The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004
March 2016
The Anvil
Inside This Issue From the Ready Room
XO Briefing
Ship’s Log
Starfleet Marine Corps
Starfleet Renewal Reminders
Treasury Report
Away Team and Activity Schedule
Anvil Focus Schedule
Challenge Contest
Do You Know…
Theme Article
Captain’s Top 10
Quotable Quotes
Star Trek News & More
Star Trek Fiction
Name the 1st Officer
Theme Poster
While on an Away Mission
Area Conventions & Exhibits
Hunt for the Icon Answers
NCC-2004 HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.}
Cover: 1st Officers: Riker (TNG), Kira (DS9), Spock (TOS), Chakotay (VOY), T’Pol (ENT)
Web Links Starfleet Region 2 USS Hephaestus Twitter Anvil Back Issues
MarkAdam Miller
Layout, Graphics and Publishing
Brenda A. Miller
Marine Reporting
Neil Yawn
Treasury Reporting
MarkAdam Miller
Name the Episode Answers
Donald Arnold
Starfleet Academy
Command Structure
The Anvil, Issue 295 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.
The Anvil
From the Ready Room Greetings from your Captain, I apologize for this issue being late. The Region 2 Summit threw us off schedule and has pushed things back. This month we are discussing the first officers. A new feature is the Challenge Contest on page 5. This is a way to see how well you do against your fellow crewmembers. Let’s see who is up for the challenge. Keep an eye out for Exploring Trek. This is a get together I am planning at Kingdom Comics (see ad pg. 20) to discuss different aspects of Star Trek. This will take place the 3rd or 4th Thursday of each month. I will have some type of Star Trek snack and Andorian Punch on hand. So come get your Trek on. Next month we will be discussing Time Travel. Send your favorite time travel episodes and the reason it is your favorite to If you would like to write an article on time travel, please send it as well. Also check The Anvil want ad (pg. 20) for what else you can do to contribute to The Anvil. See you around the ship, Capt. MarkAdam Miller,,
XO Briefing Greetings crew, This month The Anvil’s theme is the First Officers. Let’s start with Commander T'pol. T'Pol was with the Vulcan High Command but the High Command thought Starfleet wasn't ready to be in space exploring so they placed T'Pol onboard the Enterprise to make sure the ship was doing the right stuff. Next was Spock. Spock is the first half Vulcan-half human to join Starfleet. Spock is Captain Kirk’s right hand man and voice of reason and becomes instrumental in Klingon and Romulan politics. Then we have Commander Riker: he is the First Officer that every captain wants. He has turned down the Captain’s chair many times until his marriage to Counselor Troi. Now on to Major Kira Nerys: she was with the Bajoran militia fighting against the Cardassians. When the Cardassians left Bajor the Bajoran government put her as First Officer of DS9. She had a pivotal role as Captain Sisko’s second in command. And as group we need to plan some charity stuff or a volunteering event to get noticed at the summit. And for me I have just read the Sandman comics and I am playing the Mass Effect game trilogy witch is a really cool game to play. Lt. Phillip Mangina, USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Ship’s Log February 13, 2016– Social We had a great social. We started out watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. We then watched a movie Phillip brought - The Martian with Matt Damon. We had some great choices to eat which included pizza, General Tao’s Chicken (brought by Wayne Thompson) and Homemade Bread Pudding (made by Brenda Miller). I don’t think anyone went away hungry. Attendance: 13 People February 26-28, 2016 – Summit Captain MarkAdam Miller and Lt. Commander Brenda A. Miller attended the annual Summit in Navarre, Fl. The summit was held at the Days Inn & Suites Navarre Conference Center. The theme was the Guardian of Forever. The U.S.S. Harry Mudd was the host this year and they had built a life size replica of the Guardian of Forever from the classic Star Trek Episode “The City on the Edge of Forever”. MarkAdam and Brenda sat with the Commander of Starfleet Wayne Killough and the Region 2 coordinator Ryan Case at the Admiral’s Dinner which was at East River Smokehouse. } On Saturday, beside attending the opening ceremonies and the Marine Muster, the Captain and Lt. Commander helped with the Final Mission with MarkAdam reading those who have passed on and Brenda helping with the flag carrying/folding. The Awards Dinner went along with the theme of being out of time so we were served breakfast instead of dinner. MarkAdam and Brenda also helped with the running of the Annual Texas Hold’em Poker game. MarkAdam came in second in the annual Poker tournament out of 12 people (Brenda came in fourth). Sunday MarkAdam and Brenda attend the Sunday service, Meet the Brass and closing ceremonies. Awards won: Starfleet Perfect Reporting Award Marine Perfect Reporting 1 BN (OIC Neil Yawn) Perfect Reporting 654th (OIC Neil Yawn) BDE Staff Service Award (Neil Yawn, 1 BN OIC 2015) BDE Service Commendation (Neil Yawn) Navel Unit Citation (USS Hephaestus) Personnel Updates: Captain’s Personal Log February 29, 2016 Captain MarkAdam Miller and 1st Officer Phillip Mangina attended Captain’s Mess at Makarios to discuss the Summit and things to do in the coming year. (If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments). USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Starfleet Marine Corps Our Marines did well at the Region 2 Summit. They received the following Awards: Perfect Reporting 1 BN (OIC Neil Yawn) Perfect Reporting 654th (OIC Neil Yawn) BDE Staff Service Award (Neil Yawn, 1 BN OIC 2015) BDE Service Commendation (Neil Yawn) Navel Unit Citation (USS Hephaestus) Our Marines are headed up by Lt. General Neil Yawn. The Marines are part of Starfleet but are for those who want a more military aspect to Starfleet. There are two categories of Marines: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily Fleet and only use Marine ranks when doing marine activities. If you are interested or have questions about the Marines, then contact Lt. General Neil Yawn at Also check out the Marine Academy for some more interesting course to compete in our Starfleet Academy Challenge or to fill out the courses you need to get your Boothby Award.
The best way to survive a knife fight is to never get in one. – Major Kira Nerys, DS9: Return to Grace, S4E13 USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Starfleet Renewal Reminders Bentley Mohney Family Holsey Mangina Green Hicks family
04/07/16 04/15/16 05/30/16 05/15/16 06/04/16 06/17/16
Lindsay Miller Family Davis Tiner Youngblood-Yawn Arnold Potts Family
07/07/16 08/26/15 08/31/16 09/13/16 11/30/16 11/30/16 03/05/17
Treasury Report December Description
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance
Away Team and Activity Schedule Date March 5, 2016 March 12, 2016 March 18, 2016 March 24, 2016 April 2, 2016 April 09, 2016 April 15, 2016 May 2, 2016 May 14, 2016 May 20, 2016 June 4, 2016 June 11, 2016 June 17, 2016
Event/Time Anvil Deadline Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7PM Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout, 2 pm Poker – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Social -7 pm, Poker – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Social -7 pm, Poker – 7 pm
Location/Activity Pete Mohney’s House Burtyk’s House Kingdom Comics } Pete Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Paul Mohney’s House Pete Mohney’s House Dennis Evan’s House
Always Onward
The Anvil
Anvil Focus Schedule Month
1st Officers (No. 1, Spock, Riker, Kira, Chakotay, T’Pol)-
Time Travel Episodes
The Doctors (Bones, Crusher, Basher, EMH, Phlox)
Earth-Like Episodes
(Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)
Challenge Contest Starting this month, I am challenging those who read The Anvil to send me their answers to the 3 challenges that are in every newsletter. The three Challenges are: 1. Name The Episode – This is a picture trivia challenge. Typically, it is to name the episode the picture is from, but, sometimes you may need to name the character. Like this month it is name the 1st Officer and the ship he is on and the episode he is from. 2. Do you know this Alien? – Randomly placed throughout the newsletter. This one can be tough because you need to give the Alien’s given name, his species and what episode he was in? 3. Hunt for the Icon – This challenge is to find the hidden Icon in five different places in the newsletter. I will announce each winner in the next month’s issue. I will also keep a running tally of who is getting the most right. Then at November’s Fall Feast I will present certificates for each of the challenges; 1. Historian of the year award: The person who can get the most correct “Name the Episode”. 2. Best Xenobiologist Award: The person who can get the most correct “Do you know this Alien?”. 3. Sherlock Holmes Award: The person who finds the most Icons in the year. Email your answers to Good Luck.
Do you know this alien?
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Theme Article: The First Officers By Captain MarkAdam Miller The first officer is the principle advisor to the Captain, implements the Captain’s orders, prepares and issues the duty roster, commands the vessel in captain’s absence, incapacitation or death and does crew evaluations with the chief medical officer or counselor. We have seen different aspect of the First Officer through the five different series of Star Trek. Each one of them brought something different to the table. Mr. Spock is the Observer: looking at everything from an outsider’s viewpoint, he shows how we need to change as a people. Commander William Riker: sets the example that everyone can follow, to do what is right. Major Kira Nerys: the antagonist who questions everything the commander/captain orders. Commander Chakotay: the compromiser who is trying to help integrate two different crews. And lastly, T’Pol: also an observer but in reverse, observing how she can change and not how to change the crew. Mr. Spock is the best known of the First Officers. Played by Leonard Nimoy and by Zachary Quinto in the J.J. Abrams films, Mr. Spock is mostly seen as the advisor. In this capacity, he would look at situations logically and give reasons on why something needed to be done a certain way. This logical observation would clear the emotional responses that were clouding the issue. Kirk and McCoy would still add an emotional caveat to the logical answer but still the logical answer prevailed. The best example of this was shown in the episode Galieo 7 (S1E13). In the end Spock used the emotional response of lighting the reaming fuel to make a bright flare that might be seen better against the planet, hoping the Enterprise would see it more readily than it would just trying locate a small craft orbiting the planet. Spock insisted it was logical but it still called for an emotional response to a possible rescue verses a most certain death. Commander Riker shows a change in the First Officer focus. The First Officer now leads the away missions and does more in the running the ship. Captain Picard only has to come in when things are more complex. This is evident since Riker is not also head of a department like Spock who was also the lead science officer under Kirk. In certain instances, Commander Riker is in command of the Enterprise most of the time unless some emergency comes up that requires the Captain to step in. This put more leadership in the hands of Riker than what Spock had. Major Kira Nerys in some instances may not be considered Sisko’s First Officer since they are not a ship but are on a Bajorean space station (former Cardassian). Nevertheless, she functions as the First officer since she is in charge of the duty roster and evaluations on the station. She is antagonistic since she is looking out for Bajor more than the Federation interests. This may not seem like a good situation but a good Captain needs to be challenged sometimes on what he is thinking. Major Kira was good at making Commander/Captain Sisko think every time he needed to do something. Major Kira was also good at being able to accept when she was wrong and also not hold it over Sisko when he was wrong. Commander Chakotay is the compromising First Officer. This is not his natural state but because of the situation he was in, blending the Voyager crew (Starfleet) with the Maquis (non-Starfleet), he had to adapt to it. He was former Starfleet but had to leave because of his devotion to his people. He had to be able to tell the Maquis crew when they had to tow-the-line and also advise Captain Janeway when she was asking too much of the non-Starfleet crew. If he did not balance this well, then he would end up with a mutiny or with the Maquis in the brig.
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
The last one is SubCommander T’Pol. She goes back to being the observe like Mr. Spock but she also has some of the antagonist side that was in Major Kira’s character. She was advisor to Captain Archer because Archer didn’t know what to expect in space where the Vulcans had been there a while. Normally T’Pol would be against what Archer was doing but in the end realized that Archer had a better handle on doing things because of his emotional side than did the Vulcans because of their cool logic. T'Pol provided an interesting contrast. The writers used Spock to show how as a people we needed to change but the writers used the T’Pol to show us how as an individual we need to change. This was evident several times when T’Pol defied the Vulcan High Council and sided with Commander Archer. From this we learn a First officer needs to know how to give advice, be able to confront the Captain when he is wrong, look for compromises when different opinions come up, and know when we need to change our perspective because it doesn’t match what we see. Of the first officer’s I will always choose Spock. It may because he was the first but I have problems with the others. Riker is to stiff and doesn’t seem to offer much in the way of opinion. He, to me, is no more than a glorified errand boy who waits to get everyone’s opinion, gives it to the Captain to decide then tells everyone what the captain decided. I like Kira as part of the love story she was in but as First Officer she went too far over the line when confronting Sisko with how he did things. Chakotay was never utilized well when he had so much potential in showing how to get the two crews to work together. T’Pol was two-dimensional in the beginning of a story saying ‘the Vulcan High Council says…’ and at the end would say ‘I guess the Council was wrong.’,,,
Who’s your Favorite First Officer: Lewis Stockham: Riker – Charming, tall, handsome and funny. Just like me. Bren Tiner: Spock – Tall, pale, greenish. Smart. Rather pointy. Likes cats. The eyebrows .... Sue Ellen Newell Mohney: Wow… I just realized I've never been very fond of the 1st officers. I would have to say I like Spock the best because… well… SPOCK! The standard by which all are measured. Wayne Thompson: In all honesty I have to say Spock! I mean, he was my inspiration growing up, full of virtues and a touch human! However, I must say that T’Pol comes in at a very, very close second! Can't really decide which I would rather spend time with today, T’Pol or Jolene Blaylock. What a lady!
Wayne is behind Mr. Nimoy and the gentleman in the blue shirt.
One does not patronize a Klingon warrior Commander – Cdr.William T. Riker, TNG: Sins of the Father, S3E17
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
The Captain’s Top 10 Captain’s Top Ten What I look for in a 1st Officer. 1. Makes sure all the crew is onboard before warping out of orbit. 2. Volunteers for the dangerous away missions. 3. Knows the difference between a Vulcan and a Romulan. 4. Knows a Bat’leth from a Mek’leth 5. Knows the remix level of matter and anti-matter for starting a cold engine. 6. Will feed my pet dragon when I am away at Starfleet briefings 7. Knows a good book to recommend. 8. Knows where to find the funniest Memes 9. Brings along enough movies for the long voyages 10. Knows when it is time to go get Shawarma or Pizza
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Quotable Quotes Archer: Time heals all wounds. But absence makes the heart grow fonder. I guess it's a little tricky. Emotions have a way of contradicting themselves. T'Pol: And you wonder why we suppress them? – ENT: These are the Voyages…, S4E22
T'Pau: Live long and prosper, Spock. Spock: I shall do neither: I've killed my captain and my friend. – TOS: Amok Time, S2E1
Riker: Flair is what marks the difference between artistry and mere competence. – TNG: Time Squared, S2E13
[Quark has tampered with the station's and the Defiant's systems to play jingles advertising the "fun" in his bar]
Major Kira: If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun! – DS9: The Quickening, S4E23 [addressing the Captain about his unsuccessful attempt to start a fire]
Chakotay: Trapped on a barren planet, and you're stuck with the only Indian in the universe who can't start a fire by rubbing two sticks together. – VOY: Basics, Part 2, S3E1 USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Star Trek News & More New Star Trek Series Update The son of Gene Roddenberry, Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, will be joining the executive producers for the new Star Trek series coming out on CBS All Access. Mr. Roddenberry is the president of Roddenberry Entertainment. Roddenberry Entertainment is leader in providing thought-provoking Science Fiction entertainment and quality merchandise that goes along with their productions. Joining with Mr. Roddenberry on the Star Trek series will also be Trevor Roth, COO of Roddenberry Entertainment. Executive producer Bryan Fuller in a statement said, “Gene Roddenberry, the Great Bird of the Galaxy, left a finely feathered nest for all who love Star Trek to enjoy, and it is only fitting that Rod Roddenberry and Roddenberry Entertainment join our new Trek adventure to ensure that his father’s legacy of hope for the future and infinite diversity in infinite combinations runs through our tales as Gene Roddenberry intended.” The series will preview on the CBS Television Network in early 2017. The premier episode and all the rest of the episode then will be able to be viewed on CBS All Access. Captain’s Note: I personally am not sure if this is a good sign or not. It looks like they are getting some people who would do justice to the series but the problem is: will there be too many Captains and not enough crew to actual get a good product out. Time will tell. ( ,
Armin Shimerman’s Shakespeare Insult Challenge Armin Shimerman is raising funds for a new home for his Antaeus Theatre Company. The way he is gone about this is to create the Shakespeare Insult Challenge. So far those who have taken up the challenge have been Sir Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner from The Next Generation, Linda Park from Enterprise and Harry Groener guest on many Star Trek shows. The Antaeus Theater Company is a theater ensemble to bring classical theater to southern California. It is keeping live theater alive in this virtual, media driven world. If you would like to donate you can go to (,
Moon Shot In 2007, The Google Lunar X prize was created to encourage private sources to send a robot to the Moon by 2017. The Robot must be able to move 500 meters and send back high definition videos and images. The first team that accomplishes this feat will receive $20 million dollars. Along with this project, Bad Robot, J.J. Abrams and Orlando von Einsiedel are producing a nine-part documentary on the teams competing for the prize. The documentary will be on Google Play March 15 and YouTube Videos, March 17. ( , USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Never Forget… Edgar Mitchell – February 4th, 2016, age 85 The sixth man on the moon on the Apollo 14 mission. He also helped design and test the Lunar modules that was used to land on the moon. Anthony Richard Fredrickson – February 15, 2016; age 62 A scenic and graphic artist who worked on several of Star Trek series and movies. He also worked on Star Trek, the Experience and Star Trek World Tour. He was known as the “King of the Kludge” for his ability to take parts from several model kits (Kit-bash) to make an entirely new model. Harper Lee – February 18, 2016, age 89 Author of “To Kill a Mockingbird” and Alabama native. Lee Reherman – February 29, 2016; age 49 Section 31 operative in the J.J.Abrams film Star Trek into Darkness James V. Kimsey – March 1, 2016, age 76 Harper Lee Author
Co-Founder of the web pioneer AOL. Gary Dean Hutzel – March 3, 2016; age 60 }
VFX (visual effects) artist that work as a coordinator and supervisor on both The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. With his fellow VFX artist he has won two Emmys and 7 nominations for Outstanding Achievement in Special Visual Effects for his work on the Star Trek Series. Tony Dyson – March 4, 2016, age 68 Original builder of the R2D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope Raymond Tomlinson – March 5, 2016, age 74 Mr. Tomlinson is known for modern version of email and the use of the @ symbol in emails. Nancy Reagan – March 6, 2016, age 94 Former First Lady and wife to the late President Ronald Reagan.
First Lady Nancy Reagan
The Hephaestus gives it condolence to the family, friends, colleagues (and fans) in their loss at this time. (,
A blind man teaching an android how to paint? That's gotta be worth a couple of pages in somebody's book. – Cdr Riker, TNG: 11001001, S1E14 USS Hephaestus
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The Anvil
Star Trek Fiction Star Trek: The New Adventures: By Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold
Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold was on his way back from Starfleet Academy to the USS Hephaestus on USS Dejah Thoris. The last transmission said they have encounter a Q. Regional 2 Coordinator has dispatched the USS Haise and The USS Harry Mudd to see if they can locate the USS Dejah Thoris. I think the Q will have their hands full if they meet up with our tenacious Ensign
Donald Arnold is a member of the Hephaestus and has written many Star Trek fan fiction. If you have any fan fiction you would like to submit, then send me your stories at
Recommendations By Captain MarkAdam Miller If you are looking for something to read, then I would recommend the following series:
The Captains’ Table
Star Trek: The New Voyages
Star Trek: New Frontier
Star Trek: S.C.E.
Some of these you may have to find at your local used book store or borrow from a fellow crewmate.
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Name the 1st Officer
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Reviews Movies Home DreamWorks Animation Reviewed by MarkAdam Miller Home is a film from DreamWorks Animation who made How to Train Your Dragon and Shrek. This one does not live up to the other two. The best way to describe this movie is to say someone was watching The Big Bang Theory and thought “what if Sheldon was really an alien.” This perception may be because the alien named “Oh” is voiced by Jim Parson (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory). “Oh” is part of the race of aliens known as the Boov. The Boov think of themselves as a very intelligent race that has come to Earth to hide from their enemy the Gorg. The Boov think that the humans will thank them for taking over the earth since they will be helping the humans who are inferior. This is far from true because the Boov relocate the humans to desolate places and then take the humans homes for themselves destroying human comforts that the Boov see no value in. The main plot of the movie focuses on “Oh” who is being chased by the Boov on orders of Captain Smek (voiced by Steve Martin) because he accidently sent out an invitation that would bring the Gorg to Earth. “Oh” teams up with a girl, Tip (voiced by Rihanna), who is looking for her mother, Lucy (voiced by Jennifer Lopez), who was taken in the Boov relocation. There are several funny parts in the movie but overall the funny parts do not make it worth your time to see if the Boov learn their lesson. The lesson being – we are all different and we need to understand those differences if we want to get along. The lesson is so over shadowed by the weak plot that it is hard to tell what they are trying to say. Jim Parson is playing a part so similar to Sheldon that he is boring. The only thing worthy to watch is how well they put the Tip character together so that you feel for her plight of being separated from her mother. Because of her voiceover talent, Rihanna does a good job in portraying Tip’s feelings. I would not bother watching this. I am only giving it one chevron because of Rihanna’s performance otherwise I would not give any. Rate:Aaaaa Did I miss something? You have an interesting movie or TV show you would like to review or be reviewed? Then send me your suggestions and articles to
It's considered an honorable way for a Klingon to die - a suicide that takes an enemy with it. – Cdr Riker, TNG: Reunion, S4E7 USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Summit 2016
Perfect MSR Reporting
Great Dalmuti
Freddie Heller USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
While on an Away Mission By Captain MarkAdam Miller
This is a transmission from Captain MarkAdam Miller of the warship ISS Hephaestus
<**static**> I.S.S. Hephaestus is the new weapon of the new Terran Empire. It was built from what was left of the strongest ships taken from the now defeated Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. It is the sword that will give might to the Humans to take back what was taken from them because of the fool Vulcan, Spock, who destroyed the old Terran Empire from within. Since a Vulcan was the one to cause the downfall of the Terran Empire, then Vulcan will suffer the most under the new regime. Since the rebellion started at Bajor, the base of operation for the New Terran Empire is at Terok Nor, now called New Terra, until we fight our way back to earth and reclaim it as the center of the Alpha Quadrant. The Hephaestus under my command will lead the attack back to Earth and will plant the Flag in what is left of the original Terran Empire Capitol in San Francisco. New Terra is still a processing plant for the ores that the New Terran Empire will need. Instead of us Terrans doing the work, the Bajorans will mine the ores and the Cardassians will process it at New Terra (Terok Nor). The Cardassians will now know what it was like for us Terrans. Then again, they might not since they like the heat from the processors because it reminds them of the climate on their planet. The Bajorans are complaining, saying that they were under the thumb of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance but until Terra is back in control they will have to do what we say. Most of the Klingon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cardassian Council has been destroyed along with their home worlds. Last report I had was that Cardassia is a cinder ball and Kronas is now a frigid waste land. The ISS Hephaestus departs New Terran Empire with 55 war ships to the Glory of the new Emperor Wayne Killough. Hail Killough! <**static**>
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please go to
March March 5, 2016 – Cardboard*Con – Atlanta, GA Cardboard*Con is the first and only science fiction / fantasy convention dedicated to the art of cardboard costuming. Encompassing more than 3 Atlanta downtown hotels, Cardboard*Con has become a tradition among all fun-loving nerds. The SECRET of Cardboard*Con is that there really isn't a plan - you have to make it fun all by yourself, using your imagination and your manners. March 11-13, 2016 – Kami-Con Season 8 – BJCC, Birmingham, AL Kami-con is a 3-day convention that celebrates Japanese culture, geek culture, cosplay, anime and manga. Kami-con is also a uniquely interactive convention in that it features events which allow congoers to affect the outcome of its story! March 18-20, 2016- FantaSciCon 2016 – EconoLodge Motel and Convention Center, Dalton, GA A Glitch in Time - In 2016 we will be exploring Time Travel. Into the future as well as the past. There are many ways to accomplish this feat, Delorians, Fancy Chairs or Worm Holes, they all end with the same result. More information coming soon.
April April 15-17,2016 – Treklanta – The Doubletree by Hilton, Atlanta, GA Treklanta (formerly TrekTrax Atlanta), hosted by the USS Republic NCC-1371, is an annual science fiction convention based in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to space opera in general and Star Trek in particular. It places special emphasis on fan-based events, activities, programming and productions. The first three conventions, held from 2011 to 2013, were devoted exclusively to the Star Trek franchise. In 2014, the convention expanded its focus to include other space opera franchises such as Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and Babylon 5. Treklanta is the home of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant and the Independent Star Trek Fan Film Awards. } April 17, 2016 – Atlanta Comic Convention – Marriott Hotel-Century Center Atlanta, GA Four times a year we proudly feature a mix of comic book and collectible dealers from around the region, plus a selection of special guests from the world of television, movies, and independent comics.
May May 27-29, 2016 – TimeGate – Marriott Century Center Atlanta, GA TimeGate is an annual Doctor Who and British media and culture convention in Atlanta, GA. Attendees come from all over the Southeast, all over the nation and even from as far away as England to take part in the USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
festivities. Launched in 2005, the convention hits its 10-year anniversary in 2016 with special guest Katy Manning and Michelle Gomez. Past Doctor Who guests have included actors Colin Baker, Sophie Aldred, Mary Tamm, John Levene, Colin Spaull and Caitlin Blackwood, script editors Terrance Dicks and Andrew Cartmel, composer Dominic Glynn, film editor Louis Robinson, and more. This section lists Cons that might be if interest to our group. It is not intended to be a complete list. If I’ve missed one, please let me know so I can list it in the next issue. Also please post any Con that your fellow crewmen might find of interest on our Facebook group.
Hunt for the Icon Did you find the five Icons last month? Last month’s Icon was five Starships { If you need help finding them then talk to Sandra Holsey. She was the first one to contact me with the right answers. If you did not find them all they were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pg. 2 – end of the paragraph of the Captain’s Log Pg. 6 – 2nd column of TNG’s Comedy Episode after-Elementary, Dear Data. Pg. 9 – Star Trek News end of paragraph on Lost Data. Pg. 13 – Comics Review, end of the 1st paragraph. Pg. 18 – End of the paragraph of Starfleet Academy post.
I hope you found them all. This Month five Starships } going the other way are hidden in the Anvil. The five doesn’t include the example above. When you find them send me an email and the first one who sends me the right answers will be given credit in the newsletter.
Name the Episode Answers Spock’s Brain – TOS, S3E6
Move Along Home – DS9, S1E10,
Real Life – VOY, S3E22
The Last Outpost – TNG, S1E5
Progress – DS9, S1E15
The 37’s – VOY, S2E1
Unexpected – ENT, S1E5
A Piece of the Action – TOS, S2E20
The Schizoid Man – TNG, S2E6
Two Days and Two Nights – ENT, S1E25
If you have a suggestions or a questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 10) – Badar N’D’D’ – Antican from Lonely Among Us (TNG, S1E7)
Captain Picard: The quest for youth, Number One - so futile. Age and wisdom have their graces, too. Cdr Riker: I wonder if one doesn't have to have age and wisdom to appreciate that, sir. – TNG: Too Short a Season, S1E15 USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
By Captain MarkAdam Miller This is the last month for the Starfleet Academy contest. We are having a contest to see who can complete the most courses in a 3-month time frame. It started January 1st and is running till March 31st. The person who gets the most courses finished in that time period will win a handmade reward from Jill Rayburn. It doesn’t matter what courses you take. Log into and start taking courses. So far the following people have stepped up to the challenge: Standings as of 3/10/16 Brenda A. Miller – 26 courses Sandra Holsey – 14 courses Donald Arnold – 1 course MarkAdam Miller – 11 courses (not competing) Let’s get studying.
Have fun! Live Long and Prosper!
Feedback Was there something you liked or disagreed with? Was there some news that was not covered? Comments on stories or articles or ideas for the club can be sent to
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil: Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books coming out Reviewers: Books Movies Games Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 - 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
The Anvil
Command Staff
Executive Committee
MarkAdam Miller, Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Lt Cmdr – 2nd Officer
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Rear Admiral
Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology
Pete Mohney, Admiral
Computer Sciences
Danny Potts, Rear Admiral
Flo Hurst, Commander
Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Ensign 3rdClass
Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Holsey, Ensign Nicole Breanne Bentley, Ensign
Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Operations and Counselor Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC – Stampede Coordinator Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr – Ship Administrative Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer
Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier General, SFMC Sheila Benton, Lt Col, SFMC
Sheila Benton, Lt Commander, – Chief Medical Officer, SFMD
Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain (ret.)
Cadet Training
Unassigned Crew and Civilians
Katrina Mohney, Cadet Crewman Tara Mohney, Cadet Athena Youngblood, Cadet Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training
Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Brenda Tiner, Crewmen Diedra Robinson, Ensign Haley Youngblood, Crewmen Matthew Potts, Crewmen James Davis, Ensign Gabrielle Davis, Civilian
USS Hephaestus
Always Onward
For More Information Contact: Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080
Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068