iz knjiga i časopisa. U realizaciju svakog modela, osim materijala i vremena, uloženo je i dosta ljubavi, te se nadamo da ćete uživati noseći ga.

LeveriS Jewelry is splendid fashion jewelry handmade with precision and exceptional finish, made of precious metals (mostly rhodiumplated silver) and SWAROVSKI crystals.

It is only after being rated the highest quality that a piece of jewelry gets the seal of perfection, beauty and quality in the form of a stylized logo “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. It is handmade, mass production does not exist in their workshops, which is certainly one more confirmation of authenticity. Each piece is specially designed and in most cases is creation of their collaborators. There are also models from specialized magazines, books or by other authors of purchased projects. In addition to the material and time, a lot of love has been invested in realization of each item, so we hope that you will enjoy wearing it. | Nov/Dec 2022 125
PREPOROĐENA LEGENDA AN ICON REBORN Jahte/Yachts FAIRLINE TARGA 45 OPEN Targa 45 OPEN je projektovana tako da bude podjednako moćna, raznovrsna i luksuzna. Sa dodirom glamura Rivijere, elegantnih linija i svedenog izgleda koji joj daje sportski izgled, savršena je za bacanje sidra duž bilo koje obale, u bilo koje doba dana

Davne 1997. godine, originalna Targa 43 je naprečac osvojila Mediteran, redefinišući principe projektovanja jahte visokih performansi, obogativši je prepoznatljivim dodirom glamura. Dvadeset godina kasnije, njen duh se vratio u obliku modela Targa 45 OPEN, zahvaljujući izvanrednoj viziji projektanta superjahti Alberta Manćinija. Uz spoljašnjost svedenih profila i uglađenih linija kakve se očekuju od jahte sa performansama ovog kalibra, Targa 45 OPEN je čisti dizajnerski luksuz u unutrašnjim prostorima. Svi enterijeri na glavnoj i donjoj palubi izuzetno su dizajnirani i upotpunjeni detaljima koji su obično rezervisani za veće jahte. Kabine su prostrane, sa izborom između dve konfiguracije - glavna kabina se može nalaziti napred ili na sredini broda.

Targa 45 OPEN vas poziva da se ispružite na velikoj ležaljci dok vaši prijatelji odmaraju u kokpitu. Sklonite se od podnevne vrućine ispod elegantnog čvrstog krova ili uklonite platneni krov sa pogonom na dugme i uživajte u uzbuđenju zbog vaše sledeće destinacije koja se pojavljuje na horizontu. Isključite moćne dvostruke motore i prebacite se u tender koji se diskretno smestio u garaži. Krstarite po unutrašnjosti, odmorite i ručajte sa prijateljima pre nego što krenete u istraživanje sledeće uvale. Od ronjenja u plitkim uvalama do ležanja na palubi, prepustite se luksuzu vremena. Prostorni raspored nudi ležajeve za 4-5 putnika, sa ukupnim kapacitetom do 12 osoba. Uz maksimalnu brzinu od 32 čvora i rezervoar goriva od 1.300 litara brzo ćete stići na svako željeno mesto.

Model Targa 45 je dostupan i u GT verziji. Kao najmanji u Targa ponudi ekspresnih kruzera sa čvrstim krovom i zatvorenim salonom, premijerno je predstavljen na sajmu nautike u Dizeldorfu 2020. godine.

Back in 1997, the original Targa 43 took the Mediterranean by storm, redefining the design principles of a performance yacht by imbuing it with a distinctive touch of glamour. Twenty years later, its spirit has returned in the form of the Targa 45 OPEN, and thanks to the extraordinary vision of superyacht designer Alberto Mancini. Sporting a low profile on the outside with all the sleek lines expected from a performance yacht of this calibre, the Targa 45 OPEN is pure design luxury on the inside. All interior spaces on the main and lower decks are exquisitely designed with touches normally reserved for larger yachts. Cabins are spacious with a choice of two configurations - the main cabin can either be located forward or mid-ship.

The Targa 45 OPEN invites you to stretch out on the large sun bed while friends lounge in the cockpit. Take shelter from the midday heat under the sleek hardtop, or slide back the powered canvas roof at the touch of a button. Or simply enjoy the thrill of your next destination appearing rapidly on the horizon.

Switch o the Targa 45 OPEN’s powerful twin engines and settle yourself into the discretely garaged tender. Cruise inland for lunch with friends, before exploring what lies beyond the next cove.

From snorkelling in shallow bays to reclining on deck, abandon yourself to the luxury of time. The layout o ers berths for 4-5 passengers, with a total carrying capacity of 12 people. With a top speed of 32 knots and a fuel capacity of 1,300 litres you can go places fast.

S-Nautica d.o.o. / Sales / Charter / Insurance Marina Porto Montenegro, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Mobile. +382 (0) 67 24 99 71; Tel.+382 (0) 32 540 320
Targa 45 OPEN is designed to be equally powerful, versatile and luxurious. With a touch of Riviera glamour, elegant lines and a low-profile that provides a sportier appeal is perfect for dropping anchor along any coastline, anytime of day | Nov/Dec 2022 130

45 is available in the

version. As the smallest in Targa's range of express cruisers with its hardtop and closed salon was premiered at the boot Düsseldorf 2020.



Odgovarajući na svaku vašu potrebu, električni klizni platneni krov pruža senku kada je to potrebno i pristup nebu kad god poželite. SUNSHINE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Responsive to your every need, the electric sliding canvas roof delivers shade when required, and access to the skies whenever wanted.
Prostrane ležaljke na krmi i prednjoj palubi garantuju da gde god da se nalazite na brodu, nikada nećete biti daleko od udobnog izležavanja. RELAXATION ALL
The expansive sunbeds on both the aft and foredecks ensure wherever you are on board, you are never far from reclining in comfort.
Pogodan, brz, moderan i sa sopstvenom garažom, svestrani Williams 280 MiniJet tender savršeno se uklapa u ceo ambijent. EXPLORE YOUR SURROUNDINGS Convenient, fast, stylish and with its own garage, the versatile Williams 280 MiniJet tender is the perfect fit. Targa

Kao savršen predstavnik projektantske i tehnološke izvrsnosti brodogradilišta Sunseeker, ali i vodeći model u svojoj klasi, 88 Yacht promišljen je do najsitnijih detalja kako bi odisao stilom i elegancijom tipičnim za Sunseeker.

Pokreću ga dvostruki MTU 10v 2000 (1622PS) motori u standardnoj verziji ili opciono dvostruki MTU 12v 2000 (1950 ili 2000PS) koji dosti žu brzinu do 28 čvorova. Jahta nudi komforan i luksuzan smeštaj za osam gostiju i četiri člana posade.

88 Yacht poseduje Sunseeker-ov „Beach Club“, vodeći u ovoj indu striji, do kojeg se pristupa preko dvostrukog stepeništa sa ugradnim LED osvetljenjem. Ova prostrana oblast pretvara se u pravo utočište

privatnosti na otvorenom, upotpunjeno Sunseeker-ovom nagrađi vanom konvertibilnom ležaljkom X-TEND™, koja može da bude okre nuta prema napred u nivou kokpita ili, kada se spusti, prema krmi u delu ‚‚Beach Club''. Ispod je stojeći tuš i prostor za odlaganje, uklju čujući i namenske ormariće za dva SeaBob-a. Proširena platforma za kupanje savršena je za nošenje Williams 435 Sportjet ili Seadoo Spark džet-skija, sa opcionom dizalicom sa flajbridža za džet ski ili nešto slično.

Unutrašnjost je oličenje topline, luksuza i neverovatnih prostora za druženje. Od prostranog salona i trpezarije do potpuno opremlje ne kuhinje, razmaziće vas mnogobrojne mogućnosti izbora. Ispod palube su raspoređene četiri kabine/četiri kupatila sa komfornim i osvetljenim vlasničkim apartmanom postavljenim na sredini broda. Enterijer 88 Yacht oduzima dah, raskošni detalji i kvalitet materijala su bez premca.

„Neverovatno smo ponosni na izuzetan prijem modela 88 Yacht. U njega smo ugradili inovativni dizajn, tehnologiju i inženjering, a unutrašnja završna obrada i tkanine opčinjavaju. Ova jahta pruža osećaj luksuzne superjahte sa praktičnošću manjeg modela, a mi smo zaista naporno radili da je učinimo najboljom u klasi.” proko mentarisao je Andrea Frabeti, izvršni direktor kompanije Sunseeker International. | Nov/Dec 2022 134

88 Yacht

Ukupna dužina: 26,38 m

Širina: 6,47 m

Ukupan gaz: 2,18 m

Istisnina: 77.300 kg

Kapacitet goriva: 11.000 l

Kapacitet sveže vode: 1.400 l

Smeštaj: Do 8 gostiju i do 4 člana posade

Opcije motora: MTU do 4.000 PS

Performanse: Do 28 čvorova

Domet @ 12 čvorova - Do 1.275 nautičkih milja

Pogoni – vratila

88 Yacht

Length overall: 26.38 m

Beam: 6.47 m

Total Draft: 2.18 m

Displacement: 77,300 kg

Fuel capacity: 11,000 l

Fresh water capacity: 1,400 l

Accommodation: Up to 8 guests & up to 4 crew

Engine options: MTU up to 4,000PS

Performance: Up to 28 knots

Range @ 12 knots - Up to 1,275 nautical miles

Drives - Shafts

The 88 Yacht perfectly showcases Sunseeker’s design and tech nological excellence, creating an innovative, class-leading model that has been considered in meticulous detail and ex udes a style and elegance that is distinctively Sunseeker.

Powered by twin MTU 10v 2000 (1622PS) engines as standard or twin MTU 12v 2000 (1950 or 2000PS) options, reaching speeds of up to 28 knots. There is accommodation for eight guests and four crew in complete luxury and comfort.

The 88 Yacht features Sunseeker’s industry-leading ‘Beach Club’ ac cessed by dual sweeping staircases featuring recessed LED lighting. This expansive area transforms the space into a private outdoor sanctuary complete with Sunseeker’s award-winning convertible X-TEND™ sunbed that can face forward at cockpit level or once lowered, aft into the Beach Club. Set beneath is an overhead rain shower and plentiful stowage, including dedicated lockers for two SeaBobs. The extended bathing platform is perfect for carrying a Williams 435 Sportjet or Seadoo Spark jet ski, with an optional fly bridge crane for a jet ski or similar.

Inside, the interior is one of warmth, luxury and incredible social spaces. From the expansive saloon and dining area through to its comprehensively equipped galley, you will be spoilt for choice. Be low deck is a four cabin/four en suite arrangement with the master suite positioned amidships for ultimate space and light. The opulent

detailing and quality of materials is unparalleled; an interior to take your breath away.

Andrea Frabetti, CEO at Sunseeker International, commented: “The team and I are incredibly proud of the exceptional reception to the 88 Yacht. We’ve incorporated innovative design, technology and en gineering firsts across this model and the interior finish and fabrics are nothing short of breath-taking. This yacht really does have a luxury superyacht feel with the practicalities of a smaller model, and we’ve really worked hard to make her the very best yacht in her class.” | Nov/Dec 2022 135

Usudite se da budete lepi Dare to be beautiful


Novi Azimut 53 je flajbridž jahta najnovije generacije sa elegantnim i čistim linijama Alberta Manćinija, koji je uspeo da prikrije izdašne unutrašnje prostore stvarajući savršenu kombinaciju privlač nog dizajna i udobnosti. Široke i neprekidne bočne zastakljene površine duž glavne palube protežu se od trupa do krme, smanjujući upotrebu fiberglasa na minimum i naglašavajući njene vitke linije. Cilj projekta bio je da se ponudi jahta u segmentu od 50 stopa, savršena za duža porodična puto vanja, koja će istovremeno ostati verna prepoznatljivom Azimut stilu. Jahte flajbridž kolekcije ruše sve vizuelne barijere, omogućavajući vam da istinski posmatrate more. Uljuljkane u sopstvenu udobnost i najfinije italijanske materijale, nude jedinstveno iskustvo vetra i svetlosti, budeći pravi osećaj blagostanja.

The new Azimut 53 is a last-generation flybridge yacht with sleek and clean lines by Alberto Mancini, who was able to disguise the generous interior volumes by creating the perfect combination of eyecatching design and onboard comfort. The wide and uninterrupted side glazing along the main deck extends from stem to stern, reducing to a minimum the use of fibreglass and enhancing the yacht’s slender lines. The stated aim is to offer a boat in the 50-foot segment that is perfect for a family who want to spend long periods on board in absolute comfort. All while staying true to Azimut's hallmark style.

The yachts of the Flybridge Collection break down all visual barriers, allowing you to truly contem plate the sea, right before your eyes. The yachts offer a unique experience of wind and light, lulled by the comfort of welcoming environments and the finest Italian materials, for a true sense of wellbeing.

Flajbridž je opremljen velikom spoljašnjom kormilarskom stanicom, malo povučenom ka nazad, okruženom izdašnom površinom za sunčanje. Nasloni za leđa pretvaraju pramčane ležaljke u pli šane ležajeve koje gledaju prema krmi, olakšavajući komunikaciju između vlasnika-kapetana i gostiju.

The flybridge is provided with a large exterior helm station slightly set back, surrounded by an accordingly expanded sunbathing area. Reclining backrests transform the bow sunbeds into plush chaise lounges that look towards the stern, facilitating conversa tion between the owner-captain and guests.

Pažnja posvećena detaljima može se videti na svakom koraku, a dekor eksterijera takođe svedoči o eleganciji i igri inovativnih geometrija, spuštenih oblika i prigušenih boja. Flajbridž izgleda kao da lebdi u vazduhu, dok zakošene konture uvode jezik dizajna automobila u kulturu jahte.

Attention to detail can be seen at every turn, with the exterior dé cor also a testament to elegance in a game of innovative geom etries, suspended shapes and subdued colours. The flybridge ap pears to float in mid-air while the chamfered contours introduce the language of auto - motive design into the yachting culture. | Nov/Dec 2022 138

Flajbridž sadrži centralni ormarić za šank i veliku sofu u obliku slova C, kao i sto sa podešavanjem visine, čime se prostor dnev nog boravka brzo transformiše u trpezariju na otvorenom. Vlasnik može izabrati da zasenči ovu oblast elektro-hidrauličnom tendom ili čvrstim krovom od karbonskih vlakana, uz vetrobran koji se obavija oko celog prostora za sunčanje, u kome se može uživati čak i kada je jahta u pokretu.

The flybridge is provided with a central bar cabinet, and a large Cshaped sofa and high/low table that quickly transforms the space between lounge and outdoor dining. The owner may choose to shade this area with an electrohydraulic Bimini or a carbon fibrelaminated hardtop, and the windshield wraps around the whole sunbathing area, which can therefore be enjoyed even when the yacht is under way.

Dnevni boravak na otvorenom je savršeno mesto za stvaranje nezaboravnih trenutaka. Pozicioniran je na prednjoj palubi, sa sofom okrenutom prema napred i ležaljkama za tri osobe koje privlače pažnju svojim naglašenim oblikom, debljinom i veličinom. Može li se tražiti nešto više?

The perfect place to create unforgettable moments. The open-air lounge area on the foredeck with a front-facing sofa and sunbeds for three, tantalizing in their exaggerated shape, thickness and size. Could you ask for more?


Kokpit je dizajniran sa ciljem da ponudi najbolje u smislu praktičnosti i udobnosti. Sa samo jednim stepeništem do platforme za pli vanje, Azimut 53 maksimalno koristi raspoloživi prostor. Pristupno stepenište od plažnog dela do kokpita se nalazi na desnoj strani, tako da se sto proteže dalje na levu stranu, primajući šest osoba koje mogu da obeduju još udobnije. Velika ugaona sofa dočekuje goste sa dubokim jastucima i dodatnim stolicama, a tu je i barski ormarić u koji se može smestiti sudoper, ledomat i dva rashladna uređaja za flaše.

The cockpit has been designed to offer the best in terms of space and convenience. With only one stairway to the swim platform, the Azimut 53 makes the most of the available space. The access stair from the beach to the cockpit is located on the starboard, so the table extends further to the port side, welcoming six people to dine even more comfortably. An abundant L-shaped sofa seats the guests on deep cushions with extra chairs close at hand, as well as a bar cabinet which can house a sink, an icemaker and two bottle chillers.

Glavna paluba je jedinstvena široka površina koja budi osećaj prozračnosti. Percepcija prostora dodatno je povećana zahvaljujući prozorima koji se pružaju bez prekida, čime se postiže poveza nost sa okolinom i obilje prirodnog svetla. Kuhinja se nalazi pored ulaza i služi kako zatvorenim tako i otvorenim prostorima.

The main deck is a unique, large and wide-ranging area, which gives a sense of airiness. The perception of space is further in creased, thanks to the windows, made larger and left uninter rupted to connect with the environment while letting in plenty of natural light. The galley is located by the threshold to serve both indoor and outdoor social areas. | Nov/Dec 2022 140 Jahte/Yachts

Integrisani kontrolni sistem kompanije Garmin prilagođen je tako da omogući kontrolu podataka o radu motora, alarma i nivoa re zervoara. Sistemu se može pristupiti sa obe upravljačke stanice, kao i daljinski uz pomoć tableta.

The integrated control system by Garmin has been customised to allow the control of engine data, alarms and tank levels. The sys tem can be accessed from both helm stations and remotely from a tablet.

Izbor da se instalira Volvo IPS pogon omogućio je povećanje pro stora za smeštaj putnika. Kao rezultat toga, tri kabine na donjoj palubi odišu prostranstvom i udobnošću. Vlasnička kabina u sre dini broda je široka i svetla, pretežno sa prostorom pune visine za kretanje, kao i toaletnim stočićem na levoj strani.

The choice to install Volvo’s IPS propulsion allowed to increase the space for accommodations. As a result, the 3 cabins on the lower deck are generous and comfortable. The master stateroom amid ships is wide and bright, with a predominantly full-height space to move around, as well as a vanity on the port side. Prostori za odlaganje u vlasničkom apartmanu su neverovatni. Oni uključuju potpuno opremljen garderober, ugrađen uz ostale police za skladištenje i ormarić duž desne strane trupa, a tu je i dodatni prostor za glomaznije predmete koji se nalazi ispod svakog kreve ta na jahti.

The storage spaces in the Owner’s suite are unbelievable, includ ing a fully appointed walkin closet, in addition to a second storage column and cabinets along the starboard hull side, plus additional space, as is found under every bed onboard, for bulkier objects.

Azimut Yachts Croatia-Serbia-Slovenia

Navis Marine d.o.o. in partnership with BM Premium Yachting 2020 d.o.o. Zrenjaninski put 11, Beograd, +381 11 413 444 / +381 66 800 2030

AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER: | Nov/Dec 2022 141 Jahte/Yachts

Cranchi Z35

Dostojan naslednik legende Zaffiro


talijansko brodogradilište Cranchi se nala zi na svom proizvodnom i tehnološkom vr huncu gde doživljava fazu stalne evolucije, prezentujući plovila nepogrešive estetike. Na tu listu se upisao i Z35, naslednik legendar nog modela Zaffiro, prodatog u više od 1500 primeraka. Poštujući filozofiju koja je donela uspeh njegovom prethodniku, Z35 se razvio u mnogim aspektima. Redizajn je rezultirao otvorenim kruzerom sportskog duha koji nudi udobnost, performanse i brzinu uz nepokole bljiv osećaj sigurnosti.


Kormilo ovog sportskog kruzera možete po veriti i neiskusnim skiperima, jer je Cranchi napravio izrazito poslušno plovilo koje ne tra ži stalnu pažnju. Sa dva Volvo Penta motora od po 260 KS, Z35 dostiže brzinu od 34 čvora, gde pri punoj brzini potrošnja goriva garan tuje potpunu autonomiju od oko šest sati.

Ovo je pre svega porodično plovilo, ali ukoli ko ste ljubitelj sportova na vodi, pružiće vam mogućnost da ih iskusite. Bićete iznenađe ni brzim ulaskom u glisiranje i to bez opte rećenja prednjeg dela plovila, što ostavlja odličnu vidljivost. Z35 se na uzburkanom moru ponaša odlično, pa ni nagla promena kursa ne može da uzdrma osećaj stabilnosti. Upravljački deo je prostran i za zadovolje nje različitih afiniteta opremljen ergonom skim sedištem i tablom sa dvostrukim setom instrumenata.

Dizajn kokpita inspirisan je mediteranskom klimom, te je ovaj sportski kruzer sa svojim velikim otvorenim površinama posebno ce njen u sunčanim danima. Značajan deo tru pa rezervisan je za pramačni deo i udobno sunčalište, koje se takođe nalazi i na ostalim delovima gornje palube.

Uređenje kokpita i krmenog dela se kod mo dela Zaffiro pokazalo kao vrlo uspešno, te je Cranchi primenio isti koncept na Z35. Sa de sne strane savršeno organizovanog kokpita smeštena je čajna kuhinja, opremljena svim neophodnim elementima, što je impresivno s obzirom na malu površinu koju zauzima. Kr mene sofe i modularni sto kokpit pretvaraju u prijatan prostor za ručavanje na otvorenom, dok dobro uklopljen roll bar i tenda opravda vaju svoju neospornu neophodnost i funkciju.

Nekoliko stepenika dele kokpit od predimen zionirane platforme za plivanje obložene so fisticiranom tikovinom, a otvaranjem vetro branskog stakla dobija se direktan pristup pramačnom sunčalištu. Bočni prolazi su do bro zaštićeni visokom ogradom, bezbednom čak i za decu, iako su skoro pa nepotrebni.

Ispod kokpita će vas dočekati elegantan di zajn, visoki plafon i prijatno prirodno osve tljenje. Imajući u vidu dužinu od 11,7 meta ra, smeštaj na Z35 prilično je impresivan. Na donjoj palubi pozicionirane su dve prostrane kabine, pregršt prostora za odlaganje i ku patilo luksuznog, ali pre svega praktičnog dizajna. Vlasnička kabina je opremljena ve likim krevetom oko koga se možete slobodno kretati, dok gostinjska kabina sadrži dva le žaja koji se mogu transformisati u jedan veliki. Svaka prostorija je oplemenjena tikovinom i prefinjenim tkaninama, što doprinosi još to plijoj atmosferi.

Bez obzira na prijatan enterijer, Z35 se ne ku puje da bi se provelo vreme na donjoj palubi, jer kokpit je ono što ga čini posebnim. Ukoliko želite da osvajate Mediteran sa stilom, onda je ovaj sportski kruzer, kao apsolutni šampion svoje klase, pravi izbor za vas. | Nov/Dec 2022 143

Worthy Successor to Legendary Zaffiro

Italian shipyard Cranchi is at its production and technological peak, experiencing a phase of constant evolution and presenting vessels of indisputable aesthetics. The Z35, the successor to the legendary Zaffiro model that sold in more than 1,500 vessels, is a new en try to the list. Respecting the philosophy that brought success to its predecessor, the Z35 evolves in many aspects. The redesign result ed in a sporty open cruiser that offers comfort, performance and speed with a constant sense of onboard safety.

The helm of this sports cruiser can be en trusted even to inexperienced skippers, be cause Cranchi has made a very docile vessel that does not require constant attention. With two Volvo Penta engines of 260 hp each, the Z35 reaches a speed of 34 knots, while at full speed the fuel consumption guarantees a to tal autonomy of approximately six hours.

This is primarily a family vessel, but if you are water sports enthusiast, it will give you the op portunity to experience them. Along with the feeling of stability, you will be surprised by the quick switch to planing without pressure on the front part of the vessel, which enables ex cellent visibility. The Z35 behaves well in rough seas, so even a sudden change in course can not shake the feeling of stability. The control station is spacious and equipped with an er

The cockpit design is inspired by the Mediter ranean climate, so this sports cruiser is espe cially appreciated on sunny days due to its large open areas. A significant part of the hull is reserved for the bow section and a comfort able sundeck, which is also located on other parts of the upper deck.

In the case of the Zaffiro, the layout of the cockpit and aft area proved to be very suc cessful, so Cranchi has maintained the same

gonomic seat and dashboard with a double set of instruments to suit different tastes.
Cranchi Z35 Dužina preko svega: 11,7 m Širina preko svega: 3,53 m Težina: 7250 kg Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 600 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 190 l Maksimalna snaga motora: 540 KS Broj osoba: 12 Overall length: 11.7 m Overall beam: 3.53 m Weight: 7250 kg Fuel tank capacity: 600 l Water tank capacity: 190 l Maximum engine power: 540 hp Number of people: 12 | Nov/Dec 2022 144

concept. The cockpit is well organized, on the right side there is a kitchenette, equipped with all the necessary elements, which is impressive considering the small area it occupies. Aft so fas and a modular table transform the cockpit into a pleasant area for dining al fresco, while a well-integrated roll bar and awning justify their undeniable usefulness and function.

A few steps separate the cockpit from the oversized swim platform lined with sophisti cated teak, while at the front, opening the windshield gives direct access to the bow sun deck. The side passages are almost unneces sary, although they are well protected by a high sides, making them safe even for children.

Under the cockpit, you will be greeted by el egant design, a high ceiling and pleasant natural lighting. Accommodation on the Z35 is very impressive considering the boat's length of 11.7 meters. On the lower deck, there are two spacious cabins, abundant storage space and a bathroom with a luxurious and, above

all, practical design. The owner's cabin is equipped with a large bed that you can move around freely, while the guest cabin contains two beds that can be transformed into a large one. Each cabin is refined with teak and fine fabrics, which contributes to an even warmer atmosphere.

Despite the pleasant interior, the Z35 is typi cally not purchased to spend time on the low er deck, because the cockpit is what makes it special. If you want to conquer the Mediter ranean in style, then this sports cruiser, as the absolute champion of her class, is the right choice for you.

GOGA Yachting Club

Save Kovačevića 4e - II prilaz, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača Tel: +381 11 3317317, +381 11 2710052

E-mail: Web: | Nov/Dec 2022 145

Navis Marine preporučuje

Svaki zaljubljenik u more dobro zna da je kupovina broda ili jahte avantura života. Kompanija Navis Marine, specijalizovana za ekskluzivnu prodaju, posredovanje i savetovanje u nautičkoj industriji, svojim klijentima nudi impresivnu selekciju novih i polovnih brodova renomiranih proizvođača. Ovog puta izdvojili su modele četiri poznata brenda koji oduševljavaju nautičare širom sveta

Navis Marine Recommends

Every sea enthusiast knows that buying a boat or a yacht is an adventure of a lifetime. Navis Marine company specializes in exclusive sales, brokerage and consultancy in the nautical industry, and offers its clients an impressive selection of new and used boats built by reliable and reputable manufacturers. This time, they highlight models by 4 well-known brands that continuously delight boaters around the world


Menorquin 68 FB

Projektovan podjednako za velike udaljenosti i uživanje u pejzažu, Menorquín 68 Flybridge je verni odraz svog brodogradilišta: tradicija, inovacija, kvalitet i personalizacija. Zahvaljujući izdašnim unutrašnjim i spoljašnjim prostorima, vanvremenski Menorquín 68 FB pruža maksimalnu udobnost i pogodnosti za život. Aduti poput velikog kokpita i ogromnog flajbridža ovom brodu omogućavaju plovidbu u svim vremenskim uslovima. Sa dužinom od skoro 20 m i širinom od 6 m, model 68 predstavlja oličenje stabilnosti i efikasnosti.

Designed for long distances and to enjoy the landscape, the Menorquín 68 Flybridge is the faithful reflection of the Shipyard: tradition, innovation, quality and personalisation. This model offers a maximum comfort and habitability, thanks to its spacious interior and exterior areas. Her high lights are a large cockpit and an enormous flybridge, making possible to sail the boat under any weather condition. With a length of nearly 20 m and a beam of 6 m, the 68 offers incred ible stability and efficiency.

Predstavljamo/Presenting | Nov/Dec 2022 146

Menorquin 68 FB

Kabine: 3

Dužina: 21,24 m

Gaz: 1,60 m

Širina: 5,80 m

Motor: 2×725 ks

Dužina trupa: 21,24 m

Istisnina: 32,00 t

Ležajevi: 4

Maksimalna brzina: 23 čvora

Brzina krstarenja: 14 čvorova

Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 3350 l

Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 1433 l

Menorquin 68 FB

Cabins: 3

Length: 21.24 M

Draught: 1.60 M

Beam: 5,80 m

Engine: 2×725 hp

Hull length: 21.24 M

Displacement: 32.00 T Berths: 4

Maximum speed: 23 knots

Cruising speed: 14 knots

Fuel capacity: 3350 l Water capacity: 1433 l | Nov/Dec 2022 147


Tempest 50 je napravljen za one koji ne žele da odustanu ni od čega, pa čak ni od toga da budu primećeni. To je najsnažnije Capelli plovilo tipa maksi rib u potpunosti napravljeno u Italiji. Čamac sa dubokim V-trupom koji je osmišljen za performanse visokog kvaliteta u svim uslovima na moru. Široki prostori na palubi pogodni su za sve specifikacije koje kupac odabere.

Tempest 50 is made for whose that don’t want to give up on anything, not even being noticed. The most powerful Capelli’s maxi rib fully made in Italy. A boat with a deep V shaped hull studied for high quality performances in all sea conditions. Wide spaces on deck suitable for every customer specifications.


GranTurismo linija je kulminacija trogodišnjeg istraživanja i razvoja u postizanju savršenog balansa između dizajna, udobnosti i performansi. To je najekskluzivnija porodica čamaca u asortimanu Lomac, ne samo zbog pažnje posvećene detaljima, izboru materijala i opcijama personalizacije, nego i zbog prisutnosti trupova optimizovanih CFD modeliranjem, laminacije vakuumskom infuzijom sa vinil esterskom smolom, neopentil gela, aramidnih vlakana za ojačanje T-krova, palube i trupa, kao i 100% Made in Milan dizajna Federika Fiorentina. GranTurismo 14.0 je maksi-rib koji je takođe idealan luksuzni tender.

The GranTurismo line is the culmination of three years of research and development work to achieve the perfect balance between design, comfort and performance. It is the most exclusive family of boats in the Lomac range, not least in terms of attention to detail, choice of materials and personalisation options, and features hulls optimised by CFD modeling, vacuum infusion lamination with vinyl ester resin, neopentyl gelcoat, aramid fibers to reinforce the T-top, deck and hull, and 100% ‘Made in Milan’ design by Federico Fiorentino. A maxi-rib that’s also the ideal luxury tender.

TEMPEST 50 Kapacitet: 20 Dužina: 14,75 m Širina: 4,34 m Motor: 1700 ks Ležajevi: 4 Suva težina: 10460 kg ca Pogon: vanbrodski Projekat Roberto Curtò Dizajn i Cantieri Capelli tehnička služba TEMPEST 50 Capacity: 20 Length: 14.75 M Beam: 4,34 m Engine: 1700 hp Berths: 4 Dry weight: 10460 kg approx Propulsion: outboard Design by Roberto Curtò Design and Cantieri Capelli Technical Dep | Nov/Dec 2022 148

Cetera 60 Multispace Yacht je zahvaljujući svom genijalnom konceptu i vrhunskom standardu inovacija poslednjih meseci privukla pažnju kako vlasnika, tako i stručnjaka iz oblasti brodogradnje.

Projekat je delo Frančeska Guide, sa inovativnim rasporedom u kom se izuzetno racionalno koristi svaki centimetar prostora kako bi garantovao potpunu udobnost na brodu. Za početak, ova jahta poseduje 146 kvadratnih metara životnog prostora – to je impresivnih 20% ili više od konvencionalne motorne jahte iste veličine.

Prostorni raspored sadrži tri kabine: vlasnički apartman sa sopstvenim kupatilom, dvokrevetnu VIP kabinu sa kupatilom i dvokrevetnu kabinu za goste, takođe sa sopstvenim kupatilom. Na brodu je još jedna kabina za posadu, jedina ispod palube. Smeštena je prema napred i ima sopstveno kupatilo. Vlasnik i gosti takođe uživaju u prostranom salonu sa trpezarijom i barom, a na palubi su i dva kokpita. Prvi je klasična krmena verzija i pruža željeni kontakt sa morem. Napred, veliki dnevni boravak na otvorenom u blizini salona nudi savršenu privatnost, posebno kada je jahta usidrena u marini. Kuhinja i trpezarija su na velikoj gornjoj palubi koja se otvara sa upravljačkog položaja.

Pozamašna upotreba stakla koje dominira celokupnom estetikom predstavlja lajtmotiv ovog modela. Staklo naglašava eleganciju projekta i stavlja akcenat na međusobnu igru volumena, senki i svetlosti, mat i zastakljenih površina, dok istovremeno preplavljuje sve enterijere prirodnim svetlom ističući njihovu prostranost.

Ovo plovilo pokreću dvostruki 7,7-litarski 6-cilindrični redni Volvo Penta D8 dizel motori od po 600 KS, koji koriste common-rail ubrizgavanje goriva, duple bregaste osovine, turbo sa dvostrukim ulazom i kompresor, te zajedno sa IPS 800, Cetera 60 dostiže brzinu od 28 čvorova u punom gasu.

The Cetera 60 Multispace Yacht has captured the attention of both owners and industry experts alike in recent months, thanks to its ingenious concept and superb standard of innovation.

The Cetera 60’s design is the work of Francesco Guida, who created an innovative layout that makes superbly rational use of every last inch of space to guarantee total liveability aboard. Just to start with, it has 146 sqm of living space – that’s an impressive 20% or so more than a conventional fly motoryacht of the same range.

The layout features three cabins: a master suite with en suite bathroom, a double VIP with bathroom and a twin guest, also en suite. There is an additional crew cabin aboard, the only one below the deck. It lies forward and has its own bathroom. Owners and guests also enjoy a spacious saloon with dining area and bar, and, on the deck, two cockpits. The first is a classic aft version and provides welcome contact with the sea. Forward, a large al fresco lounge area adjacent to the saloon o ers perfect privacy, particularly when the yacht is in moored in a marina, for instance. The galley and dining area are on the large openable upper deck with the steering position.

The signature leitmotif of the Cetera 60 is extensive use of glass which dominates its aesthetic and enhances the liveability of the interiors. It also underscores the elegance of the design and accentuates the interplay of volumes, shadows and light, matt and glazed surfaces, whilst simultaneously flooding all of the interiors with natural light, thus emphasising their spaciousness.

Powered by twin 600 HP 7.7-litre 6-cylinder in-line Volvo Penta D8 diesel engines using common-rail fuel injection, double overhead camshafts, a twin-entry turbo and a supercharger, coupled with IPS 800, the Cetera 60 unleashes a speed of 28 knots at full throttle.

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main o ce: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast o ce: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /
FIART | Nov/Dec 2022 149


Kada su dizajner Eivind Amble i dizajnerski tim Pionera krenuli u izradu ovog projekta, imali su ambiciozan cilj: stvoriti plovilo koje će zadovoljiti sve potrebe. U kombinaciji sa Yamaha vanbrodskim motorom, Pioner Multi ispunjava sve ono što se od jednog svestranog čamca očekuje

Pioner Multi se znatno razlikuje od širokog spektra čamaca na tržištu. Ono što ga izdvaja i čini privlačnim brojnim korisnicima upravo je njegova svestranost. Otporna konstrukcija idealna je kako za profesionalnu, tako i za rekreativnu upotrebu, te se zbog svoje izdržljivosti istakao u timovima za hitne slučajeve, među ribarskim čamcima, ali i čamcima za odmor i ronjenje. Pored svega ovoga koristi se i kao pomoćni čamac za veća plovila. Karakteriše ga izuzetno prilagođavanje vremenskim prilikama, bilo da je ekstremna hladnoća ili vrućina, a formula za takav uspeh leži u izboru metoda izrade i materijala.

Multi III sa znatno proširenom i pristupačnom rampom za podizanje pramca predstavlja poslednju generaciju plovila namenjenih raznovrsnoj upotrebi. Pričvršćena za obalu ili pristanište, rampa obezbeđuje lakši ulazak i izlazak sa plovila, utovar tereta, mašina i druge tehničke opreme, ali se može koristiti i na drugi način, kao platforma neposredno iznad površine vode za utovar, spasavanje na vodi i druge operacije. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti i izuzetno niskih troškova održavanja, ovi čamci popularni su širom sveta.

Čamci/Boats | Nov/Dec 2022 150


Nosivost od 1000 kg i proverena stabilnost zasluga je trupa u vidu katamarana, koji zbog svog dizajna ima odlične plovidbene karakteristike. Ogroman kokpit nudi dosta prostora za prevoz zahtevnog tereta ili rad, pa je pogodan za spasavanje (mogu da stanu nosila), utovar mašina, prevoz ljudi u invalidskim kolicima ili prenos kabastih predmeta poput bicikla i motocikla.


Poseban proizvodni proces stvorio je robustan trup sa nepotopivom vazdušnom komorom. Mnoge bezbednosno-spasilačke i vojne snage širom sveta koriste Pioner Multi zbog njegovih jedinstvenih karakteristika i izuzetne izdržljivosti. Materijali od kojih je sačinjen daju mu elastičnost, tako da se prilikom udara privremeno deformiše, apsorbuje energiju udara, te uspešno vraća u prvobitno stanje. Trup ovog višenamenskog čamca napravljen je od rotaciono oblikovanog polietilena niske gustine koji se može 100% reciklirati i ponovo upotrebiti za izradu drugih predmeta. Materijal je otporan na različite vremenske prilike, ali i na hemijske supstance.


Yamaha vanbrodske motore odlikuje izuzetna snaga i izdržljivost. Za Pioner Multi je izabran F80, jedan od najsvestranijih pogonskih

agregata iz njihovog asortimana. Moderna Yamaha četvorotaktna tehnologija sa duplom bregastom osovinom i 16 ventila u glavnom motoru obezbeđuje znatno ubrzanje, dok se sa naprednim usisnim i izduvnim sistemom i elektronskim ubrizgavanjem goriva na više tačaka postiže efikasno sagorevanje uz manju emisiju izduvnih gasova. | Nov/Dec 2022 151


When designer Eivind Amble and the Pioner design team


Load capacity of 1000 kg and proven stability are made possible thanks to the catamaran-form hull, which also has excellent sailing characteristics due to its design. The huge cockpit offers plenty of space for carrying cargo or for work, so it is suitable for rescue operations (the space can fit a stretcher), loading machines, transporting people in wheelchairs, transporting bulky items such as bicycles and motorcycles.


The Pioneer Multi is significantly different from a wide range of boats on the market. What sets it apart and makes it attractive to numerous users is precisely its versatility. The durable construction is ideal for both professional and recreational use, and due to its durability it has stood out in emergency teams, among fishing boats, as well as recreational and dive boats. In addition to all this, it is also used as an tender boat for larger vessels. It is characterized by exceptional adaptability to weather conditions, be it extreme cold or heat, and the formula for such success lies in the choice of manufacturing methods and materials.

The Multi III represents the latest generation of multipurpose vessels, with a significantly extended bow lifting ramp, enabling better access and maneuverability. Moored to the shore or a pier, the ramp provides easier getting on and off the vessel, loading cargo, machinery or other technical equipment, but it can also be used in another way, as a platform just above the surface of the water for loading, water rescue or other operations.Due to their simplicity and extremely low maintenance costs, these boats are popular all over the world.


A special manufacturing process created a robust hull with an unsinkable air compartment. Many security, rescue and military forces around the world use the Pioner Multi because of its unique features and exceptional durability. The materials it is made of provide elasticity, so that upon impact it is temporarily deformed, while absorbing the energy of the impact, and successfully returns to its original state.

The hull of this multipurpose boat is made from rotationally molded low density polyethylene that can be 100% recycled and reused to make other items. The material is resistant to various weather conditions, but also to chemical substances.


Yamaha outboard motors are characterized by exceptional power and durability. The F80, one of the most versatile power units from their range, was chosen for the Pioner Multi. Modern Yamaha fourstroke technology with a double camshaft and 16 valves in the main engine ensures remarkable acceleration, while with an advanced intake and exhaust system and electronic fuel injection at multiple points, efficient combustion is achieved with lower exhaust gas emissions.

SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255

Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792

Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245

Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51

MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140

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started to create this project, they had an ambitious goal: to create a vessel that would satisfy all needs. In combination with a Yamaha outboard motor, Pioner Multi meets all expectations from a versatile boat | Nov/Dec 2022 152

Da li ste znali? Did you know? Burna istorija Sueckog kanala


Suecki kanal spajajući Mediteran i Crveno more, odnosno Atlantik i Indijski okean, predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih i najprometnijih saobraćajnica na planeti preko koje se obavlja 12 procenata celokupne svetske trgovine.

Prošle godine ceo svet ispratio je incident koji se u njemu dogodio, kada se usled nepovoljnih vremenskih uslova gigantski kontejnerski brod Ever Given zaglavio i blokirao saobraćaj. Brojne svetske kompanije tada su zabeležile milionske gubitke zbog kašnjenja robe. Međutim, prošlogodišnja blokada nije jedina koja je uzrokovala krizu tokom višeletnog postojanja Sueckog kanala.

Veštački kanal građen je deset godina, da bi zvanično bio pušten u rad 17. novembra 1869. godine. Danas je dugačak 193 km, a kroz istoriju je proširivan i produbljivan nekoliko puta, prilagođavajući se razvoju modernih brodova.

Prvi pokušaji izgradnje modernog kanala koji bi direktno povezao Mediteran i Crveno more pripisuju se Napoleonu Bonaparti. Ipak, zbog pogrešnih proračuna koji su utvrdili navodnu veliku razliku između nivoa dva mora, projekat je napušten. Deceniju posle Napoleonove smrti, grupa francuskih intelektualaca želela je da učestvuje u izgrdnji, ali nisu uspeli da ubede tadašnjeg kediva, Muhameda Alija Egipatskog. Ipak, francuski arhitekta Ferdinand de Leseps je 1858. godine postigao koncesioni dogovor sa kedivom Said pašom. Tada je osnovana i Kompanija Suecki kanal u kojoj je udeo imao i Egipat.

Nakon izgradnje Egipat je pretrpeo znatnu štetu i upao u dugovanja, pa se 1875. godine britanskoj vladi pružila mogućnost da otkupi egipatske deonice, što se pokazalo od vitalnog značaja za održavanje njenih kolonijalnih interesa. Iako su 1888. godine svetske sile potpisale Konstantinopoljsku konvenciju u kojoj se navodi da je kanal otvoren za brodove svih nacija, u miru i u ratu, to i nije bio slučaj. Sredinom 20. veka, egipatski predsednik Gamal Abdel Naser ga je nacionalizovao, pa su britanske i francuske trupe u saradnji sa Izraelom izvršile invaziju i zatvorile ga. Taj događaj poznat je kao Suecka kriza i trajao je u periodu od 1956. do 1957. kada je kanal ponovo otvoren. Drugo zatvaranje kanala dogodilo se 1967. godine nakon napada Izraela na Egipat, čime je otpočeo Šestodnevni rat. Nakon ovog sukoba, kanal je ponovo otvoren 1975. godine i od tada saobraćaj u njemu funkcioniše neometano.

The Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, and thus the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, represents one of the busiest and most significant traffic routes on the planet, through which 12 percent of all world trade is carried out.

Last year, the whole world followed an incident that happened in the canal, when due to unfavorable weather conditions, the giant container ship Ever Given got stuck and blocked traffic. Numerous global companies then recorded millions in losses due to the delay of goods. However, last year's blockage is not the only event that caused a crisis during the canal's many years of existence.

The artificial canal was built over a period of ten years, and was officially inaugurated on November 17, 1869. Today it is 193 km long, but throughout its history it has been widened and deepened several times, adapting to the development of modern ships.

The first attempts to build the current canal that would directly connect the Mediterranean to the Red Sea are attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. However, due to incorrect calculations that determined the alleged large difference between the levels of the two seas, the project was abandoned.

A decade after Napoleon's death, a group of French intellectuals wanted to participate in the construction, but they failed to convince the Khedive, Muhammad Ali of Egypt. However, in 1858, a French architect Ferdinand de Lesseps managed to reach a concession agreement with the Khedive Said Pasha. It was then that the Suez Canal Company was founded, in which Egypt also had a stake.

After the construction, Egypt suffered considerable losses and fell into debt, so in 1875 the British government was given the opportunity to buy back the Egyptian shares, which proved vital to the maintenance of its colonial interests. Although in 1888 the world powers signed the Constantinople Convention stating that the canal was open to ships of all nations, in peace and war, this was not always the case. In the mid20th century, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the canal, so British and French troops in cooperation with Israel invaded and closed it. That event is known as the Suez Crisis and lasted from 1956 to 1957 when the canal was reopened. The second closure of the canal occurred in 1967 after Israel's attack on Egypt, which started the Six-Day War. After this conflict, the canal re-opened in 1975 and since then the traffic in it has been functioning smoothly.

Da li ste znali?/Did you know? | Nov/Dec 2022 154
Nasukani Ever Given, 2021. godine/Stranded Ever Given, 2021

Kompanija AirYacht napravila je hibridno vozilo kombinujući avijaciju i jedrenje sa životnim prostorom koji može da pristane bilo gde na zemlji. Leteća jahta je poput plutajućeg luksuznog hotela, delom dirižabl, a delom apartman. Vazduhoplovna komponenta leti zahvaljujući odvojivom cepelinu ili dirižablu kog pokreće sistem propulzije na vazduh i helijum, dok je dugoročni cilj da pogon bude isključivo hidrogenski. Kada je na vodi, jahta plovi zahvaljujući elektromotoru.

AirYacht se sastoji od trospratne rezidencije u kojoj može da boravi 12 osoba i uključuje 750 kvadratnih metara unutrašnjeg prostora sa teretanom, bazenom i saunom. Iako za sada postoji samo kao koncept, AirYacht već beleži svoje prve porudžbine, te se prva isporuka očekuje krajem 2026. godine.

AirYacht company has created a hybrid vehicle combining aviation and sailing with a living space that can land anywhere on the ground. This flying yacht is like a floating luxury hotel, part airship and part apartment. The aeronautical component flies thanks to a detachable zeppelin or airship powered by an air and helium propulsion system. It is a long-term goal for the drive is to be exclusively hydrogen. When on the water, this yacht is powered by an electric motor.

AirYacht consists of a three-story residence that can accommodate 12 people and includes 750 square meters of interior space with a gym, swimming pool and sauna. Although it exists merely as a concept for the time being, the AirYacht is already taking its first orders. The first delivery is expected for the end of 2026.

Kompanija LG Electronics je još jednom pomerila granice praktičnosti kućnih aparata. Na IFA 2022 sajmu, predstavljen je LG Styler ShoeCase i ShoeCare, kompletno rešenje za negu obuće. LG Styler ShoeCase kao i drugi savremeni LG kućni aparati, poput mašine za pranje sudova ili Styler-a za odeću, koristi dokazanu TrueSteam tehnologiju za „osvežavajuće“ čuvanje obuće. Pored toga, tu je i Zeo-Dry filter da upije vlagu i ukloni neprijatne mirise, čineći obuću prijatnijom za nošenje i čuvanje. Sa ukupno deset režima rada, novo rešenje prilagođava TrueSteam tehnologiju različitim tipovima obuće, uključujući kožu, antilop i sportsku obuću. Tih i efikasan, ovaj revolucionarni proizvod može da osveži do četiri para cipela za samo 37 minuta na svega 35 decibela.

Pored zaštite od vlage i indeksa UV svetlosti, Styler ShoeCase je idealan za kolekcionare koji vole da izlažu svoju omiljenu obuću, pa nudi i dodatne opcije, poput rotacije od 360 stepeni, gramofona i modularnog dizajna za vertikalno slaganje do četiri komore.

LG Electronics company is once again pushing the limits of home appliance practicality. At IFA 2022, the LG Styler ShoeCase and ShoeCare, a complete shoe care solution, were presented. The LG Styler ShoeCase, like other modern LG home appliances, such as the dishwasher or the Clothes Styler, uses the proven TrueSteam technology for "refreshing" shoe storage. In addition, there is a Zeo-Dry filter to absorb moisture and remove unpleasant odors, making the shoes more comfortable to wear and store. Furthermore, the new solution adapts the TrueSteam technology to different types of footwear, with a total of ten operating modes, including leather, suede and sports footwear. Quiet and efficient, this revolutionary product can freshen up to four pairs of shoes in just 37 minutes at just 35 decibels.

In addition to moisture protection and UV index, the Styler ShoeCase is ideal for collectors who like to display their favorite footwear, and offers additional options, such as 360-degree rotation, a turntable and a modular design that allows vertical stacking of up to four chambers.

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