Anvil December 2015

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


December 2015

The Anvil


Inside This Issue From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Ship’s Log


Starfleet Marine Corps


Starfleet Renewal Reminders


Treasury Report


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Anvil Focus Schedule


Theme Article


Do You Know…?


Quotable Quotes


Captain’s Top 10


Star Trek News & More


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil. Cover: Majel Barrett (as Nurse Chapel, as Lwaxana Troi) Web Links Starfleet Region 2 USS Hephaestus

What Every Trekkie Needs


Star Trek Fiction


Name the Episode




Theme Poster


While on an Away Mission


Pictures from the Fall Feast


Area Conventions & Exhibits




Hunt for the Icon Answers


Name the Episode Answers


Starfleet Academy


Command Structure



Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

The Anvil, Issue 292 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room

Greeting from your Captain,2 This time a year I watch a lot of Christmas movies. I love the thought of giving and ways to be charitable. These movies give inspiration in ways to give. One thing that I found lately in the movies is the reason we sometimes find it hard to give. This reason goes way back and I see it in the Charles Dicken’s classic A Christmas Carol. If you read the story you know Scrooge is not a charitable man and he was this way because he let his past control what he felt his way of life should be. The problem was by being that way he was missing out on the love of the people around him especially the love of his nephew and his employee, Bob Cratchit. Once he realized if he would let go of his past failures and losses, he could actually live. I saw this theme in the latest Hallmark Debbie Macomber movie Mr. Miracle, where a girl was allowing her past problems with dyslexia interfere with her having a beautiful life. Another one was brought out by my pastor in his At The Movies series when he preached on the movie Saving Mr. Banks. P. L. Travers had problems because her father promised he would always be with her but she felt he broke it when he died while she was still young. So we either can mourn the past problems and disappointments or we can use them to know how to make ours and other people’s lives better. One way I try is to be generous with my tips. I don’t put the tip they deserve; I try to give the tip they need. Another way I try to help people is to look out for those who need help in stores. Having been in retail I know something about how stores are set up and I am willing to help because some stores can be short staffed and unable to do a proper job. I get a lot of “do you work here?”, but the surprise on the person’s face when I say I don’t, gives me a good warm feeling. Also, I try to give everyone a smile. That sometimes gives some people what they need because the rest of the world looks like a frown to them. So this Christmas maybe if you have some extra time or money think about helping out somewhere or giving the server at your favorite restaurant a gift card to eat some place other than where they work. They would probably like a change since they usually eat where they work. Happy Hanukah and Merry Christmas. If you have something interesting you would like to share then send your thoughts and articles to See you around the ship… Capt. MarkAdam Miller 

I adore diplomacy. Everyone dresses so well! – Lwaxana Troi, TNG: Half a Life, Season 4 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

XO Briefing


Hello crew, In this anvil we celebrate Majel Barrett Roddenberry, the First Lady of a Star Trek. She has appeared in several other TV shows including Earth: The Final Conflict. She also had a cameo in Ghostbusters 2 as the lady who threw down the fox fur coat. LLAP We will close the vote of confidence for Captain MarkAdam Miller this Saturday at the social. We will have voting slips at the social, if you haven’t voted already, which I will collect and tally. You also can email me your vote. My email is Lt. Phillip Mangina

Ship’s Log November 14, 2015 – Fall Feast The Fall Feast went over very well this year. Not only did we have the normal complement of Hephaestus people but also had several visitors. A landing party from the Deja Thoris came to celebrate with us. Dennis and Jill Raymond were a welcome sight since they have not been able to attend for some time. They also brought their friend Donald Horn. The feast included Pete’s famous Turkey with all the trimmings and several desserts. We played Dalmuti which your CO won in the final round. It was a hard fought game as we had nine players which made for some interesting rounds. We had about 20 people participating in the Ferengi swap (Dirty Santa). Several interesting presents were unwrapped and coveted by several people. Several people went home with some good loot including your Captain who went home with some nice figures of Alien and E.T. Texas Hold’em was the final game of the evening which had 10 players so we had to start with 2 tables. The heads-up round was between Brenda and Jill with Jill becoming the victor. Attendance: 30 People Personnel Updates: November 27, 2015 Captain personal Log I spent Black Friday at Kingdom Comics to promote the club. I handed out several business cards and had several interesting discussions about the new Star Trek series. I also saw several Hephaestus crewmembers there as well.

(If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments). USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Starfleet Marine Corps

Greetings,ď€ The 654th MSG is looking for members. There is a completely different set of Academy schools for those trying to get the Boothby awards. There is no pressure in joining. There are two categories: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily Fleet and only use Marine ranks when doing marine stuff. Contact Lt. General Neil Yawn (, if you are interested or have questions. Looking to boost your Boothby Awards? The Starfleet Marines Academy may be your answer. Check out what SFMC Academy has for you. Lt. General Neil Yawn, OIC 1 BN, 2BDE, OIC 654 MSG

Starfleet Renewal Reminders Potts Family Bentley Mohney Family Holsey Mangina Green Hicks family

03/05/16 04/07/16 04/15/16 05/30/16 05/15/16 06/04/16 06/17/16

Lindsay Miller Family Davis Tiner Youngblood-Yawn Arnold

07/07/16 08/26/15 08/31/16 09/13/16 11/30/15 11/30/16

Treasury Report December Description




Beginning Balance



Ending Balance



Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment. Lwaxana Troi, Star Trek: TNG, Cost of Living, Season 5 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

Away Team and Activity Schedule

Date Dec 5, 2015 Dec 11, 2015 Dec 12, 2015 Jan 2, 2016 Jan 9, 2016 Jan 15, 2016 Feb 6, 2016 Feb 13, 2016 Feb 19, 2016 Feb 26-28, 2016 March 5, 2016 March 12, 2016 March 18, 2016

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Summit 2 Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm


Location/Activity Paul Mohney’s House Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Miller’s House Pete Mohney’s House Pott’s House Navarre, FL Pete Mohney’s House Burtyk’s House


Anvil Focus Schedule Month



Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Nurse Chapel, Lwaxana Troi & Ship’s Computer)

2016 January

The Captain’s (Krik, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer)


Comedy Episodes


1st Officers (No. 1, Spock, Riker, Kira, Chakotay, T’Pol)-

I am Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. Who are you? Lwaxana Troi, TNG: Haven, Season 1

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

Theme Article: Majel Barrett, First Lady of Star Trek


By: Captain MarkAdam Miller You may know Majel Barrett as Nurse Christine Chapel on the original series or as Lwaxana Troi on the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. What only the die-hard fans may know is that Majel was also the computer voice in all the series of Star Trek (animated series, TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager and 2 episodes of Enterprise) and also all the movies. She is the only actor to work on all 5 series. Before she died she had finished up the voice work for the computer for the Star Trek 2009. Ms. Barrett also was the wife of Gene Roddenberry. She married Gene Roddenberry August 6,1969 in Shinto-Buddhist wedding in Japan. It did not become official until December 29, 1969 because Mr. Roddenberry said that he had not been divorced from his first wife at the time. California court records, though, show that Mr. Roddenberry had divorced his first wife in July of 1969. Ms. Barrett met Mr. Roddenberry in 1961. She was later cast in his The Lieutenant in 1963. During this time, she became Mr. Roddenberry’s mistress. Ms. Barrett’s recall of the time: "We weren't lovers at the very beginning, that sort of developed after we'd become friends." She had doubts that Roddenberry was ready to end his marriage. "Up until Gene actually left his wife, I really couldn't anticipate spending my life with him," she explained. "I felt I would spend the rest of my life loving him, but not necessarily with him.” Ms. Barrett was born Majel Leigh Hudec. She was born in my home state of Ohio in Cleveland. She enrolled in an acting workshop when she was 10 but her intention when she went to University of Miami in Coral Glades, FL, was to study to become a legal clerk. After a failed class in contract law she went to New York to try acting. She did land some roles but she felt the competition was too stiff and moved to Los Angles where she would be able to get more work. In 1962 she met Lucille Ball at an acting class which resulted in her signing a contract with Desilu Productions. This may have helped Ms. Barrett and Mr. Roddenberry to work together. The first role for Ms. Barrett in Star Trek was not as Nurse Chapel but as the 1st Officer, Number One, under Captain Pike. When the pilot, The Cage, was rejected, one of the reasons given was that NBC did not care for Number One being played by a woman. Other sources have said this was something that they believe Mr. Roddenberry came up with so not to hurt Ms. Barrett’s feelings as the true reason was that NBC did not see Ms. Barrett as a strong female lead which the part needed. When the role of Nurse Chapel came up, Mr. Roddenberry and Ms. Barrett, still wanting to work together, decided that she would change her acting name from Majel Hudec to Majel Barrett and wear a blond wig. This change allowed her to be in 27 of the 79 episodes as Nurse Chapel. Ms. Barrett and Mr. Roddenberry would continue to work together after the cancelation of Star Trek not only with their catalog company, Lincoln Enterprise, but her appearance in several of his failed TV pilots (Genesis II, Questor Tapes, Planet Earth and Spectre). When Star Trek went to animation, Ms. Barrett provided the voice of several characters including the Caitian, Lt. M’ress. In addition to her voice-over work, she also provided the voice of automated railroad-defect detectors for the Union Pacific and other railroads. Her voice can be heard on railroad radio channels throughout the nation. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


When Star Trek went to the movies Ms. Barrett would reprise her role of Christine Chapel but as Doctor Chapel instead of Nurse Chapel. The Star Trek movies were not her only time on the big screen. Other movies include Michael Crichton’s Westworld as Ms. Carrie and The Man in the Santa Claus Suit as Mrs. Forstythe. One notable cameo appearance was in Ghostbusters 2 as the lady with the fur coat that came alive. The small screen also kept her busy with several TV series including Bonanza, Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, Diagnoses Murder, Here Comes the Bride and also in the soap General Hospital. When Star Trek: The Next Generation came about she was cast as the mother to Deanna Troi. Lwaxana Troi would appear six times in TNG and then reprise the role for another three in Deep Space Nine. When looking at the Lwaxanna Troi character she was a little off putting trying to get Captain Picard to marry her. The character was more of a bull in a china shop. I believe the writers in Deep Space Nine made her more sympathetic by showing that she was a person who was just looking for love. This also gave Odo more depth because of the compassion he showed towards Lwaxana. The death of Gene Roddenberry didn’t slow Ms. Barrett down. She continued working the catalog business, Lincoln Enterprises, with her son Rod. She also dusted off two of Mr. Roddenberry’s old TV pitches. These two pitches became the successful series: Earth: Final Conflict (1997-2002) and Andromeda (2000-2005). She was executive producer of these shows and also acted in Earth: Final Conflict. She always tried to make one Star Trek convention a year. She was well received by the fans. When a rivalry came up between Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5, Ms. Barrett took on the role as widow of Centauri Emperor in the episode Point of No Return to help calm the tension. 2 We lost Ms. Barrett December 18, 2008 to leukemia. She died in her Bel-Air home with family, friends and her son Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry at her side. She was 76. Sometimes you wonder what a person is like outside of the character they play. I think we saw what Ms. Barrett was like. Someone who would love you for who you are like her Nurse Chapel character but she would also be brash enough like her Lwaxanna Troi character to tell you when you were not being who you are. To the First Lady of Star Trek, all our love.

Do you know these aliens?

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

Quotable Quotes


Lwaxana Troi to Worf: Of course he's unreasonable, he's a child!" – TNG: Cost of Living, Season 5

Lwaxana: No one's ever seen me like this. Odo: Why? It looks fine. Lwaxana: It looks ordinary. I've never cared to be ordinary. So you see, Odo, even we non-shapeshifters have to change who we are once in a while. Odo: You are not at all what I expected. Lwaxana: No one's ever paid me a greater compliment. – DS9:The Forsaken, Season 1 Lwaxana Troi: Every one of us has a thousand different kinds of, of little people inside of us. And some of them want to get out and be wild, and some want to be sad or happy or inventive or, or even just go dancing. Th-that's why we all have so many different urges at different times. And all those different little people inside of us…we must never be afraid to take them with us, wherever we go. I mean, who knows when we, we may need one of them to pop up and rescue us from ourselves? – TNG: Cost of Living, Season 5

Deanna Troi: Stop this petty bickering, all of you! Especially you, mother! Data: Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing. – TNG: Haven, Season 1

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


The Captain’s Top 10

10 Books to Read at Christmas: 1. The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg 2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss 3. Miracle on 34th St. by Valentine Davies 4. Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: Jingle Bell Christmas by Bathroom Readers’ Institute 5. Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: Christmas Collection by Bathroom Readers’ Institute 6. Being Santa Claus: What I learned about the TRUE meaning of Christmas by Sal Lizard 7. T’was the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore 8. A Very Klingon Khristmas by Paul Ruditis 9. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 10. The Christmas Story - Matthew 1:18 – 2:23; Luke 2:1-20

Star Trek News & More Robert Loggia (1930 – 2015) Even though Robert Loggia was not in any Star Trek films I would like to express my condolences in his passing. His role in Big and Independence Day were great. He was known for dramatic movies but his straight man in these two movies gave the right tone for the comedy to really explode in each movie. My condolences to the family, friends, fans and colleagues. (

What would Captain Kirk Do? Have you ever been in a situation and thought What Would Captain Kirk Do? Well you don’t have to wait any longer. Penguin/Random House is publishing a book by Brandon T. Snider just on that subject. Mr. Snider is best known for his award winning Dark Knight Manual. He has written several books for DC Manuals and the Cartoon Network. His style should give a unique take on What Would Captain Kirk Do. Will WWCKD bracelets be far behind? (

Set you DVR for Bob Newhart/Will Wheaton Bob Newhart and Wil Wheaton will be appearing together on the Big Bang Theory. Bob Newhart’s character, Professor Neutron, may be dead but he will appear again in his Jedi persona to help Sheldon with his latest dilemma. Wil Wheaton will also appear as himself as he done before. Mr. Wheaton and Mr. Newhart may not have scenes together but Mr. Wheaton blogged that he would be on the set at the same time that Mr. Newhart would be on. So set your DVR for this special episode set for December 17 th. (

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Slow News Month Since Christmas is coming most of the Star Trek News feeds are filled with gift idea for the season. I prefer to not advertise but there are some very interesting pieces this year: a cutting board shaped like the Enterprise, a Start Trek themed BBQ set, boots that come in all the three colors of the duty shirts (Gold, Blue, and Red), foam Bat’leths and more. So if you are stuck on ideas to get your Trekkie then head over to and and you should fine something that they can’t live without. 2 (,

Have you seen these videos: 12 Days of Star Trek Rate:AAAAA Star Trek Christmas song Make It So Rate:AAAaa Carrie Fisher on Good Morning America Rate:AAAAA (

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus

What Every Trekkie Needs



Always Onward

The Anvil

Star Trek Fiction


By: Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold

Ensign 3rd class Donald Arnold went back to Starfleet Academy for some extra training on new the Warp Core. The Hephaestus will be having some modifications done on our next lay over at Region 2 Starbase in February and this training will help in that. (Side bar - Donald had school and commitments that did not allow him to get a story written this month. Photos are of his work on fan film Starship Tristan that is filmed in the Birmingham area.) Donald Arnold is a member of the Hephaestus and has written many Star Trek fan fiction. If you have any fan fiction you would like to submit then send me your stories at

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus

Name the Episode



Always Onward

The Anvil



Movies Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus Review by Captain MarkAdam Miller In last month’s review we missed quoted the movie. We had said “Santa Claus may be the image of Christmas but Mrs. Claus is the heart.” The actual quote is “Santa Claus may be the head of Christmas but Mrs. Claus is the heart”

Just in Time for Christmas Review by Captain MarkAdam Miller This year Hallmark made a movie with two Star Trek alumni. William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Christopher Lloyd (Commander Krudge in The Search for Spock). William Shatner’s part is not very big: he mostly is the conveyance for the story. The story is a It’s-A-Wonderful-Life type of story. A woman, Lindsey Rogers (played by Eloise Mumford), gets a chance to be a professor at Yale the same night her boyfriend proposes to her. This is so sudden for her that her loss as what to do causes her boyfriend to storm off. She goes walking to think and runs in to a coachman (Mr. Shatner) who takes her 3 years into future. Through this trip she sees what her life would be if a certain path is taken. Not wanting to give away any more of the plot, it is an interesting take on what our choices can do. Christopher Lloyd plays the Grandfather to Lindsey and gets a few time travel quips in when Lindsey tries to explain what has happened to her. The movie is on par with most Hallmark movies. Mr. Shatner and Mr. Lloyd give great performances in their respective parts. I recommend trying to catch it this Christmas holiday. You have to see Mr. Shatner in his terrible goatee! My grandfathers were both great but I think Mr. Lloyd would also make a wonderful grandfather. If he has grandchildren, they must have a great time with him. Rating: AAAAa

Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny – RiffTrax Style Review by Shirley A. Burton On December 3rd, I went to my local theater to check out a weird 1970s movie called Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny. With the RiffTrax team adding their own commentary into it, though, insanity was about to reign supreme. Before the movie, there were three shorts. The first was Santa Claus’ Story, where Santa shows up in the home of two kids and tells them the story of how monkeys celebrate Christmas, including…dare I say it…a monkey Santa Claus. The audience was already laughing hard after that, but then along came the second short, Santa’s Enchanted Village. Directed by the same man behind the weird 1959 Santa Claus movie (which was riffed this time last year), there was Santa and Merlin the Magician, this time joined by Puss-in-Boots, Ferocious Wolf (whose walking was accompanied by a bad accordion), and Stinky the Skunk. Ferocious wasn’t happy, Stinky and many of the workshop elves were spending too much time goofing off. They ended USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


up being back at work in a hurry. The last short was Custard the Dragon, based on a story by Ogden Nash. All the characters were kids with four of them dressed up as different animals, including a dragon. The dragon was more of a scaredy cat at first, but when a pirate broke into their house to steal the presents, Custard ate the pirate (thankfully not really) and saved their Christmas. Then, it was on to the main feature itself. Basically, Santa and his sleigh get stuck on the beach in sunny and hot Florida. He calls on the kids to see if they can help him get unstuck from the sand. Each child brings in one animal to try to do something, including a gorilla (actually, it’s a man in a gorilla suit), a dog, a cow, a horse, and even a pig. While he was still struggling in the Florida heat (really, it’s not that hot in Florida in December), he told the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, which is different from the original version which told the story of Thumbelina. Let’s just say there was so much to laugh about, including a papier-mâché golden hen instead of the “goose that lays the golden eggs,” the goofiest giant who broke out in song every time he smelled Jack, and Honest John the Used Cow (turned Magic Bean) Salesman. Well…back to the story…Santa was finally rescued by…the Ice Cream Bunny, in a vehicle which kept making a weird noise as he arrived and soon left with Santa in the vehicle. This is definitely a trippy movie and great for a laugh after a long and hard day. This riffing gets a 4.75 out of 5 because there was one moment of screen freeze but was resolved quickly. For more information on RiffTrax, check out their website, To check out the shorts themselves without the riffing but still weird enough, here are the YouTube links: Santa Claus’ Story: Santa’s Enchanted Village: Part 1 -, Part 2 - Unfortunately, there isn’t a video available for Custard the Dragon. If and when it does become available, I’ll find a way to share it. Did I miss something? You have an interesting movie or TV show you would like to review or be reviewed? Then send me your suggestions and articles to

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Majel Barrett

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

While on an Away Mission


By Captain MarkAdam Miller T’was the night before Christmas and all through the ship not a creature was stirring, not even Brenda Tiner’s tribbles. The stockings were hung by the warp core with care in hopes that St. Nick soon would be there. The crew was off duty since we were in space dock for repairs. My wife in her nightshirt and I in my Spock footy pajamas were ready to snuggle for a long needed nap. When all of sudden the klaxon did clatter and I sprung from my bunk to see what the matter. I raced to the bridge in a flash, I commanded the 1 st officer Phillip to turn on the View screen to see what the commotion was about. But what a wonder appeared on the view screen but a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny robot reindeer. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I deduced it must be St Nick. More rapid than Klingon Bird of Prey his coursers they came, and over the comm I heard him call them by name! "Now Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the warp cell! To the top of the main hull! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!" Faster than a warp ship can fly up to the top of the saucer section the coursers they flew, with the sleigh full of toys, and St Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the hull, the prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As an intruder alert sounded I raced to engineering, as I entered I saw a shimmering of a transporter beam as St Nicholas appeared. He was dressed all in red, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all sparkling like they had just come from a replicator. A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, and he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack. His eyes-how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were red phaser beams, his nose like a red destruct button! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a Bat’leth, and the beard of his chin was as white as new ship hull. He had a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed, like a ship in an ion storm! He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself! A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk. Laying his finger aside of his nose, and giving a nod, shimmered out of site! I saw on the viewer as he shimmered in to his sleigh and heard on the comm as he whistled to his team. And away they all flew like a ship at high warp. But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he flew out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.”2

My apologies to Clement Clark Moore. I hope this made some of you laugh. The regular story will return in January.

Variety, my little Alex - the great secret is not the variety of life; it's the variety of us. Lwaxana Troi, TNG: Cost of Living, Season 5

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus

Pictures from The Fall Feast



Always Onward

The Anvil


Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please go to

December December 18, 2015 – Star Wars; The Force Awakens, McWane Center, Birmingham, AL On Friday, December 18, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will blast into McWane Science Center’s immersive IMAX Dome Theater. Don’t miss this epic holiday event. The Star Wars series continues with Star Wars: Episode VII, directed by J.J. Abrams, produced by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams and Bryan Burk, and scripted by Empire Strikes Back writer Lawrence Kasdan. Advanced ticket sales available online or by calling (205) 714-8414 or by purchasing at the ticketing counter inside McWane Science Center.

January January 29-31, 2016 – Chattacon 41 – Chattanooga Choo-Choo, Chattanooga, TN Chattacon is an annual Speculative Fiction convention held in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the historical Chattanooga Choo Choo. This section lists Cons that might be if interest to our group. It is not intended to be a complete list. If I’ve missed one, please let me know so I can list it in the next issue. Also please post any Con that your fellow crewmen might find of interest on our Facebook group.

Feedback No feedback was given for last month’s THE ANVIL.

Comments on stories or articles or ideas for the club can be sent to

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Hunt for the Icon

Did you find the five Icons last month? Last month’s Icon was U t(Klingon Bird of Prey). If you did not find them all they were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pg. 1 – After Phillips paragraph. Pg. 3 – End of the Starfleet Marine Corps Report. Pg. 8 – After the second paragraph in the Main Theme Article. Pg. 9 –After the 2nd paragraph in the Star Trek Back on TV article. Pg. 15 – End of the 4rd paragraph of the While on an Away Mission.

I hope you found them all. Red Alert! This Month five Christmas trees 2 are hidden in the Anvil. The five doesn’t include the example above...

Name the Episode Exile, S3E6 United, S4E13 Carpenter Street, S3E11 In A Mirror Darkly, S4E18 North Star, S3E9

Extinction, S3E3 Broken Bow, S1E1 The Catwalk, S2E12 The Forgotten, S3E20 Vox Sola, S1E22

If you have a suggestion or a question then sends them to Answer to Who is the Alien on pg. 10 – Ensign Sato infected by a mutagenic virus – Extinction, S3E3

By Captain MarkAdam Miller Jill Rayburn gave a Starfleet Academy challenge last month. I did not get any info of anybody completing any courses nor could I find anyone who had taken any courses so we are going to try the challenge a different way. Starting January 1st going to March 31st the person who completes the most Starfleet courses will get a special prize made by Jill Rayburn. When you complete a course you will need to send me what course you completed to be counted. I will give weekly updates on the FB Hephaestus Group during those months. I will announce the winner at the April Cookout. The courses can be fun. Also I will set up some way to see some movies or Star Trek episodes to complete some of the courses. So start looking through the Starfleet Academy catalogue and see what course you want to complete. Good Luck. Have fun! Live Long and Prosper! USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil: Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out Reviewers: Books Movies Games Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 - 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil



Command Staff

Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Lt Cmdr – Second Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Rear Admiral



Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Rear Admiral

Flo Hurst, Commander



Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Ensign(3C)

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Security Intelligence, Chief Sandra Holsey, Ensign Nicole Breanne Bentley, Ensign



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Operations and Counselor Shelia Benton, Lt Col – Stampede Coordinator, SFMC Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr – Ships Administrative Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt. – Ships Galley Officer

Neil Yawn, Lt. General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC Shelia Benton, Lt Col



Shelia Benton, Lt Commander – Chief Medical Officer, SFMD

Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain(ret.)

Cadet Training

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Katrina Mohney, Cadet Crewman Tara Mohney, Cadet Athena Youngblood, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training

Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Brenda Tiner, Crewmen Diedra Robinson, Ensign Haley Youngblood, Crewmen Matthew Potts, Crewmen James Davis, Ensign Gabrielle Davis, Civilian

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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