GlobalEYES Summer 2013

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A newsletter from NC State’s Office of International Affairs


Summer 2013

A Message from

Vice Provost Dr. Bailian Li

“As the summer comes to an end and we prepare to embark on the Fall 2013 semester, I would like to recognize the important role that international students and study abroad participants play on the campus community. Our strategic plan addresses this integral role in goal 2 which states, "Enhance student academic success by integrating global perspectives and internationally engaged learning experiences into programs on campus and abroad." As a state-wide leader in international student enrollment, we’re getting prepared to welcome over a thousand new international students within the next few weeks.”Read the full message here.



Vice Provost Message................................ 1

Community Outreach.............................. 5

Students Leading the Pack....................... 2

Campus Collaborations........................... 6

Globally Engaged Faculty & Staff........... 3

Upcoming Global Events........................ 7

Leadership in International Services...... 4

Announcements........................................ 8

GLOBALEYES Summer 2013


Leading the Pack

“I learned that reflecting doesn't always have to be done with pen and could be done using almost anything!”

Academic Consortium 21 International Graduate Summer School 2013 By: Jason Whitham “Science has no borders, but scientists have their own fatherlands.” This quote by Louis Pasteur was followed by a challenge for the students of Academic Consortium 21 (AC21) International Graduate Summer School 2013 to make global progress through strong friendships. This challenge was delivered by the 2001 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and RIKEN president, Dr. Ryoji Noyori, and resonated as a conference theme. Dr. Noyori’s keynote speech provided inspiration by highlighting several high impact scientific contributions such as the development of insecticides that prevent millions of cases of malaria annually and antibiotic stabilizers that protect newborns world-wide from pathogenic bacteria. AC21 in Bangkok covered a broad range of topics concerning timely and futuristic green science and technologies. For five days, Chulalongkorn University and Kasetsart University graciously hosted over 60 international students. Read More.

~Assir Abushouk

NC State Students Shine in International Video Competition NC State students placed in the top two in all three categories of The University of North Carolina's (UNC) first annual Global Voices International Video Competition, open to students across all 17 UNC campuses. Students showcased their international engagement in a variety of categories ranging from study abroad to international student involvement on campus. UNC sought submissions through their website, calling for "compelling, creative stories about where you've been, what you've experienced, and how your adventure has impacted you both personally and academically". With over 3,300 international students enrolled at NC State plus more than 400 different study abroad programs to choose from, it's no surprise that NC State students came out as winners in all contest categories. Read how global experiences impacted the winners by viewing the profiles and videos here.

Global Training Initiative Prepares Students for Graduate School in the U.S. The Global Training Initiative's (GTI) Summer Academic Program brought 22 college students from Beijing Forestry University and Xiamen University in China to NC State for four weeks this summer. The Summer Academic Program helps students prepare for graduate study in the United States and offers students a glimpse into what life is like on an American campus. The program features several short courses including a statistics course taught by

an NC State faculty member, a U.S. culture course taught by GTI staff and intensive English training. Beyond the classroom, students had the opportunity to experience culture firsthand through a variety of field trips including a trip to the North Carolina coast, an educational tour of Washington D.C. and local excursions in Raleigh including a baseball game and tours of governmental offices.

Photo: GTI Summer Academic Students get hands-on language and culture practice by playing board games during a recent class on U.S. culture.


GLOBALEYES Summer 2013

Globally Engaged Faculty & Staff Noteworthy Summer Faculty Engagement Faculty Lead Summer Study Abroad Program in Germany NC State students traveled to Germany this summer for a seven-week long academic study abroad program and travel study tour. The 21 students studied accounting, finance and the European Union allowing them to gain nine credit hours during the summer session. The faculty-led study abroad program was led by Dr. Helmut Hergeth (College of Textiles) and Chris McKittrick (Poole College of Management). Studying at the European School of Business in Reutlingen allowed students to gain exposure to one of the world’s most prominent economies and identify its role within a global context. In Reutlingen students visited the Stoll Knitting Machine Company’s headquarters, fashion center, and flat-knitting machine factory. The STOLL enterprise is known throughout the textile industry for their highly sophisticated technology in the area of developing and manufacturing flat knitting machines and as a developer in the section of Textile Technology and Fashion. STOLL has been in business for 140 years and they currently provide the knitting world across the globe with their first-class machines and design patterns, including their Knit & Wear class. Read More.

Left Photo: Students visit STOLL Knitting Machine Co. in Germany, led by Helmut Hergeth and Chris McKittrick. Right Photo: Sujit Ghosh displays the honorary certificate received from Thammasat University in Thailand for outstanding contributions.


“I very much appreciate all the support and encouragement that I have received from both TU and NC State in establishing the MOU and want to thank the Rector of TU for acknowledging me as one of the recipients of the 2013 Thammasat Honorary Plaque” ~Dr. Sujit Ghosh

Statistics Professor Receives Honorary Plaque in Thailand NC State statistics professor, Dr. Sujit Ghosh, was awarded an honorary plaque this summer from Thammasat University (TU) in Thailand for his contributions there. Dr. Ghosh was presented with the 2013 Thammasat Honorary Plaque this June “in recognition of his continuous and outstanding contribution to Thammasat University” according to a press release issued by TU’s Public Relations Office. NC State signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TU in 2008. Since that time Dr. Ghosh has been very active with the partnership, visiting the university in Thailand at least four times. His involvement with TU involves presenting short courses, invited talks and serving as doctoral dissertation advisor for four PhD students. Read More.

GLOBALEYES Summer 2013

Office of International Services A State Leader

NC State Enrolls More International Students than any other Institution in NC NC State enrolls more international students each year than any other higher education institution in North Carolina. During the 2011-2012 academic year, the Office of International Services reported a total of 3,296 international students, including undergraduate and graduate students. Duke University and Medical Center enrolls the second highest with a total of 2,779 international students reported during the same year. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill reported an enrollment of 1,745, the third highest in the state. Anyone who works in the field of International Education can attest to the value that international students add to campuses. They offer different perspectives and a global outlook during class discussions, they diversify the student population allowing domestic students to increase their global competence and they have a rich cultural impact in our communities. But what impact do international students have on North Carolina’s economy? NAFSA: Association of International Educators recently published an annual report addressing this question. The organization estimates that international students and their dependents contributed approximately $21.81 billion to the U.S. economy during the 2011-2012 academic year. North Carolina makes a significant contribution to this figure with a net contribution to the state economy of $338.4 million. Of that, NC State’s total contribution is nearly 18% with $60.5 million. Read More.


NC State Hosts Immigration Panel NC State hosted an immigration panel and discussion on Wednesday, July 24th with representatives from local Raleigh government offices to discuss topics of importance to international students and scholars at North Carolina institutions of higher education. The event brought 50 professionals together from 20 different institutions across the state. Attendees had the opportunity to send questions to panelists ahead of time to get their questions answered face-to-face. The second bi-annual event aims to get key players together in the same room so that international services professionals can receive the most up-to-date and accurate information in order to help them serve international students more efficiently. Representatives from local offices of the Social Security Administration, Department of Motor Vehicles, Customs & Border Protection, Immigration & Customs Enforcement and Federal Bureau of Investigation shared information and took questions from the audience. The event was coordinated by the North Carolina Association of International Educators (NCAIE) and organized by: Denise Medeiros (NCAIE, ISSS-Immigration Representative), Thomas Greene (Associate Director, Office of International Services at NC State) and Kelia Hubbard (Assistant Director, Office of International Services at NC State).

GLOBALEYES Summer 2013

"Startalk has changed me for the better. Coming into Startalk, I was not understanding of other cultures and religions. As I leave the program, I now have a better understanding of the way the Chinese culture operates.” ~Zach McAfee

Community Outreach

Confucius Institute Hosts STARTALK Summer Camp Language & Culture Camp North Carolina State University was awarded a grant from STARTALK to fully fund 30 students interested in studying Chinese language and 25 Chinese language teachers interested in developing professional skills in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. This two week immersion camp was housed at NC State from June 18 - July 3 and was coordinated by the Confucius Institute. Students were taught by certified Chinese language instructors, learned about Chinese culture and took part in a final performance." Chinese teachers in this program spent the first week in professional development, followed by a practicum in the second week. Jayne M. Fleener, Dean of NC State's College of Education, worked with the Startalk camp to award teacher participants Continuing Education credits from the College of Education. Dean Fleener spoke at the Closing Ceremony and


noted, "In Wake County, which is the 16th largest school district in the country, we have over 100 languages spoken. Having culturally competent teachers is really important." The camp takes an integrative approach, with students and teachers engaging and enjoying all activities together. Startalk's funding comes from the Department of Defense and allows high school students to be exposed to Chinese language and culture who may never have had the opportunity. This is the first year NC State was awarded the grant and a great way to showcase the university's resources in community engagement and outreach, specific to spreading Chinese language and culture across the state. The inaugural camp attracted over 100 high school student applicants from North Carolina, while the camp's capacity was only 30. Read More.

GLOBALEYES Summer 2013

Campus Collaborations

Intensive English Program Teams with Student Health Center to Bridge Cultural Differences Students Tour Health Center Imagine being an 18 year old student from China away from home for the first time in a foreign country where the language, customs and people are anything but familiar. Now imagine they fall ill in this strange place and need to seek out medical attention using a second language, navigating a confusing insurance system, and not knowing how to get the help needed to feel healthy enough to attend classes. These intimidating feelings are experienced by many of NC State’s international students each semester. The Intensive English Program (IEP) and NC State’s Student Health Center recognized this cultural gap in understanding the health care system in the United States and teamed up to bridge the gap for 20 IEP students from China this summer. On Friday, July 19th IEP summer session students enjoyed a tour and information session with staff members of NC State’s Student Health Center. Health Center staff explained the services available for students, talked about how to access care, and gave important information about the new health insurance guidelines. This type of information makes a big difference for students coming from countries where healthcare is universal and insurance is a mystery. Students toured the various departments of the Student Health Center – from basic health services to the Counseling Center and Health Promotion, even learning that a staff member speaks their native language. The female students were also given a special tour of the Women’s Health Center. and counseling services.

After the tour, the students had an opportunity to ask questions of a panel of doctors and staff. Students’ questions addressed topics such as privacy, cost for care, after-hours care, medications, and counseling services. The tour not only introduced IEP students to the staff and the services provided at the Health Center, it also helped make them more comfortable entering the facility and seeking help from the various departments. The tour was well-received by both Health Center staff and the IEP students, and a similar tour is planned for new IEP students in the fall semester. The Intensive English Program is a unit within OIA and is a full-time, non-credit academic program for high-intermediate to advanced English language learners. The IEP serves as a pathway to undergraduate programs to carry out the university’s mission of increasing the international undergraduate student population. As of May 2013, a total of 116 IEP students have matriculated into degree programs. For more on the IEP: For more on the Student Health Center:


GLOBALEYES Summer 2013


OIA to Host International Zone at Packapalooza Packapalooza 2013 The Office of International Affairs will host the International Zone at Packaplooza on August 24. The second annual event is expected to draw more than 30,000 people to Hillsborough St. to take part in the day-long festival capping off Wolfpack Welcome Week. The International Zone will be located in front of Patterson Hall and is an opportunity to showcase NC State’s extensive global engagement. Featured zone activities include international food trucks (Chirba Chirba, Urban Street Grill & Virgil’s Jamaica), a Wolfpack in the World social media trivia contest, Parade of Flags and student cultural performances. The zone also serves as a hub for all of OIA’s units and community organizations to inform students and faculty about how to get involved with international affairs on campus and abroad. NC State’s global community is invited to get involved with the International Zone by signing up to carry a flag during the Parade of Flags or participate in Wolfpack in the World to test your knowledge of all things international at NC State. For more information, visit:

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Upcoming Events PACKAPALOOZA 08/24/2013, 2:00PM Hillsborough St. SECLA FORUM 09/14/2013, 12:00PM NC State University STUDY ABROAD FAIR 10/04/2013, 10:00AM Carmichael Gym CHINA RECEPTION 10/08/2013, 11:30AM Friday Institute For event details and more, visit us at

GLOBALEYES Summer 2013

Announcements OIA Welcomes New Staff The Office of International Affairs welcomed six new full-time employees across three different units this summer. Please join OIA in welcoming these individuals to NC State! Study Abroad Office: • Sean Addley, International Programs Coordinator • Kevin Feeney, Regional Coordinator • David Hawley, Office Manager/ General Advisor • Caylie Zidwick, Regional Coordinator Office of International Services: • Jessica Hall, Senior Advisor Global Training Initiative: • Sheenal Young-Johnson

Call for Proposals Announced - FAPESP 2013 A Call for Proposals for the exchange of researchers, post-doctoral and PhD fellows under the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil, and NC State University, USA was announced today. Research proposals in all fields are welcome. NC State researchers should collaborate with Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo, Brazil to submit a joint proposal before the September 9, 2013 deadline.

Read the full bios here. Funded projects are eligible to receive up to $20,000 in funding per year (maximum of 2 years). Selected proposals will be notified of funding on November 12, 2013 for a January 2, 2014 project start date. Click here for details.

OIA Launches New Website A new website for the Office of International Affairs was launched on August 8. The new site was designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. The updated site will better serve the NC State community by providing clear information about ways students, faculty, and staff can be globally engaged on campus and abroad.

Create a Profile Today The Database of International Connections & Expertise (DICE) is designed to allow NCSU faculty and staff to search for globally engaged programs, colleges, partners and people.


Check it out:

OIA wants to know what YOU are doing to be globally engaged at NC State. Please send GLOBALEYES submissions, global news, comments or suggestions to:

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