Anvil January 2017

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


January 2017

The Anvil


From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


To the Honor of The Klingons


2016 – In Memory Of …


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.

While on an Away Mission


Cover: TNG: Heart of Glory, S01E20

Quotable Quotes


Web Links

Name the Klingon


Inside This Issue





The Captain’s Top 10


Star Trek News & More


Hunt for the Icon


Ship’s Log


Crew Happenings


The Klingon Poster


Exploring Trek




STARFLEET Marine Corps


Treasury Report


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Anvil Focus Schedule


Do You Know this Alien


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Name the Conn Officer Answers


Area Conventions & Exhibits


Command Structure


STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

The Anvil, Issue 305 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and rang in the New Year in style. We have a lot of things we can do this year. We are looking for ideas of what you like to do at the socials. If you have an idea send it to me or bring it up at the next social. 8 8

I would like to thank Matt Boyd for volunteering to keep us up to date on what is happening in the Doctor Who Universe. Check out his article on pg. 13. I am still looking for reporters in other areas of Sci-Fi and for conventions. Check the ad on pg. 21 for more details. If you’re interested, then have an article ready by the Anvil deadline which is the 1st Saturday of the month. If you submit regularly, I will give you your own byline. I am also looking for volunteers to lead Exploring Trek which is the 4th Thursday of every month at Kingdom Comics. If you have a favorite topic you want to explore then let me know and we will schedule a month that works for you. So, put your think caps on and let me know what ideas you come up with. Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Hello crew, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. This is the year to make the New Year Resolution’s happen like losing weight, saving money, or taking a vacation some where you’ve never been before. This year, I am going to make a red shirt challenge to help get everyone motivated to lose weight and motivate myself to do same. More details can be found on pg. 7. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Phillip Mangina, USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


To the Honor of The Klingons By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Klingons are probably the best-known enemy in Star Trek. Even though the Klingons are friends by the time we get to Star Trek: The Next Generation, they are first encountered in the original series as enemies of the Federation. The Klingons have appeared in 114 episodes and in 9 of the 13 films. The Klingons were not the first enemy, which were the Romulans, but they were used more in the original series because the Klingons didn’t require as much makeup as the Romulans.

the Federation would have its problems as the different houses would still fight among themselves to rule the Empire. This was demonstrated when a new Chancellor is chosen after Chancellor K'mpec’s death. When Chancellor Gowron is chosen as the next Chancellor, the Klingon Empire goes into a civil war that is fueled, behind the scenes, by the Romulans (TNG: Reunion, Redemption). The Klingons have a great following in Star Trek fandom. Many groups cosplay Klingons and have socials that are Klingon themed. A Klingon is one of the most respected of cosplayers because of the amount of work to create the costume and the discomfort of wearing the costume. Many conventions have Klingon themes with mock battles and dances that reflect the Klingon culture. With the creation of the Klingon language by Mike Okrand (based on James Doohan’s words used in Star Trek: The Motion Picture), many have learned it and speak it when they are at conventions and Klingon socials. The Bing web search program and Rosetta Stone language program help people in learning Klingon.

Klingons are a warrior race that based their society on the first leader Kahless who, after defeating the tyrant Molor, was able to unite the houses on Qo’noS (Klingon home world). This warrior culture is based on an Honor Code which is similar to the Japanese culture here on earth. A Klingon’s first response to a situation will be to do what is best for the Empire and his family. If a Klingon does something to dishonor himself then the dishonor is also on the house he is a part of. Once the Klingons found space flight, they then started exploring other worlds because their own home world was lacking in resources. Rather than engaging in trade, the Klingons conquered the worlds they came across. This makes sense since the Klingon scientists and engineers are considered inferior to the warriors and would steal any technology they would need to make better ships. Even Klingon medicine is stunted: if a Klingon is ill or injured he is left to survive or die on his own. Little medical attention was given to him.

The Klingons are popular because they are the most explored culture in the Star Trek Universe. Vulcans come in a close second but until Enterprise their culture was not explored as much as Klingon was in TNG and DS9. Klingons are a good place to start when observing the differences that Star Trek tries to show in how to understand others from different points of view. Klingons were compared to Russia in the original series and lead to showing how we deal with a culture that is different from ours, even now. We are still trying to understand Russia, China and several other cultures that are different than what we see in the USA. Star Trek gave us a good blueprint to get along better with those who are different from us and the Klingons are the best example.


The Klingons did enter treaties if they felt it was to their advantage. They entered a treaty with the Romulans in TOS that gave the Klingons the Romulan cloaking device. The Romulans received Klingon ships that were better than theirs. By the time, we get to TNG, the Klingons and the Romulans are enemies again. This may be due in part to the Federation helping the Klingons when their moon Praxis exploded, leaving the Klingons vulnerable because Praxis was their main source of energy. The peace with

A listing of all the episodes that feature Klingons follows.

I do not like swimming. It is too much like…bathing. – Worf, TNG: Conspiracy USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Klingon Episodes Enterprise: (11 episodes) Season One Broken Bow Unexpected Sleeping Dogs Season Two Marauders Judgment Bounty The Expanse Season Four Borderland The Augments Affliction Divergence The Original Series: (7 episodes) Season One Errand of Mercy Season Two Friday's Child The Trouble with Tribbles A Private Little War Season Three Elaan of Troyius Day of the Dove The Savage Curtain The Animated Series: (2 episodes) More Tribbles, More Troubles The Time Trap The Next Generation: (31 episodes) Season One Hide and Q Heart of Glory Season Two A Matter Of Honor The Icarus Factor The Emissary Shades of Gray Season Three The Offspring Sins of the Father Season Four Reunion Future Imperfect The Drumhead The Mind's Eye Redemption Season Five Redemption II Unification I & II New Ground Ethics USS Hephaestus

Cost of Living Imaginary Friend Season Six Rascals A Fistful of Datas Aquiel Birthright, Part I & II The Chase Suspicions Rightful Heir Season Seven Gambit, Part II Firstborn Preemptive Strike Deep Space 9: (49 episodes) Season One Past Prologue Dramatis Personae Season Two Invasive Procedures Melora Playing God Blood Oath The Maquis, Part II Crossover Season Three The House of Quark Visionary Through the Looking Glass Season Four The Way of the Warrior The Sword of Kahless Return to Grace Sons of Mogh Rules of Engagement Shattered Mirror Broken Link Season Five Apocalypse Rising Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places Nor the Battle to the Strong Trials and Tribble-ations In Purgatory's Shadow By Inferno's Light Soldiers of the Empire Children of Time Blaze of Glory Call to Arms Season Six A Time to Stand Sons and Daughters 3

Favor the Bold Sacrifice of Angels You Are Cordially Invited In the Pale Moonlight His Way The Reckoning Tears of the Prophets Season Seven Image in the Sand Shadows and Symbols Treachery, Faith and the Great River Once More Unto the Breach The Emperor's New Cloak Chimera Strange Bedfellows The Changing Face of Evil When It Rains... Tacking Into the Wind The Dogs of War What You Leave Behind Voyager: (14 episodes) Season Three Flashback Real Life Season Four Day of Honor The Killing Game, Part I & II Infinite Regress (Klingon Borg) Season Six Barge of the Dead Unimatrix Zero (Klingon Borg) Season Seven Unimatrix Zero, Part II (Klingon Borg) Flesh and Blood Lineage Prophecy Endgame Films: (9) Star Trek: The Motion Picture Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Star Trek Generations Star Trek: First Contact (Klingon Borg) Star Trek (deleted scene) Star Trek Into Darkness

( Always Onward

The Anvil


2016 – In Memory of… To those who have gone on to the next adventure… We will never forget More information can be found in 2016 issues of The Anvil.

USS Hephaestus

Sylvia Anderson March 15, 2016 (age 88) (Lady Penelope, Thunderbirds)

Bairbre Patricia Dowling January 20, 2016 (age 62) (Edith Mulchaey, VOY: Spirit Folk)

Kenny Baker August 13, 2016 (age 81) (R2D2, Star Wars)

Jerry Doyle July 27, 2016 (age 60) (Michael Garibaldi, Babylon Five)

Erik Bauersfeld April 3, 2016 (age 93) (voice of Admiral Ackbar, Star Wars)

Larry Drake March 17, 2016 (age 66) (Administrator Chellick, VOY: Critical Care)

Jim Hagan Beggs September 16, 2016 (age 79) (Lt. Hansen, TOS)

Tony Dyson March 4, 2016 (age 68) (Builder R2-D2, Star Wars)

Enrico Rico Bueno June 4, 2016 (age 68) (Background character, Star Trek)

Ronnie Claire Edwards June 14, 2016 (age 83) (Talur, TNG: Thine Own Self)

James A. Cozine October 15, 2016 (age 50) (STARFLEET - USS Trident)

Carrie Fisher December 27, 2016 (age 60) (Princess Leia, Star Wars)

Bruce Dolan October 7, 2016 (age 53) (STARFLEET - USS Harry Mudd)

Anthony Richard Fredrickson February 15, 2016 (age 62) (Star Trek Graphic Artist) 4

Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus


Ron Glass November 25, 2016 (age 71) (Sheppard Book, Firefly, Serenity)

James V. Kimsey March 1, 2016 (age 76) (Co-Founder of the web pioneer, AOL)

Seamon Glass July 12, 2016 (age 90) (Benton, TOS: Mudd’s Women)

Michael Leader August 22, 2016 (age 78) (Banging Head Stormtrooper, Star Wars: A New Hope)

Col John Glenn December 8, 2016 (age 95) (Astronaut, Senator from Ohio)

Harper Lee February 18, 2016 (age 89) (Author of To Kill a Mockingbird and Alabama native)

David G. Hartwell January 20, 2016 (age 74) (Editor of Star Trek Pocket Books)

Richard Libertini January 7, 2016 (age 82) (Akorem Laan, Bajoran Poet, DS9: Accession)

Robert Horton March 9, 2016 (age 91) (Flint McCullough, Wagon Train)

Don Marshall October 30, 2016 (age 80) (Lt. Boma, TOS: The Galileo Seven)

David Huddleston August 2, 2016 (age 85) (Conductor, TNG: Emergence)

Garry Marshall July 19, 2016 (age 81) (Creator, Mork & Mindy)

Gary Dean Hutzel March 3, 2016 (age 60) (Visual Effect Artist, TNG & DS9)

Mihaly 'Michu' Meszaros June 13, 2016 (age 76) (Alf, Alf)

Barry Jenner August 9, 2016 (age 75) (Admiral Bill Ross, DS9)

Edgar Mitchell February 4th, 2016 (age 85) (Astronaut, Appollo 14)

Wayne Lee Killough, Jr. April 17, 2016 (age 39) (Commander (President) of Starfleet International)

Harry Morgan December 7, 2011 (age 96) (Professor Suter, 3rd Rock From the Sun) 5

Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus


Noel Neill July 4th, 2016 (age 95) (Lois Lane, Adventures of Superman)

Barbara Tarbuck December 26, 2016 (age 74) (Leka Trion, TNG: The Host; Kalev, ENT: Shadows of P’Jen)

Angela Paton May 26, 2016 (age 86) (Aunt Adah, VOY: Caretaker)

Robert Guy Teague June 30, 2016 (age 61) (STARFLEET - USS Republic)

Nancy Reagan March 6, 2016 (age 94) (Former First Lady and wife to the late President Ronald Reagan)

Raymond Tomlinson March 5, 2016 (age 74) (designated the @ to be used in emails)

Lee Reherman February 29, 2016 (age 49) (Section 31 operative, Star Trek into Darkness)

Peter Vaughan December 6, 2016 (age 93) (Maester Aemon, Game of Thrones)

Debbie Reynolds December 28, 2016 (age 84) (Mother of Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia, Star Wars))

Robert Vaughn November 11, 2016 (age 83) (Gelt, Battle Beyond the Stars)

Alan Rickman January 14, 2016 (age 69) (Alexander Dane, Galaxy Quest)

Fritz Weaver November 26, 2016 (age 90) (Kovat, DS9: Tribunal)

Oliver Savander October 13, 2016 (age 72) (STARFLEET - USS Tiberius)

Van Williams November 28, 2016 (age 82) (Green Hornet, Green Hornet)

William Schallert May 8, 2016 (age 93) (Nilz Baris, TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles; Varani, DS9: Sanctuary)

Anton Viktorovich Yelchin June 19, 2016 (age 27) (Chekhov, Star Trek (Kelvin Universe))

Gary Shandling March 24, 2016 (age 66) (Senator Stern, Ironman 2; Captain American: Winter Soldier)

Brian Young October 10, 2016 (age 60) (STARFLEET - USS Guardian) 6

Always Onward

The Anvil


The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge Since it is a new year, we are looking to help people with some of their New Year’s Resolutions. What we are looking for is people who want to encourage one another to help each reach their goals.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Recommendations based on how you are losing weight. Recipes of low calorie/healthy food to eat. Exercise plans that have helped you to lose weight. How well you are doing in reaching your goals. What success you have had with local gyms. What ways can we help encourage you to reach your goals. 8

Look for the Facebook page coming soon. It will be posted in Hephaestus – Starfleet group when we get it set up. If you have any questions or want to help me out, then you can contact me at: Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer) Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge

While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Begin Transmission… To: U.S.S. Hephaestus From: Starfleet Command Subject: Ship’s Logs Please resubmit all logs pertaining to your mission to Vulcan. Previous logs were lost due to a decoding error at Memory Alpha. The importance of that mission makes your findings greatly needed. The future of the Federation depends on it. End Transmission… (The Vulcan story that was started in November will continue in next month’s issue of The Anvil)

If winning is not important, then commander, why keep score? – Worf to Riker, TNG: 11001001 USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man. – TOS: Day of the Dove, S03E11

Worf: Cowards take hostages, Klingons do not. – TNG: Heart of Glory, S01E20

Kurn: I never kill anyone at the supper table, Mr. La Forge. – TNG: Sins of the Father, S03E17

Grilka: I really am very grateful for all you've done, Quark. That is why I'm going to let you take your hand off my thigh, instead of shattering every bone in your body. – DS9: House of Quark, S03E03

Kohlar: Where are the images of Kahless? Where's your family crest? B’Elanna: They clashed with the carpet. – VOY: Prophecy, S07E14

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Klingon


USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Games L.A Noire – Review by Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. A dark and violent crime thriller, set against the backdrop of 1940's Los Angeles and utilizing new facial animation technology meaning when interrogating a suspect you have to pay attention to the face to see if they are lying or telling the truth. L.A Noir blends action of car and foot chases and shootouts with true detective work including interrogations and cluefinding, as newly-minted officer Cole Phelps embarks on a desperate search for truth in a city where everyone has something to hide. This game is really fun to play if you have a PS3 or Xbox. I recommend this game as a must have in your game collection. I give this game 10 out of 10 stars. Rate: AAAAA

Movies Passengers – Reviewed by FCapt MarkAdam Miller I was not sure if this movie was going to be any good. I went for two reasons. The first is that it looked like it might have some good science fiction details to the story. Second, I have liked Chris Pratt in both Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. He should at least make the movie enjoyable. You may ask why wouldn’t you go to see it for Jennifer Lawrence. I know her from several X-Men Movies (X-Men: Days of Future Past; X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: First Class) and The Hunger Games (only saw the first one) but she is not someone I would go see just because she is in the movie. I was fairly surprised that it turned into a good movie. It covers several areas including science fiction, romance and comedy. The science fiction is the main back drop. Passengers is about a colony ship headed to the planet Homestead II with 5000 colonists. Both Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) and Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence) are part of the 5000. The journey from Earth to Homestead II takes 120 years so the colonists are put into suspended animation for the trip. The problem arises when Jim and Aurora wake 30 years into the voyage (90 years yet to go) and cannot return to the suspened state. The comedy is Chris Pratt’s portrayal of Jim Preston. It is a normal Chris Pratt character who is a goofy guy with a heart of gold that, against the odds, wins the girl. The girl is of course Aurora, a socialite writer who is looking to capture the glory of her famous author father. This is the romance. A high society girl falling for a blue-collar worker. The action is hard to describe as it would give a lot of the story away. The action does keep you interested to find out how it turns out without it being a real let down. I would recommend seeing this at least as a rental. Chris Pratt does a good job. Jennifer Lawrence is a pretty face but mainly that is her part in the film. Sorry to say any pretty-face actress could have done the Aurora part. If you do want to go see it in the theater you will enjoy the beautiful space scenes involving the colonist ship. I do plan to get this for my Blu-Ray library. Rate: AAAaa USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Reviewed by FCapt MarkAdam Miller I was disappointed in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There were a lot of questions and the Star Killer weapon didn’t make sense. When Lucusfilms started promoting Rogue One, I was not sure this would be any good either. How can they make a movie that is right before Star Wars: A New Hope? Most of the original cast can’t be in it as they are either too old or dead. So how are they going to do it? Lucusfilm and Disney did it. They not only made a film that had a good story but they also made a film that slips easily into the story we already know and love. This story is filling out the synopsis that is given in the narrative crawl at the beginning of a Star Wars: A New Hope. Names are given to the rebels who fought to get the Death Star plans and what it took to get them to defeat the Empire. The story line is complete because you don’t have to know anything about Star Wars to enjoy the movie. They give you everything you need to enjoy what is going on. For the Star Wars fan, this has Easter eggs that might take several watchings to uncover them all. The pace of the movie keeps building until the climactic end The ending makes you want to grab your copy of Star Wars: A New Hope and watch it right away. The only disappointment: there was no narrative crawl at the beginning like the other movies. I believe they did this because this is not part of the main story line which follows the Skywalker family lineage. Disney and Lucusfilms are planning to have side movies, like Rogue One, to fill out other characters like Han Solo and Boba Fett. This film didn’t need the crawl but it still seemed to be missed. This is a good action flick that should be enjoyable to most people. For the Star Wars fan this is a must see. If you are needing someone to go with you I am up to going several more times before it leaves the theater. Rate: AAAAA P.S. If you like this movie then catch Star Wars Rebels on Disney (Review: Anvil March 2015)

{ ------------------------------------------------------------ U – Reviewed by Ensign Matt Boyd This is the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back. In fact it is almost as dark. It has lighter moments and has enduring characters, but, still, it is darker than the previous Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. This is a return to the 70’s. The film is set right before Star Wars: A New Hope. The Empire is building a star destroyer (Death Star) and it looks like the end of the rebellion: until news of a way to destroy this new weapon comes to them by Jyn Erso the daughter of Garren Erso the Architect of the star destroyer (Death Star). Jyn was forced away from her family when she was a child. As an adult, she has become a criminal and finds herself in the hands of the Rebel Alliance on a mission to steal plans for the new weapon of the Empire. I loved this one! It felt like this film came out in 1974 right before Star Wars: A New Hope. The film had a dark look to it. The costumes were 70’s style, the hair was seventies. (I swear I saw some feathered hair in that movie.) When there was facial hair on a man it was either a beard or a mustache. Even the side burns were perfect. If you are a fan of the original trilogy you will love this movie. Rate: AAAAa USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


– Reviewed by Shirley A. Burton After spending time with my family on Christmas Eve, I invited my mother to come with me on Christmas Day to watch Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. So, we took in the movie. Now keep in mind my mother is 73 years old. When she said she enjoyed the movie, that really says something. Anyway, Rogue One is basically the prequel to A New Hope, but the way it’s told definitely helps tell the story of how Princess Leia had those Death Star plans to begin with and how that Death Star came to be. One of the biggest concepts to blow my mind was how Grand Moff Tarkin was in it, even though Peter Cushing died back in 1994. CGI and motion capture do a great job with him. The one character to watch for is Chirrut Imwe, a blind, staff-wielding warrior. He can play as tough as the Jedi, although he isn’t one himself. Overall, the movie was downright awesome. However, don’t expect me to give any spoilers. Of course, we saw the movie two days after Carrie Fisher’s heart attack and two days before she passed away. The Star Wars universe won’t be the same without her or Kenny Baker (the man in the R2-D2 outfit). Rate: AAAAA

Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Things that I got for Christmas that are cool.

Star Trek Risk

Star Trek Air Hogs

Star Trek Trivial Pursuit

Doctor Who Lego

The Captain’s Top 10 Top Ten recommendations to do in the New Year. (These are personal ones but I believe everyone can benefit from doing these.) 1. Spend Time with Family. 2. Spend less time watching TV or on the internet 3. Read more books than you did last year. 4. Write reviews on the books you read for The Anvil. 5. Visit someplace local you haven’t been. 6. Visit a nursing home (see if there is someone who doesn’t get regular visitors). 7. Try a restaurant that serves a different culture’s food (other than Chinese). 8. Visit a different church, mosque or temple to get a different view of other cultures. 9. Make sure Emergency Information is up to date when you might not be able to communicate for yourself. 10. Hug at least five people a day. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Linda Park on Bosch Linda Park (Hoshi on Enterprise) is joining the cast of the Amazon series Bosch. Bosch is a police show on Amazon Prime based on the character Harry Bosch created by Michael Connelly. The series has seen success on Amazon such that they are renewed for two more seasons which will bring it up to 4 seasons. Linda Park will be playing Jun Park, a dedicated grade school teacher and member of the mayor’s Crisis Response Team. Linda Park is joining other Star Trek Alumni Jerri Ryan (Voyager) who plays femme fatale Veronica Allen and Stephen Culp (Enterprise) who is the Los Angeles District Attorney. Harry Bosch is played by Star Trek Alumni Titus Welliver who played Lt. Burke in the Voyager episodes Equinox and Equinox, Part II. If you are an Amazon Prime subscriber, then you might want to check out what Linda Park and the other Star Trek alumni are up to. ( Is the Queen a Trekkie? On Christmas Day, fans of Star Trek were going crazy when Queen Elizabeth II gave her Christmas address in a dress that seemed right out of Star Trek. Her dress was a blue ensemble with a black collar. Also, the broach she was wearing looked like something that would come out of Star Trek. Maybe Star Trek: Discovery might want to see if the Queen is up to doing a bit part in the new show. I am sure she would make a great Starfleet Admiral. ( Chris Hemsworth in Next Star Trek Movie? Chris Hemsworth is in talks with J.J. Abrams about appearing in the next Star Trek film. Mr. Hemsworth played George Kirk, James Kirk’s father, in Star Trek (2009). Mr. Hemsworth said, “I’ve spoken to J.J. Abrams, and he has an amazing pitch on the whole thing.” He is interested but does not know how his character would be brought back as the character died in the 2009 movie. This should be an interesting development if it comes about. (, )

Doctor Who News – By Ensign Matt Boyd Hello Whovians! The wait is over. The year long wait is finally over. Doctor Who is coming back in the Spring. Unfortunately, with it comes some sad news, Steven Moffat is leaving Doctor Who and Peter Calpaldi may be going with him. A new season brings a new companion! Pearl Mackie is playing Bill Potts. She serves chips and asks loads of questions. Matt Lucas who plays Nardole is also returning for this season. Matt Lucas first appeared in 2015’s Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song and will continue on into the new season. He makes an appearance in the newest Christmas Special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio. There is currently only one trailer for the new season, which can be seen here: After the new season is over and 2018 becomes the present, Steven Moffat will give the responsibility to Chris Chibnall. He will become the new Head writer of Doctor Who. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Never Forget… Fritz Weaver - November 26, 2016 (age 90) I missed this one in last month’s Anvil. Mr. Weaver played Kovat in DS9: Tribunal. His portrayal of a Cardassian lawyer makes for interesting understanding of the Cardassian culture. This is a favorite episode of mine. "Winning isn't everything." – Kovat, to O'Brien. Harry Morgan - December 7, 2011 (age 96) Most people know Harry Morgan as Officer Bill Gannon on Dragnet or Col. Sherman T. Potter on M.A.S.H. but for the sci-fi world he is Professor Suter on 3rd Rock From the Sun. So long, farewell and goodbye.

Barbara Tarbuck - December 26, 2016 (age 74) Ms. Tarbuck played Leka Trion in TNG: The Host and Chancellor Kalev in Enterprise: Shadows of P'Jem. She is better known as recurring roles on Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest.

Carrie Fisher - December 27, 2016 (age 60) By most people, she will be known as Princess Leia but she was more than just this character. She was an author, screen writer and humorist. She was an advocate for understanding those with Bi-Polar disorders which she battled herself. She will be missed.

(Did I miss a news item or news item that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

Hunt for the Icon Did you find Santa’s missing elves were:

that were in last month’s Anvil? If you did not find them all they

1. Pg. 2 – 1st column, end of 2nd paragraph 2. Pg. 5 – 2nd column, end of 3rd paragraph 3. Pg. 8 – Games review at the end of the title line 4. Pg. 11 – at the end of the Note comment 5. Pg. 14 – upper right hand corner of Crew Happenings Since the Klingons have invaded this issue of the Anvil, they have hidden five of their D-7 ships that they came in throughout the anvil. The five doesn’t include the example above. When you find them, send me an email and the first one who sends me the right answers will be given credit in the newsletter and in the Facebook Group. 8

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Ship’s Log my life. I got a phone call from someone about my interest in going back to school. In November 2014 I decided to pursue a second degree. At first I thought about Business Administration, but after seeing the words Information Technology, I changed the major to that one.

December 10, 2016 The social went well last night. It wasn’t a big group but the core group was there. We watched the 30th Anniversary Labyrinth DVD. It was interesting to watch. We also watched the extra’s that included tributes to David Bowie and Jim Henson. We had the usual snacks and drinks. We also decided to give the balance of the club treasury to a Christmas charity since we no longer need a treasury. Both Toys for Tots and Salvation Army’s Angel Tree were suggested for possible donations.

I started January 12, 2015 with online classes and night classes. (Something important to note: When a commercial for an online university says, ‘classes can be done at your own time’, that’s not true. I had to deal with Saturday and Tuesday deadlines through the entire run.) I continued even after getting called back to work in February 2015.

Attendance: 10 people December 31, 2016 I, the First Officer, Phillip, and the Second Officer, Brenda, celebrated the end of 2016 with dinner at O’Charley’s and then going to Wind Creek Casino in Wetumpka, AL for some fun. We had an enjoyable time ringing in the new year.

In 2016, I had to start going to day classes, which really messed with my schedule when I had to work. In the summer and fall, I had to take four classes to finish on time. On December 13, 2016, I took my final written exam of school, which was in IT Research. After two years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, I graduated from South University, Montgomery with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with a perfect 4.0 GPA all eight quarters I attended. I worked so hard to get to this point and would not rest until I kept that 4.0 all the way through.

Attendance: 3 people Captain’s Personal Log December 22 -26, 2016 I and the Second Officer, Brenda, went home for the Christmas Holiday. Although it was a hectic time, we were able to connect with several friends and family and had an enjoyable time. I received several Star Trek themed gifts include Star Trek Trivial Pursuit, Star Trek Risk and Star Trek Air Hog.

I’m now looking for a new job because the one I’m in now…is slated to close within the next two years. Now I realize going back to school was the right decision I made for myself. Now it’s all a waiting game.

Ambassador Shirley A. Burton’s Personal Log January 4, 2017 So once upon a time I suffered a long five-month layoff from my job, something that hadn’t happened in more than a decade. That was enough to scare me into going back to school for the second time in

(If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments).


We Klingons believe that death is an experience best shared. – Worf to Pulaski, TNG: Up the Long Ladder USS Hephaestus


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Crew Happenings December Social

Captain’s Holiday in Louisville, KY The Captain and 2nd Officer took a tour of the Christmas cavern lights under Louisville, KY. Here is just a sampling of the beautiful displays.

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


The Klingons

USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Exploring Trek Because of the Holiday’s we did not have Exploring Trek in December. We will be starting up Exploring Trek on January 26, 2017. We will again have it at Kingdom Comics. We will be discussing the Star Trek Doctors. Come discuss your favorite doctor and see what others think of their favorite.

STARFLEET Academy Do you want to learn about what you can do in Starfleet? Then the best way is to take STARFLEET Academy courses. The Institute of LEADERSHIP STUDIES courses give you all that you need to fulfill the different roles that are in STARFLEET. They also give you an understanding of leadership that may help you in other aspects of your life. You can register for STARFLEET Academy courses at The courses are free if you do them through email, otherwise there is a small charge for materials and postage. The Institute of LEADERSHIP STUDIES is the first group under Course Catalogue. If you have not taken it yet, then Officer’s Training School (OTS) is a good place to start. Then you can say the same thing Worf says, “I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things.” Make it so….

STARFLEET Marine Corps The Hephaestus’ 654th Marine Strike Group (MSG) would like to welcome Brigadier Jane Childers as the new Deputy Officer in Charge (DOIC) of the 1st Battalion (1BN). Also, like to welcome the 626th MSG to the 1BN. I am still looking for folks who may want to try the wild side of the fleet and join the Marines. Could be a way to get promoted. Looking for a DOIC for the 654th MSG. Must have PD 100 (Marine Basic Training), OTS (Officer Training School), Recommend OCC (Officer Command College), must have email and good internet. Our Marines are headed up by Lt. General Neil Yawn. The Marines are part of STARFLEET but are for those who want a more military aspect to STARFLEET. There are two categories of Marines: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily STARFLEET and only use Marine ranks when doing Marine activities. If you are interested or have questions about the Marines, then contact Lt. General Neil Yawn at Also, check out the Marine Academy for some interesting courses to take to help you achieve your Boothby Awards. USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Treasury Report

Anvil Focus Schedule January: Klingons February: Communications (Nichelle Nichols) March: Vulcans

December Beginning Balance








Ending Balance



Payments – donation to Toys for Toys

(Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Tiner Arnold Potts Family Mohney Family Mangina Holsey Green Lindsay Family Miller Family Davis Family Boyd Family Carr Family Baxter Hicks Family Youngblood-Yawn Bentley

USS Hephaestus

Do you know this alien?

09/13/16 11/30/16 03/05/17 04/21/17 05/15/17 05/30/17 06/27/17 07/08/17 08/26/17 08/31/17 09/17/17 09/19/17 09/24/17 10/03/17 11/30/17 12/21/17


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The Anvil


Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Jan 7, 2017 Jan 14, 2017 Jan 20, 2017 Jan 26, 2017 Feb 4, 2017 Feb 11, 2017 Feb 17, 2017 Feb 23, 2017 Mar 4, 2017 Mar 10-12, 2017 Mar 18, 2017 Mar 17, 2017 Mar 23, 2017

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm Anvil Deadline Region 2 Summit Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek

Location Mohney Burtyk Kingdom Comics Mohney Miller Kingdom Comics Columbus, Georgia Mohney Potts Kingdom Comics


Name the Conn Officer Answers Arex, (James Doohan - voice), TAS, various Kyle (John Winston), TOS, various Number One (Majel Barrett Roddenberry), TOS: The Cage, pilot; The Menagerie, S01E15 Valeris (Kim Cattrall), Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Demora Sulu (Jacqueline Kim), Star Trek Generations

Gary Mitchell (Gary Lockwood), TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before, S01E01 Hutchison, (Scott Hill), Enterprise, various Richard Castillo (Christopher McDonald), TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise, S03E15 Vincent DeSalle (Michael Barrier), TOS, various Dave Bailey (Anthony Call), TOS: The Corbomite Maneuver, S01E02

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 17) The Grinch (Jim Carrey), How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Klingons are not supposed to mind hardships, nonetheless I am delighted to be out of that damned coffin. – K'Ehleyr, TNG: The Emissary USS Hephaestus


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The Anvil


Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please go to

March March 10-12, 2017 - Region 2 Summit, Columbus, GA Starfleet Region 2 Summit will be held at the Best Western Plus in Columbus, GA. Come join other ships in Region 2 to see what they do for their club and learn about what is going on in Starfleet.

Local Attractions Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - /

Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback so that we are sending out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to:

Cowards take hostages. Klingons do not. – Worf to Yar, TNG: Heart of Glory Reviewers: Books Movies Games Conventions

Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil: Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out USS Hephaestus

Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites 21

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The Anvil

USS Hephaestus



Always Onward

The Anvil



Command Staff

Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, 1Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Cmdr – 2nd Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral



Pete Mohney, Admiral

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Admiral

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops and Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt JG



Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr Matthew Boyd, Ensign Donald Arnold, Ensign 1st Class

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) James Davis, 2Lt SFMC (Reserves)

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Cadet Training

Mark Lindsay, Captain Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Andrew Boyd, Ensign Brenda Tiner, Crewman 3rd Class Gabrielle Davis, Crewman Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Matthew Potts, Crewman Haley Youngblood, Crewman Kendra Baxter, Crewman Carly Strickland, Civilian

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Recruit Tara Mohney, Cadet 2nd Class Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training



Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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