MER_Lead by the example

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ยก YOUR DEVELOPMENT MATTERS TO US! You can use the self-development guides to focus on the competency that you would like to work on this year. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your potential! There are countless actions you can carry out to strengthen your competencies. In the following pages you will find guidance and materials that will be useful for your development plan. This tool will allow you to focus on your actions to develop the competency you have selected. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE Many of the activities we carry out in our daily basis can be an opportunity to develop competencies. You will find options for reading, films and extracurricular activities in this guide that will help you develop behaviors linked to the competency you decide to work on. The activities or reading materials mentioned here, do not need to be the same as those you do or plan to do, but rather useful suggestions. You can either choose some of them or opt for similar activities that you prefer. We also suggest that you bear in mind that developing a competency implies changing behaviors and this takes time, so intent and perseverance are key elements in ensuring successful selfdevelopment. We encourage you to explore this guide and track the activities you choose in your self-development plan. ยกYour success is up to you!







Reading materials

Rol model


ACTIVITIES Many activities we develop in our daily basis can be opportunities to develop Lead by the example many of our daily activities are an opportunity to develop our competencies. The following are 10 ideas you can adapt to your own preferences and interests:


The conductor must foster teamwork and really take advantage of the diversity of voice tones, while also dedicating himself or herself to improving the talent of each choir member with the aim of obtaining a better level of individual and group performance. An essential requirement for this is to have a perfect knowledge of the characteristics of the team and each member. It is also indispensable to establish clear performance guidelines. In each interpretation, each member must perform and respect a specific role in order not to cause confusion and to obtain a harmonious melody. Achieving group organization within the choir is essential for this activity, as is the individual effort and commitment of each participant and the conductor, who will play a fundamental role in making this possible.


The technical director (TD) must be concerned with not only improving the talent of each player, but also generating among all members a strong awareness as a team and the effort that this implies. To this end, it is essential to foster communication and establish clear performance targets, avoiding possible friction. Based on a profound knowledge of techniques, strategic moves and each of the players, the TD defines responsibilities and roles, particularly trying to exploit the team’s diversity of talents. All good TDs share the positive and/or negative consequences of the experience and ensure the whole team experiences them in the same way.


The person in this role needs to have the ability to direct and control discussions or moments of tension in a balanced way with the aim of helping reach an agreement that is beneficial to all parties, mediating among his or her colleagues and the diversity of other people that may be involved (leaders, trainers, referees, opponents, etc.). A key element is to have the ability to communicate effectively with all the team members. The captain should also take responsibility for creating and fostering (through his or her own attitude) a pleasant environment that favors internal communication and the building of lasting commitments among team members, as well as inspiring them to make their best possible contribution.




Being the most invisible of the “characters” on stage, the director is the main figure in the whole play as he or she is ultimately responsible for the results obtained. Through the distribution of roles, the director combines situations and people and directs and guides the actors to obtain a suitable interpretation. It is also essential to be open to suggestions from the actors. The director’s advice and observations should always be aimed at developing the cast’s talent, diversity, and competencies so that they themselves can discover and breathe life into the different characters involved.


Those interested in working for a community’s development must be clear that their role revolves mainly around understanding and correctly using the diversity of the group of people involved. Based on that, and with the aim of achieving joint and individual development, the community leader must define clear work objectives for different periods and coordinate the suitable combination of actions with the aim of achieving what has been proposed. For the intervention to be effective, he or she will have to integrate the work team and provide an example of commitment and enthusiasm to generate the same in the others. The leader will also need to be aware of the needs and interests of all team members and specifically incorporate them, formulating new objectives and deadlines.



To successfully perform the role of trainer or mentor, it is essential to have not only the appropriate knowledge and experience, but also the aptitudes and personality traits required for this activity. In addition to having the capacity to clearly and concisely express concepts and ideas in an effective way (both in written and oral form), it is essential for the trainer or mentor to know how to listen, understand and ask questions. This is because producing the set task is based on a rewarding mutual exchange between the trainer and his or her trainee. When people visit different countries or communities in the world, they face the constant challenge of “the unknown.” The diversity of races, customs, codes, languages, myths and stories they come across on their journey will make them question—based on day-to-day experience—their own knowledge and even their own way of thinking, viewing the world and acting in it. The greater the traveler’s capacity to assimilate "new" elements, the easier it will be to incorporate alternative ways of interpreting reality and he or she will return from the journey more enriched. People with enough ability will be able to strengthen their own practices by effectively implementing the new information they have internalized from their experiences.




Everyone has something to teach. Any activity that we know how to do and enjoy doing is a possible activity that can be transmitted to others. Whatever the “know-how” in question, the experience of sharing it and developing an ability in others is always a process of mutual enrichment and learning. At that moment, countless attitudes and expectations come into play from both sides. Beyond a shared interest in a determined area, there is a need to discover the learner’s characteristics and to understand his or her time limits and abilities. A lot of patience and a great listening capacity is required. It is no easy task, but there is immense gratification to be had in verifying the progress made and growth obtained.


In relation to this competency, the mere fact of studying involves a strong intention to achieve self-development. Meanwhile, coming together with this objective implies the intention to engage in a sharing activity that fosters both self-development and the development of others. Sharing information, points of view, etc. with others contributes to the learning of all members of the group. During a group study meeting, it is rewarding not only to try and acquire from others elements that contribute to your own education; but also to be alert to the fact that what you know, think, hold as an opinion, etc. may contributes to somebody else’s learning. This mutual exchange is what strengthens this study time, making it more fruitful.


Reading places us in direct contact with knowledge. It is one of the main activities for anyone who intends to develop a certain topic or their general culture. The reader meets another person (author) who relates, shares his or her knowledge or provides information. A book is always a potential source of your own or someone else’s development. Having a series of books of interest at hand is a way of encouraging ourselves to achieve personal development through reading. To be really attractive, it is important for the selection criteria for the books to be based on an analysis of one’s different personal needs and interests, while promoting reading among those closest to us also facilitates the progress and training of others.




Readings Certain reading materials can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on the competency of leading by example. The following are 8 suggestions:


It is increasingly evident that the future belongs to those capable of undertaking risky initiatives. It is not enough to reproduce strategies that others have already successfully exploited; we must discover what makes us different from the rest. What are the key elements of an entrepreneurial personality? The secret lies in a rule-breaking combination of elements that have always been within our reach. No matter what your professional area, you will be able to create something valuable if you dare to break the mold, to change the order of the factors involved and to link the apparently unconnected. Achieving this goal is possible if we take the teaching provided in this book into account.




For over five years Andy Freire has been answering questions from entrepreneurs on the prestigious “Economía y finanzas” and “En efectivo” programs on the CNN in Spanish channel. The thousands of messages from viewers have included questions ranging from how to organize to discover an opportunity or how to put together a business plan; to technical questions about implementing a capital round with "angel investors" or detecting problems in the implementation of a project. The book originated from this broad variety of concerns among Spanishspeaking entrepreneurs. Andy Freire responds to the most representative questions in a more detailed way than possible on a fast-moving television program, while preserving the same clarity and focus centered on the reality of emerging markets. These key elements are an invaluable contribution for our entrepreneurs—both recent starters and the more experienced—in their quest to do things a little better every day.


This book analyzes the richness of the authors’ experiences with the leaders of public and private organizations around the world. Their study demonstrates that today more than ever leadership concerns everyone. The Leadership Challenge offers a broad perspective for studying leaders from all areas of life, from industry to education and nonprofit activities. THE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE Authors: JAMES M. KOUZES and BARRY Z. POSNER


Professional development is the most powerful tool leaders must reduce staff turnover, achieve better results and productivity and for the employees to become more involved in the company’s objectives. However, it is one of the least used tools whether because the training budget has been reduced or because a certain amount of time is required from the bosses. In this short and enjoyable book, the authors provide a series of pieces of advice to help leaders use short everyday conversations to find out what those under them want and to support their potential without the need for large investments of time or money.




Based on detailed follow up three great training projects, the author researches the social mechanisms that lead to building knowledge in organizations. With a rigorous analysis of the practices involved, this book opens a new perspective on knowledge management. As Dr. David Perkins says in the introduction, "In his Collective Knowledge, Ernesto Gore presents a profound exploration of how learning occurs within organizations. Or rather, which is more frequent, how it does not occur (...) Whatever the topic—new approaches to creativity, to accounting or to pest control—learning tends to suffer from the gap between the idea and action. People acquire ideas quickly in the formal context of a course, but it is very rare for them to then be applied at work (...) The author shares with us an architype for learning in organizational contexts that is newer and much more perfected (...) more consistent with the complex forces that tend to give rise to gaps between ideas and actions.”



The growth of the Starbucks chain has been one of the most spectacular examples in recent decades. The most surprising thing is that its success is not only based on the quality of the coffee they serve, but is also the result of the application of ten principles that can be equally applied to any business initiative or the decisions we have to take in our everyday lives. The philosophy of Howard Behar, who led Starbucks’ expansion across the world, is based on certain pillars that may not be novel but are often forgotten, such as establishing targets, fostering confidence, and turning dreams into future opportunities.



The main premise of this book is that strategic development is a dynamic process, that most strategies evolve over time and must consider how things are being done today. The book provides an excellent description of the most important strategic development topics for training programs aimed at corporative executives and for practice-oriented MBA programs. All books concerned with such a vast topic as strategy require compromises and compensations, and this book is no exception. The decisions about what to include and with what level of depth were guided by the book’s main objective: serving as a reference work for the analysis of cases in an executive field with a global perspective. The book has a conversational style and covers different topics with a practical focus, permanently emphasizing the four “Cs” of strategy: content, context, conducting and change.

Strategy Safari is a brilliant, clever text on business strategy that is easy and at the same time entertaining. The authors provide a profound critique of the contributions and limitations of each school that culminates in a combined proposal that synthesizes them. Original, insightful, and essential, this book is an indispensable guide for creative managers. If you are interested in strategy, you will not want to miss this safari. STRATEGY SAFARI Authors: HENRY MINTZBERG, BRUCE AHLSTRAND and JOSEPH LAMPEL



Films THE CHORUS When Mathieu arrives at a French boarding school for troubled boys to work as a supervisor and teacher, he finds a hostile atmosphere and aberrant situations. To survive, and to rescue the maltreated boys, he decides to set up a choir with them. He assigns them specific functions in the choir in accordance with the boys’ different voices and abilities, then evaluates the performance and gives them timely feedback so that they can improve their vocal abilities. At the beginning the boys are opposed to this activity, making life difficult for Mathieu. But thanks to the teacher’s charisma, patience and commitment, the students start to become interested in the choir and improving the way they sing. The teacher’s leadership competency generates hope among the boys, generating changes in their discipline and achieving his objective of all the boys participating in the choir. FINDING FORRESTER Finding Forrester is a paradigmatic film for the competency of leadership. The plot focuses on the relationship that develops between William Forrester and Jamal Wallace around the (mutual) teaching/learning process (beyond the emotional bond they build with one another). Right from the beginning of the film, Forrester demonstrates a strong interest in supporting and guiding the development and training of the young main character, an Afro-American who at the tender age of 16 already shows a clear inclination toward reading and writing. Meanwhile, Jamal also becomes interested and collaborates in his “teacher’s” growth and personal improvement. On an extremely profound and emotional journey, both discover about the other person and help him to improve and surpass himself. The main characters trust and profoundly believe in each other. As a result, they dedicate time and effort to the enterprise that has brought them together; provide constant feedback, support and affection; and become the “facilitators” of the other’s learning and development, according to each one’s needs, experiences and demands.



BOILER ROOM In the J.T. Marlin brokerage firm, the ability to communicate and the way of engaging with others is one of the basic tools each employee needs to successfully implement the sales strategy. Communicating clearly and strongly, being persuasive, generating a positive impact on clients and knowing how to skillfully and quickly ask and answer perceptive questions are basic characteristics that have been really deliberated on in the organization in order for employees to perform adequately. It also must be considered that the ethical problem running through the whole film makes it impossible for the employees to be open and honest. WARNING! The language used in this film is unnecessarily strong and aggressive.

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Sally “Tally” Atwater is an energetic journalist with great initiative and an evident interest in advancing, developing, and learning. In addition to having an exceptional personality, her great capacity to suitably integrate and apply the new information and knowledge she accesses through her work and experience favor both her personal and professional growth. Sally is good at incorporating new cognitive and attitudinal models to improve her performance. With the same purpose, she is open and welldisposed to the advice given by her boss Warren. In this sense, it is evident that Sally is capable of learning not only in structured learning activities (such as studying), but also through practice and by observing people with more experience and knowledge. Sally’s "capacity to learn" is one of the main personality traits that take her from being the “weather girl” to the anchor of a Washington news program.



MILLION DOLLAR BABY Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) is a girl who dreams of a future as a professional boxer and patiently wears down Frankie (Clint Eastwood), the owner of a run-down training gym for boxers. He refuses to be her trainer, telling her the cold truth: she is too “old� and he does not train women. Refusing to give up, Maggie trains as hard as she can every day in the gym, without any help, developing her talent for boxing. She has a great capacity to motivate herself and keeps pushing on without losing hope, overcoming obstacles, and achieving her targets. Tirelessly seeking to learn more, Maggie manages to achieve a very good level of efficiency and performance in this activity. Finally persuaded by her determination, Frankie agrees to train and represent her. They have a common spirit, finding a sense of family that they had both lost a long time ago. They will soon face a battle that will require much more courage than they have ever had.




Role model A role model is someone who has stood out throughout his or her career in a certain aspect and to whom we can look up to as a model and a source of inspiration for our own activities The following contains information about the exemplary career of a true role model in the area of communication:

JORGE VALDANO (b. 1955) The path that Jorge Valdano has travelled in his sports/professional career has made him an excellent team leader. Valdano has taken the key elements and notions from his positions as a player, trainer, technical director (TD), sports director and commentator to be able to consolidate, develop and guide a group of people (footballers) so they can achieve their common objectives, based on autonomy and group and individual responsibility (empowerment). His own colleagues and players have recognized Valdarno’s ability to keep responsibility and power in his hands with a sensible, transparent, and effective style, which has allowed him to deal with important decisions and strategic positions. Conciliatory and balanced, he is characterized by knowing how to build consensus and motivate the team to achieve really challenging goals, based on the idea that each and every team member is a protagonist and responsible for the results obtained (including himself, of course). In his own words, “Being a TD is an activity in which you have to think in a strategic sense (which is perhaps where his nickname “the philosopher” comes from), see things with perspective, draw conclusions and, based on that, guide the team and the individualities, make a model, sketch out a project, understand where the team’s deficiencies lie and, with time, conduct an analysis that allows progress and improvement.” This process involves the “obligation” of working in collaboration with all the team members (players, trainer, managers, etc.) and that ability is something that has been clearly demonstrated by this recognized specialist in working with sports teams and human beings in general. Thoughts “...The leadership must belong to the team, which must act as a platform for taking off, not hiding away...”



“...What is important in a team is ambition, audacity, adventure, the generous dedication of everyone in defense of a great idea...”




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