Nautika Magazine No. 73 (July/August 2021)

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Ka d a s e tradicija pretvori u inovaciju

L i o n’s R u n 2021 letnje izdanje

When tradition turns into innovation

L i o n’s R u n 2021 Summer edition


48 66 Sunseeker 100 Yacht Lansiranje na jesen 2021 Launching in autumn 2021

52 78



Cranchi Sessantasette

N ov i Po rsch e 9 1 1 G T 3 s a To u r i n g p a keto m The new Po rsc h e 9 1 1 GT3 w i t h To u r i n g p a c ka g e

Italijanski p e r fe kc i o n i za m Italian Pe r fe c t i o n i s m

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YYachts Mihael Šmit: N e ka b u d e jednostavno


Michael Schmidt: Ke e p i t s i m p l e


OSNIVAČ I IZDAVAČ / FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER: NAUTIKA PRESENT D. O. O. Društvo za marketing i odnose sa javnošću / (Marketing and Public Relations Company) ADRESA / ADDRESS: Ilije Birčanina 13, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21/ 472-91-80, Fax: +381 21/ 472-91-81 e-mail:


MARKETING: Helena Olah Ana Radojičić Todorović GRAFIČKA PRIPREMA (DESKTOP PUBLISHER): Sava Marinčić

138 160 Red Shark Bikes Prenosni bicikl za vodu Po r ta b l e w a t e r b i ke s


CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 629.5+797.1 Nautika / glavni i odgovorni urednik Slađana Marović. 2013, br. 25- . - Novi Sad : Nautika Present, 2013- . - Ilustr. ; 30 cm Dvomesečno. - Je nastavak: Nautika & turizam = ISSN 2217-5911 ISSN 2334-900X = Nautika COBISS.SR-ID 280894983



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Monaco Yacht Show Monaco Yacht Show održaće se od 22. do 25. septembra 2021. godine. Organizatori MYS-a su potvrdili da će učestvovati 300 izlagača. Takođe su najavili da će biti izloženo skoro 60 superjahti, uključujući 40 potpuno novih porinuća nekih od najpoznatijih brodogradilišta - a da ne pominjemo redovne ovde u MYS-u - uključujući Benetti, Feadship, Lurssen, Oceanco, itd. Sanitarni protokol će se poštovati tokom cele manifestacije, od prvog dana priprema do demontaže poslednje tribine i, naravno, tokom sva 4 dana. Monaco Yacht Show will be held from 22nd to 25th September 2021. The organizers of the MYS have presently confirmed that 300 exhibitors will be participating. They have also announced that nearly 60 superyachts will be exhibited, including 40 brand-new launches by some of the most famous shipyards - not to mention regulars here at the MYS - including Benetti, Feadship, Lürssen, Oceanco, etc. An anti-Covid sanitary protocol will be respected throughout the entire show, from the first day of preparations to the dismantling of the last stand and, of course, during the 4 days of the show.

Cannes Yachting Festival Ostalo je manje od dva meseca do njegovog otvaranja, a buduće izdanje događaja Yachting Festival izgleda vrlo obećavajuće. Ne samo da će poznati festival jahti biti prvi veliki događaj koji će se ponovo otvoriti od pandemije Covid-19, već će biti bogat i izuzetnim sadržajem koji će otkriti od 7. do 12. septembra u luci Vieux i Port Canto! With less than two months to go before its opening, the future edition of the Yachting Festival looks very promising. Not only will the famous Yachting Festival be the first major event to reopen since the Covid-19 pandemic, but it will also be rich in exceptional content to discover from 7 to 12 September in the Vieux Port and Port Canto!

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Booking Manager Summit 2021 Booking Manager Summit nastavlja svoju misiju obrazovanja i jačanja čarter industrije već treću godinu zaredom. Danas je imperativ za sve učesnike u turističkom sektoru da brzo reaguju na promene u poslovnom okruženju, a profesionalci koji se bave čarterom jahti više nego ikad treba da posegnu za inovativnim, efikasnim i dugoročnim rešenjima za privlačenje gostiju. Hibridno izdanje ove obrazovne konferencije nudiće kreativna predavanja i inovativne radionice uživo i u virtuelnom formatu. Tri dana, od 10. do 12. novembra 2021. godine, Hilton Garden Inn u Zagrebu biće globalni obrazovni centar za svet čartera jahti. Pored obrazovanja, suštinski deo konferencije je i povezivanje svih učesnika sa ciljem razmene iskustava i zaključivanja novih partnerstava. Booking Manager Summit continues its mission of educating and strengthening the charter industry for the third year in a row. Today, it is imperative for all tourism sector participants to react quickly to changes in the business environment, and yacht charter professionals more than ever need to reach for innovative, efficient and longterm solutions to attract guests. The hybrid edition of this educational conference will offer creative lectures and innovative workshops both live and in virtual format. Three days, from 10th to 12th of November 2021, Hilton Garden Inn in Zagreb will be the global education center for the yacht charter world. In addition to education, an essential part of the conference is to connect all participants with the aim of exchanging experiences and concluding new partnerships. More details about Booking Manager Summit 2021 can be found at

Genoa International Boat Show Od 16. do 21. septembra, Đenova je domaćin sajma brodova, koji organizuje UCINA (Confindustria Nautica), a koji će ugostiti morske zaljubljenike i dočarati kompletnu izložbu koja nudi aktivnosti i posebne događaje. Sve ovo samo da biste stekli iskustvo od 360 ° i saznali najnovije vesti u međunarodnoj plovidbi. Sajam brodova u Đenovi ove godine stiže do 61. izdanja. Najveći je na Mediteranu i konfigurisan je kao najreprezentativniji događaj za izvrsnost Made In Italy. Svake godine ugosti industrijske operatere i ljubitelje mora sa preko 200.000 kvadratnih metara zemljišta i vode na raspolaganju za izložbu. From 16th to 21st September, Genoa hosts the Boat Show, organized by UCINA (Confindustria Nautica) which will welcome sea enthusiasts to Genoa with a complete exhibition offering activities and special events. All this just to get a 360 ° experience and get to know the latest news in international boating.The Genoa Boat Show reaches its 61st edition this year. It is the largest in the Mediterranean and is configured as the most representative event for Made In Italy excellence. Every year it welcomes industry operators and sea lovers with over 200,000 square meters of land and water available for the exhibition.

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Kada se tradicija pretvori u inovaciju When tradition turns into innovation


aš tim imao je čast da učestvuje na događaju Frauscher Press Days, koje je krajem juna organizovalo brodogradilište Frauscher u Gmundenu, u Austriji. Ovom prilikom predstavljen je novi model TimeSquare 20, a detalje o ovom električnom katamaranu otkrio nam je tokom plovidbe vlasnik Stefan Frauscher. Organizovana je i poseta brodogradilištu te smo iz prve ruke mogli da vidimo različite procese u proizvodnji jednog remek-dela. Frauscher je 2012. otvorio novo brodogradilište u Ohlsdorfu: dvostruko veće od starije zgrade u Mooshamu blizu Gmundena, površine 3000 m2. Otvaranjem ovog brodogradilišta stekla se mogućnost izgradnje većih jahti i značajno se povećao broj izgrađenih jedinica godišnje. Da bi se postigao ovaj cilj, postalo je neophodno značajno povećati broj kvalifikovanih zaposlenih. Većina potiče iz regije Salzkammergut u Gornjoj Austriji, koja je snažno oblikovana veštim zanatlijama i njihovim rukotvorinama. Izgradnjom novog brodogradilišta bilo je logistički i ekonomski važno objediniti izgradnju brodova, prodaju, marketing i kontrolu na jednom mestu. Kao rezultat toga, procesi, unutrašnja komunikacija, radno okruženje i na kraju kvalitet izgradnje broda su značajno poboljšani. To zaposlenima daje više vremena da se posvete svojoj velikoj strasti: razvoju i izgradnji izuzetnih čamaca. Duga tradicija brodogradilišta Frauscher u domenu električnih brodova, koja datira još iz 1955. godine, do sada je iznedrila oko 4000 električnih brodova. Dugi niz godina njihovi brodovi korišćeni su u regijama gde je bilo zabranjeno korišćenje brodskih i vanbrodskih motora. Danas se sve veći broj klijenata odlučuje na električne brodove upravo zbog činjenice da predstavljaju budućnost plovidbe. „Naša kompanija se oduvek trudila da bude korak ispred. U našem DNK je da menjamo svet, a sa modelom TimeSquare 20 to smo i uspeli“, po-

TimeSquare 20: Dužina: 8.30 m Širina: 2.50 m Pogon: 2 x 2 – 10kW Baterija: 7 – 30 kWh Težina: from 1.150 kg Broj osoba: 7 Length: 8.30 m Beam: 2.50 m Drive: 2 x 2 - 10kW Battery: 7 - 30 kWh Weight: from 1,150 kg Number of persons: 7

delio je sa nama vlasnik, Stefan Frauscher. TimeSquare 20, električni brod sa dva pramca, fascinira inovacijama i upečatljivim dizajnom. U brodogradilištu Frauscher opisuju ga kao još jedno veliko dostignuće u dugoj istoriji inovacija. Bilo da plovite ili ste usidreni, TimeSquare 20 prolazi vrlo mirno kroz vodu i nudi izuzetno izdašan prostor za sedenje i sunčanje – savršen je za dan na jezeru. „Broj 20 u nazivu znači da imamo 20 kvadratnih metara prostora. Ovo je savršena platforma za plivanje i uživanje tokom dana sa vašom porodicom ili prijateljima. Možete postaviti bimini krov za zaštitu od sunca, tu su i dve ležaljke na pramcu, zatim regija za obedovanje, frižider… ali, pre svega – ovo je električni brod! Radimo veoma predano na sistemu baterija i pogonu, verujemo da će za nekoliko godina biti moguće napraviti projekat sličan ovom, ali namenjen za morsku plovidbu. Budućnost definitivno ide u tom smeru“, zaključio je Stefan Frauscher. Dva električna vanbrodska motora sa snagom do 2X10 kW i kapacitetom baterije do 30 kWh pružaju efikasan pogon. Zahvaljujući svom inovativnom dizajnu trupa, TimeSquare 20 postiže sličnu maksimalnu brzinu i domet kao Frauscher 740 Mirage Air - uz znatno manju potrošnju energije.

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ur team had the pleasure of participating in the Frauscher Press Days, the event organized in late June by the Frauscher Shipyard in Gmunden, Austria. On this occasion, the new model TimeSquare 20 was presented, and the details of this electric catamaran were revealed to us during the voyage by the owner Stefan Frauscher. A visit to the shipyard was also organized, so we could see first hand the various processes in the production of a masterpiece. In 2012, Frauscher opened a new shipyard in Ohlsdorf: twice the size of the older building in Moosham near Gmunden, covering an area of 3,000 m2. Opening of this facility provided the shipyard with the possibility of building larger yachts, and the number of units built per year increased considerably. In order to achieve this goal, it became necessary to significantly increase the number of qualified employees. Most came from the Salzkammergut region in Upper Austria, which is strongly shaped by skilled artisans and their handicrafts. With the construction of the new shipyard, it was logistically and economically important to combine shipbuilding, sales, marketing and control in one place. As a result, the processes, internal communication, working environment and ultimately the quality of shipbuilding have been greatly improved. This gives employees more time to dedicate to their great passion: developing and building exceptional boats.



TimeSquare 20 - tako brodogradilište Frauscher naziva svoj novi električni brod. Još jedna prekretnica u njihovoj dugoj istoriji inovacija TimeS quare 20 – t h a t ’s w h a t Frauscher shipyard calls its new electric boat. Another milestone in their long histor y of innovation.

The TimeSquare 20, an electric boat with two bows, fascinates with innovation and striking design. At the Frauscher shipyard, it is described as another great achievement in the long history of innovation. Whether you are undreway or anchored, the TimeSquare 20 cuts very smoothly through the water and offers an extremely generous space for sitting and sunbathing perfect for a day on the lake. "Number 20 in the name means that we have 20 square meters of space. It is the perfect platform for swimming and enjoying the day with your family or friends. You can install a bimini for sun protection, there are also two deck chairs on the bow, then a dining area, a refrigerator… but, above all - this is an electric boat! We are working with great dedication on the battery system and the drive, believing that in just a few years it will be possible to make a project similar to this, but intended for sea navigation. The future is definitely going in that direction", concluded Stefan Frauscher. Two electric outboard engines with power up to 2x10 kW and battery capacity up to 30 kWh provide efficient propulsion. Thanks to her innovative hull design, the TimeSquare 20 achieves a similar top speed and range as the Frauscher 740 Mirage Air - with significantly lower power consumption.

The long tradition of the Frauscher shipyard in the field of electric boats, which dates back to 1955, has so far produced about 4,000 electric vessels. For many years, their boats were used in the regions where the use of inboard and outboard engines was prohibited. Today, an increasing number of customers are opting for electric boats precisely because of the fact that they represent the future of navigation. "Our company has always tried to be one step ahead. It is in our DNA to change the world, and with the TimeSquare 20 model we have succeeded", the owner, Stefan Frauscher shared his thoughts with us . +43181444

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Tim Nautike posetio je još jedan spektakularan događaj ovog leta. Absolute Opera održana je 26. juna, a tom prilikom plovila je predstavo Adriatic Wave, zvanični predstavnik kompanije Absolute Yachts u Hrvatskoj i još devet zemalja u regionu. Osim gostiju koji su stigli iz Hrvatske, Šibenik su posetili i brojni međunarodni gosti, a svi oni mogli su da isprobaju najnovije modele Absolute brodogradilišta na moru. Vrhunac događaja bilo je otkrivanje Absolute Navetta 73, najvećeg Absolute modela. Ovo je bio prvi nastup pomenute jahte 2021. godine na Jadranu. Štaviše, šibenska Absolute Opera nagovestila je kraj niza događaja koje je Adriatic Wave održao ovog proleća u italijanskom Porto Piccolu i Veneciji, te u hrvatskom Rovinju. Pored svih plovila, Adriatic Wave priredio je i VIP večeru sa poslasticama za sva čula njihovih gostiju. Nezaboravna atmosfera uverila nas je da najbolje tek sledi, a najave za ostatak leta oduševiće sve ljubitelje ovog italijanskog brodogradilišta. Naime, već početkom septembra debitovaće u Kanu sa novim modelom – Absolute 60 Fly. O kompaniji: Adriatic Wave Group ima sedište u prelepom Rovinju u Hrvatskoj, sa podružnicom u Veneciji u Italiji. Osnivači Gimmy Valente i Mario Cakar, koji su stekli veliko iskustvo na tržištu jahti od 1997 godine, zahvaljujući stručnom vođstvu, postavili su Adriatic Wave među najvažnije kompanije za prodaju jahti u Evropi.

Š I B E N I K ,

The Nautika team visited yet another spectacular event this summer. The Absolute Opera was held on June 26, and on that occasion the vessels were presented by Adriatic Wave, the official representative for Absolute Yachts in Croatia and nine other countries in the region. Apart from the guests who arrived from Croatia, Šibenik was also visited by numerous international guests, and all of them were able to test the latest models of the Absolute shipyard at sea. The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the Absolute Navetta 73, the largest Absolute model. This was the first appearance of the yacht in 2021 on the Adriatic. Moreover, the Sibenik Absolute Opera marked the end of a series of events held by Adriatic Wave this spring in Porto Piccolo and Venice, Italy, and in Rovinj, Croatia. In addition to all the vessels, Adriatic Wave also prepared a VIP dinner with treats for all the senses of their guests. The unforgettable atmosphere reassured us that the best is yet to come, and the announcements for the rest of the summer will delight all fans of this Italian shipyard. Namely, at the beginning of September, it will debut in Cannes with a new model - Absolute 60 Fly.


Absolute Opera 26. 6. 2021. / 26th June 2021

About the company: Adriatic Wave Group is headquartered in beautiful Rovinj, Croatia, with a branch office in Venice, Italy. Founders Gimmy Valente and Mario Cakar, who have gained extensive experience in the yacht market since 1997, thanks to expert guidance, have placed Adriatic Wave among the most significant yacht sales companies in Europe.

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Godišnja letnja tura LION'S RUN okuplja odabrani tim ljubitelja luksuza koji se razumeju u automobile da krenu na nezaboravno i jedinstveno putovanje. Nigde u Evropi ne postoji takva sofisticirana tura koja kombinuje zabavu vožnje, putovanja kroz krajolike od kojih zastaje dah, najbolje kulinarsko uživanje, najekskluzivnije hotele, a kada je u pitanju luksuzna zabava uz more sa jahtama i svim ostalim što ide uz to, zvanični sponzori - MennYacht Group i Pershing Yachts organizuju posebno osmišljene događaje kako bi doživeli leto na najnezaboravniji mogući način. Ovogodišnja tura započela je 21. juna u hotelu Ritz Carlton u Budimpešti, gde su održani konferencijski sastanci i zabave. Posle vožnje do Beograda i Kopaonika, preko 45 super-luksuznih sportskih automobila, brendiranih nalepnicama MennYacht i Pershing, stigli su na Nikki Beach u Crnoj Gori, gde su održane test vožnje na Technohull tenderu Omega 47 sa trostrukim Mercury motorom od 450 konjskih snaga. Lepa večera sledećeg dana u Splitu pripremila ih je za nastavak ture do poslednje stanice u Rovinju, gde su MennYacht Group i njihov odsek za igračke za vodu MYYACHTOYS organizovali specijalnu privatnu zabavu sa roštiljem u hotelu Park Beach, uz test vožnje jedinstvenog Belassi Hyper Craft - Burrasca i igračaka za vodu kao što su Lampuga džet bord i skuteri za vodu iAQUA. Sunce je sijalo, a vetar je bio povoljan, tako da su se organizatori i gosti mogli zabaviti i uživati u predivnom okruženju na ovoj nezaboravnoj zabavi na plaži u Rovinju.

The annual LION'S RUN summer tour brings together a handpicked team of automotive-savvy luxury enthusiasts to go on an unforgettable and unique journey. Nowhere in Europe is there a comparable, sophisticated tour that combines the fun of driving, panoramic trips through breath-taking landscapes, the finest culinary enjoyment, most exclusive hotels and when it comes to the seaside luxury entertainment with Yachts and everything that comes with it, the official sponsors - MennYacht Group and Pershing Yachts organise specially tailored events to experience summer in the most memorable way possible. This year's tour started at the Ritz Carlton in Budapest on the 21st of June where conference meetings and parties were held. After a drive to Belgrade and Kopaonik, the 45 + super luxury sports cars branded with MennYacht and Pershing stickers arrived at Nikki Beach in Montenegro where sea trials with the Technohull Omega 47 with triple Mercury 450hp were held. A nice dinner the next day in Split got them ready to continue the tour for last stop in Rovinj where MennYacht Group and their water toys division MYYACHTOYS organized a special Barbeque Private Party at the Hotel Park Beach with sea trials by Belassi's unique Hyper Craft - Burrasca and water toys such as Lampuga's jet board and iAQUA's water scooters. The sun was shining, and the wind was kind so the organizers and guests could have fun and enjoy the beautiful scenery at this memorable beach party in Rovinj. +41 62 393 35 95

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ADIHEX 2021 OSAMNAESTO IZDANJE (ADIHEX 2021) ODRŽAĆE SE OD 27. SEPTEMBRA DO 3. OKTOBRA 2021, U NACIONALNOM IZLOŽBENOM CENTRU ABU DABIJA „ADNEC“. ADIHEX je pokrenuo šeik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan u Abu Dabiju 2003. godine. Privukao je više od milion i po posetilaca tokom proteklih izdanja, predstavljajući kontinuiranu priču o uspehu u očuvanju životne sredine, održivom lovu, predstavljanju baštine i jačanju svesti mladih i mlađih generacija o tradiciji i autentičnoj kulturi Emirata. To je najveći događaj ove vrste na Bliskom Istoku i u Africi, koji postaje prestižna globalna platforma koja omogućava učesnicima da identifikuju distributere i partnere, prošire svoje poslovanje, lansiraju i promovišu najnovije proizvode pored svoje ključne uloge u promociji i očuvanju kulturnog nasleđa. Bogatstvo i sveobuhvatnost ADIHEX-a predstavljeno je kroz 11 različitih sektora, uključujući umetnost i zanatstvo, jahanje, sokolarstvo, lov i safari izlete, opremu za lov i kampovanje, lovačko oružje, projekte unapređenja i očuvanja kulturne baštine, rekreativna vozila i opremu, veterinarske proizvode i usluge, opremu za ribolov i morski sport i profesionalne medije. THE EIGHTEENTH EDITION (ADIHEX 2021) WILL BE HELD FROM SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 3 2021, AT THE ABU DHABI NATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTRE "ADNEC". ADIHEX was initiated by the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in Abu Dhabi in 2003. It attracted more than one and a half million visitors throughout its past editions, representing a continuous success story in preserving the environment, sustainable hunting, presenting heritage and enhancing the awareness of youth and younger generations about traditions and the authentic Emirati culture. It is the largest event of its kind in the Middle East and Africa, becoming a prestigious global platform allowing participants to identify distributors and partners, expand their businesses, launch and promote the latest products in addition to its key role in promoting and preserving cultural heritage. The richness and comprehensiveness of ADIHEX is represented through 11 different sectors, including arts and crafts, equestrian, falconry, hunting and safari trips, hunting and camping equipment, hunting weapons, projects to enhance and preserve cultural heritage, outdoor recreational vehicles and equipment, veterinary products and services, Fishing and marine sports equipment, and professional media.

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Y 7

Prava suština jedrenja The essence of sailing

Y7 je luksuzni brod sa velikim kabinama i odvojenim skiperskim apartmanom sa sopstvenim pristupom kokpitu / The Y7 is a luxurious boat featuring large cabins and a s e p a r a t e s k i p p e r ’s s u i t e with its own cockpit access


otrebno je imati zaista posebnu jedrilicu da biste uspeli da preobratite ubeđenog ljubitelja motornih čamaca. Pa ipak, upravo je to učinio zapanjujuće moderan izgled modela Y7 severnonemačkog brodograditelja Mihaela Šmita. Njena čista, prostrana paluba i široki trup su od karbonskih vlakana, kao i jarbol, sa ukupnom težinom od 31 tone. Pa ipak, ona može postaviti 300 kvadratnih metara jedra za plovidbu uz vetar i ima mogućnost velikih 550 kvadratnih metara genakera na pramčanom delu za rad niz vetar. Za rad na malim potezima postoji pramčani propeler na uvlačenje sa kontrolom uz pomoć džojstika za lako pristajanje. U kombinaciji sa dvostrukim Nanni dizelašima od 80 konjskih snaga, to čini brod lako upravljivim za njegovu veličinu. Dole ispod palube, ovaj pristup se razvija na malo drugačiji način. Ovde postoji digitalno upravljanje za kontrolu klime, zabavu i osvetljenje; mašine za pranje posuđa i nekoliko frižidera; hladnjaci za vino i televizori. Ali još uvek postoji određena vrsta jednostavnosti. „Volante“ je primer minimalističkog severnjačkog enterijera. Unutrašnji prostor je konfigurisan u nekoliko modula, što daje nekoliko jednostavnih izbora. Možete se odlučiti za tri ili četiri kabine, dvokrevetne ili sa bračnim krevetom, a postoji i mogućnost da pomerite kuhinju sa sredine na levu stranu ako želite. U svim opcijama rasporeda postoji mala kabina sa dva kreveta na sprat i odvojena tuš kabina za kapetana i jednog člana posade.


t takes a special sailing yacht to coax a confirmed motor boater over to the other side. And yet that is exactly what the strikingly modern-looking Y7 from North German boatbuilder Michael Schmidt has done. And a key part of this is the ability to sail well in light airs. Her sweeping, clean deck and broad hull are both in carbon fibre, as is the mast, for a total displacement of 31 tonnes. And yet she can set 300 square metres of sail upwind, and has the option of a whopping 550 square metre gennaker on the bowsprit for downwind work. For close quarters work, there is a retractable bow-thruster with joystick control for easy docking. Combined with the twin 80hp Nanni diesels, this makes the boat manoeuvrable for its size. Down below, this approach plays out in a slightly different way. Here there is digital switching for climate control, entertainment and lighting; dishwashers and multiple fridges; wine fridges and TVs. But

there is still simplicity of sorts. ”Volante” shows a minimal Nordic interior. The interior volume is configured into several modules, giving some simple choices. You can opt for three or four cabins, double or twins, and move the midships galley back to the port side if you want. In all layouts there is a small cabin with two bunks and a private shower room for the captain and a mate.

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Pearl sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje učešće brodogradilišta na jahting festivalu u Kanu 2021. godine 2021. od 7. do 12. septembra. Ovo će biti prvi nastup Pearl 62 u Kanu, a ove godine brodogradilište ima novu lokaciju na Quai Max Laubeuf za smeštaj potencijalnih klijenata. To znači da će Pearl 80 i Pearl 95 takođe deliti scenu, nudeći gostima potpunu sliku o tome kako dizajner eksterijera Bill Dixon i dizajner enterijera Kelly Hoppen CBE savršeno odgovaraju ovom brendu, besprekorno prilagođavajući svoj svetski poznati stil svakoj veličini. Rezultat je svedočanstvo o brodogradnji gde je svaki model prepoznat kao član porodice Pearl, zadržavajući identifikacionu ličnu blistavost. Govoreći o predstojećem događaju, generalni direktor Pearl Yachts, Iain Smallridge rekao je, „Ovogodišnji Cannes Yachting Festival nam je važan, iz više razloga nego ikad. Pored značaja koji događaj ima za industriju, ove godine imamo značajno prisustvo u Kanu. Okupljamo svu trenutnu flotu Pearl na novom mestu gde možemo da upoznamo nove kupce i ugostimo naše postojeće vlasnike. “ Pearl is pleased to announce the yard’s participation in the 2021 Cannes Yachting Festival 2021 from the 7th to the 12th of September. This will be the Pearl 62’s debut at Cannes and this year, the shipyard has a new location on Quai Max Laubeuf to accommodate potential clients. That means the Pearl 80 and Pearl 95 will share the stage as well, offering guests a complete picture of how exterior designer Bill Dixon and interior designer Kelly Hoppen CBE are a perfect match for the brand, flawlessly adapting their world-famous styling to each size class. The result is a testament to shipbuilding where each model is recognized as a member of the Pearl family while retaining an identifying personal sparkle. Speaking about the coming event, Pearl Yachts Managing Director, Iain Smallridge said, “This year’s Cannes Yachting Festival is important to us for more reasons than ever. Beyond the significance the event holds for the industry, this year, we have a significant presence in Cannes. We are bringing together all of the current Pearl fleets in a new location where we can meet new customers and entertain our existing owners.”



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Dva uzbudljiva nova modela Absolute Yachts dočekuje početak plovidbene sezone uz velika očekivanja za nove modele generacije 2022


rva revolucija dogodiće se dolaskom 60 FLY, potpuno novog modela nazvanog „The Absolute Prisma“. Novu perspektivu daje pramčana kabina - zahvaljujući konceptu vlasničkog apartmana: to je kabina koja zauzima punu širinu broda, bez presedana na jahti od 60/70 stopa. Iz krmenog kokpita protežu se dva prostrana stepeništa, idealna za dolazak do široke platforme za uživanje na terasi, neposredno iznad površine mora; velike dimenzije platforme omogućavaju udoban ulaz u kabinu za posadu, kroz specijalna brodska vrata skrivena u krmenom ogledalu. Na gornjoj palubi, područje flajbridža nudi drugi salon na otvorenom, Ka o potpuno uronjen u okolni pejzaž, čije izdašne dimenzije što prizma kao da jedva čekaju da ih neko koristi: al-fresco kuprelama svetlost i otk r i va ra z n e b oj e, ta ko hinja i trpezarija, dnevni boravak, visokotehnološka i A b s o l u t e 6 0 F LY p r i z m a stanica za kormilo sa elegantnim dizajnerskim liotkriva novu perspektivu, providan da bi mogao da propusti prirodnijama, kontrastima boja i prefinjenom završnom evoluciju za ceo asor timan, ali i no svetlo bez pregrevanja prostorije. Veliki obradom. Čak je i pramčani prostor projektovan za svog vlasnika / As the prism bočni prozori u salonu okružuju celu palubu reveals the several colors through za maksimalnu raznovrsnost upotrebe zahvaljujući t h e l i g h t , t h e 6 0 F LY b y A b s o l u t e i, zajedno sa panoramskim vetrobranskim udobnoj garnituri za sedenje sa stočićem, prostois the prisma revealing an staklom, pružaju neometanu vidljivost. Glerom za sunčanje i muzikom: ovaj prostor istovremeoverturning of perspectives, dano iznutra, ovaj pogled koji oduzima dah no nudi mogućnosti za društveni život na vodi i za an evolution for the pretvara se u pravu panoramu od 360 stepeni. range and for the privatnost, danju i noću. owner Štaviše, prozori se mogu električno otvoriti, pa Zvanična prezentacija za javnost biće održana tokom propuštaju morski povetarac i stvaraju prijatnu, sajma nautike u Kanu u septembru 2021. godine, gde će prirodnu cirkulaciju vazduha. Kokpit je širok i izuAbsolute takođe predstaviti prvi model novog predstojećeg zetno udoban, bez vizuelnih barijera ili fiksnih prepreka. asortimana, Absolute 48 Coupé. Spoljni nameštaj se lako može rasporediti u različite konfiguracije, Absolute 48 Coupé se ističe upadljivim stilom, visokim nivoom moprilagođavajući se različitim potrebama života na brodu: savršen za gućnosti upotrebe i snažnom posvećenošću održivosti. Na primer, maksimalno opuštanje ili intrigantne razgovore. njegov krov je opremljen setom solarnih panela, od kojih je jedan

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4 8


Two exciting new models Absolute Yachts approaches the start of boating season creating high expectations for the Generation 2022 new models


he first revolution will take place with the arrival of the 60 FLY, a completely new model called “The Absolute Prisma”. A new perspective is offered by the bow master cabin – thanks to the Owner’s quarter concept: a cabin which takes up the full beam of the boat, unprecedented on a 60/70-foot yacht. From the aft cockpit there are two comfortable staircases, ideal to 48 Absolute 48 Coupé stands out for her bold style, high level of reach the wide platform to enjoy a terCoupé – The usability, and a strong commitment to sustainability. For exAbsolute Horizon race just above the sea; the ample diample, her roof is equipped with a set of solar panels, one of – daje novu definiciju mensions of the platform offer a comwhich is transparent to let in natural light without overheatkoncepta horizonta kao fortable entrance to the crew cabin, n ove b ezg ra n i č n e d i m e n z ij e, ing the room. through the pantograph door cong d e j e m o g u ć e i s k u s i t i n e š t o In the salon, the large side windows envelop the entire jedinstveno i bez presedana / cealed in the transom. On the upper deck and, together with the panoramic windshield, offer 48 Coupé - the Absolute Horizon deck, the Fly area offers a second uninterrupted visibility. From the inside, this breathtaking - redefines the concept of the open-air salon totally immersed in horizon as a new boundless view turns into an actual 360-degree panorama. Moreothe surrounding landscape, whose dimension where it is ver, the windows can be electrically opened, letting in the possible to experience generous dimensions are just waiting sea breeze and creating a pleasant, natural air recirculation. something unique and to be lived: al-fresco galley and dinThe cockpit is wide and extremely cozy, with no visual barunprecedented ing area, lounge space, high-tech helm riers or fixed obstacles. The outdoor furniture can be easstation are framed by elegant design lines, ily arranged in different configurations, adapting to the different color contrasts and refined finishes. Even the needs onboard: perfect for either maximum relaxation or intriguing bow area is designed for maximum versatility of conversations. use thanks to a comfortable sofa with table, a sunbathing area, and music: social boating and privacy, all in one, day and night. The official presentation to the public will take place during Cannes Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia Yachting Festival in September 2021, where Absolute will also intro+385 989173629, duce the first model of the new upcoming range, the Absolute 48 ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1 Coupé.




LUSBEN POTPUNO OBNAVLJA M/Y "MASQUENADA" LUSBEN COMPLETELY RENEWS M/Y "MASQUENADA" Nakon velikog remonta koji je trajao samo 9 meseci, Lusben je lansirao „Masquenada“, 51-metarsku ekspedicijsku jahtu koja je sada u vlasništvu Pier Luigi Loro Piana-e. Glavni fokus bio je spoljašnji profil čamca - zasnovan na radu studija Nauta Design - koji je radikalno transformisan i proširen u krmenom bloku, kao i kompletna obnova unutrašnjosti i prefarbavanje celokupne nadgradnje i dela trupa. Osoblje Lusbena, posada, arhitekte i dizajneri, kao i sam vlasnik, bili su uključeni u mukotrpnu i veliku rekonstrukciju, koja je započela u oktobru 2020. godine, što je predstavljalo radikalnu obnovu jahte, prvobitno zamišljene kao radni brod. Booking Manager Summit continues its mission of educating and strengthening the charter industry for the third year in a row. Today, it is imperative for all tourism sector participants to react quickly to changes in the business environment, and yacht charter professionals more than ever need to reach for innovative, efficient and long-term solutions to attract guests. The hybrid edition of this educational conference will offer creative lectures and innovative workshops both live and in virtual format. Three days, from 10th to 12th of November 2021, Hilton Garden Inn in Zagreb will be the global education center for the yacht charter world. In addition to education, an essential part of the conference is to connect all participants with the aim of exchanging experiences and concluding new partnerships.


Dizajnerski studio sa sedištem u Rimu, koji vode Bernardo i Martina Zuccon, osvojio je prestižnu nagradu Boat International Design & Innovation Award 2021 za spoljašnji dizajn modela Sanlorenzo SX112 u kategoriji Izvanredni spoljni dizajn motornih jahti - kategorija od 24 do 39,9 m. Sudije su smatrale da SX112 stvara potpuno novu plovidbu: „U ovoj vrlo konkurentnoj kategoriji SX112 se istakao veštom upotrebom prostora i staklenih površina [...] neobičnim izgledom i stilskim karakteristikama koje ističu povezanost sa okolinom kao što je veliki klub na plaži sa više otvora“.


The Rome-based design studio led by Bernardo and Martina Zuccon wins the prestigious Boat International Design & Innovation Award 2021 for the exterior design of the Sanlorenzo SX112 in the Outstanding Exterior Motor Yacht Design - 24 to 39.9 m category. Judges felt SX112 creates entirely new boating: "In this very competitive category, the SX112 stood out for the skillful use of space and glass surfaces [...] for the unusual layout and stylistic features that emphasize the connection with the environment such as the large beach club with multiple openings”.

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VALERIO RIVELLINI JE OSVOJIO NAGRADU BEST OF THE BEST Priznanje Best of the Best organizuje poznati magazin Robb Report kako bi odao priznanje pojedincima i kompanijama koje su se istakle u svojim oblastima izvanrednom zanatskom veštinom, izuzetnom pažnjom prema detaljima i neumornom težnjom za savršenstvom. U sektoru jahti, inženjer i dizajner Valerio Rivellini izabran je za nagradu 'One to Watch', prepoznajući ga kao talent koji treba pažljivo pratiti, jer "iako je već aktivan u industriji, verujemo da će njegov doprinos [dizajnu jahti] još više rasti u budućnosti. Fascinira nas njegova sposobnost da stvara lepe i pre svega inovativne dizajne na jahtama različitih veličina. Njegova dizajnerska rešenja predstavljaju revoluciju i nadahnula su druge da smisle sličan stil. Radujemo se unapred njegovim sledećim projektima “. Valerio Rivellini, vlasnik firme Rivellini Engineering & Yacht Design, već duži niz godina sarađuje sa raznim brodogradilištima, uključujući Blu Emme Yachts - za koje je dizajnirao sve modele brenda Evo Yachts, poznatog širom sveta po svojoj inovativnosti i avangardnoj prirodi - i Gozzi Mimì, za koji je predstavio modernu reinterpretaciju tradicionalnog Sorrento „gozzi“. Njegov najnoviji revolucionarni 24-metarski projekat, Evo V8, premijerno će nastupiti na jahting festival u Kanu u septembru 2021. Ova jahta potiče iz ambicije da stvori model koji predstavlja samo najbolje iz sveta jedrenja i motora. Rivellini je takođe nedavno predstavio koncept za 56-metarski Explorer, rezultat kombinacije različitih ideja, koji je fascinirao svetske medije. Njegov opseg delovanja, međutim, nije ograničen na nautičku industriju; tokom godina je takođe osmislio niz inovativnih rešenja za industrijski i automobilski sektor.

VALERIO RIVELLINI HAS WON THE BEST OF THE BEST AWARD The Best of the Best Award is organized by the renowned Robb Report magazine to celebrate individuals and companies which have distinguished themselves in their fields through outstanding craftsmanship, exceptional attention to detail and the relentless pursuit of perfection. In the yachting sector, engineer and designer Valerio Rivellini was chosen to receive the 'One to Watch' award, recognizing him as a talent to watch closely because "although he is already active in the industry, we believe his contribution [to yacht design] will grow even further in the future. We are fascinated by his ability to create beautiful and above all innovative designs on yachts of different sizes. His design solutions represent a revolution and have inspired others to come up with a similar style. We are looking forward to his next projects.” Valerio Rivellini, owner of the Rivellini Engineering & Yacht Design firm, has been working for many years with various shipyards, including Blu Emme Yachts - for which he designed all the models of the Evo Yachts brand, famous worldwide for their innovative and avant-garde nature - and Gozzi Mimì, for which he has presented a modern reinterpretation of the traditional Sorrento “gozzi”. His most recent project, Evo V8, a revolutionary 24-meter, will make its world premiere at the Cannes Yachting Festival in September 2021. This yacht stems from the ambition to create a model which presents only the best of the sailing and motorboating worlds. Rivellini has also recently presented a concept for a 56-meter Explorer, the result of a combination of different ideas, which has fascinated the world's media. His range of action, however, is not limited to the nautical industry; over the years, he has also come up with a number of innovative solutions for the industrial and automotive sectors.

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Predsta vlja mo




BEOLAB 28 STEREO IZVRSNOST Kompanija Bang & Olufsen predstavila je Beolab 28 prilagodljivi, bežični zvučnik koji kombinuje napredne akustičke inovacije sa najboljim karakteristikama pametnog zvučnika kako bi se dobilo izvanredno iskustvo ‚‚direktno iz kutije''. Beolab 28 može da se postavi na bilo koje mesto u svakom domu, zahvaljujući tankoj formi, trenutno strimuje bilo šta i pruža impresivan, moćan zvuk studijskog kvaliteta, koji se automatski prilagođava prostoru, a projektovan je tako da traje dugi niz godina. „Beolab 28 je naš najnapredniji povezani zvučnik do sada, koji pruža moćan zvuk i fleksibilne mogućnosti postavljanja zbog svog tankog oblika i malog prostora za oslonac. Beolab 28 uključuje najsavremenije bežično povezivanje i funkcije strimovanja koje vam omogućavaju da uživate u odabranoj muzici tačno onako kako želite “, kaže Christoffer Poulsen, viši potpredsednik i šef upravljanja proizvodima u Bang & Olufsen-u. Bang & Olufsen-ovu zvučnu filozofiju najbolje ilustruje Beolab 28, koji pruža snažno zvučno iskustvo. Slušalac može fizički da oseti bas postignut ugrađenim sabvuferom zasnovanim na prilagođenom 6,5-inčnom drajveru. Drajver poseduje veliki raspon da bi se dobili snažni i precizni basovi. Poslednja generacija Bang & Olufsen Active Room Compensation prilagođava bas prostoru u kome se zvučnik nalazi, omogućavajući postavljanje zvučnika bilo gde.

Beolab 28 je tanji, pametniji i više iznenađujući od bilo kog stereo zvučnika koji ste ranije doživeli

STEREO EXCELLENCE Bang & Olufsen introduced Beolab 28, an adaptive, wireless speaker that combines advanced acoustical innovations with convenient smart speaker features to create an exceptional experience right out of the box. Beolab 28 can be positioned anywhere in the home thanks to its slim design, stream anything instantly and provides immersive, powerful studio-grade sound that automatically adapts to its space, designed for longevity. “Beolab 28 is our most advanced connected speaker to date, providing powerful sound and flexible placement options due to its slim shape and small footprint. Beolab 28 includes cutting-edge, wireless connectivity and streaming features that allow you to enjoy your music exactly the way you want”, says Christoffer Poulsen, Senior Vice President and Head of Product Management at Bang & Olufsen. Bang & Olufsen’s sound philosophy is exemplified by Beolab 28 which delivers a powerful sound experience. The listener can physically feel the bass achieved by the built-in subwoofer based on a custom-made 6.5" driver. The driver features a large excursion to obtain a powerful and precise bass. Bang & Olufsen’s latest generation Active Room Compensation adapts the bass response to the room, allowing the speakers to be placed anywhere.

B e o l a b 2 8 i s s l i m m e r, s m a r t e r, a n d m o r e surprising than any stereo speaker you've experienced before

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /

42 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021



Buldock, deo brenda Deep Dive Systems-a, ističe se dizajnom visoko kvalitetnih plutajućih pontona proizvedenih u Italiji. Prednosti Buldock sistema su u tome što se korišćenjem kvalitetnih materijala osigurava čvstoća i sigurnost, a jednostavan i brz način povezivanja modula čini ga vrlo praktičnim za korišćenje.

BullDock, a brand of Deep Dive Systems, offers design, manufacturing, and installation of high-quality floating modular dock systems. BulDock has a number of advantages over the established competition thanks to the strong commitment to innovation. Our products are created using cutting-edge techniques and technologies to deliver safe efficient and durable floating system solutions.

Korišćenje se može podeliti u tri osnovne kategorije: 1. JET SLIDER - Buldock-ovo originalno rešenje plivajućeg sistema za podizanje plovila je najčešća namena. Njegov dizajn sprečava neproporcionalno opterećenje trupa iz razloga što se težina plovila ravnomerno raspoređuje na Roller-e ugrađene u sam ponton. Jet Slider se sklapa jednostavno kao i modularni ponton za jet ski i nema delova koji bi mogli oštetiti plovilo ili zahtevati popravke. 2. BOAT SLIDER - Sitemi za brodove koji omogućavaju da plovila ostanu suva, da se lakše održavaju, a različite U I V slide modulacije omogućavaju da se obuhvati veliki broj različitih tipova plovila kao i plovila različitih težina. Sprečavaju oštećenje broda i omogućavaju njegovo lakše održavanje i popravke. 3. PONTONI OSTALIH NAMENA - Buldock pontoni mogu imati još mnogo drugih namena, jer pored najčešće namene kao idealno rešenje za podizanje plovila, oni mogu biti odlični kao heliodrom, platforma za šetanje po vodi, ili kao ponton za radove na vodi, kao i mesto za proslave i druge događaje na vodi.

Usage can be divided into three basic categories: 1. JET SLIDER - BulDock floating Jet Slider is a unique dry-dock system. Its’ exceptional design prevents any disproportionate strain on the hull by distributing the watercraft’s weight equally. The Jet Slider does not feature any moving parts, which might be damaged or require additional maintenance. Designed to cater to your needs, this BulDock product makes the servicing of your watercraft a much easier and pleasurable experience. 2. BOAT SLIDER - Boat slider systems for boats allow vessels to stay dry, easier to maintain, and different U and V slide modulations allow to cover a large number of different types of vessels as well as vessels of different weights. They prevent boat damages and make it easier to maintain and repair. 3. PONTOONS FOR OTHER PURPOSES - Buldock pontoons can have many other purposes, because in addition to the most common purpose as an ideal solution for lifting boats, they can be great as a heliport, a platform for walking on water, or as a pontoon for working on water, as well as a place for celebrations and other events.



NAMENA: - Pontoni za jet ski - Pontoni za čamce i jahte - Pontoni za šetališta i proslave, marine, radove na vodi, helikoptere...

PURPOSE: - Jet ski pontoons - Pontoons for boats and yachts - Pontoons for promenades and celebrations, for marinas, for water promenades, for works on water, for helicopters.

GENERALNI DISTRIBUTER ZA SRBIJU I BIH: NOVOMAX D.O.O. Vatroslava Jagica 11, Novi Sad 21000, Srbija +381 69 1908708 |

44 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

G 600

White Carbon

Ča mci


B oats

YA M 3 8 0 T A F

Tender male težine i čvrstog karaktera Lightweight tender with tough character Ovaj model YAM serije čamaca od aluminijuma je odličan izbor za izlazak na vodu uz minimum napora i truda. Ovaj lagani, ali izdržljivi gliser je idealan za kampovanje, kao pomoćni čamac ili jednostavno - za zabavu na vodi. Možete ga naduvati ili spakovati za samo nekoliko minuta pomoću brze vazdušne pumpe i vaš YAM je lako smestiti na veći brod ili kod kuće. Upravljanje je lako i jednostavno - sa čvrstim aluminijumskim trupom i kobilicom u obliku slova V - a na vama je da izaberete da li želite da koristite jaka aluminijumska vesla, sa njihovim sistemom za lako odlaganje i pričvršćivanje, ili ugradnju nekog od vanbrodskih Yamaha motora svetske klase, poznatih po odličnim performansama i ekonomičnoj potrošnji, ali i po pouzdanosti koja se krije ispod modernog dizajna spoljašnjosti.

For getting out on the water with the minimum of fuss and effort, this YAM Aluminium Series model is a great choice. This lightweight, tough runabout is ideal for camping trips, tender duties or just messing about on the water. You can inflate or pack it away in just a few minutes using the high-speed air pump and your YAM is easily stowable on a larger boat or at home. Handling is a breeze - with the rigid aluminium hull and V-shape keel - and you have a choice of using the strong aluminium oars, with their easy-stow tube clips and sturdy rowlocks, or fitting a world-class Yamaha outboard, renowned for its smooth performance, economy and stylish reliability. At a glance: • Rollbar, console, seat • Rigid aluminium hull for comfort and stability • Easy handling and great maneuverability • V-shaped hull and flat floor • Transom reinforced for a Yamaha outboard

Ukratko: • Rolbar, konzola, sedište • Čvrsti aluminijumski trup za udobnost i stabilnost • Jednostavno rukovanje i odlično upravljanje • Trup u obliku slova V i ravan pod • Krmeno ogledalo ojačano za Yamaha vanbrodski motor

YAMAHA PRODAJA I SERVIS SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255 Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792 Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245 Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51 MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140 Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju:

Pratite nas:

46 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Ja hte


Ya c h ts

New Horizon FD75 Skyline U Horizon-ovoj već priznatoj seriji FD, koju je projektovao Cor D. Rover, FD75 je osmišljen sa idejom da dobije bezbroj pogodnosti karakterističnih za superjahtu u platformi namenjenoj za vlasnika koji sam upravlja jahtom / In Horizon’s acclaimed FD Series, designed by Cor D. Rover, the FD75 is designed to incorporate myriad superyacht amenities into an owner-operator platform

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Hull #4 will be the first FD75 featuring an enclosed bridge

Trup #4 biće prvi FD75 opremljen natkrivenim mostom



a završenim osnovnim projektnim izgledom, potpuno novi Horizon FD75 je već u izradi. Ovaj najnoviji FD75 je četvrto plovilo koje je izgrađeno od lansiranja trupa #1, lansiranog u januaru 2020. godine, i prvi je koji ima konfiguraciju Skyline (natkriveni most). Kao i kod svake Horizon jahte, vlasniku je omogućeno da plovilo prilagodi svom životnom stilu. Nakon istraživanja kako domaćih tako i međunarodnih proizvođača jahti, vlasnici su smatrali da Horizon ima najbolje resurse, posvećenost i međunarodni tim za projektovanje i izgradnju ove prilagođene jahte prema njihovim standardima. Kako bi jahtu prilagodili svom aktivnom načinu krstarenja, vlasnici su za jahtu dužine 78' odabrali raspored sa tri kabine, koji se sastoji od glavne kabine u punoj širini na palubi - jednog od obeležja modela FD75 - sa dve velike kabine za goste u punoj širini jahte na donjoj palubi. Veliki plažni klub i platforma za plivanje koja se podiže i spušta nalaze se iza mašinskog prostora. Na glavnoj palubi prostrana krmena paluba uliva se u glavni salon, koji ima ugaoni prostor za sedenje sa velikom trpezarijom i kuhinjom u ruralnom stilu, zauzimajući punih 6,20 m širine u prednjem delu. Natkriveni most nalazi se na najvišoj palubi i nudi udobnu garnituru za sedenje u obliku slova U i dnevni toalet, sa velikom otvorenom palubom za zabavu i prostorom za odlaganje na krmi. Setovi za opuštanje i sunčanje postavljeni su na prednjoj palubi. „Odlučili smo da radimo sa Horizon Yachts jer smo bili uvereni da razumeju i prihvataju našu viziju“, kažu vlasnici. „Verujemo da ulažemo u kompaniju koja poseduje tehnologiju, znanje i iskustvo u projektovanju da nam isporuči jahtu iz snova. Rezultat će biti divno plovilo, projektovano tako da odgovara našem načinu života, koje možemo podeliti sa prijateljima i porodicom. “ Isporuka trupa #4 predviđena je za zimu 2021. godine. Za više informacija obratite se kompaniji Horizon Yacht Europe na sales@ ili pozovite +34 618 602 840.

ith the basic design layout now complete, a brand-new Horizon FD75 is under construction. This latest FD75 is the fourth unit to be built since the launch of hull #1 launched in January 2020, and is the first one to feature a Skyline (enclosed bridge) configuration. As with every Horizon yacht, the ability for an owner to customize a vessel to his/her lifestyle is embraced. After researching both local and international yacht builders, the owners felt that Horizon had the best resources, commitment, and international team to design and build this custom yacht to their standards. To suit their active cruising lifestyle, the owners specified a three-stateroom layout for the 78’ yacht, comprising the semi on-deck, full-beam master stateroom – one of the hallmarks of the FD75 model – with two large full-beam guest staterooms on the lower deck. A large beach-club and Hi/Lo swim platform reside aft of the engine room. On the main deck, a spacious aft deck flows into the main salon, which features an L-shaped seating area with a large dining area and country-kitchen-style galley, occupying the full 6.20 m beam furthest forward. The enclosed bridge resides on the uppermost deck and offers a comfortable U-shaped settee and dayhead, with a large open boat deck for entertainment and tender storage aft. Settees for relaxing and sunbathing are positioned on the foredeck. “We chose to work with Horizon Yachts as we believed that they understood and embraced our vision”, say the owners. “We believe that we are investing in a company that has the technology, knowledge and design experience to deliver the yacht of our dreams. The result will be a stunning vessel, designed to suit our lifestyle that we can share with our friends and family.” Hull #4 is scheduled to be delivered in Winter 2021. For more information, please contact Horizon Yacht Europe at or call +34 618 602 840.

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Kao i kod svake Horizon jahte, vlasniku je omogućeno da plovilo prilagodi svom životnom stilu / As with every Horizon yacht, the ability for an owner to customize a vessel to his/her lifestyle is embraced

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monachus 70


Monachus 70 Fly - impresivna je i elegantna jahta sportskog duha i atraktivnog izgleda / Monachus 70 Fly – is an impressive and elegant yacht with a sporty spirit and an attractive appearance

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prethodnom broju pisali smo o Monachus brodogradilištu koje na lokaciji nedaleko od grada Splita proizvodi motorne jahte marke Monachus još od 2006. godine. U ovom broju želimo bliže da vam predstavimo njihov premijum model Monachus 70-fly. Projekat je osmišljavan kroz duži niz godina, a na pripremi alata i proizvodnji brodogradilište radi od početka 2019. Monachus 70-fly je motorna jahta koja nastavlja tradicionalni mediteranski stil savršeno uklopljen u savremeni dizajn kao što je to slučaj i kod njihovih manjih modela Pharos 43 i Issa 45 te se slobodno može reći kako se radi o potpuno bezvremenski dizajniranoj motornoj jahti. Duga je 21,5 metara, a u najširem delu pramca je 5,7 metara dok je širina trupa na vodenoj liniji 4,7m. Ovakva elegantna i vretenasta linija osim što izražava visoko razvijeni pramac pokazuje i agilnu dinamiku broda. Na prvi pogled je i manje upućenom posmatraču jasno da se radi o elegantnoj jahti sportskog duha kojoj su predodređene najbolje pomorske i manevarske sposobnosti. A da sve ne ostane samo na nivou utiska proizvođač se pobrinuo ugradnjom dva 13-litarska motora VOLVO u kombinaciji sa IPS-1200 sistemom koji motorima snage 900KS daju učinak klasičnog osovinskog poriva od 1200KS. Osim fanstastičnog porivnog učinka IPS značajno smanjuje

potrošnju goriva i do 35%, a time i emisiju izduvnih gasova. Izduvni gasovi izlaze duboko ispod vodene linije na samom IPS-u pa tokom plovidbe ne ometaju vlasnika i njegove goste, a uz to su i motori izrazito tihi. Kako bi upotpunili posebnost svog premijum modela proizvođač se odlučio i za ugradnju DPS sistema (dinamic position system). Ovaj sistem omogućava korisniku da pritiskom na dugme naredi brodu da se sam održava u zadatoj poziciji održavajući ne samo pomak levo-desno i napred-nazad nego i pramac-krma. Monachus 70-fly opremljen je i upravljačkim jedinicama na tri komandna mesta: kormilarnica glavne palube, kormilarnica na fly-u i u krmenom kokpitu. Uz DPS krmene vinčeve sva tri komandna mesta opremljena su IPS Joystik-om tako da će uživanje na jahti ove veličine biti moguće i posadi od samo dve osobe. Enterijer se nudi u opcijama sa četiri kabine i četiri toaletna prostora ili tri kabine i tri toaleta. Obe verzije u opciji nude dvokrevetnu kabinu i toalet za mornara sa odvojenim ulazom na pramcu. Na nivou glavne palube je kormilarnica i salon sa kuhinjom koja je smeštena na samom ulazu spoljnog kokpita tako da je maksimalno praktična za korištenje spoljašnjeg prostora kokpita.

Monachus 70-fly je motorna jahta koja nastavlja tradicionalni mediteranski stil savršeno uklopljen u savremeni dizajn / The Monachus 70-fly is a motor yacht that continues the tradition of the Mediterranean style perfectly blended into modern design 53 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

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U brodogradilištu Monachus svoje jahte ne žele da ističu pridevom l u ks u z n e, j e r ka ž u da to za sve jahte samo po sebi treba da bude ra z u m lj i vo, ra d ij e ističu njihovu posebnost At the Monachus shipyard, they avoid describing their yachts using the adjective 'luxury' because they believe this quality should be intrinsic for all yachts, so they prefer to emphasize their products' uniqueness



n the previous issue, we wrote about the Monachus shipyard, which has been producing Monachus motor yachts in a location not far from the city of Split since 2006. In this issue, we wish to present to our readers their premium model - Monachus 70-fly. The project has been in the process of development for many years, and the shipyard has been working on tool preparation and production since the beginning of 2019. The Monachus 70-fly is a motor yacht that continues the tradition of the Mediterranean style perfectly blended into modern design, as it was the case with their smaller Pharos 43 and Issa 45 models. It can be said that this is a motor yacht of completely timeless design. It is 21.5 meters long, and measures 5.7 meters in the widest part of the bow, while the beam of the hull on the waterline is 4.7 meters. This elegant and spindle-shaped line, in addition to expressing a highly pronounced bow, also shows the agile dynamics of the vessel. Even at first glance, it does not take a connoisseur to recognize her sleek lines blended with a sporting spirit, destined for the best naval and maneuvering capabilities. Furthermore, in order to ensure that this first impression lasts, the manufacturer took care of the installation of two 13-liter VOLVO engines in combination with the IPS-1200 system, providing the 900 hp engines the effect of a classic axle drive of 1200 hp. In addition to the fantastic propulsion effect, IPS significantly reduces fuel consumption by up to 35%, thus decreasing exhaust emissions as a result. Exhaust gases come out deep below the water line on the IPS itself, so they do not disturb the owner and their guests during the voyage, with engines that are extremely quiet.


In order to round up the uniqueness of its premium model, the manufacturer has decided to install a DPS (dynamic position system). This system allows the user to control the boat to maintain any given position at the touch of a button, maintaining not only leftright and forward-backward movement but also bow-stern. The Monachus 70-fly is also equipped with control units at three command positions: the main deck wheelhouse, the wheelhouse on the fly and in the aft cockpit. In addition to DPS stern winches, all three control posts are equipped with IPS joystick so that full enjoyment on a yacht of this size is possible for a crew of only two persons. The interior is offered in options with four cabins and four toilets or three cabins and three toilets. Both versions offer a double cabin and a toilet for the sailor with a separate entrance on the bow. At the level of the main deck there is a wheelhouse and a saloon with a galley, which is located at the very entrance of the outdoor cockpit so that it is maximally practical for use from the outdoor space of the cockpit. MONACHUS YACHTS – CROATIA Vineta d.o.o., Mostarska 99, 21000 Split, Croatia Phone: +385 95 912 7412 E-Mail:

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Super yachts


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Super yachts

Jednostavno D SAVRŠEN

izajniran za savremenog vlasnika koji traži kontekst za udoban život u stalnom kontaktu sa morskim okruženjem, novi Trideck model je dizajniran u ime fleksibilnosti. Zamišljen je na stepenastim palubama kako bi ponudio dosad neviđenu interpretaciju okruženja na brodu, pa čak i izmišljajući sasvim nove prostore. Projekat je izveo provereni tim, koji su činili dizajneri Alberto Mancini za eksterijere, Achille Salvagni za enterijere i Pierluigi Ausonio za projekat trupa. Uvek garantujući obilje svetlosti i dinamičnost spoljnih linija, Alberto Mancini je vodio proces projektovanja Trideck-a. Polazeći od umetnute međuspratne kaskadno postavljene palube na krmi, koja je nazvana „terasa sa pogledom na more“, novi i širi prostori pojavljuju se na celoj jahti. Ovo je princip „+ jedan“, novi koncept projektovanja i dokaz ogromnog kapaciteta za inovacije brodogradilišta Azimut Yachts; vlasniku nudi četiri kaskadne terase iznad mora, jedinstvene po funkciji, veličini i fleksibilnosti - posebno izvedeno na Trideck-u. Inovacija prostornog plana oseća se već na prvom koraku. Trideck dočekuje svoje goste centralnim kraljevskim stepeništem, koje se proteže do keja od terase sa pogledom na more. Zahvaljujući ovom srednjem mostu stvara se niz od četiri kaskadne terase koje se spuštaju od samog vrha do nivoa mora, svaka sa svojom specifičnom funkcijom: sunčalište, terasa za obedovanje, terasa sa pogledom na more i, najniže, plažni prostor. Terasa sa pogledom na more je otvorena pozornica, novo područje koje prethodi tradicionalnom kokpitu. Sa otvorenom površinom od oko 30 kvadratnih metara, terasa sa pogledom na more opremljena je velikom garniturom za sedenje u obliku slova C, okrenutom prema krmi i dizajniranom sa namerom da vlasniku pruži ugodan i zabavan prostor za goste. Izdignuta terasa sa pogledom na more ima još jednu prednost. Daje visinu području plaže koje se nalazi ispod nje i koje je upotrebljivo u celoj svojoj širini zahvaljujući odvojenoj garaži za tendere i ostale rekvizite za vodu. Sa dva metra visine i izrezima u bočnim stranicama, ovo nije prostor „ukraden“ od garaže, već prava plaža na moru. Tokom zaustavljanja na sidru, krmeno ogledalo na šarkama se otvara kako bi se povećala raspoloživa površina na više od 30 kvadratnih metara. Područje plaže opremljeno je za direktno povezivanje gostiju sa morem, potpuno prilagodljivo po pitanju opreme, a opslužuju ga dnevni toalet i šank sa sudoperom. Pored terase sa pogledom na more i područja na plaži, Mancinijev projekat stvara zaklonjeniju spoljnu površinu. Na glavnoj palubi, nekoliko koraka ispod terase sa pogledom na more, kokpit postaje privatni prostor - zaštićeni i rezervisani dnevni prostor savršen za obedovanje ili odmaranje dok je jahta privezan na krmi. To je hibridno područje, smešteno na otvorenom, ali zatvoreno, koje postaje prirodni produžetak glavnog salona i briše granicu između unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg prostora.

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Podignuta iznad površine vode i zamišljena kao dnevna soba sa pogledom na more, ova plutajuća platforma istovremeno održava kontakt sa suncem i sa vodom / Raised above the surface of the water and conceived as a living room overlooking the sea, the floating platform keeps in touch with the sun and the water at once

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Super yachts

Salvagni je dizajnirao svaki komad nameštaja na brodu, odlučivši da ukloni suvišno i pusti da užici dodira i oblika daju životnom okruženju ambijent blagostanja / Salvagni has designed every single piece of furniture on board, choosing to remove the superfluous and let the pleasures of touch and shape give the living areas an ambience of wellbeing

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Treća terasa je glavna trpezarija na otvorenom, smeštena na krmenom delu gornje palube, koja se prostire oko četvrtastog stola (koji se može proširiti do 12 mesta) od ručno izrađene prirodne tikovine sa belim lakiranim umecima. Prostor je zaokružen ugaonim sofama za aperitiv i nizom korisnog nameštaja. Kaskadu terasa na vrhu završava sunčana paluba koja se isporučuje sa velikim prostorom za sunčanje na krmi, sa samostojećim nameštajem i pogledom na more. Tu je i dnevni boravak sa kružnim sofama koje su postavljene jedna naspram druge, sa stolom za ručavanje u sredini, a prema pramcu je „američki bar“ sa velikim roštiljem okrenut prema horizontu. Na Trideck-u je evoluirao Mancini-jev sportski duh, tipičan za njegove projekte za Azimut, kako bi se približio modernim, ali elegantnim linijama ovog pravog vodećeg modela. Što se tiče ostalih modela u kolekciji Grande, Azimut Yachts se za dizajn unutrašnjih prostora i nameštaja oslanjao na Achille Salvagni-ja. Ovaj dizajner u potpunosti prihvata viziju brodogradilišta: ponuditi tržištu redefinisane uloge prostora, dajući novu funkcionalnost okruženju na brodu. Salvagni radi na dva nivoa: funkcionalnosti i stilu. Pre svega, on vrši funkcionalno preispitivanje unutrašnjih prostora, zbog čega napušta unapred zamišljene funkcije svakog područja. Cilj je transformisati jahtu u mesto gde vlasnik može živeti nesputano, u fluidnijem i ugodnijem prostoru. U tom smislu, enterijeri su prošireni i integrisani sa spoljnim područjima, da bi se međusobno nadovezivali i stvorili skladan kontinuum. Trup koji je dizajnirao Pierluigi Ausonio zajedno sa Odeljenjem za istraživanje i razvoj brodogradilišta Azimut-Benetti koristi prednosti CFD softvera, koji je u vlasništvu brodogradilišta, FEM analize i optimizacije formi kako bi se postigli neuporedivi rezultati u pogledu efikasnosti. Grande 35Metri, koji ima prvu generaciju D2P trupa, već je bio najbolji u klasi, a druga generacija je debitovala na Trideck-u sa značajnim poboljšanjima. Uprkos tome što je 3 metra duži, 30 GT veći i 35 tona teži, Trideck troši gorivo istom brzinom kao i njegova manja sestra pri svim brzinama iznad 19 čvorova, a uspeva da bude 15% efikasniji pri krstarećoj brzini od 15 čvorova. Da bi se ovi rezultati stavili u kontekst, u poređenju sa tradicionalnim čvrstim trupom, poboljšanje deplasmanske efikasnosti goriva prelazi 40%. Za još veću slobodu, vlasnici takođe mogu dodati Hotel Mode na Trideck. To znači da se možete opustiti, usidreni u zalivu sa nultom emisijom i u potpunoj tišini. Sa litijumskom baterijom od oko 130 kWh, Trideck može da funkcioniše sa glavnim brodskim uslužnim sistemima sa isključenim generatorima do 4 sata tokom dana i 8 sati noću. Udobnost krstarenja poboljšava visoko integrisani softver nazvan Argo, koji je dizajnirao i isporučio CMC Marine, kako bi automatski harmonizovao kretanje elektronskih stabilizatorskih peraja sa autopilotom, pri čemu se izbegava gubitak i garantuje udobna plovidba.

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Super yachts

Na donjoj palubi postoje četiri kabine za goste: dva VIP-a na krmi i dve kabine za goste napred / On the Lower Deck, there are four guest cabins: two VIPs aft and two guest cabins forward

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The raised Sea View Terrace also has a second advantage. It gives height to the underlying Beach Area, usable in all its width also thanks to the separate garage for tenders and toys. With two meters of headroom and cutouts in the sidewalls, this is not a space stolen from the garage but a true beach on the sea. During stops at anchor, the hinged transom opens to increase the available surface to more than 30 square meters. The Beach Area is equipped to connect guests directly with the sea, fully customizable in furnishing and served by a day head and wet bar. In addition to the Sea View Terrace and Beach Area, Mancini’s project creates a more secluded outdoor area. On the Main Deck, a few steps below the Sea View Terrace, the cockpit becomes a Private Patio, a protected and reserved living area perfect for eating or lounging while moored stern-to. It is a hybrid area, located outdoors yet indoors, becoming the natural extension of the main salon into “plein air” and blurring the threshhold for an even smoother transition. The third terrace is the main outdoor dining area, aft of the Upper Deck, which develops around the square table (extendable to seat up to 12) of handcrafted natural teak with white lacquered inserts. The area is rounded off by corner sofas for aperitivo and a series of furniture for the service. Topping off the cascade of terraces is the Sun Deck, which comes with a large sunbathing area at the stern with freestanding furniture and a view overlooking the sea. There is a lounge area with opposing circular sofas, with a table for lunch in the center and towards the bow, an American bar overlooks the horizon with a large barbecue. On the Trideck, Mancini’s sporty touch, typical of his projects for Azimut, has evolved to approach the modern yet elegant lines of a true flagship.

esigned for a contemporary owner, looking for a context for conviviality in constant contact with the marine environment, the new Trideck has been designed in the name of flexibility. She was conceived on staggered decksto offer an unprecedented interpretation of the environments onboard, even inventing all-new spaces. The project was carried out by a tested team, consisting of the designers Alberto Mancini for the exteriors, Achille Salvagni for the interiors and Pierluigi Ausonio for the hull. Always guaranteeing light and dynamic external lines, Alberto Mancini directed the design of the Trideck. Starting from the insertion of a mezzanine staggered deck at the stern, the Sea View Terrace, new and wider spaces appear accross the Trideck. This is the principle of “+ One”, a new design concept and a testament to Azimut Yachts’ innovative capacity; the feature offers the owner four cascading terraces onto the sea, unique in function, size and flexibility – especially on a Trideck. The layout innovation is felt right from the first step onboard. The Trideck welcomes her guests through a central royal staircase, which reaches to the quay from the half-raised Sea View Terrace. It is thanks to this intermediate bridge that a sequence of four cascading terraces is created, which descend from the top down to sea level, each with its own specific function: the Sundeck, the Dining Terrace, the Sea View Terrace, and the Beach Area. The Sea View Terrace is an open stage, a new cantilevered area that precedes the traditional cockpit. With an open area of about 30 square meters, the Sea View Terrace is fitted out with a large C-shaped sofa arrangement facing off the stern, designed to offer the owner a convivial and immersive entertaining area for guests.

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As for the other models in the Grande Collection, Azimut Yachts relied on Achille Salvagni for the design of the interior spaces and furnishings. The designer fully embraces the cause of the shipyard: to offer the market a redefinition of the role of space, giving new functionality to the onboard environments. Salvagni works on two levels: function and style. First of all, he carries out a functional rethinking of the interior spaces, for which he abandons the preconceived functions of each area. The goal is to transform the yacht into a place where the owner can live without constraints, in a more liquid and accomodating space. To this end, the interiors have been dilated and integrated with the external areas, to become extensions of one another, a harmonious continuum. Designed by Pierluigi Ausonio together with the Azimut-Benetti Research and Development Department, the hull benefits from proprietary CFD software, FEM analysis and form optimizations to yield unrivaled results in terms of efficiency. The Grande 35Metri, featuring the first generation D2P hull was already best in class, and the second generation debuts on the Trideck with substantial improvements. Despite being 3 meters longer, 30 GT larger and 35 tons heavier, the Trideck consumes fuel at the same rate as her smaller sister at all speeds above 19 kn, and manages to be 15% more efficient at a cruising speed of 15 kn. To put these results in context, when compared with a traditional hard chine hull, the improvement in displacement fuel efficiency reaches over 40%. For even more freedom, owners can also add Hotel Mode to the Trideck. This means being able to relax, anchored in a bay with zero emissions and in total silence. With a lithium battery pack of about 130 kWh, the Trideck can operate the main onboard utilities with the generators switched off for up to 4 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. The cruising comfort is improved by a highly integrated software called Argo, designed and supplied by CMC Marine, to automatically harmonises the movement of the electronic stabilizing fins with the autopilot, avoiding waste and ensuring smooth sailing.

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /

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Zamišljajući sledeći izraz rastućeg trenda, Salvagni počinje da razvija kupatilo u wellness regiju, usredsređenu oko velike samostojeće kade / Imagining the next expression of a growing trend, Salvagni begins to evolve the bathroom into a wellness area, centered around the large freestanding tub

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Ova jahta će iznenaditi i oduševiti na svakom koraku, a prostor za zabavu će biti u prvom planu








This yacht will surprise and delight at every turn, with entertainment space at the fore

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Sa izdašnom ugaonom garniturom za sedenje, potpuno opremljenim šankom i prostorom za hidromasažnu kadu i pratećim ležajevima za sunčanje ili samostojećim ležaljkama, flajbridž je izvanredan prostor za zabavu

Za više informacija o 100 Ya c h t - k o n t a k t i r a j t e n a s n a i n fo @ s u n se e ke ra d r i a ti m

Lansiranje na jesen 2021


unseeker sa oduševljenjem otkriva najnovije detalje i fotografije koje prikazuju elegantne i upečatljive linije potpuno nove jahte 100 Yacht. Prelep vlasnički apartman smešten u prednjem delu sa privatnom pramčanom terasom, skrovita mesta za sunčanje, spoljna paluba u jednom nivou od flajbridža do prednje palube koja oduzima dah, lepo uređen enterijer otvorenog rasporeda i izdašni „Beach Club“ samo su neke od njenih veličanstvenih karakteristika. Prva 100 Yacht je sada u proizvodnji sa četiri potvrđene narudžbine sa uplaćenim depozitom. Ova jahta će iznenaditi i oduševiti na svakom koraku, a prostor za zabavu će biti u prvom planu. Svaki element je pažljivo razmatran do detalja, odiše sofisticiranošću i detaljima koji se obično mogu naći samo u prilagođenim superjahtama. Revolucionarni Sunseeker ‘Beach Club’ pruža izuzetan prostor za opuštanje na nivou vode. U garažu za pomoćni čamac može se ukrcati Williams 460 Sportjet i GTKS255 džet-ski, sa izdašnim prostorom za odlaganje za SeaBob, ronilačku opremu i daske za veslanje. Hidraulične merdevine pasarele omogućavaju gostima da bez napora pristupe vodenim sportovima koji su im na raspolaganju i da u potpunosti uživaju u svom vremenu na vodi. U međuvremenu, vlasnici mogu da iskoriste veliki fiksni tuš i ugrađeni roštilj, kao i impresivni ležaj za sunčanje sa opcijom transformisanja. Inovativni X-TEND™ sistem nudi nekoliko rasporeda za sedenje, okrenutih prema krmi u spuštenom položaju ili, pritiskom na prekidač, prema napred na nivou kokpita. Dostupan preko dvostrukog stepeništa od tikovine, impresivan krmeni kokpit nudi mnoštvo samostojećih ili fiksnih varijacija sedišta po želji vlasnika, integrisani šank sa frižiderom, ledomatom, sudoperom od nerđajućeg čelika i dovoljno ormarića za odlaganje. Ogromni flajbridž neprimetno se sliva u prednju palubu sa neprekidnim pristupom sa obe strane. Prednja paluba pruža još jedan društveni prostor sa dva odvojena dela za sedenje, plus veliku podlogu za sunčanje, zajedno sa dovoljno mogućnosti za odlaganje i hlađenje. Kasnije tokom dana, prednja paluba se može transformisati u bioskop na otvorenom sa laserskim projektorom i 140-inčnim ekranom koji će bez sumnje zaokupiti maštu svih gostiju. Dostupan je novi dizajn čvrstog krova sa zastakljenim delom ili sa trakastim krovom na uvlačenje za dodatnu kontrolu hladovine.

68 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Ja hte


Ya c h ts

G L AV N E K A R A K T E R IST I K E U k u p n a d u ž i n a - 2 9, 8 5 m Š i r i n a - 6 ,9 0 m G a z ( p u n o o p t e r e ć e n j e ) - 2 , 1 0 m I s t i s n i n a ( p o l a o p t e r e ć e n j a ) – 9 4 . 1 1 9 k g Ka p a c i tet g o r i va - 1 2 . 8 0 0 l i ta ra K a p a c i t e t s l a t ke v o d e - 1 . 8 0 0 l i t a r a Smeštaj - do 8 gostiju i do 4 člana posade Opcije motora - MTU do 5280 PS Pe r fo r m a n se - d o 29 č vo rova Autonomija na 12 čvorova - do 1.300 nautičkih milja

Zaista podignuta kormilarnica, od centralnog značaja za inovativan dizajn ove jahte, uključuje zastakljena klizna vrata na krmi, omogućavajući neprekinuti pogled napred sa flajbridža. Unutrašnji deo za sedenje za pogledom, veliki sto za mape i četiri staklena displeja prate upravljačku poziciju sa odličnim pogledom napred. Na flajbridžu može se tražiti druga upravljačka stanica, dok su krilne stanice standardno ugrađene. Njegova jedinstvena glavna paluba, salon u stilu penthausa i luksuzne kabine nude novoosnovani pravac u dizajnu i izboru materijala pružajući elegantne enterijere koji će očarati svakog vlasnika. Slojevi teksturnih elemenata i mešavina nameštaja i tkanina daju vanvremenski osećaj sa modernim detaljima, pa jahta odiše jednostavnošću i sofisticiranošću. Zastakljene površine od poda do plafona omogućuju da prostrani salon bude ispunjen prirodnim svetlom, upotpunjen kliznim vratima do desnog boka, pomažući da se utisak spoljnog prostora ostvari i u unutrašnjosti. Ukusno namešten salon sa elegantnom ugaonom sofom, 55-inčnim televizorom i kredencom za dovoljno prostora za odlaganje vodi u divan trpezarijski prostor za osam gostiju, prožet ambijentom u stilu apartmana. Zadivljujući ukrasni zid ispred trpezarije prikazuje izložene i naizgled plutajuće stepenike koji vode do kormilarnice iznad sa leve strane i do donje palube sa desne. Velika, potpuno opremljena kuhinja smeštena napred je skrivena iza ukrasne pregrade i nudi obilje prostora i direktan bočni pristup palubi za posadu. Jedinstveni raspored glavne palube uključuje luksuzni vlasnički apartman smešten napred u cilju još veće fleksibilnosti i slobode na brodu. Ova kabina u punoj širini je jednostavno spektakularna, nudi veliki ulaz u predvorje, garderobni prostor sa policama, kancelariju i prostrano kupatilo sa dva umivaonika i fiksnim tušem. Okupan je prirodnom svetlošću zahvaljujući velikom panoramskom zastakljenom delu, a vlasnici takođe mogu pristupiti pramčanoj terasi, najboljoj u klasi, za vrhunsku privatnost uz pomoć lepo oblikovanih, potpuno zastakljenih kliznih vrata smeštenih prema napred.

69 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

With generous L-shaped seating, fully-equipped wet bar and space for a spa bath and accompanying sunpads or free-standing loungers, the flybridge is a remarkable space for entertaining

Launching in autumn 2021


unseeker is delighted to reveal the latest details and imagery showcasing the elegant and striking lines of the all-new 100 Yacht. A handsome Master Stateroom forward with a private bow terrace, sunbathing hideaways, a breathtaking single-level exterior deck from flybridge to foredeck, a beautifully proportioned open-plan interior and generous ‘Beach Club’ are just a few of her magnificent features. The first 100 Yacht is now in production with four orders confirmed and deposited. This yacht will surprise and delight at every turn, with entertainment space at the fore. Every element has been carefully considered in meticulous detail, exuding a sophistication and detail typically only found in custom superyachts. The revolutionary Sunseeker ‘Beach Club’ provides an exceptional area to relax at water level. The cavernous tender garage can accommodate a Williams 460 Sportjet and GTX255 jet ski, with plentiful stowage for SeaBobs, diving equipment and paddleboards. The hydraulic ladder passarelle allows guests to effortlessly access the watersports on offer and fully enjoy their time on the water. Meanwhile, owners can make use of an oversized rain shower and large built-in barbeque, as well as an impressive transformational sunbed. The innovative X-TEND™ system offers several seating arrangements, facing aft in its lowered position or, at the flick of a switch, forward at cockpit level.

70 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

P R I N C I PA L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S L e n g t h o v e r a l l – 2 9. 8 5 m B e a m – 6 .9 0 m Draf t (full load) – 2.10 m Displacement (half load) – 94,119 kg Fuel capacity – 12,800 litres Fresh water capacit y – 1,800 litres Accommodation – Up to 8 guests and up to 4 crew Engine options – MTU up to 5280 PS Pe r fo r m a n c e – U p to 29 k n ots Range @ 12 knots – Up to 1,300 nautical miles

Accessed by dual teak staircases, the substantial aft cockpit offers an array of free-standing or fixed seating variations to suit owner preference, an integrated wet bar with a fridge, ice maker, stainless steel sink and ample storage lockers. The vast flybridge flows seamlessly into the foredeck with uninterrupted walk-around access on both sides. The foredeck provides another social space with two separate seating arrangements plus an oversized sunpad, complete with ample storage and refrigeration options. Later in the day, the foredeck can transform into an open-air cinema with laser projector and 140-inch screen that will no doubt capture the imagination of all guests. A new hardtop design is available with glazing or retractable tilting vains for added shade control. The essential raised pilot house, central to this yacht’s innovative design, incorporates a glazed sliding door aft, allowing uninterrupted views forward from the flybridge. Inside, observation seating, an oversized portside chart table and four glass bridge displays accompany the single helm station with commanding views forward. A second helm station can be specified on the flybridge whilst wing stations are fitted as standard. Its unique main deck, penthouse-style saloon and luxurious staterooms offer a new-found design direction and material selection providing elegant interiors to enchant any owner. The layering of textural elements and the mix of furnishings and fabrics feels timeless with a modern twist that exudes simplicity and sophistication.

Sa standardnim pogonom MTU 12V 2000 M96X ili opciono MTU 16V 2000 M96L motora, 1 0 0 Ya c h t m o ž e k o m f o r n o d a s m e s t i o s a m gostiju i četiri člana posade u potpunom l u k s u z u , d o s t i ž u ć i b r z i n u d o 2 9 č v o r o v a Powe re d by M T U 1 2V 20 0 0 M 96X a s sta n d a rd or MTU 16V 2000 M96L engines as an option, t h e 1 0 0 Ya c h t c o m f o r t a b l y a c c o m m o d a t e s eight guests and four crew in complete l u x u r y, r e a c h i n g s p e e d s o f u p t o 2 9 k n o t s

Floor-to-ceiling glazing floods the generous saloon with natural daylight, complemented by sliding doors to starboard, helping to bring the outdoors in. A tastefully furnished saloon with an elegant L-shaped sofa, 55 inch TV and sideboard for ample storage leads into a delightful dining area for eight guests, imbued with an apartment-style ambience. The stunning feature wall forward of the dining room showcases exposed and seemingly floating stair treads leading to the wheelhouse above on the port side and lower deck access to starboard. The large, fully equipped galley forward is concealed behind a feature bulkhead, and offers plentiful space and direct side deck access for crew. The unique main deck layout includes a luxurious Master Stateroom forward for even greater flexibility and freedom on board. This full-beam stateroom is simply spectacular, offering a large lobby entrance, walk-in wardrobe with feature shelving, an office and a generous en suite with twin washbasins and rain shower. Bathed in natural light courtesy of expansive panoramic glazing, owners can also access a first-in-class bow terrace for ultimate privacy through a cleverly sculptured, fully-glazed sliding door forward.

For more information on the 1 0 0 Ya c h t - p l e a s e c o n t a c t u s o n i n fo @ s u n se e ke ra d r i a ti m

72 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021



Proj ects



74 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

PSAMIDES (Ports small and medium alliance for sustainable development) je projekat u oblasti ‚‚plavog rasta'' - ekonomskog rasta u oblastima vezanim za more i ostale vode, a sufinansiran je od strane Evropskog fonda za regionalni razvoj i IPA fonda. Ovaj projekat povezuje dva kritična sektora "plavog rasta'': luke i obalni i pomorski turizam, snažno koncentrisan u području Mediterana. Cilj PSAMIDES-a je da optimizuje rad malih i srednjih luka i upravljanje marinama primenom inovativnih alata za upravljanje turističkim tokovima, boljom kontrolom troškova, pružanjem više usluga kupcima i stimulisanjem ekoloških inovacija u lukama, smanjenjem negativnih spoljnih uticaja na životnu sredinu proisteklih iz turističkih aktivnosti. Upotreba novih tehnologija za transformisanje tradicionalnog poslovanja u lukama u efikasnije i dinamičnije sisteme, uz istovremeno povećanu zaštitu životne sredine i ekonomsku zaštitu, ključni su zahtevi promena u sistemima upravljanja lukama. U pomorskim lukama upravljanje poslovnim procesima može se podeliti u različite kategorije upravljanja, poput upravljanja rezervacijama, upravljanja životnom sredinom i upravljanja energijom. Sve ove aktivnosti upravljanja mogu se poboljšati korišćenjem informacionih tehnologija koje utiču na efikasnost luke. Projekat sprovodi deset partnera u pet zemalja. Koordinator je The Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean iz Francuske. Takođe iz Francuske su: Luka Sete, Sud de France; Morski klaster za poslovanje i inovacije - Toulon Var Technologies; i SAS Noveltis. Španiju predstavljaju dve luke: luke na Balearskim ostrvima i luke de la Generalitat. Lučka uprava Heraklion i Inicijativa klastera Corallia grčki su partneri, dok Hrvatska ima samo jednu instituciju u projektnom konzorcijumu - Univerzitet u Rijeci, Pomorski fakultet. Institut za savremenu tehnologiju Crne Gore jedini je partner iz Crne Gore. Projekat će trajati 32 meseca, a finalizacija se očekuje do kraja juna 2022. godine.

PSAMIDES is the project in the field of blue growth, co-financed by European Regional Development Fund and IPA fund, which links two critical blue growth sectors: ports and coastal & maritime tourism, strongly concentrated in MED area. PSAMIDES objective is to optimize SMP operation and marina management by implementing innovative tools to manage touristic flows, better controlling costs, providing more services to customers and stimulating ports eco-innovation, reducing environmental negative externalities derived from touristic activity. Use of new technologies to transform traditional operations in ports to more effective and dynamic systems, with simultaneously increased environmental and economic protection, are key demands of changes in port management systems. In seaports, business process management can be divided into different management categories such as booking management, environmental management and energy management. All these management activities can be improved using information technologies that impact port effectiveness. The project is implementing in five countries, by ten partners. The coordinator is the The Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean from France. Also from France are: Port of Sete, Sud de France; Business and Innovation Sea Cluster- Toulon Var Technologies; and SAS Noveltis. Spain is represented by two ports: Balearic Island Ports and Ports de la Generalitat. Heraklion Port Authority and Corallia Clusters Initiative are Greek partners, while Croatia has only one institution in project consortium - University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime studies. Institute of modern technology Montenegro is the only one partner from Montenegro. Project will last 32 months and its finalization is expected by the end of June 2022.



Male i srednje luke sa svojim marinama, jahtama, aktivnostima krstarenja i povezanim turističkim industrijama ključni su faktor konkurentnosti na MED području Small and medium por ts with their marinas, yachts, cruising activities a n d l i n ke d to u r i st i c industries are a key fa c to r of competiteveness in the MED area

75 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Ka o i ko d ve ć i n e Porsche modela, G T 3 s a To u r i n g paketom biće otvoren za nivo personalizacije As with most Po rsc h e m o d e l s, t h e GT3 w i t h t h e To u r i n g P a c k a g e will be open to a level of personalization

Automob ili




Automob ili



Izvucite maksimum iz svake sekunde


portista visokih performansi koji se ne razmeće svojim talentom i voli umerenost: to je novi Porsche 911 GT3 sa Touring paketom. Sedmo izdanje moćnog GT automobila od 375 kW (510 PS) sada se može naručiti sa paketom opreme koji je bio izuzetno popularan kod njegovog prethodnika. Ovaj 911 GT3, sa težinom od samo 1.418 kilograma, standardno se isporučuje sa šestostepenim GT sportskim menjačem. Po prvi put, Touring paket takođe može da se kombinuje sa 7-stepenim PDK menjačem sa dvostrukim kvačilom bez dodatnih troškova. Najuočljivija razlika u spoljašnjosti je odsustvo fiksiranog zadnjeg krila modela 911 GT3. Neophodna potisna sila pri velikim brzinama i još veći minimalizam zagarantovani su automatski produženim zadnjim spojlerom. Ukrasne trake srebrne boje izrađene od eloksiranog aluminijuma visokog sjaja na bočnim prozorima su još jedna prepoznatljiva karakteristika koja naglašava diskretan izgled ovog novajlije. Prednji kraj je u potpunosti obojen u istu boju kao eksterijer. Unutrašnjost sa dodatnim kožnim delovima u crnoj boji posebno je elegantna i dostupna je ekskluzivno za GT3 sa Touring paketom. Prednja strana komandne table i gornji bočni delovi obloga na vratima imaju posebne reljefne površine. Naziv „Touring package“ potiče od varijante opreme modela 911 Carrera RS iz 1973. godine. Već tada je fokus bio

na jednostavnom dizajnu 911 i elementima klasičnog enterijera. Porsche je ponovo oživeo ideju 2017. godine i prvi put ponovo ponudio Touring paket za prethodnu generaciju 911 GT3, Type 991. Od tada se ova varijanta dopala pre svega ljubiteljima vrhunskih sportskih automobila sa izraženom strašću za minimalizmom i klasičnim užitkom u vožnji. Model 911 GT3 sa Touring paketom nudi atmosferu klasičnog sportskog automobila u unutrašnjosti. Obod volana, ručica menjača, poklopac središnje konzole, nasloni za ruke na oblogama vrata i kvake na vratima presvučeni su crnom kožom. Delimično kožni enterijer ukrašen je crnim štepom. Središnji paneli sedišta presvučeni su crnom tkaninom, a krovna obloga je takođe crna. Nasloni za glavu nose reljefne Porsche znakove. Štitnici za vrata i obloge na instrument tabli i središnjoj konzoli napravljeni su od brušenog crnog aluminijuma. Trkački geni izraženi su u praktično svakom detalju novog 911 GT3. Kokpit je po prvi put opremljen ekranom: pritiskom na dugme, digitalni displeji levo i desno od centralnog brojača obrtaja svedeni su na osnovne informacije o pritisku u gumama i ulju, temperaturi ulja i rashladne tečnosti i nivo punjenja rezervoara za gorivo. 911 GT3 ima lako dostupan prekidač za režim rada na upravljaču. Ovo omogućava brzo prebacivanje između normalnih postavki i prilagođenih režima Sport i Track.

80 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Trkački geni izraženi su u praktično svakom detalju novog 911 GT3 / Its racing genes are expressed in practically all the details of the new 911 GT3

Get the most out of every second


high-performance athlete that does not show off its talent, and loves understatement: that is the new Porsche 911 GT3 with Touring package. The seventh edition of the powerful 375 kW (510 PS) GT car can now be ordered with the equipment package that was extremely popular for its predecessor. This purist 911 GT3 with a weight of just 1,418 kilograms is delivered with a 6-speed GT sports gearbox as standard. For the first time, the Touring package can also be combined with the 7-speed PDK dual-clutch transmission at no extra cost. The most conspicuous difference on the exterior is omission of the fixed rear wing of the 911 GT3. The necessary downforce at high speeds and even more understatement are guaranteed by an automatically extending rear spoiler. Silver-coloured trim strips made of high-gloss anodised aluminium on the side windows are another distinguishing feature that underline the newcomer’s discreet appearance. The front end is painted completely in the exterior colour. The interior with extended leather items in Black is particularly elegant and is available exclusively for the GT3 with Touring package. The front of the dashboard and the upper side sections of the door trim panels have special surface embossing. The name “Touring package” goes back to an equipment variant of the 911 Carrera RS from model year 1973. Already then, the focus was on purist 911 design and ele-

ments of a classic interior. Porsche revived the idea again in 2017, and for the first time again offered a Touring package for the previous generation of the 911 GT3, the Type 991. Since then, this variant has appealed above all to lovers of top-class sports cars with a pronounced passion for understatement and classic driving pleasure. The 911 GT3 with Touring package offers the atmosphere of a classic sports car in the interior. The steering wheel rim, gear/selector lever, cover of the centre console, armrests in the door panels and the door handles are covered in black leather. The partial leather interior features black stitching. The seat centre panels are covered with black fabric, and the roofliner is also black. The head restraints bear embossed Porsche Crests. The door entry guards and trim elements on the dashboard and centre console are made of brushed black aluminium. Its racing genes are expressed in practically all the details of the new 911 GT3. The cockpit is equipped with a track screen for the first time: at the push of a button, the digital displays on the left and right of the central rev counter are reduced to the essential information on tyre and oil pressure, oil and coolant temperature and fuel tank fill level. The 911 GT3 has an easily accessible Mode switch on the steering wheel. This facilitates fast switching between Normal settings and the customisable Sport and Track modes.

82 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Inspirisan moto sportom: karbonska hauba sa integrisanim otvorima za vazduh Inspired by motorspor t: carbon bonnet with integrated air outlets


YA M A H A M O T O C I K L I / M O T O R C Y C L E S

Stvoreni za slobodoumne Created for the free-thinking

84 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Ovo je novi motocikl u liniji proizvoda Yamaha Sport Heritage, koji se može pohvaliti vrhunskim specifikacijama, uključujući LED svetla i LCD pokazivače koji se koriste na modelima visokih performansi XSR700 i XSR900, kao i lagani Deltabox ram i USD prednje vile, što pruža pouzdano i udobno iskustvo vožnje. Novi XSR125 je najvećim delom deo jedinstvenog Yamaha projekta u stilu Faster Sons, koji uključuje kompletan paket odeće i dodatne opreme koji odgovaraju vašem stilu. To je garancija za više zabave i slobode i dobra priprema za ostvarenje vaših želja. Ne morate biti motociklista da biste vozili XSR125. Njegov lagani dizajn posebno je osmišljen za sve one koji žele da promene svoj životni stil. A ukoliko - kao i mnogi drugi - tražite alternativne načine putovanja, novi model Yamaha može vam ponuditi sve što želite. This is a new motorcycle in Yamaha's Sport Heritage product line, which boasts top specifications, including LED lights and LCD gauges used on the XSR700 and XSR900 high-performance models, as well as a lightweight Deltabox frame and USD front forks, which provides a confident and comfortable driving experience. The new XSR125 is mainly part of Yamaha's unique Faster Sons style project, which includes a full package of clothing and accessories to suit your style. This is a guarantee for more fun and freedom and preparation for the realization of your desires. You don’t have to be a motorcyclist to ride the XSR125. Its lightweight design is specially developed for anyone who wants to change their lifestyle. And if - like many others - you are looking for alternative ways to travel, the new Yamaha model can offer you everything you want.

Motocik li


M otorcycles


Sa najboljim projektnim karakteristikama iz bogate Yamaha istorije, XSR700 je odaje počast prošlosti, ali istovremeno predstavlja motocikl budućnosti. Vrhunski redni 2-cilindrični agregat zapremine 689 cm3, u skladu sa EU5 standardom, odlikuje se Yamaha filozofijom posebnog “neravnomernog rasporeda paljenja” koji omogućava razvoj linearnog obrtnog momenta za izuzetno ubrzanje. XSR700 u retro stilu opremljen je uskom i laganom šasijom koja dodatno poboljšava izuzetnu okretnost i upravljivost. Sa izuzetnim obrtnim momentom i vrhunskom okretnom šasijom, ovo je model za one koji cene istorijsko nasleđe i uživaju u vožnji. With the best design features from Yamaha’s history, the XSR700 is a tribute to the past, while also representing the motorcycle of the future. The state-ofthe-art 2-cylinder unit with a volume of 689 cm3, compliant with the EU5 standard, is distinguished by their special philosophy of a shaft with a lag, which enables even torque for exceptional accelerations. The retro-style XSR700 is equipped with a narrow and light chassis that further enhances exceptional agility and handling. With exceptional torque and a superior swivel chassis, this is a model for those who value heritage and enjoy the ride.

Dizajniran da pruži bezvremenski osećaj, izgrađen na istorijskim ikonama, usklađen sa tehnologijom budućnosti za č i sto, za b a v n o i s ku st vo vož nj e Designed to give a timeless feel, built on h i s t o r i c a l i c o n s , m a t c h e d w i t h t o m o r r o w ’s te c h n o l o g y fo r a p u re, e n te r ta i n i n g riding experience

85 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Motocik li


YS125 će vas impresionirati izuzetno velikom autonomijom i elegantnim izgledom. Kada doživite opušten položaj tokom vožnje, znaćete da je ovaj lagani motocikl za svakodnevnu vožnju pametan izbor za vaš životni stil. Moćno ogibljenje i 18-inčni točkovi omogućavaju lako rukovanje i lako upravljanje, a rezervoar za gorivo od 14 litara omogućava dosta vožnje između zaustavljanja da dopunite gorivo. Tokom poslednjih 10 godina, model Yamaha YBR125 je poboljšao način života za više od 150 000 ljudi. Najnoviji asortiman za gradsku vožnju sada uključuje novi YS125 - motocikl za svakodnevnu vožnju sa autonomijom, pouzdanošću, stilom i vrednošću koju želite. The YS125 will impress you with exceptional fuel autonomy and a sleek look. When you experience a relaxed position while driving, you will know that this lightweight motorcycle for everyday driving is a smart choice for your lifestyle. Powerful suspension and 18-inch wheels provide easy handling and easy steering, and the 14-liter fuel tank allows for plenty of driving during refueling stops. Over the past 10 years, the Yamaha YBR125 has improved the lives of more than 150,000 people. Their latest range for city driving now includes the new YS125 - a motorcycle for everyday driving with the autonomy, reliability, style and value you want.


YS 1 25 - l a g a n i putnik sa autonomijom, pouzdanošću, stilom i vrednošću koju tražite YS 1 25 – a lightweight commuter with t h e a u t o n o m y, r e l i a b i l i t y, s t y l e a n d value that you're looking for

M otorcycles


O r i g i n a l n i M T- 0 9 b i o j e p o t p u n o n o v a vrsta japanske mašine koja je vratila pravo uzbuđenje i čiste emocije u svet motocikala T h e o r i g i n a l M T- 0 9 w a s a t o t a l l y n e w k i n d of Japanese machine that brought real exci te m e n t a n d p u re e m oti o n b a ck to th e motorcycle world

Motor CP3 velike zapremine, usklađen sa EU standardima, od 889 cc3 generiše veći nivo obrtnog momenta pri nižem brojem obrtaja u minuti, pružajući vam eksplozivnije ubrzanje i bolje performanse na putu. Visokotehnološki IMU sa 6 osovina upravlja najboljim elektronskim pomagalima za vozača, pružajući vam potpunu kontrolu. Sa druge strane, QSS sistem omogućava vam izuzetno brzo prebacivanje u više brzine i stabilnije prebacivanje u niže stepene prenosa. Novi model ima kompaktnu aluminijumsku šasiju i podesivo vešanje, kao i izuzetno lagane točkove za vrhunsko upravljanje. Dvostruke disk kočnice od 298 mm sa radijalnim glavnim cilindrom omogućavaju ručno upravljanje. Radikalno napredni izgled nove generacije i dizajn sa potpuno otvorenom šasijom potvrđuju da je MT09 najbolji model u klasi Hyper Naked. The high-volume, EU-compliant 889cc CP3 generates higher torque levels at lower revs per minute, giving you more explosive acceleration and greater road performance. The high-tech 6-axis IMU manages the best electronic aids for the driver, giving you complete control. The QSS system, on the other hand, allows you to shift extremely quickly into higher gears and shift more stably into lower gears. The new model has a compact aluminum chassis and adjustable suspension and extremely light wheels for superior handling. Double 298 mm front disc brakes with radial master cylinder allow manual operation. The radical look of the new generation and the design with a completely open chassis confirm that the MT-09 is the best model in the Hyper Naked class.

YAMAHA PRODAJA I SERVIS SERBIA: Barel d.o.o., Japanska 3, 11070 Novi Beograd 00381 69 332 2255 Barel d.o.o., Vojke Gojka 62, 18000 Niš 00381 18 512 792 Plattner Motors Beograd, Maksima Gorkog 153, 11000 Beograd 00381 64 822 9245 Plattner Motors Novi sad, Novosadski put 67, 21203 Novi sad 00381 64 822 92 51 MONTENEGRO: Efel Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita bb, 81000 Podgorica 00382 20 610 140 Za ostatak naše ponude posetite našu web lokaciju:

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87 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021



S a tovi



TUDOR predstavlja novu upečatljivu verziju svog popularnog modela, Black Bay Fifty-Eight, od žutog 18-karatnog zlata sa providnim poklopcem kućišta. Ovo je prvi put da su obe navedene karakteristike primenjene na ronilački sat TUDOR


aziv Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K se, naravno, odnosi na plemeniti metal od kog je izrađeno njegovo kućište, ali i na 1958. godinu, godinu u kojoj su se pojavili prvi ronilački TUDOR satovi vodootporni do 200 metara (660 stopa,), sa referencom 7924 ili nazivom „Big Crown“. Između ostalih estetskih detalja koji predstavljaju omaž ovom istorijskom satu, ovaj model nudi kućište prečnika 39 mm u skladu sa karakterističnim proporcijama iz pedesetih godina prošlog veka. Idealan za tanak ručni zglob, za ljude koji vole kompaktnije satove i, naravno, ljubitelje “vintidž” modela, Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K je ujedno i prvi TUDOR ronilački ručni časovnik izrađen u žutom zlatu od 18 karata i prvi sa otvorenim kućištem. Završna saten obrada kućišta Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K od osamnaestokaratnog zlata, koja mu daje mat efekat, može delovati neobično naspram tradicionalnog sjajnog finiša tipičnog za zlatan sat, pa predstavlja još jednu karakteristiku koja je prvi put primenjena na jedan ronilački sat TUDOR. Otvorena poleđina kućišta, koja otkriva novi Manufacture MT5400 Calibre, kod ovog brenda nije do sada bila u ponudi za ovu vrstu proizvoda i pojačava dvostruki estetski jezik ovog modela. Na pola puta između nasleđa robusnih satova sa fokusom na upotrebnu vrednost, koje još uvek definišu TUDOR, i dragocenog predmeta, Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K ostaje redak i ekskluzivan merač vremena.

KLJUČNE KARAKTERISTIKE 1. Kućište sa saten završnom obradom (mat), prečnika 39 mm, od žutog 18-karatnog zlata sa otvorenom poleđinom kućišta 2. Brojčanik mat „zlatno-zeleni“, sa oznakama časova u osamnaestokaratnom žutom zlatu 3. Manufacture kalibar MT5400, sertifikovan od Švajcarskog službenog instituta za ispitivanje hronometara (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute - COSC) sa oprugom od silicijuma i rezervom napajanja od 70 sati 4. Kazaljke „Snowflake“, jedno od obeležja ronilačkih satova TUDOR predstavljenih 1969. godine, od 18-karatnog žutog zlata, sa švajcarskim Super-LumiNova® luminiscentnim materijalom 5. Uključene su dve narukvice: zelena tekstilna žakard sa zlatnom trakom i tamno-smeđa od kože aligatora 6. Petogodišnja prenosiva garancija, bez registracije ili obaveznih redovnih servisa

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S a tovi



BLACK BAY FIFTY-EIGHT 18K TUDOR is introducing a bold new version of its popular model, the Black Bay Fifty-Eight, in 18 ct yellow gold with an open case back. This is a first for both in a TUDOR divers’ watch


he name Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K is, of course, a reference to the precious metal of its case, but also to 1958, the year in which the first TUDOR divers’ watch waterproof to 200 metres (660 ft), reference 7924 or “Big Crown”, was introduced. Among other aesthetic nods to this historic watch, this model offers a case 39 mm in diameter in keeping with the characteristic proportions of the 1950s. Ideal for slim wrists, people who like more compact watches and, of course, vintage enthusiasts, the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K is also the first TUDOR divers’ watch to be made in 18 ct yellow gold and offered with an open case back. Entirely satin-finished for a matt effect that may seem counter-intuitive with the traditional, bright finish typical of a gold watch, the case of the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K in 18 ct yellow gold is another first for a TUDOR divers' watch. An open case back, which reveals the new Manufacture MT5400 Calibre, has not been offered by the brand before for this type of product and reinforces the dual aesthetic language of this model. Midway between the legacy of a robust tool-watch that still defines TUDOR and a precious object, the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K remains as rare as it is exclusive.

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KEY POINTS 1. Case with satin finish (matt), 39 mm in diameter, in 18 ct yellow gold with an open case back 2. Dial matt "golden green" in tone, with applied hour markers in 18 ct yellow gold 3. Manufacture Calibre MT5400, certified by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) with a hairspring in silicon and a 70-hour power reserve 4. “Snowflake” hands, one of the hallmarks of the TUDOR divers’ watches introduced in 1969, in 18 ct yellow gold, with grade A Swiss Super-LumiNova® luminescent material 5. Two straps are included: green Jacquard fabric with gold band and dark brown alligator 6. Five-year transferable guarantee, without registration or mandatory maintenance checks



Destina cije




M E KS I KO / M E X I CO Ovo održivo utočište u Tulumu nalazi se između džungle i Karipskog mora, na mestu gde se oni povezuju, sanjaju i slave. Habitas je globalni dom za globalnu zajednicu istomišljenika koji zajedno traže vezu, inspiraciju i bolju budućnost. Muzika, wellness, razgovori, umetnost i uzvraćanje predstavljaju žilu kucavicu iskustva koje pruža Habitas, stvarajući čarobne svetove u kojima potpuni stranci postaju prijatelji, a prijatelji porodica. Habitas Tulum ima pet apartmana uz obalu okeana i još 17 bliže džungli. Sve sobe imaju francuski krevet i dekorisane su boemskim detaljima, uključujući drveni nameštaj i raznobojne tkanine.

This sustainable sanctuary in Tulum is nestled between the jungle and the Caribbean sea, where they connect, dream and celebrate. Habitas is a global home for a global community of likeminded people seeking connection, inspiration and a better future together. Music, wellness, conversation, art and giving back are the pulse of the Habitas experience, creating magical worlds where strangers become friends and friends become family. Habitas Tulum has five oceanfront suites, and 17 more closer to the jungle. All of the rooms have a king-size bed and are decorated with a bohemian touch, including wood furnishings and colourful textiles.

Probudite se uz izlazak sunca iznad okeana ili uronite u džunglu / Wake up to a sunrise over the ocean or immerse yourself in the jungle

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Nakon jednodnevnog istraživanja ostrva, povucite se u svoju luksuznu Residence vilu Af ter a day of exploring the island, retreat to your luxury Residence villa


Smešten na atolu Severni Male, Gili Lankanfushi otvoren je 2000. godine kao originalno odmaralište sa smeštajem iznad vode, Soneva Gili. Ostrvo je 2012. godine preuzela kompanija HPL (Hotel Properties Limited), sa sedištem u Singapuru, koja investira u hotele, životni stil i nekretnine širom sveta. Gili Lankanfushi je proglašen za hotel broj jedan na svetu za 2015. godinu, a do njega se stiže laganom 20-minutnom vožnjom gliserom sa međunarodnog aerodroma u Maleu. Smešten usred sopstvene lagune, omogućava gostima da potpuno opušteno uživaju sa pogledom na Indijski okean od 360 stepeni. Četrdeset i pet Gili Lankanfushi vila nad vodom, uključujući ogromni i izolovani privatni rezervat, nude privatnost bez premca. Dizajnirane u autentičnom stilu, izgrađene od ekoloških materijala i diskretno uklopljene u izvanredan pejzaž svog prirodnog okruženja, ove vile na vodi stvaraju sofisticiran i intiman ambijent u kojem gosti mogu zaista da se osećaju kao kod kuće. U Gili Lankanfushi-ju svojim gostima predstavljaju prirodne lepote ostrva i podstiču ih na odgovorniji životni stil, dok se kreću ka svom cilju - životu bez otpada.

Located in the North Malé Atoll, Gili Lankanfushi opened in 2000 as the original over-water resort, Soneva Gili. In 2012, the island was acquired by HPL (Hotel Properties Limited), a Singapore-based company investing in hotels, lifestyle and properties around the world. Voted number one hotel in the world by TripAdvisor in 2015, Gili Lankanfushi is an easy 20-minute speedboat transfer from Malé international airport. Set in the middle of its own lagoon, it allows guests enjoy a barefoot existence with 360-degree views of the Indian Ocean. Gili Lankanfushi’s 45 overwater villas, including the vast and secluded Private Reserve, offer unrivalled privacy. Designed in an authentic style, built using eco-friendly materials and blended seamlessly into the remarkable landscape of the natural environment, these over water villas create a sophisticated and intimate ambiance where guests are able to feel truly at home. At Gili Lankanfushi, they present to their guests the natural beauty of the island and encourage them to live a more responsible lifestyle while moving towards a zero-waste existence.

Smešten usred sopstvene lagune, omogućava gostima da potpuno opušteno uživaju sa pogledom na Indijski okean od 360 stepeni / Set in the middle of its own lagoon, it allows guests enjoy a barefoot existence with 360-degree views of the Indian Ocean

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Heritance Kandalama ŠRI LANKA/SRI LANKA

Hotel je izgrađen na stubovima, tako da voda i životinje mogu nesmetano da prolaze ispod njega. Do vrata ne vodi asfaltirani put, jer se hotel stapa sa prirodnim okruženjem, a samu zgradu ćete teško uočiti. Izvanredno dostignuće vizionarskog arhitekte Džefrija Boua, enterijeri su ostali jednostavni, ali istovremeno i elegantni, tako da vašu pažnju u potpunosti privlači pogled na Sigiriju, osmo svetsko čudo. Sigirija je palata isklesana od džinovske stenovite formacije. Naseljena je od praistorije, ali najpoznatija je po masivnim rezbarijama zbog kojih liči na sfingu, sa drevnim freskama i složenim vodenim detaljima. Svaka od 152 sobe gleda na jezero Kandalama ili na šumu - čak su i kupatila projektovana tako da imaju pogled - i uređena je u elegantnom i jednostavnom modernom stilu.

Hotel je smešten u srcu kulturnog trougla Šri Lanke / The hotel sits at the heart of the cultural triangle of Sri Lanka

The hotel is built on stilts so water and animals can travel underneath it unhampered. There is no paved road to the door as the hotel blends into its environment you will hardly notice the building at all. A remarkable achievement by the visionary architect, Geoffrey Bowa, the interiors have been left simple yet elegant so your attention is drawn to the views of Sigiriya; the 8th wonder of the world. Sigiriya is a palace carved out of a giant rock formation. It has been inhabited since prehistoric times but it is most famous for its massive sphinxlike carvings, ancient frescos, and complex water features. Each of the 152 rooms faces either Kandalama Lake or the forest – even the bathrooms were planned to showcase the view – and is decorated in an elegantly simple contemporary style.

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Privatni rezervat Leobo nalazi se na imanju od 20.000 hektara na prelepoj planini Vaterberg, na 3 sata vožnje severno od Johanesburga. U njemu se nalazi nagrađivano privatno imanje Observatory Private Villa, jedna od najneverovatnijih safari kuća u Africi, ne samo iz perspektive arhitekture i stila, već i kao životno iskustvo koje pruža svojim gostima. U Leobu se stvari rade malo drugačije. Njihov smeštaj iznajmljuje se isključivo pojedinačnim grupama, a gosti se osećaju potpuno kao kod kuće, uživajući u svemu što im se nudi. Nema dnevnog programa ili vremenskih ograničenja; osoblje zabavlja goste kao da su prijatelji vlasnika imanja, a aktivnosti se spontano stapaju jedna sa drugom sve dok ne uradite mnogo više nego što ste ikada zamišljali da je moguće. U vlasništvu engleskog para sa ogromnom maštom, osećajem za avanturu, šestoro dece i smislom za humor, Leobo pruža potpuno jedinstveno afričko iskustvo. Možemo ga nazvati ‚‚apres-safari''. Oni veruju u nešto više od običnih igara i pružiće vam jedinstveno životno iskustvo o kojem ćete pričati godinama nakon toga. Nije potrebno da budete avanturista ili ljubitelj povišenog adrenalina, već samo porodica ili grupa prijatelja koji veruju u uživanje i cene kvalitetno zajedničko vreme u privatnom okruženju.

Leobo Private Reserve is a 20,000 acre estate within the beautiful Waterberg mountains, 3-hour drive north of Johannesburg. It is home to the award winning Observatory Private Villa, one of the most exceptional safari houses in Africa, not only from perspective of architecture and style, but also as a life experience. At Leobo, things are done a little differently. Their accommodation is rented exclusively to one group at a time and guests are made to feel completely at home, indulging in as much of everything on offer as they please. There are no daily programs or time restrictions; guests are entertained as friends of the owner by the team of staff, and activities seamlessly blend in to one another until you have done so much more than you ever imagined possible. Owned by an English couple with a huge imagination, sense of adventure, 6 children of their own, and a sense of humour, Leobo delivers a completely unique African experience. Call it the Apres Safari if you like. They believe in more than game drives, and they’ll give you a once in a lifetime experience that you’ll be talking about for years to come. You don’t need to be adventurous or an adrenalin junkie, just a family or a bunch of friends who believe in enjoying themselves and value quality time together in a private setting.

Leobo je kolekcija od osam rustično-šik brvnara, od kojih svaka gleda na dolinu Palala / Leobo is a collection of eight rustic-chic chalets, each overlooking the Palala Valley

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H oteli



T H E M E R C H A N T, S A L E M M A

Rum, biber i malo misterije I

ako je Salem najpoznatiji po suđenjima vešticama i pričama o sablasnim spletkama, ovaj grad takođe ima i rastuću ponudu restorana, obližnje plaže i puno istorijskih sadržaja od (pre i posle) građanskog rata. Na samo nekoliko koraka od ulaznih vrata ovog salemskog hotela, možete istražiti najstariji američki muzej koji radi bez prekida, pogledati impresivne prizore istorijske arhitekture, kupiti proizvode modernih umetnika i zanatlija iz mnogih oblasti veština i zanata, a možete i prošetati palubama rekonstruisanog trgovačkog broda iz 1797. godine. The Merchant, smešten u srcu otmene istorijske četvrti grada, mesto je gde se salemska pomorska istorija susreće sa istorijskim duhom sa daškom istočnoazijske elegancije. Inspiracija za ovaj hotel potekla je od prvobitnog vlasnika, bogatog pomorskog trgovca, kao i od istorije gradske brodske luke, pa hotel odlikuje osećaj misterioznosti i šarma iz davnih dana kada je Salem bio pomorska sila za uvoz melase (za rum), začina (kao što je, na primer, naširoko popularni sumatranski biber) i (možda) opljačkani artefakti iz Istočne Indije. Dizajner enterijera, Rachel Reider, sa sedištem u Bostonu, ugradila je ovaj osećaj u dizajn upotrebom sivih / plavih nijansi, raskošno crvenom, tamnoljubičastom i dubokim tonovima smaragdno zelene, pomešano sa naglašenim azijskim detaljima, stvarajući na taj način elegantan i luksuzan osećaj. Umetnička dela rađena po porudžbini i prepoznatljiv nameštaj predstavljaju omaž istoriji uvoza / izvoza kojim se bavio prvobitni vlasnik Joshua Ward. Obnovljene pločice za oblaganje zidova, obloge i zapanjujuća „plutajuća“ stepeništa delo su zapaženog arhitekte iz 18. veka, Samuela McIntire-a.

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Vašington je ovde spavao Ozbiljno, jeste! Gosti mogu boraviti u sobi koju je novoizabrani predsednik izričito tražio za svoju trijumfalnu posetu Salemu 1789. godine. Uz dodatne poslastice dobrodošlice inspirisane Džordžom Vašingtonom, gosti sobe koja po njemu nosi naziv dobiće poseban tretman odmarajući glavu u sobi kojoj je nekada odseo veliki general i otac Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Priča se da se u hotelu takođe nalazi par duhova, ali to prepuštaju mašti svojih gostiju.

The Merchant je mesto gde se salemska pomorska istorija susreće sa istorijskim duhom sa daškom istočnoazijske elegancije

H oteli



T H E M E R C H A N T, S A L E M M A

Rum, Pepper & A Little Bit of Mystery A

lthough best known for the witch trials and tales of ghostly intrigue, Salem also has a growing restaurant scene, nearby beaches, and lots of (pre and post) Revolutionary War history. Just a few short steps from the Salem hotel's front door you can explore America's oldest continually operating museum, view an impressive display of historic architecture, purchase wares from modern artists and artisans of many skills and trades, and stroll the decks of a reconstructed 1797 merchant ship. The Merchant, located in the heart of the city’s elegant historic district, is where Salem’s maritime history meets historic chic with a touch of East Asian elegance. This hotel drew inspiration from the property’s original wealthy sea merchant owner and the town’s shipping port history to infuse the hotel with a sense of mystery and charm from the days when Salem was a maritime powerhouse - importing molasses (for rum), spices (such as the widely popular Sumatran pepper) and (perhaps) looted artifacts from the East Indies. Boston-based interior designer, Rachel Reider incorporated this feel into the design with gray / blues, rich reds, dark purples, and deep emerald greens mixed with Asian accents to lend an elegant and luxurious feel. Custom artwork and distinctive furnishings embrace the import / export history of the original owner, Joshua Ward. Restored wainscoting, paneling, and the stunning “floating” staircases are the work of noted 18th Century architect, Samuel McIntire.

The Merchant is where Salem’s maritime history meets historic chic with a touch of East Asian elegance.

Washington Slept Here Seriously, he did! Guests can stay in the room specifically requested by the newly elected president for his triumphant visit to Salem in 1789. Offering extra Washington-inspired welcome treats, guests of the George Washington room will get a kick out resting their head in the room once occupied by the great general and father of the United States. The property also is rumored to have a ghost or two, but they leave that to the guests' imagination.

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Najbolji primer nordijske kuhinje The best example of Nordic cuisine


rantzén je restoran u Stokholmu, smešten u ulici Klara Norra Kirkogata broj 26. Dobitnik je dve zvezdice u Mišelin vodiču za 2010. godinu, a 2018. godine postao je prvi švedski restoran koji je dobio treću Mišelin zvezdicu. Zasnovan je na filozofiji ležerne elegancije, a nudi gastronomsko iskustvo utemeljeno u modernoj nordijskoj kuhinji sa uticajima iz Japana. Iskustvo obedovanja proteže se na tri sprata jedne gradske kuće u centralnom delu Stokholma, u kojoj su smešteni predvorje, trpezarija i salon u potkrovlju. Ponuda jela uključuje rep norveškog jastoga prženog sa ekspandiranim pirinčem i bistrim umakom od putera i đumbira, japansku kremu od jaja sa svinjskom čorbom, kao i čuveni Fattiga riddare, prženi tost sa tartufima, crnim lukom, sirom i stogodišnjim balzamiko sirćetom. Od ideje do svetske klase - za samo nekoliko godina, Björn Frantzén je svoj restoran Frantzén ‚‚preselio'' sa projekta na papiru u Mišelin vodič, nagrađen sa tri zvezdice. On je istovremeno i inovator i kritičar. Neprestano se preispituje, neprestano teži savršenstvu. Rođen 1977. godine, Bjorn predstavlja mlađu generaciju uspešnih kuvara koji su u potpunosti posvećeni svom pozivu. Bjorn se seća kako su mu jednom u uzrastu od 12 godina servirali savršenu šniclu, pomfrit i sos bearnez - to je jedno od njegovih prvih jakih kulinarskih sećanja koja su ga inspirisala u karijeri. Njegovo carstvo se proteže na sestrinski restoran Zén u Singapuru, niz manje formalnih restorana, koktel i vinskih barova u Švedskoj i Hong Kongu, kao i francuski Bobergs Matsal, takođe u Stokholmu.

Iskustvo obedovanja proteže se na tri sprata jedne gradske kuće u centralnom delu Stokholma, u kojoj su smešteni predvorje, trpezarija i salon u potkrovlju 103 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Björn Frantzén je uvek težio ideji "a l a m i n u t " ku h i nj e. Gotovo sve se kuva pred vašim očima i služi što svežije





rantzén is a restaurant in Stockholm, situated on Klara Norra Kyrkogata number 26. In 2010, it received two stars in the Michelin Guide, and in 2018 it became the first Swedish restaurant to receive a third Michelin star. Based on a philosophy of casual elegance, they serve gastronomy grounded in modern Nordic cuisine with influences from Japan. The dining experience spans three floors of a townhouse in the central parts of Stockholm; the lobby, the dining room and the lounge up on the loft. Dishes include the likes of langoustine tail fried with puffed rice and a clarified butter and ginger dip, Japanese egg custard with pork broth, skin and the iconic Fattiga riddare, a fried toast of sorts with truffle, onions, cheese and 100-year-old balsamic vinegar. From idea to world class – in just a couple of years time, Björn Frantzén has moved his restaurant Frantzén from the drawing table to Guide Michelin, awarded with three stars. He is both the innovator and the critic. Constantly questioning himself, constantly aiming for perfection. Born in 1977, Bjorn represents the young generation of successful chefs who are completely dedicated to their calling. Bjorn remembers how he at age 12 once was served a perfect steak, with french fries and béarnaise sauce – one of his very first strong culinary memories that came to inspire him in his career. His empire extends to sister restaurant Zén in Singapore, a number of casual restaurants, cocktail and wine bars in Sweden and Hong Kong and French-learning Bobergs Matsal also in Stockholm.

The dining experience spans three floors of a townhouse in the central parts of Stockholm; the lobby, the dining room and the lounge up on the loft

Björn Frantzén has always strived toward the idea of the à la minute k i tc h e n . A l m ost eve r y t h i n g i s co o ke d right in front of your eyes and served as fresh as possible

Izdavačka kuća Laguna preporučuje A H I LOVA P E SM A Madlin Miler

Recommended by Laguna Publishing House

Berlin u jesen 1928. miriše na benzin, meskalin i francuske parfeme. Intrigantan i zanimljiv roman o jednom od najvećih srpskih pisaca XX veka.

Ova izuzetno potresna, čarobno maštovita verzija Trojanskog rata priča bolnu priču o ljubavi, ali i o silnoj bici između bogova i kraljeva, spokoja i časti, besmrtne slave i ljudskog srca.

ENCHANTMENT Slobodan Vladušić


In the fall of 1928, Berlin smelled of gasoline, mescaline and French perfumes. An intriguing and interesting novel about one of the greatest Serbian writers of the 20th century.

This extremely poignant, magically imaginative version of the Trojan War story tells a painful story of love, but also of a mighty battle between gods and kings, serenity and honor, immortal glory and the human heart.

Ove naslove možete naći u svim Delfi knjižarama, Laguninim klubovima čitalaca, onlajn knjižari, kao i na sajtu These titles can be found in all Delphi b o o ksto res, La g u n a readers' clubs, o n l i n e b o o ksto re, as well as on the we bs i te.

OMAMA Slobodan Vladušić



Autor istražuje prirodu sreće i objašnjava nam kako da uvedemo meditaciju u užurbani život XXI veka pomoću jednostavnih, delotvornih vežbi.

Tarin život postaje košmar kada joj muškarac s kojim je provela noć kaže da neće ostaviti na miru njenu porodicu dok ne pristane na vezu sa njim. Čini se da postoji samo jedan izlaz.

A M O N K'S GU I D E TO HAPPINESS Gelong Thubten

YO U R N E I G H B O R' S W I F E Tony Parsons Tara’s life becomes a nightmare when the man she spent the night with tells her that he won’t leave her family alone until she agrees to have a relationship with him. There seems to be only one way out.

The author explores the nature of happiness and explains how to introduce meditation into the hectic life of the 21st century with simple, effective exercises.

106 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021




Fa shi on


2 0 2 1 - 2 2

Modna bajka Dior predstavlja kampanju za kolekciju konfekcije jesen-zima 20212022. ove modne kuće, istražujući magični svet bajki. Kroz mrežu simbola, ovi izmišljeni svetovi preispituju i izazivaju stereotipe kroz kreativnost koja se stalno obnavlja, pomerajući granice mašte. Poput poziva na samopotvrđivanje, izgled koji je za Dior dizajnirala Maria Grazia Chiuri otkriva interakciju transformacija koje kombinuju sećanja i budućnost. Kroz objektiv Elizavete Porodine, modeli oličavaju savremeni duh ovih silueta obavijenih velom misterije, dok se ikone ove modne kuće, poput blejzera ili damskih Dior i Dior book torbi, preispituju u jedinstvenom estetskom dijalogu. Formirajući suptilno apstraktne kompozicije, ova serija snimaka naglašava Diorove zaštitne znake i kodove, poput reinterpretiranog motiva cannage i leopard printa, ili neodoljive marame u duhu šezdesetih. Hromatska paleta Dior-ove linije konfekcije jesen-zima 2021-2022. naglašena je crvenim, plavim i sivim nijansama dragim gospodinu Dioru, dok se slojevi tila razvijaju na večernjim haljinama. Kroz ove grafičke metamorfoze pojavljuje se jedinstvena, savremena ženstvenost, oslobođena više nego ikad.

109 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Kroz ove grafičke metamorfoze pojavljuje se jedinstvena, savremena ženstvenost, oslobođena više nego ikad


Through these graphic metamorphoses a singular, contemporary femininity emerges, more liberated than ever


2 0 2 1 - 2 2

A FASHION FAIRYTALE The house unveils the campaign for the Dior autumn-winter 20212022 ready-to-wear collection, exploring the magical world of fairy tales. A network of symbols, these fantasy universes question and challenge stereotypes through constantly reinvented creativity, pushing the limits of the imagination. Like an invitation to self-affirmation, the looks designed for Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri reveal an interplay of transformations that combine memories and the future. Through the lens of Elizaveta Porodina, the models embody the modern spirit of these silhouettes shrouded in mystery, while house icons, such as the bar jacket or the lady Dior and Dior book tote bags, are revisited in a unique aesthetic dialogue. forming subtly abstract compositions, this series of shots highlights Dior's emblems and codes, such as the reinterpreted cannage motif and leopard print, or irresistible scarves with a sixties vibe. The chromatic palette of the Dior autumn-winter 2021-2022 ready-to-wear line is punctuated with red, blue, and gray, shades dear to Monsieur Dior, while layers of tulles unfurl on evening dresses. Through these graphic metamorphoses a singular, contemporary femininity emerges, more liberated than ever.

Maria Grazia Chiuri stvara plejadu odeće i dodataka prilagođenih magičnoj sezoni jesen / zima 2021-2022 Maria Grazia Chiuri creates a constellation of clothes and accessories fit for a magical Fall/Winter 2021-2022 season

110 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Na k it/Jewelr y

112 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021


113 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Na k it/Jewelr y

Zabl ista j te u svakoj prilici


everiS Jewelry je izvrstan modni nakit precizne ručne izrade i završnice. Izrađen je od PLEMENITIH metala (najviše se koristi RODINIRANO SREBRO) i SWAROVSKI KRISTALA, a u izradi se koriste metode tipično rezervisane za dragocen nakit. Samo onda kada je nakit ocenjen da ima najviši kvalitet moguće je da primi pečat savršenosti, lepote i kvaliteta izrade, u vidu stilizovanog logoa “LS” Trademark - LeveriS Jewelry. LeveriS Jewelry nakit izrađuje se ručno, masovna proizvodnja nije moguća, a nije im ni u interesu. Svaki je komad nakita posebno osmišljen i kreiran, a uglavnom je kreacija njihovih saradnika. Međutim, ima kreacija i iz specijalizovanih časopisa, knjiga ili drugih autora po kupljenim projektima. U izradi svakog komada nakita osim materijala i vremena uloženo je i dosta ljubavi, pa se nadamo da ćete uživati noseći ga. WWW.LEVERISCRYSTALS.RS

Sh in e

in every occasion


everiS Jewelry is splendid fashion jewelry, precisely handmade with exceptional finishes. It is made of precious metals (the most used is RODINATED SILVER) and SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL, and the methods used are typically reserved for precious jewelry. Only when the jewelry is judged to be of the highest quality it is possible to receive the seal of perfection, beauty and quality of workmanship, in the form of the stylized logo “LS” Trademark LeveriS Jewelry. LeveriS Jewelry is handmade, mass production is not possible, and it is not in their interest. Each piece of jewelry is specially designed and created, and is mostly a creation of their associates. However, there are creations from specialized journals, books or other authors on purchased projects. Apart from materials and time, there is also a lot of love invested in making each piece of jewelry, so we hope that you will enjoy wearing it.

Budite svetlucave u svakoj prilici noseći LeveriS poseban nakit. Be glittery at every occasion by waering the LeveriS special jewelry.

114 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

116 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Ja hte


Ya c h ts



Italijanski perfekcionizam Posle uspeha jahte Settanttoto, brodogradilište Cranchi Yachts predstavilo je novog člana svoje vodeće linije, flajbridž Sessantasette. Ime nije slučajno napisano u obliku italijanske transkripcije broja 67, ono ukazuje da ova jahta pruža mnogo više nego što bi mogla da sugeriše njena dužina - nepogrešivi italijanski dizajn i vrhunska tehnička rešenja. Dizajn novog Sessantasette inspirisan je pokretom, njega odlikuju skladni oblici bez izraženih ivica koji prenose prirodan osećaj ravnoteže i moći. Linije su fluidne, rasplamsane i često se prepliću ne predajući se minimalizmu, one čine jahtu vizuelno interesantnom. Iza prefinjenih linija krije se prostran i pažljivo stilizovan enterijer koji je dostigao visok stepen perfekcije. Brojne regije za druženje i relaksaciju opremljene su elementima koji prevazilaze standarde kategorije ovog plovila. Tradicionalno opremljena trpezarija je zamenjena elegantnim stolom i udobnim foteljama, ostatak prostora takođe je upotpunjen luksuznim nameštajem koji odiše toplinom doma. U donjoj palubi, u verziji sa tri kabine, glavni apartman sadrži veliku radnu sobu koja se može koristiti kao kancelarijski prostor. Poput ostalih regija, i ona je bogato obasjana prirodnom sunčevom svetlošću. Uzimajući najbolje od svog prethodnika, ovo plovilo ima implementirana izvanredna tehnološka rešenja. Ono nudi visoke bezbednosne standarde, najbolja rešenja za stabilizaciju, ograničavanje potrošnje goriva i emisije štetnih gasova, smanjenje nivoa buke, kao i sisteme kućne automatizacije i zabave. Rafinirana kombinacija estetike i funkcionalnosti čini Sessantasette skladnom celinom u kojoj se može živeti i uživati, upravo po tome je ovo italijansko brodogradilište čuveno. Priča kompanije Cranchi Yachts započela je pre 150 godina, izradom plovila za Evropljane koji su stigli do jezera Komo privučeni njegovom lepotom. Zaostavština Đovanija Krankija se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju, a sa njom i vizija poslovanja. Danas su plovila koja izlaze iz ovog brodogradilišta veća, tehnologija je napredovala, ali kako navode iz Cranchi-ja, obećanje koje daju vlasnicima brodova širom sveta je ostalo nepromenjeno - spojiti lepotu i zadovoljstvo, jedinstvenu lepotu mora sa zadovoljstvom posedovanja jahte koja izražava najbolje od italijanskog dizajna.

G L AV N E K A R A K T E R IST I K E D u ž i n a p r e ko s v e g a : 2 0 , 8 m Š i r i n a p r e ko s v e g a : 5 , 4 m Te ž i n a : 3 6 0 0 0 k g Ka p a c i tet reze r vo a ra za g o r i vo: 4 0 0 0 l Ka p a c i tet reze r vo a ra za vo d u : 9 0 0 l Ka p a c i tet reze r vo a ra za o t p a d n u vo d u : 5 0 0 l

118 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Projekat je realizovan u bliskoj saradnji između Istraživačkog razvojnog centra brodogradilišta i Kristiana Grandea kome je povereno umetničko vođenje The project was realized in close cooperation between the Research and Development Center of the shipyard and C h r i st i a n G ra n d e, w h o wa s e n t r u ste d with ar t direction.

Ja hte


Ya c h ts

P R I N C I PA L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Length over all: 20.8 m Beam over all: 5.4 m Displacement: 36000 kg Fuel tank capacit y: 4000 l Wa t e r t a n k c a p a c i t y : 9 0 0 l Black water tank capacit y: 500 l

Italian Perfectionism Following the success of the Settanttoto yacht, Cranchi Yachts introduced a new member of its flagship line, the Sessantasette Flybridge. The name is not written in the form of the Italian transcription of number 67 by accident, but it indicates that this yacht provides much more than its length might suggest - unmistakable Italian design and state-of-the-art technical solutions. The design of the new Sessantasette is inspired by movement and characterized by harmonious shapes without pronounced edges that convey a natural sense of balance and power. The lines are fluid, vivacious and often intertwined without giving way to minimalism, making the yacht visually appealing. Behind the refined lines lies a spacious and carefully styled interior that has reached a high degree of perfection. Numerous areas for socializing and relaxation are equipped with elements that exceed the standards of the category of this vessel. The traditionally equipped dining room has been replaced by an elegant table and comfortable armchairs, the rest of the space is also lavishly furnished and exudes the home-like warmth. On the lower deck, in the three-cabin version, the Master Suite includes a large study that can be used as an office. Like all the other areas, it is flooded by natural sunlight. Taking the best features of her predecessor, this vessel has implemented outstanding technological solutions. It offers high safety standards, the best solutions for stabilization, limiting of fuel consumption and emissions, reducing noise level, as well as home automation and entertainment systems. The refined combination of aesthetics and functionality makes Sessantasette a harmonious whole in which one can live and enjoy, which is exactly what this Italian shipyard is famous for. The story of Crachi Yachts began 150 years ago, with the construction of a boat for Europeans who visited Lake Como attracted by its beauty. Giovanni Cranchi's legacy has been passed down from generation to generation, along with the vision of business. Today, the vessels leaving this shipyard are bigger, the technology has advanced, but according to Cranchi, the promise they make to shipowners around the world has remained unchanged: to combine beauty and pleasure - the unique beauty of the sea with the pleasure of owning a yacht that represents the best of Italian design.

GOGA Yachting Club Save Kovačevića 4e - II prilaz, 11210 Beograd - Krnjača Tel: +381 11 3317317, +381 11 2710052 E-mail: Web:

120 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

L i n ij e s u f l u i d n e, rasplamsane i često se prepliću ne predajući se minimalizmu, one čine jahtu vizuelno interesantnom The lines are fluid, vivacious and of ten inter twined without giving way to minimalism, making the yacht visually appealing

Ja hte


Ya c h ts



ovi model ne predstavlja samo proširenje kompletnog asortimana, već najopipljiviji izraz luksuznog i modernog inženjeringa, koji je omogućio primenu ne samo najboljih karakteristika Absolute Yachts-a, već i neverovatnih inovacija na plovilu. Jahta Navetta 64 je poput sestre ostalim modelima iz asortimana: ona je prava Navetta i lako se može reći zašto. Široki i neprekinuti bočni stakleni prozor, koji se proteže od krmenog ogledala do vetrobranskog stakla, ocrtava njene spoljne oblike, koje karakteriše značajno povećanje pramčanih prozora i otvaranje bočnih prolaza u kokpitu. U Beach Club verziji, krmeno ogledalo se može pretvoriti od velikog prostora za skladištenje u pravu dvokrevetnu kabinu na samoj površini vode zahvaljujući potpuno zastakljenim vodonepropusnim pristupnim vratima sa sertifikovanim vodonepropusnim sistemom zatvaranja. Danju Beach Club, a noću VIP kabina sa sopstvenim toaletom: ova čarolija je moguća zahvaljujući postavljanju kabine za posadu sa 2 ležaja direktno dostupne od drugih desnih bočnih vrata. Svi prostori na modelu Navetta 64 projektovani su da pruže maksimalan užitak u sobama - uvek panoramskim i svetlim, zahvaljujući

prozorima čija veličina je bez presedana. Pored toga, prostori su namešteni i oplemenjeni svim onim što vam treba da biste se osećali baš kao kod kuće, ne odričući se ničega. Područje flajbridža ima daleko veću širinu nego na bilo kojoj drugoj 64-metarskoj jahti. Na glavnoj palubi, dnevna soba je okružena staklenim prozorima bez okvira, koji pružaju panoramski pogled od kog zastaje dah. Udobne sofe, veliki sto, prostor za zabavu i kuhinja - dobro su povezani sa kokpitom - i zaokružuju celu priču. Štaviše, ovo područje se vidi sa upravljačke pozicije sa jedinstvenim vetrobranskim staklom dužim od 10 stopa, zakrivljenim i bez okvira, čime se dobija apsolutna vidljivost, posebno u sedećem položaju. Ispod palube se glavna kabina nalazi na pramcu, opremljena krevetom kraljevske veličine, impresivnim bočnim prozorima i toaletom u punoj širini plovila. Takođe, VIP kabina se zaista ističe po svojim kvalitetima: udobnost življenja koju pruža je definitivno iznad proseka, a odabrani materijali su jednostavno izvanredni. Pored toga, treća kabina je dvokrevetna kabina sa dva kreveta za jednu osobu. Naravno, sve kabine imaju sopstvena kupatila.

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Trijumf komfora življenja i danju i noću, direktno na krmi, direktno na vodi / A triumph of livability both at daytime and at nighttime, right at the stern, right on the water

Ja hte

Ova vrlo luksuzna jahta nudi 4 velike kabine i 4 toaleta plus kabinu za posadu/ This very luxury yacht offers 4 large cabins and 4 luxury heads plus crew cabin


Ya c h ts

ABSOLUTE NAVETTA 64 Ukupna dužina: 19,63 m Širina: 5,52 m Gaz pod punim opterećenjem: 1,78 m Deplasman pod punim opterećenjem: 49430 kg Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 3600 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 910 l Maksimalan broj osoba: 16

ABSOLUTE NAVETTA 64 Total length: 19,63 m Width: 5,52 m Full-load draft: 1,78 m Full-load displacement: 49430 kg Fuel tanks capacity: 3600 l Fresh water capacity: 910 l Max. persons capacity: 16

Na glavnoj palubi, dnevna soba je okružena staklenim prozorima bez okvira, koji pružaju panoramski pogled od kog zastaje dah / In the main deck, the living room is surrounded by frameless glass windows, offering breathtaking panoramas


ot a simple expansion of an already complete range, but rather the most tangible expression of generous and open-minded engineering has allowed implementing not only the usual Absolute Yachts' best features but also amazing onboard innovations. The Navetta 64 is like a sister to the other models in the range: she is a Navetta, and you can easily tell why. The wide and uninterrupted side glass window, which runs from the aft transom to the windshield, outlines her exterior shapes, characterized by the significant enlargement of the bow windows and the opening of the side gunwales in the cockpit. In the Beach Club version, the transom can be turned from large storage into an actual double cabin on the water's surface thanks to a fully glazed watertight access door with a certified watertight seal. Beach Club by day and VIP cabin with an en-suite head by night: this alchemy is made possible thanks to the placing of the crew cabin with 2 berths - directly accessible from the second starboard side door. Aboard the Navetta 64, all the spaces are designed to offer the

maximum enjoyment of the rooms - always panoramic and bright, thanks to unprecedented-size windows. In addition, the spaces are furnished and refined with everything you need to feel just like at home, without giving up on anything. The Fly area has a far greater width than on any other 64-foot yachts. In the main deck, the living room is surrounded by frameless glass windows, offering breathtaking panoramas. The comfortable sofas, the large table, the entertainment area, and the galley—easily connectable to the cockpit—top it all off. Moreover, the area is overlooked by a steering position with a unique windshield of more than 10 feet, curved and frameless for absolute visibility, especially when sitting. Below the deck, the master cabin is at the bow with a king-size bed, large side windows, and a full-beam head. Also, the VIP cabin really stands out: its livability is definitely above average and the materials selected are simply exquisite. Furthermore, the third cabin is a double stateroom with single beds. Finally, all cabins have en-suite heads.

Adriatic Wave Rovinj Croatia +385 989173629, ACI MARINA ROVINJ Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1

129 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Inter vju


I nterview


Mihael Šmit

Neka bude jednostavno

Inter vju


I nter view


ihael Šmit je 2015. godine odlučio da osnuje novo brodogradilište nakon veoma intenzivne nautičke karijere. Želeo je da gradi jedrilice u koje bi ugradio svoje dugogodišnje iskustvo i svoje srce - bez ograničenja koja nameću marketinške ideje i specifikacije. Njegova vizija bila je da proizvodi jahte dužine između 60 i 100 stopa, jer u ovoj kategoriji vlasnici i klijenti razgovaraju direktno sa brodogradilištem i već imaju viziju kako njihova sledeća jahta treba da izgleda i bude opremljena. Kada je gradio brodogradilište, Šmit je takođe bio fasciniran digitalizacijom, tako da je čak i u fazi osnivanja dobro razmišljao o tome šta će se morati promeniti prilikom izgradnje jahti u digitalizovanom svetu. Na vašoj veb stranici postoji rečenica: „Smatramo da što je brod jednostavniji, iskustvo plovidbe postaje čistije, a zadovoljstvo veće.“ Kako upravljate tom jednostavnošću? Možete li nam opisati svoj koncept „neka bude jednostavno“? Jahtu treba razvijati imajući na umu korisnika, a ne treba da je projektuju profesionalci koji žele sebe da promovišu projektom. Jahta mora biti intuitivna za upotrebu i morate se neprestano pitati koje su stvari zaista korisne. Skoro sve komponente testiramo i proveravamo njihovu osetljivost. Želimo da vlasnici plove ne brinući se stalno o tehnologiji. Nakon što ste osnovali brend kao što je Hanse i razvili ga tako da je postao drugi najveći svetski proizvođač jedrilica, stvorili ste brend za prilagođene jahte. Šta je bilo između ova dva događaja? Da budemo precizni: Pre osnivanja Hanse-a, gradio sam u Hamburgu osamdesetih godina prošlog veka skoro sve jahte sa Admiral’s Cup. Nakon prodaje grupe Hanse, plovio sam Turskom i Crnim morem i shvatio da želim još jednu jedrilicu kao što je bila ona na kojoj sam stajao. Jedrilicu kojom takođe mogu da plovim po laganom vetru i ne moram puno da koristim motor. Iz ove ideje stvoren je Cool Breeze i na neki način brend YYachts. Zašto su YYachts izabrali Grifsvald za lokaciju brodogradilišta? Da li to mesto ima istorijat brodogradnje? Pre izgradnje brodogradilišta proverili smo nekoliko lokacija. Ali već sam imao dobro iskustvo sa Hanse-om u Grifsvaldu, a takođe sam posedovao i zemljište u luci sa dubokom morskom vodom. Pa sam ponovo otišao tamo gde možemo da porinemo jahte sa gazom do šest metara. Još jedan veliki plus je što ovde imamo puno dobavljača, kooperanata i dobrih zanatlija oko nas. Ko dizajnira enterijer i eksterijer Y modela? Radimo i radili smo sa različitim pomorskim arhitektama iz projektnih biroa kao što su nekadašnji Brenta Design Studio, zatim Bill Tripp i Lorenzo Argento. Za enterijer često biramo dizajnere koji nikada nisu radili jahte i imaju drugačiji pristup. Svetski poznati arhitekta ser David Chipperfield dizajnirao je Y8 Cool Breeze, a Norm Architects iz Kopenhagena Y7 Bella sa kojim smo osvojili nagradu Wallpaper Design Award.

Jednostavno rukovanje i jedrenje je uvek naš cilj 132 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Mihael Šmit neprestano proširuje s t r a t e g i j u Y Ya c h t s - a i sarađuje sa visoko specijalizovanim timovima na potpuno novim procesima proizvodnje Michael S chmidt is constantly expanding the strategy of Y Ya c h t s a n d w o r k s w i t h highly specialized teams on disruptive processes

Da li je najizraženija razlika YYachts-a, koji grade jahte do 90 stopa, to što su projektovane za jedrenje samostalno ili u paru? Našim Y7 ili Y8 može upravljati vrlo mala posada ili porodica, dok za model Y9, koji će uskoro biti lansiran, preporučujemo kapetana i posadu. Y9 će zato dobiti vrlo velike prostorije za posadu, tako da se posada dobro oseća na brodu. Jednostavno rukovanje i jedrenje je uvek naš cilj.

Šta je sledeće nakon osnivanja brodogradilišta i izgradnje broda iz snova? Kao veteran, brodograditelj, mornar i vizionar ove industrije, koji su vaši snovi o budućnosti dizajna / gradnje jahti? Mislim da će jedrilice i jahte imati svetlu budućnost ako budu jednostavne, lagane i ako se lako rukuje njima. Ljudima će se sve više sviđati tišina u prirodi. Još jedan motorni čamac veće snage ili drugi automobil većeg motora su igračke koje će ljudi dugoročno odbiti. Više konjskih snaga ne pruža vam duže zadovoljstvo od 30 minuta. Ali lepo građen proizvod u kome možete osetiti i dodirnuti strast graditelja, uz bezvremenu eleganciju u dizajnu je ono što neki ljudi žele. Mi, u svakom slučaju, imamo ograničenu proizvodnju i želeli bismo da gradimo za one kupce koji dele našu viziju.

Da li bilo koji YYacht model učestvuje na nekoj regati? Ako učestvuje, kakvi su rezultati? Sa Cool Breeze-om učestvovali smo na mnogim regatama i uvek smo bili jedna od najbolje plasiranih jahti. Naše jahte su napravljene za udobno krstarenje, ali i za sakupljanje trofeja na regatnoj ruti.

134 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Inter vju


I nterview


Michael Schmidt

Keep it simple I

n 2015 Michael Schmidt decided to found a new shipyard after an already intense career in the yachting industry. He wanted to build sailing yachts as he would interpret them with his many years of experience and his heart - without restrictions from marketing ideas and specifications. His vision was to produce yachts between 60 and 100 feet in length because in this category the owners and clients speak directly to the shipyard and already have a vision of how their next yacht should look and be equipped. When building the shipyard, Schmidt was also fascinated by digitalization, so that even in the start-up phase he gave a lot of thought to what would have to change when building yachts in a digitized world. There is a sentence on your website: “We believe that the simpler the boat, the purer the sailing experience and the greater the pleasure.” How do you manage that simplicity? Can you describe us your ‘keep it simple’ concept? A yacht must be developed with the user in mind, not by professionals who want to promote themselves with designs. A yacht has to be intuitive to use and you have to constantly ask yourself which

things are really useful. We put almost all components to the test and check their susceptibility. We want the owners to sail without worrying about the technology all the time. After founding a brand like Hanse and growing it to become the world’s second-largest producer of sailing yachts; you created a brand for tailor made yachts. What happened between these two? Just to be correct: Before founding Hanse I was building in Hamburg in the 1980s nearly all Admiral’s Cup yachts. After the Hanse group was sold I was sailing in Turkey and the Black Sea and found out that I wanted another sailing yacht as the one I was standing on. A sailing yacht which I can also sail in light winds and do not have to use the engine a lot. Out of this idea Cool Breeze was built and somehow the brand YYachts. Why did YYachts choose Greifswald for shipyard location? Does Greifswald have a shipbuilding heritage? We checked several locations before building the shipyard. But I

Inter vju


I nter view

had already a good experience with Hanse in Greifswald and also owned a ground at a deep seawater harbour. So I went again for Greifswald where we can launch yachts with up to six metres of draught. Another big plus is that we have lots of suppliers, subcontractors and good craftmen around us here. Who is designing interior and exteriors of Y models? We work and worked with different naval architects like the former Brenta Design Studio, Bill Tripp and Lorenzo Argento. For the interior we choose quite often designers who have never done yachts and have a different approach. The world famous architect Sir David Chipperfield designed Y8 Cool Breeze and Norm Architects from Copenhagen Y7 Bella with whom we won the Wallpaper Design Award. Is the most featured difference of YYachts, building yachts up to 90ft long that are designed to be sailed solo or by a couple? Our Y7 or Y8 can be operated by a very small crew or a family while we recommend for the Y9 which will be laStručnjaci unched shortly captain and crew. The Y9 will therefore Y Ya c h t s - a r a d u j u get very large crew quarters so that the crew feels se susretu sa vama na well on board. Easy handling and sailing is always licu mesta i za sve goste our goal. će organizovati ekskluzivnu privatnu izložbu na željenoj jahti Y Ya c h t s e x p e r t s l o o k f o r w a r d t o meeting you on-site and will arrange for all the guests a n excl usi ve p r i va te b o a t show on the yacht you prefer

Does any of YYacht model sail in a regatta? If yes how was the performance? With Cool Breeze we took part in lots of regattas and were always one of the best performing yachts. Our yachts are built for cruising in comfort but also to collect trophies on the regatta course.

After founding your shipyard and building your dream boat, what comes next? As a veteran boatbuilder, sailor and visionary of the industry what are your dreams about future of yacht design/building? I think sailing boats and yachts will have a bright future if they are simple, light and easy to handle. People will more and more like the silence in nature. Another powerboat with more power or another car with a bigger engine are the toys people will refuse in the long term. More horsepower does not give you a longer satisfication than for 30 minutes. But a nicely built,product where you can feel and touch the passion of the builder and a timeless elegance in design is what some people want. We have anyhow a limited production and would like to build for those customers who are sharing our vision.

136 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Easy handling and sailing is always our goal

Ča mci


B oats



Sa svojim dugim fluidnim linijama, nepogrešivo visokokvalitetnim životnim prostorom i izuzetnim performansama na moru, LEADER 36 je savršeni spoj sportskog i elegantnog izgleda / With its long fluid lines, unmistakably high-quality living space and exceptional performance at sea, the LEADER 36 is the perfect blend of sporty and elegant looks

138 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Pravi predvodnik


Odlučno bezvremenski i lak za rukovanje, novi LEADER 36 posebno je pogodan za kratka krstarenja sa porodicom ili prijateljima

avne 1957. godine Henry Jeanneau, inače pasionirani ljubitelj aviona i automobila, došao je na ideju da se bavi plovilima gledajući jedan gliser koji je prolazio pored njegovog prozora. Konstruisao je drveno korito i sa tim čamcem učestvovao na tada najprestižnijoj nacionalnoj trci 6 sati Pariza. Osvojio je trku i zvezda je rođena, počevši kao pasija jednog zanesenjaka. Već sledeće godine konstruisao je prvo korito od fiberglasa znajući koliko je bitno pratiti nove tehnologije i materijale u korist većeg kvaliteta i bolje upravljivosti. Danas, jednako kao i na početku rađanja ovog brenda, velika pažnja usmerena je na unapređenje materijala koji se koriste kao i na tehnologije kao što su upotreba džojstika, AST-assisted sail trim, sistem za lakše pristajanje itd. Činjenica da je Jeanneau danas zastupljen u 150 zemalja širom sveta govori u prilog tome da je brend među vodećim fabrikama za proizvodnju plovila u svetu nautike. U gami plovila postoji 5 osnovnih linija: Cap Camarat, Merry Fisher, Leader, Velasco i NC, koji će zadovoljiti najrazličitije zahteve i potrebe potencijalnih kupaca. Leader je sinonim elegancije, luksuza i performansi, koji samom pojavom izaziva divljenje. Sportska linija i uglađeni dizajn ovog plovila je esencija imena Leader – predvodnik. Glavne karakteristike za ovu liniju su: sportsko korito visokih performansi, elegantan i savremen dizajn, svetao i inovativan izgled enterijera. Leader se proizvodi u dužini od 9.23m do 14.3m. Poput modela LEADER 40, LEADER 36 se može pohvaliti neuporedivim stilom. Obdaren vrhunskim trupom u obliku slova V koji je dizajnirao M. Peters, odlikuje se sportskim dizajnom kompanije Garroni Designers. Odlučno bezvremenski i lak za rukovanje, novi LEADER 36 posebno je pogodan za kratka krstarenja sa porodicom ili prijateljima. Kauč, dvokrevetna sunčališta, prostrani salon ... vlasnici će ceniti njen izuzetan unutrašnji izgled, sa njegove neočekivane i genijalne „dve i po zapremine“. Danju je unutrašnji salon prostrani, potpuno otvoreni dnevni boravak sa impresivnim pogledom na more, dok se noću vlasnička kabina pretvara u veličanstveni apartman sa šankom i sofom. U nastojanju da vam pruži jedinstveni nivo udobnosti na moru, Jeanneau je u krmenu kabinu ugradio zasebnu tuš kabinu, kao i tri ležaja. Ovo su samo neke pametne karakteristike koje LEADER 36 čine idealnim brodom za porodična krstarenja.

G L AV N E K A R A K T E R IST I K E Dužina: 11,62m Širina: 3,62 m Te ž i n a : 6 61 6 k g Ka p a c i tet g o r i va : 5 6 0 l Ka p a c i tet vo d e : 1 6 0 + 1 0 0 l Ka b i n e : 2

Genuine Leader

Resolutely timeless and easy to handle, the new LEADER 36 is particularly suitable for short cruises with family or friends


ack in 1957, Henry Jeanneau, a passionate fan of airplanes and cars, came up with the idea to start a nautical business by watching a speedboat pass by his window. He constructed a wooden hull and with that boat participated in the then most prestigious national race, Paris 6 hours. He won the race and the star was born, having started as a passion of an enthusiast. The following year, he constructed the first fiberglass hull, knowing how important it is to follow new technologies and materials in creating higher quality and better handling. Today, just like at the very beginning of creating of this brand, great attention is focused on the improvement of materials used, as well as on technologies such as the use of joysticks, AST-assisted sail trim, a system for easier docking, and so on. The fact that Jeanneau is today represented in 150 countries worldwide speaks in favor of the fact that the brand is among the leading shipyards for vessel production in the nautical world. There are 5 basic lines in their range of boats: Cap Camarat, Merry Fisher, Leader, Velasco and NC, which cater for the most diverse demand and needs of potential customers. Leader is synonymous with elegance, luxury and performance, and these vessels are awe-inspiring at the very first glance. Their sporty line and sleek design are the very essence of the name Leader. The main features for this line are: high-performance sports hull, elegant and modern design, bright and innovative interior design. Leader is produced in lengths ranging from 9.23 m to 14.3 m. Like the LEADER 40, the LEADER 36 boasts unparalleled style. Endowed with a superb V-shaped hull designed by M. Peters, it features a sporty design by Garroni Designers. Resolutely timeless and easy to handle, the new LEADER 36 is particularly suitable for short cruises with family or friends. A couch, double sunbathing areas, a spacious salon ... the owners will appreciate her exceptional interior design, with her unexpected and ingenious "two and a half volumes". During the day, the indoor lounge is a spacious, fully open living room with impressive sea view, while at night the owner’s cabin transforms into a magnificent suite with a bar and sofa. In an effort to provide you with a unique level of comfort at sea, Jeanneau has installed a separate shower cabin in the aft cabin, as well as three berths. These are just some of the smart features that make the LEADER 36 the ideal boat for family cruises.

P R I N C I PA L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Length: 11.62 m Beam: 3.62 m We i g h t : 6 61 6 0 k g Fuel capacity: 560 l Wa t e r c a p a c i t y : 1 6 0 + 1 0 0 l Cabins: 2

140 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Maloprodajni salon (Retail shop) CTC Store – ATV & Nautički centar Savska 2a, Ostružnica, 11251 Beograd / Tel: +381 11 7350890 / +381 63 35 99 99 Mail: /

141 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Osig ura nje


I nsurance

U jeku priprema za novu nautičku sezonu, odabrali smo ne samo zanimljivu, nego i veoma važnu temu: „Sve o sigurnom vezu“. Iako je to bila (pod)tema mnogih pojedinačnih natpisa u našem biltenu, odlučili smo joj se sada ciljano i potpuno posvetiti kroz seriju članaka u nastavcima, a kormilo smo poverili inženjeru pomorskog saobraćaja i poznatom nautičkom morskom vuku Đeku Šuriji.


NA LOKACIJAMA PLANIRANE RUTE (III) U dva prošla nastavka rekli smo da znanja i veštine u odabiru lokacije i vrste veza, te postupak vezivanja broda spadaju u praktična nautička znanja, odnosno u – dobru pomorsku praksu. Rekli smo da taj odabir počinje već kod kuće, u pripremi putovanja, odnosno izradi detaljnog plana puta – itinerara. Istaknuli smo da je taj itinerar potrebno proveravati na brodu pre svakog nastavka puta, a da je prvi korak u tome informisanje o vremenskoj prognozi za taj i iduće dane putovanja. Svakako, dobra pomorska praksa nikad ne isključuje skipersko osmatranje momentalne situacije, pa ni kada je vremenska prognoza u pitanju. Nije loše ni poslušati ribarske priče kada ujutro krenemo na kopno u nabavku svežeg hleba i peciva, jer se od njih može saznati mnogo toga.

noj uvali, a može biti privezište za koje ćemo poziciju sami odabrati i usidriti se ili pak vezati brod za drugi brod. Ono o čemu pri odabiru takođe moramo voditi računa su tehničke karakteristike našeg plovila: vrsta pogona (jedrilica, motorni brod, kombinacija), oblik trupa (jednotrupac, višetrupac), gabariti broda (dužina, širina, i naročito gaz) i oprema broda. Do sada sam uglavnom govorio o tome šta je siguran vez, te koji su sve elementi o kojima treba voditi računa prilikom njegovog odabira. Nakon što razumemo terminologiju i pouzdano znamo o čemu je reč, u narednim nastavcima jednostavnim jezikom govoriću o tome kako se privezati i šta sve treba uraditi da bi se pravilno osigurao brod u mirovanju. Stručnim rečnikom, o postupcima, radnjama i pravilima kojih se valja držati prilikom privezivanja broda na svaki od navedenih vrsta veza.“ (nastaviće se)

KAKO ĆE SKIPER PROCENITI SIGURNOST VEZA NA KONKRETNOJ LOKACIJI Nakon što smo željene destinacije za taj dan „provukli“ kroz vremensku prognozu za to područje plovidbe, završili smo tek sa prvim korakom u redosledu skiperske provere rute. Gde se na putu zaustavljati i koliko, ne zavisi samo od želja članova posade, nego i od mogućnosti veza na toj lokaciji, što spada u odgovornost skipera. Nakon što smo odredili u kojem smeru ćemo ploviti i kakvi nas vremenski uslovi očekuju, gde se sve i koliko dugo nameravamo zaustavljati, zbog kupanja ili izlaska na kopno, na red dolazi provera načina i vrste veza na toj lokaciji. Najpre ćemo se opet prisetiti vremenske prognoze za to područje: u kojem smeru je uvala otvorena u odnosu na prognozu vrste i smera očekivanog vetra.., da li je reč o postavljenim vezovima ili o slobodnom sidrištu? Te, kao i druge detaljnije informacije, npr: da li se na toj lokaciji vez plaća i koliko, da li je potrebno kupiti ulaznicu za nacionalni park, itd. Međutim, ukoliko je o slobodnom sidrištu reč, nije zgoreg na licu mesta proveriti da li je dno peskovito, muljevito ili stenovito, proveriti sidro i sidreni lanac, a to znači: ukupnu dužinu, oznake dužine na lancu, te ispravnost karika lanca i rada vinča. OPŠTE KARAKTERISTIKE SIGURNOG VEZA IZ UGLA SUDSKOG POMORSKOG VEŠTAKA „Iako nastojim da govorim što je moguće jednostavnijim jezikom, u delu o opštim karakteristikama u proceni sigurnog veza smatram korisnom stručnu terminologiju. Tako kod veza prema vrstama privezišta razlikujemo: privez na fiksni vez u luci ili marini, privez na bovu i privez na vlastito sidro (sidrenje).

ing. Đek Šurija, eksper t u osiguranju brodova i jahti, sudski veštak za plovila, stručni savetnik z a n a u t i k u , s k i p p e r, EOQ auditor i menadžer kvaliteta

ŠTA SIGURAN VEZ MORA OSIGURATI? Dalje, pitamo se: šta siguran vez zapravo mora osigurati? Prema gledištu struke, to je ono privezište koje će u vremenskim uslovima osigurati brod i stvari (imovinu) od štete i okolinu od zagađenja, a posadu od životnog i zdravstvenog ugrožavanja. Siguran vez možemo potražiti u obliku postojećeg privezišta u marini, luci ili zaštiće-

Jack Šurija, BSc in Engineering: boat and yacht insurance exper t, cour t exper t witness for vessels, exper t nautical a d v i s o r, s k i p p e r, E O Q auditor and quality manager

142 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

In the midst of preparations for the new nautical season, we have chosen not only an interesting, but also a very important topic: "All about a safe mooring". Although this was the (sub) topic of many articles in our magazine, we have decided to dedicate space to it again through a series of articles, entrusting the helm to naval engineer and famous seadog Jack Šurija.


LOCATION ON THE PLANNED ROUTE (III) Where to make a stopover on the way and for how long, depends not only on the wishes of the crew members, but also on the possibility of mooring at the selected location, which is the responsibility of the skipper. After we have determined in which direction we will sail and what weather conditions await ahead of us, where and for how long we intend to stop - for swimming or going ashore - it is time to check the method and type of mooring at that location. First of all, we should remember the weather forecast for that area again: in which direction is the bay open in relation to the type and direction of the forecast wind and is it installed mooring or just anchorage? These, as well as other more detailed information, for example: whether the mooring is paid at that location and what the price is, whether it is necessary to pay admission to a national park, and so on. However, if it is a anchorage, it is advisable to check on the spot whether the bottom is sandy, muddy or rocky, as well as to check the anchor and the anchor chain, which means: total length, length markings on the chain, and the working order of the chain links and winch operation. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A SAFE MOORING LOCATION FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF A MARITIME COURT EXPERT "Although I try to speak as simple a language as possible, in the section on general characteristics, I find professional terminology useful in assessing mooring safety. Thus, for berths according to the types of moorings, we distinguish: mooring on a fixed berth in a port or a marina, mooring on a buoy and mooring on our own anchor (anchoring). WHAT DOES A SECURE BERTH HAVE TO PROVIDE? Next, we ask ourselves: what does safe mooring actually have to ensure? According to the point of view of the profession, it is the mooring that will protect the boat and things (property) from damage, the environment from pollution, and the crew from life and health hazards. We can look for a safe berth in the form of an existing mooring in a marina, a port or a sheltered bay, but it can also be a mooring for which we will choose the position ourselves and anchor the boat or moor it to another one. What we must also take into account when choosing are the technical characteristics of our vessel: type of propulsion (sailboat, motor boat, combination), hull shape (single hull, multihull), dimensions of the ship (length, width, and especially draft) and equipment of the boat. So far, I have mostly talked about what a safe mooring is, and what all the elements that should be taken into account when choosing it are. Once we have understood the terminology and know for sure what it is about, in the following issues I will talk in simple language about how to moor and what needs to be done to properly secure the boat at rest. In the professional language, about the procedures, actions and rules that should be followed when mooring the boat on each of the mentioned types of berths.” (To be continued)

In the previous 2 issues, we said that the knowledge and skills for choosing the location and type of berth, as well as the procedure of mooring a boat belong to the practical nautical knowledge, i.e. good maritime practice. We said that this selection starts at home, in the preparation of the journey, or making a detailed itinerary. We pointed out that the itinerary should be checked on board before starting each stretch of the route, and that the first step is to get informed about the weather forecast for that day and the following days. Certainly, good maritime practice never excludes skipper's observation of the current circumstances, even when it comes to the weather forecast. It is not a bad idea to listen to fishermen's stories when we go ashore in the morning to buy fresh bread and pastries, because you can learn a lot from them. HOW THE SKIPPER CAN ASSESS THE SAFETY OF MOORING AT A SPECIFIC LOCATION After we have gone through the weather forecast for the desired destinations for that specific day and for the area of navigation, we have completed only the first step of the skipper's route check.

143 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

Christopher Ward C60 Sapphire

S a tovi



Ronilački satovi Te 2 0 0 5 . g o d i n e s u t ri E n g l eza o d l u č i l a d a za p o č n u n ov i p os a o. Tr a ž i l i s u n eš to u č e m u b i s v i u ž i va l i i o d l u č i l i s u s e za i z r a d u s a tova , n a z va vš i b r e n d p o j e d n o m o d n j i h - Ch ri s to p h e r Wa r d . K l a d e s e n a d i r e k t n u i n te r n e t p r o d a j u, p ri s t u p a č n e c e n e i k va l i te t , koj i j e m eš a v i n a b ri t a n s ke p r e c i z n os t i i d i za j n a te s ve g a š va j c a r s ko g š to m o r a j u d a i m a j u n a j b o lj i s a t n i m e h a n i z m i n a s ve t u . N a s j e n a j v i š e o d u š ev i o n j i h ov r o n i l a č k i m o d e l C 6 0 S a p p h i r e. TEKST/TEXT: MATEJ OGOREVC

Divna igra svetlosti safirnog stakla


rva stvar koja upada u oči kada pogledate C60 Sapphire je neverovatna igra svetlosti i safirnog stakla. Majstori izrade satova su kroz vreme usavršili umetnost izrade brojčanika od safirnog stakla debljine od samo 0,6 mm, što nesumnjivo podiže sat iznad mnogih drugih. Kroz plavo obojeno safirno staklo (u ponudi su i verzije u narandžastoj i crnoj verziji) mogu se videti delovi mehanizma i brojčanik datuma, koji na prvi pogled izgledaju kao da sa površine posmatrate morsko dno. Efekat je dodatno pojačan količinom svetlosti koja pada na sat, jer se po vedrom sunčanom danu detalji ispod stakla vide jasnije, dok se u sumraku pretvaraju u tamnoplavo i duboko more. Plavi brojčanik obogaćen je sitnim narandžastim dodacima na oznakama za svaki puni sat, koji još jače dolaze do izražaja zajedno sa plavom gumenom narukvicom i narandžastim prugama sa strane. Za veliki finale tu je i kazaljka za sekunde, koja je inače gotovo neprimetna, osim narandžastog vrha i modernog trozupca na drugoj strani. Zaista predivno! Safirno staklo takođe pokriva zadnju stranu sata, gde se takođe može videti mehanizam Sellita SV-200-1. Mehanizam obezbeđuje 38 sati energije i tačnost od +/- 20 sek / dan, ali po testovima na internetu sat u realnosti

pruža puno bolje rezultate. Sa prečnikom od 40 mm i debljinom od samo 13 mm, C60 Sapphire svrstava se među klasične ronilačke satove, a još bolji i elegantniji izgled sata Britanci su postigli ne previše glomaznim vrtljivim prstenom. Kao kod svih pravih ronilačkih satova okreće se samo u jednu stranu, na njemu su oznake za pune satove (ili svakih pet minuta), a prvih petnaest minuta podeljeno je na minutne oznake. Takođe je taj prvi deo obojen luminiscentnom bojom, pa čak i noću sat izgleda zaista impresivno! Sa kućištem od nerđajućeg čelika savršeno se uklapa nekoliko različitih vrsta narukvica. U ponudi imaju klasičnu verziju od brušenog nerđajućeg čelika sa sigurnosnom kopčom, a možete odabrati i nešto jeftiniju verziju gumene narukvice u nekoliko boja ili narukvicu od specijalnog ekološkog materijala Blue #tide ocean. Cena sata sa metalnom narukvicom iznosi 1115 evra, a sa ostalim 995 evra. Christopher Ward C60 Sapphire nesumnjivo je jedinstveni sat u kojem možete uživati dok ronite u Katerdali na Premudi ili u popodnevnoj šetnji starim gradom, a bez problema možete ga nositi i na poslu. Svaki put će vas preuzeti svojim jedinstvenim izgledom i čarolijom plavog safirnog stakla ...

G L AV N E K A R A K T E R IST I K E Model: C60 Sapphire Prečnik: 40 mm D e b l j i n a : 1 2 ,9 5 m m Te ž i n a k u ć i š t a : 8 3 g . Te ž i n a s a m e t a l n o m n a r u k v i c o m : 1 7 8 g N a j v e ć a d u b i n a : 6 0 AT M ( 6 0 0 m ) Mehanizam: S ellita SW200-1 Zaliha energije: 38 sati

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K r oz p l a vo o b oj e n o s a f i r n o s t a k l o m o g u s e v i d e t i d e l ov i m e h a n i z m a i b r oj č a n i k d a t u m a , koj i n a p r v i p o g l e d i zg l e d a j u ka o d a s a p ov r š i n e p os m a t r a te m o r s ko d n o / Th ro u g h th e b l u e ti nte d sa p p h i re c r ys ta l, yo u c a n se e p a r ts of th e m ove m e nt a n d th e d ate d i a l, wh i c h se e m s l i ke l o o ki n g at th e se a b e d f ro m th e wate r s u r fa c e

S a tovi



Dive Watches B a c k i n 2 0 0 5 , t h r e e E n g l i s h m e n d e c i d e d to s t a r t a n ew b u s i n e s s . T h ey we r e l o o k i n g f o r s o m e t h i n g f o r eve r yo n e to e n j oy a n d d e c i d e d to s t a r t a wa tc h m a k i n g b u s i n e s s , n a m i n g t h e b r a n d a f te r o n e o f t h e m Ch ri s to p h e r Wa r d . T h ey b e t o n d i r e c t i n te r n e t s a l e s , a f f o r d a b l e p ri c e s a n d q u a l i t y, w h i c h i s a b l e n d o f B ri t i s h p r e c i s i o n a n d d e s i g n a n d eve r y t h i n g Sw i s s t h a t t h e b e s t wa tc h m ove m e n t s i n t h e wo r l d m u s t h a ve. We we r e m os t i m p r e s s e d by t h e i r d i ve m o d e l C 6 0 S a p p h i r e.

Wonderful play of light on sapphire glass


he first thing that catches your eye when you look at the C60 Sapphire is the amazing play of light on the pure sapphire glass. Over time, the masters of watchmaking have perfected the art of making dials of sapphire glass only 0.6 mm thick, which undoubtedly places this watch above many others. Through the blue tinted sapphire crystal (orange and black versions are also available), you can see parts of the movement and the date dial, which seems like looking at the seabed from the water surface. The effect is further enhanced by the amount of light that falls on the watch, because on a clear sunny day the details under the saphire are clearer, while at dusk they turn into dark blue of the deep sea. The blue dial is decorated with tiny orange details on the markings for each hour, which are even more pronounced together with the blue rubber strap with orange stripes on the sides. For the grand finale, there is also a second hand, which is otherwise almost imperceptible, except for the orange tip and the trendy trident on the other end. Truly magnificent! Sapphire crystal also covers the back of the watch, where the Sellita SV-200-1 movement is visible. The movement provides 38 hour energy reserve and accuracy of +/- 20 sec / day, but according to Internet tests, the watch in reality provides much better results. With a diameter of 40 mm and a thickness of only 13 mm, the C60 Sapphire ranks among the classic diving watches, and the British achieved an even better and more

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elegant look of the watch with a turning bezel that is not too bulky. As with all genuine diving watches, it rotates only in one direction, it has markings for round clocks (or every five minutes), and the first fifteen minutes are divided into minute marks. Furthermore, that first part is painted with luminescent color, so the watch looks really impressive even at night! Several different types of strap fit perfectly with the stainless steel case. They offer a classic version made of brushed stainless steel with a safety clasp, but you can also choose a slightly less costly version of a rubber strap in several colors or a strap made of a special environment friendly material Blue #tide ocean. The price of a watch with a metal strap is 1115 euros, and 995 euros with the other strap options. Christopher Ward C60 Sapphire is undoubtedly a unique watch that you can truly enjoy while diving in the Cathedral on Premuda or during the afternoon walk through the old town, but you can also wear it at work. Each time it will win you over with its unique look and the magic of its blue sapphire glass ... P R I N C I PA L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Model: C60 Sapphire Diameter: 40 mm T h i c k n e s s : 1 2 .9 5 m m Case weight: 83 g. We i g h t w i t h m e t a l s t r a p : 1 7 8 g M a x i m u m d e p t h : 6 0 AT M ( 6 0 0 m ) Movement: Sellita SW200-1 Energy reserve: 38 hours Price: 995 € / 1115 € w w w. c h r i s t o p h e r w a r d . c o m

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Ča mci/B oats

Pored toga što je bezbedan i prefinjen, Cayman 23.0 Spor t je istovremeno i udoban i svestran In addition to being safe and refined, the Cayman 23.0 Spor t is also comfor table and versatile

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Ranieri International Cayman 23.0 Sport SEDAM METARA ZABAVE

Ranieri Cayman 23.0 Sport RIB, dužine 7 metara, savršen je za kvalitetno provedeno vreme sa porodicom i za sportove visokih performansi, bez obzira na vaša interesovanja; bilo da ste ljubitelj obilaženja plaža, sportova na vodi, krstarenja na moru, ili želite da povedete prijatelje na putovanje potokom do vašeg omiljenog restorana na obali - model 23S dobija plus na svakom polju. Sa ukupnom dužinom od oko 7 metara i maksimalnom širinom od skoro tri metra, 23.0 Sport je definitivno prostran čamac za koji nije potrebna registracija, sa kapacitetom da primi do 16 osoba. Ovaj čamac ima dva sunčališta: jedno na pramcu, drugo u udobnom delu za dnevni boravak, kada je naslon na krmi spušten. Sto na sklapanje, postavljen iza upravljačke konzole za stajanje, čini boravak na brodu još ugodnijim. U centralnom delu palube nalazi se velika kormilarska stanica, zaštićena malim vetrobranskim staklom sa rukohvatom od nerđajućeg čelika, za koji možemo biti sigurni da ćemo se uhvatiti za nekoliko minuta, čim pilot gurne ručicu gasa napred. Upravljačko sedište se sastoji od dve udobne fotelje sa osloncima za ruke, dodatno korisnim kao potpora za lumbalni deo leđa tokom vožnje u stojećem položaju. Dvostruko sedište je prijatno za sedenje (jedna od novina ovog čamca na naduvavanje Ranieri International), sa opcijom mogućnosti izbora položaja vožnje, dok je instrument tabla jednostavna koliko i racionalna, opremljena ploterom i monitorima rada motora. Plovilo na lageru možete videti kod slovenačkog distributera, kompanije MOTO-NAUTIKA. Čamac je dostupan odmah, uz dodatnu opremu. Više informacija na:

Moto-Nautika d.o.o. Ptujska c.63, 2204 Miklavž pri Mariboru, SLO +386(0)26290400


The 7m Ranieri Cayman 23.0 Sport RIB is perfect for quality family time and high performance sports, no matter what you're in to, whether beaching, watersports, offshore cruising or taking friends for a trip down the creek to your favourite waterside restaurant, the 23S ticks all the boxes. Featuring an overall length of around 7 meters and a maximum width of almost three, the 23.0 Sport is a definitively spacious registration-free boat, capable of accommodating up to 16 people. The boat features two sundecks: one in the bow, the other in the comfortable living area, when the stern backrest is lowered. A tilting table, positioned behing the stand-up console, makes the stay on board even more convivial. The central section of the deck houses a large helm station, protected by a small windwcreen with a stainless steel handrail, which we are certain we will grab in a few minutes, as soon as the pilot will push the throttle forward. The pilot seat consists of two boolster armchairs with eveloping arms, usable as comfortable lumbar supports when driving standing. The double seat is comfortable (one of the novelties of this Ranieri International inflatable boat), with the option of being able to choose the driving position, while the dashboard is as simple as it is rational, whose furniture is entrusted to the plotter and engine monitors. You can see the vessel in stock at the Slovenian distributor, the company MOTO-NAUTIKA. The boat is available immediately, with additional equipment. More information on:

Ča mci/B oats



Sa klasičnim retro stilom, nenadmašnim performansama i lakoćom upravljanja po kojima je brodogradilište Windy poznato, sportski čamac 27 Solano osmišljen je tako da ponovi uspeh legendarnog 31 Zonda. Noseći u sebi pravu DNK kompanije Windy, Solano slavi plovidbu sa idejom „vraćanja na osnove“, u stilu i udobnosti 21. veka, sa fokusom na veliki kokpit, odličan trup i izvanredno rukovanje. To je jednostavan sportski čamac kakve pravi Windy, bez nepotrebnih detalja, izgrađen šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina XX veka, ali sa savremenim komforom, dizajnom i tehnologijom. Dizajniran oko ideje o ugradnji jednog motora, sa izborom od + 300 konjskih snaga na benzin ili dizel, Solano ima napredni duboki V trup, koji je dizajnirao Hans Jørgen Johnsen, koji pruža vrhunske performanse, neuporedive plovne karakteristike i maksimalnu brzinu od preko 40 čvorova. Zamišljen prvenstveno kao čamac za dnevnu plovidbu, on ima praktičnu kabinu sa dva ležaja i toalet uvučen ispod prednje palube. Njegov duboki, bezbedni kokpit, je istovremeno pogodan za druženje, ali i svestran, sa prenosnim krmenim ležajem za sunčanje i može se lako zaštititi sistemom tendi nove generacije. Prema svim navedenim karakteristikama, ovaj model će se svideti kupcima na svim tržištima - od kratkih, ali slatkih leta u Skandinaviji, preko prohladnih jezera Švajcarske do vrućih mediteranskih mesta.

O n a n u d i i z b o r m o ć n i h b e n z i n i dizel motora, kao i dva praktična rasporeda u kokpitu

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Ukupna dužina: 8,24 m Širina: 2,60 m Visina: 2,18 m Kapacitet rezervoara za gorivo: 330 l Kapacitet rezervoara za vodu: 80 l Ležajevi: 2 osobe

Length overall: 8.24 m Beam: 2.60 m Height: 2.18 m Fuel capacity: 330 l Fresh water capacity: 80 l Berths: 2 persons


With classic retro styling and the unbeatable performance and handling for which Windy is renowned, the 27 Solano sports boat is set to emulate the success of the legendary 31 Zonda. Steeped in Windy’s core DNA, the Solano celebrates ‘back to basics’ boating, in 21st century style and comfort, with its focus on a big cockpit, great hull and excellent handling. Here is the pure, no frills sportboat of the type Windy built in the Sixties and Seventies, but with comfort, design and technology brought right up to date. Designed around a single engine installation, with a choice of +300hp petrol or diesel sterndrives, the Solano has an advanced deep-V hull designed by Hans Jørgen Johnsen which delivers superlative performance, matchless seakeeping, and a top speed of over 40 knots. Conceived primarily as a dayboat, she has a practical two-berth cabin and head compartment tucked under the foredeck. Her deep, safe cockpit is both social and versatile, with a moveable aft sunbed, and can be easily protected with her new generation canopy system or bimini sun-shade. As such, she will appeal to buyers in all markets - from the short but sweet summers of Scandinavia to the cool lakes of Switzerland and the hotspots of the Mediterranean.

She offers a choice of powerful petrol and diesel engine installations, and a choice of two practical cockpit layouts

Navis Marine d.o.o. / Exclusive Distributor for Croatia and Serbia Main office: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia / T +385 1 4635 261 F +385 1 4635 281 M +385 98 278 275 Coast office: Marina Lav - Hotel Le Meridien Lav, 21000 Split, Croatia / M +385 91 43 43 423 / / /

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Predsta vlja mo




Predsta vlja mo

Advance, renomirani proizvođač sportskih i RIB čamaca iz Premium segmenta, se odnedavno nalazi na novoj lokaciji. Objekat je smešten u predivnom okruženju, pored reke Save, u pravom nautičkom ambijentu koji će svoj puni sjaj dobiti u narednom periodu. Izuzetno moderni poslovni prostor je urađen u skladu sa najvišim svetskim standardima, kako po pitanju dizajna, tako i energetskih i ekoloških normi. U velikom salonu i izložbenom prostoru u prizemlju objekta, kupci mogu da uživo vide čamce i da dobiju sve potrebne informacije od stručnog osoblja, kao i da se upoznaju sa posebnim pogodnostima. Pored toga, Advance svojim kupcima omogućava da sami kreiraju i naprave konfiguraciju unikatnih plovila, te se u salonu mogu videti i palete boja za izradu čamaca, nijanse raspoloživih boja trupa, izbor različitih varijanti boja i tipa tikovine, kao i brojne dodatne opreme. Advance uveliko gleda u budućnost i dalji razvoj ponude i komfora za svoje korisnike. Na obali će u narednom periodu biti otvorena najsavremenija marina, koja će biti zavučena u rukavcu, čime će sva plovila biti izolovana i zaštićena. Tik uz marinu će se nalaziti restoran i nautički klub, kao i dečja zona. Uređenjem priobalnog prostora i marine, potpunom rekonstrukcijom i sanacijom postojećih objekata, planirano je da lokacija postane Dom motonautike i sportova na vodi, sa sportskorekreativnim sadržajem i dečjom zonom sa igralištem i zabavom za najmlađe. Imajući u vidu nedostatak suvih zimovnika za smeštanje čamaca van sezone u Beogradu, nešto dalje od marine je predviđen prostor za opsluživanje plovila tokom godine i smeštaj u zimskom periodu.



Advance, a renowned manufacturer of sports and RIB boats from the Premium segment, has recently moved to a new location. The facility is located in a beautiful environment, next to the Sava River, in a truly nautical environment that will get its full splendor in the coming period. Extremely modern business space has been built in accordance with the highest global standards, both in terms of design and energy and environmental standards. In the spacious salon and showroom on the ground floor of the building, customers can see the boats and get all the necessary information from the professional staff, as well as get acquainted with the special benefits. Furthermore, Advance allows its customers to create and customize vessels themselves, thus making unique units; and in the showroom you can see color samples for boat production, shades of available hull colors, range of different color options and types of teak, as well as numerous accessories. Advance is looking to the future in terms of further development of their range and comfort for its customers. In the next period, a state-ofthe-art marina will be opened on the river bank, which will be located in backwater, which will protect all vessels. Right next to the marina there will be a restaurant and nautical club, as well as a children's playground zone. By arranging the river bank area and the marina, with complete reconstruction and repair of the existing facilities, it is planned for this location to become the moto-nautical and water-sport center, with sports and recreational facilities and a children's zone with a playground and entertainment for the youngest. Having in mind the lack of dry winter berths for storing boats out of season in Belgrade, a little further away from the marina there is a space for boat servicing and storage in the winter. Advance boat Obrenovački drum 8, 11030 Beograd, +381 11 277 21 92

U velikom salonu i izložbenom prostoru u prizemlju objekta, kupci mogu uživo da vide čamce / In the spacious salon and showroom on the ground floor of the building, customers can see the boats

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Ma r ine


M arinas

D-Marin Hrvatska od sada na još jednoj top lokaciji za bezbrižno letnje uživanje D-Marin Croatia from now on available in yet another top location for a carefree summer enjoyment Tribunj se upisao na kartu

ekskluzivnih nautičkih destinacija D-Marin Hrvatska nedavno je postao bogatiji za još jednu top lokaciju u srcu Jadrana – D-Marin Tribunj marinu u sklopu dalmatinskog gradića poznatog po stogodišnjoj pomorskoj tradiciji. Smeštena u šibenskom arhipelagu, okružena brojnim ostrvima i prirodnim lepotama, marina je idealno polazište za nezaboravno iskustvo i plovidbu čudesnim jadranskim arhipelagom. Kao i D-Marin Dalmacija, D-Marin Borik te D-Marin Mandalina, i D-Marin Tribunj je nositelj Safe stay in Croatia, nacionalne oznake sigurnosnih protokola u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, čime se osigurava visoki standard sigurnosti i zaštite kako bi gosti bezbrižno mogli da provode svoj odmor na hrvatskoj obali. A za sve one željne dodatnog opuštanja, u D-Marin Tribunju dostupni su i luksuzni tretmani u kozmetičkom salonu "Valentina", dok je terasa restorana i pizzerije Muring, sa pogledom na Tribunj, idealna za jutarnje ispijanje kafe ili uživanje u ukusnom jelu. Pridruživanjem grupaciji, od sada i u D-Marin Tribunju svaki gost sa godišnjim ugovorom u D-Marin marini do kraja ove godine, može do sedam dana besplatno da boravi u bilo kojoj drugoj marini D-Marin. Osim toga, vez nakon 7-dnevnog besplatnog razdoblja dolazi i uz popust u trajanju do 4 meseca, a kako bi boravak u D-Marin marinama bio još spektakularniji, svi gosti marina D-Marin Borik, D-Marin Dalmacija i D-Marin Mandalina, pa tako i D-Marin Tribunj imaju pravo na karticu iz programa nagrađivanja koja im omogućava posebne popuste do 15 posto kod velikog broja partnera.


added to the map of high-end yachting destinations D-Marin Croatia recently expanded by adding to its portfolio yet another top location in the heart of the Adriatic: D-Marin Tribunj, nestled in a Dalmatian town, which is known for its centuries-old maritime tradition. Located a stone's throw away from the Šibenik archipelago and surrounded by numerous islands and natural attractions, the marina is a perfect starting point for anyone wanting to have an unforgettable experience and sail across the wondrous Adriatic archipelago. Just like D-Marin Dalmacija, D-Marin Borik, and D-Marin Mandalina, D-Marin Tribunj has also been awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia label of safety protocols in tourism and hospitality, guaranteeing strict standards of security and protection so its guests can spend a carefree holiday on the Adriatic coast. Those wanting additional relaxation should head to the Valentina Beauty Salon, which offers luxury treatments, while the terrace of the Muring Restaurant and Pizzeria, with stunning views of Tribunj, is perfect for having one’s morning coffee or enjoying a tasty meal. With D-Marin Tribunj now a part of the group, its guests, who have annual contracts with a D-Marin marina until year-end, can stay for up to seven days in any other D-Marin marina completely freeof-charge. Moreover, berthing beyond the seven-day complimentary period will be subject to a four-month-long discount. Finally, to make their stay at the D-Marin marinas even more spectacular, D-Marin has offered all D-Marin Borik, D-Marin Dalmacija, D-Marin Mandalina, and D-Marin Tribunj guests loyalty cards granting them special discounts of up to 15 percent with a number of partners.

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Nautičari će od sada moći da uživaju u mirnoj boutique marini, sa ukupno 220 morskih i 50 suvih vezova, u kojoj zaljubljenici u plovidbu imaju sve nadohvat ruke – kompletnu uslugu servisiranja i održavanja plovila, benzinsku stanicu, tehničke s l u ž b e i u s l u g e, restorane i smeštajne kapacitete From now on, boaters will be able to enjoy the quiet, boutique marina with a total of 220 sea berths and 50 dry ones, where ever ything they need is close at hand – a full-service boatyard, a fuel station, technical boat services, restaurants, and accommodation facilities.

Red Shark Bikes

Vod ene

ig ra čke/



Portable Water Bikes Red Shark Bikes, once again, goes beyond the technological novelties and the latest trends: The creation of the new generation of water bikes that its public was waiting for. Josep Rubau, the creator of Red Shark Bikes, divides this new range into 3 different models: the Bike Board Enjoy, the Bike Board Fitness and the Bike Board Race. Each of them is designed to make people from different life profiles dream: professionals and elite athletes, people who love the nautical world, those who have a Fitness lifestyle, families who like to spend time together and live new adventures, amateurs who like to try new hobbies during their free time… The new generation of water bikes keeps a place for everyone. The Bike Board Enjoy is the first inflatable model, intended for families, friends, with the aim of having a good time. Freedom, relax, happiness, are some of the values that define it. The Bike Board Fitness is the second inflatable model, it is useful for all the people who have an active, a healthy life and like to get fit. It is defined by concepts such as: training, ergonomic, quality or functional. The Bike Board Race is the Premium within this range, so it is full carbon, which means that it can not be inflated. It is ideal if you are a professional athlete: light weight, technology, personal improvement. The Bike Board implements new features and new advantages, connected to the renewal of a new brand concept: Fun, adrenaline, comfort, but also elegance, luxury and details made with materials of the best quality such as carbon fiber. Red Shark Bikes took into account every little detail and it is prepared to surprise you again.

Prenosni bicikl za vodu Red Shark Bikes još jednom prevazilazi granice tehnoloških inovacija i najnovije trendove: stvara novu generaciju bicikala za vodu koje je javnost željno čekala. Josep Rubau, tvorac Red Shark Bikes, deli ovaj novi asortiman na 3 različita modela: Bike Board Enjoy, Bike Board Fitness i Bike Board Race. Svaki od njih dizajniran je tako da podstakne ljude različitih životnih profila da sanjaju: profesionalce i elitne sportiste, ljude koji vole nautički svet, one koji imaju fitnes stil života, porodice koje vole da provode vreme zajedno i dožive nove avanture, amatere koji vole da isprobaju neki novi hobi u slobodno vreme ... Nova generacija bicikala za vodu nudi ponešto za svakoga. Bike Board Enjoy je prvi model na naduvavanje, namenjen porodicama, prijateljima, s ciljem da obezbedi dobar provod. Sloboda, opuštanje, sreća, neke su od vrednosti koje ga definišu. Bike Board Fitness je drugi model na naduvavanje, koristan za sve ljude koji vode aktivan, zdrav život i vole da održavaju kondiciju. Definisan je osobinama kao što su: trening, ergonomija, kvalitet i funkcionalnost. Bike Board Race je premijum model unutar ovog asortimana, tako da je potpuno od karbona, što znači da se ne može napumpati. Idealan je za vas ako ste profesionalni sportista: mala težina, tehnologija, lični napredak. Bike Board primenjuje nove karakteristike i nove prednosti, povezane sa razvojem novog koncepta brenda: zabava, adrenalin, udobnost, ali i elegancija, luksuz i detalji napravljeni od materijala najboljeg kvaliteta, poput karbonskih vlakana. Red Shark Bikes uzeli su u obzir svaki detalj i spremni su da vas ponovo iznenade.

Otkrijte novi način uživanja i vežbanja vožnje bicikla u novom okruženju Discover a new way to enjoy and practice cycling in a new environment

161 n a u t i ka @ p rese n t- g ro u m | J u l / Avg 2021

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