Nautika Magazine No. 82 (Jan/Feb 2023)

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Inspired by an affinity for grandeur, the Azimut Grande Series is a spectacular collection of works of art that combines advanced technology with engineering mastery. Visionary design reimagines the function of space with surprising innovation, revolutionizing the onboard lifestyle through the creative touch and aesthetic of authentic Made in Italy.

YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER Azimut Yachts Croatia-Serbia-Slovenia Navis Marine d.o.o. in partnership with BM Premium Yachting 2020 d.o.o. Zrenjaninski put 11, Beograd +381 11 413 444 | +381 66 800 2030

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Zagreb · Rovinj · Sukošan · Vienna · Porto Montenegro · Budapest · Brno A company of the Master Yachting Group

Appointment: + 385 99 3571 727 21.01. – 29.01.2023 SD 90

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AND MONTENEGRO Marina Porto Montenegro, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Mobile. +382 (0) 67 24 99 71 Tel.+382 (0) 32 540 320

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Sadržaj/Contents CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 629.5+797.1 Nautika / glavni i odgovorni urednik Slađana Marović.2013, br. 25- . - Novi Sad : Nautika Present, 2013- . - Ilustr. ; 30 cm Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Nautika & turizam = ISSN 2217-5911 ISSN 2334-900X = Nautika COBISS.SR-ID 280894983 IMPRESSUM WWW.NAUTIKA-PRESENT.COM
54 94 78 87 32 66 YYachts isporučio prvi Y9 YYachts delivered the first Y9 Porsche 718 Style Edition | Jan/Feb 2023 24
118 Sadržaj/Contents 114 134 154 98 142 121 130 150 Catena Zapata Doajen argentinskog vinogradarstva Doyen of Argentine viticulture WhiteShark Mix Istražujte beskonačnost Boundless research Vikinški brodovi Viking ships GARMIN MARQ® Druga generacija The second generation Joker Boat Više od 40 godina istorije RIB modela More than 40 years of RIB history | Jan/Feb 2023 25




Enabot EBO Air postaće miljenik svih onih koji se nađu u njegovom društvu. Pored toga što ćete u korak pratiti aktivnosti vašeg ljubimca, preko EBO robota uspećete da sa njim i komunicirate, zahvaljujući integrisanom zvučniku i mikrofonu. Interesantno je što robota možete programirati tako da sam dođe i igra se sa vašim krznenim mezimcem. Daljinska kontrola moguća je sa bilo koje lokacije, dovoljno je samo da imate pristup internetu.

Kamera rezolucije 1080p uparena je sa objektivom koji ima vidno polje od 118° za jasan i širok pregled doma. Takođe poseduje i sposobnost noćnog snimanja sa automatskim prebacivanjem na noćni režim u slabo osvetljenim prostorijama. To nas dovodi do još jedne zgodne funkcije. Enabot EBO Air može da posluži kao sigurnosna kamera i da motri na vaš dom dok niste u njemu! Prisutan je i poseban sigurnosni režim u aplikaciji u kojem dobijate notifikacije o sumnjivim kretanjima. Ovaj robot potpuno razlikuje ljubimce i ljude, tako da ne postoji mogućnost da vaša mačka aktivira alarm.

EBO Air pokreće punjiva baterija sa opcijom automatske dopune. Kada je baterija pri kraju, robot se momentalno vraća na stanicu kako bi je ponovo dopunio i nastavio sa druženjem.

Enabot EBO Air is certain to become a favorite of all those who find themselves in its company. In addition to keeping track of your pets' activities, you will also be able to communicate to them through the EBO robot thanks to the integrated speaker and microphone. It is interesting that you can program the robot to come and play with your furry friend. Remote control is possible from any location, all you need is an internet connection.

The 1080p resolution camera is paired with a lens that has a 118° view for a clear and wide view of your home. It also has the ability to record at night with automatic switching to night mode in rooms with dim light. That brings us to another handy feature. Enabot EBO Air can serve as a security camera and keep an eye on your home while you are not there. Another special security mode in the application enables you to receive notifications about any suspicious movement. This robot fully di erentiates between pets and people, so there is no possibility of your cat setting o an alarm.

The EBO Air is powered by a rechargeable battery with an autorecharge option. When the battery is low, the robot immediately returns to the station in order to recharge and continue hanging out with your pet.

Tehnološka kompanija Google lansirala je svoj prvi pametni sat, elegantnog okruglog oblika sa Fitbit tracker aktivnostima. Google Pixel Watch je najnoviji predstavnik Google Pixel kolekcije digitalnih uređaja za ovu kompaniju, koja uključuje pametne telefone, laptopove i tablete. Sastavljen od ispupčenog cilindričnog stakla sa prednje strane, postavljenog na kućište od recikliranog nerđajućeg čelika, pametni sat se proizvodi srebrnoj, ugljenocrnoj i mat crnoj boji. Sat se može pričvrstiti na 20 različitih narukvica, širokog spektra boja i materijala, poput kože ili tkanja. Kako je navedeno iz Google-a, jedinstveni mehanizam za pričvršćivanje narukvice inspirisan je načinom na koji se sočivo kamere pričvršćuje za njeno telo.

Google Pixel sat poseduje 19 prilagodljivih interfejsa. Među ugrađenim funkcijama je i Google Assistant, virtuelni pomoćnik ove kompanije, koji korisnicima pruža željene informacije. Osmišljen tako da bude informativan, ali i da podstakne na vežbanje, Google Pixel sat je opremljen Fitbit uređajem za praćenje aktivnosti. Brend Fitbit je 2021. godine kupila Google-ova matična kompanija, Alphabet.

Google Pixel Watch otporan je na vodu i ogrebotine, prema opisu koji daje ova tehnološka kompanija, a svojim dizajnom prilagodljiv je za nošenje kako danju tako i noću.

Technology company Google has released the Google Pixel Watch, which is its first smartwatch, has a sleek circular face and includes a Fitbit activity tracker. The Google Pixel Watch is the latest edition to the company's Google Pixel collection of digital devices, which includes smartphones, laptops and tablets.

Comprised of a bulbous dome-shaped glass watch face mounted on a recycled stainless steel case, the smartwatch comes in colours including silver, charcoal and matte black. The watch face can be attached to 20 di erent bands in a wide range of colours and materials such as leather or woven designs. "The unique band attach mechanism [is] inspired by how a camera lens attaches to a camera body," said Google. Google Pixel Watch also includes 19 customisable interfaces.

Google Assistant, the company's virtual assistant AI so ware, is among the features built into the watch in order to provide users with information.

Designed to be both informative and encourage exercise, the Google Pixel Watch is equipped with a Fitbit activity tracker. Fitbit was acquired by Google's parent company Alphabet in 2021.

Created to be worn during both the day and night, the Google Pixel Watch is water- and scratch-resistant, according to the technology company.

Sve što treba da znate! Everything you need to know!

Evo R4XT je savršen primer kako se modifikujući legendarni model može napraviti walkaround primerak, jedinstven do te mere da svojim gostima ponudi novi doživljaj mora

Evo R4XT is the perfect example of how, starting from a shipyard’s historic model and modifying it, one can create a walkaround that is unique in the world, even capable of offering its guests a new interpretation of how to experience the sea

Osmišljen kao reinterpretacija uspešnog Evo R4, prvog kultnog modela Evo Yachts, od kojeg preuzima čiste živahne linije, novi dodatak u liniji R karakterišu inovativna tehnološka rešenja koja je ekskluzivno projektovao dizajner Valerio Rivelini, a prilagodio Besenzoni. Srce ovog revolucionarnog modela je plažni deo, kao centralna tačka života na otvorenom, gde potpuno prilagođena multifunkcionalna krmena platforma nudi nove scenarije. Mehanizam za transformisanje je ekskluzivno za ovo brodogradilište razvio Besenzoni, na osnovu projekta Valerija Rivelinija. Njegove mehaničke karakteristike i pokreti omogućavaju platformi da u potpunosti uroni pod vodu, za oko 80 centimetara, olakšavajući ulazak i izlazak iz mora sa bilo koje tačke na krmi, kao i da se potpuno produži kako bi se omogućilo silaženje, čak i na visokim dokovima. Tačno u centru ovog plažnog dela smestila se velika središnja ležaljka, praćena multifunkcionalnim „kliznim“ trpezarijskim stolom, koji se za nekoliko sekundi može pretvoriti od stola u šank.

Enterijer ispod palube, skupoceno opremljen i funkcionalan, dočekuje goste sa udobnim i iznenađujuće izdašnim prostorima, koje takođe karakteriše mogućnost transformacije tipična za modele Evo Yachts.

Created as a reinterpretation of the successful Evo R4, the first Evo Yachts’ iconic model from which it takes the clean, racy lines, the new addition in the R line is characterised by innovative technological solutions exclusively designed by designer Valerio Rivellini and made to measure by Besenzoni. The heart of this revolution is the beach area, the heart of outdoor life, where a fully customised multifunctional stern platform o ers new scenarios . This tender lift transformer was developed by Besenzoni exclusively for the shipyard, based on a design by Valerio Rivellini. Its excellent mechanical characteristics and movements allow the platform to dip fully underwater, by about 80 centimetres, facilitating entry and ascent from the sea from any point on the stern, as well as extending completely to allow descent, even on high piers, in total safety and comfort.

Right at the centre of the beach area there is the large island sunbed, followed by a multifunctional 'sliding' dining table, which in few seconds can change from a table into a bar counter

Below deck, the interiors, precious yet functional, welcome guests with comfortable and surprisingly spacious spaces, also characterised by the transformability typical of Evo Yachts models.

EVO | Jan/Feb 2023 30

Novi vodeći model nemačkog brodogradilišta karakterišu sportske linije, ogromna zapremina i sofisticiran enterijer

Brod Y9 rođen je iz ambiciozne ideje da se izgradi lagano remek-delo umešnosti u skladu sa filozofijom kompanije da se plovidba svede na ono što je najvažnije i služi svim potrebama kupaca.

Sa dužinom od 29,71 metar, Y9 raspolaže istom zapreminom kao jahte od 100 stopa sa izdvojenim vlasničkim apartmanom, koje nude maksimalnu privatnost, udobne kabine za goste i fleksibilan prostor za posadu. To je omogućeno zahvaljujući pametno osmišljenoj konstrukciji i poprečno postavljenoj garaži na krmi. Dizajn eksterijera i pomorsku arhitekturu nacrtao je Bil Trip, dok je unutrašnjost rezultat kombinacije stajlinga arhitektonskog biroa Norm Architects i iskustva Design Unlimited-a.

Kao i svi YYachts modeli, Y9 je u potpunosti napravljen od karbonskih vlakana koja optimizuju performanse i čine ga izuzetno konkurentnim. Sa svojom dužinom od 90 stopa, jahta ima zanimljiv rejting i sigurno je u stanju da osvoji neke trofeje na trkama St Barths Bucket, Superyacht Cup ili Maxi Rolex Cup.

The yard’s new flagship Y9 is born from the ambitious idea of building a lightweight masterpiece of craftsmanship following the company’s philosophy to reduce sailing to its essentials and serving all customer’s needs.

With a length of 29.71 m, the Y9 presents – due to clever construction and transverse garage in the aft – the same volume of a 100ft yacht with a private owners’ apartment to o er maximum privacy, comfortable guest cabins and a large and flexible crew area. The exterior design and naval architecture was drawn by Bill Tripp while the interior is the result of a styling by Norm Architects and the experience of Design Unlimited.

As all YYachts models, the Y9 is built completely from carbon fibre optimizing performance and making her extremely competitive. With her length of 90 feet, the yacht has an interesting rating and is for sure able to win some trophies at the St Barths Bucket, the Superyacht Cup or the Maxi Rolex Cup.

The new flagship of the German shipyard shows sporty lines, an enormous volume and a sophisticated interior

Azimut 2023. godinu započinje učešćem na sajmu nautike Boot Düsseldorf, sa svetskom pretpremijerom novog S7. Jahta sportskog karaktera donosi obilje tehnoloških rešenja u samoj osnovi i nenadmašno smanjenje potrošnje, a samim tim i emisije gasova, za ovaj segment plovila. Sa inspirativnim dizajnom eksterijera Alberta Manćinija, plovilo od 22 metra pridružuje se Azimut-ovoj kategoriji jahti sa niskom emisijom gasova. To je brod koji uspešno kombinuje sportski duh sa smanjenim uticajem na životnu sredinu, što je postignuto time što se S7 oslanja na tehnološki najnaprednija rešenja u industriji izgradnje jahti, koja uključuju široku upotrebu karbonskih vlakana za smanjenje ukupne težine plovila, veoma efikasan pogonski sistem koji pokreću tri Volvo IPS motora i savršeno optimizovane linije trupa, projektovane od strane P.L. Ausonio Naval Architecture. Sve ove inovacije su uvedene sa jasno određenom svrhom da se smanji potrošnja, a samim tim i emisija CO2 do -30% pri srednjim i velikim brzinama, istovremeno pružajući performanse bez premca u ovoj kategoriji. Pored toga, upotreba karbonskih vlakana i kompaktni pogonski sistem dovode do veće unutrašnje zapremine i više prostora na brodu za vlasnika i njegove goste.

Azimut welcomes in 2023 by taking part in Boot Düsseldorf with the world preview of the new S7, the yacht with a sporty personality and a host of technology at its heart that delivers an unrivalled reduction in consumption, and therefore emissions, for the segment. With truly inspired exterior design by Alberto Mancini, this 22-meter cra joins Azimut's Low Emission Yacht category. It is a boat that successfully combines a sporty spirit with reduced environmental impact, made possible because the S7 draws on the most technologically advanced solutions in the yacht industry, involving the extensive use of carbon fiber to reduce the boat’s overall weight, a highly e cient propulsion system powered by three Volvo IPS engines, and perfectly optimized hull lines designed by P.L. Ausonio Naval Architecture. These innovations have all been introduced with the specific purpose of reducing consumption and therefore CO2 emissions by up to -30% at medium and high speeds, while delivering unrivalled performance in the category. In addition, the use of carbon fiber and the compact propulsion system translate into greater interior volume and more space on board for the owner and guests.

Pearl 72 kreće u Dizeldorf na Boot 2023, gde će ovaj tek završeni model izaći na scenu za svoju evropsku premijeru. Nakon izrazitog uspeha modela Pearl 62, dolazi sa dosad neviđenom kombinacijom karakteristika za svoju klasu, ispunjavajući obećanje brodogradilišta Pearl Yachts da će ponuditi još više. Što se tiče prostornog rasporeda, Pearl 72 uvodi jedinstvenu novinu u svoju klasu za ovu veličinu plovila: dve glavne kabine. Jedna je smeštena napred sa posebnim ulazom, kao što se obično može videti na mnogo većim jahtama, a druga je u punoj širini plovila na sredini broda. Osim što pruža idealno rešenje za suvlasnike koji zajedno uživaju u jahti, ovaj inovativni raspored omogućava vlasnicima da uživaju u prelepom pogledu čak i kada su usidreni na krmi u marini. Postoje još dve dvokrevetne kabine sa sopstvenim kupatilom plus smeštaj za posadu, pored izuzetne garaže sa prostorom za pomoćni čamac Williams 345 (ili sličan model) i džet-ski.

The Pearl 72 is headed to Düsseldorf for Boot 2023, where the freshly christened model will take the stage for her European debut. Following up on the striking success of the Pearl 62, she comes with a previously unseen combination of features for her class, fulfilling the Pearl Yachts promise to o er more.

In terms of layout, the Pearl 72 makes a unique introduction to the size-class: two Master Cabins. One is forward with a private entrance, as typically seen on much larger yachts, and the second is full beam amidships. In addition to providing an ideal solution for co-owners who enjoy the yacht together, the innovative layout allows owners to enjoy a beautiful view even when moored sternto in a marina. There are two more en-suite double cabins plus accommodation for the crew, in addition to an exceptional garage with space for a William 345 tender (or similar) and a jet ski.




Kao jedan od najuticajnijih proizvođača vanbrodskih motora, Yamaha ogroman kapacitet ulaže u konstantan razvoj proizvoda, podjednako vodeći računa o svakom svom klijentu. Kako bi zadržali poziciju vodećeg brenda na rastućem i raznolikom tržištu, njihova prisutnost mora biti očigledna, ali i opravdana nadaleko poznatim Yamaha kvalitetom. Imajući u vidu da konkurencija ne spava i da svaki naredni korak ka budućnosti zahteva razrađen plan, direktor odeljenja za nautičke proizvode za Evropu, Jan Koopmans i prodajni koordinator Romain Vicquery su u sklopu posete hrvatskom distributeru i zastupniku brenda Yamaha, TM Zagreb d.o.o, obišli i deo servisne mreže na jadranskoj obali, ali i neke hrvatske brodograditelje, kako bi stekli utisak o tome kakav je potencijal razvoja na tom području. Nakon intenzivnih obilazaka zaključili su kako nisu bili u potpunosti svesni određenih trendova na Jadranu, poput rasta segmenta brzih RIB plovila za prevoz putnika do udaljenih ostrva, kao ni potencijala tržišta najveće čarteraške flote i poslovanja u tom sektoru. Zadovoljni su činjenicom koliki trud je uložen od strane hrvatskog zastupnika za Yamahu da u svakom trenutku svojim kupcima bude na raspolaganju brz i efikasan servis, što je posebno bitna stavka nautičarima i čarterašima u situacijama kad im je potrebna pomoć na otvorenom moru ili duž jadranskih luka koje dočekuju mnogobrojne zaljubljenike u ovaj stil života.

Koopmans je prilikom posete Yamaha centru TM Zagreb istakao da su utisci više nego pozitivni, ali i predočio nekoliko zanimljivih gledišta na trenutnu situaciju i godine koje slede. Iako je američko tržište dominantno kada su u pitanju snažni vanbrodski motori, potražnja u Evropi eksponencijalno raste, a snažan rast se beleži svuda, pa i na hrvatskom tržištu. Paralelno raste i potražnja za segmentom manjih motora do 25 KS. Prema dosadašnjim podacima, Italija je smenila skandinavske zemlje na poziciji vodećeg tržišta snažnih vanbrodskih motora u Evropi, a Hrvatska je dobrim delom destinacija u kojoj italijanski nautičari plove, pa sama Hrvatska takođe beleži višegodišnji rast u tom segmentu.

Ostaje da verujemo kako će ova poseta i pozitivni utisci doprineti još boljoj i produktivnijoj saradnji na području jadranske obale, ali i dodatnom jačanju Yamaha postprodajne i servisne mreže koja uz konkurentan proizvod ima prednost, ključnu za stabilnost brenda.

As one of the most significant manufacturers of outboard motors, Yamaha invests enormous capacities in constant product development, taking equal care of each of its customers. In order to maintain the position of the leading brand in a market that is both large and diverse, their presence has to be visible, but also justified by the well-known Yamaha quality.

Bearing in mind that the competition never sleeps and that each future step requires an elaborate plan, Division Manager Marine Yamaha Motor Europe, Jan Koopmans, and the sales coordinator Romain Vicquery visited the Croatian distributor and representative of the Yamaha brand, TM Zagreb d.o.o., as well as a part of the service network on the Adriatic coast and several Croatian shipbuilders, in order to get an impression of the development potential in that specific area.

After intensive tours, they concluded that they had not been fully aware of certain trends in

the Adriatic, such as the growth of the segment of fast RIB boats for transporting passengers to remote islands or the market potential of the largest charter fleet and business in that sector. They are satisfied with the fact that the Croatian representative for Yamaha has put in a lot of e ort to provide fast and e cient customer service at all times, which is especially important for boaters and charterers in situations when they need aftersales support in the open sea or along the Adriatic ports that welcome many enthusiasts of this kind of lifestyle.

During his visit to Yamaha Center TM Zagreb, Koopmans pointed out that the impressions go beyond merely positive, but he also presented several interesting points of view on the current situation and the years to come. Although the American market is dominant when it comes to powerful outboard engines, the demand in Europe is growing rapidly, and the strong growth is noted everywhere, including the Croatian market. At the same time, the demand within the segment of smaller engines up to 25 HP is also growing. According to the data so far, Italy has replaced the Scandinavian countries in the position of the leading market for powerful outboard motors in Europe, and Croatia is largely the destination where Italian boaters go sailing, therefore Croatia itself also records multi-year growth in this segment.

We believe that this visit and positive impressions will contribute to even better and more productive cooperation in the area of the Adriatic coast, but also to the additional strengthening of the Yamaha after-sales and service network, which, along with a competitive product, creates an advantage that is crucial to stability of the brand.

Vesti/News | Jan/Feb 2023 36


Beosound Emerge

Proširite svoje muzičko iskustvo, bez kompromisa po pitanju ambijenta. Kao optimalan izbor za manje životne prostore i uzana mesta, ovaj kuć ni zvučnik napravljen je sa ciljem da isporučuje moć an zvuk čak i kada je skriven

Dizajniran u saradnji sa Bendžaminom Hubertom iz dizajnerske kuće LAYER, Beosound Emerge je svestrani zvučnik inspirisan kompaktnom formom knjige. Izrađen je od vrhunskih materijala, kao što su biserno peskareni aluminijum, prirodni hrast i besprekorno ispletena tkanina, koju potpisuje firma Kvadrat. Svaki element je pažljivo odabran zbog svojih performansi, estetike i kvaliteta teksture. Crpeći inspiraciju iz profesionalno dizajniranih i harmoničnih enterijera, Beosound Emerge je rezultat savršenog balansa elegancije i lepote prirodnih materijala. Pored vizuelnog i zvučnog, Beosound Emerge predstavlja i taktilno iskustvo. Njegov korisnički interfejs intuitivno je ugrađen na gornju površinu uređaja. Dugmići se mogu aktivirati laganim dodirima kojima korisnici mogu pauzirati muziku, menjati numere ili lako pristupati omiljenim radio stanicama i plejlistama.

Podešavanje jačine zvuka je jedinstveno iskustvo, kružnim pokretima prstom možete jednostavno utišavati ili pojačavati muziku za glatku i senzornu interakciju.


Posvećenost kompanije Bang & Olufsen stvaranju kućnog zvučnika, inspirisanog objektima iz enterijera, rezultirala je jedinstvenom konfiguracijom drajvera, koja pruža zvuk punog opsega iz tanušne forme. Da bi postigli ovakav nivo kvaliteta zvuka, projektanti su blisko sarađivali sa Bang & Olufsen-ovim inženjerima akustike. Izuzetno mali drajveri raspoređeni su sa ciljem da stvore najčistije audio iskustvo, bez obzira na okruženje u

kojem se nalaze. Niskotonac od 4 inča proizvodi niske frekvencije u svim pravcima, dok su kompaktni drajver srednjeg opsega od 1,45 inča i visokotonac od 0,6 inča pozicionirani na vrhu za maksimalne rezultate.


Predanost Bang & Olufsen-a stvaranju kvalitetnih i unikatnih proizvoda, koji će trajati, primenjena je takođe i na Beosound Emerge uređaj. Zvučnik je modularno projektovan, što omogućava pristup novom Bang & Olufsen zamenljivom modulu za povezivanje, koji je prethodno predstavljen na Beosound Level uređaju. Modul je napravljen tako da ima dovoljno procesorske snage, te sa modernim tehnologijama povezivanja, kako bi mogao da pruži vrhunske performanse i u godinama koje dolaze. Ako današnja tehnologija povezivanja i striminga ikada zastari, modul se može zameniti najnovijim verzijama, čime će zvučnik uvek biti u korak sa vremenom.


Beosound Emerge se može upariti sa ostalim Bang & Olufsen zvučnicima i tako pokriti svaki ugao doma nenadmašnim stereo zvukom. Savršeno se uklapa sa Beoplay A9, Beosound Balance ili bilo kojim Bang & Olufsen zvučnikom koji poseduje funkciju uparivanja.



Beosound Emerge podržava Apple Airplay 2, Chromecast i ima ugrađen radio uređaj i mikrofon za glasovnu kontrolu. Puštajte muziku i informišite se o najnovijim vestima pomoću Google Assistant-a. | Jan/Feb 2023 39

Designed in collaboration with Benjamin Hubert from the experience design agency LAYER, Beosound Emerge is a versatile speaker inspired by the compact form factor of a book. Cra ed using premium materials, such as precision cut, pearl-blasted aluminium, natural oak and seamlessly knitted textile from Kvadrat. Each element is chosen for its performance properties, aesthetics and special textural qualities. Drawing inspiration from curated and harmonious indoor spaces, Beosound Emerge is the manifestation of the perfect balance between elegance and natural beauty.

Beosound Emerge is a tactile experience as well as a visual and aural one. Its user interface is intuitively incorporated into the top of the product. The buttons can be activated through so touch where users can pause music and change track or easily access favourite radio stations and playlists. The volume adjustment is a unique experience, enabling a circular motion to adjust up or down for a smooth and sensory interaction.


Bang & Olufsen’s dedication to creating a home speaker inspired by interior objects has resulted in a unique loud-

speaker driver configuration that enables a full-range sound experience from a slender form. To achieve this level of acoustic quality, the designers worked in close collaboration with the Bang & Olufsen’s acoustic engineers. Exceptionally small drivers have been specially arranged to create a full-range audio experience that enhances clarity, no matter the environment. The 4” woofer produces omnidirectional low frequencies no matter where it is pointing, while the compact 1.45” mid-range driver and 0.6” tweeter are arranged at the top for maximum impact.


Bang & Olufsen’s commitment to longevity across its product portfolio is also prevalent in Beosound Emerge. The speaker has been modularly designed, providing access to Bang & Olufsen’s new replaceable connectivity module introduced in Beosound Level.

The module has been frontloaded with enough processing power and connectivity technology to receive new performance updates and features for years to come. If the connectivity and streaming technology ever becomes outdated, the module can be replaced with the latest technology updates, future proofing the speaker.


Beosound Emerge can be added to Bang & Olufsen’s Connected Speakers set up to deliver music throughout the home. Is the perfect accompaniment to Beoplay A9 or Beosound Balance or any of the Bang & Olufsen Connected Speakers.


Beosound Emerge supports Apple Airplay 2, Chromecast and features a built-in radio and microphone for voice control. Play music and check the news completely hands free with Google Assistant.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o. Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Predstavljamo/ Presenting | Jan/Feb 2023 40
Expand your music experience without compromising on space. An optimal choice for secondary living spaces and tight spots, this home speaker is designed to deliver powerful sound even when tucked away


Čamci/Boats Cap Camarat 10.5 CC
NAJVEĆA CENTRALNA KONZOLA U ASORTIMANU THE LARGEST CENTRAL CONSOLE IN THE RANGE Cap Camarat 10.5 CC se prilagođava svim željama! Bilo da sanjate o pecanju sa punom opremom ili o opuštajućem utočištu na sidru, novi vodeći model ove linije obećava nezaboravne trenutke sreće sa porodicom i prijateljima The Cap Camarat 10.5 CC adapts to suit all preferences! Whether you are dreaming of a fully equipped fishing trip or a relaxing escape at anchor, the new flagship of the line promises unforgettable moments of happiness with family and friends | Jan/Feb 2023 43

Jeanneau predstavlja najveći model sa centralnom konzolom u svom Cap Camarat asortimanu, Cap Camarat 10.5 CC. Višenamenski čamac od 34 stope zasnovan je na projektu trupa Cap Camarat 10.5 WA Series 2, koji je projektovao Majkl Peters. Sa dubokim V trupom izuzetnih plovnih karakteristika, snažnim dvostrukim motorima, džojstikom i ergonomskom kormilarskom stanicom, uživaćete u dugim brzim vožnjama, udobno sedeći u savršenoj bezbednosti.


Dve platforme za kupanje, koje uokviruju motor, sadrže rukohvate za izlazak iz vode, dok su sa leve strane upotpunjene prolazom i merdevinama, za lakši pristup vodi. Pored toga, ponuđena je i mogućnost praktičnog podizanja ulova tokom ribolova. Kokpit je sa leve strane obezbeđen kapijom i nudi ugaonu klupu na desnoj i sedište na levoj strani, koje se može transformisati u ležaj za sunčanje. Svi elementi su lako sklopivi, kako bi se kokpit oslobodio za nautičke aktivnosti ili ribolov.


U naslonu se nalazi potpuno opremljena kuhinja sa frižiderom, roštiljem i korisnim sandukom za skladištenje žive ribe. U pramcu, kokpit nudi tri sedišta sa centralnom pozicijom za kormilara. T-Top sa svojim zaštitnim vetrobranskim staklom je standardno ugrađen i opremljen držačima za štapove. Dodatno su dostupne tekstilne zaštite od sunca za oba kokpita. Cirkulacija se odvija na istom nivou oko konzole.


Prednji kokpit u pramcu poseduje klupu u obliku slova U, kao i duplu sofu sa naslonima za ruke, koja se otvara i na taj način obezbeđuje ventilaciju u unutrašnjosti. Prednja paluba se takođe pretvara u dodatni prostor za sunčanje.


U unutrašnjosti, svetli otvoreni ambijent nudi iznenađujući prostor. Pustite da vas ljulja ritam talasa u četiri udobna ležaja: salon se pretvara u prednji ležaj, toalet je opremljen odvojenim tušem, a atraktivna dupla kabina u krmi upotpunjuje ovaj vodeći model.


Cap Camarat 10.5 CC pokreću dva vanbrodska motora od 300 ili 425 konjskih snaga svaki, kojima se upravlja pomoću džojstika.

Jeanneau presents the largest center console model in its Cap Camarat range, the 10.5 CC. This 34-foot boat is based on the hull of the Cap Camarat 10.5 WA Series 2 designed by Michaël Peters and is intended for a multipurpose program. With its V-shaped hull design, powerful twin engines, with joystick, and ergonomic helm station, you will enjoy long fast runs, comfortably seated and in perfect safety.


The two bathing platforms framing the engine are equipped with handrails for climbing back on board, and completed on the port side by an accommodation door, also equipped with a bathing ladder for swimming. It also facilitates the li ing of catches during fishing. The cockpit is secured on the port side by a gate and o ers an L-shaped bench seat on the starboard side and a bench seat on the port side that can be transformed into a sunbathing area. All of them can be folded down to clear the cockpit for nautical activities or fishing.


The leaning-post houses a fully equipped galley with refrigerator, grill and livewell to store fish. In the bow, the cockpit o ers three seats with a central position for the pilot. The T-Top with its protective windshield is installed as standard and is equipped with rod holders. Additional shade cloths are available to protect the two cockpits from the sun. The circulation on board is carried out on the same level around the console.


The forward cockpit features a U-shaped bench seat in the bow and a double sofa with armrests on the console. The latter opens to provide interior ventilation. The front deck also converts to an additional sunbathing area.


On the interior, a bright, open living space offers surprising volume. Let yourself be rocked by the rhythm of the waves in four comfortable berths: the saloon transforms into a forward berth, the head compartment is equipped with a separate shower, and an attractive double a cabin completes this flagship.


Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) ATV & Nautički centar Savska
50 890
99 Mail: | Jan/Feb 2023 44
The Cap Camarat 10.5 CC has two outboard motors of 300 or 425 horsepower each, which are operated by a joystick.
2a, Ostružnica,
+381 11 73
/ +381 63 35 99 /

Key Largo 24 sa vanbrodskim motorom brodogradilišta Sessa Marine je kompaktan, ali kompletan i brz čamac koji pleni pojavom i razbija "nautičke" klišee, delimično zahvaljujući novim šemama boja za trup.

Lako prenosiv pomoću prikolice, pravi je izbor za široke otvorene prostore i maštovita rešenja, čime nastavlja i poboljšava nivo prethodnih Key Largo plovila u smislu udobnosti i funkcionalnosti. Dovoljno je videti prostranu palubu za sunčanje na pramcu, upotpunjenu ležaljkom u kokpitu i setom jastučića ispunjenih penom sa zatvorenim ćelijama. Sa novim Key Largo 24, Sessa Marine predstavlja tržištu moćno plovilo otvorenog tipa, sa velikim prostorima pogodnim za one koji žele da uživaju u potpunom komforu bez žrtvovanja dizajna- i to na samo sedam metara!

Paluba je pažljivo osmišljena kako bi omogućila izvanrednu harmoniju prostora, definitivno inovativnu za plovilo ove veličine, sa kokpitom u kome se udobna sofa na krmi može pretvoriti u opuštajuće mesto za sunčanje. Prostrana pramčana površina koja nudi ogromnu podlogu za sunčanje zajedno sa ležaljkom, držačem za čaše, ali i prostorom za odlaganje bokobrana i velike sklopive tende, projektovana je da bude praktična i maksimalno upotrebljiva. Potpalublje ispunjava šarmantna kabina sa šankom (moguća ugradnja frižidera od 42 l), bračnim krevetom i mestom za električni toalet.

Key Largo 24 outboard of Sessa Marine is a compact but complete and fast boat which wants to get itself noticed; partly thanks to the new colour schemes for the hull, breaking the »nautical« clichés. Key Largo 24 is trailer transportable and just right for wide open spaces and imaginative solutions, continuing and improving the levels of comfort and habitability of the preceding Key Largo vessels; it is enough to see the spacious sun-deck at the prow, complemented with a chaise longue in the cockpit area and a set of cushions with closed cells.

With the new Key Largo 24, Sessa Marine wins a new challenge: offering the market a compact open boat with large spaces suitable for those who want to enjoy every comfort without sacrificing design.

The Key Largo 24 offers extreme comfort in as little as 7 meters. The deck has been carefully studied to offer a remarkable and tremendous space harmony, definitely innovative for a vessel of this size, as for example: the versatility of the cockpit where the comfortable stern cockpit sofa can turn into a relaxing sunbathing area. The spacious bow area offering a huge sunpad together with chaise longue, glass holder and plenty of storage for fenders and the large folding bimini top, designed to be practical, and friendly to use, easily stored away.

Lowerdeck offers a charming cabin with bar unit ready to accommodate a 42L refrigerator, queen size bed and position for an electric flush toilet.


Čamac je opremljen svim jastučićima (koji su vodootporni i otporni na UV zračenje), unutrašnjim i spoljnim, rezervoarima za vodu (45l) i gorivo (271l), teleskopskim merdevinama za ulazak u vodu, hidrauličnim sistemom upravljanja motorom, automatskom kaljužnom pumpom, navigacionim svetlima, itd. Unutrašnjost je u potpunosti od hrastovine sa bračnim krevetom i ugradnim stolom. Tu je i mesto za frižider i, kao što je već pomenuto, za električni brodski toalet.


The boat is equipped with all cushions (which are waterproof and UV resistant), both internal and external, water tanks (45l) and fuel (271l), telescopic ladder for entering the water, hydraulic engine management system, automatic bilge pump, navigation lights, etc. The interior is entirely made of oak with a double bed and a built-in table. There is also a place for a refrigerator and, as already mentioned, an electric marine toilet. | Jan/Feb 2023 47


Pramčani roler

Pramčana ploča od nerđajućeg čelika Mesto od tikovine za odlaganje sidra

Kompletna vodootporna i anti-UV podloga Klupa sa pristupom mestu za sistem instalacija na krmi Merdevine za vodu Bočni prostor za odlaganje sa tušem Bočni prostor za odlaganje držača štapova za pecanje Držači štapova za pecanje (2) Sklopiva tenda


Trodimenzionalna kontrolna tabla u srebrnoj boji Kompas Kožom obloženi volan od nerđajućeg čelika Odvojeno sportsko kormilarsko i kopilotsko sedište


Hrastovina u unutrašnjosti kabine i na podu Bočni otvori na trupu Bračni krevet sa mestom za odlaganje i sto sa stolicama Prostor za električni brodski toalet Nameštaj sa frižiderom Mreža za držanje predmeta

Tehničke specifikacije

Dužina: 6,90 m

Dužina prema EC sertifikaciji: 6,80 m Širina: 2,50 m Težina: 1660 kg

Maksimalna snaga motora: 184kw (250 KS)

Rezervoar za gorivo: 270 l Rezervoar za vodu: 145 l Maksimalan broj osoba: 8 Broj ležajeva: 2


Bow roller

S/S bow plate

Teak anchor storage

Complete waterproof and anti-UV hupolstery Bench with access to stern installation system storage

Bathing ladder

Side storage with shower

Side fi shing rod holders storage

Fishing rod holders (2)

Disappearing bimini


Three-dimensional dashboard in silver colour


S/S leather steering wheel

Separeted sporty pilot and co-pilot seats


Oak inside cabin and fl oor


Double bed with storages underneath and table arrangement

Electric marine wc storage

Furniture with refrigerator storage Objects holder net

Tehnical specifications

Length: 6.90 m

Length EC Certifying: 6.80 m Width: 2.50 m Weight: 1660 kg

Maximum engine power: 184kw (250 hp)

Fuel tank: 270 l Water tank: 145 l Maximum number of persons: 8 No. beds: 2

Plovilo je dostupno u prodajno-servisnom centru MOTO-NAUTIKA (Ptujska c. 63, Miklavž na Dravskom polju).


Stručno kvalifi kovani konsultanti dostupni su za sva ostala plovila i informacije putem imejla: ili na broj telefona 00386 31 300 205.

Pozivamo vas da pogledate kompletnu ponudu plovila na lageru na adresi:

The vessel is available at the MOTO-NAUTIKA sales and service center (Ptujska c. 63, Miklavž na Dravskem polju).


Professionally qualifi ed consultants are available for all other vessels and information via email: , or via phone number 00386 31 300 205. You are also invited to view the entire current stock of vessels at the address:

Moto-Nautika d.o.o. Ptujska c.63, 2204 Miklavž pri Mariboru, SLO +386(0)26290400

Čamci/Boats | Jan/Feb 2023 48
Jahte/Yachts Cranchi Sessantasette 67 ft PERFEKCIONIZAM NOVE GENERACIJE NEW GENERATION PERFECTIONISM Posle uspeha jahte Settantotto 78 ft, brodogradilište Cranchi Yachts predstavilo je novog člana svoje vodeće linije – Sessantasette 67 ft, flajbridž nepogrešivog italijanskog stila 50 | Jan/Feb 2023

Cranchi Sessantasette 67 ft

Dužina preko svega: 20.8 m

Širina preko svega: 5.4 m

Težina: 42000 kg Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 4000 l

Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 900 l

Kapacitet rezervoara za otpadnu tečnost: 500 l Broj osoba: 18

Projekat je realizovan u bliskoj saradnji između istraživačkog razvojnog centra brodogradilišta i Kristiana Grandea, kome je povereno umetničko vođenje. Dizajn novog Sessantasette inspirisan je pokretom, a odlikuju ga skladni oblici bez izraženih ivica koji prenose prirodan osećaj ravnoteže i moći. Fluidne rasplamsane linije koje se prepliću, ne predajući se minimalizmu, ovu jahtu čine vizuelno interesantnom.

Iza prefinjenih linija krije se prostran i pažljivo stilizovan enterijer koji je dostigao visok stepen perfekcije. Brojne površine za druženje i relaksaciju opremljene su elementima koji prevazilaze standarde kategorije ovog plovila. Tradicionalno opremljena trpezarija zamenjena je elegantnim stolom i udobnim foteljama, dok je ostatak prostora upotpunjen luksuznim nameštajem koji odiše toplinom doma. U donjoj palubi, u verziji sa tri kabine, glavni apartman sadrži veliku radnu sobu koja se može koristiti kao kancelarijski prostor. Poput ostalih površina i ona je bogato obasjana prirodnom sunčevom svetlošću.

Uzimajući najbolje od svog prethodnika, ovo plovilo poseduje implementirana izvanredna tehnološka rešenja i nudi visoke bezbednosne standarde, najbolja rešenja za stabilizaciju, ograničavanje potrošnje goriva i emisije štetnih gasova, smanjenje nivoa buke, kao i sisteme kućne automatizacije i zabave. Rafinisana kombinacija estetike i funkcionalnosti čini Sessantasette skladnom celinom u kojoj se može živeti i uživati. Upravo po tome je ovo italijansko brodogradilište čuveno.

Priča kompanije Crachi Yachts započela je pre 153 godine, izradom plovila za Evropljane koji su stigli do jezera Komo privučeni njegovom lepotom. Nasleđe Đovanija Krankija se prenosi s generacije na generaciju, a sa njim i vizija poslovanja. Danas se brodogradilište ubrzano razvija, asortiman se obnavlja iz sezone u sezonu. Poslednje u nizu iznenađenja je novi projekat - Sessantasette 67 ft CORSA. Reč „Corsa” na italijanskom znači „trka”, pa nam novi model i imenom obećava strast, visoke performanse i slobodu. Iz brodogradilišta su nam dodatno zagolicali maštu najavom da će nova jahta izazvati pravi „Gran Turismo” osećaj. Tokom sledećih meseci, dok jahta ne bude zvanično predstavljena, možemo računati da će nam Cranchi Yachts odati još po neku tajnu.

51 | Jan/Feb 2023

The project was realized in close cooperation between the shipyard's Research and Development Department and Christian Grande, who was entrusted with the art direction aspect. The design of the new Sessantasette is inspired by motion and characterized by harmonious forms without pronounced edges that convey a natural sense of balance and power. Fluid flared lines that intertwine, without yielding to minimalism, make this yacht visually interesting.

Hidden behind the refined lines is a spacious and carefully styled interior characterized by a high degree of perfection. Numerous areas for socializing and relaxation are equipped with elements that exceed the standards of this vessel's category. The traditionally furnished dining room has been replaced by an elegant table and comfortable armchairs, while the rest of the space is also completed with luxurious furniture, exuding the home-like warmth. The lower deck accommodates three cabins, and the master suite contains a large study that can be used as an o ce space. Like the other rooms, it is flooded with natural light.

Taking the best of its predecessor, this vessel has implemented outstanding technological solutions, o ering high safety standards, the best stabilization solutions, limiting fuel consumption and harmful gas emissions, reducing noise levels, as well as home automation and entertainment systems. This refined combination of aesthetics and functionality makes Sessantasette a harmonious unit that can be lived in and enjoyed. That is exactly what this Italian shipyard is famous for.

The story of Crachi Yachts began 153 years ago, with the creation of vessels for Europeans who arrived at Lake Como attracted by its beauty. The legacy of Giovanni Cranch is passed down from gen-

Cranchi Sessantasette

eration to generation, and along with it the vision of the business. Today, the shipyard is developing rapidly, the o er is renewed from season to season. The latest in a series of surprises is a new project - Sessantasette 67 ft CORSA. The word "Corsa" means "race" in Italian, so the new model promises passion, high performance and freedom even in its name. The shipyard further tickled our imagination with the announcement that the new yacht will evoke a real "Gran Turismo" feeling. During the following months, until the yacht is o cially presented, we can count on Cranchi Yachts to reveal more secrets.

GOGA Yachting Club

Save Kovačevića 4e - II prilaz, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača Tel: +381 11 3317317, +381 11 2710052

E-mail: Web:

Following the success of the Settantotto 78 ft yacht, Cranchi Yachts has introduced a new member of its flagship line – the Sessantasette 67 ft, a flybridge with unmistakable Italian style
52 | Jan/Feb 2023
Overall length: 20.8 m Overall beam: 5.4 m Displacement: 42000 kg Fuel tank capacity: 4000 l Water tank capacity: 900 l Waste water tank capacity: 500 l Number of persons: 18


Jahte/Yachts GRANDE | Jan/Feb 2023 54

Porinuće modela Grande 27M 2018. godine bio je ogroman uspeh brodogradilišta Azimut, kako za javnost tako i za tržište, te je postao i reper u svojoj kategoriji. Danas, Azimut predstavlja Grande 26M, inspirisan željom da ponovo zadivi dizajnerskim rešenjima predviđenim za superjahte, ali ovog puta na plovilu od samo 26 metara, kao i uvođenjem inovativnog pogonskog sistema za smanjenje potrošnje goriva i emisije CO2 za 20%.

Kada se odnosi na jahtu, termin „super“ identifikuje specifične odlike koje Grande 26M isporučuje kroz pametne izbore dizajna, ispunjavajući očekivanja zahtevnih vlasnika u smislu iskustva na brodu: pet kabina, uključujući vlasnički apartman u punoj širini na glavnoj palubi, i potpuno odvojene tokove gostiju i posade. Ove specifične karakteristike i ogroman flajbridž – 50 m2 sve na istom nivou – nikada ranije nisu viđene na jahti ove veličine.

Deck2Deck™ terasa, prva takve vrste, odaje priznanje snazi ideja i stručnosti koje su doneli Azimutovi inženjeri. Ona se formira podizanjem garažnih vrata obloženih tikovinom kako bi se veličina kokpita proširila na preko 18 m2. U trpezariji na otvorenom, kružni sto, kada je proširen, može da primi do osam gostiju koji će uživati u pogledu na vodu.

Kreativni pristup dizajnu ogleda se i u unutrašnjosti, a posebno u strateškom izboru delimično podignute kormilarnice, koja je zajedno sa manjom mašinskom prostorijom kao rezultatom inovativnog Large POD pogona i lake nadgradnje od ugljeničnih vlakana, omogućila dizajneru enterijera Salvanjiju (Achile Salvagni) mnoštvo prostora za izražavanje svoje vizije organske arhitekture, gde su elementi u potpunoj harmoniji sa prirodnim okruženjem. Meki oblici i tople nijanse imitiraju morsko okruženje koje se uočava kroz ogromne prozore na glavnoj palubi i u vlasničkom apartmanu. Akcenti u boji u različitim postavkama deluju kao razigrani diskretni elementi sa kojima Salvanji budi maštu: kobaltno plava sofa i viseća lampa iznad trpezarijskog stola, narandžasti sto za kafu, upečatljivi hromatski detalji unutar kabina. Hrastov pod je savršen za enterijer, dočaravajući toplinu tikovine, dok daske položene pod uglom od 45 stepeni daju utisak još šireg prostora. Najatraktivnija je vlasnička kabina na glavnoj palubi koja preplavljena svetlošću kroz dve zastakljene površine predstavlja jedinstvenu karakteristiku na tržištu. Salvanjijeva ideja bila je da se preispita prostor u apartmanu, kontaminirajući postavke kako bi se ponudila veća dubina: kabina i kupatilo su povezani otvorenim toaletnim pro-

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 56

storom, osvetljenim prirodnim svetlom koje ulazi kroz prozore u obliku ćelije. Isti oblik se pojavljuje i u rukohvatu ugrađenom u zid koji vodi do podignute kormilarnice. Umetnost je u detaljima!


Azimut više od deset godina ulaže u istraživanje kako bi razvio inovativna rešenja koja smanjuju uticaj svojih plovila na životnu sredinu i bio je prvi brend koji je verovao u POD pogonske sisteme. Oslanjajući se na svoje veliko iskustvo, razvio je novi pogonski sistem Large POD 4600 za Grande 26M u partnerstvu sa ZF. Sistem, u kombinaciji sa 30% lakšom nadgradnjom postignutom širokom upotrebom ugljeničnih vlakana, ostvaruje 20% manju potrošnju goriva pri najčešćim brzinama.

Ovi procenti su postignuti bez ugrožavanja performansi i danas su bez premca na tržištu. POD-ovi se okreću, eliminišući potrebu za kormilom i povezanim otporom da bi se postigle nenadmašne performanse za manevrisanje i postizanje velikih brzina, a Grande 26M bez napora ubrzava do 28 čvorova. U poređenju sa POD sistemima koji su već dostupni na tržištu, novi ZF POD 4600 je po prvi put razvijen za povećanje efikasnosti na većim jahtama, sa maksimalnim

brzinama između 20 i 30 čvorova. Dodatna prednost sistema je i veći obrtni moment u malim brzinama za lakše manevrisanje. Sistem je Hybrid Ready, jer je budućnost Azimuta održiva. Grande 26M se pridružuje Azimutovoj floti jahti sa niskim emisijama, koja sada čini više od polovine modela brenda. Ova plovila garantuju smanjenje potrošnje goriva za 20 do 30% , a samim tim i emisije CO2, u poređenju sa ekvivalentnim modelima osovinskih linija sa tvrdim trupovima. Rezultat je postignut kombinovanjem tri ključna faktora: usvajanjem inovativnih pogonskih sistema; razvojem sve efikasnijih trupova, prilagođenih izazovima misije svake serije; i širokom upotrebom ugljeničnih vlakana za smanjenje težine. | Jan/Feb 2023 57

The launch of the Grande 27M in 2018 was such a success for Azimut, both with the public and the market, that the model became a benchmark in the category. Today, Azimut presents the Grande 26M, inspired by the desire to amaze again by o ering solutions designed for superyachts on a 26-meter boat and introducing an innovative propulsion system to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 20%.

When it refers to a yacht, the term ‘super’ identifies specific characteristics, which the Grande 26M delivers through smart design choices that reflect the expectations of demanding owners in terms of the onboard experience: 5 cabins, including the full-beam owner’s suite on the main deck, and completely separated guest and crew flows. These distinctive features and the huge flybridge – 50m2 all on the same level – have never been seen before on a yacht this size.

The Deck2Deck™ Terrace, the first of its kind created using a transom extension system that pays tribute to the power of the ideas and expertise brought to bear by Azimut’s engineers.

The Deck2Deck™ Terrace is formed by raising the teak-clad garage door to expand the size of the cockpit to over 18m2. The walkaround table, when extended, seats up to eight guests in an al fresco dining room with a view out over the water.

The creative design approach behind the Grande 26M is also reflected in the interiors, and particularly in the strategic choice of a partially raised wheelhouse, which, taken together with the smaller engine room resulting from the innovative Large POD propulsion system and the light carbon fiber superstructure - meaning more volume for the same weight - o ers interior designer Achille Salvagni plenty of space to express his vision of organic architecture, in which the elements created by the designer are in complete harmony with the natural environment.

The shapes and hues are soft and warm like the marine environment seen through the huge full-height windows on the main deck and in the owner’s suite. Color accents in various settings on the yacht act as playful but discreet elements with which Salvagni sparks the imagination: the cobalt blue of the sofa and the suspended lamp over the dining table, the orange co ee table, the eye-catching chromatic details inside the cabins. The oak floor is perfect for interiors, conjuring up the warmth of teak, while the boards laid at a 45-degree angle give the impression of even wider spaces.

The star of the show is the owner’s cabin on the main deck, which is flooded with light through the two full-height glazed surfaces and represents a unique feature in this market segment. Salvagni’s idea is to rethink the spaces in the suite, contaminating the settings to o er greater depth: the cabin and bathroom are connected by

THE NEW LOW EMISSION YACHT FROM AZIMUT Azimut has been investing in research for over ten years to develop innovative solutions that reduce the environmental impact of its boats and was the first brand to believe in POD propulsion systems. Drawing on its extensive experience, the Yard developed the new Large POD 4600 propulsion system for the Grande 26M in partnership with ZF. The system, combined with a 30% lighter superstructure achieved through the extensive use of carbon fiber, delivers 20% lower fuel consumption at the most frequent speeds. These percentages are unmatched on the market today and have been achieved without compromising performance. The PODs pivot, eliminating the need for a rudder and the associated drag to achieve unrivalled performance for maneuvering and reaching high speeds, and the Grande 26M accelerates e ortlessly to 28 knots. Compared with the POD systems already available on the market, the new ZF POD 4600 system was developed to increase e ciency on larger boats for the first time, with top speeds between 20 and 30 knots. An additional benefit of the system is higher torque at low speeds for easier maneuvering. The system is Hybrid Ready, because the future of Azimut is sustainable.

The Grande 26M joins Azimut’s fleet of Low Emission Yachts, which now includes more than half the brand’s models. These boats guarantee a 20 to 30% reduction in fuel consumption, and therefore CO2 emissions, compared with equivalent shaft line models with hard-chine hulls. This result has been achieved by combining three key factors: the adoption of innovative propulsion systems; the development of increasingly e cient hulls, tailored to master the challenges of each Series’ mission; and extensive use of carbon fiber to reduce weight.

an open dressing area, lit by natural light entering through original cell-shaped windows featuring curved, flowing lines, in another mini masterpiece of organic design. The same shape also appears in the handrail incorporated in the wall leading to the raised wheelhouse. The art is in the details!
Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 58
AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER: Azimut Yachts Croatia-Serbia-Slovenia Navis Marine d.o.o. in partnership with BM Premium Yachting 2020 d.o.o. Zrenjaninski put 11, Beograd, +381 11 413 444 / +381 66 800 2030

52 FLY


Izvanredan po svojoj tehnologiji, projektu i performansama, 52 FLY je savršen primer pravca brodogradilišta Absolute: istraživanje novih ruta i navigacija do sledećeg nivoa udobnosti

Remarkable in her technology, design and performance, the 52 FLY is the perfect expression of Absolute’s direction: exploring new routes and navigating to the next level of comfort

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ABSOLUTE | Jan/Feb 2023 61

Najnoviji model u flajbridž liniji, 52 FLY, predstavlja zaista revolucionarnu jahtu. Zahvaljujući najsavremenijem projektu i inženjeringu brodogradilišta Absolute, 52 FLY dokazuje sposobnost ovog brenda da stvori izuzetan životni prostor u kompaktnijim dimenzijama. To je zaista inovativno delo brodske arhitekture, zadivljujući izuzetak čak i u ovom posebno kompetitivnom delu tržišta. Ključna reč za novi model je „pravac“, koji ukazuje na namere kompanije Absolute — revolucionarni pravac za tržište i inovativna referentna tačka za ceo njihov sektor.


52 FLY spaja dve postojeće jahte iz svoje porodice, modele 60 FLY i 56 FLY, uspešno ugrađujući očaravajuće detalje u površinu od 52 stope. Nova jahta nudi sve prostore koji su postali zaštitni znak Absolute asortimana: flajbridž sa krmenom terasom, prostranu terasu povezanu sa salonom i kuhinjom, pramčanu palubu sa garniturom za sedenje, stolom i ležaljkom, glavnu kabinu pune širine u pramcu, dve dvokrevetne gostinske kabine u sredini broda i višenamensku kabinu za posadu.


– omogućio je modelu 52 FLY neometan pogled na morsko okruženje. Spoljni prostori su oplemenjeni prepoznatljivim Absolute modularnim nameštajem, koji se po potrebi može razmeštati i prilagoditi svakoj prilici. Svi enterijeri i eksterijeri su projektovani za optimalan nivo komfora, uz najmanju moguću upotrebu stepenica, sa šankom na flajbridžu i frižiderom pune visine sa zasebnim zamrzivačem u kuhinji.


Završni radovi su na najvišem nivou. Salonski plafon ima kružni motiv sa ugradnim LED osvetljenjem, dok su oplate i nameštaj izrađeni od prirodnog drveta svetlih boja, sa kožnim ukrasnim detaljima. Kuhinja, direktno povezana sa kokpitom, ima sve što je potrebno čak i najzahtevnijim kuvarima, a uključuje i prostranu ostavu, što je neuobičajeno za ovu kategoriju jahti.

Absolute 52 FLY će biti lansiran na proleće, 2023. godine. Dođite i otkrijte ga na Sajmu nautike u Veneciji, od 31. maja do 4. juna 2023. godine

Projekat koji karakterišu otvoreni bočni prolazi, zastakljena balustrada na krmi terase kokpita, trokrilna klizna vrata salona i ogromni prozori – čija veličina daleko premašuje širinu kod mnogo većih jahti

Glavna kabina, pune širine i izdašnih dimenzija, smeštena je u pramcu, a karakterišu je prostrani bračni krevet, prohodni prolazi, visoki plafoni, dovoljno prostora za odlaganje stvari i predivan pogled na more, omogućen ugradnjom izuzetno velikih prozora.

VIP kabina na sredini broda se u svakom pogledu može smatrati za drugu glavnu kabinu i pravo je iznenađenje zbog svog luksuza i prostranosti. Treća kabina za goste ima električni sistem, ugrađen u okviru standardne opreme, za laku transformaciju iz dva odvojena ležaja u bračni krevet. Pored toga, tu je i praktična kabina za posadu sa pristupom sa krmene platforme, što garantuje potpunu privatnost.

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 62


Ukupna dužina 16,76 m

Širina 4,67 m

Kapacitet sveže vode 650 l (kapacitet bojlera uključen)

Kapacitet goriva 1.800 l

Maksimalni kapacitet osoba: 14

Kategorija: B

Motori: Volvo Penta-2×D8-IPS800 (2×441 KW)


Total Length 16.76 m

Beam 4.67 m

Fresh water capacity 650 l (water heater capacity included)

Fuel capacity 1.800 l

Max people capacity: 14

Category: B Engines: Volvo Penta-2×D8-IPS800 (2×441 KW)


Kormilarske stanice projektovane su za optimalnu vidljivost. Glavno kormilo ima lak pristup bočnoj palubi preko zgodno postavljenih vrata, a udobnost kapetana obezbeđena je funkcionalnom ergonomijom. Upravljačka stanica se sastoji od uobičajeno sveobuhvatne opreme koju ugrađuje Absolute, sa svim sistemima na brodu koji se nadgledaju i kontrolišu sa kormila opremljenog raznim vrstama vlaknastih ploča srednje gustine.


Pažnja koju Absolute posvećuje održivosti ogleda se u električnim, vertikalno kliznim prozorima, koji obezbeđuju prirodnu ventilaciju i ostavljaju mogućnost isključivanja klima uređaja. Pored toga, opcioni solarni paneli u čvrstom krovu flajbridža pružaju ugodan boravak na sidru, bez zujanja generatora, i omogućavaju dovoljno energije za sve što je potrebno za divno proveden dan. | Jan/Feb 2023 63

52 FLY is the latest model in the Flybridge range, and it is a truly revolutionary yacht. By means of Absolute’s stateof-the-art design and engineering, the 52 FLY presents the brand’s extraordinary liveability in this more compact dimension. It is a truly innovative work of marine architecture, a dazzling highlight even in this particularly crowded area of the market. Its keyword “direction” indicates Absolute’s intentions for the new 52 FLY: a ground-breaking direction for the market and an innovative point of reference for the entire sector.


The 52 FLY joins the two existing yachts in this family, the 60 FLY and 56 FLY, and it successfully incorporates all the enchanting details of those larger versions into the new 52-foot yacht. It offers all the spaces that have become hallmarks of Absolute’s range, such as a flybridge with a stern terrace, a spacious cockpit terrace linked to the saloon and galley, foredeck with settee, table and sunbed, full-beam master cabin in the bows, two guest doubles midships, and a versatile crew cabin.



Finish is at the highest levels throughout. The saloon ceiling features a circular motif with recessed LED lighting. Panelling and furniture are in light-coloured natural timber throughout, with leather trim. The galley, seamlessly linked to the cockpit, has everything that even the most demanding chefs need, and it includes a spacious pantry, unusual in this category of yachts.

The full-beam master cabin positioned in the bows is generouslysized, with a large double bed surrounded by lots of walk-around room, high ceilings, ample storage space, and wonderful sea views provided by the exceptionally large windows.


will be launched in spring 2023. Come and discover it at the Venice Boat Show from May 31st to June 4th, 2023

With its open gunwale design, glazed balustrade at the stern of the cockpit terrace, a three-leaf sliding saloon door and the vast windows – whose width far exceeds that of much larger yachts – the 52 FLY privileges unimpeded views of the marine setting.

The outdoor spaces are accessorised with Absolute’s signature modular furniture, which can be rearranged to suit the occasion. All the interiors and exteriors are designed for optimum comfort, with the minimum possible use of steps, a bar unit on the flybridge, and a fullheight refrigerator with a separate freezer in the galley.

The VIP cabin midships is in every way comparable to a second master cabin, a true surprise for its luxury and space. The third guest cabin has an electrical system, fitted as standard, for easy transformation from twin berths to double bed. In addition, there is a practical crew cabin with access from the stern platform for complete privacy.


The helm stations were designed for optimum visibility. The main helm has easy access to the side deck by means of an appropriatelypositioned door, and the captain’s comfort is ensured by functional ergonomics.

Instrumentation comprises Absolute’s habitually comprehensive equipment, with all on-board systems monitored and controlled from the helm fitted with multiple MFDs.


Absolute’s attention to sustainability can be seen from the electrically-controlled vertically-sliding windows which can provide natural ventilation, leaving the air-conditioning switched off if desired. In addition, the optional solar panels in the flybridge hard top make it possible to stay at anchor in a peaceful bay without the hum of a generator, by providing sufficient energy for everything necessary for a blissful day, from entertainment to refrigerators and other amenities. Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 91 6001 137, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 64
Absolute FLY


Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 66

Novi flajbridž model brodogradilišta Ferretti, sa inovativnim projektnim rešenjima i superiornom tehnologijom, predstavlja harmoniju stilskih i arhitektonskih elemenata. Udobnost je izvanredna, sa snažnim fokusom na dobrobit i relaksaciju gostiju, optimizaciju prostora i izuzetne performanse - a sve to u elegantnom Made in Italy stilu, koji je oduvek bio definicija ovog brenda

Sa ukupnom dužinom od 26,95 metara i maksimalnom širinom od 6,22 metara, Ferretti Yachts 860 plod je saradnje između Strateškog komiteta za proizvode, kojim predsedava Pjero Ferari, i inženjerskog odeljenja Ferretti grupe, uz spoljni dizajn koji potpisuje arhitekta Filipo Salveti i enterijere koje je osmislilo studio Ideaeitalia.


Udobnost, praktičnost, privatnost i elegancija karakterišu celokupnu krmenu oblast. Kokpit i plažni deo predstavljaju prostor od preko 30 kvadratnih metara, koji svojim konceptom i dizajnom nudi neprevaziđen panoramski pogled.

Vrata glavnog salona mogu se potpuno otvoriti, bilo na električni pogon ili ručno, kako bi se obezbedio maksimalan kontinuitet između prostranih, svetlom ispunjenih unutrašnjih i spoljašnjih prostora. Ugodan kokpit opremljen je sa dve sofe okrenute jedna prema drugoj i stolom koji dočekuje do osam osoba dok šank na levoj strani upotpunjuje ambijent i nudi savršene uslove za večeru na otvorenom i dragocene trenutke druženja.

Dnevni boravak od 11 kvadratnih metara, smešten u prednjem delu, svojim rasporedom odaje utisak mnogo većeg prostora, a sve zahvaljujući duploj sofi sa centralno postavljenim rukohvatom i ugrađenim držačima za čaše, kauču na razvlačenje sa naslonom i elegantnim stočićem od tikovine u sredini.

Područje uz vodu odlikuju izdašne i udobne površine. Ključna karakteristika i veliki plus u ovom tržišnom segmentu jeste garaža, prostranija nego kod ostatka asortimana, koja može da primi dve igračke za more, džet-ski i Williams Jet 395 pomoćni čamac, sa direktnim porinućem u vodu koje se sprovodi spuštanjem plažnog dela i kreiranjem podvodne platforme.

FERRETTI YACHTS 860 Dužina preko svega: 26,95 m Dužina trupa: 23,96 m Maksimalna širina: 6,22 m Gaz: 2,08 m Istisnina bez tereta: 72000 kg Istisnina sa teretom: 82000 kg Gorivo: 7000 l Voda: 1400 l Broj osoba: 20 Motor: MAN V12 2000/MAN V12 1800 Maksimalna brzina: 32 čvora / 28 čvorova Brzina krstarenja: 27 čvorova / 24 čvora FERRETTI YACHTS 860 LOA: 26.95 m LH: 23.96 m Max beam: 6.22 m Draft: 2.08 m Unladen displacement: 72000 kg Laden displacement: 82000 kg Fuel: 7000 l Water: 1400 l People on board: 20 Engine: MAN V12 2000/MAN V12 1800 Max speed: 32 kn/28 kn Cruise speed: 27 kn/24 kn | Jan/Feb 2023 67


Flajbridž nudi gostima površinu od 44 kvadratna metra i do njega se dolazi stepenicama od tikovine specijalno projektovanim za lako penjanje. Uz veliki multifunkcionalni šank, trpezariju za osam osoba i, po prvi put na Ferretti Yachts, opcionu džakuzi kadu na krmi, flajbridž se može opremiti samostojećim elementima po želji. Apsolutnu udobnost garantuje dvobojni čvrsti krov dostupan u tri različite konfiguracije: fiksno staklo, staklo koje se otvara ili trakasti zaklon od sunca.


Upečatljivim dizajnom enterijera dominiraju harmonične linije i nekoliko istaknutih karakteristika, poput spiralnog stepeništa koje kao težište prostornog rasporeda vodi do donje palube, samostojećeg nameštaja i izraženih geometrijskih krivina inspirisanim pravcem art deko, koje stvaraju savršenu sintezu sofisticiranog, ali svedenog dizajna.

Raznovrsnost enterijera ostavlja vlasniku dovoljno izbora da dizajnira sopstveno iskustvo na brodu. Mešavina stilova i trendova postala je izrazita odlika novih Ferretti Yachts modela i koncepta „Just Like Home” koji znači udobnost, italijanski stil, vanvremenski dizajn i vrhunsko umeće izrade. Takođe je vredno naglasiti unapređenje stilskih karakteristika i dominaciju arhitektonskih detalja oličenih kroz konstrukcijske i unutrašnje elemente dizajna.

Glavni salon (preko 27 kvadratnih metara) u potpunosti koristi prednosti kontinuiteta između spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg prostora, sa prozorima od poda do plafona na obe strane trupa i izborom između dva rasporeda: kuhinja otvorenog tipa ili sa pregradom koja je odvaja od dnevnog boravka. Ferretti Yachts 860 je dostupan u klasičnom i savremenom stilu, pri čemu prvi ima tamnije, toplije boje i upečatljive kontraste, a drugi je sa svetlijim, hladnijim bojama koje karakterišu kombinovane nijanse iste boje do potpuno bele.

Veliki i izuzetno opuštajući dnevni boravak poseduje samostojeći nameštaj i udobnu garnituru za sedenje, na kojima gosti mogu da uživaju, ali i prostor namenski projektovan za ekran od 75 inča. Prelepa svetlošću ispunjena trpezarija sadrži sto za osam osoba i veliku kliznu zastakljenu površinu sa pogledom na levu stranu palube. Bilo da je deo otvorenog prostora sa glavnim salonom ili odvojena od njega pregradom (u zavisnosti od verzije koju odabere vlasnik), kuhinji se može pristupiti iznutra ili spolja. Veličanstveno spiralno stepenište vodi do donje palube, dok vrata omogućavaju pristup servisnim prostorijama i velikoj kormilarnici, uređenoj u istom stilu kao i ostatak enterijera. Izdignuta funkcionalna kormilarnica je odvojena od prostora za goste, a savršeno isplanirani pravci kretanja na brodu dodatno povećavaju nivo privatnosti za vlasnika i goste. Najnovija generacija upravljačke stanice ima novu Simrad® Command „integrisanu kontrolnu tablu“ i vetrobran bez centralnog uspravnog stuba, u cilju postizanja savršene vidljivosti tokom vožnje. Kormilarnica ima direktan pristup prostorijama za posadu, koje uključuju dve dvokrevetne kabine sa sopstvenim kupatilima.


Široko spiralno stepenište povezuje dnevni boravak na gornjoj palubi sa donjom palubom, gde se nalaze četiri dvokrevetne kabine sa sopstvenim kupatilima.

Pozicionirana u središnjem delu jahte, velika vlasnička kabina svojim dizajnom nudi rešenja karakteristična za megajahte, dovoljno prostora za skladištenje, garderober i kupatilo za vlasnika. U izvanredne karakteristike spadaju i inovativni projekti zvučne izolacije koja garantuju maksimalnu udobnost i privatnost.

Kabina za goste sa bračnim krevetom nalazi se sa desne strane, dok je kabina sa dva odvojena kreveta na levoj strani. Donju palubu upotpunjuje i velika VIP dvokrevetna kabina.

Prostor za posadu je potpuno odvojen od zone za goste, sa direktnim pristupom iz kormilarnice. Sastoji se od dve kabine i dva kupatila za četiri člana posade.


Prvi primerak Ferretti Yachts 860 opremljen je opcionom konfiguracijom od dva MAN V12 motora od 2000 mhp, koji isporučuju brzinu krstarenja od 27 čvorova i maksimalnu brzinu od 32 čvora (preliminarni podaci). Standardna verzija sa dva MAN V12 motora od 1.800 mhp ima brzinu krstarenja od 24 čvora i dostiže maksimalnu brzinu od 28 čvorova (preliminarni podaci). | Jan/Feb 2023 68

Characterized by innovative design solutions and high technology, the new flybridge privileges harmony between stylistic and architectural elements. The comfort is outstanding, with a strong focus on wellbeing and relaxation for guests, optimization of spaces and exceptional performance, all in the elegant Made in Italy style that has always defined the brand

With an overall length of 26.95 metres and a maximum beam of 6.22 metres, Ferretti Yachts 860 is the fruit of collaboration between the Strategic Product Committee chaired by Piero Ferrari and the Ferretti Group Engineering Department, featuring exterior design by architect Filippo Salvetti and interiors by Ideaeitalia.


Comfort, practicality, privacy and elegance characterize the entire stern area. The cockpit and beach area provide an uninterrupted space of over 30 square metres, featuring a new design concept and unparalleled panoramic views.

The door to the main lounge can be fully opened, either electrically or manually, to ensure maximum continuity between the ample, light-filled interior and exterior spaces. The cockpit’s convivial area is furnished with two sofas facing one another across a central table seating eight people. The bar, port-side, provides a perfect backdrop and support for al fresco dining and other convivial moments.

The 11-square-metre forward living area is laid out like a large lounge, featuring a forward-facing oversize double sofa with a central handrail and built-in glass holders, a sofa bed with a reclining backrest, and an elegant teak coffee table in the middle. The beach area is characterized by generous and comfortable spaces. The key feature, and a big plus in this market segment, is a more spacious garage than the rest of the range that can accommodate two sea-toys, a Williams Jet 395 tender and a 2-seat jet ski, all of which can all be launched directly into the water by lowering the beach area to create an underwater platform. | Jan/Feb 2023 69


The flybridge o ers guests an area of 44 square metres and is accessed by a teak stairway specially designed to be easy to climb. It can be furnished with freestanding elements in addition to a large, multi-function bar unit, a dinette seating up to eight people and, for the first time on a Ferretti Yachts, an optional jacuzzi in the stern. Absolute comfort is guaranteed by a two-tone hard top available in three di erent configurations: fixed glass, opening glass or with shading blades.


The striking design of the interiors is dominated by flowing, harmonious lines and several stand-out features, including the helical staircase on the main deck, which leads down to the lower deck and around which the entire layout develops, the freestanding furniture, and the clean, Art Deco-inspired geometrical curves, creating a perfect synthesis of sophisticated yet understated design.

The versatility of the interiors leaves the owner ample choice to design their own onboard experience. This blend of styles and trends is now a distinctive feature of new Ferretti Yachts models, taking its cue from the “Just Like Home” concept: comfort, Italianness, timeless design and craftsmanship. Also noteworthy is the evolution of stylistic features, dominated by the rich architectural details that characterise many of the structural and interior design elements on board.

The main lounge (over 27 square metres) fully exploits continuity between exterior and interior spaces, with floor-to-ceiling windows in both hull sides and two layouts to choose from: an open-style galley or with a partition that separates it from the lobby. Ferretti Yachts 860 is available in two moods, Classic and Contemporary, the former featuring darker, warmer colours and striking contrasts, and the latter with paler, cooler colours characterised by tone-on-tone shades through to total white. Accessed through the big sliding door in the stern, the generously sized and supremely relaxing living room has freestanding furniture and comfortable seating for guests who can also enjoy entertainment experiences in company thanks to a space designed for a 75-inch screen.

The dining area, containing a table seating eight, features a large sliding glazed surface that leads onto the port deck and creates a wonderfully light-filled ambience. The galley, whether as part of an

open space with the main lounge or separated from it by a partition (depending on the version chosen by the owner), can be accessed internally from the main deck or from the outside.

On the port side, a majestic helical staircase leads down to the lower deck, while a door provides access to the services and the large pilothouse, decorated in the same style as the rest of the interiors. The semi-raised pilothouse is well separated from the guest area and perfectly designed people flows improve levels of privacy for owner and guests. The latest generation helm station features a new Simrad® Command “integrated dashboard” and a windscreen without a central upright for perfect vision when underway. The pilothouse has direct access to the crew quarters, which include two double cabins with private bathrooms.


The wide spiral staircase connects the upper deck lounge to the lower deck, where there are four double cabins, all with en suite bathrooms.

The generously sized, full-beam owner’s cabin is in the mid-section and features a design and solutions similar to those developed for mega yachts: ample storage spaces, including a walk-in wardrobe, and an owner’s bathroom. Stand-out features include the innovative acoustic insulation solutions designed to guarantee maximum comfort and privacy.

Forward on the starboard side is the double guest cabin, while the guest cabin with twin beds is on the port side. The lower deck is completed by a large VIP double cabin.

The crew area is completely separate from the guest zone, with direct access from the pilothouse. It consists of two cabins and two bathrooms serving four crew members.


The first Ferretti Yachts 860 unit is fitted with the optional configuration of two 2000 mhp MAN V12 engines, delivering a cruising speed of 27 knots and a top speed of 32 knots (provisional data). The standard version with two MAN V12 engines rated 1,800 mhp has a cruising speed of 24 knots and reaches a top speed of 28 knots (provisional data). +41 62 393 35 95

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 70

Neki kažu da fantom nije stvaran i da može postojati samo u nečijoj uobrazilji. Mi mislimo drugačije i tvrdimo da je došlo doba da luksuz i uzbuđenje počnu da koegzistiraju. Vreme je za Phantom 65!

Fairline je u poslednjih sedam godina bio svedok fundamentalne promene u svojoj osnovnoj seriji. Ovaj britanski brend proizvodi brodove od 1963. godine i tokom tog vremena uglavnom je smatran za pouzdan, ali prilično konzervativan - barem u oblasti dizajna. Stoga je 2016. godine kompanija dovela italijanskog dizajnera Alberta Manćinija kako bi unapredio njihove klasične projekte. Novi vlasnici Fairline-a su uvideli da ako žele da njihov proizvod uspešno ostane u konkurenciji – ne samo protiv drugih većih proizvođača u Velikoj Britaniji, već i italijanskih i francuskih brendova – on mora da dobije manje britanski, a više internacionalni izgled. Dakle, ako ste spremni da verujete u jahtu koja nije nalik drugima, ukrcajte se na novi Phantom 65.

Najavljena kao prva Fairline jahta tipa „sportsbridge“, Fairline Phantom 65 ima za cilj da preuzme spoljašnju formu nagrađivanog modela Targa 65 i da tome pridoda revidiranu liniju prozora i nisko spušten flajbridž, uz prelepu aerodinamičnu sportsku estetiku.

Phantom 65 je zvanično debitovao na Kanskom festivalu nautike 2022. godine, kada je i nagrađen za najbolji dizajn eksterijera na dodeli 2022 World Yachts Trophies Awards.

Svečana večera World Yachts Trophies je događaj na kome se uručuju nagrade za najbolje motorne čamce i jahte od 13 do 140 metara, porinute tokom tekuće godine, a prati je jedinstvena parada u Kanskom zalivu koja prikazuje najlepše jahte.

Sa dugim prozorima na trupu nalik oštricama i duboko postavljenim flajbridžom, koji se savršeno stapa sa zakrivljenim krovnim linijama i radarskim lukom, ovaj model očigledno predstavlja uspeh iz stilske perspektive.


Može se reći da je enterijer ispunio svoju svrhu kada zakoračite na brod i kažete: Ahhh! Kreiranje udobnog prostora zahteva više od posezanja za mekanim jastukom i ćebetom, te je preko potrebno oslušnuti senzibilitet koji se obraća našim najdubljim i suštinskim potrebama.

Dizajnirajući jahtu od 65 stopa i sa tri palube, Alberto Manćini je za ideju vodilju uzeo fleksibilnost, oličenu u nizu funkcionalnih detalja. Klizna staklena vrata na glavnoj palubi koja odvajaju kokpit od salona, ali i omogućavaju njihovo povezivanje kada je lepo vreme, samo su deo pomenute fleksibilnosti. Kružna kuhinja sa šankom, izdašnim radnim prostorom i frižiderom sa zamrzivačem, vašu udobnost dovešće do maksimuma.

Zahvaljujući dinamičnim dijagonalnim linijama i nizu ručno izrađenih materijala luksuzni prostori se harmonično i bez prepreka slivaju jedan u drugi, te možete uživati u spoznaji da ćete spokojstvo osetiti u svakom delu ove jahte. A sa rasporedom od četiri kabine, luksuznog smeštaja neće faliti.

Na donjoj palubi vlasnici mogu da izaberu raspored od tri ili četiri kabine, sa glavnom centralnom kabinom koja je ujedno i težište konfiguracije. Opcija za električnu transformaciju koja pretvara dva odvojena kreveta u bračni ležaj samo je jedno od mnogobrojnih praktičnih rešenja na brodu.

Nove Fairline enterijere definišu komotni životni prostori, budući da se fokus života na brodu pomera sve više ka vodi. Tonovi zemljanih boja, duboke plave nijanse, prirodne tkanine i lanene teksture stvaraju unutrašnju kolekciju koja je nežna kao mediteranski povetarac. Podovi od hrastovog drveta, prelepo lakirani ormarići, luksuzni tepisi od prirodnih vlakana i vertikalni drveni detalji od letvica harmonizuju i izazivaju osećaj smirenosti, stvarajući savršeno okruženje za život i zabavu na vodi.

Kako mu i samo ime sugeriše, Phantom svoj savršeni sportski izgled uparuje sa dve opcije motora — dvostrukim Caterpillar C18-1150' sa maksimalnom brzinom od 31 čvora, prema podacima brodogradilišta Fairline, ili dvostrukim V12 Caterpillar C32-1622' sa procenjenom maksimalnom brzinom od 35 čvorova. Impresivne performanse usklađene su sa idealnom zapreminom na krmi za garažu u koju može da se smesti tender Williams 345 SportJet.

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 74
PHANTOM 65 Ukupna dužina: 19,96 m Suva težina: 38.300 kg Širina: 5,23 m Broj ležajeva: 6 - 9 Gaz: 1,58 m Vazdušni gaz: 6,29 m Zapremina goriva: 4.177 l Kapacitet vode: 1.080 l CE klasifikacija: kategorija B Kapacitet: 16 osoba PHANTOM 65 Length overall: 19.96 m Dry weight: 38,300 kg Beam: 5.23 m Number of berths: 6 - 9 Draft: 1.58 m Airdraft: 6.29 m Fuel capacity: 4,177 l Water capacity: 1,080 l CE Classification: Category B Capacity: 16 persons Sajam nautike u Dizeldorfu odlična je prilika da upoznate ovo izuzetno plovilo, zajedno sa ostalim reprezentativnim modelima brenda Fairline: F//LINE 33, Targa 45 GT, Targa 50 OPEN i Squadron 68 The Düsseldorf
opportunity to get to know this exceptional vessel, along with other representative models of the Fairline brand: F//LINE 33, Targa 45 GT, Targa 50 OPEN and Squadron 68 | Jan/Feb 2023 75
Boat Show
a great

In the last seven years, Fairline has witnessed a fundamental shift in its heritage series. The UK brand has been building boats since 1963, and for most of those years, it was seen as a reliable but fairly conservative brand—at least in the design department.

In 2016, the UK builder brought in Italian designer Alberto Mancini to finesse its classic designs. Fairline’s new owners understood that if the brand were to compete e ectively—not only against the other large UK builders, but also Italian and French brands—it had to look less British and more international.

So, if you’re ready to believe in a yacht like no other, it’s time you stepped aboard the Phantom 65.

Heralded as Fairline’s first ever ‘sportsbridge’ yacht, the Fairline Phantom 65 aims to take the external form of the award-winning Targa 65 and add a revised windowline and a low-slung fly deck to the mix for tri-deck flexibility alongside a beautifully streamlined sportscruiser aesthetic.

The Phantom 65 has been awarded the Best Exterior Design Trophy at the 2022 World Yachts Trophies Awards. The yacht made her o cial debut at the 2022 Cannes Yachting Festival.

The World Yachts Trophies gala dinner rewards the best motor boats and yachts from 13m-140m launched during the year and is followed by a unique Yachts Parade showcasing the most beautiful yachts in the Bay of Cannes.

With long, blade-like hull windows and a deep-set flybridge that blends gently into the curved roof mouldings and radar arch as you move aft of the boat’s centreline, it’s clearly a success from a stylistic perspective.


A Fairline interior fulfils its purpose when you step on-board and say, “Ahhh.” Creating a space that is truly comfortable requires more than reaching for a cosy pillow and blanket; it’s about tapping into sensibilities that speak to deepest and most essential needs.

Mancini designed the 65-ft. tri-deck with flexibility in mind. On the main deck, sliding glass doors separate the cockpit from the two-tiered salon,

allowing the two spaces to connect seamlessly when the weather is fine. The wraparound galley with a bar, generous counter space and a full-height refrigerator-freezer are nice residential touches.

As one luxurious space flows e ortlessly into the next, thanks to dynamic diagonal lines and an array of beautifully handcrafted materials, you can relax knowing wherever you are onboard, you’ll feel perfectly at peace. And with up to four cabins, there is no shortage of luxury accommodation.

On the lower deck, owners can choose between three or four cabins, with a mid-master stateroom anchoring the layout. The option for an electric bed conversion that turns the twin beds into a double in the starboard stateroom is one of many practical options on the boat.

New interiors are defined by serene living spaces, as the focus of life on-board moves closer to the water. Earth tones, deep blue hues, natural weaves, and linen textures make way for an interior collection that is as gentle as the Mediterranean breeze.

Oak wood floors, beautifully lacquered cabinetry, luxury natural fibre carpets and vertical slatted timber details harmonise and evoke a sense of calm. It’s the perfect setting for waterside living and entertaining.

As the Phantom name suggests, the boat backs up its sporty good looks with two engine options—twin Caterpillar C18-1150’s with a 31-knot top end, according to Fairline, or twin V12 Caterpillar C32-1622’s with an estimated top end of 35 knots. The impressive performance is matched with enough volume at the stern for a tender garage capable of storing a Williams 345 SportJet.

S-Nautica d.o.o. / Sales / Charter / Insurance Marina Porto Montenegro, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Mobile. +382 (0) 67 24 99 71; Tel.+382 (0) 32 540 320

Some say a phantom cannot be real and can only exist in one’s mind. We say otherwise. We say it’s time luxury and exhilaration co-existed. It’s time for the Phantom 65! | Jan/Feb 2023 76


„Sve je moguće onome ko veruje“
“Everything is possible for one who believes”

Uz najam jahti ostvarite snove o životu na otvorenom moru i prepustite se luksuznom načinu življenja, zadivljujućim prizorima i uspomenama za sva vremena. Od predivnih obala do rajskih ostrva, sve iz udobnosti vašeg ličnog plovila!

Nošena ljubavlju prema ljudima i moru, i sa nepokolebljivim uverenjem da je „sve moguće onome ko veruje“, Kristina Petričević je 2006. godine osnovala MASTER CHARTER i u tom momentu bila jedini zaposleni u firmi. Zahvaljujući godinama napornog rada i posvećenosti koje su uložili ona i njen suprug Stipe, Master Charter danas sa ponosom može da se pohvali svojim izgrađenim timom od deset profesionalaca, kao i flotom od 14 jahti spremnih za najam! S takvom snažnom osnovom na raspolaganju, Master Charter je dospeo među najuspešnije hrvatske kompanije za iznajmljivanje jahti, gradeći na svom putu pouzdane partnerske odnose unutar ove poslovne zajednice.

Prateći trendove na domaćem i svetskom tržištu, učestvujući na prestižnim sajmovima nautike i strpljivo prikupljajući iskustvo u nautičkom turizmu, Master Charter je stvorio jedinstvenu priču o iznajmljivanju plovila.

Njihova misija je jednostavna — u kompaniji veruju da svaki gost zaslužuje iskustvo sa pet zvezdica dok krstari duž prekrasne hrvatske obale Jadrana. Zato idu i dalje od toga kako bi vam omogućili zadivljujuće trenutke. Od rezervacije do iskrcavanja, nastoje da svakom klijentu pruže najbolje moguće iskustvo.

Shvatajući jedinstvenost svakog čoveka i raznolike potrebe i očekivanja od odmora, gostu će pružiti individualnu pažnju i usluge po meri, izlazeći u susret najrazličitijim težnjama. Bitan deo je ljubazna posada broda, koja će učiniti da vaš odmor bude još udobniji i nezaboravniji — garantujući jedinstveno iskustvo za pamćenje.

Od luksuznih jahti do tradicionalnih guleta i motornih kruzera, u Master Charter-u imaju za svakoga ponešto. Bilo da tražite romantično/opuštajuće krstarenje, avanturističko krstarenje u društvu prijatelja/porodice ili želite da proslavite neki ekskluzivni događaj kao što je rođendan ili godišnjica braka — bez obzira na priliku, Master Charter pruža upravo ono što vam je potrebno — i više!

Na primer, ukoliko tragate za mirnim utočištem, organizovaće vam privatnu ekskurziju kako biste mogli da istražite tajne uvale i osamljene plaže daleko od gužve. Ako ste avanturistički raspoloženi i uživate u kulturnim iskustvima, ponudiće vam izlete do istorijskih znamenitosti i spomenika kako biste mogli na pravi način doživeti sve lepote Hrvatske. Organizuju i aktivnosti kao što su vožnja kajakom ili veslanje na dasci, piknike na plaži, biciklističke ili ronilačke ture — sve je osmišljeno tako da vam omogući nezaboravan doživljaj odmora. Dakle, ako ste spremni za avanturu kakvu još niste doživeli, već danas kontaktirajte Master Charter i otkrijte šta sve mogu učiniti kako bi vaše sledeće putovanje bilo savršeno!

Predstavljamo/Presenting | Jan/Feb 2023 80

Make dreams of life on the open sea come true with yacht charter! Indulge in a luxurious lifestyle, captivating sights, and lifetime memories. From stunning coastlines to paradise islands, all from the comfort of your very own personal vessel!

With love for people and sea and her unwavering belief that 'Everything is possible for one who believes,' Kristina Petričević founded MASTER CHARTER in 2006 as a single employee company. Thanks to the years of hard work and dedication put into it by both her and her husband, Stipe, today Master Charter proudly has an established team of 10 professionals as well as a fleet of 14 yachts ready for charter! With such strength at their disposal, Master Charter has become one of Croatia's most successful yacht rental companies; building reliable partnerships within the business community along the way.

Following trends in the domestic and global market, participating in prestigious nautical events, and patiently gathering experience in nautical tourism, Master Charter has created a unique story about charter rental.

Their mission is simple — at Master Charter, they believe every guest deserves a five-star experience on their cruising vacation on the beautiful Croatian Adriatic coast. That is why they go above and beyond to ensure your extraordinary time with them. From booking to disembarking, they strive to provide each of their guests with the best possible experience.

Realizing that every person is unique and has di erent needs and expectations regarding their vacation, they give each of their clients personalized attention and tailor-made services that meet various needs. An essential part is the friendly vessel crew that will ensure that your vacation is even more comfortable and memorable — guaranteeing a unique experience that you will cherish for years to come.

From luxury yachts to traditional gulets and motor cruisers, they have something for everyone at Master Charter. Whether you are looking for a romantic/relaxing cruise, an adventurous family-friend cruise or you wish to celebrate an exclusive event such as birthday or wedding anniversary — whatever the occasion, Master Charter can provide precisely what you need — and more!

For example, if you are looking for a quiet retreat, they can organize a private excursion so you can explore secret coves and secluded beaches away from the crowds. If you are more adventurous and enjoy cultural experiences, they can organize private trips to historical sights and monuments so that you can enjoy all the beauties of Croatia. They also o er activities such as kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding, beach picnics, bike tours or diving tours — all designed to make you an unforgettable vacation experience. So if you're ready for an adventure like no other, contact them today to see what Master Charter can do to make your next trip perfect!

Master Charter d.o.o.

Marasovićeva 67, 21000 Split, Croatia +385 (21) 275 268 | Jan/Feb 2023 81

Ako vas privlači ideja plovidbe i nautičkog odmora, ali još uvek niste spremni za kupovinu sopstvenog plovila, najam jahte idealna je prilika da pronađete brod po svojoj meri

If you are attracted by the idea of sailing and a sailing vacation, but not quite ready to buy your own vessel, yacht charter is an ideal opportunity to find a boat that suits you

Krstarenje jadranskim ostrvima nije rezervisano samo za prekaljene moreplovce i brodovlasnike. Na plavu pučinu se može i sploviti sa manje iskustva i znatno jeftinije, unajmljenom jahtom. Čarter plovila omogućava izbor različitih tipova motornih j ahti i jedrilica za plovidbu unutar teritorijalnih voda, ređe i izvan granica.

Odaberite koji god brod poželite i barem na nedelju dana doživite svoj san. Motorne jahte popularan su izbor zbog velike fleksibilnosti – snažni motori brzo vas prenose od marine do marine i omogućavaju da istražite više destinacija uz odgovarajući komfor. Klasične jedrilice nude slično iskustvo, ali pružaju i užitak u plovidbi pod jedrima, za one koji putuju bez žurbe i znaju ceniti tišinu mora, šum vetra i ples talasa. Sve popularniji katamarani izbor su onih koji vole velike palube, mnogo pr ostora za druženje i uopšte najviši nivo udobnosti. Savremeni čarteri nude sve to i više, pa za ljubljenici u brodove zimi znaju provesti sate i sate birajući jahtu za iduću sezonu i zamišljajući moguće rute. Zimski meseci idealan su trenutak za rano bukiranje broda po najpovoljnijim c enama.

Jahtu možete unajmiti bez posade (bare boat) ili sa skiperom. Dobar skiper osiguraće potpuno uživanje u odmoru, bez obzira na vaše iskustvo, posedovanje dozvole za upravljanje plovilima ili na prvi nautički odmor. Iskusan skiper znaće gde se može prenoćiti mirno i bez talasa, gde je najsvežija riba i najbistrije more, u kojoj je luci „špic“ za one koji žele društvo, a gde nema nikoga, za one koji traže mir.

Cruising the Adriatic islands is not only reserved for seasoned sailors and boat owners. You can set sail on the blue sea even with less experience and much cheaper, with a chartered yacht. Vessel charter offers a choice of different types of motor yachts and sailboats for navigation within territorial waters, and sometimes even beyond.

Marina Punat je matična luka za 12 čarter kompanija koje nude najširu lepezu plovila, od sportskih glisera i motornih jahti velike snage, preko klasičnih jedrilica svih tipova i dužina, do sve popularnijih katamarana. Popis svih čarter kompanija sa kontaktima potražite na njihovim internet stranicama.

Choose any boat you want and at least for a week live your dream. Motor yachts are a popular choice due to their great flexibility –powerful engines quickly take you from marina to marina and allow you to explore multiple destinations in satisfactory comfort. Classic sailboats offer a similar experience, but they also offer the pleasure of traveling under sail, for those who are not in a rush and know how to appreciate the silence of the sea, the sound of the wind and the dance of the waves. Increasingly popular catamarans are the choice of those who like large decks, ample space for socializing and generally the highest level of comfort. Modern charters offer all that and more, so boat enthusiasts can spend hours and hours in winter time choosing a yacht for the next season and imagining possible routes. Winter months are the ideal time for early booking of the boat at the best prices.

Marina Punat is the home port for 12 charter companies that offer the widest range of vessels, from sports speedboats and highpowered motor yachts, to classic sailboats of all types and lengths, as well as increasingly popular catamarans. You can find a list of all charter companies with contacts on their website.

Krk, najsevernije hrvatsko ostrvo, predstavlja početak niza jadranskih ostrva koje nautičari i mediji svrstavaju među najlepše nautičke destinacije sveta. Najveća marina severnog Jadrana, Marina Punat, uobičajen je izbor za polaznu l uku brojnih nautičara. Osim velikog izbora plovila u čak 12 čarter kompanija i sigurnog položaja u prirodno zaštićenoj Puntarskoj dragi, marina je popularna zbog dobre saobraćajne pristupačnosti i mogućnosti sigurnog parkiranja vozila dok ste u plovidbi. D obra ponuda restorana, prodavnica i nautičke opreme znači da svaka posada može sigurno isploviti dobro opremljena i s nabdevena za svoju nautičku avanturu.

You can rent a yacht without a crew (bare boat) or with a skipper. A good skipper will ensure complete enjoyment during your vacation, regardless of your experience - whether you are a holder of a boat steering license or experiencing your first sailing holiday. An experienced skipper will know where to spend the night peacefully and without waves, where the freshest fish and the clearest sea are, in which port is the "peak time" for those who want company, and where there is nobody for those who are looking for peace and quiet.

Krk, the northernmost Croatian island, is the starting point of a line of the Adriatic islands that sailors and the media rank among the most beautiful nautical destinations in the world. The largest marina of the northern Adriatic, Marina Punat, is a preferred choice for the port of departure for many sailors. In addition to a wide range of vessels in as many as 12 charter companies and a safe location in the naturally protected Puntarska Draga, the marina is popular due to its good traffic accessibility and the possibility of safely parking your vehicle while you are sailing. A good offer of restaurants, shops and nautical equipment means that every crew can safely set sail well equipped and supplied for their sailing adventure.

Marine/Marinas | Jan/Feb 2023 83
Automobili/Cars Porsche 718 Style Edition Paketi svežih boja i harmoničnih kontrasta karakterišu nove sportske automobile Porsche 718 Boxster Style Edition i 718 Cayman Style Edition Fresh colours and harmonious contrast packages characterise the new Porsche 718 Boxster Style Edition and 718 Cayman Style Edition sports cars 87 | Jan/Feb 2023

Oba modela sa srednjom opcijom motora oduvek su predstavljala savršenu kombinaciju uživanja u vožnji i svakodnevne praktičnosti. Sa Style Edition, Porsche lansira ekskluzivnu varijantu za one kupce koji pridaju poseban značaj upečatljivom dizajnu svog vozila. To se posebno vidi u izboru boje eksterijera Ruby Star Neo, koja predstavlja modernu interpretaciju boje Ruby Star, legendarnog Porsche 911 Carrera RS, generacije 964.


Čak i ako kupci navedenih Porsche modela izaberu za svoje Style Edition modele neku drugu boju umesto Ruby Star Neo, nove varijante se jasno razlikuju. Na primer, voze se na 20-inčnim 718 Spyder točkovima u crnoj boji visokog sjaja, a njihove felne krasi obojeni Porsche amblem. Style Edition je takođe prepoznatljiv po svojim crnim sportskim izduvnim cevima i natpisima „Porsche“ u srebrnoj boji visokog sjaja koji se nalaze pozadi. Na modelu 718 Boxster Style Edition, natpis „Boxster“ je kao ekskluzivan detalj utisnut u tapacirani krov iznad bočnih prozora.

Kupci mogu da biraju između dva kontrastna paketa 718 Style Edition: crnog i belog. Oba uključuju ukrasne trake na vratima prtljažnika sa prednje strane i „Porsche“ ukrasni natpis sa strane, kao i crnu i belu boju visokog sjaja za točkove i oznake modela pozadi, u zavisnosti od izbora.

Unutrašnjost modela Style Edition sadrži kožni paket u crnoj boji, uključujući kontrastne šavove, osvetljene pragove vrata od nerđajućeg čelika i Porsche grb na naslonima za glavu.


718 Boxster i Cayman Style Edition su izuzetno dobro opremljeni. U standardnu opremu spadaju: BiXenon glavni farovi sa LED dnevnim svetlima, prednji i zadnji ParkAssist uključujući kameru za vožnju unazad, Apple® CarPlay, tempomat, automatsko zatamnjivanje spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih retrovizora sa senzorima za kišu, multifunkcionalni upravljač obložen glatkom kožom sa funkcijom grejanja, grejanje sedišta, dvozonska automatska klima, patosnice sa kontrastnim šavovima u boji i kožni crni enterijer sa kontrastnim šavovima. Oba modela se mogu dodatno nadograditi izborom iz širokog spektra opcija.




Što se tiče pogonskog sklopa i šasije, modeli Style Edition se ne razlikuju jedan od drugog. Oba su zasnovana na početnim verzijama modela 718 Boxster i 718 Cayman sa 220 kW. Četvorocilindrični motor sa turbo punjenjem generiše 380 Nm obrtnog momenta i ubrzava modele Style Edition, koji se standardno ručno menjaju kroz šest brzina, od nule do 100 km/h za vreme od 5,1 sekunde (sa opcionim PDK sa sedam brzina: 4,7 sekundi). Bez obzira na izabranu vrstu menjača, oba postižu maksimalnu brzinu od 275 km/h.

88 | Jan/Feb 2023

Both mid-engine models have always stood for the perfect combination of driving pleasure and everyday practicality. With the Style Edition, Porsche is now presenting an exclusive variant for customers who attach particular importance to a striking design for their vehicle. This is particularly evident in the selection of the exterior colour Ruby Star Neo, which provides a modern interpretation of the Ruby Star of the legendary Porsche 911 Carrera RS of the 964 generation.


Even if Porsche customers have their Style Edition models painted in a colour other than Ruby Star Neo, the new variants are clearly distinguishable. For example, they drive on 20-inch 718 Spyder wheels in high-gloss black, and their wheel hub covers feature coloured Porsche Crests. The Style Edition is also recognisable by its black sport tailpipes and "Porsche" lettering in high-gloss silver in the back. On the 718 Boxster Style Edition, "Boxster" lettering embossed above the side windows is added to the so top as an exclusive label.

Customers can choose between two 718 Style Edition contrast packages at no extra charge: one in black, the other in white. Both include decorative stripes on the luggage compartment lid at the front and "Porsche" decorative lettering on the side, as well as black and white high-gloss paint finishes for the wheels and model designations at the rear, respectively. Inside, the Style Edition models feature a leather package in black including contrast stitching in chalk, illuminated door sill panels in stainless steel and the Porsche Crest on the headrests.


718 Boxster and Cayman Style Edition are exceptionally well equipped: BiXenon main headlights with LED daytime running lights, ParkAssist front and rear including rearview camera, Apple® CarPlay, cruise control, automatically dimming exterior and interior mirrors including rain

sensor, heated smooth leather multifunction steering wheel, heated seats, dual-zone automatic climate control, floor mats with contrast stitching in crayon and leather package in black with contrast stitching in crayon are all on board as standard. Both models can also be further upgraded with a wide range of options.


In terms of powertrain and chassis, the Style Edition models do not di er from one another. Both are based on the entry-level versions of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman with the 220 kW.

The turbocharged four-cylinder generates 380 Newton meters of torque and takes the Style Edition models, which are manually shi ed through six gears as standard, from zero to 100 km/h in 5.1 seconds (with optional seven-speed PDK: 4.7 seconds). Regardless of the selected transmission, both reach a top speed of 275 km/h.

OMR LUXURY STORE Dobro došli u svet luksuza! Welcome to the world of luxury! Događaji/Events | Jan/Feb 2023 90

OMR Luxury Store, svečano je otvoren 17. novembra u atraktivnom West 65 Mall-u na Novom Beogradu. Kompanija British Motors realizovala je ovaj projekat u saradnji sa članicama OMR Grupe –Globos osiguranje, MIOS, AKS Fleet i drugim.

Udoban i moderan prostor objedinjuje prodaju malo korišćenih automobila luksuznih brendova poput Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche i drugih, zatim MV Agusta motocikala, ali i ekskluzivnih plovila iz ponude Azimut Benetti Grupe.

Kao što je poznato, British Motors je generalni uvoznik Jaguar Land Rover modela za tržište Srbije i Crne Gore, pa i ponudu u OMR Luxury Stora zaokružuju najekskluzivniji JLR modeli SV linije.

U glamuroznoj atmosferi pred velikim brojem uglednih zvanica iz javnog života i poslovnog sveta, okupljenima se obratio predsednik OMR Grupe, Ostoja Mijailović:

Ubrzani način života ostavlja nam jako malo vremena za uživanje i bez obzira koliko uspešni da ste u svom poslu, merilo ostvarenosti postaje ono kvalitetno slobodno vreme koje možete da priuštite sebi i dragim ljudima. Svesni smo da naš grad, naša država i naš region imaju puno izuzetnih ljudi. OMR Luxury Store je namenjen upravo njima, poručio je Mijailović.

Nikola Samardžić, menadžer OMR Luxury Store dodatno je približio koncept poslovanja ovog jedinstvenog mesta: Učinili smo na jednom mestu dostupnim ono najbolje na dva i četiri točka, kao i iz sveta nautike. Ubeđeni smo da dolazak u OMR Luxury Store nije samo puka trgovina, već istinska investicija u trenutke za pamćenje. Tu smo za vas, tu smo da vaše snove približimo nadohvat ruke, poručio je Samardžić.

Uz ekskluzivnu ponudu, posetioci mogu očekivati i premijum korisničko iskustvo koje podrazumeva sve prateće usluge na najvišem nivou. Od mogućnosti za finansiranje, osiguranje, uvoz željenog vozila i registraciju do pratećih usluga servisa uz garanciju kvaliteta izvršenih usluga. Članice OMR Grupe – Globos osiguranje, MIOS limo servis, AKS Fleet i ostale stavile su na raspolaganje svoju profesionalnost stečenu tokom višegodišnjeg uspešnog poslovanja.

OMR Luxury Store je otvoren svakoga dana od 10 do 22 časa.

91 | Jan/Feb 2023
Ostoja Mijailović, predsednik OMR Grupe/president of OMR Group


OMR Luxury Store, was officially opened on November 17 in the attractive location of West 65 Mall in New Belgrade. The British Motors company implemented this project in cooperation with members of the OMR Group - Globos osiguranje, MIOS, AKS Fleet and others.

A comfortable and modern space unites the sale of slightly used cars of luxury brands including Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche and others, but also MV Agusta motorcycles, as well as luxury vessels from the Azimut Benetti Group range.

As it is well known, British Motors is the general importer of Jaguar Land Rover models for the market of Serbia and Montenegro, so logically the offer in OMR Luxury Store is complemented by the most exclusive JLR models of the SV line.

In a glamorous atmosphere in front of a large number of distinguished guests from public life and the business world, the president of OMR Group, Ostoja Mijailović, addressed the guests:

The fast-paced lifestyle leaves us very little time for enjoyment, and no matter how successful you are in your area of work, the quality free time you can afford for yourself and your loved ones becomes the measure of achievement." We are aware that our city, our country and our region have a lot of exceptional people. The OMR Luxury Store is intended for them, said Mijailović.

Nikola Samardžić, manager of OMR Luxury Store further explained the business concept of this unique place: We have made available in one place the

best of two and four wheeled vehicles, as well as of the nautical world. We are convinced that coming to the OMR Luxury Store is not merely a purchase, but a true investment in memorable moments. We are here for you, we are here to bring your dreams within reach, said Samardžić.

Along with their exclusive offer, visitors to the OMR Luxury Store can also expect a premium user experience that includes all additional services at the highest level. From the possibility of financing, insurance, import of the desired vehicle and registration to the additional services of servicing with a guarantee for the quality of the services performed. The members of the OMR Group - Globos osiguranje, MIOS limo servis, AKS Fleet and others made their professionalism acquired during many years of successful business available for the customers.

OMR Luxury Store is open every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Događaji/Events 92 | Jan/Feb 2023
93 | Jan/Feb 2023

Segway Villain, sportski SSV model, svoju DNK deli sa uspešnim UTV modelom Fugleman. Njegovo agresivno držanje, fluidne linije prednjeg i aktivne linije zadnjeg dela odraz su savremenog i aerodinamičnog stila, ali i smelog i radikalno drugačijeg dizajna. Silueta koja imitira snažne crte lica, prodornog pogleda, iskrivljenih usana i blistavih zuba, čini da Villain deluje preteće, sa jasnim namerama, dok ga oštra zašiljena ramena uz povijena leđa karakterišu kao savršenog predatora, spremnog da se uhvati u koštac sa bilo kojim terenom.

Ovo moćno vozilo pokreće dvocilindrični agregat od 1000 kubika i snage 105 KS. Izrazito konkurentan u svojoj klasi, motor postiže sjajne rezultate u malim brzinama, i to zahvaljujući najnižem obrtnom momentu od 88 nm. Pun gas koji rezultira munjevitim ubrzanjem probudiće avanturistički duh svakog vozača. Poput ostalih modela renomiranog proizvođača Segway, i Villain poseduje dualni sistem hlađenja visokih performansi. Uz gasne amortizere, Dual A-Arm ogibljenje sa stabilizatorom napred i Multi-link Trailing-Arm ogibljenje sa stabilizatorom pozadi, on je pravo sportsko vozilo koje ne poznaje prepreke.

Iza upravljača je postavljena LCD instrument tabla sa adaptivnim ekranom koja prati najsavremenije trendove. Još jedan važan deo vozačkog iskustva koje donosi Villain jeste sistem pametnog upravljanja (Smart Moving & Smart Fun) preko mobilne aplikacije, koji omogućava vozačima da pristupe podacima vozila u realnom vremenu. Izborom opcija kao što su mapa sa lokacijama, bezbednosna podešavanja, podešavanja vožnje i bežična veza postiže se inteligentna interakcija sa mašinom.

The Segway Villain, a sporty SSV model, shares its DNA with the successful Fugleman UTV model. Its aggressive stance, fluid lines of the front and active lines of the rear are a reflection of a contemporary and aerodynamic style, but also a bold and radically di erent design.

A silhouette that mimics strong facial features, a piercing gaze, twisted lips and shiny teeth, makes the Villain appear menacing, with clear intentions, while sharp pointed shoulders and a bent back characterize it as the perfect predator, ready to tackle any terrain. This powerful vehicle is powered by a 1000 cc two-cylinder engine with a power of 105 hp. Extremely competitive in its class, the engine achieves great results at low speeds, thanks to the lowest torque of 88 Nm. Full throttle results in lightning-fast acceleration and awakens the adventurous spirit of every driver.

Like other models of the renowned Segway manufacturer, the Villain also has a high-performance dual cooling system. With gas shock absorbers, Dual A-Arm suspension with anti-roll bar at the front and Multi-link Trailing-Arm suspension with anti-roll bar at the rear, it is a true sports vehicle that knows no obstacles.

Behind the steering wheel is an LCD instrument panel with an adaptive screen that follows the latest trends. Another significant part of the driving experience that Villain brings is the smart management system (Smart Moving & Smart Fun) through a mobile application, which allows drivers to access vehicle data in real time. In this way,

with the machine is achieved by selecting options such as security settings, driving settings, map with

and wireless connection to the vehicle.

intelligent interaction
Segway Villain NEUKROĆENA GOROPAD UNTAMED BEAST Zvezda u redovima Segway Powersports modela i vozilo koje je u rekordnom roku privuklo ogromnu pažnju ljubitelja avanture i off-road iskustva A star among the ranks of Segway Powersports models and a vehicle that has attracted enormous attention from enthusiasts of adventure and off-road experience in record time | Jan/Feb 2023 94


slobodno vreme, tipa ATV i Side-by-Side, otvara potpuno novi svet uzbudljivih pustolovina. Od izazovnih vikend vožnji po zaboravljenim ili poznatim mestima do radosnih i interesantnih odmora, ovaj segment potpuno je posvećen uživanju, slobodi i stvaranju neverovatnih uspomena.

Porodica Wolverine® RMAX™ 1000 prati razvojnu filozofiju kompanije Yamaha „Jin-Ki Kanno“ – što u prevodu sa japanskog znači „Ushićenje zbog jedinstva sa mašinom“ – kako bi vam ponudila superiorno terensko vozilo u kojem se vozač i putnici osećaju tako samouvereno da mogu da savladaju i najteži teren. Ovi izuzetno sposobni terenci kombinuju uzbudljive performanse Yamaha motora od 999 kubika, vodećeg u klasi, sa beskompromisnim stilom i jedinstvenim izgledom. Asortiman Wolverine RMAX 1000 nudi nenadmašne enterijere kabine, a dostupan je kao snažno vozilo sa četiri sedišta za adrenalinske avanture sa porodicom i prijateljima, ili kao dvosed koji pruža uzbudljive performanse, spreman da savlada i najgrublje terene.

WOLVERINE® RMAX™2 1000 Dugo iskustvo i znanje u kreiranju mašina sa širokim spektrom mogućnosti uticalo je na Yamaha razvojne timove da stvore novi upečatljivi o -road model najnovije generacije. Pretvorite svoje avanture u najveće izazove sa Wolverine ® RMAX™2 1000 – svestranim ratnikom sa dva sedišta koji se prilagođava svakom terenu. Njegov moćni motor od 999cc, odlično upravljanje, podesivo vešanje i kokpit inspirisan rešenjima u automobilskoj industriji znače da možete da iskusite istraživanje van puteva u neverovatnom stilu i udobnosti.

WOLVERINE® RMAX™4 1000 Wolverine® RMAX™4 1000 nudi estetiku i komociju bez presedana, ali takođe proširuje vaše horizonte, omogućavajući vam da povedete prijatelje i porodicu u uzbudljivu pustolovinu na bilo kom terenu. Inovativnost je i te kako uočljiva zahvaljujući neverovatnim karakteristikama vozila i sofisticiranim sistemima upravljanja. Uživajte u udobnosti kabine sa četiri sedišta, vodeće u klasi i inspirisane automobilima. Neprevaziđena snaga Yamaha 999cc paralelnih motora je u kombinaciji sa odličnim upravljanjem i podesivim vešanjem, tako da možete da krenete u istraživanje terena u velikom stilu.

Yamaha’s range of Leisure ATVs and Side-by-Sides open up a whole new world of fun-filled, thrill-seeking adventure. From exciting weekend rides in forgotten or familiar places to happy holidays, packed with o -roading amusement, this segment is all about enjoyment, freedom and creating incredible memories.

The Wolverine® RMAX™ 1000 family follows Yamaha development philosophy of “Jin-Ki Kanno” – which translates from Japanese as “The exhilaration of being one with the machine” – to bring you a super-capable o -roader, in which driver and passengers feel confident to master the very toughest terrain.

These highly capable o -roaders fuse electrifying performance from Yamaha class-leading 999cc engine with uncompromising styling and unique looks. The Wolverine RMAX 1000 range o ers superior cabin interiors and are available as a four-seat powerhouse so you can discover adrenaline-charged new adventures with your family and friends, or as a two-seater delivering thrill-fuelling performance, ready to master the roughest terrain.


Long experience and knowledge of creating machines with a wide range of capabilities has influenced Yamaha development teams to create this striking new next-generation o -road adventurer.

Take your adventures to new and challenging extremes with Wolverine® RMAX™2 1000- versatile twin-seat all-terrain warrior. Its powerful 999cc engine, great handling, adjustable suspension and automotive-inspired cockpit mean you can go o -road exploring in a remarkable new world of style and comfort.


The Wolverine® RMAX™4 1000 o ers unprecedented style and comfort, but also expands your horizons, enabling you to take friends and family out for an exhilarating day of all-terrain adventures. New experiences will be easier to find too, thanks to the amazing on-board features and sophisticated control systems.

Share your adventures in the comfort of a class-leading, automotive-inspired cabin with full 4-seat versatility. The unmatched power of Yamaha’s 999cc parallel-twin engine is partnered by great handling and adjustable suspension, so you can go o -road exploring in real style.

Terenska vozila/Off-roaders YAMAHA PRODAJA I SERVIS SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255 Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792 Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245 Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51 MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140 Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju: Pratite nas:
Asortiman Yamaha
vozila za
97 | Jan/Feb 2023

Garmin predstavlja kolekciju od pet modernih funkcionalnih satova, MARQ Athlete, MARQ Adventurer, MARQ Golfer, MARQ Captain i MARQ Aviator, koji su ciljano izrađeni da budu zaštitni znak i pouzdan saputnik u potrazi za atletskim performansama, avanturama na otvorenom, letovima i drugim aktivnostima. Napravljeni od titanijuma 5. stepena i živopisnog AMOLED ekrana osetljivog na dodir sa kupolastim safirnim staklom, kolekcija MARQ (Gen 2) je jača i svetlija nego ranije dok istovremeno zadržava Garmin-ov autentični DNK. Sa namenskim skupovima funkcija, dugotrajnom baterijom do 16 dana u režimu pametnog sata i pažljivo odabranim materijalima, MARQ sat je specijalno dizajniran da podrži svaku životnu avanturu.

Sofisticiran dizajn sa svakodnevnom praktičnošću Garmin je obišao svet kako bi pronašao najkvalitetnije materijale i napravio ove izvanredne funkcionalne satove. MARQ integriše revolucionarnu tehnologiju sa vrhunski dizajniranim materijalima kao što su titanijum 5. stepena, safir, keramika i žakard-najlon. Svaki sat je izuzetan po izradi i inspirativan kao i njegov vlasnik.

Sa maksimalnim trajanjem baterije od 16 dana u režimu pametnog sata, nošenje MARQ znači da ne morate da brinete o punjenju kada ste na putu ili preko noći. Dok spavate, MARQ prikuplja vitalne biometrijske podatke kako bi vam dao individualne informacije o kvalitetu sna, stresu i oporavku. Kada dođe vreme za punjenje, magnetni punjač se bez napora poveže sa svakim MARQ satom, a vreme punjenja je samo jedan sat - duplo brže od prethodnog dizajna.

Premijum funkcije za modernog istraživača MARQ kolekcija predstavlja mnogo više od dodatne opreme i uključuje paket Garmin zdravstvenih i wellness funkcija 24/7, kao što su puls na ručnom zglobu, praćenje disanja i nivoa stresa, napredni uvid u san, nadzor energije Body-Battery™ i novi savetnik za prevazilaženje vremenske razlike Jet Lag Adviser. Bilo da ste svetski putnik ili sportista koji učestvuje na događajima širom zemlje ili u inostranstvu, Jet Lag Adviser pomaže korisnicima da se osećaju najbolje, mentalno i fizički. Koristeći istoriju podataka o spavanju korisnika i druge specifičnosti, savetnik preporučuje količinu izlaganja svetlosti, raspored spavanja i vežbe kako bi se minimizovale posledice vremenske razlike za sledeće putovanje na jednu ili više destinacija.

Novina za sve MARQ satove, nova kolekcija uključuje podršku za višetalasni‚ sistem GNSS, višefrekventni GPS (L1 + L5) i Garmin SatIQ™ tehnologiju, koja obezbeđuje superiornu preciznost pozicioniranja u bilo kom okruženju uz optimizaciju trajanja baterije. Bez obzira gde avantura može da vas odvede, ova tehnologija automatski bira pravi satelitski režim za dato okruženje u realnom vremenu.

GARMIN Authorized Dealer / Info Team d.o.o. Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 193, 11000 Beograd, tel./fax. 011/2414-239, 011/655-78-59, 011/655-78-60

luksuznih funkcionalnih satova napravljenih za upotrebu na kopnu, moru
Five luxury modern tool watches crafted for aspirations on land, sea and air
i u vazduhu
98 | Jan/Feb 2023

Garmin presents a collection of five luxury modern tool watches, MARQ Athlete, MARQ Adventurer, MARQ Golfer, MARQ Captain, and MARQ Aviator, that are uniquely cra ed to be an outward expression and trusted companion for pursuits in athletic performance, outdoor adventure, flight and more. Built with Grade-5 titanium and a vibrant AMOLED touchscreen display with domed sapphire lens, the MARQ (Gen 2) collection is stronger and brighter than before—yet remains forged from Garmin’s authentic DNA. With dedicated feature sets, an enduring battery life of up to 16 days in smartwatch mode, and carefully curated materials, each MARQ timepiece is purposefully engineered for any of life’s adventures.

Sophisticated Design with Everyday Convenience

Garmin has navigated the world to find the most premium materials so they could create these extraordinary modern tool watches. MARQ integrates revolutionary technology with superior design materials such as Grade-5 titanium, sapphire, ceramic and jacquard-weave nylon. Each watch is exquisite in its execution — and as inspiring as its owner.

With up to 16 days of battery life in smartwatch mode, wearing MARQ means not having to worry about charging when traveling or even overnight. While sleeping, MARQ collects vital biometric data to give individualized information on sleep quality, stress, and recovery. When it is time to recharge, the magnetic charger aligns e ortlessly to each MARQ watch, with a charge time of one hour— twice as fast as the previous design.

Premium Features for the Modern Explorer

More than an accessory, the MARQ collection includes Garmin’s suite of 24/7 health and wellness features like wrist-based heart rate, respiration and stress tracking, advanced sleep insights, BodyBattery™ energy monitoring and new Jet Lag Adviser. Whether a global traveler or an athlete participating in events across the country or overseas, the Jet Lag Adviser helps users feel their best mentally and physically. Using the user’s sleep history and other metrics, the adviser recommends amount of light exposure, a sleep schedule and exercise to minimize the e ects of jet lag for their next long-distance single or multi-destination trip.

New to all MARQ watches, the collection includes support for multiband GNSS, multi-frequency GPS (L1 + L5) and Garmin SatIQ™ technology, which secures superior positioning accuracy in any environment while optimizing battery life. No matter where the adventure may lead, this technology automatically selects the right satellite mode for the environment in real time.


MARQ® Captain (Gen 2) je moderan funkcionalni sat bez premca. Kako bi bio čvršći izrađen je od titanijuma 5. stepena, sa zadivljujućim novim AMOLED ekranom osetljivim na dodir koji vam omogućava do 16 dana trajanja baterije u režimu pametnog sata i do 42 sata u GPS režimu. Revolucionarni tajmer za regatu, poboljšan GPS tehnologijom, precizno označava početak trke kao nikada ranije. Podesite željenu brzinu vetra i pogledajte prognozu na svom satu, kako biste znali kad treba da otplovite na otvoreno more. Izuzetni nautički detalji, kao što su tamnoplavi keramički okvir i kaiš od žakard tkanja, čine ga savršenim saputnikom za svakog mornara. Za bolju svest o stanju na vodi, upozorenja i alarmi će signalizirati predstojeće promene plime i povlačenje sidra. Pristupite autopilotu direktno sa ručnog zgloba pomoću MARQ Captain sata da biste promenili smer, uključili upravljanje i pratili rutu. MARQ Captain takođe uključuje i profile za druge aktivnosti na vodi kao što su kajak, SUP surfovanje, jedrenje na dasci, kajtsurfing i kajtbording.


MARQ® Captain (Gen 2) is a


face, so

to the high seas. Exquisite nautical

know what

make this the perfect companion for any sailor. For better situational awareness on the water, Alerts and Alarms will signal to imminent tide changes and anchor drag. Access the autopilot right from the wrist with MARQ Captain to change heading, engage pattern steering and follow a route. MARQ Captain also includes profiles for other on-the-water activities like kayaking, standup paddleboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing and kiteboarding.

modern tool watch like no other.
grade-5 titanium to be
AMOLED touchscreen display that
days of battery life in smartwatch
GPS mode.
stronger, with a
up to 16
up to 42 hours in
A revolutionary regatta timer enhanced with GPS technology pinpoints the start like never before. Set your
wind speed and see a forecast on your watch
day you should take
details, such as a navy ceramic bezel and jacquard weave strap,


Beosound Level

Beosound Level kombinuje impresivan zvuk, visokokvalitetnu izradu i modularni dizajn koji povećava njegovu dugotrajnost. Nezavisno od pozicije na koju ga postavite, zvučnik inteligentno menja svoja podešavanja kako bi pružio izuzetno iskustvo slušanja muzike i prilagodio se akustici svakog prostora

Sa snagom od 105 vati, Beosound Level isporučuje zvuk izuzetne jasnoće i dinamičnog basa, a sve zahvaljujući moćnoj postavci od pet drajvera (dva niskotonca od 4", jednog 2" drajvera punog opsega i dva visokotonca od 0,8") i pojačalima niske distorzije koji omogućavaju adaptaciju rasprostiranja zvuka i nude kapacitet basa od 79 dB i 96 dB u srednjem opsegu jačine zvuka. Impresivan zvuk punog opsega se zahvaljujući postavci drajvera prilagođava orijentaciji zvučnika, a aktivna kompenzacija prostorije ga oblikuje tako da odgovara svakom prostoru – bilo da je veliki, mali, ispunjen ili prazan. Rezultat: jasna i detaljna zvučna slika.


Beosound Level je kreiran sa estetikom, praktičnošću i izdržljivošću u samoj srži. Skladno integrisana ručka omogućava lako prenošenje, dok IP54 otpornost na prašinu i kapljice znači da možete da ga postavite bilo gde sa punim poverenjem. Sa trajanjem baterije do 16 sati, ovaj elegantni zvučnik izrađen je da unapredi svaku prostoriju u koju se postavi.



Svaki deo Beosound Level zvučnika je pažljivo odabran imajući na umu dugotrajnost uređaja. Od premijum aluminijumskog okvira izrađenog u Danskoj preko modularnog dizajna koji omogućava zamenu baterija, pa do promenljive maske od tkanine i drveta. Održivost i doslednost se ogledaju u prilagodljivosti osnovnih delova, kao i u materijalima poput Bang & Olufsen polimera visokih performansi.


Ostvarite interakciju sa zvučnikom preko diskretnih i mekih tastera, neprimetno integrisanih u aluminijumski okvir. Ugrađeni senzor blizine omogućava da se kontrolna površina pojavi samo kada je to potrebno i da se postepeno zatamni nakon upotrebe. Svetlosni

senzor obezbeđuje odgovarajući stepen osvetljenosti u svakom trenutku.


Magnetni konektor koji dolazi u pakovanju sa uređajem čini punjenje Beosound Level zvučnika jednostavnim i elegantnim. Aluminijumski konektor neprimetno klikne na zadnjoj strani zvučnika i čini iskustvo punjenja pravim estetskim doživljajem. Ugrađena baterija omogućava do 16 sati reprodukcije pri umerenoj jačini zvuka, odnosno do četiri sata reprodukcije pri maksimalnoj jačini zvuka.


Zahvaljujući mogućnosti stereo uparivanja Beosound Level uređaja, dobijate neverovatno bogat i moćan zvuk. Stereo uparivanje je potpuno bežično i daje vam istinski osećaj da slušate zvučne zapise studijskog kvaliteta.



Uz Beosound Level zvučnik i Google Assistant, puštajte svoju omiljenu muziku, kontrolišite jačinu zvuka, te pronađite informacije o pesmi koju slušate. Takođe možete da planirate svoj dan, podesite alarme ili kontrolišete pametne uređaje u svom domu. Ipak, ukoliko ne želite ovu opciju, jednostavno pomerite dugme na gornjoj površini zvučnika i potpuno isključite kontrolu glasom.


Povežite svoju omiljenu muzičku aplikaciju sa svojim Beosound Level zvučnikom koristeći Apple AirPlay 2, Chromecast ili Bluetooth. Upotrebite Airplay 2 ili Chromecast da jednostavno umrežite različite bežične zvučnike u jedan sistem, i kontrolišite ih u tandemu ili pojedinačno. Dužim pritiskom na Bluetooth taster se omogućava ili prekida Bluetooth uparivanje. | Jan/Feb 2023 100

Beosound Level combines impressive sound, craftsmanship and a modular design that improves longevity. Whether standing upright in the kitchen, lying flat on a table or hanging gracefully on the wall, the speaker intelligently changes its tuning to deliver an exceptional music listening experience in any position, in any room.


Interact with Beosound Level via discreet, so -touch buttons seamlessly integrated into the aluminium frame. An integrated proximity sensor allows the control surface to appear only when needed and to gently dim a er use. A light sensor ensures the right brightness at all times.


The included magnetic plug makes charging of Beosound Level simple and elegant. The aluminium plug clicks seamlessly into the back of the speaker, making charging a real aesthetic experience. Built-in battery enables up to 16 hours of playtime at moderate volume, or up to 4 hours of playtime at maximum volume.


Thanks to the stereo pairing of Beosound Level speakers, adding depth and scale to your listening experience is easy and simple. Stereo pairing is completely wireless and gives you a true studio-recorded sound experience.


With the Beosound Level and Google Assistant play your favorite music, control the volume and find information about the song that you are listening to, hands-free.

You can also plan your day, set alarms, or control smart devices around your home. If you want discretion, simply slide the button on the top surface of Beosound Level to turn o Voice control completely.


Connect your favorite music app to your Beosound Level using Apple AirPlay 2, Chromecast or Bluetooth. Use Airplay 2 or Chromecast to seamlessly connect your di erent wireless speakers into one system, allowing you to control speakers in tandem or individually. Long press the Bluetooth key to enable or cancel Bluetooth pairing.

With 105 watts of music power, Beosound Level delivers excellent clarity and dynamic bass due to its powerful five-driver speaker setup with two 4” woofers, one 2” full range driver, two 0.8” tweeters and low distortion amplifiers which allows for adaptive sound staging and delivers 79dB bass capability and 96dB in mid-range loudness.

A powerful five-driver set up delivers immersive, full-range sound that adapts based on the speaker's orientation. Active room compensation enables Beosound Level to adapt audio quality to complement any space – whether big, small, busy or sparse. The result: a clear, detailed listening experience.


Beosound Level has been created with aesthetics, practicality and durability at its core. A smoothly integrated handle ensures easy pick up while IP54 dust and splash resistance means you can place it anywhere with confidence. With up to 16 hours of battery life, this elegant speaker is designed to enhance whichever room it's moved to.


Every part of Beosound Level has been chosen with longevity in mind. From the premium aluminium frame cra ed in Denmark, to a modular design that allows for replacement batteries, changeable fabric and wood covers. Sustainability and traceability are reflected in the adaptability of the core design, as well as in materials such as Bang & Olufsen high-performance polymer.

Audio Video Concept d.o.o.

Cara Lazara 11, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3036 424

Tehnologija/Technology | Jan/Feb 2023 101
Satovi/Watches | Jan/Feb 2023 102

Poznat po ljubavi prema pop-art pravcu i njegovoj reinterpretaciji, Aiiroh, već više od 20 godina izlaže radove u preko 50 galerija širom sveta. Čak je neke od svojih kultnih komada pretvorio u NFT. Njegova umetnička dela su među najskupljima, a hip-hop ikone i međunarodno poznate ličnosti se utrkuju da ih poseduju u svojim kolekcijama. U poslednje vreme Aiirohov glavni fokus je na ponovnom tumačenju kultnih pop-art figura pomoću postera koji se nalaze na ulicama najvećih francuskih gradova.

Rezultat partnerski stvorenog ručnog časovnika Corum Bubble X Aiiroh, iako izrazito individualistički, nije neobičan poduhvat za ovaj kreativni brend, koji je tokom godina sarađivao sa mnogobrojnim umetnicima. Kada je pre 22 godine prvi put predstavio Bubble sat, umetnički i dekorativni brojčanici – zajedno sa ogromnim kupolastim kristalnim staklom –odisali su impresivnim stavom koji je brendu doneo brojne sledbenike. Sat od 44 mm nije bio samo radikalan za to vreme, već je izazivao emocije, što je bilo još važnije. Ljubitelji satova su se zaljubili.

Novi impresivni Bubble X Aiiroh od 47 mm u prvi plan stavlja odvažne boje i smeo stil. Izrađen od nerđajućeg čelika sa crnim PVD premazom, inspirisan je Aiirohovim čuvenim umetničkim delom „Black Série Rose“ u kojem koristi ulične postere i naslove u kolažu kako bi formirao latice šarene ruže, a potom preko njega postavlja još jedan stilizovani motiv crne ruže za dodatnu privlačnost.

Ovaj efekat je u potpunosti reinterpretiran na brojčaniku sata, skoro kao prenos originalnog umetničkog dela. Iskorišćene su dve različite aplikacije na brojčaniku koje su stvorile dramatičnu dubinu i dimenziju. Na prvoj i potpuno crnoj pozadini, odvažno lep kolaž od latica gotovo je fluorescentan u nijansama tirkizne, narandžaste, boje lavande, ljubičaste, plave, crvene, žute i zelene. Druga aplikacija je u obliku stilizovane ruže, izrađene od aluminijuma, koja je postavljena iznad fluorescentnog kolaža. Crno naspram drugih boja ne samo da izaziva osećaj otvaranja ruže, već i daje savršen kontrast i privlačnost. Dodajte tome ispupčeno staklo od safirnog kristala za pomalo izobličen pogled na brojčanik, i rezultat je veličanstven.

Sat pokreće mehanički automatski kalibar CO 082 sa 42 sata rezerve snage. Poleđina kućišta napravljena je od providnog safirnog kristalnog stakla sa antirefleksnom obradom za bolji pogled na mehanizam. Vodootporan do 100 metara, sat je napravljen u ograničenoj seriji od samo 88 komada – čime je osigurana ekskluzivnost.

Koliko god da je Corum Bubble X Aiiroh intrigantan, on pored toga donosi mnogo iznenađenja u vidu ambalaže i zidne umetnosti. Sat će se prodavati sa posebnim umetničkim delom, realizovanim od strane Aiiroha i japanskog modernog umetnika Namisena, a koji je kao završni komad u smoli „oživeo“ francuski vizuelni umetnik Soiz Bank. Sva tri umetnika deo su Mind the Gap Label zajednice umetnika čija karijera je u nastajanju i usponu. U suštini, skulpturalna zidna umetnost je originalan dizajn inspirisan Corum-ovim sertifikatom za sat, zajedno sa ključnim zaštitnim znakom koji je odmah prepoznatljiv. Napravljen je kao ravna slika, polusavijena i obrađena smolom.

Izvajani sertifikat i najnoviji Corum Bubble X Aiiroh sat predstavljaju sledeću generaciju Corum-ovog neverovatnog putovanja u svet saradnje. Prethodne veze bile su svedoci rođenja Bubble satova u kojima su učestvovali Elisabetta Fantone, reper Booba i proizvođač činela Paiste, i mnogi drugi. Najnoviji sat nije dizajniran samo za sledbenike Bubble kulta i ljubitelje Corum-a, već za ljubitelje umetnosti širom sveta. Corum-a,


Known for his love of Pop Art and its reinterpretation, Aiiroh, a street artist for more than 20 years, has had his work exhibited in more than 50 galleries worldwide. He has even dropped some of his own iconic pieces as NFTs. Collected by hip hop icons and international celebrities, Aiiroh’s artwork commands top dollar alongside other French artists. His main focus recently: re-interpreting iconic pop-art figures using posters found in the streets of top French cities.

The result of the Corum Bubble X Aiiroh partnership watch, while decidedly individualistic, isn’t an unusual departure for this creative brand, which has collaborated with a host of artists over the years. In fa ct, when it first introduced the Bubble watch 22 years ago in 2000, art and decorative dials – along with the huge domed crystal – made an impressive statement that garnered the brand a cultlike following. The must-have 44mm watch was not only radical for the times, but also, and more importantly, emotion evoking. Watch lovers fell in love.

The new larger-than-life 47mm Bubble X Aiiroh watch brings its own message to the forefront: one of daring color and bold style. Crafted in stainless steel with black PVD coating, the watch is inspired by Aiiroh’s famous “Black Série Rose” artwork that uses street posters and headlines in a decoupage-like collage to form the petals of the colorful rose. He then superimposes another stylized black rose spiral motif on top of that for added allure.

This e ect is entirely recreated on the watch dial, almost like a transfer of the original piece of art. It uses two di erent dial appliques that add dramatic depth and dimension. Against a stark black background, the boldly beautiful rose petal collage is almost fluorescent in shades of turquoise, orange, lavender, purple, blue, red, yellow and green. Overlaid onto the first layer of the dial is a second black dial swirl made of aluminium that is a stylized rose. The black against the color not only evokes a sense of the rose opening, but also adds amazing contrast and appeal. Add to that the half-globe domed sapphire crystal that gives its own somewhat distorted view of the dial, and the result is magnificent.

The watch is powered by the mechanical automatic caliber CO 082 that o ers 42 hours of power reserve. The case back is made of transparent sapphire crystal with an antireflective treatment for viewing of the movement. Water resistant to 100 meters, the watch is built in a limited edition of just 88 pieces – ensuring exclusivity.

As intriguing as the Corum Bubble X Aiiroh watch is, it brings even more surprise with it in the form of packaging and wall art. The watch will be sold with a special artwork realized by Aiiroh and Japanese modern artist Namisen and brought to “life” as a final piece in resin by French visual artist Soyz Bank. All three of these artists are part of the Mind the Gap Label– a community of emerging and established artists. Essentially the sculptured wall art is an original design inspired by Corum’s watch certificate, complete with the key logo that is immediately recognizable. It is created as a flat painting, semi-folded, and finished in resin.

The sculpted certificate and the newest Corum Bubble X Aiiroh watch are the next generation of Corum’s incredible journey into the world of collaborations. Previous relationships witnessed the birth of Bubble watches with the likes of Elisabetta Fantone, rapper Booba, and cymbals manufacture Paiste, to name a few. The newest watch is designed not just for Bubble cult followers and Corum lovers, but also for art lovers around the world.

Nakit za posebne dame

LeveriS Jewelry je izvrstan modni nakit, precizne ručne izrade i završnice, napravljen od plemenitih metala (uglavnom rodiniranog srebra) i SWAROVSKI kristala. Samo onda kada je ocenjen najvišim kvalitetom, nakit dobija pečat savršenosti, lepote i kvaliteta u vidu stilizovanog logoa “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. Ovaj nakit izrađuje se ručno, masovna proizvodnja ne postoji, što je svakako još jedna potvrda autentičnosti. Svaki komad posebno je dizajniran i uglavnom je kreacija Leveris saradnika. Takođe, postoje primerci urađeni po kupljenim projektima drugih autora, ali i iz knjiga i časopisa. U realizaciju svakog modela, osim materijala i vremena, uloženo je i dosta ljubavi, te se nadamo da ćete uživati noseći ga.

Nakit/Jewelry | Jan/Feb 2023 106

Jewelry for special ladies

LeveriS Jewelry is splendid fashion jewelry handmade with precision and exceptional finish, made of precious metals (mostly rhodiumplated silver) and SWAROVSKI crystals.

It is only after being rated the highest quality that a piece of jewelry gets the seal of perfection, beauty and quality in the form of a stylized logo “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. It is handmade, mass production does not exist in their workshops, which is certainly one more confirmation of authenticity. Each piece is specially designed and in most cases is creation of their collaborators. There are also models from specialized magazines, books or by other authors of purchased projects. In addition to the material and time, a lot of love has been invested in realization of each item, so we hope that you will enjoy wearing it. | Jan/Feb 2023 107

Villa Crespi | Jan/Feb 2023 108

Zdanje iz snova smestilo se uz jezero Orta, koje se kao mali dragulj Pijemonta smatra jednim od najromantičnijih na svetu

Villa Crespi is a dream come true along the shores of Lake Orta, a small jewel of Piedmont considered one of the most romantic lakes in the world

Hoteli/Hotels | Jan/Feb 2023 109

Ova istorijska rezidencija mavarskog stila datira iz kasnog 19. veka. Iako je prvobitno zamišljena kao privatna kuća, tokom vremena postala je ekskluzivno mesto u kom su odsedali pesnici, plemići i vladari. Njeno ime pominjalo se u nekim od najslavnijih kuća severne Evrope. Vila Crespi se 2012. godine pridružila porodici Relais et Châteaux, simbolu hotelijerske i ugostiteljske izvrsnosti, i danas je luksuzni hotel sa pet zvezdica i dom restorana sa dve Mišelinove zvezdice, kog vodi šef Antonino Kanavaćuolo.


Kristoforo Beninjo Krespi, pionir u pamučnoj industriji, odlučio je da 1879. godine izgradi veličanstvenu zgradu i okruži je ljupkim zelenim parkom sa pogledom na voljeno jezero Orta. Inspiraciju je pronašao na dugim poslovnim putovanjima po Bliskom istoku gde je ostao opčinjen šarmom čarobne arhitekture Bagdada. Izgradnja je poverena arhitekti Anđelu Koli koji je dobio potpunu kreativnu slobodu prilikom projektovanja. Prvobitno je vila nazvana Villa Pia, po Kristoforovoj supruzi, kojoj je i posvećena, da bi kasnijih godina rezidencija oslovljena porodičnim prezimenom. Na jednoj od ulaznih kapija i dalje je moguće pročitati originalni naziv „Villa Pia“. Ovo eklektično remek-delo mavarskog stila, jedinstveno širom sveta po štukaturama i arabesknim umetcima, usavršavalo se 30 godina da bi trijumfovalo kao čudo koje i danas oduzima dah. Vreme koje je prolazilo donelo mu je niz različitih vlasnika. Tridesetih godina XX veka kupio ga je markiz Frakasi od Tore Rosana, pa je time postalo stecište pesnika, plemića i kraljevskih porodica, uključujući kralja Umberta od Savoje.


Vila osvaja posebnošću svoje arhitekture, jedinstvene u ovoj oblasti. Odmah ćete se setiti Bliskog istoka i bajkovite atmosfere iz Hiljadu i jedne arapske noći. Mavarski stil sa kupolama isprepletenih lukova, prefinjenim ukrasima od štukature i livenog gipsa, pozlaćenim mermernim stubovima koji podsećaju na eleganciju minareta Bagdada

i Damaska, ali i kule Alhambre i Alkazara, odvešće vas na putovanje u daleka vremena i magična mesta.

Arhitekta Anđelo Kola, koji je započeo rad sa prvom grupom ornamentalista i dekoratera, pustio je talentu da zablista. Njegov romantični osećaj za kinematografski ukus i strastvena pažnja prema detaljima omogućili su mu da se poslednjih godina svoje karijere upusti u značajnu avanturu kao pravi nezavisni arhitekta.

Stvorio je luksuznu vilu i obogatio svaki njen kutak; od veličanstvenog predvorja i prekrasnih firentinskih mozaičkih podova, preko ukrasnih zidova koji se uzdižu do plafona i završavaju zvezdanim nebom u čistom mavarskom stilu, pa sve do drvenih intarziranih prozora i raskošnih parketa. I na kraju, visoki minaret, podsetnik na arapski arhitektonski stil, po kome je vila postala jedan od najprepoznatljivijih i najupečatljivijih simbola na jezeru Orta.


Vila Crespi je prvobitno bila porodična kuća za odmor. Dekoracije na zidovima izrađene su od štukature najvišeg kvaliteta po španskoj i bliskoistočnoj arhitektonskoj tradiciji. Istu tradiciju nalazimo i u unutrašnjosti, zahvaljujući lukovima unutar soba. Sa vrha minareta pogled na jezero i okolne planine ostavlja bez daha. Jedna od najupečatljivijih karakteristika vile je pod nekadašnjeg predvorja (danas recepcija hotela). U pitanju je mozaik inspirisan tehnikom koja se koristila u Veneciji tokom prethodnih vekova. U prizemlju se nalazi pet soba, svaka različito uređena u skladu sa tadašnjim arhitektonskim stilom. Za izgradnju stubova unutar i izvan zgrade korišćen je najfiniji mermer, i to u velikim količinama. Ogroman park projektovao je poznati arhitekta za bašte, Enriko Kombi, ali se on tokom godina menjao i danas je mnogo manji od prvobitnog projekta.


Od 1999. godine Ćincija i Antonino Kanavaćuolo vode Relais et Châteaux Villa Crespi i restoran sa dve Mišelinove zvezdice. Vezani velikom strašću prema hotelijerstvu i ugostiteljstvu, odlučili su da se uhvate u koštac sa ovom izazovnom i uzbudljivom avanturom; Antonino u kuhinji stvaranjem inovativnih i prefinjenih jela i Ćincija koja brine o hotelu sa vrhunskom uslugom i luksuzom.

Ključ njihovog uspeha krije se u autentičnosti, poštovanju, posvećenosti, strasti i energiji, koji su im vremenom doneli prestižne nagrade nekih od najpoznatijih vodiča na međunarodnoj gastronomskoj sceni.

Antonino i Ćincija Konavaćuolo/ Antonino and Cinzia Connavacciuolo | Jan/Feb 2023 110
Okružen prirodom, između jezera i Alpa, čudesni gradić Orta San Đulio, jedno od sto najlepših sela u Italiji. Od vile Crespi deli ga svega deset minuta lagane šetnje / Surrounded by nature, between the Lake and the Alps, the quaint town of Orta San Giulio, one of the 100 most beautiful villages in Italy, can be easily reached on foot from Villa Crespi with a beautiful 10-minute walk

Ako tražite čarobne legende i misteriozne priče, na savršenom ste mestu pošto one odlikuju ostrvo San Đulio - jedino ostrvo jezera Orta / If you’re looking for magical legends and mysterious stories, you’re in the perfect spot as they shroud the Island of San Giulio; Lake Orta’s only island. | Jan/Feb 2023 111

Dating back to the late 19th Century, this Moorish style, historic residence has been a private home and over the centuries became an exclusive place of hospitality for poets, nobles and rulers. Its name resonated in some of the most illustrious houses in Northern Europe.

In 2012, Villa Crespi became part of the Relais et Châteaux family, a symbol of excellence in hospitality and catering and shines on the international hospitality scene. Today, this is a 5-star luxury hotel and home to Chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo’s 2-star Michelin restaurant.


In 1879, Cristoforo Benigno Crespi, a pioneer in the cotton industry, commissioned the construction of this magnificent Moorish-style villa and surrounded it with a lovely green park where it would overlook his beloved Lake Orta. His source of inspiration were his long business trips in the Middle East where he was bewitched by the charm of Baghdad’s splendid architecture.

The construction was entrusted to the architect Angelo Colla. He had complete creative freedom and could design the Villa as he wanted. Originally the Villa was named Villa Pia, the name of Cristoforo Benigno Crespi’s wife and to whom he dedicated its construction. The residence later took on the family’s surname. On one of the entrance gates, it is still possible to read the original “Villa Pia”. The eclectic Moorish masterpiece took 30 years to build, unique the world over for its style, stuccoes and arabesque inlays; a marvel, which still today, takes your breath away. The passing of time has seen a succession of different owners. In the 1930’s it was purchased by the Marquis Fracassi of Torre Rossano and became a place of residency for poets, nobles and royalty, including King Umberto of Savoy.


The Villa will win you over thanks the peculiarity of its architecture, unique in the area. You’ll be instantly reminded of the Middle East and the fairytale-like atmosphere of One Thousand and One Arabian Nights. The Moorish style with domes of intertwined arches, rich and refined adornments made of stucco and molded plaster, painted and gilded, marble columns all reminiscent of the elegance of the minarets of Baghdad and Damascus, of the towers of the Alhambra and those at the Alcazar. You’ll be taken on a journey to distant times and far away places.

The architect Angelo Colla, who started out with a first set of ornamentalists and decorators, had the opportunity to let his talent shine. His romantic sense of cinematographic taste and passionate attention to decorative detail allowed him to spend the last part of his career to take on a significant adventure as a real independent architect.

The architect Colla created this luxurious Villa and enriched its every corner; from the majestic lobby and gorgeous Florentine mosaic floors, to the ornamental walls rising to the ceiling where they end in a starry sky in pure Moorish style, to the wooden inlaid windows with their intricate decorations and lavish parquet floors. Lastly, the towering minaret, a reminder of the Arabic architectural style, and for which the Villa has become one of the most recognizable and emblematic symbols on Lake Orta.


Villa Crespi originally was the holiday house of the family. The decorations on the walls are made of stucco of the highest quality according to the Spanish and Middle Eastern architectural tradition. The same tradition that we find inside, thanks to the arches of the rooms.

From the top of the minareth the view over the lake and the surrounding mountains is breathtaking. One of the most impressive features of the Villa is the floor of the former lobby (today the reception area of the hotel). It is a mosaic work, according to a style

Hoteli/Hotels | Jan/Feb 2023 112

used in Venice during the former centuries. On the ground floor there are 5 rooms, everyone di erently decorated according to the architectural stile of the time. The finest marbles were widly used for the construction of the columns inside and outside the building. The huge park was designed by a famous gardens architect, Enrico Combi but during the years it has been changing and today it is much smaller than the original project.


Since 1999, Cinzia and Antonino Cannavacciuolo have managed the Relais et Châteaux Villa Crespi and its two-star Michelin restaurant. Bound by a great passion for hospitality, they decided to tackle this challenging and exciting adventure together; Antonino in the kitchen with the creation of innovative and refined dishes and Cinzia looking after the hotel with its distinguished service and luxury. Authenticity, respect, commitment, energy and passion above anything else are the keys to their success and which have rewarded them over time with prestigious awards by some of the most renowned guides on the international gastronomic scene.

Catena Zapata

Doajen argentinskog vinogradarstva

Osnovan 1902. godine od strane italijanskog imigranta Nikole Katene, koji je od početka zagovarao sortu grožđa malbek uprkos opadanju njene popularnosti u Bordou, Catena Zapata danas je centar detaljnih vinogradarskih studija, sa vinogradima koji su nazvani argentinski Grand Crus. Nikolas, Nikolin unuk, jedan od najnagrađivanijih vinara na svetu, argentinsko vinarstvo doveo je do vrtoglavih visina autentičnosti i kvaliteta usudivši se da vinovu lozu posadi tamo gde niko nije mislio da će ikada sazreti. Njegova vinska revolucija na velikim visinama kulminirala je otkrićem novog terena za vino, vinograda Adrianna, na skoro 5.000 metara nadmorske visine. Kada je porodica Katena odlučila da eksperimentiše sa novim teroarom na velikoj nadmorskoj visini, ušli su u svet u kome je dominirala dugogodišnja francuska teorija da kvalitet najviše zavisi od zemljišta. Prema Francuzima, ljudski faktor —

bilo da je u pitanju vinar ili upravitelj vinograda — nije bitan. Kvalitet zavisi samo od prirode, klime i vrste zemljišta na kome je vinograd zasađen. Vinar ništa ne može da uradi ako kvalitet ne dolazi iz mesta gde se vinograd nalazi— teroara. Pokušavajući da sprovedu ovu francusku teoriju u Argentini, Katene dolaze do zapanjujućeg otkrića: aluvijalna zemljišta iz Mendoze nisu homogena. Drugim rečima, u istom vinogradu, na malim udaljenostima, postoje i fizičke i hemijske razlike u zemljištu koje formiraju vinogradske parcele sa jedinstvenim karakteristikama. Kao rezultat, svaka parcela vinograda daje poreklo sopstvenom jedinstvenom vinu sa vrlo specifičnim ukusima i aromama. Ovo otkriće podstaklo je porodicu da još dublje uđe u teoriju teroara. Danas imanje vodi Nikolasova ćerka Laura, koja je, kako bi izvukla ono najbolje iz sopstvenih proizvoda, osnovala Institut Catena, razvijajući na njemu argentinski kodeks održivosti,

Vinarije / Wineries 114 | Jan/Feb 2023

uz saradnju sa vrhunskim univerzitetima širom sveta. Vinarija u obliku piramide, inspirisana hramovima naroda Maja, sama je po sebi atrakcija. Imanje nudi i tri vinske ture za obilazak: Piramida Katena upoznaje vas sa vinima preko vinograda i glavne prostorije za skladištenje buradi, Renesansa Malbeka predstavlja duboko uranjenje u vinogradarski rad Instituta Catena, uz degustaciju vina, sireva i delikatesa, i treća tura Adrianna Grand Cru, koja posetioce vodi kroz najpoznatiji vinograd u zemlji, pre nego što probaju nektar sa njegovih određenih parcela, direktno iz buradi.

Trenutno se radi na novom projektu u kome se prvobitni podrumi pretvaraju u destileriju za brendi i salon, zajedno sa restoranom i sobama za degustaciju koje će uz sesije sa poezijom i muzikom posetiocima omogućiti istraživanje umetnosti i vinarske nauke kroz multisenzorna iskustva.


Ne znate šta je argentinski malbek dok ne probate Catena Zapata. Zbog veće nadmorske visine izrazito je cvetni i iznenađujuće svetle boje. Imanje takođe proizvodi odličan kaberne sovinjon, šardone i niz autohtonih sorti grožđa.

Dr Laura Zapata globalno je poznata po svom radu i kao lekar hitne pomoći sa pola radnog vremena u San Francisku, ali i kao ambasador argentinskog vina. Treba spomenuti i glavnog vinara Alehandra Vigila, sa kojim Laura sarađuje kako bi oformila čist teroar svoje porodice, sve do najmanjih parcela.

Vina Catena Zapata potiču iz šest istorijskih vinograda na imanju: Angélica, La Pirámide, Nicasia, Domingo, Adrianna i Angélica Sur / The wines of Bodega Catena Zapata are sourced from six historic estate vineyards: Angélica, La Pirámide, Nicasia, Domingo, Adrianna and Angélica Sur

115 | Jan/Feb 2023

Doyen of Argentine viticulture


Founded in 1902 by Italian immigrant Nicola Catena, who championed the Malbec grape from the o despite its declining popularity in Bordeaux, Catena Zapata is today a centre of detailed viticultural study, with vineyards dubbed the country’s Grand Crus. Nicola’s grandson, Nicolás, is one of the most decorated winemakers alive and has steered Argentinian winemaking up into the giddy altitudes that now sets it apart. Nicolás Catena Zapata dared to plant vines where no one thought they would ripen. His high-altitude wine revolution culminated in the discovery of a new terroir for wine, the Adrianna Vineyard, at almost 5,000 feet elevation. When the Catenas decided to experiment with a new terroir at high altitude, they entered a world dominated by the long-held French theory that quality depends mostly on terroir. According to the French, the human factor—whether the winemaker or the vineyard manager—is inconsequential. Quality only depends on nature, climate, and the type of soil where the vineyard is planted. There is nothing that the winemaker can do if the quality does not come from the place where the vineyard is located: the terroir. In trying to implement this French theory in Argentina several years ago, the Catenas made a startling discovery: The alluvial soils from Mendoza are not homogenous. In other words, in the same vineyard, within short distances, there are both physical and chemical soil di erences, resulting in vineyard lots or parcelas with unique characteristics. As a result, each vineyard lot gives origin to its own unique wine with very specific flavors and aromas. This discovery prompted the family to drill down even deeper into the theory of terroir. The estate is currently run by Nicolás daughter Laura, who created the Catena Institute, developing Argentina’s

sustainability code and collaborating with top universities around the world to get the best out of her own vineyards.

Inspired by Mayan temples, the pyramid-shaped winery is an attraction in itself, but the estate also o ers three types of tour, which must be reserved. The ‘Catena Pyramid Visit’ introduces you to the wines via the vineyards and main barrel room. The ‘Renaissance of Malbec Visit’ is a deep dive into the Catena Institute’s vineyard work paired with wines, cheeses and charcuterie. And the ‘Adrianna Grand Cru Visit’ guides you through the country’s most famous vineyard before you taste wines from specific parcels of it directly from the barrels. Work is also underway on a new project, turning the original cellars into a brandy distillery and lounge, along with a restaurant and tasting rooms exploring the art and science of winemaking through multi-sensory experiences including pairing sessions with poetry and music.

The wines

You don’t know Argentinian Malbec until you’ve tasted Catena Zapata. Owing to the higher altitudes, theirs is floral, pretty and surprisingly light in colour. The estate also produces excellent Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and a set of indigenous grape varieties, some in a natural style.

Dr Laura Zapata is globally recognized for her work as both an emergency doctor part-time in San Francisco and an ambassador for Argentinian wine. She collaborates with head winemaker Alejandro Vigil to create pure expressions of her family’s terroirs, right down to the smallest plots.

Vinarije / Wineries


Kolekcija crpi inspiraciju iz samopouzdanja savršeno skrojene i vanvremenske muške odeće The collection draws inspiration from the confidence of perfectly tailored and timeless menswear | Jan/Feb 2023 118

Unovoj Ralph Lauren kolekciji, tkanine poput tvida, vune i kašmira dostižu sasvim novu dimenziju, kreirajući savršenu simbiozu klasike i modernog dizajna. Jakne, prsluci i pantalone, kao kultni komadi, se za moderan šmek uparuju sa kožnim čizmama, dok se sezonska paleta boja sastoji od neutralnih tonova sa dominacijom braon i boje uglja. Polo Originals se za jesen/zimu 2022. smestio u Škotsku, crpeći inspiraciju iz njihovog robusnog stila i bogatog nasleđa britanskog krojačkog umeća.

Muškarac Polo Originals je višestruk, a njegova garderoba to odražava. Ralph Lauren deli sezonu na elegantna poglavlja, sa nizom odevnih komada koje morate imati.

Heritage liniju karakteriše mešavina klasične sportske odeće, vanjske odeće i koledž stila, a Glen Plaid jakna od šetlandskog tvida njen je idealan predstavnik.

Verzija od vune srž je elegantnog opsega Made to Measure. Edvardijanski stil zauzima centralno mesto u predstavljanju Polo Originals nijanse uglja za ovu sezonu. Polo Ralph Lauren odaje počast svom nasleđu, dizajnirajući od 1967. godine mušku odeću koja kombinuje stil i funkciju sa besprekornim kvalitetom. U ovoj liniji, britansko krojenje se susreće sa američkim senzibilitetom u elegantnim komadima poput mekanog kaputa od mešavine vune i šarmantnih kačketa.

Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, Polo Originals slavi tradiciju bogatog tekstila sa tvidom, koristeći tradicionalne tkanine u prirodnim tonovima kako bi ponudio dašak klasične muške odeće za savremenog džentlmena. U asortimanu se ističu džemperi od Fair Isle vune inspirisani ribarima sa Šetlandskih ostrva, kaputi izrađeni u Italiji od britanske uljane tkanine Millerain i prepoznatljivi setovi napravljeni od šetlandskog tvida, poručenog preko Abraham Moon & Sons. Siluete ukorenjene u pričama su moderne sa elegantnim revitalizacijama, a etikete nose više brendova, odajući priznanje radu istorijskih tkačnica, zanatlijama i njihovim prepoznatljivim tkaninama. Iznad svega, kolekcija odaje počast klasici.

Fabrics like tweed, wool and cashmere in the new Ralph Lauren collection take on a whole new dimension, representing a perfect symbiosis of classic and modern design. Iconic pieces such as jackets, waistcoats and trousers are paired with leather boots for a modern feel, while the season's color palette consists of neutral tones dominated by brown and charcoal. For Autumn/Winter 2022, Polo Originals has settled in Scotland, drawing inspiration from their rugged style and rich heritage of British tailoring.

The Polo Originals man is multifaceted, and his wardrobe reflects that. Ralph Lauren divides the season into stylish chapters that offer a range of must-have garments.

Heritage is a mix of classic sportswear, outerwear and collegiate style, and the Glen Plaid Shetland Tweed Jacket is its ideal representative.

A wool version represents the core of the dapper Made to Measure range.

Edwardian style takes center stage as Polo Originals presents its charcoal shade story for this season. Polo Ralph Lauren pays homage to its heritage by designing menswear that combines style and function with impeccable quality since 1967. In this line, British tailoring meets an American sensibility in elegant pieces such as a soft wool-blend topcoat and a collection of charming newsboy caps.

Last but not least, Polo Originals celebrates the tradition of rich textiles with tweed using traditional fabrics in natural tones to offer a touch of classic menswear for the contemporary gentleman. Among the range, standouts include Fair Isle wool sweaters inspired by Shetland Islands’ fishermen, trench coats crafted from British Millerain oilcloth in Italy and signature sets constructed from custom Shetland tweed via Abraham Moon & Sons. Silhouettes entrenched in stories are made modern with sleek revitalizations, and labels don co-branding, toasting to the work of historical mills, craftsmen and their signature textiles. Above all, the collection nods to the classics.





21-29. JANUAR 2023. GODINE, HALA 6, ŠTAND 6B61

Sunseeker će na sajmu u Dizeldorfu predstaviti dva potpuno nova modela, dok će istovremeno izložiti i kompletnu liniju svojih jahti. U centru pažnje je novi Superhawk 55, okretni model visokih performansi, koji će biti spektakularno otkriven na otvaranju ovog nautičkog događaja, 21. januara 2023. godine u 15 časova. Zadivljujuća nova jahta 75 Sport Yacht takođe će imati svoju svetsku premijeru na sajmu nautike.

Devet Izloženih jahti posetiocima će ponuditi priliku da se detaljno upoznaju sa raznovrsnim i sve mnogobrojnijim asortimanom Sunseeker sportskih i flajbridž modela u rasponu od 55 do 95 stopa.

Andrea Frabeti, glavni izvršni direktor kompanije Sunseeker International, prokomentarisao je: „Sunseeker se vraća u Dizeldorf sa samopouzdanjem, stilom i najuzbudljivijim modelima na današnjem tržištu. Izložba izuzetnih motornih jahti pokazuje ekspertski nivo inovacije, zanatstva i tehničkog napretka u ovoj oblasti industrije. Naša mreža veoma posvećenih distributera biće na raspolaganju posetiocima da pruži tehničke detalje i najbolju uslugu za klijente. Posebno smo ponosni na to što predstavljamo nove modele Superhawk 55 i 75 Sport Yacht, koje će biti krunski dragulj naše impresivne linije zadivljujućih jahti. Uz izvanrednu zabavu koja će pratiti otvaranje štanda, ovogodišnje lansiranje novih modela označiće dobrodošlicu za povratak na manifestaciju u Dizeldorfu.''

21-29 JANUARY 2023, HALL 6, STAND 6B61

Sunseeker reveals two brand new model launches along with a full line-up of yachts on display at boot Düsseldorf, one of the largest boat shows in the world. Taking centre stage is the all-new Superhawk 55, an agile performance model set to receive a spectacular unveiling at the show opening on Saturday 21st January 2023 at 15:00 (CET). The stunning new 75 Sport Yacht will also make its world premiere at the boat show.

The 9 stunning yachts on display o er visitors the opportunity to explore a diverse and expansive portfolio of Sunseeker sports and flybridge models ranging from 55 to 95 feet.

Andrea Frabetti, Chief Executive O cer at Sunseeker International, commented: “Sunseeker returns to boot Düsseldorf with confidence, flair, and the most exciting models in the market today. The display of exceptional motor yachts showcases the expert level of innovation, cra smanship, and technical advancements in the industry. Our dedicated distributor network will be on hand to o er technical insights and the very best customer service. We are particularly proud to unveil the new Superhawk 55 and 75 Sport Yacht, which will be the crown jewel of our impressive line-up of stunning yachts. With outstanding entertainment to support the stand-opening, this year’s launch will mark a welcome return to the Düsseldorf show.”

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 121

Superhawk 55

Sunseeker je napravio novi dnevni čamac sa otvorenim krovom koji će oduševiti svojim elegantnim dizajnom, izuzetnim detaljima i uzbudljivim inovacijama. Pokreće ga par Volvo Penta D11 - IPS 950 motora usklađenih sa oblikom trupa i posebno projektovanih za IPS pogonski sistem, pa je Superhawk 55 sposoban za uzbudljive performanse sa neuporedivom agilnošću. Upečatljive spoljašnje linije i inteligentni detalji očigledni su u dizajnu eksterijera. Inovativni kompozitni trup, dodaci od nerđajućeg čelika i velike zastakljene površine iscrtavaju impresivan profil. Oblikovani krmeni kokpit u punoj širini jahte koristi prednosti prostranih modularnih sedišta i skrivenih uređaja integrisanih u šanku, kao i opcionog prilagodljivog TV-a, dok prednja paluba nudi prostrane ležaje, koja se pomeraju prema napred da bi napravila mesta za opcioni sto i deo za sedenje opremljen bežičnim punjačem i ormarićima za skladištenje. Na krmi je pozicioniran ležaj za sunčanje sa integrisanim prostorom za odlaganje igračaka za vodu koji se otvara na električni pogon. U tenderskoj garaži ispod može se smestiti Williams MiniJet. Sve ovo se nalazi iza zakrivljenog vetrobranskog stakla sa obrubom od nerđajućeg čelika za potpuno neometan pogled. Raspored sa prolazima sa obe strane omogućava lak pristup bočnoj palubi na istom nivou od pantografskih vrata sa leve i desne strane. Sve u svemu, novi raspored, upotpunjen trostrukim kormilarskim mestom na središnjoj liniji, prvi put je primenjen na Sunseeker modelima. Stepenice vode do donje palube, luksuznog salona otvorenog rasporeda i praktične kuhinje. Ambijentalno ugradno osvetljenje, zaobljeno drvo i lakirana završna obrada doprinose vrhunskom, ali udobnom i prijatnom unutrašnjem prostoru.

Prednja kabina koristi prednost sopstvenog kupatila, tapaciranih jedinica i garderobe na levoj strani dok je kabina na krmi opremljena opcionim kliznim ležajevima koji se spajaju u bračni ili razdvajaju na dva pojedinačna kreveta, kao i velikim kupatilom. Interni tim za dizajn enterijera razvio je nekoliko unutrašnjih šema sa mešavinom tekstura i boja koje omogućavaju stepen prilagođavanja sa veoma savremenim izgledom i osećajem.

Sa dosta fleksibilnosti po pitanju specifikacija, emotivnog stila i prostora za kongiguracuju, Superhawk 55 nudi osećaj luksuza, uzbuđenja i agilnosti svima onima koji se na njega ukrcaju.

Sunseeker has developed a new open-top day boat set to thrill with sleek design, exquisite detailing, and exciting innovations. Powered by a pair of Volvo Penta D11 - IPS 950 engines matched with a hull form specifically designed for the IPS propulsion system, the Superhawk 55 is capable of a thrilling performance with unparalleled agility.

Striking exterior lines and intelligent design cues are evident in the Superhawk 55 exterior design. An all-new composite hull, stainless steel detailing, and expansive glazing make up the stunning profile. A sculptured full-beam aft cockpit benefits from generous configurable seating and concealed appliances integrated into the feature wet bar and optional rise and fall TV, while the foredeck offers a full-length sun pad, sliding forward to reveal an optional table and dedicated seating area complete with wireless charger and storage lockers.

The aft features a sun pad with integrated water toys stowage under an electrically opening hatch. The tender garage below can house a Williams MiniJet.

This is all sat behind a stainless capped, curved windscreen that offers completely uninterrupted views. A ‘walk-around’ arrangement delivers easy same-level side deck access from pantograph doors port and starboard. Altogether this new layout, complete with a centre-line triple helm, is a Sunseeker first.

Steps lead down to the lower deck, a highly luxurious open-plan Saloon and galley area sat beneath LED lighting. Ambient recessed lighting, curved wood, and lacquer finishes contribute to a premium yet cosseted interior space.

The forward cabin benefits from an en-suite, upholstered units, and a wardrobe on the port side. The cabin aft comes with optional sliding berths offering a double or two singles and a generous en-suite. The in-house interior design team developed several interior schemes with a mix of textures and colours that provide a degree of customisation with a highly contemporary look and feel.

With plenty of flexibility to the specification, emotive styling and configurable spaces, the Superhawk 55 offers a taste of luxury and the thrill of speed and agility to all those who step on board.


75 Sport Yacht

Upečatljive spoljašnje karakteristike, modularne konfiguracije nameštaja i savremena završna obrada enterijera daju uzbudljivu jahtu koja postiže brzinu do 40 čvorova pomoću Twin MAN V12 1900 motora. Prostor donje palube obuhvata tri kabine sa opcionom četvrtom umesto salona na donjoj palubi, u kojoj se u tom slučaju ugrađuje sklopivi zidni krevet.

Koncept dizajna koji predstavlja balans između zadivljujuće arhitekture i funkcionalnosti je suštinsko obeležje Sunseeker-ove najnovije sportske jahte. Prelepa simetrija krme je izuzetna karakteristika sama po sebi. Dvostruke stepenice vode od platforme za kupanje do krmenog kokpita, sa garažom za pomoćni čamac u koju može da se smesti Williams 395. Nova stepenica na platformi za kupanje izdužuje jahtu, pružajući vizuelnu karakteristiku i jedinstvenu perspektivu iz marine. U međuvremenu, pristup desnoj strani je poboljšan, čime se u potpunosti koriste obe bočne palube.

Estetski stajling preovladava u svakom detalju. Profil jahte privlači poglede sa poklopcima za ulaz vazduha i spoljnim rukohvatima od nerđajućeg čelika, doprinoseći visokokvalitetnoj završnoj obradi. Sve u svemu, eksterijer je agresivan i impozantan, sa novim, ugaonim dizajnom trupa i zastakljenom nadgradnjom.

Krmeni kokpit koristi prednosti klasičnog rasporeda sedenja. Popularna granitura za u obliku slova U sa pokretnim stolom od karbonskih vlakana pravi intimni prostor za druženje. Krmeni ležaj je idealan za sunčanje, sa prostranim odeljkom za odlaganje ispod. Vrata terase se spuštaju kako bi se dobio slobodan protok između spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg prostora. Tradicionalno drugo kormilo je dostupno na flajbridžu preko stepeništa. Susedno sedište, pored koga se nalazi ležaljka za sunčanje, smešteno je sa desne strane i pruža fantastičan pogled na vodu.

Vrhunski dizajn se proteže kroz celu unutrašnjost. Izuzetno drvo, kontrastne tkanine i bogate lakirane površine, u kombinaciji sa indirektnim i gradiranim osvetljenjem, stvaraju sofisticiran i upečatljiv ambijent. Odvažne karakteristike uključuju obloge od karbonskih vlakana, dizajn sa oštrim akcentima, reflektujuće površine i detalje od nerđajućeg čelika na ormarićima. Dvodelno vetrobransko staklo poboljšava vidljivost i poziva svetlost na glavnu palubu. Unutrašnji prostor je prilagodljiv - od izbora materijala do konfiguracije. Sedišta na glavnoj palubi su smeštena oko stola na rasklapanje na desnoj strani i velikog televizora na levoj strani u standardnom rasporedu. Kormilarska stanica je ispred sofe u obliku slova U, održavajući tipičan Sunseeker raspored.

Uređenje donje palube nudi smeštaj za maksimalno osam gostiju i dva člana posade. Raskošna vlasnička kabina u punoj širini plovila poseduje toaletni stočić sa prostorom za odlaganje, ležaj i dosta prostora za garderobu. Sva tri apartmana za goste imaju sopstveno kupatilo, a pristup zajedničkom dnevnom boravku je dostupan iz donjeg hodnika. Potpuno opremljena kuhinja i trpezarija na donjoj palubi nude društveni prostor za intimnu zabavu.

Izbor materijala je unapređen, sa novim opcijama spoljašnjih presvlaka, kalupa i sintetičke tikovine. Avanturistički nastrojeni kupci biće očarani izborom između četiri nove sive boje trupa.

Striking exterior features, modular furniture configurations and a contemporary interior finish deliver an exciting yacht reaching speeds of up to 40 knots with Twin MAN V12 1900 engines. Lower accommodation spans three cabins with an optional fourth pull-man cabin in place of the lower deck saloon. A design concept that balances beautiful architecture with functionality is central to Sunseeker's latest Sport Yacht. The beautiful symmetry of the stern is a feature in itself. Dual steps lead from the bathing platform to the aft cockpit, with a tender garage capable of housing a Williams 395. A new walkaround step on the bathing platform elongates the yacht while providing a visual feature that creates a unique perspective from the marina. Meanwhile, access to the starboard side is improved, making full use of the side decks. Aesthetic styling is prevalent in every detail. The yacht profile turns heads with stainless steel air intake cowlings and exterior handrails, contributing to the high-quality finish. Overall, the exterior is aggressive and imposing, with a new, angular hull and superstructure glazing design.

The aft cockpit benefits from a classic seating arrangement. Popular U-shaped seating with a rise-and-fall carbon fibre table provides an intimate social area. The aft sunpad is an ideal sunbathing space, with a large storage compartment concealed underneath. The patio door drops to create a free flow between exterior and interior spaces. A traditional second helm is accessible on the flybridge via a stairway. Adjacent companion seating on the starboard side, adjoined by a chaise-longue sunpad, offers an uncompromised view of the water. The design extends throughout the interior. Exquisite woods, contrasting fabrics and rich lacquers, paired with indirect and dimmable lighting, create a sophisticated and striking ambience. Bold features include carbon fibre trims, sharp accent designs, reflective surfaces and stainless-steel cabinet detailing. A double-piece windscreen improves visibility and invites light into the main deck. The interior space is customisable from the material selection to the configuration. The main deck seating centres around a fold-out table on the starboard side and a large television unit on the port side in a standard arrangement. The helm station is forward of the U-shaped sofa, maintaining a typical Sunseeker layout.

The lower deck arrangement offers spacious accommodation for up to eight guests and two crew. A sumptuous full-beam master cabin has a dressing table fitted with storage, a chaise longue and plenty of additional wardrobe space. All three guest suites come with an en-suite, and access to a shared day head is available from the lower hallway. The fully-fitted lower galley and dining space offer a social zone for intimate entertaining.

There is an enhanced material selection, with new exterior upholstery, moulding and synthetic teak options. Adventurous buyers will be captivated by a choice of four new grey hull colours.




Fjord je odavno poznat po atraktivnom stilu, snažnom vizuelnom utisku i inteligentno osmišljenoj udobnosti, dok istovremeno ostaje praktičan za nautičare. Predstavljajući model 41 XL, glavni dizajner Patrick Banfield je performanse i dizajn, kao DNK brodogradilišta Fjord, odveo još više i dalje – toliko da se može pohvaliti sa ukupno 90 različitih konfiguracija!

Kombinujući legendarni dizajn motornog čamca sa upotrebljivošću, Fjord 41 XL ima najveći T-top na svetu, sa električnom tendom i izuzetnom zaštitom od sunca, koja je omogu ćila upečatljiv enterijer i dizajn palube. Veliki prostor na palubi (sa devet opcija rasporeda) idealan je za sve obožavaoce sunca. Pored toga, novi model poseduje i najveće prozore na trupu u svojoj klasi, koji obećavaju beskrajnu količinu prirodnog svetla i naglašavaju njegov jedinstveni dizajn. Ergonomska upravljačka stanica sa staklenim mostom izgleda odlično i opremljena je najsavremenijom tehnologijom. A za garantovano kretanje na palubi bez prepreka? Obećavajući najveću moguću stabilnost, njegov trup, nadgradnja i kormilo upotpunjuju interakciju optimizovanu dizajnom, sa jakim krovnim stubovima spojenim u stranice broda. Da li smo spomenuli da je visina prostora znatno iznad 190 cm u celom dnevnom boravku?


2021. GODINE

S obzirom da se ovo priznanje smatra najvažnijom nagradom u industriji motornih brodova, to nije mala stvar. Fjord 41 XL je najbolji među jahtama do 14 metara, potvrdio je uticajni žiri sastavljen od nautičara koji obavljaju testiranje plovila i glavnih urednika vodećih evropskih časopisa za motorne brodove. Potvrda Creme de la crème sveta motornih čamaca, koji predstavlja preko milion čitalaca mesečno u Evropi i šire, Evropsku nagradu za motorne brodove čini najprestižnijim svetskim priznanjem na tržištu motornih čamaca.

Sa impresivnim dijapazonom materijala i boja, dizajn enterijera prepušten je vama, dajući vam mogućn ost za stvaranje broda iz snova. Uz mnoštvo opcija rasporeda (sećate se da smo rekli 90 različitih konfiguracija?), svaki Fjord 41 XL predstavlja remek-delo

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 126


DUŽINA: 13,79 m

ŠIRINA: 3,99 m

ISTISNINA: 10800 kg



STANDARDNI MOTOR: 2 x Volvo Penta 2020 / D6 - 340 / DPI / brodski motor / vanbrodski motor /





proizašlo iz kreativne ruke njegovog vlasnika. Želite urednu palubu? Sređeno. Dizajnerski nameštaj u dnevnom boravku? Samo napred. Šta kažete na potpuno opremljenu kuhinju? Naravno! Nijedan zahtev nije premali i nijedan dizajn previše neobičan za zamisliti.

Štaviše, opsežna prilagođavanja dizajna su takođe po prvi put moguća na donjoj palubi. Na primer, izaberite svetlu gostinsku kabinu sa prozorima umesto skladišnog prostora, dodajte kompletnu kuhinju ili drugi toalet. Glavna kabina se takođe može nadograditi odvojenim prostorom za garderober ili radnim delom, ali i zatvoriti zvučno izolovanim kliznim vratima. I to nije sve – ova vrata su uvučena u pregradu radi uštede prostora i omogućavaju potpuno zatamnjivanje glavne kabine kada to vlasnici žele.

Za one koje zanima mehanika, standardni model nudi dvostruku Volvo Penta D6 DPI dizel konfiguraciju od 340 KS po motoru i upravljanje pomoću džojstika za lako pristajanje. Međutim, u svakom motoru možete izabrati i Volvo Penta D6 DPI 440 KS, čime dostižete maksimalnu brzinu od 39 čvorova, ili oko 70 km/h. Da li ste raspoloženi da sve to isprobate?

Bilo da ste strastveni ljubitelj ekstremne navigacije, skiper koji voli sportove na vodi ili neko ko želi da se opusti sa porodicom ili prijateljima, Fjord 41 XL postaće vaše utočište. Bez obzira na to gde se nalazite, odvešće vas tamo gde treba da budete, i to sa stilom i udobnošću koja je srž njegove plovidbene filozofije. Sa modelom 41 XL, Fjord ide korak dalje u konceptima projektovanja avangardnih plovila, ali takođe čini iskorak u modularni dizajn u oblastima palube i enterijera. Dajući prioritet hidrodinamičkoj efikasnosti, stabilnosti i udobnoj navigaciji na različitim nivoima brzine, ovaj brod je upravo onako izvanredan, zapanjujuć i kultan kako ga i opisuju u međunarodnim medijima.

Fjord has long been known for its attractive styling, powerful visual impact, and intelligent comfort, all while ensuring it remains practical for boaters. And with performance and design as the DNA of all Fjord boats, Fjord Chief Designer Patrick Banfield has gone above and beyond with Fjord’s 41 XL model – so much so that it boasts a total of 90 different configurations!

Fusing iconic powerboat design with usability, the Fjord 41 XL features the world's largest T-top with an electric bimini and standout sun protection that creates space for striking interior decor and deck design. The sizable deck space (with nine deck layouts) is a go-to for any sun worshippers in your group, while it also features the largest-in-class hull windows, promising endless rays of natural light to spotlight its one-of-a-kind design. Its ergonomic glass-bridge helm station looks great and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. And to guarantee seamless movement on deck? Promising the highest stability, its hull, superstructure, and helm complete the design-optimized interaction, with strong roof pillars included in the bulwarks. Did we mention that the standing headroom is well above 6´3 ft throughout the living area, too?

Jahte/Yachts FJORD 41 XL LENGTH: 13.79 m BEAM: 3.99 m DISPLACEMENT: 10800 kg HULL MATERIAL: Fiberglass MAX SPEED: 40 knots STANDARD ENGINE: 2 x Volvo Penta 2020 / D6 - 340/DPI / Inboard/Outboard / FUEL CAPACITY: 900 l FRESH WATER CAPACITY: 295 l NUMBER OF CABINS: 2 BATHROOM: 1 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PASSENGERS: 12


Regarded as the most important prize in the motorboat industry, this is no small claim. The Fjord 41 XL is the best in yachts of up to 14 meters, confirmed by an infl uential jury of test sailors and editors-in-chief of the leading European motorboat magazines. The creme de la creme of the motorboat world represents over one million monthly readers in Europe and beyond, making the European Powerboat Award the world’s most prestigious accolade in the motorboat market.

With a dazzling range of materials and colors, the interior design is left for you to determine, giving you the tools to customize the boat of your dreams. With a wealth of layout options (remember when we said 90 di erent configurations?), the Fjord XL 41 is a masterpiece crafted by the creative hands of the boat owner. Want a tidy deck? Sorted. Designer furniture in the lounging area? Go for it. How about a fully-equipped galley? Sure! No ask is too small and no design too wild to be conceived.

Furthermore, extensive design adjustments are also possible on the lower deck of the new Fjord 41 XL for the first time! For example, you can choose a bright guest cabin with bay windows instead of a storage area while you can also add a full galley or a second

head. The main cabin can also be upgraded with a walk-in closet or work area – and the cabin can even be closed with a soundproof sliding door. But that’s not all – this door is recessed into the bulkhead to save space, allowing the main cabin to be completely blacked out when desired.

And for those interested in the mechanics? The standard model o ers a double Volvo Penta D6 DPI diesel configuration of 340 hp each and is operated with a joystick for easy docking. However, you can also choose the Volvo Penta D6 DPI 440 hp mechanics in each engine, reaching a maximum speed of 39 knots, or about 70 km/h. Feel like trying all this out?

Whether you’re passionate about extreme navigation, a skipper that loves water sports, or someone who leisurely wants to kick back with family or friends, the Fjord 41 XL world is your oyster. No matter where you are, this Fjord will take you where you need to go, with style and comfort at the forefront of its sailing philosophy. With this new model, Fjord goes one step further in the design concepts of avant-garde boats but also takes a leap into modular design in the deck area and the interior. Prioritizing hydrodynamic e ciency, stability, and comfortable navigation at di erent speed levels, this boat is exactly the outstanding, stunning, mind-blowing, and iconic vessel it has been praised to be in international media.

Croatia Yachting Dražanac 2a 21000 Split, Hrvatska +385 21 332 348 | Jan/Feb 2023 129

M48 Powercat


Prestige Yachts, lider u oblasti proizvodnje luksuznih motornih jahti od 40 do 70 stopa, uveo je novi asortiman, M-Line, koji se sastoji od motornih katamarana. Prvi powercat u seriji, Prestige M48, koji je „viši i elegantniji“ od većine motornih jahti sa dva trupa, debitovao je na Festivalu jahti u Kanu, 2022. godine

Prestige Yachts, the leader in luxury motor yachts from 40 to 70 feet has launched a new range, the M-Line, consisting of power catamarans. First powercat in series, the Prestige M48, which is 'taller and sleeker' than most twin-hulled motor yachts debuted at Cannes Yachting Festival 2022 | Jan/Feb 2023 130

Napravljen u poznatom Prestige duhu, koji ljudima omogućava uživanje u dragocenim trenucima na moru, M-Line poziva sve one koji traže mirniji način života, kako bi se ponovo povezali sa prirodom i svojim senzibilitetom. Bogate prostorom i svetlom, oplemenjene rafiniranim materijalima i izgrađene po najvišim standardima, jahte sa više trupova nude nenadmašnu udobnost i otvorene prostore sa najboljim pogledom na vodena prostranstva.

Jahtu od skoro 15 metara je, u saradnji sa francuskim pomorskim arhitektom Filipom Brijanom, projektovao dugogodišnji saradnik brenda Prestige, studio Garroni Design iz Italije. Ova visoka i zapanjujuće vitka jahta proteže se u širini od samo šest metara. To je čini znatno širom od vodećeg modela ovog brenda, X70 (5,34 m), ali mnogo užom čak i od kraćih modela Aquila, Leopard, Fountaine Pajot i Bali motornih katamarana, koji su dugački između 13,1 i 14,1 metar i imaju širinu između 6,6 i 7,3 metra.

PRESTIGE je prilikom projektovanja i izgradnje motornih jahti za svoje klijente uvek isticao volumen, udobnost, svetle enterijere i inovativne rasporede. Projekat nove serije motornih katamarana uvodi koncept stabilnosti i prostranosti na brodu, dok istovremeno ostaje veran nasleđu brodogradilišta PRESTIGE.

Rockstar Yachts je ekskluzivni distributer za Prestige Yachts u Crnoj Gori. Kako je naveo Aleks Reev, izvršni direktor Rockstar Yachts, sam brend je izuzetno dobio na vrednosti u poslednjih par godina, i to zahvaljujući svojim najnovijim proizvodima. Prestige Yachts je uspeo da kombinuje dva koncepta i uzme najbolje od oba sa svojim novim katamaranom na motorni pogon. Ovaj projekat nudi višetrupni brod koji nije širok kao jedriličarski katamaran, ali je znatno viši. Takav pristup prevazilazi kako koncept jedrilice-katamarana, tako i motorne jahte, zaključio je Reev.


Cilj modela M48 bio je da ponudi pravi motorni katamaran sa vlasničkim apartmanom, dostojnim broda od 70 stopa. Možda i najznačajniji aspekt njegovog koncepta čini donja paluba, koja se proteže u punoj dužini jahte, pa može da sadrži četiri gostinske kabine, sa krevetima okrenutim prema prozoru, ili glavnu kabinu u punoj dužini, u kompinaciji sa dve kabine za goste smeštene napred. Ovaj katamaran nudi dovoljno životnog prostora na celoj jahti: ogroman flajbridž, otvoreni kokpit sa platformom za plivanje za potpuno uživanje na vodi, XXL ležaj za sunčanje na pramcu, izdašne unutrašnje prostore i centralno postavljenu kuhinju koja olakšava tok kretanja na brodu.

Stepenište sa leve strane vodi do flajbridža od skoro 20 kvadratnih stopa, koji je opremljen stolom od tikovine i sofom u obliku slova C, pozicioniranom pored modularne podloge za sunčanje. Levo su mokri bar i kormilarska stanica sa udobnim sedištem. Tu je i veliko vetrobransko staklo, a čvrsti krov je opciona oprema.

Izuzetno prostrana prednja paluba sadrži trostruku podlogu za sunčanje i sofu sa stolom koji se može ukloniti. Površina pramca omogućava pristup vitlu i skladišnim prostorima, dok se skiperska kabina nalazi na prednjem levom delu. Salon od 22 kvadratna metra počinje sa kružnom kuhinjom na desnoj strani, čiji se krmeni prozor otvara

Rockstar Yachts ekskluzivno nudi na prodaju potpuno opremljen Prestige M48, koji bi trebalo da bude isporučen u februaru, 2024. godine. Sajam nautike u Dizeldorfu (21-29. januar 2023.) savršena je prilika da upoznate ovaj revolucionarni katamaran. Posetite štand kompanije Prestige Yachts

u ravni sa krovom. Dnevni boravak sa leve strane salona obogaćuju udobne sofe, trpezarijski sto i opcione nefiksirane stolice.

Centralna elektro-hidraulična platforma za boravak na vodi može da primi gumenjak, ali i da se spusti tako da stoji u ravni sa dve krmene grede, kreirajući palubu od šest metara koja omogućava pristup garaži za skladištenje vodenih igračaka. Platforma se takođe može podići i formirati laundž na samo korak od kokpita, gde centralni prolaz razdvaja ugaone sofe i dva stola (koji se mogu rasklopiti i spojiti za obedovanje do osam gostiju).


Iskustvo u izgradnji motornih jahti odličnih plovnih karakteristika, pomoglo je da M48 postigne odličnu stabilnost i upravljivost na moru, čineći krstarenje ugodnim u svim uslovima. Njegov stepenasti trup posebno je izražen kako bi efikasno sekao talase i smanjio zapljuskivanje mora. Takve arhitktonske karakteristike omogućavaju uživanje u svim životnim prostorima, uključujući otvorene palube poput flajbridža, koje su tradicionalno više izložene vremenskim uslovima. Smanjenje ljuljanja je značajno, kako na sidru, tako i tokom plovidbe u bilo kojoj brzini.


Performanse modela M48 optimizovane su za brzinu krstarenja između 8 i 18 čvorova, sa maksimalnom brzinom od 20 čvorova. Kada se kreće sporije, višetrupno plovilo sa 20% manjom vlažnom površinom od tradicionalnog trupa, troši manje goriva i ima veći domet i autonomiju u poređenju sa motornom jahtom iste veličine. Potrošnja goriva je stoga niža i autonomija varira od 250 nautičkih milja pri 18 čvorova do preko 600 milja u brzini od 8 čvorova. Pored niže cene, smanjena je i emisija ugljenika, a plovidba je ekološki prihvatljivija.

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 131

Created in the same Prestige spirit of enabling people to enjoy precious moments at sea, the M-Line invites those seeking a quieter lifestyle to reconnect with nature and themselves. Rich in space and light, with refined materials and constructed to the highest standards, these multi-hull yachts offer open, inviting spaces with the best views of the expanse and with unsurpassed comfort.

The nearly 15-metre yacht was designed by Garroni Design of Italy, a longtime Prestige design studio, in collaboration with French naval architect Philippe Briand. Boat is tall and slender and has a beam of 6 metres. This makes her significantly wider than the brand's flagship, the X70 (5.34 m), but much slimmer than the even shorter Aquila, Leopard, Fountaine Pajot and Bali powercats, which are between 13.1 and 14.1 m long and have a beam of between 6.6 and 7.3 m.

PRESTIGE has always emphasised volume, comfort, bright interiors, and innovative layouts when designing and building motor yachts for its clients. The design of this new range of motorboats enters a new world of stability and space on board, while remaining true to the heritage of PRESTIGE.

Rockstar Yachts is the exclusive distributor of Prestige Yachts in Montenegro. "The brand itself has gained much value in recent years, especially with its latest products. Prestige has managed to combine 2 concepts and benefit from both with its new revolutionary power catamaran. This design offers a multihull that is not as wide as a sailing catamaran, but taller. Such an approach surpasses both the concept of a sailing catamaran and a motor yacht." - CEO of Rockstar Yachts Alex Reev said.


The goal for the M48 was to offer a true motor catamaran with an owner's suite worthy of that of a 70-foot vessel. Perhaps the most notable aspect of its design is the full-length lower deck, which can accommodate either 4 guest cabins with beds facing the window or a full-beam owner’s suite with two additional guest cabins forward. This catamaran offers ample living space throughout the yacht: a huge flybridge, an open cockpit and Hi-Lo swim platform to fully enjoy the sea, as well as XXL sun lounge on the bow deck and voluminous living spaces, with fully equipped central galley facilitating the flow of movement on board.

A staircase to port leads to a nearly 20-square-meter flybridge, which features a teak table and C-shaped sofa adjacent to a modular sun pad and forward-facing sofa. To the port are wet bar and helm station with comfortable bench seat. There is a large windshield, and a hardtop is optional.


The foredeck is particularly spacious and features a triple sun pad and sofa with removable table. The bow layout provides access to the windlass and storage areas, while the skipper's cabin is in the port forepeak. The 22-square-metre salon begins with the C-shaped galley to starboard, whose transom window opens flush with the roof. The lounge to port has a comfortable sofa, dining table and the option of loose chairs.

The central electro-hydraulic swim platform accommodates a dinghy and can be lowered to sit flush with the two transoms, creating a 6-meter-wide deck that provides access to a water toys storage garage. The platform can also be raised up to form a lounge area just one step away from the cockpit, where a central walkway separating the sofas and two tables (which can be "opened up" and connected to accommodate up to eight guests for dining).


Experience in building seaworthy motor yachts has helped the M48 achieve excellent stability and handling at sea, making cruising smooth and enjoyable in all conditions. The stepped hull is particularly pronounced to efficiently cut through waves and reduce the impact of sea spray. These architectural features allow you to enjoy all living areas in ideal conditions, including the open decks, such as the flybridge, which are traditionally more exposed. The reduction in roll is remarkable, both at anchor and underway and at any speed.


The performance of the M48 was optimised for a cruising speed between 8 and 18 knots, with a maximum speed of 20 knots. At slower speeds, a multihull with a wet surface that is 20% smaller than a

Jahte/Yachts | Jan/Feb 2023 132
Yachts exclusively offers fully equipped Prestige M48 hull for sale, which is scheduled to be delivered in February 2024. The company is ready to welcome you aboard the M48 at the Prestige Yachts stand at the Dusseldorf Boat Show (Jan 21 - Jan 29, 2023)

M48 Powercat

Ukupna dužina: 14,79 m

Dužina trupa: 14,37 m

Širina: 6 m

Gaz: 1,2 m

Vazdušni gaz: 5.9 m

Deplasman bez opterećenja: 18002 kg

Brzina krstarenja: 8/18 čvorova

Maksimalna brzina: 20 čvorova

Gorivo: 1.200 l

Motori: 2 x 270 do 2 x 1.200 KS



Overall length: 14.79 m

Hull length: 14.37 m

Beam: 6 m Dra 1.2 m

Air dra : 5.9 m

Light displacement: 18002 kg

Cruising speed: 8/18 knots

Top speed: 20 knots

Fuel: 1,200 l

Engines: 2 x 270 to 2 x 1,200 hp

traditional hull uses less fuel and has a longer range and autonomy compared to a motor yacht of the same size. Fuel consumption is therefore lower, and the range varies from 250 nautical miles at 18 knots to over 600 miles at 8 knots. In addition to the lower cost, carbon emissions are also reduced, and sailing is more environmentally friendly.

Rockstar Yachts d.o.o Porto Montenegro, Regent Pool Club, Baia Residence 85320, Tivat,
Tel. +382 69 130 540 e-mail:
Montenegro | Jan/Feb 2023 133
Vodene igračke/Water Toys WhiteShark Mix ISTRAŽUJTE BESKONAČNOST BOUNDLESS RESEARCH Doživite nezaboravno ronilačko iskustvo uz najmanji podvodni skuter na svetu Have an unforgettable diving experience with the world's smallest underwater scooter 134 | Jan/Feb 2023

WhiteShark Mix je pionir u segmentu podvodnih skutera sa pogonskim sistemom od dva motora. Njegov inovativni dizajn karakteriše savršena kombinacija snage i stabilnosti, koja omogućava ubrzanje do 1,5 m/s i zarone na dubini od 40 metara.


Bilo da je u pitanju bazen ili plaža, ovaj podvodni skuter postaće vaš savršeni saputnik u vodi. Pošto je lagan i prenosiv, bez problema ćete ga smestiti u prtljag i poneti na porodična putovanja. Čak će i najmlađi želeti da plivaju kao šampioni zahvaljujući njegovim jednostavnim kontrolama.


WhiteShark Mix je savršen za uživanje u lepotama podvodnog sveta jer dolazi sa odvojivim plovkom koji pomaže u održavanju pozitivne plovnosti i omogućava dodatnu bezbednost.


Ukoliko imate apetit za avanturama, jednostavno uklonite plovak i dodajte novi smisao slobodnom ronjenju. Dosegnite veliku dubinu kontrolisanom brzinom bez uobičajenog napora.


Potrudite se da vaše sjajne podvodne pustolovine ostanu zabeležene. WhiteShark Mix je opremljen univerzalnim nosačem, kompatibilnim sa većinom akcionih kamera na tržištu. Pričvrstite vodootpornu kameru na prednjoj strani WhiteShark Mix-a kako biste snimili zadivljujuće podvodne fotografije i video zapise u kojima će uživati vaša porodica i prijatelji.

WhiteShark Mix pioneers the underwater scooter world with its dualmotor propelling system. Its innovative design features the perfect combination of propulsion and stability, so you can speed up to 1.5 m/s and go deep up to 40 meters.


Whether it's the pool or the beach, this underwater scooter is your perfect water companion. Because it is lightweight and portable, you can easily stow it away in your luggage and take it with you on family trips. Even young ones will surely love to swim like a champion with WhiteShark Mix with its user-friendly controls.


WhiteShark Mix comes with a detachable floater, which helps maintain positive buoyancy for extra safety. Perfect for exploring the beauty of marine life while you're snorkeling.


If you have an appetite for adventure while underwater, simply remove the floater and add a new twist to free-diving. This allows you to reach deep down at a controlled speed without making that much of an effort.


Make sure your awesome underwater adventures don't go undocumented. WhiteShark Mix is equipped with a universal action-camera mount compatible with most action cameras on the market. You can secure your waterproof camera at the front of the WhiteShark Mix to record captivating underwater photos and videos for your family and friends to enjoy.


Doživite izvanredno ronilačko iskustvo, bez premca u ovoj klasi, i iskusite najsavremeniju tehnologiju u kombinaciji sa pametnim bezbednosnim funkcijama, neospornom snagom i brzinom.

Navbow+ je najbrži među Sublue podvodnim skuterima sa tri brzine do 2 m/s. Napredne i patentirane vodootporne baterije omogućavaju rad do 60 minuta na dubinama od 40 metara.


Navbow+ nudi superiorne bezbednosne funkcije, uključujući trepćući OLED ekran, signalizator preko kog pratite stanje baterije, brzinu, temperaturu vode i dubinu. Možete koristiti čak i SublueGO APP za podešavanje alarma, ograničenja dubine ronjenja i signaliziranje o stanju baterije.


Uz Sublue najsavremeniju tehnologiju samouvereno se zaputite u vodu, koristeći ugrađeni kompas, kao i Navbow+ senzore dubine i temperature vode koji će vam pomoći da što bolje upravljate svojim podvodnim saputnikom.


Navbow+ je projektovan tako da bude izuzetno otporan uz jednostavno održavanje, a sve to zahvaljujući najnovijoj Sublue tehnologiji protiv korozije koja garantuje dugoročno uživanje u skuteru.


Snimite najneverovatnije podvodne zapise. Na Navbow+ montirajte Sublue fotografsku platformu na koju možete pričvrstiti akcione kamere, vodootporna LED svetla, plovak itd.


Izaberite Navbow+ u aplikaciji da biste kreirali sopstvenu evidenciju podvodnog iskustva, kao što su dubina i temperatura vode tokom čitavog zarona. Potom se uverite da vaša porodica i prijatelji znaju šta nameravate tako što ćete podatke podeliti na društvenim medijima.

Have an extraordinary diving experience unrivaled in its class. Experience cutting-edge technology with smart safety features and undeniable power and speed. Navbow+ is the fastest among Sublue underwater scooters with 3 speed switches of up to 2 m/s. With advanced and patented waterproof batteries, it can operate at depths of up to 40 m with a long-lasting battery of up to 60 minutes.


Navbow+ o ers superior smart safety features, including a flashing OLED screen, buzzer. You can even use the SublueGO APP to set the depth and battery alarms.


With Sublue’s cutting-edge technology, confidently head out into the water and use the built-in compass, as well as the water depth and temperature sensors of Navbow+. This will help you better navigate your journey underwater.


With Sublue latest anti-corrosion technology, Navbow+ is designed to be extra durable with hassle-free maintenance. This is to ensure that you’ll be able to enjoy Navbow+ for a really long time.


Capture the most stunning underwater images with Navbow+. It can mount a Sublue photography platform where you can attach action cameras, waterproof LED lights, float arms, etc.


Select Navbow+ on the app to generate your underwater experience logs, such as the water depth and temperature throughout your whole dive. Then, make sure your family and friends know what you’re up to by sharing these logs on social media.

Swii Electronic Kickboard

Swii je savršena daska sa elektro pogonom u kojoj će uživati cela porodica. Koristite je kao pomoćno sredstvo za obuku dece koja tek uče da plivaju ili za odrasle koji žele da uživaju na vodi. Donesite je na bazen ili na plažu, izbor je na vama dokle god se svi mogu zabaviti!


Brinete da ćete potonuti kada koristite Swii? Nema potrebe! Swii može držati sve starije od šest godina sa težinom do 100 kg.


Samo prislonite grudi na dasku, pritisnite i držite dugmiće sa obe strane kako biste je pokrenuli i otpustite bilo koje dugme da biste se zaustavili. Prosto kao pasulj!



Swii tehnologija sadrži ugrađeni vodootporni motor za hitne slučajeve koji se automatski zaustavlja ako se strani predmet zaglavi unutra.


Izaberite veću brzinu do 1 m/s ili manju od 0,6 m/s. Jednostavno promenite brzinu u zavisnosti od toga za šta ste raspoloženi.


Futuristički izgled ove daske koristi principe fluidne mehanike i ergonomije kako bi bio superudoban dok je u vodi.


Lako promenite brzinu, sigurnosnu bravu, podešavanja lampice indikatora, režim samočišćenja i još mnogo toga pomoću aplikacije SublueGo koju ćete na jednostavan način instalirati na svom telefonu.

Swii is the perfect electronic kickboard for everybody in the family to enjoy. Use it as a training aid for kids who are just learning how to swim or for adults who want to have fun zipping through the water. Bring it to the pool or the beach, it’s totally up to you as long as everybody can have fun!


Worried that you'll sink when using Swii? Not a problem! Swii can hold anybody over 6 years old with up to 100 kg in weight.


Just rest your chest on the kickboard, press and hold the buttons on both sides to start and release any button to stop. Easy peasy!


Swii's patented technology features a built-in waterproof emergency motor that automatically stops when a foreign object is stuck inside.


Switch from a high speed of up to 1 m/s or a low speed of 0.6 m/s. Simply change the speed depending on what you're in the mood for.


Swii's futuristic look uses fluid mechanics and ergonomics principles to make it super comfortable to use while standing out in the water.


E ortlessly change the speed, safety lock, indicator light settings, self-cleaning mode, and more. Just use the SublueGo App on your phone for easy customization.


Vodene igračke/Water Toys
Milana Vidaka
Futog, 21410, Serbia +381 21 893 474; +381 64 112 7 119; +381 677 355 600 o

Navis Marine preporučuje Navis Marine Recommends

Svaki zaljubljenik u more dobro zna da je kupovina broda ili jahte avantura života. Kompanija Navis Marine, specijalizovana za ekskluzivnu prodaju, posredovanje i savetovanje u nautičkoj industriji, svojim klijentima nudi impresivnu selekciju novih i polovnih brodova renomiranih proizvođača. Ovog puta izdvojili su modele četiri poznata brenda koji oduševljavaju nautičare širom sveta.

Every sea enthusiast knows that buying a boat or a yacht is an adventure of a lifetime. Navis Marine company specializes in exclusive sales, brokerage and consultancy in the nautical industry, and offers its clients an impressive selection of new and used boats built by reliable and reputable manufacturers. This time, they highlight models by 4 wellknown brands that continuously delight boaters around the world.

PIRELLI 42 | Jan/Feb 2023 138


Linije modela PIRELLI 42 predstavljaju direktnu evoluciju stila i filozofije maksi PIRELLI RIB plovila koje je projektovao Mannerfelt Design Team. Sportski izgled i čiste linije daju mu jedinstvenu eleganciju koja može da očara svakoga.


PIRELLI 42 je projektovan do najmanjih detalja sa ciljem da obezbedi udoban i opušten život na čamcu. Široki pramčani deo za sunčanje nudi užitak i bezbednost za one koji žele da potpuno uživaju u moru, dok se kokpit oprema prema zahtevima vlasnika i omogućava da se veliki broj gostiju smesti u potpunom komforu.


Nastao iz procesa započetog sa modelom PIRELLI 1400, dizajn PIRELLI 42 kombinuje lični pečat i karakter. Plan sa obostranim prolazima daje prednost otvorenim prostorima, od iznenađujućeg dnevnog boravka do sofe na pramcu.


Unutrašnji prostori su odraz težnje za ispunjavanjem zahteva vlasnika, sa ciljem da se svaki prostor koji nudi PIRELLI 42 maksimalno iskoristi. Elegancija, luksuz i udobnost su termini koji najbolje opisuju rezultat dobijen ovim procesom.


The PIRELLI 42 lines are the right evolution of the style and philosophy of the maxi rib PIRELLI designed by the Mannerfelt Design Team. Sportiness and clean lines give it a unique elegance that can charm anyone.


The PIRELLI 42 has been designed in every detail to ensure a comfortable and relaxed life on board. The wide bow sunbathing area offers comfort and safety for those who want to enjoy the sea in its entirety, while the cockpit is equipped according to the requirements of the owner and allows to accommodate many guests in complete comfort.


Born from a process started with PIRELLI 1400, the PIRELLI 42 design combines personality and character. The walkaround layout privileges the open spaces, from the surprising living area to the bow sofa.


The inner spaces are the result of a search to meet the demands of the owner, with the aim of making the most of any space offered by PIRELLI 42. Elegance, luxury and convenience are the terms that best describe the result obtained by this process.

PIRELLI 42 KAPACITET: 14 m DUŽINA: 13.1 m ŠIRINA: 4,1 mm KAPACITET GORIVA: 950 l KAPACITET VODE: 200 l POGON: Krmeni pogon ili vanbrodski motor
42 CAPACITY: 14 m LENGTH: 13,1
BEAM: 4,1
AIR | Jan/Feb 2023 139
KOMORE: 6 DIZAJN: Mannerfelt Design Team –TecnoRib PIRELLI
Stern Drive or Outboard
COMPARTMENT: 6 DESIGN: Mannerfelt Design Team – TecnoRib

Pravo podsećanje na prošlost, nepogrešivi stil novog modela Libeccio 8.50 classic predstavlja omaž sorentinskom modelu čamaca iz 60-ih godina prošlog veka, poznatih kao gozzo.

Savršena kombinacija klasičnog stila upravljanja rudom i modernih karakteristika, koja vam omogućava da dostignete maksimalnu brzinu od 20 čvorova. Linije su čiste, velika paluba za sunčanje je napravljena od punog javorovog drveta, a bitve i držači bokobrana se mogu uvlačiti. Čak je i ručica za gas skrivena pregradom sa jastučićima.

Libeccio 8.50 classic je tipični gozzo sa svim prednostima savremene tehnologije, opremljen električnim vitlom, indirektnim svetlima i panelima od pleksiglasa kao pozadinom stepenica koje vode do pramčane palube za sunčanje i kao da namiguju budućnosti.

Ispod pramca je pozicionirana velika dvokrevetna kabina sa frižiderom, koja se može se opremiti sa toaletom po želji. Pored toga, tu je i stočić sa mogućnošću montaže za potrebe posluživanja aperitiva i večere.

Inovativna paluba od punog drveta skriva odeljak od fiberglasa ispod jastučića na koji je postavljen jastuk od 6 cm. Jastuk viri u ravni sa palubom, sprečavajući da se drvo pokvasi i dobije mrlje.

Cantiere Mimi je i na ovom projektu sarađivao sa projektantskim biroom Studio Valerio Rivellini Yacht Design.

A real reference to the past, an unmistakable style for the new libeccio 8.50 classic which is a tribute to the Sorrentine gozzo of the 60s. A perfect combination of the classic style of bar navigation and modernity, which allows you to reach up to 20 knots. The lines are clean, the large sundeck is made of solid wood threaded maple, the fenders pins and bollards are retractable. Even the throttle is hidden by a cushioned compartment.

A classic gozzo with the benefits of modern technology equipped with an electric winch, courtesy lights and the Plexiglas panels that form the backdrop to the steps leading to the bow sundeck wink at the future.

The locker is a large double cabin with refrigerator and can be fitted with a toilet if desired. In addition, a mountable table provides a surface for aperitifs and dinners.

The innovative solid wood deck conceals a fibreglass compartment underneath the cushioning, on which the 6 cm cushion is placed. The 6 cm cushion protrudes flush from the deck, preventing the wood from getting wet and staining.

Cantiere Mimì also collaborated with Studio Valerio Rivellini Yacht Design for this project.

Windy 32 Grand Zonda RS je ekskluzivna unapređena luksuzna verzija veoma uspešnog Windy 32 Grand Zonda.

Dozvolite da vas zavede upečatljiv dizajn, vrhunske performanse i brojne ekskluzivne karakteristike opreme. Ostavite utisak sopstvenih sportskih afiniteta i luksuza uz RS program unapređivanja koji nudi WINDY.

Pokretan instalacijom sa jednim ili dvostrukim krmenim pogonom, do maksimalnih 860 KS, sposoban je za kontinuirano krstarenje velikom brzinom, kombinujući zastrašujuću moć koju ispoljava u toku borbe sa talasima sa vrhunskim upravljanjem i kontrolom.

Kvalitet konstrukcije i opreme je sam po sebi očigledan, od luksuzne završne obrade dvoležajne kabine, kuhinje i odvojenog toaleta, do raskošnih sedišta i ležaljki u kokpitu.

The Windy 32 Grand Zonda RS is an exclusive upgraded luxury version of the very successful Windy 32 Grand Zonda Let yourself be seduced by striking design, top notch performance and a number of exclusive equipment highlights. Make a statement for individual sportiness and luxury with the RS upgrade program from WINDY.

Powered by single or twin stern drive installations, up to a maximum of 860 hp, she is capable of sustained high-speed cruising, combining fearsome wave tackling abilities with superb handling and control. The quality in the construction and fittings is self-evident, from the luxurious finish in the two berth cabin, galley area and separate toilet compartment, to the sumptuous cockpit seats and sunbed.

Predstavljamo/Presenting | Jan/Feb 2023 140



Performanse, kontrola i odlične plovidbene karakteristike, u kombinaciji sa jedinstvenim dizajnom i vrhunskom udobnošću, odlike su Lomac Adrenalina ponude. Brzina i bezbednost su zagarantovani beskompromisnim kvalitetom izrade, sa laminacijom uz vakuum infuziju, neopentil gel slojem, ojačanjima od aramidnih vlakana i CFD modeliranjem za optimizaciju dizajna trupa. Dizajnirana od strane proslavljenog dizajnera Federika Fiorentina, Adrenalina linija je idealna za grupe prijatelja, ili za jedan ili dva para, ali i za dinamičnu, radoznalu porodicu koja traži brz i siguran način za istraživanje.

Performance, control and seaworthiness, combined with a unique design and superior comfort, are the signature features of the Lomac Adrenalina range. Speed and safety are guaranteed by uncompromising build quality, with vacuum infusion lamination, a neopentyl gelcoat, aramid fiber reinforcements and CFD modeling to optimise hull design. Styled by celebrated designer Federico Fiorentino, the Adrenalina line is ideal for groups of friends, or for one or two couples, but also for a dynamic, curious family looking for a fast and safe way to go exploring.



LENGTH: 9,06 - 9,90 m


TUBE: classic style TUBE DIAMETER: 67

HULL: twinshell



WIDTH: 3,50 m



Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main o ce: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast o ce: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /


Joker Boat

Davnih šezdesetih godina prošlog veka gumenjaci su se prvi put pojavili na italijanskom tržištu. Malo ko bi tada pomislio da će šezdeset godina kasnije nešto što se smatralo tako skromnim postati nautičko prevozno sredstvo današnjice. Iznad svega, ko bi mogao da zamisli da će budućnost biti tako originalna, moderna i funkcionalna za prevozno sredstvo rođeno i prvobitno projektovano samo zbog praktičnosti upotrebe i skladištenja.

Godine 1979. Đuzepe Ajelo osniva Joker Boat, brend koji se tokom vremena nikada nije menjao. Tadašnja proizvodnja je predviđala u potpunosti ručno rađenu konstrukciju čamaca, a tkanina koja je korišćena bila je zasnovana samo na neoprenu. Trup se izrađivao od tkanine, a ne od fiberglasa kao sadašnji, što vam je omogućavalo da složite čamac i ponesete ga sa sobom automobilom gde god želite.

To su takozvani demontažni modeli koje odlikuju pneumatske ili drvene kobilice i modularni drveni podovi. I danas se dešava da se na raznim onlajn nautičkim tržištima polovnih čamaca nađe neki Joker Boat sa puno godina iskustva, ali spreman za ulazak u vodu.

Najpopularniji modeli firme Joker Boat bili su Profi 250, 300, 450 i 520. Zamislite samo da je 80-ih i 90-ih godina Joker Boat uspevao da proizvodi oko 1.000 čamaca godišnje. Bio je to period modela COASTER, čamaca na naduvavanje sa merama manjim od 6 metara. Najprodavaniji modeli Coaster 550 i Coaster 420, prevaziđeni su tek krajem 80-ih dolaskom druge serije koja će se vremenom pokazati podjednako uspešnom: CLUBMAN.


Bio je to drugačiji asortiman od COASTER-a. Projektovan je za porodicu, za život sa prijateljima, sa kojima se upuštate u zahtevnije plovidbe, pa su mu i mere porasle na preko šest metara. Danas, 40 godina od osnivanja, sin i unuk su na čelu kompanije i mogu da izbroje više od 50.000 prodatih čamaca (bar za sada), čak tri serije izrazito raznovrsnih proizvoda u smislu tipologije i 20 modela koji su trenutno u proizvodnji. Trenutno prodajna mreža obuhvata dilere u Italiji, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Crnoj Gori, Španiji, Francuskoj, Belgiji,

je od najpoznatijih italijanskih brendova čamaca na naduvavanje u Italiji i inostranstvu. Govorimo o brendu Joker Boat, koji ove godine puni 44 godine | Jan/Feb 2023 142


Priča o projektu CB44 počela je pre više od 11 godina kada je Federiko Gerna, projektant aktuelne serije Clubman i Coaster Joker Boat, projektovao Explosion X44 za istoimeno brodogradilište. U to vreme, X44 nudio je platforme sa bočnim otvaranjem, konstrukciju od infuzionog fiberglasa i mnoge druge inovacije. Rođen kao proizvod za specifične kupce, X44 je bio prilično uspešan, ali nikada nije ostvario svoj puni potencijal. Iz tog razloga su Andrea Ajelo i Alfredo Ruso, sadašnji vlasnik Explosion Marine, vođeni zajedničkim ciljem da ponude proizvod koji kombinuje iskustvo i inovaciju, odlučili da udruže svoju stručnost kako bi stvorili sinergiju i dali ovom brodu prepoznatljivost koju zaslužuje. Partnerstvo je kombinovalo tehničku stručnost, istraživanje, inovativnost, kvalitet i odlične radnike, ali i sposobnost razumevanja zahteva tržišta i slušanje onih koji „žive“ njihove proizvode.

Iz svih ovih pretpostavki rođen je novi vodeći Joker Boat model: CB44, koji će zahvaljujući dizajnu, praktičnim rešenjima i kvalitetu izrade, koji odlikuje Made in Italy stil, primetiti svi, a posebno oni koji su godinama tražili nešto slično. Kreiran je otvoreni čamac, koji nudi maksimalan životni prostor u stalnom kontaktu sa morem, ali bez žrtvovanja RIB duha.

Holandiji, Nemačkoj, Grčkoj, Mađarskoj, Češkoj, Turskoj, Kipru, Danskoj, Portugalu, Šri Lanki, Singapuru i Norveškoj. Ukratko, dosta izbora na kontinentalnom i međunarodnom nivou. Kao što je pomenuto, postoje ukupno tri serije: COASTER, CLUBMAN i BARRACUDA.

Osnovni proizvod u poslovanju kompanije Joker Boat i dalje ostaje klasični tradicionalni čamac za razonodu koji koriste ljubitelji obilaska duž obale, plovidbe na duge staze, kao i uživaoci nautičkog kampovanja, koji se projektuje na najjednostavniji način – opremanjem sa klasičnom tendom na pramcu i sa mogućnošću da računate na odvojene toalete u konzoli. Pored toga, možete i da se odlučite za modele koji već nude udobne kabine, kao što su CLUBMAN 35 i CLUBMAN 44, novi vodeći model, predstavljen na sajmu nautike u Đenovi i trenutno vodeći u asortimanu brodogradilišta JOKER BOAT.

Prostori u kokpitu na krmi su raznovrsni i prilagodljivi potrebama vlasnika, tačnije, moguće ih je opremiti kao da je stan na moru, gde se vlasnik može izraziti birajući ne samo boje već i raspored, kao što bi to uradio u svom domu. Razmišljali su o dve opcije: sa sedištima i električnim stolom na uvlačenje koji se može transformisati u sunčalište površine preko 2 m2 ili otvorenijom verzijom sa uklonivim sedištima, čime se dobija željeni životni prostor. Prostor na brodu je zaista izdašan... I ako 25 kvadratnih metara sa direktnim pogledom na more nije dovoljno, onda samo treba pokrenuti bočne platforme koje otvaraju hidraulična „krila“ za dodatno proširenje kokpita na krmi.

Ispod palube su dve udobne spavaće kabine, jedna na pramcu za brodovlasnika, pune visine, sa velikim krevetom od preko dva metra, plakarima, fiokama, toaletnim kutkom i TV-om za uživanje u potpunoj privatnosti. Druga kabina, na krmi, posvećena je gostima, sa odvojenim krevetima koji se po potrebi mogu pretvoriti u bračni krevet sa centralnim proširenjem. Kupatilo je potpuno opremljeno svim dodacima i odvojenim tušem sa staklenom pregradom. Sve prostorije su svetle, sa prilagodljivim nameštajem u skladu sa najboljim italijanskim dizajnom.

sa čamcem koji se ne zaboravlja. Posetite Joker Boat tim na Sajmu nautike u Dizeldorfu, u hali 9. Harmoničan

Pripremite 143

se za

čamac sa odličnim performansama koji se prilagođava ritmu mora
Joker Boat je odlučio da na ovom projektu sarađuje sa odličnim partnerima, uključujući Yamaha Marine za motore, Raymarine za elektroniku u plovilu, Seadek za sve staze i na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, General Plastic za presvlake, ne zanemarujući ni estetiku ni praktičnost. boat that adapts to the rhythms of the sea, harmonious and performing | Jan/Feb 2023

As far back as the 1960s, dinghies appeared on the Italian market for the first time. Few would have thought that sixty years later, something that seemed so modest would become a nautical means of the present day. Above all, who would have imagined that the future would be so original, modern and functional for a vehicle born and initially designed for its simplicity and practicality of use and storage?

In 1979 Giuseppe Aiello gives life to Joker Boat, a brand that has never changed over time. The production at the time envisaged the entirely hand-made construction of boats and the fabric used was not yet at the level of the present one, but based only on neoprene. Hulls were in fabric, not in fiberglass like the current ones, which allowed you to fold the boat and take it with you in the car wherever you want. They are the so-called demountable ones, and have pneumatic or wooden keels and wooden floors which can in turn be modular. It still happens today to find, in some of various online second-hand nautical markets, a Joker Boat that has seen many years, still ready to go into the water.

The most popular models in the Joker Boat house were the Profi 250, 300, 450 and 520. Just think that in the 80s and 90s Joker Boat managed to produce about 1,000 boats a year. It was the period of the COASTER, inflatable boats with measures of less than 6 meters. The best-selling models Coaster 550 and Coaster 420, undermined only at the end of the 80s by the advent of another series that would prove equally successful over time: CLUBMAN.


It was a different range from the COASTER. It was designed for the family, to live with friends, with which to venture into more demanding navigations, and so the measurements also increased to over six meters. Today, 40 years after its foundation, the son and grandson are at the helm of the company and it can count more than 50,000 boats sold (at least for the moment), as many as three series of distinctively various products in terms of typology and 20 models currently in production.

Currently the sales network includes dealers in Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Cyprus, Denmark, Portugal, Sri-Lanka, Singapore and Norway. In short, quite a lot of choices at a continental and international level. As mentioned above, there are three series: COASTER, CLUBMAN, and BARRACUDA.

Joker Boat's corporate core-business still remains the classic and traditional pleasure craft, the one practiced by lovers of excursions along the coast but also by long-range sailing enthusiasts, up to nautical camping, practiced in the simplest way by equipping one's own boats with classic bow awnings and being able to count on separate toilets in the console, but also opting for models that already offer comfortable cabins, such as the CLUBMAN 35, and the CLUBMAN 44, the new flagship, presented in preview at the Genoa boat show and currently the flagship of the range of the JOKER BOAT shipyard.

It is one of the best known Italian inflatable boat brands in Italy and abroad. We are talking about Joker Boat, the brand which turns 44 this year
Ništa nije prepušteno slučaju, svaki detalj daje prednost udobnosti i pouzdanosti | Jan/Feb 2023 144
Nothing is left to chance, every detail favors comfort and reliability

Tehničke karakteristike

Ukupna dužina: 13,50 m

Dužina trupa: 13,30 m

Maksimalna širina (bez bočnih platformi): 4,49/4,55 m

Maksimalna dužina (sa bočnim platformama): 5,60 m

Prečnik tubusa: 65 cm

Pritisak tubusa: 0,35 atm

Suva težina: 13,75 T

Vazdušne komore: 6

Maksimalni kapacitet osoba: 20

Gaz pri punom opterećenju: 0,77 m

Maksimalna motorizacija: 3 x 600 KS

Osovine motora: 1 XXL – 2 L

Rezervoar za gorivo: 1600 l

Rezervoar za svežu vodu: 1 x 90 l – 1 x 210 l

Materijal trupa: fiberglas

Samopražnjenje: da

Kategorija projekta: B

Projekat: Federiko Gerna


Technical features

Overall length: 13,50 m

Hull length: 13,30 m

Maximum beam (without side platforms): 4,49/4,55 m

Maximum length (with side platforms): 5,60 m

Tube diameter: 65 cm

Tube pressure: 0,35 atm

Dry weight: 13,75 T

Air compartments: 6

Max capacity (persons): 20

Draft at full load: 0,77 m

Max motorisation: 3 x 600 hp

Engine shafts: 1 XXL – 2 L

Fuel tank: 1600 l

Fresh water tank: 1 x 90 l – 1 x 210 l

Hull material: Fiberglass

Self-draining: Yes

Project Category: B

Project: Federico Gerna

The story of the CB44 project began more than 11 years ago when Federico Gerna, the designer of the current Clubman and Coaster series of Joker Boat, designed the Explosion X44 for the homonymous shipyard. At the time, the X44 offered side-opening platforms, infusion fiberglass structures and many other innovations; born as a niche product, the X44 was quite successful but never grasped its full potential.

For this reason, Andrea Aiello and Alfredo Russo, current owner of Explosion Marine, driven by a common goal to offer a product that combines experience and innovation, have decided to merge their expertise to create a synergy and give to this boat the visibility it deserved. A partnership that combines technical competence, research, innovation, quality and excellent workers, as well as the ability to interpret market demands, listening to those who live their products and cultivate their passions, that is, their customers.

From all these assumptions the new flagship of Joker Boat was born: the CB44, which thanks to its design details, its practical solutions and the craftsmanship quality that distinguishes our Made in Italy style, will be noticed by everyone, especially by those who have been searching for something similar for years. They have thought of an open boat, which offers maximum living spaces always in contact with the sea, without sacrificing its RIB spirit.

The stern cockpit spaces are versatile and adaptable to the owner's needs; in fact, it is possible to furnish the CLUBMAN 44 as if it were an apartment on the sea, where the owners can express themselves choosing not only the colors but also the layout, as they would do in their homes. We thought of two options: with seats and a retractable electric table that can be transformed into a sundeck covering an area of over 2 m2 or the more open version with removable seats where it will be possible to obtain a tailor-made livable area. The spaces on board are really generous… and if the 25 square meters directly overlooking the sea are not enough, then we just have to open the side platforms that unfold the hydraulic “wings” for further widening the cockpit area aft.

Below deck, there are two comfortable separate bedrooms, one at the bow for the boat owner, full height, with a large bed of over 2 meters, wardrobes and drawers, beauty corner and TV to enjoy your holidays in total privacy. Another aft dedicated to guests, with separate beds that can be converted into a double bed with a central extension, when necessary. The headroom is complete with accessories and separate shower with glass separator and ceiling shower head. All areas are bright, airy and with customizable furnishings according to the best of Italian design.

Joker Boat has chosen to collaborate on this project with some excellent partners including Yamaha Marine for engines, Raymarine for on-board electronics, Seadek for all walkways and an excellent alternative to classic products on the market and last but not least General Plastic for upholstery, without neglecting aesthetics and practicality.


Put Brodograditelja 1 Trogir , Croatia tel +385 21 882388 mob +385 98 360 206 mail: | Jan/Feb 2023 145
Get ready for an encounter with an unforgettable boat. Visit the Joker Boat team at the Dusseldorf Boat Show in Hall 9.

Sanlorenzo vas poziva na sajam nautike u Dizeldorfu, koji će se održati od 21. do 29. januara 2023. godine. Jedan od najznačajnijih svetskih nautičkih događaja okupiće najeminentnija imena i brendove pomorske industrije, a Sanlorenzo, kao sinonim italijanske fine estetike, predstaviće deo svog reprezentativnog asortimana. Ponuda uključuje novi Sanlorenzo SD90, zajedno sa Bluegame BGX60, BG72, kao i premijerni BG54.

Sanlorenzo invites you to the Dusseldorf Boat Show, which will take place from January 21 to 29, 2023. One of the world's most important nautical events will gather the most prominent names and brands of the maritime industry, and Sanlorenzo, as a synonym of Italian fine aesthetics, will present part of its impressive assortment. The display will include the new Sanlorenzo SD90, along with the Bluegame BGX60, BG72 as well as the premier BG54.


SD90 je treće poglavlje u priči o uspehu koja je počela sa modelima SD96 i SD118 i projekat koji se fokusira na transverzalnu tehnološku efikasnost, kako u pogledu trupa, razvijenog u saradnji sa pomorskim arhitektom Filipom Briendom, tako i u smislu istraživanja materijala. Strukturiran na dve i po palube, SD90 poseduje otvoreni flajbridž, donju palubu i glavnu palubu. Raspored je dizajniran da garantuje maksimalnu udobnost, što se može videti kroz inovativne spoljne i unutrašnje karakteristike koje daju novu percepciju prostora u poređenju sa drugim navetama istog opsega.

Unutrašnjost SD90 dizajnirala je Patricia Urkuiola, sa pristupom zasnovanim na tri glavna koncepta: transformabilnost, povezanost sa morem i kružnost materijala. Fleksibilnost u unutrašnjosti ovom plovilu omogućava da se prilagodi različitim potrebama onih koji će u njemu boraviti, transformišući se kroz najnovija rešenja i konfiguracije nameštaja. Prostore prožima stil koji snažno dočarava morski svet i u svakom detalju traži maksimalnu vezu između enterijera i eksterijera, a pri dizajnu se vodilo računa o istraživanju i korišćenju sirovina iz alternativnih izvora.

146 | Jan/Feb 2023

The third chapter in a success story that began with the SD96 and SD118, the SD90 is a project that focuses on transversal technological efficiency, both in terms of the hull, developed in collaboration with Philippe Briand, and in terms of the research into materials. Structured over two and a half decks, the SD90 features an open flybridge, lower deck and main deck. The layout is designed to guarantee maximum liveability on board, as can be seen from the new features introduced both externally and internally that give a totally new perception of space compared to the other navettes in the same range. The SD90's interiors are designed by Patricia Urquiola with an approach based on three main concepts: transformability, connection with the sea and circularity of materials. The flexibility of the SD90's interiors allows the boat to adapt to the different needs of those who will live in it, evolving and transforming itself through novel solutions of furnishings and configurations. The spaces are permeated by a stylestrongly evocative of the marine world, which in every detail seeks the maximum connection between interior and exterior, and great care was taken in the design to research and use raw materials from alternative sources.


BGX60 je najnoviji dodatak BGX asortimanu koji je predstavljen 2020. godine. Ovaj model zahtevao je mnogo truda od dizajnerskog tima, koji je sebi postavio cilj da zadrži sve prednosti izuzetno inovativnog koncepta svog prvorođenog BGX70, počevši od snažne želje da se da prioritet životu vlasnika, njegovoj privatnosti i komoditetu njegovih gostiju, do neviđenog rasporeda koji povezuje spoljašnje i unutrašnje prostore na tako fluidan način da se može porediti sa mnogo većim plovilima.

BGX60 is the latest addition to the BGX range and was presented in 2020. The BGX60 required a great deal of effort from the design team, which had set itself the objective of maintaining all the advantages of the extremely innovative concept of it’s first-born BGX70 in a smaller boat: starting from the strong desire to give priority to the owner’s life on board, to his privacy and that of his guests, to the unprecedented layout that links the external and internal areas in such a fluid way that it can be compared to that of much larger boats.



Veran svojoj posvećenosti da prkosi svim stereotipima, što je oduvek bio prepoznatljiv stil brenda, novi BG72 savršen je izraz Bluegame unakrsne duše koja beži od pripadnosti jednom segmentu. Sa ovom jahtom brodogradilište ide još dalje kombinujući koncepte iz BG i BGX opsega, što je dalo rezultat vidljiv kroz uspešnu fuziju otvorenog prostora u flajbridžu. Izvanredan raspored, sa potpuno otvorenom gornjom palubom i originalnom donjom palubom iz BGX asortimana, predodređen je da spoji ljubitelje obe tipologije, bez kompromisa. BG72 je kao i svi Bluegame modeli dizajniran od strane arhitekte Luke Santele. Sadrži inženjersku šasiju BGX modela sa trupom visokih performansi i naprednim Volvo IPS pogonskim sistemom koji obezbeđuje zavidnu snagu, a nisku potrošnju. Od BG asortimana nasledio je jednostavnost, laku upravljivost, udobnost, sigurnu navigaciju, i po prvi put na otvorenoj jahti kokpit sa vidljivošću od 360 stepeni koji uz vetrobransko staklo sa mogućnošću potpunog zatvaranja garantuje zaštitu u nepovoljnim vremenskim uslovima. Još jednom, Bluegame je imao koristi od plodne saradnje sa studiom Zuccon International Project, koji je dao sjajan identitet kako profilu tako i unutrašnjem i spoljašnjem prostoru.

Otvorene površine su raspoređene na tri nivoa; plaža u bliskom kontaktu sa morem, veliki dnevni boravak sa ležaljkom/sofom u kontinuitetu sa trpezarijom, prostrani pramčani prostor glavnoj palubi i, konačno, lako dostupna i prijatna terasa za sunčanje.

Unutrašnjost se može prilagoditi potrebama vlasnika, u zavisnosti od toga da li se na brodu živi na druželjubiviji ili privatniji način, te se salon sa direktnim pristupom sa platforme, kao na BGX-u, može zameniti vlasničkom kabinom, nudeći fantastičan pogled i mogućnost buđenja direktno u kontaktu sa morem.

True to its commitment to defy all stereotypes, that has always been the brand’s signature style, the new Bluegame BG72 is the perfect expression of its cross-over soul, that escapes from belonging to a single segment. With the BG72, Bluegame goes even further by combining the concepts of the BG and BGX ranges; the result is a successful fusion

of open and flybridge. The BG72’s remarkable layout, with a completely open upper deck and the original lower deck of the BGX range, is destined to bring lovers of both typologies together, without compromise.

The BG72, designed like all Bluegame models by Architect Luca Santella, maintains the engineering chassis of the BGX models with the high-performance hull and the advanced Volvo IPS propulsion system that ensures high performance and low consumption. The BG72 inherits from the BG range the original simplicity of use, easy manoeuvrability, comfort, safety during navigation and offers for the first time on an open yacht a cockpit with 360° visibility characterised by the windscreen with inverted glass and the possibility of total closure which guarantees protection in adverse weather conditions or privacy in the presence of the crew.

Once again, Bluegame has benefited from the fruitful collaboration of Zuccon International Project, which has given great personality to both the profile and the interior and exterior spaces.

The outdoor areas are arranged over three levels; the beach area in close contact with the sea, the large living area with sunlounge/sofa in continuity with the dining area, a spacious bow area equipped and flexible on the main deck and, finally, an easily accessible and enjoyable sundeck.

The interiors can be tailored to the owner’s needs, depending on whether living on the boat in a more convivial or more private way: the saloon with direct access from the platform, as on the BGX, can be replaced by the owner’s cabin, offering stunning views and the opportunity of waking up directly in contact with the sea.

BLUEGAME | Jan/Feb 2023 148


Kokpit svojom otvorenošću od 360° pruža pogled od kog zastaje dah, a u slučaju lošeg vremena štiti ga Stataglass® staklo. Tvrdi krov je opremljen laganim sigurnosnim merdevinama, dok kormilarnica ostaje neprevaziđena kad je u pitanju maksimalna vidljivost. Konačno, Volvo IPS pogonski motori omogućavaju smanjenje ukupnih dimenzija na donjoj palubi, nudeći mogućnost izbora između dve ili tri kabine, od kojih je jedna u punoj širini broda, što je jedinstven dodatak za modele ovog asortimana.

Redizajniran u skladu sa savremenom tehničkom evolucijom, model BG54 nas upoznaje sa krmom i pramčanim oblastima izrazito poboljšanim u smislu ergonomije i funkcionalnosti. Veliki prostori na krmi nude mogućnost transformacije, te se mogu koristiti za porinuće i vuču, ali i kao uronjen prostor. Pramac, koji je dizajniran da bude jedinstven i izvanredan, upotpunjen je sa trpezarijom koja se lako pretvara u dnevni boravak.

Redesigned in line with the up-to-date technical evolution, the BG54 model presents the stern and bow areas improved in terms of ergonomics and functionality. The large spaces of the stern offer the possibility of a transformer that can be used both as a launching and hauling system, and as an immersed area. The bow, which is designed to be a unique and extraordinary space for this type of boat, is here perfected with a dinette that converts from a dining area to a lounge area. The cockpit is open to 360 ° to offer breath taking views, it has Stataglass® shielding which protects it in bad weather. The hardtop is equipped with an easier and safer ladder, while the wheelhouse remains unsurpassed for maximum visibility and the reverse windshield. Finally, the Volvo IPS propulsion engines allow for a reduction in overall dimensions in the lower deck, offering the possibility of choosing between 3 cabins or 2, one of which is a full-beam master: a unique addition for boats of this range.

Sanlorenzo South Central Europe

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A company of the Master Yachting Group

BLUEGAME | Jan/Feb 2023 149
150 | Jan/Feb 2023


U kupna dužina: 9,85


31 Hard Top je

stila i dizajna tipičnog za mnogo veće i skuplje plovilo. Prostrani kokpit i zavidna širina čine ga veoma udobnim i adekvatnim za svoju klasu. Opcija sklopive pregrade u salonu znači da Pearlsea 31 HT u okviru svoje dve kabine nudi apsolutnu udobnost.

Kuhinja, toalet i kabine ispod palube obezbeđuju izuzetan osećaj nezavisnosti i komfora na višednevnim plovidbama, dok različite opcije snage motora pružaju idealan odnos performansi i ekonomičnosti.

The Pearlsea 31 Hard Top is a new sport cruiser with stunning style motiv and the design of a much larger and more expensive vessel. The spacious cockpit and the vessel's ample beam make it a very comfortable and adequate vessel for its class. The option of a folding partition in the salon means that the Pearlsea 31 Hard top can offer true 2-cabin accommodation with absolute comfort.

Pearl Sea Yachts d.o.o. Zagrebačka Cesta 86, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia Mobile: +385 99 3193 674;

Pearlsea pravi sportski kruzer, zadivljujućeg
31 HT
The galley, head and two cabins below deck will provide you with an exceptional sense of independence and comfort on multi-day cruises in this boat. The various engine power options give this vessel an ideal ratio of performance to economy. m
Dužina trupa: 9,30 m Širina: 2,98 m
Zapremina prazna: 4.400 kg Zapremina 1/2 opterećenja: 5.500 kg
Zapremina puno optereće nje: 6.600
PEARLSEA 31 HT Lenght overall: 9.85 m Lenght hull: 9.30 m Width:
m Displacement empty: 4.400 kg Displacement 1/2 load :
kg Displacement fully loaded:
kg Fuel capacity:
l Water capacity:
l Cabins: 2 | Jan/Feb 2023 151
Zapremina goriva: 600 l Zapremina vode: 200 l Kabine: 2



Svaka Yamaha mašina, od motocikla preko vanbrodskih motora do motornih sanki, dizajnirana je i projektovana tako da vaš život učini lakšim i prijatnijim - a u slučaju čistača snega, da posao pretvori u zadovoljstvo!

Every Yamaha machine, from motorcycle to outboard to snowmobile, is designed and engineered to make your life more relaxing and enjoyable - and in the case of snow throwers, to turn a chore into a pleasure!

YT1070 je najotpornija i najozbiljnija Yamaha 4-taktna mašina, projektovana sa mogućnošću ekstra širokog zazora i ogromnom snagom bacanja snega od 17 metara. Impresivne performanse od 60 tona na sat obezbeđene su zahvaljujući brojnim jedinstvenim dizajnerskim karakteristikama koje u timu sa najnovijom verzijom Yamaha 4-taktnog motora MZ300 obećavaju besprekoran rad. Kombinacija superefikasnog guseničnog sistema kretanja i glatkog hidrostatičkog menjača - sa kontrolom jednom ručicom – čini YT1070 čistač jednostavnim za upotrebu. Brzina se precizno i postepeno podešava bez uticaja na brzinu gusenice, a gumeni materijal pruža odlično prianjanje i vuču u najtežim snežnim uslovima.

The YT1070 is Yamaha most rugged, no-nonsense 4-stroke machine, designed with extra-wide clearance capability and massive 17-metre throwing power. Its impressive 60-tons-per-hour performance is thanks to Yamaha's many unique snow thrower design features being coupled to the latest version of Yamaha smooth, 4-stroke MZ300 engine.

The combination of a super-e cient auger and smooth Hydrostatic Transmission - with single lever control - makes it easy to use. Speed can be adjusted precisely and gradually without a ecting auger speed and the rubber track drive delivers great grip and traction for the harshest snow conditions.


SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255

Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792

Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245

Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51

MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140

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Predstavljamo/Presenting | Jan/Feb 2023 152

Da li ste znali? Did you know? VIKINŠKI BRODOVI


Plovila drevnih Vikinga se uz male ribarske i priobalne čamce dele u dve veće kategorije. Prvu čine ratni brodovi, organizovani u tri zasebne grupe: najpoznatiji i najveći među njima zvao se *drakkar* (staronordijski zmaj) ili *skeid*, srednji *snekkja* ili *snekke*, dok su najmanje brodove nazivali *karve* ili *karvi*. Ova plovila odlikovao je plitak gaz, pogon na vesla i jedno jedro. Postizali su brzinu do osam čvorova, a koristeći jedra i do dvanaest. Ukoliko je vreme bilo povoljno prelazili su do dvesta kilometara na dan. Najveći pronađen brod bio je dug 70 metara, te je mogao prevoziti do 400 ljudi. U proseku su bili dugi 28 metara, široki pet i malo manje od dva metra visoki.

U drugu kategoriju ulazi *knarr* ili *knorr*. Radi se o trgovačkom ili transportnom brodu, mnogo širem od ratnog plovila (odnos širine i dužine iznosio je 4 : 1, dok je kod ratnih bio 7 : 1). Prepoznatljiv po dubljem gazu, bio je namenjen lučnom pristajanju i u proseku je prevozio oko 20 tona tereta. Kretao su se pomoću jedara, pa je zbog toga imao skromniju posadu, svega šest do osam ljudi. Iako je ova vrsta broda manje poznata u odnosu na ratna plovila, to nije umanjilo njegov značaj. Zahvaljujući knarru i njegovoj pokretljivosti došlo je do snažne ekspanzije Nordijaca na Island, Grenland i severoistok Severne Amerike.

Along with small fishing and coastal boats, Vikings vessels are divided into two larger categories. The first section consists of warships, organized into three separate groups: the most famous and largest among them was called drakkar (Old Norse for dragon) or skeid, the middle snekkja or snekke, while the smallest boats were called karve or karvi. These vessels were characterized by a shallow draft, oar propulsion and a single sail. They could reach a speed of eight knots, or when using sails up to twelve. In favorable weather, they could cover up to two hundred kilometers a day. The largest ship ever found was 70 meters long and could carry up to 400 people. On average, they were 28 meters long, five meters wide and slightly below two meters tall.

The second category includes knar or knorr. It was a merchant or transport type of vessel, much wider than a warship (the beam to length ratio was 4:1, while with warships it was 7:1). Distinctive for its deeper draft, it was intended for bow docking and carried an average of about 20 tons of cargo. These boats moved using sails, so they had a more modest crew, only six to eight people. Although this type of ship is not as wellknown as war vessels, this did not reduce its importance. Thanks to the knarr and its mobility, there was a strong expansion of the Scandinavians to Iceland, Greenland and the north-east of North America.

Da li ste znali?/Did you know? | Jan/Feb 2023 154
AZIMUTYACHTS.COM THE GRANDE SERIES 26M | 27M | 32M | 36M | TRIDECK EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Inspired by an affinity for grandeur, the Azimut Grande Series is a spectacular collection of works of art that combines advanced technology with engineering mastery. Visionary design reimagines the function of space with surprising innovation, revolutionizing the onboard lifestyle through the creative touch and aesthetic of authentic Made in Italy. AZIMUT YACHTS OFFICIAL DEALER Azimut Yachts Croatia-Serbia-Slovenia Navis Marine d.o.o. in partnership with BM Premium Yachting 2020 d.o.o. Zrenjaninski put 11, Beograd +381 11 413 444; +381 66 800 2030 AZIMUT. DARE TO AMAZE.

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