Anvil May 2018

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2016 Printed Newsletter of the Year

The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


May 2018

The Anvil


Inside This Issue From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Discovering Discovery




Name the Character


While on an Away Mission


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


Star Trek News & More


Hunt for the Icon


Ship’s Log






Captain’s Top 10


Crew Happenings


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018


Do You Know this Alien…


Name the ____ Answers


Away Team and Activity Schedule


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Trek and Beyond Schedule


Area Conventions & Exhibits


USS Hephaestus Command Structure


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil. Cover: Poster from Star Trek official store:

Web Links STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

NASA Reporter

Curtis Salors

Doctor Who Reporter

Matt Boyd

Field Reporter

James Davis

The Anvil, Issue 320 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings, Crew and Passengers, A lot went on in April. Hopefully, we can continue to do a varity of things through out the month. We have several things coming up: Magic City Con and Hoover Library Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival. Please look to see how you can help with those events and let me know what you would like to do. The May Trek discussions are set back a week because of Mother’s Day. They will be the third and fifth Thursdays this month. Let me know if you want to be involved in leading one of the discussions. We still have seven months to go in this year so plenty of opportunities for you to lead one of them. Keep an eye on the Away Mission and Activity Schedule because things may change because of unseen circumstances. I will also post changes and give updates regularly on our facebook page and group. If you have an idea for an activity or away mission please let Phillip or me know so that we can plan to do it. As always looking for anyone who would like to see their name in print. If you have an article, review or a piece of fiction, please send it in and we will put it in a future Anvil.

As always, Live Long and Prosper and see you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Greetings Crew, It is the beginning of warm weather including sunny days and warm nights. It’s the time to start hiking and traveling. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. There are many movies coming out soon. We can plan to meet up and go. I am going to try to go to Atlanta to see the Coke plant and aquarium in the next month let me know if you want to come.

If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Commander Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Discovering Discovery By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller The latest series in Star Trek is called Star Trek: Discovery. This is one of the first of new generation of program watching for the new CBS All Access streaming subcription service. Instead of being on television, series programs are now popping up on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and YouTube. The new kid on the block is CBS All Access. Their programs include The Good Fight (a sequel to The Good Wife), Big Brother Over the Top (a spin-off of Big Brother), No Activity (Cop comedy based on an Australian program), and Star Trek: Discovery. CBS All Access also gives access to past episodes of popular CBS programs including Twilight Zone and Mission: Impossible.

Discovery is a science ship that has a new type of drive called a Spore Drive. The Spore Drive uses a fungus to cross vast expanses of space through a network that the fungus is connected to. This allows for jumping from one section of space to another, further than a normal warp drive can travel. Though most of the show does focus on Burnham there are several other characters that are developed: Saru (Doug Jones), a Kelpien whose species was breed to see the coming of death – he was the science officer on the Shenzhou and now is First Officer of the Discovery; Captain Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs), Captain of the Discovery – he is trying to use the Spore Drive to defeat the Klingons;

Discovery takes place 10 years before the original Star Trek. It explores the war with the Klingon that led to the Neutral Zone between the Federation and the Klingons. The show opens up with a small sect of Klingons which is looking to bring the Klingon Empire back to the glory it once knew. This will be achieved by waging war with the Federation. They are targeting the Federation because of the statement, “We come in peace,” which they feel is an affront to the Klingon Empire’s subjugation of all worlds they come in contact with.

Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp), Chief Engineer and developer of the Spore Drive; Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman), a Starfleet Cadet who is on the Discovery for her mathematical abilities to help with the Spore Drive; Ash Tyler (Shazad Latif), a former prisoner of the Klingons rescued by Discovery and is now Security Chief for the ship. Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), Chief Medical Officer and husband to Paul Stamets.

The show follows Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) who is blamed for starting the war with the Klingons. She was the first officer of the U.S.S. Shenzhou which was the first to make contact with the Klingons in over a hundred years (since the time of Captain Archer). Burnham, thinking that the best way to handle the Klingons is to go on the offense, tries to take command of the Shenzhou from Captain Georgiou. The Captain stops it but not before the Klingons destroy the Shenzhou. Burnham is court-martialed and sent to prison. The shuttle she was transported on is attacked by a spacefaring species that feeds on electricity, damaging the shuttle. They are rescued by the U.S.S. Discovery. USS Hephaestus

Discovery also makes a connection to the original series by having two characters from the series. Sarek (James Frain), Spock’s father who’s an adoptive father to Burnham. Harry Mudd (Rainn Wilson) who was in two episodes of the original series (Mudd’s Women; I, Mudd). This gives more background on these characters that are fan favorites. There are 15 episodes that are connected by the Klingon war with most episodes building up the Burmhan character but we do get three good episodes that focus on Saru, Captain Lorca, and Harry Mudd which is the best one. The episodes are more like 2

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chapters in a book than stand-alone episodes. The series is made more for binge-watching than it is to watch just one episode. You could watch the Harry Mudd episode without the others but the episodes build on each other so it is hard to watch just one episode at a sitting and understand what is really going on.

remain available. If you like, you can wait till several are out and watch them all at once. Another advantage of online programing is that it will be easier to produce science fiction programs because advertisers can be targeted who are looking for the science fiction audience. The problem: will those who produce them know what we, the fans, really want or will they be more inclined to produce what they think we want. Right now we have new episodes of Star Trek that we can enjoy.

This new way of doing programs is interesting because you don’t have to wait to see what is going to happen next week. Normally you have several episodes to watch at one sitting. Star Trek: Discovery does come out weekly, and once they come out they

Reviews Movies Avengers: Infinity War By FCapt. MarkAdam Miller Marvel brings us its epic movie that combines all the superheroes in one giant battle. We finally see Thanos in all his glory and how he will bring down the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. This movie is expected to out do what Marvel did when it created the Avengers first movie. This movie does a good job bring in most of the characters that have been in the Marvel movies with exception of a few (Ant-man and Hawkeye). It is interesting to see all them interact with each other and how each would play off the others. The problem is that with this large of a cast we are jumped around with small interactions and big fight scenes. I am surprised that a story was even brought out with all the ground that they had to cover just to get enough screen time for all the characters. As an action movie it was done very well with good fight scenes and really interesting team ups to battle Thanos and his army. As a story there is not a lot there. ***SPOILER ALERT*** The story line is that Thanos wants to destroy over population on all planets and the Avengers want to stop him. There was very little discussion on why Thanos was doing what he was doing or how the Avengers needed to plan a way to stop him. They even make light of not planning because they lacked time to stop Thanos. The story suffers to get all the characters screen time. I liked the movie, but it doesn’t stack up against the other Marvel movies. Thanks for bringing the characters together but next time lets work on the story as well. Rating: AAAaa

Typical Starfleet. No fun at all. – Harry Mudd, DIS: Choose Your Pain USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

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Name the Character

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Captain’s Log Supplemental: Phillip an I met General Kira to see if she knew of anything about the Mirror Universe that was not in her official report. She was able to get Quark and his brother Rom to give us their story without costing us a good deal of Latinum. We now know that the Mirror Universe does not have cloaking technology and that gives us a good reason to believe that the Hephaestus cloaking device was the main targert for the sabotage.

Phillip and I continued to the crew lounge where Michael was waiting for us. When we entered Michael and a Klingon stood up. “Lt. Korax, Captain Miller,” Mike gesturing to the Klingon.

***** Phillip and I headed back to the ship to find out what Ambassador Burtyk had found out. So, if we don’t find the saboteur then the ship is in danger of other sabotage. I was discussing security with Phillip when we met Lt. James Davis, head of our marines, standing at the gangway to the Hephaestus.

Korax started to laugh when Mike cut him off, “Captain, Korax has some interesting news that may help us.” I looked at Korax, “If you have something that can help with our current problem I will make sure the Chancellor knows how you asssited us and the debt that I owe you.”

I Klingon-saluted, “NeqneH!” Korax grinned, “I see why the Chancellor likes you, Captain.” I grinned back, “The Chancellor likes me because I let him get the biggest Targ when we hunt.”

We sat down as Korax told his story, “You may have heard of my Grandfather Korax who had done battle with you Captain Kirk*. When he was Captain of the IKS Gr’oth, given to him by Captain Koloth, he helped a science vessel U.S.S. Einstein, Miranda class, caught in an ion storm.

James spoke up, “I thought I would catch you up on how the analysis of the ship’s auxiliary system was progressing. We are 75% done and so far we have found no other tampering with those systems. While the team was doing the checking it came to me that the hacker knew we had a cloaking device but didn’t know it was not on the main system. This lead me to look at who has come on board recently because they would most likely be the ones who did not know that the cloak was on its own system. I narrowed the list to those who would have the know-how to make the modification that caused the malfunction. Three names popped up: Crewman 3rd Class Kris Bishop, Crewman 3rd Class Lewis Stockham, and Ensign Trey Petty. I need your permission to look at their records more thoroughly if you think it warrants it?” He handed me a P.A.D.D. I read through what he was looking for in the records and signed off on it, “I ask that you don’t interview them until you check with me first. We have a good crew and I don’t want them to think that we suspect them unless we have good evidence.” James saluted,”Yes, Sir.”

USS Hephaestus

The Gr’oth immediately knew that the people they beamed over were not from the U.S.S. Einstien as they started to attack the transporter room crew. After subduing the transported people, the Gr’oth crew learned that they were from the Mirror Universe. The captain of the Einsein referd to his ship as the I.S.S. Einstien and that the Empire would get its revenge on the Klingon Union. My grandfather knew that the ion storm had traded the crew the Einstein with their mirror counterpart. The U.S.S. Einstien was destroyed in the ion storm and the Mirror Universe crew was brought back to Kronos. The Klingon council feared the destruction of the Einstein might affect the Khitomer Accords and kept it’s distruction a secret and demoted my grandfather. Since the Klingons covered it up, I assume that the crew of the U.S.S. Einstein is still in the Mirror Universe. There is a rumor that a group of Klingon scientists did break the barrier between universes and found that the 5

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U.S.S. Einstein crew where tortured for information about our universe.

When Korax left I considered what this meant. This is a good lead but will it pan out. This explains why we didn’t find a mirror universe person in our medical screens. But is the saboteur willing working for the Mirror Universe or being forced to work for them?

Mike spoke up, “ Our saboteur might be from our universe but manipulated by the Mirror Universe.” I told Phillip, “Tell James to start looking up the crew of the Einstein. See if any names pop up that might be on our ship. Thank you Korax. I will be sure to talk you up at my next hunting retreat with the chancellor.”

(To be continued) *See TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles

The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge I have a few ideas for a different kind of challenge like a gaming night on the PS4 or a board game night to encourage everyone to participate. Possible PS4 games are Uncharted or L.A. Noir. Possible board games are Star Trek Road Trip or Monopoly. Any other ideas? Let me know. – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge We have had 6 people submit titles of books that they have read this year. Three were submitted for April which brings the totsl to 15 books out of the 100-book goal so far. If you read a book, send the title and author and a 1 to 5-star rating to me to have it added to the list. Also, if you like, write a review for The Anvil so others may want to read the book. Reader/Books



Matt Boyd The Trekker's Guide to Voyager: Complete Unauthorized Hal Schuster AAAAA and Uncensored Phillip Mangina Jr. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein AAAAA Star Trek S.C. E. – Have Tech, Will Travel Various Authors AAAAa We have 85 books to reach the goal. Send what books you have finished to the Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge page ( or to my email ( Let’s get reading…. – Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller (If you have a goal for weight loss, to quit smoking, New Year’s resolution or other goals then let us know what you are working on through the Facebook page so we can encourage you)

Universal law is for lackeys. Context is for kings. – Gabriel Lorca, DIS: Context Is For Kings USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Nichelle Nichols Dementia Nichelle Nichols’ son, Kyle Johnson, has filed legal documents to have 4 fiduciaries to be conservators for his 85 year old mother. This would give them control of her finances and decisions related to her health. Johnson is doing this because Ms. Nichols’ dementia is having an impact on her executive function which is making her susceptible to undue influences. Ms. Nichols has been very active in Hollywood and has three projects coming out this year. A mild stroke in 2015 is the only other health problem that has been reported for her. Hopefully this will allow for her to continue to be the inspiration she has been for all her follows. (

Star Trek Exhibit Closing The Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds exhibition at Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) will close May 28 in advance of a national tour. The exhibit includes Captain’s Kirk command chair and the navigation console which was restored for this exhibit. There are many props from the television series and the movies including tricorders, communicators, phasers, Klingon Disruptors, and tribbles. Rare costumes on hand are Spock’s tunic (Worn by Leonard Nimoy), Lt. Uhura’s dress (Nichelle Nichols) and Khan’s costume for the TV show and the two movies (Ricardo Montalban and Benedict Cumberbatch). Hopefully, the exhibit will be at the Space Center in Huntsville soon. (

Two Star Trek Films CEO Jim Gianopulos of Paramount confirmed at Paramount’s CinemCon presentation in Las Vegas that there are two new Star Trek films in the works. This includes the film that is being worked on by J.J. Abrams with director Quinten Tarantino and writer Mark L. Smith. The other project is believed to be directed by S. J. Clarkson who will be the first female to direct a Star Trek movie. S. J. Clarkson is best known for her work on Heroes, House , Dexter and Jessica Jones. Paramount also announced that Chris Hemsworth (Thor) will reprise his role as Kirk’s dad and that Zachary Quinto will be back as Spock. (

Doctor Who News – By LtJG Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! Change can be scary, hard and difficult to deal with. There are a lot of changes coming in the new series, more than usual. With every new series, old villains make a comeback. I would like to see some of the more obscure villains come back, like the Sensorites or Terileptils. Hopefully, they are talking about those and not just Daleks, Cybermen and the like. New head writer Chris Chibnall has mentioned there would be some classic baddies coming back and that the upcoming series will be intense. We can look forward to an exciting season. Speaking of intense, the 50th anniversary was very intense, remember when 10 met 11. They both met John Hurt’s War Doctor; Billie Piper was back as Bad Wolf. There were fez and suit comparisons and they even measured their screwdrivers. The three Doctors fought great odds, and, in the end, the War Doctor righted a wrong. That great episode is being written into a novel by Steven Moffat. Steven searched for the script so he USS Hephaestus


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could convert it into book form, but that wasn’t easy. It turns out a lot of what was in the final show was improvised so Steven had to watch the episode himself to get dialog that was missing from the script. He did manage to complete the book and it is available where books are sold.

Seeing Stars… Robert Picardo – – Mars Insight Lander Zoe Saldana – Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, May 3, 2018 Anson Mount – Star Trek: Discovery, Captain Christopher Pike Tig Notaro – Star Trek: Discovery, Chief Engineer Denise Reno William Shatner – Wrath of Khan screening tour: May 12: Providence, RI - Providence Performing Arts Center May 16: Baltimore, MD - The Modell Lyric May 17: Philadelphia, PA - Kimmel Center May 18: Concord, NH - Capitol Center for Performing Arts May 19: Newark, NJ - New Jersey Performing Arts Center

Never Forget… Tim O’Conner – April 5, 2018 (age 90) Tim O’Conner is best known in science fiction as Dr. Huer on the TV program Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century. Mr. O’Conner was Ambassador Briam Oon on TNG: Perfect Mate. The general public will know him as Elliot Carson in the prime-time soap opera Payton Place. Mr. O’ Conner died at his home in Nevada City, California. (Did I miss any news items that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

Hunt for the Icon Last month there were Capt. Picard icons hidden in the Anvil. Did you find them all? If not, they were here: 1. pg. 1 – Middle of the XO Briefing 2. pg. 4 – 2nd Column of While on an Away Mission middle of the second to last paragraph. 3. pg. 6 – Star Trek News and More half way down at the end of The Saturn Awards paragraph. 4. pg. 9 – Ship’s Log, 1st column after end of March 17, 2018 entry 5. pg. 18 – May Convention, middle of Free Comic Book Day paragraph. This month five Discovery icons are hidden in The Anvil. If you are the first to send in the correct answer you will get recognized in the next issue and get to suggest June’s hidden icon. Send your answers to

{ ----------------------------------------------------------- U USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Ship’s Log April 7, 2018 – Navigational Meeting

won Texas Hold'em. There were videos to watch and a lot of food.

We had a potluck dinner meeting to plan for upcoming conventions and events. We put together plans for the table and what panels we wanted to do at the Hoover Library Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival. Afterward, we watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Bill and MarkAdam added comments in a MST3K style during the program.

Attendance: 17 people, 1 dog, and 2 cats April 26, 2018 – Exploring Trek We discussed Ships of the Line. This is a favorite subject of Phillip who brought several books on the ships of Star Trek. The discussion included not only the different Enterprises but also other ships that have popped up in Star Trek. Comparisons to additional ships in other Sci-Fi programs were made as well. Snacks and drinks were provided.

Attendance: 8 people April 12, 2018 – Beyond Trek We discussed the movie Stargate (1994) starring Kurt Russel. We looked at how it compares a SciFi movie and its effect in creating the television series Stargate SG-1. We looked at how it compared to Star Trek as well. We had a good discussion and a new visitor. Snacks and drink were provided.

Attendance: 10 people Captain’s Log April 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2018 I am still working with Kingdom Comics as Game Master for Star Trek HeroClix. We still have not been able to get many people to attend. I will be looking for ways to get not only Star Trek but other HeroClix genres to come in as well. It is a good game but takes getting use too.

Attendance: 9 people April 14, 2018 – April Cookout The April Cookout had a good turnout in spite of the weather. We had a Cook-In instead of a CookOut but still were able to have fun. We played Munchkin, The Great Dalmuti and Texas Hold'em. Pete was the winner in the first two and MarkAdam

Attendance: ranges from 2 – 6 people Log entries: If you have did something you think the crew would be interested in then write up a personal log and send it to Let your crewmates know what you are up to.

Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Stuff Animals every Home needs.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


STARFLEET Academy STARFLEET Academy address: Don’t forget that, as a benefit of being part of STARFLEET, we can attend the online STARFLEET Academy. The online courses give you help in understanding ways to better run your club, learn information on different subjects (e.g. health, science and engineering) and help you find interesting facts about your favorite science fiction movies and TV shows. The Academy’s learn-at-your-own-pace format allows you to fit it in to your day to day schedule. The Academy also awards those who complete different quantities of courses (Boothby Awards) and excellence in course work (Red, Blue & Gold Squadrons). You also can get degrees if you complete enough course work. Just another way to have fun with STARFLEET. So, go learn something.

Captain’s Top 10 Short Lived TV Shows 1. Firefly 2. Space 1999 3. UFO 4. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century 5. Battlestar Galactica (1978) 6. Galactica 1980 7. The Fantastic Journey 8. Gemini Man 9. The Invisible Man (1975) 10. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future It is hard to get long runs for Sci-Fi shows because they are expensive to produce. These are a few that we lost because the audience wasn’t big enough to justify the cost.

You want to know how I turned on you? I believed saving you and the crew was more important than Starfleet's principles. Was it logical? Emotional? I don't know. – Michael Burnham, DIS: Battle of the Binary Stars USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Crew Happenings Exploring Trek – Ships of the Line

Photo Op at the movie theater

The Captain’s DS9 Heroes and Villains Trading Cards

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Anvil Focus Schedule 2018

Do you know this Alien?

May – Start Trek: Discovery June – Benjamin Sisko July – The Orville (The Wright Stuff?) August – Kathryn Janeway (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

Name the ____ Answers We did not have this challenge in the April issue. If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 13) Shinzon (Tom Hardy), Star Trek Nemesis

Away Team and Activity Schedule Date May 5, 2018 May 5, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 19, 2018 Jun 2, 2018 Jun 8-10, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jun 16, 2018 Jul 7, 2018 Jul 14, 2018 Jul 27-29, 2018 Aug 4, 2018 Aug 11, 2018 Aug 11, 2018

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Free Comic Book Day Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Magic City Con Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Captain’s Cookout – 2 pm Hoover Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival Anvil Deadline Poker – 2 pm Social – 7 pm

Location Kingdom Comics

Potts Mohney Hotel at Galleria Mohney Mohney Mohney Hoover Library Evans Mohney


The name is Mudd. Harcourt Fenton Mudd, Harry for short. – Harry Mudd, DIS: Choose Your Pain USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Bentley Stockham Lathem Arnold Petty Boyd Family Green Brown Burton Youngblood-Yawn Family Davis Family

12/21/17 03/02/18 03/14/18 04/19/18 08/02/18 09/17/18 10/12/18 10/30/18 11/13/18 11/30/18 12/01/18

Salors DeBarr Family Miller Family Potts Family Fitz Mangina Mohney Family Bishop Hosley Lindsay Family

12/11/18 02/11/19 02/26/19 03/08/19 03/18/19 05/15/19 05/16/19 05/29/19 05/30/19 10/10/19

Trek and Beyond Schedule Beyond Trek


May 17, 2018

May 31, 2018

Jun 14, 2018

Jun 28, 2018

July 12, 2018

July 26, 2018

These discussion groups are held at Kingdom Comics at 7 PM on dates listed

Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out

June June 8 - 10, 2018 – Magi City Con – Birmingham, AL Magic City Con is a three-day Sci-Fi, Pop Culture, Gaming, and Cosplay event held yearly at The Hyatt Regency Birmingham - Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama

July July 27 - 29, 2018 – Sci-Fantasy Festival – Hoover Library, Hoover, AL The Sci-Fi Fantasy Fest is an annual celebration of all things science fiction, fantasy & nerd related! It's an event brought to you by the Hoover Library.

Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the websites for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - /

Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback to help us send out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to:

When emotion brings us ghosts from the past, only logic can root us in the present. - Sarek, DIS: The Vulcan Hello

USS Hephaestus


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Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil:

News Repoters Wanted For Hephaestus Anvil

Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News (assigned) Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News (assigned) Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books

Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr. driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites

Star Trek HeroClix Away Team Fridays, 7PM @ Kingdom Comics Presented by U.S.S. Hephaestus and Kingdom Comics USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil




MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt Cmdr – 1st Officer Brenda A. Miller, Captain – 2nd Officer

James Davis, Captain, SFMC (Reserves), OIC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) Shirley Burton, Major (Reserves)

Executive Committee


Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Andrew Boyd, Lt JG

Redshirts and Civilians Navigation

Mark Lindsay, Captain Dean Brown, Cmdr Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Donald Arnold, Lt JG Trey Petty, Ensign Matthew Potts, Crewman 2nd Class Kendra Lance, Crewman 3rd Class Jodi Bowes, Crewman Krista Boyd, Crewman William DeBarr, Crewman Victoria Lynn Fitz, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Karen Burtyk, Civilian Carly Strickland, Civilian Brenda Tiner, Civilian

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Sciences Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences Danny Potts, Admiral

Engineering MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain Brenda A. Miller, Captain

Operations Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops, Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Captain – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Youngblood Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer Kris Bishop, Crewman 3rd Class – Linguistics

Ambassadors Mike Burtyk, Civilian

Cadet Training Communications

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Apprentice Tara Mohney, Cadet Crewman Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Anya Davis, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training

Brenda A. Miller, Captain James Davis, Lt Matthew Boyd, Lt JG Dennis Lathem, Crewman 3rd Class Lewis, Stockham, Crewman 3rd Class Curtis Salors, Crewman

Retired Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

Security Roy Green, Fleet Captain – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt Cmdr. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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