What's On Kyiv Issue 4 2012

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What’s Up Zhenya Testifies in the US on her Mother’s Behalf

Zhenya Tymoshenko testified before a US Senate subcommittee in Washington last week regarding the conditions under which her mother is imprisoned. As you might expect, she was as damning as possible, claiming that during visits her mother was so weak she had to lift her out of bed and help her walk. Zhenya also said prison authorities were using various techniques, including sleep deprivation, to try and break the former prime minister. “This includes a 24-hour lit room and 24-hour video surveillance. Lately, they (prison authorities) have introduced close-up surveillance cameras so they can see what she is writing to me, to her husband, to her supporters around the world. They say it is done for her protection, but I doubt it. When she fell unconscious for two hours due to a sudden mysterious loss of blood pressure, no help came and her cellmates tried to revive her for 20 minutes. When the doctor arrived, they didn’t even call an ambulance.” She continued by claiming her mother was fighting corruption in gas dealings between Russia and Ukraine, and that she was alone in that fight – a somewhat ironic statement when Yulia Tymoshenko amassed her fortune in Ukraine’s shady energy sector during the 90s. Zhenya then applauded her mother's strength of character by claiming attempts to break her would fail. “Her fiery character and her courage, political courage, is what charges people to fight for their rights; and that’s what happened during the protests she organised.” Shortly after Zhenya's testimony, a fiery Hillary Clinton, apparently fired up further by reports of Zhenya’s testimony, met with Yanukovych in Germany and gave him a good verbal slapping. After which, nothing will happen at all.

Chernovetsky Reappears

What’s On recently wrote about the city’s mayor, Leonid Chernovetsky, and how our dear cosmonaut has been heard (by the City Administration) but not seen (by anyone) as of late. That is, with the exception of one person in particular. It’s not the president, it’s not even the babushkas by whom he is so loved. It’s a new wife! Apparently, Chernovetsky, the gentleman that he is, decided that after 34 years of marriage, a newer, younger version was necessary. Enlisting the trusty services of the Kyiv courts, he managed to get the whole thing – divorce and wedding – done in little more than a month! So who is this new lady? None other than the 19-year younger Olena Savchuk. Her mother, as it turns out, is a Ukrainian pastor, and while she might have made it difficult for the old geezer to make the moves on her daughter in the beginning, in the end it only made the whole deal more attractive, appealing to his deeply religious tendencies. “At first Pastor Sofia prevented me from meeting with Olena. But her daughter is amazingly discreet and sincere. She certainly doesn’t need my money. Only respect and a good positive attitude.” Chivalrous and naïve… Not a great combination if you ask us.

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A Traitor in the Ranks?

Vladimir Putin understands well how the Internet has become the world’s new weapon of mass affection. If you’ll all remember, the protests on Bolotna Ploscha were good indicators of that. What no one expected, however, was the hard-hitting reaction from Mr Putin, which has come in the form of online agents/Russian bloggers. Working on his behalf, these virtual commentators are being bribed for posting various pieces of information. Wondering just how much being in cahoots with the devil can earn you, our eyes popped out of our heads like cartoon characters at the fee one chap has been paid to post Putin propoganda. Chechen Live Journal user, wild_che, has received an incredible $600,000! Not bad for making a few posts! Another celebrated Russian blogger is Illya Varlamov. Called the ‘adherent’ by his followers, he has raked in an incredible $13,000 for just two posts! And then there’s a case by which we can't help but feel a little betrayed. Ukrainian blogger, Ihor Bigdan, better known online as ibigdan, has been accused of taking bribes as well. Apparently keeping a blog is not only a pastime but also a profitable business these days. Perhaps Putin is not as tight-fisted as we first thought him to be. But Russia’s big and we doubt he’s got enough money to pay off everybody.

Cold Snap Ignites Gas Wars

As you may have noticed, it got a little cold last week, and temperatures in much of Central and Eastern Europe were well below that which we’re used to. This, as you might expect, caused an excess demand for gas, which was not forthcoming from Russia, and, as you might also expect, sparked (something that shouldn’t happen around gas) another war of words between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine said it was Russia’s fault as Russia had reduced the amount of gas they were piping into Ukraine. But Russia quickly retaliated saying they were sending more than enough and that Ukraine was siphoning off quantities without consent. Ukraine said this wasn’t true, and for once it appears the government was telling the truth, as the head of Gazprom admitted later it had actually reduced the levels of gas it was supplying. This is probably due to the fact that Russia’s domestic demand was much higher than normal and its system couldn’t cope, which is a bit of a worry if the cold snap continues.

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This Week in History Hackers Unite for Download Website

A story that really caught the imagination of the Ukrainian people last week was that of the Ukrainian government, allegedly bowing to pressure from the US, shutting down ex.ua; a Ukrainian file-sharing website that allows the downloading of pirated copies of music, movies and books for free. In response, Ukrainian hackers, renowned throughout the world for their expertise, started shutting down governmental websites one by one. They included the official websites of Viktor Yanukovych, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Party of Regions. Prosecutors had ordered the domain registrar imena.ua to prevent access to ex.ua with police claiming the confiscation of 200 servers. But after numerous complaints, and attacks on government sites, lawmakers reversed their decision. Ex.ua is now back up and running and readily available to assist you in all of your download needs.

More of the White Stuff

Tropical fruit, such as pineapples, don’t tend to last when besieged by snow. At least, that’s what five people who were arrested over the weekend were hoping the authorities would think having shipped cocaine-stuffed pineapples into Ukraine. Coming from Costa Rica, more than 38 kilos, that’s 84 pounds of ‘ice’ was confiscated by the State Security Service at Illichivsk port, a coastal town just 12km from Odesa. There is little more to the story as of yet except to say that law-enforcement agencies value the drugs at more than $7.5 million. Those involved will simply have to settle for the real thing. There is more than enough this winter to go around.

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10 February 1810

The Odesa National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet opens. Sixty years later it burns to the ground and must be completely rebuilt. The new, more modern building is constructed by Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer in neo-baroque style and is believed to be one of the many calling card of Odesa.

Secret Agent at the Top

Long live the new Head of Ukraine’s Security Service! This is what everyone has been shouting over at the SBU as of late. So what’s all the fuss about? Under the orders of Viktor Yanukovych, it seems the organisation’s top and most prestigious position has been filled by a certain Ihor Kalinin. And the reason being cited? There exists a ‘special trust’ between the two. Party of Regions Deputy Yuriy Samoilenko has commented on the situation saying, “He used to be head of the State Guard Department. He passed that task with flying colours. This man is loyal and steadfast indeed.” Known as ‘secret service man’, Kalinin used to teach classes such as Special Preparation Tactics and Special Operations of Foreign Countries over at the SBU. But that’s not all! His resume also includes higher education; a rare case indeed, especially among those few elite members at the top. Instilling no less than profound knowledge into all of his students, perhaps this is the reasoning behind Kalinin’s promotion. Our dear president has been scared to death as of late, and well he should be. You can’t run a country with the best interests of yourself at heart. Let’s just hope that ‘loyal’ and ‘steadfast’ are good for the country as well as the president.

Bad News

According to Mykola Kulbida at Ukraine’s HidroMeteoCentre, we’re going to have to put up with winter a little longer. The northern, western and southern regions will be especially hard hit over the weekend (11 – 13 February) with temperatures dipping down as low as –30 degrees. There is light at the end of the tunnel called the sun (something we’ve forgotten about as of late), however, and by mid week (15, 16 February) things will start to warm up. Let’s hope the death toll, which has already hit 135 because of the cld weather, doesn't get any higher.

16 February 1813

Semen Hulak-Artemovsky, a prominent Ukrainian opera composer, singer and actor is born. After receiving vocal training from big-name composer Mikhail Glinka in Saint Petersburg, he makes his way to Italy and begins regular performances at the Florence Opera. He becomes even more well-known after his opera, Zaporozhian Beyond the Danube reaches the stage.

11 February 1963

One of the first conferences dedicated to the Ukrainian language is launched. The foremost intention of participants is to give the minority language an official status. Discussion brings about little success and the issue is postponed until 1989. Only at this time does the patriotic community of the Ukrainian SSR force the authorities to pass a law about language in Ukraine.

14 February 1992

Besides celebrating Valentine’s Day, Ukraine as its own country begins diplomatic relations with Russia. The date is very significant. But it is not clear yet whether a loyal and agreeable affair will indeed be had.

13 February 2001

Accused of stealing one billion dollars appointed for Russian gas bills, Yulia Tymoshenko is sentenced by the General Prosecutor of Ukraine. A month later all accusations are withdrawn. It would take another ten years before walking this same path. The process doesn’t finish so quickly this time round.

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This Week Theatre & Classical Music

10-16 February 2012

Honouring the Great Tchaikovsky Gala Tchaikovsky, Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)

16 February at 19.00

Honoured this evening by the Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth symphonic orchestra, stalwarts of the Russian maestro will sink into wistfulness as they listen to his compelling compositions. Setting music to stories that tugged at his heartstrings, Tchaikovsky’s unique musical vibe puts him in a league of his own. Treat yourself to this saturated sound tonight. Tickets are 10 – 150hrv. For more information call 4254280.


Friday iolin Music V Featuring Hurnets (Moldova, violin) Works by Beethoven, Sibelius Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Ihor Zavadsky (accordion) in concert Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 A n Evening of Romance Russian romances of the 19th Century Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 A Wife is a Wife Vaudeville in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Don Quixote. 1938 Historical play Time: 19.00 Backyard Games Drama Time: 20.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223/5087 Ave Maria! Featuring Lupunska (mezzosoprano), Chikirov (baritone), Koshuba (organ) Works by Caccini, Bach, Handel, Shubert, Frank, Tosti, Donizetti Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186


Saturday O rgan Music of Cesar Franck Featuring Balachovska (organ), Kcharechko (organ) Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 Big Poets in Music Featuring Afanasjeva (piano), Kondrashevska (soprano), Kireev (baritone), Smolyar (bass), Rubanova (violin), Herzghan (cello), Gliere Women’s Choir, Teren dance ensemble Works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Spartacus Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169

The Overly Happy Father Comedy in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Nord Ost & Future Will Show Two plays Time: 18.00 Uncle’s Dream Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223/5087


Sunday An Evening of Memory Featuring Pushkarska (violin), Polyansky (piano) Works by Beethoven, Frank, Strauss Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Seagull Modern romance in 2 actions Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081

I Believe in Love Featuring Smile of Pierrot Theatre Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081

Occasional Tango Tragicomic balancing Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

Lettice & Lavidzh Fun w/ shadows Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

Norma Opera in Italian in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169

Viva the Queen! Historical drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

A Wife is a Wife Vaudeville in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

The Importance of Being Earnest Frivolous comedy for serious people Time: 12.00 The Farewell Tango Play Time: 18.00 Napoleon & the Corsican Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223/5087


Monday Concert Featuring Shvudka (soprano), Natsarenko (soprano), Chikirov (baritone), Svurudenko (piano, clavesin), sudorenko (organ) Works by Vivaldi, Handel, Luzzi, Mozart, Beethoven Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 yiv Symphony K Orchestra and Choir in concert Featuring Tetyana Ganina (soprano), Viktoriya Chenska (soprano), Angelina Shvachka (mezzo-soprano), Nazar Sadivskiy (tenor), Dmitro Ageev (bass) Works by Mendelssohn Time: 19.00 Central Baptist Church (Schekavitska 2/8) 417-007

Astor Piazzolla Featuring Kyiv Saxophone Quartet, Zavadsky (accordion), Taran (piano), Holyak (clarinet), Stelmashenko (flute), Kornilova (cello), Hmelyov (drums), Clarinetissimo Ensemble Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697


Tuesday Salut D’amour! Featuring Kyiv-Brass Chamber Ensemble, Solovjanenko (soprano), Pychlyanko (piano) Works by Mendes, Gershwin, Ellington, Piazzolla, Desmond Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 St. Valentine’s Day Featuring National Philharmonic Academic Wind Orchestra Works by Strauss, Doppler, Doga, Hade, Krotil, Kern, Wonder Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 he Joy and Grief T of Love Featuring Kyiv Kamerata, Hodakova (soprano), Mitryaeva (countertenor), Stelmachenko (flute), Pivnenko (violin) Works by Sibelius, Vivaldi, Grieg, Haydn, Mozart, Massenet Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 Romeo & Juliet Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-4280 All about Love Tesseract Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

Giselle Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 Crazy Night/Marriage of Peahen Comedy in 2 actions Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223/5087


Wednesday Irina Kcharechko (organ) in concert Works by Stanley, Voland, Bach Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 An Evening of Vocal Duets Featuring VondroushovaSholyarchuk (soprano), Havrulyuk (mezzo-soprano), Aleekseeva (soprano), Kutsenko (tenor), Horun (baritone), Haponenko (piano) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 The Lifta Constellation Appears Before it Returns Poetic Vigil Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188 Zaporozhets Beyond the Danube Opera in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 Shveik A soldier’s adventure in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921


Thursday Ravisan Trio Featuring Tumets (clarinet), Bubnova (organ) Works by Stravinsky, Bozza, Smetana, Poulenc, Peters, Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (VVasylkivska 77) 528-3186 C’est Amour Featuring Ostapenko (guitar), Poroshina (piano), Lipituk (soprano) Poetry of Jacques Prevert and Garcia Lorka Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 The Offer Play by Chekhov Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 In the Drumming Lane History of the railroad in 27 scenes Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188 The Marriage of Figaro Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 The Taming of the Shrew Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Family Dinner Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223

Italians Heat Up Kyiv

Stars of San Remo, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

11 February at 19.00

Italy and its inhabitants will be keeping us warm come 11 February, despite these ever-cooling winter days. Rousing people to sing and dance right along with them, major Italian stars Domenico Modugno, Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno, Al Bano and Romina Power, Riccardo Foli, Gianni Morandi, Lucio Dalla, Eros Ramazzotti and Matia Bazar will soon be here in Kyiv. It’s a festival that’s been going on since 1952. This is Kyiv’s chance to get in on the fun. Tickets are 200 – 3490hrv. For more information call 247-2316. : What's On Recommended

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10-16 February 2012

A Modern Time

Exhibition of paintings and art objects by Tiberiy Silvashi, Bottega Gallery (Mykhalivska 22b)

10 – 28 February

One of Ukraine’s best abstract artists, Tiberiy Silvashi, has come up with yet another original idea, and come 10 February, he invites everyone out to take in his newest work, Modern Time. Rebelling against the age-old notion that art needs to be locked behind restrictive frames, Silvashi has created various objects to be placed in such a way as to jump out at the viewer from behind the background of purple, black and white that has become the Bottega Gallery. For more information call 279-8383. Book of Night Exhibition of photographs by Jason Langer Brucie Collections (Artema 55b) Until 14 March 205-4264

From Childhood Exhibition of art objects and paintings by Oleh Pedan and Anna Silivonchik Parsuna Gallery (Khoryva 43) Until 29 February 425-2415

Be in Peace Exhibition of paintings by Oleksiy Lytvynenko Until 21 February Triptych-Art Gallery (Desyatynna 13) 279-0949 Simple Art for Simple People Exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Gary Hume Until 1 April PinchukArtCentre (Basseina 1/3-2) 590-0858

Art from Marchuk Exhibition of paintings by Ivan Marchuk Mystetska Zbirka Gallery (Tereshchenkivska 13) Until 19 February 050-136-47-37

Actual Connections Exhibition of paintings by Anna Valieva Until 15 February Mironova Gallery (Olhynska 6) 277-8888

Other Banks Exhibition of paintings by Olha Petrova Until 4 March Museum of Russian Art (Tereshenkivska 9) 287-7324

Following the Wind Exhibition of paintings by Ihor Eliseev Garna Gallery (Shelkovichna 5) Until 12 February 066-616-91-70


Feast Before You Fast

Vseida, Mamaeva Sloboda (Mykhaila Dontsya 2, Otradniy District)

13 – 19 February at 10.00

This upcoming week used to be a big one for our Ukrainian grandfathers. Feasting for seven days, a time called Vseida, Mamaeva Sloboda invites you and yours to join them and their family of modern Cossacks as they get ready for the 40-day fast. Mouth-watering goodies like roast boar, quail and other wildfowl await. After which an evening of singing and dancing is enjoyed by all! These ancient traditions may not last many more generations. Seize the opportunity to take part now. Tickets are 40hrv. For more information call 361-9848/093-872-4877. Puppet Theatre Hrushevskoho 1A (metro Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 278-5808

Circus Peremohy 2 (metro Vokzalna) 486-3927 www.circus.com.ua

Municipal Puppet Theatre Mytropolska 1 513-1500

Zoo Peremohy Pr. 32 241-7769 www.zoo.kiev.ua

Marionette Theatre Sahaidochnoho 29/3 (metro Poshtova Ploshcha) 417-3058 http://marionet.com.ua

Dyvosvit 4D cinema, children’s labyrinth, attractions Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10 502-0088 www.dyvosvit.ua

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Friday 12 Months Musical fairytale in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116 Pollyanna Drama in 2 acts for children 10+ Time: 13.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219


Saturday Pollyanna Drama in 2 acts for children 10+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219

Butterfly Ultramarine Cinema, children’s playground, bowling, arcade Uritskoho 1A (metro Vokzalna) 206-0350 www.kino-butterfly.com.ua Kobzov Circus 239-2181 Prospekt Pobedy 82 www.circus-kobzov.com.ua Mystical-Aquarium Centre Koshytsa 8A (metro Poznyaky) 502-1796 www.aquariumfish.com.ua

Nemo Dolphinarium Akademika Glushkova 9 520-5550 www.nemokiev.com Kyiv Planetarium Chervonoarmiyska 57/3 287-7508 www.planet.org.ua/about.html Aquapark Terminal Aquapark, shopping and entertainment centre Kyivska 316 in the town of Brovary 200-1450 www.aquapark-terminal.com.ua

The Ugly Duckling Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 11.00 Little Red Riding Hood Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 13.00 The Wolf and the Goat Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 15.00 Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a) 278-0566 Barmaley and Aibolut Ballet in 2 actions Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116 The Bremen Musicians Musical in 2 acts Time: 12.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Yasnogorodskya Ostrich Farm Podlesnaya 32, Yasnohorodska (30km outside of Kyiv) 782-3240 www.ostrich.com.ua Hopak in Kyiv Hopak Training Centres 332-7747 or 067-933-3244 Visit http://hopak.kiev.ua/ua/ Nabeg Horseback Riding Centre Vishgorodska 85 067-712-3384 http://www.loshadi.kiev.ua/


Sunday The Speckled Hen and the Golden Sun Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 11.00 Our Happy Kolobok Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 13.00 The Little Mermaid Puppet-play in Russian for children 4+ Time: 15.00 The Frog Princess Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a) 278-0566

The Kitten’s House Musical in 2 acts for children 3+ Time: 12.00 Tales in the Attic Fairytale in 1 act Time: 13.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219


Wednesday The Night Before Christmas Opera in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116

12 Months Musical fairytale in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116

Kyiv Horse Race Track Akademika Glushkova 10 266-2223 State Museum of Toys Klovskiy 8 253-5400 Interesniy Kiev Tours in and around Kyiv in English! 491-1176 or 068-121-4458 Visit www.interesniy.kiev.ua/new/ tour/english

Pyrohovo Open Air Museum Folk architecture and life Marshrutka #3/156 from metro Lybydska 526-5542 Mamaeva Sloboda Outdoor Cossack Museum Mykhayla Dontsya 2, Otradniy region 361-9848 www.mamajeva-sloboda.ua

Nivky Park Children’s playground, rifle ranges, walking paths, cafes Prospect Pobedy 82 Kurenevskiy Park Playgrounds, attractions, cafes Frunze 134 National Botanical Garden Open year round Timiryazevskaya 1

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This Week Live Music

10-16 February 2012

Two Against The Rest of the World

Noviy Soyuz (hip-hop, rap), Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)

15 February at 22.00

Eugene and Kozyr got together in 2004 to create a project showcasing all the best of Ukrainian rap. You might have us stop there, thinking, “the best in Ukrainian rap? Is there such a thing?” They would tell you absolutely! And it’s alive and kicking! Winning Best Rap group at MTV Ukraine ShowTime HIP-HOP\R&B Awards in 2008 without a single album to their name, they put one together last year with the ever-impressionable byline 'Kyiv rap lives'! It certainly will tonight. Admission is 50hrv. For more information call 279-4137.


Friday W ithout Limits, Red Rocks (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Mad Heads XL, UkrainSka (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Motor’rolla, Red Rocks (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 Laskovye Usy (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366 Vasya Club, Vzrosliy Band (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Strong Time, Carnival Heat (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Eastern Express, Red Rocks (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

ad Heads XL, M UkrainSka, More Khuana (pop-rock, cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528



Riffs (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

MJ Project (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Dead Boy’s Girlfriend (blues, rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 50hrv Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366


Kishe Bestows Musical Gifts Kishe – new album presentation, Chutayhorod in Dreamtown (Obolon Pr 1b)

13 February at 20.00

Ukraine’s most romantic, funniest, and quite possibly coolest character is unveiling his new album, The Best City. Presenting a sensational short along with the album, the evening is going to be full of surprises, which will include the chance to win a trip to Egypt or Antalya. Just one day behind the illustrious day of love, it shouldn’t surprise anyone the premiere is in dedication to St Valentine’s Day – this singer knows exactly what the city needs to make this a very special day. Entrance is free. For more information call 050-664-1664.

Sunday Soyuz 44 (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Wunderkind (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Antytila, Hot Guys (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Oleksandr Rastich from 7Rasa (blues, rock) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366 Eleos (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865



N atalya Lebedeva’s Trio (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

The Magma (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717


Night Block (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 G astrolery, The Len (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366

Rockin’ Wolves (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 More Khuana (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900


Thursday Blank (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Good Life, Bangladesh Orchestra (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 K ofe.in, Ruky v Bryuky (cover bands) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Hot Guys (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 K alych Blues (Lviv, cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Yukhym Dym (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Tuesday Checkpoint (pop-rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Tres Deseos (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Wunderkind (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 St. Valentine’s Day Show (dance party) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 Ku ku Chanel (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366 More Khuana (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

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Dyadya Vasya (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

This is His Game

Basta (Russia, rap), Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)

11 February at 20.00

Basta is one of Russia’s best rappers, and has been ever since his marvellous debut in 1998. Selling the pants off of any other Russian rap artist, he’s got a record-setting eight under his belt with more no doubt to come. 2008 and 2009 were especially good, as he came away with Best Hip Hop Project from Muz TV and Best Internet Artist from MTV Russia. In addition to his musical talent, Basta (better known to his mom as Vasyl Vakulenko) has some skills in acting as well, and has appeared in three movies. What’s his secret weapon? Intense lyrics with a voice to match. Tickets are 300 – 1200hrv. For more information call 538-0100.

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This Week Nightlife

10-16 February 2012


Pick up the Phon-ique!

DISCO-LATINO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

RAVE ON – SUHAR, JOSEPH, MARIKA ROSSA, SPIELER AND VIRT Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-50hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

11 February at 22.00


Phonique (Germany, house) Mantra (V Vasylkivska 5)


Working our way up to St Valentine’s Day, Berlin’s world/house guru will be making his entrance this 11 February. Winning Best Deep House DJ 2008 in Ibiza, his inimitable style comes from experimenting with styles from deep house to new disco, lounge, techno and pop. His tracks Our Time Our Chance, Feel What You Want and May’s Heart are but a few of the tasty treats that will be served up tonight. For admission or more information call 050-336-2848.

M ASH-UP GIRLS PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 FIRST STATE – JOHNNIE PLAY, SMART APES, DIABLIK Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv before 23.30, 60hrv after, G-50hrv before, 70hrv after Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

DUB SPLASH: BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR BOB MARLEY – SOLO BANTON AND DUBKASM Time: 23.00 Admission: 120hrv Xlib (Frunze 12) 417-3233

LIGHT FRIDAY – DJ UNDER BEAT Time: 22.00 Admission: Free before 23.00 L-10hrv after, G-40hrv Aldo (Milyutenko 7) (067)536-6565 HA WAII PARTY – DJ LUTIQUE Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Museum le Club (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150 LATIN AMERICAN LIVE MUSIC AND DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 CRAZY CABARET – DJ WATSON AND S MELNIKOV Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv before 00.00, 50hrv after, G-50hrv before 00.00, 70hrv after Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a) 232-7296 M YASORUBKA – HARDCORE VS HARD TECHNO WITH DJ MINDFREAK, BELKIN, A.FALLEN Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Cinema Club (Entusiastiv 1) 555-5854 DIPLOMAT AS AN AGGREGATE Time: 20.00 Admission: L-50hrv, free up to 23.00, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 DEEPOSITIFF – DJ ROCKSTAR, DJ ELISEUS, JULIA DUA Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Sky Bar (V Vasylkivska 5) 223-8888 PICK UP PARTY! Time: 23.00 Admission: L-25hrv, G-50hrv Egoist (Horlovskaya 124/140) 223-36-33 DISCO FRIDAY Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv, free before 00.00 G-50hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209

RU MUSIC – THE MAKHNO PROJECT, MAMA ABAMA, DJ EVA, DJ LARIN Time: 23.00 Admission: L-50hrv, G-100hrv Seven Music Club (Saksahanskoho 1g) 205-44-51 HITS ONLY Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 DISCO PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-call for details Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 DISCO ‘TIL MORNING Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Fiesta (Horkoho 115d) 462-1477



KOBZASWAGGA – YAAMAN, PAHATAM, SHKED, MC KEKS Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069 LOVE AND LADIES Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 JACK POT PARTY – HLEC, TARGET, JAMES LABEN, BLUP BALANCE, EAJEN Time: 22.00 Admission: L-35hrv, G-40hrv Sky Hall (Malinovskoho 24/10) 502-0088 COMEDY CLUB – DJS MARKA POLA, ID CRASH, UNDERHILL, CLUBER Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv before 23.30, 50hrv after, G-40hrv before 23.30, 60hrv after Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

ANGELS AND DEVILS – DJ DUO DIAMONDS, DJ KOVALEVSKY, DJ ALFRED Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Museum le Club (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150

ART-BEAT – ROLAND M DILL, JOSS, MAYS, EGOR BOSS Time: 22.00 Admission: L-60hrv, G-80hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

LATIN AMERICAN LIVE MUSIC Time: 20.00 Admission: L- 100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 2881290

CAT’S EARS Time: 20.00 Admission: L-50hrv, free up to 23.00, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

DANCE HEROES – DJ ROMANTIC, DJ LARIN, DJ SASHA SKY, MC VETER Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Seven Music Club (Saksahanskoho 1g) 205-44-51

LIVE PERCUSSION PARTY – DJ BRO AND DJ KEY Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Sky Bar (V Vasylkivska 5) 223-8888

PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE – LUTIQUE, DJ DAN AND MC DASHA DANCE Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv before 00.00, 50hrv after, G-50hrv before 00.00, 70hrv after Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a) 232-7296 SEX CONTACT NIGHT – DJS AND MORE Time: 23.00 Admission: L-25hrv, G-50hrv Egoist (Horlovskaya 124/140) 223-36-33 SEXY HOUSE – SOUND KILLERS, TALKMAN, DAVIDDJ Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv before 00.00, 40hrv after Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 DISCO PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Fiesta (Horkoho 115d) 462-1477


DAY OF CHOICE Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv (only after 00.00) Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 SUB FOCUS – ARTEM NEBA, KIRILL MIXER, DJ SPIELER, DJ HORSY Time: 22.00 Admission: L-10hrv before 00.00, 15hrv after, G-15hrv before, 30hrv after Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070


Monday ANTISTRESS PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 PIVOMANIA – DJ SIZE Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 SALSADROMO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290



SALSADRO MO AND DISCOTHEQUE Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

M OHITO NIGHT Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

FUN EVENING Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662

Wednesday WOMEN’S FEAST – MC CLUBNICHKA AND MORE Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-50hrv, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 AUDIOMANIA Time: 19.00 Admission: L-Free, G-30hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 DANCE MARATHON Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 EROTIC SHOW AND AMATEUR STRIPTEASE Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free before 00.00, 50hrv after, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290


Thursday BEWARE OF THE CLOSING DOOR Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free, G-free to 23.00, 100hrv after Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 CRAZY 30 Time: 21.00 Admission: 30hrv Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 DISCO 90s Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-30hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 DISCO-LATINO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290


RADIO DAYS Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

Out of Control

Addicted: Levon Vincent (NY, deep house), Xlib (Frunze 12)

10 February at 22.00

Hailing from New York, the next guest in this series of Addicted parties is a debutante in the party world. Contributing to the face of the NYC club scene, Vincent’s melancholic and often deliberately raw tracks are a mix of house heritage, from the early 90s right up to today. Incorporating Underground Quality (NY), Novel Sound, Deconstruct, Dego, Igor Glushko, Roman K, Skaz and Stan Laev into this evening, it’s going to be one that keeps you out all night. Admission is 80hrv. For more information call 417-3233. : What's On Recommended

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Hand-crafted Jewellery. The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift for Someone You Love!

Jewelry Design Studio Hararuk Visit by appointment 044 3325840

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Coming Soon An Ocean of Encores

Okean Elzy (pop-rock), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

18 February at 19.00

After their first couple of shows with the National Symphonic Orchestra of Ukraine last October, fans flooded Okean Elzy mailboxes with letters asking them for an encore performance. Thinking it over and making plans, OE are keeping their supporters sweet with another classically accompanied concert this year. Tickets are 160 – 950hrv. For more information call 246-7406.

A Hurricane on Stage

Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet, National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

18 & 19 February at 19.00

The Ultimate Tribute

ABBA, The Show (Sweden, tribute band), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

19 February at 19.00

With permission from Agnetha, Benny, Bjorn, and Anni-Frid to start a tribute group in 1996, ABBA The Show has been up and running for ten years now. They are good, almost as good as the original, who have won awards for everything from Best Single to Best Album to Best Vocal Record for Dancing. Coming to Kyiv this month there may even be one of the original members making the trip – make sure you’ve got your tickets before they sell out! Tickets are 150 – 900hrv. For more information call 246-7406.

These hot-tempered Georgian dancers are rightly called ‘a storm on stage’ and ‘the best Broadway show ever!’.

Visiting 90 countries and performing almost 15,000 times over the course of their existence, their choreography is undeniably good, their passion tangible, and their grace astonishing. This year, take in their seven new and exclusive dances never before seen or performed in Kyiv. Tickets are 150 – 1350hrv. For more information call 279-1169.

We’re with You Too

Red Hot Chili Peppers (US, funk, rock), Olympic Stadium (V Vasylkivska 55a)

25 July at 19.00

Tour to Paris

Bon-Bon Parisien by Al’entrada, Palace Ukraine (VVasylkivska 103)

Hungarian Gypsy Symphony Orchestra (Hungary, ethnic), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

The historic dance theatre Al’entrada is a home-grown organisation that recalls the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, European and Ukrainian Baroque and more in true Slavic style. In keeping with this role-play, Bon-Bon Parisien invites you to travel back in time to Paris at the beginning of the 20th century, not unlike the film Midnight in Paris. Peel back the curtain and take a peek backstage. Love, money, sex, tragedy: the aura and mystique of French cabaret awaits. Tickets are 40 – 120hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

The Hungarian Gypsy Symphony Orchestra is the most renowned gypsy orchestra the world has ever come across, the story of its creation as wonderful as its music. Sandor Jaroka, famous gypsy soloist, died in 1985 with musicians from all over Hungary attending his funeral. Inspired by the master, they began to play, and an orchestra was born right then and there. What you can expect tonight is much of the same ethnically eclectic folk melodies full of passion and emotion. Tickets are 120 – 1500hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

18 February at 19.00

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A Hungarian Rainbow

17 February 2012

More than just legends of rock, the gods of funk are headed to Kyiv for the first time ever this summer! Bringing their new album called I’m With You, it took some time to release their 10th and most recent album. It has been, however, well worth the wait. Headlining various festivals and playing their own sold-out tours for over 20 years now, the guys have won 7 Grammys and continue to pump out some top tunes. The time has come for Ukraine to enjoy the antics of Anthony, Flea, Chad and Josh – and that we will in what will no doubt be one of the biggest concerts of the year. Tickets are 600 – 800hrv. For more information call 080-050-5750.

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The Best of Times, The Worst of Times. Rebirth and Apocalypse in Contemporary Art Arsenale 2012, Mystetskiy Arsenal (Lavrska 10-12)

23 May – 30 July

Cutting Edge Music

Machete w/ DJ Nejtrino & DJ Siluyanova, Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)

7 March at 22.00

Longing for a good night out? Wait no more, Machete is coming to town! Don’t know who he is? Well, you’re probably not alone. Once

frontman for Russian band Tokio, Machete, aka Yaroslav Maliy, says his new project is “for people for whom the world is open and live with true feeling”; quite the poet if you ask us. In addition, the sounds of two of the best DJs in Russia will be accompanying: DJ Nejtrino & DJ Siluyanova. Tickets are 250hrv. For more information call 288-5069.

Taking only the best features from the world famous Venice Biennale, Mystetskiy Arsenal is producing the first ever Biennale Ukraine to be held later this spring. The long name given to the art fair aims at highlighting the long history of

Ukrainian art, which has risen out of the ashes from its fair share of misery and decay. Divided into four parts, Tireless Spirit draws inspiration from myths and legends, In the Name of the Order investigates the rationalism behind the power that dominates our culture, The Flesh analyses the human body along with its desires, and finally Restless Dream, which focuses on nightmares and ineluctable twists of faith. Names of the artists showcasing are soon to be released so stay in touch – this is huge! For more information call 288-5225.

Two Shows: One Night

Quartet-a-Tete & Con Tutti Instrumenti by KMB, Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)

23 February at 19.00

A Diamond in the Ruff

Bass Me w/ Phaeleh (UK, electronic), Cinema Club (Entusiastiv 1)

17 February at 23.00

Back to Kyiv for another round, Matt Preston, aka Phaeleh, is ready to pump out a serving of deep dynamic dubstep with a little break on the side. For those who don’t know, Phaeleh is a professional and gifted scholar of electronic music whose tracks get some pretty good airtime through the United Kingdom and beyond. Take a listen to his most recent remixes Niki & the Dove and Ruff Diamonds to become reacquainted. Admission: before 00.00 – 70hrv, after 80hrv. For more information call 555-5854.

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The Quartet-a-Tete ballet in 1 act was initially created for four cellos. The Kyiv Modern Ballet has taken the music of Dutch composer Ad Maas on board and playing with it creates a relationship between the four players. But this is not the only performance this evening. Maintaining the enigmatic mood, the creative lab, Con Tutti Instrumenti, confers a psychological message. Linked with special effects not typical of the theatre, this is a performance unique to the Ukrainian stage. For tickets and more information call 425-4280.

The Price of Pompousness Star Boy, Pechersk Art Centre (Moskovska 3)

25 February and 3, 4 & 30 March at 12.00

The Pechersk Art Centre is presenting an afternoon full of wisdom and truth for kids aged 5 – 12. The star of the show is Star Boy, a selfish character who thinks far too much of himself and continuously upsets his mother. Only after the fact does he realise what a numbskull he’s been and goes off to apologise. The way back proves adventuresome if a little dangerous. Will Star Boy learn his lesson? Tickets are 30hrv. For more information call 590-5555.

Under Her Spell

Saskia Laroo Quintet, Kyiv Conservatory (Horodetskoho 1-3/11)

19 February at 19.00

Deemed the Lady Miles Davis of Europe, Saskia Laroo brings her quintet to Kyiv to convene an evening of jazz. Her trumpet is her best friend and accompanies wherever she goes, and together they just make music happen. Replete with a little hip-hop, swing, salsa, reggae, funk and blues, there is no style that does not fit. Having captured the hearts of many across the continent, now it’s Kyiv’s turn. Tickets are 100 – 250hrv. For more information call 279-1242.

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Kyiv Life Happy New Year with the Dutch

Assistant Defence Attaché John Lock with his wife Hermien Part of the ING team

Archbishop Thomas Edward Gullickson (Apostolic Nuncio) with friends

PHILHARMONIC The traditional Dutch New Year’s Concert at the National Philharmonic Hall of Ukraine is designed to mark the beginning of the year. This year’s programme included various pieces of classical music, including Messiah by Georg Friedrich Händel, performed by the Borys Lyatoshynsky Classical Music Ensemble, conducted by Ihor Andrievsky and by Jeroen Weierink from the Netherlands, and performed by Dutch and Ukrainian vocalists Olena Shynal, Madieke Marion, Geoffrey Degives and Coert van den Berg. In addition, the evening had a philanthropic purpose: an exhibition aimed at raising awareness about Down Syndrome children in Ukraine was organised in the foyer where everyone in attendance gathered for a cocktail after the concert.

Dutch Ambassador HE Pieter Jan Wolthers and Margreet WolthersGonggrijp

German Ambassador HE Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth with his wife Lizabeth

Ambassador of Portugal Mário Jesus Dos Santos and his wife Maria Isabel Arque garret

Sponsors Philips’s Renier Schlatmann and the Dutch Embassy’s Second Secretary Rogier van Tooren with their lovely wives

Mr Valery Levko of Tebodin with sponsors of the event KLM/ Airfrance Hannan Zweig with his wife Sharon

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Producer Arnold Kremenchutskiy in the spotlight

Nina Dombrovska of Henkel chatting about art

Colourful Black and White Photography

Collection owner Vadym Yatsenko (right) shares his impressions

BRUCIE COLLECTIONS GALLERY Jason Langer, a most talented American photographer, has dedicated years to black and white photography. Bringing his best work to Kyiv for his Nightbook exhibition, it opened on 1 February for fine arts lovers everywhere. Merging the dirt of industrial cities with beautiful moments in urban life, Lange’s photography touches topics close to every one of us. Jason is popular all over the globe and his works decorate the walls of New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Berlin and now Kyiv galleries. The exhibition is open until 14 March.

French Cultural Centre’s Ann Duffle talking to Dominique Menu

An Evening Out

Volodymyr Nechyporuk of Ukrainian Fashion Week and Olena Iskorostenska of Tumasoff Landscape Art Photography take in the night

MANTRA The folks over at Nordic Business Network Ukraine put together a little networking event for the business-minded residents of Kyiv on 27 January. With a focus on the countdown to EURO 2012, the local team leading the big championships were the special guests this evening. Carlsberg Ukraine ensured no one’s glass was empty while everyone became acquainted.

Elena Vasilyeva, Ludmila Nesterenko, Svetlana Veselovskaya, Anna Babych – all from Carlsberg Ukraine, with Alexander Ruzhitsky of Petrocommerce Bank

Igor Zhukov of Tech Standard with Anna Androsova

Ljubomir Mudric of Astapov Lawyers International Law Group with SEB Bank’s Eduard Terpytskyi and Serhiy Anufriyev

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Kyiv Life BCC Director Olga Zinchenko, General Director for World Staff Vitaliy Mykhaylov, GM of Printure Ukraine Ltd Ihor Kavkazsky and GM of Santen Oy Olena Kostetska

Country manager of Astellas Pharma Europe BV Krzysztof Siedlecki, GM of Philips Ukraine LLC Reinier Schlatmann, GM of Danone Ukraine Dario Marchetti and partner at Ernst & Young Jorge Intriago

Baltic – Nordic Night

LITHUANIAN EMBASSY Baltic Embassies representing Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden gathered together with EBA for the typical Association EuroDrink on 31 January. More than 150 participants were out this evening, demonstrating that the historical friendship between these countries still prospers. Hosted by EBA’s Anna Derevyanko and Ambassador of Lithuania HE Petras Vatiekunasthe, the event slowly moved to a long-awaited raffle and many of the guests left with worthy prizes looking forward the next meeting.

Ambassador of Lithuania HE Petras Vatiekunas takes a break to talk to a guest

Marko Tkachuk General Director for IDS Group Ukraine stops for the paparazzi

Dancing the Night Away

Lions President Marjon Cals (centre) takes in the evening with friends

IDSA, EDSF, USDSA President, WDC International Adjudicator and Ukrainian Honoured Ballroom dance instructor Dr Svyatoslav Vlokh with President and Chairman of the World Dance council Donnie Burns and his wife Heidi

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Event organiser and film producer, Oleg Stepanenko (right)

INTERCONTINENTAL The World Super Stars Show was in Kyiv on 30 January showing off the best in World Professional Standard and Latin American Ballroom Dance programmes. The evening attracted a large audience and stars such as Mirko Gozzoli and Edita Danuite, Arunas Bizokas and Katusha Demidova, and Ricardo Cocchi and Yulia Zagoruyechenko – all world and European champions – who treated everyone to an incredible show and a master class!

The BUCC’s Natalia Dobrovolskaya, US Ambassador HE John Tefft and the InterCon’s Sales and Marketing Director Karen McPhee

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ACC’s Biggest Event of the Year

Vadym Sidoruk of DHL with Courtney Zukoski of Microsoft Ukraine

INTERCONTINENTAL KYIV The Annual Members Appreciation Reception is considered one of the most important events in all ACC activity. This year, more than 500 guests streamed through the doors of the Intercontinental Hotel ballroom on 31 January, all in anticipation of acquiring new contacts. This massive networking event united members of the Chamber, diplomatic representatives and many business leaders, preparing them for 2012 – the 20th year of ACC’s work in Ukraine!

Bertrand des Pallières and Ihor Delov of Cadogan Ukraine

Serhiy Shmelov of Groupon UA and Oleksandr Svyryd of Baker & McKenzie find a common language

Jacques Mounier of Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank with Serhiy Onishchenko of Chadbourne & Parke

Puma Ukraine Arthur Odesiuk together with Alfiya Jumayeva of AES Ukraine and Tatiana Ryzhova of INGO Ukraine

Oleksandr Savruk of Kyiv Mohyla Business School shares a drink with Dmytro Popinako, Innoware Ukraine The Chamber’s Jorge Zukoski with Stanislav and Olga Kushpitovsky of Zinteco

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Hennadiy Kravchenko of DPD with Alexey Perekatov of Miratech

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Take Me Out


Kyiv Telephone code is +380 44

RESTAURANTS Al Faro V Vasylkivska 49a 503-5091 Hours: 10.00 – 23.30 Italian cuisine Ani V Vasylkivska 72 590-2565 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Caucasian cuisine Antwerpen Pushkinska 38 234-1300 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 European cuisine Arena Entertainment Baseina 2a 492-0000 Hours: 9.00 until the last guest European cuisine Arizona BBQ Naberezhno Khreshchatytska 25 425-2438 Hours: 08.00 – 24.00 American cuisine Bacchus Class Chapaeva 2/16 234-6506 Hours: 09.00 – until the last guest Wine Bar Bar on 8 (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 11:00 – 02:00 Cocktail Bar/Fusion Barsuk Kutuzova 3a 050-386-3629 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 European/local cuisine Bazaar Brasserie Bessarabska Pl 2 238-2111 Hours: 10.00 – 23.00 European cuisine Beef Meat & Wine Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Fusion Belle Vue Saksahanskoho 7 289-8780 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sat 11.00 – 02.00 Belgian/European cuisine Belvedere Dniprovskiy Uzviz 288-5070 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest European/Japanese cuisine b-hush InterContinental Kyiv V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: Sun-Wed18.00 – 02.00, Thurs-Sat18.00 – 04.00 Cocktail Bar/Fusion Boutique (Riviera on Podol) Sahaydachnoho St 15 581-2898 Hours: 24 hours European/Ukrainian cuisine

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Brasserie (Cosmopolite Hotel) Hetmana Vadima 6 205-3520 Hours: 10.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Brunello Bar (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 19.00 – 04.00 Wine Bar Buddha Bar Khreshchatyk 14 270-7676 Hours: Sun-Wed 13.00 – 02.00, Thurs-Sat 13.00 – 04.00 Asian/Fusion Byblos Artema 20 288-1888 Hours: 12.00 – until the last client Fusion Café de Paris Andriivskiy Uzviz 34b 221-2218 Hours: 24 hours French cuisine Carpaccio Café Sofievska 14 278-1612 Hours: various European cuisine Celentano www.pizza-celentano.com for locations Hours: various Pizza/Italian cuisine Cimes Sahaidachnoho 10/5 428-7579 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Kosher cuisine Cipollino Hrushevskoho 1a 279-9191 Hours: 11.00 – 23.30 Children/Italian cuisine Ciro’s Pomodoro Shota Rustaveli 12 221-4545 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Italian cuisine Citronelle Khmelnytskoho 23 067-218-2900 Hours: 08.30 – 23.00 Café-style Comme il Faut V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 French cuisine Concord Pushkinska 42/4 234-7788 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Fusion Cosmopolite Hetmana Vadima 6 www.cosmopolite-kiev.com 205-3520 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Private brewery Crep De Chine Hoholivska 25 537-7070 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Da Vinci Fish Club Volodymyrska 12 490-3434 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Mediterranean cuisine

Deja Vue B Khmelnytskoho 30 235-9802 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 International cuisine Device Café Pobedy Pr 136 277-1555 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest French/Ukrainian cuisine Fellini Horodetskoho St 5 279-5462 Open: 24 hours French/Italian cuisine Fiesta Horkoho 115d 353-7685 Hours: 11.00 until the last guest Latino cuisine Fiji Bar (via Corsair) Sahaidachnoho 14-v 425-5578 Hours: 24 hours Cocktail Bar Fortetsya Gongadze 21 463-5130 Hours: 24 hours European/Ukrainian cuisine Foodtourist V Vasylkivska 5 095-780-6070 Hours: 08.00 – until the last client Gastro-bar Golden Gate Irish Pub Zolotovorotskaya 15 235-5188 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Pub/restaurant Goodman Steakhouse Zhulianska 75 596-0000 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 American steakhouse Grill Asia (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 6:00 - 24:00 European/Asian cuisine Han Gang (Slavutich Hotel) Entuziastiv 1 294-1414 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Korean cuisine Himalaya Khreshchatyk 23 270-5437 Hours: 11.30 – 23.30 Indian cuisine Hinkali Shota Rustaveli 4 234-0692 Hours: 24 hours Caucasian cuisine Hunter Saksahanskoho 147/5 236-3735 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 International cuisine Icon Bar Basseina 5a 234-6996 Hours: Wed 18.00 – 01.00, Thurs-Sat 18.00 – 06.00 European cuisine

Ikra Honchara 67 067-300-8871 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Japanese/ Mediterranean cuisine

Lale Sofiivska 14 278-7566 Hours: 12.00 until the last guest Turkish cuisine

Il Molino Moskovskaya 17 280-7722 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Pizza/Italian cuisine

La Paella Donetska 10 223-7242 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Spanish cuisine

Il Patio Ihorivska 13/5 501-7464 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine

Le Cosmopolite Volodymyrska 47 278-7278 Hours: Sun-Thurs 10.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sun 10.00 – 02.00 Belgian/European cuisine

Karavan Klovskiy Uzviz 10 280-9577 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Uzbek cuisine Kazbek L Ukrainka Blvd 30a 285-4805 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Caucasian cuisine Krendel Pavlovska 17 585-9897 Hours: Mon-Fri 09.00 – 22.00. Sat-Sun 10.00 – 22.00 Russian cuisine Kupetcheskiy Dvor 24km down Stolychne highway 067-246-6246 Hours: 11.00 until the last guest Russian cuisine Kuvshyn Fedorova 10 592-6363 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Caucasian cuisine La Bodeguita del Medio Yaroslaviv Val 20/21 272-6500 Hours: Mon-Wed 12.00 – 00.00, Thurs-Sat 13.00 – 00.00, Sun 16.00 – 03.00 Cuban cuisine

Limoncello Moskovska 22  254-2024 Hours: Sun-Thurs 12.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sat 12.00 – 24.00 Fusion Lipsky Osobnyak Lypska 15 254-0090 Hours: 11.30 – 01.00 Ukrainian cuisine Lucky Pub V Vasylkivska 13 499-1313 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Pub/restaurant Lun Van Khmelnytskoho 26 279-8191 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 Chinese cuisine Lyudi Casual Food V Vasylkivska 5 067-322-7575 Hours: Sun-Wed 12.00 – 03.00, Thurs-Sat 12.00 – 06.00 Italian/European cuisine Mai Tai V Vasylkivska 66 583-5553 Hours: 12.00 – 06.00 European/Asian cuisine

La Cantina Yaroslaviv Val 20 234-7074 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Italian cuisine

Mambo Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8224 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Latin cuisine

L’Accente Lesi Ukrainka 5 200-5002 Open: 10.00 – 24.00 Mediterranean cuisine

Mantra V Vasylkivska 5 221-4448 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Asian/Fusion

Marmaris Hlybotchytska 40 586-4233 Hours: 10.00 – 02.00 Turkish cuisine

Nirvana Lounge L Ukrainky 28b 285-5215 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Indian cuisine

Marocana L Ukrainka 24 254-4999 Hours: 09.00 – 02.00 Fusion

Nobu Shota Rustaveli St 12 246-7734 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Japanese cuisine

Marrakesh Sahaidachnoho 24 494-0494 Hours: Sun-Thurs 12.00 – 01.00, Fri-Sat 12.00 – 14.00 Moroccan/French/ Japanese cuisine Mayachok Lutneva 58a 585-3941 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 European cuisine Meat & Fish Pylypa Orlyka 6 253-8097 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Mille Miglia (Radisson Blu Hotel) Yaroslaviv Val 22 492-2255 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine Mimino Spaska 10a 417-3545 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Georgian cuisine Monaco V Zhytomyrska 20a 590-0151 Hours: 12.00 – 06.00 Mediterranean cuisine Murakami www.murakami.ua for locations 230-8888 Hours: Sun-Thurs 09.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sat 09.00 – 02.00 Japanese cuisine/Sushi Myka Khreshchatyk 46a 227-8943 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 International cuisine New York Bagel Café Shota Rustaveli 15 235-9437 Hours: Mon-Fri 09.00 – 21.00, Sat-Sun 10.00 – 23.00 Café-style

Non-Stop Peremohy Pr 6 236-0501 Hours: 24 hours International cuisine Olivera V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine O’Brien’s Irish Pub Mykhailivska 17a 279-1584 Hours: 08.00 – 02.00 Pub/restaurant O’Connor’s Horiva 15/8 425-7788 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 Pub/restaurant Ok Bar V Vasylkivska 94 225-0220 Hours: Sun-Thurs 08.00 – 00.00, Fri-Sat 08.00 – 02.00 European/Asian cuisine Oliva www.oliva.com.ua for locations 234-5592 Hours: various Italian cuisine Oopen (Ibis Hotel) Shevchenko Blvd 25 591-2222 Hours: 06.30 – 23.00 International cuisine O’Panas Tereschenkivskaya 10 585-05-23 Hours: 10.00 until the last guest Ukrainian cuisine Osteria Pantagruel Lysenka 1 278-8142 Hours: Mon-Fri 08.00 – 23.00, Sat-Sun 11.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine

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07.02.2012 18:42:45

Essential Kyiv


Boryspil International Airport Kyiv-Boryspil highway (23km) 281-7122 www.airport-borispol. kiev.ua Kyiv-Zhulyany International Airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309 www.airport.kiev.ua Central Bus Station Moskovska 3 525-5774 Central Train Station Vokzalna 1 465-2111


Book Shops

Air France-KLM Ivana Franka 34/33 490-2490, 496-3575 www.airfrance.ua www.klm.ua

Albion books Ukraina Shopping Mall, (Peremohy Pl 3, 3rd floor) Globus Shopping Complex (Instytutska 2, 3rd line, 2nd floor) 221-0044 www.albion-books.com

Austrian Airlines V Vasylkivska 9/2 8-800-300-0492 www.austrian.com Delta Air Lines SIA ContinAt (General Sales Agent) V Vasylkivska 9/2, #17 287-3595 www.delta.com

CAR RENTALS Avis Yamska 72 502-2010

Lufthansa Khmelnytskoho 52 490-3800 www.lufthansa.com

Budget Ivana Lepse 4 490-1088

Ukraine International Airlines Lysenka 4 581-5050 www.flyUIA.com


Apartment rentals

International Women’s Club of Kyiv 234-3180 www.iwck.org


British Council Skovorody 4/12 490-5600

American Medical Centres Berdychivska 1 490-7600

Centre of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua

AIDS Testing (anonymous) 278-7385

French Cultural Centre Honchara 48 482-0672


Goethe Institute Volovska 12/4 496-9785 Italian Culture Institute Yaroslaviv Val 32b 270-6223 Polish Institute Khmelnytskoho 29/2 490-9900 Ukraine-Japan Centre Peremohy Pr 37 406-8166

Chillout Hostel Kyiv Horkoho 22b/35 093-332-4306 D’Lux Kyiv Hostel Observatorna 10 097-832-8888 Dream Hostel V Vasylkivska 47 066-244-1447



Cosmopolite Hetmana 6 205-3520

Express Taxi 239-1515

Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34 www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com Ibis Shevchenko Blvd 25 591-2222 InterContinental V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 www.intercontinentalkiev.com Opera B Khmelnytskoho 53 581-70-70 www.opera-hotel.com Premier Palace T Shevchenko Blvd 5-7/29 537-45-00 www.premier-palace.com

Limousine Taxi 502-0808 Radio Taxi 246-1036

Emergency Fire 101 Police 102 First Aid/ Ambulance 103 Natural Gas Emergency 104 Water/Electric/ Sewage Emergency 1557 Elevator Emergency 1586

Radisson BLU Yaroslaviv Val 22 492-2200 www.radissonblu.com/ hotel-kiev Riviera on Podil Sahaidachnoho 15 581-2828

For information on how to list your information here, please call 459-0553.

What’s Wrong Tweets

Kyiv Ukraine Apartments M Zhytomyrska 15 229-3079

Kyiv Lions Club 050-334-5410 www.kyivlionsclub.org


What’s What

Kyiv Telephone code is +380 44


04.indb 32

07.02.2012 18:42:49


Graham Phillips

04.indb 33

buying a place in Ukraine. Property good. Man strong. As for the lucky lady listeners, some did look like students and very nice girls. Others looked like they may not be averse to perhaps a mutually beneficial alliance with such men of property. And more looked like if that man of property were prepared to liquidise a little of it they’d be in a taxi with him within two minutes. At the very least, as with true networking, everyone was out for something. I took a toilet trip and thus left JD unattended at the bar. He was immediately pounced upon by a young lady who started chatting to him. He answered in Russian, as he’s learning, and she promptly complimented him on his language. She then instructed that they should now speak English. It’s a bit chastening to be told in which language one should communicate. My own interaction was of a different nature. I thought I recognised a tanned and platinum blonde girl from a while back so enquired if she was ‘Yulia’. She told me she wasn’t. I apologised and went to sit down. She and her friends duly ambled over and parked themselves down right next to me and JD. I’d never thought mistaking a girl’s name could be a chat-up line but here, just being an ‘international’ man precluded any need for being suave. It all left JD and me feeling a bit unsavoury, a feeling that lingered even longer than the powerful perfume in the room.

You don’t need to be a genius to work out what’s been on people’s minds this week... Pavlo Trokhymenko @p11trokhymenko It’s -20 degrees C in Kyiv right now, it’s like -4 degrees F. There was no winter like this for 5-6 years! Will Riley @willriley100 If you reckon you are cold today spare a thought for my old man. He’s in Kyiv. Marika Barisheva @Zlajamasha @sa_ko_ko In Kiev yesterday was-20C. I went out to the store and had time to freeze for 5 minutes. Francesco Scaltriti @scaltro Off to freezing Kiev in the coldest week of the year, that’s kickass dude! Tim White @TWMCLtd You think it’s cold here? In 4 days I’ll be back in Kyiv where the “high” today is -16c, low of -26c. Note to self: pack gloves! Fancy following us? Be our guest! Go to @WhatsOn_Kyiv Dear Graham, My situation will no doubt seem funny to you, but the truth is I am in despair. I came to Kyiv with my girlfriend for a romantic trip. I was planning to propose here in Ukraine, but you’ll never believe the mess we’ve had to endure. During dinner she claimed she’d fallen in love with a Ukrainian chap. She wants to stay with him here in Kyiv and develop his restaurant business! We’ve been together two years, and now I’m losing her because of perogies and borscht? Please tell me what to do! (name and age withheld) Dear No Name, So let me guess, you always thought your girlfriend was a bit out of your league. You brought her here because you thought she’d be surrounded by other beautiful girls. Thought it may even make her a little insecure. Thought you could seize on this and tie her into a legally-binding, long-term nuptial contract. And yet there was one fatal flaw in your plan. You underestimated the hunkiness of Ukrainian men. I go to discos every week, I see these guys with their high cheekbones and sensual Slavic eyes. Ok some of them take themselves out of the game with white shoes, mullet haircuts and bizarre man-bags, but the others are pure girl-bait. As you now know. Sorry mate. Best, Graham

Chris Rea

What’s Hot


’ve never been that much of a networker, even the word sounds a little calculating to me. However, I’m up for trying things rather than ruling them out. With this in mind I headed along to a Kyiv social networking event last Friday. It was held at a central venue and, to begin with, did seem like a networking event in as much as they were taking business cards at the entrance. True, it was the entrance to a nightclub but still, a start in the right direction. Business card duly deposited, I sallied in with Chris (or JD as he shall henceforth be known for reasons to be explained in the future). Inside it definitely seemed that although it was still early in the evening, the atmosphere was more disco than “what line are you in?” True no one was yet dancing but other than that, looking round the room, they were dressed up more for a night of hooking up than an evening of “been to any good restaurants lately?” The discussions going on were quite easy to ascertain, given that they were in English and at a volume to talk over the music. Much of the native English seemed to be coming from gentlemen a little older and a little more nonUkrainian than their counterparts, who were participating in English with gusto. I heard one chap tell of how he owned a house back in the States, another of how he was thinking of

He gave a fantastic interview to us here at What’s On, he’s in town soon and he rocks! So hot he melts ice.

New Experiences

There’s a new restaurant in Kyiv where you eat entirely in the dark. You literally can’t see a thing. The waiters wear night-vision goggles. See Take Me Out in a couple of weeks for more…

Range Rovers

Able to handle these icy conditions and in any season, they are the coolest car on the road! Full stop.



Like the severe, hard hangover from all that lovely fluffy snow.

What’s Not

What’s Wrong Tweets

What’s What

That Said

It was shut down in the week, I had come to rely on it in the way you rely on water. Hope it doesn't happen again!

Porsche Cayenne

You don’t fool me. I know you are just an overpriced Volkswagen. In your heart, I think you know it too.

If you have a question about life, work or relationships in Kyiv please write to graham@whatson-kiev.com

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