What's On 14 2011

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No.14/2011 22–28 April

The Amazing

Spoon Bender The incredible mind of Uri Geller is soon going to be on display in Ukraine Win Free Tickets to Any UIA Destination!

see page 32

see page 32

Your Chance to be the

Face of Kyiv






wo things of note happened at the weekend – Brian Bonner was sacked from the Kyiv Post for allegedly publishing an article when he’d been told not to (see page 4), and I went out to a local steakhouse for dinner on Saturday night. Now, these two things may seem unconnected (and I’d like to make it absolutely clear that the latter was not a celebration of the former) but there is a basis for bringing the two of them together in this article. You see, the interview that supposedly led to Bonner’s dismissal was with the Minister of Agriculture, Mykola Prysazhnyuk, in which he was asked some very difficult questions about grain quotas and the newly formed Khlib InvestBud (which seemed to get more than its fair share), while the price I paid for the steak seemed to me excessive. Maybe these two topics still appear to be disparate, but let me explain. Ukraine has oft been called the breadbasket of Europe. The country is huge, larger than France, and it’s land is considered some of the most fertile in the world. And yet, it is hugely underproductive. If you read our feature on this very topic in the last issue of What’s On, you would have seen a foreign expert quoted as saying: “Agriculture here is massively underinvested. We have beautiful soil, we sit on deep water access, we can produce very heavy crops if we farm in a sustainably intensive way, and it has a real opportunity to grow and become a primary driver in the economy.” So why is this not the case? Corruption and protectionism, of course, The feature goes on to say that the farming methods used here are antiquated, the land produces a much smaller yield than it could do, and the foreign expertise that could make massive improvements is ignored. In addition, the system of export quotas appears to be at worst massively corrupt, and at best exceptionally dangerous from an investment point of view. The country could be making a fortune from farming, but it is not. So how does that correlate to my expensive steak? The meat at the restaurant at which I ate was imported. In fact, almost every steakhouse and restaurant in the city selling quality meat imports it. When you travel around Ukraine you will see very little in the way of livestock farming, and apparently the legislation covering the farming and slaughter of livestock is so thick it’s crippling. Since I came here I’ve often thought one of the simplest ways to make money would be to introduce a herd of Angus cattle and some sheep. Just imagine, if someone was to produce quality meat locally, they’d be able to tie up virtually the whole restaurant market, and possibly a lot of the supermarket sales as well. After all, why pay excessive prices for imports when you can get just as good homegrown produce at a much cheaper price? Why does no one do it? Because of layers and layers of bureaucracy. Once again, the government that’s supposed to encourage the economy stifles it to the point of suffocation. And that’s how steaks and sackings come together. Neil Campbell Chief Editor neil@whatson-kiev.com




22 – 28 April

4 What’s Up

Censorship scandal erupts at the Kyiv Post, drivers switch to LPG, China sweet talks Ukraine, a plastic surgeon is successfully sued, and Lviv scientists reckon they’ve found a wonder-cure for cancer

6 Kyiv Culture

We sit down with the amazing mind of Uri Geller, which bends spoons, replicates drawings and tells us all about his forthcoming TV show

8 This Week

The definitive guide to everything going on in town including art, nightlife, live music, theatre and fun for all the family.

12 Master Class

Easter is upon us, and, as with almost everywhere in the world, that means eggs, but here in Ukraine, those eggs are really something special. Find out how it’s done!

14 Coming Soon

All the top events coming to town over the next few weeks including some blockbusting upcoming live performances, theatre offerings and the best in Kyiv’s art scene.

16 Active Kyiv

Kyiv is about to host its first ever half marathon, and we’ve got all the info whether you want to take part or simply spectate

18 Take Me Out!

With Easter arriving this weekend, it’s time to break the fast, and we’ve got some great suggestions on how to do that in style

24 Kyiv Life

Photo coverage of all the top events from the past week including the launch of the UEFA EURO 2012 corporate hospitality programme, the launch of a French movie festival, and much more

28 Kyiv Clubbers www.whatson-kiev.com

April No.14/201 1 22–28



We take a trip to Kyiv’s white nightclub, Heaven, but are the people who go there saintly angels, or little devils?

32 Competitions

More pictures from some of our capital’s most beautiful and charming ladies. Are you, or is someone close to you, capable of better? If you think so, get those photos in!

The Amazing

Spoon Bender The incredible mind of Uri Geller is soon going to be on display in Ukraine

e page

the Your Chance to be

On the cover The amazing mind of Uri Geller. Photo: Artem Myronenko

Chief Editor Neil Campbell Deputy Editors Vadym Mishkoriz, Lana Nicole Staff Journalists Kateryna Kyselyova Photographer Artem Myronenko Contributors Cosmos Okigbo Ojukwu, Paul Niland Distribution Igor Hodakov Sales Director Alina Pavlik Marketing Manager Iryna Lakhmanchuk Address 01001 Kyiv, Khreshchatyk St. 50a, 5 floor Тel. +380-44-459-0553; Fax: +380-44-459-0554 e-mail: info@whatson-kiev.com www.whatson-kiev.com

Letters to the Editor: Neil Campbell Tel: +380-44-459-0553; Fax: +380-44-459-0554 e-mail: neil@whatson-kiev.com

WHAT’S ON is the leading informational English-language weekly magazine in Kyiv, covering culture and entertainment in the Ukrainian capital. WHAT’S ON reaches 40,000 readers every week, including English-speaking Ukrainians, expatriate residents and foreign visitors to Kyiv. Registration information Registered with the Ukrainian State Committee of Information Policy, Television and Radio as license No. KV 10233 #14/2011 (507) 22–28 April

34 On the Sofa with…

Top Kyiv DJ, Sender, who tells us all about the power of crystals, and all he learned about them on a recent trip to India

© Copyright 2007. WHAT’S ON is founded by ‘Telegraaf Magazines Ukraine’. All materials published in WHAT’S ON, including name, concept, logotype, photographs, artwork, design and copy texts are the unconditional intellectual property of the publisher and are protected by international and Ukrainian copyright laws. No reproduction of any materials published in WHAT’S ON is allowed without the explicit written permission of the publishers. Views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the publisher. No responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited materials. WHAT’S ON makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the published information, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever should prices, addresses, dates, times or any other description be found to be inaccurate and this guide should be used solely on this understanding.

The management of WHAT’S ON magazine does not accept responsibility for the goods and services advertised within the magazine. All responsibility lies with the advertisers themselves. Views expressed in WHAT’S ON are those of individual journalists and are not necessarily a reflection of any overall editorial position.


What’s Up

Kyiv Post Editor Dismissed

in Censorship Storm


furore erupted within the ex-pat and media communities on Friday when it was announced on facebook that Mohammad Zahoor, Publisher of the Kyiv Post, had dismissed the Chief Editor of the English-language newspaper, Brian Bonner, because he’d refused to pull an interview with Agriculture Minister, Mykola Prysyazhnyuk. A facebook page apparently created by journalists at the Kyiv Post dedicated to the reinstatement of Bonner as chief editor claimed that during a late night call between Zahoor and Bonner, Zahoor had asked Bonner to pull the story because the minister in question did not like it. It is also claimed that during this conversation, Zahoor allegedly told Bonner that publishing the story would seriously jeopardise the continued existence of the Kyiv Post and other of Zahoor’s business interests in Ukraine. It was also alleged that Zahoor called Prysyazhnyuk a "close personal friend", and that the interview would be very damaging. It is thought that the minister had agreed to the interview because he believed the questions put to him would be friendly in nature, but when

he was asked difficult questions regarding grain quotas he was unprepared and unable to answer sensibly. It is claimed that he then approached Zahoor allegedly asking for the story to be pulled. It is alleged that when Bonner refused to pull the story, he was summarily sacked from the position he’s held at the newspaper since June 2008. According to the announcement, staff at the newspaper had gone on strike, demanding the reinstatement of Bonner, claiming censorship from the publisher – big news in these times when stories of censorship of the local media are rife. The Kyiv Post has made major strides forward in the quality of its reporting since Zahoor purchased the newspaper from Jed Sunden in 2009 for a reported $1.1 million, and so if these allegations are true it’s a very sad state of affairs and highlights the lengths to which the current administration is willing to go to silence dissent. Mohammad Zahoor’s view of the events, however, differs somewhat to those published on facebook. In an interview with Kommersant, Zahoor says: ““Our point of view on editorial policy did not match and Bonner received his first warning a year ago. I think there should be more social topics and advertising as the newspaper and the web site must bring in money, while Bonner preferred hot political topics.” He then went on to admit that he’d asked Bonner to hold the story, but citing very different reasons. “I really called Bonner asking to pull the interview because the material was not ready, and it needed more documents and proofs. We planned to publish it later. Why Bonner published it like that is a big question for me,” Zahoor said. According to the report in Kommersant, the Agricultural Ministry has denied any involvement. A spokesman told the newspaper that no one, including the Agriculture Minister, interfered. The story also states that Bonner is not interested in returning to the Kyiv Post, as one of the journalists at the newspaper is quoted as saying: ““He was paid six months wages and agreed to the dismissal. We suggested he sue the publisher and be restored to the position of chief editor, but he does not want this. He said he’s writing a business plan and will create a new

newspaper, and we were advised to continue the strike.” So it seems, as with everything in Ukraine, the story is not a straightforward one, and that amid accusation and counter-claim, the truth gets lost along the way. However, the interview over which this furore erupted was posted on the Kyiv Post website, and remains there, and the edition of the Kyiv Post in which it appears was distributed and is easy to find. Therefore Zahoor’s claims that there was no censorship seem to have grounds. A new chief editor has been appointed to the role, Jim Davis, and so it seems that, regardless of the truth of this story, Brian Bonner’s position has come to an end permanently. However, if Bonner was dismissed because he refused to pull the story, that would be a very sad state of affairs. Reports of censorship have increased dramatically under the current administration, and if a foreign-owned newspaper that declares Independence, Community and Trust as its key criteria has fallen foul of such pressure, it could mark the end of any semblance of free media in Ukraine.


Kyiv Cars Switch to Gas

Plastic Surgeon Convicted

Kyiv car owners are having their vehicles converted to run on Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) due to the rocketing (excuse the pun) price of petrol in the country. With a litre of A-95 topping the dreaded 10hrv price mark for the first time, a huge number of Kyivites are having their cars fitted with the LPG cylinders in the hope of saving some kopeks. The conversion is a simple one, and a car fitted with LPG will run just as well on petrol for those times when propane can’t be found. And while fuel consumption is around the same for both petrol and propane, the cost of the latter is currently about 50% of the price of the former locally, offering massive savings. It’s also a much cleaner fuel to use. Garages providing installation of LPG systems have reported a massive boost in business over recent weeks, and with experts forecasting another jump in petrol prices over the next week or so, the trend is likely to continue. And readers, please bear this rise in petrol prices in mind when negotiating fares with our poor local taxi drivers: they deserve a little more these days.

For the first time in Ukrainian legal history, a plastic surgeon has been convicted of malpractice, opening the door for many others who’ve been mutilated at the hands of some very unprofessional surgeons. Having said that, it’s taken a long time, as the claim was first brought against the surgeon five years ago. The woman who brought the claim, named only as Oksana, had simply wanted to remove the bags from under her eyes and reduce her nasolabial folds, but upon awaking from anesthesia she discovered the surgeon had lifted her whole face. As a result her face had lost its symmetry, and, much worse, it was covered in little scars. In addition, the surgeon had damaged her trigeminal nerve leaving the unfortunate woman with a permanent twitch. The woman immediately went to a clinic in London, only to be told the damage was irreparable and nothing could be done. Sadly, the surgeon managed to avoid criminal charges due to the statute of limitations, but has been ordered to pay 30,000hrv in damages to the unfortunate lady.

A Cure for Cancer? This week, scientists from the Lviv Institute of Biology claim to have discovered an enzyme that’s capable of killing cancer cells. They claim to have discovered a micro-organism called Argenina which attacks cancer cells, and have been able to isolate the active enzyme, with which they're producing a drug called Argenaze. This treatment is very similar to enzyme therapy, discovered by British scientists, but the geniuses in Lviv claim their enzyme can be produced for a seventh of the cost. At the moment the drug has only been tested in the laboratory as the Lviv scientists don’t have the facilities to test the drugs on animals, but they’re convinced of the efficacy of the treatment. However, they claim to be testing the new therapy on terminally ill patients, noting the newly discovered enzyme has low toxicity and represents no danger to humans. Let’s hope they’re right and their new treatment is as effective as they claim it is!

Closer Ties Between China and Ukraine How the world is changing! While almost all countries in the West are struggling under massive debt and gargantuan trade deficits, China is, somewhat ironically, raking it in. Sitting on huge sums of cash adding up to trillions of dollars, and having recently recorded a terribly low trade surplus of only $6.5 billion, it is in an exceptionally powerful financial position. And it’s offered some of that financial clout

to Ukraine at exceptionally good rates. According to Prime Minister Azarov, China is ready to issue credits to Ukraine under conditions more favourable than those offered by other partners. “The Chinese leadership believes our cooperation has prospects,” he told journalists on Monday while on a trip to Beijing. “It is ready to issue credits and investments to us on very favourable conditions for our country. Our initial assessment is that the conditions are more favourable than those we have had before with our other partners.” Now, to which partners do you think he’s referring? Russia? The IMF? Either way, financial power is shifting, and shifting fast.

Neil Campbell


Kyiv Culture

Messing with Your Mind! A few weeks ago I was scanning through channels on my TV when suddenly I came across Uri Geller, his voice dubbed over in Ukrainian. This was a man I’d first seen on television when I was only seven years old, and back then I’d been mesmerised by him bending a spoon simply by gently rubbing it. And now here he was on Ukrainian TV! A quick email to his website got us an almost instant response, and a few days later I was on my way to meet him in the Hyatt, and I have to admit I was quite excited by the prospect.


ri Geller first shot to fame in the early seventies with his amazing spoon-bending act. Since then he has drifted in and out of the spotlight as one of the worlds leading mentalists, as a close friend of the late, great Michael Jackson, and various other reasons. Over recent years, however, I’ve not heard much about him, so it was a great surprise to see him on Ukrainian TV, judging some sort of psychic competition. I was very eager to find out how this man I’ve known of since childhood, and who’s quite well known for his somewhat desperate need for media attention, had found himself in Ukraine.

Uri in Ukraine? So it’s with a bounce in my step I enter the Hyatt and ask for a call to be placed to his room. A few minutes later, I see him descend in the glass elevator, and when he enters the hotel foyer he walks directly over to me, his hand extended. How did he know I was the one he was meeting? Well, that’s all part of the mystery of the man. He shakes my hand firmly, and I am taken by this energetic enthusiasm which seems to exude from every pore. We take a seat in the lobby bar, and of course the first question is, why is Uri Geller on Ukrainian TV? The answer’s not so simple, but it’s interesting. “I now have a very popular show called ‘The Next Uri Geller’. I was in Israel five-and-a-half years ago negotiating with the Palestinians on a humanitarian deal with the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, and a TV producer came to my hotel wanting to do an interview. I said to him, jokingly, ‘look, why don’t you find another Uri Geller? I’m too busy.’ He looked at me and said; ‘That should be the name of a new programme.’ From there we created an amazing format where ten people compete to prove to me they are as good as me.” This, of course, still hasn’t answered my question. So I continue to listen patiently. After all, the show he’s talking about sounds like a very good idea. “The show came out four months later in Israel and broke all rating records, and then NBC snapped it up in America and then it went worldwide.”


Don’t worry, the answer to the question is coming. “It’s now been running in various countries around the world, and has just premiered in Sweden.” Wait for it, we’re just about there. “While I’ve been doing these big shows around the world, Ukraine heard about it. There was already a show running here called ‘The Psychic Challenge’, and because of my popularity they wanted me to be a judge.” Ta Da! Told you we’d get there in the end.

Ukrainian Links It turns out Uri was very excited to receive the invitation because his mother-in-law is Ukrainian. “My wife’s mother was born in Kyiv,” Uri says excitedly. “So this was a good opportunity for me to come and maybe try and locate where she was born.” Without a second thought, Uri agreed to do the show. And it seems it was a match made in heaven, as the makers of ‘The Psychic Challenge’ keep inviting him back, and the Ukrainian version of ‘The Next Uri Geller’ will launch here in September. “You’re the first person to know about it. It will run for ten weeks, every Saturday or Sunday, live!” he says with his usual amount of restraint. Of course, most of us the West know this Israeli mindbender very well, having seen him on the telly for decades. But he’s not nearly so well known here, a fact that was verified by a quick poll in the What’s On office before leaving, the result of which was a lot of blank expressions. I wouldn’t know how to describe the man, so I ask him to how he would describe himself. Be prepared for a lengthy answer. “I know how to reinvent myself,” Uri begins. “People think I am a psychic, but I am not that! I call myself today a Mystifier because basically I’ve mystified people for 40 years. I first appeared on the British TV on the David Dimbleby show way back in 1974. People watched me stop watches and bend spoons. I became really amazingly famous because of the spoon bending, which is really incredible. It has become instilled in world culture having appeared in the movie The Matrix and in songs by Kenny Rogers, Johnny Cash, and Michael Stipe. I was really surprised that such a trivial demonstration as bending a spoon with the power of the mind would have such an affect. Once our programme starts in Ukraine, everyone will know me, especially the youth who, throughout the world, are fascinated by this show.” I’ve no doubt the show, and the man, will prove very popular here, because Ukraine is a very spiritual country, steeped in mysticism and superstition. Uri feels very much at home here. “I love this country and the people, because they are basically like me. I’m a religious man. I believe in God. I’m a superstitious man. I have a strong affinity with the Ukrainian people, and I hope they with me.”

Practical Demonstrations At this moment, the coffee Uri’s ordered is delivered to the table, and of course there’s a spoon lying in the saucer. “Will I bend this one?” he jokes. I’m very keen to see him do so, but first I want to ask about the truth in his spoon-bending demonstrations, because I’d heard he’d never been able to duplicate this process under laboratory conditions. Uri doesn’t answer this question directly, but instead says: “CIA scientists tested me for a long time. They filmed it all, and after thirty-seven years of it being top secret, they’ve finally released it into the public domain. I’ve just put it on my website and you can watch it all at urigeller.com.” He claims to have been the inspiration for the CIA’s remote viewing programme, and suddenly we’re in the middle of a demonstration. Uri grabs the Hyatt printed newspaper he has lying on the table, looks at me and says: “Look at me. I’m going to turn away and I want you to draw here something simple. Anything you want, as long as you keep it simple. Before you cover it with your hands, photograph it with your mind. Cover it with your hands and tell me to turn back.” He turns away and I draw a simple house with two upstairs windows, a door and a spiral of smoke coming from a chimney (pictured). Uri

“PEOPLE THINK I AM A PSYCHIC, BUT I AM NOT THAT! I CALL MYSELF TODAY A MYSTIFIER BECAUSE BASICALLY I’VE MYSTIFIED PEOPLE FOR 40 YEARS.” turns back and asks me to look at him and project the image of the drawing in my mind. I do as I’m told. To my amazement, he starts to draw on the flap of another newspaper. He matches my drawing exactly, even down to the number of windows and the spiral of smoke. At this point, our photographer Artem shows up (late as usual) and I excitedly tell him to photograph the two drawings lying side by side. Before Uri lets this happen, he draws lines above and below both drawings, demonstrating that not only are they the same, but they’re also the same size. A rather bemused Artem snaps away, not sure what it is he’s photographing.

Childhood in Adulthood Uri’s on a roll, and as soon as we’re done with the drawings he starts talking about spoon bending. Apparently he’s under orders from the hotel not to bend any more of their spoons, so for a moment we’re in a bit of a quandary as to where we can get one, but eventually one of the waitresses kindly promises to find us one. She returns shortly after, Uri stands to one side of the table, takes the spoon in one hand and gently rubs it with the other. I tell Artem to take photos, but being the curious-minded lad he is (and still not sure what on earth’s going on), he’s more intent on watching than photographing. Sure enough the spoon bends, and Uri signs it and hands it back to me. Artem looks on bemused. I have him take some photos of me and Uri together, the spoon in the foreground. I’m a happy man. And I’m sure Ukraine will be very happy when ‘The Next Uri Geller’ starts in Ukraine, and Uri is sure they’re going to find someone special here. “People here have this facet, this interesting dimension to their minds because they believe in the supernatural, and they’re mystical and superstitious, and so there is that angle Ukrainian mentalists will bring out.” A busy man, Uri has to go, so we shake hands and he heads off while I’m left with a very puzzled photographer who is intently inspecting the bent spoon for strength and flexibility.


This Week Theatre and Classical Music

22–28 April 2011

Quartet-a-Tet Evening of modern choreography by Kyiv Modern Ballet Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)

26 April at 19.00 Kyiv Modern Ballet is certainly one of the most interesting phenomena on the Ukrainian theatrical scene. Chief choreographer Radu Poklitaru and his troupe always impress, with their spectacular and highly professional modern ballet performances. The music for their performance Quarteta-Tet was written especially for Kyiv Modern Ballet by Dutch composer Ad Maas. With no plot, the performance shows the psychological interrelations between four characters and, shifting to shadow theatre, the shows becomes even more fantastic and psychedelic. Tickets for 40-150 hrv. For more information call: 425-4280


Friday THE PASSIONS OF JOHN Featuring National Academic Symphony orchestra of Ukraine, Lyatoshynsky Classic music ensemble Works Bach Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 UNANIMITY Contemporary performance by Lelio Dance Company Time: 19.00 Kyiv Planetarium CINDERELLA Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 SMALL CRIMES OF MARRIAGE Psychological detective story in 1 act Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 QUARTET Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 VALENTINE’S DAY Drama in 2 acts Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 MY DEAR PAMELA Criminal comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 QUEUE Humorous history in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955


LAUGH OF THE LOBSTERS Tragic comedy Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188


PROTECTION Modern German Drama as part of the Goethe’s Institute Step-3 project Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre 529-4062

23 Saturday ROMEO & JULIET Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 NAZAR STODOLIA Lyrical ballad in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 NO. 13 Comedy of our day in 2 acts Time: 12.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 LYUBOFF! Ironic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 THE CORSICAN Historical anecdote in 1 act Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955

CARMEN SUITE & PAKHITA 2 ballets in 1 act each Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 THE KAUDASHEVA FAMILY Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 THE OVERLY HAPPY FATHER Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA Farce in 2 acts Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223



SILVA Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257 EVENING-REQUIEM Bells of Chornobyl Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 MARTIN BORULYA Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 TREES DIE STANDING Play in 3 acts Time: 19.00 ANGEL/SEXUAL NEUROSES OF OUR PARENTS Play Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 EMPTY TRASH Crazy comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392

LAST LOVE Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 18.00 THE CHERRY ORCHARD Comedy in 4 acts Time: 19.00 JULIA@ROMEO.COM (NORWAY TODAY) Romantic drama Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223

THE PINK BRIDGE Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955


THE SCANDALOUS AFFAIR OF MR. KETTLE & MISS MOON Lyrical comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921

Tuesday AN EVENING OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring Kharechko (organ) Works by Mozart, Elgar, Walter Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186



TALAN Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392

Remember! Marathon Commemorating Chornobyl Master Klass Cultural Centre (Lavrska 16) Concerts of classical music, theatre performances

22 -28 April Master Klass cultural centre has put together a marathon of events devoted to the Chornobyl tragedy, entitled Remember, urging the public to commemorate the horrible events and the victims of 25 years ago. The marathon includes concerts of

THE PINK BRIDGE Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955

28 Thursday AN EVENING OF CLASSIC MUSIC Featuring Lysenko quartet, Danylov (clarinet), Danylova (piano), Kalynovska (organ) Works by Brahms, Franc, Prokofiev Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 AIDA Opera in Italian in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169

An Agreeable Alliance

ROMANCE. MASTER-CLASS Musical drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921

Dakha Brakha and Port Mone are undoubtedly the most extravagant ethno bands in Ukraine and Belarus respectively. Separately, each has a unique and intriguing sound, combining ethnic tradition with urban drive. Together, they have the ability to shake up nations! Both have a connection to the heart of their past traditions rare in groups these days, and this upcoming concert will certainly include the spiritual worlds each represents. New and old compositions are on the programme for tonight, which means you’re in for an incredible experience. Tickets are 80 – 250hrv. For more information call 253-8072.

THE 105TH PAGE OF LOVE Drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 ORDINARY STORY Drama in 2 acts Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 PROFLIGATE Comedy Time: 19.00 Pechersk Theatre 253-6550

Dakha Brakha and Port Mone, House of Officers (Hrushevskoho 30/1)

28 April at 19.00

classical music by New Era Orchestra soloists (22, 24 April), cinema shows (25-26 April), theatre performances and other events aimed to raise money for medical supplies for children suffering from blood diseases. Ukraine is still experiencing the after-effects of the Chornobyl tragedy and we are obliged to remember and warn the next generations of the tolling of Chornobyl’s bell. For ticket prices and more information visit http://www.masterklass.org/ukr/events/pomni Tel. 594-1062 : What's On Recommended


Live Music

22–28 April 2011

EASTERN EXPRESS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 ELECTRIC DREAM (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 BROWN SUGAR (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979 ALEX GERMAN (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 SALSA-TH QUE (DANCE SHOW) Time: 19.00 Admission: 30hrv Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

An evening with Mr. Botti Chris Botti (jazz), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

25 April at 19.00 Multiple Grammy nominee Chris Botti is coming to Kyiv for a huge show. This musician is famous for his talent in playing music called pop by some, jazz by others. He is quick to switch from one style to the other, even during his performances. Botti will be offering the best songs of his 12 albums and 16-year career. A massive experience, mixed with a unique talent, is what one can expect from this show. Tickets are 300-1400hrv. For more information call 2791582.


Friday I DRUG MOI GRUZOVIK (ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 HOT GUYS, TRES DESEOS (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 LUCKY BAND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 L.A., HOT GUYS (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 MAD HEADS XL, CHILL OUT (ROCKABILLY, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 OT VINTA, RED ROCKS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 VASYA CLUB, THE BITCH (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

PARTYZANSKI VYTIVKY (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979 IVAN BLUES (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Kostelna 4) 278-0490 MOJO JO JO (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 HIGHSCORE (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 TETYANA AREFIEVA (JAZZ) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Jazz Do It (V Vasylkivska 76a) 289-5606


Saturday ALAI OLI, LIGHT FLIRT (REGGAE, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 MORE KHUANA (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 CHILL OUT (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528



PORTMEN (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979


Sunday SOYUZ 44(JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 FOXTROT MUSIC BAND (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Wednesday RADIO HEAD & COLD PLAY COVER PARTY (COVER BANDS) Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 THE MAGMA (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 ROCKING WOLVES (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

CHECKPOINT (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 DMYTRO GARKOVENKO (JAZZ) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Jazz Do It (V Vasylkivska 76a) 289-5606


ROCKING WOLVES (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 JOKERS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979 DANDY (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Kostelna 4) 278-0490 RED ROCKS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

Thursday DYVERSANTY (POP-ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

LEMONS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

SOUTHERN HOT GUYS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979

TEX-MEX CO (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900


CRAZY TRAIN (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979

TEX-MEX CO (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

SECOND BREATH (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

GOOD, BAD, EVIL (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

MJ PROJECT (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

MJ PROJECT & DJ RIO (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

DYADYA VASYA (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

BRAZIL.A (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

RURA (ETHNO-ROCK) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

JUKE BOX (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Kostelna 4) 278-0490

GOOD, BAD, EVIL (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979

RU MORES BOYS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545


Tuesday SPRING JAZZ NIGHT (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 CHILL OUT (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 TRES DESEOS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 LANDCRUISERS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

A Welcome Diversion Dyversanty (pop-rock), Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)

28 April at 22.00 This band has been working on their music for years, and while there may have been times when it would have just been easier to set it all aside, they pushed through and have become a force to be reckoned with. Having recently released a brand-new album, as well as warming up crowds for the recent Roxette concert both here and in Minsk, these guys are finally getting their taste of the spotlight. Check them out tonight. Admission is 40hrv. For more information call 279-4137. : What's On Recommended


This Week Art

22–28 April 2011

The Dark Genius Exhibition of photographic works by Bob Carlos Clarke Brucie Collections (Artema 55b)

Opening on 27 April at 19.00 Brucie Collections gallery brings to Kyiv works by legendary photographer Bob Carlos Clarke, famous for his provocative and erotic photographs full of wicked humor. Having also worked with such huge brands as Levi’s, Volkswagen, UrbanStone and others, he always astonished the audience with his original view of things and his emotional portraits. The exhibit entitled “Attack Without Provocation” showcases various aspects of Clark’s work, with his portrayal of the eccentric and seductive women who became his central images. Adults only. For more information call: 205-4264 WOMEN’S GARMENTS OF 19TH – BEGINNING OF 20TH CENTURY Exhibition of historic costumes Khanenko Museum (Tereshchenkivska 15-17) Until 29 April 288-1450

STORKS Exhibition of works by Viktor Pokydanets Karas Gallery (Andriisky uzviz 22a) Until 11 May 238-6531

LITHUANIA: THE BEST OF Exhibition of textiles Zeh Gallery (Frunze 69) Until 8 May 591-1369

AUT Exhibition of works by artists from Ukraine and abroad Museum of Modern art (Hlybochytska 17) Until 7 May 201-4945

ITALIAN TRANS AVANT-GARDE Exhibition of Italian artists Sandro Chia, Enzo Cucchi, Nicola De Maria, Francesco Clemente, Mimmo Paladino M 17 (Antonovycha 102-104) Until 15 June 596-2030

GOROD N Exhibition of works by Valentyna Kozyar Soviart (Andriisky uzviz 22a) Until 30 April 425-1079

LILY AND VENDY Exhibition of works by Alina Maksymenko and Vasyl Tatarsky Tryptykh gallery (Andriivsky uzviz 34) Until 27 April 279-0759

PRYPYAT Exhibition of photographic works by Bjrge Bjartmann Bjerck and Skjalg Ekeland Mystets gallery (V.Vasylkivska 12) Until 30 April 234-4006


Hi-Ho, It’s Off to the Ballet We Go! Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhihirska 2)

23 April at 12:00 Although this isn’t the charming Disney movie of the same name, this is your opportunity to teach your kids that ballet and classical music don’t always have to be deadly dull! This story and its characters should keep them captivated enough that they won’t even realise you’ve had them sit through a “cultural” event. Both parents and children should leave rather pleased with themselves. For more information call 501-1044 PUPPET THEATRE Hrushevskoho 1A (metro Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 278-5808

CIRCUS Peremohy 2 (metro Vokzalna) 486-3927 www.circus.com.ua

MUNICIPAL PUPPET THEATRE Mytropolska 1 513-1500

ZOO Peremohy Pr. 32 241-7769 www.zoo.kiev.ua

MARIONETTE THEATRE Sahaidochnoho 29/3 (metro Poshtova Ploshcha) 417-3058 http://marionet.com.ua

DYVOSVIT 4D cinema, children’s labyrinth, attractions Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10 502-0088 www.dyvosvit.ua

BUTTERFLY ULTRAMARINE Cinema, children’s playground, bowling, arcade Uritskoho 1A (metro Vokzalna) 206-0350 www.kino-butterfly.com.ua KOBZOV CIRCUS 239-2181 Prospekt Pobedy 82 www.circus-kobzov.com.ua MYSTICAL-AQUARIUM CENTRE Koshytsa 8A (metro Poznyaky) 502-1796 www.aquariumfish.com.ua

NEMO DOLPHINARIUM Akademika Glushkova 9 520-5550 www.nemokiev.com KYIV PLANETARIUM Chervonoarmiyska 57/3 287-7508 www.planet.org.ua/about.html AQUAPARK TERMINAL Aquapark, shopping and entertainment centre Kyivska 316 in the town of Brovary 200-1450 www.aquapark-terminal.com.ua


THE PRINCE AND THE PRINCESS Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre 253-6219

DYUMOVOCHKA (THUMBELLINA) Time: 11.00 House of Officers (Hrushevskoho 30/1) 253-8072

Day program Time: 12.00 Nemo Dolphinarium (Akademika Glushkova 9) 520-5550


ROMEO AND JULIET Time: 19.00 Lypska Youth Theatre 253-6219

YOU ARE SPECIAL Musical fairytale in 1 act for children 3+ Time: 13.00 Lypska Youth Theatre 253-6219

THE SNOW QUEEN Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre 253-6219


ARTS CLASS Weekend Club for Kids 4+ Time: 10.00 Master Klass Cultural Centre 594-1062

KYIV PLANETARIUM Selection of various show programs Time: 11.00, 12.30, 14.00 and 16.00 Chervonoarmiyska 57/3 287-7508

AQUACIRCUS Time: 13.00, 15.00 Circus (Peremohy 2) 486-3927


YASNOGORODSKYA OSTRICH FARM Podlesnaya 32, Yasnohorodska (30km outside of Kyiv) 782-3240 www.ostrich.com.ua HOPAK IN KYIV Hopak Training Centres 332-7747 or 067-933-3244 Visit http://hopak.kiev.ua/ua/ NABEG HORSEBACK RIDING CENTRE Vishgorodska 85 067-712-3384 http://www.loshadi.kiev.ua/

KYIV HORSE RACE TRACK Akademika Glushkova 10 266-2223 STATE MUSEUM OF TOYS Klovskiy 8 253-5400 INTERESNIY KIEV Tours in and around Kyiv in English! 491-1176 or 068-121-4458 Visit www.interesniy.kiev.ua/new/ tour/english

SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth 425-3116 CHICKEN RYABA AND LITTLE GOLDEN SONYA Time: 11.00 PUSS IN BOOTS Time: 13.00 KARLIK NOS (LITTLE LONGNOSE) Time: 15.00 ALADDIN’S MAGIC LAMP Time: 17.00 Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a) 278-5808


Sunday AQUACIRCUS Time: 13.00, 15.00 Circus (Peremohy 2) 486-3927

PYROHOVO OPEN AIR MUSEUM Folk architecture and life Marshrutka #3/156 from metro Lybydska 526-5542 MAMAEVA SLOBODA Outdoor Cossack Museum Mykhayla Dontsya 2, Otradniy region 361-9848 www.mamajeva-sloboda.ua

NIVKY PARK Children’s playground, rifle ranges, walking paths, cafes Prospect Pobedy 82 KURENEVSKIY PARK Playgrounds, attractions, cafes Frunze 134 NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDEN Open year round Timiryazevskaya 1



22–28 April 2011

Loaded for Bear Antention (house, techno), Home Concept Club (Perova 2)

22 April at 22.00 Billed as “tempered by war and resurrected from Saransk”, DJ Antention arrives in Kyiv – we hope – with friendly intentions. However, even if he’s in a bit of a hostile mood, there will be enough home-grown Ukrainian DJs on hand to keep him in check. The blow-out starts at 22.00 and continues until the last dancer surrenders. Tickets are L – 50-80hrv, G- 80hrv For more information call 558-2545

PARTY MONSTERS - MISHA ZAITSEV, ALEX PRIDE, LUNNI Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 30hrv, G – 60 hrv BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777

LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT – DJ KEY, DJ ROCKSTAR Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

EASTER SHOW! - TESLA (RUSSIA), DJ JOSEPH, DJ VERONIKA, DJ D.SPIELER, DJ KIRILL MIXER, MC Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

DISCO STYLE PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: free Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

BALLOON PARTY Time: 21:00 Admission: L – before 23.00 free, after 50hrv, G – 90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 ST. DISCO BALLS - DJ CLUBER & MC UJEEN Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJS Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 TECHNOLOGY OF INSANITY PARTY - DJ ANDREI FIBER, DJ EGOR BOSS, DJ JUZZIST, DJ SHIFER, DJ D.SPIELER, MC SUNNY Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070


Friday CALIBAN (METALCORE) Time: 19.00 Admission: 150-300hrv Bingo (Peremohy 112) 424-2555 REKEVIN (JAZZ) Time: 20.00 Admission: 60-80hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 067 946 06 50 PETER-KYIV TRANSIT Time: 22.00 Admission: 200 hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069 MOSCOW BEAT – DJ VANYASHIZ, DJ ROCKSTAR Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999 BUNNY PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: free before 23.00 D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 BOOZY FRIDAY PARTY – DJ MARCU$$, DJ ZOITS, MC DYM, BABY GIRLS! Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv, VIP - 200hrv BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 FBI PARTY Time: 21.00 Admission: L – before 23.00 – free, after – 50hrv, G – 90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 HOUSE DJS EVENT – DJ’S ML.KEY & JALSOMINO, DVJ BURZHUY, DJ ROMANTIC, DJ UNDERHILL Time: 23.00 Admission: L-30-50hrv, free, G- 40-60 hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

DVJ ARNABY, FEATURING RHYTHMMEN Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476 DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJS Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 R ‘N’ B FRIDAY - DJ SHKED, DJ SPEEDY, DJ PAHATAM Time: 22.0 Admission: L – free, G – 50 hrv Vodka Bar (Globus-2nd line, Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 371-1102 DJ SUKHAR, DJ ALEXANDR GALICKIY, DJ GRYZLI, DJ D.SPIELER Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 ANTENTION – DJ ANTENTION, HANDАRBEIT, OVERDRIVER, E.FOMENKO, PLAY 2DAY!, ETC. Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00, L and G – 50hrv, after – 80hrv Home Concept Night Club (Perova 2) 558-2545


Saturday ONE NIGHT WITH JESUS (JESUS GONZALEZ) Time: 21.00 Admission: 35-50hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) GOLDEN EGG PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: free before 23.00 D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

DISCOMANIA PARTY – DJ VELSKIY Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494


Monday BLUE (BRITISH EUROVISION 2011 ENTRY) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Ciro’s Pomodoro 050 777-1137

80S DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: free Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300 POP PARTY – DJ VELSKIY Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494


Tuesday FRIEND PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: free Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

BLUE (BRITISH EUROVISION 2011 ENTRY) Time: 23:30 Admission: call and check D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

ALL BEST GOLDEN NIGHT – DJ GREG, DJ BRO, DJ FIRST, DJ RUNOV AND OTHERS Time: 22:00 Admission: call and check Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150

RED RIDING HOOD PARTY Time: 21.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

LADIES NIGHT Time: 22.00 Admission: free D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

SUB DANCE! – DJ SANCHO, DJ UNDERHILL, DJ D.SPIELER. Time: 22.00 Admission: free before 00.00 and after 04.00, 50hrv between 00.00 and 04.00 Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

Jazzing It Up


Sunday PUMP YOURSELF UP PARTY Time: 21.00, ladies only before 00.00 Admission: L-free, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 TERRITORY OF LOVE – COEUR EXTASIE Time: 22.00 Admission: free Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363 D’LUX LIGHT DISCO – DJ MAROCCO Time: 12.00 Admission: free D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 R’N’B BOOM: ALL STARS PARTY – DJ LADY, DJ JEFF, DJ MEHANIK, MC YOUNG T, MC GERRIK GORILLA Time: 22.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-30hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 UNLIMITED EASTER! Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 EXTREME LADIES NIGHT Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999 SONGS, DANCES AND FOOD: OUR BEST FRIENDS – DJ MYUKHIN, MC KALININ Time: 21.00 Admission: 30hrv Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322

Rekevin (electronic, jazz, acid jazz) Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8)

22 April at 20.00 Russian group Rekevin is coming to Kyiv for the first time and bringing their brand-new album with them. An intriguing mix of jazz, acid jazz and electronic music, Rekevin is touted as Russia’s answer to modern European downtempo jazz. Their fresh take on the genre is certain to garner the attention of Kyiv’s discerning public, as thе group has already wowed audiences at a multitude of festivals, including Koktebel. Tickets are 60-80hrv. For more information call 067 946 06 50

LA BELLA PARTY Time: 21.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 DISCO 80S Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494


Wednesday LADIES’ HAPPINESS Time: 22.00 Admission: L – free, G – 100hrv Stolitsa (Hrushevskoho 1b) 279-0000 DISCO RADIO FORMAT Time: 22.00 Admission: free Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999 LATINA FIESTA PARTY – SALSA SCHOOL, DJ STALKER, MC ADAM, GO-GO DANCE-SHOW Time: 20.00 Admission: free Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 AMAZON ISLAND PARTY – EROTIC SHOW, STRIPTEASE, CONTESTS Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free before 00.00, after 30hrv, G-100hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 LADIES NIGHT – HAVANA MOJITO Time: 22.00 Admission: free D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 LADIES NIGHT WITH MC CLUBNICHKA Time: 21.00, ladies only before 00.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-50hrv, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024


Thursday CRAZY THURSDAYS Time: 22.00 Admission: 30 hrv Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999 LADIES NIGHT – BEST STRIPTEASE IN KYIV Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 UNLIMITED THURSDAYS – SAMOSUD Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 WHAT GIRLS WANT… STRIPTEASE! Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300 SEXY BUNNIES IN JAMAICA Time: 21.00 Admission: L – free, G – free before 23.00 free, after 23.00 90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 HAVE FUN AND KISS PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 25grv, G – 50hrv Stolitsa (Hrushevskogo 1b) 353-5484

: What's On Recommended

Kateryna Kyselyova


Master Class

Holy Easter Py For Orthodox Christians, Easter is one of the most important and most anticipated holidays of the year. Lent is over and people joyfully greet Easter with mandatory traditional Ukrainian Easter items, like paskha (Easter special bread) and pysanky - specially painted Easter eggs. If paskha can be easily bought at your nearby supermarket (though a self-respecting Ukrainian housewife would only ever bake it herself), pysanky are something you can only make yourself. What’s On is at your service in teaching you how to make a real Ukrainian Easter pysanka. Read carefully, as you’ll want to make a couple of them for you and your friends!


he pysanka has an ancient history in this country, reaching back many centuries. The egg traditionally symbolised new life and was an integral part of spring for hundreds of years. Combined with Christian traditions, the pysanka was imbued with a deep religious meaning, as a symbol of Christ’s resurrection. This is why the pysanka became a de rigeur item at Easter, bringing purification to the home, as well as an Easter present expressing sincere wishes for happiness and good fortune. At the same time, the pysanka is a work of art, the panting of which requires skills and a certain amount of background knowledge. In order to acquire this knowledge, along with the special tools required for painting pysanky, I head for the “Museum of Ivan Honchar” Centre of Folk Culture, which recently opened a school of pysanka painting. We are welcome within these walls, where Ukrainian tradition and history live on in ancient authentic vyshyvanky, pottery, wooden tools and other ethnic artefacts, by Larysa Holovnya – a master of embroidery and pysanka drawing. About a year ago, with the support of the museum, the pysanky painting school was established here, attracting hundreds of people looking to learn this tradition Ukrainian art. And we join right in! As it is an important Easter symbol, to create a pysanka, one needs to be spiritually clean. Larysa says she never begins work without saying a prayer, so – lighting a candle – we quietly read a prayer, asking God’s help us in this special ritual. At the first stage, the eggs should be properly prepared to become pysanky, over the course of about an hour. For this we use a special device, which is simply a metal stick with a sharp end, and by cautious drilling, we make tiny holes at each end of the egg, in order to extract the white and the yolk. Larysa says that pysanky can be painted on full eggs as well, but that these cannot be stored for long, as the inside would rot. Once the eggs are hollow, they are nearly ready to be painted.

I say nearly, because the holes need to be filled in now. For that we use the main tool – the pysanok, or pysachok. Before using it we warm the tool over a lit candle on the table. The hot iron will quickly melt the wax used for pysanky painting. We then fill the tool with wax and, in one swift move, cover the holes with wax. Now the eggs are ready and we begin by drawing a design with a pencil. “In order to get nice, straight lines there is one rule – always turn the egg, while keeping the pencil immobile,” suggests Larysa. I follow her advice and – to my great surprise – the lines come out straight! Using the pencil, we divide the egg first into four quadrants with one vertical and one horizontal line – this is called the straight cross. We then go to divide those quadrants into a further two, forming the so-called oblique cross (reminiscent of the St. Andrew’s cross), thus coming out with eight sections. As this is my first pysanka, I ask the master to choose a really simple design and Larysa suggests I make an 8-pointed star. To draw it, we make small dots in the middle of the lines bisecting the sections and connect them with a zigzag line. Then we do the same on the other side of the egg. The preparatory stage now over, we apply wax to the surface of the egg. We again warm the tool (pysachok) with wax and apply it to the lines we’ve drawn, following the pencil drawing. This procedure becomes almost automatic for me, as the master and I simultaneously warm our tools on the candle flame and continue drawing. As we do this, I ask Larysa about the meaning of some of the pysanka designs. The number and variations of designs is so enormous that no one can say the exact number of symbols and figures commonly painted on pysankas, but


ysanka there are some basic and recurring ones. “The star is one of the figures drawn most often, as it traditionally represents the sun and fire,” says Larysa. According to old folk traditions, making someone a present of a pysanka with an eight-pointed star signifies a declaration of love. The cross is another important symbol representing the sun. The cross is the intersection of two lines, or two spheres in the language of symbols, with the horizontal line depicting time, while the vertical line symbolises eternity. Thus, the sign of the cross simultaneously represents both being and non-being. A triangle surrounded by symbols resembling rakes symbolises water and our long-departed ancestors painted these pysanky in hopes of summoning rain for their crops. Pine tree branches usually mean youth and good health. A stylised tree represents the family tree and symbolises fertility. A bird on a pysanka means the beginning of new life, fertility and prosperity. The designs vary by region: “In the region of Kyiv, pysanky usually feature big designs, while pysanky from western Ukrainian regions have hundreds of tiny designs and lines,” explains Larysa. After we finish drawing the lines with wax, we come to the colouring stage. Before colouring, however, we dip our eggs into vinegar, in order to remove any grease. Our paint awaits us (the paint can be bought at any fabric shop, as regular wool dye is used, with one packet diluted in 0,5 litre of boiling water, to which one then adds one teaspoon of vinegar). I dip my egg into the red paint and keep it there for 10-15 minutes. As we do this, Larysa explains the rules of colouring the eggs: “One must understand that the areas covered with wax will remain white, while the rest of the egg will be coloured. The one rule is to always colour the eggs from lighter to darker, meaning, first yellow, for instance, then red, then black.” The colours on pysanka have meanings of their own: red is the most meaningful colour, symbolising goodness, joy of life, and heavenly fire and, in general, the red egg is the symbol of Easter. Yellow represents heat and the harvest, while green recalls the nature’s awakening in spring. Black represents eternal life in the other world. After we remove the eggs from the paint, we blot them with napkins and go back to applying wax. Now my egg is red and I apply wax to the area of the star so that after further colouring the star will remain red, while the egg will be painted black. “To apply wax on larger areas, you have to move with the tool in circles, not making strokes, but spreading the wax in circles,” says Larysa. “And be very careful with the lines: they need to be carefully covered with wax, so that the contours of the star will be clear and distinct.” This procedure takes time, plunging me into a near-meditative state, as my hands already move quickly and confidently as I grow ever more relaxed and calm. Larysa says that pysanky are best painted during Lent:

“Creating a pysanka, one becomes focused on oneself and can analyze one's deeds, leading in the end to spiritual cleansing.” Larysa herself started painting pysanky back in 1996 when, following 19 years working in a kindergarten, she came to work in the Honchar Museum. “I remember that my son and I went to an exhibition and saw a lady painting pysanky and selling the tools. My son liked them so much, he made me buy the tools and we tried to create our own. Later on, I found out that the Ivan Makarovych (Honchar, after whom the Museum is named) collection of pysanky had been compiled back in the 50s and 60s. They were in bad condition and some of them cracked, so we decided to restore them and copy the whole collection, in order to preserve the authentic designs. So I can say that I was taught to paint pysanky by museum exhibits.” Larysa was dreaming about a pysanky painting school for a long time until her dream came true last year, allowing her to offer lessons to all comers. Larysa says that the master classes were free of charge last year and that the classes were packed! This year, you have to sign up for a master class and pay a symbolic 20 hrv. Next year, the school is planning to expand the programme to a two-year course, with the students receiving certificates upon “graduation.” Most of all, Larysa enjoys teaching kids: “Children get excited painting pysanky. It’s an accessible form of art – one hour and you’ll see the result – and every kid goes home with a pysanka. The smallest student I had was 2 years old. She came with her mother, of course, but she also tried to draw some lines.” Teaching kids every day, Larysa says there are no ugly pysankas at all: “In Ukraine, the pysanka itself is a synonym for beauty. Even Shevchenko compared the beautiful Ukrainian village with the pysanka! As I tell the kids, any lines askew and blots only decorate the pysanka!” I finish by covering the star with wax and proceed to colouring again, putting the egg into black paint for 15 minutes. As I take it out, the only thing left is to remove the wax. Removing the wax is the final stage in the process. Holding the egg close to the fire, the wax melts and can be easily removed with a napkin. “Be careful not to hold the egg too close to the fire, as the smoke might leave black stains on the egg,” warns Larysa. As I remove the wax, I see the egg has actually acquired a beautiful lustrous sheen from the process. Holding my art work in my hand, I sigh with admiration! Not that my pysanka is genuine, but the feeling of having created something with my own hands is a big thrill and I already know I will practice this art in the future, as I now know, painting a pysanka really leads to spiritual and psychological relief.


Coming Soon Musical Chemistry Chemical Brothers (electric pop), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

25 May at 19.00 Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons of Chemical Brothers are giving their first concert in Kyiv. They

are planning to “wow” the Kyiv audience with their most recent album Further, as well as their top hits and an energetic show hitherto unseen here. When this British duet was formed in 1993, the big-bit genre was in its infancy and the Chemical Broth-

ers are now frequently called the pioneers of big-beat and electronic music, sharing this title with other popular bands such as The Prodigy, Fatboy Slim and The Crystal Method. Tickets are 250-850hrv. For more information call 246-7406

MUH Young Ukrainian Artists’ Project Institute of Issues of Contemporary Art (Shchorsa 18d)

From 20 May

PROSTO.ART Exhibition of works by contemporary Ukrainian artists. National art Museum (Hrushevskoho 6)

13-20 May Center for Contemporary Art Foundation, together with the National Art Museum, is organising an exhibition

featuring a charity auction and performances, to which 70 Ukrainian contemporary artists have donated works. Among them are such famous and well-respected names as Olexandr Roytburd, Tiberiy Silvashi, Pavlo Makov, Valeriya Trubina, as well as a new generation of Ukrainian artists – Stas Volyazlovskiy, Oleksiy Say, Alevtina Kakhidze and many others. The funds raised at the auction will be used for projects aimed at supporting Ukrainian contemporary art: an experimental art projects contest, visits of leading international experts to Ukraine, establishment of an international school for young artists, critics and journalists, and other worthy ventures. Hurry to see these works before they are sold at the charity auction on 21 May. For more information visit www.cca.kiev.ua.

Bringing their Best Bi*2 (pop-rock), Arena Entertainment (Baseina 2a)

28 May at 20.30 After a huge show in Kyiv National Opera Theatre with the symphonic orchestra, Russian pop-rock band Bi*2 is coming back to Kyiv with their Best of Bi*2 program. Well-known hits in Bi*2’s original arrangement will be performed on the night, so that every fan will have a great evening with their beloved band. So don’t miss the concert of the band so warmly welcomed here, that one might even mistake Kyiv for their native city. Admission is 250hrv. For more information call 492-0000.

Classic Ballet and Contemporary Choreography National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

3,4 June at 19.00 An unprecedented event at the National Opera Theatre of Ukraine – a 2-act ballet combining classic ballet and contemporary choreography, performed by leading dancers of the Bolshoy Russian Theatre, Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky St.Petersburg Theatre and the National Opera Theatre of Ukraine. The names Nikolay Tsiskaridze, Denis and Anastasiya Matvienko, Leonid Sarafonov and Olesya Novikova are known the world over and are synonymous with masterly perfection and outstanding talent. During this performance of classical dance from famous ballets, as well the modern choreography ballet Quatro, this evening you’ll witness pure beauty and genius. For ticket prices and more information call: 279-1169

For the third time, the Kyiv art scene is experiencing an invasion of the newest and most innovative Ukrainian contemporary art at MUHi project, initiated by Bottega Gallery. The art works have been collected and the expert committee has already chosen the works to be named as representing trends in Ukrainian contemporary art and to be exhibited in the 900-square meter area of the Institute of Issues of Contemporary Art. Video art, installations, photographic art works and all other artistic genres will be represented, demonstrating the diversity of Ukraine’s young and creative artists. For more information call: 279-5353

Freak on a Leash Korn (US, nu-metal), Palace Sport (Sportyvna 1)

30 May at 19.00 Last year, the well-known American band Korn produced their ninth album called Korn III: Remember Who You Are. With the release of this work, the band returned to their roots, introducing simple, but energetic music. While that in itself is newsworthy, the really exciting part is that these award-winning metalists will be here in Kyiv for the first time at the end of the spring; something fans have been waiting for some time. Come check out the freak on a leash, Jonathan Davies, and his band doing what they do best. Tickets 300 – 500hrv. For more information call 246-7406


Sweet Dreams Dream Theater Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl. 1)

13 July at 19.00 Pioneering American progressive metal band Dream Theater are finally bringing their outstanding stage performance to Kyiv. Renowned among musicians of many genres for the technical virtuosity, this band, which began life at the famous Berklee College of Music in the United States, has won accolades the world over for pushing back the boundaries of “metal” and blurring the lines between genres. Kyiv-based fans of Dream Theater are guaranteed a unique show, since the band never plays the same set list twice and their gigs are known to take audiences on a long, loud, fast, yet melodic journey to the frontiers of modern rock music. Ticket are 250 – 600hrv. For more information call. 246-7406

Kyiv’s Spring of Classic Music Kyiv’s Spring International Music festival National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrsky uzviz 2)

20-24 May at 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine presents the international music festival Kyiv’s Spring, inviting some of the world’s best classical music performers. This time it’s Joseph Lin – an outstanding violinist who in 1999 became the youngest musician ever to receive the prestigious Pro Musicis International Award. An active soloist, Lin has performed with leading orchestras all over the globe. In Kyiv, Lin will perform with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic and the programme will include works by Prokofiev, Berlioz and Ukraine’s very own Myroslav Skoryk. Tickets are 20 –100 hrv. For more information call: 278-1697

Amen to That P.O.D. (US, Christian metal) in concert, Bingo Club (Peremohy Pr 112)

1 June at 21.00 American Christian metal band P.O.D., or Payable On Death, will be playing Kyiv this summer. Having received Best Hard Rock Award twice in a row at the San Diego Music Awards, as well as three Grammy Award nominations over the course of their career, their music has appeared on movie soundtracks such as the extremely successful Matrix, and scores of videos have become Number 1 hits on MTV. With seven albums out since their inception back in 1992 and another on the way soon, this concert is one you simply won’t forgive yourself for missing. Tickets are 250 – 600hrv. For more information call 423-8317.

The Whirl of Ukrainian Dance National Academic Virsky Dance Ensemble National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

30 May at 19.00 The National Academic Virsky Dance Ensemble is one of Ukraine's calling cards, presenting the traditional folk dances of Ukraine’s various regions of Ukraine. Collecting and learning authentic materials pertaining to Ukrainian traditions, the ensemble works non-stop, creating new dance “miniatures”, as well as ensemble performances accompanied by its own orchestra. The ensemble’s bright costumes, massive performances and the spectacle of Ukrainian dance will make this evening unforgettable. Tickets are 20 – 200 hrv. For more information call: 2791169

Vadym Mishkoriz


Active Kyiv


for the Sake of Fu

Spring has finally come and it’s high time to start thinking about getting back to an active lifestyle. Those who had a sedentary winter, not doing anything strenuous or worrying about gaining extra weight are now horrified by what they’ve done to themselves.


hen the time comes to take up sport, the hardest part is the start. If you need a push to get going, then the first Kyiv halfmarathon scheduled for 8 May might be just the ticket. Remember, however, that you’ll have to do some training in advance, because even though it’s only a half-marathon (a mere half of the usual distance), you’re going to have to sweat a little for it. The first thing you’ll need to do is to find your training gear in the closet. For many of us, this will be the hardest task on our training to-do list. From here, the task becomes much easier. Dress up, get out on the street or stadium

and run. That’s it! Do it every day and by the time the Kyiv half-marathon starts you will be ready.

Half as Easy as It Sounds? In fact, the half marathon is not an artificial event. Even though it’s not an Olympic discipline, more and more runners all over the world are involved in this activity. The only difference between the marathon and the half-marathon is the distance. The latter is only 21km long, which makes it more manageable for ordinary people. This may be an arguable point, as the cleanliness of our





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country’s air means that people may find it difficult to walk 10 km, to say nothing of running 21 km. City marathons have been popular for ages, with famous annual events held in Boston, Berlin, Chicago, London and New York. Striving to take its place among the world’s leading cities, Kyiv is introducing its own half-marathon this year. If you would like to take part in the Kyiv Half-Marathon, you should start preparing now as it is scheduled for 8 May. The event includes 3 categories: Half-Marathon (4 laps, overall distance of 21 097m), Bankova 5 (1 lap, 5000m) and Children’s Trial (1 lap, 1000m). It goes without saying that if you

jog regularly you'd be better off choosing the Bankova 5 route, with a 1-hour time limit. Nevertheless, if you think that you can run and beat the 2.5 hour deadline on the Half-Marathon distance – go for it! You also need to be over 16 years old to take part in the Half-Marathon and Bankova 5 trials. Kids from 2 to 16 years old are allowed to take part in the Children’s Trial. Small kids should, of course, be accompanied by their parents.

And They're Off! The event will start at 9.30 with an opening ceremony. Thirty minutes later, the runners










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will be under starter’s orders to get set and go. All participants in the Half-Marathon distance will have to run from Independence Square along Kreshchatyk to Bessarabska Square, then up Baseina and Mechnikova Streets to Klovskiy Uzviz. That’s going to be the hardest part of the lap, as runners will have to run uphill, thus making the going much tougher. After that hard climb, the route will take runners through a loop beginning on Instytutska Street, then following Shelkovichna, Lyuteranska and Bankova Streets, before finally leading back to Instytutska Street. From here, runners will find it relatively easy to make it back to Independence Square, whence the run began. Participants will be expected to complete 4 laps in two and a half hours. Compared to the previous slog, the Bankova 5 route will be considerably easier. Runners in this distance will have to complete the 5km distance along Bankova Street in 1 hour. So, if you still think you’re up to it, all you have to do is register on half.kyivmarathon. org/en and pay the entrance fee. Let’s not forget about prizes. The winner in the Men’s Over-18 category will receive 4000hrv, while first place in the women’s category will net the winner 2000hrv. Thankfully, this is not gender discrimination at work, but simply recognition of the fact that the competition in the men’s field is that much tighter. First place in the Bankova 5 competition will take home 1000hrv (men) and 500hrv (women). These prizes offer additional motivation to win and prove the healthy way of life can be a profitable one. Are you still sitting on a couch reading this? Get out of your apartment and start jogging right now!

Vadym Mishkoriz


Take Me Out!

Easter and Christmas are the holiest holidays for Christians. And, of course, after winter’s long days, Easter is more than a religious holiday for people, since it is usually associated with spring, picnics and sunny days. For those who follow national traditions and are prepared to get up early in the morning to have their Easter baskets filled, here is a list of places where this service can be provided, or where one can go for a festive breakfast after church services. OLIVERA (V Zhytomyrska 2A) 219-1919 For Easter, Olivera has turned its usual Sunday brunch into a truly festive occasion. This family celebration will cost you 675hrv per person. In honour of Easter Sunday, Olivera has added Easter specialties to their ordinary brunch menu, such as veal and eggs, as well as Ukrainian Easter bread and many more delicacies. The offer also includes a variety of

salads and appetizers, the freshest seafood afood and oysters, antipasto and items from om the grill, desserts, red, white and sparkling ng wine, fresh juice, soft drinks, tea and coffee, a children’s menu and entertainment.. And, in keeping with the restaurant’s great tradition, kids under 12 eat for free. All of this is makes Olivera a great place to celebrate Easter ster with the whole family. But don’t forget to book in advance.

SHYNOK (L Ukrainky 28v) 285-5777 Especially for this holiday, Shynok has added a festive Easter basket to their menu for 300hrv. The best Ukrainian ethnic traditions will be brought to life here on 24 April. However, Ukrainian Easter cuisine will not be the only feature ure of the holiday: guests will be entertained with live folk music and some special presents. You can also order a paskha in any size you want! Everything’s possible! Just come and enjoy y the holiday here.

FELLINI (Horodetskoho 5) 279-5462 Fellini restaurant invites you enjoy to your holy Easter holiday with them. Every guest may order a big basket full of traditional Easter treats. For 550hrv, you’ll receive Easter bread and eggs, a poppy roll and, of course, a basket with an ethnic Ukrainian tea-towel. If that’s not what you need, but would rather buy an ordinary paskha as a present for friends and relatives, it will cost you anywhere from 35 to 90hrv - a great offer in the run-up to Easter. This will make it easier to gather your closest friends in one place and delight in the delicious food so desired after Lent.


PERVAK (Rognedinskaya 2) 235-0952 On the occasion of the beautiful Easter holiday, Pervak Restaurant has decided to offer its visitors some tasty new dishes. This time it’s going to be “Shkandal a la Kyivskiy”: fillets of the tender veal and chicken you so longed for during Lent; a French-accented salad “Pardon, Merci, Bonjour,” and the authentic Ukrainian “Lamb a la Podil.” Pervak hasn’t forgotten that it’s Easter and has therefore added traditional Easter dishes to its list of innovations. It goes without saying that there will be lots of Easter eggs, poppy rolls and paskhas on offer. LYPSKIY OSOBNYAK (Lypska 15) 254-0090 Guests will be greeted with “Happy Easter!” upon entering the restaurant on 24 April. Striving to make their Easter basket different from the others, Lypskiy Osobnyak invites visitors to fill it themselves; whatever you fancy can be added to your basket for take-out, whether it be a deliciously aromatic paskha, a poppy roll and Easter eggs, or appetizing homemade sausages and a bottle of wine. Your basket will hardly be a plain one, once you’ve added items suiting your personal tastes.

SAM’S STEAK HOUSE (Zhylyanska 37) 287-2000 Sam’s Steak House will be a perfect place for the celebration, as the steaks they offer will be a great start to your life after Lent. In addition, the restaurant has added paskhas and Easter eggs to its festive menu. Sam’s dining room will be beautifully decorated for the holidays, to further enhance your experience.


Take Me Out! Listings RESTAURANTS AMERICAN ARIZONA BBQ 25 Naberezhno Khreshchatytska st. 425-2438 Open: 08.00 – 24.00 The only American run restaurant in Kyiv, open since 1995. Free Wifi, drinks, food, parking, satellite TV, credit cards, live music

SAM’S STEAK HOUSE 37 Zhylyanskaya st. 287 20 00 Open: 08 a.m. – 12 a.m. www.karta.ua Steak House. Grill restaurant. Breakfast. Wide choice. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., weekdays WI-FI

ASIAN TERRACE Mezhigirska 87 B str. +380932673630 +380443511572 Оpen: 18 00 – 06 00 Asian style, comfortable room karaoke with beauties.

HINKALI 4, Shota Rustaveli st. 234-0692 Open: 24 hours Real Caucasian culture reproduced in its best meals. Cuisine with an accent.

VERNISSAGE 30 Andriyivskiy uzviz 425-2403 Open: 11:00 – 23:00 Excellent French bistro. Menu in French and in English

KAZBEK 30a L. Ukrainky blvd. 285-4805 Open: 11.00 - 24.00 Restaurant with original interior and traditional Tone stove for baking bread.

FELLINI 5 Horodetskoho st. 279-5462 Open: 24 hours Authentic French and Italian cuisine in the heart of Kyiv.

KUVSHYN 10 Fedorova st. 592-6363 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Caucasian cuisine. Every dish served in its own original and unique manner.

MIMINO 10a Spasskaya st. (Podol) 417 35 45 Open: 12.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua Authentic Georgian cuisine

SAFFRON 3 Vorovskogo st. 569 10 10 Open: Sun – Wed: 12.00 – 00.00 Thu – Sat: 12.00 – 05.00 www.karta.ua Oriental cuisine, Karaoke-lounge WI-FI NOBU 12 Shota Rustaveli st. 246-7734 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Sushi bar in central location. Great decor and service, wide menu of authentic sushi.

PENA 30/18 Yaroslaviv Val st. 234-1701 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Japanese fusion is the big pull here, which means a combination of all that is great about Japanese and Western cuisines.

TUBITEYKA 29/50 Tarasivska st. 287-0242 Open: 8.00 – 23.00 Asian and home made cuisine, delicious breakfasts, kalian. Oriental atmosphere – and decoration. WI-FI

CAUCASIAN ANI 72 Chervonoarmiyska st. 4th floor 590-2565 Open: 11.00-23.00 An open show-case kitchen will let you watch the respected Chef cook traditional dishes on the chargrill for you.

EUROPEAN 7FRIDAYS CITY-CAFE B Khmelnytskoho 29 278-1187 www.7fridays.kiev.ua Situated in the very heart of Kyiv, the 7Fridays cafe is bursting with city life while striving to preserve a homelike atmosphere. Offering a peaceful corner to forget about city rush, stop for delicious European cuisine for breakfast, business-lunch or dinner. Internet available. WI-FI STORY CAFE 17/18 Naberezhno-Kreschatitskaya st. 467 78 97 Open: 11.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua French, Italian & Japanese cuisine WI-FI RAZGULYAEVO 70 Stolichnoe highway (to Koncha-Zaspa) 259 17 00 Open: 11.00 – to the last client www.karta.ua Entertainment complex (restaurant, hotel, sauna, paintball) WI-FI

FRENCH COMME IL FAUT Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 219-1919 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 A feeling of Paris in the Kiev charm. Menu flavours and aromas take you back to the finest Parisian tastes with the most modern accents. Eexclusive chocolate menu you never tested before.

CREP DE CHINE 25 Hoholivska st. 537-7070 Open: 08.00 – 23.00 A culinary expirience you won’t forget!

AURA RESTOBAR Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2-е 3835999, 3836000 www.aura-cafe.com Open: 11.00 – 6.00 European, Mediterranean, Japanese cuisines and dishes on Tandura. Wide choice of wines and hookah.

BIER PLATZ (NEW!) Maidan Nezalezhnosti – 7 Khreshchatyk 067-407-5544 From 11.00 until the last client Delicious Czech, German and Ukrainian cuisine. 11 sorts of draft beer. 7 plasma screeens and 1 huge wall screen, offering various sports channels. Wi-Fi

WI-FI PUSHISTIY SUSHI-BAR 23-a Velyka Vasylkivska st. 234-3101 Open: 12.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Original mix of styles in the interior, fuzzy fur on the walls. 30 kinds of sushi and sashimi.

MEDITERRANEAN OLIVERA 2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street 219-1919 Open: 06.30 - 23.00 Casual dinning with the best Mediterranean food. Homemade pasta and great pizzas. Try the probably best breakfast in town. Sunday Brunch the new experience in Kiev every Sunday at 12.00.

INTERNATIONAL ARENA ENTERTAINMENT 2-a Baseyna st. 492-0000 Open: 9.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Spacious and cozy restaurant with European cuisine and micro brewery.

TEATRO RESTAURANT OPERA HOTEL 53 B. Khmelnitskogo st. 581 70 70 Open: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine. Exquisite selection of the best dishes around the Mediterranean Sea Flavors & Tastes at their best!

TERRACOTTA 5-7/29 Pushkinska st. 537-4535 Open: 07.00 - 23.00 Mediterranean restaurant of superior cuisine. Wine and cigar rooms offer the perfect touch to Terracotta’s delicious dining experience

FUSION BEEF MEET & WINE Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Open: 12.00-24.00 Meet cuisine with no ethnic equivalent. Only the best meat from top suppliers and a wide choice of wine match. WI-FI BUDDHA-BAR KIEV 14 Kreschatik st. (near Khreshchatyk hotel) 270- 7676 Open: Mo – Wed: 13.00 – 02.00 Thu – Sat: 13.00 – 04.00 Sun: 14.00 – 02.00 www.buddhabar.com.ua Restaurant lounge-bar WI-FI MARRAKESH 24 Sagaydachnogo st. (Podol) 494 0 494 Open: Sun – Thu: 12.00 – 01.00 Fri – Sat: 12.00 – 04.00 www.karta.ua Oriental restaurant. Moroccan, French & Japanese cuisine. Hookah menu. WI-FI MAROCANA 24 Lesi Ukrainky blvd. 254-4999 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 This popular beau monde hang-out bills itself as a fashion TV cafe.

B-HUSH Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 11th floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: Sunday - Wednesday: 6 p.m. – 2 a.m. Thursday - Saturday: 6 p.m. – 4 a.m. Rooftop caviar and champagne bar. Enjoy stunning view of Kiev. b-hush… b-cool… b-here…

GRILL ASIA RESTAURANT 5 Alla Tarasova st. 581-12-34 Open: 6:00 - 24:00 Two open kitchens, European and Asian cuisine in luxurious surroundings. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

INTERCONTINENTAL KYIV LOBBY LOUNGE BAR Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 1 st floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: 08.00 - 02.00 Enjoy the best coffee in town in a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere. Great selection of whisky. Enjoy an InterContinental high tea every day from 13:00.

MYKA RESTAURANT Khreshchatyk 46a 227 8943 Open: 12-24 Delicious international cuisine in the heart of Kyiv

HUNTER 147/5 Saksahanskoho st. 236-3735 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 There is no need to go hunting – just visit this special originally decorated grill-restaurant, try excellent grilled meat and fish!

SAFE 23-a Velyka Vasylkivska st. 536-0157 Open: 11.00 - 06.00 Popular restaurant-bar famous for its culinary masterpieces. European & Japanese cuisine from experienced Chef

Take Me Out! Listings ITALIAN CIRO’S POMODORO 12 Shota Rustaveli Str. (044) 221-4545 Open: from 12 00 – until last customer leaves BUSINESS LUNCH: 47 UAH! From NEAPOLITAN CHEF. Daily from 12 00 till 16 00. The best live music nightly!

DA VINCI FISH CLUB 12 Vladimirskaya st. MILLENIUM Business Center 490-34-34 Open: 11.00 - 24.00 Absolutely everything found in seas or oceans is cooked up for you in the first fish club in the capital.

IL MOLINO 17, Moskovskaya st. (044) 280 77 22 Open:11:00 23:00 New Italian pizzeria in Pechersk! Brick oven and pizzaiolo from Italy makes the best Italian pizza in Kiev WI-FI

INDIAN NIRVANA LOUNGE 28b Lesy Ukrainky blvd. 285-52-15 Open: 12.00 - 02.00 Thousand Indian dishes and lounge style music.

TEQUILA HOUSE 8a Spasskaya st.(Podil) 417 03 58 Open: 12.00 – 23.30 www.karta.ua The one and only Mexican restaurant in Kiev WI-FI

RUSSIAN PELMENNITSA 56 Chervonoarmiska st. 287-1073 Open: 24 hours Cosy restaurant with interiors made in the Old Russian merchants’ style.

KOLESO Naberezhno-Kreschatytska str, 14 wharf 462-5596 Open: 12.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves. Live Gipsy theatre, live folk and pop music. Cosy atmosphere, homemade drinks and lot of joy.

SPANISH LA PAELLA Kyiv, Donetska 10 223-7242 www.lapaella.com.ua Working hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Gastronomic Embassy of Spain in Ukraine. Big Paella and real Spanish dishes from the chef from Baskonia Fernando Melchor.

SHYNOK 28v Lesi Ukrainki blvd. (round tower) 285 57 77 Open: 12.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua Ukrainian folk restaurant WI-FI VARENICHNAYA #1 28 Esplanadna st. 287-1539 Open: 24 hours The menu features all the classic dishes of Ukrainian cuisine.

CARIBBEAN CLUB 4 Kominterna st. 288-1290, (067)224-4111 Open: 18.00 - 06.00 Cuban salsa, Dislocados band. Live music Friday, Saturday from 10.00 p.m

MAMBO 5 Druzhby Narodiv blvd. 522-8224 Open: 12.00 - 02.00 Latin-flavoured restaurant featuring eight different cuisines from around the world.

TURKISH TIKE P. Sahaidachnoho 31 417-4062 Open 11.00-23.00 4-meters long grill. Wide choice of shish-kebabs

LIPSKY OSOBNYAK 15 Lipskaya st. 254 00 90 Open: 10.00 till the last client www.karta.ua Ukrainian Haute cuisine

D*LUX Hrushevskoho 3 200 90 09 www.dlux.com.ua Nightclub, lounge bar, restaurant, terrace

BAR ON 8 5 Alla Tarasova st. 581-1234 Open: 11:00-02:00 Magnificent views over the old city. Extensive selection of signature cocktails.

SHOOTERS 22, Moskovska st. +38 (044) 254 20 24 Open: 21:00 till the last visitor leaves. Thematic parties are in Shooters every night. Face-control at the entrance.

IRISH PUB «GOLDEN GATE» 15 Zolotovorotskaya st. (opposite to Zoloti Vorota monument) 235 51 88 Open: 11.00 – 01.00 www.karta.ua, www.goldengatepubkiev.com Irish Pub & Restaurant

ART CLUB 44 44 Khreschatyk st. 279-4137 Open: 11.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Live music, and lots of it, are on the menu in this beery basement bar with a touch of understated class about it.

LUCKY PUB 13 Krasnoarmeyskaya st. (corner with Rognedinskaya st.) 499 13 13 Open: 11.00 – 01.00 www.karta.ua Pub & Restaurant WI-FI






O’CONNOR’S 15/8 Horiva 425-7788 Open: 11.00-02.00 Large selection of beer, 9 Plasma TV + 1 big screen, Live music on Fri and Sat.

O'BRIEN'S 17a Mykhailivska st. 279-1584 Open: 08.00 - 02.00 Our reputation is based on the exceptional quality of our food and drink.

AVALON 3 Leontovycha st. 234-7494 Open: 24 hours If you don’t know where to find a multi-fun leisure venue, here it is!

CABARET PARADISE 5-7/29 T. Shevchenko Blvd. Premier Palace Hotel, 8th floor 537-4532, 8(067)658-5045 Open: 20.00 - 06.00 “A theatre rather than a strip club”


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Kyiv Life Dan Kulchyckyj and Petro Rondiak of Winner with a friend

Stuart McKenzie of the event organisers, Pulse, proudly stands beside the EURO cup

UEFA Launches 2012 Corporate Hospitality

Maurizio Partanello, Nestle GM (right) and some acquaintances

BYBLOS On Tuesday 12 April, the country’s business elite was invited to this stylish restaurant on Artema to witness a presentation on UEFA’s EURO 2012 Club Prestige corporate hospitality programme. All the guests were treated to some fine wine and tasty nibbles, a presentation by Markiian Lubkivskiy and Phillipe Margraff of UEFA, Vitaliy Klichko, President of the Ukrainian Football Federation Hryhory Surkis, DJ Pasha of Gala Radio, and former Dynamo coach Oleh Blokhin. After all the official stuff was over, everyone sat down to watch the second leg of the match between Shaktar Donestk and Barcelona. Sadly, the local team had an impossible hill to climb after the first leg, and it lost out in the end. But the evening marked the start of the EURO 2012 proceedings, the culmination of which will take place in a little over a year! Slavik and Slavko are happy things are underway

Galina Kovalevskaya and Volodymyr Geninson for the Olympic Stadium, Kyiv

Dominique Menu of BNP Paribas chats with Robert Stojko from the Hyatt Regency Kyiv

Markiian Lubkivskiy, Vitaliy Klichko, Hryhory Surkis, DJ Pasha, Oleg Blokhin, and Phillipe Margraff toast EURO 2012

Jared Grubb of Clifford Chance, Maria Shymanska, UEFA EURO 2012 Club Prestige Sales Consultant. and Thibaut Potdevin from UEFA


Who is He?

Artist Anatoliy Rotar and Solomiya Vitvitska from 1+1 Channel

Author of the project Oleh Pavlovich

Radio DJ Oleksiy Ananov with his friend

UKRAINIAN HOUSE On 10 April, “He”, a somewhat shocking exhibition of photographs opened in Kyiv. The project was created as a joint project of leading Ukrainian and Russian photographers, whose works led everyone to ask “Who is He?” This modern interpretation of the eternal struggle between good and evil piqued the interest of the Ukrainian public and the international crowd.

Designer Oleksiy Zalevskiy, “He” Project founder Oksana Platonova, Sculptor Oleh Pinchuk and Georgiy Shevarnadze

French Spring Invites You to the Movies UKRAINA CINEMA On 14 April, the opening of French Film Festival was held in Kyiv. The festival is part of French Spring 2011 and offers six of the freshest works of French filmmakers. French movies have always been popular with Ukrainian film fans, as proven by the number of people who came out for opening night.

Art House Traffic Director Denys Ivanov and producer Volodymyr Tykhiy

Dmytro Oskin and musician Sergo Chanuriya posing with their friends

TV Host Volodymyr Voitenko

French Cultural Centre’s Franky Blando


Kyiv Life

Krystina Waler, volunteer at New Generation, Mr. Hugo Asselin, Canadian Defence Attache’s Assistant and CCRDF’s Alexa Milanych

Deputy Taras Chornovil and Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Daniel Caron

Charity from the Embassy CANADIAN EMBASSY In support of the high charity goals of the New Generation fund, Canadian Ambassador Daniel Caron invited guests for a charity event on 15 April. Everyone had a great time chatting about various things, all the while listening to a performance by the Vydubychi Choir. All funds collected on the day were sent to the charity foundation, which provides assistance to needy children.

MP Mr. Oleksandr Shepeliev with his colleague

Rotary Club’s Lubomyr Markevych and Ms. Cynthia Modjeski from Canadian Embassy

Mrs. Maria Aparicio, spouse of the Canadian Ambassador, Mrs. Oksana Labunska of INTV having a chat with their friend

Georgian Ambassador Grigol Katamadze and ExMinister of Foreign Affairs Volodymyr Ogryzko Mrs. Iryna Kohut and Mr. Myroslav Kohut of Romyr Consultants

Mr. Antoine Ernst, Vice-President, Japan Tobacco International with Mrs. Elena Erns


Following the Crystal’s Light

Ukraine poprocker Max Barskikh

CRYSTAL HALL On 16 April well-known Ukrainian DJ and singer Sender held the presentation of his debut video clip for the song Crystals. A large group of guests gathered on the evening to discover how the Sender’s music has changed since he added vocals to his electronic music. Receiving good feedback from the audience Eugene Evtukhov was very happy to see that his fans like his video work very much.

Sender in the spot light

Singer Masha Fokina talking to her fans

Happy Birthday, Kyiv Irishmen! Oleksandr Semyryadenko and O’Connor’s Director Serhiy Rysak

Dedicated Ukrainian-Irish guests having a beer

O’CONNOR’S PUB On 15 April O’Connor’s Pub invited its regular customers for the pub’s first birthday party. It’s been only one year since the pub was opened, but lots of people already know that this is the place for real Irish craic. May you sure be as Irish as you can forever and ever, O’Connor’s! Guilty of having a great birthday

Rock On!

Crystals attract pretty ladies


Kyiv Clubbers We decided to take a trip to that whiter than white nightclub, Heaven. There’s not many white nighclubs in the world, so this is a unique kinda place. And full of unique kinda people! Did we catch you? No?! Don’t worry, we’ll be out with our cameras next week!


Essential Kyiv Fitness Centres GOLF CENTRE Obolonska Naberezhna 20 230-9436 www.golf-center.com.ua The Golf Centre offers 36 stations, a 2-level floodlit driving range, 7-hole golf course, Golf Academy, Pro Shop and restaurant. No membership required! Plenty of free parking on site

Club Olympus Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Cyber Gym B. Khmelnytskoho 50 465-3171 Kiev Sport Club Blvd Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8866 Premier Palace Fitness Center Blvd T. Shevchenka 5-7/29 537-453


InterContinental Velyka Zhytomyrska Str 2A 219-1919 hotel.kiev@ihg.com http://intercontinental-kiev.com


Ukraine International Airlines ticket office in Kiev 4, Lysenka Street (044) 581-50-50 www.flyUIA.com

Austrian Airlines Kyiv City Office Velyka Vasylkivska 9/2, Reservation: 8-800-3000-492 office.ukraine@austrian.com www.austrian.com More than 60 flights per week from 6 biggest cities in Ukraine to the whole World!

Aerosvit Airlines 9/2, Velyka Vasylkivska str. (044) 490-3490 0 800 509 800 (free for stationary phones); 799 (free for Kyivstar GSM, Life:), Beeline, MTC mobile operators)


Language Courses President Hotel 12, Hospitalna str., Kyiv, 01023, Ukraine 256 32 56 256 32 54 ino@presidenthotel.com.ua www.presidenthotel.com.ua

SMARTFOX Language school, Translation’s agency Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 502-6290 www.baziscenter.com Premier Palace Hotel Blvd T. Shevchenka / Pushkinska 5-7/29 537-45-00 279-87-72 Reservation: 244-12-11 info@premier-palace.com www.premier-palace.com

Delta Air Lines General Sales Agent SIA "ContinAt" Chervonoarmiyska 9/2, #17 287-3595 www.delta.com Now fly Kiev-New York Non-stop


Air France-KLM Kiev, 34/33, Ivana Franka str. 490-24-90, 496-35-75 www.airfrance.ua, www.klm.ua

Airports Boryspil International Airport 490-4777 www.boryspilairport.kiev.ua Kyiv-Zhulyany International airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309/08 www.airport.kiev.ua

Beauty Salons Favorit V.I.P. Club Muzeyny 6 278-3338

Centre Intensive. Welcome the foreigners to Russian and Ukrainian languages training courses or individual lessons. We provide you with certificate! 5 building of KNEU (Melnikova 81) 5 floor 067-693-9665, 205-5406 www.centreintensive.com.ua

Medical Centers

Opera Hotel B. Khmelnitskoho 53 581-70-70 537-73-73 reservations@opera-hotel.com www.opera-hotel.com

Oxford Klass School of English English for adults and children, Cinema club 34 Ivana Mazepa St. Kiev, 01015, Ukraine 594-10-64 594-10-62


Australian Council (English-Russian-Ukrainian) Professional Native Speakers Horyva 37 (M. Kontraktova Pl.) 098-245-1500

American Medical Centers Emergency Phone: +38 (044) 490 7600

100 MOV Nahirna 24/1 489-5856

Berdychivska, 1 +38 (044) 490 7600 +38 (044) 490 7600 patientservices@amc.com.ua

Alliance-profi Mechnikova 6, #33 235-6643, 592-4588 Anakonda-translate 529-3302

British Council Teaching Centre Skovorody 4/12 490-5601

Educational Program LEGO Education Borysa Hmyri 6 Klovskiy Uzviz 8 Heroiv Stalingradu 18 383-5150, 383-5152, 577-2900 www.vynahidnyk.org

International House Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 238-9870

Translation Services


Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34 581-12-35 info.hrkyiv@hyatt.com www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com

Ez English Blvd Lesi Ukrainki 16, #18 235-5926

English Language Learning Recreation and Travel Centre Social Networking with Ukrainians and Foreigners Educational, entertaining, cultural, interesting, inexpensive Horiva 37 (M. Kontraktova Pl.) 098-245-1500 www.vkontakte.ru/club23571290

Dnipro Hotel Khreschatyk 1/2 254-6777 254-6737 www.dniprohotel.kiev.ua

Center of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7, 1st Floor 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua

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Головний медіа-партнер


We are looking for Kyiv’s most beautiful face.

Is it you? If so send us photos of your face and 32


information about you, following the rules below.

You could win!!!

Every week we will select two faces to be published here. Those published could win the big prize!

Win Two Return Flights to Any UIA Destination!

What’s On:

Read All Over the World

Face of Kyiv o shoot sional phot WIN a profes

Modeling WIN 1 Year G h Karin MM Contract wit


ew intervi d n a r e cov at’s On h W a WIN IN PARISd &

EEK UIA and ur6 niteghsyts Be AessW IN W ss tickets with cla hotel co sin Return bu le in a 4 star two peop Breakfast for Tours. a m ra no Pa of

That's the tallest building in the world, that is! At least for now! Yes, this photo has our magazine outside the 828 metre-high Burj Kahlifa in Dubai, with the sender Dmytro Komarov and his five-month-old daughter Ananstasia. It's so tall he couldn't get it all in, but it's a good job all the same. Below we've got an old favourite sent to us by Alex Liubetskyi, and, yes, it's Moscow's Red Square. Every month we will be giving away a pair of tickets to any scheduled Ukraine International Airlines destination absolutely free! And these excellent photos from Dymtro and Alex are now in the running. But do you think you can do better? All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize is to send us a photograph of you or a friend reading What’s On next to a globally recognised landmark and email it to editor@whatson-kiev. com. Before you know it you could be jetting off to London or Paris, Rome or Madrid courtesy of Ukraine’s favourite airline and What’s On! Entries will be judged on originality, quality and capturing that oh-soimportant landmark!

Lukyanenko Name: Anna Age: 22 m Height: 180c iv National Education: Ky ade & Tr of University y om on Ec Manager Occupation: rainian Uk y: Nationalit rainian Ethnicity: Uk I’m a very ac About Anna: going sy ea d an tive, open d e to travel an person. I lik I go I r ve here cook. But w om. , where I’m fr never forget raiUk be to at I’m proud th that everyone nian. I hope d beautiful an r ou en can op e. in ra unique Uk

Name: Evgeniya Melikhova Age: 24 Height : 174cm Education: Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, foreign, languages faculty Nationality: Ukrainian Occupation: Teacher of English Language and literature Ethnicity: Ukrainian About Evgeniya: I’m a very energetic and flexible person. I like my job so much. I like to spend my holidays with parents and friends. I adore travelling and horse riding and I hope to open my own restaurant someday.

TO ENTER Entry by email i only to editor@whatson-kiev.com Emails should contain the words “Beautiful Face Competition” in the subject line of the email. Send photos of your FACE ONLY (1 megabyte and bigger), along with the following information: Name, Age, Height, Education, Occupation, Nationality, Ethnicity, About you: (a brief description of yourself, your background, your life experience, hopes and dreams IN ENGLISH ONLY)

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Competitions Winner

ANOTHER WINNER! We’re pleased to announce another winner in our What’s On: Read all over the World competition. Our winner for November 2010 is ZOYA SHULGA who sent us this amazing series of photos from India, in which she manages to capture the essence of the Indian people. Zoya in now the proud winner of two return flights to any UIA destination! Another winner will be announced next week!

Vadym Mishkoriz


On the Sofa with...

Sender, a single-minded music guru


Js are putting more and more creativity into what they do now, trying to make their music more interesting and approaching it in a more professional manner. One of them, Eugene Evtukhov, a.k.a. Sender now talks to What’s On about his own approach to electronic music, changes in his attitude towards music, his debut video clip and an upcoming album.

It Doesn’t Matter Whether You Are No. 1. Even as a boy, Sender wanted to be the tops in everything he did and not only in music: “I think everyone has this character trait – wanting to be the best and improve yourself. I have held the title of Ukraine’s Number One DJ for a couple of years in the Top DJs ranking system established by Virus Music. But I’ve been doing this for 10 years and I don’t really care what place my songs take in the charts. There is no race for ratings anymore, but there I have a mission,” is how Sender explains his message to the masses. Starting with simple DJ mixes, Eugene grew into a professional DJ, opening his own Sending Media Group and DJFM Radio station. Finally, he says, “I’d say that I’m now acting more as producer than as a DJ. I’m not even calling myself DJ Sender anymore, but simply Sender. There are no coincidences in life: everything happens because it’s meant to. All this has brought about many changes in my life and I’m now making meaningful music and helping young artists.”

Crystals – our life-guides.

Much has changed in Ukrainian electronic music over the last couple of years. The recent projects of the country’s top DJs show that the electronic scene is developing rapidly and, at some point, it all comes back to live performances. The notion of the DJ doesn’t always mean that someone is merely pushing the play button in a club

The search for his musical persona led Eugene to India and its philosophy. In September, Sender decided to take a break and started travelling. India’s Eastern philosophy and the country’s indescribable natural beauty influenced Sender so much that he decided to re-tool his music into something more then simple beats and notes. Relating this story, Evtukhov says, “I became acquainted with the theory of crystals, which made such an impression on me that I even wrote 3 songs on this subject and decided to make my debut video clip about how crystals help people to change their lives. The crystals have changed my own music. It has become brighter, more spiritual. My music offers gentle vibrations that I want to give to the audience.” His adventures had a positive effect on his career. New emotions became new ideas and opened new horizons for Sender. His debut video clip is not simply a new video for Eugene. This is a new creative whirlwind in his life. The song Crystals features not only music written by Sender, but also his vocals. This is the first song in which he sings and, replying to the question as to why he decided to sing himself when many DJs use professional vocalists for these purposes, Sender answers, “Well, I only had 24 hours to do this song, as I had a flight to Amsterdam the next day to shoot a video clip. So when the music was done and time had run out, my friend asked me whether I wanted to try to record the vocals myself. It happened very quickly and the next day we had the song done and even decided to shoot a video for it.” This crystal trend became the single line running through Eugene’s most recent works. Not only will there be 3 songs about crystals, but his first longplay album will be also named Crystals. He is planning to release it later in October. Summing up, Eugene Evtukhov, a.k.a. Sender, says “The album is like a message I’m sending to the people. I want to deliver all the knowledge I’ve received through the songs I write.”

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