Anvil December 2016

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


December 2016

The Anvil


From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Science Officers


Quotable Quotes


While on an Away Mission


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.

Name the Scientist


Cover: Happy Holidays



Web Links

Inside This Issue


Error! Bookmark not defined.

Star Trek News & More


The Captain’s Top 10


Hunt for the Icon


Ship’s Log


Crew Happenings


The Scientists of Star Trek Poster


Exploring Trek




STARFLEET Marine Corps


Treasury Report


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Anvil Focus Schedule


Do You Know this Alien…


Away Team and Activity Schedule


USS Hephaestus Events for 2017


Name the Episode Answers


Area Conventions & Exhibits


Command Structure


STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues Note: All Christmas movie quotes are from


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

The Anvil, Issue 304 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings from your Captain, Well we are at the end of the year crew. It has been a great year. We have done a lot of socials and had some success with Exploring Trek. Looking forward to doing more in the new year. Think about what you would like to do next year and send your idea to me so that we can maybe do something different for our socials. We have a new series to look forward to that we might have to figure a way so we can watch it together at someone’s house. I am looking for volunteers to help with Exploring Trek so that I am not the only one leading the discussions. Do you have an idea for a discussion that you would like to lead? Then let me know.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Hello crew, It’s that time of year for everyone to start celebrating Christmas and New Year’s. After the holidays, I am going to start a Redshirt Challenge to encourage healthier eating and exercise to lose weight. More Info coming soon about the challenge. A personal goal is to get caught up on all TV shows and movies after the new year. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Phillip Mangina,

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Second Star to the Right… By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller If you are going to be in a Starship, then you are going to need someone who knows how to get from one place to another. When we first started exploring we used the Stars to sail the oceans of the world. When we started to explore space we again used the stars to plot the course of our spaceships. Most of the piloting was done by computer long before the spaceship ever left the earth. The astronauts themselves would only need to pilot for the minor course correction that would need to be done once they left the earth’s atmosphere. Even then they were checked against a computer.

Crusher took over the spot. Again, this had some humor to it in that Wesley was a teenager driving the ship. The Conn was not as important in this series as in TOS so if something bad had to happen to someone on the bridge then an unknown crewman would be put at the Conn in place of Geordi or Wesley and they would be killed or sent to sickbay. (e.g., Where Silence has Lease, S2E2) DS9 being a Spacestaion didn’t need a helmsman until the third season when the station gets the Defiant. (The Search, Part 1, S3E1) Jadzia Dax fills in as the ship’s Conn Officer. This seems to be a cost saving measure so that the series did not have to hire someone to be Conn Officer for the Defiant. Even though Dax is a good Conn Officer the role of the conn officer is not further developed by the DS9 series. The show did demonstrate that most people can pilot the ships since everyone at one time piloted the runabouts during the series.

When Star Trek first came out the job of piloting the ship fell to two people. The helmsmen and the navigator. The navigator would plot the course to get the ship from point A to point B. The helmsmen then would lay the course in and get the ship moving along that course. The writers for the series were mirroring the way sea-going vessels of earth would navigate the oceans.

Voyager’s conn was manned by Paris but only after the helmsman Stadi was killed when Voyager was transported to the Delta quadrant. (Caretaker, Part 1, S1E1). Since Voyager is trying to get back to the Alpha quadrant Paris is called upon different times to change the heading of the ship. Paris’s role may have been saying “Aye, Captain, course laid in.” but his presence made it feel like there was someone piloting the ship. This is better than in TNG which you were never sure if someone was piloting the ship

TOS had several people in Helm and Navigation positions but Sulu and Chekov are best known as being the ones to navigate the ship from planet to planet. The Helm and Navigation would also take care of firing the phasers and photon torpedoes when necessary. Helm had a scope that would come up to help aim the phasers and torpedoes. After TOS, the later series would combine helm and navigation in to one station called the Conn. The reason for this was that it cut down the need for two actors. The writers may have also realized that most of the navigation for the ship would be done by computer so that only one human was needed to make sure that they were on the course that was set by the Captain.

In Enterprise, the latest series in Star Trek, the ship is also piloted by a Conn Officer. The Conn Officer of the Enterprise is Travis Mayweather. Travis is a son of a cargo ship captain so he knows how to navigate space better than most who come out of Starfleet Academy. Enterprise’s Conn Officer configuration seems odd in that Enterprise comes before TOS so therefore should use the same Helm and Navigation Officers that was in the TOS series. The conn configuration

As a gimmick, TNG had a blind person run the Conn of the ship. Geordi La Forge was blind but could see with the use of a device called a VISOR. After Geordi was promoted to Engineering, Wesley USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


might have been used to limit the number of actors needed for the main cast. From a story aspect, we can speculate that Enterprise is in the new timeline that was created when the Enterprise D went back in time to stop the Borg. The Enterprise D crew may have given information to the engineers of the warp drive engines that showed that a single man running a Conn is more efficient than two people running a Helm and Navigation system. There is also the possibility that when the more powerful engines of the Kirk’s Enterprise may need more handling so the Helmsman doesn’t have the time to navigate so a navigator is needed. This can be seen in the Kelvin Universe (J.J. Abrams movies) as the Enterprise has the Helm and Navigation configuration of TOS. Then by the time you get to TNG, space is well explored and you don’t need to worry about coming across spatial anomalies that make navigation hard to do.

USS Hephaestus

Looking at all the officers that have piloted the ships my choice would be Tom Paris. Mr. Paris is a very good pilot but also has enough sense to think “outside the box” when things get tough. In addition, he knows how to drive other vehicles as well. When we go to space we will need people that know the stars just as the ships of old. Hopefully we will not lose people studying astronomy any time soon.

Others’ Thoughts: My pick is Wesley Crusher, boy genius, I relate to him the most. He was my generation's Chekov. Wesley was the youngest person to navigate the Enterprise. He solved a lot of complicated issues and dealt with puberty. – Ensign Matt Boyd


Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see. – The Conductor (Tom Hanks), The Polar Express (2004)

Mother (Maureen O'Hara): Would you please tell her that you’re not really Santa Claus, that actually is no such person?" Santa Claus (Edmund Gwenn): Well, I hate to disagree with you, but not only is there such a person, but here I am to prove it. – Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings. – Zuzu Bailey (Karolyn Grimes), It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

"Yes! Yes, I do! I like Christmas! I love Christmas! – Ebenezer Scrooge (Reginald Owen), A Christmas Carol (1938)

"What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more? How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Dr. Seuss, 1957 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Begin Transmission…

more reliable than 20th century tech? I have an elf researching it so I should be able to fill that order. I still would like a better explanation of why she needs them.

To: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller From: Admiral Claus Subject: Christmas help

Tell Admiral Denby, Fleet Captain Pat and Commander Hurst that I still need their lists. They have been very good this year so anything they ask for should not be a problem as long as I get it by subspace by Dec. 16. We start loading the warp sled on the 17th to get it ready in time for the 24th’s flight (I miss flying by reindeer). I am overlooking the one incident with Admiral Denby because I don’t think it was her fault.

My Dear Captain, Congratulations on your promotion. If anyone deserves it in Starfleet it was you. The reason for my writing: Christmas is coming and I need help on some of the list from your crew. First off, Ensign Donald is asking for a new Bat’leth and Admiral Pete is looking for Valyrian steel longsword. What in Cinnamon in the Hot Chocolate is it with your crew and medieval weapons? Do they not know how hard it is to carry those in my sack? The last time I brought Ensign Donald a Bat’leth I went through three bags before I delivered it. Also, the elves have not made Valyrian steel since before Zefram Cochrane met the Vulcans. I will bring them but I am having the elves make a carry sack out of chainmail. Tell Ensign Donald if he breaks this one he will have to go to the Klingon High council for the next one. Hopefully I can get them to the ship without incident.

Lt Phillip and Commander Brenda both have been good and will be pleased with what I am bringing them. Don’t tell Commander Brenda but there will be something extra special in her stockng this year. Ensigns Matt’s and Andi’s lists weres a little long this year. I will try to fill most of their requests but the personal shuttles they asked for will be up to you. My agreement with Starfleet is I won’t build shuttles if they don’t build toys. Don’t tell Ambassador Mike but one of my elfs made a beautiful poker chip set that I felt he needed. Tell him I expect him to bring it to the Annual UFP Ambassador picnic in May. I have a new strategy that should beat the Burtyk gambit next year.

As for Admiral Danny, his request for the latest tech doodad is giving my tech Elf, Hermes, a devil of a time in trying to find it. He is nearly bald pulling his hair out. Elfs don’t go bald till they are at least 575 years old and Hermes is only 203! Hermes needs some reference for the article mentioning the item so that he can read up on it. Hermes does have Top Secret security clearance with Starfleet and you can go through Commodore Ryan to check on that.

If you could see to some of this I would appreciate it. Also expect something nice n your stocking this year. Truly yours, Admiral Kris Claus North Pole, Earth, Sol. Sector 0,0,0

Also, please tell me why Captain Sue Ellen needs something called head phones for her metal detector. Why doesn’t she just use a tricorder? Aren’t they

USS Hephaestus

End transmission…


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Conn Officer

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Movies Doctor Strange – Review by FCapt. MarkAdam Miller Marvel Studios has taken another of their superheroe titles and brought them to the big screen. This time around it is Doctor Stephen Strange. I am more a DC comic fan so don’t know all the Marvel heroes with Doctor Strange being one of them. So, I am wtching the movie without any preconceived notions of who Doctor Strange is. The movie theme is one that I have seen in other movies before. A person has an accident and western medicine can only go so far to cure them. The person then goes on a quest to find some way to make themselves better. They track down a rumor and learn that there are more ways than western medicine to cure what ails you. The person finds the answer and comes to this great understanding above modern thinking. This is the main story line of the movie. The Ancient One teaches Doctor Strange that there is more than just understanding modern medicine and once Dr. Strange learns this he becomes a better man. There is a side story of Kaecilius who believes that the Ancient One is holding back some great mystery that will bring greater power. This greater power is a being who is bent on destroying everything. Dr. Strange with his new knowledge comes in and saves the day. The movie is a great story with great special effects. The problem is we have heard this story told many different time and the only difference is that this movie has the special effects that make it better. One example of this is the way the Ancient One kicks Doctor Strange out of the Temple. Through special effects we get a more mystical way of Doctor Strange being kicked out than just leading him to the door. The fight scenes were similar to The Matrix but again better because of the special effects. Really nothing original, just an old story made better by special effects. I recommend going to see the movie in the theater. The special effects makes it worth seeing the story you have seen before. I really like the movie but wish they had some other angle to use than just special effects to make this a great movie. Rate: AAAAa Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them – Review by FCapt. MarkAdam Miller I am a big Harry Potter fan. When they said, they were going to make a movie on Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them I was not sure they knew what the book was about. J.K. Rowling wrote side books for the charity Comic Relief in 2001after the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire the previous year. The books were textbooks that were mentioned in the Harry Potter Series, Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them (FB) and Quidditch Through the Ages. The book FB is a list of different mythical creatures that pop up in the Harry Potter series. There is really no storyline in the book. So, what are they going to make this movie about? The movie is about the author Newt Scamander, the writer of FB. He is on a journey to catalog all the mythological beasts before the Magical community wipes them out in USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


fear that the fantastic beasts will reveal the magical world to the muggles (non-magical). Newt feels if he can get enough information on the fantastic beasts then he might be able to save them before they become extinct. The movie takes place in New York instead of England, unlike the Harry Potter series. Newt is in America to return a beast to Arizona where it belongs and will survive better than in Egypt where it was at. In the process, he runs into problems that bring the American Aurors (Magical Police) to arrest Newt for causing the magical problems in New York. The story is well written and goes well with what Harry Potter fans know from the previous Harry Potter books and movies. This is not surprising, as J.K. Rowling was one of the writers for the screen play. While watching the movie with my wife, I could not help but notice that although it is an enjoyable movie if you don’t know the Harry Potter story then some of the creatures may not be as significant to you as they are to a Harry Potter fan. The secrecy of magic that is behind most of what going on in the movie also may be missed by the nonHarry Potter fan. Both of thes points are what makes the movie the fantastic experience it is. The non-Harry Potter fan will enjoy it but will feel like they are missing something. This might be good motivation to get them to read the Harry Potter Books. Rate: AAAAA (for the Harry Potter fan): Rate: AAAAa (for the non-Harry Potter Fan)

Games Mass Effect Trilogy – Review by Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. The original trilogy largely revolves around a soldier named Commander Shepard, whose mission is to save the galaxy from a race of powerful mechanical beings known as the Reapers and their agents, including the first game's antagonist Saren Arterius. The first game, released in 2007, sees Shepard investigating Saren, whom Shepard slowly comes to understand is operating under the guidance of Sovereign, a Reaper left behind in the Milky Way tens of thousands of years before, when the Reapers exterminated virtually all sentient organic life in the galaxy as part of a recurrent cycle of genocide for an unknown purpose. Sovereign's purpose is to trigger the imminent return of the Reaper fleet hibernating in extra-galactic dark space, restarting the process of extermination. The second game takes place two years later, and sees Shepard battling the Collectors, an alien race abducting entire human colonies in a plan to help the Reapers return to the Milky Way. The final game of Shepard's trilogy centers on the war being waged against the Reapers. The next installment is expected to take place in the Andromeda Galaxy and feature a new cast of characters. Mass Effect takes place in a fictional version of the Milky Way in the year 2183, in which the galaxy is populated by several different species throughout its vastness. The galactic community partitioned the Milky Way into five different sectors, known as the Terminus Systems, the Attican Traverse, Inner and Outer Council Space, and Alliance Space. Earth is a significant setting, particularly in the third installment, while the space station known as the Citadel is a recurring and highly prominent locale. The fourth game in the series is expected to see the setting move to the Andromeda galaxy, long after the events of its predecessor. I have really enjoy playing this trilogy. I recommend everyone to play this game which can be payed on PC, PS3, and Xbox platforms. Rate: AAAAA USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


OP/ED Do CBS or Paramount care for the fans? Most people who know me, know I am a Trekkie (Someone who a fan of Star Trek). My biggest credential is being the President of a local Star Trek fan group in Birmingham, AL. I can trace my love of Star Trek at least as far back as my 7th or 8th birthday when I received a model of the Starship Enterprise for my birthday. As a fan, I really question if CBS/Paramount really care for the fans of Star Trek. What has set me off is CEO Jim Lanzone comment: “Sci-fi is not something that has traditionally done really well on broadcast. It’s not impossible, for the future, if somebody figures it out. But historically, a show like ‘Star Trek’ wouldn’t necessarily be a broadcast show, at this point.” This to me is a sllap in the face to the fans of Star Trek. It tells me we as fans are not good enough to have a show on broadcast TV but we are good enough to bring the money so that CBS’s All Access can be profitable on line. What is Mr. Lanzone not telling us? Mr. Lanzone is looking at programs like Game of Thrones and the reboot of Battlestar Galactica as what Science Fiction Fans are looking for. The only thing he sees in them is the sex, violence and language that is used to make the program more adult. This is what they are planning with Star Trek Discovery. They want to make sure that they have people subscribing to All Access and this is the only thing that will do it. The problem is those shows did well because they had good writing behind them as well: A story that interests the audience to keep coming back. Discovery is going to fail if it only relies on sex, violence and language. If there is not a story to grab the fans attention, then Star Trek will not be seen again until a generation reboots it in 10 to 20 years. I understand that CBS wants to make a profit. CBS please understand there will be no profit if you turn the fans against you. The problem is that CBS is looking at the money they can get now and not the money that will continue to flow in because it is a product we want to buy. You want to make good Star Trek then follow these guidelines: 1. Have some points on making us think how we better can relate to those around us. 2. Have some humor so that it is not serious all the time. 3. Make sure that the science is sound. If you ignore science, then you are going to turn a lot of people off 4. Make sure the whole family can watch it. If parents cannot discuss the episode with their kids, then they aren’t going to watch it. Science Fiction is written to help make us better than what we are. That is why people love Star Trek. It encourages us to be better.

Spaceman First Class, Protector of Earth, scourge of intergalactic evil - at your service. – Tom Paris, VOY: Night, S05E01 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Star Trek Discovery Cast Announcement Announcement of some of the cast of new Star Trek series Discovery was made. Doug Jones (Lt. Saru), Anthony Rapp (Lt. Stamets) and Michelle Yeoh (Starfleet Captain Georgiou) were the three names released over the past week. Captain Georgiou will be captain of the starship Shenzhou. So, we still have not been told who the captain of the Discover will be. Filming is expected to start in January for a May release. Hopefully more information on the new series and cast announcements will be coming out soon. (For more on Star Trek Discovery check on pg.XX) ( Star Wars Crossovers? Disney oversees Star Wars now. The question, will Disney’s cartoon series, Star Wars Rebels, have any part in the December Star Wars Movie Rogue One? Some people are thinking that it might because in the trailers it looks like The Ghost, the ship from Star Wars Rebels, is in one of the scenes (see pic). The hard part of combining what happens on television with what is in movie theaters is that TV series are done at a quicker pace than movies so things can change faster than in a movie. This can be seen in the Marvel movies and the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of the time the movies influence the TV series but not a lot of what happens in the TV series makes it to the movies. This will also be the case with Star Wars Rebels and its effects on the Star Wars Movies. (

Never Forget… Ron Glass – November 25, 2016 (age 71) Mr. Glass is best known as Detective Ron Harris on Barney Miller. To Sci-Fi fans he is known as Sheppard Book on the TV series Firefly and the movie Serenity. He was also on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as Dr. Streiten who was responsible for saving Agent Coulson life. No information as to the cause of death was available.

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Van Williams – November 28, 2016 (age 82) Mr. Williams is best known as the Green Hornet in the 1966 Television series of the same name. He also did a guest appearance on Batman as the Green Hornet. After his career dropped off in the late 70’s he became a reserve deputy sheriff and a volunteer fire fighter at the Malibu station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. He died of renal failure in Scottsdale, AZ. Peter Vaughan – December 6, 2016 (age 93) Mr. Vaughan is known for many roles, but for the fantasy realm he is known as Maester Aemon on HBO series Game of Thrones. Others roles include The 10th Kingdom (Wilfred Peep, 2000), Porridge (Henry Grout, 1975-77) and War and Remembrance (Col. Gen. Kurt Zeitzler, 1988). Now his watch is ended. Rest well, Maester Aemon! Col John Glenn – December 8, 2016 (age 95) Senator Glenn is remembered as being the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962. He is also known as being the oldest man to fly into space. In 1998 at the age of 77, Senator Glenn flew on the space shuttle Discovery as part of its seven-member crew. Senator Glenn also served as Senator for the state of Ohio for over 24 years, from December, 1974 to January, 1999! NOTE: The January Anvil will have a recap who all died in 2016. If you have anyone you would like to include please send me the info by the January Anvil Deadline. (if you have a news story that you think the crew would be interested in then please submit your articles by the Anvil deadline) (Did I miss a news item or news item that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller In case you are not sure what to buy your Captain (Legos, of course)?

Disney Castle

USS Hephaestus


S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier


Always Onward

The Anvil


The Captain’s Top 10 Top Ten Gift Ideas for the person you don’t know what to give. 1. Create a scrap book of things you did with them 2. Donate to the Local Food Bank in their Name 3. Donate Book(s) to local library in their name 4. Give to Toys for Tots in their name 5. Membership to Museum they like 6. Subscription to a Magazine that talks about their Hobby/interest 7. Give a donation to their Alma Mater 8. make a picture frame with things you did that year together 9. Donate to Police/Fire in their name 10. Write a poem/letter telling them what they mean to you.

Hunt for the Icon Did you find the five turkeys they were:

that Pete needed for the Fall Feast last month? If you did not find them all

1. Pg. 1, From the Ready Room, Middle of 2nd Paragraph 2. Pg. 3, 1st column, end of the first line 3. Pg. 5, 2nd Column, end of first objective 4. Pg. 8, middle of the 1st paragraph in Star Trek Discovery Update 5. Pg. 15, USS Hephaestus Events in 2017 at end of the 1st sentence Santa seems to be missing some elves. Can you find Santa’s five missing elves . The five doesn’t include the example above. When you find them, send me an email and the first one who sends me the right answers will be given credit in the newsletter and in the Facebook Group.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Ship’s Log November 12, 2016 – Fall Feast

accomplished this year. We also discussed what we wanted to do in 2017. MarkAdam also gave the option of anyone who wanted to facilitate next year to give him what they wanted to discuss and which meeting they would like to do it at. Exploring Trek will start up again in January since December is very busy for most people.

We celebrated our annual Fall Feast with some new faces. This was the first time for several of our new members. Pete had the usual turkey ready eat with all the trimmings. Several people brought other foods to eat that made for a nice table. We played the usual games of The Great Dalmuti (Pete won), Munchkin (MarkAdam won) and Texas Hold’em (Pete won). We also played Ferengi Swap (Dirty Santa) with several unusual gifts that were passed around several times. Looked like most were satisfied with what they received. The CO handed out promotions and awards that he had not been able to give out before. He also promoted the second officer Brenda Miller to rank of Commander for her hard work on the monthly newsletter The Anvil. We also collected vote of confidence on the executive committee and the 2nd Officer.

Attendance: 5 people November 30, 2016 – Vote of Confidence The vote of confidence went well with everyone agreeing with those who were up for reelection: The Executive Committee will be: Sue Ellen Mohney, Denby Potts, Danny Potts 2nd Officer: Brenda Miller (If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments).

Attendance: 30 people November 17, 2016 – Exploring Trek We tied up the year of Exploring Trek with dinner at a local restaurant, Makarios / Ranch House in Vestavia, AL. We discussed what we had

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Crew Happenings Annual Fall Feast


Games USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


The Conn Officers

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Exploring Trek The November meeting for Exploring Trek was a dinner at Makarios / Ranch House Family Restaurant. Because of the fourth Thursday being Thanksgiving we moved it up a week. This was less formal than the discussions we have had at Kingdom Comics. It was a look back at what had been discussed this year as well as discussing what we wanted to do next year. There will be no Exploring Trek for December because of the holidays. The next one will be the fourth Thursday in January. We will discuss a new Star Trek episode and plan for the rest of the year. If you have some ideas for discussion let me know. I am looking for anyone who would like to be the facilitator for any of the discussions. Let me know what you want to discuss and which Thursday you would be able to do that on. You can contact me either through Facebook or my email

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STARFLEET Academy Congratulation to Ensign Matt Boyd on receiving Honors in College of Humor: Trading Places. This is just one example that demonstrates that STARFLLET Academy is not just learning about Star Trek. There are a lot of things you can learn by taking STARFLEET Academy courses. My favorite has been the test for Charles Shultz’s Peanuts. If there is something you want to learn then check out STARFLEET Academy. You might find that special class you want to take without putting out all the money for a college course. If you are interested in STARFLEET Academy all you need to do is head over to, look at the course catalog to find something you are interested in and then send an email to the instructor to enroll in the course. For most of the courses you can find the information on line. If you need other material, then the course will tell you what books you need or it will come with a PDF that you will need to download to take the course. As Dwayne Pride (Scott Bakula), an ancestor of Captain Archer says, “Go learn Things!” And have fun.

I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things. – Worf, DS9: The Darkness and the Light, S05E11 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


STARFLEET Marine Corps Our Marines are headed up by Lt. General Neil Yawn. The Marines are part of STARFLEET but are for those who want a more military aspect to STARFLEET. There are two categories of Marines: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily STARFLEET and only use Marine ranks when doing marine activities. If you are interested or have questions about the Marines, then contact Lt. General Neil Yawn at Also check out the Marine Academy for some interesting courses to take to help you achieve your Boothby Awards.

Anvil Focus Schedule

Treasury Report

December: Helm/Navigation (Sulu/Chekov, LaForge/Crusher, Dax, Paris, Mayweather) January: Klingons February: Communications (Nichelle Nichols)

October Beginning Balance





Payments Deposits Ending Balance

(Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Tiner Arnold Potts Family Mohney Family Mangina Holsey Green Lindsay Family Davis Family Miller Family Boyd Family Carr Family Baxter Hicks Family Youngblood-Yawn USS Hephaestus

Do you know this alien?

09/13/16 11/30/16 03/05/17 04/21/17 05/15/17 05/30/17 06/27/17 07/08/17 08/31/17 08/26/17 09/17/17 09/19/17 09/24/17 10/03/17 11/30/17 17

Always Onward

The Anvil


Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Dec 3, 2016 Dec 10, 2016 Dec 16, 2016 Dec Jan 7, 2017 Jan 14, 2017 Jan 20, 2017 Jan 26, 2017 Feb 4, 2017 Feb 11, 2017 Feb 17, 2017 Feb 23, 2017

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm

Location Mohney Miller No Meeting Mohney Mohney Kingdom Comics Mohney Miller Kingdom Comics


USS HEPHAESTUS EVENTS FOR 2017 Below is the tentative schedule for the Socials, Poker and Exploring Trek meetings. Please look it over. If you see something that may be a conflict, please let me know.

Jan 14, Social Jan 20, Poker – Mohney Jan 26, Exploring Trek Feb 11, Social Feb 17, Poker – Miller Feb 23, Exploring Trek Mar 18, Social Mar 17, Poker – Potts Mar 23, Exploring Trek Apr 08, Social – Spring Cookout Apr 14, Poker – Evans Apr 27, Exploring Trek

May 19, Poker – Mohney May 20, Social May 25, Exploring Trek Jun 10, Social Jun 16, Poker – Potts Jun 22, Exploring Trek Jul 08, Social – Summer cookout Jul 14, Poker – Miller Jul 27, Exploring Trek Aug 11, Poker – Evans Aug 12, Social Aug 24, Exploring Trek

Sep 09, Social Sep 15, Poker – Mohney Sep 28, Exploring Trek Oct 14, Social Oct 20, Poker – Potts Oct 26, Exploring Trek Nov 11, Social – Fall Feast Nov 17, Poker – Miller Nov, TBA Exploring Trek Dinner Dec 09, Social Dec 15, Poker – Evans

The clever fiendishness of your evil plan is brilliant! – Tom Paris, VOY: Bride of Chaotica!, S05E12 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Episode Answers Samantha Wildman (Nancy Hower), VOY: Elogium Chu'lak (Marty Rackham), DS9: Field of Fire Mara (Susan Howard), TOS: Day of the Dove Dmitri Valtane (Jeremy Roberts), Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991); VOY: Flashback) Jay Gordon Graas (John Christian Graas), TNG: Disaster

Sonak (Jon Rashad Kamal), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Adislo, Hars (John Hostetter), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Taitt (Alex Datcher), TNG: Descent, Part II Mirok (Thomas Kopache), TNG: The Next Phase Nella Daren, (Wendy Hughes), TNG: Lessons

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 14) Aaamazzarite - Star Trek the Motion Picture (1979)

Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please go to

Local Attractions Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - December – various dates Alabama Theater has released their movie schedule for the Christmas season. Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - December – Various dates: ZooLight Safari Presented by Wells Fargo Watch as the Zoo comes alive for 17 nights of holiday-centric fun at ZooLight Safari presented by Wells Fargo! Be amazed by over one million lights, listen to holiday music and delight in festive snowfalls every night! Enjoy a ride on the Candy Cane Train*, go for a spin on the Jingle Bell Carousel*, experience the thrill of the over 100-foot Yuletide Slide*, ride the Santa Rollers* and so much more. Take in the beauty of a decorated tree reaching nearly 30 feet tall in Trails of Africa as you dance and boogie to special entertainment each night! Be sure not to miss a special appearance and photos with Santa through December 23. *Requires ride ticket or wristband.

Social media affords me an opportunity to interact with fans on a daily basis, not just for a few seconds apiece at a science-fiction convention. – George Takei USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - November 19 @ 8:00 am - December 31 @ 5:00 pm - Winter Wonderland And The Magic Of Model Trains It’s the most wonderful time of the year at McWane Science Center! The Magic of Model Trains and Winter Wonderland is back to delight families throughout the holiday season. Coast down the Ice Slide and take a whirl across the room on the extended zip line. Climb aboard the McWane Train and go for a ride before checking out the Magic of Model Trains exhibit. Back for its 9th year in a row, the Magic of Model Trains has returned to spread some holiday cheer and amaze guests. Discover trains of every shape and size inside this popular exhibit of train displays. Every set in the exhibit is designed to scale with the size of the trains. The meticulous detail of the scenery includes covered bridges, downtown storefronts and, of course, several train stations that will keep your family entertained for hours! Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - No Events were scheduled at the time of printing. U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - / No Events were scheduled at the time of printing. Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback so that we are sending out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to: Reviewers: Books Movies Games Conventions

Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil: Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out

USS Hephaestus

Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites


Always Onward

The Anvil



Command Staff

Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, 1Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Cmdr – 2nd Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral



Pete Mohney, Admiral

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Admiral

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops and Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt JG



Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr Matthew Boyd, Ensign Donald Arnold, Ensign 1st Class

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) James Davis, 2Lt SFMC (Reserves)

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Cadet Training

Mark Lindsay, Captain Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Andrew Boyd, Ensign Brenda Tiner, Crewman 3rd Class Gabrielle Davis, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Matthew Potts, Crewman Haley Youngblood, Crewman Kendra Baxter, Crewman Carly Strickland, Civilian

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Recruit Tara Mohney, Cadet 2nd Class Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training



Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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