What's On Issue 20 2011

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What’s Up

Yanukovuch Sweeps Aside European Bluster will not justify ourselves,” he said. “We know the processes that have begun, for example, in corruption, will make officials, including high ranking ones, answer for their actions for the first time in Ukraine.” He finished by saying that all decisions on whether specific people are found guilty or not should be made by the courts and “there should be no biased evaluations”. At which point all the journalists present fell about laughing. It’s interesting that he notes officials in Ukraine will have to answer for their actions for the first time. Let’s hope it’s not the last time. Because if they’re charging Tymoshenko with the gas deal she concluded with Russia, when will he be charged with the one he and Azarov concluded that extended the lease to Russia of the Black Sea Naval Base at Sevastopol for another 25 years while not even getting a good price for gas (see opposite)? Obviously, whatever conviction might be meted out to Tymoshenko should be quadrupled for that farce. Of course, Yanukovych obviously has no plans of ever relinquishing power and therefore considers himself immune, but he should not be so sure.


ast week, the European Union Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton hit out at the Ukrainian government for the charges that have been levelled against former prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko. But for Yanukovych and his gang, it must have felt, to quote former British Chancellor Denis Healey, like being savaged by a dead sheep. Tymoshenko has now been charged with abuse of office for concluding a gas import contract with Russia the current administration claims cost the country $440 million in lost revenue. In response, Ms Ashton lashed out with venom: “The EU has closely followed recent developments in the cases of Yulia Tymoshenko and other members of the former government. At the request of the High Representative, the EU Head of Delegation is in contact with the authorities in Kyiv regarding the court decision of 23 May to detain Mrs Tymoshenko, and to express concern at suggestions of political motivation behind these cases.” Such strong words must have had Yanukovych quaking in his boots, but Ms Ashton had not finished with her tirade. “The EU will continue to underline to the Ukrainian authorities the need for respect for the rule of law, incorporating fair, impartial and independent legal process.” And after that we’re sure Yanukovych must have been on the edge of reversing the whole process while begging for forgiveness. Strangely, however, this was not the case, and Yanukovych sat back with his hands behind his head for a couple of days before issuing an apparently unrelated statement, but which to all intents and purposes would appear to be his disdainful response to poor Catherine Ashton’s heated rebuke. In a calm tone, with a patronising smile spread across his pug face, the big man simply said criticism of his ways are “natural” and that he doesn’t have to justify himself. “I understand that the different evaluations of events now taking place in the country are very natural because Ukraine is going through reform,” he told reporters in Warsaw on Friday, and you could just hear the fear in his voice. Not! Perhaps this was not the response Ms Ashton and her EU buddies were hoping for, but what he said next must have come as a bit of a shock. “We

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Chernovetsky Questioned Kyiv Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky may be charged in connection with 20 criminal cases opened against deputies of his eponymous municipal political party by the Office of the Prosecutor-General. Chernovetsky himself has already been questioned at by the prosecutor and has been summoned for further inquiries and interrogation regarding his role in massive theft of Kyiv’s stateowned property. Viktor Pshonka, the Prosecutor-General, in his interview to zn.ua news agency, admitted that finding direct evidence against the former mayor is difficult, as Chernovetsky himself signed very few documents, being well aware of the risk. “We want to know to what extent he was the ideologist behind all of the lawlessness going on in the Kyiv mayor’s office,” said Pshonka. In order to prove his personal responsibility in these criminal cases, certain people need to be brought in for questioning, like Vyacheslav Suprunenko, Chernovetsky former son-in-law, now hiding abroad. For now, Chernovetsky is charged with systematic violation of laws, in particular, for not holding personal meetings with citizens and deputies. Considering the amount of land and other municipal resources illegally sold off, or simply stolen, on his watch, the above charge sounds rather farcical. For the moment Leonid Chernovetsky is abroad, ostensibly for therapeutic reasons. Coincidentally, his health episodes have a tendency to arise at tight-collar times for the former city chief. Get well, Lyonya! People would like answers.

Review of Gas Contract Unacceptable Any hopes the Ukrainian government has for a better gas deal from Russia will be dashed, according to a transcript of a meeting between diminutive Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Chairman of Gazprom Alexey Miller. After royally screwing up the deal done last year, which gave Russia access to the Black Sea Naval Base at Sevastopol for a further 25 years while not securing a very good price for gas for Ukraine, Yaukovych and Asarov have been going back, cap in hand, constantly asking for more. But according to this transcript, they’ve no chance. “We must respect the agreements that were

Cholera in Mariupol Three cases of cholera have been registered in Mariupol, in Donetsk Region. On Sunday, infected people were taken to a local hospital in moderate condition. The disease has been linked to bacteria present in the local sea water and fish. Two of

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Kyiv: A Model of Modernisation

concluded. This also applies to the Russian Federation and Gazprom. It also applies to our Ukrainian partners. Any calls for some sort of unilateral measures and reviews should be imposed on the fabric of the agreement, and not otherwise,” Medvedev is quoted as saying. Then it became clear that Russia is still using this situation to try and push its proposed ‘merger’ between Gazprom and Naftogaz as Medvedev stressed that Ukraine is not an unfamiliar, distant partner, but a very close brotherly country that currently suffers from many economic problems. He added that he has an agreement with Yanukovych to consider the possibility of “employing advanced forms of cooperation, including cooperation in the gas industry.” Yes, we know that to which your refer. So, Yanukovych, what’s the jail term for the deal done last year?

Speaking at a presentation on the development of the capital until 2025, Yanukovych said that Kyiv should become a model of modernisation for the whole of Ukraine. “Order in the country starts with the capital," he said. "And the efficiency of reforms in Kyiv will determine the success of modernisation of Ukraine as a whole. Therefore, the development of the capital, bringing it into order with innovation, are a matter of national importance without exaggeration.” He went on to say that Kyiv lags behind other Eastern European capitals in terms of social and economic development, and, therefore, the Ukrainian capital should set as a priority the task of catching up with its neighbours. We here at What’s On totally agree, and here are some of the things we’d like to see implemented: a fast and regular rail service to Borispyl Airport; replacement of all battered and broken marshrutkas with modern working ones; better buses and trams; extension of the metro network (including new lines); proper parking facilities to take cars off the pavements; a decent amount of litter bins, a clean river and beaches, recycling facilities, policemen who don’t try and rob you… And a million more basic things.

the victims had eaten fish caught in the area the day before, while another swallowed some sea water and similarly ended up in hospital. Medical personnel in Mariupol are examining those who came into contact with the infected, as well as taking a hard look at local beaches and sea-side areas, in an effort to find potential danger spots. Any beaches flagged as

dangerous beaches in and around town will be closed and action is now being taken to prevent further spread of the infection. Experts from the Ministry of Health have arrived to Donetsk Region to monitor the situation, however their final conclusions regarding the cause of the outbreak of water-borne cholera have not yet been announced.

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This Week Theatre and Classical Music

3-9 June 2011

Quatro Means More Than Four Qautro Modern Ballet, National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

3,4 June at 19.00 This unprecedented show by world ballet stars Nikolay Tsyskaridze, Denys and Anastasiya Matvienko, Leonid Safonov and Olesya Novikova will combine classic and modern dance. The performance will include the company’s own unique adaptations of classical pieces from Don Quixote, The Corsair, Sleeping Beauty, and Raymonda. This will be followed with new music and choreography specially created for Denys Matvienko and Leonid Safonov by composer Milko Lazar and choreographer Eduard Klyug. This show has already won some prestigious awards and caused nothing less than a sensation in Russia, and now it’s Ukraine’s turn to be treated to this excellent show! Tickets are 50-2000 hrv. For more information call: 279-1169


Friday CONCERT OF FOLK MUSIC AND SONGS Featuring Veseli muzyky folk ensemble, Serhiy Khytryakov (accordion), Pavlo Bugar (folk wind instruments), Valeriy Holub (violin) Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 FAMILY DINNER Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 A Marriage Made in Heaven Pages from War and Peace Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 LYING THE PURE TRUTH Play in 1 act Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955


Saturday KYIV SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS Featuring winners of the International Piano Competition by the name of Horowitz Horowitz-debut group and Junior group Time: 18.00 Open-air stage at Mariinsky park For more information visit www.horowitz.org REQUIEM BY MOZART Featuring Kyiv symphony Orchestra and choir, Matviy McMurrin (USA, conductor), Chenska (soprano), Shvachka (alt), Kuzmin (tenor), Shtonda (bass) Ukrainka bandura trio Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 CONCERT OF ORGAN MUSIC Featurin Sydorenko (organ) Works by Vivaldi, Bach Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 THE TAMING OF THE SHREW Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 UNCLE VANYA Scenes of rural life in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392

HER CRAZY HUSBANDS Comedy in 1 act Time: 19.00 Edith Piaf: Life in Pink Play Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 OSCAR – GOD A secret dialogue Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188


Sunday KYIV SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS Featuring winners of Poltavska spring wind instruments performers’ competition Time: 18.00 Open-air stage at Mariinsky park For more information visit www.horowitz.org THE MASTER & MARGARITA Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera of Ukraine 279-1169 KEY ON THE COBBLESTONE Comic opera in 1 act Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257 SCANDALOUS ADVENTURE OF MR.KETTLE AND MRS.MOON Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 THE FOURTH SISTER Black comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 LAST LOVE Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 18.00 Strange Mrs. Savage Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 OLEKSANDR VERTYNSKIY. HOST OF THE BALL Mono-spectacle Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 THE THREE SISTERS Play in 1 act Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955 IN THE DRUMMING LANE History of the railroad in 27 scenes Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188


Monday IRYNA NESTERENKO IN RECITAL Featuring Academic Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic Works by Puccini Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 CONCERT OF CLASSIC MUSIC Featuring Kyiv-Brass chamber ensemble, Hrebenyuk (soprano), Svyrydenko (harpsichord) Works by Scarlatti, Handel, Gershwin, Borodin Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 THE OVERLY HAPPY FATHER Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223

8 Wednesday CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring Kyiv chamber ensemble, Balakhovska (organ) Works by Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 ZAPOROZHETS BEYOND THE DANUBE Opera in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 MARRIAGE An incredible event in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921

THE DOVE Tragic-comedy in 2 acts (from the play Colombo) Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 FAMILY DINNER Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA Farce in 2 acts Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 THE SINGLE LADY Musical fairytale Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188

CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring Lavrenova (mezzosoprano), Roy (flute), Bazhenova (piano), Kharechko (organ) Works by Bach, Handel, Caccini Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 COMMEMORATING EVHENIA MIROSHNYCHENKO Concert Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169



THE KAUDASHEVA FAMILY Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921

CONCERT BY WIND INSTRUMENTS ORCHESTRA Works by Karaev, Vareza, Runchak Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697

KAUDASHI Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392

THE 105TH PAGE OF LOVE Drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Angel/Sexual Neuroses of our Parents Play Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 PLAYING CHONKIN Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955

Evening of French Music


Tuesday PLAY MY BANDURA! Concert Featuring National bandura chapel by the name of Mayboroda, Stefyuk (soprano) Folk songs and melodies in programme Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697

National Philharmonic (Volodymyrsky uzviz 2)

8 June at 19.00 The National Philharmonic of Ukraine presents an evening of 20th century French music. In order to give this concert an authentic French sound, famous French conductor Fabrice Gregorutti will be directing the orchestra. Concentrating his creative efforts in the field of religious music, Gregorutti is the leader and conductor of the choir and orchestra of La Trinité Cathedral in Paris. Coming to Kyiv to conduct National Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, his concert will include the music of Ravel, Debussy, as well as Gregorutti’s own compositions. Tickets are 20-120 hrv. For more information call: 278-1697

CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring quartet of classic music by the name of Lysenko, Solovyanenko (soprano), Bazhenova (piano), Kharechko (organ) Works by Caccini, Vivaldi, Puccini Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 GISELLE Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 THE BLUE AUTOMOBILE Tragic comedy in 1 act Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392 THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL FATHER Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955 : What's On Recommended

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Live Music

3 Friday GURT YOGURT (IRISH, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 BEEFEATERS, CARTE BLANCHE (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 CARTE BLANCHE (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 CHILL OUT, TRES DESEOS (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 TABULA RASA, EASTERN EXPRESS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 CHECHERINA, RED ROCKS (RUSSIA, POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100-150hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

4 Saturday WITHOUT LIMITS, RED ROCKS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

3-9 June 2011

G SOUND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 THE BITCH (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 LOS COLORADOS, FOXTROT MUSIC BAND (COVER BANDS) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 EASTERN EXPRESS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

5 Sunday IVAN SMORNOV (RUSSIA, JAZZ-ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 CHILL OUT (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 VALENTYN STRYKALO, LEMONS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 80-150hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 VICTOR (VIKTOR TSOI TRIBUTE BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


A Musician to Remember

BLA BLA RADIO WITH BORYA WEIGHTS (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

3 June at 19.00


GERA & SECOND BREATH (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 TWOUPS, MOJO JO JO (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 40hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528


Tuesday SUMMER JAZZ NIGHTS: VOCAL BATTLES (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Gadyukiny Brothers Tribute (pop-rock), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl. 1) After the death of Serhiy Kuzminskiy, Gadyukiny Brothers’ vocalist, the band decided to stage a big concert dedicated to his memory. To this end, they have gathered 17 bands, including Okean Elzy, Vopli Vidoplyasova, Lyapis Trubetskoy, TNMK, Boombox, Mandry, TIK, DakhaBrakha, MadHeads XL, Dymna Sumish and Haidamaky, to play Gadyukiny songs, emphasizing Serhiy’s contribution to the development of Ukrainian music, with his life and creative work. Tickets are 120-350 hrv. For more information call 246-7406 PARTYZANSKI VYTIVKY (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 ROBOTS DON’T CRY, TRES DESEOS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 40hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528


Wednesday YULIYA ROMA (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 THE MAGMA (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

NORRALASSO, ROCKING WOLVES (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 40hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

CHILL OUT (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 LUCKY BAND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 TEX-MEX CO (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 ROLYOVA MODEL, ANIMALS SESSION (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 40hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

9 Thursday IN LOVE BAND (POP-ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Summer Beatle Bop Ringo Starr (UK, pop), Palace Ukraine (Chervonoarmiyska 103)

4 June at 19.00 To the delight of all Beatles fans out there, Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band will be starting their European concert tour in Kyiv this June. The show is sure to feature some of the former band’s top hits, along with a few fresh songs by the legendary drummer. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, it seems the impossible is, in fact, possible: Mr Starr is finally getting the attention he deserves! So grab your ticket and grab your seat, ‘cause Ringo’s got to get you into his life! Tickets are 500-5500 hrv. For more information call 247−2444. : What's On Recommended

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Friday BRAINSTORM Time: 21.00 Admission: 250-1500hrv Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17) 222-8040 PARTY HOUSE – DJ DIMA POSITIVE, DJ PAVEL D Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 70hrv Status Party Bar (Pobedy 3) 496-1590 SHOPAHOLIC – DJ RICHARD DORN Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069 LOVE NIGHT Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 IN THE PENCIL BOX Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322 80S DISCO Time: 20:00 Admission: L – free, G – 150hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

3-9 June 2011

TOP DJ AWARDS SPARTAQUE, MAYS, ANNA LEE, OMNIA, TAPOLSKY, ALEXANDR GALICKIY Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 60hrv, G – 70hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 LOVE IS… – SPECIAL GUEST ORIGINAL B Time: 17.00 Admission: call and check Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 KING ORANGE SUMMER Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322 ETERNAL YOUTH – DJ JOYINT Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363 FOAMQUAKE – DJ IRA CHAMPION Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 SHOWMANIA WITH DIMA KOLYADENKO Time: 19.00 Admission, after 21.00, 100hrv Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300

Perfect Storm? Brainstorm (Latvia, rock), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

3 June at 21.00 Latvia’s biggest-selling pop-rock act, Brainstorm, brings its brand of multilingual (Latvian, English and Russian) hit material to Kyiv’s newest large concert venue, Stereo Plaza. The group’s overwhelming popularity in the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries has allowed them not only to score platinumalbum status in a number of those countries, but also to tour with international acts of great renown, such as the Rolling Stones, R.E.M., Depeche Mode and Supergrass. It looks as though this summer Kyiv is in for an embarrassment of rock riches. Tickets are 250-1500hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

IT IS RESIDENT TIME – DJ ARTEM FLEMING Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363

RADIO AZURE PARTY - DIAMOND DJ`S, “AZURE” GO-GO DANCESHOW Time: 20.00 Admission: L – free, G – 150hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

EURO HIT – DJ ALEXANDER GUSEW Time: 20.00 Admission: 20hrv Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua

PROGRESSIVE TUNES PROJECT Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 60hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

FOAMY PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363

TERRITORY OF LOVE – COEUR EXTASIE Time: 22.00 Admission: free Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363

DJS GOSHVA, DRIVE D, MARIKA ROSSA, D.SPIELER, HORSY, DIMA TOLSTIY Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

SEXY HOUSE Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209

TRANCE GUDELKA – DJS KRYIST, DIABLIK, NIMITZ AND OTHERS Time: 22.00 Admission: 40-50hrv Greenwich (Degtyarevska 49b) 371-6253 HIT FROM THE 80S TO THE PRESENT Time: 22.00 Admission: L – free before 24.00, 50hrv after, G – 50hrv Sky Hall (Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10) 067-322-0203 BOOZY FRIDAY PARTY DJ MARCU$$, DJ ZOITS, MC DYM, BABY GIRLS! Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv, VIP - 200hrv (no men allowed until 24.00) BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 CRAZY FRIDAY Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 100hrv Bomond (Pybalskaya 22) 225-3290 DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJS Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290


Saturday SCHILLER Time: 21.00 Admission: 250-1500hrv Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17) 222-8040

DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DJS Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 ALL BEST GOLDEN NIGHT – DJ GREG, DJ BRO, DJ FIRST, DJ RUNOV AND OTHERS Time: 22:00 Admission: call and check Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150 WEDDING NIGHT Time: 20.00 Admission: L – 20hrv, G – 30hrv Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua



D’LUX LIGHT DISCO – DJ MAROCCO Time: 12.00 Admission: free D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 DISCOMANIA PARTY – DJ VELSKIY Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

MIX STYLE Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 60hrv Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150

LADIES NIGHT Time: 22.00 Admission: free D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

FRIEND’S DAY Time: 18.00 Admission: free Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua


FRIEND PARTY Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

CRAZY THURSDAYS Time: 22.00 Admission: 30 hrv Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

DISCO 80S Time: 23.00 Admission: call and check Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

WILD THURSDAY – SPECIAL GUEST IVAN DORN Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 50hrv, G – 100hrv Bomond (Pybalskaya 22) 225-3290


Wednesday NO STRESS PARTY Time: 18.00 Admission: L – 40hrv, G – 60hrv Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua LADIES’ HAPPINESS Time: 22.00 Admission: L – free, G – 100hrv Stolitsa (Hrushevskoho 1b) 279-0000

POP PARTY – DJ VELSKIY Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

DISCO RADIO FORMAT Time: 22.00 Admission: free Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999

BOHEME PARTY Time: 21.00 Admission: 15hrv 75 kop Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua

LATINA FIESTA PARTY – SALSA SCHOOL, DJ STALKER, MC ADAM, GO-GO DANCE-SHOW Time: 20.00 Admission: free Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

Tuesday DISCO 80S Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

INSPIRED SOULS PRESENTATION Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476

LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

HANGOVER SYNDROME Time: 21.00 Admission: L – free, G – 100hrv Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999



LADIES NIGHT – BEST STRIPTEASE IN KYIV Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 UNLIMITED THURSDAYS – SAMOSUD Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777 WHAT GIRLS WANT… STRIPTEASE! Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300 SEX IN THE BIG CITY Time: 20.00 Admission: L – 25hrv, G – 30hrv Gallery Club (Pobedy 47, 2nd Floor) www.galleryclub.kiev.ua

AMAZON ISLAND PARTY – EROTIC SHOW, STRIPTEASE, CONTESTS Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free before 00.00, after 30hrv, G-100hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

EXTREME LADIES NIGHT Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Aura (Volodymyrskiy Spusk 2e) 383-5999 LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 UNLIMITED SUNDAY Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv, VIP - 200hrv (no men allowed until 24.00) BabyFace (Shchorsa 44) 286-0777

R ‘N’ B BOOM – DJS LADY, JEFF, MEHANIK Time: 22.00 Admission: l – 30hrv, G – 40hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

20TH CENTURY HITS Time: 22:00 Admission: call and check Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363

SHIK AND DIM PERSIAN NIGHT Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 30hrv, G – 50hrv Party Room (Chervonarmiyska 5/3)


TECHNOLOGY OF INSANITY – DJS SPIELER Time: 22.00 Admission: L – 15hrv, G – 30hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

EVOLUTION PARTY Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Greenwich (Degtyarevska 49b) 371-6253

80S DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: free Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300


German Groove Schiller Live in Surround Sound (Germany, new age, ambient, trance, electro), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

4 June at 21.00 New venue Stereo Plaza is certainly not skimping when it comes to bringing top-line talent to Kyiv this summer. Following up Joachim Garraud and Brainstorm, Stereo Plaza proudly presents the hugely popular German group Schiller. The pet project of musician, composer and producer Christopher von Deylen, Schiller distinguishes itself from many other electronic acts with its unique atmospherics and embrace of technology to create new soundscapes. In Kyiv, this innovative approach will be at the forefront, as the group takes advantage of three-dimensional surround sound to create a swirling effect, making it seem as though the music has taken on form and moves among the audience. Tickets are 250-1500hrv. For more information call 222-8040. : What's On Recommended

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Coming Soon Contemporary Dance + Theatre = Zelyonka Zelyonka Contemporary Dance Theatre Festival

17-19 June Zelyonka Contemporary Dance Theatre Festival presents the top contemporary dance theatres from Ukraine (BlackO!Range), the Karakuli Dance Theatre (Minsk, Belorussia), BDDC Moscow Dance Theatre (Russia) and a number of other interesting dance companies. Apart from performances and solo performances, the festival also includes master-classes on modern choreography for all those seeking deeper understanding of this phenomenon. The schedule of the event is split over the three festival days: 17 June is the opening concert at the Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet for Youth, 18 June offers an evening of solo performances at Palace Ukraine (small stage), with the final gala concert taking place at the House of Officers. Take in the pleasure of the world of modern dance! For more information visit: www.zelyonka-fest.org.ua

World-Famous Violinist in Kyiv Soloists Sung-Ju Lee (USA), National Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine in concert International Festival Kyiv Summer Music Evenings Open-air stage at Mariinsky park

25 June at 18.00 International Festival Kyiv Summer Music Evenings invites all guests of Kyiv to an unprecedented open-air concert by the National Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, starring soloist Sung-Ju Lee. Sung-

Ju Lee first appeared as a soloist at the age of nine with the Seoul Philharmonic and by the age of 11 she had already received her first international awards. Since then, she’s been called a violinist of dazzling technique and rare sensibility. Touring all over the globe and playing with world’s best orchestras, this summer Sung-Ju Lee is visiting Ukraine to perform works by Paganini and Glazunov. You really should make every effort to see and hear this unique and outstanding musician! Admission is free. For more information visit www.gorowitz.org

Canarias Exhibition of paintings and photographic works by Rufina Santana and Poldo Sebrian M17 (Antonovycha 102-104)

From 29 June Rufina Santana and Poldo Sebrian were so taken with the beauty of the Canary Islands that they created a selection of their memories of this divine place. Rufina’s canvases are replete with the colours of the Canary Islands: yellow for hot sand, red for the sun, deep blue for the sea. Sebrian’s photos are, on the contrary, black-andwhite, revealing the grandeur and pure beauty of the surrounding environment. As a result, the exhibition presents a landscape of the islands hidden from the tourist invasion; an image of spiritual unity with nature. For more information call: 5962030

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Lollipops from Mika Mika (pop-rock), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

6 July at 21.00 Winner of Brit Awards, Q Awards, ECHO Awards and nominated for a Grammy, British pop idol Mika is coming to Kyiv for the first time, bringing his best music and lyrics. Famous for his top-selling singles Relax, Grace Kelly, Lollipop and Happy Ending, Mika is now thought to be the most successful young singer in Britain. Let’s check him out playing a live show at the beginning of July. Tickets are 350-500hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

Ocean of Emotions Cheers from Ireland! Celtic Lights Dance Show, House of Officers (Hrushevskoho 30/1)

16 June at 19.00 Irish dances have already won the affection of millions of people all over the world. It seems the blood runs faster when one hears the inflaming sounds and rhythms of Irish music. Celtic Lights is an absolutely new programme full of emotion, original light effects, and percussive steps, telling a story about life and death, love and hatred, good and evil. Don’t miss this chance to experience this wonderful performance – you’ll certainly remember it! Tickets are 100-300 hrv. For more information call: 253-8072

Okean Elzy (pop-rock), Palace Ukraine (V. Vasylkivska 103)

6 October at 19.00 Having taken a break after their Dolce Vita tour, Okean Elzy will be back in October, with a huge show held in the capital of Ukraine. This time, the band will play their rock songs accompanied by a symphonic orchestra. The most interesting thing about this concert is that Okean Elzy won’t change the arrangement of the songs, as it’s usually done, but will add the symphonic parts to their music. It’s better to hear what they are planning than it is to just talk about it, so book your tickets in advance. Tickets are 200-1250hrv. For more information call 247−2444.

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No Pit Pendulum (Australia/UK, drum ‘n’ bass), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

A Welcome Roach Papa Roach (US, nu-metal, Alta Expo Centre (Moskovskiy 11a)

29 June at 20.00 Calling themselves “a band that tries to walk that line between metal, hardcore, punk rock and pop music”, the pride of Vacaville, California is bringing its Raid the Nation tour to Kyiv and, if the chatter on the group’s website is anything to go by, Kyivites will be turning out in droves. And why not? Papa Roach exploded onto the music scene in 1999 with the major-label debut album Infest, going on to endless touring and two more albums, Lovehatetragedy and Dancing in the Ashes, which attained gold and platinum status, respectively. While frontman Jacoby Shaddix maintains that the rapping that featured on many of their earlier works is now out, form suggests that they’ve kept more than enough other sounds in to grab you. Tickets are 400-800 hrv.

15 June at 21.00 The Australo-British sextet, founded in 2002, takes the genre to another level, never fearing to augment traditional d ‘n’ b lines with heavy guitar riffs and unique vocal stylings. Achieving an immediate hit with their debut single Another Planet, Pendulum scored a landmark success when their debut album Hold Your Colour became the biggest-selling drum ‘n’ bass record of all time. Their next, In Silico, broke yet more new ground, in that it was recorded “live in studio” and featured grinding metal riffs, bringing in yet more rock fans in search of a new sound. Pendulum comes to Kyiv on the back of their latest release, Immersion, which pushes the band’s creative envelope as far as elements of death-metal. This gig should see fans of various genres coming together to pay tribute to truly fearless creativity. And they’ll groove too, so it sounds like a superb deal. Tickets are 300-500hrv. For more information call 222-8040

Opera Diva Montserrat Caballé will sing in Kyiv Palace Ukraine (V.Vasylkivska 103)

11 November at 19.00 Montserrat Caballé needs no introduction: she has attained great fame and has enjoyed a stratospheric career! She debuted at New York’s Carnegie Hall in 1965 and woke up famous the next morning, as the media immediately began comparing her to the great Maria Callas. Since that debut, her performances are always followed by wild and sustained applause. Having expanded her singing repertoire, which ranges from operatic arias to popular music in collaboration with Freddy Mercury, she has achieved world renown and admiration. Still, opera remains her passion and she has performed more than 125 parts throughout her career. Don’t miss your chance to hear her unique voice – go get your tickets to see Spain’s grand diva! Tickets are 250-1950 hrv. For more information call: 247-2316

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Heading to the East Side Moby (US, ambient, electronica), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

10 June at 19.00 Born in Harlem in 1965, Richard Melville Hall always had an ear for music. Learning classical guitar at the age of nine, he went on to master piano and drums not long after. Signed to Instinct Records in

1989, his first big breakthrough was the progressive house track, Go, that included the string line from the hit TV series, Twin Peaks. With a new album due out in May of this year, fans should be well versed in both the old and new for his concert this summer. It’s going to be hot – get in on it! Tickets are 250-850 hrv. For more information call 246-7406 or visit www.spalace.com.ua

Roksolanas of the 21st Century Roksolana Exhibition of photographic works by Renata Kireyeva, Soviart (Andriivsky Uzviz 22a)

From 10 June Roksolana is the legendary Ukrainian girl, who became the favourite wife of Turkish Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century. While far removed from her motherland, Roksolana was able to use the influence she had on her husband wisely, thus protecting her compatriots and her native country. Renata Kireyeva’s exhibition presents the image of Roksolanas of the 21st century – women who left Ukraine seeking a better life in Istanbul. The artists treat these women as strong and brave heroines, unafraid to smash stereotypes and often finding success in Turkey’s cultural and social life. The exhibition aims to inspire Ukrainians to have the courage to start a new life abroad. A very appropriate theme today, don’t you think? For more information call: 425-2219

The Return of the Space Cowboy Jamiroquai (pop), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl. 1)

14 June at 19.00 Rock Dust Light Star, the latest album from this top UK band, is the reason behind its latest tour which brings the ever-interesting Jamiroquai to Kyiv for the second time. The album debuted at 7th place in the UK albums chart, which is a nice place for their 7th album. A multiple Grammy Award winner and having sold 25 million albums worldwide, you can tell this is a class act. Definitely worth putting this date in your diary. Tickets are 500 – 750hrv. For more information call 246-7406

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Take Me Out! Listings RESTAURANTS AMERICAN ARIZONA BBQ 25 Naberezhno Khreshchatytska st. 425-2438 Open: 08.00 – 24.00 The only American run restaurant in Kyiv, open since 1995. Free Wifi, drinks, food, parking, satellite TV, credit cards, live music

SAM’S STEAK HOUSE 37 Zhylyanskaya st. 287 20 00 Open: 08 a.m. – 12 a.m. www.karta.ua Steak House. Grill restaurant. Breakfast. Wide choice. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., weekdays WI-FI

KAZBEK 30a L. Ukrainky blvd. 285-4805 Open: 11.00 - 24.00 Restaurant with original interior and traditional Tone stove for baking bread.

KUVSHYN 10 Fedorova st. 592-6363 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Caucasian cuisine. Every dish served in its own original and unique manner.

MIMINO 10a Spasskaya st. (Podol) 417 35 45 Open: 12.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua Authentic Georgian cuisine



ASIAN TERRACE Mezhigirska 87 B str. +380932673630 +380443511572 Оpen: 18 00 – 06 00 Asian style, comfortable room karaoke with beauties.

PUSHISTIY SUSHI-BAR 23-a Velyka Vasylkivska st. 234-3101 Open: 12.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Original mix of styles in the interior, fuzzy fur on the walls. 30 kinds of sushi and sashimi.

SAFFRON 3 Vorovskogo st. 569 10 10 Open: Sun – Wed: 12.00 – 00.00 Thu – Sat: 12.00 – 05.00 www.karta.ua Oriental cuisine, Karaoke-lounge WI-FI NOBU 12 Shota Rustaveli st. 246-7734 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Sushi bar in central location. Great decor and service, wide menu of authentic sushi.

TUBITEYKA 29/50 Tarasivska st. 287-0242 Open: 8.00 – 23.00 Asian and home made cuisine, delicious breakfasts, kalian. Oriental atmosphere – and decoration. WI-FI

7FRIDAYS CITY-CAFE B Khmelnytskoho 29 278-1187 www.7fridays.kiev.ua Situated in the very heart of Kyiv, the 7Fridays cafe is bursting with city life while striving to preserve a homelike atmosphere. Offering a peaceful corner to forget about city rush, stop for delicious European cuisine for breakfast, business-lunch or dinner. Internet available. WI-FI STORY CAFE 17/18 Naberezhno-Kreschatitskaya st. 467 78 97 Open: 11.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua French, Italian & Japanese cuisine WI-FI RAZGULYAEVO 70 Stolichnoe highway (to Koncha-Zaspa) 259 17 00 Open: 11.00 – to the last client www.karta.ua Entertainment complex (restaurant, hotel, sauna, paintball) WI-FI


ANI 72 Chervonoarmiyska st. 4th floor 590-2565 Open: 11.00-23.00 An open show-case kitchen will let you watch the respected Chef cook traditional dishes on the chargrill for you.

COMME IL FAUT Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 219-1919 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 A feeling of Paris in the Kiev charm. Menu flavours and aromas take you back to the finest Parisian tastes with the most modern accents. Eexclusive chocolate menu you never tested before.

HINKALI 4, Shota Rustaveli st. 234-0692 Open: 24 hours Real Caucasian culture reproduced in its best meals. Cuisine with an accent.

CREP DE CHINE 25 Hoholivska st. 537-7070 Open: 08.00 – 23.00 A culinary expirience you won’t forget!


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EUROPEAN BACCHUS CLASS Chapaeva 2/16 (I.Franka)St. 234-6506 Open: 09.00 – till the last visitor leaves www.bacchusclass.com The one and the only Wine restaurant in Ukraine. WI-FI

OLIVERA 2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street 219-1919 Open: 06.30 - 23.00 Casual dinning with the best Mediterranean food. Homemade pasta and great pizzas. Try the probably best breakfast in town. Sunday Brunch the new experience in Kiev every Sunday at 12.00.

TEATRO RESTAURANT OPERA HOTEL 53 B. Khmelnitskogo st. 581 70 70 Open: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine. Exquisite selection of the best dishes around the Mediterranean Sea Flavors & Tastes at their best!

TERRACOTTA 5-7/29 Pushkinska st. 537-4535 Open: 07.00 - 23.00 Mediterranean restaurant of superior cuisine. Wine and cigar rooms offer the perfect touch to Terracotta’s delicious dining experience

FUSION BEEF MEET & WINE Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Open: 12.00-24.00 Meet cuisine with no ethnic equivalent. Only the best meat from top suppliers and a wide choice of wine match. WI-FI BUDDHA-BAR KIEV 14 Kreschatik st. (near Khreshchatyk hotel) 270- 7676 Open: Mo – Wed: 13.00 – 02.00 Thu – Sat: 13.00 – 04.00 Sun: 14.00 – 02.00 www.buddhabar.com.ua Restaurant lounge-bar WI-FI MARRAKESH 24 Sagaydachnogo st. (Podol) 494 0 494 Open: Sun – Thu: 12.00 – 01.00 Fri – Sat: 12.00 – 04.00 www.karta.ua Oriental restaurant. Moroccan, French & Japanese cuisine. Hookah menu. WI-FI MAROCANA 24 Lesi Ukrainky blvd. 254-4999 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 This popular beau monde hang-out bills itself as a fashion TV cafe.

INTERNATIONAL ARENA ENTERTAINMENT 2-a Baseyna st. 492-0000 Open: 9.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Spacious and cozy restaurant with European cuisine and micro brewery.

AURA RESTOBAR Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2-е 3835999, 3836000 www.aura-cafe.com Open: 11.00 – 6.00 European, Mediterranean, Japanese cuisines and dishes on Tandura. Wide choice of wines and hookah.

BIER PLATZ (NEW!) Maidan Nezalezhnosti – 7 Khreshchatyk 067-407-5544 From 11.00 until the last client Delicious Czech, German and Ukrainian cuisine. 11 sorts of draft beer. 7 plasma screeens and 1 huge wall screen, offering various sports channels. Wi-Fi B-HUSH Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 11th floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: Sunday - Wednesday: 6 p.m. – 2 a.m. Thursday - Saturday: 6 p.m. – 4 a.m. Rooftop caviar and champagne bar. Enjoy stunning view of Kiev. b-hush… b-cool… b-here…

GRILL ASIA RESTAURANT 5 Alla Tarasova st. 581-12-34 Open: 6:00 - 24:00 Two open kitchens, European and Asian cuisine in luxurious surroundings. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

INTERCONTINENTAL KYIV LOBBY LOUNGE BAR Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 1 st floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: 08.00 - 02.00 Enjoy the best coffee in town in a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere. Great selection of whisky. Enjoy an InterContinental high tea every day from 13:00.

MYKA RESTAURANT Khreshchatyk 46a 227 8943 Open: 12-24 Delicious international cuisine in the heart of Kyiv

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Kyiv Life Head of Association of Art Galleries of Ukraine, Viktor Khamatov

Art-connoisseur Oleksiy Tytarenko

Vitaliy Shcherbenko and a guest of the evening

Head of Mystetsky Arsenal, Natalya Zabolotna

Anastasiya Katerynchuk and Maryna Shcherbenko

MUHi Means Young Ukrainian Artists INSTITUTE OF ISSUES OF CONTEMPORARY ART 19 May saw the opening of a combined competition/ exhibition of young Ukrainian artists, presenting 21 participants and their works. Chosen out of 400 applicants, these young and talented artists represent contemporary art in various genres and conceptions, including video-art, interactive installations, street art, digital art, etc.. The three winners will receive considerable cash prizes of 40 000, 15 000 and 10 000 hryvnias. The exhibition will run until 9 June, so you still have a chance to see the most outstanding works of contemporary Ukrainian art!

Maksym Chatsky

Yuriy Kohutyak and Alisa Lozhkina

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Olha Balashova, Kateryna Botanova and Elyzaveta Herman

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Ambassador of Arabic Republic of Egypt to Ukraine HE Yasser Atef, accompanied by his wife

Finding the Way Out ZEH GALLERY On 20 May, Ukrainian artist Michael Merfenko invited guests to wander a little through his creation, the Labyrinth. Objects of art, video, graphics and performance were united in one wide-ranging project aimed at proving to visitors that – even in the most desperate of times – there is always at least one way out. Many guests gathered on the night to enjoy this philosophical approach to finding the right way in life. The exhibition runs until 26 June, so you still have time to come and find your own exit.

Artists Mykola Belous, Michael Merfenko and Yuriy Ermolenko

Daria Rashydovna and Natalya Sheiko

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Konstyantyn Hryshchenko and Ambassador of Kuwait to Ukraine HE Mr Yousef Hussain Al-Gabandi

Armen Kurginyan from Kaparol with his family and Zeh’s owner Oleksandr Shchelushchenko

Collectors Iryna and Andriy Shpetniy

EBA’s onboard.

Serge Gavrilyuk (D&Y), Varvara Kasperovich (GSK Ukraine), Vitaliy Mykhailov (World Staff), Davyd Kyrylyuk (D&Y)

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Vadym Lymanskyi (EBA HR Committee Coordinator) with EBA HR Committee Chair – Yaroslava Butenko (CTC Company)

DNIEPER PIER On 25 May, EBA members gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Committee of Associations of Human Resource Management. As the weather was nice and warm, the guests chose a cruise for the evening, so as to have a chance to enjoy the view of the city from the river. While enjoying the celebration, the participants were given the opportunity to learn more about the Committee’s work and future plans.

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Kyiv Life

Christian Nicolas Sokolowski together with the Ambassador of Argentina Mrs Lila Roldan Vazquez de Moine and her husband Bernard Moine

The Ambassador of Republic of Korea Park Robyug The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands Pieter Jan Wolthers met a couple of interesting people here

ACC’s Jorge Zukoski and US Ambasador John Tefft with their wives

A Big Holiday for All the World’s Argentineans

Cheers to Argentina

MUSEUM OF IVAN HONCHAR On 25 May, the Ambassador of Argentina invited guests to celebrate the National Day of the Argentine Republic. Enjoying their drinks and snacks, accompanied by lovely classical music, the guests were delighted to listen to the Ambassador’s speech, welcoming them and explaining the significance of the date. Everyone was happy to come and pay their respects to the beautiful country that is Argentina.

The Ambassador of Canada Daniel Caron with his colleague

Argentinean Day was attended by many foreign officials

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The Ambassador of Macedonia Aco Spasenoski (right)

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Last year’s winner in BigBoat category Odin yacht

Multiple Olympic and World Champion Valentyn Mankin

A military orchestra saluting the opening of the WindMaster Regatta

Wind Masters Kyiv Sea On 22 May, the fourth season of the WindMaster Regatta wrapped up. For five days, more than 30 yachts sailing under the flags of five teams competed for victory in three divisions, including Sportboat, BigBoat and Star Division. The latter division, by the way, included the children and youth competition category, in which 17 young sailors, the youngest of whom was 9 years old, took part. The main prize of the competition – a yacht – was presented to the Kyiv Children’s Yacht School, thus beginning a new tradition, according to which a yacht will be donated every year to the school represented by the winning team. The Regatta is over for now, but not for long, as autumn will once again see a fleet of yacht lovers competing on the Kyiv Sea.

What’s On Yacht Barbarian skippered by Martin Nunn

Bringing Together the Best European Movies in the Centre

Tony Howson, guest of British Council Ukraine

Paulo Grabulho from cultural section of the Embassy of Portugal, Raquel Paula from the cultural section of The Spanish Embassy and the Executive Director of French Institute in Ukraine Francky Blandeau

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KYIV CINEMA Kyiv was the first city in Ukraine to host a European Film Festival opening in one of its cinemas. On 26 May, cinephiles gathered for the opening ceremony of the festival dedicated to Europe Day. This year, the festival was inspired by two ideas: socially engaged cinema and the idea of international co-production. Movies made in Algiers, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine will be shown during the course of the festival. The festival is also held in Donetsk and its popularity is growing rapidly.

The Ambassador of Spain to Ukraine Jose Rodrigues Moyano

Director of The Polish Institute in Kyiv Jaroslav Godun

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Essential Kyiv Fitness Centres GOLF CENTRE Obolonska Naberezhna 20 230-9436 www.golf-center.com.ua The Golf Centre offers 36 stations, a 2-level floodlit driving range, 7-hole golf course, Golf Academy, Pro Shop and restaurant. No membership required! Plenty of free parking on site

President Hotel 12, Hospitalna str., Kyiv, 01023, Ukraine 256 32 56 256 32 54 ino@presidenthotel.com.ua www.presidenthotel.com.ua

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Language Courses Club Olympus Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Cyber Gym B. Khmelnytskoho 50 465-3171 Kiev Sport Club Blvd Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8866 Premier Palace Fitness Center Blvd T. Shevchenka 5-7/29 537-453


Premier Palace Hotel Blvd T. Shevchenka / Pushkinska 5-7/29 537-45-00 279-87-72 Reservation: 244-12-11 info@premier-palace.com www.premier-palace.com

Ukraine International Airlines ticket office in Kiev 4, Lysenka Street (044) 581-50-50 www.flyUIA.com

Austrian Airlines Kyiv City Office Velyka Vasylkivska 9/2, Reservation: 8-800-3000-492 office.ukraine@austrian.com www.austrian.com More than 60 flights per week from 6 biggest cities in Ukraine to the whole World!

Air France-KLM Kiev, 34/33, Ivana Franka str. 490-24-90, 496-35-75 www.airfrance.ua, www.klm.ua

Airports Boryspil International Airport 490-4777 www.boryspilairport.kiev.ua

British Council Teaching Centre Skovorody 4/12 490-5600

Kyiv-Zhulyany International airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309/08 www.airport.kiev.ua

Educational Program LEGO Education Borysa Hmyri 6 Klovskiy Uzviz 8 Heroiv Stalingradu 18 383-5150, 383-5152, 577-2900 www.vynahidnyk.org

Beauty Salons Favorit V.I.P. Club Muzeyny 6 278-3338

Education Delta Air Lines General Sales Agent SIA "ContinAt" Chervonoarmiyska 9/2, #17 287-3595 www.delta.com Now fly Kiev-New York Non-stop

20.indb 30

Language school Nota Bene - Russian and Ukrainian for foreigners - Business English - German, French, Spanish, Italian 8(097) 400-9699 8(067) 738-1691 278-8036 Volodymyrska 7, #17 notabene.school@gmail.com

American Academy of Foreign Languages Dymytrova 16, #16 230-2608 A.B.C. P. Lumumby 23/35, #13 239-1091

Dnipro Hotel Khreschatyk 1/2 254-6777 254-6737

Lybid Hotel Peremohy Square 1 +380 239 76 00 +380 236 63 36 reception@hotellybid.com.ua

Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34 581-12-35 info.hrkyiv@hyatt.com www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com

DTelite School Sahaydachnoho 20/2 417-5770 Business English Center Lesi Ukrainky 3, #114 234-0871 Greenwich Prorizna 22-b 592-7843

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Medical Centers

SMARTFOX Language school, Translation’s agency Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 502-6290 www.baziscenter.com Center of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7, 1st Floor 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua Ez English Blvd Lesi Ukrainki 16, #18 235-5926 International House Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 238-9870 Oxford Klass School of English English for adults and children, Cinema club 34 Ivana Mazepa St. Kiev, 01015, Ukraine 594-10-64 594-10-62

Translation Services 100 MOV Nahirna 24/1 489-5856 Alliance-profi Mechnikova 6, #33 235-6643, 592-4588 Anakonda-translate 529-3302

Internet Cafes Bunker Artema 11-a 272-4860

Opera Hotel B. Khmelnitskoho 53 581-70-70 537-73-73 reservations@opera-hotel.com www.opera-hotel.com

American Medical Centers Emergency Phone: +38 (044) 490 7600 Berdychivska, 1 +38 (044) 490 7600 +38 (044) 490 7600 patientservices@amc.com.ua

Cyber Cafe Prorizna 21 278-0548 Orki Khmelnitskoho 29/2 228-1187

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Kateryna Kyselyova


On the Sofa with...

Used To Be a Winner The beginning of summer in Kyiv brings an outstanding event – the visit of world ballet stars Nikolay Tsiskadze, Leonid Safonov, Denys Matvienko and other soloists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theatres.


he event is of particular interest, in that the first part of the evening will include fragments from the best-known classical ballets, including Don Quixote, Raimonda and Sleeping Beauty, while the second part will feature the Ukrainian premiere of the Quatro Modern Ballet, which has already been met with great acclaim in Russia and Finland. As passionate fans of classic ballet and modern choreography, What’s On catches up with Denys Matvienko, one the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre’s prime soloists, on his private visit to Kyiv, to ask him about Quatro and his life in Russia.

Early Days I remember seeing Denys Matvienko perform on the stage of the National Opera Theatre in Kyiv when he was probably 16; even back then, the audience spotted Denys’ outstanding abilities and true talent immediately, welcoming his performance with loud and sustained applause. His talent, plus hard work, took him to the highest level of mastery in ballet and the honourable position as prime soloist at the Mariinsky as well as bringing him various prestigious international awards. However, there were many tumultuous events taking place behind the curtain of his overwhelming success and Denys is quite open about. “I got to know ballet when I was 10, but started to love, understand and practice it when I was 15. Out of 8 years studying in choreography school, half the time I played the fool! You know, when a boy is 13, he finds it a lot more interesting to hang out with his friends and try his first cigarette, than to train in a dancing class. But one day it changed drastically.” Immediately after graduating from the Kyiv College of Choreography at the age of 18, Denys became the prime soloist of the National Opera Theatre of Ukraine. Having proved himself as a bright and outstanding dancer, able to cope with most difficult parts in the classical ballet repertoire, Matvienko went to work for the Mikhaylovsky St. Petersburg Theatre, before moving on to the Mariinsky, where he remains today.

Trouble Ahead for Ukraine’s Ballet Star Incubator? Identifying himself as a representative of the “Ukrainian school of ballet” (a famous notion in dancing circles), he says he misses Ukraine a lot. “I went back to Kyiv to work twice, but still prefer to work in Russia. The reasons are different: in Russia they pay dancers, and pay much more than here. Secondly, just compare the repertoires of the National Ukrainian Opera and the Mariinsky Theatre: you’ll see the difference and that’s why I’m still there. The Ukrainian school of ballet was powerful when I was studying, but today Ukraine is still using “old stock”. If you don’t fertilise the ground, it will not bear fruit and it’s obvious to me that Ukraine will soon suffer a great crisis in ballet. But it’s still true that Ukraine produces a great many talented people – in sport, in theatre, in art – that’s just the kind of country this is! In Russian theatres, most of the world-class dancers come from Ukraine!” Matvienko’s visit to Ukraine this year is a special one, as he will present the Quatro Modern Ballet, created in cooperation with another outstand-

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ing dancer of Ukrainian origin, Leonid Safonov. From the very beginning, this dance performance was totally experimental: Denys and Leonid developed the idea, found the composer and choreographer and brought in their friend from a theatre agency, to help get the show staged. Without the support of a PR agency or manager, they created a show which astonishes with its sensuality and psychological impact. Denys tells the story of how the whole thing began: “I won’t be so modest as not to say that the idea, like anything genuine, was born in my kitchen. Lyonya came over and we, hungry for creativity, were eager to do something completely new. You see, when you’ve been in ballet 15 years and you’ve danced all the versions of Swan Lake, you long for the new flexibility that is modern choreography.”

A Fruitful Partnership Both Denys and Leonid have already worked with such world-renowned modern choreographers as Frederic Ashton, William Forsythe and others, but working with Eduard Klyug (the Slovenian modern choreographer who staged the Quatro Ballet) was not an easy thing, says Denys. “Classical ballet is mathematics: there are defined positions and defined rules. Classical ballet is easy to understand: you take a libretto, read the plot and watch the dance. In modern choreography it’s different – it touches the subconscious of the audience. It’s mostly true that modern choreography has no story, but Klyug manages to depict a story, even with modern movement! If you ask me what Quatro is about, I’d have to say that it’s about love, betrayal and parting. In an amazing way, the ballet resonates with the feelings and problems each viewer experiences at the moment of viewing. I can say that I’ve had a lot of feedback about Quatro. It’s not doing any good to talk about it, however; it has to be seen, in order to understand its meaning. Leonid Safonov, Matvienko’s dancing partner in Quatro, received a Golden Mask – one of the most prestigious theatre awards in Russia, for his role in Quatro this year, so I cannot but ask how Denys saw this award. “I treat it as a great win for all of us. It was a pure experiment from the very beginning and we were competing with the real grandees, like the Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky, and we won. It’s proof that we did everything right.” Towards the end of our chat, I ask a questions that always causes some discomfort for ballet dancers: whether he feels young dancers breathing down his neck. I get a very ambitious answer: “The most difficult thing is to fight your own ambition. When you’re over 30, you are a young man, but you’re already on the homestretch at that age in ballet, so the best I can do is to keep myself fit as long as possible. I’m used to being a winner and I’ve still got many things to conquer, in both ballet and in life.”

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