Anvil February 2017

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


February 2017

The Anvil


From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Hailing Frequencies Open…


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


While on an Away Mission


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.

Quotable Quotes


Cover: Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), TOS

Name the Communications Officer


Web Links



Inside This Issue



The First Officer’s Top 10


Star Trek News & More


Ship’s Log


Personal Log Special Report – Star Trek: The Cruise 14

STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group

Crew Happenings


Nichelle Nichols Poster




STARFLEET Marine Corps


Exploring Trek


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Anvil Focus Schedule


Do You Know this Alien…


Treasury Report


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Hunt for the Icon



MarkAdam Miller

Name the Conn Officer Answers


Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Area Conventions & Exhibits


Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Command Structure

25 Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

Doctor Who Reporter

Matt Boyd

Field Reporter

James Davis

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The Anvil, Issue 306 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings, Summit is coming up in March. If you haven’t gone to Summit, it is a good way to get to know other ships that are in our region. The region includes Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and The Caribbean. It is a fun time. Check out the convention section for more information. (pg. 23) I want to thank James, Shirley, Matt and Phillip for their contributions to the Anvil this month. The Anvil is the group’s way of letting each other know what is going on in the world of Star Trek and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fandom. If you think you have something to share, then send it to me and let me know you would like to put it in the Anvil. Even if it’s just a paragraph about how you went to a convention dressed as a Klingon and had a lot of fun. Look at the want ad (pg. 24) for other ideas on how to contribute to The Anvil. Keep an eye on the schedule. May’s meeting will be at Ensign Donald Arnold’s house. This will give Pete and Sue Ellen a break from having people at their house. If you would like to host a social let us know and we would love to schedule it. Also, if you want to moderate Exploring Trek let us know that as well See you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Greetings from Sec 31, I am still doing the Redshirt challenge and need everyone to check it out. If anybody has any ideas like doing charity work, getting together for a movie at theaters, bowling or even going to the zoo, speak up so we can get the plans in place. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Hailing Frequencies Open… By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller When traveling through space you need to be able to communicate with your home base, other ships that are in space and your crew on and off the ship. The person who handles all this is the Communications Officer. In the beginning, Starfleet vessels had separate stations for the Communications Officer. They also handled most ship-wide announcements. The communications officer would be versed in multiple languages, be able to translate unknown languages, know multiple forms of communication broadcast and able to repair communication equipment. Side talents that may be helpful is a background in mathematics and/or music. The communications officer’s main job would be to man the communication council. They would also have training in other departments including navigation and science. This would come in handy when a workstation lost its personnel: the communicate officer would take over until relief arrived. By the time we get to TNG, communication has become part of operations or tactical. The reason seems to be that communications is everyone’s job therefore it can be taken care of by the two departments that need it the most: Operations – to coordinate the ships routine and tactical – to take care of dealing with others the ship comes in contact. Tactical would also be able to know quickly if the species they come in contact with is hostile or not. If the species were hostile, then defensive measure would be made without the need of going through the communications officer. Star Trek did a good job in utilize the communications officer in both TOS and Enterprise making the position look important and needed. I believe it was removed in TNG, DS9 and Voyager because of trying to keep the main cast to a minimum. The more cast you have the less screen time each gets. This is best shown with Denise Crosby who was the tactical officer Tash Yar. As tactical officer, she was a communications officer for the bridge and her main line was “Hailing frequency open/close”. This lead her to ask to let out of the show because of not being used a lot. The only time the Communication Officer was misrepresented was in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Uhura was using books to look up Klingon because they knew that if they used the universal translator that the Klingon outpost would know they were not a Klingon Vessel. It is a nice joke but as a communication officer, Uhura would be fluent in Klingon and we know this to be true from the Kelvin Universe Uhura who intercepts Klingon broadcasts aboard the Enterprise about Nero. Communication is an important part of space travel. You need the best and the brightest to keep you in touch with those who are looking out for you. Tribute to Nichelle Since this Anvil’s topic is communications I would also like to pay a special tribute to Nichelle Nichols. Ms. Nichols is a very special person to me. She taught me that the color of our skin did not matter. She taught that we all had jobs to do and we need not look down on one another because of some small thing like the color of our skin. She admits that she didn’t feel like she was contributing to the show until she talked to Martin Luther King Jr. She was going to quit but he helped her see that she was making a difference by showing African Americans and women would one day be seen as valuable for the work they did and not the color of their skin or their gender. USS Hephaestus


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Ms. Nichols went on to help recruit women and African Americans for the space program at NASA. This helped NASA recruit more people per year than they had before she started. Her work for NASA brought in several well know astronauts like Sally Ride and Guion Bluford. NASA astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison credits Ms. Nichols for her wanting to become an astronaut. Ms. Nichols may be famous as Uhura but she has other talents as well including a beautiful voice that got her discovered by Duke Ellington when she was in her mid-teens. This makes Duke Ellington part of Star Trek as without him we might not have ever heard of Ms. Nichols. Uhura may over shadow the other roles and voice overs that Ms. Nichols has done but that role was a turning point that showed to everyone that we all matter. We all have something to contribute to this world. Uhura may have said, “Hailing Frequencies Open Captain” but you knew that what she was saying, “I have your back, let us get out there and explore”.

The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge At the beginning of the year I started the challenge to help motivate people on their new year’s resolutions. I decided to start to walk more and started to eat lighter meals and drink more water. MarkAdam and I started walking at Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham, Al. On our walks, we discussed movies, TV shows and many other things. And now I am going to try to get more people to join us on walking and talking. – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge First of all, I’d like to congratulate everyone participating in the Redshirt Challenge and wish you the best of luck this year! Also, I’m sure the Captain would agree with me when I say that anyone is still welcome to join in the festivities. This year I took up Yoga. Weird, right? I know I’m known for being a bit of a hippie, especially in my line of work, but it was actually Star Trek that turned me on to Yoga. As it turns out, Terry Farrell is quite the yogi, and led Yoga classes aboard Star Trek: The Cruise. Kendra and I had so much fun doing Yoga with her that we each decided to join Yoga studios in our respective cities, and we’re loving it. It has really helped with my fighter jet-induced spinal troubles while giving me a good sweat in the process. It is fun, yet challenging in a lot of ways. I could not have imagined a few weeks ago that I would be doing forearm stands today (totally optional). Also, this month I resumed SCUBA and running for the first time since having minor foot surgery. I hope to join our leaders at the Railroad Park soon! – by LtJG. James Davis

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Previously: The Hephaestus is in orbit around Vulcan. We have been called by Temporal Investigations to uncover how a young body of Amanda Grayson has shown up on Vulcan. (see The Anvil, November 2016)

up. This is going to make the investigation harder. As I was finishing the log my door chimed. “Enter!” Roy shuffled in with a perplex look on his face. “What do you have, Roy?” Roy rearranged the P.A.D.D.s in his hand. “Um, uh, Captain,” Roy said, “Um. I am at a loss. There is not enough for archeology and anthropology to work with. The patterns that we look for to date where things come from are… Um… Not there. We dated some of the artifacts near the body and found them to be from Vulcan history, but, they seem to be duplicates from the Katric Ark. This tells me, we are dealing with an alternate reality or more likely an alternate timeline because of the similarities in the frequencies. Maybe even a break-off from our past.”

Captain’s log (supplemental): Reports have started coming in from the various departments investigating the Amanda Grayson anomaly. Medical determined that the body was in her late 50’s. This Amanda is different from the Amanda of this time as she lived to be over 100. Another part of the medical report showed the body to have a frequency of this universe. Each alternate universe has its own unique frequency. That is one way to tell if you are in alternate universes. Since this body has the same frequency as ours it is from this universe.

“Holy Captain John Christopher,” I swear, “No wonder Temporal Investigations called me in. We either have a hiccup like Sisko’s Gabriel Bell or we have a split timeline. If it’s a hiccup, then time will fix itself but if it’s a split timeline we can’t go back in time because we could end up in the alternate timeline when we tried to come back. Where is Doc E. Brown when you need him?” Roy interrupted, “Who is Doc E. Brown?” “Say what, Roy? Oh! Ah… Doc Brown lived in the 1980’s and believed he could time travel. He was thought to be a crackpot until his papers on time travel were proven correct in the 22nd century. Temporal Investigation believes him to be a lost time traveler stuck in the 1980’s trying to get Back to the Future, I mean, present. I mean, Holy Edith Keeler; Time Travel gives me a headache…” Just then a constant buzz from my door chime started. “Enter!” Ensign Andy Boyd rushed in and announced, “The Vulcan Physicists have declared the site classified and has kick all STARFLEET personal out.” “Are they out of their bloody Vulcan minds,” I shrieked, “Get me STARFLEET, Ensign. We are getting to the bottom of this.” I thought Time Travel was a headache but Vulcans could be worse…

The only other anomaly found is the geology report that showed decalithium, a rare power source that is more powerful than the trilithium that we use in the Hephaestus engines. Vulcan does not have this element in its geological makeup. All efforts to contact Ambassador Spock or Sarek’s widow, Perrin, have been unsuccessful. Vulcan and Federation history shows Amanda not on Vulcan at the age of body. She was traveling with Sarek during that time. The curators of the Guardian of Forever did not know of any scenario that would explain what we found. The Guardian can only show the timeline as it is: not alternate timelines or realities. The curators did find that the Guardian seems to have a time glitch around 2233 but it is so short that they can’t determine what the glitch was. Also, my request for time travel has been denied because of Captain Sisko’s Gabriel Bell screw

USS Hephaestus

(To be continued)


Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Uhura: Captain? Both amplitude and frequency modulation being used. I think I can pick up something visual - some news broadcast using a system I… think they once called video. – TOS: Bread and Circuses, S02E25

Lt Uhura: I'm thinking. I'm thinking of all the times on the Enterprise when I was scared to death and I would see you so busy at your command, and I would hear your voice from all parts of the ship, and my fears would fade. And now they're making me tremble, but I'm not afraid. I am not… afraid. – TOS: Plato's Stepchildren, S03E10 Uhura: Why don't you tell me I'm an attractive young lady, or ask me if I've ever been in love? Tell me how your planet Vulcan looks on a lazy evening when the moon is full. Spock: Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura. Uhura: I'm not surprised, Mr. Spock. – TOS: The Man Trap, S01E01

[Klaang is shouting in Klingon] Capt. Archer: Do you know how to tell him to shut up? Ensign Sato: [to Klaang] SHUT UP! – ENT: Broken Bow: Part 1, S01E01

Ensign Sato: I'm a translator; I didn't come out here to see corpses hanging on hooks. Dr. Phlox: It goes without saying that you're going to encounter the unexpected. Ensign Sato: Not corpses on hooks! – ENT: Fight or Flight, S01E03 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Communications Officer

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Movies Hidden Figures – Reviewed by FCapt MarkAdam Miller Being a Trekkie I have to go see movies that are based on NASA events. I was not sure what to expect from Hidden Figures because I wasn’t sure if it was a NASA documentary or a Civil Rights documentary. I was surprised by how both stories were well represented. The story focuses on three African American women who helped with the NASA program to launch the spaceships in to space. The three women were highly intelligent and had gone as far as American education would allow them to go in the 60’s. The struggles shown how they were able to do their jobs even though they were given a lot of restrictions because they were African American women. The movie is based on what happen during the beginning of NASA. Some creative license probably was used to make the story more interesting rather a straight documentary. It still makes me want to read about these women who helped with the calculations of space flight. This movie helps us understand what it took to get into space, the problems that America was having coming to terms with in civil rights and women rights and how these things affected the people living in that decade. This movie gave me a yearning to look more into what was going on in the 60’s. Octavia Spencer (a native Alabamian) does an excellent job portraying Dorothy Vaughan, a person expected to do a supervisor’s job without the title or the benefits of a supervisor. Ms. Spencer won an Oscar for her great role in The Help. She may get another for this role as well. (Even though I am not a voter of the Oscars she would get my vote.) The other ladies with her do a good job as well. Taraji P. Henson, who plays human calculator Katherine G. Johnson, may be Ms. Spencer’s competition for the Oscar. Ms. Henson does a good job in making her character relatable. Janelle Monáe who played Mary Jackson, an engineer, did well with her part illustrating how the African American had trouble getting higher education with the separate but equal law that was in effect. The problem with Ms. Jackson’s character was more focus was put on Ms. Spencer’s and Ms. Henson’s characters such that her character gets a little lost in the background. If the movie had been longer then Ms. Jackson would have a shot at an Oscar as well. It was also good to see Jim Parson in a role other than Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. He played Paul Stafford who was not a real person but a composite of several people Ms. Johnson worked with. This was also true for Kevin Costner’s character, Al Harrison. The film is compelling, but I can only give it 4 out of 5 because I feel that a few of the facts that were changed to make the story more dramatic were unnecessary. Still, if you can, go see this in the theaters. If not, then rent it when it comes out on Blu-ray. I know this will be in my video collection. Rate: AAAAa

Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. – Rumi, 13th-century Persian Sunni Muslim poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

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Sailor Moon R… (and it’s NOT Rated R, Either) – Reviewed by Shirley A. Burton When I told someone Sailor Moon R: The Promise of the Rose was coming to theaters for the first time in the United States, he said, “I thought it was going to be more teen thighs or a reboot.” Thankfully, neither was the case here. It was just the movie associated with the second season of the TV series in Japan. The version I saw at the AMC Plaza 16 was the English dubbed version, but not the same as a previous version I already owned on DVD from the early 2000s. Since Viz Media got the rights to Sailor Moon, they have made the original anime far more faithful in translation, which meant it was uncut and unedited, which was fine. Nothing in the movie changed, except the dialogue. The story was exactly what it was supposed to be, when Mamoru Chiba (Tuxedo Mask) runs into an old friend named Fiore. Unfortunately, Fiore doesn’t like the fact Mamoru is with Usagi Tsukino (aka Sailor Moon) and will do almost anything to make him accept Fiore as his only friend. With the aid of a dangerous flower, Fiore sets to take over the world with spores of fear and hatred. It’s up to Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Guardians to stop that from happening. It’ll take some rather drastic measures to pull it off, too. What makes this version even better than what was done before is the amount of intensity, particularly Ben Diskin’s voicing of Fiore. He did a great job making sure Fiore was villainous enough to make anyone nervous. Hopefully this will start a trend of more of these anime movies to be shown in U.S. theaters, since it’s a regular tradition in Japan. Rate: AAAAa (really 4.5/5) Justice League Dark – Reviewed by Shirley A. Burton “It’s Gettin’ DARK…DARK!” — How the Justice League Got Its Own DARK Side By the time you see this article, Justice League Dark will already be released on DVD (which is February 7th). Luckily for me, I had already downloaded it when the digital release was available nearly two weeks earlier. Now, I’m definitely NOT a horror or R-rated fan by nature. Seeing the trailer, though, piqued my curiosity about it. Without spoiling things too much, I’ll just say the Justice League has to deal with a sudden increase in deaths being caused by regular citizens, not the normal set of villains like Lex Luthor and the Joker. To solve this odd mystery, Batman seeks out Zatanna the magician and John Constantine. In the process, though, he also runs into Deadman and Jason Blood (who’s got that demon Etrigan within him). With a little extra help from Swamp Thing, they have to take on an evil being bent on controlling the world through the people’s fears. I enjoyed this movie quite a lot, despite the plot being a little convoluted at times. The use of magic and plenty of action do make up for the lack in some plot lines. Also, even though it’s supposed to be a horror movie, it didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would. That’s just my opinion, though. One of the best things about it was having Matt Ryan voice John Constantine, the very character he portrayed in the live-action Constantine series in 2014. He isn’t the only actor to do it, though. Jeremy Davies also reprises his role as the voice of Richie Simpson, a character also seen in two episodes of the live-action series. The movie is rated R for language and violence, as it should be. This is not a Justice League movie for kids to watch by any means. Rate: AAAAa

{ ------------------------------------------------------------ U USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Games The Order: 1886– Reviewed by Lt Phillip Mangina The Order: 1886 is set in an alternate history 1886 London, where an old order of knights keep the world safe from half breed monsters who are a combination of animal and man. In the game's history, around the seventh or eighth centuries a small number of humans took on bestial traits. The majority of humans feared these half-breeds and war broke out. Despite the humans outnumbering the half-breeds, their animal strength gave them the upper hand in centuries of conflict. During the autumn of 1886, London is plagued by both half-breed attacks and an anti-government insurgency. After fighting off rebels in Mayfair, Sir Galahad pursues the survivors into the Underground where he encounters a number of werewolf-like half-breeds known as Lycans. Galahad's mentor, Sir Percival, one of the Order's most veteran knights, suspects that there is a correlation between the two and requests permission to investigate the rebel stronghold of Whitechapel. His concerns are dismissed by the Lord Chancellor, who believes that the Order should remain dedicated to fighting half-breeds. With tacit approval from Sir Lucan, the Order's Knight Commander and adopted son of the Lord Chancellor, Percival and Galahad undertake a mission into Whitechapel accompanied by the other two members of their team, Lady Igraine and the Marquis de Lafayette. After encountering fierce resistance they reach the rebel headquarters in the abandoned Royal London Hospital, only to find it occupied by Lycans. Galahad and Igrane discover evidence of a rebel plot to infiltrate the Agamemnon, flagship of the United India Company's airship fleet, and assassinate the company chairman Lord Hastings, a frequent guest to the Round Table. The team boards the airship and foils the assassination attempt before a bomb detonates on board. Hastings and most of the passengers are evacuated, but Galahad and Percival remain on board to search for the rebel leader. A second explosion sends the Agamemnon crashing into Hyde Park, destroying the Crystal Palace in the process. Galahad survives but discovers that Percival has been killed. In council at the Palace of Westminster, Lafayette is knighted and assumes Percival's seat at the Round Table. The Lord Chancellor is highly critical of the mission, asserting that Percival's death and the extensive collateral damage were in vain. The council is interrupted when rebels stage a major attack on Westminster Bridge aimed at killing Hastings, who is once again saved by the knights. Still enraged by Percival's death, Galahad returns to Whitechapel seeking a confrontation with the rebel leader, who is revealed to be an Indian woman named Lakshmi who is later revealed to be the hitherto presumed dead Queen Lakshmibai of Jhansi of the princely state of Jhansi in Indian subcontinent. Pleading with Galahad that the United India Company is the true enemy, she leads him to the company's warehouses in Blackwall where they discover a large number of hibernating vampires packed in crates bound for the Northeastern United States. According to Lakshmi, Lord Hastings himself is a vampire (known to the general public as "Jack the Ripper") and is acting in response to the Order's recent success.

Lincoln: What a charming Negress. Oh, forgive me, my dear‌ some used that term as a description of property. Uhura: But why should I object to that term, sir? You see, in our century we've learned not to fear words. – TOS: The Savage Curtain, S03E22 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Classic Movies that should be part of your Video Library.

Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

When Worlds Collide (1951)

War of the Worlds (1953)

Forbidden Planet (1956)

The First Officer’s Top 10 Our First Officer has give us his Top Ten Video Games. Enjoy! 1. The Mass Effect Trilogy 2. The Uncharted Saga 3. The Bioshock Trilogy 4. Deadspace Trilogy 5. Batman: The Complete Arkham Saga 6. Thief 7. Murdered 8. The Order: 1886 9. L.A. Noir 10. Star Trek: The Video Game (Kelvin version)

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Blu-Ray for Deep Space Nine and Voyager? Are you waiting for your favorite Deep Space Nine or Voyager episode to come out on Blu-Ray? You might have a long wait. The simple answer is that it costs too much to do it. When CBS put TNG on Blu-Ray it cost $12 million. The cost of doing DS9 or Voyager would be about $20 million for each series. Why does it cost more? The reason is the way the shows are made. TNG’s special effects were done more on film than computer where DS9 and Voyager were all done on computer. With High Definition process, DS9’s and Voyager’s special effects would have to be completely redone instead of just enhanced like they were for TNG. Also, with people streaming more, the sales of Blu-Ray are not as great as they were when TOS and TNG were made in Blu-Ray. Hopefully with Star Trek: Discovery it will make more people want to see the older series and it will become cost effective for CBS to Blu-Ray DS9 and Voyager. ( Star Trek Discovery It has been announced that Star Trek: Discovery has begun production as of January 24, 2017, at Pine Wood Studios. Some cast members that have been announced are Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp and Michelle Yeoh. Some Klingon cast members have also been announced: Chris Obi, Shazad Latif and Mary Chieffo. A short video has been released giving background on Star Trek and reveals that Star Trek: Discovery is building on that background. The video also gives shots of constructing sets, new uniforms and the Captain’s Chair. Yet, no launch date has been set. One website is saying it may be autumn before we see the show. Let’s hope that CBS can give us a series that lasts as long as TNG and not the short series that was Enterprise. (,, Axanar Lawsuit The lawsuit between CBS/Paramount and Alec Peter’s production company, Axanar Productions, has been settled. Axanar Productions has agreed to make substantial changes to their scripts so that they are not infringing on the copyrights of CBS/Paramount. Axanar Productions has also agreed to follow the guidelines that CBS/Paramount created on all future productions. This has been a highly-contested case with the fans of Star Trek coming down on both sides of the issue. Only time will tell if the fans will be satisfied with CBS/Paramount. CBS/Paramount will know if they are on the good side of the fans only if their Star Trek: Discovery and any future movies bring out the fans like they hope. CBS/Paramount might own the copyrights but the wallets of the Fans are going to say if CBS/Paramount are treating Star Trek right. (

Doctor Who News – By Ensign Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! The first episode of series 10 of Doctor Who will air on April 15, 2017. We will get to take a fun ride with the Doctor again, in just a couple of months! If anyone has looked closely at the trailer lately it looks like there will be some Movellans in an upcoming episode. We first encountered the Movellans with the Fourth Doctor. Those who enjoy classic Doctor Who and Douglas Adams may enjoy The Pirate Planet now in book form, available at book sellers everywhere. Peter Capaldi has officially announced he is leaving after the 2017 Christmas special. No news about who is being considered to be the 13th Doctor, at this time. We have had many Doctors, some lasting awhile and some USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


a short time, but we have loved them all. Speaking of short runs, the War Doctor has regenerated for the last time. Sir John Hurt, best known for his role as Kane, in the film Alien, has passed away. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a short time ago and it took him finally this year. With Peter Capaldi leaving that leaves me with some unanswered questions. Will the new Companion, Bill, stay on and continue her adventures with the new Doctor, like so many before her or will she go after this season? Will Nardole be a regular once Steven Moffat has left? I look forward to finding out what is to come. Maybe a female Doctor this time, maybe a ginger, I shall stand watch.

Never Forget… Richard "Dick" Gautier - January 13, 2017 (age 85) To science fiction fans he is known as Hymie the Robot in the TV series Get Smart. He also did voice work for G.I. Joe, Transformers, and several other animated series. He died at an assisted living facility in Arcadia, California, following a long illness.

Miguel Ferrer – January 19, 2017 (age 61) Lately known for his role on NCIS: Los Angles as Owen Granger. He did appear in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock as Executive Officer of the U.S.S. Excelsior. He also had a major role in Robocop as Bob Morton who oversaw creating Robocop when ED -209 failed. He died from throat cancer. John Hurt – January 27, 2017 (age 77) John Hurt is well known in the Science Fiction and Fantasy world. He was Kane in Alien who brought the alien aboard the Nostromo. He also was in the reboot BBC series Doctor Who as the War Doctor. His fantasy credits include Mr. Ollivander in three of the Harry Potter films. He was a very versatile actor. He died from pancreatic cancer. Richard Hatch – February 7, 2017 (age 71) Richard Hatch is known to Science Fiction as Captain Apollo in the TV series Battlestar Galactica (1978-79). He also stared in the 2004 - 09 reboot as Tom Zarek. He was not only an actor but a writer and producer as well. He died of pancreatic cancer. May the Lords of Kobol look over you and lead you home. (Did I miss a news item or news item that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

USS Hephaestus


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Ship’s Log January 14, 2017 – Social Rescheduled

Attendance: 6 people and Red Shirt Miles Bearington (a Stuffed Star Trek Bear)

Because of the death of James “Kirk” Newell, we rescheduled the social to the following Saturday out of respect to the family. Several members did show up to support Sue Ellen Newell Mohney at the funeral. Our condolences to the Newell family as they deal with the loss of Captain Newell.

Captain’s Personal Log (supplemental) The 1st officer Phillip Mangina Jr. and I are trying to walk for the Red Shirt Challenge. We have so far been able to go twice and walk a little over 1.5 miles each time at Railroad Park in Birmingham, AL.

January 21, 2017 – Social The social was great. We discussed the events for the upcoming year. The captain handed out the schedule so that people would have a hard copy. We had snacks and drinks. Pizza was available for a small donation. Phillip brought Pete's Dragon (2016) which was good. The Hephaestus welcomes Carol Ann, a friend of Donald's. Hope we didn’t scare her too much. Ensign Donald Arnold volunteered to host a social at his house in May.

I am still looking for subjects and moderators for the Exploring Trek meetings so it is not just me leading. Hopefully since I have had two volunteers, more will step forward. I need to manage my personal time better so The Anvil is not late. Red Shirt Miles Bearington’s Personal Log January 26, 2017- Exploring Trek If all the away missions are like this I don’t understand why the other red shirts complain. I didn’t draw my phaser once and didn’t even have to visit sick bay after the mission. I will be volunteering for more missions if they are like that one. I wish someone had gotten me one of the lemon Oreos… they looked good.

Attendance: 14 people January 26, 2017 – Exploring Trek We had a good discussion on the Doctors of Star Trek. There was a diverse choice on everyone’s personal favorite doctor. It seemed to coincide with which Star Trek series you saw first. We also discussed what we wanted to do for the rest of the year. Phillip Mangina Jr., OX, and Lewis Stockham (future member) each volunteered to moderate one of the Exploring Trek meetings. The importance of proper communication:

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Personal Log Special Report By LtJG James Davis that all the rooms on the bottom two decks had already sold out. I panicked and did the one thing that came to mind – I refreshed my browser. Miraculously, someone had declined to reserve their stateroom from their cart and one room was available. My new room. Qapla’! So here is what I offer the chapter. I will write a short review of each day of the cruise in easy monthly installments in the hopes that you may either join me next year (That’s right, I’m doing this again) or that you may at least learn more about what CBS and ECP did to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our show. So, without further ado!

Preface These are the voyages of the cruise ship Enterprise. Her five-day mission: to explore strange new islands, to seek out new hobbies and new restaurants, to boldly party where we have never snorkeled before… This might have been our entrance to the greatest vacation I have ever taken – an opportunity that nearly randomly fell into my lap one day in 2015. I have always been a fan of the sea, inner space as those of us in the SCUBA and undersea exploration world like to call her, but I had never been on a cruise. After all, that’s for the wealthy retired, or so I thought. While exploring just what goes into taking a cruise and looking for prices and destinations for a post-deployment holiday, I asked myself, “Self, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a Star Trek themed cruise?” Little did I know that thanks to the 50th Anniversary festivities, such a thing was in fact underway, and would be open for booking… in just one hour.

Stardate 2017.01.09 – Miami, FL – Day 1 There is quite the story leading up to the day Kendra and I made port in Miami. I’ll tell you. No, too long… let me sum up. Long flying day at work, assignment night festivities at the Officer’s Club, bad decision to drive overnight to Florida, epic ice storm in Birmingham, deer dodging on the 231, sunrise over Lake City, hotel reservations shenanigans, Wizarding World of Harry Potter, more hotel reservations shenanigans, and a threehour drive into Miami’s east side. Now that you’re all caught up, you can join us in the chaos that ensues when 2,300 of your new best friends arrive at a port all at the same time. To complicate matters, there was another ship from the same cruise line departing the same day, so our luggage came very close to setting off on their own adventure to Belize. We finally got the car parked and joined the queue to check in. After a brief moment of panic when we were asked for our boarding passes (which we didn’t have), we joined with everyone else on the guest list in our boarding area and played hurry-up-and-wait, for which the Air Force has excellently trained us. Murmurs became shouts, and shouts became clamoring as the elevator by which we were sitting opened to reveal

I very anxiously awaited the opportunity to discover that the prices would be astronomical (pun intended) and that I could go on about my life wishing I had been able to go. The hour passed, and lo and behold, not only was the trip somewhat affordable, but Entertainment Cruise Productions allowed installment options for us little people! I made the decision to go for it. I wouldn’t get another opportunity to make my first cruise the inaugural Star Trek Cruise. I selected a stateroom in the low decks (quite near the boiler I imagined), I moved the selection to my online shopping cart, then was abruptly disappointed to see USS Hephaestus


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the guests of honor. Robert Picardo (Doctor), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert O’Reilly (Chancellor Gowron), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar), John deLancie (Q), Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax), and the Captain of our ship, William Shatner all strode through the terminal and boarded the ship with the throng of Trekkies not far behind. Throng? Gaggle? You decide.

in the works. DeLancie, dwarfing the cruise host Dane, talked about his one-man show. Picardo began his talk with “Please state the nature of the nautical emergency.” Crosby came across as motherly, far from the aggressive Lt. Yar. O’Reilly stunned the crowd by shouting his entire speech… in Klingon. By the end over two thousand people were shouting Qapla’! My heart warmed, but that could also have been the blood wine. Our honorary Captain finished the event by describing the cruise as an extraordinary event and tribute, on a ship significantly smaller than the Enterprise but with the same spirit of family and exploration. Having brought fourteen of his own family from three generations aboard, he should know.

Boarding the ship was our first real Trek experience, whereupon we were greeted by staff in TOS redshirt uniforms, and safety briefs were being conducted Academy-style on a projector screen in the ship’s atrium. We had a few moments to explore the ship before participating in the mandatory safety drill, before which we settled into our stateroom, discovering that there was not only a television channel showing the exterior of the ship, but also a channel of non-stop Trek episodes and another of non-stop Trek films.

Off we set, leaving the Port of Miami under the watchful protection of the US Coast Guard and about a dozen dolphins. On our way to dinner we saw the beginning of the Happy Hour Hang, in which Denise Crosby introduced an episode she had never seen before, “Where No Man Has Gone Before”. If you’re as surprised as I am that it was her first time seeing it, you’re not as surprised as she was when there was no audio. She began dubbing the episode a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000, an event to which we would return a few days later. The first actual performance of the trip was “Love Letters”, a two-man show in which the actors read a series of letters written between two people over the course of their entire lives. Originally designed to be performed by Marina Sirtis and her screen husband Jonathan Frakes, Terry Farrell stepped in to replace Riker as he is busy with Star Trek: Discovery (He is scheduled for the 2018 cruises). It was a wonderful show, in which we could already see some of the actor personalities showing (i.e., some interpersonal tension between happy-go-lucky Terry and stern-and-somewhatinebriated Marina). Little did I know the nice woman I had moved my feet for as she stepped by was in fact Terry Farrell, an actress we would encounter several more times.

Our safety drill consisted entirely of us making our way to the Stardust Theatre and finding a seat. After that, we were free to roam about the Enterprise. The elevators were decked out as turbolifts, complete with LCARS diagrams around the top. The Bliss Ultra was redubbed Leeta’s Lounge. A United Federation of Planets jack flew on the mizzen. Staff held up Vulcan greetings and shouted “Star Trek, wishy-washy!” as we entered the free buffet dining room. We learned a “free” hat, t-shirt, poster, and photo frame would be delivered to our room (more on that on Day 2). However, we had only forty-five minutes before the real fun began. The Enterprise Launch Party began at 1600, with each actor on our journey taking a brief moment to welcome us and talk about their planned activities USS Hephaestus

Following the performance, there were a host of other activities, many of which we did not attend. 15

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To conclude what is only Day One, I’d like to invite you to ask anything you like about the inaugural cruise, and if you have any interest in joining us for the 2018 encore, I assure you that you won’t be disappointed. I’ve never met so many fellow Trekkies in such a spectacular setting before. I hope you enjoyed the Day One recap, and I look forward to sharing next month’s Day Two adventure, Fun with Robert Picardo!

There was a bowling tournament signup, Trek Trivia with Max Grodenchik (Rom from DS9), Star Trek Karaoke, Leeta Live in her Ultra Lounge, Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan under the stars, and a dance party hosted by the popular Miami DJ Needles (producer of Data Rap). Events didn’t finish until after 0100, when Robert O’Reilly closed out a Happy Hour Hang viewing of Encounter at Farpoint.

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Crew Happenings January Social Watching Pete’s Dragon

Lego Americana Roadshow It was at the Galleria Mall. These are just some of the historical landmarks on display.

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Nichelle Nichols

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


STARFLEET Academy Starfleet Academy Spotlight: Starfleet Marine Essential Tasks List A few months ago, I wrote a review for STARFLEET Academy. While I’m still trailing the good Brenda Miller in total courses completed, I’m happy to say I finally passed the threshold for my first Boothby Award! This means I have taken a total of just over fifty courses, some of which were just okay, and others that I had a really good time completing. The STARFLEET Marine Essential Tasks List (METL) is one such course. This unique course, part of the STARFLEET Marine Corps (SFMC) Academy, is labeled under the Marine Development College’s School of Professional Development PD-205. STARFLEET Marines who complete this exam with a passing grade are entitled to wear the Marine Proficiency Ribbon, and for good reason. This exam stands out for its breadth and length. Weighing in at just over ninety questions (most Academy courses are 18-25), the exam is not difficult, but requires a certain stamina and commitment to complete that will leave you feeling oddly accomplished as you submit it for grading. The METL exam is broken up into six sections, representing the six battlefield skills essential to success in military ground engagement (Remember, of course, that the SFMC appeals to the military side of Star Trek literature, and is distinct from the regular Fleet). These skills are, in no particular order, See, Communicate, Navigate, Shoot, Survive, and Know. Questions range from real-world definitions of cover and concealment, to your ability to recognize the silhouette of a Federation or Dominion vessel. There is an excellent mix of real military knowledge and Star Trek knowledge one can gain from taking this exam and reading the enclosed manual that gave me the sensation that for that hour I was training to be a part of the Federation’s defensive arm (Don’t forget about MACO, the United Earth Military Assault Command Operations). Considering that out of the 237 STARFLEET chapters, 145 of them (including ours) has a Marine Strike Group, taking this entertaining and moderately challenging course can provide even the full-time Fleet member with an insight into the world enjoyed by the “other half” of STARFLEET. As an SFMC reservist (I’m Fleet, but participate in SFMC activities as a Marine), I suppose it’s only right for me to give this course two different ratings. Thanks to its immersive enjoyment in both military and Trek trivia, I give the Marine Essential Tasks List 4 anchors out of 5 for STARFLEET Marines and 3 combadges out of 5 for our Fleet brethren. I hope you try it and enjoy it.

STARFLEET Marine Corps 1LT Davis returned home from overseas with the USAF. LGEN Yawn preformed 8 - 12 hours of volunteer service with the Brookside Fire Rescue. 1LT James Davis has been named as DOIC (XO) of our Marine unit the 654th MSG. Need more Marines. Whole new group of SFA courses available. Contact James for info.

Semper Fi ! USS Hephaestus


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Exploring Trek We kicked off this year’s Exploring Trek with a great discussion on The Doctors of Trek. We not only covered the major Doctors (Bones, Crusher, Bashir, EMH, Phlox) but minor ones as well (Boyce, Piper, Dehner, etc.). It was interesting that the favorite Doctor of those in attendance was the Star Trek Doctor they first knew. For example if you grew up on TOS then Bones was yout favorite doctor but if TNG was your first Star Trek then Crusher was your Favorite Doctor. Another interesting point we discussed was that the Doctors would use technology but they also had some sense of doing medicine the old fashion way as well. This showed that the Doctors although believing in technology also knew that sometimes technology might not have all the answers. Follow up question for Exploring Trek on your own: 1. Which Star Trek characters (Doctors or Engineers) do you think had more of an impact on college enrollment? We also discussed the upcoming Exploring Treks. Both Phillip Mangina Jr. and Lewis Stochham volunteered to moderate one of sessions. Phillip will take February talking about The Dominion War and Lewis is taking April, talking about The Mirror Universe. If you would like to moderate one of the session, let me know what and when you would like to do it. Exploring Trek is the 4th Thursday of the Month at Kingdom Comics.

Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs

Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Feb 4, 2017 Feb 11, 2017 Feb 17, 2017 Feb 23, 2017 Mar 4, 2017 Mar 10-12, 2017 Mar 18, 2017 Mar 17, 2017 Mar 23, 2017 Apr 1, 2017 Apr 8, 2017 Apr 21, 2017 Apr 27, 2017

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm Anvil Deadline Region 2 Summit Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm

Location Mohney Miller Kingdom Comics Columbus, Georgia Mohney Potts Kingdom Comics Mohney Evans Kingdom Comics



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Do you know this Alien?

Anvil Focus Schedule February: Communications (Nichelle Nichols) March: Vulcans April: Data and Androids (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

Treasury Report We no longer collect Dues. After the Executive Committee agreed to close the treasury, the members voted to give the balance of $24.00 to Toy for Tots. Therefore, there will no longer be any Treasury Reports. We do ask that you help defray cost of food/drinks that are supplied at the socials by giving a donation.

STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Tiner Arnold Potts Family Mohney Family Mangina Holsey Green Lindsay Family

09/13/16 11/30/16 03/05/17 04/21/17 05/15/17 05/30/17 06/27/17 07/08/17

Miller Family Davis Family Boyd Family Carr Family Baxter Hicks Family Youngblood-Yawn Bentley

08/26/17 08/31/17 09/17/17 09/19/17 09/24/17 10/03/17 11/30/17 12/21/17

Hunt for the Icon Did you find the 5 Klingon D-7ships were:


that were in last month’s Anvil? If you did not find them all they

1. Pg. 1 – After 1st paragraph 2. Pg. 2 – 1st column, end of 3rd paragraph 3. Pg. 7 – Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge, after the 4th point 4. Pg. 9 – 1st column, right side of the 3rd picture 5. Pg. 15 – 1st column, after the date at the bottom of the page. The Ship’s store has lost five communicators . The five doesn’t include this example. The first to send me the correct locations gets to choose next month’s Hidden Icon. USS Hephaestus


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Name the Klingon Answers Klingon captain (Mark Lenard), ST: Motion Picture Chancellor Gowron (Robert O’Reilly), TNG Commander Kor (John Colicos), TOS & DS9 General Martok (J.G. Hertzler), DS9 Kahless (Robert "Bob" Herron), TOS: Savage Curtain

Mara (Susan Howard), TOS: Day of the Dove B’Etor (Gwynyth Walsh), TNG & Generations Sirella (Shannon Cochran), DS9: You Are Cordially Invited Klaang (Tommy "Tiny" Lister, Jr.), ENT: Broken Bow Part 1 Arne Darvin (Charlie Brill), TOS: Trouble with Tribbles

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 19) Species: Dosi, Inglatu, (Brian Thompson), DS9: Rules of Acquisition

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Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out

March March 10-12, 2017 - Region 2 Summit, Columbus, GA Starfleet Region 2 Summit will be held at the Best Western Plus in Columbus, GA. Come join other ships in Region 2 to see what they do for their club and learn about what is going on in STARFLEET.

April April 28-30, 2017 - Treklanta, Atlanta, GA Hosted by the USS Republic NCC-1371, Treklanta is an annual science fiction convention based in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to space opera in general and Star Trek in particular. It places special emphasis on fanbased events, activities, programming and productions. Treklanta is the home of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant and the Independent Star Trek Fan Film Awards. Guests: David Gerrold, J.G. Hertzler and others.

June June 30- July 2, 2017 – Magic City Con, Birmingham, AL Magic City Con is a three-day weekend event that focuses on sci-fi, gaming (both tabletop and video games), and cosplay. We have interactive panels, workshops, and host special events like our Heroes and Villains Masquerade Ball, a Mos Eisley Cantina, a Saturday KidCon event, and more! We are a family friendly event that will be taking place at the Hyatt Regency-Wynfrey Hotel June 30th-July 2nd 2017. Our website is and you can keep up with announcements on our Facebook page.

July July 28 - 30 2017 – Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest, Birmingham, AL The Sci-Fi Fantasy Fest is an annual celebration of all things science fiction, fantasy & nerd related! It's an event brought to you by the Hoover Library.

Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback to help us send out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to: USS Hephaestus


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Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the website for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - January 11th – May 7th – Going Places Created by the renowned Scitech in Perth, Australia, Going Places is an interactive science exhibition that explores the technology humans have developed for travel. If you have ever wanted to pilot an airship, ride on a hovercraft, or control traffic in a city, now is your big chance! As well as exploring the technology that gets us around every day, visitors will explore the way that travel has shaped the social fabric of our time. Visitors will also see new technology and get a glimpse of where our future is headed. With 17 interactive exhibits and 8 information kiosks detailing the incredible technology pioneered by humans to make the farthest reaches of our planet accessible, Going Places will be a wild ride! The key messages of this exhibition are: observe, understand and use an incredible range of travel technology to see how it makes our lives easier and better, AND learn how the Earth’s awesome size and natural processes, like gravity, wind, currents, waves, friction, and changing landscapes are overcome by the ingenious designs researched and developed over time. The exhibition covers many different aspects of transport, including the movement of people and goods, land, sea and air options and technological solutions to make transport possible, easier or more efficient. The exhibition covers many areas of physics and technology, as well as dealing in personal or human interest areas of transportation and moving things around. Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - /

The art of communication is the language of leadership – James Humes, author and former presidential speechwriter News Repoters Wanted Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil:

Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions

Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books

Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites

For Hephaestus Anvil USS Hephaestus


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Command Staff

Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, 1Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Cmdr – 2nd Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral



Pete Mohney, Admiral

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Admiral

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops and Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt JG



Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr Matthew Boyd, Ensign James Davis, LtJG

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) James Davis, 2Lt SFMC (Reserves)

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Cadet Training

Donald Arnold, Ensign 3rd Class Kendra Baxter, Crewman Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Mark Lindsay, Captain Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Matthew Potts, Crewman Lewis, Stockham, Civilian Carly Strickland, Civilian Brenda Tiner, Crewman 3rd Class Haley Youngblood, Crewman

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Recruit Tara Mohney, Cadet 2nd Class Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training



Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

USS Hephaestus


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For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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