A Newsletter of NC State’s Office of International Affairs
February 2014
“Costa Rica is an important strategic hub for NC State that has recently gained excitement
A Message from
Vice Provost Dr. Bailian Li
and momentum. On February 6th, a group of more than 25 faculty and staff gathered from across multiple disciplines for a Seminar and Roundtable to share connections and strategic opportunities in Costa Rica. The strategic partnership that NC State has with Costa Rica is an excellent example of what we are trying to achieve with hubs around the world.” Continue reading.
Vice Provost Message...................................... 1
Faculty & Staff Global Engagement.............. 3
Seminars Tackle Global Issues........................ 2
News & Announcements................................ 4
GLOBALEYES February 2014
Seminars Tackle Global Issues
A Focus on Health, Public Policy & Religion Global Health Initiative & Study Abroad Host Dr. Cu The Global Health Initiative was thrilled to co-‐‑ host an event on January 23, in partnership with the Study Abroad Office, for Dr. Silvia Cu. Cu is a rural public health doctor who has been a practicing physician and surgeon, primarily in the Department of Solola, near Lake Atitlan in the mountains of Guatemala. She works in both the hospital, and the outlying health clinic, seYings. Cu has specialized in working with women and children to improve nutrition, health standards and reproductive health. She also has a private practice serving local patients in Panajachel where she lives and serves as the physician for the Guatemala Social Work and Anthropology Study Abroad Programs. There were approximately 40 aYendees, a combination of both students and faculty, with whom Dr. Cu shared her experiences with healthcare, and health disparities, associated with the indigenous population of Guatemala. Dr. Cu mentioned that she is always in need of help, and that interested students are always welcome to travel to Guatemala and work with her. If you are interested in performing health work in G u a t e m a l a , p l e a s e c o n t a c t globalhealth@ncsu.edu. Read more.
Top/Right Photo: Dr. Sylvia Cu speaks to a crowd at an event hosted by the Global Health Initiative & Study Abroad. Above Photo: Students, faculty and staff gather to listen to remarks from Dr. Cu.
Global Issues Seminars: From U.S. Trade Policy to Islamic Awakening The Global Issues Seminars feature panels of NC State experts tackling global issues that are relevant to North Carolina, the nation, and the world. This semester, OIA has teamed up with the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA). Three seminars derive topics from the Great Decisions Lecture Series featured by the Foreign Policy Association. This past Tuesday, the seminar covered U.S. Trade Policy and promoting the benefits of democracy and the free market. The next seminar on Tuesday, February 25, will cover Defense Technology, and the issues the U.S. must navigate in adaption to new baYlefield technology. The final seminar of the semester will be held on March 25 and tackles the issue of Islamic Awakening. Seminars are free and open to the public. More information on upcoming seminars can be found here.
GLOBALEYES February 2014
Faculty & Staff Global Engagement Opportunities for International Involvement Call for Global Awards Nominations: Due March 3rd
Call for Papers: Gender Issues in Costa Rica
Do you have a colleague who has made significant contributions to the university or the world in international research, scholarship or service? Faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to global engagement at NC State are eligible to be nominated for two different global awards this spring. Nominate deserving faculty and staff by March 3rd!
Gender Issues is a peer-‐‑reviewed, interdisciplinary, multinational journal published quarterly by Springer Publications in both online and print versions. Housed at the NC State Women’s Center, Gender Issues publishes basic and applied research examining gender relationships as well as the impact of economic, legal, political, and social forces on those relationships across four domains:
Photo: Last year’s Outstanding Global Engagement award winners pictured at the Global Engagement Exposition on April 11, 2013.
1. Understanding gender socialization, personality, and behavior in a gendered context. 2. Exploring the wide range of relationships within the gender spectrum, such as acquaintances, friendships, romantic, and professional relationships. 3. Assessing the impact of economic, legal, political, and social changes on gender identity, expression, and gender relations. 4. Interpreting the impact of economic, legal, political, and social changes on the aspirations, status and roles of people internationally.
OIA to Host Reception for Visiting International Scholars More than 330 visiting international scholars from over 30 countries around the world currently call NC State home. Visiting scholars benefit the entire campus by bringing a global perspective to our research labs, classrooms and community. The Office of International Affairs will host a reception to celebrate and honor this unique population on Tuesday, March 4th from 4:30-‐‑6:00pm at Witherspoon Student Center. OIA invites faculty to aYend the reception to learn more about hosting opportunities. You’ll hear from current faculty about the many benefits of hosting, learn about the services offered for facilitating the process and you will also have the opportunity to network with scholars from across the globe. The reception is free and food and drinks will be served. To join the networking reception, please e-‐‑mail Megan Landwehr at mmlandwe@ncsu.edu to RSVP before Feb. 21st.
Manuscripts are being accepted now through November 14, 2014. A special issue about gender issues in Costa Rica will be published in early 2015 and NC State faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to consider submiYing. For more information, please visit hYp://link.springer.com/ journal/12147 or contact Editor in Chief, Dr. Ashley Simons-‐‑Rudolph apsimons@ncsu.edu
GLOBALEYES February 2014
News & Announcements From OIA Units
GTI Seeking Host Families
Study Abroad Office Launches New Website The Study Abroad Office has recently launched a brand new look for the Study Abroad website. The main content of their website has now shifted to a WordPress site in an effort to provide beYer information, reorganized for specific audiences. Information will be organized to beYer serve the needs of Students, Incoming Exchange students, Faculty and Staff, and Parents and Family. Other changes include an easier to use calendar of U p c o m i n g E ve n t s a n d F e a t u r e d S t o r i e s highlighting some of the great opportunities supported through the Study Abroad Office. The Program Search and Study Abroad Application System will not be changing. Faculty, staff, and students will still be able to gain access to the Application System through a Login menu option on the right side of each page using their unity ID and password. The new website can be accessed at hYp://studyabroad.ncsu.edu/.
The Global Training Initiative is looking for 4 -‐‑ 5 host family volunteers for visiting scholars from Nagoya University in Japan. These students will be here for two weeks for a program focused on ‘Research, Culture, and Innovation’ including a variety of workshops and site visits to places such as PraY Engineering labs and Schenck Forest ropes course. Each family would host 2 -‐‑ 3 students for dinner on Thursday, March 13, and would pick up students from Avent Ferry Complex at 5:30pm and drop them off back at Avent Ferry at 10 pm. If interested, please contact Kristine Sloan before Feb. 28th at lksloan@ncsu.edu.
Krispy Kreme Challenge 2014 On February 8, nearly 8,000 people participated in the Krispy Kreme Challenge, running five miles and eating a dozen donuts a piece to help raise $200,000 for the North Carolina Children’s Hospital. This was the 10th Annual Krispy Kreme Challenge, which has been a wildly popular event on campus that draws many students as well as faculty. A team of OIA staff members successfully completed the challenge in high spirits and they look forward to participating next year. Photo: Staff members from the Office of International Services and the Study Abroad Office pose for a photo after successfully completing the 5-‐‑mile Krispy Kreme Challenge.
GLOBALEYES February 2014
2/25/2014, 7:00PM Withers 232A GLOBAL AWARDS NOMINATIONS DUE
4/10/2014 University Club For a full calendar of global events, visit us at
international-affairs@ncsu.edu 314 First Year Commons / Raleigh, NC 27695 / 919.515.3201
Office of International Affairs Units
Office of International Services
Intensive English Program
Study Abroad Office
NC State Confucius Institute
Global Health Initiative
NC Japan Center
Global Training Initiative
Peace Corps Office
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