Anvil September 2015

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The Anvil U.S.S. Hephaestus: NCC-2004


September 2015

The Anvil


Inside This Issue

HEPHAESTUS is the Greek name for the Roman god of the forge, Vulcan. Birmingham has the world’s largest iron statue, that of the Roman god, Vulcan. We named our Starfleet chapter the Hephaestus to give us ties to our city and to Star Trek, which has had its own Vulcan since 1966. Hephaestus forged armor and weapons for the gods. We create our own “armor and weapons” here, in our newsletter, so it is called The Anvil.

From the Ready Room


XO Briefing


Ship’s Log


Starfleet Marine Corps


Treasury Report




Starfleet Renewal Reminders


Away Team and Activity Schedule


Anvil Focus Schedule


Web Links

Theme Article


Captain’s Top 10



Quotable Quotes


Star Trek News & More


Star Trek Fiction


Name the Episode




Theme Poster


While on an Away Mission


Name the Episode Answers


Hunt for the Icon


Area Conventions & Exhibits


Command Structure



MarkAdam Miller

Layout, Graphics and Publishing

Brenda A. Miller

Marine Reporting

Neil Yawn

Treasury Reporting

MarkAdam Miller

USS Hephaestus

Region 2 USS Hephaestus


Anvil Back Issues

The Anvil, Issue 289 is the monthly newsletter of the USS Hephaestus, NCC-2004, of Starfleet, The International Star Trek Fan Association. All terms and phrases from Star Trek are owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Paramount Communications and all rights are reserved. i

Always Onward

The Anvil


From the Ready Room Greeting from your Captain, This month’s Anvil is on Star Trek (Classic) and Gene Roddenberry. I hope that we reveal some facts that you might not have known before. Take a look at the up coming focus on page 4 and if there is one you would like to write on please email me your articles or thoughts and I will print them in the Anvil. Pat Hicks has asked to step down from the XO position due to personal obligations. Phillip Mangina has agreed to take over the responsibilities and has completed his OTS and OCC so that he can perform those duties. Thank you Pat for your help in past years in running the ship. Thank you Phillip for stepping up to the challenge of being my XO. Last month I missed that I didn’t welcome Nicole Breanne Bentley as a new member of our crew. I apologize for that. Danny Potts found that she had joined Starfleet but had not found a ship so was able to recruit her. She is a rookie on the Tragic City Rollers. Welcome Nicole. I also would like to welcome James Davis. He has been a member of Starfleet International for a little over a year now. He began his membership while serving at Misawa AB, Japan, where there was no chapter. He is now stationed at Columbus AFB, MS. He is currently a T-38C instructor pilot for USAF pilot training, and served as an F-16 Weasel pilot in his last assignment. His father introduced him to Star Trek, and he has a lovely wife who allows him to really enjoy it as a hobby. Welcome James and thank you for your service to our country. Capt. MarkAdam Miller 

XO Briefing Greetings crew, { This month’s anvil is about Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek. The series was ahead of its time. Nobody from the studios ever would've thought it would last this long or have a fan base this large. The TV show spawned 4 other shows and 12 feature films and 1 in the works. It also has spawned countless fan based internet movies and web series. Gene Roddenberry had a great vision for humanity to look forward to. Lt. Phillip Mangina

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Ship’s Log August 1, 2015 – Sci-Fi & Fantasy Festival, Hoover Library, Hoover AL We had a great time at the festival. The Star Trek panel went really well. We had several people interested in the club and are looking forward to some new faces at the socials. We were able to see several panels beside the one about Star Trek. Attendance: 11 People August 8, 2015 – Social Night We had a good social this evening. We watched trailers for up coming movies and Fall TV programs. We had chips, cookies and pop. We also discussed what we would like for the different production companies to do with their franchises. Attendance: 11 People August 13, 2015 – Captain’s Away Mission Brenda and I took the Captain’s personal yacht up to Ohio to attend two events: the Captain’s mother’s birthday and the joint graduation party for some friends’ son and daughter. We also stopped in Elizabethtown (KY) and had dinner with Hephaestus friends Jill and Dennis Rayburn and their friend, Don Horn. We had a nice meal and conversation. Attendance: 5 People Personnel Updates: Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold was award 11 awards for Blue Squadron (Andorian Orientation College, Caitian Orientation College, Cardassian Orientation College, Ferengi Orientation College, College of Communications, College of English, College of Genealogy, College of Law, College of Humour, College of Engineering, and Vulcan Academy of Sciences). He also was awarded Leader of Blue Squadron.

(If you have any news or accomplishments you would like to share with the group please email them to me at: Also your personal updates can give your Captain added info to help get you recognition and awards at Summit for your accomplishments).

I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away AS garbage. – Korax, The Trouble With Tribbles

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Starfleet Marine Corps Greetings, The 654th MSG is looking for members. There is a completely different set of Academy schools for those trying to get the Boothby awards. There is no pressure in joining. There are two categories: Active which means all ranks will be Marine ranks, and Reserve which means you stay primarily Fleet and only use Marine ranks when doing marine stuff. Contact Lt. General Neil Yawn (, if you are interested or have questions. Looking to boost your Boothby Awards? The Starfleet Marines Academy may be your answer. Check out what SFMC Academy has for you. Lt. General Neil Yawn, OIC 1 BN, 2BDE, OIC 654 MSG

Treasury Report September Description




Beginning Balance



Ending Balance



Feedback Great newsletter this month, kudos to the Anvil crew. I love Voyager. It’s a great show. It’s good to see some love for these characters. People and even Trek fans tend to bag on this series but look how difficult it was to narrow down 10 episodes of awesomeness? I may manage a top twenty, but top ten was rough man. I think where this show was honestly lacking was the absence of Gene Roddenberry. The spirit was there but I think there was less morality stories, which I thought was always the secret to Star Trek as a whole. What did this episode teach me? What have I learned today? But Voyager did deliver on old school space adventure. Good science fiction at its core. – John Anderson, passenger

Insults are effective only where emotion is present. – Spock, Who Mourns for Adonais? USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


STARFLEET RENEWAL REMINDERS Robinson Arnold Youngblood-Yawn Potts Family Bentley Mohney Family Holsey

09/17/15 11/30/15 11/30/15 03/05/16 04/07/16 04/15/16 05/30/16

Mangina Green Hicks family Lindsay Miller Family Davis

05/15/16 06/04/16 06/17/16 07/07/16 08/26/15 08/31/16

Away Team and Activity Schedule Date Sept 5, 2015 Sept 11, 2015 Sept 122015 Oct 3, 2015 Oct 9, 2015 Oct 10, 2015 Nov 7, 2015 Nov 13, 2015 Nov 14, 2015 Dec 5, 2015 Dec 11, 2015 Dec 12, 2015

Event/Time Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm Anvil Deadline Poker – 7 pm Social – 7 pm

Location/Activity Miller’s House Mohney’s House Pott’s House Mohney’s House Mohney’s House Mohney’s House Burtyk House Mohney’s House


Anvil Focus Schedule Month



Star Trek (Classic) {


Scary Episodes: Catspaw(ST); Devil’s Due(TNG); Genesis(TNG); Frame of Mind(TNG)




Majel Barrette/Nurse Chapel, Lwaxana Troi & Ship’s Computer


The Captain’s (Krik, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer)

February March

Comedy Episodes st

1 Officers (No. 1, Spock, Riker, Kira, Chakotay, T’Pol)-

Please send me your thought and ideas. If a subject looks like something you would write about please also send me which ones you would like to work on and I will let you know when that article will be due. Contact me at or on Facebook: Thank you. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Theme Article: Star Trek / Gene Roddenberry By: Captain MarkAdam Miller For this article I am taking a different approach than in the past articles because I feel I am hard press to find something that might be unknown to those who follow Star Trek. Star Trek was my first introduction in to science fiction. It also was the first thing that my brother and I fought over on a regular basis. He would have TV shows that he want to watch (e.g., Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island) and I had Star Trek. This of course caused problems as my show was an hour program and his were only half hour. It finally came down to me getting the Star Trek concordance and reading all the plots and finding the episodes I had not seen. The two that I found the hardest to see were The Trouble with Tribbles and Day of the Dove. It seemed that the viewing market I was in did not have them in their package. I’m not sure when I first watched Star Trek. The earliest evidence that I liked Star Trek is a picture of my 4th birthday party that shows a model of the Starship Enterprise as one of my gifts. This would be in June of 1968. It would be 6 years before I finally put the model together. I knew the show so well that I could name the episode just by watching the introduction. My fascination with Star Trek made the family joke that when I or my brother had kids I would only remember the birthdays if the kids where born on a significant date of Star Trek. Ironically my brothers 1st child was born 20 years to the day when Star Trek premiered, September 8, 1986 (Happy Birthday Abby). This makes Star Trek 49 years old this month. If we really look back at when Star Trek was conceived then we would have to go back to 1964. This is when the ideas were first presented to MGM, CBS, NBC and Desilu Productions. So this really makes Star Trek as old as I am (I was born in 1964). I have met several of the actors who were on the show. Talking to them has always given me a fresh perspective to what they did to bring the character to life. Some of the more interesting side characters were: Jack Donner (SubCommander Tal in The Enterprise Incident) who had a charm that reminded you of earlier times and Celeste Yarnall (Yeoman Martha Landon in The Apple) who became a holistic healthcare provider for cats and dogs and helped us when we had a cat who was very ill. Having met some of the cast, George Takei is one of the best, as he is the most personable of them all. He really takes an interest in who you are when he talks to you. I would have loved to meet James Doohan and DeForest Kelley. They passed before I was able to see them. I do have two pictures signed by Mr. Doohan that hang in my office. They are a treasure to me because one is from the classic series and the other is from one of the movies. (see side panel) Gene Roddenberry is someone I always wanted to meet. By the time I was going to conventions he was busy with TNG and also was not in the best of health. I read some of the stuff on Gene and I sometimes wonder: did he really know what he was creating or was it something that grew beyond even his dreams? Some people believe he had this all thought out from the beginning, but the more I read on Gene the more I believe the early conventions and speaking engagements is what gave him the ability to refine the idea he had back in 1964. While doing research for this article, I ran across a couple of concepts of Start Trek: a wagon train to the stars (used more as a selling point) and Gulliver’s Travels (an adventure with a moral to tale). Gene thought the later was more accurate. I USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


like the concept of Gulliver's Travels because it does describe several of the episodes (e.g. Let this be your Last Battle Field, Way to Eden, The Empath) but wagon train to the stars also describes it well as Star Trek did follow a pattern of a lot of westerns of being on the frontier (e.g. The Immunity Syndrome, Balance of Terror, Operation: Annihilate). Mr. Roddenberry also made some great choices of who he brought on board to work on Star Trek. D.C. Fonatain and Gene L. Coon come to mind. These people also are what made Star Trek great. Mr. Roddenberry also brought in Nichelle Nichols, DeForest Kelley and Leonard Nimoy from previous projects who portray several of the iconic characters in Star Trek. Sadly we lost Gene Roddenberry at the age of 70 to cancer on October 24, 1991

The studio said I could either keep the woman or the 'Martian'. So I married the woman and kept the Martian because I obviously couldn't do it the other way around. – Gene Roddenberry

The Captain’s Top 10 My favorite episodes from Star Trek: (Classic) 1. The City on the Edge of Forever – Season 1, Episode 28 2. Errand of Mercy – Season 1, Episode 26 3. Tomorrow Is Yesterday – Season 1, Episode19 4. Mirror, Mirror – Season 2, Episode 4 5. Pattern of Force – Season 2, Episode 21 6. The Omega Glory – Season 2, Episode 23 7. Let That Be Your Last Battle Field – Season 3, Episode 7 8. Whom Gods Destroy – Season 3, Episode 8 9. Requiem For Methuselah – Season 3, Episode 9 10. The Trouble With Tribbles – Season 2, Episode 15 And just for Fun: A Piece of the Action – Season 2, Episode 17 This was hard. { I stopped at 20 out of 79/80 episodes when I was looking to create The Captain’s Top Ten. It would probably take a year to make a definitive list but this was just a quick look. All these are ones that if I am flipping channels and see them I would stop and watch. Do you agree, disagree or think your Captain is off his command chair? Facebook ( or email ( me with your thoughts and I will print them in next months The Anvil. USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil

USS Hephaestus



Always Onward

The Anvil


Quotable Quotes Kirk: This is the Captain of the Enterprise. Our respect for other life forms requires that we give you this … warning. There is one critical item of information that has never been incorporated into the memory banks of any Earth ship. Since the early years of space exploration, Earth vessels have had incorporated into them a substance known as … corbomite. It is a material and a device which prevents attack on us. If any destructive energy touches our vessel, a reverse reaction of equal strength is created, destroying -Balok: You now have two minutes. Kirk: – destroying the attacker. It may interest you to know that since the initial use of corbomite more than two of our centuries ago, no attacking vessel has survived the attempt. Death has … little meaning to us. If it has none to you – then attack us now. We grow annoyed at your foolishness.

Season 1 – The Corbomite Maneuver

Spock: You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true. Season 2 – Amok Time

Captain Kirk: Charlie, there are a million things in this universe you can have and there are a million things you can't have. It's no fun facing that, but that's the way things are. Season1 – Charlie X

Uhura: Oh, but they do give us something, Mr. Spock. They give us love. Well, Cyrano Jones says that a tribble is the only love that money can buy. Season 2 – The Trouble With Tribbles

Dr Philip Boyce (to Captain Christopher Pike); A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets head on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. Pilot – The Cage, USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


McCoy: In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million earth-type planets…and in all the universe, three million million galaxies like this one. And in all of that, and perhaps more, only one of each of us. Don't destroy the one named Kirk. Season 1 – Balance of Terror

Scotty: You mind your place, mister, or you'll... you'll be wearing concrete galoshes! Jojo Krako: You mean cement overshoes? Scotty: [hesitantly] Aye. Season 2 – A Piece of the Action

Spock: Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them. Captain, a starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it or him Season 2 – The Ultimate Computer

McCoy: The release of emotions, Mr. Spock, is what keeps us healthy-- emotionally healthy, that is. Spock: That may be, Doctor. However, I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you. Season 3 – Plato's Stepchildren

{ Spock: Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose and excluding that which is painful. Season 3 – And the Children Shall Lead

Edith Keeler: One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom... energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in... in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future. And those are the days worth living for. Season 1 – The City on the Edge of Forever USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek News & More Poker at Hephaestus Pete and Sue Ellen Mohney have felt that the Hephaestus Poker game needed to be classed up a bit so they have added a new piece of art to the man cave at their home. My personal opinion is that if it had been cats it would have been classier but since it is dogs it just another painting. (

Miss Piggy looking for a Captain Kermit and Miss Piggy have called it quits after 40 years. Miss Piggy has not let that slow her down. It looks like she is looking for a new Captain to command the Swine Trek because she has been seen with Nathan Fillion who is better know as Captain “Tightpants” Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds of “Firefly.” She has also been tweeting with William Shatner better knows as Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek.

This may just be a ploy to get Kermit jealous. We will have to wait and see when “The Muppets” premier on ABC September 22, 2015. (, )

Star Trek the Class Ever want to take a course on Star Trek? Do you want to know how Star Trek shaped the world, technology and culture? Do you want to discuss the future of some of the technology that is in Star Trek? Are you saying there is no such thing? There is. Professor Anthony Rotolo has given several classes call #TrekClass on Star Trek for the past 5 years. These sessions have not only been done at Syracuse University where he teaches but also at the Johnson Space Center, South by Southwest Festival and the Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas. also blogs them on their website. Now you can take the class for free. The course starts on September 21st. To enlist all you need to do is go over to and sign up. Your captain has signed up, will you? ( , )

It's Trekkies. I should know. I invented the thing. – Gene Roddenberry

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


You ready for Star Wars? Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming to theaters December 15, 2015. Do you think you are ready for this? If not then there are several books out that can help. These books have “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” across the top of them: Star Wars: Smuggler’s Run by Greg Rucka Star Wars: Moving Target by Cecil Castellucci & Jason Fry Star Wars: The Weapon of a Jedi by Jason Fry Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig Star Wars: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray Even Marvel comics is going to have a 6 issue comic Journey to Star War: The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire. If you local book store is having trouble finding them have them look under “Journey” because the databases are abbreviating Star Wars as SW and the search engines are not finding the SW. If you are nice to your CO he may even loan you his copies. (I have all except Lost Stars) (Personal research)

Have You Seen? I came across the following and thought some of you might like to see these: DeForest Kelley tours "Star Trek: TNG" sets (September 27, 1990) Rare Early Star Trek Commercial Ad Star Trek: the video game -- Shatner vs. Gorn trailer

The Cast of Star Trek

The Cast of S-paw Trek

One of the advantages of being a captain, Doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it. – Kirk, Dagger of the Mind USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Star Trek Fiction Star Trek: The New Adventures: Reality Trip: Mirror Image By: Ensign 3rd Class Donald Arnold

Bill looked at all the options before him. He decided to take the nearest portal. This threw him into the Mirror Universe. Once in the Mirror Universe he saw more of the same things he had only glimpsed of in the portal. He was the Supreme Commander of Starfleet. His staff made him one of Earth’s most powerful beings. All this he gathered from a computer. He stayed hidden in this society as best he could. The yellow gem had formed a glove around his hand. It was metallic, more like gold. It had six spaces in it and the yellow gem had taken a place underneath his index finger. He felt strangely powerful. The staff had never given him such feelings, though it had most of the same capabilities. He used his staff to fit in, creating a uniform, gear, and everything else needed to survive here. He took the nearest sidewalk and walked along, trying to find himself… quite literally.

entity known for devouring worlds came to Earth, the stones, or at least a few of them were sent away to other worlds. It is logical one could have landed on Vulcan though the Vulcan High Council would have known unless it was hidden in something natural, perhaps a meteor or asteroid. Given that it was so deep in the ground, another question is posed. How did it get buried? An asteroid would have at least left remnants of stone in the soil with the gem. No. Someone buried that gem and they did it for a reason. That is the most logical explanation.” Stephanie left Vulcan with more questions than she started with. This sounded like movies from the 21st Century, but, that’s all they were… Movies… Right? Stephanie tried to focus on 21st Century Earth records. They showed no details of alien invasion. The main cause of this is 21st Century Earth covered up the many times they were actually invaded, which was a count of about 20 odd times over the course of the first 20 years. But which invasion though? Stephanie had some work to do.

Stephanie was not having nearly as interesting adventure as Bill. Starfleet had ordered her to bring the ship in until Bill was found. She had informed them that she was, “Going to find her husband with the ship and if Starfleet didn’t like it they could shove it in the warp core and fly it.” She got rather feisty when it came to Bill. Bill would do the same for her. She was presently talking with an elder of Vulcan. She explained the gem and all that happened since its finding. T’Lor, the Historian Elder, answered, “I cannot give much information. The gem sounds familiar, though I cannot say I know an exact identification. A legend dating back about four centuries or so is the only thing I can think of close to what you are describing. The legend says that a great battle took place on Earth with a great alien being. He was defeated by what were considered the Mightiest of Earth’s heroes. The gems used by the great being to attack Earth were separated and never seen again. However, it is said that when a different USS Hephaestus

Bill succeeded in getting to his own capitol building. He was now hiding in a vent, watching himself. The biggest thing he noticed was the fact there was a phaser on this reality’s Bill’s hip that he carried on a regular basis and armed guards on either side of his desk. Bill decided to leave this reality. He couldn’t stand seeing this version of him. He couldn’t bear to wonder how many people this evil version of him had hurt. He slipped outside and activated the stone. He looked at his options and decided to visit a more positive world… TO BE CONTINUED… Donald Arnold is a member of the Hephaestus and has written many Star Trek fan fiction. If you have any fan fiction you would like to submit then send me your stories at


Always Onward

The Anvil


Name the Episode

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Reviews Book Star Trek: Enterprise Logs By Pocket Books, Edited by Carol Greenburg Review by Ensign James M. Davis { What better way to celebrate “Classic” Trek than by experiencing exciting stories from ten of the great captains of the USS Enterprise, beginning with Captain Israel Daniel Dickenson of the Continental Navy in October of 1776? That is exactly what is offered by this entertaining collection of short stories compiled into Star Trek: Enterprise Logs by Pocket Books. Published in June 2000 (Sorry Enterprise fans, you won’t find Captain Archer here) and available on Amazon from sellers as low as $4.00 including shipping, this collection makes for wonderful bedside reading, or simply for fulfilling your Trek cravings when you don’t have time to commit to a full novel or adaptation. In this collection, you’ll read stories about Captains Dickenson, Hardison, April, Pike, Kirk, Decker, Spock, Harriman, Garrett, and Picard, each with a brief introduction of the author and their relevance to the story. Speaking of authors, Enterprise Logs boasts some of the best names in the Star Trek novel universe, including Diane Carey (author of the Star Trek: New Earth series) and A.C. Crispin (Sarek). To put the series in perspective, a brief prologue introduces the Enterprise herself, along with memories from Gene Roddenberry as he developed the series. Did you know that the Enterprise was originally going to be named the Yorktown? Wise choice, Mr. Roddenberry! Read about how Captain Dickerson led a naval blockade with Benedict Arnold. Fight alongside Captain Hardison at Guadalcanal as he struggles with his friend’s divided loyalties. Experience Captain Kirk fulfilling more than his captainly duties once again to solve a murder, this time without his ethical trio counterparts of Spock and McCoy. Have you ever wanted to learn more about the complicated relationship between Mr. Spock and Saavik, merely hinted at in Wrath of Khan? Overall, Enterprise Logs is decently well written, and provides the easily digestible units of additional content about some of our favorite characters that we crave. While you’ll likely find yourself reading through from cover to cover in a few evenings of reading, it is a collection well worth the tiny price for the insatiable fan in us.

My feeling was that if you didn’t believe you were in a vehicle traveling through space, a vehicle that made sense, whose layout and design made sense… then you wouldn’t believe in the series. – Gene Roddenberry Rating: AAAAa (Ensign James Davis is the newest member of the Hephaestus and is station at Columbus AFB, MS)

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Graphic Novel Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Shattered Empire Writer: Greg Rucka, Artist: Marco Checchetto, Colors: Andres Mossa Review by Captain MarkAdam Miller So the Emperor is dead. The second Deathstar is destroyed. The Empire is destroyed. Right? Follow Lt. Shara Bey and her husband Sgt. Kes Dameron as they pick up the pieces after the Return of the Jedi. Is everything going to be peaceful or do they have more fighting to do to clean up the empire? The comic starts out great. You are introduced to some background characters from the Rebels who fought at the Moon of Endor. The action picks up just before the Deathstar is destroyed and goes into the celebration afterwards. Once I picked up the comic I could not stop reading. Supper being ready was the only thing that stopped me and I was ž the way through. This looks to be as good as the other ones that Marvel has put out. If you want to prepare for Star Wars: The Force Awakens then this is a good place to start. If you haven't already then you might want to pick up the other Marvel Star Wars titles: Star Wars, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Kannan: The Last Padawan and Lando. All these have been great reads and the artwork has been great. Rating: AAAAA Did I miss something? You have an interesting movie or TV show you would like to review or be reviewed? Then send me your suggestions and articles to

Memorable Charters of Star Trek

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


The Star Trek Cast

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


While on an Away Mission By Captain MarkAdam Miller (Previously: I was given orders to head to the Klingon Home world, Kronos (Q’onoS). The chancellor was asking for Ambassador Burtyk and myself to help with a problem.) I headed back to the ship to set out for Kronos. It would take a couple of days to get there as we were not near the Klingon Empire. I went to the Ambassador’s quarters and found him reading a Klingon book on the Battle of T’ethlu. I handed him the PADD and said we were ready to depart as soon as he was ready. He took a quick glance at it, got a quick grin on his face and said, “I am ready, so let’s get going.” We headed to the bridge. Pete was at Navigation and Ensign Nicole Bentley was at the helm. I ordered a course set for Kronos at Warp 6.6, our top cruising speed. Ensign Bentley quickly pulled out of space dock—I would have to check the navigation logs later as it seemed she did it a little fast. I chalked it up to eagerness, but she is not the one who would get the ticket for speeding through space dock—I would. Pete reported, “It will take 52 hours to get to Kronos at Wrap 6.6.” I though for a moment and responded, “Maintain speed for now. If new info comes in that indicates that we need to get there sooner, I will talk to Chief Engineer Hurst to see how hard we can push the engines.” Cmdr. Flo Hurst was the best engineer in Starfleet. She was taught by Capt. Montgomery Scott when he was at the Academy. He personally recommended Cmdr Hurst to Admiral Danny Potts when Admiral Potts was in command of the Hephaestus and was looking for a Chief Engineer. Cmdr Hurst treats the Hephaestus as her personal ship and the CO as just borrowing it to do what they need. I liked this attitude because I know this is one of the things that make our ship the best in the Fleet. After I was sure the ship was on course and there were no major issues to handle, I turned the bridge over to Pete. As I was leaving I saw our new Ensign, James Davis, take over navigation from Pete. I headed to the engine room to talk to Flo. Cmdr Hurst was going over anti-matter flow procedures with Cadets Mohney and Youngblood. She was riding them hard and the young cadets were visibly sweating from the work. Cmdr Hurst seemed to be stern but a twinkle in here eye assured me she thought she has some very capable cadets. That twinkle in her eye reminded me of the time I took the course “Emergency Engineering Problem Solving Techniques” that was taught by Captain Scott. He had retired from the Academy, but still taught this course. I had made a bone-head mistake and he took me to task over it. I felt he really had it in for me because he seemed to enjoy pointing out my mistakes. Every time he did, he had that twinkle in his eye. At the end of the course I felt I had failed because my grade was not posted and I was called to his office. Capt Scott asked if I felt he had been too hard on me. I said, “No but I feel you were harder on me than the other cadets.” Capt Scott then asked “Do you know why I was harder on you?” Before I could answer he said, “Because I have not seen an engineer as good as you since Flo Hurst.” He then hands me a Certificate of Excellence in Emergency Engineering Problem Solving Techniques. There was that twinkle again.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


I was wondering if Capt Scott had taught the twinkle to Commander Hurst or if Commander Hurst had some Scottish blood in her. If he had taught her, I hope that she teaches me how to do it some day. Cmdr Hurst turned the cadets over to Ensign Robinson and we went into her office. I gave Flo the outline of what we needed to do and that we might need to go to max warp to get to Kronos. With a twinkle in her eye Cmdr Hurst smiled and said, “My engineering crew will get you and the Ambassador there in plenty of time, even if the whole engineering crew has to get out and push the ship themselves.” I thumbed the Com and called the bridge. “Admiral Mohney, Warp 8.7 to Kronos.” I heard the smile in Pete’s voice as he quickly responded, “Aye Captain, estimated time to Kronos – 36 hrs.” From the quick response I knew Pete had anticipated that we would be going to maximum warp and had already made the calculation for the speed increase. Pete, being a former CO of the ship, always knew what I was going to do before I commanded it… (to be Continued?) (While on an Away Mission is a fictional account of things that the Hephaestus might run into on her Voyages. You can help. Looking for suggestions on what is wrong on Kronos (Q’onoS). Tell me what you think was the Tribble incident from last time. All so tell me how you would like to be included. Send your suggestions to

Name the Voyager Episode Time and Again – S1E4

Learning Curve – S1E16

Survival Instinct – S6E2

Hope and Fear – S4E26

The Killing Game – S4E18/19

Innocence – S2E22

Real Life – S3E22

Someone to Watch Over Me – S5E22

Shattered – S7E11

Prototype – S2E13

How hard was it? Did you get them all? If you have a suggestion or a question then sends them to

Hunt for the Icon Did you find the five Icons last month? Last month’s Icon was }. If you did not find them all they were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Table of Contents page – 2nd Column after the paragraph on the Hephaestus Pg.2 – beginning of 3rd paragraph of Region 2 Coordinator’s briefing Pg. 4– Away Team & Activity Schedule After Anvil Deadline on Nov. 7th Pg.6 – before the last quote in the 1st column Pg17 – end of 2nd paragraph in the While on Away Mission Story

I hope you found them all. This Month five { (ships)are hidden in the Anvil. The five doesn’t include the example above...

Kirk [to Spock]: I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time. Spock: Captain, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted. – The Devil in the Dark USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


Area Conventions & Exhibits For additional Cons please go to

September February 1- December 31, 2015 – 101 Rocket City Inventions, U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL Inspired by the featured exhibit, "101 Inventions that Changed the World," the Center has developed a Huntsville component that showcases the creative spirit of the community that sent man to the moon. "101 Rocket City Inventions" includes local patents that track the history of a cotton town turned Rocket City. The exhibition is designed to reflect Huntsville’s robust culture of invention and innovation for products, services and technologies.

October October 10-11, 2015 – Rocket City Lit Fest, Von Braun Center. South Hall. Huntsville, AL Come join us to celebrate storytelling in all forms! We are a family-oriented literary festival and our program will be packed with activities for all age. Guest :Homer Hickam, Roger Reid,Staphanie Osborn, Les Johnson and The Hillywood Show October 16-18, 2015 – Con*Stellation XXXIII, Four Points by Sheraton Huntsville Airport, Huntsville, AL An annual general interest Science Fiction & Fantasy convention in Huntsville Alabama. Con†Stellation (or Con*Stellation) is an annual, fan-run, general-interest science fiction & fantasy convention sponsored by NASFA—the North Alabama Science Fiction Association. Guest Orspn Scott Card and Sam Flegal,

October 23-25, 2015 – Rocket City NerdCon, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library, Huntsville, AL The Huntsville-Madison County Public Library is hosting the second annual Rocket City NerdCon (RCNC) fan convention in Huntsville on Oct. 23-25, 2015 at the Downtown Branch Library. The idea behind this event is to create a local convention similar to other fan and industry conventions around the country. Rather than limit ourselves to a particular group or genre, we are seeking to include as many different representations of fan communities as possible. Basically, if people can geek out about it, we want to celebrate it.

This section lists Cons that might be if interest to our group. It is not intended to be a complete list. If I’ve missed one, please let me know so I can list it in the next issue. Also please post any Con that your fellow crewmen might find of interest on our Facebook group.

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil


By Captain MarkAdam Miller Are you looking to fast track your way into Starfleet Academy? There is an easy way to start taking courses. Starfleet Academy has developed the Fully Automated Course (FAC) Program. This program sends you on your way at warp speed: getting the materials your need, taking the exams and being able to have a customized diploma presented to you—all online. There are over 50 courses to choose from. The best one to start with if you haven’t taken it already is Officer Training School (OTS). This will is a low to moderate course that helps give you an overview of what being a member of Starfleet is all about. To get started just go to the web address below: Have fun! Live Long and Prosper!

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

The Anvil



Executive Committee

MarkAdam Miller, Captain – Commanding Officer Phillip Mangina, Lt. – 1st Officer Brenda Miller, Lt Cmdr – Second Officer

SueEllen Mohney, Captain Denby Potts, Rear Admiral Danny Potts, Rear Admiral



Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Archaeology and Anthropology

Pete Mohney, Admiral

Computer Sciences


Danny Potts, Rear Admiral

Flo Hurst, Commander



Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr Pat Simmons, Lt Cmdr Donald Arnold, Ensign(3C)

Roy Green, Brigadier, SFMC – Security Intelligence, Chief Sandra Holsey, Ensign Nicole Breanne Bentley, Ensign



SueEllen Mohney, Captain – Chief of Operations and Counselor Shelia Benton, Lt Col – Stampede Coordinator, SFMC Brenda A. Miller, Lt Cmdr – Ships Administrative Assistant Lynnette Yawn, Lt. – Ships Galley Officer

Neil Yawn, Lt. General, SFMC Roy Green, Brigadier ,SFMC Shelia Benton, Lt Col



Shelia Benton, Lt Commander – Chief Medical Officer, SFMD

Mike Burtyk Shirley Burton Dennis Evans, Fleet Captain(ret.)

Cadet Training

Unassigned Crew and Civilians

Katrina Mohney, Cadet Crewman Tara Mohney, Cadet Athena Youngblood, Cadet

Pat Hicks, Fleet Captain Renee Gainer, Lt JG Diedra Robinson, Ensign Haley Youngblood, Crewmen Matthew Potts, Crewmen James Davis, Ensign

USS Hephaestus


Always Onward

For More Information Contact: Captain MarkAdam Miller 1204 Southwind Dr. Helena, Al 35080

Lt. Phillip Mangina 3056 Fox Trail Fultondale, AL 35068

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