The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004
February 2016
The Anvil
Inside This Issue
HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.
From the Ready Room
XO Briefing
Ship’s Log
Starfleet Marine Corps
Starfleet Renewal Reminders
Treasury Report
Cover: Kirk, The Trouble with Tribbles
Away Team and Activity Schedule
Web Links
Anvil Focus Schedule
Theme Article
Captain’s Top 10
Quotable Quotes
Star Trek News & More
Do You Know…
Star Trek Fiction
When They Were Young
Name the Episode
Theme Poster
While on an Away Mission
Area Conventions & Exhibits
Hunt for the Icon Answers
Name the Captains Answers
Starfleet Academy
Command Structure
Region 2 USS Hephaestus
Anvil Back Issues
MarkAdam Miller
Layout, Graphics and Publishing
Brenda A. Miller
Marine Reporting
Neil Yawn
Treasury Reporting
MarkAdam Miller
Donald Arnold
The Anvil, Issue 294 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.
The Anvil
From the Ready Room
Greetings from your Captain, Happy Valentine’s Day. We have a lot going on. This issue discusses the episodes that are comedic/humorous. Check out the Starfleet Academy competition (pg. 18). We have 3 people so far competing for the prize. All you have to do to compete is take Starfleet Academy courses. Check out the Away Team and Activity schedule so you know when we are meeting. The socials are informal so anyone can come. Brenda and I will be attending the Region 2 Summit 2016 at the end of the month. Summit will be held in Navarre, Fl. Keep an eye on the Facebook Group page (Hephaestus – Starfleet) because when Phillip and I want to get Shawarma or pizza we will post it under the title Captain’s Mess the day before or the day we are going. We sit around eating and talking Star Trek. You are welcome to join us for the food and fun. Keep a look out for it. Next month we will be discussing the 1st Officers. Send who your favorite 1st officer is and the reason why to If you would like to write the article for the differences and similarities between them then send me a note and I gladly accept the help. Also check The Anvil want ad (pg. 20) for what else you can do to contribute to The Anvil. See you around the ship. Capt. MarkAdam Miller,,
XO Briefing
Hi crew, This month we remember the funny episodes of all the series. My favorite episode is from Enterprise, season 1 called Unexpected in which a cloaked Xyrillian ship has damaged engines which allows Enterprise to detect the vessel. Captain Archer sends Commander Tucker to help them repair their ship. When he gets finished and gets back to the ship he discovers an unusual growth on his wrist. Dr Phlox diagnoses it as a natural Xyrillian side effect, meaning Commander Tucker has gotten pregnant. On a side note I just finished reading and watching The Martian which was a great read: the movie followed the book fairly closely. A book I suggest you read is The Meaning of Star Trek - An excursion into the myth and marvel of the Star Trek Universe. It is written by Thomas Richards Lt. Phillip Mangina, USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Ship’s Log
January 9, 2015 – Social The social was great tonight. We watched Mythbusters, previews of upcoming movies, saw a beautiful book on the making of Harry Potter and had pizza, pop, chips and cookies. Attendance: 14 People Personnel Updates: Captain’s Personal Log January 23, 2015 – Captain’s Mess Captain MarkAdam, the first Officer Phillip and 2nd Officer Brenda went to Makarios Kabob & Grill for Shawarma. MarkAdam and Phillip had the lamb and Brenda had the Chicken. This was spur of the moment. We talked about what is coming up in Star Trek and things needing to be done in the upcoming months.{ January 31, 2015 – Captain’s Mess Captain MarkAdam, 1st Officer Phillip and the 2nd Officer Brenda went to Pie Five for Pizza. We talked about the upcoming Anvil newsletter. (If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments).
Starfleet Marine Corps Greetings, The 654th MSG is looking for members. There is a completely different set of Academy schools for those trying to get the Boothby awards. There is no pressure in joining. There are two categories: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily Fleet and only use Marine ranks when doing marine stuff. Contact Lt. General Neil Yawn (, if you are interested or have questions. Looking to boost your Boothby Awards? The Starfleet Marines Academy may be your answer. Check out what SFMC Academy has for you. Lt. General Neil Yawn, OIC 1 BN, 2BDE, OIC 654 MSG
Guinan: Being able to make people laugh or being able to laugh is not the end-all and be-all of being human. Data: No. But there is nothing more…uniquely human. – TNG: The Outrageous Okona USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Starfleet Renewal Reminders
Potts Family Bentley Mohney Family Holsey Mangina Green Hicks family
03/05/16 04/07/16 04/15/16 05/30/16 05/15/16 06/04/16 06/17/16
Lindsay Miller Family Davis Tiner Youngblood-Yawn Arnold
07/07/16 08/26/15 08/31/16 09/13/16 11/30/15 11/30/16
Treasury Report December Description
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance
Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Feb 6, 2016 Feb 13, 2016 Feb 19, 2016 Feb 26-28, 2016 March 5, 2016 March 12, 2016 March 18, 2016 Apr. 2, 2016 Apr 09, 2016 Apr 15, 2016 May. 2, 2016 May 14, 2016 May 20, 2016
Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Summit Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout, 2 pm Poker – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Social -7 pm, Poker – 7 pm
Location/Activity Pete Mohney’s House Pott’s House Navarre, FL Pete Mohney’s House Burtyk’s House Pete Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Paul Mohney’s House
Always Onward
The Anvil
Anvil Focus Schedule Month
Comedy Episodes
1st Officers (No. 1, Spock, Riker, Kira, Chakotay, T’Pol)-
Time Travel Episodes
The Doctors (Bones, Crusher, Basher, EMH, Phlox)
(Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)
Trivia Did you know that a full size replica of the Starship Enterprise was to be built in Las Vegas? The ship would accommodate restaurants, live shows, and tours of key areas of the ship built to full scale. The project came to a halt when CEO of Paramount Studios, Stanley Jaffe nixed the idea saying if it flopped then the structure would be there forever as a reminder of how bad it was. (idea submitted by Ensign Sandra Holsey)
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Theme Article: Humor in Star Trek
By Captain MarkAdam Miller There is a lot of humor on Star Trek. Some of the episodes you could even classify as comedic episodes more than drama because of all the jokes that are in them (i.e. TOS: Trouble with Tribbles and TOS: Piece of the Action). There are some that were set as serious but because of either the way they were put together (TOS: Spock’s Brain), use of props (TOS: Devil in the Dark) or just bad scripts (TOS: Turnabout Intruder) they came out as funny. Even though Star Trek was not set out to be a comedy, comedy is one of the cornerstones that make it the phenomenon that it is. You may be saying to yourself, “No, Star Trek is a phenomenon because of the way they spoke about the culture.” That is true but comedy played a part in bringing these truths out. Comedy lets us laugh at ourselves when we are doing something stupid. The creators did that so that we would see how our thinking was mixed up. Take the episode, TOS: A Piece of the Action. This episode is played for laughs but underneath the story is the pitfalls of gangs and looking out for number one. This episode, even though they didn’t show the violence that was going on off screen, showed the society was driven by fear and death. Captain Kirk stepped in (breaking Prime Directive) to clean up the mess. By making the other Bosses listen to just one Boss, Oxmyx, there would be less violence, better opportunities for education, and less fear for the citizens of the planet. Through comedy the creators are showing us that we need to learn to settle differences peacefully and not with violence. TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles episode did not have an underlying morality to it. It was pure comedy but when people pick their favorite episodes this one comes out near the top of most lists. The reason was that it was pure fun. James Doohan’s comedic timing also played a part in this episode which made it work so well. His final line, “Aye, sir. Before they went into warp, I transported the whole kit 'n' caboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all.” is pure comedy. Most every line of Scotty’s in this episode is a comedy line against Shatner’s straight delivery. Comedy was also used to break up tension that can build if you are serous all the time. Star Trek: The Motion Picture suffered because it was all about the Earth being destroyed by V’ger. There was a little humor but it was not strong enough to help the dull plot of the story. In Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, we see the humor interspersed throughout the movie that make us enjoy and draw closer to the characters. Khan’s “He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up!” line gives humor to the Khan character but also draws us into caring for why Khan is out for revenge. The movie Star Trek: Voyage Home also used comedy to get us to think about how we treat our planet. It showed that we have a delicate echo system but there is a lot of humor throughout the movie in doing it: from Chekov’s’ “Nuclear wessels” to McCoy’s “My God, man! Drilling holes in his head isn't the answer! Now put away your butcher knives and let me save this patient before it's too late!” There are jokes throughout the movie that make it the favorite of all the movies. Even though I have just given a few examples from the original series the later series also had their fun: Star Trek: TNG (The Big Good Bye), Deep Space Nine (Little Green Men), Voyager (Bride of Chaotica!) and Enterprise (Carbon Creek) just to name a few. The next page(s) list those episodes I think you will find funny. There may be others depending on your sense of humor.,,, USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Comedy Episodes
Star Trek(TOS) (10) The Naked Time Shore Leave The Trouble with Tribbles Spock’s Brain Plato’s Stepchildren
Mudd’s Women I, Mudd A Piece of the Action Spectre of the Gun All Our Yesterdays
Star Trek: The Next Generation (34) The Naked Now Justice The Arsenal of Freedom The Outrageous Okona The Royale Up the Long Ladder Peak Performance The Offspring Hallow Pursuits Menage a Troi The Nth Degree Disaster A Matter of Time Cause and Effect Relics Ship in a Bottle Attached
The Last Outpost The Big Goodbye Elementary, Dear Data { The Schizoid Man Samaritan Snare Manhunt The Ensigns of Command Captain’s Holiday The Most Toys Devil’s Due Qpid The Game Conundrum The Next Phase A Fistful of Datas Starship Mine Parallels
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (42) Babel Q-Less The Storyteller If Wishes Were Horses Rivals The Wire The House of Quark Meridian Heart of Stone (1/2) Family Business Starship Down Our Man Bashir Accession Body Parts Let He Who Is Without Sin… Business as Usual Children of Time Statistical Probabilities Far Beyond the Stars His Way Chrysalis
USS Hephaestus
Captive Pursuit Move Along Home Progress Rules of Acquisition Shadowplay Tribunal Civil Defense Fascination Prophet Motive Facets Little Green Men Bar Association Hard Time Trails and Tribble-ations The Ascent Ferengi Love Songs In The Cards The Magnificent Ferengi One Little Ship Take Me Out to the Holosuite Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
Always Onward
The Anvil
Star Trek Voyager (33) Learning Curve Dreadnought False Profits Warlord Real Life Worst Case Scenario Message in a Bottle Once Upon a Time Bride of Chaotica! Someone to Watch Over Me Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy Fair Haven Spirit Folk Life Line Inside Man Q2 Renaissance Man
The 37's The Thaw Future's End: Part 1& 2 Macrocosm Displaced Scientific Method In the Flesh Infinite Regress Think Tank Relativity The Voyager Conspiracy Blink of an Eye Live Fast and Prosper Critical Care Shattered Author, Author
Enterprise (5) Unexpected Two Days and Two Nights Carbon Creek
Terra Nova North Star
The Captain’s Top 10 Captain’s Top Ten if you want to laugh. 1. Abbott & Costello, Who's On First - (video) 2. Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin (book) 3. Galaxy Quest (1999, movie) 4. The Big Bang Theory (TV) 5. Trek or Treat by Terry Flanagan (book) 6. Clue (1985, movie) 7. Liar, Liar (1997, movie) 8. Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin (book) 9. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988, Movie) 10. Any Looney Tunes Cartoons (TV)
I come from a town so small, we had a fraction for a zip-code. ...It was so small, in fact, we didn't have a godfather of crime, we had a nephew. Data, TNG: The Outrageous Okona
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Quotable Quotes Sulu: I'll protect you, fair maiden. Uhura: Sorry, neither. – TOS, The Naked Time, S1E4
Riker: One final request, sir. Permission to beam a box of Data's Chinese finger puzzles over to the Ferengi? A thank you, for all they tried to do. Picard: Make it so. – TNG: The Last Outpost, S1E5 Guinan: Look, it's just you and I here. We're talking, we're having an intimate conversation. Why? Because you're a 'droid and I'm a 'noid. Data: But why? Guinan: Because that's what I am. Data: Have I said something to offend you? Guinan: No. Data: Then why are you annoyed? Guinan: [slowly] Because you're a *'droid* and I'm a *'noid*. Data: Humanoid. Guinan: Yes. Data: You told a joke. Guinan: Yes! Data: I am not laughing. Guinan: Yes! – TNG: The Outrageous Okona, S2E4 Q: You hit me...Picard never hit me. Sisko: I'm not Picard! Q: Indeed not. You're much easier to provoke. How fortunate for me. – DS9: Q-less, S1E6 USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Star Trek News & More
CBS’s New Star Trek Series CBS Television studios has hired Bryan Fuller to be co-creator and executive producer for the new Star Trek series that is being developed. Mr. Fuller is known to Star Trek fans for his work on Deep Space Nine and Voyager. He started out as a freelance writer on Deep Space Nine and on Voyager then worked his way up to staff writer then to co-producer. He may also be known for his work on NBC’s Hannibal and Heroes. He also created Dead Like Me, Wonder Falls and Pushing Daisies. Currently he is working as executive producer on the adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s novel American Gods for the STARZ network. He will be joining Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin who are also executive producers on the show. Alex Kurtzman’s production company Secret Hideout is in partnership with CBS Television Studio to produce the new Star Trek series. Alex Kurtzman is known for his work on Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek in to Darkness (2013). He also is known for his work on Fringe (Leonard Nimoy was on it), Sleepy Hallow, Limitless and Scorpion. Heather Kadin is known for her work on Sleepy Hallow, Limitless and Scorpion. Adding Bryan Fuller, someone who knows Star Trek, will give us something new but not disappoint the fans. (,, Lost data recovered from floppy disks owned by Gene Roddenberry Gene Roddenberry died in 1991. His estate has found nearly 200 5.25 in floppy disks. But there was a problem: the disks were created on a custom built computer. Gene had two of these computers: one had been sold at auction and the other no longer worked. DriveSavers took on the task of recovering the data. It took them 3 months to develop a system to read the data and a year to extract it. DriveSavers, experts in recovering data from all kinds of media, believes they were able to salvage 95% of the data on the disks. They are not saying what they got off the disks, only that they were able to get 3MB of document off the floppy disks.
DriveSavers’ Mike Cobb and Jim Wilhelmsen with Gene Roddenberry’s old computer and some of the floppy disks whose documents they restored.
As a thank you Rod Roddenberry sent DriveSavers a signed picture of Gene Roddenberry in from of his old computer It will be interesting to fine out was on those disk. Unproduced Star Trek episodes, an unproduced pilot for a new Science Fiction series or recipes for Vulcan Plomeek soup and Klingon Rokeg Blood pie. Hope Rod Roddenberry tells us soon.{ (
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Need a Game for your Phone
Disruptor Beam, with a license from CBS Consumer Products, has made a Star Trek game that celebrates the 50 years of Star Trek. The game, that can be played on both iOS devices and Android devices, is called Star Trek Timelines. The game is a 3D strategy role-playing game that crosses all the eras of Star Trek. As you play you will be able to meet the characters from Star Trek (TOS), The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and all the movies up to Nemesis. Disruptor Games is well known for its strategy role-playing games since they released their first game Game of Thrones Ascent in 2013. That game alone has a fan base of over 12 million players. All you need to do is go to Apple App store or Google Play to download this fun interactive game. (, Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr.)
Blunt Talk Second Season Sir Patrick Stewart is filming a second season of his comedy Blunt Talk. Brent Spiner will have cameo appearances like he did in the first season. Expect to see it on Starz this coming August. (
Never Forget… Penny L. Juday – Died December 19, 2015 Art department coordinator, an archivist who was responsible for managing props, set pieces, models, blueprints, photographs, and many other parts of Star Trek history. Also had a cameo in Star Trek Generations. Richard Libertini – Died January 7, 2016 Played the Bajoran Poet Akorem Laan in DS9: Acession, S9E16 Bairbre Patricia Dowling – Died January 20, 2016 Played Edith Mulchaey in Voyager. Spirit Folk, S6E17 David G. Hartwell,- Died January 20, 2016 A respected science-fiction writer and editor who, among his many career highlights, was the former Pocket Books editor credited with creating the publisher's Star Trek line. (
Do you know this alien?
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Star Trek Fiction Star Trek: The New Adventures: By Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold
Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold has been sent to Starfleet Academy for more training in weapons system. Because of the latest Borg and Jem’Hadar attacks the Hephaestus is in need of the best weapons that Starfleet has to offer. With this training we will be able to upgrade the weapons on the Hephaestus the next time we are at Region 2 Starbase for supplies and upgrades. Donald Arnold is a member of the Hephaestus and has written many Star Trek fan fiction. If you have any fan fiction you would like to submit, then send me your stories at
When They Were Young
William Shatner
USS Hephaestus
Leonard Nimoy
Patrick Stewart
Always Onward
The Anvil
USS Hephaestus
Name the Episode
Always Onward
The Anvil
Comics Star Trek Starfleet Academy (5 Parts) Publisher: IDW
Writers: Mike Johnson (#1-5) Ryan Parrott (#1-5) Artists: Derek Charm (#1-5) Letterers: Neil Uyetake (#1-5) Editor: Sarah Gaydos (#1-5)
Reviewed by: MarkAdam Miller You wanting to know the ins and outs of going to Starfleet Academy (SFA) is like. Then I can’t recommend IDW Star Trek Starfleet Academy. That is not what this series is about. { There is two story lines in this series. The first story line (circa 2258) is following Cadet Uhura before the events that make up most of the story line in J.J. Abrams Star Trek (2009). You will also see Spock, Kirk, McCoy and Checkov. The second story line (circa 2261) involves a Vulcan named Cadet T’Laan. Uhura’s story is that while doing some communication studies she locates a strange transmission and tries to track it down. Cadet T’Laan wants to go back to be with her Vulcan people to help them rebuild. When she goes to quit, her academy counselor asks her to a least help out by being on the academy’s team for a competition between schools to celebrate the Academy’s 100 th anniversary. The story lines are interesting and I want to finish the series but I am disappointed that SFA is just the backdrop of the story and not a major plot element (so far only 3 of 5 have been available). This would be better called a series on Uhura than Starfleet Academy. If they wanted to call it that I think they would have had just as good a selling point if not better than calling it Starfleet Academy. Many fans have a love of Uhura, not only Nichelle Nichols’ portrayal but also Zoe Saldana’s. There are a couple of minor issues with the story line. Checkov being in the story since he was at the Academy in Russia not the one Uhura and Kirk were at. The other problem is the dates for a couple of things seem off to me. I don’t wish to spoil anything but the dates they use for T’Laan doesn’t seem to match for how long she has been at the Academy. IDW has done a good job using the time line created by J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek. This is no exception. I just question using Starfleet Academy as the title. Rate : AAAaa Did I miss something? You have an interesting movie or TV show you would like to review or be reviewed? Then send me your suggestions and articles to USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
USS Hephaestus
Humor in Memes
Always Onward
The Anvil
While on an Away Mission
By Captain MarkAdam Miller
Recap: Ambassador Mike Burtyk has been called to the Klingon home world on a direr emergency. At the Federation /Klingon border we are stopped by a Romulan War bird and a Jem’Hadar ship. They accuse the Klingons of messing with their suns and moons. They are stopping us so that we do not aid them in whatever the Klingon are up to. I agree for them to escort us into the Klingon home world as long as they let us look over the evidence they have against the Klingons. I leave the bridge in Lt. Phillip’s hands as I go look over the evidence that the Romulans had transmitted over to the ship. We only have two hours to understand the material before we reach Kronos and I hope we have a plan by then. The scientist has a report for me in less than an hour. The report of the Jem’Hadar shows that the Klingons were trying to cause a star in the Romulan Empire to go Super Nova. If they succeed then it would destroy Romulus, the Romulan home world. There was also a Romulan report that showed that the efforts of the Klingons were failing so they were also trying to cause the same accident that happen on the Klingon moon Praxis to happen on the Romulan twin planet Remus. The data that was sent with the reports was spotty at best but the scientist could tell that the star would possible go super nova within the next 50 to 100 years but it was more a natural phenomenon than a Klingon made one. As for Remus being in danger of going the way of Praxis was the Romulans trying to save face that the Jem’Hadar knew something they didn’t. From this information I knew that Ambassador Mike and I was going to be hard pressed to not end up in a battle between the Romulans and Klingons. I went to my cabin to change into my dress uniform. If I was going to be addressing the Klingon council, I didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot by not being dressed right. Because of our previous dealings with the Klingons I had a special dress uniform that was a cross between a Starfleet dress uniform and a Klingon dress uniform. The part I liked about it was that it had a black cape that hid two Mek’leths. I use Mek’leths because of my short stature. If I used a Bat’leth it would be more harmful to me in a fight than it would be to my opponent. Also I am very good at handling Mek’leths and I knew it might come down to a little sword play, so I wanted to be ready. I am hopeful that when we get to Kronos that we can convince the Romulans that the Jem’Hadar are the cause of their problems and not the Klingons… (to be Cont.)
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Area Conventions & Exhibits
For additional Cons please go to
February February 26-28, 2016 – AnachroCon – Atlanta Marriott Century Center, Atlanta, GA AnachroCon, founded in 2009, is the premier place in the Southern United States for people to celebrate Historical Reenacting, Alternate History, Steampunk, Sciences, Horror, Etiquette & Indulgence, Fashion, Fabrication, Literature & Media, Costuming and socialize with people of like minds. We strive to bring you the best possible guests and experts in their respective fields so that you may leave the convention relaxed, educated, entertained and wanting more! February 28, 2016 – Comic Book & Toy Show – CocaCola Space Science Center – Columbus, GA Comics, Toys, Movies, Flight Simulators, Exhibits, Costume Characters & More
March March 5, 2016 – Cardboard*Con – Atlanta, GA Cardboard*Con is the first and only science fiction / fantasy convention dedicated to the art of cardboard costuming. Encompassing more than 3 Atlanta downtown hotels, Cardboard*Con has become a tradition among all fun-loving nerds. The SECRET of Cardboard*Con is that there really isn't a plan - you have to make it fun all by yourself, using your imagination and your manners. March 11-13, 2016 – Kami-Con Season 8 – BJCC, Birmingham, AL Kami-con is a 3-day convention that celebrates Japanese culture, geek culture, cosplay, anime and manga. Kami-con is also a uniquely interactive convention in that it features events which allow congoers to affect the outcome of its story! March 18-20, 2016- FantaSciCon 2016 – EconoLodge Motel and Convention Center, Dalton, GA A Glitch in Time - In 2016 we will be exploring Time Travel. Into the future as well as the past. There are many ways to accomplish this feat, Delorians, Fancy Chairs or Worm Holes, they all end with the same result. More information coming soon.
To feel the thrill of victory, there has to be the possibility of failure. – Pulaski, TNG: Elementary, Dear Data
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
April 15-17,2016 – Treklanta – The Doubletree by Hilton, Atlanta, GA Treklanta (formerly TrekTrax Atlanta), hosted by the USS Republic NCC-1371, is an annual science fiction convention based in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to space opera in general and Star Trek in particular. It places special emphasis on fan-based events, activities, programming and productions. The first three conventions, held from 2011 to 2013, were devoted exclusively to the Star Trek franchise. In 2014, the convention expanded its focus to include other space opera franchises such as Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and Babylon 5. Treklanta is the home of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant and the Independent Star Trek Fan Film Awards. April 17, 2016 – Atlanta Comic Convention – Marriott Hotel-Century Center Atlanta, GA Four times a year we proudly feature a mix of comic book and collectible dealers from around the region, plus a selection of special guests from the world of television, movies, and independent comics.
May May 27-29, 2016 – TimeGate – Marriott Century Center Atlanta, GA TimeGate is an annual Doctor Who and British media and culture convention in Atlanta, GA. Attendees come from all over the Southeast, all over the nation and even from as far away as England to take part in the festivities. Launched in 2005, the convention hits its 10-year anniversary in 2016 with special guest Katy Manning and Michelle Gomez. Past Doctor Who guests have included actors Colin Baker, Sophie Aldred, Mary Tamm, John Levene, Colin Spaull and Caitlin Blackwood, script editors Terrance Dicks and Andrew Cartmel, composer Dominic Glynn, film editor Louis Robinson, and more. This section lists Cons that might be if interest to our group. It is not intended to be a complete list. If I’ve missed one, please let me know so I can list it in the next issue. Also please post any Con that your fellow crewmen might find of interest on our Facebook group.
Hunt for the Icon Did you find the five Icons last month? Last month’s Icon was Five Cats A. If you did not find them all they were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pg. 1 – end of the 2nd paragraph of the XO’s Briefing Pg. 3 – Treasury Report under Payments. Pg. 4 – Anvil Focus Schedule after the August Theme. Pg. 8 – Captain’s Top Ten at the end of the article. Pg. 19 – End of the paragraph of Starfleet Academy post.
I hope you found them all. This Month five Starships { are hidden in the Anvil. The five doesn’t include the example above. USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Name the Captains Answers
Captain Edward Jellico – TNG: Chain of Command Parts 1&2, S6E10&11
Commodore Matt Decker – TOS: The Doomsday Machine, S2E6
Captain Morgan Bateson – TNG: Cause and Effect, S5E18
Commodore Robert April – TAS: The Counter-Clock Incident, S2E6
Captain Rudy Ransom – Voy: Equinox Parts 1&2, S5E26 & S6E1
Captain Erika Benteen – DS9: Homefront & DS9: Paradise Lost, S4E11&12
Captain Ronald Tracey – TOS: The Omega Glory, S2E25
Captain Erika Hernandez – Ent: Home, Affliction & Divergence, S4E3,15 &16
Captain Solok – DS9: Take Me Out to the Holosuite, S7E4
Captain Robert Robau – Star Trek (2009)
If you have a suggestions or a questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 8) – Asoth, a Markalian from Babel (DS9, S1E5)
By Captain MarkAdam Miller Starfleet Academy Course Contest is under way. We are having a contest of who can complete the most course in a 3-month time frame. It started January 1 st and is running till March 31. The person who gets the most courses finished in that time will win a handmade reward from Jill Rayburn. It doesn’t matter what courses you take. Log into and start taking courses. So far the following people have stepped up to take the challenge: { Standings as of 2/10/16 Sandra Holsey – 13 courses Brenda A. Miller – 6 courses Donald Arnold – 1 course MarkAdam Miller – 2 courses (not competing) Let’s get studying. Have fun! Live Long and Prosper! USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
A very good analysis of the captains. I am only familiar with Kirk and Picard, so I was unable to really evaluate your comments other than to say they were logical and interesting. Review of Star Wars was good by Captain Miller and Ensign Arnold; the other guy gave too much away. The review by Mr. Lala on Kirk's film was excellent. Didn't realize there were so many special interest conferences on science fiction/fantasy. – John Miller, father to the Captain Was there something you liked or disagreed with? Was there some news that was not covered? Comments on stories or articles or ideas for the club can be sent to
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil: Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out Reviewers: Books Movies Games Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 - 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Command Staff
Executive Committee
MarkAdam Miller, Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Lt Cmdr – 2nd Officer
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Rear Admiral
Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology
Pete Mohney, Admiral
Computer Sciences
Danny Potts, Rear Admiral
Flo Hurst, Commander
Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Ensign 3rdClass
Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Holsey, Ensign Nicole Breanne Bentley, Ensign
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Operations and Counselor Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC – Stampede Coordinator Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr – Ship Administrative Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer
Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier General, SFMC Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC
Sheila Benton, Lt Commander, – Chief Medical Officer, SFMD
Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain (ret.)
Cadet Training
Unassigned Crew and Civilians
Katrina Mohney, Cadet Crewman Tara Mohney, Cadet Athena Youngblood, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training
Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Brenda Tiner, Crewmen Diedra Robinson, Ensign Haley Youngblood, Crewmen Matthew Potts, Crewmen James Davis, Ensign Gabrielle Davis, Civilian
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
For More Information Contact: Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080
Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068