Anvil April 2018

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2016 Printed Newsletter of the Year

The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


APRIL 2018

The Anvil


Inside This Issue From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Make It So


Quotable Quotes


While on an Away Mission






Star Trek News & More


Captain’s Top 10


Ship’s Log


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


Hunt for the Icon




Crew Happenings


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018


Do You Know this Alien…


Do you know the Mirror Universe Answers


Away Team and Activity Schedule


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Trek and Beyond Schedule


Area Conventions & Exhibits


USS Hephaestus Command Structure


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil. Cover: Picture from the website

Web Links STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

NASA Reporter

Curtis Salors

Doctor Who Reporter

Matt Boyd

Field Reporter

James Davis

The Anvil, Issue 319 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings, crew and passengers, We are coming up on conventions season and we have several opportunities to recruit new members to our club. First up will be Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), May 5,2018. We will have a table at Kingdom Comics on that day. If you are free that day come help recruit people for the club. The table will have fliers and other Star Trek related material to help promote the club. We also have Magic City Con (June) and Hoover Library Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival (July) where we will be helping out in several ways. Keep eye on Facebook on ways you can help at those conventions as well. If you have ideas for what the club can do, let me know through Facebook or my email. Keep an eye on Facebook for navigational meetings to plan future events that we can get involved in to promote the club. Lewis Stockham won the IDW Start Trek: The Next Generation, Mirror Broken graphic novel from the Mirror Universe quiz. The Anvil for May will be on Star Trek: Discovery. Send in your thoughts and ideas on the new series to my email. Also if you have a review of a movie, TV show, book, game or convention send it as well. As always, Live Long and Prosper and see you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Greetings Crew, It is getting warmer and time be out and about and plan on going to the zoo and going to places like Chattanooga and Atlanta. If anyone has any ideas let us know on where to go. This summer has plenty of movies that we can plan on going to.

If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Commander Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Make It So By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller When they brought Star Trek back to television they created a new captain to helm the new Enterprise. This new Captain was Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Picard was a different kind of Captain than the one that most of us grew up with, Captain James T. Kirk. This captain was more thoughtful and more prone to stop and think than the brash Captain Kirk. Star Trek the Next generation was taking a more thought provking look a the future rather than the action-show that original sereis Star Trek was. This direction was explained by a 75 year gap between the two shows. Also, Starfleet had grown in the time between Kirk and Picard. This growth came in the way of new technology and better understanding of what the universe holds. This means that the tactics of the Captain had to change as well.

science departments that are on board. Picard may advise them but his interest is more in archeology than looking for new places to discover. The best way to describe the difference is to say that Captain Kirk is looking at all the details where Captain Picard is more a big picture leader. Picard lets the small things fall to those under him and looks to make sure the direction of the Enterprise is being met. This change is because of the times the two Captains lived in. Kirk was on his own. It could be weeks or months before he would see or hear form Starfleet. Where Picard could see someone from Starfleet in matter of days. Kirk needed to be on top of everything for the safety of his ship. Picard doesn’t as there are several people already handling the small things. The Enterprise- D is also a larger ship and has more jobs to do than the Original Enterprise. Kirk’s Enterprise would be on one mission then on to the next. Picard’s Enterprise might have several missions going at once. Picard has more to handle so can not get bogged downed by small details.

The big difference is that Picard is a diplomat first and an explorer second. Picard's Starfleet is still exploring but its first obligation it to those planets that are part of the Federation. This reason Picard is called on more to be a diplomat than exploring the unknown. The Enterprise- D is also the flag ship of Starfleet and is in more demand to carry the Federation flag. Exploring is done more by small science vessels instead of a family vessel like the Enterprise-D.

Picard’s strength is his ability to delegate. His example demonstrates that we often try to control too many thiings in our lives without letting others help. We need to be like Kirk in knowing what is going on but we also need to be like Picard and delegate those thing that we don’t need to control. Picard does this by being a good diplomat in all things that he does.

Picard is an explorer but this was done more when he was Captain of the Stargazer than as Captain of the Enterprise-D. If the Enterprise-D does exploring , the work is mostly done by away teams and the different

All I can say is that although we have only been together for a short time, I know that you are the finest crew in the fleet. And I would trust each of you with my life. So, I am asking you for a leap of faith — and to trust me. – Picard, TNG: All Good Things… USS Hephaestus


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Quotable Quotes If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are. – Picard (to Q's challenge), TNG: Encounter at Farpoint, S01E01

I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service… us. – Locutus (Picard after being assimilated by the Borg), TNG: The Best of Both Worlds, S03E26

The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it is scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth. It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based! – Picard, TNG: The First Duty, S05E19 'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.' Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. – Picard (quoting Judge Aaron Satie), TNG: The Drumhead, S04E21

Things are only impossible until they're not! – Picard, TNG: When the Bough Breaks, S01E17

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

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While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Captain’s Log Supplemental: Phillip and I are talking to General Kira to find out if she may have any information on the Mirror Universe that is not in the official reports. We are hoping to find who is behind the computer sabotage on the Hephaestus and the reason why.

these officer’s everything you did in the Mirror Universe or I will find a hole where they will never see you again?”

***** General Kira started pacing the room. “I am not sure what would help you. The last time I dealt with the Mirror Universe is when Bareil showed up to steal the Orb of Prophecy & Change. The Intendant had some plan to use it to unite her Bajor. I am not sure how to help. Even if I knew what they were looking for on your computer system, I am not sure how that will help?”

The General shook Quark, “ Not a lot to tell. You stole a Klingon cloaking device and gave it to the Mirror Universe. There is a lot to tell and you better not lie or I will turn you over to Chancellor Martok.”

“General, please,” Quark said in his salesman-like voice, “No reason to get rough. I don’t think there is a lot to tell.”

Nervously Rom and Quark told of their adventure in the Mirror Universe*. At the end of the tale, I looked at Rom, “What was the condition of the Cloak when you left.” Rom gulped, “Pretty much fried. My sabotage of the power grid made it melt into a lump of metal.”

I brushed my vandyke a couple of times, “General what I am about to say is classified. This can not become public knowledge because it will cause a war.”

I stroked my vandyke, “Could they rebuild it from what was left?” Rom, scratching his ear, “I don’t think so. I am surprised that the Klingon cloaks don’t fail more often. The Cloaks seem to not have improved much from when the Klingons received the original specs from the Romulans.”

General Kira nodded, “Okay, this must be bad.” I chuckled, “It won’t be as long as this stays quiet. My ship has a cloaking device like the Defiant. Long story on how we acquired it. Somehow, someone in the Mirror Universe wants it or the plans on how to build one. This was one of the items that the program was looking for. Does this help?”

I looked at him quizzically, “How do you know that?” Rom shrugged, “I helped Nog a couple of times on the Defiant and saw how its cloak is wired into it. That is why I am pretty sure that if they want a cloaking device they would need to get a new one.”

Kira walked over to the desk and punched a few buttons, “Rom, get your brother and come up to Sisko’s Office immediately.” Looked up at us, “Quark and Rom stole a Klingon Cloaking device to get Zek back from the Mirror Universe. I thought they destroyed it but I could be wrong. We didn’t get most of the story because it was not under Federation jurisdiction.”

“Thank you, Rom, Quark.” I looked at them menacingly, “This meeting never happened and if word gets out that it did, I, not the General, will be taking you to Chancellor Martok to keep you quiet. I targ hunt with the Chancellor so I have a better connection than the General to keep my threat. Now get out.”

Rom and Quark came into the office. Nervously Rom said, “You wanted to see us?” General Kira came around the desk and grabbed Quark lifting him into the air, “Listen, you little troll you need to tell USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Rom and Quark ran from the room. “Thank you for your help, General. I didn’t think we would be able to get Quark’s story without paying a lot of Latinum. The story just brings up more questions.”

I spoke up,” Tell him I am on my way. Let's go Phillip. Maybe Mike found something. Thanks, General. We will let you know what develops.” Kira stared at me, “I would prefer not if it deals with the Mirror Universe. Good day, gentlemen.”

We were interrupted, “Ops to General Kira.” Kira tapped her badge, “Kira here.”

Phillip and I left quickly to get back to the ship.

“Is Captain Miller with you?”

(To be continued)


*See DS9: The Emperor’s New Cloak

“Ambassador Burtyk is looking for him. He says it’s urgent.”

Reviews Books Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Reviewed by LtJG Nicole Bentley In a dystopian future full of poverty and despair, the only escape lies in Oasis, a virtual world given freely to the public that is used for everything from entertainment to education. The story follows Wade Watts, an expert gamer who takes on mega corporation IOI in a contest for ownership of Oasis after the death of the creator. IOI is determined to take over and monetize the game at any cost, even murder. The book is a fun read, especially if you are a fan of 1980’s gaming and pop culture. It manages to walk the line between obscure and well-known references without coming off as cheesy. The storyline is a bit predictable, but not so much as to ruin the story. Rate:AAAAa

Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Books I recommend if you are a Captain Picard fan

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Discovery fines its Captain Pike *** SPOILER ALERT *** At the end of the first season of Discovery, the Enterprise was introduced under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. The show ended on a view of the Enterprise. That left a cliff hanger of how Enterprise was going to be used in the new series. Discovery has announced that Anson Mount will play Captain Pike. Mr. Mount may be better known as Black Bolt (Inhumnas) or Cullen Bohannon (Hell on Wheels). Captain Pike was first played by Jeffrey Hunter in the Original Star Trek Pilot, The Cage. Pike was later played by Sean Kenney in The Menagerie, Part 1 and 2, as a disfigured Pike so that The Cage could be used in the original Star Trek. For the J.J. Abrams film, Bruce Greenwood was tapped to play the Iconic character. The question is will we see Number One and Spock in the new series? (

And the Nominee Is… Star Trek: Discovery Star Trek: Discovery is up for Awards in both the Peabody and Saturn. This recognition can help establish Discovery as a prominent leader in Science Fiction. The Peabody Award is to honor the most powerful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in television, radio, and online media. Star Trek: Discovery is nominated in the Entertainment category for its addressing current issues and introducing a new cast of diverse, engaging characters. It is up against AMC’s Better Call Saul, Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale, and HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The winner is scheduled to be announced on April 19. Star Trek: The Next Generation won a Peabody for its episode The Big Goodbye. The Saturn Awards is awarded by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. This award was created to recognize Science Fiction, Fantasy and horror films that were over looked by the established Hollywood film industry award system. Discovery has been nominated for the follow awards: Best New Media Television Series, Sonequa MartinGreen for Best Actress on a Television Series, Jason Isaacs for Best Actor on a Television Series, Doug Jones for Best Supporting Actor on a Television Series, Michelle Yeoh for Best Guest-Starring Performance on a Television Series Discovery is up against some very good shows that include: Altered Carbon, Black Mirror, The Handmaid’s Tale, Mindhunter, Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams and Stranger Things. The winners will be announced in June at a banquet in Burbank, CA. If you would like to vote on the Saturn Awards you can become a member for as little as $25. ( Discovery is also up for the Hugo award (presented by World Science Fiction Society for best works in Science Fiction and Fantasy) and a GLAAD Award (presented by GLAAD to media for their outstanding representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives). (

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


How do I learn to Speak Klingon? You can now learn Klingon free on your computer or iOS/Android apps. Duolingo helps people learn languages in little as 5 minutes a day. How quick you learn depends on what level you wish to work at from 5 minutes a day to 20 minutes today. All you have to do is login and start learning. (

Doctor Who News – By LtJG Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! And Hello fans of the 10th Doctor David Tennant! When 2023 comes around we can enjoy the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who. When the 50th came the 10th Doctor was there fighting with the 11th Doctor and introducing a new one. David Tennant has said he would come back if they wanted him for the 60th anniversary. *** SPOILER ALERT *** David Tennant and Billie Piper were at Wizard World Con 2018 and the subject of their characters’ departure came up. Ten years ago, the Doctor had left Rose with his half human “clone” to grow old together in a parallel universe like she always wanted. A question was asked “Was this the last of them?” According to Billie and David it is not. Both have their own theories, they said when they reunited. David said they had a family together and asked Billie “How many would it be?” She said, “They’d have two.” The comments turned a bit dark though when Billie said, “The Doctor and Rose were selfish people and more would be trouble.” David retorted with “her mother would raise them.” They both said they’d become alcoholics because they would be bored and that would have made a terrible show. Both suggested another British show that was more enjoyable, The Royal Family. The idea would make for some great fan fiction though. On lighter more colorful news, fans of the Fourth Doctor can get the first series of the fourth Doctor on Bluray. Series 12: The Collector’s Edition has been restored and remastered in High Definition. The Collector’s Edition doesn’t just look nicer it comes with a lot of bonus features for Whovians to enjoy. The features include: Tom Baker in Conversation, A candid new one- hour interview with the Fourth Doctor; Behind the Sofa Classic clips from Season 12, viewed by Tom Baker, Philip Hinchcliffe, Louise Jameson, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, and Sadie Miller: New Making- of- Documentaries for the Sontaran Experiment and Revenge of the Cybermen; Immersive 5.1 Surround Sound Mixes for The Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks; Optional Brand New Updated Special Effects for Revenge of the Cybermen; Genesis of the Daleks Omnibus Movie Version unseen since the broadcast in 1975; The Tom Baker Years the 1991 VHS release, on disc for the first time; Production archive material PDF files from the BBC archive. All of these wonderful features and entertainment is available in the States June 26, 2018.

Seeing Stars… William Shatner – Wrath of Khan screening tour: April 3: Worcester, MA - Hanover Theatre April 4: Schenectady, NY - Proctors Theatre April 5: Rochester, NY - Kodak Center May 12: Providence, RI - Providence Performing Arts Center May 16: Baltimore, MD - The Modell Lyric May 17: Philadelphia, PA - Kimmel Center May 18: Concord, NH - Capitol Center for Performing Arts May 19: Newark, NJ - New Jersey Performing Arts Center

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Never Forget… Robert Scheerer – March 3, 2018 (Age:88) Mr. Scheerer directed eleven Next Generation, one Deep Space Nine and two Voyager episodes. He started out as a dancer in front of the camera before he went behind it where he became a production assistant, later associate producer and then a director. He worked with Abbot and Costello; Julie Andrews and Shari Lewis. He directed other television programs including Hawaii Five-O, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, Ironside and Matlock. He died of natural causes. Stephen Hawking – March 14, 2018 (Age:76) Dr. Hawking was a noted scientist for his work in theoretical physics, mathematics and cosmology. He held the Lucasian Chair for Mathematics at Cambridge that has been held by Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage and in TNG by Data in an alternate reality. Dr. Hawking appeared as a holographic version of himself in the TNG: Descent. While on the set he was taken on a tour of the engineering set in which Dr. Hawking said, “I’m working on that.” indicating the warp core reactor. Dr. Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) at the age of 22. He was given two years to live but it was found that he had a slow-progressing form of the disease so was able to live much longer than expected. He was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. Dr. Hawking died peacefully at his home in Cambridge. (Did I miss any news items that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

Captain’s Top 10 Shows I watched because of who was in it from another show. In Search of… (1977) - Hosted by Leonard Nimoy Mission: Impossible (1966) – Leonard Nimoy T.J. Hooker (1982) – William Shatner Jason of Star Command (1978) – James Doohan NCIS: New Orleans – Scott Bakula (Enterprise) Space Academy (1977) – Jonathan Harris (Lost In Space) & Pamelyn Ferdin (Star Trek) The Fantastic Journey (1977) – Ike Eisenmann (Escape to Witch Mountain. He would later play Scotty’s nephew in TMP) 8. Dr. Quinn, Medicine Women – Jane Seymour (Battlestar Galactica – 1978) 9. Castle (2009) – Nathan Fillion (Firefly) 10. Chuck (2007) – John Billingsley (Enterprise) – This is a little convoluted: Mr. Billingsley’s wife Bonita Friedericy was in Chuck and after meeting her through meeting him I wanted to see what she was like. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What shows do you watch because of an actor from another show or movie is in it? If you can come up with ten, send them in and we will print it in the next newsletter. Send you thoughts to with Anvil Article in the subject line.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Ship’s Log March 8, 2018 – Beyond Trek

interesting discussions on the different ideas that came up from the Imagine If questions. Snacks and Drinks were available.

This month Beyond Trek discussed the Movie E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial. Crewman Curtis Salors was the moderator. This was interesting discussion because of its relevance to not only children but teen and adults as well. The movie touched a spark in all age groups. Reese’s Pieces were on hand for anyone who wanted them. Snacks and drink were provided.

Attendance:18 people and 2 cats March 22, 2018 – Exploring Trek This month Exploring Trek discussed the DS9: Little Green Men. The discussion included subjects on time travel, Frengi, the actors and how this was homage to classic Sci-Fi B-Movies. We also celebrated crewman Bill Debarr’s Birthday. We had cupcakes and drinks. Drawing above by Carly Strickland.

Attendance: 8 people March 9-11, 2018 – Region 2 Summit The Hephaestus chapter was involved with many aspects of this year’s Region 2 Summit, When Worlds Collide. The three-day conference was filled with many panels covering topics including chapter management, the latest Star Trek program Discovery, the Seth MacFarlane’s show The Orville, help with writing fiction and how fan films are made. The Hephaestus cleaned up at both the Dalmuti tournament, by winning top and bottom prize, and the Texas Hold’em by taking home three of the four prize in that event.

Attendance: 11 people March 24, 2018 – Away Mission Movie The ship decided to go see the movie Wrinkle in Time. We then went to Chicken Salad Chick for Dinner. Attendance: 8 people March 24, 2018 – March for Our Lives Several members participated in the March for Our Lives in the Birmingham, AL. March for Our Lives was a demonstration over the shooting in a Florida School which was held in several cities with the biggest being in Washington, D.C.

Attendance: 8 crewmembers from the Hephaestus March 17, 2018 –March Poker We had a nice game of Poker. MarkAdam was in the lead after taking Mike out but his cards went cold after the chip up and he was the second one to go out. Brenda finally won after a hard fight against Pete. Snacks were provided. We were planning to go to Johnny Rockets before the social, but the game ran long so that was not possible.

Attendance: 6 members Captain’s Log March 2, 16, 23, 30, 2018 – Star Trek HeroClix I am continuing to hold Star Trek HeroClix games at Kingdom Comics on Friday Nights. Only a few are attending so far but we are looking for more people who might be interested.

Attendance: 4 people March 17, 2018 – March Social

Stats (running totals): MarkAdam – 490; Kris – 205: Phillip – 100; Jared – 90; Chris – 60

We had a good turnout for the March Social. This allowed for a great discussion of not only what happened at Summit but to confer on how to proceed with the Hephaestus logo so that we are not infringing on any copyright or trademarks. We also gave Kris Bishop his promotion. We played the game “Imagine If…” Pete won this after some USS Hephaestus

Attendance: 2 -3 people Log entries: If you have did something you think the crew would be interested in then write up a personal log and send it to Let your crewmates know what you are up to.


Always Onward

The Anvil


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge It’s that time of the year when it is getting warmer and time to be outside. I am going to schedule a time to go to Oak Mountain to hike and challenge on how far we can walk. I’m reading books for Markadam’s challenge. I already have 3 books down and several more to go. I challenge everybody to get out and do something or learn something. – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge

We have had 6 people submit titles of books that they have read this year. We hav 12 books out of the 100book goal so far. If you read a book, send the title and author and a 1 to 5-star rating to me to have it added to the list. Also, if you like, write a review for the Anvil so others may want to read the book.




Niki Bentley Ready Player One Ernest Cline AAAAa Matt Boyd Doctor Who: Shada Gareth Roberts AAAAa Nerdist Way Chris Hardwick AAAaa The Watchmen Alan Moore AAAAa Phillip Mangina Jr. 2030 Albert Brooks AAAAA Beta Test Danny B. McGuire AAAAa It Stephen King AAAAa MarkAdam Miller IDW Star Trek: The Next Generation - Mirror Broken Scott & David Tipton AAAAA The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard David A. Goodman AAAAA Pete Mohney Ever After Kim Harrison AAAaa To Sail Beyond the Sunset Robert Heinlein AAAAa Carly Stickland Lost Connections Johann HAri AAAAA We have 88 books to reach the goal. Let’s get reading. Send what books you have finished to the Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge page ( or to my email ( Let’s get reading…. – Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller (If you have a goal for weight loss, to quit smoking, New Year’s resolution or other goals then let us know what you are working on through the Facebook page so we can encourage you) USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Hunt for the Icon Last month there were Five Mirror Spock icons hidden in the Anvil. Did you find them all? If not, they were here: 1. pg. 4 – 2nd column, half way down the page 2. pg. 8 – Discovery News, after the quote. 3. pg. 9 – Seeing Stars, at the end of the article. 4. pg. 15 – Anvil Focus Schedule, After April – Jean-Luc Picard. 5. pg. 17 – March Convention, end of Summit paragraph This month five Capt. Picard icons are hidden in The Anvil. If you are the first to send in the correct answer you will get recognized in the next issue and get to suggest April’s hidden icon. Send your answers to

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STARFLEET Academy STARFLEET Academy address: Don’t forget that, as a benefit of being part of STARFLEET, we can attend the online STARFLEET Academy. The online courses give you help in understanding ways to better run your club, learn information on different subjects (e.g. health, science and engineering) and help you find interesting facts about your favorite science fiction movies and TV shows. The Academy’s learn-at-your-own-pace format allows you to fit it in to your day to day schedule. The Academy also awards those who complete different quantities of courses (Boothby Awards) and excellence in course work (Red, Blue & Gold Squadrons). You also can get degrees if you complete enough course work. Just another way to have fun with STARFLEET. So, go learn something.

There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it's just a matter of finding it. – Picard, TNG: Attached USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Crew Happenings Exploring Trek

March Social Promotions – Kris to Crewman 3rd Class

Movie and Dinner at Chick Salad Chick

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018

Do you know this Alien?

April – Jean-Luc Picard May – Start Trek: Discovery June – Benjamin Sisko July – The Orville (The Wright Stuff?) (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

Do You Know the Mirror Universe Answers 1. Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, Scotty

11. Zek, Quark and Rom

2. An acid burn on a lab table

12. Klingon Cloaking Device

3. Kira and Bashir

13. U.S.S. Defiant

4. Kira and Bashir meet their Mirror counterparts

14. TOS: The Tholian Web

5. Smiley (Miles O’Brien)

15. The Tholians (The Tholian Web), The Gorn (Arena) and/or Orion Girl

6. Sisko

16. Gabriel Lorca

7. Professor Jennifer Sisko

17. Transporter accident in an ion storm like in TOS: Mirror, Mirror

8. Jake and Sisko

18. The crew of the U.S.S. Discovery

9. Bareil and The Intendant Kira

19. U.S.S. Discovery’s spore drive

10. To steal the Orb of Prophecy and Change

20. Empress Philippa Georgiou

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 15) Slar (Gorn from ENT: In a Mirror Darkly, Part II): He was computer-generated and not a rubber suit. However, Stunt Coordinator Vince Deadrick, Jr. provided the movements of Slar in a so-called tracking suit. Stand-in David Anderson performed Slar's close-up shots that did not require movement. David Sobolov provided his voice.

Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback to help us send out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to:

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Apr 7, 2018 Apr 14, 2018 Apr 21, 2018 May 5, 2018 May 5, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 19, 2018 Jun 2, 2018 Jun 8-10, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jul 7, 2018 Jul 14, 2018 Jul 21, 2018 Jul 27-29, 2018

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Free Comic Book Day Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Magic City Con Poker – 4 pm- time change Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Captain’s Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 2 pm Hoover Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival

Location Mohney Evans Kingdom Comics

Potts Mohney Hotel at Galleria Mohney Mohney Mohney Miller Hoover Library


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Bentley Stockham Lathem Arnold Mohney Family Bishop Petty Boyd Family Green Brown Burton

12/21/17 03/02/18 03/14/18 04/19/18 05/10/18 05/29/18 08/02/18 09/17/18 10/12/18 10/30/18 11/13/18

Youngblood-Yawn Family Davis Family Salors Miller Family DeBarr Family Potts Family Fitz Mangina Hosley Lindsay Family

11/30/18 12/01/18 12/11/18 02/26/19 02/11/19 03/08/19 03/18/19 05/15/19 05/30/19 10/10/19

Trek and Beyond Schedule Beyond Trek


Apr 12, 2018

Apr 26, 2018

May 17, 2018

May 31, 2018

Jun 14, 2018

Jun 28, 2018

These discussion groups are held at Kingdom Comics at 7 PM on dates listed

Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs USS Hephaestus


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Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out

May May 5, 2018 – Free Comic Book Day – Vestavia, AL, Free Comic Book Day is a single day when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their shops. Kingdom Comics will have area artist and local Cosplay superheroes.

June June 8 -10, 2018 – Magi City Con – Birmingham, AL Magic City Con is a three-day Sci-Fi, Pop Culture, Gaming, and Cosplay event held yearly at The Hyatt Regency Birmingham - Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama

July July 27-29, 2018 – Sci-Fantasy Festival – Hoover Library, Hoover, AL The Sci-Fi Fantasy Fest is an annual celebration of all things science fiction, fantasy & nerd related! It's an event brought to you by the Hoover Library. Guest include John Anderson and Sneak Attack.

Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the websites for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - / Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil:

News Repoters Wanted For Hephaestus Anvil

Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News (assigned) Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News (assigned) Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books USS Hephaestus


Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr. driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek HeroClix Away Team Fridays, 7PM @ Kingdom Comics Presented by U.S.S. Hephaestus and Kingdom Comics USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil




MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt Cmdr – 1st Officer Brenda A. Miller, Captain – 2nd Officer

James Davis, Captain, SFMC (Reserves), OIC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) Shirley Burton, Major (Reserves)

Executive Committee


Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Andrew Boyd, Lt JG

Redshirts and Civilians Navigation

Mark Lindsay, Captain Dean Brown, Cmdr Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Shirley Burton, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Lt JG Trey Petty, Ensign Matthew Potts, Crewman 2nd Class Kendra Lance, Crewman 3rd Class Jodi Bowes, Crewman Krista Boyd, Crewman William DeBarr, Crewman Victoria Lynn Fitz, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Karen Burtyk, Civilian Carly Strickland, Civilian Brenda Tiner, Civilian

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Sciences Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences Danny Potts, Admiral

Engineering MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain Brenda A. Miller, Captain

Operations Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops, Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Captain – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Youngblood Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer Kris Bishop, Crewman 3rd Class – Linguistics

Mike Burtyk, Civilian


Cadet Training

Brenda A. Miller, Captain James Davis, Lt Matthew Boyd, Lt JG Dennis Lathem, Crewman 3rd Class Lewis, Stockham, Crewman 3rd Class Curtis Salors, Crewman

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Apprentice Tara Mohney, Cadet Crewman Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Anya Davis, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training


Retired Security

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt Cmdr. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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