GlobalEYES October 2013

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A Newsletter of NC State’s Office of International Affairs


October 2013

“International education is always a priority at NC State, but will be especially celebrated

A Message from

Vice Provost Dr. Bailian Li

throughout the month of November to commemorate the joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education as they promote International Education Week around the country.” Continue reading.



Vice Provost Message...................................... 1

Global Outreach & Extension........................ 4

Globally Integrated Students......................... 2

OIA Announcements....................................... 5

Globally Engaged Faculty............................... 3

Events................................................................ 6

GLOBALEYES October 2013


Globally Integrated Students An International Campus Community International Students “Race around the World” The International Festival of Raleigh draws thousands of people each year to the Convention Center downtown to celebrate music, food and culture from around the globe. The 28th festival, held from October 4th-­‐‑ October 6th featured a new and exciting element this year, “Raleigh’s Race around the World.” Seven teams competed in pairs to test their cultural savvy and worldly wisdom, modeled after the reality television show, The Amazing Race. Raleigh’s Race around the World was hosted by Bates Ba[aglia, the most recent Amazing Race winner, Raleigh resident and former Carolina Hurricanes hockey player. The competing teams were surprised to find they each had a third teammate to help them compete when they arrived at the festival to start the race. Seven international students from NC State were invited to join each of the teams. Students from China, India and Russia helped the competitors with c h a l l e n g e s s u c h a s w r i t i n g C h i n e s e calligraphy, Continue Reading

Study Abroad Fair: International Opportunities for Globally-Aware Students On the first Friday of October, students streamed into Carmichael Gym to get excited and learn about all the study abroad opportunities available here at NC State. Over 1,400 students interested in gaining a more global perspective a[ended, a record number of participants for the Study Abroad Fair. There were 78 various tables set up around the court, offering a broad range of information to potential study abroad students, from studying for a summer in Prague or Peru to semester-­‐‑long programs in China or London. Students concerned about financial aid and scholarship programs f o u n d h e l p f u l a s s i s t a n c e a n d encouragement from the various offices represented. NC State offers an extensive number of programs all around the world, allowing students to take advantage of opportunities to broaden their horizons and get out of their comfort zones learning in a real world classroom. It is the university’s hope that the resources that are available will encourage even more students to consider gaining international experience and exposure to different cultures.

GLOBALEYES October 2013

Globally Engaged Faculty Partnerships with China

Strategic Partnerships: Focus on Nanjing Normal University Nanjing Normal University (NNU) in China sent a delegation of 25 leaders, faculty, staff and students to NC State from October 13th-­‐‑14th. The delegation included Vice President Miao Jiandong, 6 Deans and Directors, 4 faculty, 3 staff and 11 students. Delegation representatives spanned several disciplines ranging from music, humanities and social sciences, business, foreign languages and international affairs. While at NC State, visitors from NNU hosted a Talent Recruitment Workshop at Hunt Library, students performed a traditional Chinese folk cultural performance at Thompson Theatre, the delegation celebrated the academic partnership with NC State and a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed to further expand the partnership. NNU delegation leaders met with the President of the University of North Carolina system, Tom Ross and Chancellor Randy Woodson on Monday, October 14th to sign a new MOU to formalize an academic partnership with Financial Mathematics and Operations Research. Read More.


“The relationship with NNU is a very important part of our strategic plan as we move forward.” ~ Associate Vice Provost Michael Bustle

China Reception Celebrates Collaborations Faculty, staff and students came together on October 8th to celebrate NC State’s international partnerships and collaborations with China at the event, “NC State & China: University Wide Reception.” The event was sponsored by the College of Education, Confucius Institute and the Office of International Affairs as part of a series of Regional Receptions meant to bring people together to share, network and learn about opportunities for collaboration in different world regions. The fall reception focused on China and brought together approximately 100 people who began the reception by networking, eating a Chinese lunch catered by Taipei 101, and viewing 13 posters presented by individuals across the university doing research and programming with China. Reception a[endees heard about NC State’s overall relationship with China from Vice Provost for International Affairs, Dr. Bailian Li. Read More.

GLOBALEYES October 2013

Global Outreach & Extension

Building Partnerships around the World

Global Health Initiative Builds Outreach Opportunities in Philippines The Global Health Initiative’s Global Health Programs Manager, Alex Lombardi, travels to the Philippines to create opportunities for NC State students to work with Gawad Kalinga, an organization that aims to build communities and end poverty. Follow Alex as she blogs about the experience on the Global Health Blog.

The Colorado River: Promoting International Cooperation in Asia Earlier this month, the Southeast Climate Science Center (SE CSC) University Director and Professor of Biological Science, Dr. Damian Shea, hosted 25 water resource scientists and government managers from China and 11 other southern Asian countries to visit the Colorado River. This study tour was conducted in the hopes of promoting international cooperation and the development of progressive interdisciplinary capacity on transboundary waters within mainland Asia. Shea’s Asian colleagues were able to observe the management of the southern Colorado River, learning how the U.S. and Mexico reached their December 2012 agreement. A similar visit will be made to Africa next year to learn about how developing countries in Africa deal with transboundary water resource issues, and Professor Shea will be speaking about this experience at the Global Issues Seminar this month on October 28.


GLOBALEYES October 2013


Announcements Go Global!

CHASS: Foreign Language Certificates Gain a Spanish certificate through NC State from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce. NC State is one of the only universities that has consistently offered the certification for almost two decades through the partnership with Madrid’s Chamber of Commerce and the Universidad Alcalá de Henares. Certificates in Health Sciences, Business, and Tourism are available, not only to NC State students, but to the community at large as well. Registration for the next exam begins October 16, and the exam will take place on November 19. Ana Gray is the faculty director for the Spanish certificates who can help with registration and preparation for the exams. Contact her at for more information about this opportunity.

Fulbright Food Security Seminar: Host a Fulbright Scholar NC State has been asked to host the Fulbright Global Food Security Seminar from November 3-­‐‑6. Eighty international Fulbright scholars will be visiting from around the world, and will have the chance to gain a home stay experience in the form of a dinner spent with people who have volunteered to host them on Sunday, November 3rd. This is a great opportunity for these international scholars to have a taste of North Carolinian cuisine and hospitality as they a[end the seminar. Feel contact Kristine Sloan at for more information on hosting Fulbright scholars.

College of Education: Call for Poster Submissions In the spirit of International Education week, the College of Education and the Office of International and Distance Education Alliance (I+DEA) are pleased to announce the first Poster Symposium on “Perspectives on Diversity, Cultural Competence, and International Education,” in an effort to create awareness of diverse changes in a[itudes, behaviors, communication, and cultures. The poster symposium is a great chance to showcase the quality and diversity of u n d e r g r a d u a t e a n d g r a d u a t e -­‐‑ l e v e l international related research at NC State, and an opportunity to connect with students and sponsoring faculty across the university that share similar interests in topics related to international/multicultural/cross-­‐‑cultural e d u c a t i o n , c u l t u r a l c o m p e t e n c e , a n d internationalization of education. This event will be held in the Wachovia Room at the Friday Institute on Tuesday, November 19 from 4 -­‐‑ 8pm. Poster submissions are due on November 6. Please contact Pooneh Lari at for more information.

GLOBALEYES October 2013

Global Events at NC State China and the World: National Humanities Conference Held on October 26, this conference is a cooperative endeavor between the US National Humanities Center in RTP and the NC State Confucius Institute that aims to enhance the academic exchange between Chinese and American scholars. The theme of the conference is China and the World -­‐‑ Diversity of Civilizations and Cross-­‐‑cultural Communication, and over twenty scholars from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will be a[ending. Panel themes to be discussed include Chinese Literature & World Literature, Chinese Popular Culture and Globalization, China Study and its Importance to Cross-­‐‑cultural Communication, and Space and Civilization. Registration for the event ends October 24, and student rates are available.

Upcoming Events CHINA & THE WORLD

10/25/2013, 8:00AM US National Humanities Center GLOBAL ISSUES SEMINAR


11/09/2013, 9:00AM Carmichael Gym IEP INTERNATIONAL CONTRA DANCE

11/09/2013, 6:30PM West Raleigh Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall

International Education Week: OIA Celebrates all Month Long International Education Week, a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education takes place in N o ve m b e r. N C S t a t e w i l l c e l e b r a t e international education all month long through events, workshops, seminars and more! View the full calendar of events or submit an event on behalf of a university college, department, unit or student group.

For GlobalEYES submissions, comments or suggestions e-mail


For a full calendar of global events, visit us at

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