Anvil March 2017

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


March 2017

The Anvil


From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Logic Dictates


While on an Away Mission


Quotable Quotes


HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our STARFLEET chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.

Name the Vulcan


Cover: Vulcan Salute and IDIC



Web Links

The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge


Inside This Issue



The Captain’s Top 10


Star Trek News & More


Ship’s Log


Personal Log Special Report – Star Trek: The Cruise 15 Crew Happenings


Vulcans Poster




STARFLEET Marine Corps


Exploring Trek


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Anvil Focus Schedule


Do You Know this Alien…


STARFLEET Renewal Reminders


Hunt for the Icon


Name the Conn Officer Answers


Area Conventions & Exhibits


Command Structure


STARFLEET Region 2 USS Hephaestus - Group USS Hephaestus – Page Twitter Anvil Back Issues


MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

Doctor Who Reporter

Matt Boyd

Field Reporter

James Davis

The Anvil, Issue 307 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved.

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greetings, Are you not sure of what is going on with the Hephaestus lately? Then you need to check out the Ship’s Status Report which is being broadcasted every Monday night around 6:30PM. I will be giving you updates on what is happening in the upcoming weeks. I will also add something you might not know about the Hephaestus and STARFLEET. This will be broadcasted on the Facebook group Hephaestus – STARFLEET. After it is done recording it will be shared on the Facebook page, U.S.S. Hephaestus. If you have questions you think people would like to know the answer to then send me an email and I will answer them on the broadcast. We also are going to be broadcasting Exploring Trek. The February meeting had 24 people log on during the broadcast and more viewed it after the broadcast. This is one way we are trying to get people familiar with the Hephaestus and STARFLEET. If you can’t make it down to Kingdom Comics for Exploring Trek, you will be able to watch it on Facebook. The only problem with watching it on Facebook is you have to provide your own snacks. I am always looking for ideas on what we can do as a club and for what The Anvil needs in the ways of articles. Bring your ideas to the social or email them to me. As always, see you around the ship, Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller,

XO Briefing Greetings from Sec 31, I am starting to binge watch all of Star Trek TV shows and all movies after playing the Star Trek trivia game MarkAdam brought to the social. Not knowing a lot of the answers, it's time to start studying up. I'm ready for the Summit in Georgia and waiting for the IC in New Orleans. I encourage everybody to go to the Summit and the IC. If you need me, I’ll be with Section 31, Lt. Phillip Mangina, phillip3056@charter.netv USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Logic Dictates By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Are Vulcans just cold, calculating, living, computers? This is the image we were first given when Vulcans were first introduced in Star Trek in the character of Spock played by Leonard Nimoy. From what Spock said, logic guided his every action and emotion played no part in how he approached life. The more the series continued, we would find that this was not the case.

Tuvok, the Voyager security officer has some good scenes when teaching Kes how to control her telepathic powers. Also, the Vulcan mating ritual of Pon Farr was explored with Ensign Vorik (VOY: Blood Fever). Vorik, since being in the Delta quadrant, could not go through with the mating ritual with his betrothed, chose B’Elanna Torres to be his wife. This, showed that Pon Farr could only ended in 3 ways. They were:

Spock was not totally Vulcan. His mother was human so he had a constant war going on inside him between his Vulcan half and his human half. This war made for some interesting plot points (Paradise Syndrome, Plato’s Stepchildren) and made for some of the discussion on how we need to be better as human beings (A Private Little War, Let That Be your Last Battlefield). But was there really a war between Spock’s Human half and his Vulcan Half or was it just a war against emotions? It would take five more series to really delve into what a true Vulcan is.

1. Taking a mate 2. Go through a ritual Kal-if-fee, which is a fight to the death (shown in Blood Fever and TOS: Amok Time) 3. Intense meditation (after watching Blood Fever this one is doubtful) Blood Fever does a good job in showing some of what a Vulcan goes through when his urge to mate overcomes his logic. It still has a few unanswered questions. The biggest is if the only way to break the blood fever in the ritual Kal-if-fee is to end in mating or death how did Spock and Vorik live even though they did not mate? This may never be answered because the Vulcans don’t want to discuss emotions or mating which are the two things that need to be brought out in the open to understand Pon Farr.

TNG and DS9 did not have much to do with Vulcans. We do get a sense of Vulcan in old age with Spock’s father Sarek who had Bendii Syndrome which caused the loss of emotional control (TNG: Sarek). This is embarrassing to a Vulcan who has been in control of his emotions for most of his life. The arrogance of Vulcans was played out in the DS9 episode Take Me Out to the Holosuite. Because of Vulcans having a better strength and dexterity they easily beat the DS9 staff at baseball. The DS9 staff do get a run against the Vulcans that give the DS9 staff something to celebrate. This celebration infuriates the Captain of the Vulcan team but while he still has a calm exterior one can tell by his tone of voice he is having an emotional reaction. This is a good example that Vulcans do have emotions.

Enterprise is the best series which explored what the Vulcans were all about. The main group of Vulcans were the ones who followed the teachings of Surak who brought a philosophy of guiding one life by logic which would control and repress emotion which he believed was tearing the Vulcan society apart. Not all followed this philosophy. Those who the Vulcans say “marched under the raptor’s wings” still fought those who embraced Surak. They finally left Vulcan and some of them formed the Romulan Empire. In TOS: Balance of Terror, Spock theorized

With Voyager, we do get a little more understanding of what Vulcan’s must go through to keep their emotions in check. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

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that the Romulans were related to distance ancestor and TNG unification would bear this out. Enterprise, though, showed that this was common knowledge at the time of Archer.

Awakening, ENT: Kir'Shara). Once they found the original teachings, with the help of Archer, they were able to over throw the High Command and bring about the Vulcan Reformation. One of the Syrrannite’s was T’Pau who was a forebear of Spock (TOS: Amok Time).

Like any civilization as it grows, things change. Some of the Vulcans started to leave the Vulcan way of life and embrace emotions. These Vulcans were called “v'tosh ka'tur”, or “Vulcans without logic”. They would try to embrace an emotion to its fullest to get the full understanding of that emotion. This was not accepted on Vulcan so these Vulcans also left the Vulcan home world and took up a nomadic life.

This expanded history plus some of the problems that T’Pol, the science officer of Enterprise, faced in the four seasons showed the emotional side of Vulcans that was not shown in the previous series. It took five series to find out that Vulcans are not just cold calculating living computers but they do have an emotional side that they keep under control. They care for their love ones but just differently than how humans show it. We could learn how to control our emotions from the Vulcans. The best way is that we acknowledge we have them and how they affect us when we deal with the world around us. Once we acknowledge them then we can see if our emotions are helping or making the problem worse.

Another reason that the "v'tosh ka'tur" left Vulcan was the High Command had taken control over most of the way of life on Vulcan. This was done by a spy from Romulas who was trying to join Vulcan and Romulas back together under Romulan rule. This was stopped by a group called the Syrrannite who believe that Vulcan had lost it way from Surak’s original teachings (ENT: The Forge, ENT:

While on an Away Mission By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller “As you can see, Phillip and Roy are with me, Ryan, but they both have a Sigma (Level 18) clearance which covers most classified reports. Is this higher than that?” I hear a cough in the background which causes Ryan to turn away from the screen. Ryan nods turning back to the screen, “They can stay. I am with the Commander of STARFLEET and we are looking for an update on the situation on Vulcan.” When he said “Commander of STARFLEET” the view screen widens to show that Ryan was sitting in the office of the CS. Fleet Admiral Robert Westfall was sitting at his desk with the same grim expression as Commodore Ryan.

Previously: The Hephaestus has been asked by Temporal Investigation to investigate a body of a young Amada Grayson, Spock’s Mother, that has been found on Vulcan. During the investigation, the Vulcan Science Academy has closed the Investigation and has classified it as an internal matter to Vulcan. Just as Ensign Andi Boyd left to contact Starfleet to get further orders, Commander Brenda Miller signals my comm. “Captain, Commodore Ryan Case is on subspace asking to speak to you.” “Pipe it down here, Brenda.” My monitor come on with the Starfleet symbol which then dissolved in to Commodore Case. He looked grim but smiles when he sees me I come into focus. “Captain Miller,” Ryan spoke,” This is rated Top Secret. Are you alone?” I adjust my monitor so that Ryan can see that my 1st officer, Phillip Mangina, and my Science Officer, Roy Green, are in the office with me. USS Hephaestus

I nodded at the Admiral. Admiral Westfall spoke, “We have met before have we not Fleet Captain?” “Yes, Fleet Admiral Westfall,” I confirmed, “I was one of the engineers that spoke at the hearing that discussed the disappearance of the U.S.S. Voyager. I spoke on how the new engine configuration was not 3

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scaned through it. “Fleet Captain Miller, you need to have your men step outside this has just become a Chi (Level 22) clearance.” I started to usher Phillip and Roy out when Phillip said, “I have a Chi Clearance sir.” I looked surprise, “Oh! Okay. Roy start gathering up everything from Vulcan and send it back to the planet. Tell me when it is done.” Roy gave me a mock salute as he strolled out.

to blame and gave information that Voyager, if destroyed, was done by an outside source.” The Admiral thought for a second, “If I remember correctly you were the one who thought the U.S.S. Voyager was transported somewhere else and not destroyed. Come to find out you were right.” I looked away, “The team found that certain readings gave that impression and wanting to be thorough, the team added it to the report.”

“Okay Admiral, what needs a Chi Clearance?” The Admiral looked at the P.A.D.D. again, “The Vulcan Science Academy has had several requests for decalithium for some experiments that they are carrying out. Because of the rarity of the mineral and the Vulcans not going into detail about why they want it, STARFLEET has been reluctant to provide them with the decalithium. Seems they have found a source outside of STARFLEET.”

The Admiral’s eyes glimmered, “I see why Commodore Case pushed to make you Fleet Captain. You always spread the credit around to everyone.” “If I may speak freely Admiral,” I hedged, “the Commodore wanted me promoted because he needed someone to fill out reports who was a Fleet Captain or above, and knew I wouldn’t grouse about it.” The Admiral gave a hearty laugh as Ryan just shook his head.

I piped up, “Must not be much of a source as the amount was missed when the Vulcans… Holy T’Pol… They saw the report of the decalithium and don’t want STARFLEET finding out what they are doing. That is why they closed us down. Permission to see if I can get to the bottom of this without the Vulcans finding out?”

“But back to the Vulcan situation. I was just calling Fleet Captain Childers when your signal came in. The Vulcan Science Academy has declared the situation an internal matter and that STARFLEET is no longer needed. Did the Vulcans give you more reasons why they are all of sudden not wanting us to investigate this problem?”

The Admiral looked at Ryan then at the ceiling, “It will have to be off the books. We don’t want to cause problems with the Vulcans. Can you give me any details on what you are thinking?”

The Admiral shifted a few P.A.D.D.s around his desk, “No, we received the same message as you. Also, the Vulcan Embassy is asking that we recall the Hephaestus from Vulcan after you beam down any materials you have from the site. Ryan was here at Headquarters, so I called him in then we called you. How far did you get in your findings?”

“I rather not say as it is better to sacrifice a knight instead of letting the Vulcans checkmate the King,” I suggest. “Agree. Admiral Westfall out.” I clicked off the monitor and turned to Phillip, “If you tell anyone I said this I will bust you so far down, you will be lucky to get a position on a garbage scowl…” Phillip’s eyebrows raised, “Yes, Sir.” I looked at Phillip, “Call your contacts in Section 31. I need to know if the Vulcans have gotten decalithium, if so where did they get it and what are they doing with it that time travel is involved.”

I pulled the P.A.D.D. that had our initial findings on it and started to transmit the data to STARFLEET. “I am sending the initial findings now. What it shows is that the body is most likely from a timeline broken off from ours. This is because the body has the same frequency as our timeline. We are still looking to see if we can find where the timeline might have splintered. Other than that, the only thing that is odd is the amount of decalithium around the body. Decal…”

Phillip broke eye contact, looked around the room, “This conversation never happened.” He jumped up and waltzed out the door.

As soon as I said “decalithium” both Ryan and the Admiral started looking through the P.A.D.D.s on the Admirals desk. “What’s wrong?”, I interjected. Ryan handed the Admiral a P.A.D.D. and the Admiral USS Hephaestus

Seems my list for things that give me headaches is getting longer… Time Travel, Vulcans and Section 31… What next?… (To be continued) 4

Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Mr. Spock: The antidote to a woman of Elas, Doctor, is a starship. The Enterprise infected the captain long before the Dohlman did. – TOS: Elaan of Troyius, S03E13

T'Pol: [referring to Loomis] In one individual we've managed to find the worst qualities of this era: greed, violence, moral corruption. – TOS: Enterprise: Carpenter Street, S03E11

Tuvok: This investigation is… perplexing. It defies logic. – TOS: Voyager: Repression, S07E04

[to Sisko] Captain Solok: You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists. – DS9: Take Me Out to the Holosuite, S07E04

Sarek: I have been accused of many things in my life, never an excess of emotion. – TNG: Sarek, S03E23

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Vulcan

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Books Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly – Review by John Miller (father of FCapt Miller) After seeing the movie, Hidden Figures, I knew that I had to read the book which served as the source. My first surprise was the book was more of a research project with 55 pages of notes and bibliography. The screenplay had been written by Allison Schroeder, a granddaughter of NASA employees, and modified by the director, Theodore Melfi. This did not in any way lessen the impact of the book, nor the movie. The book traces the history of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, later to become the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the advancement of women, blacks, and specifically black women in the fields of science and engineering. The progress of physics and mathematics as applied to flight in World War II and on into the space age shows the growth of knowledge and application of these two sciences within the time pressures of war and competition in the space age. This really was the backdrop for the actual theme of the book which was the Civil Rights movement of the time as profiled through the lives of four black women, whereas only three were characters in the movie. The concept of human “computer” may seem foreign to younger people, I can remember the mechanical calculators that were so important to the “crunching” of numbers and the numerous people required to perform, and perform accurately, the computation necessary for the engineering and science personnel. While manpower was limited because of the war effort in the beginning, the long under-utilized groups proved up-to-the task and very capable of performing and meeting the challenges of time and pressure. Incidences of black discrimination are profiled in the research areas, but more in the areas of the women’s early days and in the living area outside, in the living community. Examples of how they accepted with grace the negative environment, but at the same time were working behind the scenes for equality and positions of responsibility commensurate with their training and ability. For “Star Trek” fans, many of the people at NASA were watchers of the show, and specific mention of Lieutenant Uhura’s role as a black woman on the bridge was highlighted as a step forward for black women in science. The main character of the book and the movie, Katherine Johnson, did much the same during the John Glenn flight, but her impact can only grow because of this book and the movie. If you have seen the movie, you MUST read the book to fully appreciate the history of aeronautics and the history of the Civil Rights movement. Rate: AAAAa

Movies Allegiance – Review by LtJG James Davis On the 19th of February, I was given the opportunity for a special treat. Namely, I would be seeing George Takei’s Allegiance as part of a Fathom Event playing in the Trussville Regal Cinema. For those who aren’t at all familiar, Allegiance is a story about the Japanese-American citizens forced to live in internment camps during WWII, specifically the Heart Mountain camp. I knew that George Takei’s family had been forced out of their home into one of these camps when he was five years old, so I expected the play to be emotional. It wasn’t emotional, at least, not simply emotional. USS Hephaestus


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This performance was a photon torpedo straight to the feels. I’ve never been so thoroughly moved by any stage or screen performance as I was by Allegiance. JapaneseAmerican internment is a sore spot in American history. It’s embarrassing. It’s shameful. However, the play very respectfully highlights the mood present at the time, as well as reactions and results from before Pearl Harbor through V-J Day. In particular, the play follows one family’s journey in which the brother eventually joins the armed forces to demonstrate Japanese-American loyalty while his sister falls in love with a man who chooses to resist the idea of loyalty exams and selective service, putting them at odds. I won’t reveal the details of the storyline, but I am happy to say that the credits revealed that the play was filmed in 4K UHD, indicating to me that it will be made available for home video in the near future. Allegiance was powerful and tremendously moving, and beautifully painted a picture of a piece of American history that if forgotten may be unfortunately repeated. I think every high schooler should put down Romeo and Juliet (I’m a big fan of the Bard, mind you) and watch a performance of Allegiance. I would find it difficult to believe that any American can watch it and not learn something about history, America, humanity, or themselves that they could use to make the world a better place. I admit that I cried pretty consistently for the first half hour, and near the end had to catch myself from audibly sobbing. It is very emotional, but George Takei does a wonderful job at making your heart feel full despite the tragedy. Thankfully, there was a short documentary at the end that I hope is in the Blu-Ray release which allowed me to clean myself up a bit before reengaging in the world outside the theatre. Mr. Takei takes a few moments to relate what he can remember of his time in internment, as well as how that affected his relationship with his father. To summarize, Allegiance is absolutely not to be missed. As a proud American, lover of Japanese culture, and human being in general I cannot recommend this performance enough. I award it my highest five combadges out of five for emotional breadth, cultural value, and performance/music. Oh myyyy… Rate: AAAAA Logan – Review by Stan Daniel (friend of FCapt MarkAdam Miller) When the phrase "comic book" is used it brings to mind, for most, an image of over dramatization played out through colorful renderings of highly exaggerated drawings of people with relatively simple storylines and clear cut definitions of good and evil. The movie Logan dispels that myth. Director James Mangold brings us into a broken world with broken heroes (if they can still be called heroes) where morality serves as an impediment to survival. Unlike any previous movie based on characters that originated in comic books, this film goes out of its way to use the flaws and secret shames of the heroes to drive the story. It is a gut wrenchingly beautiful ride that will leave you exhausted and spent by the time the credits begin. The violence is as brutal and frequent as it is necessary, because at the heart of the character of Wolverine, there is nothing but pain, regret and violence, all of which Hugh Jackman shares with us through every limp and every eye twitch in what will more than likely be the movie for which he is most remembered. He does more than share his pain, he makes you feel it. As masterful a performance delivered by Jackman, it is rivaled by Dafne Keen as Laura (also known as X23). Dafne brings a performance that easily stands alongside that of Natalie Portman in The Professional and Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver. She is a powerful new talent. Underscore that with what is probably Patrick Stewart's most powerfully tragic portrayal and you have a film that has earned its place in cinematic history as the best of its genre. Under no circumstances do you take your children to see this. I say that not only because of the violence but due to the intensity of the entire film. No one under 16 should see it, in my opinion. The violence in Logan is USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

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not played for humor as it was in Deadpool. It is played to drive home the physical and spiritual torture the characters are experiencing. It is not another X-men movie. For the first time since the 1978 Superman movie, I rate this film as 10 out of 10. It is as powerfully sorrowful as Superman was inspiring. Rating: AAAAA

Games Alice: Madness Returns – Review by Lt Phillip Mangina Within events of the prequel, Alice Liddell, believing herself responsible for a fire that consumed her home and her family, escapes into a twisted version of Wonderland. While held at Rutledge Asylum for treatment, Alice was able to conquer her doubts, and eventually was released from the ward. Alice II takes place in 1875, a year after Alice's release. Alice, now 19 years old, resides at an orphanage in Victorian London, under the care of Dr. Angus Bumby, a psychiatrist who uses hypnosis to help his child patients forget their memories. Though she believes that she is fine, Alice still suffers from hallucinations of Wonderland. During an errand, Alice is struck by a hallucination and believes herself to be in Wonderland again. Though initially idyllic, the peaceful land quickly becomes corrupted by the Infernal Train that rampages through it, leaving behind the Ruin, a force that attempts to stop Alice. Alice meets with the Cheshire Cat who affirms that it is some outside force, not Alice, that has caused this corruption, and urges her to seek out former friend and foe to discover the source of the Train. Throughout the rest of the game, Alice briefly returns to reality between episodes occurring within Wonderland. Within the corrupted Wonderland, Alice attempts to learn more from Wonderland's various citizens, including the Mad Hatter, the Mock Turtle, the Walrus and the Carpenter. She is ultimately told that the Queen of Hearts still lives despite her defeat at Alice's hands before, though in diminished capacity. At the Queen's castle, Alice discovers the Queen's true form, which resembles her younger self. The Queen reveals that an entity called the Dollmaker has taken over the Infernal Train and is corrupting Wonderland. Rate: AAAAA

The Hephaestus Redshirt Challenge The redshirt challenge is going well I lost a few pounds all ready but I could do better. In the next month I will step it up on the challenge I'm going to start challenging more people and the command staff on challenge. – Lt. Phillip Mangina Jr. (1st Officer), Director, Hephaestus Red Shirt Challenge The past month I have been trying to eat more vegetables and less meat. I did this for a Daniel Fast in January so I am hoping it might continue to help. I still need to look for more ways to get out and walk. – Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller, Trying to lose weight.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Recommendations By Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller Some Thinking Games for the Vulcan in you.

Mystery Detective

Sequel to Mystery Detective

It’s Clue! It’s Star Wars!

The Captain’s Top 10 The Captain’s Top Ten Detectives! 1. Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) 2. Encyclopedia Brown (Donald J. Sobol) 3. Ellery Queen (Frederic Dannay & Manfred Bennington Lee) 4. The Hardy Boys (Franklin W. Dixon, collective pseudonym) 5. Black Widowers (Isaac Asimov) 6. Elijah Baley & R. Daneel Olivaw (Isaac Asimov) 7. Mrs. Emily Pollifax (Dorothy Gilman) 8. Anna (Danny B. McGuire – The Mark IV Anna Series) 9. Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher) 10. Dexter Morgan (Jeff Lindsay) These are book series with a central detective character I have read on a regular basis. I recommend checking them out.

Kal-toh is not about striving for balance. It is about finding the seeds of order, even in the midst of profound chaos. – Tuvok, Voyager: Alter Ego USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Peter Mayhew retiring from playing Chewbacca With some sadness, Peter Mayhew, has assisted Chewbacca for the last time. His final performance will be in Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi. Peter Mayhew, who is 72, is retiring from assisting Chewbacca because of chronic knee and back pain. In Star Wars VII: The Awakening, Mr. Mayhew had assistance with Chewbacca from 6’10” Finnish basketball player Joonas Suotamo. Joonas Suotamo will assist Chewbacca full time in the upcoming Han Solo movie.

Joonas Suotamo made this statement when told he would be assisting Chewbacca in the future.

We will miss you Peter and wish you the best in the next chapter of your Life.

A Documentary for Fans of Deep Space Nine Ira Steven Behr and Adam Nimoy raised money to make a documentary of Deep Space Nine. The film, What We Left Behind: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Documentary, looks into how people felt when it was on the air and how DS9 is getting more fans now than when it was on. It also will be talking with the writers on how an eighth season would look like if they went back to writing it. Many of the stars from the show are involved in the production of this film. This should be a good tribute to what is Deep Space Nine. (,

Where is Star Trek: Discovery The latest word on Star Trek Discovery comes from CBS CEO Leslie Moonves. At the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference, Mr. Moonves gave late summer or early fall as a possible premier. “It’s important to get it right, and Star Trek is the family jewels,” Moonves said. “We’re not going to rush it in. There’s a lot of post-production. But I’m very confident based on what I’ve seen so far.” He also talked about the reason for CBS producing a series for online access. The success of the other series on Netflix gave CBS confidence that a series would do well on CBS All Access. This does not bode well because if they are looking to make a successful program of Star Trek: Discovery then they need to be sure to have the heart of what Star Trek is and not just be looking at it as a money maker. CBS has a good track record of making good shows. They also have a track record of running shows into the ground because they have turned into money makers. Examples of this are NCIS and The Big Bang Theory. Both shows were good in the beginning, now they are on only because they make money for CBS. These are two shows that CBS needs to shelve. This reads that CBS is only doing Star Trek: Discovery to make money which means they are really not looking to produce quality. (,

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Seeing Stars Alexander Siddig on Gotham (Ra’s al Ghul) Alice Eve on Hannah Royce’s Questionable Choices (Hannah Royce) Robert Picardo on The Planetary Post ( Tim Russ on The Planetary Post ( (,,

Doctor Who News – By Ensign Matt Boyd Hello Whovians!!! An old adversary has reared its ugly head, The Ice Man Cometh? That’s right! The Ice Warriors are back! Another old favorite is also coming back, The Master, now played by Michelle Gomez. With all the talk about the Ice Warriors, it brings to mind classic Doctor Who. I am a fan of Classic Doctor Who and a fan of Douglas Adams. If you are too, then you may be happy to hear that a classic episode featuring the Fourth Doctor and written by Douglas Adams is now in book form, The Pirate Planet! If one wants to own a copy of this wonderful book it is available to purchase everywhere books are sold.

Star Wars News – By LtJG James Davis What a month for Star Wars! Much like our own Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary festivities, Disney and Lucasfilm are planning a massive Star Wars Celebration in Orlando in April to commemorate 40 years of Jedi masters and Imperials duking it out across a galaxy far away. Four-day tickets are sold out, but it is still possible as of this writing to acquire daily adult tickets to any or all days of the event. Many of the actors in the series will be in attendance, including Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Ian McDiarmid and Clive Revill (The new and original Palpatines), Ray Park (Darth Maul), Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter), Paul Blake (Greedo) and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) among many others. Kathleen Kennedy (Lucasfilm President) and Rian Johnson (Director of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi) will also be major stage attendees, likely giving us additional expectations for the newest film of the franchise. EA Games will also be a center-stage player, which means we can likely expect news regarding new Star Wars games, to include a much-anticipated Battlefront 2. I’d be happy with another wave of ships for X-Wing Miniatures from Fantasy Flight, but that’s another article for another time (Hint, hint… If you’d like to play X-Wing or its close cousin Star Trek: Attack Wing, I’m your man!) In other Star Wars news, expect to hear more next month about the new Chronicles of Han Solo! While there are a number of novelizations regarding Han Solo’s background and development from scoundrel to Rebel hero, Lucasfilm is rewarding its many dedicated fans with an additional movie series dedicated to the character. One teaser photo has been released, showing cast and crew, the most exciting of which is (in my opinion) Woody Harrelson! More to come as details emerge. I am one with the Force; the Force is with me…

USS Hephaestus


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Never Forget… Willian “Bill” Paxton – February 26, 2017 (age 61) It would be hard press to name a movie Bill is known for as each person would have a different one to name. I know him best as Private Hudson from Aliens. His “That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over!” line is always one that comes to mind when I see him on screen. He has a special place for some in Region 2 as he portrayed astronaut Fred Haise in Apollo 13. The USS Haise is a ship in Mississippi which is Mr. Haise’s home state. The game may be over for you Bill but you will always be remembered for the entertainment you brought us. Neil Fingleton – February 25, 2017 (age 37) It would be hard to miss this 7’8” actor. On TV, you may know him as Mag the Mighty in the HBO series Game of Thrones or Fisher King in the BBC series Doctor Who. He also was in movies Jupiter Rising, X-Men: The First Class and 47 Ronin. He also assisted in Avengers: Age of Ultron as a stuntman and motion capture actor for Ultron. He was a basketball player till the acting bug caught him with X-Men: The First Class. He died of heart attack

Memorial to Bill Paxton

(Did I miss a news item or news item that might be of interest to your fellow crew members? Then write it up and send it to

USS Hephaestus


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Ship’s Log February 11, 2017 – Social

players have 60 minutes to break out of a room with cryptic clues.

The ship’s social was great. We started the night with announcements and a short business meeting. Also, handed out this year’s schedule with addresses for where the various meetings would take place. James Davis told of some of his adventures on Star Trek: The Cruise. We also played the new Star Trek Trivia game that the Captain received for Christmas. Those questions were hard! Roy Green won the game with the most correct answers. If you want to play it, better watch all the episodes and movies about three times. We watched the episode TNG: The Naked Now. We discussed some of the ways to see Star Trek on video and broadcast TV. Snacks and drinks were available.

This time, though, the game was played throughout the entire city of Montgomery. The first clue started at 9am with a crypto-phrase on Instagram. After solving the puzzle, I made my way to the riverfront where someone had a QR code waiting for me (it’s one of those weird squares to scan in). When I did, I found myself looking at the very first part of the U.S. Constitution. Having to write down the letters blacked out, that clue took the longest to solve. From that clue, my next stop was the State Capitol building. There, I found another clue, which showed the photo of a plane ticket from Montgomery (MGM) to a place called PRJ, which is the airport code for Capri, Italy. That led to the Capri Theatre in the Cloverdale district. When I got there, I had to solve two Mad Gabs, where I had to sound ridiculous phrases until they made sense. (Example: Hoe Pews Leaps Could translated into “Hope you sleep good.”)

Attendance: 11 people, two Star Trek bears and 3 Tribbles February 23, 2017 – Exploring Trek The monthly Exploring Trek meeting was held at Kingdom Comics. We discussed Space Exploration in Star Trek. This was a change from what we had scheduled, The Dominion War, because Phillip had to work so he could not present the discussion. We had a good turnout. We had four new people, Jane, Josh, Lara and Curtis. Snacks included Targ Kibble and peanut butter cookies with Cherry Pepsi, Sunkist soda and Barq’s Root Beer available to drink. This was the first time we attempted online access. We had many encouraging comments about this and plan to continue it.

On the next clue, it was a page from Romeo and Juliet, and that immediately led to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Going there, I had to go to the pond and get the next clue, but not before solving this riddle: I’m a 5-letter word. Take out the first letter, and you get a form of energy. Take out the first two letters, and you get something you do. Take out the first three letters, and you get a preposition. Take out the first four letters, and you get a drink. The answer was WHEAT. (I’ll leave you to sort that out.)

Attendance: 9 people in person and 24 online Ambassador Shirley A. Burton’s Personal Log

That led to another clue as to where to go next. On the way back up, though, someone did trip and fall but didn’t injure herself too badly. At my car, I had to solve a Sudoku style puzzle where all the letters corresponded to the location of the last clue, which in this case was the Montgomery location of the Breakout game.

March 4, 2017 – The BIGGEST Breakout Game EVER! On Saturday, March 04, 2017, more than 200 people took part in a scavenger-hunt style game. In Montgomery and several other locations around the country, there’s a game called Breakout, where USS Hephaestus


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I wasn’t worried in the least about winning the money or bigger prizes. I had a blast going through the city looking for clues. For a family new to Montgomery, this was the most fun way to introduce them to the city. Families, elderly people, and people of all ages took part in this scavenger hunt. If they do it again, I will do it in a heartbeat.

When I got there, though, there was still a little more to this. I had to go to the side and solve some more puzzles, particularly naming the person and writing down the birth years. I went inside and had to tell a phrase to get inside the room. It took two tries (not back-to-back, either), but I finally solved the puzzle and actually won a prize: a FREE twoperson game voucher.

My score for the City-Wide Breakout Game: 5/5!

Personal Log Special Report By LtJG James Davis us – all in all not terrible, but it made us glad we were early. From that point on we decided to be significantly early to everything we REALLY wanted to do. Fast forward two and a half hours or so, and it was our moment! We’d finally get to meet Kirk! Mr. Shatner’s attendants efficiently whisked us to the photo area and had Kendra place her bag down out of sight. They directed me to his right and Kendra to his left. As I approached, Mr. Shatner said, “Good morning. Thanks so much.” I told him, “Thank you for being here!” FLASH! Aaaaaand that was it. The next words I heard were from Kendra. “I’m 99% certain I had my eyes closed.” Oh no… By some good fortune, however, all eyes were open and the moment is now a part of our Star Trek history together. Yay!

Stardate 2017.01.10 – At Sea – Day 2 And so, begins that part of the voyage of the Cruise Ship Enterprise that finds us away from shore, venturing into new worlds (for me, anyway) and new civilizations. Today we were aloft on the seas making a steady and surprisingly fast pace (Warp 0.00000004118!) toward Cozumel, Mexico. Today’s journey was largely characterized by our attempt as noob cruisers to arrange our schedule to get the most Trek with the least stress, and I’m happy to say we succeeded. Today we were given a choice… a tough choice. We could attend Yoga with Terry Farrell, or we could get in line early enough that William Shatner would still be awake by the time we got our photo taken with him. Decks 4-6 all had an appointed time between 0900 and 1100 for our complimentary photo with Capt Kirk, but the number of people that encompasses should not be understated. Not realizing how amazing Yoga is (we know better now) we opted to get in line a full two hours early. By this time the line had wrapped from the door to the restaurant where we were taking photos, downstairs, around the landing, and back upstairs to USS Hephaestus

Our next big choice was to either tuck-and-roll from one panel to another or relax and take in the Trekkie cruise goodness in style. Here’s what we missed: the Proxima Centari Open Play Bowling Competition, Captain’s Log: Space Shuttle Commander’s Perspective with Astronaut Rick Searfoss, and Star Trek: Script Secrets Revealed with Lolita Fatjo (Lita’s namesake). Instead, we opted for a leisurely brunch followed by a dash to pick up our Star Trek: The Cruise t-shirts and a few hours bouncing back and forth between the hot tub 15

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and pool topside. Not only was this one of the greatest seats on the ship for pure creature comforts, but from the hot tub we watched Klingon Karvings (a vegetable carving demo from our excellent kitchen staff) and were in a prime spot not 10 feet from the stage where the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies played their hit Zoot Suit Riot while we enjoyed free cocktails and hors d’ouvres for the Cruise Tshirt Party. Not too shabby.

was our first realization that the less planned the event was, the more human the interaction and hence the more fun the experience. I did get to ask a question, which I posed to both of them, beginning with Rom. “Which character from any of the shows would you most like to kill, and most importantly, why?” Rom wondered why I was so violent, but Chancellor Gowron didn’t hesitate to yell, “ALL OF THEM! QAPLA’!” Their interaction with each other was fantastic, at one point even breaking into an under-rehearsed musical number. Sadly, we had to duck out a little early in order to make it to our next show, the main event of the night.

For our next big entertainment choice, we had the option of watching Galaxy Quest on the pool deck, Trekkies (hosted by Denise Crosby), or attending John DeLancie’s One Man Show. I think most of us would agree that if Q has a one man show, we need to be in attendance to see the omnipotent one at work. In keeping with our ‘show up hours early’ philosophy, we met some neat friends from around the world (New Zealand and Germany in this case) and managed to score front-row center seats thanks to a spritely quick Kendra. John DeLancie, aside from being extremely tall, is also an eloquent, vociferous speaker. As such, the first three rows of the center aisles became henceforth known as the “Q Splash Zone”. The One-Man Show turned out to be a reading of the dirty epic poem The Devil and Billy Markham. Overall, the poem was lewd and awkwardly uncomfortable at times and strikingly funny at others. Between Love Letters and Billy Markham, we began to realize that the entertainment would be less Trek and more ‘actors from Trek’. Fine with us.

“Please state the nature of the nautical emergency.” Robert Picardo wasted no time in infusing humor and music in the evening’s prime performance, On the Holodeck… a Show that Defies Reality. Joining the good doctor was Jordan Bennett, who it turns out is a long-time friend and former roommate of Mr. Picardo’s. One may recognize Mr. Bennett as the original Broadway voice of Jean Valjean from Le Miserables. The show was fantastic, and ranged from Broadway numbers to the original lyrics to the Star Trek Theme (awful, by the way). The best song in my humble opinion was The Unrequited Love March, Robert Picardo’s humorously upbeat take on rejection by a girl that ultimately dated his aforementioned friend and roommate. Rounding out the night for those with more party in them than we had that night were Michael Lamper on guitar with Marina Sirtis, a Holo-nights Party with the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies, and a dance party with DJ Needles, followed by Star Trek Under the Stars: First Contact. Rather, next for us was a late-night stop by the 24-hour buffet and a good night’s sleep before a fun day ashore in Cozumel.

During a blackjack tournament and a musical performance entitled Unheard Records from Deep Space Nine with James Darren, Terry Farrell, and Chase Masterson, we had a quick dinner before rushing upstairs to 13 Forward to watch Gow-Rom, a mostly impromptu show in which Robert O’Reilly and Max Grodenchik (Chancellor Gowron and Rom) answered questions from the audience in character and full wardrobe. This show was somewhere between disaster and masterpiece, and USS Hephaestus

Until next month, LLAP! 16

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Crew Happenings February Social James getting his Promotion Certificate

Star Trek Trivia at the Social

Exploring Trek

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STARFLEET Academy This year we will have several articles on the races of Star Trek. If you are looking for information on the different races, then I would recommend the Institute of ALIEN STUDIES. Below is a list of the College that STARFLEET Academy offers in the way of Alien Studies. Andorian Orientation College Bajoran Orientation College Caitian Orientation College Cardassian Orientation College College of Borg Technology Ferengi Orientation College

The Gorn Academy Klingon Warrior Academy Orion Orientation College Romulan Orientation College Vulcan Orientation College College of Xeno Studies

STARFLEET Academy is a good way to learn something on your own that not only will help you have more fun with your club but might help you in your life outside of your club. Give it a try. Like Captain Archer’s ancestor Dwayne Pride says,” Go learn things.”

STARFLEET Marine Corps Members of the STARFLEET Marine Corps include veterans and active duty military as well as people who just prefer a ‘military flavor’ to their Star Trek fan activities. The SFMC is organized along traditional military lines, in the same manner as SFI. However, instead of being organized along Navy lines, and using terms such as ‘Ships’ or ‘Shuttles’, the SFMC uses ground force equivalents such as ‘Brigades’ or ‘Strike Groups’. The Hephaestus Marine Corps is 654th Steel Thunderbolts under the command of Lt General Neil Yawn (OIC). Members include the DIOC 1st Lt. James Davis and Brig. Roy Green. If you would like to know more about our marines, then contact these marines and they will get you started in the Steel Thunderbolts.

Semper Invictus! Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. – Sherlock Holmes, Sign of Four USS Hephaestus


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Exploring Trek The subject of Exploring Trek was changed as Phillip Mangina was called into work. So we have postponed The Dominion War to March and discussed what disciplines one would need to explore Space. We first discussed the engineers, scientist and astronauts that were part of NASA’s way of exploring Space. Why at first engineers were more prominent in the beginning over the scientist. We then discussed the different departments that were represented on a starship using examples from all the different Star Trek series. We concluded the talk about how different disciplines can be used in a Star Trek club to explore our world around us. The follow up question for Exploring Trek On your Own was:  What are the Pros and Cons of joining a fan club? Exploring Trek for March will be the Dominion War. Phillip Mangina, Jr., our 1st officer, will be leading the discussion. Would you like to lead an Exploring Trek discussion? Let me know and we will make arrangements so that can happen. Exploring Trek is the 4th Thursday of the month at Kingdom Comics in Vestavia Hills.

Kingdom Comics – the place for all your Star Trek needs

Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Mar 4, 2017 Mar 10-12, 2017 Mar 18, 2017 Mar 17, 2017 Mar 23, 2017 Apr 1, 2017 Apr 8, 2017 Apr 21, 2017 Apr 27, 2017 May 6, 2017 May 19 2017 May 20, 2017 May 25, 2017

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Region 2 Summit Social – 7 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek Anvil Deadline Spring Cookout – 2 pm Poker – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm Exploring Trek – 7pm

Location Columbus, Georgia Mohney Potts Kingdom Comics Mohney Evans Kingdom Comics Mohney Arnold Kingdom Comics



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Do you know this Alien?

Anvil Focus Schedule March: Vulcans April: Data and Androids May: Andorians (Feel free to send me an article on any of these topics. Your fellow crew members would love to know your thoughts on these.)

STARFLEET Renewal Reminders Tiner Arnold Mohney Family Mangina Holsey Green Lindsay Family Miller Family Davis Family

09/13/16 11/30/16 04/21/17 05/15/17 05/30/17 06/27/17 07/08/17 08/26/17 08/31/17

Boyd Family Carr Family Baxter Hicks Family Youngblood-Yawn Bentley Stockham Potts Family

09/17/17 09/19/17 09/24/17 10/03/17 11/30/17 12/21/17 03/02/18 03/07/18

Hunt for the Icon Did you find the 5 lost Communicators were:

that were in last month’s Anvil? If you did not find them all they

1. Pg. 2 – bottom of the page 2. Pg. 8 – end of the 1st paragraph 3. Pg. 11 – middle of the 3rd article: Axanar Lawsuit 4. Pg. 15 – 2nd Column middle of the 4th line down 5. Pg. 20 – Middle of the Exploring Trek Article. The Ship’s store has lost five IDIC pendants. The five doesn’t include this example. The first to send me the correct locations gets to choose next month’s Hidden Icon.

Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically. You must rely on your human intuition. – Mr. Spock, TOS: Assignment: Earth USS Hephaestus


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Name the Conn Officer Answers Lieutenant Alden (Lloyd Haynes), TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before Lieutenant John Farrell (Jim Goodwin), TOS: Mudd's Women Chief Petty Officer Garison (Adam Roarke), TOS: The Cage Commander Kyle (John Winston), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Lieutenant M'Ress (Majel Barrett - voice), TAS

Lieutenant Palmer (Elizabeth Rogers), TOS: The Doomsday Machine, The Way to Eden Lieutenant Lisa (Barbara Baldavin), TOS: Turnabout Intruder Lieutenant Rand (Grace Lee Whitney), VOY: Flashback LtJG Aquiel Uhnar (RenĂŠe Jones), TNG: Aquiel Laxeth (Jerry Sroka), VOY: Investigations

If you have suggestions for new challenges or questions, then send them to Answer to Do you know this alien? (pg. 21) Klaatu (Michael Rennie), The Day the Earth Stood Still

Looking for the following people to help with the Anvil:

News Repoters Wanted For Hephaestus Anvil

Reporters for the Following: Star Wars News Dr. Who News (assigned) Firefly News NASA News Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy books

USS Hephaestus

Reviewers: Books, Movies Games, Conventions Convention Scouts: Someone to find conventions in a 2 3 hr driving distance of Birmingham. Write a short synopsis and give possible websites


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Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please check out

March March 10-12, 2017 - Region 2 Summit, Columbus, GA Starfleet Region 2 Summit will be held at the Best Western Plus in Columbus, GA. Come join other ships in Region 2 to see what they do for their club and learn about what is going on in STARFLEET.

April April 28-30, 2017 - Treklanta, Atlanta, GA Hosted by the USS Republic NCC-1371, Treklanta is an annual science fiction convention based in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to space opera in general and Star Trek in particular. It places special emphasis on fanbased events, activities, programming and productions. Treklanta is the home of the Miss Klingon Empire Beauty Pageant and the Independent Star Trek Fan Film Awards. Guests: David Gerrold, J.G. Hertzler and others. April 30, 2017 – Halfway to Halloween Costume Party, Huntsville, AL Can't wait another six months until Halloween? You don't have to - we're having a Halfway to Halloween costume party at Salty Nut Brewery! More details to come, but for starters, we'll have Foot Pound Force performing live and dinner from PNC Food Truck. Prizes for costume contest sponsored by Fig Leaf Costumes and Old Town Beer Exchange

June June 10 – 11, 2017 – Con Kasterborous, Huntsville, AL Doctor Who convention in Huntsville, AL. It is being held at The Westin on Bridgestreet. June 30- July 2, 2017 – Magic City Con, Birmingham, AL Magic City Con is a three-day weekend event that focuses on sci-fi, gaming (both tabletop and video games), and cosplay. We have interactive panels, workshops, and host special events like our Heroes and Villains Masquerade Ball, a Mos Eisley Cantina, a Saturday KidCon event, and more! We are a family friendly event that will be taking place at the Hyatt Regency-Wynfrey Hotel June 30th-July 2nd 2017. Our website is and you can keep up with announcements on our Facebook page.

You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. – Sherlock Holmes, Scandal in Bohemia USS Hephaestus


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July July 28 - 30 2017 – Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest, Birmingham, AL The Sci-Fi Fantasy Fest is an annual celebration of all things science fiction, fantasy & nerd related! It's an event brought to you by the Hoover Library.

Does The Anvil cover stuff that you are interested in? Did you disagree with a review or point of view in one of the articles? Did we miss some news article that you think should have been covered? The staff is looking for your feedback to help us send out something that you are interested in. Send your feedback to:

Local Attractions (Only events relative to Star Trek are shown, Check the website for more information) Alabama Theater – Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Zoo – Birmingham, AL - McWane Center – Birmingham, AL - January 11th – May 7th – Going Places Created by the renowned Scitech in Perth, Australia, Going Places is an interactive science exhibition that explores the technology humans have developed for travel. If you have ever wanted to pilot an airship, ride on a hovercraft, or control traffic in a city, now is your big chance! As well as exploring the technology that gets us around every day, visitors will explore the way that travel has shaped the social fabric of our time. Visitors will also see new technology and get a glimpse of where our future is headed. With 17 interactive exhibits and 8 information kiosks detailing the incredible technology pioneered by humans to make the farthest reaches of our planet accessible, Going Places will be a wild ride! The key messages of this exhibition are: observe, understand and use an incredible range of travel technology to see how it makes our lives easier and better, AND learn how the Earth’s awesome size and natural processes, like gravity, wind, currents, waves, friction, and changing landscapes are overcome by the ingenious designs researched and developed over time. The exhibition covers many different aspects of transport, including the movement of people and goods, land, sea and air options and technological solutions to make transport possible, easier or more efficient. The exhibition covers many areas of physics and technology, as well as dealing in personal or human interest areas of transportation and moving things around. Southern Museum of Flight – Birmingham, AL - U.S. Space and Rocket Center – Huntsville, AL - / USS Hephaestus


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Command Staff

Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, 1Lt – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Cmdr – 2nd Officer

Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Admiral



Pete Mohney, Admiral

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Admiral

MarkAdam Miller, Fleet Captain



Sue Ellen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Ops and Counselor Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr – Ship Admin Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt – Ships Galley Officer

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Chief of Security Intelligence Sandra Hosley, Lt JG



Brenda A. Miller, Cmdr Matthew Boyd, Ensign James Davis, LtJG

Neil Yawn, Lt General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC (Reserves) James Davis, 1Lt, SFMC (Reserves)

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Cadet Training

Donald Arnold, Ensign 3rd Class Kendra Baxter, Crewman Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Flo Hurst, Cmdr Mark Lindsay, Captain Michelle L. Lindsay, Crewman Pamela Lindsay, Cmdr Matthew Potts, Crewman Lewis, Stockham, Crewman Carly Strickland, Civilian Brenda Tiner, Crewman 3rd Class Haley Youngblood, Crewman

Katrina Mohney, Crewman Recruit Tara Mohney, Cadet 2nd Class Athena Youngblood, Cadet 1st Class Kimberly Davis, Cadet in Training



Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton

Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr

USS Hephaestus


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For More Information Contact: Fleet Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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