What's On Issue 21 2011

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What’s Up

Yanukovych Need not be Worried by Lukashenko Example


hen Alyaksandr Lukashenko, the Belarusian leader, took 80% of the vote in December’s election, people smelt a rat. They took to the streets and protested peacefully, with opposition leaders making speeches and acting as any opposition would. In Ukraine we drew parallels with the Orange Revolution and even the Arab Spring. But unlike those examples the Belarusian protests didn’t lead to change; camera crews didn’t arrive en masse, and the incumbent didn’t make concessions or cede power. Lukashenko reacted angrily, rounding up and arresting most of his rival candidates, their wives, aides, backers and supporters. Charges were brought such as organising public disorder and hooliganism. The state media has gone to sleep. Neighbouring state’s have looked the other way. International observers have been expelled. Lukashenko has made speeches denouncing the dangers of “nauseating” democracy. The show trials have begun. His rival candidates have started to get lengthy jail terms. The defendants have all said they were tortured whilst awaiting trial. Foreign media has been expelled too. Lukashenko has accused them of "sowing panic" and has denounced them as “hysterical”. It’s interesting to hear what Lukashenko considers hysterical. The trials are predictably farcical. Police witnesses have failed to turn up at court to corroborate or deny official versions of events. Among the most original excuses was a "significantly bruised bottom" resulting in hospitalisation. The response of the international community has been equally predictable - the EU simply re-imposing travel bans. Jose Barroso’s refusal to be in the same room as Lukashenko during the recent Chornobyl commemoration was no doubt well-intended, but hardly hard-hitting. Lukashenko responded by calling the EU leaders “morons and arseholes”. Not the words of a worried man... Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Lukashenko has used such tactics. In 2006 the Belarusian elections were also condemned as completely fraudulent, and resulted in more than 150 opposition arrests, including that of the runner-up in the election, Alyaksandr Kozulin, and of a former ambassador to Belarus, Marussz Maszkiewicz, both of whom complained of having been beaten by police. Then as now, Lukashenko won by an embarrassingly high margin. Then as now, the EU voiced outrage. Then as now,

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Lukashenko maintained that the results were fair. Then as now, sanctions and travel bans were imposed. There is clearly a pattern emerging. Some are absolute in their verdict. America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) openly describes Belarus as a “republic in name, [but] in fact a dictatorship". So far, so depressing. But should Ukrainians be bothered by all this? Some say no. They say that this is just Lukashenko being Lukashenko, that history has always been made by the winners, that everyone can spot a lunatic when they see one, and that the army of international human rights lawyers will take him down eventually. An alternative view is that Ukrainians should be very bothered indeed. Three reasons are given. Firstly, Ukraine and Belarus are neighbours and are often mentioned in the same breath. The behaviour of one reflects on the international image of the other, so Lukashenko’s misadventures serve only to reduce credibility and reinforce stereotypes of the region. If Ukraine wants to be taken seriously, they say, then it will have to distance itself from this amateurism north of its border. But far from distancing itself, however, Prime Minister Azarov said earlier this month that the two countries had recently discussed ways in which they could “intensify relations". Secondly, Ukraine should be mindful that Lukashenko’s antics could finally have pushed him permanently away from Europe and into the arms of Russia. This could mean that the EU loses patience with the region as a whole, affecting Ukraine’s ambitions of membership. It could also mean that Belarus now joins Kazakhstan in the Russian-dominated customs-union Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine to sign up for. This would put pressure on Ukraine to join as formal economic partners, and to tie itself more closely to Belarus, at a time when it has just devalued its currency quite considerably and when its 10 million people are now scrambling for dollars and euros. Finally, and most importantly, Ukraine should draw lessons from the protests and their aftermath. The world didn’t tune in. Countries didn’t put pressure on the regime to change. And the victorious candidate quickly took advantage by consolidating power by ridding himself of his rivals, using pliant courts and trumped-up charges to do so. We know of at least one recent Ukrainian ex-prime minister who may currently think they’ve already drawn that lesson.

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The Government's View of the Nation's Foreign Debt There’s a lot going on this week regarding Ukraine’s foreign debt, and it seems even the government is finding it all rather confusing. First of all, last Friday Finance Minister Fedir Yaroshenko told the press that he expected the next tranche of the IMF loan to come on time. The following day, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said the country was in a fine financial position and didn’t need any more money from the IMF to pay the country’s foreign debt. “We have no need for urgent loans from the IMF,” he said. “We have enough funds to pay our own foreign debt.” Then, the very same day, it was announced that the $2 billion loan from the Russian state-owned lender VTB would be extended for a further six months, and could be extended for another six months again if necessary. Does that all sound a bit contradictory to you? Yes, it does to us too!

Yanukovych Begins Ukraine Becomes Local Government European Reforms Surrogacy Centre On Monday, President Viktor Yanukovych told members of the press that the government had begun a complete reform of local government. “Our country is now starting a profound reform of local government. A concept and practical plan to develop and support local government is being elaborated, the main purpose of which is to make local government work more effectively,” he said. “I would like to remind everyone that under the European Charter of Local Self-Government, local authorities are one of the main pillars of democracy,” he said (which he himself, clearly is not. Ed.). He went on to say that the question of the distribution of power between central government and the regions should be approached reasonably, and that further politicking on the part of local government would no longer be tolerated. “Sometimes we see local government substituting central government, breaking the law, and attempting to agitate people with political statements,” he said. Yes, Mr President, we can’t have that, can we? Everyone, central or local, must bow to your will and never speak out against you. It's a democracy after all!

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Ukraine is becoming the most popular destination for Western couples seeking to have children through surrogacy due to low costs and relatively favourable legislation. It seems that women in some parts of Ukraine charge far less for the service than in Europe, and another big bonus for couples seeking surrogacy is that Ukrainian legislation recognises the couples who hire surrogates as the only lawful parents. This, in turn, means that legal fees tend to be much lower than in Western European countries as legislation in Europe varies quite drastically from country to country, and there are many instances where a surrogate can legally challenge the rights of the parents. Some countries, such as France, have a total ban on surrogacy. Parents having a child through surrogacy in Ukraine will currently pay somewhere between $30,000 and $45,000 with between $10,000 and $15,000 going to the surrogate. Comparing this to prices in the States than can vary between $80,000 and $120,000, it’s clear why Ukraine is seen as a favourable option.

It’s estimated that around 120 official surrogate pregnancies took place in Ukraine last year, and that the actual number could be 30% higher as many families use private agencies that are not required to report their date to the authorities. And the total number is estimated to increase by 20% over the coming year. But it’s not all plain sailing, and with an increasing number of surrogate pregnancies, there is an increasing number of couples experiencing problems. While the legal situation is quite clear here in Ukraine, an increasing number of couples are running into problems getting the necessary documentation from their home country that will allow them to take the child there. One French couple, for example, got themselves into hot water when the French Embassy in Kyiv refused to grant the necessary travel documents and they then tried to smuggle their twin daughters over the border. A Ukrainian court fined them $2,000 for the smuggling attempt. A gay couple from Belgium also experienced serious problems after trying to smuggle their child out of the country, and were only recently reunited with their child after a two-year legal battle. So Ukraine seems to be a good and affordable option when it comes to surrogacy, but before going down that road, you should thoroughly check the legal position back home or you could end up in trouble.

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wines and wines for sparkling wine production. The central plain is largely devoted to hybrid viticulture. Lastly, the south-east region’s salty soil is not overly conducive to the growing of grapes, yet the area does provide some table wines and wines for making cognac.

Transcarpathia Sources offer evidence of wine-making in the Transcarpathian region stretching back to the 12th century. The Beregovoy, Mukhachevo and Uzhgorod regions produce fine dessert wines, among them Furmint, Traminer, Muler-Thurgau and Muscat. However, worthy table wines can also be had, produced from grapes of the white Feteasca, Italian Riesling or Semillon varieties. From this brief overview, we see that there is a lively winemaking industry in Ukraine, offering some excellent, moderately priced wines. However, the question remains: who knows about it and what can be done to spread the word?

Wine Tourism Overall, worldwide wine consumption is on the rise, with China showing very notable growth in the number of people who regularly drink wine, as prosperity spreads. There is surely some snobbery directed at Ukrainian wines, which tend to be poorly marketed compared to their foreign competition. Old World countries like France, Italy and Spain, whose production makes up a notable share of worldwide production and exports of more than 9 billion litres per year, have long marketed their wines abroad, helping to secure the contribution of their respective domestic wine industries to national GDP. One of the ways the better-known wine-producing countries stimulate interest in their wines is through wine tours. A long-established tradition in Europe, where a visitor could easily do a multiple-country trip around the wineries of the Rhone Valley, southern Germany and the winerich areas of Italy, younger wine-growing countries like Australia, the United States and South Africa have happily climbed on the bandwagon,

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generating significant revenues for wine-growers and their respective tourist trades. In addition to the direct economic benefits of thousands of tourists’ contribution to the local budget, wine tours have a clear knock-on effect in increasing direct wine sales and exports. While foreign tourism to Ukraine is on the rise, it could be stimulated still further by developing the institution of the wine tour, offering wine lovers abroad (and domestic aficionados, naturally) the opportunity to visit Ukrainian vineyards and wineries, dispelling ignorance regarding the local product. Local wines may not be to everyone’s taste, but there are surely some hidden gems out there and, given the chance to sample local wines, wine lovers foreign and Ukraine-based could add some considerable revenue to local coffers, while having the additional satisfaction of having discovered a (somewhat) unknown treat.

Take Me Back to Crimea Given its stunning coastline, beaches, and cosmopolitan centres with their architectural and botanical wonders, Crimea is a natural place to start. In addition, Crimea’s long history of viticulture means that the potential for wine tourism is the strongest. In fact, there is a company offering a tempting tour of several Crimean cities, with wine-tastings in their respective wineries. Ofit-Service (www.ofit-travel.com.ua) is pleased to offer an eight-day, seven-night tour, taking in Simferopil and the Dionis sweet wine factory; Sevastopil, for the sparkling wines of Zolotaya Balka; the famous Inkerman in the eponymous city; Yalta, for Alkadan and the renowned Massandra; to Sudak and award-winning Novy Svet and Solnechnaya Dolina. While Ofit-Service’s arranged tour looks like the best bet for a Crimean wine

odyssey, one could alternatively make one’s own arrangements with the various wine-makers. Of the Crimean producers, Novy Svet and Massandra make it their business to welcome guests with an interest in wine. Novy Svet (www.nsvet. com.ua) offers a variety of very reasonably priced tours, so you are bound to find something to appeal to both your palette and your frugal side. Massandra (www.massandra.net.ua) gives no clear indication as to whether they offer tours, but they do have a purpose built wine-tasting facility, which is open to the public. While the website of the Guliev Winery (www.gulievwine.com ) is similarly mute regarding organised tours, it’s certainly worth getting in touch to try to arrange one. After all, the worst they can say is “no”.

Welcome Colonialism Crimea, of course, isn’t the only spot for a little wine tourism. Hotly tipped by a local expert as a truly wonderful vacation and epicurean spot is the Kolonist Winery. Located south of Odesa in Krynychne, this producer may be fairly new to the market, but it is one with a real drive to succeed, by providing excellent quality wines, plus a little more. Check their website (www.kolonist. com.ua ) to get a better picture of its attractions, among which are a comfortable boutique-style guest house and, naturally, regular tastings of their various products. While there is a considerable amount of work yet to do, there are encouraging signs that there is a real future for wine tourism, with all of its attendant economic benefits, in Ukraine. We at What’s On intend to do our part, so perhaps we’ll see you soon in sunny Crimea, or down Odesa way!

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This Week Theatre and Classical Music Airs and Arias Opera Gala, Kyiv Conservatory (Horodetskoho 1-3/11)

12 June at 19.00 Five winners from the world’s most respected operatic competitions are coming to perform in Ukraine on their around the World tour. They’ve already performed to loud applause in Paris, New York, Moscow and Seoul, and now it’s Kyiv’s turn to welcome the incredible opera stars from France, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. With opera houses closed for the summer you’ll need to get your fill tonight where you can expect to hear some of the most famous arias from Puccini, Rossini, Verdi, Wagner and Tchaikovsky on the capital’s stage. Tickets are 30 – 390hrv. For more information call 279-1242.


Friday SUBSCRIPTION №10 – SYMPHONY MUSIC Featuring the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine Works by Skoryk, Bernstein Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 KYIV-2011 IV INTERNATIONAL CONDUCTORS’ FESTIVAL – CONCERT №1 Featuring the Lyatoshynsky Ensemble of Classical Music, Rody (Switzerland), Brown (USA), Gasior (Denmark), Morel (USA), Horsh (USA), Nalia (Italy), Kutasevych (Ukraine) Works by Mozart, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 WELCOME TO UKRAINE A romantic musical in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257 SENTIMENTAL CRUISE Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 NATALKA POLTAVKA Opera in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST A light-hearted comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 JULIA@ROMEO.COM (NORWAY TODAY) Romantic drama Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 DANGEROUS LIAISONS Suspenseful intrigue Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955 A BUFFOON IN THE UNIVERSE Concert-mystery Time: 19.00 House of Actors 253-8247/2081 SALIDA CRUZADA 8 steps of Tango Time: 19.00 Pechersk Theatre 253-6550

EMPTY TRASH Crazy comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392


Saturday AN EVENING OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring the Pochayna Chapel Choir Works by Karamanov, poetry by Sampurova Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 KYIV-2011 IV INTERNATIONAL CONDUCTORS’ FESTIVAL – CONCERT №2 Featuring the Lyatoshynsky Ensemble of Classical Music, Rody (Switzerland), Brown (USA), Gasior (Denmark), Morel (USA), Horsh (USA), Nalia (Italy), Kutasevych (Ukraine) Works by Mozart, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 KYIV SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS Featuring the Glier Wind Orchestra of Kyiv Time: 18.00 Open-air stage at Mariinsky Park For more information visit www.horowitz.org COFFEE CANTATA Evening-concert in 1 act Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257 SLEEPING BEAUTY Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 1001 PASSIONS/THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE Tragic comedy Time: 18.00 OLEKSANDR VERTYNSKIY. HOST OF THE BALL Mono-spectacle Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 THE CORSICAN Historical anecdote in 1 act Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955

IN DEDICATION TO ENRIQO CARUZO AND MARIO LANZA Featuring Voziyan (tenor) Time: 19.00 House of Actors 253-8247/2081 DON JUAN. A PANTOMIME FOR WISEHEADS Ironically-mystic drama Time: 19.00 Plastic Drama Theatre 253-9383 SALIDA CRUZADA 8 steps of Tango Time: 19.00 Pechersk Theatre 253-6550 WOMAN IN THE SAND Parable Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188


Sunday TRAVELS OF MY DREAMS Featuring the National Teleradio Company of Ukraine Academic Symphony, Classic Guitar Trio, Oleh Boyko (guitar) Works by Vovk Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 KYIV SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS Featuring the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments Time: 18.00 Open-air stage at Mariinsky Park For more information visit www.horowitz.org THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 LA TRAVIATA Opera in Italian in 4 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 SWEET LIAR Comedy in 2 acts Time: 18.00 A Marriage Made in Heaven Pages from War and Peace Time: 20.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 PROFLIGATE Comedy Time: 19.00 Pechersk Theatre 253-6550

BLUE BIRD Musical fairytale Time: 12.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188


Monday NO. 13 Comedy of our day in 2 acts Time: 12.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 CONCERT OF CLASSIC MUSIC Featuring the Kyiv Chamber Orchestra, Krysa (conductor, USA) Works by Adams, Elgar Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697


Tuesday A SEA OF SONGS IN MY SOUL CONCERT Featuring Tabulina (mezzosoprano), Lytvynenko (piano), Matyushenko (soprano), Berezhansky (bass) Works by Rossini, Lysenko, Stetsenko, Bilash Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 A CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring the Bortnyansky Quintet: Shvydka (soprano), Chikirov (lyrical baritone), Medoliz (flute), Svyrydenko (harpsichord), Koshuba (organ) Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186

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VASYA SHOULD PHONE Russian drama Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955

BAYADERA Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257

EVENING OF PIANO AND VOCAL MUSIC Featuring Alexander Taras De Sina (piano, USA), Stephen Barchi (baritone) Works by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Lysenko Time: 19.00 House of Actors 253-8247/2081

CINDERELLA Opera in Italian in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169

PERFECT CHARLIE Ironic melodrama for adults Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188 IN LURID DARKNESS Drama in 1 act Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392


Wednesday AN EVENING OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring the National Academic Symphony Orchestra, Karabyts (conductor), Suk (piano, USA) Works by Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev, Karabyts Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697 A CONCERT OF ORGAN MUSIC Featuring Kharechko (organ) Works by Bach, Frescobaldi, Rossi Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186

THE PINK BRIDGE Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955 THE DOVE Music fantasy Time: 19.00 House of Actors 253-8247/2081

CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring Lipinska (mezzosoprano), Koshuba (organ), Reutova (piano) Works by Caccini, Handel, Mozart Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music 528-3186 THE SOROCHYNSKIY FAIR Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta 287-6257 ROMEO & JULIET Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 IN KYIV ON PODIL… Play by the Traditional Ukrainian Dzerkalo Theatre Time: 19.00 House of Actors 253-8247/2081

LETTICE & LAVIDZH Fun w/ shadows Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188

PROFLIGATE Comedy Time: 19.00 Pechersk Theatre 253-6550


MOMENT OF LOVE Investigative experiment Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre 212-4188

Thursday CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC Featuring the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Mastrangello (conductor, Italy), Pogorelych (piano, Croatia) Works by Liszt, MendelssohnBartholdi Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine 278-1697

TALAN Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre 278-7392

High-Brow Classical for a High-Brow Audience Week of High Classical with Roman Kofman, Lavra Gallery (Lavrska 1)

16 – 27 June at 19.00 Roman Kofman is a legendary Ukrainian conductor who, after many years of working abroad, returned to Kyiv to make Ukraine’s capital a centre of European classical music. With this in mind, he has launched an international classical music festival, aimed at bringing together some of the world’s best musicians and orchestras. The opening of the festival on 16 June will be followed by a theatre concert by Gidons Kremers (Latvia) and his orchestra Kremerata Baltika performing world-famous musical works. On 20 June there will be an evening of Wagner arias performed by the world’s greatest singers of Wagner: Stig Andersen (Denmark) and Jordanka Derilova (Bulgaria). And the final concert line-up is simply fantastic, including some of the world’s leading soloists. All of the concerts will be conducted by Roman Kofman. This is not to be missed! Tickets are 150 – 800hrv. For more information call 280-0290.

FREDERIC/THE CRIME BOULEVARD Theatrical novel in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre 279-5921 DON QUIXOTE Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine 279-1169 NAPOLEON & THE CORSICAN Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre 234-4223 : What's On Recommended

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Live Music


Friday GOUACHE, CARTE BLANCHE (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 HOT GUYS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 G SOUND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 BEEFEATERS, HOT GUYS (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 MOTOR’ROLLA, TRES DESEOS (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 SYMPHOMANIA, TEX-MEX CO (COVER BANDS) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100-150hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 VZROSLIY BAND, PLB (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 GREEN LIGHT (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979 SOUL TIME (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Kostelna 4) 278-0490


Saturday G SOUND (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 RED ROCKS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106

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WASHING TONES, SWEETLO, YOUCRANE (POP-ROCK) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 LUCKY BAND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 RED ROCKS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 CARNIVAL HEAT (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 PARTYZANSKI VYTIVKY, ANIMALS’ SESSION (COVER BANDS) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 RIFFS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979 GOOD, EVIL, BAD (COVER BAND) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Kostelna 4) 278-0490


Sunday SOYUZ 44 (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 EASTERN EXPRESS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

No Pit Pendulum (Australia/UK, drum ‘n’ bass), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

15 June at 21.00 The Australo-British sextet, founded in 2002, takes the genre to another level, never fearing to augment traditional d‘n’b lines with heavy guitar riffs and unique vocal stylings. Achieving an immediate hit with their debut single, Another Planet, Pendulum scored a landmark success when their debut album Hold Your Colour became the biggest-selling drum ‘n’ bass record of all time. Their next, In Silico, broke yet more new ground, in that it was recorded “live in studio” and featured grinding metal riffs, bringing in yet more rock fans in search of a new sound. Pendulum comes to Kyiv on the back of their latest release, Immersion, which pushes the band’s creative envelope as far as elements of death-metal. This gig should see fans of various genres coming together to pay tribute to truly fearless creativity. And they’ll groove too, so it sounds like a superb deal. Tickets are 300 – 500hrv. For more information call 222-8040.


Monday 3D MAMBO PROJECT (LATIN JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 NICOLAS TYM (POP-ROCK) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551

ANTYTILA, MORE KHUANA (POP-ROCK, COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

EASTER EXPRESS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

FIOLET (POP-ROCK) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

GERA & SECOND BREATH (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

HOBOT & CO (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Tuesday JAMIROQUAI (POP) Time: 19.00 Admission: 500 – 750hrv Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1) 246-7406 SUMMER JAZZ NIGHTS: BOHDAN KRAVCHUK (JAZZ) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 TRES DESEOS (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Heading to the East Side Moby (US, ambient, electronica), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

10 June at 19.00 Born in Harlem in 1965, Richard Melville Hall always had an ear for music. Learning classical guitar at the age of nine, he went to master piano and drums not long after. Signed to Instinct Records in 1989, his first big breakthrough was the progressive house track, Go, that included the string line from the hit TV series, Twin Peaks. With a new album that came out in May of this year, fans should be well versed in both the old and new for his concert this summer. It’s going to be hot – get in on it! Tickets are 250 – 850hrv. For more information call 246-7406.

CRAZY TRAIN (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 NIGHT BLOCK (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Wednesday RABBIT IN THE HAT, SINGLETON (INDIE ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 ROCKING WOLVES (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 THE MAGMA (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 CARTE BLACNHE (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 WILD PEOPLES (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979


Thursday GRABLYA (POP-ROCK) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 ALISA BAND (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 TRES DESEOS (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 BANGLADESH ORCHESTRA (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 GOSHA KUCENKO & PARTYZANSKI VYTIVKY (COVER BAND) Time: 21.30 Admission: call and check Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 JACK FROST (COVER BAND) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 ANIMALS’ SESSION (COVER BAND) Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Porter (Mishuhy 3a) 536-9979

: What's On Recommended

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Friday DJ ANNA LEE BIRTHDAY PARTY – THE BLIZZARD (NORWAY), Time: 22.00 Admission: L-50hrv, G-60hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 FIZKULURA 16 Time: 23.00 Admission: 60hrv The Most Open Air (Moskovskiy Bridge, Druzhbiy Narodiv Park) L-RIVER NIGHT PARTY – DJ EFA, DJ MOD Time: 22.00 Admission: 70hrv St Andre Cruise Ship PARTY GIRLS – DJ ARTEM FLEMMING, JOYINT Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.00 L-free, after L-25hrv, G-50hrv Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363 SUMMER HEAT – DJS: THE MALEN, YARIK DIZZY, SYNASTASIA, ALEX SLAM, ELECTRO VAMPIRE, ALEX AMOSOV Time: 21.00 Admission: 150hrv Open private party 096-811-6287 PARIS, JE’TAIME Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 DANCE OF DECADENCE – DJ UZHANSKIY, DJ SUNSHINE Time: 23.00 Admission: call and check Sky Bar (V Vasilkiivska 5) 223-8888 UNDERVUD (SIMFEROPIL) Time: 23.00 Admission: 150hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069 DON’T FORGET YOUR PARTY HAT PARTY – SVETLANA LOBODA, MONROE, Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Olmeca Plage (O Dolobetskiy, Hydropark) 232-2244

10-16 June 2011

VOODOO CULT – DJS: KON, SUKHAR, VIRT, DIMA TOLSTIY Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-50hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

BEER BREWER DAY – DJ MOLOTOV, DJ TOLSTIY, MC KUPIDON, MC KORABLEV Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322

TEQUILA PARTY – DUOS AMIGOS, BARTENDER SHOW – VIVA LA MEXCO!, DIAMOND DJS, GO-GO DANCE SHOW Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-150hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

NATIONAL DANCE KISS FM STARS – DJS: MAWRICK, JALSOMINO, MI KEY, NEO, NIKZ LORENZ Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-20hrv, G-30hrv, after L-20hrv, G-40hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209

FRIDAY SLAG – BELLA OGURTSOVA, STRIP BAR, 80S & 90S DISCO, Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300 DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 38 PARROTS – DJ MUKHIN, DJ MOLOTOV, MC KALININ Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322 GIRLS NIGHT: DISCO FRIDAY VOL II – STRIP TEASE, HITS OF THE 80S, 90S & 00S W/ DJ KARIBSKIY, DJ NIKZ LORENZ, DMC ALEX VAN COOL Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after l-35hrv, G-40hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 AFTER PARTY – DJS: NEW TONE, ALEXIY BAKHOVSKIY, PIONEER Time: 04.00 Admission: free Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150

11 Saturday MOJITO PARTY – DJ JOYINT Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.00 L-free, after L-25hrv, G-50hrv Lake Club (Revutskoho 2) 098-363-6363

PRE-PARTY AT SHOKOLAD – DJ UZHASNIY, DJ BODROV, MC SEMENICH Time: 20.00 Admission: free Shokolad (Saksahanskoho 8) 289-0194

SUPER GIRL – SUBSESSA, THE BEAT FU**ERS PROJECT, DUBKRAFT, GENESIS Time: 23.00 Admission: L-free, G-30hrv Lenin Club (Mykola Hrinchenko 18) 067-327-0457

IN LOVE – DJ UZHANSKIY, DJ RUNOV, ARENA SHOW GIRLS Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE – CELEBRATING DAY OF RUSSIA! Time: 20.00 Admission: free until 23.00 D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

Back to the Beach DVJ Burzhy, Ozone Open Air (Moskovskiy Bridge, Druzhby Narodiv Park)

10 June at 23.00 So, they opened last weekend with a huge star to massive success. And not to be outdone by the other clubs in town, they’re keepin the parties goin this weekend with the totally cute, the totally cool DVJ Burzhy. The old dance club on Khreshchatyk, Maximum, was where this kid first got into his groove, and with a real talent for knowing his tracks, he is one of only a handful of Ukrainian DJs who has been invited to Ibiza. Want to get into the zone this weekend? Head to Ozone, where the air is clean and the beats are pumpin. For admission prices or more information visit www.ozoneopenair.com.ua VOLKSWAGEN FEST – DJS: ARTEMOVSKOE IGRISTOE, YARIK YORK, LISSTIK, SHEN Time: 22.00 Admission: free Chaika Airfield (PetropavlovksaBorshchahivka – 2km from Kyiv on Zhytomyr highway) 424-8293 PRE-PARTY AT SHOKOLAD – DJ SASHA SKY, MC SEMENICH Time: 20.00 Admission: free Shokolad (Saksahanskoho 8) 289-0194 NEW HOUSE GENERATION – DJ KOSS, DJ TOMMY SLIM Time: 23.00 Admission: call and check Sky Bar (V Vasilkiivska 5) 223-8888 PINK FLAMINGO PARTY – ARTEM FLEMMING, DJ ROCKET, RAINY DAY, ARENA SHOW GIRLS Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476

It’s Finally Here! Summer 2011 Season Grand Opening, Kokos Summer Club (Venice Beach, Hydropark)

10 & 11 June at 23.00 Kokos knows what their populace public wants out of sizzling summers here in Kyiv… So that’s exactly what they’re giving them! And to get started you should plan at least one of your nights out this weekend at the fabulous Kokos Summer Club! Featuring the fabulous bass player in Monk/DJ Ben Mono (Germany) on Friday, and the ragbag D-Pulse from St Petersburg on Saturday, this is going to be a great kickoff! Admission is free for the girls and 100hrv from the boys. For more information call 361-4760.

MARINE ADVENTURES – DMC ALENA & N ROSTOVA, DJ UNDERHILL, DJ ID CRASH Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-50hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 POPGORN PARTY – RICHARD GORN & LADIES, DIAMOND DJS, GO-GO DANCE SHOW Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-150hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 JOSEPH HAPPY BIRTHDAY – DJS: JOSEPH, KON, SUKHAR, ZLATA, GALICKIY Time: 22.00 Admission: L-60hrv, G-70hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 SHOWMANIA – DIMA KOLYADENKO, STRIP BAR, 80S & 90S DISCO, Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Sorry Babushka (Dmytrivskaya 18/24) 486-0300 DISLOCADOS SALSA BAND, DANCE SHOW, DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-80hrv, G-120hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

CONCERT BY BELK W/ DJ RADIO Time: 18.00 Admission: 50hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 066-485-5555 FUTURE SHOCK – DJS: MISS FTV, GREG VINTAGE, RUNOV Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150


Sunday TRIO TECH – DJS: MAYS, ROMAN GERTZ, SUNNY, SPIELER, MITCHELL Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv, G-40hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 KOKTEBEL JAZZ FESTIVAL PRE-PARTY – KENNY GARRETT QUARTET Time: 20.00 Admission: 300 – 400hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 066-485-5555 DISCOMANIA – CLASSIC DISCO HITS OF THE 70S TO NOW Time: 21.00 Admission: free Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 R’N’B VIDEO BOOM – VIDEO MIX BY DJ ANDREW, DJ MEHANIK, DJ MUKVIK, DJ LADY, Time: 22.00 Admission: L-30hrv, G40hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 LATINO DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 SUNDAY WEEKEND – BUY ONE MENU ITEM, GET ONE FREE! Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Kalinka Malinka (Mayakovskoho 47) 515-0322 PENA HOUSE – DJS: KAFFEIN, BYRZHIUY, IVAN DEMSOFF, SAMANTO, ANIMALS, ANDERS, AND LOTS OF FOAM! Time: 22.00 Admission: L-24hrv, G-30hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209

SEX AND THE CITY – DJ SHKED, DJ PAHATAM, MC KEKS Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150


Monday SALSATEQUE, LATINO DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: free before 23.00, after L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 U.ROCK FESTIVAL – RUSICHY (BELARUS), HAYDEMAKY Time: 19.00 Admission: call and check Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 066-485-5555


Tuesday WET T-SHIRT CONTEST – DJ SAMOSUD Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Vodka Bar (Globus-2nd line, Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 371-1102 LATINO DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 MIX STYLE – DJS: KENDIE, MISS FTV, PAHATAM, VADIM Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Patipa (Muzeyniy 10) 253-0150


Wednesday PENDULUM (AUSTRALIA/UK, DRUM’N’BASS) Time: 02.00 Admission: call and check Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17) 222-8040 AMAZON ISLAND – EROTIC SHOW AND DISCO Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-30hrv, G-100hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290


Thursday VIP WHITE PARTY Time: 20.00 Admission: for D’Lux cardholders only D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 HOOLI-GUN PARTY – MAD HEADS XL, UKRAIN-SKA, TOPORKESTRA, BALKAN DJS, Time: 20.00 Admission: 150-170hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069 SWEET NIGHT – DJ RUINOV, DJ ROCKET, ARENA SHOW GIRLS Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476 LATINO DISCO Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 DJEDJULA & THE GIRLS Time: 23.00 Admission call and check, ladies only before 00.00 Vodka Bar (Globus-2nd line, Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 371-1102

: What's On Recommended

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Coming Soon

Rock Legend Graces Kyiv Robert Plant and the Band of Joy, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

31 July at 19.00

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The Best in the World

Musical Colours

Yuriy Bashmet and the Soloists of Moscow Orchestra, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

Green Grey (rock), Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)

10 October at 19.00

17 June at 22.00

Yuriy Bashmet, without any exaggeration, is the best violist the world has seen for some time, his name being synonymous with the highest level of instrumental performance. Awarded with prestigious honours such as an Award – the musical equivalent to the Oscars (1993), a Sonnings Musikfond (1995) and a Grammy (2008), Bashmet also has a number of state medals from Italy, France, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries in his arsenal. Bringing the beauty of classical music to the world, he and his chamber orchestra, Soloists of Moscow, are touring with resounding success. Coming to Ukraine will be one very special concert from Bashmet, as his early years and first music lessons were spent in Lviv. Tickets are 150 – 1500hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

It’s been a while since Green Grey has played a solo concert. Not because they ran out of ideas, fortunately, but because they have been working on something new... Interesting... Performed in the intimacy of Art Club 44, the show promises to be a cosy informal sort of thing for friends and fans of the band. Become one or the other tonight. Admission TBA. For more information call 279-4137.

Spanish Pianist Performing in Kyiv

A Meeting of Musical Minds

Piano Music Concert featuring Eduardo Fernandez (Spain) and the National Philharmonic (Volodymyrsky Uzviz 2)

Global Gathering, Chaika Airfield (Petropavlovksa-Borshchahivka, 2km from Kyiv on Zhytomyr highway)

19 June at 19.00

9 July at 14.00

The National Philharmonic of Ukraine presents a concert by young Spanish pianist Eduard Fernandez who, at 30 years of age, has won some of the most prestigious awards in the classical music world. The future musician began playing the piano at the age of four, under the supervision of his grandfather. His career took off rapidly, as he garnered success first in Spain, then worldwide. Fernández covers a wide repertoire from baroque up to the most modern music, including, in spite of his youth, colossal works like all of Rachmaninoff and Chopin’s etudes, as well as Albéniz, the composer whose music he recorded for his first CD. These works by Albeniz will be performed at the Kyiv concert. Tickets are 50 – 120hrv. For more information call 278-1697.

Global Gathering is an annual dance music festival by Angel Music Group, the company behind Godskitchen, and is a key player in the international festival market. With its first event in the UK in 2001, it continued to expand throughout the world until it reached Ukraine in 2008. This year there is a huge lineup of top electronic musicians and Djs starting with the tremendous DJ Tiesto, dance doctor Richie Hawtin, tremendous trancer Markus Schulz, house guru Laidback Luke, the fabulous Ferry Corsten and tonnes more! This IS the event of the summer – don’t miss out! Tickets start at 349hrv for general admission and go up to 2499hrv (for 6 people) for top VIP treatment. For more information visit www.globalgathering.com.ua

“Legend”, “ground-breaking” and “influential” are but three of the adjectives that have been applied to Robert Plant. And with good reason. From not entirely humble beginnings (Jimmy Page, after all, had already tasted fame with the Yardbirds), Plant and “Led Zep” reeled off a stunning string of blues-infused hard rock hit albums, spawning charttopping hits like “Communication Breakdown”, “Heartbreaker”, “Rock ‘N’ Roll”, “Kashmir” and, of course, “Stairway to Heaven”. Following Zep’s breakup, undeterred and with a considerable amount still to offer, Plant soldiered on, notably releasing a platinum (and 5 Grammy-winning) album entitled “Raising Sand”, in collaboration with American singer Alison Kraus. On tour with his new band, Plant will be arriving in Kyiv as one of the most beloved rock singers of all time. This concert will be, if there is any justice in the world, sold out and tickets will move fast, so you may want to “Ramble On” down to your box office now! Ticket are 300 – 3000hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

Gonna Make You Sweat Most Open Air Concert, Moskovskiy Bridge (Druzhby Narodiv Park)

Jazz Fusion Mike Stern Band (USA, jazz fusion), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

13 July at 20.00 Jazz has always been popular in Kyiv, especially the jazz played by famous jazzman Mike Stern. This time around, the musician is coming to Kyiv not solo, but with violinist Didier Lockwood, bassist Tom Kennedy and drummer Dave Weckl. Together they are ready to impress the Ukrainian audience with a fusion of jazz and other genres, mystically combined in the music of the Mike Stern Band. Tickets are 150 – 500hrv. For more information call 279-1582.

18 June at 22.00 This massive dub-step party is just that: massive. It features Document One, a duo of British producers Matt King and Joe Froud, who are most certainly up there with such stars as Borgore, Bar 9, Excision and Datsik, and who always incite excitement on the dancefloor with their progressive and futuristic trends. They will not be the only ones making you sweat this evening, however. Jike, Duberman, Glacial, Crim, Myztical Ninjah, Trilobeat and more will be taking to the stage too! Enjoy the summer: get into the park. Tickets are 90hrv. For more information visit www.topdj.ua

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An Invasion of Voices Kuban Cossack Choir, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

16 – 17 November at 19.00 As well as being one of the most ancient, the Kuban Cossack Choir has to be one of the most prominent of Russian choirs to date. Its roots go back to the beginning of the 19th century where their artistic mastery even then was unparalleled. Receiving numerous invitations to perform the world over, the choir’s repertoire is surely something to behold as it includes moving historic ballads, common Eastern European folk songs, hymns that speak of the tragic civil war on Kazan territory as well as anthems that promote the rich and unique folk culture that was the Cossack army. Tickets are 80 – 650hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

Bach and Composers of the 21st Century Friday Classics, Master Klass Cultural Centre (Lavrska 16)

24 June at 20.00 The Master Klass Cultural Centre is presenting an outstanding concert uniting Bach’s musical heritage and Ukrainian and Russian classic music composers of the 21st century. The idea behind this particular amalgamation is due to a hugely multitalented cello performer/composer/ teacher, Zoltan Almashi. Works by Bach notwithstanding, Silvestrov, Pilyutikov, Sydorenko and Almashi will also be represented this evening with Mr Almashi himself on the cello. Tickets are 30hrv. For more information call 594-1062.

Smokers Attack Ukraine Smokie (UK, rock), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

29 October at 19.00 Having gone through a number of rather interesting monikers, this British band from Yorkshire found that they had something to offer Europe back in the 70s. But perhaps their real claim to fame was the lawsuit threatened by soul legend Mr Smokey Robinson, who worried that their previous name, Smokey, was too similar and would confuse audiences. Dropping the “y” and going for an “i”, the band went on to headline producing 25 albums. Check them out for their first concert here in Kyiv. Tickets are 100 – 1200hrv. For more information call 247−2444.

This Makes Even the Grass Look Bad Fresh Cut Event, Forsage (Harmatna 51a)

18 June at 22.00 Clubs come and clubs go in this trendy capital, and often what’s hot last season meets its match in the next. With this in mind, it is to Forsage’s credit that they have come up with something really special, so without further ado, may we introduce to you Greece’s own Axel Karakasis! Having reached the status of techno god in international nightclub circles, this guy has produced some fabulous tracks with Intec Records (owned and operated by Carl Cox). Accompanying him this evening is no other than our own DJ Marika Rossa, DJ Alexandr Galickiy, DJ Virt and DJ Tim Wade. It’s a night not to be missed! Admission is 60hrv for the ladies and 70hrv for the guys. For more information call 232-6780.

Warriors of Sound Stanton Warriors (Bristol), Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)

15 June at 21.00 As a breakbeat duo, Dominic Butler and Mark Yardley have travelled

Punk’s not Dead! Sum 41 (Canada, punk rock), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

5 July at 21.00 Canadian punk rockers Sum 41 finally found Ukraine on the world map and decided to pay us a visit. The news spread quickly among youngsters and now masses of people are rushing headlong to buy tickets for their show. In addition to the best songs from their previous five albums, Sum 41 is bringing Kyiv the band’s latest work, their early 2011 release Screaming Bloody Murder. Don’t miss this great show. Admission is 300 – 450hrv. For more information call 222 – 8040.

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the globe with their underground cutting edge kind of music. Released in October of 2008, Stanton Sessions Vol 3, their third album and subsequently their best, received a 5 out of 5 from the record label iDJ, making them a huge hit in music circles. Creating their own sound always, tonight you can expect to hear tunes from their newest album The Warriors out just this year, with a little house, funk electro and hip hop thrown in for good measure. Tickets prices TBA. For more information call 288-5069.

Tragic Realism Exhibition of works by Tetyana Nazarenko, Kyiv Russian Art Museum (Tereshchenkivska 9)

From 24 June Famous Moscow artist Tetyana Nazarenko has acquired the title of “tragic realist” for her acute depiction of the trials and tribulations of those of us living in the modern world. Her artistic instincts have an emotional power similar to that of primitive art, enrapturing the viewer with its deep psychological impact. Her exhibitions continue to run with great success in all four corners of the world, only confirming Nazarenko’s outstanding talent and prophetic artistic view. Her works here in Kyiv will be available until the end of August. For more information call 287-7324

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overdubbing or auto-tuning – all the stuff that seems to go on a lot in music nowadays.” This affirmation seems slightly surprising considering all of the opportunities to incorporate various technical devices available to music these days. And especially since a pretty definitive electronic beat can be found in the background of a number of their previous albums. The breakthrough tracks Virtual Insanity, Cosmic Girl, Alright, and High Times from the album Travelling Without Moving, released in 1996, is typically acknowledged as the real starting point for Jamiroquai and are pretty good examples of the use of electronics and electronic instruments in music. When I ask him about whether they’ll be incorporating this genre more into their music or not, Jay answers, “Someone told me the other day how ahead of its time Virtual Insanity was and how relevant it still is today. I don’t know if it can change things but it can communicate a lot.” Removing themselves from the present and looking into the future doesn’t seem like it’s been a bad step for the band. They have been an instrumental part in the progress of electronic music over the years, and continue to be an integral ingredient in the development and growth of acid jazz. It’s a mixture that works well. So well that their European tour is selling out from city to city. Could it be time to grab your best bonnet and get down to the nearest ticket office? We think so. Rock Dust Light Star may be the one thing that rocks your summer!

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Paul Niland


Take Me Out!

Porta Pia An Italian Treat

A Good Standard Another month – another TUCC meeting. This time members gathered at one of Kyiv’s newest venues, Porta Pia, an Italianowned and Italian-run restaurant with Italian Franco Schianove in charge of the kitchen.


y initial thoughts about Porta Pia were that it was going to be something of a high-end restaurant. The subtlety of the sign in the street, which I have since learned has been replaced by a new larger sign, signaled to me that they were not looking for just any customer. And certainly for the quality and level of décor – everything is very white, very pristine, and very new – I am not far off.

Refreshingly Transparent So having entered and checked my coat – it is far from necessary on this beautiful sunny evening – I walk into the first dining area, a smokers’ room, which contains a bar where TUCC traditions have been restored in the shape of Gin & Tonics available for all to kick the night off just nicely. Gratefully accepting the cold glass with ice and lemon, I look around to see the interior has been well furnished with generously-sized tables and comfortable looking chairs. While the owners may well have squeezed in a few more covers had they wished, everything is generally well spaced and provides a de-

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cent amount of privacy so that conversations are less likely to be overheard. It all looks very inviting. Moving through the archway to the (non-smoking) dining area where we will be seated this evening, I am somewhat taken aback at a truly remarkable sight on my right. I am a huge fan of open kitchens: I think it adds a lot to the dining experience when you can see your food being prepared, and know for certain that the hygiene standards one would expect are being observed. And Porta Pia has one of the biggest open kitchens I have ever seen. It’s enormous. The other plus of such transparency is that one also gets a real feel for just how hard the chefs work to put your meal in front of you, something I will certainly appreciate later. One observation of TUCC events is that we are gathered to test the best of what the venue can throw at us for a set price per person. So I have no way of being able to tell you here and now what the actual price levels are for a regular a la carte evening. My guess is not cheap, but worth it; especially as chef Franco introduces himself and his philosophy to cooking. He explains that there has been some basic prep work done, but in fact each of the dishes we are to be treated to will be cooked on the spot as we move through the evening and the menu. A little patience is requested because of this. However, none of the gathered club members complain!

After the sommelier tells us a little about the wines we will be enjoying, we start to dig in to the simple but extremely pleasant rich Parma ham and mozzarella cheese which has been left on the tables. The only note of criticism here is that there was supposed to be a Prosecco served with this dish which we had to ask for as our table had somehow been overlooked. And, to be frank, our table is one that likes its wine: we did not, would not be missing out this evening! The matter was swiftly resolved, however, by a certain Richard Turner of the Hyatt having a word with one of the waiting staff. As we enjoyed the bubbly, Gozde Eren, also of the Hyatt, came up with a quality observation, noting that while all of the waiters and waitresses were impeccably dressed with waistcoats and ties, there were a couple of the more senior members of staff that were wearing ties but had loosened them a couple of inches and undone their top buttons. This sort of attention to detail is certainly something one has come to expect from various venues in town. Whether Porta Pia chooses to follow such standards is their own choice, but I would suggest it is not a bad standard level for any establishment to aim for. Moving on, we are next presented with a Buratta con insalatina di rucole a pomodor-

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Take Me Out! Listings RESTAURANTS AMERICAN ARIZONA BBQ 25 Naberezhno Khreshchatytska st. 425-2438 Open: 08.00 – 24.00 The only American run restaurant in Kyiv, open since 1995. Free Wifi, drinks, food, parking, satellite TV, credit cards, live music

SAM’S STEAK HOUSE 37 Zhylyanskaya st. 287 20 00 Open: 08 a.m. – 12 a.m. www.karta.ua Steak House. Grill restaurant. Breakfast. Wide choice. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., weekdays WI-FI

KAZBEK 30a L. Ukrainky blvd. 285-4805 Open: 11.00 - 24.00 Restaurant with original interior and traditional Tone stove for baking bread.

KUVSHYN 10 Fedorova st. 592-6363 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Caucasian cuisine. Every dish served in its own original and unique manner.

MIMINO 10a Spasskaya st. (Podol) 417 35 45 Open: 12.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua Authentic Georgian cuisine WI-FI

ASIAN TERRACE Mezhigirska 87 B str. +380932673630 +380443511572 Оpen: 18 00 – 06 00 Asian style, comfortable room karaoke with beauties.

PUSHISTIY SUSHI-BAR 23-a Velyka Vasylkivska st. 234-3101 Open: 12.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Original mix of styles in the interior, fuzzy fur on the walls. 30 kinds of sushi and sashimi.

SAFFRON 3 Vorovskogo st. 569 10 10 Open: Sun – Wed: 12.00 – 00.00 Thu – Sat: 12.00 – 05.00 www.karta.ua Oriental cuisine, Karaoke-lounge WI-FI NOBU 12 Shota Rustaveli st. 246-7734 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Sushi bar in central location. Great decor and service, wide menu of authentic sushi.

TUBITEYKA 29/50 Tarasivska st. 287-0242 Open: 8.00 – 23.00 Asian and home made cuisine, delicious breakfasts, kalian. Oriental atmosphere – and decoration. WI-FI


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EUROPEAN BACCHUS CLASS Chapaeva 2/16 (I.Franka)St. 234-6506 Open: 09.00 – till the last visitor leaves www.bacchusclass.com The one and the only Wine restaurant in Ukraine. WI-FI 7FRIDAYS CITY-CAFE B Khmelnytskoho 29 278-1187 www.7fridays.kiev.ua Situated in the very heart of Kyiv, the 7Fridays cafe is bursting with city life while striving to preserve a homelike atmosphere. Offering a peaceful corner to forget about city rush, stop for delicious European cuisine for breakfast, business-lunch or dinner. Internet available. WI-FI STORY CAFE 17/18 Naberezhno-Kreschatitskaya st. 467 78 97 Open: 11.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua French, Italian & Japanese cuisine WI-FI RAZGULYAEVO 70 Stolichnoe highway (to Koncha-Zaspa) 259 17 00 Open: 11.00 – to the last client www.karta.ua Entertainment complex (restaurant, hotel, sauna, paintball) WI-FI


ANI 72 Chervonoarmiyska st. 4th floor 590-2565 Open: 11.00-23.00 An open show-case kitchen will let you watch the respected Chef cook traditional dishes on the chargrill for you.

COMME IL FAUT Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 219-1919 Open: Daily from 11.00 - 24.00 French Brasserie style in the heard of Kiev. Lovely and cosy summer terrace. Come and try our new menu and summer business lunch...

HINKALI 4, Shota Rustaveli st. 234-0692 Open: 24 hours Real Caucasian culture reproduced in its best meals. Cuisine with an accent.

CREP DE CHINE 25 Hoholivska st. 537-7070 Open: 08.00 – 23.00 A culinary expirience you won’t forget!



OLIVERA 2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street 219-1919 Open: 06.30 - 23.00 All day Mediterranean restaurant for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner! Try the probably best breakfast in town. Every Sunday – Family brunch from of 13.00 This coming Sunday, the 5th of June, we are having last brunch for summer, which will again come back in September.

ARENA ENTERTAINMENT 2-a Baseyna st. 492-0000 Open: 9.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Spacious and cozy restaurant with European cuisine and micro brewery.

TEATRO RESTAURANT OPERA HOTEL 53 B. Khmelnitskogo st. 581 70 70 Open: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine. Exquisite selection of the best dishes around the Mediterranean Sea Flavors & Tastes at their best!

TERRACOTTA 5-7/29 Pushkinska st. 537-4535 Open: 07.00 - 23.00 Mediterranean restaurant of superior cuisine. Wine and cigar rooms offer the perfect touch to Terracotta’s delicious dining experience

FUSION BEEF MEET & WINE Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Open: 12.00-24.00 Meet cuisine with no ethnic equivalent. Only the best meat from top suppliers and a wide choice of wine match. WI-FI BUDDHA-BAR KIEV 14 Kreschatik st. (near Khreshchatyk hotel) 270- 7676 Open: Mo – Wed: 13.00 – 02.00 Thu – Sat: 13.00 – 04.00 Sun: 14.00 – 02.00 www.buddhabar.com.ua Restaurant lounge-bar WI-FI

AURA RESTOBAR Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2-е 3835999, 3836000 www.aura-cafe.com Open: 11.00 – 6.00 European, Mediterranean, Japanese cuisines and dishes on Tandura. Wide choice of wines and hookah.

BIER PLATZ (NEW!) Maidan Nezalezhnosti – 7 Khreshchatyk 067-407-5544 From 11.00 until the last client Delicious Czech, German and Ukrainian cuisine. 11 sorts of draft beer. 7 plasma screeens and 1 huge wall screen, offering various sports channels. Wi-Fi B-HUSH Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 11th floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: Tuesday till Thursday 18.00 - 02.00 / Friday and Saturday 18.00 - 04.00 Rooftop panoramic bar - summer terrace with stunning view of Kiev. b-hush... b-cool... b-there...

GRILL ASIA RESTAURANT 5 Alla Tarasova st. 581-12-34 Open: 6:00 - 24:00 Two open kitchens, European and Asian cuisine in luxurious surroundings. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

MARRAKESH 24 Sagaydachnogo st. (Podol) 494 0 494 Open: Sun – Thu: 12.00 – 01.00 Fri – Sat: 12.00 – 04.00 www.karta.ua Oriental restaurant. Moroccan, French & Japanese cuisine. Hookah menu. WI-FI

INTERCONTINENTAL KYIV LOBBY LOUNGE BAR Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 1 st floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: 08.00 - 02.00 Enjoy the best coffee in town with home made pastries in a unique atmosphere. Great selection of whiskies, wine and comfort food at your choice - Lobby lounge the place to meet in Kiev.

MAROCANA 24 Lesi Ukrainky blvd. 254-4999 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 This popular beau monde hang-out bills itself as a fashion TV cafe.

MYKA RESTAURANT Khreshchatyk 46a 227 8943 Open: 12-24 Delicious international cuisine in the heart of Kyiv

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Kyiv Life The huge crowd of walkers all together

The gang stepping out for Matteo

Robert Kulewicz and his family enjoying the sun

A Walk to Help Matteo Walk KYIV PARKS Kyiv’s ex-pat community has to be the best in the world, because when one needs help all others rally round. This was demonstrated on Sunday 6 June when a huge number of international and local Kyiv residents got together to help the Schmeidlechner family raise money for their son, Matteo, who has cerebral palsy. The family faced the gargantuan task of raising nearly $100,000 for an operation that will allow Matteo to walk like any other child, but that task is now a lot less daunting as the sponsored charity walk raised over $25,000 of it.

The walk was a good time to catch up with friends, old and new Matteo himself, on stage in Shooters with Stuart McKenzie

Walter and Kimberly Gordon, who were very generous when it came to the charity auction

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David Sinclair proves it was a day out for the whole family, including the dog

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Frederic Shoben and Natalya Zabolotna talking books

Charity Book Collection MYSTETSKY ARSENAL A gathering of books for orphanages around the country took place on 1 June and continued for four days as part of a charitable project called the Book Arsenal. More than 3000 books were collected via generous Kyiv citizens and publishing houses alike, which were then passed onto orphanages in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv and Vinnytsya regions. The festival itself included a huge programme for kids which included masterclasses, art-performances and presentations of books for children of all ages, and is hoped to be an annual event from which all can benefit. Famous writer Tetyana Ustinova (right) happy to enjoy the event with a friend

Poet and writer Linor Horalic is presented with a bouquet

The Audacity of Some People

Exhibition curator Antin Mukharskiy

Bratstvo party leader Dmytro Korchynskiy Artist Ivan Semesyuk surveying the scene around his piece HopnykOrdinary

The multitalented Angelica Rudnytska seems to be enjoying Zhlobstvo

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Contemporary theatre director Bohdan Zholdak

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART An unprecedented live installation/exhibition opened on 1 June presenting the phenomenon zhlobstvo, a mixture of ignorance, discourtesy, audacity and tactlessness, in all its negative social manifestations. Exhibition organiser Antin Mukharsky claims zhlobstvo is something that is characteristically Ukrainian and can be met anywhere one travels, from cafés to the metro. To combat such appalling incidences, one has to know the enemy by face, which is why Mukharsky has plugged his visitors into a world full of zhlobstvo all by means of video-retrospectives, paintings, live installations and other such surprises. The exhibition continues until 20 June. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that you won’t have any such experiences anywhere but in the gallery!

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Kyiv Life

Cannes Afterparty Hotel Management Group General Director Anastasiya Zholinskaya (right) with a friend MC and WF TV representative Tatiana Mitus

Fresh Band girlies

Eduard Kalivoshko, In-Grid and b-hush director Kateryna Shyrikova

Businessman Andriy Syrota with two beautiful accoutrements

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Miss Ukraine Universe 2008 Eleonora Masalab

B-HUSH On 27 May, InterContinental Kyiv invited guests, friends and residents for whom luxury is an inevitable part of life out to an event called the Cannes Afterparty. Featuring the world renowned InGrid, this evening was one that would not send its visitors home unhappy; especially since the festivities also included a fashion show by Yulia Aisina and coveted rafe prizes that included among other things a weekend for two in Cannes!

Singer Andriy Kishe with his wife Oksana (left) and friend

Olena and Ruslan Bernadskiy together with Svitlana LebedynMoseichuk and friend

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Photographers: Zandr Dewhite and Lia NK


Essential Kyiv Fitness Centres GOLF CENTRE Obolonska Naberezhna 20 230-9436 www.golf-center.com.ua The Golf Centre offers 36 stations, a 2-level floodlit driving range, 7-hole golf course, Golf Academy, Pro Shop and restaurant. No membership required! Plenty of free parking on site

President Hotel 12, Hospitalna str., Kyiv, 01023, Ukraine 256 32 56 256 32 54 ino@presidenthotel.com.ua www.presidenthotel.com.ua

• Dentistry • Eye Treatment • Cosmetic Surgery • General Medical Treatment Medical treatment made easy with English speaking Doctors FREE Membership Card FREE Advice and FREE Appointment booking service +38093 583 6767 info@medicare-europe.com

Language Courses Club Olympus Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Cyber Gym B. Khmelnytskoho 50 465-3171 Kiev Sport Club Blvd Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8866 Premier Palace Fitness Center Blvd T. Shevchenka 5-7/29 537-453


Premier Palace Hotel Blvd T. Shevchenka / Pushkinska 5-7/29 537-45-00 279-87-72 Reservation: 244-12-11 info@premier-palace.com www.premier-palace.com

Ukraine International Airlines ticket office in Kiev 4, Lysenka Street (044) 581-50-50 www.flyUIA.com

Austrian Airlines Kyiv City Office Velyka Vasylkivska 9/2, Reservation: 8-800-3000-492 office.ukraine@austrian.com www.austrian.com More than 60 flights per week from 6 biggest cities in Ukraine to the whole World!

Air France-KLM Kiev, 34/33, Ivana Franka str. 490-24-90, 496-35-75 www.airfrance.ua, www.klm.ua

Airports Boryspil International Airport 490-4777 www.boryspilairport.kiev.ua

British Council Teaching Centre Skovorody 4/12 490-5600

Kyiv-Zhulyany International airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309/08 www.airport.kiev.ua

Educational Program LEGO Education Borysa Hmyri 6 Klovskiy Uzviz 8 Heroiv Stalingradu 18 383-5150, 383-5152, 577-2900 www.vynahidnyk.org

Beauty Salons Favorit V.I.P. Club Muzeyny 6 278-3338

Education Delta Air Lines General Sales Agent SIA "ContinAt" Chervonoarmiyska 9/2, #17 287-3595 www.delta.com Now fly Kiev-New York Non-stop

21.indb 30

Language school Nota Bene - Russian and Ukrainian for foreigners - Business English - German, French, Spanish, Italian 8(097) 400-9699 8(067) 738-1691 278-8036 Volodymyrska 7, #17 notabene.school@gmail.com

American Academy of Foreign Languages Dymytrova 16, #16 230-2608 A.B.C. P. Lumumby 23/35, #13 239-1091

Dnipro Hotel Khreschatyk 1/2 254-6777 254-6737

Lybid Hotel Peremohy Square 1 +380 239 76 00 +380 236 63 36 reception@hotellybid.com.ua

Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34 581-12-35 info.hrkyiv@hyatt.com www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com

DTelite School Sahaydachnoho 20/2 417-5770 Business English Center Lesi Ukrainky 3, #114 234-0871 Greenwich Prorizna 22-b 592-7843

Marriage agency “EVE” Only serious and real ladies for serious relationship. All ladies photos are made in our studio, up to 50 photos of each. Personal approach. Apartments. English speaking drivers. Elite Guides. Tours around Ukraine. Lesi Ukrainki 15 599-07-09 (office) 067-865-77-57 www.visioneve.org visioneve@visioneve.org




Tuition, conversation, games, events TEACHER/MANAGER/PARTNER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Horiva 37 (M. Kontraktova Pl.) http://vkontakte.ru/public23564341

Marriage Agencies



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InterContinental Velyka Zhytomyrska Str 2A 219-1919 hotel.kiev@ihg.com http://intercontinental-kiev.com


Diamond Recruiters Moskovska 43/11, 3rd floor, office 8 332-3100 www.diamondrecruiters.net kyiv@diamondrecruiters.net Diamond Recruiters helps you attract, retain and motivate Ukrainian and foreign talent. Our specialties include finance, administration, change management, and IT. Middle to senior management positions.

Medical Centers

SMARTFOX Language school, Translation’s agency Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 502-6290 www.baziscenter.com Center of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7, 1st Floor 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua Ez English Blvd Lesi Ukrainki 16, #18 235-5926 International House Vandy Vasylevskoi 7 238-9870 Oxford Klass School of English English for adults and children, Cinema club 34 Ivana Mazepa St. Kiev, 01015, Ukraine 594-10-64 594-10-62

Translation Services 100 MOV Nahirna 24/1 489-5856 Alliance-profi Mechnikova 6, #33 235-6643, 592-4588 Anakonda-translate 529-3302

Internet Cafes Bunker Artema 11-a 272-4860

Opera Hotel B. Khmelnitskoho 53 581-70-70 537-73-73 reservations@opera-hotel.com www.opera-hotel.com

American Medical Centers Emergency Phone: +38 (044) 490 7600 Berdychivska, 1 +38 (044) 490 7600 +38 (044) 490 7600 patientservices@amc.com.ua

Cyber Cafe Prorizna 21 278-0548 Orki Khmelnitskoho 29/2 228-1187

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