Provide leadership and central sup-
Develop focused strategic partners
port to enhance global engagement at home and abroad.
for enhancing global engagement.
Enhance student academic success
by integrating global perspectives and internationally engaged learning experiences into programs on campus and abroad.
Promote faculty and staff global
scholarship and research.
Increase global extension, engage-
ment, and economic development activities.
ABOUT THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The Office of International Affairs (OIA) supports the University’s overall mission of being locally responsive to the needs of our community while promoting globally engaged research, education, and economic development programs that address the grand challenges of our global society. OIA provides university-level leadership, innovation, and coordination to equip students, faculty, staff, and the communities we serve with the global knowledge, cultural understanding, skills, and experience to succeed in the new global economy. OIA collaborates with other units and our strategic partners in creation, implementation, and coordination of integrative, multidisciplinary, and globally focused education, research, and economic development programs to address the grand challenges of our global society. OIA serves as the “University Center for Global Engagement� by supporting global partnerships, promoting international programs, planning and managing global activities, assisting academic planning for global knowledge/experience requirements, and providing logistical support for all international engagement on campus and abroad.
NC State is a recipient of the 2014 Senator Paul Simon Award
The Association of International Educators. The award recognizes
for Campus Internationalization, an honor presented by NAFSA:
locally responsive. globally engaged. universities that are making significant, well-planned, well-executed, and well-documented progress toward comprehensive internationalization - especially those using innovative and creative approaches.
HIGHLIGHTS IN GROWTH from 2013-2014 to 2014-2015 NC State ranks
1st 38th
in the state and
nationally in international student enrollment.
+10.5% +5.5% +6%
from 3,413 to 3,774 international students increase from 538 to 568 J-1 research scholars from 1,180 to 1,249 total out-going NC State students in study abroad
increase in participation rates among racial/ethnic minority students since 2011-2012
in the past 3 years to $245,750 in study abroad funding this year
UNITS OF OIA OIA provides the overall leadership and coordination of NC State’s international programs and globalization strategies.
study abroad office (SAO)
The Study Abroad Office serves students by providing many opportunities to study all over the world.
office of international services (OIS)
The Office of International Services provides support and services for international students, faculty, and staff.
intensive english program (IEP)
The Intensive English Program is a full-time, noncredit academic English language and culture training program.
global training initiative (GTI)
The Global Training Inititative provides programming and support for visiting international students and educational training for international groups.
confucius institute (CI)
The Confucius Institute enhances cultural understanding and expands knowledge of the Chinese culture.
japan center
The Japan Center works to strengthen North Carolina’s ties with Japan and to provide resources for those interested in academic, cultural, or economic ties with Japan.
global health initiative (GHI)
The Global Heath Initiative works to increase campus community activities related to global health and aims to enhance collaboration in research, education, and engagement.
peace corps office
The Peace Corps Office aims to recruit NC graduates to serve as volunteers and also provides services for returned Peace Corps Volunteers in North Carolina.
Provide leadership and central support to enhance global engagement at home and abroad. In support of Goal 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Pathway to the Future
2014 - 2015 Major Achievements International Zone at Packapalooza OIA hosted the International Zone at Packapalooza, exposing more than 55,000 people to the diverse global community of NC State. The zone featured interactive and engaging cultural activities and a Parade of Flags.
Global Climate Change Lecture More than 600 people attended a lecture on Global Climate Change by Nobel Laureate and NC State alumnus Dr. Rajendra Pachauri in September 2014. View a video of the event:
US Department of State Diaspora Tour at NC State The Secretary’s Office of Global Partnerships and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the International Diaspora Engagement Alliance in 2011. It has since become one of the U.S. Government’s most well-known avenues for diaspora community engagement to aid development in their countries. The Diaspora Tour takes Washington on the road and brought U.S. Government diaspora engagement to NC State in September 2014. The event included an engaging panel of community members, industry representatives, and NC State faculty and students.
US-China Summit: Cultivating World Class Leaders More than 200 people attended the 4th Biennial North Carolina Summit on US-China Education at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. The Summit is organized every two years for North Carolina education, government, and business leaders to witness how NC has grown in Chinese language and cultural programs, and to cultivate collaboration to meet the growing demand of Chinese language in NC. The next Summit will be held in 2016, hosted by the Friday Institute.
Develop focused strategic partners for enhancing global engagement. In support of Goal 5, Pathway to the Future
2014 - 2015 Major Achievements Strengthening Partnerships In 2014-2015, OIA strengthened engagement with strategically important partnerships and continued to support internationalization efforts. We signed or renewed 25 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and agreements with international institutions to implement programs ranging from student and faculty exchange to education and academic training. While MOUs formalized new relationships with the Embassy of Oman, University of Zagreb, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, renewed agreements bolstered our longstanding ties with Nagoya University, University of Costa Rica, and Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur. These contracts demonstrate OIA’s success in expanding strategic partnerships that leverage mutual strengths and facilitate opportunities for faculty to internationalize research and teaching activities.
UGPN Research Collaboration Fund OIA, in collaboration with strategic partners, facilitated the fourth cycle of the funding program, supporting international activities leading to high quality research collaborations between researchers at UGPN partner institutions. Six projects were selected to receive funding out of a total of 16 proposals. NC State faculty were well-represented on this fourth funding cycle with representation on 14 out of the 16 proposals.
Adelaide-NC State Research Starter Grants The strategic partnership between the University of Adelaide and North Carolina State University leverages complementary strengths and trans-disciplinary scholarship to advance collaborative research and academic exchanges. This year, OIA called for joint proposals for the development of research collaborations, granting up to $20,000 per proposal. These grants are designed to foster and grow early-stage research partnerships into more substantive engagement, eventually leading to international research training for graduate students or early career faculty, publication of joint papers from collaborative research, or follow-on joint research bids.
Welcoming Delegations OIA hosted 35 delegations for a total of 148 visitors who met with faculty and university leaders, conducted research seminars and workshop sessions. One such delegation was part of the Global Training Initiative’s (GTI’s) Nagoya Training program. In partnerships with Nagoya University in Japan, GTI hosted a 2-week program for 16 Nagoya University students majoring in various science and engineering programs. This comprehensive program allowed the students to learn from researchers at NC State and in private industry. The program included visits to various labs around the NC State campus, the FrenchFamily Science Center at Duke University, the research campus in Kannapolis, as well as site visits to major companies such as Monsanto, Syngenta, and Eisai.
Global Scholars Gather for UGPN Conference NC State hosted the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Conference March 23-24, 2015 at Hunt Library. The conference brought together researchers, academics, administrators, and staff from the three member institutions: University of Surrey, University of Sao Paulo, and NC State--as well as participants from other leading organizations and institutions. The focus is on expansion of joint research collaboration within a strategic framework that will advance “Innovation in Sustainable Research Collaboration and Scientific Exchange.” The program consisted of seminar presentations, themed panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
ENHANCE STUDENT ACADEMIC SUCCESS Enhance student academic success by integrating global perspectives and internationally engaged learning experiences into programs on campus and abroad. In support of Goals 1 & 3, Pathway to the Future
2014 - 2015 Major Achievements International student enrollment increased for the 10th consecutive year for a total of 3,774 students, placing NC State as 38th in the nation among international student enrollment at Doctoral institutions according to the 2014 Open Doors report. NC State remains the #1 institution in the State for international student enrollment. Facilitating the success of international students and researchers from more than 117 countries makes a significant impact on elevating academic and research programs at NC State toward becoming more global, diverse, and relevant. Both these international students and researchers, and the domestic students and faculty they interact with, are becoming the next generation of leaders of the state, the nation, and the world.
Undergraduate International Student Success OIS launched a new orientation volunteer program for Undergraduate students, called the Culture to Culture Ambassador Program (CCAP).
CCAP mentors
assist fellow undergraduate international students before they arrive and during the first few weeks at NC State. Ambassadors provide fundamental support to their mentees by introducing them to campus life at NC State, making them aware of the academic resources available, and helping them acclimate to life in Raleigh. The program requires a commitment of one semester, and if completed successfully, the student ambassadors receive a certificate at the end.
Social Media Leveraged to Increase Study Abroad Participation During the 2014-2015 academic year, approximately 1,250 students participated in study abroad programs, an increase of 6% from the previous year. Thanks to social media, you can follow the journey and hear their stories as they happen. The Study Abroad Office implemented a new #PackAbroad photo-journalism and social media scholarship where students received training from a professional NC State photographer.
First Annual Chancellor’s Study Abroad Scholarship Funds Nine Students Nine students received the Chancellor’s Study Abroad Scholarship for 2014, the program’s inaugural year. Increasing access to international experiences is a strategic priority for the university, but the scholarship is also intended to increase the diversity in study abroad participants by targeting underrepresented groups. For 2015, Chancellor Randy Woodson is doubling the Chancellor’s Study Abroad Scholarships budget to $50,000, with each of 20 to 25 selected students receiving $2,000 to $2,500 toward an international educational experience.
Saudi Students Choose NC State The Global Training Initiative partnered with the Intensive English Program to develop and deliver a nine month noncredit preparatory program for 15 gifted Saudi students called the King Abdullah School of Science & Math (KAUST) Foundation Year Program. Eight will be matriculating in the fall as new freshman, choosing NC State over top-tier institutions. The Global Training Initiative and Intensive English Program will welcome the second round of KAUST students this fall.
Cultural Exchange Network Connects SKEMA Students to Campus Life The Global Training Initiative was the primary facilitator of the integration and support of 659 SKEMA French Business School Students. Part of the integration included participation in the growing Cultural Exchange Network program, with more than 814 participants. The program connects NC State students to SKEMA students and students from GTI partner schools in Brazil, China, and Taiwan.
Members participate in activities, seminars, and workshops throughout the year.
FACULTY & STAFF GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIP Promote faculty and staff global scholarship and research In support of Goals 2, 3 & 4, Pathway to the Future
2014 - 2015 Major Achievements Seed Grant Program Awarded 29K for International Projects In partnership with the University Standing Committee on International Programs, OIA funded six Internationalization Seed Grant Proposals for a total of $29,060. These 6 proposals, representing 11 faculty from College of Design, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Textiles, Poole College of Management, and the Graduate School, were selected from 21 submissions. Proposals were evaluated based on: significance and relevance to the university; novelty; feasibility of funding and implementation; long-term sustainability; and the global impact for students, staff and faculty.
Faculty Recognized for Global Engagement More than 100 faculty, staff, and students attended the the Global Engagement Exposition to learn about NC State’s achievements in internationalization and to recognize global award nominees and recipients. Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Warwick Arden recognized three faculty and staff for Leadership in International Education; nine faculty nominees and three winners for the Outstanding Global Engagement Award; and three nominees and one winner for the Jackson Rigney International Service Award. The event also featured a poster session showcasing engagement in international research, teaching, and extension.
Visiting Scholars Have Big Impact The number of visiting research scholars increased 5.5% from 538 to 568 J-1 research scholars. The scholars have a big impact on research and are making significant contributions to teaching and research programs at NC State. Dr. Zhilin Li (pictured to the right), of the Mathematics Department, has hosted scholars from Spain, Moldova, and China. He recommends looking into NC State’s partner universities for opportunities to collaborate with and host scholars, which can be a real benefit for faculty. He says the benefits extend even after a visiting scholar has returned home because “once they go back, they will remember you and continue your research.” The list of NC State partner institutions can be found at
Funding for Global Scholarship & Research OIA invested $140,000 to support faculty international activities by funding multiple research collaboration proposals including Internationalization Seed Grants, University Global Partnership Network Research Collaboration Fund, and Adelaide-NC State Research Starter Grants.
International Grant Development Significant progress was made this year in leading and facilitating faculty for international grant development. OIA units obtained a total of $800,000 from multiple foundations and sponsored programs, and assisted a $1.5 million grant for the College of Education. Dr. Hiller Spires and her team at the College of Education are breaking new ground in Suzhou, China to build a new school that will educate students using creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The partnership in China resulted from seed funding and a delegation visit led by OIA in 2007. “By drawing on the best of Chinese education and the best of American education, the model school will represent advanced thinking in contemporary education,” said Spires.
GLOBAL EXTENSION, ENGAGEMENT, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Increase global extension, engagement and economic development activities In support of Goals 1 & 5, Pathway to the Future
2014 - 2015 Major Achievements
OIA Strengthens Partership with US Citizenship & Immigration Services OIA continued to strengthen its partnership with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) this year. In addition to the annual citizenship ceremony held during International Education Month, OIA hosted a large ceremony at Hunt Library on July 30th for 180 new citizens whose originally planned ceremony was canceled due to a hurricane. Additionally, OIA hosted a USCIS workshop on campus during the Spring 2015 semester for educators to learn best practices for teaching citizenship preparation.
6th Annual Chinese Language Contest The Confucius Institute hosted its 6th Annual Chinese Language Contest, attracting a total of 428 participants across NC to compete in Chinese speaking and writing. The CI created the contest to encourage new language learners and to create a platform for students to see that students like them can study and learn Chinese. As Chinese language programs are growing across the State, this contest has seen tremendous growth in participation and support. This year, prizes to the 39 students that competed in the finals totaled over $6,000.
Chinese Language Learning Opportunities The Confucius Institute (CI) provided Chinese classes for over 3,600 students and language and culture programming for over 90,000 people across NC. CI awarded $6,000 in prizes to finalists in the 6th Annual North Carolina Chinese Speech and Writing Contests and donated over $6,000 worth of Chinese language materials to schools to support language programs.
Japan Center Instrumental in Recruiting Japanese Business to Wake County The NC Japan Center played a crucial role in recruiting CBC Americas Corp. to North Carolina. The corporation plans to move its headquarters from New York to Wake County to open a distribution center, creating about 100 jobs and investing at least $3.5 million in North Carolina over the next five years. The deal was announced by CBC’s Senior Executive Vice President and COO Kazuhiko Kondo, Governor Pat McCrory, State Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III, and Chancellor Randy Woodson at the Japan Center on April 22, 2015. McCrory said Dr. John Baugh, the center’s director, and the center’s staff were resources throughout the recruitment process.
Bookstore Launches New Products to Celebrate NC State’s Global Diversity NC State Bookstores has partnered with the Office of International Affairs to introduce a new line of products to celebrate NC State’s diversity and global reach. A t-shirt and mug featuring a design based on the word WOLPACK depicted in various languages are currently on sale at the NC State Bookstore.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Megan Winzeler, Editor Karen Ives, Editor Stephanie Huang, Graphic Designer Contributors: Dr. Bailian Li, Vice Provost for International Affairs David Dixon, Manager of Global Partnerships Anna Lamm, Confucius Institute Director Michael Bustle, Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs & Global Training Initiative Director Karin Sandler, Intensive English Program Director John Baugh, Japan Center Director Elizabeth James, Office of International Services Director Ingrid Schmidt, Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs & Study Abroad Director
314 First Year College Commons (919) 515-3201