2016 Printed Newsletter of the Year
The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004
The Anvil
From the Ready Room
XO Briefing
Walking with the Bajorans
While on Away Mission
Beyond Sci-Fi & Exploring Trek
HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.
Name the Bajoran
Cover: Christmas Card Covers
Inside This Issue
The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge Star Trek News & More Ship’s Log
Web Links
7 11
STARFLEET www.sfi.org
Personal Log Special Report – Star Trek: The Cruise 12 Hunt for the Icon
STARFLEET Marine Corps
STARFLEET Marine Corps
Anvil Focus Schedule 2018
Do You Know this Alien…
Captain’s Top 10
Name the Omnipotent Being Answers
Away Team and Activity Schedule
Discussion Forums Schedule
STARFLEET Renewal Reminders
Area Conventions & Exhibits
USS Hephaestus Command Structure
Region 2 www.region2.org USS Hephaestus - Group www.facebook.com/groups/Hephaestus2004/ USS Hephaestus – Page www.facebook.com/USSHephaestus/ Twitter www.twitter.com/Hephaestus2004 Anvil Back Issues www.issuu.com/ncc2004
MarkAdam Miller
Layout, Graphics and Publishing
Brenda A. Miller
NASA Reporter
Curtis Salors
Doctor Who Reporter
Matt Boyd
Field Reporter
James Davis
The Anvil, Issue 316 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.
The Anvil
From the Ready Room Greetings from your Captain, 2017 is coming to a close. The club has been very successful in several areas. We have had ten panel discussions at Kingdom Comics that were well attended and eleven socials (12 by end of the month) which were also well attended. We participated in three conventions, letting people know about our club and STARFLEET. We’ve had a great year. Next year we will be expanding the panel discussions to include Sci-Fi Movies and TV shows. Our main love may be Star Trek but it does include other Sci-Fi as well. We also have several opportunities to interact with the public to bring in more members. Keep an eye on our newsletter and Facebook page to see how you can help out. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. As always, Live Long and Prosper and see you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller cohephaestus@bellsouth.net, www.facebook.com/groups/Hephaestus2004/
XO Briefing Greetings Crew, Tis the season of Greetings and for celebrating Christmas and New Years with friends and family. The past month and the month of December have been and will be busy and crazy in the retail world. And to help unwind I have started reading The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard which is interesting so far. Next on the reading list is the Hidden Universe Travel Guides: Star Trek: The Klingon Empire. It should be a good read. If anybody has any book suggestions let me know. Next year there is several movies that I am planning to see. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Commander Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Walking with the Bajorans By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller The Bajoran race is the most explored alien race of all the alien races in the Star Trek universe. Where most Star Trek shows were on a ship traveling to different planets, Deep Space Nine was a space station and could not move away from the planet Bajor which lead to a majority of the episodes dealing with the Bajorians. No other alien race had a series devoted to their culture as much as Deep Space Nine (DS9). We first meet the Bajorans in the TNG: Ensign Ro (S5E03). This is where we learn that the Bajorans are refugees from their home world of Bajor because of the Cardassian occupation. The Cardassian’s who we first met in TNG: The Wounded (S4E12) are a predatory race who believe they are superior to everyone else and took over Bajor because they could use the planet better than the Bajorians.
learn are non-corporal beings that live in a wormhole that connect the Alpha Quadrant with the Gamma Quadrant. The Bajorans call the wormhole the Celestial Temple. The Prophets had been guiding the Bajorans through nine Orbs (called Tears of the Prophets). The guidance by the orbs is questionable as the person who comes in contact with the orb gets a jumble of images and messages. Several people (Trakor, Talnot, Shabren, Horran and Zocal) who encountered the orbs wrote down what they saw and these became the Bajoran Phrophecies that would be taught by the religious leaders called Vedeks. Like a lot of prophecies they would have many interruptions that would divide the Bajorans. These divisions are what keeps the provisional government from making any laws to help the devestated planet of Bajor rebuild. This conflict gives DS9 great stories. These stories gives us a commentary on some of the problems we have here on earth. The program simplifies a lot of the problems but it does give understanding on how some of the problems we face are more of our own doing than of the actual problem. A good example of this is in the episode Shakaar (3E24). This episode has Kia Winn looking to do a reclamation project to have something to export from Bajor. But she needs to repossess machinery that was given to a group of Bajorans for a different project. The question comes down to what project is the best solution for Bajor: making food for those who are hungry on Bajor or increase interstellar commerce that will enhance Bajor's application to join the Federation. Both are good for Bajor but which will benefit Bajor more. Kia Winn does want what is good for Bajor but her own ambition blinds her to what Bajor really needs. This demostrates that looking at the bigger picture
Deep Space Nine picks up right after the Cardassian’s have left Bajor partly from influence from the Federation but mostly from the depleted resources that the Cardassian’s came for in the first place. Most of what we have learned about Bajorans is their political and religious life. On the political side, the Bajorans have set up a provisional government to develop a form of government that would best suit the needs of Bajor. This provisional government is like the government the United States had under the Articles of Confederation. It is a government but does not have real powers to do anything to help the people. Conflict arises because of the provisional government’s inability to act on anything that is going on. The one thing keeping the provisional government from getting anything done is the religious life of the Bjoran’s. The Bajorans worship The Prophets that we USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
may do greater harm to the little pictures that make up that big picture.
Cardassian occupation. They worked to over throw the Cardassins and once the Cardassians left they came together to make themselves a contributor to the Federation. But this was not without some struggle. The wormhole helped but the Bajorans were the ones who made their life better.
A study of the Bajorans is a study of coming back from adversity. The Bajorans were renowned for their accomplishments in science, mathematics, philosophy, and the arts. This was taken away by the
While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller At Space Station North Pole
Adm Claus: Just a second, Commander. Anything else Lt. Elf Helmy?
Admiral Claus: Okay let’s get this meeting started. We have a lot to go through. Lt. Elf Helmy, have you gotten the route planed for Christmas Eve done?
Lt. Elf Helmy: That’s the only thing. Adm Claus: Okay, Commander, what is the problem? Cmdr Elf Largesse: It is Capt. Bryan Teske, Sir. He is on the nice AND naughty list. I have tried to change it so he is only on one but it won’t change.
Lt. Elf Helmy: All but Region 2. Particularly Zone 5. The routes for the Deja Thoris, Hephaestus, Longbow and Wernher von Braun are classified ‘til March. The only thing that they will tell me is that it has to do with something called The Summit.
Adm Claus: That is my doing. Capt. Teske is commander of The Burning Bilge and makes a nice ale from burning coal. Since coal is in the Naughty List Department it easier to put Bryan on both than try to get the Nice List elves to get coal from the Naught List elves.
Adm Claus: Tell that chair-warmer Commodore Case to get me those routes or not only will he get coal in his stocking, but I will bust him down to crewman last class.
Cmdr Elf Largesse: Got it chief.
Cadet Elf Nosey: Is that a rank?
Adm Claus: Anything else.
Admiral Claus: Quiet Cadet. Just take notes.
Cmdr Elf Largesse: Just Fleet Captain Miller’s request; Peace in the Galaxy and goodwill to all life forms… with the Romulans, the Klingons, the Dominion and the Borg, Lt. Commander Nicely in the Nice List Department is not sure how to fill it.
Lt. Elf Helmy: I’m working on it, Sir. But all my communications to Commodore Case are being routed to Fleet Captain Richard Childers and Childers is on the Dejah Thoris which is part of the classified mission.
Adm Claus: I have not figured out how to fill that one yet, myself. Put him down for a case of Romulan Ale and a batch of Mrs. Claus’ gingerbread cookies. That should help till I figure how to fulfill his request.
Adm Claus: Contact Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller. I have a private comm link to him. He was my liaison officer when he worked in the Department of Temporal Investigation. He is now CO of the Hephaestus, so he should be able to clear the matter up.
Cmdr Elf Largesse: Right, Admiral. Adm Claus: All right, lets get back to work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cmdr Elf Largesse: Sorry to interrupt, but speaking of Coal, Sir… USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Quotable Quotes It was so much easier when I knew who the enemy was. – Major Kira, DS9: Past Prologue
Guinan: Am I disturbing you? Ensign Ro Laren: Yes. Guinan: Good. You look like someone who wants to be disturbed. – TNG: Ensign Ro
The course the Prophets choose for us may not always be comfortable. But we must follow it. – Vedek Winn, DS9: In the Hands of the Prophets
I'm Bajoran. No one knows better than I do what Cardassians do to their prisoners. – Sito Jaxa, TNG: Lower Decks
We're all very good at conjuring up enough fear to justify whatever we want to do. – Bareil, DS9: In the Hands of the Prophets
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Name the Bajoran
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Beyond Sci-Fi & Exploring Trek If you can’t afford to go to a convention, then we have the answer for you. U.S.S. Hephaestus and Kingdom Comics present convention like panel discussions on Sci-Fi genre and Star Trek. These panels are an hour and half long on the second and forth Thursdays of the month at 7PM at Kingdom Comics. Snacks and drinks are provided. Beyond Sci-Fi (New in 2018) Beyond Sci-Fi is held the second Thursday of the Month. It will discuss Sci-Fi movies, TV Shows and Books. The first panel will discuss the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. Below is a list of what we will be looking at in the coming year. Exploring Trek Exploring Trek will be held the fourth Thursday of the month. We will continue the popular discussions of all things Star Trek. We will cover all forms of Trek from the Original series up to today’s Star Trek: Discovery. If you are a Star Trek fan, then you can’t miss this panel discussion.
Exploring Trek 2018
Beyond Sci-Fi 2018
Day the Earth Stood Still (Movie, 1951) * The Worst Episodes * Forbidden Planet (Movie) Ships of The Line Galaxy Quest (Movie) Enterprise: It is not that bad… The Orville (TV Series) VOY: Nemesis, S4E4 Stargate SG1 – Enemy Mine, S7E7 Great Quotes of Star Trek Battlestar Galactica (TV Series Reboot) TNG: Tapestry, S6E15 Starhunter (TV series) TNG: Loud as a Whisper, S2E5 E.T. (Movie) Harry Mudd Episodes Stargate (Movie) DS9: Duet, S1E19 Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (Movie) DS9: Little Green Men, S4E8 Blackhole (Movie) Year End Rap up Dinner Year End Rap Up (December) * This will be the first discussion of the year. The others topics are not list in any particulat order.
Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs
USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Star Trek News & More Star Trek: Discovery – Successful? The jury may still be out on how successful Star Trek: Discovery is for CBS All Access. In an interview with CNBC, CEO Les Moonves is using Star Trek: Discovery as an example of how CBS All Access is competing with other companies. Mr. Moonves is quoted as saying, “Disney is six times as big as we are. Comcast is six times as big as we are. Netflix’s market cap is huge. Now Amazon, the number one company in the world, is producing content. We are sort of like an old-fashioned production company, we are a small guy. It’s a jump ball we’re never going to win. We have to continue to develop our own projects ourselves… like we did with ‘Star Trek’ on our over-the-top service. That’s how we’re going to compete.” CBS is not depending on Star Trek. They also are rebooting Twilight Zone for All Access and two other new shows. A Sci-Fi drama, Strange Angel, from Ridley Scott and Tell me a Story, based on the Spanish TV series Cuentame un Cuento. Tell me a Story is making a dark and twisted psychological thriller out of fairytales. Sounds like ABC’s Once Upon a Time written by Tim Burton. It does look like CBS is trying to give us a reason to buy their service. Time will tell. (www.trekmovie.com)
DS9: What We Left Behind A documentary on Deep Space Nine called What We Left Behind will be delayed. Adam Nimoy who was director has step down from the project. He will still be one of the producers but David Zappone (455 Films) and Ira Stevens (DS9 Executive Producer) will be assuming the day to day directorial responsibilities. The release date that was set for February 2018 has been pushed back. The team is still hoping to have it out in early 2018. They wish to have it done in time for the 25th Anniversary of DS9 which is next year.
NASA's Supercomputer: Pleiades – By Curtis Salors (passenger) Located at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA is planet Earth's 17th fastest computer. Built in 2008 and running on the Linux operating system, the computational mammoth is, arguably, the Mind of NASA. Named after the open star cluster of the same name, Pleiades is both open (at least to the many researchers and scientists who have an account) and clustered: a definitive cluster of 246,048 Intel Xeon processors. This kind of computing power is just what NASA needs to facilitate rocket science. The Pleiades in Ancient Greek literature were seven Sisters who all committed suicide because of the grief they felt for their father, Atlas, who was forced to carry the heavens on his shoulders. Subsequently, Zeus turned the Seven into stars to comfort their father. These stars came to be known as The Pleiades. However, rocket science is less about romanticism and more about theoretical and experimental physics. At NASA Ames, the significance of the Seven Sisters pales in comparison to the significance of the 7.25 petaflops of peak processing speed which the computer offers scientists working on NASA's ongoing missions.
USS Hephaestus
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The complexity of Pleiades is extensive. The sustained processing speed is 5.95 petaflops which means the computer can maintain 5.95 quadrillion floating-point operations per second. Examples of software found on the system include: Armadillo, a C++ linear algebra library; Biopearl, a tools package for computational molecular biology; Gettext software for providing messages in different languages; and Metis that can take care of unstructured graph partitioning and matrix ordering. Of course, there is Firefox, the web browser; and Mathlibs, a collection of math libraries. Not to mention, hundreds of software packages have been built on Pleiades by its users. Researchers and scientists from locations throughout the world sign on to "run jobs", which is tech jargon for doing computational work. If Pleiades is 'NASA's brain', then the "live integration" of 2010 was much like brain surgery. You know, the kind during which the patient is kept awake throughout? During this integration, instead of giving users the typical one-week notice prior to a planned outage, techs kept Pleiades running its full production workload while integrating a new 512-core rack. This "was accomplished by connecting the new rack's InfiniBand dual port fabric with 44 fiber cables". The integration being done live saved users about two million hours in productivity. At the time of this writing, Pleiades has 98% of her 200,000 plus central processing units in use. If you find this kind of data intriguing, go to https://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/resources/pleiades.html#url and you can explore the supercomputer's live storage usage data, the current number of jobs running within it, as well as availability of its node units. With such a workload to carry, I'm beginning to think Pleiades should have been named Atlas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades_(supercomputer) https://www.top500.org/, https://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/ https://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/support/kb/software-on-nas-systems_116.html https://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/support/kb/releasing-idle-nodes-from-running-jobs_532.html
Quentin Tarantino to Direct Star Trek Movie? Quentin Tarantino (director of Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, etc.) is said to have pitched a Star Trek Movie to J.J. Abrams. J.J. Abrams is setting up a writers’ room to flesh out the idea that if it goes forward would have Tarantino directing and Abrams producing. This will not be soon as Tarantino is filming a movie set in 1969 during the Mason Murders which is set to come out in fall of 2019. Tarantino normally works only on his own written projects. This will be the first time for him to direct a franchise film. (deadline.com)
Doctor Who News – By Ensign 1st Class Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! Coming to a Planetarium near you is the Doctor Who tribute show, The Arrows of Time. It is a global planetarium show that will be going on tour in 2018. Currently dates and times have yet to be announced but you can keep an eye out at http://arrowsoftime.com/. The show will feature 3-D technology projecting the likenesses of past and current Doctors. The likenesses of 10 doctors, one of which is the War Doctor (played by the late great John Hurt), will be working together to battle a new enemy, The Given, older than time!
They're lost, defeated. I will never be. – Ro Laren, TNG: Ensign Ro USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Matt Smith has said that when the time comes he would love to put the bowtie back on. Doctor Who has a history of bringing back the older Doctors to help the current one when they’re in a bind. Helping yourself is a possibility when you travel in a time machine, well unless you follow Doc Brown’s advice. The people of Doctor Who had their annual fundraiser for children in need. They have made a record 50.1M pounds for the fundraiser. Pictured from left to right is David Bradley (plays the first Doctor), Pearl Mackie (plays Bill Potts) and Peter Capaldi (plays the current Doctor).
Star Wars News – By Lt James Davis This is it!!! The time has finally arrived for Episode VIII – The Last Jedi. According to Mark Hamill, it was quite the surprise to be asked to reprise the role of Luke Skywalker after George Lucas himself had said during filming of the prequel trilogy that he tired of the storyline. Whatever led him to change his mind and dive head-first into a Luke-and-Leia adventure, I'm thrilled to see it! One can only wonder what Luke meant when he said that “It is time for the Jedi to come to an end.” Is it the era of the Whills, with a neutral balance in the Force as I wondered these many months ago? Will the events of Episode VIII provide any new insight into the upcoming Han Solo film? Join me on December 14 as we discover a host of answers to our questions, along with an inevitable host of new questions. Who thinks Rey and Kylo are related? Who thinks Finn will discover latent Jedi powers? Who thinks that Rey will take up the original mantle of Luke Skywalker in abandoning the Light side for the Dark? Find out before the answers are leaked all over Facebook following the before-US release in a Dubai film festival! And before you decide to wait it out for the Blu-Ray or Netflix release, don't forget that this will be our Princess' final film, as we learn whether Luke and Leia are finally reunited, or whether Carrie Fischer's loss inserts a wedge into the fictional siblings’ final goodbye as much as it did in the real world (sniff). In other Star Wars news, for those of us enamored by the Star Wars novel universe, Canto Bight is set for release, promising a look into the world of casinos and blood money that Darth Plagueis only gently graced. Also, look for low sales of the otherwise spectacular Battlefront II as EA commits franchise suicide once again by near-felonious micro transactions that guarantee you won't get to play as Luke in less than forty hours unless you cough up your hard-earned dollars. No, not the sixty dollars you paid for the game… That would be too easy. EA want more… MORE!!! Until next month, I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.
Captain’s Brother’s Home Featured Dr. John S. Miller’s (Captain’s MarkAdam Miller’s brother) home was featured in the Tippecanoe Christmas in the Village Home Tour. Dr. Miller, with the help of interior designer Diana Begley pulled from his personal collection of Christmas decorations to decorate his house which is half of a duplex in a 1920 house on Plum St, Tipp City, OH. His home is one of nine houses on the tour that was on Dec. 2. The theme this year was A Candy Cane Christmas. The house is decorated USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
with a variety of Christmas related items including colorful wrapped gifts, decorated trees and Santas everywhere. Many of the Santa’s are gifts from staff members from Dr. Miller’s time as an educator. “I am into Christmas. They always look for me at the printers in October for my Christmas cards,” Dr. Miller said with a laugh. The center piece of the home is the dining room table for which Ms. Begley chose a French Country theme. The table is compact to go along with the smaller size of Dr. Miller’s home. Hoping to create something unique and different, Begley incorporated cranberries, silver and lace along with rustic items and a book of poetry in the design. A silver champagne bucket, borrowed from a relative, holds a small Christmas tree. “You can do little things like that to make it unique,” Begley said. Those interested in creating their own display should look through decorative items they have, and borrow from others, if needed. For example, she incorporated in Miller’s table a lace tablecloth she had owned but not used for years. The tour helps benefit local non-profit organizations. (http://www.mydaytondailynews.com)
Seeing Stars William Shatner – Birmingham. Sorry it isn’t Birmingham, AL but Birmingham England. October 19-21, 2018 at Destination Star Trek Birmingham Alice Eve – Season 2 of Iron Fist on Netflix Adam Savage – talking about Star Trek Props that were sold December 2 www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=113&v=7Rt6ohHQg6M
(Did I miss a news item or news item that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to cohephaestus@bellsouth.net)
The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge Because the Holiday months have been hectic I have not been able to devote time to the Red Shirt Challenge. Once the New Year starts up I will get into full swing of planning activiteis for the challenge. – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge Went to the Doctor and she suggestion Taekwondo would be good for me as away to strengthen joints and lose some of the weight I need to lose. Anyone know of a good place to go? – Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller, Trying to lose weight. (If you have a goal for weight loss, quitting smoking or getting something done then let us know what you are working on through the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Red.Shirt.Challenge/ so we can encourage you)
USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Ship’s Log November 11, 2017 – Fall Feast
November 23, 2017 – Thanksgiving
The Fall Feast is normally a well-attended function, and this was no exception. We had the normal Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. We also had several people bring a variety other foods that made for a delicious meal. Dalmuti and Texas Hold’em were played as usual. Both games were hard fought, but Mike came out the winner in both. The Ferengi Swap (Dirty Santa) had the most participants in several years. I am not sure who came out the best but there were a lot of great items up for grabs.
Since a couple of us could not be with family this Thanksgiving we planned to have Thanksgiving together. Phillip, Curtis, Brenda and I went to Crackle Barrel in Gardendale to have Thanksgiving. Afterwards we went back to the Best Western where Curtis lives and played Star Trek Road Trip. Curtis was victorious beating the three of us. Attendance – 4 people November 24, 2017 – Black Friday at Kingdom Comics I needed to help out at Kingdom Comics on Friday because of the crowds. This gave me several opportunities to talk about the ship and what we are doing next year. Might have a few new people next year.
Attendance – 35 people November 16, 2017 – Exploring Trek Dinner We held the exploring Trek Dinner at the Arby’s in Vestavia. We had a good attendance. We discussed the upcoming year and what possible subjects we would talk about. Not only for Exploring Trek but also the new series Beyond SciFi. Look at the list in Beyond Sci-Fi & Exploring Trek (pg. 6) article and see if there is something you would like to participate in next year.
Captain’s Log November 22, 2017 – Thor: Ragnarok Brenda, Phillip and I had the chance to go see Thor: Ragnarok. We had an enjoyable time and then went to one of our favorite places to eat, Chicken Salad Chick, chickensaladchick.com/. We need to look for ways to maybe do this as a group more often.
Attendance – 10 people November 18, 2017 – Texas Hold’em We had the monthly poker game at the Miller’s house. It was a fun game. Mike won after some very good hands.
Attendance – 3 people
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Attendance – 4 people
You Starfleet types are too dependent on gadgets and gizmos. You lose your natural instincts for survival. – Kira Nerys, DS9: The Siege I am just a Bajoran who has been fighting a hopeless cause against the Cardassians all her life. So, if you want a war, I’ll give you one! – Kira Nerys, DS9: Emissary USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Personal Log Special Report By Lt James Davis speeds. Finding our destination, we lined ourselves up on the booms of the boat, backs to the water. One push and SPLASH! We were underwater, inhaling unnaturally on our regulators, at once aware of the beauty of breath and the wonder of taking said breath while completely submerged in some of the clearest water I had ever seen. A good hundred feet away one could see hammerhead and gray reef sharks, curious to find a bucket of bait inevitably waiting for them in a dive group more suited to experienced adventurers.
Stardate 2017.01.15 It seems like this day would never come‌ First, we found ourselves stranded aboard the Cruise Ship Enterprise, enthralled by Klingon Karaoke with Chancellor Gowron and dirty lip-synched re-runs of the Original Series pilot episode. However, our voyage would find its destination in the Earth island of Nassau, Bahamas, merely one day after rough seas prevented the Enterprise from shuttling its crew to their long-awaited shore leave.
While some others struggled to find their bearings, dangerously zipping up to the surface to breathe the atmosphere and ask redundant questions, Crewman Lance kept it together underwater, allowing us to begin a scientific study of the reef. Among our findings were the statue Atlas of the Sea and the twin-engine airplane from Jaws: The Revenge. What a wonderful first dive for a new crewman. Following the dive, we made our way back into the village to experience local food (hot dogs and Starbucks) of the native species. The more planets I visit, the more I realize we're all the same.
The day was at the very least, a new and different away mission. Kendra and I had our usual breakfast before preparing our shore bags, including an away uniform before unknown to our crew. We brought along flippers for the marine environment, along with masks and snorkels to prepare ourselves for the inhospitable atmosphere in which we would find ourselves. While I am a seasoned veteran in marine excursions, our new recruit, Crewman Lance, had not yet ventured into deep water without the comforts of air and dry land. Our shuttle took us to Stuart's Cove Bahamas, a SCUBA operation most notable for regular shark encounters and a storied Hollywood history to include numerous James Bond films (for more on James Bond, see the STARFLEET Academy's website for the School of Espionage). While I had an extensive PADI education in diving, the excursion we were on was an extremely quick-paced introduction to diving for the unacquainted. After scarcely ten minutes of briefings, we found ourselves whisked away on a Bahamian semi-rigid patrol boat at unthinkable USS Hephaestus
Following our return to the Enterprise, we were treated to a final evening of entertainment – an hour and a half with the Captain himself, William Shatner! Arriving in our typical style of first in line = front row, we were within unfortunate spitting distance of a man who, despite his age and inherent crankiness, was still simply larger than life. Much to some 12
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viewers' detriment but much to our enjoyment, we were treated not to a barrage of typical Trek questions and answers that Mr. Shatner had answered thousands of times, but rather a very real and personable experience… the ramblings of an old, crusty William Shatner. He spent time talking about his family and the wonderful time they were all having aboard, explaining very eloquently why we didn't see a lot of Mr. Shatner day-to-day compared to our other hosts. He brought some of these family members on stage and introduced us to them, obviously as a proud grandfather. He also spent time talking about the Jane Goodall Foundation, commenting on how moved he was by their mission and announcing his intent to work with the Foundation in coming years. Last, he brought up noted physicist Lawrence Krauss. He entertainingly had Dr. Krauss explain the four fundamental forces of the Standard Model of physics, drastically over-simplifying the concept of gravity. At one point, Mr. Shatner attempted to befuddle Dr. Krauss by demonstrating that a book and sheet of paper fall at the same rate. Only Mr. Shatner threw the book down, not giving the paper a fair fight. Maybe next time, Dr. Krauss.
experience. We packed our bags for the early morning departure back at spacedock in Miami, cheerfully reflecting on our good fortune to be able to reserve a suite on the next year's The Cruise II, hosted by Mr. George Takei. While we were promised the cheapest rates that would be available, it turns out that planning two back-to-back cruises proposed a booking nightmare for Entertainment Cruise Productions, meaning that it isn't too late for you to book for as little as $450 per person - well below what we were offered. If you'd like to experience what I've been writing about all year, I'd love to see you on-board to relax with George Takei, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Karl Urban, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, John De Lancie, Nana Visitor, Robert Picardo, Renee Auberjonois, Connor Trinneer, Ethan Phillips, Denise Crosby, Armin Shimerman, Max Grodenchik, Vaughn Armstrong, Jeffrey Combs, Casey Biggs, Robert O'Reilly, John Paladin, Astronaut Rick Searfoss, Robb Pearlman, and Dr. Phil Plait.
Thanks for following the Voyages of the Cruise Ship Enterprise!
The night carried on with a final party, saying a fond goodbye to the inaugural Star Trek: The Cruise
Hunt for the Icon Congratulations goes to Admiral Danny Potts who found the five Turkeys did he find them? They were here:
in the November Anvil. Where
1. pg. 2 – 1st Column at the end of the second paragraph 2. pg. 5 – end of the small problems paragraph 3. pg. 9 – after OIC 2 BDE (1 reporting Cycle) 4. pg. 11 - Name the Romulan Answers after Varel (Susanna Thompson) 5. pg. 15 – after the description of BrickFair This month there are five Christmas stockings hidden in the Anvil. The first person to email me with the correct locations will win a Christmas Stocking full of goodies. Send your answers to cohephaestus@bellsouth.net. USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Crew Happenings Fall Feast Games Dalmuti and Texas Hold’em
Ferengi Swap (Dirty Santa)
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
STARFLEET Marine Corps
First of all, I'd like to ask our shipmates to give a hearty and grateful thanks to LGen Neil Yawn for his amazing 20+ years of voluntary leadership in the SFMC. This, of course, comes at a time when we have more Marines entering service in our MSG, so please also offer a warm welcome to our newest Marine direct from our sister ship in Montgomery, LCDR Shirley Burton! Welcome to the USS Hephaestus and the Steel Thunderbolts! This month we saw community service in the Brookside Fire Rescue as well as the MS Wing of the Commemorative Air Force, as well as a shore leave visit to the WWII Memorial and National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC. BGN Russel of TRACOM reminds us all that he is continuing an open-door policy for questions on Marine Academy courses and policies, and BDR Tusker Allen of FORCECOM has reinforced his commitment to recognizing outstanding Marines with appropriate decorations. LGen Slayer Andersen is happy to report that the new SFMC website will roll out by January of this coming year! Make it so! For anyone interested in participating in the annual Commandant's Challenges, don't forget that there are two available. The first is to volunteer hours in the Toys for Tots campaign hosted by the USMC. Participating as a supporting member of the SFMC is a recurring suggestion and will earn perhaps respect and karma. This year's second and distinct challenge was to get in some bed-side reading! Much like the active duty has the Chief-ofStaff reading list, our Commandant has asked us to tally up our books completed over the year and report them so that our unit can distribute awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd most avid readers within the MSG over the current year. If you provide me with this info by end-of-year I will ensure all are recognized. I look forward to sharing next years' challenge! As always, if you're interested in the SFMC or want to dabble (maybe as a reservist like myself or Roy) in the more military side of the Star Trek universe, don't hesitate to chat with us about the STARFLEET Marines. After all, it's just another dimension to your favorite fandom. Until next time, “Give'em the Cold Steel!�
Lt James Davis OIC - 654th MSG
Semper Fi USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Anvil Focus Schedule 2018
Do you know this Alien?
January – STARFLEET International February – James T. Kirk March – The Mirror Universe April – Jean-Luc Picard May – Star Trek: Discovery June – Benjamin Sisko July – The Orville (The Wright Stuff?) August – Kathryn Janeway September – Star Trek – The Adventure Continues October – Jonathan Archer November – The Mirror Universe Enterprise December – Humor in Star (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)
Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Ugly Christmas Sweaters I wouldn’t mind owning
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Captain’s Top 10 Great Santa Claus Actors 1. Edmund Gwenn (Miracle on 34th Street – 1947)
6. Ed Asner (Elf – 2003)
2. Steve Guttenberg (Single Sant Seeks Mrs. Claus – 2004)
7. Charles Durning (A Boyfriend for Christmas – 2004)
3. Tim Allen (The Santa Clause – 1994)
8. Tom Cavanagh (Snow – 2004)
4. Art Carney (The Night They Saved Christmas – 1984)
9. Sal Lizard (former CS of STARFLEET)
5. Richard Attenborough (Miracle on 34th Street – 1994)
10. Steve Larkin (Help for the Holidays – 2012))
Name the Omnipotent Being Answers Metron (Carole Shelyne), TOS: Arena, S01E19 Melkot (Abraham Sofaer), TOS: Spectre of the Gun, S03E01 Quinn (Q) (Gerrit Graham), VOY: Death Wish, S02E18 Trelane’s Parents (Barbara Babcock and Bart LaRue), TOS: Squire of Gothos, S01E18 Cytherian (Kay E. Kuter), TNG: The Nth Degree, S04E19
Q2 (Corbin Bernsen), TNG: Deja Q, S03E13 Ayelborne – an Organian (John Abbott), TOS: Errand of Mercy, S01E27 Ardra (Marta Dubois), TNG: Devil’s Due, S04E13 Nagilum (Earl Boen), TNG: Where Silence Has Lease, S02E02 Mr. Mxyzptlk (Peter Gadiot), Supergirl: Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk, S02E13
If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 10) God (George Burns), Oh’ God
STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Hicks Family Bentley Stockham Potts Family Lathem Miller Family Arnold Mohney Family Bishop Petty USS Hephaestus
10/03/17 12/21/17 03/02/18 03/07/18 03/14/18 02/26/18 04/19/18 05/10/18 05/29/18 08/02/18
Boyd Family Lindsay Family Green Brown Burton Youngblood-Yawn Family Davis Family Mangina Hosley 17
09/17/18 10/10/19 10/12/18 10/30/18 11/13/18 11/30/18 12/01/18 05/15/19 05/30/19 Always Onward
The Anvil
Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Dec 2, 2017 Dec 9, 2017 Dec 16, 2017
Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm
Location cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Evans
2018 Schedule Date Jan 6, 2018 Jan 13, 2018 Jan 20, 2018 Feb 3, 2018 Feb 10, 2018 Feb 17, 2018 Mar 3, 2018 Mar 9-11, 2018 Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018 Apr 7, 2018 Apr 14, 2018 Apr 21, 2018 May 5, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 19, 2018 Jun 2, 2018 Jun 8-10, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jul 7, 2018 Jul 14, 2018 Jul 21, 2018 Jul 27-29, 2018 Aug 4, 2018 Aug 11, 2018 Aug 18, 2018 Sep 1, 2018 Sep 8, 2018 Sep 15, 2018 Oct 6, 2018 Oct 13, 2018 Oct 20, 2018 Nov 3, 2018 Nov 10, 2018 Nov 17, 2018 Dec 1, 2018 USS Hephaestus
Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Region 2 Summit Poker – 4 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Magic City Con Poker – 4 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Summer Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 2 pm Hoover Sci-Fi Fantasy Festival Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline Fall Feast – 2 pm Poker – 2 pm Anvil Deadline 18
Location cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Miller cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Potts cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Madison, AL Mohney Mohney cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Evans cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Potts Mohney cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Galleria Mohney Mohney cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Miller Hoover Library cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Evans cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Mohney cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Potts cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Mohney Miller cohephaestus@bellsouth.net Always Onward
The Anvil
Social – 7 pm Poker – 2 pm
Dec 8, 2018 Dec 15, 2018
Mohney Evans
2018 Discussion Forums Schedule Date Jan 11, 2018 Jan 25, 2018 Feb 8, 2018 Feb 22, 2018 Mar 8, 2018 Mar 22, 2018 Apr 12, 2018 Apr 26, 2018 May 10, 2018 May 24, 2018 Jun 14, 2018 Jun 28, 2018 Jul 12, 2018 Jul 26, 2018 Aug 9, 2018 Aug 23, 2018 Sep 13, 2018 Sep 27, 2018 Oct 11, 2018 Oct 25, 2018 Nov 8, 2018 Nov, 2018 Dec 13, 2018
Event/Time Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7 pm Beyond SciFi – 7 pm Exploring Trek (Dinner) Beyond SciFi – 7 pm
Location Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics Kingdom Comics TBA Kingdom Comics
News Repoters Wanted For Hephaestus Anvil
Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News (assigned) Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News (assigned) Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books
USS Hephaestus
Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr. driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites
Always Onward
The Anvil
Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out www.southernfan.com/calendar.htm
January January 13-14, 2018 – BrickFair, Birmingham, AL https://www.brickfair.com/ Come see MOC (My Own Creation) Lego creations. Find interesting and hard to find Lego models. Also find fan-created memorabilia.
Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the websites for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - www.alabamatheatre.com Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - www.birminghamzoo.com December 8-10,15-23, 26-31; 5PM – 9PM – ZooLight Safari Presented by Wells Fargo Watch as the Zoo comes alive for 18 nights of holiday-centric fun at ZooLight Safari presented by Wells Fargo! Be amazed by over one million lights, listen to holiday music and delight in festive snowfalls every night! Enjoy a ride on the Ship Candy Cane Ride*, go for a spin on the Jingle Bell Carousel*, experience the thrill of the over 100-foot Yuletide Slide*, ride the Santa Rollers* and so much more. Take in the beauty of a decorated tree reaching nearly 30 feet tall in Trails of Africa as you dance and boogie to special entertainment each night! New this year – enjoy a nightly (through December 23) performance plus meet and greets and photos with the Singing Santa! Adult beverages will be available for purchase on Friday and Saturday nights. Enjoy a glass of beer or wine for a fun date-night at the Zoo! *Requires ride ticket or wristband. Members: FREE Admission; Non-members: $10 Admission; Unlimited attraction wristband: $10 (does not include admission); Ride tickets: $3.50 McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - www.mcwane.org/ November 18- January 7 – Holidays At McWane Back for its 10th year in a row, the Magic of Model Trains returns to spread some holiday cheer and amaze guests. Discover trains of every shape and size inside this popular exhibit. Every set in the exhibit is designed to scale with the size of the trains. The meticulous detail of the scenery includes covered bridges, downtown storefronts and, of course, several train stations that will keep your family entertained for hours!
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
December 9 & 10; 2:00- 4:00 PM – Polar Express P.J. Party Join us for a journey beyond your imagination aboard the Polar Express! Slip on your PJs and visit with Santa over a cup of hot cocoa and cookies. Then it’s time to “believe” as you experience Polar Express on the IMAX Dome. A special keepsake will be given to all children 12 and under who wear their pajamas. Advance reservations are required. Call (205) 714-8414 - $20 | $5 discount for members December 9&16; 8:30-9:30 - Jingle Bell Breakfast Bring your little elves for a Merry Morning at McWane! Head to the North Pole where you will enjoy a hot holiday breakfast, make festive crafts, and have a very special visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus! When breakfast is over, take a ride down the slide and head to the IMAX Dome for a private showing of Santa vs. the Snowman. Ticket includes same day admission. Make your reservation today for this family favorite holiday event. Advance reservations are required. Call (205) 714-8414 - $30 Adults (13+) | $25 Child (2-12) | Members Receive $5 Off Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - www.southernmuseumofflight.org/ U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - www.rocketcenter.com /
Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback to help us send out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to: cohephaestus@bellsouth.net
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt Cmdr – 1st Officer Brenda A. Miller, Captain – 2nd Officer
James Davis, Capt, SFMC (Reserves), OIC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) Shirley Burton, Lt Cmdr (Reserves)
Executive Committee
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral
Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Andrew Boyd, Ensign 1st Class
Redshirts and Civilians Navigation
MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain Brenda A. Miller, Captain
Mark Lindsay, Captain Dean Brown, Cmdr Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Shirley Burton, Lt Cmdr Nicole Bentley, Lt JG Donald Arnold, Ensign 1st Class Trey Petty, Ensign Brenda Tiner, Civilian Kendra Lance, Crewman Krista Boyd, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Matthew Potts, Crewman Karen Burtyk, Civilian Carly Strickland, Civilian
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops, Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Captain – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Youngblood Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer Kris Bishop, Crewman – Linguistics
Mike Burtyk, Civilian
Pete Mohney, Admiral
Sciences Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Archaeology and Anthropology
Computer Sciences Danny Potts, Admiral
Cadet Training Katrina Mohney, Crewman Apprentice Tara Mohney, Cadet 1st Class Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Anya Davis, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training
Communications Brenda A. Miller, Captain James Davis, Lt Matthew Boyd, Ensign 1st Class Dennis Lathem, Crewman Lewis, Stockham, Crewman Curtis Salors, Civilian
Retired Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr Flo Hurst, Cmdr
Security Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080 cohephaestus@bellsouth.net
Lt Cmdr. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068 phillip3056@charter.net