MER_Recruitment Manual

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Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Manual







Stages of the process


Competency Model




Commitment to results


Quality and continuous improvement




Passion for the client


Lead by the example


Managing through change and uncertainty


Tips and questions suggested for interviews




Because you are important, we have developed this guide so you can manage your most valuable resource, our people, in the best possible way. These guides were prepared as a brief summary to facilitate your daily routine and so you can focus on a better way and thus be more successful in your recruitment processes. For more information, you can also check our Intranet, where you will find more details. Because our Talent is important, we ask you to keep this guide handy, with tips that will help you to do your job better and to be a better leader



Authorizations Every new position must be planned in the budget for each year. Note: The budget for personnel expenses is approved by the Group CEO and Board of Directors. If the new position is not included in the budget, it must be authorized according to the following system: • Position, grade Hay 13 or lower: highest authority of the business unit. • Position, grade Hay 14 and up: Group CEO. Management positions must have the approval of the Group President.



Each position will have an assigned average recruitment time, according to the Hay grade and its geographical location. The recruitment time will start when the requirement is opened on the system. The requisition must be opened when the need for the position arises and when there is no need to make changes to the position’s duties.


Vacancies will be published in various internal and external media. Priority will be given to filling vacancies with internal candidates, as long as they meet the Position Profile. Internal candidates may come up through application to an internal competition or when proposed by the immediate supervisor through a direct coverage.


Associates that apply to an internal competition or are proposed for direct coverage must meet the following requirements: • No gaps in the major competences that are being evaluated. • Not more than 2 Hay grades difference between the current position and the one they are applying to.

Every candidate, whether internal or external, must meet at least 80% of the defined Job Profile.


Stages of the process

Creation of the need

Definition / Updating of job profile

Search for candidates

Immediate supervisor interviews

Presentation of the shortlist

Evaluation of candidates





Process stages

Definition / Updating of job profile EAt the expectations alignment meeting, the job profile is defined / updated with the Recruiter. The Recruiter will send an email with the documented profile, indicating the agreements on the timeframe and the salary range for the position. The job profile will document:




Depending on the type of position, weights will be assigned to each item until a score of 100% is obtained. If the requesting supervisor changes some specification of the Job Profile during the process, the requirement created will be closed in order to restart the search once expectations are realigned. Note: The requirement in the system must be created when the internal client’s need arises.


Process stages

Recommendations When thinking about a Job Profile, you should: Think about the position and not the person. Have good knowledge of what the position does. When detailing the required knowledge, you must take into account that everything proposed should be able to be measured with a technical test. To start the selection process, the Recruiter must have the technical tests to assess the candidates. Each component within the profile has required and desirable elements. Desirable requirements will not have assigned weight, so it is recommended to focus on required elements. Indicate the necessary information about the position: • Access to systems • Email groups • Required equipment • Other relevant ones


Process stages

Interview / Selection Overview The interview is the best tool in the selection of personnel. It is a dialogue that is conducted with a definite purpose and not for the mere pleasure of talking. The Recruiter will send a shortlist of candidates who meet at least 80% of the defined profile. The requesting supervisor must provide feedback through the HR system for all the candidates presented. The requesting supervisor will have a determined goal time between the presentation of the shortlist and the selection of the candidate. The actual recruitment time will be shared month by month with each internal client to give visibility for how they are going and how they close their processes.


Process stages

Preparation for the interview (by the internal client) Review the list sent by the Recruiter: • Candidates’ resumes. • Comments from the HR interviews. • Results of technical and psychometric tests. Choose at least 3 questions from the competence questions dictionary for the competences selected as primary in the Job Profile.

D U R I N G T H E I N T E R V I E W AV O I D • Talking too much If you do more than 30% of the talking, it’s too much. • Do not intimidate the candidate during the interview. • Getting distracted. • Interrupting the candidate, unless you must do so. • Letting your gestures distract the candidate. 10

• Talking about yourself. • Expressing agreement, disagreement or personal opinions. • Interruptions in person or by telephone must not be tolerated. • Being too emphatic. • Leading the answers or discussion with the candidate.

Process stages

Also remember that you must: Create a harmonious and trusting atmosphere from the start of the interview. Always ask an icebreaker question. Repeat the question any time the candidate’s response is ambiguous or you cannot identify a behavior. Ask about the reasons why the interviewee left each job. Ask about about their reasons for change. Ask about compensation. Ask about the candidate’s expectations: • Where the candidate sees themselves in the short and medium term. • Things that they like and dislike about your current job. • What they expect/do not expect from a supervisor. • What they expect from a company. 11

Process stages

On-boarding Each supervisor has the following responsibilities when preparing and carrying out an on-boarding plan: You must review and approve the on-boarding plan proposed by the Talent area. Propose changes to it, if necessary. Before the candidate starts, prepare conditions such as: • Workspace • Office supplies Remember to follow up with: • IT: equipment and access to systems/applications. • Administration: cell phones, gas cards. If applicable. We ask you to avoid putting the person to work full time if you have not completed their on-boarding plan; therefore, do everything in your power to comply with the established timeframe. Remember, good on-boarding helps to retain our talent. 12





It refers to personality characteristics, become behaviorals, that generate a successful performance in a job.

Competency Model

Set of processes related to the people who make up the organization and that are intended to align them in pursuit of organizational or business objectives.


What a person does (physical action) or says (speech). Synonym: Conduct


Set of knowledges sorted on a particular topic that is applied for the development of a function.


DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Commitment to results Definition: Ability to guide his/her actions and coworkers toward the achievement of the strategy and sustained growth of the business. It involves optimizing and encouraging the proper use of available resources.

Guide actions

Proper use of available resources

Optimizing and encouraging

Commitment to results

Achievement of the strategy

Sustained growth of the business


BEHAVIORS Commitment to results #

Base Behavior

Guides his/her actions toward achieving objectives


Additional Behaviors


Plans and prioritizes his/her activities at the right time and in the right way.


Plans and prioritizes his/her activities at the right time and in the right way. Sets goals that are measurable, challenging and aligned with the strategy.


Plans and prioritizes his/her activities at the right time and in the right way. Sets goals that aremeasurable, challenging and aligned with the strategy. Contributes to define the group’s strategy.


Has trouble orienting his/her actions towards achieving objectives. Guides his/her actions toward achieving objectives, but has a hard time planning and/or prioritizing his/her activities.


Identifies obstacles that may interfere with the achievement of results.

Resuelve y solicita apoyo de ser necesario.


Solves problems and asks for support if necessary. Analyzes the cause of the problem and plans ahead so that it doesn’t occur again.


Solves problems and asks for support if necessary. Analyzes the cause of the problem and plans ahead so that it doesn’t occur again. Anticipates obstacles and proposes preventive actions.


Identifies obstacles that may interfere with the achievement of results, but does not resolve problems in a timely and correct manner and/or resolves them at any cost. Has difficulties in identifying obstacles.




Proposed Questions 1. Tell me, how do you plan and prioritize your activities to achieve your goals? 2. What criteria do you use for planning and prioritizing your activities? Can you give an example.


1. Can you give an example of an objective that you have set for yourself or your team. What criteria did you use to set it? 2. How do you make sure that objectives are measurable and challenging, and above all that they are aligned with your company’s strategy? Did you achieve the expected results? 1. Tell me, how have you contirbuted to defining the organizational strategy definition in your current role, or any other role you have had? 2. Tell me about a situation where you participated in formulating and implementing the strategic plan at a company you worked for. What was your role?

1. When faced with a problematic situation or a particular challenge, can you share an example of a proposed solution that was successfully implemented. What did you do? What were the results? Did you achieve the results you expected? 2. What do you do when you have difficulties solving a problem?


1. When faced with a complex or problematic situation, how do you analyze the cause of the problem? What measures do you implement so that it doesn’t happen again? 1. Tell me about a situation in which you realized in advance that a problemas was going to occur before it happened. What did you do? What measures did you take? How was it resolved?


BEHAVIORS Commitment to results #

Base Behavior

Optimizes available resources


Additional Behaviors

In his/her job position


In his/her job position. Promotes the proper use of resources in the area under his/her supervision.


In his/her job position. Promotes the proper use of resources in the area under his/her supervision. Promotes resource optimization throughout the organization.


Has difficulties taking advantage and managing the resources. Has trouble identifying opportunities to optimize resources.




Proposed Questions 1. Tell me, how do you manage the resources assigned in order to perform your tasks. 2. How do you manage or maximize the use of tools to optimize your resources? Give me a concrete example.


1. Tell me about a situation where you had to suggest to others the best way to use resources. What happened? Were there agreements/disagreements? Give me an example. 1. Tell me about a situation in which you had to suggest an alternative for optimizing resources to the organization. Were you able to convince them of your proposal? If the answer is yes, how did you manage to get the rest of the organization on board with your proposal? 2. How do you promote the proper use of resources at your company? Can you give me a concrete example?

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .



DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Quality and continuous improvement Definition: Capacity to transform work processes and methods to achieve high-quality performance. It involves the analysis of metrics to identify opportunities for improvement, to establish and execute action plans. Generates input and ideas that add value to the organization.

Transform work processes High-quality performance

Add value

Generates input and ideas

Quality and continuous improvement Analysis of metrics Identify opportunities for improvement


BEHAVIORS Quality and continuous improvement #


Base Behavior

Knows and understands work processes and methods

Additional Behaviors


Analyzes metrics to identify opportunities for improvement.


Analyzes metrics to identify opportunities for improvement and incorporates trends and best practices.


Analyzes metrics to identify opportunities for improvement, incorporates trends and best practices. Promotes decision making based on the outcome of said decisions.


Has difficulties understanding the work processes and methods of the area or unit. Knows and understands work processes and methods, but does not analyze metrics to identify opportunities for improvement.

Proposes solutions and/or ideas.


Questions and Proposes solutions and/or ideas, ensuring the right cost/ identifies new benefit ratio, taking into account the effects on other areas. ways of improving processes Proposes solutions and/or ideas, ensuring the right cost/ benefit ratio, taking his/her effects on other areas. Changes work methods, establishing practices that increase his/her team’s efficiency.





Doesn’t question the process and therefore fails to identify new ways to improve. Questions and identifies new ways to improve processes, but has difficulties proposing solutions or ideas to implement the improvement.



Proposed Questions 1. In your job position, what do you do to learn about the work processes and methods? Once you’re familiar with them, how do you identify opportunities for improvement? Can you give me an example.


1. How do you incorporate new trends and best practices into this analysis? Can you give me an example. 1. How do you promote decision making based on analyzing the metrics and best practices in your team or organization? Can you give me an example.

1. In your job position, how do you identify new ways to improve processes or your day-today activities? 2. What ideas or solutions have you proposed to improve procedures or processes in your area? Can you give me an example.


1. When you propose new ideas or ways to improve existing processes, how do you ensure that this proposal not only solves the issue in your area, but that the solution is integral to the process? Can you give me an example.

1. Can you share a situation where you had to modify work methods or processes. Did this new method increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of tasks for your team or your area? What was the impact? How did you measure it?


BEHAVIORS Quality and continuous improvement #


Base Behavior

Implements continuous improvement initiatives

Additional Behaviors


Executes plans at the right time and in the right way.


Executes plans at the right time and in the right way. Follows up and adjusts them based on needs.


Executes plans at the right time and in the right way. Follows up and adjusts them based on needs. Promotes continuous improvement throughout the organization.


Has trouble implementing continuous improvement initiatives. Implements continuous improvement initiatives, but has difficulties following up on plans or does not do so according to plan.



Proposed Questions 1. In your job position, how do you manage to execute continuous improvement action plans? How do you measure whether they were executed in a timely manner and in the right way? Can you give me an example.


2. When implementing continuous improvement plans, how do you follow up on them? What happens if the plan undergoes changes? Can you give me an example. 1. Can you give me an example of how you promote continuous improvement in your organization.

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .



DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Communication Definition: Ability to accurately and clearly transmit messages and relevant information, adapting his/ her language according to whom he/she is communicating with. It involves listening to others, asking questions, verifying their understanding. Promotes an open and transparent environment of continuous exchange of information.

Ability to accurately and clearly transmit

Relevant information


Promotes an open and transparent environment


Verifying their understanding

Adapting the language

Ask questions


BEHAVIORS Communication #


Base Behavior

Listens carefully to the person he/she is communicating with.

Additional Behaviors

Formulates questions to understand his/her requirements or needs. Understand who he/she should ask to obtain the required information.


Formulates questions to understand his/her requirements or needs. Understand who he/she should ask to obtain the required information. Changes his/her own focus when necessary.


Formulates questions to understand his/her requirements or needs. Understand who he/she should ask to obtain the required information. Changes his/her own focus when necessary. Promotes active listening within his/her area of influence.


Has difficulties listening to the people he/she is communicating with and therefore fails to understand his/her needs. Asks questions that aren’t very clear and therefore does not understand his/her needs or doesn’t know who to ask to get the information needed.




Proposed Questions


1. Tell me about a case where you were in a meeting with other people and didn’t understand something because you were distracted, you lacked knowledge, or the speaker was not clear. What did you do? 2. Describe a situation where you had to listen carefully to the concerns of a client/coworker. Did you ask appropriate questions to clarify it? Can you give me an example. 3. Tell me about a situation where you received unclear instructions from your supervisor. What did you do? 4. Give an example where you left a meeting or a presentation and you didn’t understand what was being presented to you. What did you do to understand? 1. Describe a situation where you had to change your approach halfway through. Why did you change it, or what was the cause of your change of mind? Can you give me an example. 1. How do you manage to promote active listening among your team members? Can you give me an example. 2. Have you ever had to work on a project/task with someone from another area where you had to give feedback to him or her because you identified that he or she was not listening? What did you do? How did the other person reacted?


BEHAVIORS Communication #


Base Behavior

Communicates messages and relevant information clearly, using appropriate communication channels.

Additional Behaviors


At the right time, in the right context, and in the right form.


At the right time, in the right context, and in the right form. Adapts his/her language according to the person he/she is communicating with and makes sure he/she comprehends the message.


At the right time, in the right context, and in the right form. Adapts his/her language according to the person he/she is communicating with and makes sure he/she comprehends the message. Proposes new channels and forms of communication for the organization.


Has trouble communicating relevant information in a timely manner. Communicates messages and relevant information, but does so at the wrong time and/or not in the most appropriate way.



Proposed Questions 1. In your position, how do you communicate any situation that needs to be communicated? What channels do you use? Can you give me an example. 2. How do you tell your coworkers something relevant that they should know? Can you give me an example. 3. Tell me about a workplace situation where a project or task you had assigned was not completed on time due to lack of communication. How did you solve the situation?


1. Tell me about a situation where you had to adapt your communication style to present an idea/task/project to an audience that you don’t normally deal with, or to an audience that was not very familiar with the concepts in your presentation. 2. Tell me how you communicate organizational issues. How do you make sure that your audience has a clear understanding of what you are communicating? Can you give me an example. 3. Can you share an example where you had to communicate bad news or good news to your team. What mechanisms did you use to communicate it? What did you do? What results did you achieve? 1. What communication strategies or actions have you used to inform the members of your organization of a change in direction? 2. From your role as a leader in your organization, how do you propose new channels or forms of communication? Can you give me an example.


BEHAVIORS Communication #

Base Behavior

Promotes and facilitates the exchange of information

Additional Behaviors


In his/her area of work and interactions.


In his/her area of work and interactions. Creates the conditions for open and transparent communication. Makes sure that the information is shared to all necessary levels.


In his/her area of work and interactions. Creates the conditions for open and transparent communication. Makes sure that the information is shared to all necessary levels. Sets the standard for effective communication in the organization.



Has difficulties promoting and facilitating the exchange of information in his/her area of work. Promotes and facilitates the exchange of information in his/her area of work, but has difficulties doing so in the areas he/she interacts with, and vice versa.



Proposed Questions

1. In your position, how do you promote and facilitate the exchange of information in your area or with other areas? Give an example. 2. What is the communication dynamic like between you and other members of your team? Can you give me an example.


1. How do you encourage open and transparent communication between your team and the areas they interact with? Can you give me an example. 2. If you have ever identified at some point that members of your team were not communicating properly, what did you do to improve this situation? What actions did you take into consideration to prevent it from happening again? 3. How do you make sure that the necessary information is shared at the required levels? Can you give me an example. 1. Do you consider yourself a good communicator? If so, could you share the criteria you base your answer on? 2. Describe a situation where you felt you have been a clear role model or guide for your peers or coworkers regarding communication techniques. Why do you think that happened? How did it make you feel?

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .



DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Passion for the client Definition: Ability to address the needs of internal or external clients, whether current or potential, with vocation to service at all times. It implies responding to their requirements and solving their problems or concerns, even if they have not been expressly stated. Generates bonds of trust and provides effective solutions in a timely manner.

Provides effective solutions in a timely

Generates bonds of trust

Address the needs Internal or external clients

Passion for the client

Solving their problems or concerns

Vocation to service at all times

Responding to requirements


BEHAVIORS Passion for the client #


Base Behavior

Acts oriented towards clients satisfaction (internal and external)

Additional Behaviors

Treats them in a friendly and polite manner.


Treats them in a friendly and polite manner. Addresses client requests with empathy and assertiveness.


Treats them in a friendly and polite manner. Addresses client requests with empathy and assertiveness. Promotes an appropriate atmosphere where everyone works together towards clients satisfaction.


Guides his/her actions without taking clients satisfaction into consideration. Has difficulties treating clients in a friendly and polite manner.




Proposed Questions 1. How do you make sure that your clients are satisfied? When faced with a negative or a difficult situation, how do you react? Can you give me an example. 2. Have you ever dealt with a situation where your client (internal or external) was upset with a service that you provided and complained about it? How did you reacted? How did you manage to amend the situation with the client?


1. What technique(s) do you use to put yourself in your clients’ shoes (internal or external)? Can you give me an example. 2. How do you identify what is really important for your client (internal or external) in regards to making a decision related to the organization that you are part of (or were part of) and the services you offered or offered? Please give an example. 1. What do you do to make sure that your team or the people in your organization work towards client satisfaction (internal or external)? What criteria do you use to promote this culture of service? Can you give me an example.


BEHAVIORS Passion for the client #


Base Behavior

Offers effective solutions to clients (internal and external)

Additional Behaviors

Prioritizes and takes action based on their needs.


Prioritizes and takes action based on their needs. Implements mechanisms and/or tools to ensure their satisfaction.


Prioritizes and takes action based on their needs. Implements mechanisms and/or tools to ensure their satisfaction. Defines organizational processes oriented to providing the best service experience and elevating the quality of service.


Offers solutions, but they are not necessarily effective for the client. Has difficulties prioritizing and taking action to address clients needs.




Proposed Questions 1. What actions do you take to meet your clients’ requirements? Can you give me an example. 2. Can you describe some improvement you have had to implement due a particular dissatisfaction of an internal or external client. What did this improvement entail?


1. How do you make sure that you are providing effective solutions while identifying everything that is truly important for your client(internal or external)? Please give an example. 2. How do you know that your client is satisfied with the service you are providing? What mechanisms do you use to validate this? 3. Can you tell me about a situation where you had to put yourself in the shoes of a potential client when designing your tasks or those of your team (reforms, changes in implementation, appearance of new services, etc.)? 1. From your position as leader, what actions do you take to improve the experience of your clients? Can you give me an example.


BEHAVIORS Passion for the client #

Base Behavior

Additional Behaviors


Builds bonds of trust and succeeds in clients recognition.


Builds bonds of trust and succeeds in clients recognition. Promotes among his/her team a focus on service that adds value.


Establishes winwin relationships (mutual benefit)


Builds bonds of trust and succeeds in clients recognition. Promotes among his/her team a focus on service that adds value . Sets the standard for offering alternatives that satisfy both internal and external clients.


Has trouble establishing win-win relationships with his/her clients. Has difficulties creating bonds of trust with his/her internal clients, and therefore he/ she doesn’t earn acknowledgement from them.



Proposed Questions


1. How do you establish win-win relationships with your clients (internal or external)? Give an example. After this example, ask the following, did you manage to get your client’s recognition? How did you do it? 2. Tell me about a situation where you managed to convince a client(internal or external), who initially presented objections or concerns, about the convinience of acquiring or using a product/service. What strategy did you use to convince him or her? 3. Describe a presentation you’ve made to a potential client (internal or external) where you managed to get him/her to choose your organization or project and the services offered. What was your role? What aspects did you consider when preparing the proposal? 4. Tell me about a situation where you made agreements with other people (internal or external clients) in which you established appropriate connections that were extremely positive for the goals of your area or organization, as well as for the other party. 1. How do you succeed in getting your team to act in a way that focuses on providing a service that adds value? List the criterias you base your answer on, and give an example.

1. How do you look for alternatives within your organization or area to meet your clients’ needs (internal or external)? Can you give me an example.

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .



DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Lead by the example Definition: Capacity to inspire confidence, motivate and integrate teams to achieve organizational objectives. It involves facilitating an environment that creates the conditions needed for empowerment. Shares both the successes and negative consequences of results. Offers feedback and guidance in a timely manner and promotes learning in order to develop his/ her team.

Inspire confidence Developing of the team

Promotes learning

Motivate and integrate team

Lead by the example

Organizational objectives


Feedback Share results


BEHAVIORS Lead by the example #


Base Behavior

Creates a harmonious, challenging, and engaging work enviroment

Additional Behaviors


Inspires confidence among the members of his/her team; what he/she says is in line with what he/she does.


Inspires confidence among the members of his/her team; what he/she says is in line with what he/she does. Promotes a spirit of participation in which members of his/her team express their ideas.


Inspires confidence among the members of his/her team; what he/she says is in line with what he/she does. Promotes a spirit of participation in which members of his/her team express their ideas. Encourages a learning environment for the development of the team.


Has trouble creating a harmonious and/or challenging atmosphere.

0 Does not inspire much confidence among the members of his/her team, because what he/she says does not align with what he/she does.


Proposed Questions 1. What techniques do you use to create a good work enviorment within your team? Can you give me an example. 2. Can you tell me a situation where you managed to influence other people’s actions? How did you get them to follow you?


1. If I ask some members of your team what do they think of your leadership style, how would they describe you as their team leader? How would they respond to that question? After his/her answer, ask the following, how do you describe yourself as a leader. Among the characteristics you mentioned, which do you think allow you to promote an environment of participation between the members of your team? Please share an example. 2. How do you motivate your employees to work with enthusiasm and commitment towards the goals they want to achieve? Can you give me an example. 3. If you dont have direct reports today, how do you motivate your peers/coworkers to work towards organizational goals? Can you give me an example. 1. How do you encourage your team members to learn? What techniques do you use? 2. Give an example where your actions were oriented to promote your team’s development. 3. What actions have you taken in order to increase learning opportunities among the different members of your team, in regards to knowledge and competencies, so you can assign tasks adequately?


BEHAVIORS Lead by the example #

Base Behavior

Provides continuous feedback in a timely manner


Additional Behaviors


Identifies strengths and opportunities of improvement for the development of his/her team.


Identifies strengths and opportunities of improvement for the development of his/her team and other areas of the organization. Takes actions to close gaps and follows up on the agreements.


Identifies strengths and opportunities of improvement for the development of his/her team and other areas of the organization. Takes actions to close gaps and follows up on the agreements. Takes advantages of the strengths of his/her team members to benefit the organization.


Has difficulties providing feedback in a continuous and timely manner. Has trouble identifying opportunities of improvement and/or strengths for the development of his/her team.



Proposed Questions 1. What mechanisms do you use to identify your team’s strengths and areas of opportunity? 2. How do you provide feedback? Please share an example.


1. What mechanisms do you use to identify strengths and areas of opportunity in other areas of the organization? 2. What actions do you take to close the gaps among members of your team? What has been most effective, and what has not been so effective? Can you give me an example. 3. How do you follow up on the actions defined to close gaps among the members of your team? 1. What actions do you take to optimize the strengths of particular members of your team? Do you make this strength available to the benefit of the organization? If the answer is yes, how do you do so? Can you give me an example.


BEHAVIORS Lead by the example #

Base Behavior

Additional Behaviors

Shares positive or negative consequences.

Delegates responsibilities to his/her employees.

Shares positive or negative consequences. Promotes lessons learned to replicate successes and learn from mistakes.




3 Shares positive or negative consequences. Promotes lessons learned to replicate successes and learn from mistakes. Creates spaces for the development of leaders within the organization.


Has difficulties delegating responsibilities to his/her employees. Delegates responsibilities to his/her employees, but does not shares the positive or negative consequences of his/her decisions.



Proposed Questions 1. What do you do to delegate responsibilities to your team members? Give an example where you delegated responsibility and the results were not what you or your boss expected. How did you react? 2. What kinds of responsibilities do you delegate? Give an example of a project where you delegated responsibilities to its best advantage. 3. Give an example of a project where you felt compelled to do things on your own. What stopped you from delegating the tasks associated with the project?


1. After a project is completed, what mechanisms do you use to analyze and learn the positives and the negatives areas that you experienced in carrying out the project? Can you give me an example. 2. Give an example of a situation where you delegated a task to the wrong person. How did that decision make you feel at that time? What happened, and what did you learn from the situation? 1. What is or has been your role in creating spaces where leaders can be trained and developed? What was the outcome? Can you give me an example.

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .



DEFINITIONS OF OUR COMPETENCY MODEL Managing through change and uncertainty Definition: Capacity to adapt his/her behaviors to deal with change in a resilient manner. It involves solving adverse situations, varied, or unusual, with diverse people or groups. Facilitates processes of change and transition, helping others manage the effects of these processes in the best way possible.

Adapt behaviors

Helping others

Managing through change and uncertainty

Facilitates processes of change

Deal with change

Solving adverse situations


BEHAVIORS Managing through change and uncertainty #

Base Behavior

Deals with changes


Additional Behaviors

In a positive and realistic manner.


In a positive and realistic manner. Manages to maintain a broad and clear perspective on every situation.


In a positive and realistic manner. Manages to maintain a broad and clear perspective on every situation. Sees uncertainty as an opportunity for development and innovation within the organization.


Has trouble dealing with changes. Deals with changes, but not in a positive and/or realistic manner.


Identifies adverse or unusual situations in changing environments



Takes action promptly when faced with these situations.


Takes action promptly when faced with these situations. Evaluates different scenarios in order to mitigate potential risks.


Takes action promptly when faced with these situations. Evaluates different scenarios in order to mitigate potential risks. Establishes contingency plans to prevent similar situations.


Has difficulties identifying adverse or unusual situations in changing environments. Identifies adverse or changing situations, but does not take prompt action when faced with these situations.



Proposed Questions 1. Have you ever had to deal with a situation of change? What did you do? How did you deal with it? What was the final outcome?


1. Have you had the opportunity to be part of any organizational/cultural change? How did you approach it? What did you do to stay focused? How did you manage to get through the situation? 1. Have you ever had to lead a change that modified the existing structures? If the answer is yes: How did you realize that the change was necessary? How did you manage the transition process effectively? How did you encourage your employees to adapt to the new direction?

1. Have you ever faced problems or adverse situations that you couldn’t handle or didn’t know how to handle? Tell me what happened. What was your process in dealing with these types of situations? Can you give me an example.


1. Give an example of a critical situation where you identified potential consequences to your area/organization in advance. How did you manage to detect the problem? What did you do about it? 2. Do you recall some complex or difficult situation that you had to solve in your job, navigating under pressures, contingencies and conflicts. How did you handle the problem? What aspects did you take into consideration to solve it? 1. What techniques or initiatives have you implemented to be prepared for complex/critical situations? 2. Have you had the opportunity to propose a contingency plan to prevent certain situations from happening again?


BEHAVIORS Managing through change and uncertainty #


Base Behavior

Facilitates processes of transition and change

Additional Behaviors Participates proactively in initiatives for change.


Participates proactively in initiatives for change. Encourages a flexible and adaptable culture among his/her team.


Participates proactively in initiatives for change. Encourages a flexible and adaptable culture among his/her team. Develops a change management plan or strategy for the organization. Has difficulties facilitating transition processes and/or changes. His/Her participation in activities associated with change initiatives is limited.





Proposed Questions 1. Tell me about a situation of change or transition that has happened in your professional life. What was your role? Can you give me an example.


1. In a situation of change, give me an example of how you can encourage your team members to continue working with an open mind, including contributing suggestions that respond to the organizational needs? What proposals arised? What was your role in this situation? 1. What strategies or actions of change have you used to define and implement a change of direction to the members of your organization?

NOTE: To validate Competencies at Level 2, must be taken into account questions Level 1. Also, for Level 3, should be taken into account Level 1 and Level 2 .





TIPS FOR INTERVIEWS Introduce yourself A lot of times we get in the day to day dinamyc and being rushed doesn’t let us stop to do simple and necesary things like introduce ourselfs and explain who we are and what we do.

Create a good environment

Make the candidate feel comfortable so that you can get to know him/her better. You won’t be able always to offer a cup of coffee, but it will always have in our reach to offer a smile and ask how they are.

Assume an equal stance Because you have the job, but he/she has the talent.

Adapt the interview to each candidate Not everybody has the answer you’re expecting, understands your language or has the insights on the position, if he/she doesn’t understand you, ask the question in a simpler way. Use accesible and adaptable language.

There are no right or wrong answers Each person is a different world and before identical questions, will respond differently, don’t judge, even if it seems evident to you.

Before the interview starts Put away your biases, try to ignore labels and prejudices. Focus on getting to know the person to find out if they could fit the position, without focusing on their accent, hair color or that clothing item that you wouldn’t wear.

Answer the candidates doubts You won’t always have all the information available, but try for the candidate to leave the interview with the necessary information so that he/she can identify if the position is what their looking for and bet or not for it.

Introduce a little bit of humor It will help relax the situation and also the candidate, catch their attention, reduce stress and facilitate the communication, making him/her open up and trust the person who’s interviewing.


ICE BREAKER Was it easy to find our offices? How was your weekend? What do you know about Mercon? How did you find out about this vacancy? Do you know anyone who works here? INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERVIEW Do you any questions about the position/role? From what you know so far, what interests you most about the position? Tell me about your work experience (position, functions, achievements) DURING THE COMPETENCES INTERVIEW (CAN BE DONE BETWEEN THE QUESTIONS BY COMPETENCES) Throughout your career, what do you consider to be your most important achievements? What motivates you on a day-to-day basis/in your work? We all have tasks that we like and others we dislike; how do you deal with doing those tasks that you don’t like so much? Why did you leave your previous job?/Why do you want to change jobs? Why did you spend so little time at your previous job? Are you available to move? (Depending on the position) Are you available for frequent travel? Specify whether it is local or international (Depending on the position) Would you be willing to work overtime? (Depending on the position) INTERVIEW PRE-CLOSING QUESTIONS Why do you want to change jobs? Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Does the position align with your future expectations? How does this position fit with your personal development plan? Which are your strengths?/What are the things that you think you need to improve on? In what area/position would you like to develop? (Applies to administrative positions and up) How is/was your relationship with your coworkers? How is/was the relationship with your last supervisor/current supervisor? Why do you want to work at Mercon? CLOSING QUESTIONS. What are your salary expectations? If you were chosen, how soon would you be available? Do you have any questions? 59


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