Anvil June 2018

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2016 Printed Newsletter of the Year

The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


June 2018

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes


While on an Away Mission


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.



Cover: Commander Benjamin Sisko



Star Trek News & More


Inside This Issue From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Make It So

Error! Bookmark not defined.

Captain’s Top 10


Ship’s Log


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


Hunt for the Icon




Crew Happenings


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018


Do You Know this Alien…


Do you know the Mirror Universe Answers


Away Team and Activity Schedule


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Trek and Beyond Schedule


Area Conventions & Exhibits


USS Hephaestus Command Structure


Web Links STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

NASA Reporter

Curtis Salors

Doctor Who Reporter

Matt Boyd

Field Reporter

James Davis

The Anvil, Issue 321 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings, crew and passengers, We are coming up to summer and there are a lot of things to do. The big event will be the Hoover Library Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival. I have several panels that we can be involved in, as well as, getting a table to let people know about the fan club. Let me know how you want to help and we will get you plugged in. July will be the Captain’s Cookout. That will start at 2PM. There will be games and videos all day to play. All you need to do is bring your main course to cook on the grill or microwave. If you have a free Thursday night then check out Kingdom on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month to join discussins on Star Trek and SciFi films. Keep an eye on the Facebook group. I post things on how you can be involved with the group that might give you ideas on what you might want to do. If you have not received you ship badge then let me know so I can get you one. A picture of them is on page 7. If you have a friend who wants one then they are $1. The money will be donated to local libraries. My ready room door is always open if you have questions. As always, Live Long and Prosper and see you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Greetings Crew, I’d have been trying to set some time to travel and find places to see and eat. I will try to find places and write a review and let everyone know where the places are so if they peak your interests you can go there. Let me know what movies you are interested in seeing. Maybe we can get a group together to go see them I want to start to a game night (ps4 or board game) to get to know everybody in the group. I’m looking for a good place to do this. Please email me if anyone has any suggestions, and include game night in the title. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Commander Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Sisko, Father of the Year By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller "So you're the commander of Deep Space 9... and the Emissary of the Prophets. Decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor and... oh, yes, the man who started the war with the Dominion. Somehow I thought you'd be taller..."

Though most of the time the father/son story was the B storyline it still had great impact on what Sisko’s relationship with his son was like. We saw a father looking to guide his son in what he thinks is the best chance for a happy life but seeing how on a different level how those thoughts change as the son carves that path that he wants. These stories can give a lot of guidance when teaching children.

– Senator Vreenak, 2374 In the Pale Moonlight

Even though Sisko is unsure of his place in Starfleet he still does his best to carry out the duties that Starfleet asks of him. He is the Commander of Deep Space Nine as well as facilitator to the Bajorn people to help them become part of the Federation. This is complicated by being on the border with the Cardassin Empire and next to the Worm Hole to the Gamma quadrant. This put Sisko on the front lines with the Maquis and the Dominion. The Maquis were former Federation colonists who came under Cardassian rule. They turned terrorist group which fought the Cardassin’s over their tight-fisted form of government. The Dominion was from the Gamma quadrant that was ruled by Changelings who feared “Solids” (Those who could not change formed). Sisko was called upon as a diplomat and a soldier in these cases to keep the peace that the Federation was known for.

When talking about famous Captains, it is hard to describe them because they wear many hats. Benjamin Sisko is no different. When we first meet Mr. Sisko he was a Commander and not a Captain. This was done because Star Trek: The Next Generation was still going on and they wanted Picard to still be the leader in the minds of the fan base. Sisko is different from Picard and Kirk in that he is not really a Starfleet man. He is widowed and has a son so his loyalties are divided between his family and Starfleet. In the first episode, The Emissary, we see Sisko’s inner conflict of his place in Starfleet. Picard is really not happy with Starfleet’s choice for the commander of Deep Space Nine but let’s Sisko make up his mind. Deep Space Nine does a really good job in showing how a family man divides his time between work and family. We saw a family with Dr. Crusher and Wesley but since they were not the main stars it was rare opportunity to see the interaction. With Sisko, there is an ever presence that his thoughts are for his son. This is emphasized by the fact that Sisko is a widower and his son only has him. Sisko’s decisions have a bases in how his son will be affected. The Dominion War which takes over the story line in the last three seasons also brings to bear that Sisko is not only looking out for Starfleet’s interests but what kind of world is he leaving his son.

USS Hephaestus

Another hat Sisko wears was that of Emissary. Most Bajoran’s believe that Sisko was the Emissary from the Prophets because of his interaction with the non-linear life forms that dwelled in the wormhole that he discovered. He was uncomfortable with the position because of his oath to Starfleet and the noninference directive that is part of Starfleet. Sisko did come to respect the people’s belief in him but did his best not to let his words put undue influence on how the people governed themselves. As Emissary, he was able to protect the Bajoran people during the Dominion War because the Bajoran’s would listen to 2

Always Onward

The Anvil


what he had to say and the Cardassians and the Dominion would listen so as not to offend the Bajoran people.

focused on building relationships that would last his life time. These relationships built a frame work that still continued even after he become part of the Prophets.

Deep Space Nine gave us a different kind of Captain. Kirk and Picard were explores looking for new life and new civilizations. Captain Sisko is the Captain that is working with those we have met and helping to illustrate what the Federation and Starfleet has to offer on an on going bases. Sisko did do exploring but he was truly happy when he was working with people to solve their problems. He was

Side Note: When I set up the list of topics for this year it was not my plan that Sisko fall in June for Father’s Day. But I think that it is forunate that it did because Sisko is a good role model for a Father. I know this because I was fortunate that my Father, John Miller, gave me a great example. Happy Father’s Day to all the Father’s in our group.

That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here. Not to conquer you with weapons, or with ideas. But to coexist… and learn. – Benjamin Sisko, DS9: Emissary

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Surviving my son's is going to take a miracle. – Sisko (to Dax), DS9: The Nagus, S01E11

I've brought back a little surprise for the Dominion. – Sisko (to Kira; regarding the Defiant) DS9: The Search, Part 1, S03E01

You want to be gods? Then be gods. I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships! – Sisko (to the Prophets), DS9: Sacrifice of Angels, S06E06

I don't care if the odds are against us! If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting… so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of!" – Sisko (to Bashir; on the war) DS9: Statistical Probabilities, S06E09

Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile, to make the troops happy. Even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they're your troops, and you have to take care of them. – Sisko (to Worf) DS9: Rules of Engagement, S04E18 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Episode

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Captain’s Log supplemental: We are still investigating the reason for the sabotage on the Hephaestus. We know it has something to do with the mirror universe but we have not found the operative. Ambassador Burtyk found information from the Klingons dealing with the Mirror Universe. The crew of the U.S.S. Einstein had been caught in an Ion storm and the same accident that happened with Captain Kirk happen to the crew of the Einstein. It is believed that a descendant of Einstein crew is working for the Terrain Empire to get a cloaking device. The question is who and how do we find them.

Stockham’s on the Einstein. The possibility of a descendant from the Einstein being a pure blood is slim as there was only one woman who was beamed aboard the Klingon vessel which was Dr. Lewis. She was the ship’s chief medical officer and the Captain’s wife. The CO of the Einstein was Stephen Lewis. I did find that Dr. Lewis was 2 months pregnant at the time the Einstein was reported missing.” “I see what you mean. Even if Dr. Lewis’ child was the one, the child would be in their 80’s by now. The person today would have to be a grandchild or great grand child of the crew. Also they would have some mirror universe DNA in them if it where compatible.” I looked over at James and he had an odd expression on his face. “What’s wrong?”

***** While sitting in my ready room looking at crew files my door chimed. “Enter!” Lt Davis came in. “Captain, I have only been able to clear Ensign Petty. He has done work on the cloak because of his back ground. Stockham and Bishop both are good suspects for sabotage. I interviewed all the people on their shift so as not to alert them that I am looking into them. Still without more evidence, I don’t have enough to formally interview them as subjects.”

James hands over the P.A.D.D, he is looking at, “Dr. Lewis maiden name is Stockham.” I looked at the P.A.D.D. , “Check Crewman Lewis’s DNA against the crew of the Einstein. See what matches come up. Also dig into his back ground, birth until his assignment here. It can’t be this simple. If he is the one I hope he is being coerced and not in league with the Terrian Empire. If it comes back he is a descendant of the Einstein then search his quarters and see what he may have in there. Hopefully this will get us to the bottom of this.”

I scratched my van dyke, “I know it is a slim chance, but did looking at the crew of the Einstein produce any leads that an off spring of theirs could be used by the Terrian Empire to fool us.?”

James stood up, “Will do sir”

James looked at the P.A.D.D. he was carrying. “I thought we had it because there was a Bishop on board but Brigadier Green knows Crewman Bishop’s grandfather. The Brigadier recommended him for this posting. That sort of kills that. There are no

I turned toward the window and looked out at DS9. The poor Einstein crew stuck in the Mirror Universe. The answers to this mess may solve two mysteries. (To be continued)

There is only one thing I want from you. Find something you love, then do it the best you can. – Sisko, DS9: Shadowplay USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Movies Solo: A Star Wars Story, Review by Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Disney is at it again, bringing out another Star Wars movie. This time it focuses on the scoundrel we all love, Han Solo. This is the second Star Wars movie that does not fall into the main storyline. Star Wars which has the screen recap crawls started with A New Hope (1977) follows the Skywalker family (Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Kilo Ren). Disney is taking side stories to fill in the holes that the main store line only hints at. The first of these was Rogue One (see review in January 2017 Anvil). These side stories are doing better than the regular storyline. Solo is really good. It is not as good as Rogue One but it is better than The Last Jedi. The story starts out right in the mddile of the action which you would expect from Han Solo. Han may try to be all calm and cool but he’s always running from something or someone. This movie is no different. This movie fills in several of the questions that we have had since A New Hope (not mentioned so as to not spoil the movie). You also see several of the characters that you expect to see, Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian. Also, we see the beautiful Millennium Falcon as a practically new ship. The Millennium Falcon is just as important as Chewbacca is to this film. Why is it not as good as Rogue One? There are some issues. It is hard to figure where in the timeline this movie falls. We knew where Rogue One fell because it is how Princess Leia received the Death Star Plans for A New Hope. Solo does not have a connection except that it falls before A New Hope. The other issue is Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo. We are used to Harrison Ford’s portrayal so it is hard to see Mr. Ehrenreich as Han. I think Mr. Ehrenreich did a good job since he is playing a younger and less experienced Han which I think makes it hard portray. One needs to keep in mind that Han is just starting out and does not have the time-worn experience we see in A New Hope. Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian does not disappoint. He is right in there giving you what you expect from Lando. Joonas Suotamo has taken the role of Chewbacca from Peter Mayhew. His portrail is spot on to what Mr. Mayhew gave us. All Star Wars have a droid and Solo does as well with the wisecracking L3-37. Phoebe Waller-Bridge does the voice for L3-37 and almost steals the show. Woody Harrelson (Cheers) plays an associate of Solo’s and does well as such. This is a movie you want to see in the theater because of all the visual effects and I highly recommand it. Right now it looks like Disney needs to stick to these sides stories and quit doing the others. Rate: AAAAa

The Hephaestus Badges

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Restaurants Farm Burger, 707 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd S (Suite 104), Birmingham, AL, Review by Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller In case the replicators go down. One of my favorite foods are burgers and I am always looking to find a good place to get one. Farm Burger does a good job. Their burgers are 100% grassfed, locally raised, antibiotic/hormone free, ground fresh and grilled to order. They also have a variety of toppings. The regular toppings like lettuce, pickles , onion are free. There are some items like sautĂŠed mushrooms, caramelized onion and higher grade chesses that will cost you a little extra ($1). If you want to add bacon that will cost you a little bit more ($2). If you are not a burger eater, they do have chicken, pork and vegan patties as well to dress up like the burger. They all have the same starting price ($6.95). As an added bonus they also serve hot dogs and salads. There is something for the whole family with a Lil Farmers menu for the kids. Side items include fries, sweet potato fries, onion rings and sweet potato hushpuppies. As for drinks you have the regular soft drinks and milk shakes. They serve beer and wine as well. They have a few local beers on tap. I had a Ginger Beer that was made in Alabaster that was very good. The burger compares to most burgers I have had. They are above 5 Guys and way above McDonalds/Burger King/Steak & Shake. The price seems a little high but you are getting a better burger, similar to what you would get at a high-end Steak house. Comparatively you are getting a $12 burger for almost half the price. If I was downtown and wanting a burger then this is the place I would go. This is a chain so you would be able to find it Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee and California. I recommend this place if you are in the mood for a good burger with a nice beer. Rate: AAAAa

Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Best Planet-Side Away Mission Vehicles



Cadillac Escalade

Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that will make you smile. – Sisko, DS9: In the Cards USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Cryptic Patrick Stewart When Patrick Stewart was asked if he had seen Star Trek: Discovery, his answer has people scratching their heads. You mean the series and not the movie, because there is a new movie due out very soon. No, I haven’t, but I may have good cause to look at it very soon. – Patrick Stewart The rumor mill has gone to warp speed to figure out what Mr. Stewart was talking about. The rumors run the gamut from him being in the series to him directing one of the episodes. There is also a possibility that he was referring to Jonathan Frakes directing several episodes or that Marina Sirtis, who was in Toronto for a secret project, might be in one of Jonathan Frakes’ directed episodes. One possibility is that the new movie has ties to Discovery and Mr. Stewart will watch it for that reason. In the fall we may find out what Mr. Stewart was talking about. (

Star Trek Reunification in Doubt There has been rumors that CBS and Viacom (who owns Paramount) was in negotiations for a re-merger. This would be great news for Star Trek fans as the split in 2006 caused Star Trek to be split into two entities. Television shows went with CBS and the Movies went with Viacom. Earlier in May CBS sued Shari Redstone of National Amusements (NAI) to block her from merging CBS and Viacom. CBS also diluted Redstone’s shares in CBS to prevent her from replacing CBS board members and force the merger. NAI has now counter sued, saying that CBS measures are “extraordinary, unjustified and unlawful actions.” As of now, we have two groups who can make Star Trek: CBS making television shows and Paramount making films. Right now, the only people losing is us the fans. (

Doctor Who News – By LtJG Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! We love our actors who play our favorite characters. Sometimes we like to collect memorabilia about our favorite fandoms and actors. We like figurines, art, and most of all autographs! We’ll stand in line for hours to get one. Some of use will go to extremes like the bathroom. On a late-night talk show Tennant revealed that a fan asked for his autograph in the gym shower. No one wants to be caught with their pants down, but David got caught it seems with everything down. That was a Dickens of a story, speaking of Dickens, Peter Capaldi is playing in A Personal History of David Copperfield. Our number 12 will be playing Mr. Micawber in this new modern adaptation of Charles Dickens classic novel. Behind the helm is Armando Lannucci (creator of the Thick of It) who will be adapting the story of 19th century working class life. It seems everything is going right with the new Doctor, because Jodie Whittaker has been very happy. Jodie say, “She smiles everyday she goes to work.” She goes on to say, “It’s like nothing I’ve ever done before. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s Brilliant!” Reading all that positivity makes me confident that I am going to enjoy this new series coming up. (

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Seeing Stars… Karl Urban – Trekonderoga 2018 – Ticonderoga, NY Robert Picardo – Planetary Post: Mojave Test Flight – Cast of Discovery – Carpool Karaoke – Apple TV app William Shatner – Fan Expo Boston (August) Brent Spiner – Fan Expo Boston (August) Christopher Lloyd – Fan Expo Boston (August)

Never Forget… Deborah Watling – July 21, 2017 (Age 69) Deborah Watling, companion the 2nd Doctor has died, aged 69. She played Victoria Waterfield alongside the Second Doctor and Frazer Hines between 1967 and 1968. Victoria appeared in The Evil of the Daleks, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Abominable Snowmen, The Ice Warriors, The Enemy of the World, The Web of Fear, and Fury from the Deep. She also worked for Big Finish and appeared in Reeltime Pictures Downtime. ( Alan Bean – May 26, 2018 (Age 86) Alan Bean was the fourth man to walk on the moon. Mr. Bean was on the second mission to Skylab. After he retired from NASA in 1981 he pursed an interest in painting which depicted various space-related scenes and his experience in space. His death followed the sudden onset of illness two weeks prior while he was in Fort Wayne, Indiana

The Fabulous Photo We Never Took by Alan Bean (Based on a picture that Mr. Bean and Pete Conrad tried to take on the moon but couldn’t because they couldn’t find the timer for the camera.) (Did I miss any news items that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Captain’s Top 10 Favorite Benjamin Sisko Episodes 1. In the Pale Moonlight 2. Far Beyond the Stars 3. Past Tense, Part 1 & 2 4. Homefront 5. Paradise Lost 6. Explorers 7. Dax 8. Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang 9. Sacrifice of Angels 10. The Emissary

The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge I challenge the crew to start bettering them selfs and live a happier lifestyle, I will do the same. I plan to talk to our CO about recruiting members for a hazard team (based on the video game Elite Force). More info to follow. Will you be up for that chanllenge? – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge Captain’s Red Shirt Book Challenge: This month we have two new readers who added two books to our list. This brings our total to 17 books and eight readers. The goal is to have 100 books read by the end of the year. If you read a book, then please let me know with the title author and a 1 to 5 star rating. Also, you can write a review for the Anvil to let others know how good the book is. Reader/Books



Patrick Fitz Halo: New Blood Matt Forbeck AAAAa Vicki Fitz Ready Player One Ernest Cline AAAAa We have 83 books to reach the goal. Let’s get reading. Send what books you have finished to the Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge page ( or to my email ( Let’s get reading…. – Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller (If you have a goal for weight loss, to quit smoking, New Year’s resolution or other goals then let us know what you are working on through the Facebook page so we can encourage you)

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Ship’s Log May 2, 2018 – Free Comic Book Day

Attendance: 13 people plus 2 cats May 31 – Exploring Trek

We had a table at Kingdom Comics for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD). The crew came in either Star Trek T-Shirts or Red T-Shirts. Each crewman had a Hephaestus Anvil badge designating what position they hold on the ship. We also had badges to sell that raised $5 for the Jefferson County Library system. Coloring sheets and crayons were available for people to use. Several crew members availed themselves of these to show off their coloring skills.

Exploring Trek’s Topic was Great Quotes of Star Trek. Most of the quotes came from TNG but there were several from TOS, DS9, Voyager, and the movies. Enterprise and Discovery did not seem to get any but that may because of the lack of familiarity with them with those present. Snacks and Drinks were provided with the Fruity Pebbles Rice Krispie Treats being devoured like last time. Attendance: 8 people

Attendance: 10 members

May 18 & 25, 2018 – HeroClix

May 14, 2018 – Beyond Trek

The ship is still running HeroClix games at Kingdom Comics. Right now, we are using Star Trek Away Mission sets but looking to have other sets play as well.

The Sci-Fi panel discussion was on Disney’s The Black Hole. We had an interesting discussion on this cult classic. We compared it to Disney’s 20,000 League Under the Sea as well as other SciFi Movies. Rice Krispie Treats made with Fruity Pebbles was a real hit as was the Cherry Coke. Attendance: 11 People














Still plenty of room for more players.

May 16, 2018 – Monthly Poker

Captain’s Log

The Monthly Poker game was held at the Pott’s Residence. Pete won with Brenda coming in second. We’ve made a schedule change: monthly poker will now be held at 2PM on the same Saturday as the Social (still rotating locations) unless the social is one of the cookouts. At the cookout Socials, Poker will be in the evening, closing out the social.

May 10 -14, 2018 – Captain’s Holiday: The Captain’s Yacht left Birmingham on the 10th stopping in Elizabethtown to dock with Nikola Tesla Station to eat dinner with the Rayburns and other friends. We then stayed in Louisville, traveling on to Dayton for my dad’s, John Miller, birthday and to celebrate Mother’s Day with Mom, Judy Miller. Also saw my brother, Dr. John S. Miller and our friends the Bells. Bells had couple new games we need to get for the socials.

Attendance: 6 people May 16, 2018 – Monthly Social – at the Mohney’s We had a good turnout for the social. We discussed some of the things that are coming up in the next couple of months. The CO handed out Anvil badges to crew members who did not get one at FCBD. The 1st Officer brought Black Panther to watch. The main entertainment was Simba (Pete’s cat) trying to get into the 2nd Officer’s purse. What was so interesting in there? Snacks and Drinks were available. USS Hephaestus


Marine Logs Neil Yawn May 8th, 2018 – LGen Yawn boarded the USS Constellation and DD423 USS Torsk before visiting the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. May 11, 2018 – Visited Ripley's Believe It or Not, Camden Yards for an Orioles vs KC Royals game, and tried some new foods. 12

Always Onward

The Anvil


Hunt for the Icon Last month there were five Discovery icons hidden in the Anvil. Did you find them all? If not, they were here: 1. Table of Contents – Second Column after Web Links title 2. pg. 2 – 1st Column of Discovering Discovery at the end of the 2nd paragraph. 3. pg. 6 – Red shirt Challenge before Lt. Phillip Mangina, Jr. 4. pg. 10 – STARFLEET Academy, end of 1st paragraph 5. pg. 14 – July Convention, end of the paragraph. This month five DS9 icons are hidden in The Anvil. If you are the first to send in the correct locations you will get recognized in the next issue and get to suggest July’s hidden icon. Send your answers to

{ ----------------------------------------------------------- U

STARFLEET Academy STARFLEET Academy address: Don’t forget that, as a benefit of being part of STARFLEET, we can attend the online STARFLEET Academy. The online courses give you help in understanding ways to better run your club, learn information on different subjects (e.g. health, science and engineering) and help you find interesting facts about your favorite science fiction movies and TV shows. The Academy’s learn-at-your-own-pace format allows you to fit it in to your day to day schedule. The Academy also awards those who complete different quantities of courses (Boothby Awards) and excellence in course work (Red, Blue & Gold Squadrons). You also can get degrees if you complete enough course work. Just another way to have fun with STARFLEET. So, go learn something.

Ben Sisko: And if I fail… Joseph Sisko: I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith. – DS9: Far Beyond the Stars USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Crew Happenings Exploring Trek

Setting up to record

March Social

Who’s that behind to IPAD?

Marine Logs – Neil Yawn Shore Leave pics

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018

Do you know this Alien?

June – Benjamin Sisko July – The Orville (The Wright Stuff?) August – Kathryn Janeway September – Star Trek - The Adventure Continues (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

Name the Character Answers Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green)

Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman)

Saru (Doug Jones)

Harry Mudd (Rainn Wilson)

Ash Tyler (Shazard Latif)

Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz)

Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp)

Sarek (James Frain)

Harry Mudd (TOS) (Roger C. Carmel)

Capt. Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs)

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 12) Crepusculan – Star Trek: Discovery, The Vulcan Hello

Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Jun 2, 2018 Jun 8-10, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jul 7, 2018 Jul 14, 2018 Jul 27-29, 2018 Aug 4, 2018 Aug 11, 2018 Aug 11, 2018 Sep 1, 2018 Sep 8, 2018 Sep 8, 2018

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Magic City Con Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Captain’s Cookout – 2 pm Hoover Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival Anvil Deadline Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm

Location Hotel at Galleria Mohney Mohney Mohney Hoover Library Evans Mohney Mohney Mohney



Always Onward

The Anvil


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Stockham Lathem Arnold Petty Boyd Family Green Brown Burton Youngblood-Yawn Family Davis Family

03/02/18 03/14/18 04/19/18 08/02/18 09/17/18 10/12/18 10/30/18 11/13/18 11/30/18 12/01/18

Salors Miller Family DeBarr Family Potts Family Fitz Mangina Mohney Family Bishop Hosley Lindsay Family

12/11/18 02/26/19 02/11/19 03/08/19 03/18/19 05/15/19 05/16/19 05/29/19 05/30/19 10/10/19

Trek and Beyond Schedule Beyond Trek


June 14, 2018

June 28, 2018

July 12, 2018

July 26, 2018

August 9, 2018

August 23, 2018

These discussion groups are held at Kingdom Comics at 7 PM on dates listed

Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs

Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out

June June 8 -10, 2018 – Magic City Con – Birmingham, AL Magic City Con is a three-day Sci-Fi, Pop Culture, Gaming, and Cosplay event held yearly at The Hyatt Regency Birmingham - Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama

July July 27-29, 2018 – Sci-Fantasy Festival – Hoover Library, Hoover, AL The Sci-Fi Fantasy Fest is an annual celebration of all things science fiction, fantasy & nerd related! It's an event brought to you by the Hoover Library. Guest include John Anderson and Sneak Attack. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the websites for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - / Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil:

News Repoters Wanted For Hephaestus Anvil

Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News (assigned) Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News (assigned) Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books

Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr. driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites

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USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek HeroClix Away Team Fridays, 7PM @ Kingdom Comics Presented by U.S.S. Hephaestus and Kingdom Comics USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil




MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt Cmdr – 1st Officer Brenda A. Miller, Captain – 2nd Officer

James Davis, Captain, SFMC (Reserves), OIC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) Shirley Burton, Major (Reserves)

Executive Committee


Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Andrew Boyd, Lt JG

Redshirts and Civilians Navigation

Mark Lindsay, Captain Dean Brown, Cmdr Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Shirley Burton, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Lt JG Trey Petty, Ensign Matthew Potts, Crewman 2nd Class Kendra Lance, Crewman 3rd Class Jodi Bowes, Crewman Krista Boyd, Crewman William DeBarr, Crewman Victoria Lynn Fitz, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Karen Burtyk, Civilian Carly Strickland, Civilian Brenda Tiner, Civilian

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Sciences Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences Danny Potts, Admiral

Engineering MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain Brenda A. Miller, Captain

Operations Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops, Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Captain – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Youngblood Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer Kris Bishop, Crewman 3rd Class – Linguistics

Mike Burtyk, Civilian


Cadet Training

Brenda A. Miller, Captain James Davis, Lt Matthew Boyd, Lt JG Dennis Lathem, Crewman 3rd Class Lewis, Stockham, Crewman 3rd Class Curtis Salors, Crewman

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Apprentice Tara Mohney, Cadet Crewman Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Anya Davis, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training


Retired Security

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt Cmdr. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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